eFreePress 02.19.09


eFreePress 02.19.09
Take One
City Commission Approves More Debt
Editorial By Jon A. Brake
Four present and former City
Commissioners are running for reelection.
Can we afford four more years of
Mark Hatesohl, Tom Phillips, James
1. The City Budget has increased
$20 million in two years. That does
not include a huge debt coming form
the Downtown Redevelopment
Project in the next few years.
2. Last fall the City Staff and City
Commission skirted the state law on
going out for bids and imposed a
Design-Build process were the City
Staff “interviews” companies for projects and the City Commission rubber
stamps their recommendation. Cost of
City projects will be higher and it
does not mean the project will be better. It also lends to contractors and city
employees being in a position were
money could change hands under the
table. The Commission has put
employees in a bad situation.
3. Tuesday night the Commission
approved a “Design-Build” City Park
swimming pool. Again it will not go
out for bids. According to Kansas law
a City can build on to or replace an
existing structure without going to the
But what has the City Staff and City
Commission done to the project? The
City pool has been closed and needs
to be replaced. Look at the drawing
above. Is this replacing an existing
facility? The new facility takes up a
city block, replacing one that is 50
meters long.
What started out to be a new swimming pool for $7.5 million that
This is not replacing an existing facility.
includes the expansion, but then they add
on replacement of the Northview Pool
for $ 3,800,000. Replacement of the
CICO Pool for another $ 2,000,000 and
then they add in a Zoo Education
Building for another $ 3,900,000 What
started out as a replacement pool ends up
with a Total Price of $ 17,200,000.
These Commissioner and City Staff
have lost all since of responsibility.
The City is having problems with the
Bond and Interest Fund and wants to
raise property tax. They have started a
Downtown Redevelopment Project that
is not what citizens were told it would be.
And the developer can not fill 70% of the
lease space so the project can continue.
The City of Manhattan has big financial problems now and the City Staff and
the City Commission continue knowing
that if things don’t work out that all
they have to do is raise the property tax.
The Budget, Design-Build and the
Swimming Pool are not all of the problems. They are just the latest in a long
list of decisions that have been wrong
and bad for the City. It all comes down
to poor management.
ners earn the right to compete in one
of 14 districts nationwide. Winners
at that level are forwarded to the
national ADDY awards competition.
“The unique packaging design of
our beers sets them apart from others
on the retail shelf,” Jeff Gill, president of Tallgrass Brewing Company,
said. “By catching the eye of craft
beer drinkers and reinforcing our
brand image, New Boston Creative’s
design work is helping us grow our
sales across Kansas and into other
The winning design.
Federation conducts the ADDY The Topeka competition is at the
competition annually on three tiers. local tier. Gold and Silver local win-
New Boston Creative Group is a
full-service marketing and communications agency located in downtown
Manhattan. A full listing of its services is available at www.newbostoncreative.com.
Officials: Kansas Budget Impasse Ends
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Kansas officials say a budget impasse that held up
state income tax refunds and threatened
to delay state employees' paychecks has
come to an end.
Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius
met a key demand from Republican legislative leaders by signing a bill Tuesday
to balance the state's current budget.
Republican leaders say they will now
approve a plan from Sebelius to borrow
money internally to shore up the state's
main bank account.
The move eases a cash crunch that had
threatened to prevent the state from
meeting its payroll on Friday and had
halted tax refunds.
Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius on
Tuesday questioned whether the
Republicans who control the Legislature
are trying to shut down Kansas' government with a budget impasse that has
forced the state to suspend income tax
refunds and could delay state employees'
next paychecks.
Republicans point the finger at the
governor, however, saying all she needs
to do is sign budget-cutting legislation
sitting on her desk. Senate Majority
Leader Derek Schmidt, an Independence
Republican, accused her of "manufacturing a crisis."
The state doesn't have enough money
in its main bank account to pay its bills
on time. GOP leaders have blocked the
governor's attempt to borrow $225 million from other funds throughout state
government, saying they want her to cut
the current budget first.
Last week, legislators approved a bill
making $326 million in budget adjust-
Ibbetson Writes A New Conservative Book
online at Amazon.com and at
Hastings Books in Manhattan
Feeding Lions is a new book that
comes clean on just why conservatives and liberals can’t get in the
same room without a fight breaking
out. Using a healthy dose of heartland humor, the author takes readers
on a journey of discovery that will
anger liberals and awaken the dormant conservative who sleeps in the
majority of the nation.
This book avoids reams and reams
of boring statistics and gets down to
business right away by laying out the
fundamentals of conservatism and
why they fall in diametric opposition
to liberalism. The goal for this book
is quality, not quantity, and each
page is full of serious intellectual
analysis on the battle being waged
for the hearts and minds in this country, and why conservative views
Another quality book.
MUST win the day. People interested in purchasing this book can find it
Paul A. Ibbetson is a former Chief
of Police of Cherryvale, Kansas, and
member of the Montgomery County
Drug Task Force. Paul received his
Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in
Criminal Justice at Wichita State
University, and is currently completing his PhD. in sociology at Kansas
State University. Paul is the author of
the book Living Under The Patriot
Act: Educating A Society. Paul is
also the radio host of the Kansas
Broadcasting Association’s 2008
Entertainment Program of the Year,
Conscience of Kansas airing on 91.9
f.m. www.ibbetsonusa.com. For
interviews or questions, please contact ibbetson91.9@gmail.com
KSU Fellows Program
Recognizes 10 Alumni
Ten distinguished Kansas State
University alumni will return to
campus Feb. 25 to Feb. 27, to meet
with students and faculty.
These Alumni Fellows will return
to present guest lectures, discuss current trends and meet informally with
students and faculty, said Jodi
Weiberg, vice president of alumni
programs for the K-State Alumni
Association. The Fellows were chosen based on their high levels of professional accomplishment and distinguished service in their respective
The Alumni Fellows Program is
sponsored by the Deans’ Council,
the Office of the President and the
K-State Alumni Association. Each of
the alumni will receive an award at
the Alumni Fellows banquet
Thursday, Feb. 26.
Since 1983, the Alumni Fellows
Program has brought 211 successful
alumni back to campus.
The 2009 Alumni Fellows are:
• Charles S. Cassias Jr., FAIA, a
1974 graduate of the College of
Architecture, Planning and Design,
who is a principal of the architectural firm BNIM in Kansas City, Mo.
• Patty Clark, a 1974 graduate of
the College of Agriculture, who is
director of operations for the Kansas
Leadership Center in Wichita, Kan.
• Julie L. Davis, a 1978 graduate
of the College of Business
Administration, who is founding
principal of Davis & Hosfield
Consulting in Chicago.
• William C. Deeds, Ph.D., a 1977
and 1979 graduate of the College of
Arts and Sciences, who is vice president for academic affairs and dean
of the college at Morningside
College, Sioux City, Iowa.
• Carl R. Ice, a 1979 graduate of
the College of Engineering, who is
executive vice president and COO of
the Burlington Northern and Santa
Fe Railroad in Fort Worth, Texas.
• Carolyn W. Jackson, a 1975 and
1981 graduate of the College of
Human Ecology, who is executive
director of the American Association
of Family and Consumer Services in
Washington, D.C.
• Robert J. Kuhn, a 1972 graduate
of the College of Technology and
Aviation, who is retired and a part
time consultant for Ark Wrecking
Co. in Tulsa, Okla.
• Lynn Ying-Shiang Lin, Ph.D., a
1963 graduate of the College of Arts
and Sciences, who is president of
Lynn Y.S. Lin Consulting Inc. in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
• Dr. Joe L. Mauderly D.V.M., a
1965 and 1967 graduate of the
College of Veterinary Medicine, who
is vice president and senior scientist
of the Lovelace Respiratory
Research Institute in Albuquerque,
• Dan C. Yunk, Ph.D., a 1971,
1975 and 1987 graduate of the
College of Education, who is executive director and CEO of Kansas
Farm Bureau in Manhattan, Kan.
