January 2012 - TEV Edelweiss


January 2012 - TEV Edelweiss
Die Ecke Des Präsidenten
Welcome to 2012! The Board of
Directors hopes you had a wonderful Christmas
and wishes you a happy and prosperous new year!
A big “Thank You” goes out to Lis Lane, Fred
Roosli, and Steve Dozsak, our outgoing Board
members. They put their hearts and souls into your
club as members of the Executive Committee and
we are thankful for everything they did. With
some vacancies on the board, Steve will be
returning in 2012 as the Program Chairman and
Board of Directors
joining him will be Cindy Dozsak as Assistant
Executive Committee
Cashier, Ilona Eurich as Assistant Treasurer, and
President.........….….....Chris Collins
Cady as Property Chairman. I am excited
Vice President..........Spaulding Goetze
Secretary.…..…........Kristen Collins to have a full board and thank all of the board
Treasurer......….…...…...Otto Gorner members who have volunteered their time and
Corr.Secretary…..…......Edith Gorner
Asst.Treasurer……….…Ilona Eurich efforts to keep your club running!
Membership…………Heidi Stockdale
As the new president, I am excited about this
Sgt.At Arms...….…..…….Hal Dodd
year and new beginnings. I want to make sure
Cashier.....….………........Amy Dodd
Asst.Cashier..……….…Cindy Dozsak everyone knows that my door is always open to
Property……….…….....George Cady all of you. Please feel free to come to me with any
Program........……….…Steve Dozsak
Publications.….……....Terry Jenssen questions or comments you might have about how
Vorplattler.....……..........Chris Collins we can make our club a better place, because
ultimately, that is everyone’s goal. We all need to
work hard to keep our club moving in the right
direction so it can be around for generations to come and I appreciate all of the
people who have already come to me with offers to help wherever they’re needed.
January 7th is the President’s Ball with the swearing in of the new Board. The
Volkstanzgruppe and Schuhplattlers will be dancing that night and it would be
great to see the EDKAG and Schuetzengruppe wearing their groups’ outfits as
well. It was very nice to see so many people dressed up at Gruendungsfest, so
let’s do it again! Also this month, Prinzessin Renate and I are excited to continue
the Fasching season with Lumpen Ball, Kappen Abend, and Reeperbhan. Get
your costumes ready, it’s always a good time! If you have any bylaw change
proposals, please have them to me by the Membership Meeting on the 22nd. If
you can’t find me to give it to me directly, please feel free to give it to any other
board member to put in my box or email it to me at VorplattlerChris@yahoo.com.
I look forward to spending the next two years as your president and appreciate
your confidence in me!
Mit Trachtengruss,
Chris Collins
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T.E.V Edelweiss Schuhplattlers
Looking back on this past year we
would like to thank everyone for their
time and commitment to and for this
group. We have had a lot of positive
things come about this year. Starting
with our children’s group, we took a large number to the
Bezirksheimatfest this past March (everyone was amazed
at how well our kids did). The Gaufest with our senior
group was well represented we have two couples that
qualified to dance in Germany this coming May. We have
also been fortunate enough to add some new members
to our group!
We are still selling the King Soopers gift cards as an
ongoing fund raiser so if you are interested please talk to
Chris. We hope that you all have a
3rd – Steve Dozsak
7th – Rita Collins
16th – Blake Stockdale
22nd – Lori Baumann
23rd – Colton Johnson
24th – Leo Mayer
27th – Katie Arevian
Bitte, unsere Mitglieder nicht
In order to accommodate club
members who will be
representing our club in Las
Vegas at GAMGA, the next
membership meeting will be
Sunday, January 22nd @
2:00pm. Kaffeeklatsch to
follow, please bring a dessert
to share!
All the Best in 2012!
From the TEV Edelweiss Board of Directors
Open Kitchen,
dinner served
beginning at
Senior Citizens—”Top of the Hill Gang”
We would like to wish
everyone a Happy New Year.
Please take care and stay
warm during these cold
months. A reminder that we
don't have any meetings until March, but
if something comes up please let me know
so I can pass it along. My number is
Support our advertisers!
Well, December went out on a good
note as almost everyone in our entire
group gathered together to celebrate
Christmas. We did miss the 3 who were
unable to attend, but look forward to
seeing them again in the new year.
