Explo re W W I o utside the c lassro o m
Explo re W W I o utside the c lassro o m
Explore with your class WWI - in FLANDERS FIELDS Explore WWI outside the classroom 1 in FLANDERS FIELDS Explore WWI outside the classroom This booklet brings together inspiring initiatives in various counties and cities around the First World War. Use this guide to create your own WWI trip and wander off the beaten track. Explore with your class WWI - 2 PREFACE This guide, produced by Visit Flanders in partnership with the Province of West Flanders, aims to help tour operators and teachers organise field trips to WWI sites for English-language primary and secondary school pupils. The guide provides dozens of ideas for enriching the experience for the children. You will find the most famous WWI memorials on the Western Front in Flanders listed in these pages but also many other locations in Flanders Fields and the wider area that tell the story of occupied Belgium. In other words, besides the ones we have all heard of, there are many smaller sites worthy of a visit. Moreover, this guide covers tips for visiting a memorial, teaching resources for preparing a trip, interesting websites, accommodation, alternative transport, how to organise a multi-day trip, and information on the cultural programme GoneWest, including the unique sculpture project ‘ComingWorldRememberMe’. We profoundly hope this information will inspire and help you to schedule trips to Flanders Fields with your school groups. They are most welcome – we consider it our duty to pass on the legacy of WWI by offering them a quality educational and visitor experience. Geert Bourgeois Minister-President of Flanders Flemish Minister for Foreign Policy and Immovable Heritage Myriam Vanlerberghe Commissioner for Culture, Province of West Flanders Explore with your class WWI - 5 PRACTICAL INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTS This guide provides you with an overview of the educational facilities for each 9 Introduction site. We also list the ticket prices, the category (museum, visitor centre, military cemetery, monument, etc.), provide brief descriptions, addresses 10 Tips for a visit to a memorial and contact information. 12 Inspiration and teaching resources about WWI There is also a map with symbols that inform you of what exactly you will find at a location. Two symbols, ‘guide’ and ‘educational package’ , show you 15 Gonewest / CWRM when you can make use of either the guide or an educational package. 18 Youth accommodation centres Are you travelling to Flanders Fields with a pupil/group of pupils with a disability? The wheelchair symbol is used in this guide to indicate 19 Restaurants accessibility. Some sites are independently accessible, but there are others that do require additional assistance or planning. You will find detailed 21 Sites accessibility information about the sites indicated with the wheelchair symbol in the following brochures: Great War Centenary – Accessible for all 73 Transportation and Great War Centenary – Tips for visually impaired visitors. Further info: www.visitflanders.com 80 Suggestions for tours 84 Fascinating WWI – websites and applications SITES Most visited sites 85 Cross-border projects Other interesting sites 21 Diksmuide 44 De Panne 24 Nieuwpoort 46 Heuvelland 26 Poperinge 51 Houthulst 31 Ypres 53 Koekelare 38 Zonnebeke 54 Komen - Ploegsteert 56 Langemark-Poelkapelle 59 Messines 67 Ostend 68 Roeselare 70 Veurne 87 Other visitor attractions in Flanders 89 Contact Information 7 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 6 INTRODUCTION In 2002, the Province of West Flanders decided to combine all initiatives on the theme of the Great War into one network: War and Peace in Flanders Fields. The initiative is supported by Flanders Fields itself (museums, associations, local authorities, etc.), but the run-up to the centenary also saw the emergence of numerous quality educational initiatives from outside of the Flanders Fields region. All of these initiatives contribute to the ‘learning from war’ aspect of education about WWI. It is crucial for the story of the Great War to be directed towards the responsibility of memory and a clear message of peace. The range of educational facilities is so extensive that the Province of West Flanders in partnership with Visit Flanders has assembled them all into a guide full of inspirational programmes and activities organised by the 8 9 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - various towns to assist you in planning your field trip to Flanders Fields. TIPS FOR A VISIT TO A MEMORIAL ¬ Consider well in advance what you want to achieve by visiting a particular site with your pupils. ¬ Remember that a memorial site never tells just one story. The way that a place is commemorated can be an interesting subject in itself. ¬ Give your pupils the opportunity to explore a place at their own pace and make time later to talk about it with them. ¬ Look for objects, images, stories, poetry or music that you can link to the site. ¬ Visit memorial sites in your area. This makes pupils aware of local history. ¬ Wherever possible, allow your pupils some say in the planning of the trip and let them be the guide now and then. ¬ Remember that the sites you visit are no playground. It is proper to visit these World War 1 sites with great respect for those who have fought and died here. 10 11 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - Source: Province of West Flanders in partnership with the Special Committee for Remembrance Education INSPIRATION AND TEACHING RESOURCES ABOUT WWI - WAR AND PEACE NETWORK WEGWIJZERWOI.BE (WWI MANUAL) TOUCHSTONE 14-18 The 2014-2018 commemoration seeks to provide support for individuals who are involved in or who wish to undertake a project on WWI. For this purpose, Touchstone ’14-’18 was developed, a tool and/or guide to bringing a project to fruition. The website www.wegwijzerWOI.be is a collabo- ‘Learning from the War’ is an aspect of war studies that the Province of West ration between the Province of West Flanders Flanders has been keen to promote for a very long time. The story of the war and the Province of Antwerp for the European should be one with a clear message of peace. Remembrance education is project Great War. Visitors can search in depth based on three very important by topic, timeline, target group or location from factors: (1) knowledge and insight; a wealth of material about WWI (projects, sites (2) empathy and solidarity and (3) and monuments, books, websites, songs, edu- reflection and action. We elaborate cational material, etc.). It is available in English, on these three factors using French and German from January 2016. challenges, ideas, opportunities and concrete educational projects. Further info? www.wegwijzerWOI.be We also link this programme with educational attainment targets. Explore with your class WWI - 12 Lastly, there is an appendix: background information on WWI. This touchstone wants to help as many This application gives an overview of what there is to see and do in people as possible to develop interesting and worthwhile projects on the Great Flanders fields and aims to provide teachers and students with inspiration War. for their field trip. As part of the commemoration of World War I in Belgium, young people have the opportunity to create their own film projects using digital storytelling, which stimulates critical and creative thinking. They learn www.west-vlaanderen.be/genieten/cultuur/advies/oorlog_vrede/Documents/ Touchstone.pdf how to analyse historical photographs, write a script and score a film. The emphasis is placed on how and from what perspective they tell their story. The exercise sharpens their sense of history and the cross-curricular approach can function as a stimulus for a school project focused on WWI. This application RESPECT! – COMMONWEALTH WAR GRAVES COMMISSION is designed for students in the second The Commonwealth War Graves Commission ensures that commonwealth and third year of secondary education. people who died in the first world war will never be forgotten. They care for hundreds of cemeteries and memorials in Flanders Fields. They are also Further info? Type 14-herd18 and download the free application. The application is available from Appstore and Google Play Store. dedicated to providing high quality learning resources that are fit for all ages. Have a look at http://www.cwgc.org/respect/default.htm 13 Explore with your class WWI - 14-18 ON FILM FOR TABLET GONEWEST: CULTURAL COMMEMORATION OF THE GREAT WAR CENTENARY ‘To go west’, an expression attributed to a Native American belief, means ‘to die’ but it acquired a more literal meaning during the First World War. For the men at the Allied Front, this journey of the dead west to meet the setting sun became more than just a metaphor. The British, French and Belgians occupied the western part of the Western Front, which dissected West Flanders and northern France from the north to the south. They were forced to bring their dead and wounded to the west. This saying had the dual function of disguising the slaughter and destruction of the war and making it very present. Furthermore, with the German invasion, the war in Belgium moved from east to west through the country until both sides dug in for four years on the Western Front. GoneWest, which was launched in 2014, is, therefore, an apt name for an artistic commemoration of the war years in the Province of West Flanders. This cultural act of remembrance brings together numerous life stories in a historic context. GoneWest unlocks these stories, large and small, through music, dance, theatre, literature and visual arts. If you would like your class to participate in any of the many activities, please click the link to check the programme: www.gonewest.be This event is ‘Intro ok’, which means that it provides facilities for people with a disability. Further info: www.intro-events.be 15 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 14 COMINGWORLDREMEMBERME From 2014 to 2018 thousands of people spread over Flanders and the rest of the world can participate in workshops to make 600,000 sculptures out of clay: one for every victim of the