Developer`s Guide
Developer`s Guide
Places (Search) API Developer's Guide Public Version 2.43.0 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Notices Important Information Notices Topics: • Legal Notices • Document Information This section contains document notices. 2 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Notices 3 Legal Notices © 2016 HERE Global B.V. and its Affiliate(s). All rights reserved. This material, including documentation and any related computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by HERE. All rights are reserved. Copying, including reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the prior written consent of HERE. This material also contains confidential information, which may not be disclosed to others without the prior written consent of HERE. Trademark Acknowledgements HERE is trademark or registered trademark of HERE Global B.V. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners. Disclaimer This content is provided "as-is" and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality and non-infringement. HERE does not warrant that the content is error free and HERE does not warrant or make any representations regarding the quality, correctness, accuracy, or reliability of the content. You should therefore verify any information contained in the content before acting on it. To the furthest extent permitted by law, under no circumstances, including without limitation the negligence of HERE, shall HERE be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, direct, special, indirect, punitive, consequential, exemplary and/ or incidental damages that result from the use or application of this content, even if HERE or an authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Notices Document Information Product Name: Places (Search) API Version: Public Version 2.43.0 Document Name: Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ID: eb9b3bb-1472467827 Status: FINAL Date: 2016-Aug-29, 10:52 (GMT) Digital Signature Signatory: O=HERE,, ST=Berlin, C=DE Issuer-Certificate: O=HERE,, ST=Berlin, C=DE Serial-Number.: 17391143833054135595 Method: (Adobe Signature) 4 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Contents 5 Contents Notices.................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Legal Notices............................................................................................................................................................ 3 Document Information........................................................................................................................................... 4 Chapter 1: Overview.............................................................................................................................. 11 What is the Places (Search) API?....................................................................................................................... 12 Why use the Places (Search) API?..................................................................................................................... 12 Places (Search) API Main Features................................................................................................................... 13 Places Search & Discovery...............................................................................................................................14 Places Information............................................................................................................................................. 16 Places Interaction...............................................................................................................................................17 Chapter 2: Quick Start........................................................................................................................ 18 Making Your First Request.................................................................................................................................. 19 Chapter 3: User Guide......................................................................................................................... 27 Acquiring Credentials............................................................................................................................................28 Constructing a Request....................................................................................................................................... 28 HERE Server Environments.............................................................................................................................. 29 Key Concepts..........................................................................................................................................................30 User Flow and Hypermedia Links................................................................................................................... 30 Utilization of Hypermedia Links..................................................................................................................... 31 Backward Compatibility.................................................................................................................................... 32 API Implementation Check List......................................................................................................................... 33 Prepare for Extensibility................................................................................................................................... 33 Client Activity Tracking..................................................................................................................................... 34 Displaying Content.............................................................................................................................................35 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Contents 6 Disclaimer......................................................................................................................................................... 36 Source Attribution.......................................................................................................................................... 36 Sponsored Search Results............................................................................................................................ 37 Testing An App................................................................................................................................................... 37 Search Engines....................................................................................................................................................37 Application Authentication.................................................................................................................................. 38 Rich Content........................................................................................................................................................... 39 Place Sharing.......................................................................................................................................................... 40 JSON Response Patterns.................................................................................................................................... 40 Location Contexts................................................................................................................................................. 41 External References.............................................................................................................................................. 45 Representation Modifiers.................................................................................................................................... 47 Page Size (size)................................................................................................................................................ 47 Text Format (tf)................................................................................................................................................ 48 Image dimensions (image_dimensions)................................................................................................... 48 Show content (show_content)..................................................................................................................... 49 Show references (show_refs)....................................................................................................................... 49 Teasers (teasers)............................................................................................................................................ 51 Category systems (cs)......................................................................................................................................51 Pagination of Collections.....................................................................................................................................51 Localization............................................................................................................................................................. 52 Cross-Domain JavaScript Requests.................................................................................................................. 55 Gzip Compression................................................................................................................................................. 55 Categories............................................................................................................................................................... 56 Examples.................................................................................................................................................................. 57 Using free-text search for whole query....................................................................................................... 57 Using Autosuggest for search as you type................................................................................................. 60 Service Support..................................................................................................................................................... 64 Chapter 4: API Reference................................................................................................................. 65 Search Results Ranking........................................................................................................................................66 HTTP Request Headers........................................................................................................................................ 66 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Contents 7 Request Entrypoints............................................................................................................................................. 68 Search and Discovery Entrypoints................................................................................................................. 69 Autosuggest Entrypoint................................................................................................................................ 69 Search Entrypoint........................................................................................................................................... 73 Voice Search Entrypoint................................................................................................................................ 77 Explore Entrypoint.......................................................................................................................................... 81 Browse Entrypoint.......................................................................................................................................... 86 Browse by Corridor Entrypoint.................................................................................................................... 90 Here Entrypoint............................................................................................................................................... 95 Around Entrypoint...........................................................................................................................................99 Suggest Entrypoint...................................................................................................................................... 104 Browse-Pt-Stops Entrypoint...................................................................................................................... 106 Two-Box-Search Entrypoint....................................................................................................................... 110 Tiles Entrypoint............................................................................................................................................. 113 Additional Entrypoints.................................................................................................................................... 116 Lookup Entrypoint........................................................................................................................................ 116 Place Categories Entrypoint...................................................................................................................... 117 Cuisine Categories Entrypoint................................................................................................................... 120 Actions Entrypoint........................................................................................................................................ 122 Corridor Shortener Entrypoint.................................................................................................................. 124 Health Entrypoint......................................................................................................................................... 127 Entrypoint maturity and availability............................................................................................................ 128 Response Resources.......................................................................................................................................... 129 Media Types...................................................................................................................................................... 129 Search Media Type....................................................................................................................................... 129 Search Description....................................................................................................................................130 Search Context Information................................................................................................................... 130 Search Location......................................................................................................................................... 131 Search Results Media Type........................................................................................................................ 132 Place Media Type.......................................................................................................................................... 134 Alternative Name....................................................................................................................................... 138 Location....................................................................................................................................................... 138 Ratings......................................................................................................................................................... 139 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Contents 8 Extended Attributes..................................................................................................................................139 Departures Extended Attribute............................................................................................................. 144 Schedule...................................................................................................................................................... 144 Departure.................................................................................................................................................... 145 DepartureTime........................................................................................................................................... 146 PTOperator................................................................................................................................................. 146 OperatorSupplier....................................................................................................................................... 147 OperatorLink.............................................................................................................................................. 147 Related Places............................................................................................................................................ 147 Media Object Structure........................................................................................................................... 148 Review Media Type.......................................................................................................................................148 Rating Media Type........................................................................................................................................150 Image Media Type........................................................................................................................................ 150 Report Options Media Type....................................................................................................................... 152 Report Post Media Type............................................................................................................................. 153 Category Media Type...................................................................................................................................153 Category Graph Media Type...................................................................................................................... 154 Category Graph Node.............................................................................................................................. 154 Supplier Media Type.................................................................................................................................... 155 Suggestions Media Type.............................................................................................................................155 Action Post Media Type.............................................................................................................................. 156 Meta Object................................................................................................................................................ 156 Action Object..............................................................................................................................................157 JSON Structure Objects and Attributes..................................................................................................... 159 Link Object Structure.................................................................................................................................. 159 Label Node.................................................................................................................................................. 160 Collection Link............................................................................................................................................161 Favourite Place Link..................................................................................................................................161 Place Link.................................................................................................................................................... 163 Reference.................................................................................................................................................... 169 Transit Lines Extended Attribute.......................................................................................................... 170 TransitLine.................................................................................................................................................. 170 TransitLineCategory................................................................................................................................. 171 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Contents 9 TransitLineStyle......................................................................................................................................... 171 Destination..................................................................................................................................................172 AccessPoint................................................................................................................................................. 172 SideOfStreet............................................................................................................................................... 172 Opening Hours........................................................................................................................................... 172 Structured Opening Hours......................................................................................................................173 Extended Attribute................................................................................................................................... 174 Phonetic Place Information.................................................................................................................... 175 Phonetic Transcription............................................................................................................................. 175 Phonetic Address...................................................................................................................................... 175 Search Link................................................................................................................................................. 176 User Object Structure................................................................................................................................. 178 Media Collection........................................................................................................................................... 178 Action Link.................................................................................................................................................. 180 PlaceEditorial.............................................................................................................................................. 180 PlaceImage.................................................................................................................................................. 181 PlaceReview................................................................................................................................................ 182 Object Structure For Paginateable Collections..................................................................................... 183 Address Object Structure........................................................................................................................... 184 Alternative Name.......................................................................................................................................... 186 Contacts Object Structure......................................................................................................................... 186 Labeled Value............................................................................................................................................. 187 Error Object Structure................................................................................................................................ 188 SubError....................................................................................................................................................... 189 Location Object Structure.......................................................................................................................... 190 Rating Object Structure.............................................................................................................................. 190 HTTP Status Codes.............................................................................................................................................190 Supported Chain and Category Query Terms.............................................................................................. 191 English (UK) Category-like Query Terms.................................................................................................... 191 French Category-like Query Terms............................................................................................................. 207 Spanish Category-like Query Terms........................................................................................................... 303 Italian Category-like Query Terms.............................................................................................................. 322 Turkish Category-like Query Terms............................................................................................................ 336 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Contents 10 List of Supported Chain-like Query Terms............................................................................................... 345 Appendix A: Coverage Information......................................................................................373 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Overview 11 Chapter 1 Overview Topics: • What is the Places (Search... • Why use the Places (Search... • Places (Search) API M... This document describes the main features and characteristics of the Places (Search) API component within the HERE Platform. Specifically, it describes the entry points, main elements, critical resources and other key aspects of the RESTful version of the Places (Search) API. This document is intended for API users with beginner to expert levels of knowledge and experience with APIs . As such, the document contains in depth descriptions of the main entrypoints via headers, their elements, and the responses for each in the JSON open standard. In addition, this document explores the functions of common use cases, and exceptional or important use cases. For more introductory information about the Places (Search) API component, and the HERE Platform in general, please see the HERE Platform White Paper. For more advanced level instruction and documentation for developers of all HERE components, please see the resources at Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Overview 12 What is the Places (Search) API? HERE Places (Search) API is a web service that allows users to search and explore places in the same way as, for example, in HERE Maps, but allowing you to retain your application-specific look and feel. HERE Places (Search) API is designed to build interactive applications which integrate online search functionalities for Places of Interest (POI's); offers the best way to integrate address and POI-related search & discovery The Places (Search) API has a number of endpoints that center around two major features: • • Place discovery – search for places near your users Place description - get detailed information about the places your users are interested in Why use the Places (Search) API? The HERE Places (Search) API provides a simple, future-proof way to grant your application's users access to the latest information about tens of millions of places all over the globe. By using the Places (Search) API, your application gains several crucial advantages, including: • • • Coverage Reduced application complexity Forward-compatible API contract Reduced Application Complexity Collecting and — even more importantly — maintaining facts about tens of millions of places, while simultaneously attaching useful and up-to-date information from various sources to them, is a challenging task. Without the Places (Search) API, you would have to spend an enormous amount of your resources just to collect, validate, standardize and maintain this data. But having the data is only one side of the story. Once you have the data, you have to match this data against your user's more or less arbitrary queries--which is further complicated by the many possible interpetations of those queries. By taking implicit context information into account, you then have to find the few matches (ideally: the one) most relevant to your users in their specific application context. Unless your core business is being a local search engine, it is quite unlikely that you want to invest the massive amount of resources required to build a reliable place based search and discovery feature. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Overview 13 From the top down, the API comes with a set of features that make it very convenient for you to ignore such concerns and embed our results in the best possible way into your application's UI. We have already dealt with subtle yet critical questions like: • What is the correct way to format addresses in Finland? • How can I get images in sizes optimized to my UI? • What is the most concise textual representation of a place's opening hours? • What is the best graphical representation for a place on the map? (and many others) so that you can focus your resources on the core domain of your application. . Forward-Compatible API Contract Because the nature of places in the real world are constantly changing, the API contract of the Places (Search) API has been carefully crafted to reflect such fluidity. Although you will already find a huge amount of valuable facts and information about places through the Places (Search) API, you should consider this as just a starting point. The API contract is designed in a way that allows us to introduce additional elements at any time, without being forced to introduce a new version of the API contract. Even more importanly, when you follow the guidance and best practices described in this document, your application user's will also automatically receive access to those new features without you being forced to build and ship a new version of your application. For more information on this central feature, see Prepare for Extensibility on page 33. Places (Search) API Main Features The HERE Places (Search) API allows developers to build rich location-aware applications for places search, discovery, information retrieval and interaction. These applications can be built for many platforms including web and mobile. One application can support numerous use cases. The Places (Search) API uses JSON representation and has a RESTful architecture. There are resources representing RESTful entry points for each of the supported use cases, and responses contain hyperlinks to related queries and place details (which are received in JSON). For example, when a client application submits a GET request to the Places (Search) API using a Search & Discovery entrypoint, the application receives a response that contains a list of links to places resources (among other information). By accessing one of the linked Place resources, the application can get detailed information about that place, including ratings, images, reviews, editorials, and owner content (retrieved in the JSON format). This detailed place response also Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Overview 14 contains references to other related places, allowing the applications users to discover other places relevant or related to their original search. User Flow In order to properly guide the user through the features of the Places (Search) API, client applications are required to provide the following User Flow: 1. Places Search & Discovery – users search and explore locations and places relevant to them ; users either repeat step 1 or move to step 2 Note: For more information on the features offered in this step and which entrypoint is appropriate for a particular use case, see Places Search and Discovery. 2. Places Information – users view the information available for a location or place; users either go back to step 1 or move to step 3 Note: For more information on this feature, please see Places Information 3. Places Interaction – users access place-related data, share and contribute place specific information; users go back to step 1 Note: For more information on this feature, please see Places Interaction For more detail on the User Flow, including rationale and further explanation, see User Flow and Hypermedia Links. Places Search & Discovery Places Search & Discovery allows users to find places or addresses. Within Places Search & Discovery, the API has entrypoints that support a number of use cases. Client applications can select from the following entypoints according to the needs of the application: Autosuggest, Search, Voice Search Explore, Browse, Here and Around, Note: These entrypoints are the start for the User Flow. Once the user has selected one of the entrypoints, the application should guide them to Places Information on page 16 or back to Places Search & Discovery. Autosuggest Entrypoint - Provides as-you-type suggestions Autosuggest represents lists of suggested search terms, instants results and refined search links related to a given (partial) search term and location context. This entrypoint is used to help users save time, iterate on their searches, and get the results. As-you-type-suggestion features of Autosuggest: • auto-suggest - exploratory search queries • disambiguation - providing end-user with contextual information to refine search Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Overview • instant results of POI and addresses • follow link (href) in instant results and refine search results • highlighted result title text based on what the user typed in 15 Search Entrypoint - Finding places from text strings Search Entrypoint processes complete textual queries based on the user's input to find specific places. It answers questions of "where are there places matching this [complete search term]" for an online search where a search term can be a POI or an address. The user's input can contain: • An address, complete or partial, for example, 40 Edwin Land Blvd, Cambridge, MA 02141 or MA 02141. • Street intersections, for example, W 145th St / Amsterdam Ave. • A Place of Interest (POI) business or place name, for example Eiffel Tower. • A combination of place name and location, for example Adlon, Berlin. • A category or a combination of category and location, for example Science Museum or Science Museum, London. For a list of supported category-like query terms, see Supported Chain and Category Query Terms on page 191. • A chain name or a combination of chain name and location, for example McDonald's or McDonald's, New York. Current restrictions of chain search: • Chain search only fires for exact matches to the chain search terms. There is no spell correction, and no additional terms can be added. For example, "Mercedes" will do a chain search but "Mercedes dealer" will not. For a list of supported chain-like query terms, see List of Supported Chain-like Query Terms on page 345. • Chain search will always return 20 results or all results within a 200km radius, whichever is smaller. This includes cases of "Chain + Location". • A telephone number of a POI, for example +33144112345. • Coordinates of a location, for example 52.50217,13.34149 or N52.50217,E13.34149. • A mapcode, for example US-CA 9F.69ZB. Note: Mapcode lookup is a Beta feature. As a supplementary feature, suggestions are presented as the user types the search query. This is based on the input text and the location context. The response, depending on query type, is a list of results that can include both matching places and suggested alternative searches. The Places (Search) API generates results using machine-learningbased relevance ranking. The search engine includes logic to recognize and compensate for common spelling errors. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Overview 16 Voice Search Entrypoint - Finding places from text string queries based on user's voice input Voice Search processes text string queries based on the user's voice input to find specific places. Explore Entrypoint - Finding interesting places in an area (either near the user or selected by the user) Explore Entrypoint retrieves a list of relevant nearby places for a Location Context. It answers the question "What interesting locations are at this location?" The results presented to the user are ordered by importance and popularity. The results can be filtered by multiple categories. Browse Entrypoint - Finding nearby places in an area (either near the user or selected by the user) Browse Entrypoint retrieves a list of places sorted by distance for a Location Context. For Bounding Box Location Context the results are sorted by distance from the centre of bounding box. The results can be filtered by multiple categories. Here Entrypoint - Identify what place is at a given position Here Entrypoint answers the questions "Where am I?" and "What's right here where I am standing?" The search results consist of a list of places with addresses that lie within the vicinity of the search location. The results can be filtered by multiple categories. The feature is typically used by applications that include "check-in" or "click on map to get more information" facilities. Around Entrypoint - Overlay interesting places on an image or video Around Entrypoint answers the question of "What can I see?" and "What direction are the main attractions?" This feature is similar to the Explore entrypoint, but is specifically designed for Augmented Reality applications, such as LiveSight. The results are based on proximity, popularity, and importance. The results can be filtered by multiple categories. Places Information Places Information makes it possible for the user to examine additional information about places returned by the Search and Discovery entrypoints. The user can decide to view the full details of a place or choose or view related places. Note: Places Information is the second step in the User Flow. Developers should move users from Places Search & Discovery on page 14 to Places Information. Once a User is on Places Information, developers should move them either back to Places Search & Discovery Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Overview 17 or to Places Interaction on page 17. Clicking on a related place is considered the same as returning to step 1 It is through the Places information step that users experience HERE's richest set of information relating to a place. Beyond the basics such as the place name, address, category and contact information, the user can access an extensible collection of information aggregated from multiple sources such as user reviews, images and editorial descriptions. Additionally, an information set about a specific place may contain links to other related places. Extended information may also come with a reference to the source of that information. The following information about a place is always supported: • Base Attributes – includes name, location, categories, contacts, and a category icon The following attributes might be included with a place. Given several different factors (for example different suppliers of place information) , a place will have different kinds of additional attributes: • Extended Attributes – includes information such as opening hours, payment methods, annual closing dates/times, and disabled access (note that this list is indicative, not complete) • Images – includes third-party and user-provided images; source information includes image scaling • Reviews – includes user-generated reviews and source information • Editorial Descriptions – consists of third-party descriptions of a place, with source information • Related Places Nearby – lists related places that may be of interest to the user • Sharing URI – offers a link to the best available representation of the place on any operating system, platform, or device Places Interaction Places Interaction refers to features of the Places (Search) API that allows a client application to implement user interactivity and to connect their applications to other HERE applications. The supported interactions include: Note: Places Interaction is the final step in the User Flow. After reaching the Places Interaction step, clients should redirect users to Places Search & Discovery on page 14 This step completes the flow. After this point, it is up to the application to decide when to start the flow again. • Report a Place – the user can report a place in the wrong location, errors in place data, or a place that should be removed Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Quick Start 18 Chapter 2 Quick Start Topics: • Making Your First Request Getting started with Places (Search) API is actually quite easy and the process is explained in detail in the following section. This section describes the necessary software and applications, authorization codes, and a first use case to help you get started. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Quick Start 19 Making Your First Request Once you have application credentials, you can make your first request to the Places (Search) API. First you need to connect to the appropriate server. As mentioned in greater detail in Testing An App, the Places (Search) API, we provide a dedicated environment for customer integration testing (CIT). The CIT environment is available to help you get familiar with the API and assist you during the development of your applications. The production environment should only be accessed from shipped applications. Since we are working with the API for testing purposes we make requests to the CIT environment. In order to access the CIT environment, use the URL Making a Request for Finding a Place using a Text String Now, imagine you want to build an application for a smart device or browser where the application always display a map to the user and a user can type a search term in an input field to find a specific place. In order to build such an application, we will need a location context for the area that the user wants to query. There are many possibilities how to provide a location context, see Best Practice on page 43 for more detail about what location context to send. Let's assume that the user can set a location context explicitly by clicking in that app somewhere in the middle of Manhattan, where the geolocation is latitude 40.74917 and longitude -73.98529. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Quick Start 20 Based on that geolocation information, we can implement our first feature with the Places (Search) API by using the autosuggest entrypoint: Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Quick Start 21 Note: We are using the autosuggest entrypoint because it was specifically designed for returning instant search results, exploratory search and refined search query suggestions as user types. ?at=40.74917,-73.98529 &q=chrysler &app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &tf=plain &pretty=true As you can see, the request URI contains a request to the CIT environment through the autosuggest entrypoint ( /places/v1/autosuggest), followed by several query string parameters: at The selected geo-coordinate as latitude, longitude (in this case where the User has clicked) q The plain-text search term. app_id, app_code The credentials required to identify the app (see Acquiring Credentials on page 28) tf A flag that switches the presentation of rich text elements to plain text for better readability pretty A flag to enable pretty printing (so that we can read the result better) You can find out more about the various parameters that can be used to influence the returned representation in Representation Modifiers. For now, we are using an example with some of the most common parameters and headers. Breaking Down the JSON Response The default response representation for all Search & Discovery entrypoints, like the autosuggest entrypoint we used above, is application/json. However if you use a web browser you will get an HTML representation which is intended for exploring the API. Note: If an Accept header is set in the request and it does not match */*, application/ json or xhtml+xml an HTTP 406 error response - "Not Acceptable" will be returned When using the URL in your HTTP client or browser for the autosuggest entrypoint, you will receive a JSON document containing a result list of places and refined search queries of this particular query. For example, below is a list of places returned from the CIT environment as rendered by a browser: { "results": [ { "Chrysler Building" }, Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Quick Start { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { 22 "Chrysler Camera Repair" }, "Manhattan CHRYSLER" }, "Chrysler Cleaners Inc" }, "Chrysler Stationery & Gift Inc" }, "Chrysler Tower Periodontics" }, "Major World CHRYSLER" }, "Chrysler Auto Repair" }, "Hudson CHRYSLER" }, "Teterboro CHRYSLER" }, "Riverdale CHRYSLER" }, "Major CHRYSLER DODGE Jeep" }, "Bayside CHRYSLER" }, "Star CHRYSLER" }, "Route 46 CHRYSLER" }, "Chrysler-Plymouth Authorized Sales & Service" }, "Monroe" }, "Kacey Chrysler" }, "Chrysler Rd" }, "CHRYSLER" } ] } As can be seen in the example above, most browsers will return expandable links for each individual place. Once expanded, each of these links displays additional information about that particular place. For example, if a user or application expands the information about the Chrysler Building they will see: { "title": "Chrysler Building", "highlightedTitle": "<b>Chrysler</b> Building", "vicinity": "405 Lexington Ave\nNew York, NY 10017", "position": [ 40.75185, -73.97572 ], "category": "sights-museums", "href": "https://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place" } Some important fields to note for a suggested place media type response: • title gives the name of the place • highlightedTitle gives the name of the place with markups highlighting the parts of the string that were matched. • vicinity describes of the location of the place; usually derived from the address of the place, but may also contain any other description that helps a user understand where the place is located. • position describes the geolocation of this particular place. This geolocation is suitable for displaying the place's position on a map. • category explains the relevant category group for that place which helps describe it. All places have a category, for example eat-drink, going-out,sights-museums, and more. • href a URI that links to to the resource from where you can fetch more data about that place. For example, this can be used when the user selects that result item. In the above case, since the Media Type is a place, the returned information is additional data about that place (such as contacts, reviews, additional address information, and more) • type is a URI that describes the kind of resource (what are called Media Types in the Places (Search) API) that will be returned by the href Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Quick Start 23 Using the Result in your Application For now, lets concentrate on the most critical of the above fields in order to give the user the results they desire. In order to properly use the place information sent from the server, you will need to: First, render the entire list of items that are returned in the Autosuggest media type in the User Interface of your application. The Autosuggest media type starts with results, and contains items (the current list of places and refined search suggestions) as seen in the below example: { "results": [ { "title": "Chrysler Building", "highLightedTitle": "<b>Chrysler</b> Building", "vicinity": "405 Lexington Ave\nNew York, NY 10017", "position": [ 40.75185, -73.97572 ], "category": "sights-museums", "href": "https://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place" }, { "title": "Chrysler Camera Repair", "highlightedTitle": "<b>Chrysler</b> Camera Repair", "vicinity": "367 W 34th St\nNew York, NY 10001-1647", "position": [ 40.753098, -73.995239 ], "category": "business-services", "href": "https://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place" }, ..., { "title": "CHRYSLER", "highlightedTitle": "<b>CHRYSLER</b>", "href": "https://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search" } ] } After you have parsed the result list, give users the capability to view information about each of the places on the current list by: • rendering each result item in your application's User Interface using hightlightedTitle or title object and vicinity object, • using the position of each result item for displaying place position's on a map and • providing a link to the href object URI which the user can select Note: In case the user did not find searched place in autosuggest results, we recommend you to use Search entrypoint in your application User Interface to submit complete search term, for example on Enter key press event. Just follow the flow Now that your application's users have seen the suggested results. When a user has found the place, the user (or your application) selects the href URI of the place, a JSON response is given with further Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Quick Start 24 data about that place. Each item listed in this response, just like with each individual place, contains a URI that links you to the resource from where you fetch more information when the user selects that result item. So, in order to allow a user to view any of these items (and any other related items down the line) all you should do is take the URI in the given result item and use it as the next request to the Places (Search) API. Depending on the type of the selected item, you will then either receive detailed information on the selected place or another search result list for the refined search request. In this example "CHRYSLER" with type urn:nlp-types:search is a refined chain/brand search. For example, if you take the place information for the Chrysler Building and the user wants more information about that place, then provide the user the option to select the href object (or some kind of UI equivalent, like a button). Once the user makes the selection, send the entire href URI as the next request to the Places (Search) API. The application will then receive a JSON response like the one below: Note: The response shown here is shortened for the sake of space. See Places Media Type for a full example. { "name": "Chrysler Building", "placeId": "840dr5ru-08bf72d1a15f41228438fb017f83a84c", "view": "http://...", "location": { "position": [ 40.7517 , -73.97583 ], "address": { "text": "405 Lexington Ave at 42nd St<br/>New York City 10017<br/>USA", "house": 405, "street": "Lexington Ave at 42nd St", "postalCode": 10017, "district": "Midtown Center", "city": "New York City", "country": "USA", "countryCode": "USA" } }, "contacts": { "phone": [ { "value": "+12126823070", "label": "Phone" } ], "website": [ { "value": "", "label": "Website" } ] }, "categories": [ "{ Going Out }", "{ Landmark/Attraction }", "{ Sights & Museums }", "{ Theatre, Music & Culture }" ], "icon": "", Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Quick Start 25 "ratings": { "average": 4.75, "count": 8 } } Now, you display the information received to the user and provide them with links to any further URIs in the response. In turn, with those URIs in that response, provide any displayable information and links to any available URIs. And so on. Note: Almost every URI has a type field next to it that explains the kind of resource that will be retrieved. These are the above referenced media types. Some non media type objects also contain label fields that provide similar information This hypermedia mechanism is the most fundamental design principle of the Places (Search) API. You start a usage flow by constructing the URI of the entry point of the use case you want to provide (in the above example, autosuggest) and then display the results to your users. Users then select a hypermedia item they want to know more about and your application just uses the href attribute of the selected item for the next request and then gets access to the required information. So there's no need to know the URIs for all resources in your application's code. No need to construct a URI with complex URI templates. Just follow the link, and we'll get you where you (and your users) want to be. Note: Please keep in mind, as pointed out in the User Flow, applications must guide users through a flow of Search &Discovery, Information, and Interaction. What's Next As you've learned, the Places (Search) API provides you with a simple to use and consistent skeleton for your application's user experience, yet you still have full control over the actual user interface design. The hypermedia approach also allows you to easily familiarize yourself with our API: just follow the links in the responses and you'll find most of the things you can use to build your application. There is only one detail missing before you can build your own application: request your own credentials (see Acquiring Credentials on page 28). Your credentials can then be used on both environments: CIT and production. The production domain is: During development, you continue to use the CIT instance, but once you ship your application, you must switch to production. While requests against both environments are subject to the same quota limits, only those against production will be reflected in the application statistics that you find next to your application's registration info. And you don't want to miss the information on how your Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Quick Start 26 application is used. Also, the quality of service in terms of availabiltiy and latency is only managed in the production environment. The Remainder of This Document While you can learn a lot about the Places (Search) API by just playing with it, we still strongly recommend you read the remainder of this document before you start implementing your application. Your application's extensibility and maintainability will benefit dramatically when you learn about the fundamental design patterns and apply the best practices that we outline in this document. Also, you may want or need to leave the regular path outlined by the hypermedia links of the system. While your application will never have to give up the beauty of the hypermedia pattern, we provide you with simple mechanisms to adjust the behavior of the system to your application's needs. You'll find this information in the following chapters: Core API Features provides an in-depth tutorial for developers that guides you through the concepts and best practices of the Places (Search) API using several simple examples. References includes a detailed specification of all entry points, data types and other elements that comprise the Places (Search) API. Additional Resources Playground You can browse an HTML representation of the API to get a feel for what it provides. Just point a browser to stackoverflow We would love to get your feedback about Places (Search) API. Please join the conversations in the developer forum Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 27 Chapter 3 User Guide Topics: • Acquiring Credentials • Constructing a Request • Key Concepts • API Implementation Check ... • Application Authentication • Rich Content • Place Sharing • JSON Response Patterns • Location Contexts • External References • Representation Modifiers • Pagination of Collections • Localization • Cross-Domain JavaScript Re... • Gzip Compression • Categories • Examples • Service Support The User Guide section explains necessary ideas or requirements for developers of Places (Search) API to understand in order to build an application that will work properly with the Places (Search) API. In the following section, there is an explanation of additional authentication methods as well as a description of requirements for client applications. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 28 Acquiring Credentials All users of HERE APIs must obtain authentication and authorization credentials and provide them as values for the parameters app_id and app_code. The credentials are assigned per application. This document uses the placeholder text {YOUR_APP_CODE} and {YOUR_APP_ID} as placeholders for access and authorization credentials. Please replace these placeholders with your own unique application-specific credentials to access the API resources. To obtain the credentials for an application, please visit to register with HERE. If you wish to explore the API, use the API Explorer at Constructing a Request A request to the Places (Search) API, includes the basic elements shown in the following table and, in addition, it may contain resource-specific parameters. Element Value/Example Description https:// Production environment Base URL Path https:// CIT environment: see HERE Server Environments on page 29 /places/v1/ autosuggest Get autocomplete suggestions for partial search queries. See Autosuggest Entrypoint on page 69 discover/search Find places using a completed text query. See Search Entrypoint on page 73 Resource discover/voice Find places using a text query produced by some voice recognition software. See Voice Search Entrypoint on page 77 discover/explore Find recommended places with certain categories around a location. See Explore Entrypoint on page 81 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide Element 29 Value/Example Description browse Find places with certain categories around a location sorted by distance. See Browse Entrypoint on page 86 browse/by-corridor Find places with certain categories within a corridor area. See Browse by Corridor Entrypoint on page 90 browse/by-corridor/short Simplifies route required for the corridor search. See Corridor Shortener Entrypoint on page 124 discover/here Identify places at a location. See Here Entrypoint on page 95 discover/around Find places around a location. Similar to discover/ explore, but optimized for 3D visual-exploration overlays. See Around Entrypoint on page 99 actions Report user interactions. See Actions Entrypoint on page 122 lookup Find a place by non-Place ID, e.g. PVID. See Lookup Entrypoint on page 116 categories/places Get place categories that are supported within a region. See Place Categories Entrypoint on page 117 categories/cuisines Get cuisines categories that are supported within a region. See Cuisine Categories Entrypoint on page 120 health Monitor the availability of the Places (Search) API See Health Entrypoint on page 127 Application Id ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} Substitute with your own unique app_id Application Code &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} Substitute with your own unique app_code HERE Server Environments HERE provides two server environments for handling your requests: a Production environment and a Customer Integration Testing (CIT) environment. You are required to use the CIT Environment when evaluating our products via our 90-day free trial. • To access CIT for REST APIs, amend the base URL to include an additional cit segment. For example, the CIT URL for this API is Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 30 HERE examples and demos use this CIT environment only to provide an illustration of how the service operates. You are required to use the Production environment for general production use. The CIT environment must not be used for production. High Loads and Performance Testing Neither standard server environment (CIT and Production) is designed to support high loads or performance testing. You must not conduct performance tests against the CIT or Production environments. If you need to do performance testing, please contact HERE to discuss options. Key Concepts This section provides information on key concepts used in the Places (Search) API. User Flow and Hypermedia Links As mentioned in Places (Search) API Main Features on page 13, the Places (Search) API entrypoints are designed to be used in a required User Flow. For each user flow, the entrypoints specifically described as Search & Discovery Entrypoints in the documentation are always accessed first. The diagram below illustrates typical user flows. Other entrypoints, the Additional Entrypoints, can be accessed only by following links returned from these root resources and accessing these links must be triggered by a deliberate and specific user interaction with the link. For example, it is not permissible to download all pages linked to from a response in order to try to improve performance. Nor is it permissible to write applications (or 'robots') to access and/or analyse the content from the Places (Search) API. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 31 More specifically, clients may use URL templating only for root resources. The hyperlinks on these resources contain URLs to follow in order to access other endpoints in the system. Unless specifically documented otherwise, it is not permissible to use URL templating for these other entrypoints. This is vital because by using URI templating, a request would not include critical information that is required to create the response for the next request. The entrypoints documented will not be changed without clients being informed. Other entrypoint URLs may change at any time. Using the proper workflow by following links rather than URL templating is the only way to guarantee that an application will not create broken links. Utilization of Hypermedia Links Client applications interact with the Places (Search) API JSON representations using hypermedia links in the resources. Place A hypermedia link is represented as a JSON object which has an href attribute. Other link attributes may be present which give more details about the link (see the link object definition). For example, a place resource contains links to the category resources associated with the place: { "name": "Max's Pizza Place", "placeId": "360u09tv-be16478e55314b338c551aab2651c9d3", "categories": [ { "id": "restaurant", "title": "Restaurant", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "icon": "http://..." } ] } Category The link object in the categories array points to the following category resource. Notice the attribute names are different since link objects are not resources. For example: { "categoryId": "restaurant", "name": "Restaurant", "icon": "http://..." } Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 32 Method A link object could contain a method attribute, if the action/method to be performed on the resource is not the default retrieval GET method. For example: { "delete": { "title": "Delete an item", "href": "http://...", "method": "DELETE" } } Type of Resource All links to Places (Search) API resources indicate the type of the resource being linked to with the type attribute. If a client is only interested in a specific resource, it should filter links based on the type attribute. A link may also be to an external resource type, in which case the type attribute is either MIME media type or missing, not a type URI. An example for this is the via link object in an image or review object: { "via": { "href": "", "type": "text/html" } } In the case that a link object doesn't contain a type attribute, clients that want to use such a link should use the most universal http client available (usually a web browser) to open that link as it may connect to any kind of web resource. Places (Search) API link objects follow the convention that when a link object is an attribute value the attribute name signifies the relation type. For example, the via attribute on a review object signifies that the link is to the original document containing the review. Backward Compatibility All minor API updates and bug fixes are implemented in a way that does not break compatibility with existing applications. Major updates that significantly change the API behavior will be released on a different URL. The following request interface changes are considered backward compatible: • • • Adding new endpoints. Adding new optional parameters. Adding new enumeration values. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide • • 33 Changing a parameter from mandatory to optional. Softening a parameter constraint. There are various areas where future releases of the Places (Search) API will silently extend the volume and types of information provided, therefor applications should be able to handle unknown elements and enumeration values while parsing a response (see Prepare for Extensibility on page 33). API Implementation Check List Client applications must honour the terms and conditions of the Places (Search) API and follow recommended design principles and best practices as outlined in this section. The following section highlights some specific obligations that an application's code must honour. Failure to comply with these requirements would violate HERE Platform terms and conditions and could cause an application to fail when the feature set is enhanced in future versions. Prepare for Extensibility There are various areas where future releases of the Places (Search) API will silently extend the volume and types of information provided. • • • • Code must check the type attribute of the hypermedia links to ensure that applications don't try to access media types that may be introduced in future releases. Clients should iterate over all contacts attributes of a place instead of picking specific ones to ensure that applications can display all available contact mechanisms to users. Developers should iterate over all extended attributes instead of picking specific ones to ensure that applications can display all available facts about a place to users. Developers should also iterate over all related places instead of picking specific ones to ensure that applications can display places of all related types to users. The API contract with client applications allows for extensibility. In general, clients can rely on the fact that anything that is documented will remain valid at least within the major version of the API to which the documentation applies. Anything that is not documented may change at any time. Clients should be prepared to find new elements (content and features) in new releases of the API. Developers are free either to ignore the new elements or – if the new elements are documented – use them by applying generic patterns, without adverse impact on existing applications. Developers should not be surprised to find undocumented objects, attributes, or fields in our responses. The Places (Search) API offers feature parity to all users of the API; so even experimental features that we initially develop with certain pilot API users will be visible from the start. But we will Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 34 only add them to the public documentation once the new feature has fully matured and proven to add value for our users. Please note that we may change the implementation of such features at any time, or even decide to remove them from a future release. So unless you are fully aware of the application of these features (and how to manage potential changes), it is best to wait to use the new features until they are publicly documented. In other words, if a feature is not mentioned in this documentation we recommend that you do not use it. Client Activity Tracking Applications using Places (Search) API must enable services to log user activities such as search requests, search result choices and other interactions. Activity Tracking aims to improve the future Search & Discovery experience for the user. This feature is based on anonymously provided data about user activities such as search requests. More specifically Places (Search) API relies on feedback from users in order to improve the statistical model it uses for building relationships between places, ranking places and providing recommendations. This data also helps HERE to debug customers' technical issues. To this end, client applications should send certain tracking data with each request they make. The data is anonymous and the purpose is not to track individual users but to improve the results from the Places (Search) API. For detailed information for how to appropriately track client activity, see below: Cookies Cookies are small pieces of data sent from services like the Places (Search) API to its clients in HTTP response headers. The client application remembers this data, and when it later uses the same service, it sends the cookie data back to the service. This is used to correlate different requests from the same user. Client applications using the Places (Search) API are required to support cookies. The Places (Search) API uses two cookies called NLP.PS and NLP.PP, which are sent in Set_Cookie response headers. The application should then send these cookies in Cookie request headers with each subsequent request until the date provided in the Expires field of the cookie. If such a date is not present, the cookie should be sent only until the end of the session. While cookie handling can be manually implemented, most HTTP libraries have built in support for it. If the client application sends the DNT (Do Not Track) header to the Places (Search) API, then Places (Search) API will not use information from cookies to track user activities, but might use them for other technical purposes. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 35 X-Forwarded-For Header The X-Forwarded-For header should be provided in line with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Forwarded HTTP Extension specification. If requests from the client application are generated on a server rather than the user's device, the server should send the client's IP address in the X-Forwarded-For header. User-Agent Header The User-Agent. in header should be provided to the Places (Search) API. Displaying Content All results returned by the API must be shown to the user, and they must be presented to the user in the order that they were returned by the API. Note: Developers can use the size parameter to request a certain number of results. In other words, if you are only interested in displaying 3 results, then set the size parameter (in the particluar entrypoint you want to use) to 3. However, unless otherwise stated, developers can choose which fields of these results to display to the user and which not to show. For example, it is up to the developer whether to show a field like averageRating. There are several required fields to display. Currently, developers are required to display: • • Source Attribution on page 36 when showing elements for which source attribution is provided • Full Places Data in the view URI - the UI must provide a link that allows the user of the application to access the full place details as provided by HERE in a web browser (or any other platform component that is capable of rendering HTML web resources). This link must use the URI provided in the view attribute of the place. Sponsored Search Results when they are present in the responses of search media types As a further restriction on the display of data, the results may not be used to create 'mash-ups' or enhanced services, if the goal is to create similar products to compete with products available from HERE or to incorrectly attribute content from the API. Similarly, making modifications, additions, omissions, alterations, adaptations or derivative works of the content is not allowed. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 36 Disclaimer Third party content Each third party content provider is solely responsible for any content it provides, any warranties (to the extent that such warranties have not been disclaimed), and for any claims you may have relating to that content or your access or use of that content. HERE has no control over the third party content or the availability or quality of such third party content, and assumes no responsibility for material created or published even if accessed or called through a HERE service or API. Source Attribution The Places (Search) API gives access to content that is provided by a number of sources. Client applications must display the source attribution next to the content. This requirement forms part of the terms and conditions of the API. Types of content that require attribution include images, reviews, editorials or a place itself. Below is an example of an image object with attribution information: { "src": "http://...", "via": { "href": "http://originalArticle..", "type": "text/html" }, "supplier": { "title": "Qype", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:supplier", "icon": "http://..." }, "user": { "name": "Max Mustermann", "href": "http://userProfile...", "type": "text/html", "icon": "http://userIcon..." }, "attribution": "Provided by <a href=\"http://originalArticle...\">Qype</a> user <a href= \"http://userProfile...\">Max Mustermann</a>" } Attribution information is present in the form of link objects and as a ready-to-display HTML string in the attribution field. The amount of attribution information will vary for different pieces of content. Developers should refer to the reference documentation for the relevant media type definition. For example, urn:nlp-types:supplier Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 37 For Clients Using the HTML Representation (Default) The only step is to display the rich text in the attribution field next to the content. For Clients Using the Plain Text Representation If the platform does not allow display of embedded HTML, client applications will need to display the following fields along with the content in the UI: • the text given in the attribution field • a link to the user's profile in user.href if available • the user's icon in user.icon if available • a link to the original source in via.href if available Note: Not all of this attribution information is available for all content. However, what is available must be displayed. Sponsored Search Results Result responses using the search media type may contain items in the result list marked as sponsored. The application UI must contain a visual indication that allows users to distinguish standard result items from sponsored results. Such an indication, for example, could be an icon, a distinct background color, or other means of highlighting the difference between standard and sponsored search results. Testing An App All testing of application must be performed against the Customer Integration Testing (CIT) environment. Only production traffic may and has to use the production environment. Testing to monitor the production environment is not allowed. For this purpose there is a special health check endpoint that applications can use to test availablilty of and connectivity to our service. X-NLP-Testing Header The X-NLP-Testing-Header header should be provided for all test requests, i.e requests that are not triggered by real user interaction, so that these tests do not influence the search relevance model. Search Engines Applications using the Places (Search) API may not be exposed in such a way that search engines can crawl content provided by the Places (Search) API. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 38 Application Authentication Applications must send credentials to identify themselves to the Places (Search) API when making requests. These credentials are a pair of values named app_id and app_code, which are obtained as described in Acquiring Credentials on page 28. They can be sent either as query string parameters, or using HTTP Basic Authentication. Alternatively, enterprise and automotive applications may use OAuth 1.0 request signing to authenticate the application, and this is required when using premium features. Query string parameter application authentication Applications can send the app_id and app_code as query string parameters. Note that as with all query string parameters, the values should be URL-encoded when sent in this way. For example, the complete URL for a search request for "Italian pizza" in Berlin might look like this: at=52.5310%2C13.3848 &q=Italian+pizza &app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} Note: Your application's requests will use its own unique app_id and app_code, rather the the ones above. To obtain the credentials for an application, see Acquiring Credentials on page 28. HTTP Basic application authentication Instead of sending the application credentials in URL query strings, the app_id and app_code can be sent in the Authorization header using the HTTP Basic Authentication Scheme. The Authorization header is constructed as follows: • • • app_id and app_code are combined into a string "app_id:app_code" The resulting string is then encoded using Base64 The Authorization method and a space, i.e. "Basic ", is then put before the encoded string. Example of authorization header: Header name Header value Authorization Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ= Note: To use HTTP Basic application authentication your must send HTTPS requests. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 39 When the application uses HTTP Basic Authentication the app_id and app_code query parameters can be omitted. OAuth 1.0 Request Signing To use premium features of the Places (Search) API, applications must sign requests using their app_id and a shared secret. OAuth 1.0 is used to sign all requests so that the client's identity can be verified. When using request signing, the app_id and app_code should not be sent as query string parameters. Instead, the app_id is used as the value of oauth_consumer_key in the OAuth signature, and the signature is signed using the application's shared secret. The app_code is not needed at all when request signing is used. Note: OAuth 1.0 supports authenticating both a client application and a user (or "resource owner") to the server. The Places (Search) API only uses OAuth 1.0 for application authentication, so there is no resource owner, and the oauth_token parameter should therefore be omitted when following the OAuth 1.0 procedure for Making Requests. The Places (Search) API supports the following signature methods of OAuth 1.0: • HMAC-SHA1 Below is an example of an authorization header that uses the HMAC-SHA1 signature method: Authorization: OAuth realm="Example", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_nonce="01TKi", oauth_timestamp="1361198411", oauth_consumer_key="{YOUR_APP_ID}", oauth_signature="wOJIO9A2W5mFwDgiDvZbTSMK%2FPY%3D" • PLAINTEXT Note: To use the PLAINTEXT OAuth Signature Method you must send https requests. Below is an example of an authorization header that uses the PLAINTEXT signature method Authorization: OAuth realm="Example", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_consumer_key="{YOUR_APP_ID}", oauth_signature="wOJIO9A2W5mFwDgiDvZbTSMK%2FPY%3D" Rich Content The media section of a place details response returns different kinds of media collections, such as editorials, reviews and images relevant for the place. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 40 Attribution of rich content Editorials, images and reviews come with source attribution in the attribution field. Clients that show media content, are obliged to also show the content of the attribution field next to the media content (for details, cf. Source Attribution). Availability of rich content Since some of the content comes from external providers, not all contents is available to all clients, due to contractual reasons. Place Sharing The link in the place.view attribute can be used to enable users to share a place with their friends. The link points to a human-friendly representation of the place. The link is dynamic and may return a different representation depending on the platform on which it is being viewed. For example, if it is being viewed from a desktop browser, it will link to the place page in HERE Maps. The example below shows a typical view link on a place which can be used when sharing: { "name": "Antipodes", "location": { ... }, "placeId": "276u33dc-3944a4748a62499cb795cf8bee349c9c", "view": "" } JSON Response Patterns Optional Properties This section describes the information that is available in request responses. If there is no value for an attribute of an object, the attribute is omitted altogether. For example, in the review object, the id, language,and via attributes are not necessarily present: { "reviewId": "ugc-bdc277eb-de94-48f0-bcb8-9e53034ee0d7", "date": "2012-03-12T17:36:56Z", "title": "some review", "rating": 5, "description": "some review description", "user": { Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 41 "name": "anonymous" }, "language": "en", "supplier": { "id": "here", "title": "HERE User", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:supplier", "icon": "http://..." }, "attribution": "Provided by HERE User" } Check the reference documentation for each specific response object for information on which properties are guaranteed to be present. Most objects (or their attributes) are listed as required or optional. Rich Text Properties Properties that are intended to be displayed to the user contain rich text. For example, the "text" attribute of the address object. HTML is currently provided as the default, and allows switching to plain text for the entire response and/or selected fields. In the future there migh be more supported formats, or more specification about the subset of HTML beings used. Rendered Representations Of Complex Properties Some attributes, like the address attribute of a place, have complex data structures for clients that want to do something with this data. For clients that just want to display the information to the user, there is a "text" attribute that can be presented directly to the user. This attribute is a rich text field. { "address": { "street": "22 Rue du Grenier Saint-Lazare", "postalCode": "75003", "city": "Paris", "countryCode": "FRA", "country": "France", "text": "22 Rue du Grenier Saint-Lazare\n75003 Paris\nFrance" } } Location Contexts The HERE Places (Search) API uses location information to provide results that are as relevant as possible to your users. Location information is provided to the Places (Search) API in the form of location contexts. Location context information is either explicitly provided by the user, e.g. by clicking on a map, or is implicitly available to your application, such as the user's geoposition or the map viewport currently displayed to the user. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 42 All HERE entry points require you to provide at least one location context. It is strongly recommended that you always provide all of the implicit location context information available to your application, and to additionally provide an explicit location context when the user action that triggers a request includes explicit location information. When the user does not explicitly indicate a location context, e.g. by performing a search query from a free-text input element, the best results are achieved by sending all available implicit location context and not sending any explicit location context parameters. See Best Practice on page 43 for more detail about what location context to send. Explicit Location Context When the user explicitly indicates a location to your application, for example by clicking on a map position to trigger a discovery query at that location, your application should provide an explicit location context to the Places (Search) API using one of the following query string parameters: Name Availiability Format Description at Always Position Specifies an explicit position as a point in Selected request types Circle or Bounding Box Specifies an explicit or Polygon area When an explicit location context is provided in this way, we recommend that you also send any applicable implicit location context information ( as described below). While the explicit location context will take precedence, providing additional implicit context information will ensure you get the best results possible. Implicit Location Context Your application will often have location information available to it that is not explicitly provided by the user, such as the user's geolocation or a map area currently being displayed to the user. Sending at least one type of implicit location context information is required in the absence of an explicit location context, and you are strongly encouraged to send implicit location context information to ensure you get optimal results even when providing an explicit location. Applications should always send the following implicit location context headers when the values are known: Name Format Description Geolocation Position Specifies the physical position of a user X‑Map‑Viewport Bounding Box Specifies the map area currently displayed to the user Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 43 As an example of a case in which you should rely on implicit location context information alone, consider a user sitting on a train, browsing a map of their destination. Looking out of the window they see a castle and want to learn more about it, so they use your application's search function with a query of castle. What is the most important piece of location context information for this search query? The user has not indicated an explicit location, and the most relevant location context could be the user's current location obtained from the device's GPS unit, or the location currently visible on the user's map. It is not obvious to the application which is the most relevant, and by providing all of the relevant implicit location context information to the Places (Search) API, it can try to determine and provide the most appropriate results. Best Practice To get the best results, applications should always send implicit location context information when available, and only send an explicit location context parameter when the user has explicitly indicated a specific location. Therefore, It is recommended that applications always send the XMap-Viewport header when the application is displaying a map to user, and always send the Geolocation header when the user's position is known. This is sufficient in many use cases, and an explicit location context (via a query string parameter) is often not required. For example, suppose the application always displays a map to the user, and provides a textbox for free-text search backed by the search entrypoint. If the user performs a search using this textbox, the application should supply the X-Map-Viewport header, and if the user's position is also known, the Geolocation header as well. The user hasn't indicated an explicit location related to their search (other than possibly positioning the map viewport), so there is no need to specify an explicit location context. On the other hand, suppose the application also provides the ability to click on the map and find out what is at that location using the Here entrypoint. In this case, the user has an explicit location by clicking on the map, which the application should provide as an explicit location context in the at query string parameter. The application should still send the implicit context information via the XMap-Viewport header (and the Geolocation if the user's location is available), but the explicit location will take precedence for determining the primary location for the request. Distance Calculation Places in results have a distance field, which is intended to be the distance of that place from the user or from an explicit reference point. If an explicit location context is provided the distance will be calculated from the given position. In the absence of an explicit location context the position given in the Geolocation header is used. If the only available location context is from the X-Map-Viewport, no distances are returned. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 44 Position Format The Geolocation header (implicit context) and at parameter (explicit context) specify a position as a 'geo' URI. The position is given as comma-separated values for latitude and longitude (in the WGS 84 coordinate system), and optionally altitude (in meters above sea level), and a semicolon-separated list of position parameters. Applications should specify the source for the position by passing one of the following values for the cgen parameter: • map for points on a map, for example, geo:53.12,10.15;cgen=map. • gps for values from a GPS device, for example,geo:53.12,10.15;cgen=gps. • sgps for shifted GPS coordinates from a device fulfilling the legal requirements in China, for example, geo:53.12,10.15;cgen=sgps. Uncertainty in the geo-coordinates should be given in the u parameter as the uncertainty in meters, for example, geo:53.12,10.15;cgen=gps;u=100. This might be the uncertainty of a GPS coordinate fix, or uncertainty resulting from the resolution of a map. An absolutely accurate position should be specified with u=0. If the u parameter is not provided, the uncertainty is unspecified rather than 0. For example, 39.91,116.40;cgen=gps;u=16 specifies a position derived from a GPS device with an uncertainty of 16 meters. Circle Format A circular area can be specified as a location context by providing a position (as described in Position) and an additional radius. The radius is given by setting the r parameter to the radius in meters. For example,53.12,10.15;r=10500 specifies an area with a 10.5km radius. Bounding Box Format A bounding box can be used to specify a geographic area as a location context. The rectangle spanning the area is specified in the WGS 84 coordinate system as four comma-separated values in the following order: west longitude, south latitude, east longitude, north latitude. For example, 13.125,52.362,13.661,52.693 specifies a bounding box for Berlin. For maps applications using HERE map tiles, the zoom level should be sent as a fifth parameter. For example, if the zoom level is 4.3, the above example would become 13.125,52.362,13.661,52.693,4.3. Polygon Format (Experimental) A polygon area can be used to specify a location context by providing a set of at least four comma-separated coordinate pairs where the first and Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 45 the last one are the same (see WGS 84 coordinate system) For example, 53.5869,10.0014,48.1305,11.5615,52.5171,13.3853,53.5869,10.0014 specifies a polygon area of Hamburg-Munich-Berlin. External References The concept of external reference allows you to mash up Places (Search) API features with services and data provided by other systems in a bidirectional way: • If you want to associate a place that you have found in Places (Search) API with information from another system, Places (Search) API provides access to identifiers used by external systems. Depending on license agreements that you might have with some external systems, you can interact with the external systems using their identifiers. • If you want to interact with a place in Places (Search) API that you found in another source, you are able to lookup the Places (Search) API place with the help of the identifier used in the external system. With those features we allow your application to combine multiple systems in your applications, without spending a huge amount of resources on matching and de-duplicating of place content coming from multiple sources. Getting access to external identifiers By default, external references are not exposed in the Place Media Type on page 134. To request for certain external references, client applications have to use the Show References Representation Modifier to tell Places (Search) API which external systems client applications want to integrate with. For example, using Explore Entrypoint on page 81 to find hotels in San Francisco: at=37.7851%2C-122.4047&cat=accommodation&app_id={YOUR_APP_ID}&app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} Places (Search) API would return place-details links and one of the links refers to Hotel Palomar: { "results": { "next": "http://...", "items": [ { ..., "title": "Hotel Palomar", ..., "href": " places/8409q8yy-6af3c3e50bcb4f859686797b2be5773d;context=...", }, ... ] } Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide } To expose HERE Core Maps identifiers, client applications could just add representation modifier "&show_refs=pvid" to all provided URL in the search results before they fetch the place details: places/8409q8yy-6af3c3e50bcb4f859686797b2be5773d;context=...&show_refs=pvid The response then will contain the HERE Core Maps identifiers in the references attribute: { "name": "Hotel Palomar", ..., "references": { "pvid": { "id": "1048649872" } }, ... } Certain places might have more than one external identifiers that refer to same place. These additional identifiers are exposed in the alternatives attribute: { "name": "Hotel Palomar", ..., "references": { "pvid": { "id": "1048649872", "alternatives": [ { "id": "19435190" } ] } }, ... } Looking up place details by external identifiers Client applications could find places by it's external identifiers. To retrieve place by external identifier, please see Lookup Entrypoint on page 116. Position of External References Depending on the type of the external references, the references attribute might appear in different parts of JSON response: • Place external references, references attribute is a direct children attribute of Place Media Type on page 134 • Location external references, references attribute is within the location attribute. 46 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 47 For example, adding building (3D) external system name in the representation modifier "&show_refs=pvid,building", the JSON response might contain 2 references attributes: { "name": "Hotel Palomar", ..., "references": { "pvid": { "id": "1048649872", "alternatives": [ { "id": "19435190" } ] } }, ..., "location": { "position": [ 37.78539 , -122.40535 ], ..., "references": { "building": { "id": "9000000000000879904" } }, ... } Representation Modifiers Places (Search) API media types allows client applications to adjust the presentation of the returned response to suit their needs. Applications can activate the various tailoring options by passing a series of options as additional query string parameters to the request. Note: Representation modifiers are resource-specific and therefore are not propagated to links in the response which point to a different resource type. This means that applications need to add representation modifiers to all links received in a response except for those that link to the same resource type. For example, the URI in the next attribute. Please refer to the sections on the individual media types for details on which representation modifiers are supported for each type. Page Size (size) The option defines the page size (maximum number of items) of all paginateble collections in the response; if not provided, each collection may define its own reasonable default. Individual collections may define a maximum page size and then use that instead of the provided value. For example: Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 48 • In search results, the size option determines the maximum amount of result items to show on each result list page (default: 20). • In media collections such as media.images, the maximum number of images to return (default: 5). Text Format (tf) Various attributes returned in responses are defined as rich text strings. With this option, clients can define the format in which rich text attributes are exposed. Supported values are: • html : (default) The rich text is rendered as an XHTML fragment using a subset of the standard HTML elements applicable for text rendering, including a, b, br, ul, ol, li, i, p, h? or img (only used for inline-images). • plain : The rich text attribute is reduced to a plain text representation. Image dimensions (image_dimensions) When a resource provides a URI of image resources (for example, photos of a place) applications are able to request specific maximum sizes of those images to match their UI and bandwidth requirements. The format is that of a comma-separated list where each element specifies dimensions for a scaled image by providing either the desired width, desired height, or both. Valid elements are: • w\d+ • h\d+ • w\d+-h\d+ Examples: • image_dimensions=w32-h32,w64-h64 • image_dimensions=w32-h32,w300 • image_dimensions=h200 The provided values are used as upper boundaries for the dimensions of the returned images. The solution will never scale up small images and will maintain the aspect ratio of the original image. If this option is used, the image objects in media.images.items contain a dimensions attribute, which is a map containing links to the sized variants of the original image. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 49 For example: { "src": "http://...", "dimensions": { "w32-h32": "http://...", "w64-h64": "http://..." } } Show content (show_content) show_content allows applications to request additional content related to the search result. The format is a comma-separated list of content names. Identifier Description wikipedia This option can be used to show Wikipedia editorial content in Place Media Type on page 134 response. Note: HERE has no control over the availability and quality of Wikipedia content. For more detail, please read HERE Disclaimer on third party content. When displaying Wikipedia content, client applications must display the source attribution next to the content. This requirement forms part of the terms and conditions of the Places (Search) API. fuel The HERE platform also has a fuel service. The fuel service has information about fuel prices and fuel types from petrol stations. In case show_content contains fuel, Places (Search) API will enrich search result with fuel content. This is only done if search result has petrol-station category. This option can only be used when requesting the Search Media Type on page 129. Example of fuel content: "fuelPrices": { "text":"Super Unleaded: EUR 1.359/l<br/>Diesel: EUR 1.089/l", "label":"Fuel Prices" } Show references (show_refs) show_refs allows applications to request place/location related ids of external systems to be included in returned response. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 50 The format is a comma-separated list of external system names. The option can only be used when requesting the following media types: • Place Media Type on page 134 • Search Media Type on page 129 Places (Search) API currently support the following external systems: Name of the system Identifier Description HERE Core Maps pvid HERE’s core content product provides map and POI data for most regions of the world. This data product provides long term stable identifiers, called PVID. For the subset of map features that are available through Places (Search) API, that external reference allows to correlate information available in the two products HERE Venue Maps venues.* HERE’s venue maps product provides indoor maps for thousands of venues. It provides three type of identifiers: • venues: All types of venue IDs • venues.venue: Venue IDs • venues.content: Venue content IDs • venues.destination: Venue destination IDs All types of identifier can be used to associate the corresponding objects in the venue maps product with Places (Search) API Facebook facebook Application can use Facebook unique page ID to retrieve content directly from Facebook Graph API Yelp yelp Application can use Yelp unique ID to retrieve content directly from Yelp Business API TripAdvisor tripadvisor Application can use TripAdvisor unique ID to retrieve content directly from TripAdvisor Content API Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 51 Name of the system Identifier Description Opentable opentable Website developer can use OpenTable restaurant unique ID to include OpenTable reservation widget. For more detailed information on External References, please refer to User Guide External References on page 45 Teasers (teasers) The maximum number of places in search results that should have teaser information (e.g image URL) included. The format is numeric value (default: 0). Category systems (cs) cs allows applications to request multiple place categories from different category systems to be included in returned response. The format is a comma-separated list of category system names. The option can only be used when requesting the following media types: • Place Media Type on page 134 • Search Media Type on page 129 Supported values are: • places: Place categories • cuisines: Cuisine categories Pagination of Collections Large collections are paginated (set into a list of pages) using hyperlinks to point to the next and previous page of items. Collections are wrapped in a paginator object that provides access to the pagination status as well as the items on the current page. Whether the available attribute is present and the amount of the items within a page depends on the use case. For example, in the future, when searching for an airport, the search resource may give a response where the first page only contains results within a maximum distance. In this scenario, a Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 52 request for the next "page" could return results with a larger maximum distance. In other words, the amount of results on a page are dependent on both the amount of results and use case criteria. An example of a paginator object: { "available": 26, "next": "", "offset": 3, "items": ["d", "e", "f"] } Localization Where possible, the Places (Search) API will attempt to present the response data in a language specified by the Accept-Language request header. The Accept-Language header should contain the user's language preferences according to the HTTP 1.1 specification. These preferences are used to select the best available translation for the resource information. The sections below describe in more detail how these preferences influence the response. Content Content such as place reviews and editorials and extended attributes of a place will be returned in the requested language if translations are available for it. If there are no translations available, the Places (Search) API will fall back to the next best alternative given the preferences chosen. Places (Search) API aggregates content from different sources. Depending on the availability of translations for each content source, it may be the case that a resource contains content in different languages. In this case, the Places (Search) API will make a selection that best satisfies the user's request given the available content. Place Names and Addresses Where available, exonyms of place names and addresses are returned. For example, if a user's preferred language is English, search results containing places in Munich would have addresses using the names Munich, Germany instead of München, Deutschland. If a place (for example in Munich, Germany) has an alternative name in English, the English name would be returned as the place name and the original name would be present in the alternativeNames attribute. Addresses (and vicinity in search result items) are formatted according to the locality of the place. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 53 Labels and Ready-to-Display Strings Labels, category names and ready-to-display strings such the attribution attribute will be translated into the requested language, if a translation is available. Otherwise the default is English. There are currently translations for the following languages: Language name Accept-Language header value Afrikaans af-ZA Albanian sq-AL Arabic ar-SA Azeri (Latin) az-Latn-AZ Basque eu-ES Belarusian be-BY Bulgarian bg-BG Catalan ca-ES Chinese (China) zh-CN Chinese (Taiwan) zh-TW Croatian hr-HR Czech cs-CZ Danish da-DK Dutch nl-NL English (British) en-GB English (United States) en-US Estonian et-EE Farsi fa-IR Filipino tl, fil, fil-PH Finnish fi-FI French fr-FR French (Canada) fr-CA Galician gl-ES German de-DE Greek el-GR Hausa ha-Latn-NG Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide Language name Accept-Language header value Hebrew he-IL Hindi hi-IN Hungarian hu-HU Indonesian (Bahasa) id-ID Italian it-IT Japanese ja-JP Kazakh kk-KZ Korean ko-KR Latvian lv-LV Lithuanian lt-LT Macedonian mk-MK Malay (Bahasa) ms-MY Norwegian (Bokmål) no, nb, nb-NO Polish pl-PL Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT Romanian ro-RO Russian ru-RU Serbian (Latin) sr-Latn-CS Slovak sk-SK Slovenian sl-SI Spanish (Mexico) es-MX Spanish (Spain) es-ES Swedish sv-SE Thai th-TH Turkish tr-TR Ukrainian uk-UA Uzbek (Latin) uz-Latn-UZ Vietnamese vi-VN 54 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 55 Cross-Domain JavaScript Requests Often, browsers prevent access to certain servers due to security restrictions. Cross-Domain JavaScript Requests allows developers to work around security restrictions that would prevent an application from contacting Places (Search) API directly. For example, certain location information might not be retrievable without enabling this method. In order to allow full access to servers, the Places (Search) API provides a mechanism to enable client-side cross-origin requests that allow JavaScript resources to be fetched from another domain. For details on how this mechanism operates, see Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. Places (Search) API currently uses all headers and parameters of this mechanism. In order to support browser platforms which do not yet implement Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, GET requests can alternatively be made using JSONP. To use JSONP, your application simply supplies the name of its callback function in the callback query string parameter. When making a JSONP request, parameters that would normally be sent as HTTP headers can be passed as query string parameters instead. For example, to use JSONP to request German-language results with a callback named myCallbackFunction, you could make a request like the example below: GET,13.3909 &q=restaurant &app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &pretty &callback=myCallbackFunction &Accept-Language=de Note: The JSONP mechanism only works for GET requests. POST requests can only be made using the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing mechanism discussed above. Gzip Compression Responses provided by the Places (Search) API can optionally be compressed in the gzip format. Developers are strongly encouraged to make use of this option, as it can have a major positive impact on the responsiveness and performance of the client application by significantly reducing the response size. Applications can request a gzip-compressed response in two ways. Applications can either set the standard Accept-Encoding header or set the x-accept-encoding header. If x-accept- Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 56 encoding is set, it overides Accept-Encoding; the syntax and content of both variants are the same. They both conform to the standard accept-encoding header specification as set by the IETF. Header name Header value Accept-Encoding gzip x-accept-encoding gzip Note: When the response is gzip compressed, the Content-Encoding response header is sent with a value of gzip. Categories The Places (Search) API maintains a large selection of categories that can be used to describe and group places. The categories that are available do actually change over time and location, i.e. not all categories are applicable at all places and categories will be added and removed in the future. Place Categories The Places (Search) API provides an entrypoint that can be queried to obtain a list of place categories that are currently used in a given location Place Categories Entrypoint on page 117. Therefore only a subset of the categories can be used as filters (for example with the Explore Entrypoint on page 81). These filter categories are "fixed" and will not be removed in future releases. At the moment, the subset is: • eat-drink • • • restaurant ◦ coffee-tea ◦ snacks-fast-food ◦ going-out sights-museums transport • • • • • • • airport ◦ accommodation shopping leisure-outdoor administrative-areas-buildings natural-geographical petrol-station atm-bank-exchange Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide • • 57 toilet-rest-area hospital-health-care-facility Cuisine Categories Additional to place categories, Places (Search) API also supports cuisine categories. A list cuisine categories can be obtain from the entrypoint Cuisine Categories Entrypoint on page 120. This type of category filter can only be applied in Explore Entrypoint on page 81 and Tiles Entrypoint on page 113 Examples The following section contains more detailed stories about how to implement many features of the Places (Search) API. Using free-text search The discover/search resource uses the HERE place search engine to analyse queries that have been entered by users. It uses the location information as well as language information that is provided along with the query to try to understand the user intent. Generally it tries to be precise, i.e. return only results that are relevant to the query. Also, it tries to have good recall, i.e. return all the relevant results for a particular query. Finding a specific place by it's name A very basic use case is that the user is searching for a specific place, i.e. they know that it exists and want to find it. They might know its name and some location information. In this case the search engine orders the result according to how well they match the query. An example would be to search for the famous Brandenburg Gate in Berlin using a location in central Berlin: ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.531,13.3843 &q=Brandenburg+Gate &pretty Finding faraway places The search engine can find places even if they are not close to the coordinates that were provided. This is the case for places with name that are globally unique such as the Eiffel Tower. The following Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 58 query will return the Eiffel Tower in Paris even though the application indicates that the location context is in Berlin: ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.531,13.3843 &q=Eiffel+Tower &pretty The search engine also analyses the query for references to geographic names. So even though there are many museums in and around Berlin the following query will return the Science Museum in London, because London is mentioned in the query. ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.531,13.3843 &q=science+museum%2C+london &pretty Finding a place using its address A common way to describe locations of places are addresses. The discover/search endpoint can also find addresses that are given as free-text user input. Even though we are providing the Berlin location the following address search will return the address in Hamburg, because it is specific enough to be interpreted without the extra location context: ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.531,13.3843 &q=Rathausstraße+3%2C+Hamburg &pretty If the search string is less specific, it will take the location context into account. The following query will yield Rathausstraße 3 in Berlin, because we told the search engine that the location context is in central Berlin: ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.531,13.3843 &q=Rathausstraße+3 &pretty Address search also finds post code areas. When searching in New York City, we can find Beverly Hills by just entering 90210: ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=40.7967,-73.9252 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 59 &q=90210 &pretty Discovering a particular kind of place In some cases users don't care about a specific place, they just need a particular kind of place, such as a cafe in a certain area. In this case the places are ranked according to the place rating, which is based on user interaction data and reviews. Here is an example to discover cafes in Berlin: ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.531,13.3843 &q=cafe &pretty For certain places a ranking by rating is not helpful, because they are interchangeable. Examples of such places include petrol stations, ATMs and different outlets of chain stores. Whenever the search engine detects such a query they result are ordered by distance. An example would be to search for a REWE supermarket near the HERE Berlin office: ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.531,13.3848 &q=REWE &pretty Restricting search results It is possible to restrict search results within a search area. If you are not willing to walk for more than 500m for your restaurant, consider the following query: ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &in=52.531,13.3848;r=500 &q=restaurant &pretty Use your location Additionally or alternatively to the explicit location context in the at and in parameter, an application can set implicit location contexts. If the application has a user-visible map it can send the viewport the user is currently looking at. The following example demonstrates a request with X-Map-Viewport header using curl command line tool. curl \ --compressed \ -H 'Accept-Encoding:gzip' \ Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 60 -H 'Accept-Language:en-US,en;q=0.8,de;q=0.6,id;q=0.4' \ -H 'X-Map-Viewport:13.3704,52.5122,13.4194,52.5262' \ --get '' \ --data-urlencode 'app_id={YOUR_APP_ID}' \ --data-urlencode 'app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE}' \ --data-urlencode 'q=restaurant' \ --data-urlencode 'pretty=true' If the application has access to the user's position, it can send this as well: curl \ --compressed \ -H 'Accept-Encoding:gzip' \ -H 'Accept-Language:en-US,en;q=0.8,de;q=0.6,id;q=0.4' \ -H 'Geolocation:geo:52.531,13.3843' \ --get '' \ --data-urlencode 'app_id={YOUR_APP_ID}' \ --data-urlencode 'app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE}' \ --data-urlencode 'q=restaurant' \ --data-urlencode 'pretty=true' Refine search results Setting the refinements parameter allows for retrieving places and refined searches. A refined search helps the search engine to deal with ambiguity in user queries. This allows the application to suggest refinements to the user's search. ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.531,13.3848 &q=Paris+Bar &refinements=true &pretty Guiding free-text entry with suggestions Sometimes, especially in mobile use cases, it is not practical to force the user to type in the whole query. One way to deal with this is to use suggestions based on what the user has already entered. This partial matching can be invoked multiple times, while the user is typing more characters to refine the search. Finding a specific place by it's name Here is an example for suggestions offered for "madi" when standing in Bryant Park in New York, which will offer the nearby "Madison Ave" as a possible result: ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=40.7539,-73.9837 &q=madi &pretty Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 61 Restricting suggestion types By default autosuggest response could contain the following result types: Result Type Media Type Description address urn:nlp-types:place Location and address suggestion place urn:nlp-types:place POI suggestion category urn:nlp-types:search Category search suggestion chain urn:nlp-types:search Chain/Brand search suggestion Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide Result Type Media Type Description query urn:nlp-types:autosuggest Query completion suggestion 62 In some cases, like for example a navigation/guidance use case, user might want only to find only a specific address or POI as destination. For this kind of purpose, application developer could restrict the Autosuggest response by passing the result_types=address,place query parameter in the request. ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.531,13.3843 &q=garten &result_types=address,place &pretty Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 63 Using query completions Application developer could also strict Autosuggest to return query completions only. ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=40.7539,-73.9837 &q=mc &result_types=query &pretty { "results":[ { "title":"mcdonald", "highlightedTitle":"<b>mc</b>donald", "completion":"donald", "href": "http://...", "type":"urn:nlp-types:autosuggest" }, { "title":"mccarthy", "highlightedTitle":"<b>mc</b>carthy", "completion":"carthy", "href": "http://...", "type":"urn:nlp-types:autosuggest" }, { "title":"mcguinness", "highlightedTitle":"<b>mc</b>guinness", "completion":"guinness", "href": "http://...", "type":"urn:nlp-types:autosuggest" }, ... ] } The query completion results contain href attribute, which application developer can use to trigger next Autosuggest request with the user's chosen completed query term. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► User Guide 64 Service Support If you need assistance with this or other HERE products, please contact your HERE representative or Technical Customer Support. If you have technical questions about the HERE APIs, go to the HERE Stack Overflow page. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 65 Chapter 4 API Reference Topics: • Search Results Ranking • HTTP Request Headers • Request Entrypoints • Response Resources • HTTP Status Codes • Supported Chain and Catego... This section provides a detailed explanation of all the resources in the Places (Search) API, including header information, all of the entrypoints, every media type, and an explanation of the typical JSON Objects. There is also description of the categories feature of Places (Search) API, as well as all relevant http status codes. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 66 Search Results Ranking HERE Search uses a machine learning system to rank search results, as do Google and Bing. The system "learns" from real-world queries randomly sampled from search logs. Human annotators look at the results provided by the system and rate them by quality. These ratings are fed back into the system so that it can learn from its mistakes and constantly improve over time, adapting to changing query types, new application releases and data updates, and the growing geographic distribution of users. There are many factors which influence the order of the search results. These include: • The quality of the string match between the query and the result, including the amount of spell correction required • The distance between the user and the result, e.g. actual distance, whether the result is in the same city as the user • The category or type of the result, e.g. address, city, restaurant, hotel • The popularity of the result, e.g. number of clicks, number of times it has been saved as a "favorite" • The population for results such as cities or states There are a few special cases where results are ranked using different methods. • Certain types of categories, such as restaurants or hotels, are ranked via a "recommendationsstyle" algorithm where measures of popularity or quality, such as number of stars or reviews, are taken into account. • Other types of categories, such as gas stations, are ranked purely by distance. • Chain stores which are recognised as such by the system are also ranked purely by distance. HTTP Request Headers Important context information is passed to the Places (Search) API using optional HTTP request headers. Wherever applicable the service relies on established and standardized headers, complementing these with some additional private headers. Some of these directly affect the results, while others help to optimize search results. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 67 Header Name Description Accept Specifies which media types are acceptable for the response (see Accept header specification ). This header is ignored for JSONP requests, which always have an application/javascript result media type. Defaults to application/json. • application/json results in a standard JSON response • application/xhtml+xml results in an XHTML representation of the JSON response in our playground UI • text/html results in an HTML representation of the JSON response in our playground UI If the header is specified and no supported values are supplied, the result will be an HTTP 406 Not Acceptable error response. Accept-Language The user or client's preferred languages (see Accept-Language header specification). This value is used to select the language of content in the response. Default: en. Date The user's local time, for example, Mon, 08 Aug 2011 11:58:17 GMT (see Date header specification). User-Agent A string identifying the client user agent (see User-Agent header specification), used for statistical purposes. If the Places (Search) API is accessed from within a web browser, the browser should send this information automatically. For other applications, it may need to be explicitly set by the application. Accept-Encoding Allows clients to enable compressed transfer of responses. The only supported value is gzip . Clients are strongly encouraged to make use of that option, as it can have a major impact on the responsiveness and performance of the client application (see Accept-Encoding header specification). Geolocation The user's current position, formatted as a 'geo' URI as described in the Position Format documentation. (see HTTP Geolocation Internet-Draft). In the absence of an explicit location context, this is used to calculate the distance from the user returned in place results, and can act as an implicit location context. To ensure the best results possible, client applications should always send this header if it is able to determine the user's position. X-Map-Viewport The bounding box of the map area currently visible to the user, formatted as described in the Bounding Box Format on page 44 documentation. The viewport can act as an implicit location context in the absence of an explicit location context. To ensure the best results possible, client applications should always send this header if it is able to determine the user's position. X-Mobility-Mode This header allows an application to indicate the user's means of transport, which can help Places (Search) API return better results: • walk indicates that the user is on foot. • drive indicates that the user is driving. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Header Name 68 Description • X-MapVersion none if the user is neither on foot nor driving. If an application is using HERE map tiles and displaying a specific version of the tiles, the application can specify the map version using this header to ensure that returned place coordinates match the tiles you are using. The header value has the form map-type:map-version . For example, nlp-tiles:2.1, nlptiles:latest, or nlp-hybrid: If this header is not sent, Places (Search) API assumes nlp-tiles:latest. X-NLP-Testing Used signal that a request is a test request, which won't influence our search relevance model. • 1 identifies the request as a test request. • 0 causes the request to be treated normally. Defaults to 0. X-Political-View Specify the political view. Available territories will be seen through the point of view of this country. If this parameter is not specified the neutral international view is made available, where territories may have unresolved claims. The country of the view is to be specified as ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 string. X-VIN If request originates from motor vehicle, this header can be used to specify the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) as per ISO 3779 Request Entrypoints The Places (Search) API provides various resources that represent entrypoints into the places service. Search & Discovery Entrypoints provide the fundamental entrypoints of the Places (Search) API and are the first step in the User Flow. Additional Entrypoints occasionally occur before or after the typical user flow. For each of the entrypoints below, there is a description of several aspects: Resource URI, Resource Parameters, HTTP Method, Request Example, Response Example, Response Media Type, and Representation Modifiers. • Resource URI – identifies the appropriate coding to be included in a request header in order to use the resource (along with some of the parameters). For example, with the Search Resource URI as /discover/search?q=...