A quick reminder that our first shoot
of the new year will be on January 9th.
We start at 7:30 p.m. but if you would like to come early
and help set up the range, that is much appreciated. Now is
a great time to join the group. If you always wanted to join,
but weren’t sure, come on out and meet the group and see
what we are all about.
We are also making plans for our Schutzenfest to be held
July 20-22. We will be sending out invitations to groups all
over the country in hopes that we can get a few more people
here. It would be great if all of you could come be a part of
the group.
From our group to you, Happy New Year--Let’s have a great
Hal Dodd
If you have an old Christmas tree
that you would like to donate to
club please contact Steve Dozsak
(303)-650-0333 or talk to me at
the club.
Thanks Steve Dozsak
Our group has been celebrating Christmas and New
Years as hard as we can. Time off from dancing means
that we’ve gained a bit more than friends this season,
so it’s time to start up again. We will resume our dance
classes at 7:30 every Tuesday starting on the 3rd.
Everyone, of course, is welcome to join us.
This is also the time of year we start to think about
doing our special dance for the Royal Ball. We invite all
of you as club members to join us for special practices and rehearse the
dance done just for the prince and princess. For more info please talk to
anyone in our group.
We trust you all had a happy new year. We look forward to all the surprises
that the new year will bring, starting with Fasching. We will see you all there.
History of New Years: New Years is one of the oldest celebrated holidays.
The first one can be dated to ancient Babylon about 4000 years ago. At that
time, the Babylonians celebrated the new year at the first sight of the
crescent moon after the Vernal Equinox, or first day of spring. These early
celebrations would last for 11 days. Each day having a meaning behind the
celebration. They choose the first day of spring because of the renewal of
The Romans would continue to celebrate new years all the way to March.
However, each new emperor would mess with the calendar just a bit so the
years were always different and got out of sync with the sun. When Julius
Caesar took over in 46 BC he established a calendar that would set things
to the sun. He chose January 1 to be the beginning of the new year.
Wishing everyone the best for the coming year!
Amy Dodd
Bitte, unsere Mitglieder nicht
In order to accommodate
club members who will be
representing our club in Las
Vegas at GAMGA, the next
membership meeting will be
Sunday, January 22nd @
2:00pm. Kaffeeklatsch to
follow, please bring a dessert
to share!
From the desk of Membership
I will be at the club Saturday nights
in January to accept payment of 2012
membership dues (except the 14th
when I’ll be in Las Vegas with EDKAG
attending GAMGA).
Just a reminder, regular and social
membership is $40. Senior membership (for individuals
who are 65 years old and have been members for 10 years)
is $20 and junior members are $5.00.
If you’d like to send in your membership dues, please
make checks payable to TEV Edelweiss. Send your renewals
TEV Edelweiss
Attn: membership chair
6495 Monaco St.
Commerce City, CO 80022
Remember 2009 and 2010 members may renew by
paying 2012 membership dues.
Thank you for your support,
Heidi Stockdale,
Membership Chair
Anyone interested in
renting the clubhouse
or the Morrison picnic
shelter may contact Lisa
at (720)839-1276. You
may also leave a
message at (303)289-5621.
News From and About Our Members
A wish for a very happy and
fulfilling 2012 to all of you. I hope
you made your resolutions for the
New Year and stick to them, at least
for a week.
Everyone had enough time to
reflect on the happenings of 2011.
Our Schuhplattler attended and competed in Gaufest
in Orlando, Florida and represented the club well.
Our project in Morrison, building a new storage and
dispensary facility turned out well and people enjoy
Let us not forget the many Tejano concerts
performed at our club that were successful and put
quite a few pennies into our coffer. Let us be thankful
to all those people who helped in one way or the other
to keep our club operating and out of the red (almost).
Let us support our newly elected board and give them
the opportunity to do good things for the club, and
let us not forget the people who are no longer in office
and thank them for their time and effort.
I hope to hear from you, the
members, so that I can share your
news with everyone else. My phone
number is: 720-540-6053.
Thanks for all the good memories
at the club!
Edith H. Gorner
will Prinz
Chris choose?
And the
winner is
Beautiful Prinzessin candidates… (check
out the “woman” wearing the black hat)