First World War in Belgium. All the sculptures will together form the land art installation CWRM that will be implemented on the no man’s land of the frontline around Ypers. Becoming a godfather or godmother of a sculpture costs €5. Half of this goes to charity organisations that help children who nowadays suffer due to current war situations. Every godfather and godmother receives a certificate of participation with in it a dog tag and a CWRM-stamp. Each sculpture will be identified by a dog tag. On this dog tag we will put the name of a godfather/godmother and the name of one of the victims mentioned on the ‘The Name List’ composed by the In Flanders Fields Museum in Ypres. In the spring of 2018, the installation will be mounted in one of World War One’s most contested spots: the no man’s land of the frontline around Ypres. The clay sculptures will be placed between two large works by the artist Koen Vanmechelen. The impressive land art installation ComingWorldRememberMe will remind us of the uselessness of war: in the past, present and future. generational symbol of peace. Visit one of the sculpture workshops in Newport or Ypres and play a part in this project. www.cwrm.be This event is ‘Intro ok’, which means that it provides facilities for people with a disability. Further info: www.intro-events.be 17 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 16 ComingWorldRememberMe is intended as a cross-border and cross- OR visit In Flanders Fields Museum + guided tour along North Ieperboog Evening: Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate Day 3 Boat ride on the Yser, unaccompanied visit to the Trench of Death (Dodengang) and guided visit to the Yser Tower. For more information please contact: Flemish Youth Hostel Association / Vlaamse Jeugdherbergen vzw Beatrijslaan 72, 2050 Antwerpen T +32 (0)3 232 72 18, F +32 (0)3 231 81 26, E schoolklassen@vjh.be www.youthhostels.be Are you looking for a wheelchair accessible youth hostel? The booklet ‘Allin – Accessible holiday accommodation in Flanders and Brussels’ (hostels, youth and group accommodation centres) provides an overview of accessible hostels in the area. A label system shows whether a hostel is independently ‘Europa’ Hostel in Bruges accessible or with assistance . Further info: www.visitflanders.com ACCOMMODATION The Outsider coast has three places of accomodation for groups in Newport. Further info: www.theoutsidercoast.be/en/locations Flanders Fields offers a wealth of accommodation options, from hostels to hotels, making it easy to plan a trip to this historic area. Hostels are the perfect starting point for group and school trips. They offer a range of quality facilities that ensure your group has an enjoyable and rewarding stay. RESTAURANTS Visit the website www.flandersfields.be/en/accommodation. Hotel rooms The Flanders Fields region offers a large choice of restaurants in every price can be booked online using the booking tool. Hostel rooms must be booked range. Websites for each town/city provide information about local restaurants. directly. All contact details can be found on the website. www.toerisme-ieper.be www.toerismepoperinge.be You may wish to combine a battlefields visit with a city visit and stay in one www.toerisme.diksmuide.be of the other cities in Flanders, such as Bruges or Ghent. The Flemish Youth www.nieuwpoort.be Hostel Association (VJH) has extensive experience hosting groups and schools. www.zonnebeke.be For example, the hostels in Bruges, Kortrijk (new hostel), Oostduinkerke and Ostend (new hostel) offer World War I themed programmes. Information about restaurants elsewhere in Flanders is available from Example of a 3-day programme: www.visitflanders.com. Day 1 Free time, or an activity to be chosen together Day 2 Visit Talbot House in Poperinge and Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery 19 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 18 MOST VISITED SITES DIKSMUIDE MUSEUM ON THE YSER € 2.5 • Museum The first Yser Tower was inaugurated in 1930 as a memorial to the Flemish soldiers who died on the front. During the Second World War, the site was the setting for collaborators. The Yser Tower was destroyed during an attack in 1946, but a new tower was erected in 1965. The remodelled Museum on the Yser tells the history of the Belgian-German front during the First World War. There is a clear mandate for the museum: ‘No more war’. The Flemish struggle for independence is also explained. Schools can have guided tours in English by prior arrangement. An educational package is available for secondary schools. Address - Contact: Museum on the Yser IJzerdijk 49, 8600 Diksmuide T +32 (0)51 50 02 86, E info@aandeIJzer.be www.aandeijzer.be (only in Dutch) THE TRENCH OF DEATH The Trench of Death in Diksmuide is the only remaining Belgian trench from the First World War. In 2014, the interpretation centre was totally refurbished. Visitors learn the story of the infamous Trench of Death with the aid of fifteen interactive applications, life-size pictures, film footage and over one hundred original artefacts. Life and death in the trenches is portrayed and personal stories of the soldiers who lost their lives here provide a moving experience of the history of war. You walk across a gigantic aerial picture from 1916 that allows you to compare the landscape as it was with how it looks today. A nearby German bunker was incorporated into the tour last year. This enables us to tell both sides of the war story. There is an educational booklet available at the reception counter for €1 which is aimed at primary school pupils and families with small children. For school groups, we recommend a guide. 21 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 20 Individual visitors 4 € - Groups 2 € • Interpretation centre and historic site BELGIAN MILITARY CEMETERY Free • Military Cemetery This is the resting place of 628 fallen Belgian soldiers. During the Battle of the Yser (October 1914), the recapture of the hamlet of Keiem failed. The soldiers died in the confusion of the retreat to the hamlet of Tervaete across the Yser. Address: Keiemdorpstraat 143A, 8600 Keiem Contact: Tourist Office Grote Markt 28, 8600 Diksmuide T +32 (0)51 79 30 50 E toerisme@stad.diksmuide.be GERMAN MILITARY CEMETERY VLADSLO You can download the preparatory educational tool on the website Free • Military Cemetery www.klm-mra.be. The young volunteer soldier Peter Kollwitz is buried in this German military cemetery. He was not yet 18 when he was killed in October 1914. Deeply “The teachers were also very satisfied with the dedication and enthusiasm of the Explore with your class WWI - 22 guides.” “I heard everyone say... we have to come back!” Primary School De Klimming Primary School, Sint-Jan Primary School, SintVincentius Primary School and GO Affligem The visitor centre is wheelchair accessible, but not the trenches. Address: Trench of Death (Dodengang) interpretation centre and historic site IJzerdijk 65, 8600 Diksmuide T +32 (0)51 50 53 44 www.klm-mra.be Reservations via “Toerisme Diksmuide” toerisme@stad.diksmuide.be T +32 (0)51 79 30 50 affected by the death of her son, Käthe Kollwitz created the famous sculpture ‘The Grieving Parents’. The cemetery contains the graves of 25,645 soldiers. Address: Houtlandstraat 3, 8600 Vladslo Contact: Tourist Office Diksmuide Grote Markt 28, 8600 Diksmuide T +32 (0)51 79 30 50 E toerisme@stad.diksmuide.be 23 Explore with your class WWI - “They were moved at times and the visit to the Trench of Death… left an impression.” NIEUWPOORT WESTFRONT NIEUWPOORT € 3,50 groups 7-25 years, children up to 6 years: free • Visitor Centre Address - Contact: Kustweg 2, 8620 Nieuwpoort T +32 (0)58 23 07 33, E westfront@nieuwpoort.be www.westfrontnieuwpoort.be Westfront Nieuwpoort tells the full story of the flooding of the plains, which COMINGWORLDREMEMBERME € 5 • workshop The perfect place to tell the story of this inundation is the King Albert I From 2014 to 2018 thousands of people spread over Flanders and the rest of monument on the edge of the lock complex The Ganzepoot. A modern, the world can participate in workshops to make 600,000 sculptures out of clay: interactive visitor centre is located underneath the monument. The one for every victim of the First World War in Belgium. All the sculptures will projection of the 377 foot long and 49 foot high animated Yser Panorama together form the land art installation CWRM that will be implemented on the painting forms a highlight of the visit. Last but not least, do not forget to visit no man’s land of the frontline around Ypres. the top of the monument itself and enjoy the panoramic view over the coast Get involved in this unique project and come and make your own sculpture in and the hinterland. our workshop in Newport. This is open for individual participants from Tuesday To assist with the preparation of your educational field trip, a brochure is This event is ‘Intro ok’, which means that it provides facilities for people with a available from Westfront Nieuwpoort. disability. Further info: www.intro-events.be to Saturday between 1:30pm and 6pm. Group workshops on demand. The educational package covers a trip to the visitor centre as well as a boat trip in the harbour entrance and the Yser estuary, in which comparisons are made between the current situation and that which people would have encountered in 1914. Address - Contact: Bommenvrij Schoolstraat 48, 8620 Newport E cwrm@vzwkunst.be, www.cwrm.be 25 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 24 brought the German invasion to a halt at the outskirts of the city. It is the story of the power of the sea and of a daring strategic decision to open the locks. Contact: Tourist Office Poperinge: T +32 (0)57 34 66 76, E toerisme@poperinge.be WWI Department: E lijssenthoek@poperinge.be TALBOT HOUSE & CONCERT HALL € 5 euro per pupil • Museum In late 1915, the army chaplains Philip ‘Tubby’ Clayton and Neville Talbot opened a soldiers’ club in Poperinge, the British ‘town behind the front’. This alternative venue for soldiers to meet and relax was to become the most famous of all the British army clubs. Soldiers discovered a home from home here, a place to forget about