a natural resource - Office de Tourisme Béarn des Gaves
a natural resource - Office de Tourisme Béarn des Gaves
WELCOME 2016 BÉARN DES HERE, THE NATURAL WORLD INSPIRES ME BÉARN DES History, Nature, Conviviality. Ask for your 2016 card It entitles you to reductions and other useful privileges. Follow the guide! Contents 04 HERITAGE 04Heritage Salt a natural resource 05 & 10 06Fortifications Rural heritage 07 & 11 12 WATER, SPORTS AND LEISURE 12 Thermal water 14 Swimming and water sports 16Fishing 18 SPORTS IN NATURE 18Walks 22 Sports: biking, golf, tennis, pelote…. 26 26 30 CRAFTS Artisans and Handicraft FOOD 30 Eating locally 32 Local produce 35Restaurants 39Markets 40 FESTIVALS AND INFORMATION 40Festivals 41 Practical information Heritage THIS REGION IS STEEPED IN ART AND HISTORY Gaston Fébus, Chateaus, Walled Towns, Protestantism, Fortifications, Jeanne d'Albret... History has shaped Béarn des Gaves. Traces of the past can be found all over the region. The walled town of Navarrenx, Orthez - capital of the Béarn, Salies-de-Béarn, the centre of salt production, medieval Sauveterre-deBéarn. A detour into the surrounding villages and countryside also rewards the visitor interested in the surviving history.. 4 LAND of history T he once independent country of Béarn des Gaves has played an important role in the history of the region. During the Middle Ages Béarn was right at the heart of the many turbulent events that marked the middle Ages. The Moncades, a local dynasty, had a vision of an independent kingdom stretching from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. The most famous Moncade kings were Gaston VII de Moncade who made Orthez the capital of Béarn and Gaston Fébus, a very flamboyant character. A sumptuous court prevailed in the town’s chateau. The Moncades built defences throughout the region of which Sauveterre-de-Béarn is an excellent example. The fortified stone town wall ensured that Béarn was able to retain its sovereignty over many centuries. Navarrenx is also linked to the Moncade family. It became a walled town when Gaston VII’s daughter granted a charter to the community in order to protect the town and its market. An amazing transformation took place in the town when Henri II d’Albret brought Italian architect Fabricio Siciliano to the town to oversee the construction of its ramparts. It’s thanks to these fortifications that Navarrenx was able to resist attacks from catholic troops against the protestant troops. In fact, in the 16th century the Béarn was the only region of France where Calvinism was the official religion. How did this come about? It was purely due to the fact that it’s sovereign, Jeanne d’Albret, was Henry IV’s mother. Orthez quickly became the religious capital of the state. However this status ended in 1620 when Henry IV’s son, Louis XIII imposed the union of Béarn with France. Through the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, Henri IV’s grandson, Louis XIV, banned the protestant religion from all of his kingdom. Most of The Huguenots of Béarn were obliged to convert to Catholicism or to go into exile. Salt, A NATURAL RESOURCE I n the Middle Ages, Salies-de-Béarn developed and derived its name from its own natural treasure: salt. Legend says that Salies’ salt was discovered when a wild boar was found covered with white salt. Intensive exploitation of the salt in medieval times brought economic prosperity to the town. Since 1587, Salies has had a unique, economic and social organisation named “la Corporation des Parts-prenants” which is still in existence. AT THE TOURIST OFFICE, YOU CAN OBTAIN A LEAFLET FOR A SELFGUIDED TOUR OF THE 4 TOWNS, NAVARRENX, ORTHEZ, SALIES-DEBÉARN, SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN. FOLLOW THE GUIDES IN BÉARN DES GAVES! The Pays d'Art et d'Histoire du Béarn des Gaves brings our heritage alive. Discover the many different aspects of Béarn des Gaves with Pays d'Art et d'Histoire du Béarn des Gaves. A dedicated guide will offer a visit suited to your interests whether it be discovering the region, food and wine, nocturnal or a surprise! Thus from April to October the visits will ensure the character of Béarn no longer holds any secrets from you. Adults: 2 € - Groups: 3.50 € Free for children (under 18), students, unemployed, disabled, carte d'hôte. Programme available from the Tourist Office. Ask for your Carte d’hôte Reduced price from the 2nd visit in the partner museums or sites: Château Moncade, Château de Laàs, Musée Jeanne d’Albret, Pays d’Art et d’Histoire, Moulin de Candau, Sauveterre La Tour Monréal, Musée du sel, La Saline, Église Hôpital Saint-Blaise, Église SaintGirons de Monein. 5 DEFENSIVE architecture T he architectural heritage of Béarn des Gaves bears testimony to troubled times during the Middle Ages. Orthez, Sauveterre-de-Béarn and Navarrenx have all conserved elements of their fortifications. Gaston VII of Moncade oversaw the construction of the Pont Vieux in Orthez in the 13th century. The Château Moncade was built by Gaston Fébus. The Pont de la Légende and the Monréal tower in Sauveterre-de-Béarn were part of the town’s defence. Perhaps, most remarkably, the ramparts at Navarrenx were built in the sixteenth century and stand to a height of 10 metres. LE CENTRE D’INTERPRÉTATION DE NAVARRENX LA MAQUETTE DE LA CITÉ FORTIFIÉE DE NAVARRENX Exhibition space showing several models and plans illustrating the rich history of Navarrenx. Model of the fortified town of Navarrenx with 15 minute commentary in several languages including English. Free entrance to the Armoury. Open in the afternoon from 3.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. from the 1st of june to the 1st of november. Phone 05 59 66 10 22 http://bearndesgaves.fr/char Free entry. At the Tourist Office of Navarrenx Open during Tourist office opening hours. Phone 05 59 38 32 85 navarrenx@bearndesgaves.com Further south Audaux has conserved and restored its communal village laundry, opposite the church of St Vincent. The Château de Gassion in the village was built between the 12 th and 13 th centuries but was partly burned down in 1560 during the religious wars. The present building dates back to 1650 and is now home to a private school. You can see the different styles of Béarnais architecture in the village of Castetnau-Camblong and note the stone bridges in the surrounding area dating back to Roman times. LE CAMP DE GURS A French internment camp created in March 1939 to hold fighters of the Spanish Republican army, notably the Basques. Later used as a prison for “undesirables” during the Vichy regime and a deportation point for foreign Jews who had taken refuge in France. Film on the history of the camp shown on large screen (duration 12 mins). Interactive information post in French, English, Spanish and German. Open all year. Free. Individual visits, free admission. Guided visits for groups all year by appointment. Phone 05 59 38 32 85 - navarrenx@bearndesgaves.com 6 RURAL heritage Y ou can find dovecotes, water mills and communal washhouses in the country villages of Béarn des Gaves. The region also has many traditional building styles. The ‘clouque’ houses are typical of the region, so-called because they look like a mother-hen sheltering her young under her open wings. Villages of note are Salles-Mongiscard with its row of houses overlooking the Gave de Pau, Bonnut with its blend of styles from the Bearn and the Chalosse, and LabastideVillefranche which has preserved its 14th century fortifications. Built on a rocky promontory dominating the Gave, the fortress of Bellocq testifies to the rich history with a turbulent past when conflicts between the French and the English were prevalent but also religious battles. The most ancient walled town of the XIII century was founded during the period of the Vicompte de Béarn. It stands proud with its ancient remains, narrow streets and a church with a remarkable tympanum. Bonnut borders les Landes: it’s a melting pot of the cultures of the two regions. The Sainte-Marie de Castagnède church, built before the 12 th century, is the perfect example because of the landais stones used to built a bearnais church. LA MAISON CHRESTIA This beautiful 18th century Béarnais house was home to the poet Francis Jammes. Discover more about the poet and his work. Open from 11/01 to 31/05 and from 1/10 to 16/12 from Monday to Friday. Open from 1/06 to 30/09 from. Tuesday to Saturday. From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Closed during the Orthez festival city.. ASSOCIATION FRANCIS JAMMES Maison Chrestia - 7 avenue Francis Jammes - ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 11 24 / 09 60 43 18 74 ass.fjammes@wanadoo.fr - www.francis-jammes.com LE MUSÉE JEANNE D’ALBRET HISTORY OF PROTESTANTISM IN THE BÉARN In 2016 the museum has expanded. Come and discover the new reception area, bookshop and boutique that are now on the ground floor of la Maison de Jeanne d'Albret. It is more welcoming and easier to access. Evocation of four centuries of history in Béarn, from the beginnings of the reform to the early 20 th century. Follow in the footsteps the Huguenots in the company of Jeanne d’Albret, her children Catherine de Bourbon and Henri IV, the Reclus family and Felix Pécaut. Trace their path through the fascinating historical events of both Béarn and France during this period. A guided tour (10.30 a.m., and 3 p.m.). Or free, accessible for all ages (playful acompaniment for children). Open from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. from 1/04 to 31/10. From 1/11 to 31/03, open from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. From 1/06 to 31/08 open from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. Closed on Sundays, Mondays and on public holidays all year. Closed on the last three weeks of January. Admission: 4.50 € (self guided tour) Admission: an extra 1.50 € (guided tour) Free for the under fifteens Maison Jeanne d’Albret - ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 14 03 contact@museejeannedalbret.com www.museejeannedalbret.com 7 LE CHÂTEAU MONCADE (13th and 14th century) SCENE OF THE SPLENDOR OF THE COURT OF GASTON FÉBUS During a visit to the keep you will see the meticulous rebuilding of the castle and medieval town. To see: the famous illustrated “Livre de chasse” from the 14 th century, the florins of Gaston Fébus, various exhibitions all through the summer. Don’t miss: a trip to the top of the keep (33 metres) and the views of the old town and of the Pyrenees. Discover Coudane Wood and its arboretum. Open in May (weekends and public holidays only) from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. From June to August every day from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. In September everyday from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Admission: 4 € (3 € for children). Reduced rates: 3 € for adult and 2 € for children. Rue Moncade - ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 36 24 or 06 33 04 08 57 animations.orthez@wanadoo.fr - www.orthezanimation.com ORGUES ÉGLISE SAINT PIERRE D’ORTHEZ In 1870, Aristide CAVAILLÉ-COLL built an instrument with two keyboards, a pedal board and twelve stops. In neo-Gothic style, the organ case is constructed from pine. The façade has two tall turrets capped with pinnacles in the style of the romantic period. At the top the entablature is decorated with rose motifs. It was designated an “Historic Monument” on April 1, 1985. Visit by appointment, Mme Rauzy Phone 05 59 69 05 59 L’ORGUE DU TEMPLE D’ORTHEZ The reformed church in Orthez (L’Église Reformée d’Orthez) houses a magnificent organ based on the design of the baroque organs of northern Germany. Its casing in gold leaf is unique and this instrument is considered to be one of the finest instruments in France. Visit by appointment. 8 Rue du Général Foy - ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 32 87 marian.goue@club-internet.fr LA LANGUE OCCITANE In Béarn des Gaves, French is not the only spoken language. Derived from Latin, the Béarnais language is present in the daily lives of the local people. The language can be seen in names and places of the region: Salies pronounced salis, the Baigts in Baigts-de-Béarn meaning valley is pronounced batch and in the double vowels in places such as Oraàs, Laàs and Puyoô. Open Tuesdays, Thurdsays and Fridays from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Defence and promotion of Occitan language and culture in Béarn. Per Noste - Espace Roger-Lapassade 34 ter Place du Foirail - ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 67 07 11 pernoste@wanadoo.fr www.pernoste.com LE MOULIN DE CANDAU This 16 th century water-mill was operational, grinding wheat for the local population until 1958. Fifty years later, it is totally restored and functioning once again thanks to an integrated electronic unit. Visit the museum displaying the ancient tools of the mill. Flour is also for sale. Open from 01/06 to 30/09, Wednesdays only. Visits with commentary at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. Entry: 3 €. Children 6 - 12 years old 1,50 €. 