Phineas Parkhurst Quimby - the southwest region of unity ministries
Phineas Parkhurst Quimby - the southwest region of unity ministries
2245 E. Colorado Blvd #104-305 Pasadena, CA 91107 Representative: Rev. Denese Schellink – 805-708-7345 - September 1, 2016 Southwest Unity Regional Conference The SW Regional Conference is an opportunity for lay leaders, ministers and licensed teachers from Unity churches to gather together for networking and professional development. Our SW Regional Unity Conference is scheduled for October 3 – 5, 2016 and registration closes Sept. 7. For information about the conference including agenda, featured speakers and hotel, please visit our regional webpage listed above. If you have any questions about the conference or need assistance with registration, please call or email our Conference Chair, Jeri Royce, at or 602-3217044 IMPORTANT: If you have sent a tithe check to the Region during the last couple of months that has NOT been acknowledged in writing, please let Margee know. The post office is searching for a misdirected mailing of a group of checks from our Pasadena mail forwarding service, and we may need verification that such a piece of mail existed. Please ask the person in your office responsible for mailing your tithes to verify issue of a tithe check for which the minister has not received our note of appreciation. All checks received and deposited by August 19 have now been acknowledged. AUG 31 Stepping Out Boldly, With Daily Word Editor Elaine Meyer Anything you'd like to do can be a thrilling adventure in faith. Once you step out in the direction of your desire, the universe will conspire on your behalf and great things will occur naturally. This week, Darrell and Ed stepped out boldly and asked new Daily Word® editor Elaine Meyer to read and discuss today's message, "Comfort." She said, "Yes!" a07ed2g23ekfbab820c&llr=biihjjcab Use this URL to REGISTER FOR Gary’s EVENT BELOW Dear colleague in Unity, I am so enthused to share and personally invite you to attend the Transformational Leadership Training here at Unity of Santa Barbara on 9/23 & 9/24. This is the integral model of church that has been field tested to move ministries to the next level of effectiveness, by shifting from the old paradigm of minister centric functioning to mission (community) centric. Dr. Gary Simmons developed this Integral Model of Ministry as part of his doctoral research, and the program was endorsed by Ken Wilbur (brainchild of Integral theory) and was used in the pilot program where 13 Unity ministries adopted this model to achieve successful results. As leaders of churches in this era of declining attendance your understanding and appreciation of this new model will be essential. You can get more details and register for this program on link at top left. Please plan to attend if at all possible. We are offering an early registration price of $49, up until September 17. For those of you out of the area this might be just the time for a getaway (with enlightenment benefits) in beautiful Santa Barbara, CA! Here is the schedule: • Friday Sept. 23: 6:30 – 8:30 pm • Saturday, September 24: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Please join us as we learn a new path forward to ride the wave of change and remain relevant and impactful as spiritual communities. Warm regards, Rev. Larry Rev. Larry Schellink Newsletter: August 31, 2016 Loving Kindness Meditation a Benefit to Teens The American Psychological Association conducted a national survey in 2014 focused on stress in adolescents ages 13-17. In this survey teens reported 31% of the time that their stress levels have increased from the previous year. Of greater concern, is that 42% said they were doing very little about it. Participants in a recently released study in the Journal of Adolescence went to a five day mindfulness retreat aimed not only at teaching relaxation and mindfulness skills, but also coupled that with lessons on gratitude, compassion and a particular meditation practice called ‘loving kindness’. The teens that participated in the study showed both short term and long-term benefits after the retreat. Researchers plan to continue to study groups of teens that have participated in this retreat and compare them with others who have not. Read more about it here: Loving Kindness Meditation We never tire of sharing this profound meditation from contributor Sharon Salzberg, because it's so fundamental. Her Loving Kindness Meditation found in the Relaxing Rhythms program is essential to opening our hearts and truly developing empathy and compassion for those around us, and ourselves. Please set aside some time to enjoy this audio meditation. (Past the link below into your browser) The practice of empathy is a natural progression when you begin a meditation or mindfulness program. As we learn to observe rather than react to situations around us, we open ourselves up to other points of view. This in turn leads to healthier and more rewarding relationships, both within us and with others. And if all of the above is not enough, then review this article: which summarizes all of the studies that have been done around this specific type of meditation. You'll find that there are a whole host of additional benefits. This is one of the most important lessons in the Relaxing Rhythms Personal Edition you can find to help you cultivate happiness in your daily life. You can learn more about this program on our web site : How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.