Book Sale At The Library
Design Awards Given To Local Group
New Boston Creative Group, LLC,
has been twice honored for the packaging designed for Tallgrass
Brewing Company’s Ale, Wheat and
IPA beers. New Boston designed
product labels, bottlecaps and 6-pack
boxes for the Manhattan-based brewing company, which debuted its bottled beers in liquor stores in 2008.
The product packaging was selected as a Certificate of Excellence winner in the 2008-09 American
Packaging Design Awards. The
packaging will be featured in the
March 2009 Awards Annual edition
of Graphic Design USA, as well as
on the gdusa.com website.
The packaging also won a GOLD
ADDY® from the American
Advertising Federation of Topeka
Feb. 7. The American Advertising
ments; nearly half the adjustments are
spending cuts. The bill reached Sebelius'
desk Tuesday but she hasn't said what
she'll do with it.
Because of the budget problems, the
state suspended income tax refunds last
week and officials say Kansas might not
have enough money to meet its payroll
Friday. The state also might have to delay
payments due this week to doctors and
clinics providing services under the
Medicaid program and put off aid payments to public schools due at the end of
the month.
Sebelius called it a "slight meltdown"
and "ludicrous."
"It was, unfortunately, more about theater than about reality," she said during a
health care meeting.
Later, she told reporters: "I can't imagine that the Republican majority intends
to shut down state government in a fit of
pique, but you know, you can't tell. I have
no idea."
Republican leaders, who control
majorities in both legislative chambers,
argue that the internal borrowing is illegal under Kansas law so long as the state
still has a projected deficit in the budget
for the fiscal year that ends June 30.
"The governor is crying crocodile
tears because she's looking for someone
to blame for her own refusal to do her
job," Schmidt said. "It is a tragedy that
the governor has escalated this."
The borrowing Sebelius seeks requires
a special certificate, issued by the State
Finance Council. It consists of the governor and eight top legislative leaders —
six of whom are Republicans.
The Manhattan Public Library will
be conducting their yearly book sale
early this year. The dates for the sale
are Friday, March 6, Saturday, March
7, and Sunday, March 8th in the second floor Library Auditorium. The
Manhattan Library Association represents the Friends of the Library, a
membership that supports and
encourages the Manhattan Public
Library through funds provided by
memberships, donations, and generous sponsorships.
On Friday evening the sale will
begin at 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.
and this is a Members’ only event,
however memberships are available
at the door that evening for only
$10.00. On Saturday the sale begins
at 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. and
Sunday, March 8th, the sale begins at
1:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. and books
will be sold by the bag or box.
The Manhattan Public Library has
a dedicated space on the first floor
that is called “Rosie’s Corner”, sonamed for Rosie Pettle a long-time
supporter of the public library. This
little corner has become one of the
largest sources of funding for the
Manhattan Library Association by
selling gently used books, magazines, CD’s, tapes, etc. that have
been donated throughout the year.
Gary Jeffrey and Wilma Schmeller
work all year keeping the corner supplied with books and featuring special books for various holidays.
Former Astronaut Speaks
Out On Global Warming
SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) _ Former
astronaut Harrison Schmitt, who
walked on the moon and once served
New Mexico in the U.S. Senate,
doesn't believe that humans are causing global warming.
``I don't think the human effect is
significant compared to the natural
effect,'' said Schmitt, who is among
70 skeptics scheduled to speak next
Conference on Climate Change in
New York.
Schmitt contends that scientists
``are being intimidated'' if they disagree with the idea that burning fossil fuels has increased carbon dioxide levels, temperatures and sea levels.
``They've seen too many of their
colleagues lose grant funding when
they haven't gone along with the socalled political consensus that we're
in a human-caused global warming,''
Schmitt said.
Dan Williams, publisher with the
Chicago-based Heartland Institute,
which is hosting the climate change
conference, said he invited Schmitt
after reading about his resignation
from The Planetary Society, a nonprofit dedicated to space exploration.
Schmitt resigned after the group
blamed global warming on human
activity. In his resignation letter, the
74-year-old geologist argued that the
``global warming scare is being used
as a political tool to increase government control over American lives,
incomes and decision making.''
Williams said Heartland is skeptical about the crisis that people are
proclaiming in global warming.
``Not that the planet hasn't
warmed. We know it has or we'd all
still be in the Ice Age,'' he said. ``But
it has not reached a crisis proportion
and, even among us skeptics, there's
disagreement about how much man
has been responsible for that warming.''
Schmitt said historical documents
indicate average temperatures have
risen by 1 degree per century since
around 1400 A.D., and the rise in
carbon dioxide is because of the
temperature rise.
Schmitt also said geological evidence indicates changes in sea level
have been going on for thousands of
years. He said smaller changes are
related to changes in the elevation of
land masses _ for example, the Great
Lakes are rising because the earth's
crust is rebounding from being
depressed by glaciers.
Schmitt, who grew up in Silver
City and now lives in Albuquerque,
has a science degree from the
California Institute of Technology.
He also studied geology at the
University of Oslo in Norway and
took a doctorate in geology from
Harvard University in 1964.
In 1972, he was one of the last
men to walk on the moon as part of
the Apollo 17 mission.
Schmitt said he's heartened that
the upcoming conference is made up
of scientists who haven't been
manipulated by politics.
Of the global warming debate, he
said: ``It's one of the few times
you've seen a sizable portion of scientists who ought to be objective
take a political position and it's coloring their objectivity.''
Mary Lowman
Mary (Butcher) Lowman, age 97,
of Manhattan, died February 8, 2009,
at Meadowlark Hills –Bramlage
She was born June 21, 1911, in
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and had
been a Manhattan resident since
Mrs. Lowman graduated from the
University of Kansas with her degree
in fine arts in 1933. She and her husband were in the restaurant business
for 20 years prior to Mary starting to
work at the Riley County Treasurer’s
Office in 1960. From 1965, to when
Frank Massey
Frank N. Massey, 93, Manhattan,
KS passed away Thursday, February
12, 2009 in the Mercy Regional
Health Center, Manhattan.
He was born June 26, 1915 at Alta
Vista, KS, the son of Benjamin
Franklin Massey and Florence J.
Nelson Massey. In 1925, he came to
Manhattan with his family and had
been a lifelong Manhattan resident.
He attended the local schools and
was a 1933 graduate of the
Manhattan High School.
He was united in marriage to
she retired in 1985 at the age of 75,
she was the Riley County Treasurer.
She was a member of the First
Presbyterian Church, a charter member of the Pilot Club and was active
with the Republican Women’s Club.
Mrs. Lowman enjoyed playing
bridge, was a good golfer, watching
birds, collecting ceramic birds, gardening, and was an avid sports fan,
especially watching all of her children’s sporting events. She loved to
paint, sketch and draw.
On February 6, 1937, in Wichita,
Kansas, she was married to William
“Bill” Lowman. He preceded her in
death in 1972. She was also preced-
ed in death by four children: Peggy,
Frank, Tom and Ed Lowman.