2 impasse du Canal - CASTÉTIS Phone 05 59 67 83 18 - a-forsans@orange.fr - www.moulin-de-candau.com GO ON A TREASURE HUNT Another way to discover our four historic towns with the help of a booklet. A prize is waiting for you after your answers have been checked. Price: 3 € for the booklet, available in the tourist offices of the Béarn des Gaves. ZE VISIT Download the guided tour of Navarrenx, Orthez, Salies-de-Béarn, on to your smartphone. For more information, go to the tourist office. Flashcode and QR code, available for iphone and android, installed in Sauveterre-de-Béarn. IMAGE/IMATGE The Image/Imatge Art Gallery is dedicated to the promotion and diffusion of contemporary imagery. As well as photography, which takes pride of place in our artistic programme, we also explore a wider range of the current visual arts including video, multimedia, installations and graphics. Housed in a space of 250m2 in the heart of the town, throughout the year the gallery presents exhibitions, with associated events aimed at heightening public appreciation of the arts at large. We provide support to the contemporary arts beginning by collaborating with both emerging and established artists in the commissioning of works. Sometimes, during production of the work, artists take up a short residency in the area. The Gallery team takes a special pride in welcoming and assisting the public, both groups and individuals, no matter what the extent of their artistic knowledge. We offer the general public a regular programme of visits, workshops, presentations, conferences, and meetings with.. The centre is open during exhibitions all year Tuesday to Saturday, from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., and on Wednesday mornings from 10 a.m. till 12.00 p.m. Closed on Thursdays and public holidays. Free entry. Groups by arrangement. 3 rue de Billère - ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 41 12 info@image-imatge.org - www.image-imatge.org 9 salt, A NATURAL RESOURCE IN SALIES-DE-BÉARN LA SALINE (SALT-PRODUCTION PLANT) Salt-production in Salies was industrialised in the nineteenth century, and the Salines now produce 2,000 tonnes of salt a year. The salt from Salies is the only salt allowed to be used in the production of genuine Bayonne ham (“Jambon de Bayonne”). The Salines may be viewed from the exterior free of charge. You will be provided with boards which tells you everything you need to know about the plant and the processes involved in the crystallisation of the salt water. At certain times you can also see handharvesting of the salt. (Please ask at the Salines). Museum area: with an audioguide in English you will learn about the Salines’ history (growth of the town, the wild boar legend, etc.) At the end of the visit you may taste Bayonne ham preserved using Salies salt. Opening times: Monday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. till 12 and from 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Price: 6 € - Children (under 12 years old): 2,50 €. Avenue du Docteur Jacques Dufourcq SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 96 90 boutique@selsaliesdebearn.com www.sel-salies-de-bearn.com SALT MUSEUM, MUSÉE DU SEL This unique seventeenth-century town-house museum retraces more than 4,000 years of history, including the origins of the salt and archaeological finds going back to 1,500BC. It houses an exhibition explaining the importance of the “Parts-Prenants” of Salies and their skilful management of the salt spring, and the reasons for the change in emphasis towards its medicinal use. The exhibition also illustrates the methods of saltextraction during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and the construction of the Maison du Part-Prenant. An entertaining visit, for adults and children, with a film illustrating salt-making throughout the year. The first floor has been rearranged in 2016. Open from 1/06 to 5/11. From Tuesday to Saturday : from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (from June to September) and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Guided tours in French: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 3 p.m. Guided tours in English: Wednesday at 3 p.m. Price: 4 € - Children: 1,50 € Guided tours: 5 € Rue des Puits Salants SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 07 83 95 68 92 avsmuseedusel@free.fr VERY NEAR Meaning “the fountain” Lahontan posseses three fountains to which miraculous healing powers have been attributed. The Chappelle NotreDame d’Abet was erected in the Middle Ages after the discovery of a statue of the virgin Mary in a copse. 10 VISITS TO THE CRYPT The name Salies comes from the word for “salt” in the Béarnais dialect. The spring in Salies-de-Béarn has provided salt since before the Bronze Age. In 1865, the Crypt was built to protect the spring, and access was closed. However, since June 2012 the “Crypte du Bayaà” has been open to the public, and you can now visit this elegant building, which houses an interesting exhibition of the history of salt-gathering in Salies. Phone: 05 59 38 00 33 Information and reservations at the Tourist Office: (reservation not available by phone). RURAL heritage Gaston Fébus hunted in the woods around Hopital d’Orion, which takes its name from the word “espitau”, a place which welcomed pilgrims passing through on the way to SaintJacques-de-Compostelle. The 12 th century fortified church of St Gladie has a bell tower and a keep similar to that of the main town of the canton, Sauveterre-de-Béarn. Laàs –a lovely, pretty Béarnaise village that was called “the principality”. A customs post awaits you at the entrance to the village of Laàs, between Sauveterre-de-Béarn and Navarrenx but it is never closed. If this comes as a bit of a surprise, as you navigate the winding road overlooked by peaceful cattle and waving fields of maize, never mind - stop and explore. There is also a small welcoming auberge, village hotel and restaurant, gîtes and chambres d’hôtes, a beret designer and maker (“made-in-France”!), a woodturner and other craftsmen hidden among the small streets. The place may now have all the trappings of a small state: passports, flags, currency, stamps, its own coatof-arms; but in reality, the “principality of Laàs” is a friendly village, with a sense of humour, passion and daring, proud of its past and working together to promote its future. SAUVETERRE LA TOUR MONRÉAL In the majestic setting of Monréal Tower, travel in Béarn in the medieval times, thanks to a modern and playful scenographic arrangement. In the center here is the reconstruction of our town, made by thousand stones, beams and joists on a scale of 1:100. It invites you to discover quite all around, spaces telling to the great moments of history of Sauveterre-de-Béarn, its heritage, the history of Béarn, of Navarre, of France… OPEN By appointment: every day from 1/06 to 1/11. In June, July, August and September: from Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.mt. Entry: 5 €. Young people and students (aged from 12 to 21): 2.50 €. Children (less than 12 years old): free. Tour Monréal - SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 57 56 or 06 70 36 79 05 amis-sauveterre@orange.fr - www.amis-sauveterre.fr LE CHÂTEAU DE LAÀS More than a museum, more than a Chateau, the Domaine de Laàs is a gateway to your dreams. The “mad” project of it’s last owners Mr and Mrs Serbat to convert this manor house into a stage for a bourgeois interior from the end of the XVIII century has been respected over the course of the centuries. As well as their exceptional collection of objects d’art there is also a park that has also evolved to continue to offer to visitors the opportunity to escape and travel through time. Strolling though the different gardens the settings carry you away on journey from the tropics, on to Italy and into a world of romance. There are numerous summer activities in July and August, evening performances with “théâtre et compagnie” on Saturdays, musical evenings on Wednesdays and Sundays for all the family. Open from 16/04 to 02/11/2016 included. April, October, November from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. (closed on Tuesday). May, June, September from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (closed on Tuesday). Open everyday in July and August from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Inquire for entry. Phone 05 59 38 91 53 chateau-laas@le64.fr www.tourisme64.com 11 Water, Leisure and Sport HERE, THE WATER IS THE ELIXIR OF YOUTH AND WELL-BEING Rivers, streams, lakes, springs... Water plays an important role in Béarn des Gaves. Thanks to its salty properties, the water of Salies-de-Béarn has become synonymous with health and well-being. The white waters of the two main rivers of the regions are the perfect place for water sports, fishing or walks along the water's edge, discovering the flora and fauna. THERMAL water THE ADVANTAGES OF THE HEALTH SPA Situated in a historic listed building, the salt water of the thermal health spa at Salies has both soothing and stimulating qualities due to its richness in magnesium, lithium, potassium, calcium, iron etc. The water rejuvenates and revitalizes the skin. The know-how of the service team will provide you with the optimal health care. HEALTHY SWIMMING POOL The salt water pool heated to 32°C is available to all (three years and over). Jets, waterfalls, hot baths, swimming against the current, steam room, sauna and freshwater pool heated to 32°. Open seven days a week. HEALTH, BEAUTY AND FITNESS Half-day programmes or health treatments “à la carte”. Mud, seaweed, pressotherapy, massage, lymphatic drainage, care for face and body also available for men. Gym, aquagym, aquabiking, pilates, yoga... Professional team offers healthcare on: Nutrition, Aquatic osteopathy, Beauty treatments, Reflexology, Relaxation therapy. The water of Salies de Béarn is ten times saltier than the sea, enriched with minerals with therapeutic qualities for rheumatology, gynecology and pediatrics. Our very favorites: LE TRESOR SALISIEN (80 €) Healthcare, relaxation and skincare using essential oils and exfoliation with Salies salt, massage, steam room, sauna etc and ESCAPADE SALISIENNE (120 €) Two half days comprising hydromassage bath, 2 X cataplasm with salted clay, a session on the bed, massage, steam room, sauna etc. 12 THE THERMAL MEDICINE LES THERMES DE SALIES-DE-BÉARN Cours du jardin public. The water in Salies-de-Béarn, ten times saltier than seawater, enriched by twenty-six trace elements, has therapeutic properties: Visits to the thermal baths are organised from March to November, every Monday at 3.30 p.m (minimum 5 people). Rheumatology: our treatment helps to ease symptoms of rheumatism, degenerative osteoarthritis and the after-affects of trauma, Gynaecology, our treatment helps with female infertility, uterine fibroids, disorders of the menopause and gynaecological pain, Paediatrics our treatment is beneficial for the development of the child (the enuresis…). Treatments: consisting of an application of mud / thermal water applied to the skin and covered with a wrap, vaginal irrigation, colonic irrigation, water-jet shower, thermal water compress plus a session in the pool. Thermal Spa certification Aquacert HACCP Thermalisme and Aquacert Spa Thermal. Phone 05 59 38 10 11 Fax 05 59 38 05 84 reservations@thermes-de-salies.com www.thermes-de-salies.com L’ESCALE SENSORIELLE the spa adds news and uniques attractions! LA GROTTE DE SEL The Grotte de Sel is the first natural Salt Cave in France. This unique environment offers exceptional facilities including light-therapy, aroma-therapy and music-therapy. Thirty minutes of therapy in the Grotte de Sel provides the equivalent in health benefits of a weekend on the coast. You’ll be sorry to leave! LE LAGON DE LA MER MORTE The Bassin de la Mer Morte is the ultimate salt spa. Swimming in the Bassin is a unique experience in Europe: the salt content of the water in Salies is unusually high (290 grammes per litre), giving a sensation of weightlessness akin to swimming in the Dead Sea: a sensation which must be experienced! Price: 30 € / person By appointment only. 13 SWIMMING AND WHITE WATER ON THE LAKE ORTHEZ-BIRON The water-skiing club on the Lake Orthez-Biron offers you a warm welcome. Courses open to all, intensive and personalized training for experienced skiiers, bare foot and wake-board. In May, September, October: by appointment. From June to August, every day: the weekend from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., during the week from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Ski nautique club orthézien Base de Loisirs et de Plein Air Route de Biron - 64300 ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 17 28 or 06 66 11 29 25 skinautiquecluborthez@sfr.fr www.skinautiqueorthez.fr water sports RECREATION AND SPORT ! Free to enter and open all year. Supervised swimming, water games, sports circuit of 3600 metres, archery, water skiing and fishing are all available. Restaurant on the lake’s edge, petanque, tennis and volleyball courts, table tennis, play areas, picnic tables… From 15/06 to 31/08 the supervised bathing area, with its beach of fine sand, is accessible to people with reduced mobility. A water slide and pedalos can be enjoyed in safety. Bathing is supervised from the 15th of June to the 15th of September. Entry 3 €, 1,50 € for children