the war. In this ‘Every Man’s club’, all ranks were welcome, from ordinary soldier to senior officer. The museum offers a virtual tour during which visitors follow ‘Tubby’s Story Tablets’. These guides lead you through the house and tell the fascinating story of this place using photographs, videos and audio clips. The tablet tours are available in several languages and for different age groups. A group tour is offered for schools in which pupils are divided into small groups that can then explore the house together. Explore with your class WWI - 26 Generally a group visit starts in the old Concert Hall, where a video DEATH CELLS AND PLACE OF EXECUTION introduction about the past of Poperinge and Talbot House is shown. For Free access – monument an overview of the options please consult the website of the museum. On The courtyard of Poperinge Town Hall was used as a place of execution request, a British cup of tea can be served after the introduction. during the war. Here, British soldiers found guilty of desertion, treason or murder would face the firing squad. Today it is an emblematic site that is The permanent exposition gives you an idea of what daily life behind the front dedicated to reflection and remembrance. In the death cells, visitors are was like by looking at themes like medical care, life in the soldiers’ camps confronted with a cinematic impression of a soldier waiting to be shot at and holding morality high. To encourage students to discover each theme for dawn. There is also graffiti on the walls left by the condemned prisoners. themselves, a range of supportive materials was developed. These can be Book a guide: for details and prices, please contact the Tourist Office (max. found on the website of the museum or you can ask for them at the museum 30 people per guide) reception. Address: Guido Gezellestraat 1 8970 Poperinge Open daily from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Throughout the year several temporary exhibitions and events are also being organized at Talbot House. For the current programme please have a look at the calendar on the museum website. 27 Explore with your class WWI - POPERINGE The museum is wheelchair-friendly, but Talbot House and the garden are not accessible by wheelchair. Address - Contact: Talbot House Gasthuisstraat 43, 8970 Poperinge T +32 (0)57 33 32 28, E info@talbothouse.be www.talbothouse.be LIJSSENTHOEK MILITARY CEMETERY VISITOR CENTRE Free entry • Book a guide (max. 30 people per guide). For details and prices, please contact the Tourist Office Visitor centre and cemetery Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery is a prime witness to the effects of over four years of violent warfare. From 1915 until 1920 the hamlet of Lijssenthoek was the venue for the largest evacuation hospital in the Ypres Salient. Today, the cemetery provokes reflection on the meaning of the Great War. The visitor centre offers interesting information on this unique site. Discover the story of Remy Siding, a group of Casualty Clearing Stations and of the cemetery, the largest hospital cemetery in the Ypres Salient and the last resting place of almost 11,000 victims representing 30 different nations. Nellie Spindler is the only woman who is buried in a CWGC cemetery in Belgium. Information includes a timeline, a map of the cemetery, the history of the Great War and the events and non-events relating to the Ypres Salient, Poperinge and Lijssenthoek. Explore the touch table using search tools that cover names, dates, regiments, battalions, etc. Find the exact location of a grave on the cemetery map. Browse hospital diaries or ask a question. View slideshows, displays showing donations and archaeological objects, a 3D film and more. Listen to thirty audio clips of readings from letters, war diaries, registers, etc. by witnesses from the past and present - whispering to you from behind the walls. Read the story on the calendar of one of the victims who died on the same day of your visit so long ago. Print the page and let the story guide you to that one specific grave. View the photo wall of 1,400 portraits: the faces behind the headstones. Walk to the cemetery along a footpath lined with 1,392 poles and let the cemetery map guide you to a place of remembrance. 29 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 28 YPRES Address: Boescheepseweg 35A 8970 Poperinge Open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. € 5 • workshop Contact: Tourist Office Poperinge T +32 (0)57 34 66 76, E toerisme@poperinge.be WWI Department E lijssenthoek@poperinge.be www.lijssenthoek.be COMINGWORLDREMEMBERME From 2014 to 2018 thousands of people spread over Flanders and the rest of the world can participate in workshops to make 600,000 sculptures out of clay: one for every victim of the First World War in Belgium. All the sculptures will together form the land art installation CWRM that will be implemented on the no man’s land of the frontline around Ypers. Get involved in this unique project and come and make your own sculpture in our workshop in Ypers. This is open for individual participants from Tuesday to Saturday between 1:30pm and 6pm. Group workshops on demand. This event is ‘Intro ok’, which means that it provides facilities for people with a disability. Further info: www.intro-events.be Address - Contact: Kazemat, Bollingstraat 5, 8900 Ypres E cwrm@vzwkunst.be, www.cwrm.be 31 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 30 Car park – Toilet facilities FROM THE BLUFF TO DIE GROSSE BASTION Booklet € 4 • Walk The provincial estate De Palingbeek during the Great War. A themed walk (not signposted) in the series ‘Stories for the road’. Walks of 10 km, 7.5 km and 4.3 km in the West Flemish Hills region. Address - Contact: De Palingbeek Visitor centre Vaartstraat 7, 8902 Ypres-Zillebeke T +32 (0)57 23 08 40, E bc.palingbeek@west-vlaanderen.be IN FLANDERS FIELDS MUSEUM € 4 • Museum The museum focuses on the events of the First World War in Flanders Fields from the human perspective of people from all over the world who shared the same story. Now that the witnesses are no longer with us, the museum presents the war landscape as the last remaining tangible witness. Information pillars form the basis for an educational tour. Schools that book a trip to the Ypres Salient through an educational service automatically receive poppy bracelets containing 4 real-life personal stories that are linked to the tour. Pupils are confronted with places where important events took place and find themselves standing on the exact spots where the central figures of the stories were given medical care or, in the worst cases, were buried. This brings long-ago stories back to life. Besides the themed walks, cycle rides and bus tours we also offer workshops for both primary (from the 4th year) and secondary school pupils. Further information on educational packages: http://www.inflandersfields. be/en/educational-activities There are some special facilities for people with a visual impairment. Address - Contact: In Flanders Fields Museum Grote Markt 34, 8900 Ypres T +32 (0)57 23 92 20, www.inflandersfields.be Reservations - Petra Delvaux / reservaties.iffm@ieper.be 33 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 32 MENIN GATE Free • Monument The Menin Gate is the most famous Commonwealth War Memorial in Flanders and perhaps the world. Tens of thousands of soldiers passed through here on the way to the front, many of them never to return. Opened in 1927, the memorial bears the names of 54,896 soldiers who were reported missing in the Ypres Salient between the outbreak of war and 15 August 1917. After this date, names were engraved on a memorial at Tyne Cot due to a lack of space. The Menin Gate was designed in the classical style by Sir Reginald Blomfield. Every night at eight o’clock sharp the resounding bugle call of the volunteers from the Ypres Last Post Association, who are members of the Ypres Voluntary Fire Brigade, pay their respects to the fallen under the Menin Gate. The central hall is wheelchair accessible, but not the ramparts. Address – Contact: T +32 (0)477 27 00 61, E info@lastpost.be www.lastpost.be HOOGE CRATER MUSEUM - ZILLEBEKE € 2 • Museum In the place where one of the fiercest battles of Ypres was fought and directly opposite the Hooge Crater Cemetery, you will find a unique WWI Free • Monument - Military Cemetery museum located in a restored church. The museum houses an extensive This Canadian monument is situated at Hill 62 in Zillebeke. In 1916, Maple collection of weapons, equipment and original photographs and presents Avenue formed the Canadian frontline and was later planted with maple reconstructions of war scenes. trees in memory of the many Canadian soldiers who died here. There A new section of the museum, opened in 2012, functions as a space for were fierce battles fought for this hill in June 1916. Today, you can enjoy a temporary exhibitions and a screening room where you can discover the wonderful panorama of Ypres from here. battlefields around the Hooge Crater from a new perspective. There are various educational activities for primary and secondary school Address: Canadalaan, 8902 Zillebeke pupils. Details are sent to you online upon reservation. Address- Contact: Hooge Crater Museum Meenseweg 46, 8902 Zillebeke T +32 (0)57 46 84 46, E info@hoogecrater.com www.hoogecrater.com 35 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 34 HILL 62 - SANCTUARY WOOD SAINT-CHARLES DE POTYZE Free • Military Cemetery The Saint Charles de Potyze cemetery in Ypres contains the bodies of over 4,000 French soldiers, including 600 unidentified men who found their last resting place in a mass grave. A Breton pieta watches over the dead. Address: Zonnebeekseweg, 8900 Ypres Contact: Tourist Office Ypres, Grote Markt 34, 8900 Ypres T +32 (0)57 23 92 20, E toerisme@ieper.be www.toerisme-ieper.be ESSEX FARM - SITE JOHN MC CRAE Free • Military Cemetery A total of 1,185 soldiers are buried at Essex Farm, including one of the youngest casualties of the war: Valentine Joe Strudwick, who was just 15 took over the sector and the underground battle began. It was probably here that on 17 February the first British mines were