Survivors include one son,
William M. Lowman and his wife
Kathy of Jupiter, FL; eight grandchildren:
Manhattan, Steve and Tom Lowman
of Topeka, Chad Lowman of
Phoenix, AZ, Tracy Lowman of
Portland, OR, and Christy Lowman
of Phoenix, AZ, and Travis
Pohlmeier and Kirsten Ziener of
Chicago, IL; and eight great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at
10:00 A.M. Saturday at the
Yorgensen-Meloan-Londeen Funeral
Chapel with Reverend R. Cam
McConnell officiating. Interment
will follow in Sunrise Cemetery in
Online condolences may be left for
the family through the funeral home
Memorial contributions may be
made to the Meadowlark Hills Good
Samaritan Fund. Contributions may
be left in care of the YorgensenMeloan-Londeen Funeral Home,
1616 Poyntz Avenue, Manhattan, KS
Christina Evelyn Pauly on August
12, 1940 at Manhattan. She preceded him in death on March 6, 2005.
Mr. Massey was a veteran of the
U.S. Marine Corp, serving in the
South Pacific during World War II.
Before the war, Mr. Massey was
the manager of the Firestone Tire
Store in Concordia. After the war, he
came back to Manhattan to work at
the Wassberg Home and Auto Supply
Store and later owned and operated
the Aggieville Conoco Service
Station for over 20 years. In 1983,
he retired after working as a salesman for Key Pontiac in downtown
He was a member of the Pearce
Keller American Legion Post No. 17,
the Lee Pierson V.F.W. Post No.
1786 and was life member of the
Elks Lodge No. 1185, all of
In addition to his wife, Mr. Massey
was preceded in death by a daughter,
Pamela Massey in 1971; his parents;
and a brother, Leslie Lee Massey.
Survivors include a son, Thomas
A. Massey, and his wife, Carol,
Dallas, TX; and two brothers,
Lawrence “Red” L. Massey,
Humboldt, NE and Walter Raymond
Massey, and his wife, Hazel,
Lawrence, KS.
Cremation is planned. Memorial
services were held at 10:00 a.m.
Monday, February 16, 2009 in the
Irvin-Parkview Funeral Home,
Manhattan with the Rev. Loren
Werth officiating. Inurnment will be
at a later date in the Sunrise
Cemetery, Manhattan.
Memorial contributions can be
made to the Terry C. Johnson Center
for Basic Cancer Research and left in
care of the funeral home. Online
condolences can be sent to www.irvinparkview.com.
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Free admission, door prizes
Susan Moss
Susan Elaine Moss, age 59, of
Manhattan, died February 10, 2009,
at Mercy Regional Health Center in
She was born September 20, 1949,
in Manhattan, the daughter of Mack
J. and Bessie L. (Bradford) Murrell.
She graduated from St. George High
School and was a lifetime area resident.
Sue was a House Mother and cook
at the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. She
Daryl Graf
Daryl LaVerne Graf, 72, of
Wheaton, Kansas, died Wednesday,
February 11, 2009 at the Onaga
Community Hospital. He was a lifelong resident of the area.
Daryl was born June 21, 1936, on a
farm north of Onaga, Kansas, the son
of Walter and Daisy Noland Graf. He
attended Onaga schools. Daryl
served in the United States Army
from 1952 to 1954.
Daryl was a heavy equipment
operator and laid natural gas
pipeline. In his later years he also
loved bowling, softball, Keno,
music, storytelling and making people laugh. She was a true sports
lover, especially K-State athletics.
On August 29, 1977, in
Manhattan, she was married to Larry
R. Moss. Larry survives of the
home. Additional survivors include
five children: Donna Rice of
Spencer, Indiana, Rick Moss of
Hillsboro, KS, Bonnie Johnson of
Spencer, Indiana, John Moss of
Toronto, KS, and Rusty Moss of
Hillsboro, Kansas; four sisters:
Donna Specht and Glenna Downing
of Manhattan, and Carol Woodard
and Nancy Umscheid of Wamego; 21
grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces and
She was preceded in death by her
parents and by two grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at 1:00
P.M. Saturday at the YorgensenMeloan-Londeen Funeral Chapel
with Reverend Ben Duerfeldt officiating. Interment will follow in
Valley View Memorial Gardens
Cemetery east of Manhattan.
Online condolences may be left for
the family through the funeral home
Memorial contributions may be
made to the VFW Veterans Funeral
Fund. Contributions may be left in
care of the Yorgensen-MeloanLondeen Funeral Home, 1616
Poyntz Avenue, Manhattan, KS
was a farmer and stockman. He was
a member of the Teamster’s Union
and also the Operator Engineers
Union #101. Daryl loved to sell vehicles. He was a 32 year member of
Alcoholic’s Anonymous working
with many others to achieve sobriety.
Daryl was a member of New Hope
Lutheran Church in Onaga.
Daryl married his only true love,
Sherry Force, on December 4, 1982
in Onaga, Kansas. She survives at
their home.
He is also survived by two daughters, Jan Hundley and her husband,
Jerry, Branson, Missouri and Tammy
Workman and her husband, Jeff,
Topeka; two sons, Jim Graf and his
wife, Marilyn, Sabetha, and Ted Graf
and his wife, Jolleen, Atchison; a sister, Dixie Moore and her husband,
Melvin, Topeka; six grandchildren,
Lisa Buchanan, Cody Buchanan,
Melissa Graf, Jeremy Paulsen,
Ashley Paulsen and Lillian Graf;
three great-grandchildren, Zayley,
Isabella and A.J.; special friends,
Scott and Betty Merriman, Cody
Merriman and Christine Bryan,
Justin and Brandon Merriman; and
nieces and nephews, Jerry, Lynn,
Darrell, Dawna, Ivan, Ardie,
Heather, Matt, Brian, Miranda,
Nathan, Mandi and Ashley.
Daryl touched many lives and will
be greatly missed by his sweetheart,
Sherry, and all who knew him.
Funeral services were held at
10:30 a.m., Monday, February 16,
2009 at New Hope Lutheran Church
in Onaga.
Reverend Charlene
Barnes will be officiating. Burial
and military honors followed at
Wheaton Congregational Cemetery.
Family suggest memorial contributions to the Daryl Graf Memorial
Fund and those may be sent in care
of Kufahl Funeral Home. Online
condolences may be made at
Push Is On To Tailor Cancer Care To Tumor’s Genes
WASHINGTON (AP) _ The days of
one-size-fits-all cancer treatment are
numbered: A rush of new research is
pointing the way to tailor chemotherapy and other care to what's written in a
tumor's genes.
Everyone with advanced colon cancer now is supposed to get a genetic
test before taking two of the leading
treatments. It's a major change adopted
by oncologists last month after studies
found that those pricey drugs, Erbitux
and Vectibix, won't work in 40 percent
of patients.
Scientists are furiously testing similar genetically tailored care in breast
and lung cancer. It's a flurry of work
that reflects a huge problem: Most
medications today benefit at best about
half of patients but it usually takes
trial-and-error to tell.
That means a lot of people suffer
side effects for nothing, and it's incredibly costly. When the American
Society of Clinical Oncology recommended giving colon cancer patients
that $300 test for a gene called KRAS,
it estimated the move could save a
stunning $600 million a year _ by
keeping drugs that cost up to $10,000 a
month away from patients who won't
Here's the critical consumer issue:
As tantalizing as this personalized
medicine is, gene testing is like the
Wild West. Laboratories often introduce new tests at the first clues they
might work, not waiting for final
proof. Few tests so far have won the
backing of major medical groups like
ASCO, the cancer specialists, making
research studies a best bet for many
``A bad test is as dangerous to a
patient as a bad drug,'' notes Dr.
Richard Schilsky, ASCO president and
a University of Chicago oncologist.
``The tricky part is to figure out which
of those (genetic differences) are clinically important and which are just variations that exist.''