-Anne Frank 6/16/14 This episode begins with the continuation of our talk with Charles Holt, Broadway performer-turned-inspirationalspeaker-singer-author, talking about The Lion King, and continues with our special guest Bennett Quintard. Bennett is one of the International Youth of Unity representatives for this year, and he is about to embark upon a Global Citizen Bridge Year in Ecuador. He's also a talented guitarist and singer, so we'll talk about his pop culture influences and a few of our own! Malayna Dawn August 27 · I am fairly pleased with my website upgrades and consolidation of late. I've moved and redesigned my Symbolic Themes blog which is now at AND (eeeeeee!) revived Spiral Whirled Travels in (almost) all of its former glory! See it at After reading the posting above, I went to Malayna’s Symbolic Theme blog and saw that she was celebrating there the first article that published of hers. It is great fun to read, and uses archetypes to describe the 12 Life Lessons from Ellen’s Oscar Selfie. Each person in the picture (i.e, Ellen, Bradley Cooper, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, Jaret Leto, Channing Tatum, Julia Roberts, Kevin Spacey, Brad Pitt, Lapita Lyong’o, Junior Lyong’o and Angela Jolie – all are matched with archetypes representing qualities necessary for persons on a spiritual path! Check out Malayna’s blog. Did you know that Malayna is another who has drank Molly’s Kool-Aid that interests folks in their spiritual destiny, and she is now enrolled in on-line ministerial education classes? You’ll see her at the SW Conference and learn from her nametag that her last name is Weeratunga June 03, 2015 Soul Travel, With Malayna Dawn Join host Kristin and her special guest Malayna Dawn as they explore the assistance that past (and parallel) lives, dreams, and travel provide us in our current life journey. Light up your power of imagination as we explore these topics drawn from personal experiences and Echoes Across Time, Malayna's spiritual adventure novel. The spiritual substance from which comes all visible wealth is never depleted. It is right with you all the time and responds to your faith in it and your demands on it. It is not affected by our ignorant talk of hard times, though we are affected because our thoughts and words govern our demonstration. The unfailing source is always ready to give. -- Charles Fillmore Kelly Isola added 2 new photos — with Lauri Boyd at Unity of Columbia MO. Years ago I created this sand ceremony, using multiple colors of sand. I have used it many times over the years when there is a community or group involved, such as for a wedding, funeral, House blessing, building dedication or a baptism, or in this case the installation of a Senior Minister Rev. Lauri Boyd. Everyone that's present gets to add teaspoonfuls of color of their own choosing to create these mosaics. In this case we created three, one to stay in the main sanctuary of the church, one to be on the altar in the small prayer chapel, and one for Lauri to have in her office . (This is the creative expression of about 150 people) Here are a few of the things that I say during the ceremony: You see before you bowls of sand, the sand representing earth. The earth symbolizes the return to the nurturing heart within each of you. Earth’s energy is about accommodation. It is stable, yet it is yielding to water. Earth houses fire within its core, and it communes with air through the breathing of plants. The colors of earth you see here represent qualities you will draw on throughout the years. WHITE – pure, wholeness, love, God BLUE – trust, peace, loyalty RED – passion, energy, emotion GREEN – balance and growth PURPLE – power, mystic, honor YELLOW – optimistic, hope, fun BROWN – security, health BLACK – Sabbath, mystery, void ORANGE – creative, imagination We will be creating a mosaic of layers of sand that is a reminder of our individual lives coming together creating something more beautiful. As each person here pours your unique sand, you are blessing Unity of Columbia with your own touch of beauty and love, affirming the attributes of the color that you are pouring into the vase, acknowledging the energy of that color that is alive in the spiritual community and calling it forth in even greater measure. As each of you pour sand, we honor the part you have played in making this community what it is today. May this joining of earth be a reminder to always look to dive deeply into the ground of your own being, to stabilize, sustain, and enrich the wild energy and exuberance which is so alive in and through each of you, and being made manifest as your spiritual leader, Rev. Lauri Boyd, and as this spiritual community, Unity of Columbia. PS About the same, Kelly says: You can find it at Michaels or other hobby/craft stores. Also on Amazon. You can get everything at Amazon! :) Dear One, Remember