aged 2 to 12. Special prices and season tickets. Base de loisirs d’Orthez Biron Avenue Marcel Paul - ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 60 55 06 tourisme@cc-lacqorthez.fr www.cc-lacqorthez.fr WATER SPORTS The two most beautiful Pyreneean rivers, the Gave de Pau and the Gave d’Oloron, as well as le Saison, are perfect for rafting, canoeing and kayaking, both for novices and the more experienced. SWIMMING POOLS »» PISCINE INTERCOMMUNALE (open-air - open from June to August - closed on Monday) Allée des Marronniers - NAVARRENX - Phone 05 59 66 53 10 »» PISCINE MUNICIPALE (open-air and indoor - open all year) Avenue du Pesqué - ORTHEZ - Phone 05 59 69 01 92 »» PISCINE MUNICIPALE (open-air - open June to September) Base de Loisirs de Mosquéros SALIES-DE-BÉARN - Phone 05 59 38 14 43 »» PISCINE LUDIQUE (inside - open all year) Thermes - SALIES-DE-BÉARN - Phone 05 59 38 10 11 14 CANOE RENTAL JET AND FLY Canoieing on the river “le Saison”, peaceful and beautiful landscapes. Possible with a guide on the Gave d’Oloron (booking). Initiation with a status monitor. Jet ski rentals to arm and saddle. Flyboard initiation. Lake rentals for jet ski owners. Different areas: freestyle or circuit. Relaxation area: deck chairs, picnic tables, barbecue and snack on site. Rental available: weekends from 20/05 to 30/09, every day in July and August. From 12 € for 2 hours. USSCK Pont - OSSERAIN Phone 07 82 34 24 04 - kayak.sauveterre@gmail.com http://ussck.sauveterre.free.fr Activities only on reservation. Open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., everyday, from May to October (depending on weather). From 30 € for 15 min of jet ski. Plan d’eau Labigalette Chemin de Labigalette - LAHONTAN Phone 06 51 41 90 94 jetandfly@gmail.com - www.facebook.com/jetandfly TO ENJOY IN THE RUNNING WATER RESERVATIONS IN 05 59 38 00 33 2 X AVENTURES Rent a canoe for a day, for half a day, “in bivouac” or for several hours. Discover the little Amazon with a canoe or a stand up paddle. Possible with a status monitor. NEW: Mégacraft, a big Stand up Paddle for 8 persons. Open from 1/04 to 31/10/2016. On Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and public holidays. On reservation for groups during the week. Open 7j/7 in July and August. From 12 € for 1 hour 45 minutes. Meeting point: Sorde l’Abbaye - impasse du Poun. Phone 06 10 61 79 02 or 06 72 39 22 99 contact@2xaventures.com - www.2xaventures.fr BOOSTE RAFTING SPORT LOISIRS A meeting point in Sauveterre for a day or half day in the wild. Accompanied by local qualified guides, both competent and very friendly, try out wild water sports with your family and friends: rafting, canoraft, stand up paddle, paintball or kayak. During your journey you will discover the local fauna, flora, history and heritage. All safety equipment is provided (life jacket, helmet, integral neoprene waterproofs). Changing rooms are available All year round. From 27 € for half a day LES FRANCAS Hangar - Rue du Pasteur Rennes SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Tél. 06 74 64 92 08 boosterafting@outlook.com www.aboste.com Discover the environment of the Gave d’Oloron or the lake in a kayak or a two-man canoe. The trail takes two to three hours supervised by a qualified instructor. RAFTING 64 Open from April to October. Reservations required from one to two days in advance and directly with the Francas Adult: 17 € / Child: 15 €. AUTERRIVE Phone 05 59 38 46 74 or 06 78 35 21 95 les.francas.auterrive@wanadoo.fr www.auterrive.francas64.fr Rafting, minirafts, canoeing on the gave d’Oloron for a day (20km) or for half a day (13km). New activity : Stand Up Paddle descent. Paintball possible. From 30 € for half a day for an adult. Le Pont - NAVARRENX Phone 05 59 66 04 05 rafting64@live.fr - www.rafting64.com 15 Fishing WHERE TO FISH IN BÉARN »» ORTHEZ FISHING AMENITIES »» BASE DE LOISIRS IN BIRON (ORTHEZ) Fishing is permitted in an area on the left bank of the Gave de Pau stretching for one kilometre between Sainte-Suzanne and Salles Mongiscard, near the point where the Laa joins the Gave. There are three flat fishing areas and six signposted paths down to the Gave with information boards about animal and plant life and picnic areas. There is everything you need for your family to enjoy walking and fishing. Two pontoons, category Tourist and Second Handicap. »» PLACE TO FISH IN NAVARRENX GAVE D’OLORON (FIRST CATEGORY): MASSEYS POOL This is a mythical pool with a memorable past. There are numerous epic stories of exploits that took place here. Nowadays, since the installation of fish ladders, salmon are able to colonise the upstream reaches of the mountain stream. The pool is situated downstream from the barrage at Massey’s Mill that has become a hydroelectric plant. It is about 200 metres long and is fed by several currents during high tides. Both banks are accessible -, one side from Massey’s Island, and the other side via the picnic area at Susmiou by the track to the mountain stream. »» NAVARRENX GAVE D’OLORON (FIRST CATEGORY): MASSEYS POOL This is the legendary pool! Thanks to recent improvements, the salmon have been able to move upstream. The Masseys pool is situated below the dam for the Masseys mill, now a hydroelectric station. It is fed by several streams in high water. There is access from both banks of the Gave, one via the Ile Masseys and the other from the picnic area in Susmiou. The new micro plant on the Susmiou side serves the dual purpose of generating electricity and promoting the migration of salmon. You can see the fish ladder which allows the ascent of these migratory fish. This setup allows the accurate counting of different species making their migration. Videos show samples of the migration. Visits organised on 1st Tuesday of each month from 2 p.m., group of 6 persons maximum. Free. Registration on www.masseys.fr 16 »» VIELLENAVE-DE-NAVARRENX GAVE D’OLORON (FIRST CATEGORY): This is a seven-hundred metre long stretch of the Gave, made up of two distinct sections. The first is the “no-kill” section, upstream of the Pont de Viellenave, with several clay banks along it. The second is the pool, with access via the village. This section is characterised by a pebble bed with fairly deep fast-flowing waters. »» GAVE DE PAU: CENTRE D’ORTHEZ 400 metres, from the Pont Neuf in Orthez to the hydroelectric station. This stretch of the river is restricted to “no-kill” fishing. Acceptable practices include tickling, baiting and fly-fishing. »» BIDALA POOL IN CARRESSE Access from the village of Castagnède. The Communauté de Communes has improved the site to make it more user-friendly. Enthusiasts can now fish for salmon and other migratory species in the last remaining large river in France where this is allowed (fresh water second category). The communauté des communes of Saliesde-Béarn has done work to offer an engineered facility, easy access to public regulars (mainly salmon fishing) and the family audience. »» GAVE DE PAU FROM ORTHEZ TO SAINTE-SUZANNE Float-tube fishing from the Pont Neuf in Orthez to the bridge in Salles-Mongiscard. DISCOVERING FISHING July and August, on Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. From July to August a programme of half days is put in place to allow people to try fishing and to discover the flora and fauna of the river banks. NAVARRENX 20 July Introduction to fly-fishing and tenkara Make an appointment at the tourist office in Navarrenx ORTHEZ 3 August Initiation fishing lures Make an appointment at the tourist office in Orthez SALIES-DE-BÉARN 10 August Initiation salmon fishing Make an appointment at the tourist office in Salies-de-Béarn SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN 17 August Introduction to fly-fishing Make an appointment at the tourist office in Sauveterre-de-Béarn Price: 10 € per person, fishing equipment supplied. From 12 years of age. Maximum 8 people. Contact the tourist offices of the Béarn des Gaves for information. FÊTE DU SAUMON Pentecost week-end 14 and 15 MAY 2016 GUIDE OF FISHING HERVÉ BALTAR 7 Chemin des Tuileries SUSMIOU Phone 05 59 66 04 39 herve.baltar@peche-pyrenees.com www.peche-pyrenees.com LABOURDETTE MAISON DE LA PRESSE 8 bis rue Léon Bérard SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 52 67 TOURIST OFFICE Maison Jeanne d’Albret ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 38 32 84 TOURIST OFFICE Place Royale SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 32 86 PÊCHE CHASSE ET PASSION Rue Élysée Coustère SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 12 56 If closed, the salmon weighing at Café des Thermes The importance of the King of the Gave d’Oloron, the salmon will now be celebrated over two days. All day Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., fishing competition (NO KILL). On Sunday there will be a more festive atmosphere centred on the traditional cookery competition which feature salmon and numerous activities associated with fishing, fishing simulator, assembling flies, casting techniques, trout fishing. 17 Sports in nature HERE, YOU CAN BE SEDUCED BY NATURE Hills, valleys, ridges, forests... Béarn des Gaves offers a diverse landscape and stunning views whatever the season, signposted country walks, mountain bike circuits, relaxation by the side of the lakes, mushroom picking… TRAIL ROUND nature ON THE PATHS OF SAINTJACQUES-DE-COMPOSTELLE Follow in the footsteps of the thousands of pilgrims who walk on the paths heading for Saint Jacques de Compostela. Walk alongside them, take your pilgrim’s staff and encounter the countryside and the pilgrims, rediscover yourself… Three of the four principal routes used by the pilgrims pass through the Béarn des Gaves: la voie de Vézelay, la voie du Puy-en-Velay and la voie de Tours. Many smaller paths exist along side these major routes. Hundreds have disappeared. For information on accommodation, contact the tourist office. WALKING ON THE PATHS OF BÉARN DES GAVES A territory of contrasting landscapes, crossed by the Pau and Oloron rivers, mountain streams, seductive countryside where nature in all her splendour is ever present. With a backdrop of the Pyrenees you can discover, as you pass through the forests and valleys, the rural heritage of everyday life of yesteryear. Several routes, some of which follow the paths to Saint Jacques de Compostela, form a network of numerous hiking circuits. A guide to 60 walks and hikes is on sale at the Tourist Office priced 9 €. Some of these walks are available at the unit. For rides in Aquitaine download the free app: itiAQUI. CYCLING The terrain is also very conducive to mountain biking, many tours are offered throughout the area. BASE VTT of Navarrenx 225 km of marked mountain bike trails with different levels of difficulty. Starting point (panel next to the Carrefour Express store). 18 Map available at the township of Navarrenx Community of Communes or download from www.cc-navarrenx.fr WALKS AND HIKES LES ANCOLIES D’ANDRÉ With a state certified professional. Hiking in high mountain, mountain and piedmont Bearn. Discovery of pastoral activities, lakes, landscapes and mountains of Béarn and the Basque Country. Enseignement practice of the mountain, orientation, knowledge of the mountain environment. Outputs throughout the year, according to the program or application. Rates adapted from 19 €, individually or in groups. Collective and private individual courses of nordic walking. CASTETNAU LOISIRS High altitude walks on Sundays, country walks on Tuesdays. Without professional guide. CASTETNAU-CAMBLONG Vincent LABONNE (mountain walks) Phone 05 59 66 51 25 Jean CASAUBIEILH (country walks) Phone 05 59 66 14 51 CLUB ALPIN FRANÇAIS André TRICOIRE 1 chemin Serbielle - ANGOUS Climbing wall open every day during the week from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. and on Sunday morning. Closed on Saturday. Cycling, skiing... Phone 06 72 27 66 14 contact@ancolies-andre.com www.ancolies-andre.com Yannick TONNER 8 ter avenue Francis Jammes - ORTHEZ PYRÈNE-SPORTS MULTI ACTIVITÉS Specialists in hiking, canyoning, snowshoeing, caving, watersports. Discover the most beautiful caves in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, mythical Pays-Basque canyons of the Ossau valley, and much more... Customised products tailored to the individual. Day tariffs : 60 € canyoning / 60 € caving / 35 € hiking. Adventure “cocktail” of 2 activities (caving/canyoning 2 days: 99 €) Stanislas LUZIANOVICH 10 rue Pannecau SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 06 89 51 31 69 luzstan@gmail.com - www.pyrene-sports.com Phone 05 59 69 12 62, 05 59 67 09 95 or 06 81 13 29 81 ytonner@aol.com - www.clubalpinorthez.fr CLUB MARCHE ET SANTÉ Meet Sundays at 8 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. on the music school car park. A day’s walking in the mountain, Saturdays or Sundays at 7 a.m. Details of the program by phone. Compulsory membership of F.F Randonnnée. Curistes: Rando card valid 30 days. SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 06 18 54 42 53 or 05 59 65 30 73 ÎLE DE LA GLÈRE A stroll in the heart of a listed natural site - discover not only the flora but also the history and the legends of the island. Regularly inspected by the ONF (Office National des Forêts) for the preservation of plants and flowers. 