This is not about testing if people
carry so-called cancer genes that make
them prone to illness. Instead it's about
finding a tumor's genetic signature _ a
pattern of gene and protein activity that
signals if the cancer will grow fast or
slowly, be more or less likely to recur,
and whether it would be susceptible to
``We're getting into science fiction
sort of, if now medicine is being able
to analyze things at the genome level,''
breast cancer patient Claire Weinberg
of Oxford, North Carolina, says in
A community hospital initially dismissed Weinberg's breast lump but she
fortunately sought a second opinion at
Duke University Medical Center _
where, cancer confirmed, she enrolled
in a study of gene-directed chemotherapy.
``I felt it could only benefit me for
them to know even more about me,''
she says.
The ultimate goal: ``What's the right
recipe for those patients?'' explains Dr.
Matthew Ellis of Washington
University in St. Louis, co-inventor of
a different breast cancer genetic
Little Apple Detailing
Under study:
_A less precise test already can tell
certain breast cancer patients if they're
at high or low risk of relapsing, helping
the chemo-or-not decision. But which
chemo? Duke's Dr. Kelly Marcom is
genetically profiling breast biopsy tissue from nearly 300 newly diagnosed
patients headed for pre-surgery chemo.
Some are randomly assigned to one of
two standard chemotherapy cockails;
the rest get the cocktail that matches
their tumor profile.
It's too early to tell if the genedirected approach helps more tumors
But, ``I can have no regrets,'' says
Weinberg, who learned after surgery
that she'd been in the gene-tailored
group and her tumor shrank enough to
save her breast. She's also getting post-
surgery chemo in case any rogue cells
_Instead of custom profiling, an
experimental test unveiled last week
examines 50 breast cancer genes to
determine which of four disease subtypes the woman has.
If it pans out _ and much larger studies are planned _ the Breast
Bioclassifier could change breast cancer's very names. When studied on
stored samples of old tumors,
researchers found some women safely
skipped chemo _ their subtype
responded better to post-surgery
tamoxifen, or hormone therapy. A
more aggressive type was sensitive to
most chemo choices but not hormone
treatment, the team reported in the
Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Food stand and silent auction on garden items
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Kansas Profile: Winding Road Equine
By Ron Wilson, director of the
Huck Boyd National Institute for
Rural Development at Kansas
State University.
Let´s go to Lexington, Kentucky.
Here´s the Christmas edition of the
local newspaper. On the front page
is the remarkable story of a racehorse
who had been a Kentucky Derby
contender but was headed to slaughter in his old age - and was rescued at
the last minute by a woman in rural
Kansas. She´s founded a nationally
recognized rescue and retirement
program for horses.
Meet Kristin Chambers, executive
director of Winding Road Equine
Rescue and Retirement near
Waverly, Kansas.
Kristin says, "I´m an extreme animal lover." In 2005, Kristin was
looking for goats and visited some
people who also had a small, underweight mare. Kristin took pity on the
old mare and bought her.
Then, Kristin says, "Word got
around that I had a soft spot for old
horses." Other people started bringing her unused or unwanted horses.
Kristin went to a horse sale to buy
a horse for her son, but when she saw
the high quality horses that were
being auctioned for slaughter, she
bought 10 of them. At the time she
was trying to work on a teaching
degree plus helping these horses. A
professor told her that she should
choose one or the other. Kristin says,
"I was so mad at him for telling me
what to do - but I was mad because
he was right."
She chose horses, because her
long-term goal is to incorporate
youth involvement into the rescue.
Ron Wilson
Kristin organized an effort called
Winding Road Equine Rescue and
Retirement, which is now a 501c3
charitable organization.
The purpose of Winding Road
Equine Rescue and Retirement is the
rescue, rehabilitation and what is
called re-homing of abused, neglected and unwanted horses. It also provides a safe sanctuary for horses that
are too old, infirm or injured to be rehomed.
Today, Winding Road cares for
more than 50 horses, plus more have
been adopted or placed in carefully
screened foster or adoptive homes.
The horses range from little miniature horses 34 inches tall to a giant
Belgian 17 hands high.
In December 2008, Kristin was
called to look at a horse in a broker's
lot in Emporia where some horses
are at risk of being sent to slaughter.
The broker asked if she could do
anything for another horse, an aged
thoroughbred stallion with a bad eye
and depressed look.
Kristin found that the horse was
named Clever Allemont. As a young
racehorse, he won his first six consecutive starts and earned more than
a quarter million dollars. He had
been trained by D. Wayne Lukas,
raced at Churchill Downs, and ridden by jockeys such as Pat Day and
Angel Cordero. As a stud, he sired 72
winners out of 125 starters. But by
the time he was 26, no one wanted
Kristin was determined to save this
horse. She posted information about
the horse on-line, and within 30 minutes someone donated the funds to
save him. Then within 24 hours, an
exclusive thoroughbred retirement
home in Kentucky agreed to take
him in. Kristin says, "It was just such
a chain of miracles."
His story made the front page of
the Lexington newspaper on
Christmas Day and the USA Today
Winding Road is situated on 40
acres near the rural community of
Waverly, population 581 people.
Now, that´s rural. The facility
includes a barn and stables and an
arena under construction. Winding
Road is supported by charitable
donations and lots of volunteers.
Kristin says, "We have wonderful
volunteers who help with construction, cleaning stalls and brushing
horses. These people range from
eclectic artists to girl scouts to oldtime cowboys. We are always in
need of more donations and volunteer help." She says, "I don´t run on
faith alone, but I have a lot of faith.
God didn´t get me this far to turn his
back on us."
Manhattan Area Garden Show Starts Feb 28
During unstable times, people are
drawn to gardening. It may be to
grow some of their own food. Others
garden for the connection to the natural world in which we all live in.
Gardening can relieve thoughts of
financial, physical and emotional
A good way to get connected is to
participate in the Manhattan Area
Garden Show. The show is Saturday,
February 28 and Sunday, March 1. It
is in Pottorf Hall at CiCo Park in
Manhattan. Twenty-six vendors will
have a display booth.
There will be several free gardening seminars to meet your gardening
needs. Topics will include growing
food for yourself and family. Other
topics will include plants to try and
elements that will improve our environment and enjoyment.
The first seminar is at 10 A.M. on
Saturday, February 28. Come and
learn about “Small Water Features.”
Water adds excitement to every environment no matter how big or small.
“New Annuals and Perennials for
2009” seminar starts at 11 A.M. followed by “Free Lawn Fertilizer” at
noon. Using the right plant in
theright place add pleasure to the
garden and reduces inputs such as
pesticides and water. Along with this
gardening green idea is the session
Radio Dramas
for the Whole
Suspenseful, values-packed discoveries
await you in the town of Odyssey-where something new and exciting is
always going on. Whit, Connie and the
gang manage to get into all kinds of
interesting predicaments, and learn
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along the way. Your family will be
on the edge of their seats as
they tune in to each
fascinating adventure. It’s
fun, character building
entertainment for all ages!
9:30 Saturday Mornings
on growing lawns with minimal
extra requirements.
At 1 P.M. you can learn about
“Paver Installation.” These porous
surfaces let rainwater filter into the
soil and reduce storm water runoff.
Production” will give you a start on
growing food for the family beginning at 2 P.M.
All gardening begins with a
“Healthy Soil.” At 3 P.M. learn if
yours has what it takes or how to
improve it. Shrubs are the foundation
of the landscape. Learn which ones
are best for your situation at 4 P.M.
Sunday’s first seminar is at 1 P.M.
Learn which plants will grow in the
shade because grass won’t. Fruit
plants often need pests management
so get acquainted to the “Fruit Spray
Schedule” at 2 P.M. The last seminar
at 3 P.M. is “Fruits for Kansas.”
I hope to see you at the 9th Annual
Free Manhattan Area GardenShow.