when you were a child? You had an image of yourself, and you could not begin to imagine who you would become. And you currently have an image of yourself. And you cannot begin to imagine who you are becoming. You will begin to own (really own) your power. You will begin to live (really live) the life you came here to live. You will astound yourself, with the love you have (for yourself, and for others). You will dream bigger dreams than you have ever thought possible. I know this, because I AM you. Yes, it is quite exciting Margee. And, I also know, that at times it can be scary. This is a lot of change I’m talking about. And change is sometimes scary. So call on me when you are afraid. I will guide you through the scary parts. Because, dear one, I know the way. With astonishing love for you, Your Future Self P.S. Don’t forget the fun. It really IS about the fun, right here right now, AND dreaming an amazing future at the same time! You are about to get really, really good at that Margee! Remember, practice does make perfect. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby "I find that I am not generally understood when I say mind is matter. Words are not matter but they are the names of something either matter or solid. The word solid cannot be applied to anything that can be changed. Therefore, it must be applied to wisdom because that fills all space and cannot be made larger or denser; it is in and through all matter, which is called solid. I apply the word only to wisdom. Opinions I call matter, for they can be changed. The word does not change but the substance does. All names, as I have said, are to represent something. As this wisdom which fills all space is in all matter, matter seems to have life of itself. But life is in the knowledge of this change, not in the thing that changes. So when I say all disease is in the mind, I do not mean in the word, but in the substance. For instance, all the elements of the rose are in the odor; and if the word matter is applied to the rose or living bush, the odor would represent its mind or wisdom, but the wisdom that spoke the rose into existence is not a part of either; yet it holds it in all its different combinations." ~Phineas Parkhurst Quimby; Article: Language [II] - Printed Page: 357 "I could give hundreds of cases to prove that the fluids change instantly and this is the reason for so many miraculous cures ever since the world began. I will give another case. I went to see a person who was blind, as he said. His eyes were bandaged up with two or three handkerchiefs and the room he occupied was so dark, it was with difficulty I could see his face. When I sat down by him, I felt a sensation I cannot describe (which jarred on my system like discords in music) which I had to correct. When this sensation had lulled away, I felt as if the man could see. I loosened the bandage wherewith his eyes were bound and commanded him saying, Arise, go ye to the door of thy dwelling and behold thou shalt see. And straightway he arose and did so and the sun shone out of the firmament into his eyes and he looked about him and behold, he could see. And it was good. He has had his sight ever since then." ~Phineas Parkhurst Quimby; Article: Experiences in Healing, Spiritualism and Mesmerism Printed Page: 256 "While I am explaining this Christ I will give you the trinity that I believe in, that is P. P. Quimby's trinity, not that P.P.Q. is the trinity but that P.P.Q. believes it. He believes in one living and true wisdom called God, in Jesus (flesh and blood) a medium of this truth, and in the Holy Ghost or explanation of God to man. Here is my trinity and the Holy Ghost is the Science that will lead you into all truth. It will break the band of error and triumph over the opinion of the world. This Holy Ghost is what is with your Christ that your fleshly man knows not of; this is the Christ in you that has been cast into prison since you were first sick; it is the Christ that Jesus speaks of that preached to the prisoners long before the flood. This same Christ was crucified at the death of Jesus and laid in the tomb of Joseph's new doctrines, not with the body of Jesus." ~Phineas Parkhurst Quimby; Article: Experience of a Patient with Dr. Quimby Printed Page: 252 Esther Hicks Say all day every day this best question to ask yourself EVEN MORE EXCELLENT ThAN USUAL Overwhelment is about you not being up to speed with what you told the Universe that you want. The Universe is yielding to you. You're just not ready to receive it right now. ---Abraham Source Energy is intimately, infinitely, always responding to your requests, no matter how great or small they may be deemed by you or anyone else who is observing them. There is nothing so big that Source Energy can't get its thoughts around it—and there is nothing so small that Source Energy isn't willing to get its thoughts around it. ---Abraham Mike Dooley Always remember, Beloved, when it comes to climbing mountains, slaying dragons, or just plain getting what you want, you've got a built-in, double-secret advantage: You're supernatural. Shhhhhh ... don't tell anyone, The Universe The few who look forward, Beloved, while knocking on new doors, no