PDF - Conference 3
PDF - Conference 3
TheLastMileBattleintheValue Chain CarlosCordon IMDProfessor Agenda • TheamazingcaseofYamato – LeaderinJapan – ExpandingtoAsia – Challengesandopportunitieswithbigdata • Thefabulousbusinessofthelastmilebattle – Theriseofthelastmile – Theneedforscale – Themoneyinthelastmilebattle • BigData:thesci-fifutureofthelastmilebattle – Agamechangerinthelastmilebattleroutes – Anticipatingthebehaviorofconsumers – Newentrants:Amazon,drones,FMCG’s,retailers…. YAMATOTA-Q-BINPARCELSERVICE Japanese parcel delivery market competitive dynamics (2012) Comparison of the parcel delivery businesses the three majors Yamato TA-Q-BIN volume (million) TA-Q-BIN Average Selling Price (¥) Delivery business revenues (¥ billion) Delivery business OP margin Number of employees Sagawa Market share of major players by volume (% of total) Japan Post 1,488 1,357 591 460 1,028 754 201 3.6% -7.3% 3.9% 142,209 46,674 382 Less than 400 ~ 100,000 Number of vehicles 43,849 25,965 31,183 Number of delivery centers ~4,000 ~ 400 ~ 2,500 Source: “Yamato Holdings (9064): high expectations a drag” J.P. Morgan equity research report, May 20, 2014; based on data/ analysis by Japan Direct Marketing Association, METI and J.P. Morgan History of Yamato’s innovations Timeline of New Product Development Enabling Sender-side customer service 1999 In 1999*, certain firms switched their existing parcels to express home delivery, and the data for the year reflects this increase. Excluding this extraordinary factor, year-on-year growth was 5.9%. *The period April 1999 through March 2000 in this graph only. Enabling Delivery-side Enhancing services customer service by proposing solutions 2007 As the result of the privatization of the postal service in October 2007, Japan Post Co. Ltd. now falls under the jurisdiction of the Motor-Truck Transport business law, and is included in the survey starting from fiscal 2007**. **The period April 2007 through March 2008 in this graph only. Source: “New Era of Growth Potential. Advancing with “Value Networking” design and forge a robust corporate culture” Annual Report 2014 for the year ended March 31, 2014, Yamato Holdings Co., Ltd. Yamato Group business operations Business Description Delivery • Involved in small parcel delivery services for the general public and corporations centering on TA-Q-BIN and Kuroneko Mail, including high value-added services, such as Cool TA-Q-BIN and TA-Q-BIN Collect 1,000 BIZ Logistics • Handles logistics and other B2B distribution operations • Helps corporate clients manage their supply chains by providing Home Convenience • Rooted in moving services, distribution services and lifestyle e-Business • Involved in a range of information services for corporations, Financials Autoworks Other Revenue(1) (¥ billion) +6.8% 1,159 1,085 3.1% +4.5% 98 103 innovative logistics services and reducing total costs support services, closely tailored to the needs of different regions • The installation delivery business which installs electrical appliances for customers is steadily growing nationwide including ASP services and information system development • Services around tracking, security, and packages • Includes settlement and other financial services targeted at consumers and business customers, starting with mail order firms • Offers several types of settlement methods, including payment on delivery and payment by credit card • Mainly comprises maintenance of trucks and other vehicles for transportation companies. • Includes a broad range of shared services, including highway transportation and personnel placement. Notes: (1) Includes intercompany transfers (2) 2014 Operating income (% of revenues) Source: Company website and 2014 Annual report Operating margin(2) 3.3% +5.9% 59 63 0.3% +10.5% 65 72 11.1% +9.4% 61 66 14.2% +5.8% 51 54 6.1% +15.2% 59 2013 68 2014 16.9% Yamato Group financial highlights Key financial figures (Millions of Yen) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Operating revenues 1,251,922 1,200,834 1,236,520 1,260,833 1,282,374 1,374,610 Operating costs 1,167,764 1,110,971 1,143,006 1,163,777 1,181,834 1,274,471 Selling, general and administrative expenses 28,437 28,474 29,200 30,405 34,337 37,043 Operating income 55,721 61,389 64,314 66,651 66,203 63,096 64,284 65,882 Income before taxes and minority interests Net income 48,996 60,434 61,836 45,817 25,523 32,282 33,208 19,787 35,144 34,776 Working capital 159,937 165,890 185,992 182,111 186,868 179,999 Total assets 869,606 878,641 899,363 919,295 950,153 1,032,134 Total shareholders’ equity 475,815 512,910 515,602 514,996 534,451 551,379 Capital expenditure 45,856 39,700 52,472 48,615 48,052 79,531 Depreciation and amortization 42,697 39,883 39,583 38,682 37,936 42,266 Net cash provided by operating activities 84,463 77,064 87,899 71,843 73,950 80,075 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 170,662 167,555 171,642 177,301 177,108 193,146 1,232 1,262 1,348 1,423 1,487 1,665 646 624 609 600 591 574 2,231 2,262 2,312 2,187 2,112 2,084 65 65 64 62 61 61 Key financial figures (Millions of Yen) Numberofemployees