detonated. Many soldiers dressing station was housed. It was in one of these primitive ‘dug-outs’ that and tunnellers died in the dark tunnels and still lie buried there. Hill 60 is a the Canadian military doctor John McCrae wrote his world-famous poem ‘In cemetery without headstones. Flanders Fields’ in early May 1915. Address: Diksmuidseweg naast nr 148, 8900 Ypres Contact: Tourist Office Ypres, Grote Markt 34, 8900 Ypres T +32 (0)57 23 92 20, E toerisme@ieper.be www.toerisme-ieper.be Address: Zwarteleenstraat, 8902 Zillebeke Contact: Tourist Office Ypres, Grote Markt 34, 8900 Ypres T +32 (0)57 23 92 20, E toerisme@ieper.be www.toerisme-ieper.be YORKSHIRE TRENCH & DUG-OUT HILL 60 Free • Monument Free • Monument When a new industrial area was developed along the Ypres-Yser canal in This hill was formed by earth excavated for the construction of a railway 1992, evidence of the war was discovered at a 60-70 cm depth. Unexploded bed. In 1914, German troops captured the hill from the French. The British ammunition, structures and human remains were found. In close 37 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 36 years old when he was killed. Beside the cemetery, you can still see the concrete bunkers in which a consultation with specialists, the trench was restored along its original route, which included the entrance and exit to a deep dug-out from 1917. Information panels provide a clear explanation of the site for visitors. Address: Industrial zone along the Ypres-IJzer canal Bargiestraat, 8904 Boezinge Contact: In Flanders Fields Museum Grote Markt 34, 8900 Ypres T +32 (0)57 23 92 20, E toerisme@ieper.be www.toerisme-ieper.be ZONNEBEKE MEMORIAL MUSEUM PASSCHENDAELE 1917 € 4 • Museum In Passchendaele, over half a million soldiers were wounded or went missing over the course of 100 days in 1917, while the frontline was only pushed back a few kilometres. Over one hundred thousand soldiers died on the battlefields around Passchendaele. The museum wishes to keep the memory five sections: a historical military overview of the First World War, the Dugout Experience (with a reconstruction of a dressing station, workshops, kitchen, toilet facilities and sleeping quarters), a section about the international dimension of the war, the Trench Experience (reconstruction of a network of British and German trenches) and a remembrance gallery. The museum is housed in the historic chateau grounds of Zonnebeke, which includes the brand new Passchendaele Memorial Park with its Poppy Garden for each nation that fought. The educational package comprises two parts: 1) Educational manual for a hands-on museum experience. The museum 39 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 38 of this tragedy alive. The Passchendaele 1917 Memorial Museum consists of mascot, Olly, makes the First World War easier to understand and more approachable by guiding children through the museum. He tells exciting stories and brings the past to life by setting interesting interactive assignments (max 50 people, primary schools). Passchendaele Memorial Park 2) ‘Platoon Experience’, an educational package for secondary schools soldiers. The graveyard can be reached from the Memorial Museum (from 14 years). This ‘Platoon Experience’ offers pupils the chance Passchendaele 1917 along a 3 km (2 mile) walking and cycling path. The to play a soldier from 1917 and experience one day of the Battle of modern visitor centre provides a view of the battlefield and further insight Passchendaele: 4 October 1917. into and information about the battle. Address - Contact: Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917 Berten Pilstraat 5/A B- 8980 Zonnebeke T +32 (0)51 77 04 41, E info@passchendaele.be www.passchendaele.be TYNE COT CEMETERY Free • Military Cemetery and visitor centre This is the largest Commonwealth War Graves Commission military cemetery in continental Europe, with almost 12,000 tombstones. The Both the visitor centre and the cemetery are wheelchair accessible. Address: Tynecotstraat, 8980 Passchendaele (parking Vijfwegestraat) Contact: Tourist Office Zonnebeke Berten Pilstraat 5/A, 8980 Zonnebeke T +32 (0)51 77 04 41, E toerisme @zonnebeke.be www.zonnebeke.be www.passchendaele.be back wall of the graveyard is inscribed with the names of 34,957 missing BUTTES NEW BRITISH CEMETERY Free • Military Cemetery This British cemetery is located in Polygon Wood. The name ‘Buttes’ refers to the shooting mound of a pre-war Belgian military training ground. At the top of the hill stands a memorial to the 5th Australian division, and the New Zealand Memorial to 383 missing New Zealand soldiers can be found at the back of the cemetery. Address: Lange Dreve, 8980 Zonnebeke Contact: Tourist Office Zonnebeke Berten Pilstraat 5/A, 8980 Zonnebeke T +32 (0)51 77 04 41, E toerisme @zonnebeke.be SCOTTISH MEMORIAL FREZENBERG Free • Military Cemetery This memorial is the only one on the former Western Front dedicated to all Scots and all those of Scottish descent who fought in France and Flanders during WWI. This memorial also remembers those men of the South African Brigade who, throughout the war, fought with the Scots as part of the 9th (Scottish) Division. 41 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 40 Address: Ieperstraat, Zonnebeke Contact: Tourist Office Zonnebeke Berten Pilstraat 5/A, 8980 Zonnebeke T +32 (0)51 77 04 41, E toerisme @zonnebeke.be 85TH CANADIAN MEMORIAL This monument was the first one to be erected in the region. It honours the memory of the 85th Canadian infantry (Nova Scotia) Battalion, which suffered heavy losses during the Third Battle of Ypres in late October 1917. Address: Passendalestraat, Zonnebeke (at the height of number 84) – Reachable by grassy path Contact: Tourist Office Zonnebeke Kasteelpark, 8980 Zonnebeke T +32 (0)57 77 04 41, E toerisme @zonnebeke.be NEW ZEALAND MEMORIAL AT ’S GRAVENTAFEL Free • Monument the Battle of Broodseinde on 4 October 1917. This attack by ANZAC forces successfully pushed forward the allied trench line in the early part of the Passchendaele offensive but was followed by the inadequately prepared attack of 12 October 1917. The memorial was unveiled on 2 August 1924 by the New Zealand High Commissioner in London, Sir James Allen, who had been Minister of Defence in New Zealand during the war. Address: ‘s Graventafelstraat, 8980 Zonnebeke Contact: Tourist Office Zonnebeke Berten Pilstraat 5/A, 8980 Zonnebeke T +32 (0)51 77 04 41, E toerisme @zonnebeke.be 43 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 42 This memorial commemorates the New Zealand Division’s participation in OTHER INTERESTING SITES DE PANNE De Panne played an important role during World War I due to its prominent, strategic position in the unoccupied territory behind the Yser river. The town Address: Kerkstraat 67, 8660 De Panne Contact: Culture Department Zeelaan 21, 8660 De Panne T +32 (0)58 42 97 53, E cultuur@depanne.be was also home to the royal family during the German invasion. WALKING/CYCLING ROUTE Free • Military Cemetery Free • Walking/Cycling Route This last resting-place of the dead is the biggest military cemetery in On the occasion of the centenary commemorations of the Great War, De Belgium. Panne developed a free walking and cycling map that links major events, It was only in January 1918 that the current cemetery was established, war relics and commemorative monuments. This guide to enriching and including both military and civilian areas. Today there are 3739 tombstones moving walking and cycling tours has one message: ‘Never again war’! located in the De Panne military cemetery. Here 3,366 Belgian casualties of WWI (of which 811 couldn’t be identified), 36 French casualties from WWI (of which three couldn’t be identified) and finally also 342 Belgian casualties from WWII (of which 42 couldn’t be identified) are buried. Explore with your class WWI - 44 ‘DE PANNE AND THE FIRST WORLD WAR’ Address: various locations in De Panne and Adinkerke Contact: Culture Department Zeelaan 21, 8660 De Panne T +32 (0)58 42 97 53, E cultuur@depanne.be PERMANENT EXHIBITION ‘RED CROSS HOSPITAL’ L’OCÉAN AND DE PANNE 1914-1918’ (12-2014 TO 12-2018) Free • Exhibition Early December 1914, the Red Cross received permission from the War Department to convert the Grand Hotel de l’Océan (a seaside hotel built in 1904) into a frontline hospital. This requisition of the hotel was instigated by Dr Antoine Depage and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium. The aim was to be able to provide surgical treatment to the severely wounded as quickly as possible. On 20 December 1914, the first casualties arrived. When it was founded, the hospital had 200 beds: this figure increased systematically until the final offensive in 1918, when there were 1,800 beds. During the First World War, the hospital treated 24,000 casualties, making L’Océan the largest Belgian frontline hospital. The hospital comprised a total of 46 buildings. After the war, L’Océan returned to being a hotel and holiday 45 Explore with your class WWI - BELGIAN MILITARY CEMETERY residence and during the Second World War once more served as a hospital. The building was demolished in 1961. Address: Kerkstraat 67, 8660 De Panne Contact: Culture Department Zeelaan 21, 8660 De Panne T +32 (0)58 42 97 53, E cultuur@depanne.be HEUVELLAND HEUVELLAND TOURISM Groups 1,5€ • Tourist Office Documentary Zero Hour The Kemmel tourist office is a good entry point for a journey of discovery into the history of WWI. You can watch the documentary ‘Zero Hour’ here, which tells the story of the Mine Battle of 1917. Combined with a visit to Bayernwald, you can watch Zero hour for free, otherwise the charge is €1. Reservations for groups are recommended. There is space for 20 persons in the screening room. Address - Contact: Heuvelland Tourism Polenlaan 1, 8956 Kemmel T +32 (0)57 45 04 55, E toerisme@heuvelland.be www.tourismheuvelland.be THE POOL OF PEACE Free • Monument The Pool of Peace is also known as the ‘Spanbroekmolen Crater’ after the mill that stood here before the war. Nowadays, it is a peaceful place of reflection and a memorial to the Mine Battle. On the 17th of June 1917, British troops detonated 19 underground mines, from