matter how futile it may seem or how insignificant their progress, will carry the many who just keep waiting for things to get better. And the few will "suddenly" become overnight legends within their families, 'hoods, and countries, while having the most fun, with the most friends, at the most afterparties. Win/Win, baby - The Universe When in doubt, Beloved, show up early. Think less. Feel more. Ask once. Give thanks. Expect the best. Appreciate everything. Never give up. Make it fun. Lead. Invent. Regroup. Wink. Chill. Smile. And live as if your success was inevitable, and so it shall be. Happy global domination, The Universe DAVID HAWKINS – see Facebook If we examine the concept of causation (cal. level 450), it will be discovered that "cause" is a concept that has no actual existence in reality… For example, to explain the whereabouts of a speck of dust in a room requires the inclusion of the effects of climate, air movement, humidity, temperature, barometric pressure, location, the house, the lot, the neighborhood, the country, the planet, and onward to include the evolution of the galaxy and the universe itself. Thus, upon examination, the number of contributory, observable "causal" factors is infinite in every instance. – “Truth vs. Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference” (2005), Chapter 5: The Essential Structure of Truth, p. 47 Safeguards against being programmed by society are (1) emotional detachment, in which all information is viewed as provisional, (2) awareness that ordinary mentalization is unable to discern perception from essence, and (3) knowing that the wolf often hides beneath sheep's clothing. This suspension of belief is the practical application of the basic dictum to "wear the world like a light garment." To "be in the world but not of it" is a mode of attention that nevertheless still allows spontaneous interaction and function in society. – “Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man” (2008), Chapter 8: Cultural Premises and Truth, p. 158 Jokes De Jour - Mary Maxwell Says Grace - Jeanne Robertson Why are there so many Andersons in the phone book? Because they all have phones. What do you call a guitarist without a significant other? Homeless. The 2.99 Special We went to breakfast at a restaurant where the 'seniors' special' was two eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast for $2.99. 'Sounds good,' my wife said. 'But I don't want the eggs.' 'Then, I'll have to charge you $3.49 because you're ordering a la carte,' the waitress warned her. 'You mean I'd have to pay for not taking the eggs?' my wife asked incredulously. 'YES!' stated the waitress. 'I'll take the special then,' my wife said. 'How do you want your eggs?' the waitress asked. 'Raw and in the shell,' my wife replied. She took the two eggs home and baked a cake. INTERESTING STUFF (Purely for Fun, if you like interesting facts) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • In the 1400's a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have 'the rule of thumb' Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled 'Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden'. . . and thus, the word GOLF entered into the English language. The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV was Fred and Wilma Flintstone. Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the U.S. Treasury. Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better. Coca-Cola was originally green. It is impossible to lick your elbow. The State with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: Alaska The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28% (now get this...) The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38% The cost of raising a medium-size dog to the age of eleven: $ 16,400 The average number of people airborne over the U.S. in any given hour: 61,000 Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. The first novel ever written on a typewriter, Tom Sawyer. The San Francisco Cable cars are the only mobile National Monuments. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades - King David; Hearts – Charlemagne; Clubs -Alexander, the Great; Diamonds - Julius Caesar 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987, 654,321 If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, he person died in battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died because of wounds received in battle. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes Only two people signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, John Hancock and Charles Thomson. Most of the rest signed on August 2, but the last signature wasn't added until 5 years later. Q. Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of what? A. Their birthplace Q. Most boat owners name their boats. What is the most popular boat name requested? A. Obsession • • • • • • • • Q. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter 'A'? A. One thousand Q. What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers have in common? A. All were invented by women. Q. What is the only food that doesn't spoil? A. Honey In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes, the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase...'Goodnight , sleep tight' It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all he mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month, which we know today as the honeymoon. In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts... So in old England, when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them 'Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down.' It's where we get the phrase 'mind your P's and Q's' Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim, or handle, of their ceramic cups. When they needed a refill, they used the whistle to get some service. 'Wet your whistle' is the phrase inspired by this practice. At least 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow. Notable Quotes The Spirit said to me, 'You have looked among your faults; now look among your virtues.' ... As I gained real poise, and the ability to keep my thoughts and feelings truly free, I was healed and restored to strength and normal functioning ... I only know that my experience was much like that of the blind man whom Jesus healed: 'One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.' (Jn. 9:25). -- Myrtle Fillmore The mind of a bigot to the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour on it, the more it contracts. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., poet, novelist, essayist, and physician (1809-1894) The term 'working mother' is ridiculously redundant. -- Donna Reed, actress (1921-1986) The fingers of your thoughts are molding your face ceaselessly. -- Charles Reznikoff, poet (1894-1976) They succeed, because they think they can. – Virgil, Poet (70 - 19 BC) For true love is inexhaustible; the more you give, the more you have. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery Novelist (1900 - 1944) VIDEOS & AUDIOS WORTH WATCHING OR HEARING Justin Epstein - Beware the Dangling Carrot Evidence of Reincarnation - Science PV Funeral – Unlike any you have experienced! How to Separate Your Desires from Your Aspirations Aug 23, 2016 - Deepak Chopra - in Linked In One of the most important distinctions in the arc of success is telling the difference between a short-term desire and an aspiration, which is longterm. So ask yourself, What do you want today versus what you want five years from now? Short-term desires tend to dominate what happens at work throughout the day, because life is immediate--it's always happening right now. Long-range goals are different, not because they lie far ahead in the future but because what you do right now isn't the same as fulfilling a short-term desire. The chief obstacle to consciously building future success is having to focus on the torrent of small things that fill your mind from day to day, unless you free yourself and look toward your aspirations. You must make time for the future before it arrives; otherwise, a year from now you are likely to be doing basically the same thing that you're doing today. Making time for the future comes down to five steps. Let me repeat them since they lay the groundwork for fulfilling long-range goals. 1. Write down a single vision, project, or mission. 2. Set time aside to work on it every day. 3. Work consists of doing research, making connections, investigating your target audience or market, learning from projects similar to yours, challenging your assumptions, writing a proposal, seeking a mentor, partner, or confidant to bounce your ideas off, and raising capital if needed. 4. Set interim deadlines that you can reasonably meet every month. 5. Be adaptable about changing your project as it unfolds. As you see, some real commitment is involved. It's important therefore to think about what your vision or mission should be. Let me propose an idea that runs counter to a certain school of thought. That school focuses on the pursuit of excellence, climbing from "good to great," or adopting the habits of highly successful achievers. In other words, you are urged to concentrate on external goals and the means to achieve them. In my experience teaching high achievers in business school courses, the one thing they point to as the cause of their achievement is luck. They look back and realize that they were in the right place at the right time. A vision that can only succeed on the basis of luck only works for the tiniest sliver of the work force. Behind every CEO who makes the cover of Fortune magazine there is a trail of frustration littered with everyone who didn't make it to the top. Luck is the exact opposite of consciousness. The most fulfilled people in any profession, regardless of who climbs to the top, are those who followed an inner vision. They consciously shaped their futures from the inside, which is the only place you have any real control. A large percentage of these people had highly successful careers, but that was secondary. First and foremost, came the freedom to write their own scenario. The externals of your life fall in line with your internal values and the atmosphere you create around yourself. So when you sit down to write your long-range vision or mission, consider these criteria. 1. I will be satisfied with the work at every stage. 