19 WALKS, CLOSE TO NATURE... »» TABLE D'ORIENTATION In Ogenne-Camptort, superb views with a display showing you the different Pyrenean peaks before you. »» LE POOL MASSEYS Pleasant place in Navarrenx for a stroll along the banks of the Gave d’Oloron, as well as a salmon fishing site. »» LE LAC DE L’Y (ORTHEZ) Below the Chateau Moncade, a 2.2 -kilometre walk with picnic areas and accessible for disabled people. »» VIGNES DE MONCADE At the foot of the keep of the castle Moncade in Orthez, vines of Moncade have been welcomed by the Guide Hachette which awards them a star in 2010. The 2008 vintage of Raffiat de Moncada , historical white grape, already used in the Middle Ages , experienced a nice commercial success. From the vineyards, beautiful view of the city skyline and in good weather the Pyrenees. »» SENTIER DÉCOUVERTE In Salies-de-Béarn, on 600 meters, many panels showcase the flora and fauna and retrace the history of the railway and tunnel construction. The discovery trail is marked from the Carrefour store (Orthez direction). Guided tour: ask at the tourist office. 20 »» LE LAC DE LA POUNTE At the foot of the fortified tower of Labastide-Villefranche, the lac de la Pounte is an ideal place for fishing or for a picnic. »» LE PAIN DE SUCRE COLLINE DE LA SÈGUE This hill, over Salies-de-Béarn, is a wooded area welcoming families and nature lovers - wonderful views of the town. »» LA PÈNE DE MU Situated in Castagnède. Fabulous views over the Gave d’Oloron and its iron bridge, old railway line leading to Escos and the spiers of Saint-Dos, Escos, Labastide-Villefranche, Oraàs. »» AT LANNEPLAÀ Winding, sheltered streams, paths and ridges, views of the Pyrenees. »» AT LAY-LAMIDOU Lined with medlar, plum, raspberry, cherry and nut trees and bushes. From the top of the ridges, stunning views of the Pyrenees. LES JARDINS DU CHÂTEAU DE LAÀS Twelve hectares of gardens ideal for a walk. French and English gardens, riverside gardens, exotic gardens with tropical plants and Italian gardens with terraces overlooking the Gave d’Oloron, romantic walks, places for quiet meditation as well as 2 hectares of orchard. A picnic area and playground for children are available by the River. Inquire for entry. Opening hours page 11. Phone 05 59 38 91 53 chateau-laas@le64.fr www.tourisme64.com LA VOIE VERTE DE SALIES-DE-BÉARN The old railway line in Salies has recently been converted into a footpath. It is a flat, easy route across the plain of the Gave d’Oloron, leading to the metal bridge near Castagnède, then the old station at Escos, and from there to the level-crossing at Abitain. On the way, you can visit the Hotel du Parc, classed as a “monument historique”, and see the hamlet of Bellevue with its singular architecture; you will also observe many different species of trees and fruit, including kiwis. At the end of the walk, you will recognize the Eiffel Tower-type bridge crossing the Gave. LE JARDIN DES POÈTES & DES ANGES Come and explore the “Angels’ and Poets’ Garden”, in Gestas. Created by Janusz Malik, this original inter-continental garden will intrigue and excite you. Janusz welcomes you to his home next to the village church with a hot or cold drink, and will be delighted to talk with you about his art, his writing, his collections and his projects. Cultural events (concerts, readings, theatre, painting workshops) during summertime. 2 private concerts per month, in the open air, at the foot of the tower. Table d'hote for groups. Open from the 01/05 to the 30/10 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 2.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Entry: 1 €. Children (less than 12 years old): free. Route de Montfort - GESTAS Phone 05 59 67 19 22 / 06 15 10 42 42 janusz.malik@wanadoo.fr - www.januszmalik.com 21 SPORTS activities SQUASH MINI-GOLF SALIES-DE-BÉARN SALIES-DE-BÉARN Club des Arceaux Rue de la Tannerie Jardin Public Phone 06 73 36 76 75 www.squash-salies.com Phone 05 59 38 10 11 Rental clubs and balls to the thermal baths of Salies. 6 € the hour. Equipment hire from tourist office. HOT-AIR BALLOONS AQUITAINE MONTGOLFIÈRES ANGOUS 3 chemin Serbielle Phone 06 80 34 30 34 or 05 59 66 59 22 aquitaine.montgolfieres@wanadoo.fr www.aquitaine-montgolfieres.fr First flights in a hot-air balloon. Three hours in total including setting up, one hour in the air and champagne on landing and return to the taking off site. Contact for prices. GOLF SALIES-DE-BÉARN Golf-Club-Hélios Phone 05 59 38 37 59 golf.salies@wanadoo.fr www.golfsalies.com 9 HOLE GOLF COURSE AND A COMPACT 9 HOLES. An undulating course with 9 holes but with 18 tees in a beautiful setting. Driving range, putting green, bunker practice. Instruction, personalized coaching and training courses organized by Cédric Hoffstetter (former champion of France). Equipment for hire. Hotel with 10 bedrooms with views of the golf course, meeting room, bar, shop, catering. LEISURE COMPLEX DOMAINE NITOT SUS 2 chemin Nitot Phone 05 59 66 50 24 contact@domainenitot.fr www.domainenitot.fr Overlooking the Pyrenees, located on a 140-hectare park, the Domaine Nitot offers a set of activities for everyone. 20 acres of trees with 2.5 kilometers of zip lines, a Quick Jump 12 meters and many other gaming modules, eight course Paintball, Minigolf and a 14 -hole putting course, not forgetting Golf Practice. Try the Pau Grand Prix car at the wheel of an electric car on a track 140 meters long. Other activities such as power boats and a treasure hunt will also allow you to enjoy this beautiful setting that will help you spend a day full of fun, action and good memories to share! 22 Ask for opening hours and rate. TENNIS TENNIS CLUB NAVARRAIS NAVARRENX PICNIC AREA Phone 05 59 66 26 33 or 06 68 64 70 72 tennisclubnavarrais@yahoo.fr NAVARRENX 3 synthetic courts. Rent in the Tourist office of Navarrenx, 2 place des Casernes. Phone 05 59 38 32 85. 7 € /hour. » Road of Pau: wood on the right TENNIS CLUB ORTHÉZIEN ORTHEZ » Audaux: front of Gave Club House - 2 rue Louis Barthou ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 30 86 tennisorthez@wanadoo.fr 5 clay courts and two covered Greenset courts. Mini training courses for adults and children. From Tuesday to saturday. Ask for prices. » Roundabout of Pau » River Gave: below deck » Near the Church : in the rotating » Leisure center of Orthez / Biron » Lake of Y » Edge of the Mountain stream: under the arc of the Old Bridge » Concerning Left bank: next to the Préville stadium TENNIS MUNICIPAL PUYOÔ » Salles-Mongiscard: Sainte Suzanne way Street of the old church (behind the municipal stadium). Free access. SALIES-DE-BÉARN STADE SALISIEN - TENNIS SALIES-DE-BÉARN » Mosquéros leisure » Pain de Sucre Base de Loisirs de Mosquéros » Bellocq way Phone 05 59 38 15 53 club.fft.fr/stadesalisien stade.salisien_tennis@orange.fr » Théâtre de verdure du Rooy 3 clay courts, 2 quick courts (1 floodlit), 1 room clay. Rent on reservation every day. From 10 € / hour on quick court, 12 € / hour on clay court, 15 € / hour on room clay (+1 € / 30 min for light). SAUVETERREDE-BÉARN TENNIS CLUB SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN » Barraute-Camu: near the roundabout route from Oloron Complexe - Avenue Jean Récapet Phone 05 59 38 59 36 or 06 88 21 33 85 cyrilcazeaux@yahoo.fr 3 outside hard courts. Rent in the Tourist office in July and August - place Royale. Phone 05 59 38 32 86. From 5 € /hour. » Bérenx: Orthez way » Sauveterre-de-Béarn: path Peyrou banks of the Gave » Burgaronne: near the town hall » Guinarthe-Parenties: road to Bayonne, near the Transport Bidegain » Montfort: village entrance 23 WE LOVE SPORT HERE... .. AND THE “PELOTE BASQUE”! Rugby is a tradition firmly rooted in the region - a passion for both players and supporters. Basketball put the town of Orthez on the sporting map as the local team l’Élan Béarnais has shone for years in the French championship. With its origins in the sport of real tennis, the pelote survived in the Basque Country while it started to die out in other parts of France. Nowadays many towns and villages in the south-west have their “fronton” - the wall used to play pelote Basque. FRONTONS AND MURS À GAUCHE IN BÉARN DES GAVES NAVARRENX Phone 05 59 66 10 22 ORTHEZ Complexe de la Moutète et Fronton SainteAgathe. Free access. PELOTARI CLUB ORTHÉZIEN Introduction to pelota, chistera, yoko garbi and pala every Wednesday except during school holidays from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. pelota instruction for young people from 6 to 15 years old. Competitions take place on Saturday afternoon, either on the fronton or in the Mur a gauche according to the calendar. Court hire 06 86 98 70 23 SAULT-DE-NAVAILLES Free access. SALIES-DE-BÉARN 2 fronton walls. Rent: 05 59 38 28 30 Tourist office: 05 59 38 00 33 SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Front wall, route de Salies et avenue Jean Récapet. Free access. For the parties of pelota, the programs are at arrangement in Tourist offices. 24 N RESERVATIOffice tO in the Touris -Béarn in Salies-de INITIATION PELOTA SALIES-DE-BÉARN Initiation into the pelota in 4 specialities: the naked hand, the pala ancha, the xare and the pelota basket. The material (equipment) is supplied by the sports teacher and in case of bad weather, fold in left wall of Mosquéros. From 5 to 77 years (minimum 6 people registered at 12 p.m.): 6 € (one and a half hours long). DISCOVER AND LEARN TO PLAY TRADITIONAL BASQUE GAMES - SALIES-DE-BÉARN Philippe DUHALDE Tél. 06 78 64 17 09 philippe.duhalde@laposte.net Discover and learn to play traditional Basque games with a qualified coach. 12 different workshops: throwing straw bales, throwing espadrilles, tug of war, two handled saws, traditional Basque skittles, beret throwing, milk churn races, rugby, racing carrying sacks, races with sheaths of maize, pelota with a traditional bat, sack races. Price: 7 € (children 5 years and over). Equipment provided. Minimum 8 people. By appointment only. In the case of bad weather, activities will take place in the Mur à Gauche at Mosquéros. AND FOR The YOUNGEST! When the children have fun, The family life sets of beautiful Colors and the imagination is in Be able to for most great pleasure of all. PLAYS AREAS AUDAUX, BUGNEIN, CARRESSE, DOGNEN, NAVARRENX, ORTHEZ, SALIES-DE-BÉARN PING-PONG AUDAUX - Table outside the room of sports. TENNIS DE TABLE Salle du Collège Félix Pécaut SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 06 87 17 14 57 Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. free play. Friday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. coaching. Open to all, both for leisure and competition. SKATE PARC Place de la Mairie, PUYOÔ Base de Loisirs de Mosquéros, SALIES-DE-BÉARN. ARCHERY LA FLÈCHE ORTHÉZIENNE Complexe Pierre Seillant, Boulevard Charles de Gaulle - ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 67 15 70 or 06 77 70 85 86 bea.roger.hascoet@gmail.com Initiation to the Poustelle all year long, on Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Trainings on Tuesday and Thursday from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. From 15/03 au 30/10 to the Complexe Pierre Seillant. Natural course with animal target and 3D in Balansun. Medieval events. New from june to the end of august: Discovery and initiation for all audience Jardin d’Arc Pierre Seillant. On reservation: 12 €/person (1h30) - 8 € young people (aged from 6 to 18 years old). COMPAGNIE DES ARCHERS DU SANGLIER Le Herre - Rue des Salines SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 41 58 or 06 08 60 88 97 cas.salies@wanadoo.fr From 7 years old. Initiation and improvement into the archery and into the blowpipe. Equipment provided. Open Wednesday and Saturday from 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Closed in August. From 8 €/person. 