If you would like additional information on a horticulture topic, please
contact Gregg Eyestone at the
Riley County office of K-State
Research and Extension. Gregg may
be contacted by calling 537-6350 or
stopping by 110 Courthouse Plaza in
geyeston@ksu.edu and at
Serving your
needs BEST
For more information, go to
It´s time to close this newspaper
from Kentucky, which featured the
amazing story of a racehorse rescued
from slaughter by a woman in rural
Kansas. Kristin Chambers has made
a difference by saving horses in
need, and helping many of them to
beat the odds.
Free Weight Loss
Call Connie
at 785-537-4447
Thoughts From The Prairie
Letter to my Favorite
Tate, I can hear your protest, “But
Opa, I am your only granddaughter!”
I know that but you are still my
favorite because you bring me so
much joy. Like when you slip into
the library before dawn to share the
first hour of the day with me when I
am at your house; you draw a picture
as I read and write. You are the joy of
the Dawn. Those were special times
that are stored in my memory file of
beautiful experiences. Sunrises in the
Flint Hills of Kansas are spectacular
and remind me of you!
Tate, you will be eight in March.
You have captivated my heart as with
all who know you. You are so nimble
on the parallel bars that you have the
makings of a gymnastics champion.
You are also a princess in your dressup frills. You enjoy being a girl and I
see in you the embodiment of all the
mystery and beauty endowed by
your Creator upon womanhood, the
crowning glory of His creation.
The classical education you are
receiving is preparing you for a vital
role in the Bigger Story of life and
the life of America. This is the same
education many of our Founders
received, also in home schools, so
you will understand the reason and
intent of our founding documents
and be able to help restore America
to her original course. The folks in
the generation now in charge do not
know the essence of American.
Many of them believe we are a secular democracy, a far cry from our true
beginning as a covenant republic.
And they are oblivious to the consequences of breaking that covenant.
The evidence of the socialistic
drift was climaxed this week with the
passage of the massive debt masquerading as a stimulus package.
This bill is opposed by 63 percent of
Americans. An economy that was
thriving two years ago has been
derailed along with the savings of
millions of families. This has
Dick Miller
occurred at the hands of a tyrannical
regime that believes free enterprise
and the freedom to build personal
wealth is tantamount to an evil system that must be replaced with a distributive entitlement system. But as
you already know from your studies,
the Constitution grants only the right
to an opportunity; it does not grant
prosperity. And charity is never a
government function.
Tate, your parents are a good
example of the way it was intended
to be. They had no special privileges,
just a commitment to look out for
their own welfare. They worked their
way through college, learned a profession, found a job, lived in a small
rental, drove a used car and began to
save for their own house. It took several years and hard work, so now you
have a nice place to live. There in
nothing in the stimulus package for
your family, but your welfare is at
risk because of the greed and desire
of elected officials for power
obtained by transferring what was
not theirs, from those who had
earned it, to those who did not
deserve it! Your generation must
bear the burden of this debt. Ezra
Pound equates debt to slavery. “Wars
in old times were made to get slaves.
The modern implement of imposing
slavery is debt.”
But it is not only at the national
level that unwise decisions resulted
in debt. Our Kansas budget is broke
and we face a massive debt of a billion dollars by next year. The solution offered by our governor this
week was to go further in debt,
which is not permitted by our constitution. Thomas Jefferson offered a
different solution: “The multiplication of public offices, increase of
expense beyond income, growth and
entailment of a public debt, are indications soliciting the employment of
the pruning knife.” Kansas government is a prime candidate for severe
But this is not the first time our
constitution has been disregarded. A
significant contributor to our debt
was the unconstitutional action by
the Kansas Supreme Court to transfer a billion dollars to the public
school system. Did it help? No one
knows. Then we have one unqualified, unauthorized bureaucrat at
KDHE that has blocked billions of
dollars of private investments that
would have produced revenue.
Tate, where there is life, there is
hope. Eventually the fallacy of charity by the government will be
exposed and the originalists who
understand what has made America
great will rise up and prevail over the
socialists whose history is always
mediocrity, failure or tyranny. I
recall my flight instructor hammered
into us that we were never to take off
with any system marginal. “On every
flight, something will go marginal
and two marginals will kill you!”
America’s economy is like a two
engine plane with one engine sputtering. We should heed the sign on a
flight hangar “When one engine fails
on a twin-engine airplane, you
always have enough power left to get
you to the scene of the crash.”
From Topeka To The DC Beltway
By Gregory Schneider
Flint Hills Center for Public Policy
There is some evidence that Governor
Kathleen Sebelius would take the position as the new head of the Department
of Health and Human Services if
President Barack Obama names her to
the post, according to a source in the
February 10 Wall Street Journal. This
comes after former Senator Thomas
Daschle had to remove himself from the
nomination owing to failure to pay taxes
on $140,000 in compensation received
from the use of a car and driver.
Daschle’s withdrawal led to the vetting
of Sebelius. Action is expected soon.
If the Governor takes the HHS position in Washington—if indeed it is
offered—it will come only one month
after she swore to stay in Kansas to fix
our budget problems, something she
helped create in her stewardship of
Kansas government. If she departs for
HHS, the budget problems will be solved
by the legislature (which is doing the
needed work anyway) and successor
Mark Parkinson. Some in the legislature
have publicly welcomed her departure.
What would Sebelius bring to the table
at HHS? What does she have to show for
her efforts regarding health care in
For one thing, she is an able bureaucrat, presiding over the creation of the
massive, yet ineffective, health reform
agency, the Kansas Health Policy
Authority (KHPA) which came into existence in 2006. KHPA has been an advocate of expanded government health care
and more Medicaid, both of which it may
get anyway by the recent stimulus package which awaits congressional reconciliation. With a friend like her at HHS, one
may suspect the forces of government
health care will expand their reach.
Washington will dictate more to the
states, which have been laboratories for
reform (at least those states headed by
governors amenable to reforms which
aren’t defined as bailouts from
But after four years of the KHPA what
has changed in Kansas health care? Not
much. Medicaid is still a mess. The fiscal
health of the government-funded health
system in the state is helping to drag
down the budget and it will only get
worse with the massive infusion of
cash—some $112 million additional
coming from the House stimulus. There
has been no substantial effort made by
the KHPA, and by extension, the governor, to address the fundamental problems
in Kansas health care—cost of care and
continued inadequacies in the Medicaid
system. Their major proposals last year,
such as premium assistance and other
reforms contained in SB 11, were
blocked by the legislature; their proposals this year—a smoking ban and tobacco taxes to fund expanded health care
spending, may not pass either.
Instead, Sebelius has discussed how
vital it is for Kansas to get the additional
monies coming from the federal government. Kansas, she claims, needs the
money to expand Medicaid eligibility;
whether that is a wise idea given the fiscal straits Kansas and the nation are in at
the moment, or whether it is sustainable
for future generations, is beside the point.
There is never any discussion of reforming Medicaid, or helping move people
from government insurance to private
If Sebelius gets the HHS job, she will
fit right in with the climate of big spending inside the beltway, something she
learned on the job here in Kansas. If it
turns out she doesn’t get the job, the
Topeka beltway government health gravy
train will roll on with the stimulus adding
millions to the coffers.
Gregory L. Schneider is a Senior
Fellow with the Kansas-based Flint Hills
Center for Public Policy. A complete bio
on Dr. Schneider can be found at
39/, and he can be reached at
greg.schneider@flinthills.org. To learn
more about the Flint Hills Center, please
visit www.flinthills.org.
As a non-profit, nonpartisan think
tank, the Flint Hills Center for Public
Policy is an independent voice for sound
public policy solutions that will enhance
the well-being of all Kansans. Visit
www.flinthills.org for more information.