2. I will benefit everyone around me. 3. The effect on my family will be positive. 4. I will feel creative. 5. I will take pride in my accomplishment. 6. I will be smarter, better, and wiser the more I pursue my vision. 7. I will head into the unknown, a place I want to discover and explore. Every vision brings setbacks and frustrations; there is inherent stress whenever you step out to accomplish something no one else has tried before. No amount of selfdiscipline can control the stress. Only if you are centered, self-confident, and secure in the values you are aiming for will the journey become conscious. In the current environment, inner visions are celebrated only after someone has struggled to reach the top. Along the way, there is more competition than collaboration, and if you don't enter the dog-eat-dog fray, people will call you weak. We live in the midst of huge abundance. Ruthless, soul-killing tactics are rewarded, but so is moving upward through consciousness. Sit down with yourself, your family, your closest confidants, and work through the seven criteria I've outlined. They will serve you well if you truly dedicate yourself to inner fulfillment ahead of material rewards. FROM an Uporthy article August 29, 2016 By Tina Plantamura Here are 21 things to compliment your kids about that involve their character, not their achievements: 1. The first time they help someone who is hurt. 2. Seeing them stand up for a sibling or friend. 3. The first time they buy a gift with their own money. 4. When a child is loving and kind to older relatives. 5. The first time they are buried in a book. 6. The first time they realize a song has touched their soul. 7. When they learn to appreciate art. 8. When they make the best of a bad day on their own. 9. The first time a child shows compassion and puts others first. 10. The first time a child shows mercy and gives someone another chance. 11. The first time your child genuinely roots for a weaker teammate. 12. Hearing them offer sincere advice to a sibling or friend. 13. The first time they take the time to teach a younger child. 14. When they realize how important friendships are. 15. The first time they find moral issue with something and take a stand against it. 16. Their first heartfelt attempt at asking for forgiveness. 17. The first time they wholeheartedly forgive. 18. The first time a child tries something new when the odds are against them. 19. When they know they’re marching to their own beat and they are proud of that. 20. Not just trying, but trying again and again. 21. The first time they accept rejection with grace and dignity. Thanksgiving by Richard & Mary-Alice Jafolla (Excerpted from The Quest) “Fake it until you make it” may sound like the wrong approach when sincerely trying to turn your life around. Yet, it’s not really bad advice. When we “fake it,” when we force ourselves to consistently think in a certain way and consistently “pretend” we are feeling certain emotions, our minds will eventually begin to accept these thoughts. By consciously acting “as if,” we are creating new neural pathways, new ways for the brain to think. This can then change our feelings and behavior, which of course means we are changing our lives. If, for example, we were to consciously think in a loving rather than spiteful way of someone we resent, over time our hard feelings would eventually soften and be replaced by feelings of love. If we “fake” feelings of love with enough willingness and consistency, in time we really will love. The innate divine love that had been suppressed is then given permission to express itself. This technique works especially well with thanksgiving, because our words represent our feelings. Words of thanksgiving, whether faked or real, represent feelings of gratitude, trust, and faith. They represent feelings that everything will be all right, and they open us up to receive the good already waiting for us. When we give thanks, we are really giving our blessing. Like sunflowers turning toward the sun, giving thanks turns our hearts toward our good. We know the power of thanksgiving on a human, emotional plane. We all like to be appreciated and thanked. It motivates us and opens us up to do better. On a spiritual plane, when we are sincerely thankful to God for the good we have and the good in store for us, thanksgiving takes on an even more attracting power. Like a powerful magnet, thanksgiving attracts our good to us." Four Steps Toward a Gratitude Consciousness Shift by Rev. Joan M. Gattuso "Here are a few techniques to deepen your consciousness of gratitude: Always hold God at the forefront of your mind, and first and foremost give God thanks. Make a list of your dear ones and send each a loving blessing during your meditation time. Send a note of thanksgiving to each person on your list. Call or see personally the ones for whom you feel the greatest appreciation and tell them how you feel. As the song says, “Shower the people you love with love/Tell them the way that you feel.” What a difference you will make in their lives and yours. A major shift in global consciousness would occur if we all sent such love and thoughts of gratitude into our