25 Handicraft HERE, CRAFTSMEN HAVE OF THE TALENT Woodcarvers, weavers, potters, brassworker, painters... The craftsman is one actor importing in the local economy of Béarn Mountain streams. Parade of materials, Only know-how, passion of the creation, the small business crafts answers consumer expectations by personalized and quality productions. It is also a human contact of closeness, they tell with passion their job and their love of the country. This distinction is indicated in the following pages by the sign This distinction is indicated in the following pages by the sign 26 CRAFTS AND festival LE TISSAGE DE LA « MANTE A BŒUFS » “La mante à boeufs” was a striped unbleached cloth which traditionally covered the cattle’s harnesses to protect them from insects. Each farm had its own cloth and a weaver passed from house to house to make their “mante”. It became a decorative symbol during festivals and, like Scottish tartan, a recognizable symbol of each house. Today the “mante à boeuf” is better known as Basque linen where the bands of colour symbolize the different Basque provinces. In the Béarn the cloth typically contains wide bands of navy blue, red and black and it’s here in the Béarn that weavers settled in around ten small workshops on the edge of the rivers. TISSAGE MOUTET Rue du Souvenir Français ZI des Saligues ORTHEZ ATELIER KATY Métiers d'Art shop 7 rue Saint-Vincent SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 69 14 33 contact@tissage-moutet.com www.tissage-moutet.com Phone 05 59 38 23 97 atelier.KATY@wanadoo.fr www.salies-de-bearn.fr Traditional weaving and Jacquard loom. Table and kitchen linen, Basque and damasked style. Every first Thursday of the month guided tour of the workshop from 2:30 pm till 3 pm. The Atelier Katy is a creative weaving studio, in which the designers, Katy and Patrick, weave coloured threads into natural materials to enhance the finished effect. Open all year long from Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Open every day. CRAFTSMEN OF THE WOOD SCULPTOR CASSOU ÉBÉNISTERIE D’ART NOËL BERTRAND Route de Bayonne SUSMIOU Maison l’Espitau 8 rue de l'Église SAINT-GLADIE Phone 05 59 34 36 40 cassou.ebenisterie@wanadoo.fr Craft regional workshop of cabinetmaking, realization of period furniture or contemporary creations, hand-made sculptures. Exhibition. Open from Monday to Saturday. MEUBLES LABARÈRE 62 Chemin de Vignolles CASTÉTIS Phone 05 59 67 80 41 contact@labarere.com www.labarere.com Labarère furniture has been produced by the same family since 1870. Five generations of cabinetmakers have handed down the family’s craftsmanship savoir faire fashioning furniture which has been inspired by French history and notably Louis XV and Louis XVI. Collaboration with other designers has allowed us to have diverse sources of inspiration and to optimise the creativity of the label. The company is growing internationally with clients from Europe and beyond Russia, South Korea, and USA. It is advisable to telephone beforehand if you wish to benefit from the advice of Monsieur Labarère. Annual closure the last week of July and the first two weeks of August. Salvaged materials Phone 06 32 15 42 80 noelbertrandpuyau@orange.fr Sculpture gives life to an architecture of the imagination, an explosion of materials: wood, iron, earth, abandoned utensils, little pieces of history gathered together, the present, the past, the future amalgamate to play their own part in the process. Balanced or contorted, the materials meld together, come to life, politically, aeshetically. Unreal personalities evoking our existence, contorted furniture makes fun of our conventional interiors, Noël Bertrand has opened a space where tortured and forgotton objects have found a place of their own in urban life. Open all year from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. (off season) and from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. (season). Phone 09 54 19 22 21 or 06 14 71 70 80 artlas@free.fr Pottery for everyday use. Demonstration of pottery techniques, courses for beginners and others, permanent exhibition, shop. Visit by appointment. Open every day from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. POTERIE PARABIS Route de Salies SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 54 81 or 06 74 01 30 21 parabis@laposte.net Utilitarian and ornamental pottery. Visit of the shop and the workshop. Open all the year but visitors are advised to call in advance. POTERIE DE LA BALEINE Bourg LAÀS 20 rue du Gave VIELLENAVE-DE-NAVARRENX Phone 05 59 38 93 69 hbillard@neuf.fr Phone 06 07 88 66 99 www.bernardsaintmaxent. odexpo.com Woodburning furnace (1,300 degrees): table-ware, garden pots, gifts. Pottery courses for children and adults. Visits to the pottery studio. Open from Tuesday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., by appointment only. Painting or sculpture ? Art or decoration ? His works are vibrant and full of colors. Visit of workshop by appointment. POTTERS 118 chemin Haurou - Castétarbe ORTHEZ ATELIER LE BISCUICUI Master craftsman in the furniture restoration and decoration. Advice about renovation. Open all year by appointment only 3 rue Principale BUGNEIN SCULPTEUR BERNARD SAINT MAXENT MEUBLES LAFOURCADE Phone 05 59 69 10 47 or 06 87 85 02 10 philippe.lafourcade@live.fr http://philippelafourcade.wix. com/atelier POTIER CÉRAMISTE ARNAUD LASSUS Porte Saint-Antoine NAVARRENX Phone 06 78 77 35 63 or 06 85 50 50 80 contact@lebiscuicui.com www.lebiscuicui.com Pottery in the rope and of art.Possibility of court and intnership for adults and children. Visit of the workshop in Préchacq Josbaig. Open from 1/06 to 30/09 and during school holidays. LA POTERIE ATELIER DU COLIBRI Rue du Maréchal Leclerc (entre le cinéma et la poste) SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 13 47 or 06 11 40 94 57 colette.larquier@orange.fr Craft pottery, chinaware, earthenware, original creations, jewels. Self-guided tour from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. except on Saturday and Sunday, and by appointment all year. 27 POTTERS UPHOLSTERER SOAP MAKER ENGOBE ET BARBOTINE DIDIER SARTHOU AROMANATURE 9 rue de l'Église CARRESSE-CASSABER 34 rue Gaston Planté ORTHEZ 370 chemin Lajusa BURGARONNE Phone 05 24 37 16 16 or 06 43 12 86 01 engobeetbarbotine@sfr.fr www.poterie-engobeetbarbotine.com Phone 05 59 69 04 88 didier.sarthou@laposte.net Phone 05 59 38 51 86 infos@aromanature.com www.aromanature.com facebook : savonsAromanature Everyday and decorative pottery, demonstrations of the craft . Exhibition and sale. During the school holidays, courses and introduction to the different techniques of making and glazing pottery. Two options: 3 sessions of 3 hours 90 € or 4 sessions of 3 hours 120 €. Tuesday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday by appointment. JEWELLERY MANUFACTURE ATELIER QUID NOVI 3 bis rue Orbe SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 28 96 36 quidnovi64@laposte.net www.quidnovi-bijoux. com Repair shop, transformation and manufacturing of jewels in precious metals. Contemporary jewels and gallery. Internship(Training course) of manufacturing of jewels: inquire Open from Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., and by appointment in the afternoon. NATHALIE SAINT MAXENT 20 rue du Gave VIELLENAVE-DE-NAVARRENX Phone 06 07 88 66 99 www.nathaliesaintmaxent.odavia.com Elegant, refined, relaxed, Nathalie’s jewellery and accessories have something for every occasion. Each piece is unique and made from a variety of material and stones. An item of jewellery can be crafted to order for a special occasion or simply to give pleasure Visit the workshop by appointment. 28 Master craftsman. Repair and creation of armchairs, bedding. Curtains, internship tapestry-maker on request. Electric recliner custommade product, bedhead. Open all year. Free access. 100% natural soaps and balms. Two-day training course available. Open all year by appointment. WELL-BEING WATCHMAKER JULIEN LABATUT PIERRE D’EAU VIVE 640 route de Saint-Girons SAINT-BOES Chemin du Jugla - Maison le Jugla SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 67 90 39 or 06 66 13 64 98 julienlabatut@orange.fr Phone 05 59 69 24 59 or 06 24 33 68 66 pierre-eau-vive@orange.fr www.pierre-eau-vive.com Traditional watchmaker, workshop of maintenance and restoration of antique and modern watch movements. Creations of contemporary mechanical pendulums on request. Restored and collectible objects for sale: wrist watches, alarm clocks... You are welcome all year long by appointment. Closed on Wednesday afternoon, on Saturday and Sunday. Free entry. BERET LE BÉRET FRANÇAIS “A pure and alive water”. Craftsman, creator of her "Pierre d'Eau vive": natural process of bioenergization of the water. Adviser and distributor of devices of purification of the water (reverse osmosis, electronic magnet for the limestone, the palm shower SPA, TDS, pH-meter) Open all year long by appointment. Closed on Sundays. CORSETRY DÂME CLOÉ Bourg LAÀS (behind the castle) 308 RD 817 PUYOÔ Phone 05 59 66 05 26 info@leberetfrancais.com www.leberetfrancais.com Phone 06 86 30 94 12 dame.cloe@hotmail.fr These berets, with their patented “cabillou rouge” in the centre, are made entirely in the village of Laàs, from the knitting of the wool to the final assembly. They are the authentic article, truly “made in France”! Shop open from Monday to Friday in free access. Guided visit of the workshop on Friday at 3 p.m. Entry 3 €. Ancient corsetry skills devoted to handmaking items of underwear for the most demanding client. Bustiers and corsets created individually. Entirely hand made, from design to finish. Workshop visits by appointment. OTHER HEALTH CENTRES RÉSIDENCE DOMITYS PAINTER TERRE ET CONSCIENCE 4 avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny ORTHEZ ISABEL KEHR 2 rue Saint-Vincent SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 06 34 28 29 06 or 06 77 81 60 10 terre.et.conscience64@gmail.com stephanie-et-nadia.com Shop : local and sustainable products. Healing space : reflexology, Chi Nei Tsang, Shiatsu, coaching, naturopathy… And also : training courses, conferences… SABINE URBISTONDO 20 impasse Cazenave BAIGTS-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 09 22 00 Every week, gentle workout and Qi Gong. Open to all. PHOTO STUDIOS OLIVIER ROBINET 54 rue Saint-Germain NAVARRENX Phone 05 59 66 02 79 robinetolivier@mac.com www.robinetolivier.500px.com Phone 06 64 21 42 73 Report birth, marriage, industrialist, creation of books photos, video… Why not take charge of your life! CLIN D’OEIL STUDIO I am a qualified sophrologist (RNCP) working with children, teenagers and adults. I can help in cases of : Preparation for parenthood, Providing support, n schools, In businesses. Individual and group consultations by appointment. 24 rue du Temple SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN VIVIANE CARRÈRE 2 avenue du Pesqué ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 18 35 or 06 32 82 23 38 Reflexology, digiponcture, energy healing, Reiki therapist and trainer. BERTRANNE DE LANJAMET Villa Thérapia Boulevard Lanabère SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 34 62 delanjamet.bertranne@orange.fr Therapist / oesteopath, massage, Qi Gong... Phone 05 59 38 52 98 clindoeilstudio64@gmail.com www.clindoeilstudio64.com Mementos created. Themed studio portraits. Weddings, groups, identity. Reports, photo albums. Express photo machine. Photo bar, computer space. Gift shop, decorations, and souvenirs. Speciality articles: le Zen Béarnais in sand, driftwood and stones from Béarn des Gaves An exhibition is on site. Route de Gestas MONTFORT Phone 05 59 38 69 92 galerieisa@laposte.net www.isabel-kehr.com www.isabelkehr.com Contemporary artist Isabel is passionate about her work. She uses a variety of techniques; collage, pen and ink, paint to create modern, colourful works of art that reach out and invite close examination. Open all year by appointment. BRASSWORKER CLAUDINE ET ALAIN JOUANLONG 35 chemin de Vignolles CASTETIS Phone 05 59 67 82 46 or 06 51 84 11 16 jouanlong.alain@9business.fr cuivresetetains.over-blog.com Creations of copper articles and tin: animals and sports figures, Soliflores, lamps, pendulums, weather vanes and finials, names of house. Showroom and store. Open from Monday to Saturday. Free admission. Visitors are advised to call in advance. CULTURE AND ART FASHION DESIGN CHÂTEAU D’ORION ART TEXTILE ORION Rue des Bains SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 65 07 74 info@chateau-orion.com www.chateau-orion.com Phone 06 78 64 67 35 charbonnier.sabrina@orange.fr Ladies clothing workshop. Sabrina Galais has created her line of ready to wear clothes (trousers, dresses, tunics, skirts… ) from unique French fabrics. Open from 3/01 to 24/12. From January to March and on December : from Monday afternoon to Saturday; from April to November: from Monday afternoon to Saturday and on Sunday afternoon. Relaxation. Exhibitions, cultural events, recitals, concerts. Weddings. Possibility of on-the-spot accommodation IMAGE/IMATGE ORTHEZ Contemporary art, film, photography 29 Food HERE, FLAVORS ARE SHARED Poule au pot Henri IV, garbure, wood pigeon salami, cep omelette... Eat well, live well in the Béarndes-Gaves. Traditional cold meats and hams such as ham cured with Salies salt or the famous "andouille" Béarnaise. A sausage eaten at the beginning of a meal. Roasted game, "brebis" cheese made from ewe's milk accompanied by a cherry jam made in the neighboring basque country. EATING locally A GOOD TABLE The richness of gastronomy in the region can partly be explained by the variety of regional produce but also by the tradition of passing culinary heritage from generation to generation. Salt from Salies plays a major role in the cuisine of the region, notably as the salt used to produce Bayonne ham. Every year in Salies the salt of the town is celebrated in the Fête du Sel which takes place on the second Sunday in September. “Le confit de canard” - duck preserved in a tin or jar and “le foie gras” are also typical of the region and from the aperitif to the main course, duck plays an important role in a Béarnais meal. The sel of Salies-de-Béarn www.sel-salies-de-bearn.com The salt is exploited since the Bronze Age. The salty source is always the property of the descendants of the first families which lived in Made dirty since the Middle Ages. The gustative qualities of the salt of Salies-de-Béarn are appreciated by the gastronomes and by the biggest fur hats. It's recommended within the framework of the I.G.P. Ham of Bayonne and the organic food. The flower of salt to the subtle taste crystallizes on the surface. It's collected in the hand to protect its lightness. In fine rain on grills and fresh vegetables, it will seduce your papillae. Every year, the salt celebrates on second Sunday of September with the Party of the Salt. The kitchen of the duck Gratitude attributed to craftsmen, producers, farmers worried of valuing local products and recognized know-how. Indicated following pages by the sign 30 The duck confit gets ready with fat poultry, the same the foie gras of which we pull. The meat is cooked during more than one hour in the hot fat then put in jars and covered with fat so that the air cannot get in touch with her and damage her. Formerly, it was (with the salting) one of the only methods allowing to preserve the meat during several months. Gooses and ducks are present in all the phases of a meal and sometimes precede him in the apéritif. They are the bases of good soups, salads, entrances, only dishes, stews... Several farms and producing invite you to discover their exploitations and their know-how. LA MAISON DU CIGARE Discovery of the “Maison du Cigare”. One hour guided visit during with a detailed discovery of both the tobacco plant and the manufacture of the only French premium cigar. 