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District 2481, Club No.74403 Bulletin No.10 April 2009. ROTARY CLUB NIS CONSTANTINE THE GREAT Content The President`s word 2 Meeting 41, 10th Board meeting 3 Meetings 42, 43 4 Meetings 44, 45 5 Club actions 6 Club actions 7 Rotary Club Nis Constantine The Great The Regent Club Hotel, Obrenoviceva street 10, Nis 18000, Nis, Serbia +381 63 407 447 (president), +38164 61 22 569(secretary) rkkv@eunet.rs www.rc-ConstantineTheGreat.org PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com Page 2 Bulletin No.10 April 2009. The President`s word Tumultuous month for us. We started with the problem of redistricting, attended the PETS in Subotica. Continue the regular lectures, complete the "Action for the Museum of Dolls“ RC Rajkot Midtown , Gujarat, India, listened to teh lecture of Committee for protocols and Sergeat at arms, visited Belgrade Center twin Club on they twinning ceremony with Rotary Club ofPutignano from Bari, Italy, celebrated the awarding of Paul Harris Fellows Award to our members Danica and Milan and of Rotary membership pins to our members Dragana and Ivana, had a funn time in the "Status" winery and ended the Month on the Distrikct Conference, with thegrat respect that we received for our work in the previous period and the enormous attention that we had from members of twin Club of Anatolia Thessaloniki. We're back from Thessaloniki satisfied, we got the promise of Governor to withdraw its decision on suspension of ADG and the full of impressions and the attention that we received from our fellow rotarian brothers from Thessaloniki presented at the time of the Conference, convinced that we'll cooperate for many years and to arise Rotary at the Balkan region. President 2008/09 Miodrag Tomić PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com Page 3 Meeting 41( 173) – 02.04.2009. The host of this meeting was our fellow brother Nebojsa Randjelovic. His guest was a Professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts Nenad Prokić. . Interesting lecture by the great attention and a large number of questions directed from members of the Club. Because of their commitments in the Serbian Parliament , our guest and his host had to leave the meeting immediately after the lectures, and we continue with the Club topics , especially the current theme of redisricting. Issue, which has led to a very unpleasant situation the Club membership for the first time in the history of our Club , and which showed strong decision of members to not allow to come to disorganization of Club rating and wish to continue with the good work. Board Meeting 10. ( 7.04.2009.) Very long agenda and important issues made this Board meeting to one of the most important in this rotarian year, but wishes of membership to maintain the level of the Club and the determination and professional approach to the analysis of problems of upcoming President Nikola Petrovic ,very soon gave the results after the discussions of a number members of the Club Board . Made the key decisions for the Club work in the coming period, unanimously confirmed the confidence to the President of the Club, and District Governor was asked to withdraw the decision on suspension of ADG Čedomir Vasić. Accepted the reports of the Rotary Club, Rotarakt Club and Interakt Club for the month of March, accepted the reports of the Interakt club action, we received in the regular membership Ivana Stojneva, in the provisional membership Zoran Pavlovic, received in the Interakt Club Milica Zdravkovic, accepted the report abot PETS, and completed the Board meeting with the general satisfaction in the restaurant "The Regent Club“ , in the company of two past presidents, current and an upcoming president. PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com Page 4 Meeting 42 ( 174) – 09.04.2009. After a tumultuous meeting of the Board , we returned to regular activities with the guests who had lecture with the theme which largely concernes Rotary work . Guest lecture of our fellow brother Nikola Petrović , was Nebojsa Ozimic with the theme of "History of ezoteric associations in Serbia". A large number of interesting information, most of which were unavailable tothe membership of the Club, excited a great interest and made this meeting very interesting. After all, the guest who deservea great attention, with a large rotarian knowledge. Club topics returned us in the strong pace of our monthly activities. We have begun preparations for the District conference, for the membership pin allocation, and for Easter holidays. Meeting 43( 175 ) – 16.04.2009. Move of the term