How The Supreme Court Distroyed
Property Rights And A Little Pink House
By Sarah McIntosh
Flint Hills Center for Public Policy
Three years ago the United States
Supreme Court made a decision that not
only threatened the very core of
Americans’ property rights, but also
destroyed the dreams of a woman who
just wanted to live in her beautiful pink
Perhaps you have already heard the
story. If not, I will warn you it is a sad
one. Ms. Suzette Kelo moved to New
London Connecticut in 1997 after a
divorce. She found an old cottage from
1893 that was in dismal shape, but she
saw the promise in it. Even the front door
was overgrown when she first laid eyes
on it. But she purchased the cottage and
started fixing it up right away.
She had a lot of work to do from the
foundation to the roof. She devoted time,
energy, and money to transforming the
ramshackled cottage into a beautiful
home. Ms. Kelo worked as a nurse and
held other jobs on the side in order to
make ends meet.
But she had not been in her home long
before she learned that Pfizer Corp. was
going to build an R&D center and there
would be some redevelopment plans
going into effect. She read in the paper
that some residents’ properties would be
taken through the power of eminent
domain, if they refused to sell. That’s
when Ms. Kelo began her mantra, “Not
for Sale.”
Unfortunately, despite her strong will
and her efforts to build advocacy groups
to fight the plans, Ms. Kelo lost her
appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court in
2005. In the landmark ruling, the
Supreme Court gutted the 5th
Amendment which says, in part, “Nor
shall private property be taken for public
use, without just compensation.” The key
words for this case being “for public
What is public use? Well, it’s much
easier to understand the purpose for the
clause when you consider that there are
times when the government might want
to undergo a public project on what has
been private land, such as building a
highway or a park. But how can Ms.
Kelo’s land be for public use when it is
being taken because a private company
wants to come to town?
The Supreme Court ruled that Ms.
Kelo’s land and her home could be taken
for the use of a private developer because
the development might result in
increased tax revenue and jobs. In this
shocking ruling the Court destroyed the
essence of property protection in the
Amidst some public outcry and the
Court’s acknowledgment that the states
were not barred from restricting this use
of eminent domain, many states strengthened their eminent domain laws to protect private property by creating more
stringent conditions on what can be considered “public use.” This is something
all states should do to protect their citizens and state supreme courts should
prohibit this use of this eminent domain
power in their states. Both Ohio and
Oklahoma have done this but Kansas has
We should all take heed of Ms. Kelo’s
story and her fight. A book about her
plight was recently published, “Little
Pink House: A True Story of Defiance
and Courage.” It’s up to common citizens
to make sure that the government
respects property rights; it might be your
little (insert color) house next.
Sarah McIntosh is the former Vice
President of Programs for the Kansasbased Flint Hills Center for Public
Policy. For more information or a photo
of Ms. McIntosh, please contact the Flint
information@flinthills.org or (316) 6340218. To learn more about the Flint Hills
Center, please visit www.flinthills.org.
Manhattan Free Press
Free Press Staff
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jonbrake@kansas.net or freepress@kansas.net
Cats Second-Half Slip Ends Streak
MANHATTAN, Kan. (AP) - Cole
Aldrich had 21 points, Sherron Collins
added 19 and No. 16 Kansas used
defense to rally from a 16-point firsthalf deficit and beat rival Kansas State
85-74 on Saturday.
Coming off a last-second, 62-60 loss
at Missouri on Monday, Kansas (20-5,
9-1 Big 12) dug itself out of the big
early hole by creating easy shots off its
defense. The Jayhawks kept it up in the
second half, shooting 56 percent to
reach 20 wins for the 20th straight season.
Marcus Morris had 15 points and
Brady Morningstar added 12 for
Kansas, which has won 38 of the past 40
meetings against Kansas State. The
Jayhawks are 25-1 in Manhattan since
Kansas State (17-8, 6-5) fed off a
rowdy crowd to build the early lead, but
couldn't sustain it against Kansas' pressure defense. Denis Clemente had 26
points and Jacob Pullen added 22 for the
Wildcats, who were 9-of-28 from the
floor in the second half.
Led by All-American Michael
Beasley, Kansas State ended a 24-game
homecourt losing streak to Kansas with
an 84-75 victory last year, setting off a
wild celebration that had the students
rushing the court and the K-State players dancing on the scorer's table.
Kansas State's fans were ready for a
repeat - particularly after Kansas' rout in
Lawrence last month - creating a
charged-up atmosphere inside Bramlage
Coliseum well before the opening tip.
The Wildcats fed off the energy, hitting
five of their first eight shots, then
whipped the crowd into an ear-splitting
frenzy with an 18-2 run to go up 28-13
midway through the first half.
Kansas coach Bill Self nearly emptied his bench trying to find someone to
provide a spark, using 11 players in the
first 11 1/2 minutes. Finally, he found a
combination that worked.
Sparked by its defense, Kansas got
out in transition to score some easy baskets, building confidence with each trip.
The Jayhawks used a late 12-2 run to
get back in it and ended up shooting 16of-28 from the floor to get within 43-42
by halftime.
Kansas kept up its defensive intensity
early in the second half, setting up a 102 run that put the Jayhawks up 63-53 at
the midpoint.
Part of what got Kansas in trouble
early was the inability to stop Clemente
or Pullen.
Pullen started off by hitting two long
3-pointers to get the crowd into it, then
hit another to stop a Kansas run. He hit
all three of his 3-point attempts and had
13 points by halftime.
Clemente tied a Big 12 record with 44
points against Texas on Jan. 31 and was
feeling it again, hitting step-back 3pointers and runners in the lane. He was
4-of-6 from 3-point range and had 18
points before the break.
Kansas cut down on the duo's
chances in the second half, holding
them to a combined 4-of-17 shooting,
2828 Amherst • Manhattan, KS • 800-365-0017
April 10th, 2007
Kansas State’s Darren Kent gets two of his twelve points. (Photo by Ben Brake)
then pulled away down the stretch.
Postgame Notes
• Kansas State now trails Kansas in
the all-time series, 90-175... The
Wildcats are 35-80 in the series at
home... Their last win at home over
Kansas was the historical 84-75 victory
on January 30, 2008, which ended the
24-year, home court losing streak...
Kansas State fell to 14-3 at home this
season... Bramlage Coliseum was sold
out for the second time Saturday afternoon with the attendance at 12,528.
• The Wildcats’ starting line-up
included sophomore guard Jacob
Pullen, junior guard Denis Clemente,
sophomore forward Dominique Sutton,
senior forward Darren Kent and junior
forward Luis Colón... Kansas State has
used this line-up in 22-of-25 games,
including the first 10 this season... KState has posted a 16-7 record with this
line-up... Pullen has the longest active
games played streak, seeing time in all
58 games in his career... He also has the
longest active starting streak, along with
Colón, at 25 consecutive games.
• The loss on Saturday afternoon
snapped the Wildcats’ six-game conference winning streak... The six-game
conference winning streak tied the
2006-2007 team for the longest in the
Big 12 era, while it tied three other
Wildcat squads (1980-1981, 1987-88,
and 2006-07) for the longest since the
1976-77 team won eight straight in
league play.
• Kansas State out-rebounded Kansas
29-27 on Saturday afternoon... It
marked the 19th time this season that
the Wildcats have pulled down more
boards than their opponent... The
Wildcats did grab 15 offensive
rebounds, converting those into 13 second-chance
Dominique Sutton led the squad with
six rebounds, making it the sixth time
that Sutton has led the Wildcats in
rebounding this season.
• The Wildcats had three players
score in double figures on Saturday
afternoon... It marked the 20th time that
the Wildcats had at least three players
score in double figures, going 15-5 in
those games.
• Junior Denis Clemente scored in
double figures for the team-best 17th
time with 26 points against the
Jayhawks... It also marked the 10th time
he led the Wildcats in scoring this season, including six in Big 12 play...