Hill 60 to Ploegsteert (the Wijtschate-Messines Ridge). The blast created huge craters in the landscape. The Pool of Peace is the largest and most impressive of these craters. Address: Kruisstraat, 8953 Wijtschate Contact: Heuvelland Tourism Temporary relocation from 1 April 2015 to Polenlaan 1, 8956 Kemmel T +32 (0)57 45 04 55, E toerisme@heuvelland.be www.heuvelland.be 47 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 46 THE LETTENBERG Free • Monument The Lettenberg is a hill (97m) near the Kemmelberg. In late 1916, the British Engineers and Tunnellers began an operation to excavate underground headquarters. The concrete bunkers form four reinforced concrete shelters, some of which can be visited. Address: Lokerstraat, 8956 Kemmel Contact: Heuvelland Tourism Temporary relocation from 1 April 2015 to Polenlaan 1, 8956 Kemmel T +32 (0)57 45 04 55, E toerisme@heuvelland.be www.heuvelland.be 49 BAYERNWALD € 1,5 for young people up to 26 years old (tickets are only available from the Heuvelland Tourist Office) – Free entrance for teachers upon showing their teacher ID. Bayernwald is a unique German site in Wijtschate and consists of two listening shafts, a trench system and four bunkers. The site is accessed via a footpath through the restored trenches, with information panels that explain the events of the war and life at the front. Address - Contact: Tickets from Heuvelland Tourism Temporary relocation from 1 April 2015 to Polenlaan 1, 8956 Kemmel T +32 (0)57 45 04 55, E toerisme@heuvelland.be www.heuvelland.be Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 48 FRENCH OSSUARY Free • Monument HOUTHULST The mass French grave at the foot of the Kemmelberg contains the remains of PEACE MILL 5,294 soldiers, of whom only 57 have been identified. Most of them were killed Free • Monument during the Battle of Kemmelberg in April 1918. At the top of the Kemmelberg, The position of the Peace Mill on the ridge in Klerken soon led to it being ‘The Angel’ looks out over the mass grave and the battlefield. This memorial used as a strategic observation post by German troops during WWI. On 28 column is 18 m high and represents Victoria, the Roman goddess of victory. September 1918, the first day of the final offensive, the Germans still held the The monument ‘The Angel’ is accessible to wheelchair users but the position but one day later the mill was finally in the hands of the Allies. This cemetery itself is difficult to access. put an end to the German occupation of Klerken. Address: Kemmelbergweg, 8956 Kemmel Contact: Heuvelland Tourism Temporary relocation from 1 April 2015 to Polenlaan 1, 8956 Kemmel T +32 (0)57 45 04 55, E toerisme@heuvelland.be www.heuvelland.be GRAVE OF WILLIAM REDMOND Free • Monument Today, the restoration of the mill ruins means that the building can once again serve as a vantage point. A system of metal stairs allows far-reaching views across the Western Front. Address: Molenweg, 8650 Klerken Contact: Dienst Vrije Tijd Markt 17, 8650 Houthulst, T +32 (0)51 46 08 94, E toerisme@houthulst.be www.houthulst.be Despite the fact that Major William Redmond MP was too old to have even been deployed on a battlefield, he fought and was fatally shot during the DRIE GRACHTEN (Three Canals) Battle of Messines. He was carried off the battlefield by John Meeke, a Free • Monument Protestant soldier, and reached the Casualty Clearing Station at the Catholic Drie Grachten is the ideal starting point for a walk through the lovely flat Hospice at Locre, where he died of his wounds. The nuns buried him in the countryside or a cycle ride along the water. This was the battleground of the grounds of the hospice. Later, his body was moved to the Commonwealth French Zouaves during WWI. The Driegrachten Bridge was an important cemetery but at the request of his family his body was relocated once more, outpost in 1914 and 1915 for the Belgian and later the French troops. A this time to a grave outside the cemetery walls. plaque on the cafe wall commemorates the Zouaves’ contribution to the Address: Godschalckstraat (adjacent to Hospice British Cemetery) Loker, Heuvelland Contact: Heuvelland Tourism Temporary relocation from 1 April 2015 to Polenlaan 1, 8956 Kemmel T +32 (0)57 45 04 55, E toerisme@heuvelland.be www.heuvelland.be fighting. Address: Driegrachtensteenweg, 8650 Merkem Contact: Dienst Vrije Tijd Markt 17, 8650 Houthulst, T +32 (0)51 46 08 94, E toerisme@houthulst.be www.houthulst.be 51 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 50 BELGIAN MILITARY CEMETERY Free • Military Cemetery KOEKELARE The most famous Belgian military cemetery but not the largest. The KÄTHE KOLLWITZ MUSEUM cemetery contains the remains of 1,723 soldiers, mainly Belgians but also 81 € 1,5 • Museum Italian prisoners of war. The cemetery is unique for its position on the edge Käthe Kollwitz (1867-1945) was a German expressionist artist. Her son of the forest and for its unusual star shape. Most of the soldiers buried here Peter was killed in 1914 immediately upon arrival at the Western Front. The were killed during the final offensive in 1918. From the cemetery, there are modernised Käthe Kollwitz Museum shows how the world famous artist scenic walks through the Vrijbos (woods). Address: Poelkapellestraat, 8650 Houthulst Contact: Dienst Vrije Tijd Markt 17, 8650 Houthulst T +32 (0)51 46 08 94, E toerisme@houthulst.be www.houthulst.be protested against war and poverty. The museum also tells the story of Käthe Kollwitz as the mother of a fallen soldier. Address - Contact: Tourist Office Sint-Maartensplein 15B, 8680 Koekelare T +32 (0)51 61 04 94, E info@koekelare.be 53 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 52 LANGE MAX MUSEUM € 1,50 + € 40 for the guide • Museum The Lange Max Museum focuses almost exclusively on the German side of the First World War. Visitors learn about the huge cannon,‘Long Max’, that was mainly used against Dunkirk, and about living and working behind the front line. The impressive artillery platform for the gun is within walking distance of the museum. Address: Clevenstraat 2, 8680 Koekelare Contact: Lange Max Museum (secretariat) Oostmeetstraat 61, 8680 Koekelare T +32 (0)476 21 68 59, E info@langemaxmuseum.be www.langemaxmuseum.be COMINES-WARNETON – PLOEGSTEERT BERKS CEMETERY EXTENSION PLUGSTREET 14-18 EXPERIENCE The memorial in Ploegsteert is located in the middle of Berks Cemetery From €6 per pupil (group of min. 20 pupils with guide) - Centre of and commemorates 11,447 British and South-African soldiers who fought interpretation with guided walk and fell in the immediate area during the Great War and who have no You will find the Plugstreet 14-18 Experience Interpretation Centre just known graves. They lost their lives fighting in the smaller skirmishes that a stone’s throw from the memorial. Here, various aspects of WW1 are backed the larger offensives. illuminated using attractive, modern technologies such as touchscreens, The sounding of the Last Post takes place at the memorial on the first videos and an interactive map (all available in English). A qualified guide Friday of each month at 7.00 pm. The centre of interpretation is open until will take you through the Centre and the surroundings and relate stories 7.00 pm on those evenings. peppered with anecdotes. For primary as well as secondary schools there are various educational activities available with a qualified guide. The duration is from half a day to We highly recommend combining a visit to Plugstreet 14-18 Experience a full week. with one of the outdoor activities (“A walk round Plugstreet”, remembrance Address & Contact: Tourist Information Centre of Comines-Warneton Chemin du Moulin Soete 21, 7780 Comines T +32 (0)56 55 56 00, www.plugstreet1418.com office.tourisme.comines-warneton@belgacom.net locations – Memorial, cemeteries, Christmas Truce – paper chase through the woods, German Blockhaus) and, for the youngest pupils, the British soldier’s light meal. For primary as well as secondary schools there are various educational activities available. The duration is from half a day to a full week. 55 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 54 Free • Military cemetery in warfare: Yemen, Ethiopia, Tokyo and in 2013, Syria. This signpost aims to bring a strong message of peace. Address: Houtlandstraat 3, 8600 Vladslo POELCAPELLE BRITISH CEMETERY Free • Military cemetery The cemetery where the youngest allied soldier of the war lies buried: John Condon, aged 14. Address: Brugseweg, 8920 Langemark GUYNEMER MONUMENT Address & Contact : Tourist Information Centre of Comines-Warneton Chemin du Moulin Soete 21 7780 Comines T +32 (0) www.plugstreet1418.com office.tourisme.comines-warneton@belgacom.net an elegant stork, which refers to his squadron Escadrille des Cigognes, a combat unit of the French airforce. Guynemer was one of the great pioneers 57 LANGEMARK-POELKAPELLE GERMAN MILITARY CEMETERY LANGEMARK Free • Military cemetery The German Military Cemetery Soldatenfriedhof in Langemark-Poelkapelle, also known as the Studentenfriedhof, is one of Belgium’s four remaining German military cemeteries from the First World War. Over 3000 cadets and students volunteers were killed in October 1914 during futile attempts to break through in the direction of Ypres. For this reason the cemetery is also known as the ‘Studentenfriedhof’. Its layout and atmosphere are in stark contrast to what you find in the Commonwealth cemeteries, which makes it well worth a visit. The ‘Peace signpost’ at the cemetery points to places where, after its initial use in Langemark, gas has been used as a weapon Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 56 Free • Monument This monument to the French pilot Georges Guynemer is surmounted with of aerial warfare with 53 victories, some of his most notable in the skies above Poelkapelle. It was here that he disappeared on 11 September 1917 during a routine mission. His body was never recovered. Address: Guynemerplein, 8920 Langemark THE BROODING SOLDIER Free • Monument This monument was erected in memory of the 2,000 casualties of the 1st Canadian Division, who were killed during a counter-attack after the German gas attacks of April and May 1915. all the Welsh victims of the First World War. Adjacent to the park with the memorial, there is a plaque commemorating the Welsh poet Hedd Wyn, where a ceremony of remembrance is held every first Monday of the month at 7 pm. Address: Boezingestraat, 8920 Langemark Contact for all sites in Langemark : Tourist Office Langemark-Poelkapelle Kasteelstraat 1, 8920 Langemark T +32 (0)57 49 09 41, E toerisme@langemark-poelkapelle.be www.langemark-poelkapelle.be Address: Kruispunt Brugseweg-Zonnebekestraat, 8920 Sint-Juliaan MESSINES WELSH NATIONAL MEMORIAL PARK TOURIST INFORMATION POINT Free • Monument Free • Visitor centre A dolmen of Welsh pennant stone surmounted with a dragon commemorates This information point is located in the former town hall. The visitor gains an impression of Messines’ role in history and particularly during the WWI period: the build-up and the first battles; the prominent role New Zealanders played during the Battle of Messines, and so forth. Address - Contact: Tourist Office Messines Markt 1, 8957 Messines T +32 (0)57 22 17 14, E info@mesen.be www.mesen.be IRISH PEACE PARK AND PEACE TOWER Free • Monument The circular tower in the Irish Peace Park commemorates all the war casualties of the entire island of Ireland and symbolises transcendence over religious and political differences. During the Battle of Messines, which began on 7 June 1917, the Catholic and Protestant divisions fought side by side to conquer the hill of Messines. 