12 € per person. Maximum 20 people. Either 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. or 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. The manufacture of Cigar Navarre. Total immersion in the world of Navarre cigars. The visit takes two and a half hours with a hands-on workshop that is taken by one of our experienced cigar makers who will help you to make your own premium cigar. 70 € per person. Maximum 6 people. 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. Visits strictly by reservation only. Place des Casernes - NAVARRENX Christel HEBERT - Phone 05 59 66 51 96 - contact@cigare-navarre.com - www.cigare-navarre.com DOMAINE LAPEYRE-GUILHEMAS CAVE DU BÉARN ET DU JURANÇON - SITE DE BELLOCQ The Domaine Lapeyre and Guilhemas has been exploited since 1909 in Salies-de-Béarn. There, ground and sunning are remarkable. Pascal Lapeyre, the passionate owner, is the 4th generation of this wine-producing family. Come and discover his wine AOC, frequently awarded a medal. Visit the exploitation and the wine storehouse. Discover wines AOC Béarn, "red and rosé", produced by 50 cooperating vineyard owners but also white wines "Jurançon and Jurançon sec". All the year, you can visit their storehouse and taste their wines. Open all year except Sundays. Visits by appointment. Bare day of the cellar (consult us). Visit of the wine storehouse and the tasting. Open all year long except Sunday and holidays. BELLOCQ Avenue des Pyrénées - SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 65 10 71 - cave@cavedejurancon.com www.cavedejurancon.com Phone 05 59 38 10 02 contact@domaine-lapeyre-guilhemas.com LE CLOS DES QUILLES Le Clos des Quilles offers you the opportunity select your wines in several different formats with personalised advice for all your occasions. Le Clos des Quilles also offers “La boîte à Quilles” a subscription enabling you to receive a selection of wines each month in your home, accompanied tastings, as well as themed evenings. 32 avenue de Navarre - ORTHEZ Phone 07 68 43 93 61 or 06 59 74 83 86 leclosdesquilles@gmail.com - www.leclosdesquilles.com 31 LOCAL produce BEEKEEPING LAHERRÈRE JEAN 631 chemin de Cazalet ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 08 97 or 06 17 42 46 75 jean.laherrere@gmail.com Beekeeping, honey harvesting and pollen collecting. Selling various honeys and related products on the markets of Orthez, Peyrehorade and Dax. Introductory courses to beekeeping Open for groups from 10 pers only by appointment BUTCHER'S SHOPS CANNING FACTORIES BOUCHERIE CHARCUTERIE BIGNALET 29 rue du Viaduc ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 42 54 maisonbignalet@wanadoo.fr www.bignalet.com Local produce. Home-made saucisson, jambon de Bayonne preserved in Salies salt. Master craftsman, dedicated to high-quality, locallysourced meats. Open from Tuesday to Saturday. CONSERVERIE GRATIEN Quartier de la Gare SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 59 41 contact@gratien.fr www.conserverie-gratien.com Traditional methods of long conservation. Prepared dishes, large range of presentation hampers. Open from Monday to Friday. 32 CHÂTEAU BELLEVUE EARL COUTROUILH BAIGTS-DE-BÉARN 91 chemin de Coutrouilh PUYOÔ Phone 05 59 65 33 02 direction.bellevue@adapei64.fr www.foie-gras-bellevue.com Direct from the conserverie: foie gras, white meat, poultry, quality foodhampers. Open all year long from Monday to Friday. Centre d’aide par le travail SARL BRANA PATRICK Place des Casernes NAVARRENX Phone 05 59 66 59 96 patrick-brana-isa@orange.fr www.boucherie-charcuterie-brana.com Local butcher. Home-made conserves, foie gras, quality foodhampers. Specialities include pavé des remparts, andouille, saucisson, Béarnais black pudding, jambon du pays. Open from Tuesday to Saturday. MAISON ARGAUD 1399 RD 817 PUYOÔ Phone 05 59 65 13 51 contact@maisonargaud.com www.maisonargaud.com Hand made products, foie gras, confit, pâtés, ready-meals, picnic hampers, presentation boxes. Products without GMO, without conservative nor colouring Open from Monday to Saturday morning. JEAN-MICHEL IHIDOY Rue du Temple SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 55 35 Local quality produce. Free-range cattle. Pork and duck conserves, cheese, home-made salads, cooked dishes. Tastings on Fridays and on Saturday mornings. Open from Tuesday to Saturday (open on Sunday morning in July and August). Phone 05 59 69 95 60 or 06 68 33 09 64 coutrouilh@orange.fr www.coutrouilh.com Free-range poultry, home-fed chicken, duck, eggs; kiwis (winter). Open from Monday to Friday. Possible visits by appoinment. CHARCUTERIE OYHARÇABAL COMME À LA FERME Place du Bayaà SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 49 55 or 05 59 38 30 61 danieloyharcabal@orange.fr www.charcuterie-oyharcabal.fr Traditional pork-butcher, local breeder. Ready-cooked dishes, sampling and sale of produce. Visits at 5 p.m. at Bergouey. FOIE GRAS MONBLANC 130 avenue de la Chalosse SAULT-DE-NAVAILLES Phone 05 59 67 20 33 or 06 82 49 49 99 contact@foiegras-monblanc.fr www.foiesgras-monblanc.fr Local duck produce. Foie gras, presentation hampers. Visits by appointment from Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. andfrom 3 p.m to 6 p.m. Open from Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 3 p.m to 7 p.m. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CHOCOLATE PASTRY SHOP LE DOMAINE DE MASSICAM CHOCOLATERIE PÂTISSERIE LAVIGNASSE BÉRENX 8 cours du Jardin Public SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 65 30 64 verger.massicam@gmail.com www.massicam.com Picking and sale, apples and kiwis, from August for apples and from November for kiwis. Apple juice, apple and kiwi juice, nectar of kiwi and sparkling with apple. Exceptional days: “The apple in party (holiday)”: 17/09 and 18/09. Open all year long (schedules according to periods, inquire). MAISONNAVE JEAN MARC Quartier Peyrède ORAAS Phone 05 59 38 90 63 or 06 89 57 54 28 maisonnave.jean-marc@neuf.fr Producer of kiwis. Sale of fruits (in the season) and by-products (jam of kiwis and juice of kiwis). Visit of the orchard by appointment. Open all year long except Sunday. Careful to phone. BEER BOUTIQUE ARTISANALE SHAKESPEARE 1 rue Saint-Antoine NAVARRENX Phone 05 59 66 23 09 06 71 11 57 10 06 47 13 00 21 william@shakespearebrasserie.com www.shakespearebrasserie.com Craft shop producing real ale packaged bottled and brewed with authentic ingredients. Other crafts: jewelry, paintings, pottery... Open from Tuesday to Sunday noon from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 3 pm to 7 p.m. Phone 05 59 38 17 57 www.salies-de-bearn.fr Home-made manufacturing. Specialities: le grain de sel, les crottines du sanglier, le Petit Béarnais, chocolate with Salies salt. Open from Tuesday to Sunday lunchtime. PÂTISSERIE LA BONBONNIÈRE 6 rue Saint-Vincent SALIES-DE-BÉARN DE PAR’EMPART 4 rue Labourdette SUS Phone 05 59 66 11 77 or 06 83 68 08 24 alain-et-noelle@orange.fr Homemade patisseries to order. Specialities : “le rempart” and “les croquignoles de Navarrenx” Open all the year SNAIL L’ESCARGOT DES GAVES 18, route des Pyrénées BARRAUTE-CAMU Phone 05 59 38 94 60 or 06 33 74 33 82 christophe.buisine@cegetel.net www.escargotdesgaves.com Homemade patisseries. Specialities: le Pavé Salisien (cherry and orange gâteau), le Cuba (chocolate russe). Open from Tuesday to Sunday noon. Explanation about “Petits Gris” and “Gros Gris” snails farming in the open air through processing and direct sales. A complete range of the live snail (from 1/06 to 30/09) or “ready to eat”. Open all the year but visitors are advised to call in advance. BOULANGERIE PÂTISSERIE BISCUITERIE SÉRÉ JAMS Phone 05 59 38 00 44 12 route des Pyrénées VIELLENAVE-DE-NAVARRENX L’APICONFITURIER Phone 05 59 66 52 71 marie-mauricette.sere@orange.fr 13 rue de l’Abreuvoir NAVARRENX Hand-made. Specialities: "curbelets" rum and vanilla chocolate, biscuits both thin and crisp; chocolates and fruit pastes house. Open all year, closed on Wednesday (except July and August). PÂTISSERIE CHARRIER Rue Léon Bérard SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 55 10 Pastry manufacturing. Specialities: le Médieval (crispy biscuit and black chocolate mousse), “Gâteau Basque” with blueberry, large assortment of homemade chocolates. Differents homemade breads. Open from Tuesday to Sunday lunchtime. Phone 05 47 72 41 31 or 06 86 89 16 18 lapiconfiturier@hotmail.fr Traditional production. Speciality : la confiture des Mousquetaires Open all year by appointment. MILL MOULIN DU FAU SAINT-PÉ-DE-LÉREN Phone 05 59 38 42 96 or 06 74 41 69 47 Fed by le gave d’Oloron, the mill of Saint-Pé-de-Léren produces some flour for the 12 th century. The miller grinds organic wheat collected locally. Open all year. Visit by appointment. 33 LA FERME LAIT P’TITS BÉARNAIS 2400 chemin Eslayas CASTÉTIS Phone 05 59 67 54 41 or 06 84 83 18 63 lait.ptits.bearnais@orange.fr www.lait-petits-bearnais.fr Guided tour and free visit of the farm to see the rearing of cattle and the work of the herding dogs, haydrier, maturing and manufacturing rooms, movie about the daily life of the farmers. Sampling and sale of dairy products. Free for private individuals. Groups to book in advance. Open from Tuesday to Saturday from 2.30 p.m to 6 p.m. LA FERME ERBIN Maison SERBIELLE ANGOUS Phone 05 59 66 50 20 benat.erbin@orange.fr Explanation of the production process of ewe’s cheese, sampling and sale. Open all year by appointment. LA FERME LA MOTTE 1770 Quartier Beigmau SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 22 22 ferme.lamotte@gmail.com www.ferme-lamotte.com Presentation of all the stages of the transformation of the duck regional origin: breedings, force-feeding and products elaborated in the former, salted with the salt of Salies-de-Béarn. Sale of farm produce. Visit to the farm. Open all year from 1/05 to 26/09, from Monday to Saturday, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and by appointement during the rest of the year. Market to the farm (farmers and craftsmen): on Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in July and August. LA FERME MOULINAOU ANDREIN Phone 05 59 38 95 18 or 05 59 38 50 24 Visit to the farm and explanations on rearing ducks and the production of “confit” and “foie gras”. Tasting for groups and sale of products. Open all year from Monday to Saturday but visitors are advised to call in advance. 34 THE "ASSIETTE DE PAYS" The “Assiette de Pays” is a guarantee of quality and traceability, combining as it does locally-sourced produce with the skills of regional chefs. The Assiette is a full meal, from starter to dessert, and includes a glass of wine or fruit-juice. There is also a children’s option. In this region, three of our restaurants and fifteen of our producers work together to offer you the “Assiette de Pays” all year round. (Ingredients may vary with the season). We hope you enjoy your meal! Find the complete list in Aquitaine on: www.aquitaine.bienvenueaupays.fr MASTER RESTAURATEUR'S TITLE The quality of the title of "Master Restaurateur" assures you the excellence the best professionals of the traditional restoration, by valuing their competence as well as their commitment in favour of the quality. OUR Restaurants ON THE SIDE OF NAVARRENX TRADITIONAL AND REGIONAL SPECIALITIES AUBERGE DU BOIS Quartier du Bois NAVARRENX Phone 05 59 66 10 40 Menus from 11 €. Dining room: 56 seats. Terrace: 30 seats. LE COMMERCE Place des Casernes NAVARRENX Phone 05 59 66 50 16 LE P’TIT BISTROT 4 place d’Armes NAVARRENX Phone 05 59 66 50 78 Menus from 13.50 €. Dining room: 50 seats. Terrace: 60 seats. Closed on Sunday and Monday from November to April. Closed on Monday from May to October. CHEZ GERMAINE 18 route de Josbaig GEÜS D’OLORON Phone 05 59 88 00 65 Menus from 18 €. Dining room: 200 seats. Terrace: 25 seats. Closed on Monday lunchtime all the year. Closed on Sunday and Monday evening in winter. AUBERGE CHEZ LABAT Bourg ARAUJUZON Phone 05 59 66 52 21 Menus from 15 €. Dining room: 80 seats. Terrace: 60 seats. Menus from 13 €. Dining room: 50 seats. Terrace: 40 seats. Closed the evening during the week except during the summer holidays. BAR DES SPORTS AUBERGE CLAVERIE Rue Saint-Antoine NAVARRENX 2 place de l’Estanquet AUDAUX Phone 05 59 66 50 63 Phone 05 59 66 03 80 Menus from 13 €. Dining room: 45 seats. Terrace: 60 seats. Closed on Sunday evening. Menus from 13.50 €. Dining room: 50 seats and 70 seats. Closed on Monday BRASSERIE (BREWERY)/PUB LA TAVERNE DE SAINT-JACQUES Place Bertrand Dufresne NAVARRENX Phone 05 59 66 25 25 Menus from 13 €. Dining room: 70 seats. Terrace: 80 seats. Closed from Monday to Thursday, only the evening from 01/11 to 01/04. 