Clemente has posted double figures in
10 of the 11 league games... Sophomore
Jacob Pullen also added 22 points, post-
ing double figures for his team-tying
17th time... Kansas State is now 11-1
this season when both Clemente and
Pullen score in double figures, while the
team is 13-3 when two of its three primary guards score in double figures...
Senior Darren Kent also added 12
points, scoring in double figures for the
13th time this season, including seven
times in Big 12 Play.
• Kansas State led for the sixth
straight game at the half, 43-42... The
team is now 16-2 when leading the
half... During the first frame, the
Wildcats shot an impressive 70.0-percent from three-point range, with Denis
Clemente shooting 4-of-6 (0.667) and
Jacob Pullen shooting 3-of-3 (1.000)
from behind the arch... Both Clemente
and Pullen put up double figures before
the intermission... Clemente led all
scorers with 18 points in the first half
and Pullen followed by dropping 13
points of his own... Junior Luis Colón
led all players with five rebounds in the
opening half.
• With five minutes remaining, Jacob
Pullen converted the Wildcats’ first
four-point play of the season to bring
the game within two points at 67-65.
• Senior Darren Kent dished out four
assists during the contest, which tied his
career-high... He has tied this mark five
times in his career... He has led the
squad in assists three times now this
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The KU game was a real pain for Denis Clemente. (Photo by Ben Brake)
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Texas A&M
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Perks In The White House
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) _ Some of the
most coveted office space on the planet
doesn't necessarily come with a picture
window, a decent TV _ or even much
room to work.
It's in the West Wing of the White
House, where proximity to power trumps
square footage, postcard views and modern amenities.
Senior adviser David Axelrod has a todie-for office next to Barack Obama's
personal study, perfect terrain for a presidential pop-in.
But Axelrod's domain is akin to the
modest space that a branch manager at a
bank might get, and his window looks
out at a concrete barrier and some utility
No matter. Location speaks volumes
when it comes to White House office politics, and ever was it so.
Commentator Patrick Buchanan, who
served as Ronald Reagan's communications director, remembers turning down a
spacious office on the second floor of the
West Wing in favor of what he called a
first-floor ``broom closet'' down the corridor from the Oval Office. His aides
scrounged up an old window from a construction site and hung it on the wall.
``It was a great office. Dutch would
come down the hall and visit me,''
Buchanan recalled last week, using
Reagan's nickname.
He still has the window in his garage.
Location may be particularly pertinent
in this administration, since Obama is
known to roam the halls to chat up aides
rather than summoning them for an audience in the Oval Office, one indication of
the more casual atmosphere taking hold
in the White House.
The seating chart for Obama's West
Wing is guided in part by tradition.
Chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and
national security adviser James L. Jones
have the large corner offices on the first
floor typically reserved for those positions. Vice President Joe Biden occupies
the first-floor suite that also served his
predecessor, Dick Cheney. And counsel
Gregory Craig gets the corner office one
floor above Emanuel that typically goes
to the president's top lawyer.
Other office assignments may offer
clues into the president's governing style.
For example, Obama's communications
director and her deputy _ Ellen Moran
and Dan Pfeiffer _ have been moved
from a restricted section of the West
Wing's second floor into first-floor office
space that is accessible to reporters.
White House aides still are settling in
_ there are plenty of empty nails on the
walls and boxes yet to be unpacked _ and
adjusting to the cramped quarters and
outdated technology. Speechwriter Jon
Favreau, for one, is still angling to get a
couch and a better TV in his small basement office.
Like Kremlinologists looking for
telling signs from the inner sanctum,
those outside the White House study the
West Wing floor plan to get hints about
who carries the most influence.
Former Clinton aide Bill Galston, who
had a claustrophobic, windowless office
on the West Wing's second floor during
the Clinton years, said there is a yawning
divide between those who get space in
the West Wing and the majority of staff
members who work across West
Executive Drive in the Eisenhower
Executive Office Building.
``It's sort of like a switch with two
positions: Either you're in the White
House or you're not,'' Galston said.
And within the West Wing, Buchanan
said, ``the first floor of the White House
is to the second floor as Park Avenue is to
the Bowery.''
Karl Rove, an adviser to former
President George W. Bush, wrote in The
Wall Street Journal that Obama is cramming far more people into the West Wing
than Bush ever did, and he predicts that
may contribute to a ``more centralized
and possibly incoherent policy process.''
He also said Obama's political director,
Patrick Gaspard, was the first political
director to score a West Wing office, a
symbol of the administration's obsession
with politics. But that assertion was
Doug Sosnik, for example, had the
political director's job and a West Wing
office during the Clinton administration.
Sosnik said people make too much of
who sits where in the White House,
adding that a staff member's relationship
with White House decision-makers
trumps real estate in the end.
``A person's relationship is more
important than office location, and that's
completely underappreciated and valued
by people trying to figure who's got what
kind of juice in an administration,''
Sosnik said.
Wordscramble In The Free Press
To play this game is simple. Just read each consecutive puzzle and as the words are added, the answer to the Puzzle
Question becomes obvious.
To understand how the game works it is best to get familiar with the basic parts of the word-puzzle.
First and most Important ----The question that creates the puzzle.
The Second Part--The four word answer that will come from the puzzle.
The Third Part --- The word puzzle and the four answer word hints.
Fourth Part --- The scrambled word group to fill in the blanks.
Final Part --- Tells how to collect the Bounty Money.
1. Each puzzle is based on a question about a treasure or an adventure.
2. Each posed question will have a four word answer. (always remember the answer words will be in the puzzle
just used in a different context).
3. This is a prewritten word puzzle that has had many words taken out leaving an underline in place of the removed
word. The challenge is to be the first to replace the words and then answer the posed question.
4. The words to fill in the puzzle blanks are located at the bottom of the game. These words come from the prewritten word puzzle that answers the game forming question. The words are then arranged in groups depending on the
number of letters in each word.
Obama Wants Changes In Pay Rules
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) _ Facing a
stricter approach to limiting executive
bonuses than it had favored, the Obama
administration wants to revise that part of
the stimulus package even after it
becomes law, White House officials said
While President Barack Obama plans
to sign the $787 billion stimulus bill in
Denver on Tuesday, his administration
will seek changes in the government's
approach to executive compensation,
senior Obama adviser David Axelrod
``We all have the same goal. We all
have the same sentiment. And we want to
do something that's workable, and we'll
work with them to get to that point,''
Axelrod said on ``Fox News Sunday.''
Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs,
appearing on CBS's ``Face the Nation,''
also said the administration would seek
to ``strike the right balance'' on the compensation question by discussing
changes in the provisions with House and
Senate members. Asked if Obama would
enforce the bill and was satisfied with it,
Gibbs replied, ``We will sign this bill into
law on Tuesday.''
Two top lawmakers on congressional
committees that oversee financial regulations appeared to dismiss the possibility
that the administration would not follow
the compensation requirements.
``Mr. Gibbs may not like it, but it is
going to be enforced,'' Rep. Barney
Frank, chairman of the House Financial
Services Committee, said on CBS. ``This
is not an option. This is not, frankly, the
Bush administration, where they're going
to issue a signing statement and refuse to
enforce it. They will enforce it.''
Sen. Richard Shelby, the ranking
Republican on the Senate Banking,
Housing and Urban Affairs Committee,
said the compensation provisions were
necessary to protect taxpayer money. Of
Gibbs' comments about the provisions
and their enforcement, he told CBS, ``It
seemed to me that he was waffling a lit-
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``This provision in the stimulus bill is
going in the right direction,'' he said.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner
and White House economic aide
Lawrence Summers failed to stop Senate
banking committee chairman Chris
Dodd, D-Conn., from adding to the stimulus bill stricter limits on bankers' bonuses than the White House wanted.