59 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 58 Address: Armentierssteenweg, 8957 Messines Contact: Tourist Office Messines Markt 1, 8957 Messines T +32 (0)57 22 17 14, E info@mesen.be www.mesen.be THE NEW ZEALAND MONUMENT Free • Monument A New Zealand division was also deployed at the Battle of Messines. The Australian and New Zealand casualties are commemorated every year on 25 April (ANZAC day). Address: Nieuw-Zeelanderstraat, 8957 Messines Contact: Tourist Office Messines Markt 1, 8957 Messines T +32 (0)57 22 17 14, E info@mesen.be CHRISTMAS TRUCE MEMORIAL Free • Monument The pupils of the British Mildenhall College Academy and of the German Gymnasium Theodorianum joined forces to create a memorial for the Christmas Truce. The pupils were fully responsible for both the initiative and the design itself. The monument is located at the Peace Village Hostel, which hosts many international projects, and looks over Douve Valley. It was here on Christmas Eve 1914, in no man’s land, that German and British soldiers gathered to play football. www.peacevillage.be THE MESSINES RIDGE MONUMENT FOR THE MISSING Free • Monument This monument is located in the Messines Ridge British Cemetery. It stands 61 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 60 at the entrance to the cemetery and commemorates the 839 New Zealand soldiers declared missing in action. Address: Nieuwkerkestraat, 8957 Messines Flanders Peace Field is the non-profit arm of the Peace Village Hostel. Inspired by the Christmas Truces, the association organises educational activities and international projects and events related to the centenary of the Great War. It is also responsible for the Messines football pitch, now known as the Peace Field, which it initiated. Contact: Tourist Office Messines Markt 1, 8957 Messines T +32 (0)57 22 17 14, E info@mesen.be www.mesen.be 100€ per group (no limit) • Evening walk FLANDERS PEACE FIELD Today, we continue to be confronted with the consequences of this war. The MARCH OF THE PHOENIX This interactive evening walk of remembrance takes place in Messines. A century after the battle, we set out in search of some of the silent witnesses of the Great War. Reflection and remembrance are at the heart of this walk. Educational programme at the Messines Peace Village Youth Hostel • Prices tour includes a visit to recent additions to the local military cemetery, a talk vary according to whether the group stays at the hostel. There is a 50% on the Iron Harvest, a re-enactment of the Christmas Truce and a traditional discount for residential groups. Haka ceremony at the New Zealand Memorial. We conclude the walk with a visit to the beautifully illuminated Island of Ireland Peace Park. By emphasising ‘forgotten’ topics of the Great War and working both inductively and interactively, we hope to give the pupils a unique experience. The aim of this tour is to encourage pupils to decide for themselves how they wish to remember the war. IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE KIWIS 100€ per group (no size limit) • History walk On 7 June 1917, the Battle of Messines Ridge took off with the detonation of 19 massive underground mines. The New Zealand Division rushed the site where the Peace Village stands today and won one of the first big allied victories of the Great War. Today, the landscape still tells the tale of this impressive battle with its mine craters, memorials and cemeteries. We take the group off the beaten track to visit the New Zealand Memorial to the Missing and some of the latest additions to the cemetery. At the New Zealand Memorial park we explore the German frontline bunkers. We match aerial photographs with trench maps and the bunkers on site. We advance in the footsteps of L Cpl Samuel Frickleton and learn how he won his Victoria Cross. On the Messines market square, we explore the new visitor centre and view original equipment, film footage and impressive panoramic photographs. The group can climb the Messines church tower (+ 30 minutes) to get a good overview of 63 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 62 the whole salient. The Messines bell tower is home to an impressive carillon and a medieval crypt, in which Adolf Hitler himself is said to have lived. We also talk about the Christmas Truces at the Flanders Peace Field and the Irish involvement in the war at the Island of Ireland Peace Park. IN NO MAN’S LAND 100€ per group (no limit) • Geocoaching The Christmas Truces form the central theme for this geocaching game. In small groups, you visit five to seven locations, such as the Flanders Peace Field, Messines Church with its medieval crypt and the Island of Ireland Peace Park. At each site, the groups are set an assignment that brings the topics to life. During a final period of reflection, we focus on the Address - contact: Nieuwkerkestraat 9a, 8957 Messines T +32 (0)57 22 60 40, E info@peacevillage.be http://peacevillage.be/en/evening-activities Always open “The evening walk was well planned and took account of the children’s knowledge and interest. There were opportunities to reflect, interactive elements and enough factual information to engage all the children and develop their knowledge of the underlying history of Messines during the First World War. The dramatic reading of the Christmas Truce was very atmospheric. All was well and carefully supervised. An excellent evening activity which set the tone for a memorable week. Thank you.” contemporary link with today’s refugees. St. Stephens Primary School 65 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 64 OSTEND RAVERSYDE ATLANTIC WALL - AACHEN BATTERY € 3 per pupil • Museum Raversyde is home to the only preserved German coastal battery from the First World War. The site was equipped with guns, observation bunkers and quarters for troops. In order to protect the ports of Zeebrugge and Ostend (from which German submarines were operating) from the feared Allied landing on the beach, the Germans built batteries along the Belgian coast. The remnants of Aachen Battery were the only ones preserved. During the Second World War, new defences were constructed on the same site, which formed part of the Atlantic Wall fortifications. The eponymous museum introduces visitors to some of the most impressive defence systems of both wars. That it still exists is thanks to the Belgian Prince Charles, who lived here until his death and defended the site from demolition. Audio guides are available in English. English-speaking guides can be booked. The museum is open from 10:30 am to 5 pm (6 pm at weekends). Last admission 1 hour before closing time / Aachen Battery 1h15 before closing time. Groups, schools: by appointment. Address - Contact: Provinciedomein Raversyde Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 636, 8400 Oostende T +32 (0)59 70 22 85, E info@raversyde.be www.raversyde.be 67 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 66 ROESELARE / RUMBEKE KING ALBERT I AND THE GREAT WAR Free • Exhibition in chateau + guide (max 50 persons, 55 euros) and educational package (primary school game) For the WWI centenary commemorations, an interactive schools package was developed at Kasteel van Rumbeke on the subject of Albert I and the Great War. The 4-year project provides pupils with the opportunity to reflect on this traumatic chapter of history. Powerful links are also made between the past and the present. The day is divided into two parts: • Exhibition in the chateau + educational package with guide (2h) This exhibition focuses on the underreported role of King Albert I and the Belgian army during WWI. With the famous king as the key figure, we guide your class through the story of ‘Brave Little Belgium’. Who was this remarkable man in reality, as son, brother, husband, father, king and commander of the army? And what was the great achievement of the Belgians? Bring your class and find out all about it! • King Game (2h, primary school) We’re setting off into the great outdoors! The chateau and the Sterrebos estate are the perfect setting for a historic game. Primary school pupils gain cross-curricular skills and insights into the war. Search-and-learn activities enforce learning about war and peace and the links between the past and the present. From 2016 In late February 2016, a new section of the exhibition will open that investigates other aspects of war. For example, the battlefield is not the only place where decisions are made and besides military considerations there are also those of the economy and diplomacy. The educational package will reflect these topics. A project is already being devised for secondary schools. 