home, work, church, community, state and world. Collectively we have the power to shift consciousness and bring forth a transformed world through the expression of our love and gratitude." Rev. Joan M. Gattuso – now ministering in Hawaii Do You Know How to Wait? -- Steve Goodier - www.Life Support Philosopher Joseph-Marie de Maistre said, “To know how to wait is the great secret of success.” Comedian Bob Hope would agree. "I grew up with six brothers," he said. "That's how I learned to dance, waiting to get into the bathroom." Do you know how to wait? Whether or not you share a bathroom with others, you can get plenty of practice. A customer struck up a conversation with the clerk in a retail store. “Wow, $17.76,” he said. “The year of the US Declaration of Independence. And exactly 200 years later I was born.” That began an intense conversation with the employee about interesting historical events. All the while a line formed behind him. When the customer finally left, the next patron in line impatiently asked what was going on. “Oh, we were just sharing interesting historical fun facts,” the clerk said. “Well, then," said the irritated customer, "can you tell me what happened the year I started waiting in line?" As Mark Twain says, “All good things arrive to them that wait -- and don't die in the meantime.” Do you know how to wait? I’m sure you get plenty of opportunities to practice. After moving to the city, I grew impatient with the bumper-to-bumper traffic. I decided to keep a harmonica in the glove compartment, along with a beginner's book. When traffic was held up, I took out my harmonica and played. I figured I could either practice patience or practice the harmonica. The harmonica seemed like more fun. There’s a great secret to waiting patiently: make it fun. My life improved immeasurably when I discovered audiobooks. I know there’s value to being 100% present in everything you do, but I also know that a lot of what I do can be described as mind-numbingly dull. Like waiting in long lines. Commuting in city traffic. And if I’m into a great audiobook, none of it bothers me at all. I actually look forward to relaxing in a line or, when finding myself snarled in traffic, I can spend some uninterrupted time on my book. Like I said, there’s a secret to waiting patiently: make it fun. You just might look forward to your next traffic jam. 6 ways Bea Arthur made the world a better place to live, even after her death. August 29, 2016 – Upworthy - Michael Calcagno In her life, Bea Arthur was an amazingly generous actress, activist, and human being — and she's not done giving yet. After her death in 2009, the Ali Forney Center in New York City received a gift of $300,000 from Arthur's estate to help homeless LGBTQ youths. Arthur - 1975 The Ali Forney Center and the Cooper Square Committee then received a $3.3 million grant from the New York City Council and the borough president to renovate a building at 222 East 13th Street to provide housing and assistance to homeless LGBTQ youths. Named in her honor, the Bea Arthur Residence building is scheduled to be completed in February 2017. Here are six other accomplishments from Bea Arthur's life, legacy, and career that you may not have known about: 1. One of Arthur's last public performances was a one-woman show to raise money for homeless LGBTQ youths. As a longtime advocate for the LGBTQ community, Arthur in 2005 put on a performance of her onewoman show to raise money for the Ali Forney Center. That night, she helped raise $40,000 and gave the center some serious help at a tough time during the recession. "These kids at the Ali Forney Center are literally dumped by their families because of the fact that they are lesbian, gay or transgender — this organization really is saving lives," Arthur told Next Magazine at the time of the benefit show. Arthur at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 2008 Hall of Fame ceremony "I honestly don’t know how we would have made it through the recession without that extraordinary gift. Bea Arthur truly meant it when she said she would do anything to help our kids," Carl Siciliano, the executive director of the Ali Forney Center, wrote in a Huffington Post piece. 2. Arthur once testified in the California Senate against the sale and production of foie gras. Arthur was an activist for PETA, working with the organization on many campaigns and narrating videos for them. But in 2004, she was moved so much by an issue that she appeared in the California Senate alongside Sen. John Burton in support of a bill to ban the production and sale of foie gras in the state. Arthur turns to leave after testifying before a Senate committee in April 2004 Foie gras is made from the livers of force-fed geese and ducks. Its production usually involves tubes being put down the birds’ throats and having food pumped into their stomachs several times a day to fatten up their livers. "There is no room in our wonderful state for such a nightmarish industry," she told the Senate panel. The committee approved the bill in a 4-to-1 decision. 