&[at=...], a developer needs to include /discover/ search with the parameters of q and at. To see how to organize each resource and the resulting parameters, see the Request Example for reach resource. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference • 69 Resource Parameters – are base parameters for each resource. Each resource has different parameters with differing levels of requirement which is explained under each respective resource. • HTTP Method – indicates the desired action to be performed on the identified resource. • Request Example – Is an example showing the proper way to send a request for the given Resource. Note that the each example includes the Resource URI, the appropriate parameters for that Resource URI (for example q and at for the Search resource), the authorization credentials, app_id an app_code, and some additional standardized REST parameters (like pretty for pretty printing). • Response Media Type- is the appropriate Media Type for that Resource. Media types are additional resources that work with their parent resource to offer additional optional information or usability. • Representation Modifiers- API media types allow applications to adjust the presentation of the returned response to suit their needs. Applications can activate the various tailoring options by passing a series of options as additional query string parameters to the request. For each Resource there is listed a number of parameters that are appropriate for that particular Resource. • Response Example – is an example response from the Places (Search) API servers for the given Resource Entrypoint (for example for the “search” Resource Entrypoint). This information is represented in the JSON representation. Search & Discovery Entrypoints Search & Discovery Entrypoints are the starting point for all application interactions with the Places (Search) API. Such entrypoints allow for the retrieval of the full description of places (with the place resource entrypoint) along with the searching or discovery of these places (among many other functions). This section also includes a description of the Places Categories--a method to describe and group places. Autosuggest Entrypoint The Autosuggest Entrypoint represents lists of suggested search terms, instants results and refined search links related to a given (partial) search term and location context. This entrypoint is used to help users save time, iterate on their searches, and get the results. As-you-type-suggestion features of Autosuggest: • auto-suggest - exploratory search queries Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference • disambiguation - providing end-user with contextual information to refine search • instant results of POI and addresses • follow link (href) in instant results and refine search results • highlighted result title text based on what the user typed in 70 The Autosuggest Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /autosuggest Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description at Position (format: Coordinates of search location expressed as latitude, longitude. Additional latitude,longitude[;cgen=(map| gps|sgps)][;u=\d+]); parameters can be passed which provide required, unless one of more context such as the uncertainty and the Geolocation or X-Map- how the coordinates were generated. For Viewport headers or the in example, "52.5304417,13.4111201", "52.5304417,13.4111201;cgen=gps;u=100" are set. or "52.5304417,13.4111201;u=100". For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. q String; required Plain-text search term. For example, "restaurant" or "Brandenburger Tor" in Area; required, unless one This parameter limits results to the of the Geolocation or X- boundary of the specified area. The Map-Viewport headers or search area can be expressed as: the at parameter are set. • circle specified as a centre point with latitude and longitude; and a radius around that point. Format: latitude,longitude;r=\\d+(\\.\\d+)? [;cgen=(map|gps|sgps)][;u=\\d+] • bounding box specified as 4 values, denoting west longitude, Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Parameter Type 71 Description south latitude, east longitude, north latitude. • polygon (Experimental) defined by the coordinates (latitude, longitude) of each of the polygon's point. At least 4 coordinates (8 values) are required. The first and the last coordinate must be the same For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. result_types Comma-separated list of A list of the autosuggest result types result type strings; optional that should be included in the response. Possible values are: address, place, category, chain. If this parameter is not set, all autosuggest types are considered for the response. hlStart String; optional The delimiter that should be placed before each matched token in the autosuggest response. It defaults to</ b>. The delimiters are included in the 'highlightedTitle' and 'highlightedVicinity' fields. hlEnd String; optional The delimiter that should be placed after each matched token in the autosuggest response. It defaults to </ b>. The delimiters are included in the 'highlightedTitle' and 'highlightedVicinity' fields. GET Method The GET method returns the list of suggested queries, places and address as well as query completions related to the partial search term. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 72 The method allows applications to provide to application users query completion suggestions as they type. Representation Modifiers The following options are available in this context: Parameter Type Description size Number (non-negative The maximum number of result items in integer); optional each collection. For additional information and examples, see Representation Modifiers on page 47. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:autosuggest media type. See the urn:nlp-types:autosuggest media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.5304417,13.4111201 &q=rest &pretty Response Example { "results": [ { "title": "restaurant", "highlightedTitle": "<b>rest</b>aurant", "category": "restaurant", "href": "https://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search" }, { "title": "rest area", "highlightedTitle": "<b>rest</b> area", "category": "toilet-rest-area", "href": "https://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search" }, ..., { "title": "Restaurant im Fernsehturm", "highlightedTitle": "<b>Rest</b>aurant im Fernsehturm", "vicinity": "Panoramastraße 1<br/>10178 Berlin", Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 73 "highlightedVicinity": "Panoramastraße 1<br/>10178 Berlin", "position": [ 52.52131, 13.40971 ], "category": "sights-museums", "href": "https://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place" }, { "title": "Restaurant Marinelli", "highlightedTitle": "<b>Rest</b>aurant Marinelli", "vicinity": "Anhalter Straße 1<br/>10963 Berlin", "highlightedVicinity": "Anhalter Straße 1<br/>10963 Berlin", "position": [ 52.50461, 13.38277 ], "category": "restaurant", "href": "https://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place" }, ..., { "title": "<b>Rest</b>aurant", "completion": "aurant", "type": "urn:nlp-types:autosuggest" } ] } Search Entrypoint The Search Entrypoint processes text string queries based on the user's input to find specific places. It answers questions of "what" and "where" for an online search of POI or address. The results of the Search Entrypoint are sets of places that match a user's search term in a specific location context (such as near a given location, around a user's current position or on the currently visible map). The Search Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /discover/search Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description at Position (format: Coordinates of search location expressed as latitude, longitude. Additional latitude,longitude[;cgen=(map| gps|sgps)][;u=\d+]); parameters can be passed which provide required, unless one of more context such as the uncertainty and the Geolocation or X-Map- how the coordinates were generated. For example, "52.5304417,13.4111201", "52.5304417,13.4111201;cgen=gps;u=100" Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Parameter Type 74 Description Viewport headers or the in or "52.5304417,13.4111201;u=100". are set. For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. q String; required Plain-text search term. For example, "restaurant" or "Brandenburger Tor" in Area; required, unless one This parameter limits results to the of the Geolocation or X- boundary of the specified area. The Map-Viewport headers or search area can be expressed as: the at parameter are set. • circle specified as a centre point with latitude and longitude; and a radius around that point. Format: latitude,longitude;r=\\d+(\\.\\d+)? [;cgen=(map|gps|sgps)][;u=\\d+] • bounding box specified as 4 values, denoting west longitude, south latitude, east longitude, north latitude. • polygon (Experimental) defined by the coordinates (latitude, longitude) of each of the polygon's point. At least 4 coordinates (8 values) are required. The first and the last coordinate must be the same For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. refinements Boolean; optional If this flag is set to "true", result will contain refined searches. A refined search helps the search engine to deal with ambiguity in user queries. This allows the application to suggest refinements to the user's search. Supported values are: Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Parameter cs Type 75 Description • false • true Comma-separated list; A comma-separated ordered list of optional category systems defining which type of category systems should be returned in the response. For example cs=places,cuisines GET Method The GET method provides access to places matching the given term. Representation Modifiers The following options are available in this context: Parameter Type Description size Number (non-negative The maximum number of result items in integer); optional each collection. String; optional; default: Text format. Determines how rich text html. properties such as location.address.text tf should be rendered. Supported values are: show_refs • html • plain Comma-separated list; A list of one or more external system optional names or reference types. This parameter exposes place related external references in response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. show_content Comma-separated list; A list of one or more available content optional types you can add to the response. For Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Parameter Type 76 Description a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. For additional information and examples, see Representation Modifiers on page 47. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:search media type. See the urn:nlp-types:search media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.5044,13.3909 &q=restaurant &pretty Response Example { "search" : { "context" : { "title" : "Paris", "location": { "position": [48.85692,2.34121], "address": { "city": "Paris", "country": "France", "text": "Paris<br/>France" }, "type" : "urn:nlp-types:place" } }, "results" : { "items" : [ { "position": [52.5031395, 13.3906403], "distance": 0, "title": "Wilhelm & Medne", "averageRating" : 5.0, "category": { "title": "Restaurant", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "href": "http://..." }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Hedemannstrasse 14<br/>10969 Berlin<br/>Germany", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "sponsored" : true, "id": "276u33d8-efb829f5b9464e5db8f286ff5fbf5643" Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 77 }, { "position": [52.5046, 13.39087], "distance": 11, "title": "Speakers Corner", "averageRating" : 0.0, "category": { "title": "Restaurant", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "href": "http://..." }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Friedrichstrasse 31<br/>10969 Berlin<br/>Germany", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "id": "276u33d8-b08d10d141e4405fbfdabbf017571401" } ] } } Voice Search Entrypoint The Voice Entrypoint processes text string queries based on the user's voice input to find specific places. It answers questions of "what" and "where" for an online search of POI or address. The results of the Voice Entrypoint are sets of places that match a user's search term in a specific location context (such as near a given location, around a user's current position or on the currently visible map). The Voice Search Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Premium entrypoint. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. Entrypoint URI /discover/voice Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description at Position (format: Coordinates of search location expressed as latitude, longitude. Additional latitude,longitude[;cgen=(map| gps|sgps)][;u=\d+]); parameters can be passed which provide required, unless one of more context such as the uncertainty and how the coordinates were generated. For Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Parameter Type Description the Geolocation or X-Map- example, "52.5304417,13.4111201", 78 Viewport headers or the in "52.5304417,13.4111201;cgen=gps;u=100" are set. or "52.5304417,13.4111201;u=100". For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. q String; required Plain-text search term. For example, "restaurant" or "Brandenburger Tor" in Area; required, unless one This parameter limits results to the of the Geolocation or X- boundary of the specified area. The Map-Viewport headers or search area can be expressed as: the at parameter are set. • circle specified as a centre point with latitude and longitude; and a radius around that point. Format: latitude,longitude;r=\\d+(\\.\\d+)? [;cgen=(map|gps|sgps)][;u=\\d+] • bounding box specified as 4 values, denoting west longitude, south latitude, east longitude, north latitude. • polygon (Experimental) defined by the coordinates (latitude, longitude) of each of the polygon's point. At least 4 coordinates (8 values) are required. The first and the last coordinate must be the same For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. cs Comma-separated list; A comma-separated ordered list of optional category systems defining which type of category systems should be returned in the response. For example cs=places,cuisines Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 79 GET Method The GET method provides access to places matching the given term. Representation Modifiers The following options are available in this context: Parameter Type Description size Number (non-negative The maximum number of result items in integer); optional each collection. String; optional; default: Text format. Determines how rich text html. properties such as location.address.text tf should be rendered. Supported values are: show_refs • html • plain Comma-separated list; A list of one or more external system optional names or reference types. This parameter exposes place related external references in response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. show_content Comma-separated list; A list of one or more available content optional types you can add to the response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. For additional information and examples, see Representation Modifiers on page 47. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:search media type. See the urn:nlp-types:search media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.521,13.3807 &q=Find+me+Munich &pretty Response Example { "results": { "items": [ { "position": [ 48.13641, 11.57754 ], "bbox": [ 11.36772, 48.06307, 11.72033, 48.24597], "distance": 504295, "title": "Munich", "category": { "id": "city-town-village", "title": "City, Town or Village", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "system": "places" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Bavaria<br/>Germany", "having": [], "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://...", "id": "276u281z-0b68e34139d74c61ac81ce05264aa4b6" }, { "position": [ 48.3583, 11.78427 ], "distance": 476701, "title": "Munich Airport (MUC)", "averageRating": 4.8, "category": { "id": "airport", "title": "Airport", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "system": "places" }, "icon": "https://...", "vicinity": "Terminalstraße West<br/>85356 Oberding", "having": [], "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://...", "id": "276u287h-33978e49adeb4b2fa026780cb8d88bef" }, { "position": [ 52.511929, 13.45483 ], "distance": 5133, "title": "Munich Sedcard Berlin", "averageRating": 0, "category": { "id": "business-services", "title": "Business & Services", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "system": "places" }, "icon": "http://...", 80 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 81 "vicinity": "Grünberger Str. 48<br/>10245 Berlin", "having": [], "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://...", "id": "2768lxx5-73767d4de52d09c962f15cb017d9ef19" } ] }, "search": { "context": { "location": { "position": [ 52.521, 13.3807 ], "address": { "text": "Luisenstraße 35<br/>10117 Berlin<br/>Germany", "house": "35", "street": "Luisenstraße", "postalCode": "10117", "district": "Mitte", "city": "Berlin", "county": "Berlin", "stateCode": "Berlin", "country": "Germany", "countryCode": "DEU" } }, "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://..." } } } Explore Entrypoint The Explore Entrypoint retrieves a list of relevant places nearby a given position or area. It answers the question "What interesting places are in the viewport of the map?" The results presented to the user are confined to those located in the current map view or search area and are ordered by popularity. Users can optionally provide categories of places they are interested in. As with other entrypoints, the location to be used should be passed as a location context. Note: Two critical parameters for the Explore Entrypoint entrypoint, at and in, are mutually exclusive and can't be passed at the same time. The Explore Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /discover/explore Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 82 Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description at Position (format: Coordinates of search location expressed as latitude, longitude. Additional latitude,longitude[;cgen=(map| gps|sgps)][;u=\d+]); parameters can be passed which provide required, unless one of more context such as the uncertainty and the Geolocation or X-Map- how the coordinates were generated. For Viewport headers or the in example, "52.5304417,13.4111201", "52.5304417,13.4111201;cgen=gps;u=100" are set. or "52.5304417,13.4111201;u=100". For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. in Area; required, unless one This parameter limits results to the of the Geolocation or X- boundary of the specified area. The Map-Viewport headers or search area can be expressed as: the at parameter are set. • circle specified as a centre point with latitude and longitude; and a radius around that point. Format: latitude,longitude;r=\\d+(\\.\\d+)? [;cgen=(map|gps|sgps)][;u=\\d+] • bounding box specified as 4 values, denoting west longitude, south latitude, east longitude, north latitude. • polygon (Experimental) defined by the coordinates (latitude, longitude) of each of the polygon's point. At least 4 coordinates (8 values) are required. The first and the last coordinate must be the same For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Parameter Type Description cat Comma-separated list; A comma-separated list of categorie optional ids defining an OR-filter that all places 83 reachable through the resource must match. For a list of supported categories, see the Categories documentation. Resources without an explicit category set will use an appropriate set of categories to find popular places within the given location context. drilldown Boolean; optional If this flag is set to "true", result set will contain links to a further discover query based on the current query. For example result set may contain discover query links that restrict result set to a certain category (category drill down). To request a further drill down or in this case example, to expose subcategory filters on chosen discover query, application has to append the drilldown=true parameter to the chosen discovery query link. Supported values are: cs • false • true Comma-separated list; A comma-separated ordered list of optional category systems defining which type of category systems should be returned in the response. For example cs=places,cuisines GET Method The GET method provides access to popular places for the given location context and matching the category filter criteria. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 84 Depending on the location context, the number of relevant places might be large. Therefore the GET method may not only return places, but also suggestions for additional filter criteria that allow users to interactively refine the classes of places they are interested in. Representation Modifiers The following options are available in this context: Parameter Type Description size Number (non-negative The maximum number of result items in integer); optional each collection. String; optional; default: Text format. Determines how rich text html. properties such as location.address.text tf should be rendered. Supported values are: show_refs • html • plain Comma-separated list; A list of one or more external system optional names or reference types. This parameter exposes place related external references in response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. show_content Comma-separated list; A list of one or more available content optional types you can add to the response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. For additional information and examples, see Representation Modifiers on page 47. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:search media type. See the urn:nlp-types:search media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.50449,13.39091 &pretty Response Example { "search": { "context": { "location": { "position": [53, 14] } } }, "results":{ "items":[ { "position": [52.498619, 13.37681], "distance": 1159, "title": "German Museum of Technology Berlin (Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin)", "averageRating": 5, "category": { "id": "landmark-attraction", "title": "Landmark/Attraction", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Trebbiner 9\n10963 Berlin\nGermany", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://..." "id": "276u33d8-1cca7647c58a49d3a86b884a923ffa19" }, { "title": "Eat & Drink", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search", "href": "http://..." }, { "title": "Going Out", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search", "href": "http://..." }, { "title": "Sights & Museums", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search", "href": "http://..." } ] } } 85 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 86 Browse Entrypoint The Browse Entrypoint represent sets of places within a specific location context sorted by distance. The Browse Entrypoint allows users to request places around a given point. The Browse Entrypoint's location context might be an explicitly given location, it might be implicitly defined by a user's current position, or it might be implicitly defined by the currently visible map. Optionally, the places may be restricted to a given set of categories (which acts as a filter in terms of what places get returned). at and in parameter are mutually exclusive and can't be passed at the same time The Browse Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Premium entrypoint. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. Entrypoint URI /browse Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description at Position (format: Coordinates of search location expressed as latitude, longitude. Additional latitude,longitude[;cgen=(map| gps|sgps)][;u=\d+]); parameters can be passed which provide required, unless one of more context such as the uncertainty and the Geolocation or X-Map- how the coordinates were generated. For Viewport headers or the in example, "52.5304417,13.4111201", "52.5304417,13.4111201;cgen=gps;u=100" are set. or "52.5304417,13.4111201;u=100". For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. in Area; required, unless one This parameter limits results to the of the Geolocation or X- boundary of the specified area. The search area can be expressed as: Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Parameter Type Description Map-Viewport headers or • the at parameter are set. 87 circle specified as a centre point with latitude and longitude; and a radius around that point. Format: latitude,longitude;r=\\d+(\\.\\d+)? [;cgen=(map|gps|sgps)][;u=\\d+] • bounding box specified as 4 values, denoting west longitude, south latitude, east longitude, north latitude. • polygon (Experimental) defined by the coordinates (latitude, longitude) of each of the polygon's point. At least 4 coordinates (8 values) are required. The first and the last coordinate must be the same For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. name String; optional Plain-text name of a place used to filter out the results. For example, "Brandenburger Tor" cat Comma-separated list; A comma-separated list of categorie optional ids defining an OR-filter that all places reachable through the resource must match. For a list of supported categories, see the Categories documentation. Resources without an explicit category set will use an appropriate set of categories to find popular places within the given location context. cs Comma-separated list; A comma-separated ordered list of optional category systems defining which type of category systems should be Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Parameter Type 88 Description returned in the response. For example cs=places,cuisines GET Method The GET method provides access to places for the given location context and matching the category filter criteria. Representation Modifiers The following options are available in this context: Parameter Type Description size Number (non-negative The maximum number of result items in integer); optional each collection. String; optional; default: Text format. Determines how rich text html. properties such as location.address.text tf should be rendered. Supported values are: show_refs • html • plain Comma-separated list; A list of one or more external system optional names or reference types. This parameter exposes place related external references in response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. show_content Comma-separated list; A list of one or more available content optional types you can add to the response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. For additional information and examples, see Representation Modifiers on page 47. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 89 Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:search media type. See the urn:nlp-types:search media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &in=52.521,13.3807;r=2000 &cat=petrol-station &pretty Response Example { "search": { "context": { "location": { "position": [52.521, 13.3807] } } }, "results": { "items": [ { "position": [52.528678, 13.36969], "distance": 1135, "title": "Steffen Kolberg Tankstellen Verwaltungs- und Betriebs GmbH", "averageRating": 0, "category": { "id": "petrol-station", "title": "Petrol station", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Heidestr. 65-68\n10557 Berlin", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://...", "id": "276u33db-f2d1758f279348c1b134676cbcffdb81" }, { "position": [52.533179, 13.37976], "distance": 1357, "title": "Total Station Inh. Hans-Jürgen Klasen", "averageRating": 5, "category": { "id": "petrol-station", "title": "Petrol station", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Chausseestr. 98\n10115 Berlin", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://...", "id": "276u33db-dfb5ec1fed614c7fa7f10df85bf986cf", } Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 90 ] } } Browse by Corridor Entrypoint The Browse by Corridor Entrypoint represent sets of places along a route area sorted by distance from starting point of the route. The Browse by Corridor Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /browse/by-corridor Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type route Route (format: Description This parameter limits search results to \[start(latitude,longitude)| the boundary of an area around a route. A route consists of a start coordinate, 0..n(latitude,longitude)| 0..n turning coordinates and an end end(latitude,longitude)\] coordinate. An optional width in meters [;w=\d+]); required can be passed to provide off the route max distance in meters, default: 1000m The points should describe the geometric shape of the route with high precision. Especially, it’s usually not sufficient to only pass maneuvre points as they would be shown to the driver. There are practical limitations to URL lengths. Thus, if the route has more than 120 points or URL length is over 2000 characters, the corridor shortener endpoint should be considered to POST the route. An alternative way to reduce URL length is to use Google's polyline encoding format. In this case the square brackets should Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Parameter Type 91 Description be omitted. Width is supported in normal way. For example, route=_ky~H_oaoA? _ibE_th~C~mbJ;w=5000 cat Comma-separated list; A comma-separated list of categorie required ids defining an OR-filter that all places reachable through the resource must match. For a list of supported categories, see the Categories documentation. Resources without an explicit category set will use an appropriate set of categories to find popular places within the given location context. name String; optional Plain-text name of a place used to filter out the results. For example, "Brandenburger Tor" cs Comma-separated list; A comma-separated ordered list of optional category systems defining which type of category systems should be returned in the response. For example cs=places,cuisines GET Method The GET method provides access to places for the given route and matching the category filter criteria. Representation Modifiers The following options are available in this context: Parameter Type Description size Number (non-negative The maximum number of result items in integer); optional each collection. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 92 Parameter Type Description tf String; optional; default: Text format. Determines how rich text html. properties such as location.address.text should be rendered. Supported values are: show_refs • html • plain Comma-separated list; A list of one or more external system optional names or reference types. This parameter exposes place related external references in response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. show_content Comma-separated list; A list of one or more available content optional types you can add to the response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. For additional information and examples, see Representation Modifiers on page 47. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:search media type. See the urn:nlp-types:search media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Request Example Find petrol stations within a route corridor area between Berlin and Hamburg with 1 km off route distance. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 93 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 94 In the following request example, URL encoding is omitted for better readability. An actual request would need to be URL encoded. ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &route=[52.5160,13.3771|52.5111,13.3712|52.5355,13.3634|52.5400,13.3704|52.5626,13.3307| 52.5665,13.3076|52.6007,13.2806|52.6135,13.2484|52.6303,13.2406|52.6651,13.2410| 52.7074,13.1926|52.7045,13.0661|52.7191,12.9621|52.7636,12.8263|52.7861,12.8000| 52.8335,12.7919|52.9002,12.7451|52.9708,12.6311|53.0526,12.5392|53.0867,12.5169| 53.1146,12.4687|53.1334,12.4644|53.1415,12.4225|53.1666,12.3722|53.1785,12.3050| 53.2570,12.1618|53.2893,12.0618|53.3000,11.9373|53.3316,11.8724|53.3463,11.8190| 53.3669,11.7328|53.3725,11.6427|53.4154,11.5505|53.4309,11.4906|53.4342,11.4000| 53.4655,11.3370|53.4873,11.2631|53.4860,11.2011|53.5110,10.9647|53.5128,10.8414| 53.5495,10.6892|53.5692,10.5155|53.5596,10.4259|53.5682,10.2999|53.5571,10.2020| 53.5672,10.1279|53.5534,9.9924];w=1000 &cat=petrol-station &pretty Response Example { "results": { "items": [ { "position": [52.53723, 13.37472], "distance": 277, "title": "Total", "averageRating": 0.0, "category": { "id": "petrol-station", "title": "Petrol station", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Chausseestraße 62<br/>10115 Berlin", "having": [], "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://...", "id": "276u33db-cc5a1377043842ba8fc3c6acd0b36e7d" }, { "position": [52.542679, 13.37774], "distance": 822, "title": "Esso Station Mathias Fuhrmann", "averageRating": 0.0, "category": { "id": "petrol-station", "title": "Petrol station", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Gerichtstr. 4<br/>13347 Berlin", "having": [], "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://...", "id": "276u33db-be2f5afbd0e3458b9ad8410ed578fef7" }, { "position": [52.53391, 13.36515], "distance": 839, "title": "Total", "averageRating": 0.0, Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 95 "category": { "id": "petrol-station", "title": "Petrol station", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category" }, "icon": " categories/18.icon", "vicinity": "Heidestraße 19<br/>10557 Berlin", "having": [], "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://...", "id": "276u33db-6bcb7b2e4fec41e9a295bba5709b00e4" }, ... ], "search": { "context": { "location": { "position": [52.5353, 13.3773] } } } } } Here Entrypoint The Here Entrypoint helps users identify places at their location or at a point selected on a map by returning places close to a given point, sorted by distance. Normally the closest known places are returned, but if the uncertainty in the position is high then some nearer places are excluded from the result in favour of more popular places in the area of uncertainty. This entrypoint can be used to help users answer questions like "Where am I?" and "What is at this point on the map?". You can use this endpoint to implement features like "check-in" (by identifying places at the user's current geo-position) or "click on map to get more information". As with other entrypoints, the location to be used should be passed as a location context. The Here Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /discover/here Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description at Position (format: Coordinates of search location expressed as latitude, longitude. Additional latitude,longitude[;cgen=(map| gps|sgps)][;u=\d+]); parameters can be passed which provide Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Parameter 96 Type Description required, unless one of more context such as the uncertainty and the Geolocation or X-Map- how the coordinates were generated. For Viewport headers or the in example, "52.5304417,13.4111201", are set. "52.5304417,13.4111201;cgen=gps;u=100" or "52.5304417,13.4111201;u=100". For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. cat Comma-separated list; A comma-separated list of categorie optional ids defining an OR-filter that all places reachable through the resource must match. For a list of supported categories, see the Categories documentation. Resources without an explicit category set will use an appropriate set of categories to find popular places within the given location context. drilldown Boolean; optional If this flag is set to "true", result set will contain links to a further discover query based on the current query. For example result set may contain discover query links that restrict result set to a certain category (category drill down). To request a further drill down or in this case example, to expose subcategory filters on chosen discover query, application has to append the drilldown=true parameter to the chosen discovery query link. Supported values are: cs • false • true Comma-separated list; A comma-separated ordered list of optional category systems defining which type of category systems should be Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Parameter Type 97 Description returned in the response. For example cs=places,cuisines building Comma-separated list; A comma-separated list of 3D optional building ids defining an OR-filter that all places reachable through the resource must match., For example building=1,9000000000000870709. Building filter can be used for indoor navigation, e.g. searches in big shops/ malls. Building Ids are available for clients who use Enterprise SDKs or have access to map content by other means. GET Method The GET method provides access to popular places for the given location context and matching the category filter criteria. Depending on the location context, the number of relevant places might be large. Therefore the GET method may not only return places, but also suggestions for additional filter criteria that allow users to interactively refine the classes of places they are interested in. Representation Modifiers The following options are available in this context: Parameter Type Description size Number (non-negative The maximum number of result items in integer); optional each collection. String; optional; default: Text format. Determines how rich text html. properties such as location.address.text tf should be rendered. Supported values are: • html • plain Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 98 Parameter Type Description show_refs Comma-separated list; A list of one or more external system optional names or reference types. This parameter exposes place related external references in response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. show_content Comma-separated list; A list of one or more available content optional types you can add to the response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. For additional information and examples, see Representation Modifiers on page 47. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:search media type. See the urn:nlp-types:search media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.50449,13.39091 &pretty Response Example { "search": { "context": { "location": { "position": [53, 14] } } }, "results":{ "items":[ { "position": [52.498619, 13.37681], "distance": 1159, "title": "German Museum of Technology Berlin (Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin)", "averageRating": 5, "category": { "id": "landmark-attraction", "title": "Landmark/Attraction", Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 99 "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Trebbiner 9\n10963 Berlin\nGermany", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://..." "id": "276u33d8-1cca7647c58a49d3a86b884a923ffa19" }, { "title": "Eat & Drink", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search", "href": "http://..." }, { "title": "Going Out", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search", "href": "http://..." }, { "title": "Sights & Museums", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search", "href": "http://..." } ] } } Around Entrypoint The Around Entrypoint represents sets of places within a specific location context, usually the location of the user. This Entrypoint is intended for applications that employ features such as augmented reality, where places around the user's location are displayed on a device. It is intended to provide places that are likely to be visible to the user as well as important places that are further away. The Around Entrypoint allows users to request places near to a given point, based on a location precision parameter. The places around that point are returned in order of proximity. The Around Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /discover/around Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description at Position (format: Coordinates of search location expressed as latitude, longitude. Additional latitude,longitude[;cgen=(map| Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 100 ► API Reference Parameter Type Description gps|sgps)][;u=\d+]); parameters can be passed which provide required, unless one of more context such as the uncertainty and the Geolocation or X-Map- how the coordinates were generated. For Viewport headers or the in example, "52.5304417,13.4111201", "52.5304417,13.4111201;cgen=gps;u=100" are set. or "52.5304417,13.4111201;u=100". For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. in Area; required, unless one This parameter limits results to the of the Geolocation or X- boundary of the specified area. The Map-Viewport headers or search area can be expressed as: the at parameter are set. • circle specified as a centre point with latitude and longitude; and a radius around that point. Format: latitude,longitude;r=\\d+(\\.\\d+)? [;cgen=(map|gps|sgps)][;u=\\d+] • bounding box specified as 4 values, denoting west longitude, south latitude, east longitude, north latitude. • polygon (Experimental) defined by the coordinates (latitude, longitude) of each of the polygon's point. At least 4 coordinates (8 values) are required. The first and the last coordinate must be the same For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. cat Comma-separated list; A comma-separated list of categorie optional ids defining an OR-filter that all places reachable through the resource must match. For a list of supported categories, see the Categories documentation. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 101 ► API Reference Parameter Type Description Resources without an explicit category set will use an appropriate set of categories to find popular places within the given location context. drilldown Boolean; optional If this flag is set to "true", result set will contain links to a further discover query based on the current query. For example result set may contain discover query links that restrict result set to a certain category (category drill down). To request a further drill down or in this case example, to expose subcategory filters on chosen discover query, application has to append the drilldown=true parameter to the chosen discovery query link. Supported values are: cs • false • true Comma-separated list; A comma-separated ordered list of optional category systems defining which type of category systems should be returned in the response. For example cs=places,cuisines GET Method The GET method provides access to popular places for the given location context and matching the category filter criteria. This method is intended for applications such as augmented reality, where places around the user's location are displayed on a device. It is intended to provide places that are likely to be visible to the user as well as important places that are further away. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 102 ► API Reference Depending on the location context, the number of relevant places might be large. Therefore the GET method may not only return places, but also suggestions for additional filter criteria that allow users to interactively refine the classes of places they are interested in. Representation Modifiers The following options are available in this context: Parameter Type Description size Number (non-negative The maximum number of result items in integer); optional each collection. String; optional; default: Text format. Determines how rich text html. properties such as location.address.text tf should be rendered. Supported values are: show_refs • html • plain Comma-separated list; A list of one or more external system optional names or reference types. This parameter exposes place related external references in response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. show_content Comma-separated list; A list of one or more available content optional types you can add to the response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. For additional information and examples, see Representation Modifiers on page 47. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:search media type. See the urn:nlp-types:search media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.50449,13.39091 &pretty Response Example { "search": { "context": { "location": { "position": [53, 14] } } }, "results":{ "items":[ { "position": [52.498619, 13.37681], "distance": 1159, "title": "German Museum of Technology Berlin (Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin)", "averageRating": 5, "category": { "id": "landmark-attraction", "title": "Landmark/Attraction", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Trebbiner 9\n10963 Berlin\nGermany", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://..." "id": "276u33d8-1cca7647c58a49d3a86b884a923ffa19" }, { "title": "Eat & Drink", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search", "href": "http://..." }, { "title": "Going Out", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search", "href": "http://..." }, { "title": "Sights & Museums", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search", "href": "http://..." } ] } } 103 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 104 ► API Reference Suggest Entrypoint The Suggest Entrypoint represents lists of suggested search terms related to a given (partial) search term and location context. This entrypoint is used to help users to provide suggested search terms to the user while typing. The Suggest Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /suggest Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description at Position (format: Coordinates of search location expressed as latitude, longitude. Additional latitude,longitude[;cgen=(map| gps|sgps)][;u=\d+]); parameters can be passed which provide required, unless one of more context such as the uncertainty and the Geolocation or X-Map- how the coordinates were generated. For Viewport headers or the in example, "52.5304417,13.4111201", "52.5304417,13.4111201;cgen=gps;u=100" are set. or "52.5304417,13.4111201;u=100". For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. q String; required Plain-text search term. For example, "restaurant" or "Brandenburger Tor" GET Method The GET method returns the list of suggested search terms related to the partial search term. The method allows applications to provide to application users query completion suggestions as they type. Representation Modifiers The following options are available in this context: Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 105 ► API Reference Parameter Type Description size Number (non-negative The maximum number of result items in integer); optional each collection. For additional information and examples, see Representation Modifiers on page 47. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:suggest media type. See the urn:nlp-types:suggest media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.5304417,13.4111201 &q=rest &pretty Response Example { "suggestions": [ "Restaurant", "Restaurant Fleischerei Berlin", "Restorf, Lüchow-Dannenberg", "Rest area", "Restaurant Fleischerei", "Restaurant und Caffee Marrakesch", "Simplicity Restaurant", "Restaurant \"das pfeffer\"", "Las Olas-Restaurant GmbH & Co.KG", "Ars Vini 1. Berliner Fondue Restaurant", "Yam Yam Korean Restaurant", "Restaurant Blaues Band", "Kaffeehaus & Restaurant K\u00fcrbis Inh. Simon Eder", "Kaffeehaus & Restaurant Kurbis", "Restaurant Schmitz", "Restaurant Luso", " Club Bar Restaurant Kino Food Disco Sport Berlin", "Aapka - indisches Restaurant Berlin", "Restaurant Frarosa" ] } Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 106 ► API Reference Browse-Pt-Stops Entrypoint Note: The Browse Public Transport (PT) Stops Entrypoint is deprecated. Please use The Public Transit API The Browse Public Transport (PT) Stops Entrypoint allows users to request public transit stops that are within two kilometer radius from the given location. The results returned are sorted by increasing distance from the given location. The location context might be an explicitly given location or it might be implicitly defined by a user’s current position. The Browse-Pt-Stops Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /browse/pt-stops Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description at Position (format: Coordinates of search location expressed as latitude, longitude. Additional latitude,longitude[;cgen=(map| gps|sgps)][;u=\d+]); parameters can be passed which provide required, unless one of more context such as the uncertainty and the Geolocation or X-Map- how the coordinates were generated. For Viewport headers or the in example, "52.5304417,13.4111201", "52.5304417,13.4111201;cgen=gps;u=100" are set. or "52.5304417,13.4111201;u=100". For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. GET Method The GET method provides access to public transport stops for the given location context. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 107 Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:search media type. See the urn:nlp-types:search media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.531,13.3848 &pretty Response Example { "results": { "items": [ { "position": [ 52.520551, 13.380001 ], "distance": 69, "title": "Marschallbrücke", "category": { "id": "public-transport", "title": "Public Transport", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "system": "places" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Luisenstraße 32<br/>10117 Berlin<br/>Germany", "having": [], "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "https://...", "id": "ptdmVyc2lvbj0xO2xhdD01Mi41MjA1NTE7bG9uPTEzLjM4MDAwMTtjYXRlZ29yeUlkPXB1YmxpYy10cmFuc3BvcnQ7aWQ9dmJiXzkxMDA1Mj "transitLines": { "text": "Bus TXL", "label": "Transport lines", "lines": { "Bus TXL": { "name": "Bus TXL", "category": { "id": "5", "title": "Bus" }, "style": { "color": "#7D176B", "textColor": "#FFFFFF", "iconShape": "rectangle" } } }, "destinations": [ { "destination": "Flughafen Tegel Airport", "line": "Bus TXL" Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 108 }, { "destination": "S+U Alexanderplatz", "line": "Bus TXL" } ] } }, { "position": [ 52.522427, 13.378675 ], "distance": 209, "title": "Karlplatz", "category": { "id": "public-transport", "title": "Public Transport", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "system": "places" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Reinhardtstraße 45<br/>10117 Berlin<br/>Germany", "having": [], "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://...", "id": "ptdmVyc2lvbj0xO2xhdD01Mi41MjI0Mjc7bG9uPTEzLjM3ODY3NTtjYXRlZ29yeUlkPXB1YmxpYy10cmFuc3BvcnQ7aWQ9dmJiXzkxMDA1MD "transitLines": { "text": "Bus 147, Bus TXL", "label": "Transport lines", "lines": { "Bus 147": { "name": "Bus 147", "category": { "id": "5", "title": "Bus" }, "style": { "color": "#7D176B", "textColor": "#FFFFFF", "iconShape": "rectangle" } }, "Bus TXL": { "name": "Bus TXL", "category": { "id": "5", "title": "Bus" }, "style": { "color": "#7D176B", "textColor": "#FFFFFF", "iconShape": "rectangle" } } }, "destinations": [ { "destination": "Fahrt endet hier", "line": "Bus 147" }, { "destination": "Flughafen Tegel Airport", "line": "Bus TXL" }, { "destination": "S Ostbahnhof", "line": "Bus 147" Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference }, { "destination": "S Ostbahnhof", "line": "Bus 147" }, { "destination": "S+U Alexanderplatz", "line": "Bus TXL" }, { "destination": "S+U Berlin Hauptbahnhof", "line": "Bus 147" }, { "destination": "S+U Brandenburger Tor", "line": "Bus 147" }, { "destination": "S+U Brandenburger Tor/Glinkastr.", "line": "Bus 147" }, { "destination": "S+U Hauptbahnhof", "line": "Bus 147" }, { "destination": "U Märkisches Museum", "line": "Bus 147" }, { "destination": "U Märkisches Museum", "line": "Bus 147" } ] } } . . . ] } "search": { "context": { "location": { "position": [ 52.521, 13.3807 ], "address": { "text": "Luisenstraße 35<br/>10117 Berlin<br/>Germany", "house": "35", "street": "Luisenstraße", "postalCode": "10117", "district": "Mitte", "city": "Berlin", "county": "Berlin", "stateCode": "Berlin", "country": "Germany", "countryCode": "DEU" } }, "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://..." } } } 109 Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 110 ► API Reference Two-Box-Search Entrypoint Note: The Two-Box-Search Entrypoint is deprecated. The Two-Box-Search Entrypoint processes text string queries based on the user's input to find specific places. It answers questions of "what" and "where" for an online search of POI or address. The results of the Two Box Search Entrypoint are sets of places that match a user's search term in a specific given location term. The Two-Box-Search Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Premium entrypoint. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. Entrypoint URI /discover/two-box Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description where String; required Location-text. For example, "DEU", "Berlin" or "Berlin Mitte" what String; required Plain-text search term. For example, "restaurant" or "Brandenburger Tor" in Area; optional This parameter limits results to the boundary of the specified area. The search area can be expressed as: • circle specified as a centre point with latitude and longitude; and a radius around that point. Format: latitude,longitude;r=\\d+(\\.\\d+)? [;cgen=(map|gps|sgps)][;u=\\d+] • bounding box specified as 4 values, denoting west longitude, Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 111 ► API Reference Parameter Type Description south latitude, east longitude, north latitude. • polygon (Experimental) defined by the coordinates (latitude, longitude) of each of the polygon's point. At least 4 coordinates (8 values) are required. The first and the last coordinate must be the same For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. cs Comma-separated list; A comma-separated ordered list of optional category systems defining which type of category systems should be returned in the response. For example cs=places,cuisines GET Method The GET method provides access to places matching the given term. Representation Modifiers The following options are available in this context: Parameter Type Description size Number (non-negative The maximum number of result items in integer); optional each collection. String; optional; default: Text format. Determines how rich text html. properties such as location.address.text tf should be rendered. Supported values are: • html • plain Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 112 ► API Reference Parameter Type Description show_refs Comma-separated list; A list of one or more external system optional names or reference types. This parameter exposes place related external references in response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. show_content Comma-separated list; A list of one or more available content optional types you can add to the response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. For additional information and examples, see Representation Modifiers on page 47. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:search media type. See the urn:nlp-types:search media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &where=Berlin &what=restaurant &in=6.2719,47.7468,14.7732,54.9044 &pretty Response Example { "results": { "items": [ { "position": [ 52.530227, 13.385666 ], "distance": 34, "title": "Restaurant Reinstoff", "averageRating": 3.7, "category": { "id": "restaurant", "title": "Restaurant", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Schlegelstraße 26c<br/>10115 Berlin<br/>Germany", "having": [], Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 113 "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://...", "id": "276u33db-4fa5ad4c78f5488d865a534344604dcb" }, { "position": [ 52.5304, 13.3867 ], "distance": 97, "title": "Auberge Maréchal Ney", "averageRating": 0, "category": { "id": "restaurant", "title": "Restaurant", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "Schlegelstraße 22<br/>10115 Berlin<br/>Germany", "having": [ "owner" ], "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://...", "id": "276u33db-e79fb3eb9a254aebab75cb7febb19eff" } ] }, "search": { "context": { "location": { "position": [ 52.530411, 13.38527 ], "address": { "text": "Invalidenstraße 117<br/>10115 Berlin<br/>Germany", "house": "117", "street": "Invalidenstraße", "postalCode": "10115", "district": "Mitte", "city": "Berlin", "stateCode": "Berlin", "county": "Berlin", "country": "Germany", "countryCode": "DEU" }, "bbox": [ 13.383422, 52.529287, 13.387118, 52.531535 ] }, "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://..." } } } Tiles Entrypoint The tiles feature allows you to request place recommendations for areas of the map that are displayed to the user by requesting place tiles covering individual map tiles, in the same way that visual map data can be be requested a tile at a time. As the user moves the map, you request place tiles covering newly displayed areas. Place tiles requests are more cacheable than requests to the explore endpoint, resulting in better response times and the user experience in applications that allow map panning, and enabling us to serve them through a CDN, which can improve load times for all users. A place tile looks like a normal explore result only that the area is defined by a map tile. The Tiles Entrypoint retrieves a list of base URLs which encode the criteria specified in the request, and which can be used to construct URLs for individual place tiles. A list of base URLs is provided so Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 114 ► API Reference that you can overcome typical web browser restrictions that limit the number of parallel requests to a single domain, e.g. by random or round-robin selection of a base URL when requesting individual tiles. To request an actual tile, the tile address (zoom, column and row) has to be appended to the base URL. Zoom, column and row parameters follow the tile addressing schema of the HERE Map Tile API. The Tiles Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Premium entrypoint. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. Entrypoint URI /tiles Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description cat Comma-separated list; A comma-separated list of categorie optional ids defining an OR-filter that all places reachable through the resource must match. For a list of supported categories, see the Categories documentation. Resources without an explicit category set will use an appropriate set of categories to find popular places within the given location context. cs Comma-separated list; A comma-separated ordered list of optional category systems defining which type of category systems should be returned in the response. For example cs=places,cuisines GET Method The GET method provides access to a list of base URLs for the given criteria. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 115 ► API Reference Representation Modifiers The following options are available in this context: Parameter Type Description size Number (non-negative The maximum number of result items in integer); optional each collection. String; optional; default: Text format. Determines how rich text html. properties such as location.address.text tf should be rendered. Supported values are: show_refs • html • plain Comma-separated list; A list of one or more external system optional names or reference types. This parameter exposes place related external references in response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. For additional information and examples, see Representation Modifiers on page 47. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:tile-links media type. See the urn:nlp-types:tile-links media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Request Example{YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &pretty Response Example { "tiles": [ "http://.../places/v1/tiles/ c2l6ZT0yMCZsYW5ndWFnZXM9ZW4tVVMlMkNlbiUyQ2RlJTJDcnUlMkN1ayZzZXFfbnVtYmVyPTEmY3JlYXRlZD0xMzk5NjMxNDgzMDUx/" Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 116 ► API Reference "http://../places/v1/tiles/ c2l6ZT0yMCZsYW5ndWFnZXM9ZW4tVVMlMkNlbiUyQ2RlJTJDcnUlMkN1ayZzZXFfbnVtYmVyPTImY3JlYXRlZD0xMzk5NjMxNDgzMDUx/" ...., "http://.../places/v1/tiles/ c2l6ZT0yMCZsYW5ndWFnZXM9ZW4tVVMlMkNlbiUyQ2RlJTJDcnUlMkN1ayZzZXFfbnVtYmVyPTMmY3JlYXRlZD0xMzk5NjMxNDgzMDUx/" ] } Additional Entrypoints While using the Places (Search) API, developers will most commonly use the Search & Discovery entrypoints since they always represent the first step in the User Flow. In addition to these entrypoints, there are also Additional Entrypoints. The agent entrypoints allow for additional functionality on top of the typical entrypoints required for the User Flow. This section describes each additional entrypoint in detail. Lookup Entrypoint Endpoint provides ability to find a place by its foreign ID. Successful request results in redirect (HTTP status code 302) to the place resource with context added. For more information how to retrieve foreign IDs, please see User Guide External References on page 45 The Lookup Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /places/lookup Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description source String; required Name of the foreign ID source in lower case (e.g. pvid). Supported values are: • pvid: Core POI • venues.content: Venue content ID • venues.destination: Venue destination ID • venues.venue: Venue ID Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 117 ► API Reference Parameter Type Description id String; required The ID of the requested place in foreign system. GET Method GET method provides lookup ability. Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &source=pvid &id=1115664033 Response Example { "href" : " places/276u33dc-3944a4748a62499cb795cf8bee349c9c;context=Zmxvdy1pZD0wMjI3Y2JiNy1kYzBmLTVjYTAtYjFkMC1hM2QyM app_id={YOUR_APP_ID}&app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE}" } Place Categories Entrypoint This entrypoint is used to obtain the place categories available for a given location. This entrypoint might be used to give a user a list of categories to choose from. The Place Categories Entrypoint represents sets of locally relevant categories that are organized in a directed acyclic graph. The category graph may change in the future and may differ depending on the location of the request. A set of permanent, top-level, place categories can be found at Categories. The Place Categories Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /categories/places Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 118 ► API Reference Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description at Position (format: Coordinates of search location expressed as latitude, longitude. Additional latitude,longitude[;cgen=(map| gps|sgps)][;u=\d+]); parameters can be passed which provide required, unless one of more context such as the uncertainty and the Geolocation or X-Map- how the coordinates were generated. For Viewport headers or the in example, "52.5304417,13.4111201", "52.5304417,13.4111201;cgen=gps;u=100" are set. or "52.5304417,13.4111201;u=100". For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. in Area; required, unless one This parameter limits results to the of the Geolocation or X- boundary of the specified area. The Map-Viewport headers or search area can be expressed as: the at parameter are set. • circle specified as a centre point with latitude and longitude; and a radius around that point. Format: latitude,longitude;r=\\d+(\\.\\d+)? [;cgen=(map|gps|sgps)][;u=\\d+] • bounding box specified as 4 values, denoting west longitude, south latitude, east longitude, north latitude. • polygon (Experimental) defined by the coordinates (latitude, longitude) of each of the polygon's point. At least 4 coordinates (8 values) are required. The first and the last coordinate must be the same For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 119 GET Method The GET method provides access to the place categories relevant to a given position. When no such location is provided with the request, the response contains the graph with all place categories recognized by the API. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:category-graph media type. See the urn:nlp-types:category-graph media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.50449,13.39091 &pretty Response Example { "items": [ { "id": "eat-drink", "title": "Eat & Drink", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "href": "http://...", "within": [ ] }, { "id": "restaurant", "title": "Restaurant", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "href": "http://...", "within": [ "eat-drink" ] }, { "id": "snacks-fast-food", "title": "Snacks/Fast food", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "href": "http://...", "within": [ "eat-drink" ] }, ... ] } Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 120 ► API Reference Cuisine Categories Entrypoint This entrypoint is used to obtain the cuisine categories available for a given location. This entrypoint might be used to give a user a list of categories to choose from. The Cuisine Categories Entrypoint represents sets of locally relevant categories that are organized in a directed acyclic graph. The category graph may change in the future and may differ depending on the location of the request. The Cuisine Categories Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /categories/cuisines Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description at Position (format: Coordinates of search location expressed as latitude, longitude. Additional latitude,longitude[;cgen=(map| gps|sgps)][;u=\d+]); parameters can be passed which provide required, unless one of more context such as the uncertainty and the Geolocation or X-Map- how the coordinates were generated. For Viewport headers or the in example, "52.5304417,13.4111201", "52.5304417,13.4111201;cgen=gps;u=100" are set. or "52.5304417,13.4111201;u=100". For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. in Area; required, unless one This parameter limits results to the of the Geolocation or X- boundary of the specified area. The Map-Viewport headers or search area can be expressed as: the at parameter are set. • circle specified as a centre point with latitude and longitude; and a radius around that point. Format: latitude,longitude;r=\\d+(\\.\\d+)? [;cgen=(map|gps|sgps)][;u=\\d+] • bounding box specified as 4 values, denoting west longitude, Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 121 ► API Reference Parameter Type Description south latitude, east longitude, north latitude. • polygon (Experimental) defined by the coordinates (latitude, longitude) of each of the polygon's point. At least 4 coordinates (8 values) are required. The first and the last coordinate must be the same For a full description, see the Location Contexts documentation. GET Method The GET method provides access to the cuisine categories relevant to a given position. When no such location is provided with the request, the response contains the graph with all cuisine categories recognized by the API. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:category-graph media type. See the urn:nlp-types:category-graph media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &at=52.50449,13.39091 &pretty Response Example { "items": [ { "id": "cuisines", "title": "Cuisines", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "href": "http://...", "within": [ "eat-drink", "food-drink" ] }, { Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 122 "id": "cuisines.barbecue", "title": "Barbecue", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "href": "http://...", "within": [ "cuisines" ] }, { "id": "cuisines.burger", "title": "Burgers", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category", "href": "http://...", "within": [ "cuisines" ] }, ... ] } Actions Entrypoint The Actions Entrypoint is used to send tracking actions so that they can be logged. Providing tracking information is important for the reasons described in Client Tracking, in short, to improve Search and Discovery responses to users. Places (Search) API can track some actions based upon URLs that are requested. When this is not possible, the information must be provided by different means. The actions entrypoint can be used to provide this information. The Actions Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /actions POST Method The POST method allows a single action or a batch of actions to be uploaded in the post body. The request must have a Content-Type of application/json, and the post body must match the action-post media type. Example for the POST request: ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &pretty Request body: { "actions": [ { "resource": " places/276u33db-5e332e9253f94042a3f086a2c19ea4bb;context=Zmxvdy1pZD1kNTQwYzMzZC1kYmI1LTU2NDQtYmI5Yi1jZDZlZ app_id={YOUR_APP_ID}&app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE}", "types": [ Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 123 ► API Reference "urn:nlp-actions:placeselected", "urn:nlp-actions:viewplaceonmap" ], "timestamp": "2013-07-12T14:34:10.763+0100" }, { "resource": " places/276u33db-2c192376ea8541419d3e26bc4aa4f7f9;context=Zmxvdy1pZD1kNTQwYzMzZC1kYmI1LTU2NDQtYmI5Yi1jZDZlZ app_id={YOUR_APP_ID}&app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE}", "types": [ "urn:nlp-actions:placeselected", "urn:nlp-actions:drivingdirections" ], "timestamp": "2013-07-12T14:38:10.763+0100" } ] } GET Method If an application is not able to use the POST method, it can also trigger a GET request. In this case, only a single action can be submitted per request. The request consists of various query parameters —resource, client, timestamp and type. These fields are identical to those described in the actionpost media type's Action sub-object. Note: The parameters parameter field is supported only for the POST method. Example for the GET request: ? %2fv1%2fplaces%2f250u09tu-4561b8da952f4fd79c4e1998c3fcf032%3bcontext %3dZmxvdy1pZD04YWYwMDY2MC00MzZmLTU1ZWItYTdhOC1hZDU3YTE4MmMwMjdfMTQwOTA2NjUxOTQwMV8wXzYxMjYmcmFuaz0w %3fapp_id%3d{YOUR_APP_ID}&app_code%3d{YOUR_APP_CODE} &types=urn:nlp-actions:phonenumberclicked ×tamp=2012-07-01T12%3A13%3A14.123%2B0200 &app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &pretty Action Type URNs The following is a list of action type URNs that we suggest to use for some of the actions that we expect to be made with Places (Search) API places. This list is not intended to be exhaustive. Type Description urn:nlp-actions:viewplaceonmap View place on map. urn:nlp-actions:emailclicked Click on place e-mail. urn:nlp-actions:websitelinkclicked Click on place website URL. urn:nlp-actions:phonenumberclicked Click on place phone number. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 124 ► API Reference Type Description urn:nlp-actions:pinnedtohomescreen Pin place to home screen. urn:nlp-actions:shareplace Share place to external service. urn:nlp-actions:addplacetocollection Add place to collection/favourites. urn:nlp-actions:walkingdirections Generate walking directions to/via place. urn:nlp-actions:drivingdirections Generate driving directions to/via place. urn:nlp-actions:publictransportdirections Generate public transport directions to/via place. Corridor Shortener Entrypoint The Corridor Shortener Entrypoint shortens Browse by Corridor Entrypoint's route parameter using Google's polyline encoding format and additionally simplifies it with Radial-Distance algorithm (fast) or Douglas-Peucker (high quality) algorithm if necessary. With most of the devices it is not possible to use Corridor Entrypoint with URL of more than 2000 characters. Additionally, it is not recommended to have unencoded routes with more than 120 coordinates. To overcome the size limits, this entrypoint could be used to reduce the length of the URL. The result of this entrypoint contains an URL that should be used for subsequent corridor requests. If encoding the coordinates is not sufficient to reduce URL length, simplifying algorithm is applied. In the process of simplification deviation can emerge. To cover the same space of an original route we provide a new corridor width. The Corridor Shortener Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /browse/by-corridor/short Entrypoint Parameters Parameter Type Description cat Comma-separated list; A comma-separated list of categorie optional ids defining an OR-filter that all places reachable through the resource must match. For a list of supported categories, Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 125 ► API Reference Parameter Type Description see the Categories documentation. Resources without an explicit category set will use an appropriate set of categories to find popular places within the given location context. name String; optional Plain-text name of a place used to filter out the results. For example, "Brandenburger Tor" cs Comma-separated list; A comma-separated ordered list of optional category systems defining which type of category systems should be returned in the response. For example cs=places,cuisines POST Method The POST method provides access to the object that contains simplified corridor route and new corridor width. The request must have a Content-Type of application/json. Representation Modifiers The following options are available in this context: Parameter Type Description size Number (non-negative The maximum number of result items in integer); optional each collection. String; optional; default: Text format. Determines how rich text html. properties such as location.address.text tf should be rendered. Supported values are: • html • plain Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 126 ► API Reference Parameter Type Description show_refs Comma-separated list; A list of one or more external system optional names or reference types. This parameter exposes place related external references in response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. show_content Comma-separated list; A list of one or more available content optional types you can add to the response. For a full description see Representation Modifiers documentation. For additional information and examples, see Representation Modifiers on page 47. Response Media Type Responses to requests to this endpoint will have the urn:nlp-types:simplified-corridor media type. See the urn:nlp-types:simplified-corridor media type documentation for details about the structure and content of the response. Request Example Shortens URL for a route corridor with more than 150 coordinates and 2 km off route distance. ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &cat=petrol-station &pretty Request body { "route": "[49.2403332,9.1021303|49.2403793,9.1014647|49.2403686,9.1013467| 49.2403042,9.1010356|49.2399824,9.0998662|49.2397356,9.0991151|49.2396605,9.0987933| 49.2395747,9.0982568|49.2394996,9.0956497|49.2394888,9.0953493|49.2395639,9.0953171| 49.2396069,9.0952528|49.2396283,9.0951347|49.2396069,9.0950274|49.2395639,9.0949631| 49.2394888,9.0949309|49.2394137,9.0942764|49.239285,9.0937293|49.2386949,9.0917552| 49.2385983,9.0913475|49.2384696,9.0907252|49.2382765,9.0895021|49.2382014,9.0887403| 49.2381692,9.0882146|49.2381585,9.0872383|49.2381907,9.086498|49.2382872,9.0853608| 49.2389095,9.0811014|49.2390382,9.0799642|49.2390811,9.0793526|49.2390811,9.078902| 49.2390597,9.0785265|49.2389739,9.0777647|49.238888,9.0773678|49.2387378,9.0767884| 49.2381692,9.0771747|49.2372572,9.0777433|49.2367744,9.0779901|49.2357981,9.0784514| 49.2350578,9.0787196|49.2347252,9.0788269|49.2337489,9.0790951|49.2330301,9.0792239| 49.2321718,9.0793204|49.2315602,9.0793419|49.2311311,9.0793312|49.2304659,9.0792775| 49.2300153,9.0792239|49.2293608,9.0790951|49.2289102,9.0789771|49.228245,9.0787303| 49.2267323,9.0781295|49.2262924,9.0780008|49.2258418,9.0778935|49.2253911,9.0778184| 49.2249298,9.0777862|49.2243505,9.0777969|49.2239213,9.0778399|49.2235243,9.077915| 49.2228055,9.0781081|49.2223442,9.0782797|49.2218935,9.0784943|49.2214537,9.0787303| Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 127 49.2208636,9.0791166|49.2203379,9.0795457|49.218353,9.0813804|49.2178166,9.0817988| 49.2174625,9.0820348|49.2169046,9.0823352|49.2165399,9.082464|49.215982,9.082582| 49.2155313,9.0825927|49.2152417,9.0825605|49.2148662,9.0824747|49.2145014,9.082346| 49.2141366,9.0821743|49.213568,9.0817773|49.2131495,9.0814018|49.2129028,9.0811229| 49.2124414,9.0804684|49.2122912,9.0802217|49.211905,9.0794706|49.2118406,9.0793097| 49.2116368,9.0787411|49.2111003,9.0768421|49.210875,9.0758657|49.2113471,9.0756083| 49.2114866,9.0755332|49.2116261,9.0754151|49.2117655,9.0752649|49.211905,9.0750611| 49.2119908,9.0748894|49.2121196,9.0744603|49.2121518,9.0742886|49.2121732,9.0737844| 49.2121518,9.0735269|49.2120445,9.0730655|49.2119265,9.0726471|49.211905,9.0724325| 49.211905,9.0722179|49.2119265,9.0720141|49.2120123,9.0715635|49.2123878,9.0706515| 49.212935,9.0692139|49.2132461,9.068259|49.2135251,9.0673578|49.2138791,9.0660918| 49.2142224,9.0646434|49.2144048,9.0637422|49.2147052,9.0621114|49.2148447,9.0611351| 49.2149949,9.0598154|49.2150915,9.0588284|49.2151451,9.0580988|49.2152417,9.0559852| 49.2152309,9.0537429|49.2151451,9.051801|49.2149734,9.0499771|49.2147911,9.0484107| 49.214201,9.0437651|49.2139864,9.0418124|49.2139006,9.0408254|49.2136967,9.0379715| 49.2136216,9.0360832|49.2136002,9.0352464|49.2135894,9.0322745|49.2136323,9.0307617| 49.2136645,9.0303433|49.2137074,9.0290129|49.2137933,9.0277362|49.2139864,9.0250862| 49.2141151,9.0236485|49.214437,9.0206659|49.2147803,9.0178871|49.2154777,9.0130484| 49.217838,8.9994013|49.2180741,8.9981461|49.219265,8.991183|49.2208743,8.9820421| 49.221282,8.9795423|49.2216039,8.9773428|49.221915,8.9748108];w=2000" } Response Example { "href": "http://.../places/v1/corridor? size=20&offset=0&app_id={YOUR_APP_ID}&app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE}&route=agpkHiwpv@GdC@VJ| @~@hFp@tCL~@PjBNhO@z@ODGJCVBTFJNDLbCXlBtBhKRpAXzBd@rFLvCFhB@bEGrCQ`F{BrYYbFIxB? xADjANvCPnA\rBpBmAtDqB~Aq@bE{ArCs@`AUbEu@lCYjDSxBCtA@dCJxAH`CXxAVdCn@lHxBvAVxATxAN| ADpBAtAGnAOnCe@zAa@xAk@vAo@tBkAhBuAjKoJjBqAdAo@nB{@hAYlBWxAAx@DjAPfAXhA`@pBnArAhAn@v@zAbC \n@lAtCJ`@h@nBhBzJl@bE}Ar@[L[V[\[f@Qb@WrAGb@CbBBr@TzAVrABh@? j@Cf@QxAiAtDmB~G}@~Dw@rDeAzFeA`Hc@rD{@dI[bE]fGSdEIpCSdL@~LPbK`@lJb@vHtB`\ \j@dKNdEh@xPLxJBfDBpQIlHErAGhGQ~Fe@pOY~G_ArQeAjPiCf]wMftAo@zFmFnj@aIbx@qArN_AvL}@xN;w=1000&cat=petrolstation;w=2097&cat=petrol-station", "newCorridorWidth": 2097 } Health Entrypoint The Health Entrypoint can be used to check the availability of the Places (Search) API as part of a monitoring system. Note: The license does not allow the use of any other requests to the Places (Search) API as part of a health check or monitoring scheme. The Health Entrypoint is a Places (Search) API Core entrypoint. Entrypoint URI /health GET Method Returns a response status of 200 OK to indicate that the system is up and running. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► API Reference 128 Note: Common problems, such as incorrect proxy configurations, firewall configuration issues, or networking problems, will typically not yield a response at all but rather a connection timeout. Request Example ?app_id={YOUR_APP_ID} &app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} &pretty Response Example { "message":"The Places API is up and running" } Entrypoint maturity and availability Places (Search) API entrypoints can be divided into the three following categories: • Core entrypoints are available to all users of Places (Search) API. They are fully supported and mature. Following are Places (Search) API core entrypoints: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ • Autosuggest –– Get autocomplete suggestions for search queries. Search –– Find places using a text query. Explore –– Find recommended places in a location. Here –– Identify places at location. Around –– Find places around a location. Similar to explore, but optimized for 3D visualexploration overlays. Browse by Corridor –– Find places with certain categories within a corridor area Corridor Shortener –– Simplifies route required for the corridor search Lookup –– Find a place by non-Place ID, e.g. PVID. Place Categories –– Get place categories that are supported within a region. Cuisine Categories –– Get cuisine categories that are supported within a region. Suggest –– Get autocomplete suggestions for search queries. Browse-Pt-Stops –– Find public transport places around a location sorted by distance Actions –– Report user interactions Health –– Monitor the availability of the service Premium entrypoints are mature but only available on request. Please contact your sales representative to get access to them. Following are Places (Search) API premium entrypoints: ◦ ◦ Voice Search –– Find places using a text query produced by some voice recognition software Browse –– Find places with certain categories around a location sorted by distance Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 129 ► API Reference ◦ Tiles –– Retrieves a list tiles base URLs for the given criteria Two-Box-Search –– Find places using two text queries. ◦ Response Resources This section provides reference to the data structures used throughout the Places (Search) API. Media Types Media Types explains the data structure types that are received in responses from and sent in requests to Places (Search) API. All responses from the Places (Search) API and requests bodies sent to the Places (Search) API are in the format defined by a media type. For example, places, images, reviews, and more are are sent and received as media types. Search Media Type The search media type describes a step in a user activity to find/discover places. Media Type URI urn:nlp-types:search Media Type Structure The representation provides some information about the search request, but the primary information in the search media type is a list of result items that guide users directly or indirectly to the place(s) they are looking for. This media type has the following format: { "search": { //... }, "results" : { "items": [ //... ] } } Attribute Type Description results Object[DiscoverResultSet] a paginateable collection of search result items. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 130 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description search Object[SearchDescription] search location context that the service has chosen for the query. Search Description Attribute Type Description context Object[SearchContext] search context information Search Context Information The primary information about the search context is the location context that the service has chosen for the query. Usually the location context is derived from the explicit location parameters of a discover activity. But sometimes the location context is also derived from other elements, particularly from a user's search term. For example, when a user located in "Berlin, Germany" uses the search term is "Restaurant in Paris", the search algorithm uses "Paris" as the search location. When the location context of a place discovery is derived from one of the explicit location parameters, the selected one is returned in the result. Depending on the endpoint used, it may also contain an address or area of the location: { "search": { "context": { "title": "Paris", "location": { "position": [52.5044, 13.3909] "address": { "city": "Paris", "country": "France", "text": "Paris<br/>France" //... } }, "type": "urn:nlp-types:place" } //... } } Result items of type search contain the context used for the search, which includes the following attributes: Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 131 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description title String (formatted text); optional A (short) textual representation of the item location Object[SearchLocation] The location used for the search. type String The type of the resource being linked to. The value is either a valid MIME media type or a URI. Places (Search) API internal links always use a URN in the namespace "nlp-types" for the type attribute. If missing, the link goes to a web resource that is best opened in a universal http client, like a web browser. href String (URI); optional A hyperlink that refers to the resource represented by that result item. moved Boolean; optional If true, the location used for the search is different from the one provided in the request. Search Location Attribute Type Description position Array[Number] A position given by latitude and longitude, for example [37.785141,-122.4047775] address Object[Address]; optional The neighborhood of the location used for the search. bbox Array[Number]; optional An enclosing rectangle that describes a range of Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 132 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description coordinates corresponding to the location of the place. Bounding boxes are typically associated with places such as cities and countries. A bounding box is specified as an array ([West longitude, South latitude, East longitude, North latitude]) according to the GeoJSON geospatial data interchange format. Search Results Media Type The search-results media type is the structure used for the search results attribute. Media Type URI urn:nlp-types:search-results Media Type Structure The representation provides a paginateable list of result items that guide users directly or indirectly to the place(s) they are looking for. { "results" : { "next": "http://...", "offset": 20, "items": [ //... ] } } Attribute Type Description previous String (URI); optional The URI to the subresource holding the previous page of the collection. If the current page is Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 133 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description the first page of the collection, the attribute is not present. next String (URI); optional The URI to the subresource holding the next page of the collection. If the current page is the last page of the collection, the attribute is not present. offset Number (integer); optional Pages other than the first page of a collection may include this attribute. If present, it contains the index of the first item in the current page. items Array[PlaceLink | SearchLink] There are several different types of result items, but regardless of its specific type, each result item is a link object. The goal of all discovery resources is to guide a user to a place, but this might not always be possible or appropriate in a single step. For example, there may be too many candidates and therefore the user might want to define additional criteria. Therefore some result items directly link to a place, while others link to different resources that can be presented to the user and contain further links via which the user will be linked to a place. Each resource item has a `type` field identifying the type of page that it links to. The current implementation of the Places (Search) API supports two types: Place Media A user selecting the item in a Place Link will be directed to a place. Type on page 134 (urn:nlptypes:place) Search Media A user selecting the item in a Search Link will trigger a refined/more precise Type on page search query. This type of result item may appear when the amount of 129 (urn:nlp- reasonable matches is too large and the service can offer additional criteria types:search) that may be used to refine the query. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 134 ► API Reference Upcoming releases may introduce additional types (e.g. events). Clients must be prepared to handle that situation and ignore any results that have a `type` that they don't know how to handle. Place Media Type A place response, identified by media type URI urn:nlp-types:place, contains all the information available for a single place. The place representation is extensible, with attributes divided into four sections: Base attributes A set of predefined attributes providing core information about a place like name, location, and categories. Extended attributes An extensible collection of additional facts about the place Media collections A set of rich media types aggregated from multiple sources Related places References to other places related to the given place Base attributes are members of the place object itself, while extended attributes, media collections and related places are each grouped under their own subobject: { "name": "Rockefeller Center", //... other base attributes "extended": { //... extended attributes }, "media": { //... media collections }, "related": { //... related places } } Base Attributes Base place attributes are members of the place object that provide core information about a place. Attribute Type Description name String The name of the place. If a user's preferred language is English and the place has an alternative name in English, the English name would be returned Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 135 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description as the place name and the original name would be present in the alternativeNames attribute. placeId String The unique identifier of the place. view String (URI) A URI linking to a representation of the place that can be viewed by end users. Applications must provide at least a link for every place that is fetched. Note: The link in the place.view attribute can be used to enable users to share a place with their friends. For more information on this feature, please see Place Sharing alternativeNames Array[AlternativeName]; Original names of a place, optional including possibly those in other languages. location Object[Location] A description of the physical location of a place. attribution String (formatted text); optional A ready-to-display string containing the source attribution text for this place. via Object[Link]; optional A link object to the external website of the supplier of the place. Where possible, this is a deeplink to a page specific to the place. As documented Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 136 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description in Source Attribution on page 36, this link must be used for attribution when rich text attribution is not being used. supplier Object[Link]; optional A link to metadata about the supplier of the place. The object extends the standard link object with an optional icon attribute that contains a URI string pointing to the supplier's brand icon. references Object(map of String to A map from third-party names Reference); optional to the unique identifier that the third party uses for this place. contacts Object[Contacts] An object listing means of contacting the place categories Array[Link]; optional An array of link objects to categories assigned to the place. A category link object extends the standard link object with an optional icon attribute, that contains a URI string pointing to an icon appropriate for that category. icon String (URI) A URI linking to a representation of the place that can be viewed by end users. Applications must provide for every place they fetch at least a link. ratings Object[Ratings]; optional An object summarizing the user ratings for a place. Deprecated. Replaced by Rating Media Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 137 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description Type on page 150 in media collections report Object[Link]; optional A link for getting options for reporting a place because, for example, it contains inappropriate content or place does not exists. The response will have the report-options media type. Additional Place Information Attribute Type Description extended Object[ExtendedAttributes]; An object that provides further optional information about a place Object[Related] An object that contains related related places in which users may also be interested. media Object[Media] An object containing collections of media (images, reviews, etc.) relating to the place. phonemes Object[PlacePhonemes]; Phonetic information for this optional place. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 138 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description not already covered by your agreement. Alternative Name Each alternative name is an object providing the alternative name as well as information on the language of that name. Attribute Type Description name String the alternative name language String[language tag] the ISO language code Location A location object contains attributes to describe the physical location of a place. Attribute Type Description position Array[Number] A position given by latitude and longitude, for example [37.785141,-122.4047775] locationId String; optional A unique identifier of the location when assigned. address Object[Address]; optional The neighborhood of the location used for the search. bbox Array[Number]; optional An enclosing rectangle that describes a range of coordinates corresponding to the location of the place. Bounding boxes are typically associated with places such as cities and countries. A bounding box is specified as an array ([West longitude, South latitude, Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 139 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description East longitude, North latitude]) according to the GeoJSON geospatial data interchange format. access Array[AccessPoint]; optional Coordinates to access the location. Ratings A summary of how users rated a place. Attribute Type Description average Number The average rating of the place across all users. count Number (integer) The number of individual votes on the place. Extended Attributes If a place has no information for a given attribute, the attribute is not present. If there is no extended content at all for a place, the extended attribute of the place is not present. In the future, more properties may be added to the extended section. Clients can safely loop over all properties in this section and use the label and text properties to display all available information in this section to the user. When an attribute represents a list of options, the text field separates the elements with newlines. The currently available extended properties may include third-party content as described in media collections. Some extended attributes may provide a structured presentation in addition to the label/text representation (e.g. transitLines). They will be documented separately. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 140 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description payment Object[ExtendedAttribute]; A list of available payment optional methods (such as cash, credit card, direct debit, etc.) openingHours Object[OpeningHours]; optional A list of hours during which the place is open for business. annualClosings Object[ExtendedAttribute]; A description of annual closing optional dates such as holidays or other special occasions. price Object[ExtendedAttribute]; A price list. optional fuelPrices Object[ExtendedAttribute]; optional Fuel price list. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. nearestLandmark languagesSpoken availableParking smoking Object[ExtendedAttribute]; A description of the nearest optional landmark. Object[ExtendedAttribute]; A list of the languages that are optional spoken at the place. Object[ExtendedAttribute]; A list of parking options optional available nearby. Object[ExtendedAttribute]; Whether smoking is allowed. optional disabledAccess Object[ExtendedAttribute]; Whether disabled access is optional available. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 141 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description transitLines Object[TransitLines]; optional A list of available public transport transit lines. departures Object[Departures]; optional A list of next departures for available public transport transit lines. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. blindGuide Object[ExtendedAttribute]; Whether a public transport optional stop has blind guides ('tactile paving'). disabledParkingSpaces Object[ExtendedAttribute]; Whether disabled parking is optional available. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. womenParkingSpaces Object[ExtendedAttribute]; Whether women parking is optional available. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 142 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. restRoomAvailable Object[ExtendedAttribute]; Whether rest room is available optional in parking place. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. secureParking Object[ExtendedAttribute]; Whether parking is secured, optional indicates a gated and CCTV parking. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 143 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description not already covered by your agreement. securityManned Object[ExtendedAttribute]; Whether security guard is optional available in parking place. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. electricalChargingPoints Object[ExtendedAttribute]; Whether electric charging point optional is available in parking place. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. elevator Object[ExtendedAttribute]; Whether a place has an elevator. optional escalator Object[ExtendedAttribute]; Whether a place has an optional escalator. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 144 ► API Reference Departures Extended Attribute Departures Extended Attribute is associated with public transport stop/station and contains information about scheduled departures from the place: Attribute Type Description text String (formatted text) The information in rich text which can be displayed directly. If the text represents a list of items, the items are separated by a line break entity (if the text format is html) or newline (if the text format is plain). label String A localized display label for that extended attribute via Object[Link]; optional A link object to the external website of the supplier of the information. As documented in Source Attribution on page 36, this link must be used for attribution when rich text attribution is not being used. attribution String (formatted text); optional A ready-to-display string containing the source attribution text for this place. schedule Object[Schedule]; optional List of next public transport departures. Schedule Information about the departures of public transport stop/station. Departure items are paginated based on page size parameter. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 145 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description next String (URI); optional Link to the next set of departures, if available. items Array[Departure] List of departures. lines Object(map of String to Dictionary of lines serving TransitLine); optional departures shown in current departure item list using line name as a key. operators Object(map of String to Dictionary of public transport PTOperator); optional operators operating on this stop/station using operator ID as a key. Departure Information about single departure. All times use RFC 3339 date-time format with timezone offset Attribute Type Description line String Reference to the line in lines dictionary. scheduled Object[DepartureTime] Originally scheduled departure time. direction String; optional Direction of the departure on its line. exception String; optional An indicator for some exceptional event happened to this departure. Possible values are redirected, replaced, cancelled and additional. operator String; optional A reference to the operator in the operators dictionary. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 146 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description real Object[DepartureTime]; optional A real time information about departure time. extended Array[ExtendedAttribute]; A dictionary describing optional additional features of the departure. Supported keys are bikeAllowed and barrierFree. DepartureTime Information about departure time. Attribute Type Description platform String; optional Platform for the departure. Attribute Type Description id String Id. title String; optional Name of the operator supplier Object[OperatorSupplier]; Supplier of the operator's optional schedule information Object(map of String to Dictionary of additional links OperatorLink); optional to be display next to departure PTOperator Public transport operator. links information of the operator. Possible keys are operator, agency and tariff. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 147 ► API Reference OperatorSupplier Supplier of the public transport operator's schedule. Attribute Type Description title String Name OperatorLink Additional link associated with operator. Attribute Type Description text String (formatted text) Text for the link. url Object[Link] URI of the link. Related Places The related object contains related places in which users may also be interested. The following properties may be available: Attribute Type Description recommended Object[Link]; optional A link list of recommended places for the given place which shares the same structure as the search results. public-transport Object[Link]; optional A link list of nearby public transports for the given place which shares the same structure as the search results. venue Object[PlaceLink]; optional Venue where place resides stops Object[Link]; optional A link list of public transport connections in the given place which shares the same structure as the search results. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 148 ► API Reference Media Object Structure A Media Object Structure contains third-party content collections. This object contains the following attributes: Attribute Type Description images Object[MediaCollection] collection of images of a place editorials Object[MediaCollection]; collection of editorial optional description about a place Object[MediaCollection] collection of reviews about a reviews place links ratings Object[MediaCollection]; collection of links for optional interactions with a place Object[MediaCollection] collection of rating summaries from suppliers Review Media Type The review media type represents a review of a place. Media Type URI urn:nlp-types:review Attribute Type Description reviewId String An identifier for the review date String (RFC 3339 date-time); The date the review was optional uploaded. title String; optional The review's title rating Number; optional A rating for the place, on a scale of 1 to 5. description String (formatted text) The review itself. user Object[User]; optional The user who made the review Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 149 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description language String (RFC 5646 language tag); The language of the review optional report Object[Link]; optional A link for getting options for reporting a review because, for example, it contains inappropriate content. The response will have the reportoptions media type. via Object[Link]; optional supplier Object[Link]; optional attribution String (formatted text); optional GET Example To retrieve a review, a client application can use the GET method. Here is an example for how to use GET with the review media type: GET /places/v1/places/{placeId}/media/reviews/{reviewId} See below for a sample of a JSON response for the GET method: { "reviewId": "ugc-c425eb5b-3a69-4f45-8e2f-61ebd571fb1d", "date": "2013-05-08T03:13:12Z", "rating": 2, "description": "My review", "user": { "id": "05e...", "name": "Mustermann", "href": "https://...", "icon": "https://...", "type": "text/html" }, "language": "en", "supplier": { "id": "here", "title": "HERE", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:supplier", "icon": "http://..." }, "via": { "href": "", "type": "text/html" }, "attribution": "Provided by <a href=\" \">Mustermann</a> via <a href=\"\">HERE</a>", "report": { Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 150 ► API Reference "title": "Report this review", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:report-options" } } Rating Media Type The rating media type summarises the ratings assigned to a place by a particular supplier. Media Type URI urn:nlp-types:rating Attribute Type Description count Number (integer); optional The number of individual user ratings that contributed to the average rating. average Number; optional via Object[Link]; optional supplier Object[Link]; optional attribution String (formatted text); optional Average user rating. Image Media Type The image media type represents an image of a place. Media Type URI urn:nlp-types:image Media Type Structure The image media media type has the following attributes: Attribute Type Description src String (URI) A URL to the actual image Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 151 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description imageId String Identifier of image if uploaded via Places (Search) API (this ID is returned from an image upload response) date dimensions String (RFC 3339 date-time); The date the image was optional uploaded. Object(map of String to String); A map containing links to the optional sized variants of the original image. user Object[User]; optional Details of the user who contributed the image. report Object[Link]; optional A link for getting options for reporting an image because, for example, it contains inappropriate content. The response will have the reportoptions media type. via Object[Link]; optional supplier Object[Link]; optional attribution String (formatted text); optional GET Example GET /places/v1/places/{placeId}/media/images/{imageId} { "src": "http://...", "via": { "href": "http://...", "type": "text/html" }, "dimensions": { "w32-h32": "http://...", "w64-h164": "http://..." }, "supplier": { "title": "Qype", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:supplier", "icon": "http://..." Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 152 ► API Reference }, "attribution": "Vom Qype" } Example POST Response Below is an example image object, obtained from a URL in the following form: POST /places/v1/places/{placeId}/media/images Sample body for 201 - CREATED response status code: { "src": "http://...", "imageId": "ugc-4e5a8b9e-e50b-4a0d-bdae-eae278293887", "supplier": { "id": "here", "title": "HERE member", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:supplier", "icon": "http://..." }, "attribution": "Provided by HERE member", "user": { "name": "anonymous" }, "delete": { "title": "Delete an image", "href": "http://...", "method": "DELETE" } } Report Options Media Type The report-options media type describes reporting options for current place/image/review Media Type URI urn:nlp-types:report-options Attribute Type Description inappropriate Object[Link]; optional A hyperlink to submitting an inappropriate place/image/ review report. non-existent Object[Link]; optional A hyperlink to submitting a nonexistent place report. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 153 ► API Reference Report Post Media Type The report post media type describes the fields that need to be provided in order to report a place or media item. Media Type URI urn:nlp-types:report-post Attribute Type Description reason String The reason that a place/media item is being reported, chosen from the report options list comment String A string in which the user describes why the place/media item is reported. Category Media Type The category media type contains meta-information about a category. Media Type URI urn:nlp-types:category Attribute Type Description categoryId String A unique category identifier. For example, eat-drink. name String The (localized) display name of the category. For example, Eat & Drink. icon String (URI); optional The link to the category icon system String Category system of the category Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 154 ► API Reference Category Graph Media Type The category-graph media type represents a set of categories with parent-child relationships between them. Media Type URI urn:nlp-types:category-graph Media Type Structure The representation provides a paginateable list of result items, each of which represents a category node. Each node contains a link to the related category resource and the category ids of its parents in the graph. The search results is a paginateable collection of result items. Each result item is a CategoryGraphNode. Attribute Type items Array[CategoryGraphNode] Description Category Graph Node Attribute Type Description id String A unique category identifier title String A localized title for the resource to which the link refers. Clients can display this title within their application. icon String (URI); optional type String; optional The type of the resource being linked to. The value is either a valid MIME media type or a URI. Places (Search) API internal links always use a URN in the Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 155 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description namespace "nlp-types" for the type attribute. If missing, the link goes to a web resource that is best opened in a universal http client, like a web browser. href String (URI) A link to the category resource represented by this graph node system String Category system of the category within Array[String] An array with the category ids of this node's parents Supplier Media Type The supplier media type contains meta-information about a supplier. Media Type URI urn:nlp-types:supplier Attribute Type Description supplierId String A unique supplier identifier name String The (brand) name of the supplier icon String (URI); optional A link to the supplier's brand icon Suggestions Media Type The suggestions media type contains a list of suggested search terms. Media Type URI urn:nlp-types:suggestions Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 156 ► API Reference Media Type Structure For performance reasons, this media type doesn't use hypermedia links. Instead, clients processing suggestion resources must use the suggested search term selected by their user as the value of the q resource parameter to access a search resource. The suggested search terms are exposed in a simple JSON object containing one attribute: Attribute Type Description suggestions Array[String] An array of suggested search terms. Action Post Media Type The action media type describes a user interaction made against the Places (Search) API, for example, the user clicking to the dial the phone number of a place. Media Type URI urn:nlp-types:action-post Attribute Type Description meta Object[Meta]; optional Meta information about the operation to report actions. actions Array[Action] The actions that are being reported. Meta Object This object contains meta-information describing the upload of action information that is taking place. The meta object object has the following attributes: Attribute Type Description currentTimestamp String[DateTime]; optional The time that the upload to the Actions resource was made, according to the clock from Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 157 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description which the actions' timestamp field values came from. Action Object The action object represents an interaction made against a place. It has the following attributes: Attribute Type Description resource String The URL in the Places (Search) API of the place that the reported action took place against. For example, if the action reported is a phone number being called, this is the URL of the place which had its phone number called. types Array[String] List of action type URNs. Each URN represents a type of action, and begins with "urn:nlpactions". timestamp String[DateTime]; optional A date and time string representing when the action took place. Its format is yyyyMM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ. client String; optional An identifier used to identify different client devices, for example in cases where cookies can't be provided by the client device parameters Object(map of String to String); A map for passing any extra optional information with your action post beyond what is contained in the other fields. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 158 ► API Reference Example { "actions": [ { "resource": " places/276u33db-5e332e9253f94042a3f086a2c19ea4bb;context=Zmxvdy1pZD1kNTQwYzMzZC1kYmI1LTU2NDQtYmI5Yi1jZDZlZ app_id={YOUR_APP_ID}&app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE}", "types": [ "urn:nlp-actions:placeselected", "urn:nlp-actions:viewplaceonmap" ], "timestamp": "2013-07-12T14:34:10.763+0100" }, { "resource": " places/276u33db-2c192376ea8541419d3e26bc4aa4f7f9;context=Zmxvdy1pZD1kNTQwYzMzZC1kYmI1LTU2NDQtYmI5Yi1jZDZlZ app_id={YOUR_APP_ID}&app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE}", "types": [ "urn:nlp-actions:placeselected", "urn:nlp-actions:drivingdirections" ], "timestamp": "2013-07-12T14:38:10.763+0100" } ] } Action Type URNs The following is a list of action type URNs that we suggest to use for some of the actions that we expect to be made with Places (Search) API places. This list is not intended to be exhaustive. Type Description urn:nlp-actions:placeselected Select place from a result list. urn:nlp-actions:viewplaceonmap View place on map. urn:nlp-actions:emailclicked Click on place e-mail. urn:nlp-actions:websitelinkclicked Click on place website URL. urn:nlp-actions:phonenumberclicked Click on place phone number. urn:nlp-actions:pinnedtohomescreen Pin place to home screen. urn:nlp-actions:shareplace Share place to external service. urn:nlp-actions:addplacetocollection Add place to collection/favourites. urn:nlp-actions:walkingdirections Generate walking directions to/via place. urn:nlp-actions:drivingdirections Generate driving directions to/via place. urn:nlp-actions:publictransportdirections Generate public transport directions to/via place. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 159 ► API Reference Type Description urn:nlp-actions:navigationstarted Start to follow navigation directions.. urn:nlp-actions:destinationreached Arrive at navigation destination. JSON Structure Objects and Attributes JSON Structure Objects and Attributes describes the various object and attributes an application will receive in a JSON representation. JSON format uses objects and types of these objects can contain objects of their own, the terms object and attribute can sometimes be used for the same item depending on the context of that item. The definition of each term is as follows: • object - an object is a structure containing attributes. For example, place is an object • attribute - an attribute is a name and value that is part of its parent object. An attributes value may be a string, another object, a hyperlink, or other information. For example, the place media type has an attribute of alternativeNames which in turn has its own attribute of language Link Object Structure A link object is used to refer to other resources. This object contains the following attributes: Attribute Type Description id String; optional An identifier for the linked object. title String; optional A localized title for the resource to which the link refers. Clients can display this title within their application. href String (URI) The URI of the resource the link object is referring to. type String; optional The type of the resource being linked to. The value is either a valid MIME media type or a URI. Places (Search) API internal links always use a URN in the Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 160 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description namespace "nlp-types" for the type attribute. If missing, the link goes to a web resource that is best opened in a universal http client, like a web browser. system String; optional The system name of the resource being referenced from. accept Array[String]; optional List of accepted content media type for POST request. method String; optional Common method of HTTP/1.1 icon String (URI); optional A link to the icon for the linked object, if one exists. labels Object(map of String to An object containing a set of LabelNode); optional fields with translations required for the UI Label Node A label nodeis an object containing a set of fields with translations required for the UI. The label node contains the following attributes: This object contains the following attributes: Attribute Type Description label String The (localized) display name of the field values Object(map of String to The (localized) values/options LabelNode); optional user can select from. Will be provided for fields where user should to choose one value from provided options. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 161 ► API Reference Collection Link A link to a collection. Additional information is included that can be displayed to the user to help them to decide if this is the collection they are interested in. Attribute Type Description title String The display name of this collection item. href String (URI) A hyperlink that refers to the resource represented by that result item. type String The type of the resource being linked to. The value is either a valid MIME media type or a URI. Places (Search) API internal links always use a URN in the namespace "nlp-types" for the type attribute. If missing, the link goes to a web resource that is best opened in a universal http client, like a web browser. Favourite Place Link A link to a favourite place. Attribute Type Description position Array[Number] A position given by latitude and longitude, for example [37.785141,-122.4047775] distance Number (integer); optional Distance to the destination in meters calculated as described in Search Location and Distance Calculation. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 162 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description title String The (localized) display name of this item. underlyingTitle String; optional The (localized) original display name of place item. category Object[Link] A hyperlink to the primary category of the place. icon String (URI) Icon associated with this item. vicinity String (formatted text); optional The textual description of the location of the place; usually derived from the address of the place, but may also contain any other description that helps a user understand where the place is located. type String; optional The type of the resource being linked to. The value is either a valid MIME media type or a URI. Places (Search) API internal links always use a URN in the namespace "nlp-types" for the type attribute. If missing, the link goes to a web resource that is best opened in a universal http client, like a web browser. href String (URI) A hyperlink that refers to the resource represented by that result item. id String The unique identifier of the place. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 163 ► API Reference Place Link A link to a place. Additional information is included that can be displayed to the user to help them to decide if this is the place they are interested in. It has the following attributes: { "position": [48.8582557, 2.2947905], "distance": 881631, "title": "Eiffel Tower", "averageRating": 5.0, "category": { "id": "landmark-attraction", "title": "Landmark/Attraction", "href": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:category" }, "icon": "http://...", "vicinity": "5 avenue Anatole France\n75007 Paris\nFrance", "type": "urn:nlp-types:place", "href": "http://...", "id": "250u09tu-4561b8da952f4fd79c4e1998c3fcf032" } Attribute Type Description position Array[Number] The latitude and longitude of the place, for example [37.785141,-122.4047775]. This latitude and longitude is suitable for displaying the place's position on a map. bbox Array[Number]; optional An enclosing rectangle that describes a range of coordinates corresponding to the location of the place. Bounding boxes are typically associated with places such as cities and countries. A bounding box is specified as an array ([West longitude, South latitude, East longitude, North latitude]) according to the GeoJSON geospatial data interchange format. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 164 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description distance Number (integer); optional Distance to the destination in meters calculated as described in Search Location and Distance Calculation. title String The (localized) display name of this search item. averageRating Number; optional Deprecated. The average rating for a place; it is set to zero for all places. For locations this field is absent category Object[Link]; optional A hyperlink to the primary category of the place. categories Array[Link]; optional An array of link objects to categories assigned to the place. A category link object extends the standard link object with an optional icon attribute, that contains a URI string pointing to an icon appropriate for that category. icon String (URI) Icon associated with this item. vicinity String (formatted text); optional The textual description of the location of the place; usually derived from the address of the place, but may also contain any other description that helps a user understand where the place is located. address Object[Address]; optional The address of the place. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 165 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. contacts Object[Contacts]; optional An object listing means of contacting the place Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. type String; optional The type of the resource being linked to. The value is either a valid MIME media type or a URI. Places (Search) API internal links always use a URN in the namespace "nlp-types" for the type attribute. If missing, the link goes to a web resource that is best opened in a universal http client, like a web browser. href String (URI) A hyperlink that refers to the resource represented by that result item. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 166 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description sponsored Boolean; optional If true, indicates that this search result is sponsored. Applications MUST provide some visual differentiation for sponsored search results from regular (organic) ones. distant Boolean; optional If true, indicates that this search result is outside the search context information. id String The unique identifier of the place. attribution String (formatted text); optional A ready-to-display string containing the source attribution text for this place. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. supplier Object[Link]; optional A link to metadata about the supplier of the place. The object extends the standard link object with an optional icon attribute that contains a URI string pointing to the supplier's brand icon. Note: Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 167 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. via Object[Link]; optional A link object to the external website of the supplier of the place. Where possible, this is a deeplink to a page specific to the place. As documented in Source Attribution on page 36, this link must be used for attribution when rich text attribution is not being used. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. references Object(map of String to A property that provides a map Reference); optional of 3rd party unique identifiers of the place or place's location. weight Number; optional Number that can be used to rank places between different tiles (only for tiles request). Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 168 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. transitLines Object[TransitLines]; optional A list of available public transport transit lines. access Array[AccessPoint]; optional List of access (navigation) points for the place. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. openingHours Object[OpeningHours]; optional A list of hours during which the place is open for business fuelPrices Object[ExtendedAttribute]; optional Fuel price list. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 169 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. phonemes Object[PlacePhonemes]; Phonetic information for this optional place. Note: This is a premium feature. Contact your HERE representative or contact us through to request the appropriate license if this feature is not already covered by your agreement. Reference A third-party identifier for a place or a place's location { "references": { "pvid": { "id": "36704368" } } } Attribute Type Description id String a place or location reference. alternatives Array[Reference]; optional alternative identifiers of the same reference. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 170 ► API Reference Transit Lines Extended Attribute Transit Lines Extended Attribute is associated with public transport stop/station and contains information about the lines and destinations: Attribute Type Description text String (formatted text) The information in rich text which can be displayed directly. If the text represents a list of items, the items are separated by a line break entity (if the text format is html) or newline (if the text format is plain). label String A localized display label for that extended attribute via Object[Link]; optional A link object to the external website of the supplier of the information. As documented in Source Attribution on page 36, this link must be used for attribution when rich text attribution is not being used. attribution String (formatted text); optional A ready-to-display string containing the source attribution text for this place. lines destinations Object(map of String to Dictionary of public transport TransitLine); optional lines using this stop/station. Array[Destination]; optional Dictionary of destinations served from this stop/station. TransitLine Public transport line. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 171 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description name String Name category Object[TransitLineCategory]; Category optional style Object[TransitLineStyle]; Styling guidelines for the line. optional operator String; optional Operator serving the line. TransitLineCategory Category information for the public transport line. Attribute Type Description id String Unique id of the category. title String; optional Localized name of the category. localName String; optional Locally used name for the category. icon String; optional Icon for the category. TransitLineStyle Styling for the public transport line. All colors are in hex format. Attribute Type Description color String; optional The color value assigned to a line. textColor String; optional The text color that should get used when the line color is used as background color. outlineColor String; optional Color of the border around the line name. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 172 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description iconShape String; optional An enum identifying the shape style of the icon. Destination Destination served from station/stop. Attribute Type Description destination String Name of the destination. line String Name of the line serving the destination. AccessPoint Access point for the location. Purpose of the access point is to provide location that can be used e.g. for navigation. Attribute Type Description position Array[Number] The latitude and longitude of the access point, for example [37.785141,-122.4047775] accessType String Type of access. As for now this is always road. sideOfStreet Object[SideOfStreet]; optional Side of the street relatively to street direction SideOfStreet Opening Hours The opening hours object contains opening hours information for a place. The following properties may be available: Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 173 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description text String (formatted text) The information in rich text which can be displayed directly. If the text represents a list of items, the items are separated by a line break entity (if the text format is html) or newline (if the text format is plain). label String A localized display label for that extended attribute via Object[Link]; optional A link object to the external website of the supplier of the information. As documented in Source Attribution on page 36, this link must be used for attribution when rich text attribution is not being used. attribution String (formatted text); optional A ready-to-display string containing the source attribution text for this place. isOpen Boolean; optional Boolean flag indicating whether the place is currently open, based on place's time zone. structured Array[StructuredOpeningHours]; List of structured presentations optional for opening hours. Structured Opening Hours Structure for holding opening hours based on the iCalendar specification. This structure is defined so that it can describe more complex recurrence pattern like "Every 2nd Saturday of the month from 10am to 10pm". Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 174 ► API Reference Unlike the iCalendar specification, the start value in our case does not contain a date part. We omit the date part and immediately start with the T that is time section marker. For example, instead of 19700101T132000 you should expect a simpler T132000 equivalent. Attribute Type Description start String String with an iCalendar DATETIME value duration String String with an iCalendar DURATION value recurrence String String with a RECUR rule Extended Attribute Each extended attribute object has at least the following properties: Attribute Type Description text String (formatted text) The information in rich text which can be displayed directly. If the text represents a list of items, the items are separated by a line break entity (if the text format is html) or newline (if the text format is plain). label String A localized display label for that extended attribute via Object[Link]; optional A link object to the external website of the supplier of the information. As documented in Source Attribution on page 36, this link must be used for attribution when rich text attribution is not being used. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 175 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description attribution String (formatted text); optional A ready-to-display string containing the source attribution text for this place. Phonetic Place Information A structure for holding phonetic information for a place. For each field there might be multiple phonemes provided. If there are multiple phonemes the ones which match the users language preference best are returned first. Attribute Type Description title Array[Phoneme]; optional Phonetic transcription of the place title. address Object[AddressPhonemes]; Phonetic transcription of the optional address information.. Attribute Type Description value String The actual phoneme language String[language tag] the ISO language code Phonetic Transcription A phonetic transcription. Phonetic Address A structure to hold phonetic information for an address. Attribute Type Description street Array[Phoneme]; optional Street name district Array[Phoneme]; optional A division of city; typically an administrative unit within a Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 176 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description larger city or a customary name of a city's neighborhood. city Array[Phoneme]; optional The name of the primary locality of the place. regions Array[Array[Phoneme]]; optional For address conventions where more than to levels of named areas above the city level are in use, the regions attribute provides an array with all additional area names, ordered by decreasing size (starting with the highest subdivision below state) county Array[Phoneme]; optional A division of a state; typically a secondary-level administrative division of a country or equivalent. state Array[Phoneme]; optional A division of a country; typically a first-level administrative division of a country and/or a geographical region. country Array[Phoneme]; optional The country name. Search Link A link to a further search query based on the current search query. It may contain, for example, results restricted to a certain category or results for a suggested alternative search term. This is an example of a result item representing a further search within a specified category: { "title": "Sights & Museums", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search", "href": "http://...", "icon": "http://..." } Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 177 ► API Reference This is an example of a result item representing an alternative suggestion for a search term: { "title": "Hotel Adlon", "icon": "http://...", "type": "urn:nlp-types:search", "href": "http://.../discover/search?at=52.53044,13.41112&q=Hotel+Adlon", "vicinity": "Berlin<br/>Germany", "modified": true } Attribute Type Description title String The (localized) display name of this element. icon String (URI) The URI of an iconic representation of the item. type String; optional The type of the resource being linked to. The value is either a valid MIME media type or a URI. Places (Search) API internal links always use a URN in the namespace "nlp-types" for the type attribute. If missing, the link goes to a web resource that is best opened in a universal http client, like a web browser. href String (URI) A hyperlink that refers to place discovery restricted by certain group (e.g. category). categoryId String; optional A unique category identifier. vicinity String (formatted text); optional The textual description of the location of the place; usually derived from the address of the place, but may also contain any other description that helps a user understand where the place is located. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 178 ► API Reference Result Display The result items are ordered by relevance criteria that are appropriate in the context of a given discovery resource. Applications presenting the result to their users should take care to reflect that order in the way they display the results and should direct a user's attention to the first result items first. Client applications might want to display different types of result items in different ways. This might imply that the application cannot reflect the global order of all result items. Still it is highly recommended that the absolute first result item is the one first displayed to the user and that the application reflects the relative order of items within each type. User Object Structure User objects contain additional attributes to describe a user. Since a user object contains an href attribute, it is also a link object. This object contains the following attributes: Attribute Type Description id String; optional id name String username href String (URI); optional A hyperlink to user's profile. icon String (URI); optional A hyperlink to user's avatar. type String; optional The MIME media type of the user's profile. Media Collection A media collection object provides access to additional content for a place. All media properties are paginateable collections. When a given media collection is not available for a place, the attribute for that collection is not present. Some media elements might support additional features, in which case individual media elements are also link-objects pointing to a full media resource with hyperlinks for the available features. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 179 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description available Number (integer) The total number of items available for a place, i.e. this would be 50 for a place with 50 images. Note: It is not possible to always calculate the total number of elements in a collection. So the attribute might be missing, or just contain an estimate. Clients MUST not rely on the presence of the attribute but instead rely only on the existence of the next attribute to find out if additional items are available. offset Number (positive integer); Pages other than the first page optional of a collection may include this attribute. If present, it contains the index of the first item in the current page. previous String (URI); optional The URI to the subresource holding the previous page of the collection. If the current page is the first page of the collection, the attribute is not present. next String (URI); optional The URI to the subresource holding the next page of the collection. If the current page is Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 180 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description the last page of the collection, the attribute is not present. items Array[ActionLink | PlaceArticle An array containing the objects | PlaceEditorial | PlaceImage of the current page of the | PlaceRatingsSummary | collection (eg. images). If a PlaceReview] collection is empty, the items attribute is not present. The type of the objects in the array depend on the collection. It may be for example Editorial Items or Review Items Action Link This object represents a link to a Uri for interacting with a place, for example booking a table at a restaurant. Attribute Type Description id String; optional Identifier of the link url String (URI) The URI of the link. title String The title of the link supplier Object[Link] A link to metadata about the supplier of the link. The object extends the standard link object with an optional icon attribute that contains a URI string pointing to the supplier's brand icon. PlaceEditorial A Place Editorial object provides access to editorial descriptions about the place. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 181 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description description String (formatted text) The editorial content. language String (RFC 5646 language tag); A language code indicating what optional language the review is in, if known. via Object[Link]; optional supplier Object[Link]; optional attribution String (formatted text); optional PlaceImage A Place Image object provides access to an image attached to the place. Attribute Type Description src String (URI) A URL to the actual image id String; optional Identifier of image if uploaded via Places (Search) API (this ID is returned from an image upload response) href String (URI); optional A hyperlink that refers to the image object of this item. type String; optional date String (RFC 3339 date-time); The date the image was optional uploaded. Object(map of String to String); A map containing links to the optional sized variants of the original dimensions image. user Object[User]; optional Details of the user who contributed the image. title String; optional A localized title to be displayed for this element Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 182 ► API Reference Attribute Type via Object[Link]; optional supplier Object[Link]; optional attribution String (formatted text); optional Description PlaceReview A Place Review object provides access to review and ratings given by other users. Attribute Type Description id String; optional Identifier of review if uploaded via Places (Search) API (this ID is returned from a review uploaded response). href String (URI); optional A hyperlink that refers to the review object of this item. type String; optional date String (RFC 3339 date-time); The review date optional title String; optional The title the user gave to the review. rating Number; optional The rating that the writer of the review gave to the place. Note: Ratings may come from various systems with different rating schemes. The value of that attribute may not reflect the rating scheme of the supplier's service, but is adjusted to the value range of the Places (Search) API (1..5). Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 183 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description description String (formatted text) The review content. Depending on the supplier it might not display the full content and the full review is only available on the resource linked by the via property. user Object[User]; optional Details of the user who contributed the review. language String (RFC 5646 language tag); A language code indicating what optional language the review is in, if known via Object[Link]; optional supplier Object[Link]; optional attribution String (formatted text); optional Object Structure For Paginateable Collections Paginateable Collections User objects contain additional attributes to describe a user. Paginateble collections are represented as individual pages (a slice of all elements of the collection) that contain mechanisms to access the next page. For example: { "available": 26, "next": "", "offset": 3, "items": ["d", "e", "f"] } Paginateble collections contain the following attributes: Attribute Type Description items Array[Object]; optional An array containing the objects of the current page of the collection (for example, images). If a collection is empty, the items attribute is not Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 184 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description present. The type of the objects in the array depend on the collection. next String (URI); optional) The URI to the subresource holding the next page of the collection. If the current page is the last page of the collection, the attribute is not present. available Number (positive integer); The total number of items available for a place. For optional example, if a place has 50 images, this would be 50. Note: It is not possible to always calculate the total number of elements in a collection. So the attribute might be missing, or just contain an estimate. Clients MUST not rely on the presence of the attribute but instead rely only on the existence of the next attribute to find out if additional items are available. offset Number (positive integer); Pages other than the first page of a collection may optional include this attribute. If present, it contains the index of the first item in the current page. Address Object Structure Address information is provided in two ways: as a displayable, formatted address string as well as a series of structured attributes. { "address": { "street": "22 Rue du Grenier Saint-Lazare", "postalCode": "75003", "city": "Paris", "countryCode": "FRA", "country": "France", "text": "22 Rue du Grenier Saint-Lazare\n75003 Paris\nFrance" } } The address object contains the following attributes: Attribute Type Description text String (formatted text) A displayable, formatted address as rich text. level String; optional Contains level of place inside of a venue Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 185 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description building String; optional Building name house String; optional House or street number. street String; optional Street name (in practice may also contain street number). postalCode String; optional An alphanumeric string included in a postal address to facilitate mail sorting (a.k.a. post code, postcode, or ZIP code). areas Array[String]; optional An array of named areas below the district and above street. In some regions such areas might also contain street names, when individual street segments have names separate from the name of the whole road. district String; optional A division of city; typically an administrative unit within a larger city or a customary name of a city's neighborhood. city String; optional The name of the primary locality of the place. regions Array[String]; optional For address conventions where more than to levels of named areas above the city level are in use, the regions attribute provides an array with all additional area names, ordered by decreasing size (starting with the highest subdivision below state) county String; optional A division of a state; typically a secondary-level administrative Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 186 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description division of a country or equivalent. state String; optional A division of a country; typically a first-level administrative division of a country and/or a geographical region. stateCode String; optional A code/abbreviation for the state division of a country. country String; optional The localised country name. countryCode String (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 A three-letter country code. code); optional Alternative Name Each alternative name is an object providing an alternative name for a place as well as information on the language of that name. Attribute Type Description name String The alternative name. language String (language tag) The language/locale of the name. Note: A place only contains those alternative names that match the client's language preferences, plus the locally used name of the place (if this differs from the base name). Contacts Object Structure There are multiple mechanisms for contacting a place. For each available type of contact, the object contains an attribute that provides a list of contact details for that type. The possible types include: Attribute Type Description phone Array[LabeledValue]; optional A telephone number for voice calls Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 187 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description fax Array[LabeledValue]; optional A telephone number for facsimile (telecopy) transmissions email Array[LabeledValue]; optional An e-mail address for sending messages to the place website Array[LabeledValue]; optional A URL for the website operated by the place New types may be added at any time and client applications should iterate over all available contact types instead of just using this predefined set, to ensure that they always display all available contact mechanisms to their users. The contacts within a type are ordered by relevance. So clients that are only capable of displaying a single contact per type should always display the first entry. But in general, client applications should iterate over all contacts and use the label assigned to the contacts to distinguish them. When there are many items of the same type, these items can be combined. Two phone items, for example, can be displayed as shown below: An example of multiple phone objects could be: "contacts": { "phone": [ { "label": "Phone", "value": "+33147206252" }, { "label": "Mobile", "value": "+33147206252" } ], ... } Labeled Value Each individual contact item provides two attributes: Attribute Type Description value String A localized label to describe the purpose of the contact. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 188 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description label String A string value appropriate for the contact method. Error Object Structure The error object contains information on an error that occurred when the user tried to request a resource. For example: { "status": 401, "message": "Missing authentication parameters" } A more detailed example: The error object has the following attributes: Attribute Type Description status Number (integer) The HTTP response status code of the request message String The message relating to the most important error to show to the user. incidentId String; optional Unique incident identifier. errCode String; optional The error code relating to the most important error to show to the user. details Object(map of String to An object containing error Array[SubError]); optional details relating to the request. Response Status Codes 400 Bad Request The request can not be fulfilled because the request contained bad syntax or didn't contain required parameter or header. 401 Unauthorized The client needs to authenticate in order to access the resource. Bearer token header, app_id or app_code are missing, empty or invalid. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 189 ► API Reference 403 Forbidden The client is not allowed to access this resource for some reasons. 404 Not Found Requested resource was not found, though its existence in the future is possible. 405 Method Not The method used in the request is not supported by the resource. Allowed 406 Not Accepted The server can not generate content which is acceptable to the client according to the request's Accept header. 408 Request The client did not complete its request in a reasonable timeframe. Timeout 410 Gone The resource is gone and will always be gone; the client should not request the resource again. 415 Unsupported The server can not process the request body because it is of an Media Type unsupported MIME type. Please refer to HTTP Request Headers on page 66 for details. 429 Too Many Request quota has been exceeded. Please contact to Requests upgrade your plan. 500 Internal The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from Server Error fulfilling the request. 501 Not The server can not process the request method Implemented 503 Service The resource is temporarily unavailable. Unavailable Important: In case you receive an error message informing you that your credentials (app_id and app_code) do not grant you access to a specified feature, contact your HERE representative. SubError Error detail item object. Attribute Type Description message String The error message Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 190 ► API Reference Attribute Type Description errCode String The error code Location Object Structure A location object contains attributes to describe the physical location of a place. The attributes are: Attribute Type Description position Array[Number] A position indicated by latitude and longitude, for example [37.785141,-122.4047775]. address Object[address]; optional An object containing the street address of the place. Some places may not have an address (for example, a mountain). locationId String; optional A unique identifier of the location when assigned. Rating Object Structure Provides a summary of how users rated a place. Attribute Type Description average Number (double) The average rating across all users. count Number (positive integer) The number of individual votes on the place. Place without Ratings Note: If the place has no ratings (yet), both the average and the count values are zero. But if the place cannot be rated (i.e. a street), the whole rating object is not present. HTTP Status Codes Places (Search) API supports the standard HTTP status codes Status code Description 200 OK Indicates success. 201 Created Indicates success. Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 191 ► API Reference Status code Description 400 Bad request Invalid parameter value in the request, for example zoom out of range. 401 Unauthorized Invalid authentication. 403 Forbidden Incorrect app_code or app_id in the request. See Acquiring Credentials on page 28 for more information. 404 Not found Unsupported parameter in the request. 410 Gone The requested resource is no longer available, for example a place that has been removed from the system. 429 Too Many Requests The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time or user's request quota has been exceeded. 500 Internal error There is a server configuration issue. 503 Service Unavailable Indicates that the service is temporarily unavailable due to system overload or maintenance. Supported Chain and Category Query Terms This section provides lists of supported category-like and chain-like query terms. List of Supported English (UK) Category-like Query Terms Query Term Category erotic adult-entertainment erotic shops adult-shop erotic adult-shop erotic shop adult-shop african cuisine african african food african ambulance services ambulance-services american food american cuisine of the united states american american cuisine american aparment apartment-rental-flat-rental Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 192 ► API Reference Query Term Category appartment apartment-rental-flat-rental public aquarium aquarium public aquariums aquarium drink link atm automated teller machines atm cash dispensers atm cash dispenser atm cashomats atm automated teller machine atm cashomat atm drink links atm law firms attorney law offices attorney austrian food austrian austrian cuisine austrian automobile dealerships new car automobile-dealership-new-cars automobile dealerships new cars automobile-dealership-new-cars motor cos automobile-dealership-new-cars motor companies automobile-dealership-new-cars showrooms automobile-dealership-new-cars showroom automobile-dealership-new-cars used cars dealership automobile-dealership-used-cars dealers used car automobile-dealership-used-cars used car dealership automobile-dealership-used-cars dealers used cars automobile-dealership-used-cars used autos automobile-dealership-used-cars dealerships used cars automobile-dealership-used-cars used auto automobile-dealership-used-cars automobile dealerships used cars automobile-dealership-used-cars dealerships used car automobile-dealership-used-cars Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 193 ► API Reference Query Term Category used automobile automobile-dealership-used-cars used car dealerships automobile-dealership-used-cars used cars dealerships automobile-dealership-used-cars dealership used cars automobile-dealership-used-cars used automobiles automobile-dealership-used-cars dealership used car automobile-dealership-used-cars beer joint bar-pub bar and pub bar-pub beer joints bar-pub bars and pubs bar-pub belgian cuisine belgian belgian food belgian bicycles bicycle bike bicycle bikes bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle dealers bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop bicycle dealer bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop bike dealer bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop bike dealers bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop bicycle repair shop bicycle-service-and-maintenance bike repair shops bicycle-service-and-maintenance bicycle repair shops bicycle-service-and-maintenance bike repair shop bicycle-service-and-maintenance billiards and pool halls billiards-pool-hall billiards bars billiards-pool-hall billiards and pool hall billiards-pool-hall billiards bar billiards-pool-hall british cuisine british bus & coach station bus-terminal Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 194 ► API Reference Query Term Category coach stations bus-terminal bus lines bus-terminal bus and coach station bus-terminal bus depot bus-terminal bus stands bus-terminal coach station bus-terminal bus and coach stations bus-terminal bus stand bus-terminal canadian cuisine canadian canadian canadian canadian restaurant canadian canadian food canadian canadian restaurants canadian automotive parts & accessories car-parts-and-accessories car parts and accessories car-parts-and-accessories automotive parts and accessories car-parts-and-accessories auto parts and accessories car-parts-and-accessories auto parts & accessories car-parts-and-accessories car agency car-rental rent a car agencies car-rental rent a cars car-rental car agencies car-rental car hires car-rental rental car agency car-rental rent a car car-rental rent a car agency car-rental rental car agencies car-rental mechanic shop car-repair mechanics service car-repair car repair services car-repair Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 195 ► API Reference Query Term Category mechanic service car-repair mechanic services car-repair mechanics shops car-repair mechanics services car-repair mechanics shop car-repair mechanic shops car-repair car repair service car-repair wash centres car-wash-detailing wash centre car-wash-detailing car care car-wash-detailing cargo centre cargo-center cargo centres cargo-center lotteries casino lottery casino gaming casino children's clothing childrens-apparel children's apparel childrens-apparel children's apparels childrens-apparel children's museum childrens-museum children's museums childrens-museum chines restaurant chinese chines restaurants chinese chines chinese boutiques clothing-accessories-shop fashion clothing-accessories-shop clothing and accessories clothing-accessories-shop fashions clothing-accessories-shop clothing and accessory clothing-accessories-shop caffes coffee espressos coffee Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 196 ► API Reference Query Term Category espresso cafes coffee caffs coffee expressos coffee caff coffee coffees and teas coffee-tea coffee and tea coffee-tea commuter trains commuter-rail-station construction businesses construction construction company construction construction companies construction construction business construction customer care service centres customer-care-service-center customer care service centre customer-care-service-center dental surgeon dentist dental surgereons dentist dept stores department-store dept store department-store general practitioner doctor family doctors doctor general practitioners doctor gps doctor gp doctor dutch dutch dutch food dutch dutch restaurant dutch dutch cuisine dutch dutch restaurants dutch eat&drink eat-drink consulates and embassies embassy-consulate entertainment electronic entertainment-electronics Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 197 ► API Reference Query Term Category convention ctr fair-convention-facility expo and convention facility fair-convention-facility fair and convention facility fair-convention-facility ferry station ferry-terminal gourmet restaurant fine-dining fine dining places fine-dining fine dining restaurant fine-dining fine dining place fine-dining fine dining restaurants fine-dining gourmet restaurants fine-dining training centre fitness-health-club training centres fitness-health-club fitness centres fitness-health-club fitness centre fitness-health-club food food foods food food and drink food-drink french restaurants french french food french french cuisine french french french french restaurant french fine arts gallery garden centre garden-center garden centres garden-center german food german german cuisine german german restaurants german german restaurant german german german Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 198 ► API Reference Query Term Category night out going-out go out going-out nights out going-out go out at night going-out going out at night going-out on the town going-out groceries shop grocery groceries shops grocery groceries store grocery groceries stores grocery hair hair-workaround house and garden hardware-house-garden-shop hard ware house and garden hardware-house-garden-shop hardware house and garden hardware-house-garden-shop hawaiian restaurant hawaiian-polynesian hawaiian restaurants hawaiian-polynesian historic monuments historical-monument historic monument historical-monument diy store home-improvement-hardware-store diy shops home-improvement-hardware-store diy shop home-improvement-hardware-store diy stores home-improvement-hardware-store casualty hospital hospital casualty hospitals hospital hospital and health care hospital-health-care-facility hospital and healthcare hospital-health-care-facility hungarian cuisine hungarian hungarian food hungarian indoor sport indoor-sports industrial estate industrial-area Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 199 ► API Reference Query Term Category intl air ports international-airport intl air port international-airport int air ports international-airport intl airports international-airport int airport international-airport international airports international-airport international airport international-airport international air ports international-airport intl airport international-airport int airports international-airport international air port international-airport int air port international-airport japanesr restaurants japanese japanesr japanese japanesr cuisine japanese restaurants japanese japanese japanesr food japanese japanesr restaurant japanese restaurant japanese japanese daycare centres kindergarten daycare centre kindergarten sight landmark-attraction sights landmark-attraction leisure and outdoor leisure-outdoor leisure and outdoors leisure-outdoor public community library library public community libraries library major appliance shop major-appliance major appliances store major-appliance major appliance stores major-appliance Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 200 ► API Reference Query Term Category major appliance store major-appliance major appliances shop major-appliance major appliances shops major-appliance major appliances stores major-appliance major appliance shops major-appliance maltese cuisine maltese maltese food maltese men's fashion shops mens-apparel men's apparel stores mens-apparel men's clothes shops mens-apparel men's fashion store mens-apparel men's fashion mens-apparel men's clothes stores mens-apparel men's apparel store mens-apparel men's apparel shops mens-apparel men's apparel mens-apparel men's clothes shop mens-apparel men's fashion stores mens-apparel men's apparel shop mens-apparel men's clothes mens-apparel men's fashion shop mens-apparel men's clothes store mens-apparel modeling agency modeling-agencies film movie movie movie films movie motion pictures movie motion picture movie movies movie music music-workaround Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 201 ► API Reference Query Term Category natural and geographical natural-geographical discos night-club disco night-club recreation centres park-recreation-area recreation centre park-recreation-area car park parking-facility parking facilities parking-facility car parking parking-facility parking lots parking-facility car parks parking-facility fuel stations petrol-station petrol pumps petrol-station gas bars petrol-station gas bar petrol-station fueling station petrol-station petrol pump petrol-station fuel station petrol-station fueling stations petrol-station chemist's shop pharmacy chemist's shops pharmacy chemist's pharmacy dispensary pharmacy dispensaries pharmacy pizza shops pizza pizza shop pizza polish cuisine polish polish food polish portuguese food portuguese portuguese cuisine portuguese sport airports public-sports-airport Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 202 ► API Reference Query Term Category sports airports public-sports-airport sports airport public-sports-airport sport airport public-sports-airport public transit public-transport restrants restaurant reastrant restaurant restaurent restaurant restaurents restaurant resurant restaurant resurants restaurant russian cuisine russian russian food russian go shopping shopping sights and museums sights-museums ski area ski-resort snack bar snacks-fast-food snack bars snacks-fast-food snackbar snacks-fast-food snackbars snacks-fast-food spanish cuisine spanish spanish restaurant spanish spanish food spanish spanish spanish spanish restaurants spanish specialty clothing shops specialty-clothing-store specialty clothing shop specialty-clothing-store specialty clothes specialty-clothing-store specialty clothing specialty-clothing-store specialty food shop specialty-food-store specialty foods specialty-food-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 203 ► API Reference Query Term Category specialty food shops specialty-food-store specialty food specialty-food-store specialty shop specialty-store specialty shops specialty-store sporting goods sport-outdoor-shop sports equipment sport-outdoor-shop sports and outdoor sport-outdoor-shop sport activity sports-activities sport activities sports-activities sport facility sports-facility-venue sports facilities and venues sports-facility-venue sport fields sports-field sport field sports-field super market supermarket super markets supermarket supermarket supermarket supermarkets supermarket surinamese cuisine surinamese surinamese food surinamese sushi bar sushi sushi bars sushi sushi restaurant sushi sushi sushi sushi restaurants sushi swiss swiss swiss cuisine swiss swiss restaurant swiss swiss food swiss swiss restaurants swiss seamstresses tailor-and-alteration Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 204 ► API Reference Query Term Category spanish tapa tapas spanish tapas tapas spanish tapasbars tapas spanish tapas restaurants tapas spanish tapas bar tapas spanish tapas bars tapas spanish tapas restaurant tapas spanish tapasbar tapas tacos taqueria taco taqueria cabs taxi taxis taxi cab taxi taxi taxi taxicab stand taxi-stand taxicab ranks taxi-stand taxicab rank taxi-stand taxicab stands taxi-stand teaparlors tea tea parlours tea teaparlours tea tea parlors tea theater music and culture theatre-music-culture theatre music and culture theatre-music-culture tyre shop tires wheel tyres tires tyre shops tires tyre sales tires wheel tyre tires tyreshop tires Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 205 ► API Reference Query Term Category tyre service tires auto tyre tires tyres tires tyre auto tires tyreshops tires tyrestores tires tyre store tires tyre tires auto tyres tires wheels tyres tires tyrestore tires tyre discount tires tyre repair tires tyre services tires tyres auto tires tyre stores tires tyre repairs tires tyre sale tires wheels tyre tires tyre wheels tires tyre discounts tires tyres wheel tires tyres wheels tires tyre wheel tires transportation transport transportations transport travel services travel-agency travel service travel-agency turkish food turkish turkish cuisine turkish Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 206 ► API Reference Query Term Category tube underground-station tube station underground-station tube stations underground-station vegan vegan vegan restaurants vegan vegan places vegan vegan cuisine vegan vegan restaurant vegan vegan place vegan vegan food vegan booze wine-and-liquor booze stores wine-and-liquor booze store wine-and-liquor offies wine-and-liquor booze shop wine-and-liquor wine & spirits wine-and-liquor booze shops wine-and-liquor offie wine-and-liquor women's apparel store womens-apparel women's apparel shops womens-apparel women's fashion store womens-apparel women's clothes store womens-apparel women's fashion womens-apparel women's clothes shop womens-apparel women's apparel stores womens-apparel women's apparel shop womens-apparel women's clothes stores womens-apparel women's clothes shops womens-apparel women's fashion shop womens-apparel women's apparel womens-apparel Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 207 ► API Reference Query Term Category women's fashion stores womens-apparel women's fashion shops womens-apparel women's clothes womens-apparel zoological parks zoo zoological garden zoo zoological gardens zoo zoological park zoo List of Supported French Category-like Query Terms Query Term Category divertissements pour adultes adult-entertainment divertissement pour adultes adult-entertainment divertissement adultes adult-entertainment divertissements adultes adult-entertainment animations adultes adult-entertainment vidéo pornographique adult-shop videos erotiques adult-shop video porno adult-shop boutique erotique adult-shop videos pour adultes adult-shop vidéos érotique adult-shop video pour adultes adult-shop boutique érotique adult-shop vidéo porno adult-shop video erotiques adult-shop vidéo pour adultes adult-shop vidéo érotique adult-shop vidéo érotiques adult-shop boutiques érotique adult-shop boutique érotiques adult-shop Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 208 ► API Reference Query Term Category vidéos pornographiques adult-shop boutique erotiques adult-shop video pornographiques adult-shop boutiques erotique adult-shop boutiques erotiques adult-shop videos porno adult-shop video erotique adult-shop boutiques érotiques adult-shop vidéos porno adult-shop videos pornographiques adult-shop vidéos pornographique adult-shop vidéos pour adultes adult-shop vidéo pornographiques adult-shop video pornographique adult-shop videos pornographique adult-shop videos erotique adult-shop vidéos érotiques adult-shop agence de publicite advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agences marketing advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agences publicité advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agences pub advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research societe de marketing advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research societes publicite advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research sociétés marketing advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research societes de publicite advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research sociétés de marketing advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research societes pub advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agence publicité advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research publicité advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research societes de pub advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 209 ► API Reference Query Term Category sociétés pub advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research société de publicité advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research societes de marketing advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agence de pub advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research societe de pub advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research sociétés publicité advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research societes marketing advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agence publicite advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agence pub advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agences de pub advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agence de publicité advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research societe publicite advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agence marketing advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research société publicité advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research societe de publicite advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research publicite advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research société de pub advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research sociétés de publicité advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research sociétés de pub advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research societe pub advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research société pub advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research société de marketing advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agences de publicite advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research societe marketing advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agence de marketing advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agences de marketing advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agences publicite advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agences de publicité advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research société marketing advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research téléphériques aerial-tramway Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 210 ► API Reference Query Term Category téléfériques aerial-tramway telepherique aerial-tramway teleferiques aerial-tramway telepheriques aerial-tramway teleferique aerial-tramway téléférique aerial-tramway téléphérique aerial-tramway cuisine africaine african fret de l'aéroport airport-cargo fret de l'aeroport airport-cargo services médicaux d'urgence ambulance-services services medicaux d'urgence ambulance-services services d’urgences médicales ambulance-services services d’urgences medicales ambulance-services services ambulanciers ambulance-services service d’urgences medicales ambulance-services ambulances ambulance-services service d’urgences médicales ambulance-services cuisine des états unis american cuisine des etats unis american salle d'arcade amusement-arcade parc d'attractions ou camp de vacances amusement-holiday-park parc d'attractions ou de vacances amusement-holiday-park parc d'attractions amusement-park parcs d'attractions amusement-park parc thematiques amusement-park parcs thématiques amusement-park parcs thematique amusement-park parc thématique amusement-park parc thématiques amusement-park Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 211 ► API Reference Query Term Category parcs thematiques amusement-park parcs d’attractions amusement-park parcs thématique amusement-park parc thematique amusement-park parc d’attractions amusement-park parcs animaliers animal-park parc animalier animal-park location appartements apartment-rental-flat-rental appartements apartment-rental-flat-rental appartement apartment-rental-flat-rental location appartement apartment-rental-flat-rental location d'appartements apartment-rental-flat-rental aquariums aquarium aquarium aquarium aquarium public aquarium musee d'art art-museum musees d'art art-museum musées d'art art-museum musée d'art art-museum magasin de loisirs créatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies magasins d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies boutique de loisirs creatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies boutiques fournitures d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies magasins de loisirs creatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies boutiques loisirs créatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies approvisionnement en metiers d'art arts-and-crafts-supplies magasins de loisirs créatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies boutique de loisirs créatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies boutique loisirs creatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies boutiques de fournitures d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 212 ► API Reference Query Term Category magasins loisirs créatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies magasins fournitures d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies magasin d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies approvisionnement en métiers d'art arts-and-crafts-supplies metiers d'art arts-and-crafts-supplies magasin loisirs creatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies magasins de fournitures d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies magasins loisirs creatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies boutiques de loisirs créatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies métiers d'art arts-and-crafts-supplies boutiques d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies boutique de fournitures d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies magasin de loisirs creatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies magasin de fournitures d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies magasin loisirs créatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies boutique d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies boutiques loisirs creatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies fournitures d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies boutique loisirs créatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies boutiques de loisirs creatifs arts-and-crafts-supplies boutique fournitures d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies magasin fournitures d'artisanat arts-and-crafts-supplies centre d'arts arts-centre bancomats atm gabs atm guichets automatiques bancaires atm distribanques atm distributeur de billets banque envoi d'argent atm-bank-exchange avocats attorney Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 213 ► API Reference Query Term Category avocat attorney cabinets d'avocats attorney procureurs attorney procureur attorney cabinet d'avocats attorney cuisine autrichienne austrian concessionaire d'automobiles automobile-dealership-new-cars concessionaires d'automobiles automobile-dealership-new-cars concessionnaire de voitures d'occasion automobile-dealership-used-cars concessionnaires d'automobile voiture d'occasion automobile-dealership-used-cars concessionnaires de voiture d'occasion automobile-dealership-used-cars voitures d'occasion automobile-dealership-used-cars garage de voiture d'occasion automobile-dealership-used-cars voiture d'occasion automobile-dealership-used-cars concessionnaire d'automobile voiture d'occasion automobile-dealership-used-cars concessionnaire de voiture d'occasion automobile-dealership-used-cars concessionnaires de voitures d'occasion automobile-dealership-used-cars garages de voiture d'occasion automobile-dealership-used-cars salles badminton badminton court de badminton badminton salle de badminton badminton terrains de badminton badminton terrain badminton badminton salles de badminton badminton courts badminton badminton terrains badminton badminton courts de badminton badminton terrain de badminton badminton court badminton badminton salle badminton badminton Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 214 ► API Reference Query Term Category salle de banquet banquet-hall salles de banquet banquet-hall terrain de basket basketball terrains de basket basketball terrain de basket ball basketball terrains de basket ball basketball terrains basket basketball parcs de basket basketball parcs basket ball basketball parc basket basketball parc de basket ball basketball terrains basket ball basketball parc basket ball basketball parcs basket basketball parc de basket basketball terrain basket basketball terrain basket ball basketball parcs de basket ball basketball plages beach plage beach chambres d'hotes bed-and-breakfast chambres d'hôtes bed-and-breakfast gites touristique bed-and-breakfast chambre d'hotes bed-and-breakfast gite touristique bed-and-breakfast gîtes touristique bed-and-breakfast chambre d'hôtes bed-and-breakfast gîte touristique bed-and-breakfast velos bicycle cycles bicycle Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 215 ► API Reference Query Term Category vélos bicycle cycle bicycle bicyclette bicycle vélo bicycle bicyclettes bicycle velo bicycle velos bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop vélos bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop magasins de vélo bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop magasins de velo bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop vélo bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop magasin velo bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop magasin de velo bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop magasin de vélo bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop magasins vélo bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop velo bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop magasin vélo bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop magasins velo bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop réparations cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparations de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparation de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparation vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparations cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparations velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparation de velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparations de velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparation cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparation de velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparation bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparation de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 216 ► API Reference Query Term Category reparateur reparation velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparation de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparations de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparations velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparation de velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparation vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparation bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparations de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparations cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparations de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparations de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparation bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparation cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparations cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparation bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance maintenances et service vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparations de velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparation de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparations de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparations de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparations de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparation de velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparations de vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparation vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparation bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparations cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparation de velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparations bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparation cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparations bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 217 ► API Reference Query Term Category réparations cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparation de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparation de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparations vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparations bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparation de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparation de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparation cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparations de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparations bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparation de vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparation de vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparations de vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparation de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparations velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparations cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparation cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparation velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparation velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparations velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparations de vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparation bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparations de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparations vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparation de vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparation cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparation velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparations de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparations bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparations cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 218 ► API Reference Query Term Category ateliers de réparation bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparation de velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance maintenance et entretien de vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparations de velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparations de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparations de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparations velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparations velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparation vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparation de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparation de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparations vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparation de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparations de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparations de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparations bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparations bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparation de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparation velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparation bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparations de vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparations vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparations de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparation bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparations cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparations vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparation vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparations de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparations de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparations vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 219 ► API Reference Query Term Category réparation de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparation cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparations de vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparation de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparation cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparations bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparation bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparations vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparations cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparations de velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparations bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparations de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparations de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparations bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparation de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparation de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparations de vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparation bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparation de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparation de vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparation de vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparation de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparations bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparation bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparation bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparation cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparations de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparation de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparations de velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparation velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 220 ► API Reference Query Term Category ateliers de réparations cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparations de vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparations de velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparation de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparation cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparations cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparations velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparation vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparations de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparation bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparation cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparations cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparation de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparations cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparation vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance maintenances et service velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparations de velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparations de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparations bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparation de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparations de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparations de vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparation de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparation cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparations bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparations de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparations de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparation de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparation bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparation de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 221 ► API Reference Query Term Category atelier de réparation cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparations velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparations bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparations de vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparation vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparations cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparation bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparations bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparation cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparations vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparation cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparation de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparations bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparations velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparation de vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparations de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparations bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparation de vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparation cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparation velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparations de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparation bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparations de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance maintenance et entretien de velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparations bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparation velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparations de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparation de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparation de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparations cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 222 ► API Reference Query Term Category mécanicien réparations de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparations de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparations de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparation de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparation velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparations de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparation velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparation cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparation de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparation vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparation de vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparations vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparation de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparation de velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparation de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparations cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparation de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparation de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparations de velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparations de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparations de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparations bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparation de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparation de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparations de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparations velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparation cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparation bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparations de vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparation de velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 223 ► API Reference Query Term Category mécanicien réparation vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparations cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparation de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparation de vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance mécanicien réparation cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparation bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparations de velo bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparation de velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparations cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparation cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparations de velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de réparation de vélos bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparations de cycle bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparation de velos bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparation de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparations de bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance mecanicien reparation bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de réparations vélo bicycle-service-and-maintenance réparateur réparations bicyclettes bicycle-service-and-maintenance ateliers de reparations de cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance atelier de reparation de bicyclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance reparateur reparations cycles bicycle-service-and-maintenance salle de billard billard billiards-pool-hall salles de billard billard billiards-pool-hall bateaux traversier boat-ferry bateau traversier boat-ferry bateau traversiers boat-ferry bateaux traversiers boat-ferry navigation de plaisance boating bateaux boating Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 224 ► API Reference Query Term Category approvisionnement maritime boating vente de bateau boating vente de bateaux boating bateau boating fournitures marines boating location de bateaux boating plan d'eau body-of-water tatouages body-piercing-and-tattoos studio de perçage body-piercing-and-tattoos tatoueur body-piercing-and-tattoos salon de tatouage body-piercing-and-tattoos studio de tatouage body-piercing-and-tattoos salons de tatoo body-piercing-and-tattoos studios de tatouage body-piercing-and-tattoos studios de percage body-piercing-and-tattoos studio de percage body-piercing-and-tattoos tatoueurs body-piercing-and-tattoos salon de tatoo body-piercing-and-tattoos détatouage body-piercing-and-tattoos tatoo et piercing body-piercing-and-tattoos studios de piercing body-piercing-and-tattoos studios de perçage body-piercing-and-tattoos detatouage body-piercing-and-tattoos perçage body-piercing-and-tattoos studio de piercing body-piercing-and-tattoos salons de tatouage body-piercing-and-tattoos tatouages et piercings body-piercing-and-tattoos tatouage piercing body-piercing-and-tattoos tatouage body-piercing-and-tattoos tatouage et percage body-piercing-and-tattoos Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 225 ► API Reference Query Term Category tatouage et perçage body-piercing-and-tattoos effaçage de tatouage body-piercing-and-tattoos tatouages piercings body-piercing-and-tattoos percage body-piercing-and-tattoos effacage de tatouage body-piercing-and-tattoos postes frontière border-crossing passage de frontière border-crossing passages de frontière border-crossing poste frontalier border-crossing passages de frontiere border-crossing postes frontiere border-crossing passage de frontiere border-crossing frontiere border-crossing frontière border-crossing jeu de quilles bowling cuisine britannique british bus à haut niveau service bus-rapid-transit service rapide bus bus-rapid-transit bus haut niveau service bus-rapid-transit bus a haut niveau service bus-rapid-transit bus a haut niveau de service bus-rapid-transit service rapide par autobus bus-rapid-transit service rapide par bus bus-rapid-transit bus haut niveau de service bus-rapid-transit service rapide autobus bus-rapid-transit bus à haut niveau de service bus-rapid-transit gares routières bus-terminal gare routière bus-terminal terminus d’autobus bus-terminal gares routieres bus-terminal Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 226 ► API Reference Query Term Category terminus d'autobus bus-terminal cafétéria|self service cafeteria cafeteria|self cafeteria cafétérias|self cafeteria cafeteria|self service cafeteria cafeterias|self services cafeteria cafétéria|self cafeteria cafeterias|self cafeteria cafétérias|self services cafeteria canadiens canadian canadienne canadian canadien canadian pieces automobiles et accessoires car-parts-and-accessories pièces automobiles et accessoires car-parts-and-accessories piece automobile et accessoire car-parts-and-accessories pièce automobile et accessoire car-parts-and-accessories location de voiture car-rental garages automobiles car-repair garage automobile car-repair garages autos car-repair garage automobiles car-repair garages automobile car-repair lave auto car-wash-detailing caraibes caribbean caraïbes caribbean cuisine decontractee casual-dining diner decontracte casual-dining cuisine décontractée casual-dining dîner décontracté casual-dining service restauration catering-and-other-food-services Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 227 ► API Reference Query Term Category traiteurs catering-and-other-food-services services restauration catering-and-other-food-services service de restauration catering-and-other-food-services traiteur catering-and-other-food-services services de restauration catering-and-other-food-services téléphone portable stationnement cellphone-parking-lot stationnements telephone portable cellphone-parking-lot telephone portable stationnement cellphone-parking-lot stationnements téléphone portable cellphone-parking-lot bureau de changecheques check-cashing-service-currency-exchange encaissement de chèques check-cashing-service-currency-exchange chèques check-cashing-service-currency-exchange encaissement de cheques check-cashing-service-currency-exchange cheques check-cashing-service-currency-exchange bureau de changechèques check-cashing-service-currency-exchange changecheques check-cashing-service-currency-exchange encaissement cheques check-cashing-service-currency-exchange encaissement chèques check-cashing-service-currency-exchange bureau changecheques check-cashing-service-currency-exchange bureau changechèques check-cashing-service-currency-exchange changechèques check-cashing-service-currency-exchange vêtements d'enfants childrens-apparel vetements pour enfants childrens-apparel vêtements pour enfants childrens-apparel pour enfants childrens-apparel vetements d'enfants childrens-apparel musees pour enfants childrens-museum musées pour enfants childrens-museum musee des enfants childrens-museum musées des enfants childrens-museum Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 228 ► API Reference Query Term Category musée pour enfants childrens-museum musees des enfants childrens-museum musée des enfants childrens-museum musee pour enfants childrens-museum salle de cinéma cinema salle de cinema cinema vêtement clothing vetement clothing vêtement et accessoire clothing-accessories-shop vetement et accessoire clothing-accessories-shop salles polyvalentes community-centre centres municipaux community-centre salle polyvalente community-centre stations de trains banlieue commuter-rail-station gare de train de banlieue commuter-rail-station station de train de banlieue commuter-rail-station train de banlieue commuter-rail-station gare trains de banlieue commuter-rail-station station de train banlieue commuter-rail-station gare train de banlieue commuter-rail-station stations de train banlieue commuter-rail-station gares de train banlieue commuter-rail-station train banlieue commuter-rail-station gare de train banlieue commuter-rail-station gares de train de banlieue commuter-rail-station gares train de banlieue commuter-rail-station gare de trains de banlieue commuter-rail-station trains banlieue commuter-rail-station station train de banlieue commuter-rail-station gare trains banlieue commuter-rail-station Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 229 ► API Reference Query Term Category stations de trains de banlieue commuter-rail-station gares train banlieue commuter-rail-station gares trains banlieue commuter-rail-station station trains de banlieue commuter-rail-station stations de train de banlieue commuter-rail-station station de trains banlieue commuter-rail-station stations trains de banlieue commuter-rail-station stations train banlieue commuter-rail-station gare train banlieue commuter-rail-station gares de trains banlieue commuter-rail-station station trains banlieue commuter-rail-station station de trains de banlieue commuter-rail-station gare de trains banlieue commuter-rail-station stations trains banlieue commuter-rail-station gares trains de banlieue commuter-rail-station gares de trains de banlieue commuter-rail-station trains de banlieue commuter-rail-station stations train de banlieue commuter-rail-station station train banlieue commuter-rail-station magasins d'informatique computer-and-software magasins de logiciel computer-and-software logiciels computer-and-software ordinateurs computer-and-software magasins de logiciels computer-and-software ordinateurs et logiciels computer-and-software ordinateur et logiciels computer-and-software magasins d'ordinateurs computer-and-software ordinateur computer-and-software magasin d'ordinateurs computer-and-software magasin de logiciel computer-and-software Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 230 ► API Reference Query Term Category ordinateur et logiciel computer-and-software ordinateurs et logiciel computer-and-software magasins logiciel computer-and-software magasin d'informatique computer-and-software logiciel computer-and-software magasins logiciels computer-and-software magasin de logiciels computer-and-software magasin logiciels computer-and-software magasin logiciel computer-and-software constructions en batiment construction construction bâtiment construction construction en bâtiment construction constructions batiment construction construction batiment construction construction en batiment construction constructions en bâtiment construction constructions bâtiment construction shop audio consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique audio consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops de vidéo consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin d' électronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques d' electronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins vidéo consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique d' électronique consumer-electronics-store boutiques d' électronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques électronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques video de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins electronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique d' electronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store audio video consumer-electronics-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 231 ► API Reference Query Term Category shops audio consumer-electronics-store magasins électronique consumer-electronics-store boutique vidéo consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops de audio de consummateur consumer-electronics-store système de son consumer-electronics-store boutiques vidéo de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops electronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store shop electronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store systeme de son consumer-electronics-store magasins electronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin video consummateur consumer-electronics-store tele consumer-electronics-store teles consumer-electronics-store shop de vidéo de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin de video consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin d' electronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops d' electronique consumer-electronics-store boutiques de vidéo de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique d' electronique consumer-electronics-store magasins de audio de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shop video de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins video de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin video consumer-electronics-store boutique de video consumer-electronics-store boutiques électronique consumer-electronics-store shop audio consumer-electronics-store shops électronique consumer-electronics-store magasins d' électronique consumer-electronics-store shops électronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins de vidéo consummateur consumer-electronics-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 232 ► API Reference Query Term Category shop d' electronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops electronique consumer-electronics-store shops électronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique électronique consumer-electronics-store shop de video consumer-electronics-store shop electronique consumer-electronics-store boutiques audio consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin vidéo de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins electronique consumer-electronics-store shop de audio consumer-electronics-store magasin electronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins audio consumer-electronics-store shops vidéo consumer-electronics-store shop de audio de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques d' electronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique d' électronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques de video consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops de video consummateur consumer-electronics-store shop d' electronique consumer-electronics-store shop de video consummateur consumer-electronics-store shop d' électronique consumer-electronics-store boutique electronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin de video de consummateur consumer-electronics-store télévision consumer-electronics-store shop audio de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques de video consumer-electronics-store magasins de vidéo consumer-electronics-store magasins de audio consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques electronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store systeme son consumer-electronics-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 233 ► API Reference Query Term Category shop d' electronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store systemes son consumer-electronics-store boutique de video consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins d' électronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin électronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops d' electronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin electronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins de vidéo de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins d' électronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique d' electronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin audio consumer-electronics-store boutique audio consumer-electronics-store magasins d' electronique consumer-electronics-store magasin de audio de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops de video consumer-electronics-store télévisions consumer-electronics-store magasins vidéo de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique video consumer-electronics-store shops de vidéo de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques d' électronique consumer-electronics-store shops de audio consumer-electronics-store magasin de video consumer-electronics-store magasin vidéo consumer-electronics-store boutique de vidéo de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques electronique consumer-electronics-store magasin de audio consumer-electronics-store magasins électronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store shop d' électronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques video consumer-electronics-store magasin d' electronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 234 ► API Reference Query Term Category shop électronique consumer-electronics-store shops vidéo consummateur consumer-electronics-store televiseurs consumer-electronics-store télés consumer-electronics-store shop vidéo consumer-electronics-store audio vidéo consumer-electronics-store shops d' électronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins de video de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques de vidéo consummateur consumer-electronics-store shop video consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques d' electronique consumer-electronics-store magasin electronique consumer-electronics-store boutiques de audio consumer-electronics-store boutiques video consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin d' électronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques de video de consummateur consumer-electronics-store television consumer-electronics-store boutique de vidéo consumer-electronics-store magasins vidéo consumer-electronics-store shops de video de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops de audio consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques de audio consummateur consumer-electronics-store shop de video de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique video de consummateur consumer-electronics-store télé consumer-electronics-store boutique de audio de consummateur consumer-electronics-store systemes de son consumer-electronics-store shops vidéo de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shop d' électronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins de video consummateur consumer-electronics-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 235 ► API Reference Query Term Category magasin d' electronique consumer-electronics-store magasin audio de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin d' électronique consumer-electronics-store magasins audio de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique de vidéo consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin video de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shop de audio consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique video consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins d' electronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques electronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques d' électronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store téléviseur consumer-electronics-store boutique d' électronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique de audio consumer-electronics-store shops audio consummateur consumer-electronics-store téléviseurs consumer-electronics-store boutique audio de consummateur consumer-electronics-store systèmes de son consumer-electronics-store shop électronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store systèmes son consumer-electronics-store shop électronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin audio consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique électronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques de audio de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins de audio consumer-electronics-store boutiques de vidéo consumer-electronics-store televisions consumer-electronics-store magasins video consumer-electronics-store shops d' électronique consumer-electronics-store magasins d' electronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 236 ► API Reference Query Term Category shops audio de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops d' electronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store électronique mobile consumer-electronics-store shop de vidéo consumer-electronics-store shop electronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store televiseur consumer-electronics-store boutique de video de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin de vidéo de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops video consumer-electronics-store magasin électronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shop de vidéo consummateur consumer-electronics-store shop vidéo de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops d' électronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shop vidéo consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins video consummateur consumer-electronics-store electronique mobile consumer-electronics-store shops de vidéo consumer-electronics-store boutique vidéo consumer-electronics-store shop video consumer-electronics-store magasin de vidéo consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques audio consumer-electronics-store boutique electronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin électronique consumer-electronics-store magasins électronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins audio consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique de audio consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin de audio consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques audio de consummateur consumer-electronics-store shops video de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasin vidéo consummateur consumer-electronics-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 237 ► API Reference Query Term Category boutiques vidéo consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques vidéo consumer-electronics-store magasin de vidéo consumer-electronics-store shops video consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutiques électronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store magasins de video consumer-electronics-store boutique electronique consumer-electronics-store shops electronique de consummateur consumer-electronics-store boutique vidéo de consummateur consumer-electronics-store système son consumer-electronics-store boutique électronique consummateur consumer-electronics-store depanneur convenience-store épiceries convenience-store epicerie convenience-store épicerie convenience-store dépanneurs convenience-store dépanneur convenience-store depanneurs convenience-store epiceries convenience-store conseils de comté county-council conseil du comté county-council conseils de comte county-council conseil du comte county-council service messagerie couriers de messagerie courrier couriers messagerie courrier couriers messager couriers service de messagerie couriers services messagerie couriers services de messagerie couriers Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 238 ► API Reference Query Term Category studio de danse dancing danse dancing studios de danse dancing épiceries fines deli epiceries fines deli boutique traiteur deli traiteurs deli traiteur deli boutiques traiteurs deli epicerie fine deli épicerie fine deli magasin discount discount-store magasins discount discount-store centre de plongée diving-centre plongee diving-centre centres de plongée sous marine diving-centre plongee sous marine diving-centre plongée diving-centre centre plongée sous marine diving-centre centres plongée sous marine diving-centre centres de plongee sous marine diving-centre centres plongee sous marine diving-centre centre de plongée sous marine diving-centre centre plongee sous marine diving-centre plongée sous marine diving-centre centres de plongee diving-centre centre de plongee diving-centre centre de plongee sous marine diving-centre centres de plongée diving-centre médecine générale doctor Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 239 ► API Reference Query Term Category medecine generale doctor drogueries drug-store droguerie drug-store hollandaise dutch néerlandaise dutch neerlandais dutch neerlandaise dutch hollandais dutch néerlandais dutch etablissement d'enseignement education-facility établissement d'enseignement education-facility consulats et ambassades embassy-consulate station d’appel d’urgence emergency-call-station stations d’appel d’urgence emergency-call-station stations d'appels d'urgence emergency-call-station inspection des émissions emission-testing essai d'émission emission-testing emissions emission-testing controle d'emission emission-testing émissions emission-testing controle des emissions emission-testing inspection des emissions emission-testing essai d'emission emission-testing contrôles de smog emission-testing essais d'emission emission-testing essais relatifs aux emissions emission-testing essais d'émission emission-testing contrôle des émissions emission-testing inspections des émissions emission-testing essais relatifs aux émissions emission-testing Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 240 ► API Reference Query Term Category controles des emissions emission-testing inspections des emissions emission-testing contrôle d'émission emission-testing controles de smog emission-testing contrôles des émissions emission-testing divertissement et loisirs entertainment-and-recreation electronique de divertissement entertainment-electronics électronique de divertissement entertainment-electronics station recharge ev-charging-station stations recharge ev-charging-station bornes de charge ev-charging-station stations de charge ev-charging-station point de charge ev-charging-station borne charge ev-charging-station point recharge ev-charging-station station de charge ev-charging-station stations charge ev-charging-station bornes charge ev-charging-station points de recharge ev-charging-station point charge ev-charging-station station de recharge ev-charging-station borne de recharge ev-charging-station bornes de recharge ev-charging-station station charge ev-charging-station point de recharge ev-charging-station bornes recharge ev-charging-station points recharge ev-charging-station borne de charge ev-charging-station borne recharge ev-charging-station stations de recharge ev-charging-station Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 241 ► API Reference Query Term Category points charge ev-charging-station points de charge ev-charging-station parcs d´exposition exhibition-centre parcs d´expositions exhibition-centre parc d´exposition exhibition-centre centres d'exposition exhibition-centre centre d'expositions et de congres fair-convention-facility centre d'expositions et de congrès fair-convention-facility finances et assurance finance-and-insurance finances et assurances finance-and-insurance finance et assurance finance-and-insurance assurance finance-and-insurance assurances finance-and-insurance finance et assurances finance-and-insurance restaurant gastronomique fine-dining restaurants de cuisine raffinee fine-dining cuisine raffinée fine-dining restaurant cuisine raffinée fine-dining restaurants de cuisine raffinée fine-dining restaurants gastronomiques fine-dining restaurants cuisine raffinée fine-dining restaurants cuisine raffinee fine-dining restaurants gastronomique fine-dining restaurant de cuisine raffinee fine-dining restaurant de cuisine raffinée fine-dining cuisine raffinee fine-dining restaurant cuisine raffinee fine-dining restaurant gastronomiques fine-dining centre de formation fitness-health-club centres de remise en forme fitness-health-club Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 242 ► API Reference Query Term Category clubs de fitness fitness-health-club salles de sport de remise en forme fitness-health-club club de remise en forme sante fitness-health-club club de sante fitness-health-club centres de fitness fitness-health-club centres de gymnastique fitness-health-club salle de gym fitness-health-club clubs de fitness santé fitness-health-club club de remise en forme santé fitness-health-club salle de fitness fitness-health-club seance d'entrainement fitness-health-club salles de sport fitness-health-club club de remise en forme fitness-health-club clubs de fitness sante fitness-health-club club de santé fitness-health-club seances d'entrainement fitness-health-club club athlétique fitness-health-club clubs de gym fitness-health-club centre de remise en forme fitness-health-club centre de gym fitness-health-club club athletique fitness-health-club clubs de sport fitness-health-club séances d'entraînement fitness-health-club club de gym fitness-health-club remise en forme fitness-health-club séance d'entraînement fitness-health-club clubs de sante fitness-health-club centres de formation fitness-health-club clubs de santé fitness-health-club plancher en bois floor-and-carpet Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 243 ► API Reference Query Term Category revetements de sol floor-and-carpet plancher floor-and-carpet plancher et tapis floor-and-carpet revêtements de sol floor-and-carpet planchers et tapis floor-and-carpet carrelage floor-and-carpet plancher de bois franc floor-and-carpet fleurs et bijoux flowers-and-jewelry alimentaire food aliments food magasins d'alimentation food magasin d'alimentation food alimentation food magasins specialises de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de spécialisé de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin spécialisés de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin spécialisé nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de spécialisés de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins spécialisés nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de specialises de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins spécialisé de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de specialise nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasins spécialisés de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins specialise de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin spécialisés de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasins specialises de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasins specialises de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins spécialisés boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de spécialisés de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de spécialisés boisson food-beverage-specialty-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 244 ► API Reference Query Term Category magasins specialise nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de specialises de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de specialise alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins specialise de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de specialises boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins spécialisés alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de specialises nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de spécialisé de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin spécialisés de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins specialises alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de spécialisés nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin spécialisé de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de specialise de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de specialise de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de specialises de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de spécialisés alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins spécialisé boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin specialise de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de spécialisés boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de specialise de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de spécialisé alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin specialises alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin specialises de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de spécialisés de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de specialises de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de specialise de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin spécialisés boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de specialises de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin specialise alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins spécialisé de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 245 ► API Reference Query Term Category magasins de specialise de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasins specialise de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de spécialisé de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin spécialisé boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin spécialisé de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de spécialisé de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin specialise de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de specialises nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin specialise nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin specialises boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin specialise de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de specialise nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de spécialisé nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de spécialisés de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin specialises nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de specialises alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin spécialisés nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin specialise boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins specialise boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin spécialisé alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins spécialisé de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de spécialisé de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de spécialisé boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de specialises boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de spécialisé nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin specialises de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de spécialisés de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasins specialise alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin specialises de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasins spécialisé alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 246 ► API Reference Query Term Category magasins de specialise boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de spécialisés alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de specialises alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de specialise alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de spécialisé de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin spécialisés alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins specialises nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de specialises de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de specialise boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins specialises boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de spécialisés nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasins de spécialisés de alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store magasins spécialisés de boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasin spécialisé de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de spécialisé boisson food-beverage-specialty-store magasins spécialisé nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de specialise de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasins spécialisés de nourriture food-beverage-specialty-store magasin de spécialisé alimentation food-beverage-specialty-store etals de marche alimentaire food-market-stall étal de marché alimentaire food-market-stall étals de marché alimentaire food-market-stall etal de marche alimentaire food-market-stall production alimentaire food-production productions alimentaires food-production français french française french francais french francaise french obseques funeral-director Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 247 ► API Reference Query Term Category services funéraires funeral-director cercueil funeral-director services funeraires funeral-director funerailles funeral-director obsèques funeral-director maisons funéraire funeral-director salon funéraires funeral-director funérailles funeral-director mortuaire funeral-director salon funeraires funeral-director salons funeraires funeral-director salons funéraires funeral-director mortuaires funeral-director maison funéraire funeral-director morgues funeral-director morgue funeral-director cercueils funeral-director maisons funeraire funeral-director maison funeraire funeral-director sortie de meubles furniture-store magasins de meubles furniture-store ameublement de maison furniture-store magasin de meubles furniture-store ameublement furniture-store meubles furniture-store discount meubles furniture-store mobilier de maison furniture-store mobilier furniture-store galeries d'art gallery galerie d'art gallery Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 248 ► API Reference Query Term Category galerie art gallery galerie beaux arts gallery jardins garden jardin garden approvisionnement de jardin garden-center jardineries garden-center jardinerie garden-center jardinage garden-center commerce détail general-merchandise commerc detail general-merchandise commerc détail general-merchandise commerc de détail general-merchandise commerce de detail general-merchandise commerce detail general-merchandise commerc de detail general-merchandise commerce de détail general-merchandise allemande german allemands german boutique d' art gift-antique-and-art halles d' antiquites gift-antique-and-art antiquites cadeaux gift-antique-and-art magasin d' art gift-antique-and-art antiquites gift-antique-and-art halles aux antiquités gift-antique-and-art art antiquites gift-antique-and-art boutiques d'antiquités gift-antique-and-art boutique d'antiquites gift-antique-and-art collectionneur gift-antique-and-art halles antiquites gift-antique-and-art antiquaires gift-antique-and-art Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 249 ► API Reference Query Term Category magasin d'antiquités gift-antique-and-art boutiques d' art gift-antique-and-art halles d' antiquités gift-antique-and-art boutique art gift-antique-and-art magasins d'antiquités gift-antique-and-art antiquites arts gift-antique-and-art cadeau gift-antique-and-art magasins art gift-antique-and-art antiquités arts gift-antique-and-art boutiques art gift-antique-and-art magasin d'antiquites gift-antique-and-art boutiques de cadeaux gift-antique-and-art magasin cadeaux gift-antique-and-art marche d'antiquites gift-antique-and-art magasin de cadeaux gift-antique-and-art boutique d'antiquités gift-antique-and-art antiquités gift-antique-and-art cadeaux artistiques gift-antique-and-art halles aux antiquites gift-antique-and-art antiquités cadeaux gift-antique-and-art souvenirs gift-antique-and-art art antiquités gift-antique-and-art boutiques cadeaux gift-antique-and-art boutique de cadeaux gift-antique-and-art marche de l'art gift-antique-and-art magasins cadeaux gift-antique-and-art magasins d'antiquites gift-antique-and-art marché de l'art gift-antique-and-art magasins d' art gift-antique-and-art marché d'antiquités gift-antique-and-art Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 250 ► API Reference Query Term Category objets de collection gift-antique-and-art magasin art gift-antique-and-art boutiques d'antiquites gift-antique-and-art boutique cadeaux gift-antique-and-art halles antiquités gift-antique-and-art magasins de cadeaux gift-antique-and-art fenêtre glass-and-window fenetre glass-and-window porte vitrée glass-and-window vitres et fenêtres glass-and-window porte fenetre glass-and-window porte vitree glass-and-window verre glass-and-window fenêtre anti moustiques glass-and-window vitrail glass-and-window fenetre anti moustiques glass-and-window verre et fenêtre glass-and-window vitres et fenetres glass-and-window verre et fenetre glass-and-window portes et fenetres glass-and-window portes et fenêtres glass-and-window porte fenêtre glass-and-window clubs de golf golf-course champs d'exercice golf-practice-range gammes de pratique de golf golf-practice-range practice de golf golf-practice-range pratiсes de golf golf-practice-range bureaux du gouvernement government-office bureau gouvernement government-office bureaux gouvernement government-office Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 251 ► API Reference Query Term Category bureau du gouvernement government-office epicerie grocery épiceries grocery magasin d'alimentation grocery alimentation grocery boutique de produits d'épicerie grocery alimentaire grocery magasin d'epicerie grocery boutique de produits d'epicerie grocery magasins de produits d'épicerie grocery magasin d'épicerie grocery epiceries grocery super marches grocery super marchés grocery aliments grocery epicier grocery marchés alimentaires grocery épicerie grocery marché alimentaire grocery marches alimentaires grocery magasins d'alimentation grocery marche alimentaire grocery magasins de produits d'epicerie grocery épicier grocery chambres d'hotes guest-house chambres d'hôtes guest-house maison d'hotes guest-house maison d'hôtes guest-house maisons d'hôtes guest-house maisons d'hotes guest-house Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 252 ► API Reference Query Term Category maisons et jardins hardware-house-garden-shop hawaïens hawaiian-polynesian hawaiens hawaiian-polynesian hawaiiens hawaiian-polynesian hawaiienne hawaiian-polynesian hawaiien hawaiian-polynesian sorties d'autoroute highway-exit sortie d'autoroute highway-exit historique historical-monument lieu historique historical-monument monument historique historical-monument lieux historiques historical-monument monuments historiques historical-monument musée d'histoire history-museum musee d'histoire history-museum musees d'histoire history-museum histoire history-museum musées d'histoire history-museum hockey sur glace hockey outils home-improvement-hardware-store quincailleries home-improvement-hardware-store magasin de bricolage home-improvement-hardware-store magasins de bricolage home-improvement-hardware-store magasins bricolage home-improvement-hardware-store boutique matériel home-improvement-hardware-store boutiques bricolage home-improvement-hardware-store magasins de matériel home-improvement-hardware-store bricolage home-improvement-hardware-store magasin de rénovation domiciliaire home-improvement-hardware-store boutique de materiel home-improvement-hardware-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 253 ► API Reference Query Term Category boutique de matériel home-improvement-hardware-store magasins materiel home-improvement-hardware-store magasin de materiel home-improvement-hardware-store magasin renovation domiciliaire home-improvement-hardware-store magasins matériel home-improvement-hardware-store boutiques de bricolage home-improvement-hardware-store magasin matériel home-improvement-hardware-store magasin bricolage home-improvement-hardware-store magasin materiel home-improvement-hardware-store boutiques matériel home-improvement-hardware-store magasin de matériel home-improvement-hardware-store boutiques materiel home-improvement-hardware-store quincaillerie home-improvement-hardware-store boutiques de matériel home-improvement-hardware-store boutiques de materiel home-improvement-hardware-store boutique bricolage home-improvement-hardware-store outil home-improvement-hardware-store magasin de renovation domiciliaire home-improvement-hardware-store magasins de materiel home-improvement-hardware-store magasin rénovation domiciliaire home-improvement-hardware-store boutique de bricolage home-improvement-hardware-store boutique materiel home-improvement-hardware-store meubles et décoration d'intérieur home-specialty-store meubles et decoration d'interieur home-specialty-store hopitaux et centres de soins hospital-health-care-facility hopital et centre de soins hospital-health-care-facility hôpital et centre de soins hospital-health-care-facility hôpitaux et centres de soins hospital-health-care-facility ressources humaines et service recrutement human-resources-and-recruiting-services travailler la dotation human-resources-and-recruiting-services Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 254 ► API Reference Query Term Category agences pour l'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services agences de pour l'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services agence de d'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services agences de d'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services emplois human-resources-and-recruiting-services service de d'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services agence dotation human-resources-and-recruiting-services emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services service de dotation human-resources-and-recruiting-services dotation human-resources-and-recruiting-services agence d'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services service pour l'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services service de placement temporaire human-resources-and-recruiting-services service de pour l'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services agence placement temporaire human-resources-and-recruiting-services ressources humaines human-resources-and-recruiting-services service d'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services service placement temporaire human-resources-and-recruiting-services services de pour l'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services services placement temporaire human-resources-and-recruiting-services services de dotation human-resources-and-recruiting-services services d'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services agences dotation human-resources-and-recruiting-services services dotation human-resources-and-recruiting-services agences placement temporaire human-resources-and-recruiting-services recrutement human-resources-and-recruiting-services services de placement temporaire human-resources-and-recruiting-services agences de placement temporaire human-resources-and-recruiting-services service dotation human-resources-and-recruiting-services agences de dotation human-resources-and-recruiting-services Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 255 ► API Reference Query Term Category services pour l'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services services de d'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services ressources humaines et services de recrutement human-resources-and-recruiting-services agences d'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services agence de pour l'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services agence de dotation human-resources-and-recruiting-services agence pour l'emploi human-resources-and-recruiting-services agence de placement temporaire human-resources-and-recruiting-services crème glacée ice-cream creme glacee ice-cream sports d'intérieur indoor-sports sport d'interieur indoor-sports sports d'interieur indoor-sports sports en salle indoor-sports sport d'intérieur indoor-sports sport en salle indoor-sports cybercafés internet-cafe cyber cafés internet-cafe cyber cafe internet-cafe cyber café internet-cafe cybercafé internet-cafe cybercafes internet-cafe cyber cafes internet-cafe cybercafe internet-cafe musique jazz-club clubs de jazz jazz-club bar de jazz jazz-club concerts de jazz jazz-club club de jazz jazz-club bars de jazz jazz-club Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 256 ► API Reference Query Term Category concert de jazz jazz-club musique jazz jazz-club karaoke karaoke bar karaoke karaoke karaoké karaoke bars karaoke karaoke bars karaoké karaoke bar karaoké karaoke jardins d’enfants kindergarten jardin d’enfants kindergarten curiosité landmark-attraction vues landmark-attraction curiosite landmark-attraction amenagement paysager landscaping-services aménagement du téritoire landscaping-services aménagement paysager landscaping-services amenagement du teritoire landscaping-services pressing laundry nettoyages a sec laundry nettoyage a sec laundry laverie laundry nettoyages à sec laundry pressings laundry nettoyage à sec laundry laveries laundry performance live live-entertainment-music musique en direct live-entertainment-music concerts live live-entertainment-music musique live-entertainment-music performancesen direct live-entertainment-music Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 257 ► API Reference Query Term Category performances live live-entertainment-music concertsen direct live-entertainment-music concert live live-entertainment-music musique live live-entertainment-music performanceen direct live-entertainment-music concerten direct live-entertainment-music quais de chargement loading-dock quai de chargement loading-dock transport en commun local local-transit transits locaux local-transit clé serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serruriers locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serruriers et services de systemes de securite locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serrurier sécurité locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serrurier locksmiths-and-security-systems-services cle serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serrures locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serrures à clé locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serruriers et services de systèmes de sécurité locksmiths-and-security-systems-services clef de serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serrurier securite locksmiths-and-security-systems-services cle locksmiths-and-security-systems-services cle de serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serruriers securite locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serrures a cle locksmiths-and-security-systems-services clés locksmiths-and-security-systems-services clé locksmiths-and-security-systems-services clef serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services clef locksmiths-and-security-systems-services cles serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 258 ► API Reference Query Term Category serruriers sécurité locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services cles de serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services clés serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serrurier et service de systemes de securite locksmiths-and-security-systems-services clé de serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services clefs de serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services cles locksmiths-and-security-systems-services clefs serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services clefs locksmiths-and-security-systems-services clés de serrure locksmiths-and-security-systems-services serrurier et service de systèmes de sécurité locksmiths-and-security-systems-services magasins bois lumber bois bois lumber bois usine lumber travail du moulin lumber oeuvres de moulin lumber bois de sciage lumber magasin de bois de oeuvre lumber menuiserie lumber œuvres de moulin lumber magasin de bois de œuvre lumber boutique du bois lumber avance lourdement lumber comptoir lunch lunch déjeuner lunch dejeuner lunch service d'entretien menager maid-services servicesentretien ménager maid-services serviceentretien menager maid-services Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 259 ► API Reference Query Term Category service de femmede chambre maid-services service femmede chambre maid-services service d'entretien ménager maid-services services d'entretien menager maid-services services femmede chambre maid-services services de femmede chambre maid-services serviceentretien ménager maid-services servicesentretien menager maid-services services d'entretien ménager maid-services magasin de appareils ménagers major-appliance magasin de appareil menager major-appliance gros appareil menager major-appliance magasins de appareil menager major-appliance appareils ménagers major-appliance magasins de appareil ménager major-appliance magasin de appareil ménager major-appliance magasins de appareils menagers major-appliance appareils menagers major-appliance magasin de appareils menagers major-appliance gros appareil ménager major-appliance magasins de appareils ménagers major-appliance conseil management-and-consulting-services agences de conseil management-and-consulting-services agence de conseil management-and-consulting-services marché market marchés market marches market marche market boutique vêtements hommes mens-apparel magasin vetements hommes mens-apparel Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 260 ► API Reference Query Term Category vetements hommes mens-apparel boutique vêtements pour hommes mens-apparel boutiques vetements hommes mens-apparel boutiques de mode pour hommes mens-apparel magasin de vetements hommes mens-apparel magasin de vetements pour hommes mens-apparel vetements pour hommes mens-apparel boutique mode masculine mens-apparel boutiques de vetements pour hommes mens-apparel boutiques de mode masculine mens-apparel magasins de mode pour hommes mens-apparel boutique mode pour hommes mens-apparel magasins de mode hommes mens-apparel boutiques de vetements hommes mens-apparel magasin de mode pour hommes mens-apparel magasins mode pour hommes mens-apparel boutique de vêtements pour hommes mens-apparel boutique de mode masculine mens-apparel magasins vêtements hommes mens-apparel magasin mode masculine mens-apparel mode masculine mens-apparel magasin de mode masculine mens-apparel magasins de vêtements hommes mens-apparel magasin vêtements hommes mens-apparel boutiques mode hommes mens-apparel boutiques mode masculine mens-apparel boutiques vetements pour hommes mens-apparel boutique vetements pour hommes mens-apparel magasin de vêtements hommes mens-apparel magasins vetements pour hommes mens-apparel Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 261 ► API Reference Query Term Category boutiques vêtements hommes mens-apparel boutique vetements hommes mens-apparel boutiques de mode hommes mens-apparel magasins mode masculine mens-apparel boutique de mode pour hommes mens-apparel vêtements hommes mens-apparel vêtements pour hommes mens-apparel boutique de vetements hommes mens-apparel boutiques de vêtements hommes mens-apparel boutique de vêtements hommes mens-apparel boutiques mode pour hommes mens-apparel magasin mode hommes mens-apparel magasins de mode masculine mens-apparel magasin vetements pour hommes mens-apparel magasin de vêtements pour hommes mens-apparel magasins mode hommes mens-apparel boutiques vêtements pour hommes mens-apparel boutique de vetements pour hommes mens-apparel boutique mode hommes mens-apparel magasins de vêtements pour hommes mens-apparel magasin de mode hommes mens-apparel magasins vêtements pour hommes mens-apparel magasin mode pour hommes mens-apparel magasins de vetements pour hommes mens-apparel magasins vetements hommes mens-apparel boutiques de vêtements pour hommes mens-apparel magasins de vetements hommes mens-apparel magasin vêtements pour hommes mens-apparel boutique de mode hommes mens-apparel logistique et transport divers misc-transportation-and-logistics Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 262 ► API Reference Query Term Category orientaux (assortiments) mixed-oriental oriental (assortiment) mixed-oriental détaillant de téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer telephones mobile mobile-retailer magasin telephones portable mobile-retailer boutique de téléphones mobile mobile-retailer boutiques telephones portables mobile-retailer detaillants de telephones portables mobile-retailer magasins téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer detaillant de telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer détaillants de téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer boutique de téléphones portable mobile-retailer detaillants telephone portable mobile-retailer revendeur portable mobile-retailer magasins telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer boutique de telephones mobiles mobile-retailer detaillant de telephone portables mobile-retailer detaillant telephones mobile mobile-retailer magasins téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer magasins de téléphone portables mobile-retailer magasin telephones portables mobile-retailer magasins de telephone mobiles mobile-retailer détaillant de téléphones portables mobile-retailer boutiques de téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer boutique de téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer boutiques telephones mobile mobile-retailer détaillant de téléphone portables mobile-retailer détaillants de téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer boutiques téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer boutiques de téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 263 ► API Reference Query Term Category boutique telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer boutiques de téléphone portable mobile-retailer détaillant téléphone portable mobile-retailer boutiques de téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins telephone portable mobile-retailer boutiques telephones mobiles mobile-retailer magasin téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer boutique téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer magasin de téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer magasins de telephone portable mobile-retailer magasins de telephones portable mobile-retailer détaillant téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer boutiques de téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer telephones mobiles mobile-retailer revendeurs cellulaires mobile-retailer magasin de téléphones portables mobile-retailer detaillants telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer magasin telephone portables mobile-retailer boutiques de téléphone mobile mobile-retailer détaillant téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer detaillant telephones portables mobile-retailer detaillant telephone mobile mobile-retailer boutique telephones mobile mobile-retailer magasins de telephones mobile mobile-retailer magasins de téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer détaillant téléphones portables mobile-retailer détaillants téléphones portables mobile-retailer magasins de téléphone mobile-retailer boutique telephone portable mobile-retailer magasin de téléphonie mobile mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 264 ► API Reference Query Term Category detaillants de telephones mobiles mobile-retailer magasins de téléphones portables mobile-retailer magasin de téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer detaillants telephones portables mobile-retailer boutique de téléphone portables mobile-retailer revendeurs portables mobile-retailer detaillant de telephone mobiles mobile-retailer téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer boutique de téléphone portable mobile-retailer boutique téléphone mobile mobile-retailer revendeur portables mobile-retailer telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer boutiques telephones portable mobile-retailer détaillant téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer detaillants telephone mobile mobile-retailer magasin de telephone portable mobile-retailer magasins téléphone mobile mobile-retailer détaillants de téléphones portables mobile-retailer détaillants de téléphone portables mobile-retailer boutique de telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer detaillant de telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer detaillants telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer magasin de téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer magasin de téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer detaillant telephone mobiles mobile-retailer magasin telephone mobile mobile-retailer detaillants de telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer magasin telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer boutiques de téléphones portables mobile-retailer magasins de téléphones portable mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 265 ► API Reference Query Term Category magasins de téléphones mobile-retailer detaillants de telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer magasin de téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer boutiques telephone mobile mobile-retailer magasins de téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer cellulaire mobile-retailer magasins téléphone portable mobile-retailer boutique telephone mobile mobile-retailer détaillants téléphones portable mobile-retailer revendeurs cellulaire mobile-retailer boutiques telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer detaillants de telephone portable mobile-retailer boutiques de telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer boutiques de telephone mobiles mobile-retailer boutiques téléphone portable mobile-retailer detaillant de telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer magasins téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer boutiques de telephones portables mobile-retailer magasins telephones mobile-retailer boutiques téléphone portables mobile-retailer boutique téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer détaillant téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer magasin téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer magasin téléphones portables mobile-retailer detaillant telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins de telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer detaillant telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer détaillant de téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 266 ► API Reference Query Term Category boutiques de téléphones portable mobile-retailer boutique téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer détaillant téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer magasin de téléphone portable mobile-retailer détaillants de téléphone mobile mobile-retailer magasin de telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer telephones mobile-retailer magasin de telephone mobile mobile-retailer magasin téléphones portable mobile-retailer telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer magasin de téléphone mobile mobile-retailer boutiques de téléphones mobile mobile-retailer detaillants de telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer boutique téléphones portable mobile-retailer détaillant de téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer magasins de telephone mobile mobile-retailer detaillants telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer magasin téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer boutique telephones portable mobile-retailer boutique de telephone mobiles mobile-retailer boutiques telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer magasin de téléphone portables mobile-retailer detaillant telephone portables mobile-retailer téléphones portable mobile-retailer revendeur cellulaires mobile-retailer magasin de telephones portable mobile-retailer magasins telephone mobile-retailer boutiques de téléphone portables mobile-retailer detaillants de telephones portable mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 267 ► API Reference Query Term Category telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer boutiques de téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer boutique telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer magasin de téléphones mobile mobile-retailer telephone portable mobile-retailer détaillant de téléphones portable mobile-retailer boutiques de telephones mobile mobile-retailer magasins telephones portable mobile-retailer boutiques de telephone portables mobile-retailer détaillants téléphones mobile mobile-retailer boutique téléphones mobile mobile-retailer magasins de téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer détaillant de téléphone portable mobile-retailer boutiques téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer revendeurs mobile mobile-retailer magasins telephones mobiles mobile-retailer detaillants telephones mobiles mobile-retailer boutiques de téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer telephone mobiles mobile-retailer magasin telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins de telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins de telephones portables mobile-retailer boutique telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer détaillant de téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer boutique de telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer boutique de telephones mobile mobile-retailer magasins de téléphones mobile mobile-retailer détaillants de téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins téléphone mobile-retailer magasin telephone portable mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 268 ► API Reference Query Term Category cellulaires mobile-retailer détaillant de téléphones mobile mobile-retailer détaillants téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer détaillant de téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer boutique de téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer détaillants téléphone mobile mobile-retailer boutiques de telephone mobile mobile-retailer boutique téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer detaillants telephone portables mobile-retailer boutiques téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer magasin téléphone portable mobile-retailer detaillants de telephone mobile mobile-retailer boutiques de telephone portable mobile-retailer magasin telephones mobiles mobile-retailer boutiques telephone portables mobile-retailer boutique de téléphone mobile mobile-retailer détaillant de téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer boutiques téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer magasin de telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer revendeur mobile mobile-retailer magasins de telephone portables mobile-retailer detaillants telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer boutique de telephone mobile mobile-retailer détaillant téléphone mobile mobile-retailer magasins de téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer detaillant telephones mobiles mobile-retailer magasins telephones mobile mobile-retailer magasin de téléphones portable mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 269 ► API Reference Query Term Category téléphone portables mobile-retailer magasins téléphones portable mobile-retailer boutique telephone mobiles mobile-retailer revendeurs portable mobile-retailer boutique de telephone portable mobile-retailer téléphone mobile-retailer boutiques telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer telephones portables mobile-retailer telephones portable mobile-retailer magasin téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer detaillant telephones portable mobile-retailer boutiques téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer détaillants de téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer boutiques de telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins de telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer detaillants telephones portable mobile-retailer magasins de téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins de téléphone portable mobile-retailer detaillants de telephone portables mobile-retailer boutiques téléphone mobile mobile-retailer boutique telephones portables mobile-retailer magasins de téléphone mobile mobile-retailer magasins téléphone portables mobile-retailer boutique telephones mobiles mobile-retailer détaillants de téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer magasins telephone mobile mobile-retailer detaillant de telephones mobile mobile-retailer téléphones portables mobile-retailer magasins de téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer téléphone portable mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 270 ► API Reference Query Term Category magasins de telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer boutiques téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer boutique telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer magasins téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer magasin de telephone mobiles mobile-retailer détaillants téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer boutiques de telephones portable mobile-retailer telephone mobile-retailer telephone portables mobile-retailer telephone mobile mobile-retailer détaillants téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer magasin de téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer boutiques de telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer detaillants telephone mobiles mobile-retailer magasins téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer détaillants téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer boutique téléphones portables mobile-retailer détaillant téléphone portables mobile-retailer magasins téléphones mobile-retailer boutiques de telephones mobiles mobile-retailer detaillants de telephone mobiles mobile-retailer boutique de telephone portables mobile-retailer magasin téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer magasin de telephone portables mobile-retailer detaillant de telephone mobile mobile-retailer téléphones mobile mobile-retailer boutique de téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer magasin de telephones mobiles mobile-retailer détaillants de téléphones portable mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 271 ► API Reference Query Term Category boutique téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer magasin de telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins de telephones mobile-retailer detaillants de telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer boutique de téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer detaillant de telephones mobiles mobile-retailer magasin de telephonie mobile mobile-retailer detaillant de telephones portable mobile-retailer détaillants de téléphone portable mobile-retailer détaillants de téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer détaillant téléphones portable mobile-retailer detaillant de telephone portable mobile-retailer magasins telephone portables mobile-retailer magasins telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins téléphones mobile mobile-retailer boutiques téléphones portable mobile-retailer téléphones mobile-retailer magasin telephones mobile mobile-retailer boutique de téléphone cellulaire mobile-retailer boutiques téléphones mobile mobile-retailer téléphones mobiles mobile-retailer detaillant de telephones portables mobile-retailer détaillants téléphone portables mobile-retailer revendeur mobiles mobile-retailer magasin téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer boutique de téléphones cellulaires mobile-retailer magasins téléphones portables mobile-retailer detaillants telephones mobile mobile-retailer telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 272 ► API Reference Query Term Category boutique de telephones portables mobile-retailer revendeurs mobiles mobile-retailer détaillant téléphones mobile mobile-retailer boutiques téléphones portables mobile-retailer détaillants de téléphones mobile mobile-retailer magasin téléphone mobile mobile-retailer magasin téléphones mobile mobile-retailer détaillant de téléphone mobile mobile-retailer mobiles mobile-retailer detaillant de telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer boutique de telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer boutique téléphone portable mobile-retailer detaillants de telephones mobile mobile-retailer boutique telephone portables mobile-retailer boutiques telephones cellulaires mobile-retailer détaillants téléphone portable mobile-retailer boutique téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer magasin de telephones portables mobile-retailer détaillants téléphones cellulaire mobile-retailer magasins de telephones mobiles mobile-retailer magasin telephone mobiles mobile-retailer detaillant telephone cellulaires mobile-retailer boutique de telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer magasin téléphone portables mobile-retailer magasin telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer magasin de telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer boutique téléphone portables mobile-retailer magasin de telephones mobile mobile-retailer boutiques telephone portable mobile-retailer détaillants téléphone cellulaires mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 273 ► API Reference Query Term Category boutiques de telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer revendeur cellulaire mobile-retailer magasin telephones cellulaire mobile-retailer boutiques telephone mobiles mobile-retailer boutique de téléphones portables mobile-retailer detaillant telephone cellulaire mobile-retailer magasins de telephone mobile-retailer détaillant téléphone mobiles mobile-retailer detaillant telephone portable mobile-retailer boutique de telephones portable mobile-retailer téléphone mobile mobile-retailer magasins telephones portables mobile-retailer magasins telephone mobiles mobile-retailer réparation de téléphone mobile mobile-service-center services de telephonie mobile mobile-service-center centre de services de telephonie mobile mobile-service-center reparation de telephone mobile mobile-service-center centres de service de telephone mobile mobile-service-center service de téléphonie mobile mobile-service-center centres de service de téléphone mobile mobile-service-center centre de services de téléphonie mobile mobile-service-center service de telephonie mobile mobile-service-center services de téléphonie mobile mobile-service-center centre de service de téléphone mobile mobile-service-center centre de service mobile mobile-service-center centres de service mobile mobile-service-center centres de services de téléphonie mobile mobile-service-center centre de service de telephone mobile mobile-service-center centres de services de telephonie mobile mobile-service-center agences de mannequins modeling-agencies Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 274 ► API Reference Query Term Category agence de mannequins modeling-agencies service de transfert d'argent money-transferring-service transferts d'argent money-transferring-service service de transfert l'argent money-transferring-service service transfert de l'argent money-transferring-service services transfert de l'argent money-transferring-service service de transfert de l'argent money-transferring-service service transfert d'argent money-transferring-service services de transfert l'argent money-transferring-service transfert l'argent money-transferring-service services transfert l'argent money-transferring-service transfert de l'argent money-transferring-service transfert d'argent money-transferring-service service transfert l'argent money-transferring-service services de transfert d'argent money-transferring-service transferts de l'argent money-transferring-service transferts l'argent money-transferring-service services de transfert de l'argent money-transferring-service services transfert d'argent money-transferring-service mosquée mosque mosquees mosque mosquées mosque mosquee mosque accessoires de moto motorcycle-accessories accessoires moto motorcycle-accessories accessoire de moto motorcycle-accessories accessoire moto motorcycle-accessories réparations de moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance entretien de moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance reparation de moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 275 ► API Reference Query Term Category maintenance et entretien de la moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance mécano moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance service moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance reparations de moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance mecano moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance moto service motorcycle-service-and-maintenance moto service et entretien motorcycle-service-and-maintenance reparation de motocyclettes motorcycle-service-and-maintenance entretien moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance maintenance et entretien de moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance réparation de motocyclettes motorcycle-service-and-maintenance réparation de moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance demenageur mover déménageurs mover demenageurs mover déménageur mover film movie films movie music music-workaround boîtes de nuit night-club discotheques night-club boites de nuit night-club discothèque night-club discotheque night-club boîte de nuit night-club discothèques night-club boite de nuit night-club aide à la vie nursing-home maisons de soins infirmiers nursing-home soins infirmiers à domicile nursing-home Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 276 ► API Reference Query Term Category soins infirmiers a domicile nursing-home aide a la vie nursing-home magasins bureau office-supply-and-services-store magasins fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store boutiques de fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store boutiques de bureau office-supply-and-services-store magasin de fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutique de fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store shop fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasin de bureau office-supply-and-services-store fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store magasins fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store shops bureau office-supply-and-services-store boutiques de fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store shop de fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store magasins de fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store shops de fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store shops de bureau office-supply-and-services-store shops fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store magasin de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutique de fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasin fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasin de fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store magasin de fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store shops de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasins de fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store shops de fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasins stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasins de bureau office-supply-and-services-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 277 ► API Reference Query Term Category shops stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store shops de fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutique de fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store shop de fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasin fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store shop de fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutiques de fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store boutiques fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasin fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store shops de fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store shops fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutique de bureau office-supply-and-services-store shops de fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store papier office-supply-and-services-store magasin fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store magasins fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutiques fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasins de fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store shop fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasins papier office-supply-and-services-store boutiques fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store shop stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutiques papier office-supply-and-services-store boutique fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasins de papier office-supply-and-services-store boutique de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store shops de papier office-supply-and-services-store boutiques de fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store shop bureau office-supply-and-services-store boutique fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 278 ► API Reference Query Term Category shops fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store shop de bureau office-supply-and-services-store shops papier office-supply-and-services-store boutique stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasin fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store boutiques fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store magasins de fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasins de fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store shop fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store shop de fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store magasin stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutique papier office-supply-and-services-store magasins fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store shop fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store magasin de fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store magasins de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasin fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store boutique de fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store shops de fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store magasin papier office-supply-and-services-store boutique de fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store shop fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store magasins fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store shops fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store boutique de fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store shop de fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store magasin bureau office-supply-and-services-store magasin d'approvisionnements et services de bureau office-supply-and-services-store boutiques bureau office-supply-and-services-store fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 279 ► API Reference Query Term Category shop papier office-supply-and-services-store fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store shops fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store shop de papier office-supply-and-services-store magasins fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store shops fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store articles de papeterie office-supply-and-services-store shop fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store shop de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutique bureau office-supply-and-services-store shop de fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store magasin de papier office-supply-and-services-store fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store papeterie office-supply-and-services-store boutiques fourniture papier office-supply-and-services-store boutique fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store magasins de fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutiques de papier office-supply-and-services-store magasin de fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store boutiques stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutique fourniture de papier office-supply-and-services-store boutiques de fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutique fourniture bureau office-supply-and-services-store boutiques de fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store magasin de fourniture stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutiques de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutique fourniture de stationnaire office-supply-and-services-store boutiques fourniture de bureau office-supply-and-services-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 280 ► API Reference Query Term Category boutique de papier office-supply-and-services-store opticiens optical opticien optical magasin de peinture paint-store peinture paint-store magasin peinture paint-store magasins de peinture paint-store magasins peinture paint-store parcs de loisirs park-recreation-area parc de loisirs park-recreation-area loisirs park-recreation-area pâtes pasta pates pasta prêteurs sur gages pawnshop preteur sur gages pawnshop gages pawnshop prêteur sur gages pawnshop preteurs sur gages pawnshop soins pour animaux pet-care animaux tonte toilettage pet-care soins pour animaux de compagnie pet-care animaux tonte et toilettage pet-care soins animaux pet-care soins animaux de compagnie pet-care magasins de fournitures de bureau aquarium pet-supply magasins d'alimentation en aquarium pet-supply magasin d'alimentation pour animaux de compagnie pet-supply magasin d'aliments pour animaux de compagnie pet-supply magasin d'animaux de compagnie pet-supply magasin de fournitures d'aquarium pet-supply Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 281 ► API Reference Query Term Category fournitures d'aquarium pet-supply magasins d'aliments pour animaux de compagnie pet-supply aquariophilie pet-supply accessoires pour animaux pet-supply boutique d'aquariums pet-supply fournitures pour animaux de compagnie pet-supply magasins de fournitures d'aquarium pet-supply animal de compagnie pet-supply aliment pour animaux familiers pet-supply aquarium fournitures de magasin pet-supply magasins d'animaux de compagnie pet-supply magasins d'aquarium pet-supply magasin de fournitures pour animaux de compagnie pet-supply animalerie pet-supply animaleries pet-supply magasin aquarium pet-supply alimentation pour animaux de compagnie pet-supply aquarium à poissons pet-supply magasins de fournitures aquarium pet-supply animaux de compagnie pet-supply materiel pour aquarium pet-supply aquarium a poissons pet-supply magasins d'alimentation pour animaux de compagnie pet-supply station d'essence petrol-station soupe repas vietnamienne pho soupe vietnamienne pho studios photographiques photography studio photo photography studios de photographie photography photos numériques photography Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 282 ► API Reference Query Term Category studio photographique photography appareils photo photography appareils de photo photography photo numérique photography photographie photography photographique photography services photographiques photography photos numeriques photography photo numerique photography appareil de photo photography appareil photo photography magasin photo photography commissariats police-station commisariats police-station commissariat de police police-station commissariats de police police-station concessionnaire d'equipementet machines electriques power-equipment-dealer machines electriques power-equipment-dealer générateurs power-equipment-dealer generateurs power-equipment-dealer concessionnaire machines électriques power-equipment-dealer concessionnaire d'équipementet machines électriques power-equipment-dealer alternateurs power-equipment-dealer concessionnaire machines electriques power-equipment-dealer turbines power-equipment-dealer machines électriques power-equipment-dealer editeurs printing-and-publishing éditeurs printing-and-publishing etablissements d'incarceration prison établissements d'incarcération prison Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 283 ► API Reference Query Term Category institut psychiatrique psychiatric-institute instituts psychiatriques psychiatric-institute aeroport sportive publique public-sports-airport aéroport de sportives publiques public-sports-airport aéroports sportives publiques public-sports-airport aéroport sportive publique public-sports-airport aeroport de sportives publiques public-sports-airport aérodrome public-sports-airport aerodrome public-sports-airport aérodromes public-sports-airport aéroports de sportives publiques public-sports-airport aerodromes public-sports-airport aeroports de sportives publiques public-sports-airport aeroports sportives publiques public-sports-airport acces transport en commun public-transit-access accès transport en commun public-transit-access pistes de course race-track piste de course race-track court de raquette racket-ball-court terrains raquette racket-ball-court salle de sports raquette racket-ball-court salles de sports raquette racket-ball-court courts raquette racket-ball-court terrains de raquette racket-ball-court terrain de raquette racket-ball-court courts de raquette racket-ball-court salle de sports de raquette racket-ball-court court raquette racket-ball-court terrain raquette racket-ball-court salles de sports de raquette racket-ball-court Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 284 ► API Reference Query Term Category ferries rail rail-ferry ferry sur rail rail-ferry ferry rail rail-ferry ferries sur rail rail-ferry depot de locomotives rail-yard depot relais rail-yard dépôts relais rail-yard dépôt de locomotives rail-yard dépôts de locomotives rail-yard depots de locomotives rail-yard depots relais rail-yard dépôt relais rail-yard immobilier real-estate-and-brokers agent immobilier realtor agences immobilière realtor agence immobilière realtor etat reale realtor agence immobiliere realtor agences immobiliere realtor agents immobiliers realtor état reale realtor magasins de vidéo record-cd-and-video film record-cd-and-video magasins de film record-cd-and-video magasins de dvd record-cd-and-video videos record-cd-and-video magasins de disques record-cd-and-video films record-cd-and-video magasin de dvd record-cd-and-video magasin de videos record-cd-and-video Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 285 ► API Reference Query Term Category vidéo record-cd-and-video magasin de disques record-cd-and-video magasins de video record-cd-and-video magasin de film record-cd-and-video magasin de vidéos record-cd-and-video video record-cd-and-video vidéos record-cd-and-video service de reparation et d'entretien repair-and-maintenance-services entretien et reparation repair-and-maintenance-services entretien et réparation repair-and-maintenance-services service de réparation et d'entretien repair-and-maintenance-services services de reparation repair-service service de réparation repair-service services de réparation repair-service service de reparation repair-service restaus restaurant restau restaurant resto restaurant restos restaurant assistance routiere road-assistance assistance routière road-assistance parc pour vr rv-parks parcs pour vr rv-parks terrains pour vr rv-parks terrains pour caravanes rv-parks parc pour caravane rv-parks terrains pour caravane rv-parks parcs pour caravane rv-parks parc pour caravanes rv-parks parcs pour caravanes rv-parks Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 286 ► API Reference Query Term Category terrain pour caravane rv-parks terrain pour vr rv-parks terrain pour caravanes rv-parks musee des sciences science-museum musée des sciences science-museum musees des sciences science-museum musées des sciences science-museum poissons et fruits de mer sea-food magasins de chaussures shoes-footwear champs tir shooting-range gammes de pistolet shooting-range gamme pistolet shooting-range stands tir shooting-range stands de tir shooting-range champs de tir shooting-range sites d'intérêt et musées sights-museums sites d'interet et musees sights-museums station de ski ski-resort stations de ski ski-resort restaurant rapide snacks-fast-food terrain de foot soccer-club association foot soccer-club club foot soccer-club terrain de football soccer-club club de foot soccer-club club de football soccer-club terrain football soccer-club association de foot soccer-club association de football soccer-club terrain foot soccer-club Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 287 ► API Reference Query Term Category club football soccer-club services sociaux social-service service social social-service espagnole spanish espagnol spanish espagnols spanish boutique de vêtements spécialisés specialty-clothing-store boutiques de vetements specialisees specialty-clothing-store boutiques de vêtements spécialisées specialty-clothing-store magasin de vetements specialises specialty-clothing-store magasins de vêtements spécialisés specialty-clothing-store magasins de vetements specialises specialty-clothing-store vêtements spécialisés specialty-clothing-store magasin de vêtements spécialisés specialty-clothing-store boutique de vetements specialises specialty-clothing-store vetements specialises specialty-clothing-store boutique de spécialités alimentaires specialty-food-store aliments de specialite specialty-food-store specialite culinaire specialty-food-store magasin d'alimentation specialisee specialty-food-store aliments de spécialité specialty-food-store magasins d'alimentation specialises specialty-food-store magasins d'alimentation spécialisés specialty-food-store magasin d'alimentation spécialisée specialty-food-store spécialité culinaire specialty-food-store boutique de specialites alimentaires specialty-food-store boutique specialisee specialty-store magasins spécialisés specialty-store boutiques spécialisées specialty-store boutiques specialisees specialty-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 288 ► API Reference Query Term Category boutique spécialisée specialty-store magasins specialises specialty-store magasin spécialisé specialty-store magasin specialise specialty-store equipement sportif sport-outdoor-shop équipement sportif sport-outdoor-shop camps et enseignement sportif sporting-instruction-and-camps activite sportive sports-activities activité sportive sports-activities activites sportives sports-activities activités sportives sports-activities sports & plein air sports-facility-venue sports et plein air sports-facility-venue sport et plein air sports-facility-venue sports et activités de plein air sports-facility-venue sport & plein air sports-facility-venue sports et activites de plein air sports-facility-venue terrains de sport sports-field terrain de sport sports-field court squash squash-court terrains squash squash-court courts de squash squash-court terrain de squash squash-court salles squash squash-court courts squash squash-court salle de squash squash-court terrain squash squash-court court de squash squash-court salle squash squash-court de squash squash-court Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 289 ► API Reference Query Term Category terrains de squash squash-court salles de squash squash-court self stockage storage stockage storage stockage public storage libre entreposage storage supermarche supermarket supermarché supermarket sushi sushi magasins de bonbons sweet-shop magasins de confiseries sweet-shop fondant sweet-shop boutique confiserie sweet-shop confiserie sweet-shop bonbons sweet-shop magasins de confiserie sweet-shop magasin de bonbons sweet-shop magasin de confiserie sweet-shop fondants sweet-shop confiseries sweet-shop bonbon sweet-shop suisses swiss synagogues juives synagogue synagogue juive synagogue couture altération tailor-and-alteration tailleurs tailor-and-alteration couture alteration tailor-and-alteration modification altération tailor-and-alteration tailleur et altérations tailor-and-alteration modification alteration tailor-and-alteration Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 290 ► API Reference Query Term Category boutique d'altération tailor-and-alteration altérations tailor-and-alteration couturiers tailor-and-alteration atelier couture tailor-and-alteration couturieres tailor-and-alteration atelier de couture tailor-and-alteration tailleur et altération tailor-and-alteration magasins d'altération tailor-and-alteration magasins d'alteration tailor-and-alteration tailleur et alterations tailor-and-alteration couture tailor-and-alteration tailleur et alteration tailor-and-alteration couturière tailor-and-alteration tailleur tailor-and-alteration couturières tailor-and-alteration alterations tailor-and-alteration boutique d'alteration tailor-and-alteration couturiere tailor-and-alteration vente a emporter et livraison take-out-and-delivery-only livraison de nourriture take-out-and-delivery-only vente à emporter take-out-and-delivery-only vente a emporter take-out-and-delivery-only vente à emporter et livraison take-out-and-delivery-only livraison d'aliments take-out-and-delivery-only impots sur le revenu tax-service impôt trop payé tax-service impôts sur le revenu tax-service impôt tax-service conseiller fiscal tax-service impot trop paye tax-service Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 291 ► API Reference Query Term Category conseillers fiscal tax-service remboursement fiscal tax-service conseil fiscal tax-service impot tax-service taxis taxi taxi taxi postes de taxi taxi-stand stand de taxis taxi-stand stands de taxis taxi-stand poste de taxi taxi-stand stations de taxis taxi-stand station de taxis taxi-stand maison de thé tea maison de the tea discount pneu tires services de pneu tires reparation de pneus tires pneus roues tires magasins de pneus tires roues et pneu tires roue pneu tires auto pneu tires roues tires roue pneumatique tires roues pneu tires réparation de pneus tires reparation de pneu tires réparation de pneu tires roues pneumatiques tires magasin de pneu tires Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 292 ► API Reference Query Term Category pneu auto tires pneus auto tires magasin de pneus tires vente de pneu tires pneu service tires ventes de pneus tires roues pneus tires pneumatiques tires remises de pneu tires pneus services tires roue tires service pneus tires sites touristiques tourist-attraction syndicat d´initiative tourist-information traduction translation-and-interpretation-services services de traduction et d'interpretariat translation-and-interpretation-services services d'interprétariat translation-and-interpretation-services service de traduction translation-and-interpretation-services traducteur translation-and-interpretation-services service d'interprétariat translation-and-interpretation-services service de traduction et d'interpretariat translation-and-interpretation-services traducteurs translation-and-interpretation-services interprete translation-and-interpretation-services services de traduction et d'interprétariat translation-and-interpretation-services traductions translation-and-interpretation-services service d'interpretariat translation-and-interpretation-services service de traduction et d'interprétariat translation-and-interpretation-services interprète translation-and-interpretation-services services de traduction translation-and-interpretation-services service traduction translation-and-interpretation-services Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 293 ► API Reference Query Term Category interpretes translation-and-interpretation-services interprètes translation-and-interpretation-services services d'interpretariat translation-and-interpretation-services services traduction translation-and-interpretation-services camions concessionnaires truck-dealership concessionnaire de camions truck-dealership concessionnaires de camions truck-dealership stationnement de camions truck-parking stationment pour camions truck-parking parking de camions truck-parking parking pour camions truck-parking stationment de camions truck-parking stationnement pour camions truck-parking réparation camions truck-repair garage camion truck-repair réparation camion truck-repair reparation de camions truck-repair réparation de camion truck-repair réparation de camions truck-repair garage camions truck-repair reparation de camion truck-repair reparation camions truck-repair reparation camion truck-repair arrêt camion truck-stop-plaza relais routiers truck-stop-plaza arret camion truck-stop-plaza arret de camion truck-stop-plaza arrêt de camion truck-stop-plaza levages de camions truck-wash levages camions truck-wash Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 294 ► API Reference Query Term Category levage de camions truck-wash levage camions truck-wash seconde main used-second-hand-merchandise-stores boutique de seconde main used-second-hand-merchandise-stores magasins revente used-second-hand-merchandise-stores dépôt vente used-second-hand-merchandise-stores brocante used-second-hand-merchandise-stores magasin de seconde main used-second-hand-merchandise-stores magasin de revente used-second-hand-merchandise-stores revente used-second-hand-merchandise-stores boutique seconde main used-second-hand-merchandise-stores boutique revente used-second-hand-merchandise-stores boutiques revente used-second-hand-merchandise-stores boutiques seconde main used-second-hand-merchandise-stores boutiques de seconde main used-second-hand-merchandise-stores magasin revente used-second-hand-merchandise-stores boutique de revente used-second-hand-merchandise-stores boutiques de revente used-second-hand-merchandise-stores depot vente used-second-hand-merchandise-stores magasins seconde main used-second-hand-merchandise-stores magasin seconde main used-second-hand-merchandise-stores magasins de revente used-second-hand-merchandise-stores magasins de seconde main used-second-hand-merchandise-stores brocantes used-second-hand-merchandise-stores gaz électricité utilities installation gaz utilities installation electrique utilities gaz electricite utilities installation électrique utilities reparations minibus van-repair Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 295 ► API Reference Query Term Category réparations de van van-repair réparations van van-repair reparation van van-repair reparations de minibus van-repair réparations de minibus van-repair réparation de van van-repair reparations de van van-repair réparation minibus van-repair réparation de minibus van-repair reparation minibus van-repair réparations minibus van-repair reparation de van van-repair réparation van van-repair reparation de minibus van-repair reparations van van-repair magasins à prix uniques variety-store magasin populaires variety-store magasin de variété variety-store boutique populaire variety-store magasins populaire variety-store magasins de variété variety-store magasins a prix uniques variety-store boutiques populaires variety-store magasins variété variety-store boutique populaires variety-store boutiques a prix uniques variety-store boutique de variété variety-store boutique de variete variety-store magasin de variete variety-store boutiques à prix uniques variety-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 296 ► API Reference Query Term Category magasins de variete variety-store boutique variete variety-store magasin variete variety-store magasin à prix uniques variety-store boutiques variete variety-store boutique à prix uniques variety-store magasins variete variety-store boutique a prix uniques variety-store boutiques variété variety-store magasins populaires variety-store boutiques de variete variety-store boutiques populaire variety-store boutique variété variety-store magasin populaire variety-store magasin variété variety-store boutiques de variété variety-store magasin a prix uniques variety-store végétalienne vegan veganiste vegan véganes vegan cuisine véganiste vegan alimentation véganiste vegan vegane vegan veganes vegan végane vegan restaurants vegetaliennes vegan alimentation végétalienne vegan restaurant vegane vegan cuisine veganiste vegan alimentation vegetalienne vegan Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 297 ► API Reference Query Term Category cuisine vegane vegan restaurants végétaliennes vegan restaurant veganiste vegan cuisine végétalienne vegan alimentation vegane vegan végétaliens vegan végétalien vegan restaurant végétalienne vegan cuisine végane vegan véganistes vegan restaurant vegetalienne vegan alimentation veganiste vegan veganistes vegan restaurant végane vegan vegetaliens vegan restaurants veganes vegan restaurant véganiste vegan restaurants véganes vegan cuisine vegetalienne vegan restaurants veganistes vegan alimentation végane vegan vegetalien vegan vegetalienne vegan véganiste vegan végétaliennes vegan restaurants véganistes vegan vegetaliennes vegan location de jeux video video-and-game-rental location de jeu video-and-game-rental location de jeux vidéo video-and-game-rental Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 298 ► API Reference Query Term Category videos video-and-game-rental location de vidéo et de jeu video-and-game-rental location de dvd video-and-game-rental jeux vidéo video-and-game-rental vidéo video-and-game-rental location de video et de jeu video-and-game-rental location de jeux video-and-game-rental location de videos video-and-game-rental jeu vidéo video-and-game-rental location de films video-and-game-rental location de vidéos video-and-game-rental jeu video video-and-game-rental video video-and-game-rental vidéos video-and-game-rental jeux video video-and-game-rental jeux vidéo video-arcade-game-room jeu vidéo video-arcade-game-room jeu video video-arcade-game-room salle de jeux arcade video-arcade-game-room salles de jeux d'arcade video-arcade-game-room jeux video video-arcade-game-room dechets et sanitaires waste-and-sanitary déchets waste-and-sanitary déchets et sanitaires waste-and-sanitary gestion des déchets waste-and-sanitary recyclage waste-and-sanitary gestion des dechets waste-and-sanitary dechets waste-and-sanitary sports d´eau water-sport transits de l'eau water-transit Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 299 ► API Reference Query Term Category transit de l'eau water-transit chutes d'eau waterfall chute d'eau waterfall services de mariage et de mariee studios wedding-services-and-bridal-studio service de mariage wedding-services-and-bridal-studio mariée studios wedding-services-and-bridal-studio mariée studio wedding-services-and-bridal-studio services de mariage wedding-services-and-bridal-studio studio nuptiales wedding-services-and-bridal-studio mode nuptiale wedding-services-and-bridal-studio mariee studio wedding-services-and-bridal-studio service mariage wedding-services-and-bridal-studio services de mariage et de mariée studios wedding-services-and-bridal-studio studio nuptiale wedding-services-and-bridal-studio boutiques nuptiales wedding-services-and-bridal-studio services mariage wedding-services-and-bridal-studio mariee studios wedding-services-and-bridal-studio boutiques nuptiale wedding-services-and-bridal-studio services de mariage et studio nuptiale wedding-services-and-bridal-studio bridal boutique wedding-services-and-bridal-studio mode nuptiales wedding-services-and-bridal-studio station de pesage weigh-station stations de pesage weigh-station bien être wellness bien etre wellness parcs animaux sauvage wild-animal-park parcs animaux sauvages wild-animal-park parc animalier sauvages wild-animal-park parc animaux sauvages wild-animal-park parc animaux sauvage wild-animal-park Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 300 ► API Reference Query Term Category parcs animalier sauvages wild-animal-park parcs animalier sauvage wild-animal-park parc animalier sauvage wild-animal-park sanctuaire wildlife-refuge reserve faunique wildlife-refuge sanctuaires fauniques wildlife-refuge reserve fauniques wildlife-refuge réserve faunique wildlife-refuge réserves faunique wildlife-refuge reserves faunique wildlife-refuge réserves fauniques wildlife-refuge sanctuaire faunique wildlife-refuge refuges fauniques wildlife-refuge refuge faunique wildlife-refuge refuge fauniques wildlife-refuge sanctuaire fauniques wildlife-refuge sanctuaires faunique wildlife-refuge refuges faunique wildlife-refuge sanctuaire de faune wildlife-refuge reserves fauniques wildlife-refuge réserve fauniques wildlife-refuge vins et spiritueux wine-and-liquor domaine viticole winery domaines viticoles winery boutique de mode femmes womens-apparel magasin vêtements femmes womens-apparel boutiques de mode femmes womens-apparel boutiques vêtements pour femmes womens-apparel vêtements pour femmes womens-apparel boutiques de vetements pour femmes womens-apparel Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 301 ► API Reference Query Term Category boutiques mode feminine womens-apparel vetements pour femmes womens-apparel magasins vêtements féminins womens-apparel boutiques de vêtements femmes womens-apparel boutique de vêtements féminins womens-apparel boutique mode pour femmes womens-apparel magasins vetements feminins womens-apparel magasin mode pour femmes womens-apparel magasin de mode femmes womens-apparel boutique vêtements féminins womens-apparel magasin vêtements pour femmes womens-apparel magasin vetements feminins womens-apparel magasins de vêtements femmes womens-apparel mode femmes womens-apparel magasins de vetements feminins womens-apparel boutique mode féminine womens-apparel magasins de mode féminine womens-apparel boutique de mode pour femmes womens-apparel magasin de vêtements pour femmes womens-apparel boutique de vetements feminins womens-apparel magasins de vêtements pour femmes womens-apparel boutique vêtements pour femmes womens-apparel boutique vêtements femmes womens-apparel boutiques vêtements féminins womens-apparel magasins de mode feminine womens-apparel magasin vetements pour femmes womens-apparel magasin de vêtements féminins womens-apparel magasin mode féminine womens-apparel magasin mode feminine womens-apparel magasins de mode pour femmes womens-apparel Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 302 ► API Reference Query Term Category magasins de mode femmes womens-apparel magasins vêtements femmes womens-apparel vêtements femmes womens-apparel magasins mode féminine womens-apparel boutiques de mode pour femmes womens-apparel magasin mode femmes womens-apparel magasin de mode feminine womens-apparel magasins mode pour femmes womens-apparel boutique de mode féminine womens-apparel mode pour femmes womens-apparel magasins de vetements pour femmes womens-apparel magasins vêtements pour femmes womens-apparel magasin de vetements femmes womens-apparel boutique de vêtements femmes womens-apparel mode féminine womens-apparel mode feminine womens-apparel vetements femmes womens-apparel boutiques mode pour femmes womens-apparel magasin de vêtements femmes womens-apparel boutiques de vetements feminins womens-apparel boutique mode femmes womens-apparel boutiques de vêtements féminins womens-apparel boutiques mode féminine womens-apparel boutique vetements pour femmes womens-apparel magasin vetements femmes womens-apparel boutiques vetements feminins womens-apparel boutique vetements femmes womens-apparel magasin de mode féminine womens-apparel magasin vêtements féminins womens-apparel boutique de vetements femmes womens-apparel Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 303 ► API Reference Query Term Category magasin de vetements pour femmes womens-apparel magasin de vetements feminins womens-apparel boutiques vetements femmes womens-apparel boutique de vetements pour femmes womens-apparel boutiques de mode féminine womens-apparel boutique mode feminine womens-apparel boutiques de vêtements pour femmes womens-apparel magasins de vêtements féminins womens-apparel boutique vetements feminins womens-apparel boutiques de vetements femmes womens-apparel magasins mode femmes womens-apparel boutiques vetements pour femmes womens-apparel boutiques de mode feminine womens-apparel magasins vetements femmes womens-apparel boutiques mode femmes womens-apparel boutique de mode feminine womens-apparel magasin de mode pour femmes womens-apparel magasins de vetements femmes womens-apparel magasins mode feminine womens-apparel boutique de vêtements pour femmes womens-apparel boutiques vêtements femmes womens-apparel magasins vetements pour femmes womens-apparel ports de plaisance yacht-basin jardins zoologiques zoo parc zoologique zoo parc zoologiques zoo List of Supported Spanish Category-like Query Terms Query Term Category hospedaje accommodation Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 304 ► API Reference Query Term Category erotica adult-entertainment erótica adult-entertainment erotica adult-shop erótica adult-shop sex toy adult-shop sex toys adult-shop servicio de emergencia medica ambulance-services servicio de emergencia médica ambulance-services ciudad de hierro amusement-park ciudades de hierro amusement-park firmas de abogados attorney club de automovil automobile-club club de automóvil automobile-club clubes de automovil automobile-club clubes de automóvil automobile-club clubes de automoviles automobile-club clubes de automóviles automobile-club coche nuevo automobile-dealership-new-cars coches nuevos automobile-dealership-new-cars concesionario de coches nuevos automobile-dealership-new-cars concesionarios de coches nuevos automobile-dealership-new-cars coches usados automobile-dealership-used-cars concesionario de coches usados automobile-dealership-used-cars concesionarios de coches usados automobile-dealership-used-cars campo de baloncesto basketball campo de basquetbol basketball campo de básquetbol basketball campos de baloncesto basketball campos de basquetbol basketball campos de básquetbol basketball Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 305 ► API Reference Query Term Category cerveza beer cervezas beer cuerpo de agua body-of-water estudio de tattoo body-piercing-and-tattoos estudios de tattoo body-piercing-and-tattoos tatuajes body-piercing-and-tattoos libro bookshop tienda de libros bookshop tiendas de libros bookshop autobus bus-terminal autobús bus-terminal autobuses bus-terminal estación de autobuses bus-terminal estaciones de autobus bus-terminal estaciones de autobús bus-terminal estaciones terminales de buses bus-terminal terminal de ómnibus bus-terminal terminales de omnibus bus-terminal terminales de ómnibus bus-terminal acampamentos camping campamento de turismo camping campamentos camping campamentos de turismo camping automovil car automóvil car automoviles car automóviles car coche car coches car concesionario car-dealer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 306 ► API Reference Query Term Category concesionarios car-dealer vendedor de coches car-dealer vendedores de coches car-dealer venta de automoviles car-dealer venta de automóviles car-dealer venta de coches car-dealer casa de juego casino casas de juego casino casino de juego casino casinos de juego casino confeccion para ninos childrens-apparel confección para niños childrens-apparel empresa de confeccion para ninos childrens-apparel empresa de confección para niños childrens-apparel empresas de confeccion para ninos childrens-apparel empresas de confección para niños childrens-apparel tienda de confeccion para ninos childrens-apparel tienda de confección para niños childrens-apparel tiendas de confeccion para ninos childrens-apparel tiendas de confección para niños childrens-apparel empresa de confeccion clothing empresa de confección clothing empresas de confeccion clothing empresas de confección clothing tienda de confeccion clothing tienda de confección clothing tiendas de confeccion clothing tiendas de confección clothing centro cultural community-centre centros culturales community-centre Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 307 ► API Reference Query Term Category cercanias commuter-rail-station cercanías commuter-rail-station estacion de cercanias commuter-rail-station estación de cercanías commuter-rail-station estacion de trenes de cercanias commuter-rail-station estación de trenes de cercanías commuter-rail-station estaciones de cercanias commuter-rail-station estaciones de cercanías commuter-rail-station tren de cercanias commuter-rail-station tren de cercanías commuter-rail-station trenes de cercanias commuter-rail-station trenes de cercanías commuter-rail-station consulado consulate consulados consulate electronica de consumo consumer-electronics-store electrónica de consumo consumer-electronics-store tienda de conveniencia convenience-store tiendas de conveniencia convenience-store tribunal de justicia courthouse tribunales de justicia courthouse clinica dental dentist clínica dental dentist clinicas dentales dentist clínicas dentales dentist tienda de descuento discount-store tiendas de descuento discount-store bucear diving-centre buceo diving-centre limpieza seco dry-cleaning limpiezas seco dry-cleaning Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 308 ► API Reference Query Term Category centros educativos education-facility tienda de electronicas electronics-shop tienda de electrónicas electronics-shop tienda electronica electronics-shop tienda electrónica electronics-shop tiendas de electronicas electronics-shop tiendas de electrónicas electronics-shop tiendas electronicas electronics-shop tiendas electrónicas electronics-shop embajada embassy embajadas embassy centros de exhibicion exhibition-centre centros de exhibición exhibition-centre ferri ferry ferris ferry estanciones de ferry ferry-terminal terminales de ferris ferry-terminal transbordador ferry transbordadores ferry departamento de bomberos fire-department departamentos de bomberos fire-department estacion de bomberos fire-department estación de bomberos fire-department estaciones de bomberos fire-department gimnasio fitness-health-club gimnasios fitness-health-club alimento food director de pompas funebres funeral-director director de pompas fúnebres funeral-director directores de pompas funebres funeral-director Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 309 ► API Reference Query Term Category directores de pompas fúnebres funeral-director directores funerarios funeral-director director funerario funeral-director empresa de pompas funebres funeral-director empresa de pompas fúnebres funeral-director empresas de pompas funebres funeral-director empresas de pompas fúnebres funeral-director funeraria funeral-director funerarias funeral-director pompas funebres funeral-director pompas fúnebres funeral-director mobiliario furniture-store mobiliarios furniture-store mueble furniture-store muebleria furniture-store mueblería furniture-store mueblerias furniture-store mueblerías furniture-store muebles furniture-store tienda de muebles