reserved for Committee of protocols because of upcomming holidays, is not decreased a importance of its lecture. Quality prepared presentation of the Committee member Pedja Simonović, in the absence of the President Ljubiša Zdravkovic and members of the Committee Oliver Injac and Milos Radic, for the first time showed the importance of this of the Committee in Rotary to the Club membership. One of the most important Committee for the everyday organization of the work of Rotary Club. Excellent lecture presented by our fellow brother Pedja,and visible enthusiasm about activities that a member of this committee has. After such a good lecture, the meeting was over very quickly because of the wishes of all members to join their families in expectation of upcomming Easter holidays. PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com Page 5 Meeting 44( 176 ) – 23.04.2009. The meeting was held in the restaurant of WFC "Mašinac" with plenty of food, drinks and good music, and lasted until late night hours . Our celebrators Dragana Perkovic Antic and Ivana Stojneva with their Rotarian membership pins, Danica Mitic with the second Paul Harris Fellows pin and Milan Ljubojevic with Paul Harris Fellows pin did not hide the great pleasure about be a part of a nice Rotarian company. Meeting 45( 177 ) – 26.04.2009. 45th Regular meeting was held 26.04. in the winery "Status" in Svrljig in the organization of our brother Branko Krsmanovića and its host Boro Jovic with the presence of over of 30 members of the Club and members of their families, with very nice presentation of the production of wine in the winery "Status", with the gifts for the members of our Club and well-organized lunch in the restaurant "Kamiondžije". Outstanding host Bora Jović demonstrated skill of preparing the quality wines, and at the same time, we agreed that one of the top wines from his winary carries Rotary mark of our Club. An excellent host, with which we shall long hang out. With the beautiful impressions on this excursion, our members have celebrate the Easter holidays . PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com Page 6 Actions Action „Dolls for Rajkot Midtown Doll Museum“ The action we have done so that we made art dolls that reflect national themes in this part of Serbia, sent them by regular air transport to our Rotary fellow brothers in the RC Rajkot Midtown in the state of Gujarat in India. On this way we will represent Serbia and our Rotary Club, in this museum in India. Tweening of Rotary Clubs of Beograd Centar and Bari Putignano Our fellow sister Danica Mitic as the official representative of our Club attended the act of fraternization of our tween Club Beograd Centar and Rotary Club of Putignano Bari. The excellent organization by our tween Club, with a very good program, prominent presence of our Club, which has helped to come to this act of fraternization. PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com Page 7 District Conference Thessaloniki At District Conference in Thessaloniki, which lasted from 24 to 26.04. were present the President of RC Nis Constantine the Great, Miodrag Tomić, past presidents Ceda Vasic and Bane Ranđelović and president of the Interakt Club Jelena Tomic. The Conference was marked by bad organization , above all because giving of primacy to the Greek Clubs and very small amount of attention to Clubs outside of Greece. It certainly did not hit our Club, because we had ,from the moment of arrival in Thessaloniki , care of our fellow brothers from Club Anatolia Thessaloniki, as with us all the time was Secretary of the club George Elefteriadis and vice president of the Club Dimitris . This time we used for preparation of our further activities related to Balkan tweening. Obvious was the respect to our Club, from Greek clubs as well as from ours, and all praise to our previous work, which certainly means that we are on the right way in our rotarian work. In particular, we were satisfied after talks between the Governor, past president Ceda Vasic and Club President Miodrag Tomic by the decision of the Governor to revoke the suspension of assistant to Ceda Vasic. Our stay in Thessaloniki, we finished at Sunaday 26.04. visiting the Tennis Club of Thessaloniki, at the invitation of President Dimitris Stamatiadis, who is also a member of the Rotary Club Anatolia Thessaloniki. Then we agreed a joint organization of ITFR tournaments, the first in Serbia during the month of June, and perhapse, one in Thessaloniki during this year. Prominent appearance of our representatives at District Conference. PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com