35 OUR Restaurants ON THE SIDE OF ORTHEZ TRADITIONAL AND REGIONAL SPECIALITIES LA SOUPIÈRE Rue du Soulor ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 28 77 Menus from 11.90 €. (for lunch during the week). Dining room: 40 seats. Terrace: 16 seats. CORRAL CAFÉ LA TOUR GALANTE 10 place d’Armes ORTHEZ 699 rue de France SAULT-DE-NAVAILLES Phone 05 59 67 10 60 Phone 05 59 67 55 29 Menus from 12.50 €. Dining room: 70 seats. Terrace: 40 seats. Closed on Sunday and the evenings from Monday to Thursday. Menus from 24 €. Dining room: 60 seats. Terrace: 20 seats. Closed on Monday evening, Tuesday evening and Wednesday LES CLÉS D’OR DOMITYS LA CASA AU TEMPS DE LA REINE JEANNE 4 avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny ORTHEZ 44 rue Bourg Vieux ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 09 22 00 Phone 05 59 67 02 84 Menus from 18 €. Dining room: 90 seats. Terrace: 30 seats. Open from for lunchtime. Menus from 12.20 €. Dining room: 70 seats. Terrace: 80 seats. Closed on Tuesday evening (except with reservation for a group) and on Wednesday. Phone 05 59 67 00 76 Menus from 15 €. Dining room: 120 seats. Terrace : 20 seats LE GOURMET DU LAC GODFROY, AU BON COIN Base de Loisirs ORTHEZ 20 impasse du Sablar ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 65 77 57 Phone 05 59 69 08 90 Menus from 11 €. Dining room: 20 seats. Terrace: 20 seats. Closed on Sunday. LE TERMINUS 14 rue Saint Gilles ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 02 07 Menus from 12 €. Dining room: 20 seats. Closed on Saturday and Sunday. Open from January 4th till December 15th. L’ENDROIT 15 place du Foirail ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 67 14 87 Menus from 11.50 €. Dining room: 80 seats. Terrace: 80 seats. Closed on Sunday evening and Monday. 36 11 place du Foirail ORTHEZ Menus from 14,50€ Dining room: 70 seats Terrace: 60 seats Open from Pâques to Toussaint everyday for lunchtime and on Thursday evening, Friday evening and Saturday evening and from Toussaint to Pâques everyday for lunchtime and on Friday evening and Saturday evening. LA CUISINE A MUSÉE 7 place de la Moutète ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 67 25 38 Menus from 13.90 €. Dining room: 50 seats - Terrace: 35 seats Closed on sunday and monday. LES VOYAGEURS 1483 RD 817 PUYOÔ Phone 05 59 65 12 83 Menus from 13€. Dining room: 90 seats. Open from Monday to Friday. Week-end on reservation. CAFÉTÉRIAS CAFTHALY Zone Commerciale des Soarns ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 67 10 04 Sports menus on reservation Dining room: 250 seats. Terrace: 80 seats. Open every day. CAFÉTERIA CENTRE LECLERC 50 Route de Bayonne BP 40419 ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 42 22 Menus from 6.80 €. Dining room: 86 seats. Open for lunch. OUR Restaurants ON THE SIDE OF SALIES-DE-BÉARN TRADITIONAL AND REGIONAL SPECIALITIES L'ATRIUM Hôtel du Parc Boulevard Saint-Guily SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 31 31 Menus from 17.90 €. Dining room: 60 seats. Terrace: 25 seats. LE LODGE AUBERGE DU RELAIS Quartier Hélios Chemin de Labarthe SALIES-DE-BÉARN BÉRENX Phone 05 59 67 75 23 Menus from 13 €. Dining room: 60 seats. Terrace: 40 seats. Closed on Saturday and Sunday. Open from 11/01 to 16/12. Phone 05 59 65 30 56 Menus from 14 €. Dining room: 150 seats. Terrace: 80 seats. From September to June : closed on Saturday and Sunday evening. July and August : closed on Saturday. LA GRIGNOTINE BRASSERIE L’ESCALE RESTAURANT DES VOISINS 12 rue des Voisins SALIES-DE-BÉARN 11 rue du Canal SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 46 16 Phone 05 59 38 01 79 Phone 05 59 38 15 50 Menus from 22 €. Dining room: 35 seats. Terrace: 35 seats. Closed on Monday, Tuesday and Sunday evening. Menus from 12.90 €. Dining room: 17 seats. Terrace: 22 seats. Closed in the evening and weekend from October till May. Closed on Sundays from June till September. AU PETIT BÉARN Rue Bellecave SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 17 42 Menus from 26 €. Dining room: 25 seats. Closed on lunchtime. RESTAURANT DE LA GARE 4 boulevard Saint-Guily SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 28 95 21 Menus from 13 €. Dining room: 50 seats. Terrace: 20 seats. From mid-September to June: closed on Monday, Tuesday evening, Thursday evening and Sunday evening. From July to mid-September: closed on Sunday and Monday. LA TANNERIE Place de la Tannerie SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 34 19 Menus from 13.50 €. Dining room: 32 seats. Terrace: 40 seats Dinner on reservation. AUTERRIVE Menus from 12.50 €. Dining room: 80 seats. Terrace: 120 seats. Closed in the evening except on Saturday. On reservation. LA BELLE AUBERGE CASTAGNÈDE Phone 05 59 38 15 28 Menus from 13 €. Dining room: 95 seats. Terrace: 70 seats. Closed on Sunday evening and Monday evening. Open from 25/01 to 31/05 and from 16/06 to the middle of December. LES FONTAINES FLEURIES ASIAN SPECIALITIES Place Jeanne d’Albret SALIES-DE-BÉARN CHEZ NHAN Phone 05 59 38 70 60 Menus from 17 €. Dining room: 30 seats. Terrace: 20 seats. Closed on Monday. Open at lunchtime all the year and also in the evening in July and August. À LA FRAICH’ (RESTAURANT - PIZZERIA) BAR LE SINGLAR BRASSERIE 16 place du Bayaà SALIES-DE-BÉARN 11 place de la Trompe SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 65 04 17 Phone 09 53 73 22 02 Menus from 12.90 €. Dining room: 34 seats. Terrace: 30 seats. Closed on Wednesday and Thursday. Menus from 13 €. Dining room : 40 seats. Terrace: 26 seats Closed on Tuesday. 44 rue Paul Jean Toulet SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 07 83 29 91 59 Takeaway meals. Dining room : 8 couverts. Closed on Tuesday. 37 OUR Restaurants ON THE SIDE OF SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN TRADITIONAL AND REGIONAL SPECIALITIES AUBERGE DE LA FONTAINE Place de l’Église LAÀS Phone 05 59 38 20 20 Menus from 13 €. Dining room: 50 seats. Terrace: 50 seats. Open from 01/01 to 06/02 and from 08/03 to 31/12. Closed on Wednesday and Sunday evening. BAR DE LA MAIRIE 1 Rue Pannecau SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 47 06 03 57 Menus from: 13.50 €. Dining room: 25 seats. Terrace: 25 seats. Closed on Tuesday in season (May to October) and on Tuesday and Wednesday out of season. AUBERGE BLONDAIN AUTEVIELLE Phone 05 59 38 54 76 Menus from 14 €. Dining room: 60 seats. Terrace: 15 seats. Closed on Saturday. LA TERRASSE AUBERGE DU SAUMON Rue Léon Bérard SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Avenue de la Gare SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 09 83 03 80 58 Phone 05 59 38 53 20 Menus from 13 €. Dining room: 40 seats. Terrace: 40 seats. Closed on off season Thursday (in January at the end of March and October at the end of December) Menus from 18 €. Dining room: 25 seats. Terrace: 40 seats. Open from 01/01 to 14/01 and from 09/02 to 31/12. Closed on Saturday in off season and except school holidays. Closed on Tuesday in July and August. AU FIL DE L’EAU (JARDIN DE THÉ PETITE RESTAURATION) Bord du Gave SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 96 95 06 80 51 42 11 Snack from 3 €. Tent: 10 seats. Garden: 60 seats. Open every day from 1/06 till 15/10 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. AUBERGE DU CHEVAL BLANC Place Royale SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 67 36 52 Menus from 12 €. Dining room: 80 seats. Terrace: 60 seats. Open every midday and on Friday and Saturday evenings. Closed on Monday. 38 LE RELAIS DU GAVE 8 route des Pyrénées BARRAUTE-CAMU Phone 05 59 09 42 62 Menus from 12.50 €. Dining room: 50 seats. Reception room or (banquet room): 100 seats Closed on Monday evening. MARKETS The local markets offer a unique opportunity to see and taste all the regional specialities: jambon de Bayonne, salt-preserved meats, duck, ewe’s-milk cheese, preserves from Salies-de-Béarn, and of course the excellent local AOC wine - red, white or rosé. TUESDAY MORNING: Orthez Salies-de-Béarn, Ferme «La Motte» (July and August) WEDNESDAY MORNING: Navarrenx SATURDAY MORNING: Orthez (food products) Salies-de-Béarn (local farmers’market) Sauveterre-de-Béarn SUNDAY: Navarrenx, in the morning, THURSDAY MORNING: from the middle of june to the beginning of september Salies-de-Béarn Laàs July and August at the FRIDAY: camping from 7 pm (farmers Puyoô from May to September market: ducks, cakes, cheeses, fruits and vegetables...) from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CRAFT MARKETS AND FARMER BURGARONNE Public-spirit market of producers the 9/07 NAVARRENX Craft fair 26 to 28 march Evening market in summer SALIES-DE-BÉARN Fête du Sel 10 to 11 September Les Métiers d’Antan 15 August SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Foire de la Blonde d’Aquitaine 20 August MARKET OF LOCAL PRODUCERS CARRESSE-CASSABER 8/07 SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN 21/07 NAVARRENX 29/07 ORTHEZ 4/08 39 THE BIG Meetings (APPOINTMENTS) OF THE YEAR »» MARCH From 14 to 17 in SALIES-DE-BÉARN From 10 to 21 en BÉARN DES GAVES From 10 to 13 in ORTHEZ SALIES A PEINDRE FESTIVAL PIERRES LYRIQUES From 18 to 21 in BÉARN DES GAVES Le 15 in SALIES-DE-BÉARN JAZZ NATUREL From 26 to 28 in SALIES-DE-BÉARN ART EN VRAC PRÉAMBULES DU FESTIVAL DES SOTTISES From 26 to 28 in NAVARRENX The 21 in SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN EXPOSITION ARTISANALE MARCHÉ DES PRODUCTEURS DE PAYS »» APRIL From 7 to 9 in SAINT-PÉ-DE-LÉREN From 21 to 24 in ORTHEZ FÊTES D’ORTHEZ LO PRIMTEMPS DE L’ARRIBERA From 22 to 24 in SALIES-DE-BÉARN »» MAY From 27 to 28 in LAÀS From 14 to 15 in NAVARRENX LA FÊTE DU SAUMON »» JUNE The 17 and 18 in ORTHEZ PEINTRES DANS LA CITÉ The 25 in NAVARRENX FEU DE LA SAINT JEAN ET FESTIVAL DE DANSE FOLKLORIQUE »» JULY The 3 in SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN CONCOURS DE PEINTURE The 8 in CARRESSECASSABER FESTIVAL DES SOTTISES The 17 in SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN BALADE EN PAYSAGE D’ÉLEVEURS The 20 in SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN FOIRE DE LA BLONDE D’AQUITAINE From 20 to 21 in NAVARRENX JOURNÉES MÉDIÉVALES LES TRANSHUMANCES MUSICALES »» SEPTEMBER The 29 in NAVARRENX From 8 to 11 in SALIES-DE-BÉARN MARCHÉ DES PRODUCTEURS DE PAYS The 30 in SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN LES MÉDIÉVALES From 30 to 31 in ORTHEZ RALLYE TOUT TERRAIN ORTHEZ-BEARN Fin Juillet/Début Août in SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN SALON D’ÉTÉ »» AUGUST The 4 in ORTHEZ MARCHÉ DES PRODUCTEURS DE PAYS MARCHÉ DES PRODUCTEURS DE PAYS The 9 in BURGARONNE The 5 in ORTHEZ MARCHÉ CITOYEN DES PRODUCTEURS NUIT D'ÉTÉ AU CHÂTEAU From 5 to 7 in SALIES-DE-BÉARN FÊTES DE SALIES 40 LA PIPERADÈRE & LES MÉTIERS D’ANTAN LA FÊTE DU SEL From 17 to 18 in BÉARN DES GAVES JOURNÉES EUROPÉENNES DU PATRIMOINE From 17 to 18 in SALIES-DE-BÉARN 11ème FESTIVAL MOTO CAP SUD »» OCTOBER From 8 to 9 in LAÀS FÊTE DU MAÏS From 8 to 9 in ORTHEZ XIXèmes JOURNÉES DU LIVRE The 23 in LAÀS FÊTE DE LA POMME From 29 to 30 in SALIES-DE-BÉARN FESTIVAL DE LA 25ème HEURE PRACTICAL information TOURIST OFFICES www.tourisme-bearn-gaves.com - contact@bearndesgaves.com NAVARRENX SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Until 17/04: on Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Open from Tuesday to Saturday during holidays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.). Until 17/04: On Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Open from Tuesday to Saturday during holidays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.). From 18/04 to 26/06 and from 12/09 to 30/10: On Monday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. From Tuesday to Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. From 18/04 to 26/06 and from 12/09 to 30/10: On Monday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. From Tuesday to Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 pm to 6 p.m. From 27/06 to 11/09: From Monday to Saturday from 9. 30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. On Sundays and on public holidays from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. from 10/07 to 21/08. From 27/06 to 11/09: From Monday to Saturday from 9. 30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. On Sundays and on public holidays from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. from 10/07 to 21/08. From 31/10: On Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Open from Tuesday to Saturday during holidays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.). From 31/10: on Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2. 