furniture-store tiendas de muebles furniture-store galeria de arte gallery galería de arte gallery centro de jardineria garden-center centro de jardinería garden-center centros de jardineria garden-center centros de jardinería garden-center minorista general-merchandise tienda de regalos gift-antique-and-art tiendas de regalos gift-antique-and-art Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 310 ► API Reference Query Term Category canchas de golf golf-course club de golf golf-course clubes de golf golf-course golf golf abaceria grocery abacería grocery abacerias grocery abacerías grocery colmado grocery colmados grocery pulperia grocery pulpería grocery pulperias grocery pulperías grocery tienda de ultramarinos grocery tiendas de ultramarinos grocery monumento historico historical-monument monumento histórico historical-monument hockey sobre hielo hockey ferreteria home-improvement-hardware-store ferretería home-improvement-hardware-store ferreterias home-improvement-hardware-store ferreterías home-improvement-hardware-store tienda de materiales de construccion home-improvement-hardware-store tienda de materiales de construcción home-improvement-hardware-store tiendas de materiales de construccion home-improvement-hardware-store tiendas de materiales de construcción home-improvement-hardware-store asistencia sanitaria hospital-health-care-facility hostales hostel agencia de colocacion human-resources-and-recruiting-services Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 311 ► API Reference Query Term Category agencia de colocación human-resources-and-recruiting-services agencias de colocacion human-resources-and-recruiting-services agencias de colocación human-resources-and-recruiting-services empresa de trabajo temporal human-resources-and-recruiting-services empresas de trabajo temporal human-resources-and-recruiting-services oficina de colocacion human-resources-and-recruiting-services oficina de colocación human-resources-and-recruiting-services oficinas de colocacion human-resources-and-recruiting-services oficinas de colocación human-resources-and-recruiting-services servicio de colocacion human-resources-and-recruiting-services servicio de colocación human-resources-and-recruiting-services servicios de colocacion human-resources-and-recruiting-services servicios de colocación human-resources-and-recruiting-services trabajo temporal human-resources-and-recruiting-services tramitacion de trabajo human-resources-and-recruiting-services tramitación de trabajo human-resources-and-recruiting-services areas industriales industrial-area áreas industriales industrial-area parque industrial industrial-area parques industriales industrial-area aeropuerto internacional international-airport aeropuertos internacionales international-airport cibercafe internet-cafe cibercafé internet-cafe cibercafes internet-cafe cibercafés internet-cafe locutorio internet-cafe locutorios internet-cafe musica de jazz jazz-club música de jazz jazz-club Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 312 ► API Reference Query Term Category karaoke karaoke educacion preescolar kindergarten educación preescolar kindergarten jardin de infancia kindergarten jardín de infancia kindergarten jardin de infantes kindergarten jardín de infantes kindergarten jardin de ninos kindergarten jardín de niños kindergarten jardines de infancia kindergarten jardines de infantes kindergarten jardines de ninos kindergarten jardines de niños kindergarten parvulario kindergarten parvularios kindergarten atracciones turisticas landmark-attraction atracciones turísticas landmark-attraction atraccion turistica landmark-attraction atracción turística landmark-attraction lugar de interes landmark-attraction lugar de interés landmark-attraction servicio de lavanderia laundry servicio de lavandería laundry servicios de lavanderia laundry servicios de lavandería laundry libro library cerrajeria locksmiths-and-security-systems-services cerrajería locksmiths-and-security-systems-services cerrajerias locksmiths-and-security-systems-services cerrajerías locksmiths-and-security-systems-services Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 313 ► API Reference Query Term Category servicio de cerrajeria locksmiths-and-security-systems-services servicio de cerrajería locksmiths-and-security-systems-services servicios de cerrajeria locksmiths-and-security-systems-services servicios de cerrajería locksmiths-and-security-systems-services loteria lottery-booth lotería lottery-booth loterias lottery-booth loterías lottery-booth loterias y apuestas del estado lottery-booth loterías y apuestas del estado lottery-booth centros de compras mall mercado market mercados market camiseria mens-apparel camisería mens-apparel camiserias mens-apparel camiserías mens-apparel moda masculina mens-apparel ropa de caballero mens-apparel tienda de moda masculina mens-apparel tienda de moda para caballeros mens-apparel tienda de ropa de caballero mens-apparel tienda de ropa de caballeros mens-apparel tiendas de moda masculina mens-apparel tiendas de moda para caballeros mens-apparel tiendas de ropa de caballero mens-apparel tiendas de ropa de caballeros mens-apparel celular mobile-retailer celulares mobile-retailer telefono celular mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 314 ► API Reference Query Term Category teléfono celular mobile-retailer telefono movil mobile-retailer teléfono móvil mobile-retailer telefono portatil mobile-retailer teléfono portátil mobile-retailer telefonos celulares mobile-retailer teléfonos celulares mobile-retailer telefonos moviles mobile-retailer teléfonos móviles mobile-retailer telefonos portatiles mobile-retailer teléfonos portátiles mobile-retailer mezquita mosque mezquitas mosque concesionario de motocicletas motorcycle-dealer concesionario motocicletas motorcycle-dealer concesionarios de motocicletas motorcycle-dealer concesionarios motocicletas motorcycle-dealer moto motorcycle-dealer motos motorcycle-dealer tienda de motocicletas motorcycle-dealer tienda motocicletas motorcycle-dealer tiendas de motocicletas motorcycle-dealer tiendas motocicletas motorcycle-dealer arreglo de motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance arreglo motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance arreglos de motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance arreglos motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance reparacion de motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance reparación de motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance reparaciones de motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 315 ► API Reference Query Term Category reparaciónes de motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance reparaciones motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance reparaciónes motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance reparacion motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance reparación motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance taller de motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance talleres de motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance talleres motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance taller motocicletas motorcycle-service-and-maintenance clubes nocturnos night-club club nocturno night-club ancianato nursing-home ancianatos nursing-home asilo de ancianos nursing-home asilos de ancianos nursing-home hogar de retiro nursing-home hogares de retiro nursing-home residencia de ancianos nursing-home residencia para ancianos nursing-home residencia para la tercera edad nursing-home residencias de ancianos nursing-home residencias para ancianos nursing-home residencias para la tercera edad nursing-home papeleria office-supply-and-services-store papelería office-supply-and-services-store papelerias office-supply-and-services-store papelerías office-supply-and-services-store optica optical óptica optical opticas optical Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 316 ► API Reference Query Term Category ópticas optical optico optical óptico optical opticos optical ópticos optical pintureria paint-store pinturería paint-store pinturerias paint-store pinturerías paint-store aparcamiento parking aparcamiento abierto parking aparcamientos parking aparcamientos abiertos parking area de estacionamiento abierta parking área de estacionamiento abierta parking estacionamientos parking garajes de estacionamiento parking-garage parkings parking parqueadero parking parqueaderos parking parquin parking parquins parking gasolineria petrol-station gasolinería petrol-station gasolinerias petrol-station gasolinerías petrol-station pajareria pet-supply pajarería pet-supply pajarerias pet-supply pajarerías pet-supply Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 317 ► API Reference Query Term Category tienda de animales pet-supply tienda de animales domesticos pet-supply tienda de animales domésticos pet-supply tiendas de animales pet-supply tiendas de animales domesticos pet-supply tiendas de animales domésticos pet-supply botica pharmacy boticas pharmacy oficina de farmacia pharmacy oficina farmacia pharmacy oficinas de farmacia pharmacy oficinas farmacia pharmacy estudio fotografico photography estudio fotográfico photography estudios fotograficos photography estudios fotográficos photography fotografia photography fotografía photography fotografias photography fotografías photography fotografico photography fotográfico photography fotograficos photography fotográficos photography fotografo photography fotógrafo photography fotografos photography fotógrafos photography aeropuerto deportivo public-sports-airport circuito de carreras race-track Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 318 ► API Reference Query Term Category circuitos de carreras race-track transbordador de trenes rail-ferry transbordadores de trenes rail-ferry inmobiliaria real-estate-and-brokers inmobiliarias real-estate-and-brokers propiedades inmobiliarias real-estate-and-brokers propiedad inmobiliaria real-estate-and-brokers agencia inmobiliaria realtor agencias inmobiliarias realtor agente de la propiedad inmobiliaria realtor agente inmobiliario realtor agentes de la propiedad inmobiliaria realtor agentes inmobiliarios realtor area de reposo rest-area área de reposo rest-area areas de reposo rest-area áreas de reposo rest-area barraca de tiro shooting-range barraca de tiro al blanco shooting-range barracas de tiro shooting-range barracas de tiro al blanco shooting-range campo de tiro shooting-range campos de tiro shooting-range caseta de tiro shooting-range caseta de tiro al blanco shooting-range casetas de tiro shooting-range casetas de tiro al blanco shooting-range estacion de esqui ski-resort estación de esquí ski-resort club de futbol soccer-club Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 319 ► API Reference Query Term Category club de fútbol soccer-club clubes de futbol soccer-club clubes de fútbol soccer-club futbol soccer-club fútbol soccer-club tienda de articulos deportivos sport-outdoor-shop tienda de artículos deportivos sport-outdoor-shop tiendas de articulos deportivos sport-outdoor-shop tiendas de artículos deportivos sport-outdoor-shop instalacion deportiva sports-facility-venue instalación deportiva sports-facility-venue instalaciones deportivas sports-facility-venue campo de deportes sports-field campos de deportes sports-field cancha de deportes sports-field canchas de deportes sports-field bomboneria sweet-shop bombonería sweet-shop bombonerias sweet-shop bombonerías sweet-shop confiteria sweet-shop confitería sweet-shop confiterias sweet-shop confiterías sweet-shop dulceria sweet-shop dulcería sweet-shop dulcerias sweet-shop dulcerías sweet-shop pileta swimming-pool pileta de natacion swimming-pool Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 320 ► API Reference Query Term Category pileta de natación swimming-pool piletas swimming-pool piletas de natacion swimming-pool piletas de natación swimming-pool sinagoga synagogue sinagogas synagogue cortador tailor-and-alteration cortadores tailor-and-alteration guarnecedor tailor-and-alteration guarnecedores tailor-and-alteration modista tailor-and-alteration modistas tailor-and-alteration modisto tailor-and-alteration modistos tailor-and-alteration sastra tailor-and-alteration sastras tailor-and-alteration sastre tailor-and-alteration sastreria tailor-and-alteration sastrería tailor-and-alteration sastrerias tailor-and-alteration sastrerías tailor-and-alteration sastres tailor-and-alteration asesores fiscales tax-service asesor fiscal tax-service salon de te tea salon de té tea salones de te tea salones de té tea teteria tea tetería tea Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 321 ► API Reference Query Term Category teterias tea teterías tea canchas de tenis tennis-court cambio de rueda tires cambio de ruedas tires neumatico tires neumático tires neumaticos tires neumáticos tires informaciones turisticas tourist-information informaciones turísticas tourist-information remolque towing-service remolques towing-service servicios de remolque towing-service servicios tecnicos de grua towing-service servicios técnicos de grúa towing-service traductor translation-and-interpretation-services traductores translation-and-interpretation-services estacion de subte underground-station estación de subte underground-station estaciones de subte underground-station subte underground-station segunda mano used-second-hand-merchandise-stores clinicas veterinarias veterinarian clínicas veterinarias veterinarian clinica veterinaria veterinarian clínica veterinaria veterinarian veterinaria veterinarian veterinarias veterinarian videoclub video-and-game-rental Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 322 ► API Reference Query Term Category videoclubes video-and-game-rental salones recreativos video-arcade-game-room salon recreativo video-arcade-game-room salón recreativo video-arcade-game-room licorerías wine-and-liquor bodega winery moda femenina womens-apparel ropa de dama womens-apparel ropa de damas womens-apparel ropa de mujer womens-apparel ropa de mujeres womens-apparel tienda de moda femenina womens-apparel tienda de ropa de damas womens-apparel tienda de ropa de mujer womens-apparel tienda de ropa de mujeres womens-apparel tiendas de moda femenina womens-apparel tiendas de ropa de damas womens-apparel tiendas de ropa de mujer womens-apparel tiendas de ropa de mujeres womens-apparel puerto deportivo yacht-basin jardines zoologicos zoo jardínes zoológicos zoo jardin zoologico zoo jardín zoológico zoo List of Supported Italian Category-like Query Terms Query Term Category alloggi accommodation alloggiamenti accommodation alloggiamento accommodation Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 323 ► API Reference Query Term Category sex-shop adult-shop agenzia pubblicitaria advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research agenzie pubblicitaria advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research servizi ambulanza ambulance-services servizi medichi di emergenza sanitaria ambulance-services servizio ambulanza ambulance-services servizio di ambulanza ambulance-services servizio medico di emergenza sanitaria ambulance-services lunaparchi amusement-park lunapark amusement-park parchi a tema amusement-park parchi di divertimenti amusement-park parchi di divertimento amusement-park parchi divertimento amusement-park parco di divertimenti amusement-park parco divertimento amusement-park abitazione apartment-rental-flat-rental appartamenti apartment-rental-flat-rental appartamento apartment-rental-flat-rental musei arte art-museum musei d'arte art-museum museo arte art-museum sportelli automatichi atm sportello automatico atm avvocati attorney studi legale attorney badminton badminton birreria bar-pub birrerie bar-pub basket basketball Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 324 ► API Reference Query Term Category alloggio e prima colazione bed-and-breakfast camera con colazione bed-and-breakfast pensione bed-and-breakfast birra beer birre beer negozi di bici bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop negozi di biciclette bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop negozio di bici bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop negozio di biciclette bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop bici bicycle biciclette bicycle riparazione bici bicycle-service-and-maintenance riparazione biciclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance riparazione di bici bicycle-service-and-maintenance riparazione di biciclette bicycle-service-and-maintenance corpo d'acqua body-of-water autostazioni bus-terminal stazione autobus bus-terminal stazioni autocorriere bus-terminal automobile car autovettura car autovetture car concessionaria car-dealer concessionaria auto car-dealer concessionaria d'auto car-dealer concessionarie car-dealer concessionarie auto car-dealer concessionarie d'auto car-dealer venditore d'automobili car-dealer macchina car Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 325 ► API Reference Query Term Category macchine car noleggi auto car-rental noleggio auto car-rental autofficina car-repair autofficina di riparazioni car-repair autofficine car-repair autofficine di riparazioni car-repair autorimessa car-repair autorimesse car-repair carrozzeria car-repair carrozzerie car-repair riparazione auto car-repair riparazione macchina car-repair riparazione macchine car-repair riparazioni auto car-repair riparazioni macchina car-repair riparazioni macchine car-repair casa da gioco casino case da gioco casino abbigliamenti bambini childrens-apparel abbigliamenti bambino childrens-apparel abbigliamenti da bambini childrens-apparel abbigliamenti da bambino childrens-apparel abbigliamenti per bambini childrens-apparel abbigliamenti per bambino childrens-apparel abbigliamento bambini childrens-apparel abbigliamento bambino childrens-apparel abbigliamento da bambini childrens-apparel abbigliamento da bambino childrens-apparel abbigliamento per bambini childrens-apparel Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 326 ► API Reference Query Term Category abbigliamento per bambino childrens-apparel sale cinematografiche cinema abbigliamenti clothing negozi abbigliamento clothing negozi di abbigliamento clothing negozi di vestiti clothing negozio abbigliamento clothing negozio di abbigliamento clothing negozio di vestiti clothing negozio vestiti clothing negozi vestiti clothing caffetteria coffee caffetterie coffee servizio ferroviario suburbano commuter-rail-station stazione di mezzi regionali commuter-rail-station costruzione construction consolati consulate consolato consulate elettronica di consumo consumer-electronics-store negozio per elettronica consumer-electronics-store negozio per elettronica di consumo consumer-electronics-store negozi per elettronica consumer-electronics-store negozi per elettronica di consumo consumer-electronics-store scuola di ballo dancing scuole di ballo dancing odontoiatra dentist odontoiatri dentist discount discount-store centri immersioni diving-centre centro immersioni diving-centre Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 327 ► API Reference Query Term Category dive center diving-centre dive centers diving-centre diving center diving-centre diving centers diving-centre immersione diving-centre immersione subacquea diving-centre scuba diving-centre subacquea diving-centre medici di base doctor medici di famiglia doctor medici di medicina generale doctor medici generici doctor medico di base doctor medico di medicina generale doctor medico generico doctor drogheria drug-store drogherie drug-store lavaggio a secco dry-cleaning pulitura a secco dry-cleaning educazione education-facility negozi di elettronica electronics-shop negozio di elettronica electronics-shop ambasciata embassy ambasciate embassy prova di emissione emission-testing prove di emissione emission-testing centri congressi fair-convention-facility centro congressi fair-convention-facility traghetti ferry traghetto ferry Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 328 ► API Reference Query Term Category cucina raffinata fine-dining fitness-health-club centri di fitness centro di fitness fitness-health-club becchini funeral-director becchino funeral-director impresa di pompe funebri funeral-director imprese di pompe funebri funeral-director necrofori funeral-director necroforo funeral-director pompe funebri funeral-director arredamento furniture-store mobili furniture-store mobilia furniture-store negozi di mobili furniture-store negozi mobili furniture-store negozio di mobili furniture-store negozio mobili furniture-store galleria d'arte gallery vendita al dettaglio general-merchandise vetreria glass-and-window vetrerie glass-and-window golf golf alimentari grocery cibaria grocery foresteria guest-house foresterie guest-house edificio storico historical-monument musei di storia history-museum museo di storia history-museum hockey su ghiaccio hockey Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 329 ► API Reference Query Term Category bricolage home-improvement-hardware-store centri fai-da te home-improvement-hardware-store centro fai-da te home-improvement-hardware-store fai da te home-improvement-hardware-store ferramenta home-improvement-hardware-store mercati dell'edilizia home-improvement-hardware-store mercato dell'edilizia home-improvement-hardware-store negozi di ferramenta home-improvement-hardware-store negozio di ferramenta home-improvement-hardware-store assistenza sanitaria hospital-health-care-facility agenzia per il lavoro human-resources-and-recruiting-services agenzie per il lavoro human-resources-and-recruiting-services collocamento human-resources-and-recruiting-services mediazione di lavoro human-resources-and-recruiting-services uffici collocamento human-resources-and-recruiting-services uffici di collocamento human-resources-and-recruiting-services ufficio collocamento human-resources-and-recruiting-services ufficio di collocamento human-resources-and-recruiting-services pattinaggio ice-skating pista di pattinaggio ice-skating piste di pattinaggio ice-skating zona industriale industrial-area zone industriale industrial-area aeroporti internazionali international-airport aeroporto internazionale international-airport internet cafe internet-cafe internet café internet-cafe internet point internet-cafe asili di infanzia kindergarten asili d'infanzia kindergarten Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 330 ► API Reference Query Term Category asili infantili kindergarten asili nido kindergarten asilo di infanzia kindergarten asilo d'infanzia kindergarten asilo infantile kindergarten asilo nido kindergarten giardini di infanzia kindergarten giardini d'infanzia kindergarten giardino di infanzia kindergarten giardino d'infanzia kindergarten scuola dell'infanzia kindergarten scuola materna kindergarten scuole dell'infanzia kindergarten scuole materne kindergarten lavanderia a gettone laundry lavanderie a gettone laundry servizi duplicazioni chiavi locksmiths-and-security-systems-services servizio duplicazioni chiavi locksmiths-and-security-systems-services mercati market mercato market abbigliamento da uomo mens-apparel abbigliamento maschile mens-apparel abbigliamento per uomo mens-apparel negozi d'abbigliamento da uomo mens-apparel negozi d'abbigliamento maschile mens-apparel negozi d'abbigliamento per uomo mens-apparel negozio d'abbigliamento da uomo mens-apparel negozio d'abbigliamento maschile mens-apparel negozio d'abbigliamento per uomo mens-apparel cellulare mobile-retailer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 331 ► API Reference Query Term Category cellulari mobile-retailer telefoni cellulari mobile-retailer telefonini mobile-retailer telefonino mobile-retailer telefono cellulare mobile-retailer moschea mosque moschee mosque moto motorcycle-dealer motocicletta motorcycle-dealer motociclette motorcycle-dealer motocicli motorcycle-dealer motociclo motorcycle-dealer officina di moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance officina di riparazioni moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance officina di riparazioni per moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance officine di moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance officine di riparazioni moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance officine di riparazioni per moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance riparazione di moto motorcycle-service-and-maintenance discoteca night-club discoteche night-club locale notturno night-club locali notturni night-club casa di riposo nursing-home casa per anziani nursing-home case di riposo nursing-home case per anziani nursing-home articoli di cancelleria office-supply-and-services-store cancelleria office-supply-and-services-store autosili parking-garage Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 332 ► API Reference Query Term Category autosilo parking-garage parcheggi parking parcheggi all'aperto parking parcheggio all'aperto parking posteggi parking posteggio parking area di servizio petrol-station carburante petrol-station distributore petrol-station distributore carburante petrol-station distributore di benzina petrol-station distributore di carburante petrol-station distributori petrol-station distributori benzina petrol-station distributori carburante petrol-station distributori di benzina petrol-station distributori di carburante petrol-station rifornimento petrol-station stazione rifornimento petrol-station stazioni rifornimento petrol-station negozi animali pet-supply negozio animali pet-supply medicina pharmacy fotografi photography fotografia photography fotografo photography questure police-station stazioni di polizia police-station uffici postale post-office aeroporto sportivo public-sports-airport Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 333 ► API Reference Query Term Category agente immobiliare realtor agenti immobiliari realtor area di servizio rest-area area servizio rest-area area sosta rest-area aree di servizio rest-area aree servizio rest-area aree sosta rest-area luoghi di sosta rest-area luoghi sosta rest-area luogo di sosta rest-area luogo sosta rest-area piazzola di sosta rest-area piazzola sosta rest-area piazzole di sosta rest-area piazzole sosta rest-area trattoria restaurant trattorie restaurant poligono di tiro shooting-range bottega shop botteghe shop sciovia ski-lift sciovie ski-lift stazione sciistica ski-resort club di calcio soccer-club negozi di articoli sportivi sporting-goods-store negozio di articoli sportivi sporting-goods-store sport sport supermercati supermarket supermercato supermarket Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 334 ► API Reference Query Term Category confetteria sweet-shop confetterie sweet-shop negozi di dolciumi sweet-shop negozio di dolciumi sweet-shop sinagoga synagogue sinagoghe synagogue sarti tailor-and-alteration sarto tailor-and-alteration sartoria tailor-and-alteration sartorie tailor-and-alteration autopubblica taxi autopubbliche taxi posteggi di taxi taxi-stand posteggio di taxi taxi-stand commercialista tax-service cambio dei pneumatichi tires cambio della gomma tires cambio di gomma tires cambio di pneumatico tires pneumatichi tires pneumatico tires ente del turismo tourist-information ente per il turismo tourist-information ente turistico tourist-information enti del turismo tourist-information enti per il turismo tourist-information enti turistico tourist-information uffici del turismo tourist-information ufficio del turismo tourist-information rimorchio towing-service Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 335 ► API Reference Query Term Category traduttore translation-and-interpretation-services traduttori translation-and-interpretation-services agenzia turistica travel-agency agenzie di viaggio travel-agency agenzie turistica travel-agency agenzie viaggi travel-agency metropolitana underground-station stazione metro underground-station stazioni metro underground-station mercatini dell'usato used-second-hand-merchandise-stores mercatino dell'usato used-second-hand-merchandise-stores veterinaria veterinarian videoteca video-and-game-rental videoteche video-and-game-rental bottiglieria wine-and-liquor bottiglierie wine-and-liquor enoteca wine-and-liquor enoteche wine-and-liquor fiaschetteria wine-and-liquor fiaschetterie wine-and-liquor negozi di vini wine-and-liquor negozio di vini wine-and-liquor casa vinicola winery case vinicole winery vigneti winery vigneto winery abbigliamento da donna womens-apparel abbigliamento per donna womens-apparel moda femminile womens-apparel negozi di abbigliamento da donna womens-apparel Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 336 ► API Reference Query Term Category negozi di abbigliamento per donna womens-apparel negozi di moda femminile womens-apparel negozio di abbigliamento da donna womens-apparel negozio di abbigliamento per donna womens-apparel negozio di moda femminile womens-apparel porto turistico yacht-basin giardini zoologici zoo giardino zoologico zoo parchi zoologici zoo List of Supported Turkish Category-like Query Terms Query Term Category reklam ajansi advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research reklam ajansı advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research reklam ajanslari advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research reklam ajansları advertising-marketing-pr-and-market-research tema parklari amusement-park tema parkları amusement-park akvaryumlar aquarium sanat muezeleri art-museum sanat müzeleri art-museum atm/banka/doeviz buerosu atm-bank-exchange atm/banka/döviz bürosu atm-bank-exchange otomobil kuluepleri automobile-club otomobil kulüpleri automobile-club yeni araba automobile-dealership-new-cars i#kinci el otomobil saticilari automobile-dealership-used-cars yeni araba bayi automobile-dealership-new-cars i#kinci el otomobil satıcıları automobile-dealership-used-cars plajlar beach Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 337 ► API Reference Query Term Category oda kahvalti bed-and-breakfast oda kahvaltı bed-and-breakfast oda ve kahvalti bed-and-breakfast oda ve kahvaltı bed-and-breakfast bira beer bisiklet magazalari bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop bisiklet mağazaları bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop bisiklet magazasi bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop bisiklet mağazası bicycle-and-bicycle-accessories-shop bisiklet tamir bicycle-service-and-maintenance bisiklet tamir atoelyeleri bicycle-service-and-maintenance bisiklet tamir atölyeleri bicycle-service-and-maintenance bisiklet tamircisi bicycle-service-and-maintenance guemruek kontrol noktasi border-crossing gümrük kontrol noktası border-crossing otogar bus-terminal otogarlar bus-terminal araba car arabalar car araba bayisi car-dealer araba saticilari car-dealer araba satıcıları car-dealer araba saticisi car-dealer araba satıcısı car-dealer otomobil saticilari car-dealer otomobil satıcıları car-dealer otomobil saticisi car-dealer otomobil satıcısı car-dealer oto saticilari car-dealer oto satıcıları car-dealer Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 338 ► API Reference Query Term Category oto saticisi car-dealer oto satıcısı car-dealer satici car-dealer satıcı car-dealer otomobil car otomobiler car araba parcalari car-parts-and-accessories araba parçaları car-parts-and-accessories oto kiralama car-rental otomobil kiralama car-rental kumarhaneler casino mezarliklar cemetery mezarlıklar cemetery cocuk muezeleri childrens-museum cocuk muezesi childrens-museum çocuk müzeleri childrens-museum çocuk müzesi childrens-museum kafe coffee banliyoe treni commuter-rail-station banliyö treni commuter-rail-station insaat sirketi construction inşaat şirketi construction insaat sirketleri construction inşaat şirketleri construction konsolosluk consulate konsolosluklar consulate tueketici elektronigi consumer-electronics-store tüketici elektroniği consumer-electronics-store dis hekimleri dentist diş hekimleri dentist Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 339 ► API Reference Query Term Category dalis diving-centre dalış diving-centre dalis merkezi diving-centre dalış merkezi diving-centre dalis merkezleri diving-centre dalış merkezleri diving-centre kuru temizleme dry-cleaning kuru temizlemeci dry-cleaning kuru temizleyiciler dry-cleaning elcilik embassy elçilik embassy elcilikler embassy elçilikler embassy egzoz gazi emission-testing egzoz gazı emission-testing goesteri merkezi fair-convention-facility gösteri merkezi fair-convention-facility feribot ferry feribotlar ferry itfaiye oerguetue fire-department itfaiye örgütü fire-department spor salonlari fitness-health-club spor salonları fitness-health-club spor salonu fitness-health-club yiyecek food cenaze funeral-director mobilya furniture-store mobilya magazalari furniture-store mobilya mağazaları furniture-store mobilya magazasi furniture-store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 340 ► API Reference Query Term Category mobilya mağazası furniture-store sanat galerileri gallery sanat galerisi gallery bahce merkezi garden-center bahçe merkezi garden-center bahce merkezleri garden-center bahçe merkezleri garden-center perakendecilik general-merchandise golf kursu golf-course golf sahalari golf-course golf sahaları golf-course misafirhane guest-house tarih muezeleri history-museum tarih muezesi history-museum tarih müzeleri history-museum tarih müzesi history-museum buz hokeyi hockey nalbur duekkani home-improvement-hardware-store nalbur dükkânı home-improvement-hardware-store hosteller hostel pansiyonlar hostel buz pateni pisti ice-skating buz paten pistleri ice-skating caz jazz-club caz kulübü jazz-club caz kuluebue jazz-club caz kuluepleri jazz-club caz kulüpleri jazz-club caz muezigi jazz-club caz müziği jazz-club Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 341 ► API Reference Query Term Category anaokulu kindergarten camasir laundry çamaşır laundry camasirhane laundry çamaşırhane laundry camasirhaneler laundry çamaşırhaneler laundry kuetuephaneler library kütüphaneler library cilingir locksmiths-and-security-systems-services çilingir locksmiths-and-security-systems-services kilit ustasi locksmiths-and-security-systems-services kilit ustası locksmiths-and-security-systems-services piyango lottery-booth avm mall pazar market pazarlar market cep telefonu mobile-retailer motorsiklet bayi motorcycle-dealer motorsiklet bayileri motorcycle-dealer motorsikletler motorcycle-dealer film movie filmler movie muezeler museum müzeler museum gece kulübü night-club gece kuluebue night-club gece kuluepleri night-club gece kulüpleri night-club huzurevi nursing-home Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 342 ► API Reference Query Term Category huzurevleri nursing-home kirtasiye office-supply-and-services-store kırtasiye office-supply-and-services-store goezluekcue optical goezluekcueler optical gözlükçü optical gözlükçüler optical optisyen optical acik park yeri parking açık park yeri parking katli otopark parking-garage katlı otopark parking-garage otoparklar parking-garage otopark parking park alani parking park alanı parking park yerleri parking pet magazalari pet-supply pet mağazaları pet-supply pet magazasi pet-supply pet mağazası pet-supply fotografci photography fotoğrafçı photography fotografcilar photography fotoğrafçılar photography fotografcilik photography fotoğrafçılık photography fotoğraf stüdyoları photography fotoğraf stüdyosu photography fotograf stuedyolari photography Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 343 ► API Reference Query Term Category fotograf stuedyosu photography polis karakollar police-station polis merkezi police-station polis merkezleri police-station gar railway-station gayrimenkul real-estate-and-brokers emlakci realtor emlâkçı realtor emlakcilar realtor emlakçılar realtor film magaza record-cd-and-video film mağaza record-cd-and-video film magazalari record-cd-and-video film mağazaları record-cd-and-video okul school okullar school bilim muezeleri science-museum bilim muezesi science-museum bilim müzeleri science-museum bilim müzesi science-museum ayakkabi shoes-footwear ayakkabı shoes-footwear ayakkabi magazalari shoes-footwear ayakkabı mağazaları shoes-footwear ayakkabi magazasi shoes-footwear ayakkabı mağazası shoes-footwear poligon shooting-range teleski ski-lift futbol soccer-club futbol kulübü soccer-club Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 344 ► API Reference Query Term Category futbol kuluebue soccer-club futbol kuluepleri soccer-club futbol kulüpleri soccer-club spor ekipmani sporting-goods-store spor ekipmanı sporting-goods-store spor magazalari sporting-goods-store spor mağazaları sporting-goods-store spor magazasi sporting-goods-store spor mağazası sporting-goods-store spor alani sports-field spor alanı sports-field spor zemin sports-field spor sport stadyumlar stadium suepermarket supermarket suepermarketler supermarket süpermarket supermarket süpermarketler supermarket havuz swimming-pool yuezme havuzlar swimming-pool yüzme havuzlar swimming-pool havra synagogue havralar synagogue sinagog synagogue sinagoglar synagogue terzi tailor-and-alteration terziler tailor-and-alteration taksi duraglari taxi-stand taksi durağları taxi-stand taksiler taxi Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 345 ► API Reference Query Term Category tenis kortlari tennis-court tenis kortları tennis-court tiyatrolar theatre otomobil lastikleri tires tuvalet toilet tuvaletler toilet turistik tourist-attraction turistik bilgiler tourist-information cevirmen translation-and-interpretation-services çevirmen translation-and-interpretation-services cevirmenler translation-and-interpretation-services çevirmenler translation-and-interpretation-services kamyon tamir truck-repair metro istasyonu underground-station veterinerler veterinarian video kuetuephanesi video-and-game-rental video kütüphanesi video-and-game-rental atari salonu video-arcade-game-room kadin giysileri womens-apparel kadın giysileri womens-apparel kadin moda womens-apparel kadın moda womens-apparel List of Supported Chain-like Query Terms Chain Name Query Term Best Western best western hotel BP • bp petrol station • stacja benzynowa bp Hess Express hess express Lakeshore Learning lakeshore learning Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 346 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Mobil mobil gas station TOTAL station service total MORRISONS morisons Sheraton • sheraton • sheraton hotel TAMOIL tamoil REPSOL gasolinera repsol Bancolombia cajero bancolombia Radisson Edwardian Hotels • radisson edwa • radisson edwardian hotels Chevron chevron gas Davivienda cajero davivienda ARCO arco Cenex cenex Exxon exxon gas station COURTYARD by Marriott courtyard mariott Drury Inn drury inn & suites Fairfield Inn by Marriott fairfield inn by marriott Homewood Suites homewood suites Omni Hotels omni hotels Red Carpet Inn red carpet inn Sleep Inn sleep inn Sleep Inn sleep inn & suites LEXUS lexus TOYOTA toyota Mercedes-Benz • mercedes • mercedes-benz RENAULT renault OPEL opel Volkswagen volkswagen Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 347 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term PEUGEOT peugeot Lincoln lincoln Ford ford ALFA ROMEO alfa romeo ASTON MARTIN aston martin Audi audi BENTLEY bentley Bugatti bugatti BUICK buick Cadillac cadillac CHEVROLET chevrolet CHRYSLER chrysler CITROËN citroen DAIHATSU daihatsu DODGE dodge Ferrari ferrari FIAT fiat GM gm GMC gmc HYUNDAI hyundai INFINITI infiniti ISUZU isuzu Jeep jeep KIA kia LAMBORGHINI lamborghini LANCIA lancia MASERATI maserati MITSUBISHI mitsubishi MORGAN morgan NISSAN nissan Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 348 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term PORSCHE porsche SAAB saab SEAT seat SKODA skoda SsangYong ssangyong SUBARU subaru SUZUKI suzuki TRIUMPH triumph VAUXHALL vauxhall VOLVO volvo Microtel Inns & Suites microtel inns & suites Budget • budget car rental • budget rental Holiday Stationstores holiday gas station Kum & Go kum & go Love's Country Store love's country store Speedway speedway gas Speedway speedway gas station United Dairy Farmers united dairy farmers Thrifty thrifty MACDONALD • macdonald • macdonald hotel Uno-X uno-x CUMULUS cumulus CUMULUS hotelli cumulus Valero valero gas station Pap Oil papoil Slovnaft slovnaft FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON • four points by sheraton • sheraton-four points Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 349 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term MAYBACH maybach HUMMER hummer ORLEN • orlen • stacja orlen Eurooil eurooil smart smart Budgens budgens Marks & Spencer marks and spenser HSBC cajero hsbc halfords autocentre halfords autocentre Hi-Q hi-q National Tyres & Autocare national tyres & autocare SEB seb LIDL liddl Holden holden PROTON proton Midas midas auto service & tires Associated Bank associated bank BancFirst bancfirst BancorpSouth bancorpsouth Bank of America • b of a • bank of america • bank america • bank if america • bank of america cash machine Bank of Hawaii bank of hawaii BMO Bank of Montreal bmo bank of montreal Banque Scotia banque scotia Chase chace bank Comerica comerica First Federal first federal Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 350 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Hancock Bank hancock bank Harris Bank harris bank The Huntington National Bank hunington bank M&T Bank m and t bank MidFirst Bank midfirst bank Northern Trust northern trust PNC Bank pnc atm Regions region bank RBC Royal Bank rbc banque royale Scotiabank banco scotiabank Gloria Jean's gloria jean's Peet's Coffee & Tea peets coffee Starbucks • closest starbucks • srarbucks • starbucka • starbuks • startbucks • statbucks • sturbucks Tim Hortons tim horton Kings Super Markets kings super markets Nob Hill Foods nob hill foods Save-A-Lot sav a lot Trader Joe's traders joe Trader Joe's traider joes Whole Foods whole fooda Whole Foods whole foods markets Duane Reade duane reade Duane Reade dwayne reed Meijer Pharmacy meijer pharmacy Publix publix grocery store Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 351 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Rite Aid • rite aid pharmacy • rite aide Stop & Shop stop n shop Walgreens • walgreens • walgreena • walgteens • walgreens pharmacy AVIS avis car rental Dollar Rent A Car • dollar car rental • dollar rent a car • ben & jerry's • ben and jerry • ben and jerrys • bobs big boy • bobs big boys Ben & Jerry's Big Boy Bonefish Grill bonefish Buffalo Wild Wings • bufalo wild wings • bufflo wild wings • burger king • berger king BURGER KING Carl's Jr carl jr Carrabba's Italian Grill • carabbas • carrabbas Champps champps Chick-fil-A • chic filet • chick filet • chick fill a • chik filet Chili's Grill & Bar chiles Chipotle • chipoltle • chipotles Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 352 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term • chiptole Chuck E Cheese's chuckee cheese Church's Chicken church chicken Dairy Queen diary queen Del Taco • del taco • del taci • dell taco • denneys • dennys restaurant Denny's Dunkin' Donuts donkin donuts Fosters Freeze fosters freeze Godfather's godfather's Hard Rock CAFE • hard rock cafe • hard rok caffe • joe crab shack • joes crab Joe's Crab Shack KFC kentucky fried chicken Little Caesars • little caesers • little ceaser • little ceaser pizza • little cesar pizza • little cesars pizza Lone Star Steakhouse lone star steakhouse Max & Erma's max & erma's McDonald's • mac do • mccdonalds • mcdinalds • mcdobalds • mcdonalda • mcdonaldd • mcdonalfs • mcdonlds Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 353 ► API Reference Chain Name Panera Bread Papa John's Query Term • mcdonnalds • mec donalds • mecdonald • panara • panara bread • papa john • pizza papa johns Papa Romano's papa romano's Perkins perkins restaurant Pizza Hut • pizza hut • pizza hit • pizza hutt • puzza hut • popeyes • popeys • popyes Popeyes Rally's rally's hamburgers Red Robin • red robin • red robbin • red robin gourmet burgers & spirits • red robin restaurant • red robins Romano's Macaroni Grill macroni grill sbarro sbarro Steak n Shake steak & shake Black Angus Steakhouse black angus SUBWAY sabway TGI Friday's • t.g.l friday's • tgi friday's Wendy's wendeys Whataburger wataburger Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 354 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Wienerschnitzel weinerschnitzel Applebee's applebee Arby's arby Baja Fresh baja fresh mexican grill Cottage Inn Pizza cottage inn pizza Cracker Barrel Old Country Store • crackel barrel • cracker barrell • crackle barrel IHOP ihope IHOP international house of pancakes Jack in the Box • jack and the box • jack in box • jimmie johns • jimmy john Jimmy John's Round Table Pizza round table AAMCO Transmissions aamco ABRA Autobody & Glass abra autobody & glass Christian Brothers Automotive christian brothers automotive Express Oil Change express oil change Jiffy Lube jiffy Monro Muffler Brake & Service monro muffler brake & service Pep Boys • pep boys auto parts & service • pepboy Valvoline Instant Oil Change valvoline Banca Popolare di Bergamo banca popolare di bergamo Banca Popolare di Novara banca popolare di novara Banca Popolare di Vicenza banca popolare di vicenza BPM BANCA POPOLARE DI MILANO bpm banca popolare di milano Banco di Brescia banco di brescia BBVA cajero bbva Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 355 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term UniCredit Banca banca unicredit Baymont Inn & Suites • baymont inn & suites • baymont inn and suites Acme Markets acme markets Bruegger's bruegger's Carvel carvel ice cream Cheesecake Factory cheescake factory Cici's Pizza • cici's pizza • cicis pizzas Dave & Busters david and buster Daylight Donuts daylight donuts Golden Corral golden carrol Krispy Kreme krispy kream donuts On the Border • on the boarder • on the border mexican cafe Ralphs ralphs grocery store Ruth's Chris Steak House ruths chris SASOL • sasol • sasol garage Al Tazaj al tazaj Debonairs Pizza debonairs Syndicate Bank syndicate bank atm Uco Bank uco bank atm Union Bank of India union bank of india atm Banca Popolare Dell'Emilia Romagna banca popolare dell'emilia romagna Banca Popolare di Sondrio banca popolare di sondrio GE Money Bank ge money bank Santander • santander • santander banks Sparda Bank sparda bank Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 356 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Alnatura alnatura marché franprix marché franprix Andhra Bank andhra bank atm ANZ • anz atm • anz bank • atm (anz) Bank of Baroda bank of baroda atm Corporation Bank corporation bank atm Hdfc Bank hdfc bank atm Ing Vysya ing vysya Oriental Bank of Commerce obc bank State Bank of India state bank of india atm Hilton Garden Inn hilton garden Staybridge Suites • staybridge • staybridge suites Maggiano's magianos T-Mobile t mobil AMC Theatres • amc loews • amc theatres • hom depot • home depit • hone depot Home Depot Éléphant Bleu éléphant bleu Best Buy • beat buy • best buy store • dicks sport • dicks sporting good • ross department store • ross dress • targer Dick's Sporting Goods Ross Dress For Less Target Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 357 ► API Reference Chain Name Kohl's Query Term • targey • kohl • kolhs Lowe's lowes hardware Walmart • wakmart • walkmart • walmaet • walmark • walmarts • walmatt • wamart • wolmart Auntie Anne's auntie anne's City Gross city gross Coop Forum coop forum Coop Konsum coop konsum Kvickly kvickly Selver selver Superbest superbest Superbrugsen superbrugsen Superquinn superquinn valintatalo valintatalo Park Inn • park inn • park inn hotel • absa atm • absa bank ABSA African Bank african bank ALPHA BANK alpha bank Banc Post banc post Banco do Brasil banco brasil Bank Austria bank austria Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 358 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Bank of Cyprus bank of cyprus Bank BPH bank bph getin bank getin bank Hamburger Sparkasse hamburger sparkasse Handelsbanken handelsbanken Millennium Bank millennium bank Nedbank nedbank atm PKO Bank Polski bank pko Postfinance postfinance Supa Quick supa quick DACIA dacia Odeon • cinema odeon • odeon • showcase • showcase cinema Showcase Village Cinemas village cinemas Carino's Italian Grill carino's italian grill Don Pablo's Mexican Kitchen • don pablo's • don pablo's mexican kitchen • tamilnad mercantile bank • tamilnadu mercantile bank Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Mahindra mahindra MARUTI SUZUKI maruti suzuki TATA tata Boulanger boulanger La Plateforme du Bâtiment la plateforme du bâtiment Bricomarché bricomarché Toys"R"Us toys are us Zaxby's zaxby bd's Mongolian Grill bd's mongolian barbeque Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 359 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term California Tortilla california tortilla Crispers crispers Famous Dave's famous dave's bar-b-que Ivar's ivars salmon house Jack Astor's jack astor's Jason's Deli jason deli LePeep Restaurant lepeep restaurant Mazzio's mazzio's Olga's Kitchen olga's kitchen Pepe's Mexican Restaurant pepe's mexican restaurant Port of Subs port of subs Potbelly Sandwich Shop potbelly sandwich shop Rafferty's rafferty's Robeks robeks Rock Bottom rock bottom brewery restaurant Saladworks saladworks Thundercloud Subs thundercloud subs Wetzel's Pretzels wetzel's pretzels Yard House • yard house • yardhouse bar & grill Aladdin's Eatery aladdin's eatery Nordstrom nordstorm Pier 1 Imports pier one imports Office Depot ofice depot Bank Central Asia bank central asia Bank Danamon bank danamon Bank Indonesia bank indonesia CIMB Niaga cimb niaga Permata Bank permata bank Perodua perodua Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 360 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Bhpetrol bhpetrol IKEA ικεα Costco costci Marshalls marshalls department store Euronet bankomat euronet Interdiscount interdiscount ELKJØP elkjøp Towneplace Suites • towneplace suites • townplace suites Panchero's Mexican Grill panchero's mexican grill Nickelodeon Family Suites nickelodeon family suites CORVETTE corvette Pum Plastiques pum plastiques Cheeburger Cheeburger cheeburger cheeburger Claim Jumper • claim jumper restaurant • claim jumpers Red Hot & Blue red hot & blue Juan Pollo juan pollo Napa Auto Parts napa auto Kal Tire kal tire O'Reilly Auto Parts • o'rilley's auto parts • oreily auto parts • oriellys auto parts Happy Center happy center H&R Block hnr block Sultanahmet Köftecisi sultanahmet köftecisi Terpel terpel Macro • banco macro • macro Banco de Chile banco de chile Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 361 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term BCI bci Zaffari zaffari Marble Slab Creamery marble slab Banco Mercantil banco mercantil Winchell's winchell's BIPA bipa Casual Male casual male Coldwater Creek coldwater creek Motherhood Maternity motherhood maternity New York & Company • new york & company • new york and company Shoe Dept shoe dept Stride Rite stride rite Torrid torrid Wet Seal wet seal White House-Black Market white house-black market BLOKKER blokker Crown Fried Chicken crown fried chicken Catherines catherines OshKosh B'gosh oshkosh b'gosh Timberland • timberland • timberland store KONZUM konzum Diamond Bank diamond bank Guaranty Trust Bank guaranty trust bank Caixa Geral de Depósitos caixa geral de depósitos Minipreço minipreço Caisse Populaire Desjardins caisse populaire desjardins Food Basics food basics Milestone's milestone's Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 362 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term White Spot white spot Jean Coutu jean coutu Home Hardware home hardware Berliner Volksbank berliner volksbank Hamburger Volksbank hamburger volksbank Sparkasse KölnBonn sparkasse kölnbonn THE BISHOPS ARMS the bishops arms Peek & Cloppenburg peek & cloppenburg citi handlowy citi handlowy mBank mbank Santander CONSUMER BANK santander consumer bank Kruidvat kruidvat Barnes & Noble Booksellers barns and nobles Unicredit Tiriac Bank unicredit țiriac bank Cec Bank cec bank Sushi Itto sushi itto Benedetti's benedetti's Potzollcalli potzollcalli Italianni's italianni's El Pollo Pepe el pollo pepe Afirme afirme Banamex • banco banamex • cajero banamex BANBAJIO banbajio Banorte cajero banorte Bbva Bancomer cajero bancomer Farmacias Benavides farmacia benavides Curves curves promod promod McCafé mccafé Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 363 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Block House block house steakrestaurant DRESSMANN dressmann FONA fona jem & fix jem & fix marimekko marimekko Vinmonopolet vinmonopolet Droga Raia droga raia Erfurter Bank erfurter bank Bhs bhs Dorothy Perkins dorothy perkins Fat Face fat face London Camera Exchange london camera exchange Miss Selfridge miss selfridge Primark • primark • primark stores ltd Richer Sounds richer sounds Sportsdirect.Com FirstMerit Bank firstmerit bank Flagstar Bank flagstar bank Sterling Savings Bank sterling savings bank Trustmark National Bank trustmark national bank Umpqua Bank umpqua bank Washington Federal Savings washington federal savings Webster Bank webster bank Whitney Bank whitney bank St Louis Bread Co st louis bread co SUOMALAINEN KIRJAKAUPPA suomalainen kirjakauppa Great Wall Motor great wall motor Dollar Bank dollar bank First Hawaiian Bank first hawaiian bank Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 364 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Fulton Bank fulton bank Nevada State Bank nevada state bank Banco Ahorro Famsa banco ahorro famsa Fiesta Americana fiesta americana SPC spc Incredible Connection incredible connection Cashbuild cashbuild Mr Price Home mr price home Waltons waltons Stein Mart stain mart Ledo Pizza and Pasta • ledo pizza • ledo pizza and pasta Oil Can Henry's oil can henry's BED BATH & BEYOND bed bath Giant Pharmacy giant pharmacy Glasfit glasfit sasol delight! sasol delight! MATRIX WAREHOUSE COMPUTERS matrix warehouse computers Virgin mobile virgin mobile GOLDWAGEN goldwagen Quick Chek quick chek Spur Steak Ranches spur steak ranches POSB posb UOB uob bank OCBC • ocbc • ocbc branch Fairprice fairprice TMB BANK • tmb • tmb bank YA KUN KAYA TOAST ya kun kaya toast Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 365 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory rocky mountain chocolate factory Red Wing Shoes red wing shoe David's Bridal david bridal Dunham's Sports dunham's sports Harbor Freight Tools harbor frieght Burlington Coat Factory • berlington coat factory • burlington coat • dolar tree • doller tree • dollor trees Dollar Tree Big O Tires big o Hoyts • hoyts • hoyts cinemas Priceline priceline MIKE'S KITCHEN mike's kitchen Scooters Pizza scooters pizza Hugendubel hugendubel CineStar cinestar Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank abu dhabi islamic bank Commercial Bank of Dubai commercial bank of dubai DOHA BANK doha bank Habib Bank AG Zurich habib bank ag zurich NATIONAL BANK OF FUJAIRAH national bank of fujairah Sharjah Islamic bank sharjah islamic bank United Arab Bank united arab bank Jordan Islamic Bank jordan islamic bank SHOE CITY shoe city Vila Galé • hotel vila gale • vila galé Merchant's Tire & Auto merchant's tire & auto Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 366 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Fenerium fenerium Koton koton Profilo profilo Komagene komagene Eat'n Park eat'n park Brookshire's brookshire's Hannaford • hannaford • hannaford supermarket Lowes Foods lowes foods Intratuin intratuin Alliance Bank alliance bank 99 Speed Mart 99 speedmart Sweetbay Supermarket sweetbay supermarket Great Harvest Bread Co. • great harvest bread • great harvest bread co. • ajman city centre llc • ajman city centre mall Ajman City Centre LLC MAXIMA XX maxima xx MAXIMA XXX maxima xxx Mall of the Emirates LLC mall of the emirates llc Equity Bank equity bank Shoprite U Save shoprite u save Michaels michaels craft PAPPADEAUX SEAFOOD KITCHEN papadeaux seafood kitchen TOPS Friendly Markets tops friendly markets Sweet Tomatoes sweet tomato Halyk Bank halyk bank Bose Retail Store bose retail store The EGG & I the egg & i Kroger Fuel Center kroger fuel center Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 367 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term King Soopers Fuel Center king soopers fuel center Foods Co • food co • foods co Loaf 'N Jug loaf 'n jug Fred Meyer Fuel Center fred meyer fuel center Interbank interbank Hoka Hoka Bento hoka hoka bento DAVID JONES david jones REBEL SPORT rebel sport Officeworks office work Ryman the Stationer ryman the stationer JUMBO Specialty Store jumbo specialty store REMAX remax Century 21 • 21 century • century 21 DNB dnb Radisson Blu Hotels & Resorts • blu radison • radisson blu hotels & resorts PTT Bank ptt bank Pague Menos pague menos TESCO Lotus express tesco lotus express AutoBarn autobarn eni eni Battery Centre battery centre Fruit & Veg City fruit & veg city Telenor telenor INDISKA indiska Grand Frais grand frais budget sport budget sport Optus optus Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 368 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Ethan Allen ethan allen Rainbowshops rainbowshops Shane's Rib Shack shane's rib shack VAPIANO vai piano Midpoint midpoint Big Chefs big chefs Continente Modelo continente modelo Charlie Brown's Steakhouse charlie brown's steakhouse MEC mec MEC mountain equipment co-op Scion scion Banco de Córdoba banco de córdoba Super Vea super vea Sarpino's Pizzeria sarpino's pizzeria Salsarita's Fresh Cantina salsarita's fresh cantina United Community Bank united community bank Modell's Sporting Goods modells Big Y big y ACO Hardware aco hardware Slumberland Furniture slumberland furniture Slice of Italy slice of italy Dehner dehner Thomas Philipps thomas philipps Enjaz Banking Services enjaz banking services Patchi patchi Shawaya House shawaya house Boxer Superstores boxer superstores Medicross Medical Centre medicross medical centre Halpa-Halli halpa-halli RAUTIA rautia Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 369 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Force force Hindustan Motors hindustan motors Booker Cash & Carry booker cash & carry Bank Jatim bank jatim Bimeks bimeks Frango Assado frango assado Sicredi sicredi netonnet netonnet CUPPA cuppa JOHN PLAYERS john players ALLEN SOLLY allen solly Bunnings • bunnings • bunnings warehouse SURTIMAX surtimax bansefi bansefi CAJA POPULAR MEXICANA caja popular mexicana Fabricas de Francia fabricas de francia The Italian Coffee Company the italian coffee company MultiPack multipack Academy Sports+Outdoors • academy sports and outdoors • academy sports+outdoors ARTURO CALLE arturo calle Frisby frisby SUPERSPAR superspar Sneaky Pete's sneaky pete's Straw Hat Pizza straw hat pizza Streets of New York streets of new york Livraria Cultura livraria cultura Ricardo Eletro ricardo eletro Garbarino garbarino Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 370 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Farmacias San Pablo farmacias san pablo Sports Toto sports toto Mercadorama mercadorama Nasi Kandar Pelita nasi kandar pelita NISSAN LEAF nissan leaf Teachers Credit Union teachers credit union American Family Insurance american family insurance Farmers Insurance farmers insurance Jackson Hewitt Tax Service jackson hewitt tax service La Petite Academy la petite academy Nationwide Insurance nationwide insurance Ryder Truck Rental and Leasing ryder truck rental and leasing Sylvan Learning Center sylvan learning center Terminix terminix Apria Healthcare apria healthcare Adecco Employment Services adecco employment services Bally Total Fitness bally total fitness EZPAWN ez pawn e Fraternal Order of Eagles fraternal order of eagles Georgia-Pacific georgia-pacific Pro-Cuts pro-cuts Tractor Supply Co tractor supply co Walmart Supercenter • ealmart • wlamart Blue Cross & Blue Shield blue cross & blue shield Marine Corps Recruiting marine corps recruiting Army National Guard army national guard WIC State Agency wic state agency World Gym Fitness Center world gym fitness center Helzberg Diamonds helzberg diamonds Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 371 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term Calvary Chapel calvary chapel Hallmark Gold Crown hallmark gold crown Liberty Tax Service liberty tax Smartstyle Family Hair Salon smartstyle family hair salon Waste Management • waste management • waste management transfer station DaVita Dialysis Center davita dialysis center Dish Network dish network Labor Finders labor finders Color Me Mine color me mine Aerotek • aerotek • aerotek staffing agency Discount Drug Mart discount drug mart Keller Williams Realty keller williams realty Signs By Tomorrow signs by tomorrow Extreme Pizza extreme pizza Filippi's Pizza Grotto filippi's pizza grotto The Little Gym the little gym Plato's Closet platoes closet Design Within Reach design within reach Rockler Woodworking and Hardware rockler woodworking and hardware Sierra Trading Post sierra trading post Biscuitville biscuitville Lincoln Technical Institute lincoln technical institute Eyemart Express eyemart express Phoenix Children's Hospital phoenix children's hospital Eyeglass World eyeglass world Charles Schwab • charles schwab • charles schwab corp Bright Horizons bright horizons Places (Search) API Developer's Guide 372 ► API Reference Chain Name Query Term CheckSmart checksmart Destination Maternity destination maternity Festival Foods festival foods Places (Search) API Developer's Guide ► Places (Search) API Coverage 373 Appendix A Places (Search) API Coverage When you use the Places (Search) API to build an application, your users can find individual locations in • • • over 200 countries over 1.5 million different areas (cities, districts, regions) over 25 million streets split into 90 million and more individual segments In an increasing number of countries, the Places (Search) API provides detailed, building-specific location data – currently over 200 million point addresses. Places (Search) API offers information about millions of named and categorised places in more than 200 countries: • • over 40 countries with more than 100,000 places over 80 countries with between 1,000 and 100,000 places Several million of those places come with rich attribution/content like: • • • editorial information for trusted content partners ratings, reviews and images aggregated from a variety of online communities additional business information, often provided by the owner