Dodd argued that the restrictions were
critical to gaining public support for
more funding for the ailing financial sector, saying that the perception that executives were getting rich on bailout money
would be an impediment.
Under the administration's proposal,
compensation restrictions applied only to
banks that receive ``exceptional assistance'' from the government. Top executives could be paid no more than
$500,000, with bonuses or other compensation coming as stock that could only be
claimed after the federal money had been
paid back.
The bill passed by Congress set executive bonus limits on all banks that receive
bailout money. The amount of assistance
will determine the number of executives
affected, though top executives will be
prohibited from getting bonuses or incentives except as restricted stock that vests
only after bailout funds are repaid.
Amounts also can be no greater than onethird of the executive's annual compensation.
The prohibition would not apply to
bonuses that are spelled out in an executive's contract signed before Feb. 11,
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Childs, Sweat Lead Kansas State Over Oklahoma State
MANHATTAN, Kan. (AP) Ashley Sweat scored 31 points and
Jalena Childs had 14 points and 16
rebounds to lead No. 20 Kansas State
to a 79-71 win over Oklahoma State.
Childs' double-double Sunday was
the first of her career with the
Wildcats (20-3, 7-3 Big 12) and her
16 rebounds were the most by a
freshman since Shalee Lenning
grabbed 20 on December 6, 2005,
against Louisiana Tech. Kelsey
Nelson added 13 points from the
Wildcats' bench en route to helping
K-State win its 13th consecutive
game at home (11-0 this season).
Andrea Riley led Oklahoma State
(14-9, 3-7) with 30 points.
Kansas State jumped out to a 1712 lead in the opening period, but a
basket from Oklahoma State's
Shyvon Spears sparked an 8-2 run
that put the Cowgirls ahead 20-19.
Oklahoma State extended its lead
to four, but Kansas State closed out
the half with a 7-2 run.
The Wildcats led 36-35 at halftime
and extended their lead to 11 points
after the break.
Riley's five straight points got the
Cowgirls within six. But Sweat hit
two free throws with 1:07 remaining
to stop the comeback.
Head Coach Deb Patterson
Opening statement...
“First of all, I want to thank all of
our fans for making such a great
showing at the Pink Zone game, honoring and contributing to the cause
against breast cancer and all cancers.
We really had such a tremendous
crowd today. To see all the pink in
the house and to understand how
many proceeds from the tickets and
the t-shirts goes to the fight against
cancer. As far as our basketball team
goes, I thought again, another hardfought, quality victory against an
opponent that is extremely efficient
at their game. Obviously, Andrea
Riley is one of the best penetrators
and one of the most physical players
in the league. She certainly brought
her very best, especially in the second half. I was really pleased. I
thought our team stepped up in the
areas that we had really emphasized
(in practice).”
On the starting line-up today...
“I thought it was the most effective
answer to losing Shalee (Lehning).
Obviously, you saw Jalana (Childs)
step up big. She’s performing
extremely well over period of time,
at practice. I thought she answered
the call in a very big way when her
teammates needed her the most. She
had a great week of practice. She
really has had some very very strong
showings in practice over the course
of the last three weeks or so, but not
nearly as dominate as this past week.
She had a big time game tonight
when the need was tremendous. She
really had a top-drawer game today.”
On how the offense was more
effective today...
“I think that we didn’t force the
ball inside or crowd the floor quiet as
much as we had (been doing). We
simplified the playbook a little bit.
We tried to get good at some things,
tried to answer some of the problems
we thought our posts were seeing
with lanes being really crowded. I
thought our guards did a nice job
with that. I think this week in the
gym was very valuable to us. We get
to a point, like after the Baylor game,
where you see how close you were
aside from possessions that you
wasted. This team has always been
one that has always stepped up and
put their mind and attention where
they need to improve. I think it came
at just the right time.”
On using a bigger line-up in the
“Based on this game, I’d be crazy
not to. We’ll continue to evaluate. I
think it’s really neat when you have
an opportunity to work on things for
a week and find a way for an individual or a couple individuals to step
up. I think we did that. It really all
centered on the fact that Jalana
Childs stepped up and brought to the
floor a really highly competitive basketball game. If we get that consistency of effort and consistency of
energy, that could be a really great
thing for our basketball team as we
continue to compete through
February and March.”
Postgame Notes
• Sunday’s matchup between
Kansas State and Oklahoma State
was the 53rd in the series... K-State
took a 27-26 lead in the all-time
series with the win... The win also
marked the 13th straight home win
for the Wildcats... Sunday’s contest
was K-State’s participation in the
WBCA “Pink Zone”, a national initiative to bring awareness to the fight
against breast cancer... The benefactor of this initiative is the Kay
Yow/WBCA Cancer Fund... The
final point total of 79 points for the
Kansas State’s freshman forward Jalana Childs goes high for two of her 14 points.
Wildcats on Sunday afternoon was
the highest since scoring 81 against
Central Arkansas on Jan. 3, 2009...
This was the highest output for the
Wildcats in Big 12 action this season.
• The Wildcats’ starting lineup
consisted of: junior guard Kari
Kincaid, senior forward Marlies
Gipson, senior forward Danielle
Zanotti, junior forward Ashley Sweat
and freshman Jalana Childs...
Marlies Gipson made the 105th start
of her career on Sunday... Sweat has
started 74 games in her career,
including 69 straight... Zanotti has
61 starts and Kincaid has tallied 44
starts in her career... This was the
first start of Childs’ career... Lehning
missed her first start in 116 games,
ending the nation’s second-longest
consecutive start streak in the nation.
• The attendance at Bramlage
Coliseum for the contest was 6,400...
This is the second-largest home
crowd this season and the largest
since Jan. 10, 2009 against Kansas...
After 11 home games this season,
Kansas State is averaging 4,473 for
the season.
• With the win, K-State secured its
21st 20-win season in school history
and the seventh under Deb Patterson.
• K-State yielded 71 points on
Sunday, marking the first time since
November 13, 2006 (94-79 win over
Creighton) that the Wildcats have
surrendered 70 or more points in a
home game. It also marked the first
time overall this season that K-State
gave up 70 or more in a game.
• Kansas State held a 36-35 halftime lead on Sunday... This is the
first halftime advantage for the
Wildcats since Jan. 24, 2009 at
Kansas, a span of four games... This
season K-State is 17-1 when holding
the edge at halftime and 174-22
(.888) since the 1999-00 season
when leading at the break.
• The Wildcats have hit at least one
3-point field goal in 65 straight
games... K-State made six threepoint field goals on Sunday This is
the 16th time this season K-State has
hit five or more 3-point field goals as
a team.
• Ashley Sweat registered 31
points, tying her career high, and
nine rebounds... Sweat now ranks
22nd on the K-State all-time scoring
list with 1,134 career points, moving
past current assistant coach Andria
Jones... This was the 20th time this
season she has scored in double figures and the 62nd in her career...
Sweat has now scored in 89 consecutive games, which is every game of
her K-State career... Sweat also finished the day 13-of-13 from the free
throw line to extend her current free
throw streak to 26 straight.
• Marlies Gipson finished the
afternoon with 10 points... She now
ranks 20h on the career scoring list at
K-State with 1,158... Gipson now
ranks 23rd in school history for
career assists with 184 after dishing
out seven on Sunday... Gipson now
has scored double figures in 18
games this season and 69 for her
Ashley Sweat (4) drives the baseline.
Free Press
By Jon A. Brake
Kelsey Nelson hits from the outside for threeeeee.
Marlies Gipson get the jump shot.