69 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 68 Packed lunches can be eaten in the chateau or as a picnic in the meadow. Adres: Kasteel van Rumbeke Moorseelsesteenweg 2, 8800 Rumbeke Contact: T +32(0)51 26 97 18, E info@albert14-18.be www.albert14-18.be VEURNE ‘FREE FATHERLAND, LIFE BEHIND THE FRONT’ €2 per person, not inclusive of guide (60€ for a group) • Experience Centre Topics such as nursing (Queen Elisabeth, Marie Curie), education (Queen Elisabeth, Miss Fyfe), entertainment, the foreign soldier, refugees, justice (Rachel Ryckewaert) and King Albert’s headquarters are all addressed. An English-speaking guide is available but have to be booked in advance FRENCH OSSUARY Free • Military cemetery This military cemetery contains a mass grave where 78 French soldiers are interred. Another 186 Frenchmen were buried here, including 8 Muslims. Address: Oude Vestingstraat, 8630 Veurne Contact: Tourist Office Veurne Grote Markt 29, 8630 Veurne T +32 (0)58 33 55 31 www.veurne.be 71 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 70 Address - Contact: Tourist Office Veurne Grote Markt 29, 8630 Veurne T +32 (0)58 33 55 34, E info@vrijvaderland.be voor reservatie: E groepen@veurne.be www.vrijvaderland.be STEENKERKE Free • Military cemetery TRANSPORTATION 515 Belgian soldiers are buried behind the church, including 55 unknown soldiers. The artist Joe English who had an Irish father was originally buried Several companies in West Flanders hire coaches and minibuses with driver. here but was later interred in the Yser Tower crypt. He is mainly known for The following companies are just a selection. his design of the Heldenhuldezerk, the special gravestone used to mark out the Flemish fallen hero. Address: Achter de Laurentiuskerk, 8630 Veurne Contact: Tourist Office Veurne Grote Markt 29, 8630 Veurne T +32 (0)58 33 55 31 www.veurne.be Albion Hulkstraat 3, 8380 Zeebrugge T + 32 (0)50 51 86 88 E info@albion.be www.albion.be Keolis Vlamingveld 6, 8490 Jabbeke T + 32 (0)50 32 01 11 E info-eltebe@keolis.be www.keolis-travel.be Mandel Car Prins Albertlaan 78, 8870 Izegem E info@mandelcar.be www.mandelcar.be Flamingo busvakanties Gentsestraat 13, 8530 Harelbeke T + 32 (0)56 70 24 44 E carine@flamingo-busvakanties.be www.flamingo-busvakanties.be Sima Tours Stattiestraat 205, 8810 Lichtervelde T + 32 (0)51 54 12 99 E info@simtours.be 73 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 72 T + 32 (0)51 31 75 74 Suffis in one direction with brown hexagonal metal plates that feature a poppy. The Europalaan 6-8, 8970 Poperinge route maps are available for € 2 per route from the tourist office and can be T +32 (0) 57 33 34 80 ordered on shop.westtoer.be. E info@suffis.be COGGE_GEERAERT, NIEUWPOORT AND VEURNE (24 miles) Lenoir This cycling route illustrates the flooding of the Yser plain Meenseweg 427, 8902 Zillebeke during the First World War and the roles played by the historic T 32 (0) 57 20 07 73 figures Karel Cogge and Hendrik Geeraert. It links places E info@reizenlenoir.be and monuments that bear witness to this remarkable event and that recall the sufferings of war: the Albert I Monument Explore with your class WWI - 74 in Nieuwpoort, the Stad- en Landshuis in Veurne, the Belgian military cemeteries of Steenkerke and Ramskapelle, the bust There is coach parking available at the following locations near important of Karel Cogge, the Ganzenpoot and the Frontzate (former landmarks: railway bed). Ypres: Train station. More info about parking in Ypres: http://www. THE LEGACY, ZONNEBEKE (22,7 miles ) toerismeieper.be/images/ filelib/folderbusregeling2014low_1579.pdf The Legacy cycling route starts at the tourist office of the Poperinge: Peperstraat/Oudstrijdersplein, Sportzone Reningelstseweg - Zonnebeke chateau park and sets out in the direction of Ouderdomseweg, Zuidlaan (adjacent to the ring road), Westlaan (adjacent to Polygon Wood. Adjacent to and in the wood are two British the ring road), Lijssenthoek military cemetery cemeteries - an idyllic setting. You will also find several Zonnebeke: Museum Passchendaele, Tyne Cot Cemetery German and New Zealand bunkers. The remainder of the Diksmuide: Yser Tower, train station, 4AD music club route crosses the villages of Zandvoorde, Geluveld and Nieuwpoort: adjacent to the King Albert I monument Beselare, each with numerous monuments. From Beselare the route heads to Passchendaele, the Old Cheese Dairy and BICYCLE HIRE Tyne Cot Cemetery. You can hire bicycles in the various municipalities: POP ROUTE, POPERINGE (25,8 miles) http://www.flandersfields.be/en/cycle-routes This cycling route follows the traces of the First World War behind the front, the first stop after the hell of the trenches. CYCLING ROUTES For the occasion of the centenary of the Great War, a dozen new recreational Here, soldiers were stripped of their mud and blood drenched uniforms and their wounds attended to or their bodies taken away. Poperinge, or POP as the British called it, was cycling routes were created with the theme of the First World War. The inundated with foreign troops over a four-year period. In POP, circular routes connect numerous monuments, cemeteries and museums they rested among the locals or were court-martialled for that commemorate the terrible war period. The paths are an excellent desertion or for disobeying orders, which often meant death means of traversing the former battlefields. The itineraries are signposted by firing squad. Museums and visitor centres remind us all of 75 Explore with your class WWI - COACH PARKING the horrors of war. Military cemeteries and hop fields punctuate the tranquil illustrate this multifaceted history. countryside NO MAN’S WATER, LO-RENINGE, VLETEREN, EN ALVERINGEM YPRES SALIENT, YPRES (22,7 miles) (27 miles) The Ypres Salient was formed as an arc-shaped front around The No man’s water cycle route discovers the area of land between Merkem Ypres in October 1914. Both camps dug in and fought from and Noordschote that was intentionally flooded, located between the IJzer their own trench and tunnel systems. From late May 1915 Front and the Ypres Salient. to early August 1917, the ‘Small Salient’ remained virtually unchanged. Half a million soldiers of over 50 different KÄTHE KOLLWITZ, KOEKELARE (26 miles) nationalities died here. This 1914-1918 cycling route is structured around the figure of the famous The Salient was thus known as one of the most notorious German expressionist artist Käthe Kollwitz, who created a masterpiece in zones of the Western Front. This route takes you to the front the form of the two statues ‘Grieving Parents’, which can be visited at the lines and past the most important relics of the war. German Military Cemetery in Vladslo. The new Long Max Museum is also on this route, a site that sheds light on the German side of the war in this region. POISON GAS, LANGEMARK-POELKAPELLE (25,8 miles) YSER 14-18, DIKSMUIDE (25 miles) gas cylinders filled with chlorine gas along a 6 km stretch Opening 2 October 2015 of the frontline, between Stampkothoeve and ‘t Halfweghe In late October 1914, the front came to a standstill at the Yser river. The huys. That day and in the days to follow, 5,000 soldiers and Belgian army had been forced to retreat to the Westhoek. The Yser was the civilians lost their lives and thousands of others suffered the last line of defence. As the Belgians struggled to repel the German advance, lifelong consequences of the poison. The use of this weapon of King Albert I decided to open the locks at Nieuwpoort. The Yser plain was mass destruction is considered to mark the dawn of chemical flooded and the Belgian soldiers thus held the last piece of their country. The warfare. The 41 km route takes you past the most important Yser 14-18 cycling route takes you along the most important sites of the First sites relating to this event. World War in and around Diksmuide. Yser 14-18 replaces the Never Again War cycling route. ALLER/RETOUR (THERE AND BACK), ALVERINGEM, LO-RENINGE, DIKSMUIDE (22,2 miles) The ‘Aller/Retour’, or ’There and Back’, cycling route follows in the footsteps of the soldiers of the Alveringem army CAR ROUTES barracks as they made the arduous journey to the Trench of It is also possible to discover the war past in Flanders Fields by car . Death in the Diksmuide sector, and then back. Various aspects Westtoer developed three new car routes on the theme of WWI as a result of of the Great War are covered: life at and behind the front, the Great War Centenary. These and several other car routes have also been supply routes, medical evacuations and the military strategy compiled into a general map: ‘14-18 Car route map’. The route maps are to defend this very last piece of free Belgium. The ‘Flemish available for € 6 per route and the general map is available for €5 from the question’ gives the well-known French term ‘Aller-Retour’ an tourist office and can be ordered on shop.westtoer.be. additional significance. A variety of interesting war relics and monuments These routes can also be used by buses with a few adaptations. Coaches can, 77 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 76 On 22 April 1915, German troops opened approximately 6,000 however, reach most of the sites using main roads. If you are in doubt, it is Pioneer car route, Zonnebeke (45 miles) adviable to contact the tourist office in either Ieper or Zonnebeke. The Pioneer Route explores the area behind the old German front of 1914-1918. Today, this area straddles Ypres Salient car route , Ypres (42 miles) the borders of France, Flanders and Wallonia. But The Ypres Salient (known as the Ieperboog in Flemish) was during the war there were no such borders. a bulge in the front line. The Germans occupied the ridges which formed a semi-circle around the city of Ieper. This put 14-18 Car Route Map the British at a disadvantage, since they were overlooked Following the commemoration of 100 years of the on three sides from this high ground. This was an area ‘Great War’, Westtoer developed six First World War-themed tourist routes of repeated savage fighting, since it was one of the most throughout Flanders Fields in cooperation with participating vulnerable sectors of the front: a breakthrough here could boroughs. The six routes have now been compiled into a have had disastrous consequences for either