3. Arthur was known for picking up and rescuing stray animals — including a German shepherd she found on the highway on her way to a set. Besides fighting for animal rights through legislation and activism, Arthur strove every day to help animals in need, sometimes at her own peril. Television writer Charlie Hauck told Playbill about an instance when Arthur showed up on set with a German shepherd that had been found running along a highway. Arthur with her dog, Julie, at her home in Los Angeles in 1978 "I picture in my mind," Hauck described, "this actress, upon whom the jobs of 200 people depended, who had two children, stopping her car in traffic and running around trying to catch a dog." The dog turned out to be owned by Barbra Streisand. Because of course it did. 4. She was a champion for feminism and helped bring important issues to light in her show "Maude," which addressed topics like abortion and women's rights. Throughout her acting career, Arthur was also able to bring women's issues to the forefront of the cultural conversation. After appearing on "All in the Family" as the outspoken Maude Findlay, the character was spun off for the show "Maude," which ran for six years. In November 1972, "Maude" aired a groundbreaking two-part episode about abortion, just months before the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on abortion in the Roe v. Wade decision. Arthur in 1988 5. She was in the "Star Wars Holiday Special" — where she sang along to the infamous cantina song. She was asked to be in the show by producers Ken and Mitzie Welch and agreed to it although she had no idea what it was about. "I was asked to be in it by the composer of that song I sang — 'Goodnight, But Not Goodbye.' It was a wonderful time, but I had no idea it was even a part of the whole 'Star Wars' thing," Arthur told the Portland Mercury. "I just remember singing to bunch of people with funny heads." 6. She never stopped being a trailblazer for women on TV — even as she got older. In a time when the push on TV was for young talent, "The Golden Girls" strove to be something different and more meaningful. The show featured an all-female leading cast over the age of 40, which at the time was unheard of (and is rare still today). "I think, in both of those shows, we really did change the perception of a woman’s role. I don’t think anybody thought that it was okay to be a feminist back when she was doing Maude," Rue McClanahan told Entertainment Weekly about working with Arthur. "The Golden Girls" stars during a break in taping: (from left) Estelle Getty, Rue McClanahan, Bea Arthur, and Betty White. Episode after episode of "The Golden Girls" tackled issues of sexuality, ageism, and feminism and used Arthur’s wit and sharp tongue to drive these issues forward. "She really taught me and every other woman my age how to be a feminist at a time when that was a dirty word," Rosie O'Donnell told Playbill. "And without her, I think, there would not be as many funny women on television today." Arthur was much more than everyone's favorite quick witted Golden Girl. She was a champion for equal rights for women, the LGBTQ community, and animals. In 2017, her legacy will continue growing with the upcoming completion of the Bea Arthur Residence in NYC to house homeless LGBTQ youths and help them become independent. Besides being an activist for animals and LGBTQ rights, she also focused on helping to raise money for HIV-AIDS research. She appeared in the 1992 Pacific Center HIV-AIDS Benefit along with her friend Angela Lansbury. She posthumously donated $25,000 to the AIDS Services Foundation Orange County. After hearing about the donation, ASF co-founder Ken Jillson said, "I can’t believe it. After all these years she’s still doing wonderful things for ASF." Cheers to Bea Arthur and the legacy of hope and kindness that she left behind. We could all learn a little something from her. WHEN YOUR WORLD TURNS UPSIDE DOWN In the 1980's an oil tanker ruptured, spilling millions of gallons of oil into an Alaskan bay. The pollution severely stressed the ecology of the area and environmentalists were particularly concerned that migrating birds for which the bay was seasonal home would perish upon return. To cause the birds to relocate so that they would not become mired in the muck of oil, a plan was devised to set off skyrockets, discouraging the birds from landing. How frightened and confused those birds must have been! To them the rescue efforts must have seemed like a war waged against them by a horrible enemy. They had returned to this home for generations -- the instinct was deeply embedded in their DNA. It must have seemed as if their world had turned upside down. The birds could not know that this situation was unfolding to preserve their well-being. They could not perceive “the big picture.” How like those birds we humans often are, straining against events whenever they get in the way of our doing what we have always done. Yet we, too, rarely get a glimpse of “the big picture.” The next time your world turns upside down, consider the possibility that what you are experiencing is a blessing rather than a threat. The blessing is always present, when we believe. Have faith in God, in the good which seeks to express in your life, for as Jesus said, “According to your faith be it done unto you.” Margee