30 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Open from Tuesday to Saturday during holidays) from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m..). SALIES DE BÉARN ORTHEZ Until 17/04: on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Open from Tuesday to Saturday during holidays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.). Until 17/04: on Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2. 30 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Open from Tuesday to Saturday during holidays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.). From 18/04 to 26/06 and from 12/09 to 30/10: From Monday to Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. From 27/06 to 11/09: From Monday to Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., on public holidays from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., from 10/07 to 21/08. From 31/10: On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.. (Open from Tuesday to Saturday during holidays) from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.). From 18/04 to 26/06 and from 12/09 to 30/10: On Monday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. From Tuesday to Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. From 27/06 to 11/09: From Monday to Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. On Sundays and on public holidays from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. from 10/07 to 21/08. From 31/10: on Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2. 30 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Open from Tuesday to Saturday during holidays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2.30 pm to 5 pm.). The Tourist office of Béarn des Gaves has been awarded the French QUALITÉ TOURISMETM label in compliance with the Office de Tourisme de France quality process. We’re here to help, to provide a warm welcome and pleasant facilities, and to share our knowledge of the region with you. That’s a promise ! All the information and The animations in mobility COMMUNAUTÉS DE COMMUNES NAVARRENX LACQ-ORTHEZ SALIES-DE-BÉARN 14 rue Saint-Germain Phone 05 59 66 07 65 www.cc-navarrenx.fr Rond point des chênes BP 73 64150 Mourenx Phone 05 59 60 03 46 www.cc-lacqorthez.fr Route d'Orthez Phone 05 59 38 30 46 www.cc-saliesdebearn.fr SAUVETERRE-DEBÉARN Place Royale Phone 05 59 38 89 10 www.cdcsauveterredebearn.fr 41 TOWN HALL NAVARRENX SALIES-DE-BÉARN Place d’Armes Phone 05 59 66 10 22 Fax 05 59 66 58 07 mairie.navarrenx@wanadoo.fr www.ville-navarrenx.fr Place du Bayaà ORTHEZ SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 00 40 Fax 05 59 38 06 43 accueil@salies-de-bearn.fr www.salies-de-bearn.fr Place d’Armes Phone 05 59 69 00 83 Fax 05 59 69 01 82 mairie.orthez@wanadoo.fr www.mairie-orthez.fr Place Royale Phone 05 59 38 50 17 Fax 05 59 38 94 82 mairie.sauveterre@wanadoo.fr POST OFFICE NAVARRENX SALIES-DE-BÉARN Porte Saint-Germain Phone 05 59 66 02 03 Boulevard Lannabère Phone 05 59 65 09 80 ORTHEZ SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Rue Jeanne d’Albret Phone 05 59 69 84 07 Rue du Temple Phone 05 59 38 52 58 TRANSPORT BUS TAXIS KEOLIS TAXI AURISSET DAX / PUYOÔ / SALIES-DE-BÉARN / SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN / MAULÉON Phone 0 800 64 40 47 NAVARRENX Phone 06 46 33 19 69 TRANSPORT BIDEGAIN Regular bus service ORTHEZ / SALIES-DE-BÉARN / SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN / SAINT-PALAIS Phone 05 59 38 57 38 / 06 08 82 79 47 RDTL CHAUBERT PAUL CASTETNAU-CAMBLONG Phone 05 59 66 02 50 or 06 08 82 93 83 ISA TAXI ORTHEZ ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 34 78 or 06 75 49 32 87 Bus connection ORTHEZ / AMOU / HAGETMAU / DAX Phone 05 58 56 80 80 ALONI TAXI TPR TAXI LGL Bus connections ORTHEZ / MOURENX ORTHEZ / ARGAGNON / LESCAR / PAU ORTHEZ / NAVARRENX (by reservation the day before) MAULÉON / NAVARRENX / MOURENX / PAU Phone 0 800 64 24 64 SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 65 06 76 or 06 67 66 08 49 SNCF 42 SNCF ORTHEZ SNCF PUYOÔ Phone 05 59 65 25 20 Phone 36 35 ORTHEZ Phone 06 09 45 35 05 ATCRM TAXI REY PATRICE MONTFORT Phone 06 31 93 44 62 EMERGENCIES - HEALTH LE SALEYS Emergencies 112 Gendarmerie 17 Fire brigades 18 Emergency medical service 15 Rue du Maréchal Leclerc SALIES-DE-BÉARN Answering machine 05 59 65 05 37 lesaleys@orange.fr www.moncine.fr HOSPITAL CENTER Classified room Art house / Young audience. Air-conditioned room, dissabled accesses, equipped for the deaf persons and the hearing-impaired people. Rue du Moulin - ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 70 70 SURGICAL PRIVATE HOSPITAL LABAT CASINO 9 rue Xavier Darget - ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 80 80 HÔTEL DU PARC - SALIES-DE-BÉARN Phone 05 59 38 31 31 www.casinosalies.com PRIVATE HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRIC NEURO PREVILLE’CASTLE Gambling machine, game of the ball, the dinner and show, the animations. 4 avenue du Docteur Dhers - ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 90 99 RELIGIOUS SERVICE ÉGLISE SAINT-GERMAIN NAVARRENX - Sunday: 10.30 a.m. ÉGLISE SAINT-PIERRE ORTHEZ - Sunday: 10.30 a.m. LIBRARY / MEDIA LIBRARY NAVARRENX Place d’Armes Phone 06 86 30 82 22 or 05 59 66 22 82 raymonde.fournier4@orange.fr http://bearndesgaves.fr/bptnavarrenx ORTHEZ - Saturday: 6.30 p.m. Open all year on Wednesday from 9.30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Friday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12.30 a.m. TEMPLE RÉFORMÉ ORTHEZ ORTHEZ - Sunday: 10.30 a.m. MEDIA LIBRARY JEAN-LOUIS-CURTIS Réseau "Pôle lecture" communauté de communes Lacq-Orthez 30 place du Foirail ÉGLISE SAINT-BARTHELEMY ÉGLISE ÉVANGÉLIQUE LIBRE ORTHEZ - Sunday: 10 a.m. ÉGLISE SAINT-VINCENT SALIES-DE-BÉARN - Saturday: 6 p.m. - Sunday: 10.45 a.m. TEMPLE SALIES-DE-BÉARN 2nd and 3rd sunday of the month: 10.30 a.m. ÉGLISE SAINT-ANDRÉ SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN - Saturday: 6 p.m. - Sunday: 10 a.m. TEMPLE SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN - Fourth Sunday in the month: 10.30 a.m. Phone 05 59 69 36 68 contact@mediatheque-orthez.fr - www.mediatheque-orthez.fr On Monday : groups upon reservation. From Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. On Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. SALIES-DE-BÉARN LIBRARY FOR EVERYBODY 1 rue des Bains Phone 05 24 37 57 46 Open on Monday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Wednesday from 3.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., on Thursday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and on Friday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. CINÉMAS SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN LE PIXEL Phone 05 59 38 87 07 - jamima.cbpt@orange.fr 20 avenue de la Moutète, Orthez Phone 05 59 38 53 38 www.lepixelcinema.fr - lepixelcinema@gmail.com Open all year on Tuesday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. From 1/06 to 30/09, Tuesday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 2 certified rooms Art house / Young audience, 2 air-conditioned rooms, handicaped accesses. Closed from 20/07 to 26/07. Place Royale 43 WI-FI INTERNET ACCESS CYBER-BASES BÉARN DES GAVES Communauté de communes 14 rue Saint-Germain NAVARRENX Phone 05 59 66 22 19 cyberbase.bearndesgaves@laposte.net From 15/9 to 30/06: on Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Friday from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. From 17/07 to 15/09: on Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Friday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Cybercentre 2 rue Pierre Lasserre RDC Centre Socioculturel ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 67 25 61 www.cc-lacqorthez.fr/CYBERBASE Monday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday from 9.30 p.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Friday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9.30 p.m. to 12 p.m. Thematic workshops on Monday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Tuesday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Maison des Services Villa Al Cartéro SALIES-DE-BÉARN TOURIST OFFICES NAVARRENX ORTHEZ SALIES-DE-BÉARN SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN MÉDIATHÈQUE JEAN-LOUIS CURTIS 30 place du Foirail ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 36 68 www.mediatheque-orthez.fr On Monday : groups upon reservation. From Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.. On Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. FREE ACCESS INTERNET EMPLOIS VERTS Place Brossers ORTHEZ Phone 05 59 69 31 30 emploiverts@wanadoo.fr From Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. SAVOIR PARTAGÉ Phone 09 63 23 58 93 cyberbases@cc-lacqorthez.fr www.cc-lacqorthez.fr/cyberbase 2 avenue Al Cartero SALIES-DE-BÉARN Free consultation On Monday from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Phone 05 59 38 37 01 le-savoir-partage@wanadoo.fr www.facebook.com/savoirpartagesalies Place Royale SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Computing and classes. From Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free. Phone 05 59 38 50 36 cyberbase.bearndesgaves@laposte.net From 01/01 to 30/06 and from 15/09 to 31/12: on Tuesday from 2 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 am. From 17/07 to 15/09: on Tuesday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. ; on Thursday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Town hall PUYOÔ Phone 05 59 65 21 35 Monday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 44 CLIN D’OEIL STUDIO 24 rue du Temple SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Tél. 05 59 38 52 98 www.clindoeilstudio64.com From Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. 45 HEADING FOR BEARN OCÉAN ATLANTIQUE Bayonne Biarritz PAYS BASQUE Pau ESPAGNE St-Jean-Pied de-Port Oloron Ste Marie BÉARN PYRÉNÉES TO KNOW MORE ABOUT IT www.bearnpyrenees-tourisme.com U pon arriving in the Béarn Pyrenees, there is an Travelling across country is calmer; more epicurean. immediate feeling of gentleness. All it takes Choose a vineyard and taste a glass of Jurançon - in is a few moments in this lively and bold place to front of the Pyrenees, of course. Retrace the steps of imagine, wide-eyed, the holiday of your dreams. Henri IV, on a short holiday in the hills. Zen Arriving in romantic Pau, you will be surprised by the calmness With the purest magic of wide open spaces, everyone of this City of Art and History. Soak up the luxuriant will let themselves be guided to the highest heights of gardens and the Pyrenean horizons. Be captivated by these magnetic lands, taking time to pause and enjoy the antiquated atmosphere of the château quarter, the the best the landscape has to offer: the Ayous lakes in British elegance of the villas and its world-class horse the heart of the Pyrenees National Park; the taste of breeding. a delicious AOP cheese in a shepherd's log cabin; all against a backdrop of the lapies of the Pic d'Anie. A In this world of possibilities, you could expect to come feast of transhumance, so natural that it almost seems face to face with the Three Musketeers or with a bear, made up. with a royal descendant or with a pilgrim from Santiago (Saint-Jacques). Travelling light of heart, visitors will enjoy a destination full of sensations: they can explore the vertiginous cliffs, There are some unassuming places which hold go rafting on the seething torrents, twenty thousand wonderful surprises. The Béarn Pyrenees is one of leagues under the sea or high up in the air, seduced by these places. You'll arrive serene but curious, ready to the serenity of the valleys. The laid-back globetrotter. be won over. Welcome to Béarn Pyrenees! The Château of Pau OFFICE DE TOURISME DU BÉARN DES GAVES contact@bearndesgaves.com NAVARRENX 2 place des Casernes - 64190 Navarrenx Phone 05 59 38 32 85 - Fax 05 59 66 54 80 vers Bordeaux ORTHEZ 27 rue Aristide Briand - 64300 Orthez Phone 05 59 38 32 84 - Fax 05 59 69 12 00 Biarritz Bayonne SALIES-DE-BÉARN 7 Orthez Saliesde-Béarn 8 Sauveterrede-Béarn 18 place de la Trompe - 64270 Salies-de-Béarn Phone 05 59 38 00 33 - Fax 05 59 38 02 95 Navarrenx SAUVETERRE-DE-BÉARN Place Royale - 64390 Sauveterre-de-Béarn Phone 05 59 38 32 86 - Fax 05 59 38 96 53 Pau Oloron-Sainte-Marie Espagne ACCESS BY AIR Airports of Pau and Biarritz at 45 minutes BY CAR Toulouse - Pau - Biarritz - Highway A 64 Exits 7 (Salies) ou 8 (Orthez) Bordeaux - Bayonne Highway A 63 Exit 8 (St. Geours de Maremne) BY TRAIN TGV Dax connection Salies-de-Béarn / Sauveterre-de-Béarn by bus TGV Orthez connection autocar Salies-de-Béarn / Sauveterre-deBéarn by bus line 809 or taxi TGV Orthez connection Navarrenx by bus line 826 on reservation the day before TGV Pau connection Navarrenx by bus line 802 then line 824 on reservation the day before Gare de Puyoô connection Salies-de-Béarn / Sauveterre-deBéarn by bus or taxi vers Toulouse Conception : Pixel 06 17 26 26 41 / Crédit photos : PAH, Hélène Bouroullec, Olivier Robinet, Procyan, OT Béarn des Gaves, CDT 64, Hugues.Verhoven, Moulin de Candau, Jean Marc Decompte, Thermes Salies-de-Béarn, Pierre Mahé, Aquitaine Montgolfière, Béret Français, Domaine de Nitot, G Langla, Hôtel du Parc, Casino, Shutterstock. Hendaye WWW.TOURISME-BEARN-GAVES.COM 05 59 38 00 33 COMITÉ DÉPARTEMENTAL DU TOURISME