TA-Q-BIN deliveryvolume(Millionparcels) TA-Q-BIN Unitprice(Yen) Kuroneko Mailhandlingvolume(Million units) Kuroneko MailUnitprice(Yen) Source:AnnualReport fortheyearendedMarch31,2014,YamatoHoldings Co.,Ltd. TA-Q-BIN international expansion Description • Launched via President Transnet Corporation, a Joint Venture with local Uni-President Group. Taiwan (2000) Singapore (2010) Shanghai (2010) Benefitted from Uni-President’s established relationship with 7-Eleven convenience store chain • Utilized motorcycles for same-day deliveries, which was offered only in Taiper metro area. Used trucks as mobile warehouses • Key challenges: high cost of operations mainly due to parking violations • Launched in 2010 via a fully owned subsidiary • Key challenges: − Low TA-Q-BIN brand awareness, non-existent demand for C2C services, low demand density − Low productivity, high staff turnover − TA-Q-BIN offering was too costly and its quality perceived as excessive • Launched via a Joint Venture with local Shanghai Bus Logistics. Served Japanese e-commerce companies, then spread to Chinese e-commerce and retail clients • Key challenges − High demand for COOL TA-Q-BIN, but poor local infrastructure made service problematic − Absence of service mentality and low customer expectations Hong Kong (2011) • • • • Launched using Japanese convenience and laundry shops as collection agents High speed deliveries possible due to well-developed subway infrastructure Succeeded in B2B document delivery, COOL TA-Q-BIN, logistics/repair of manufacturing parts Key challenges: − Negligible C2C segment (as in Singapore) and high staff turnover Malaysia (2011) • • • • Due to large service area operated its own long haul trucks and mobile hub With no Japanese business in market, relied on local printing and e-commerce industries Next-day TA-Q-BIN delivery service was in demand while time-specific offerings irrelevant Key challenges: − B2C and C2C segment non-existent due to lack of trust − Lack of service mentality, high employee turnover Source:“Yamato Transport Co. Ltd: TA-Q-BIN” Case Study No. 9B13D021, NUS & Ivey School of Business Fnd. Feb. 2014. “Value Networking” concept Source: “Yamato Group Presentation of the New Medium-Term Management Plan”, January 30, 2014, Yamato Holdings Co., Ltd. Comparative historical trends in the mail-order and retail industries Mail-order market vs. overall retail industry: revenue trends FY02 = 100 Source: “Yamato Holdings (9064): high expectations a drag” J.P. Morgan equity research report, May 20, 2014; based on data/ analysis by Japan Direct Marketing Association, METI and J.P. Morgan Comparative historical trends in the mail-order and retail industries Mail-order market vs. overall retail industry: revenue trends ¥ billion Source: “Yamato Holdings (9064): high expectations a drag” J.P. Morgan equity research report, May 20, 2014; based on data/ analysis by Japan Direct Marketing Association, METI and J.P. Morgan Reforming income structure and maintaining growth Source: “New Era of Growth Potential. Advancing with “Value Networking” design and forge a robust corporate culture” Annual Report 2014 for the year ended March 31, 2014, Yamato Holdings Co., Ltd. ChallengesandOpportunitieswithBig DataforYamato ThekeytoYamatosuccess istheSalesDriver(clients androutes)andthe densityofdeliverypoints Thisknowledgeand densityareonlyexistingin Japan ChallengesandOpportunitieswithBig DataforYamato Toreplicatethisknowledgeanddensitythe solutionmightbeBigDataandm-commerce Theriseofthelastmile In10years15%ofU.S.shoppingmallswillfail Theneedforscale high Leverage thenetwork profit golden in low waste invest low high Buildthenetwork Themoneyinthelastmile:Yamato Repair,hospital high Leverage thenetwork profit Golf,ski, luggage in golden T-Q-Bin low waste low invest high Buildthenetwork Amazon:theomnichain • Amazon’snewdistributionarm,AmazonLogistics,willbecomea logisticscompanyinitsownright,competingwithcompaniessuchas UPSandRoyalMail. • ThemovewillsaveAmazon$3billionayeargloballyand£122 millionintheUKalone. • AmazonneedsitsownlogisticsoperationtofurtherincreaseSunday andSameDaydeliveries,supportingitsambitiousPrime membershipplans. • LongertermAmazonhaspatentedusing3Dprinterstoproduce itemsenroutetocustomers,isalreadyintroducingthe’Internetof Things’,andistrialling deliveriesdirecttoyourcar. • Finally,webelievelong-termAmazon’slogisticsplansmean everythingwillonedaybedeliveredthroughapipecalledAmazon. ParcelHero report, April2015 Conclusions • Thelogisticsfieldisripeforadisruption… • …companieshaveconsolidatedoverthelast30yearsto obtaindensityofdeliverypointstocreateanadvantage… • …YamatoisaprimeexampleofdominatinginJapanthanks totheiramazingdensityofdeliverypoints… • …thesameadvantageisanobstacletoexpanding internationallyorganically… • …theyareplanningtousebigdatatocreatethat advantageoutsideJapan… Conclusions • …mostlogisticcompaniesaretryingtofollowasimilarroute… • …retailersandshoppingmallswilldeclineslowly.. • …newplayerscouldcomefromm-tailers orFMCG’swithbig densityofdelivery … • Anewlogisticsecosystemdrivenbybigdataandm-commerceis emerging