side. The route general map: ‘14-18 Car route map’. takes you to all the most important sites and monuments on One side of the brochure shows a map with the routes, and the old battlefields, as well as telling the stories of John Mc Crae, George the other side provides practical information relating to each Guynemer, Passendale, Tyne Cot Cemetery, Hill 60… route as well as an overview of the most important WW1 sights that can be found on each route. The map is available Life at the Front car route, Poperinge (53 miles) free of charge from local tourist offices or from Westtoer ‘Life at the Front’ explores the front area between (T +32 (0)50 30 55 00 - shop.westtoer.be). Poperinge, Heuvelland and surroundings. There was App ‘Tourist Car Routes Flanders Fields’ the front. For four years, Poperinge was the centre A very useful tool is the free app ‘Tourist Car Routes Flanders of British military operations. For the hard-pressed Fields’. The app takes you along the most important sites and soldiers, ‘Pop’ was like a little Paris. And Talbot House places of the Great War in Flanders Fields. It contains pre- gave them the comforting feeling of home. From 1915 defined routes (Ypres Salient, Life at the Front and Pioneer), onwards a large field hospital cared for more than but it’s also possible to compose your own personal tour based on your own 360,000 sick and wounded. For almost 11,000 of these victims all help came interests. The app contains more than 100 points of interest, out of which you too late. They now lie buried in Lijssenthoek, the largest hospital cemetery can make a choice, based on a list, a map or a theme. The app is illustrated in Belgium. Heuvelland was a scene of constant fighting, a veritable gateway with archive material such as photos, texts and audio fragments. On some to the hell of Dante’s Inferno. ‘Bayernwald’ remained an unconquerable points of interest, there is the possibility to use augmented reality to make Teutonic fortress for three long years. But in June 1917 the hill country shook the link between today and the situation during the Great War. During your to the explosion of a series of great underground mines. Protestant and quest, you will meet the persons who will tell you their own Great War story. Catholic Irishmen fought side by side. Thousands of soldiers died during the The app has an offline navigation tool to guide from one point to another storming of Kemmel Hill by the Germans. A few kilometres away lies the in your tour through Flanders Fields. The app is free and available in the border between life or death. Heuvelland was a scene of constant fighting, a Appstore and on Google Play. veritable gateway to the hell of Dante’s Inferno. 79 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 78 the bitter life at the front and the better life behind CRUISING ROUTES - ComingWorldRememberMe workshop in Ieper: 17pm - Menin Gate and Last Post: 20pm Let the waterways be your guide for an exploration of this surprising corner of Flanders, sandwiched between France and the North Sea! This tourist map offers a varied boating Off the beaten track school tour: the story of the inundation route through Flanders Fields, but one that you can easily De Panne – Nieuwpoort – Diksmuide – Koekelare adapt to suit your own needs and interests. The map is available free of charge from local tourist offices If you are arriving from the direction of Calais, this is the perfect itinerary or from Westtoer (T +32 (0)50 30 55 00 - shop.westtoer.be). for discovering the north of Flanders Fields. Many traces of the spectacular Further information: http://www.flandersfields.be/en/ story of the inundation remain in the area to this day. water-recreation - exhibition ‘The L’Océan Red Cross Hospital in De Panne 1914-1918’, including British nurses working behind the front or Free Fatherland in TOUR SUGGESTIONS Below are a few itinerary proposals. These are intended as both inspiration and helpful guide so that you can plan your own school tour. Veurne: 10am - Westfront Visitor Centre in Nieuwpoort, with the story of the strategic flooding: 11am - ComingWorldRememberMe workshop in Nieuwpoort Bomenvrij: making figurines in memory of the victims: 12pm Classic school tour 48 hours - lunch in Nieuwpoort / lunch in Diksmuide: 12:30pm / 1pm Zonnebeke – Poperinge – Ypres - boat trip on the Yser / no boat trip: 1:30pm/x - Trench of Death: 2:30pm / 2pm - Museum on the Yser, with a view over the front from the tower: 3:30pm/ 3pm - Passchendaele museum Zonnebeke: 10am - Long Max Museum in Koekelare, with military stories: 5pm / 4:30pm - Trail to the British Military Cemetery Tyne cot Zonnebeke: 11am - French Military Cemetery Saint-Charles de Potyze: 12pm Tip: The Cogge-Geeraert cycling routes and Yser 14-18 offer an alternative - Lunch in Poperinge: 13pm way to explore the sights. - Talbot House: 14pm - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery Visitor Centre: 16pm - Essex Farm- site John Mc Crae in Boezinge: 17pm Off the beaten track school tour : Women during WWI tour De Panne – Veurne – Diksmuide – Koekelare – Vladslo Day 2: - In Flanders Fields museum in Ieper: 10am - exhibition ‘The L’Océan Red Cross Hospital in De Panne 1914-1918’: the - Lunch Hooge Crater museum in Zillebeke / Ypres: 12pm story of how Queen Elisabeth of Belgium helped organise medical care - Hill 60 in Zillebeke / Ieper: 13pm behind the front and the many nurses who worked there after receiving a - Trail from The Bluff to die Grosse Bastion in Zillebeke / Ieper: 14pm - Yorkshire Trench & dug-out in Ieper: 16pm crash course in nursing at the King Albert’s Hospital in London: 10am - Free Motherland in Veurne: the story of the radiologist Marie Curie: 11am 81 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 80 Day 1: - lunch in Veurne: 12pm Accessible tour - Museum on the Yser in Diksmuide: the story of two nurses at the front, View Visit Flanders website for an accessible tour: http://www.visitflanders. Elsie Knocker and Mairi Chisholm: 2pm (opens in in 2016!) - Käthe Kollwitz museum in Koekelare: 4pm com/en/themes/flanders_fields/highlights-flanders-fields-in-48-hours/ accessible-tour/ - German military cemetery in Vladslo: sculpture ‘the grieving parents’ by the German artist Käthe Kollwitz, whose son Peter is buried here. A German nurse is also buried in Vladslo: Anne Scholne, who died in October 1918: 5pm Tip: In 2016, several temporary exhibitions on remarkable women during WWI are planned in Flanders Fields (including at the Museum on the Yser). Further information will soon be available at www.flandersfields.be The Käthe Kollwitz cycling route offers an alternative way to explore the sights. Off the beaten track school tour: the story of the Mine Battle Heuvelland – Komen – Wijtschate – Messines On the way to Fromelles there are a number of very interesting places to visit that tell the story of the 1917 Mine Battle. - Bayernwald in Heuvelland: 10am - Lunch in Heuvelland: 12pm - Plugstreet Experience in Komen: 2pm - Wijtschate – Messines crater trail, including the Pool of Peace, with an expert guide: 3pm - Tourist Information, Irish Peace Park and the Peace Tower in Messines: 5pm Tip: In 2017, several temporary exhibitions on the Mine Battle and the third battle of Ypres are planned in Flanders Fields (including in Heuvelland, Messines, Ypres, Zonnebeke and Poelkapelle). Further information will soon be available at www.flandersfields.be Tours by nationality Please consult the Visit Flanders Website for a tailor made British, Irish, Canadian and Australian/New Zealand tour. http://www.visitflanders.com/en/themes/flanders_fields/highlights-flanders-fields-in-48-hours/ 83 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 82 FASCINATING WWI – WEBSITES, INFORMATION AND APPLICATIONS CROSS-BORDER PROJECTS FOR ORGANISATIONS AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS WWWW.WEGWIJZERWOI.BE WWW.FLANDERSFIELDS.BE The EASIER project ‘Facing the Great War’ is a Comenius Regio project WWW.WO1.BE Programme. The Comenius Regio Partnerships encourage regional WWW.2014-18.BE authorities to reinforce the European dimension in education. WWW.KLASCEMENT.BE/HERINNERINGSEDUCATIE The EASIER partners have designed a high quality itinerary for schools WWW.HERINNERINGSEDUCATIE.BE planning a WWI-themed trip abroad. The end product is a handy guide to WWW.FLANDERSFIELDS1418.COM: WEBSITE VISIT FLANDERS within the framework of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning preparing a school trip on this subject. You can find all sorts of information on this exchange project on the website www.easier1418.eu Pocket ‘The Flanders Fields Country & The Great War’ There is also a partner search tool linked to the website. You are free to This brochure contains a brief historic summary of WWI as register your school using the link www.schoolmatch.easier1418.eu in order well as an overview of the most significant sites that you can to find a perfect match with a school in another country. visit on your trip. Besides all that, it also gives you a clear view at the wide range of other topics the Flanders Fields Country is famous for (e.g. beers and breweries). A perfect introduction to the Flanders Fields Country. This free and easy read pocket is available at the local tourist offices in the Westhoek as well as via the Westtoer webshop. The pocket is available free of charge from local tourist offices or from Westtoer (T +32 (0)50 30 55 00 - shop.westtoer.be). Tourist map ‘The Great War Centenary’ This map offers a wide range of places of interest, monuments, museums and cemeteries in the West of Flanders. Besides, this map is a valuable device when planning a trip along the Western Front. Every region highlights some of their most interesting sites on the back on this map. This tourist map is free of charge and is available at the local tourist offices in the Westhoek and at the headquarters of Westtoer in Bruges. 85 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 84 OTHER VISITOR ATTRACTIONS IN FLANDERS A visit to Flanders Fields is easy to combine with a visit to one of the historical cities of Flanders. Bruges and Ghent are the two closest cities to Flanders Fields. A little further away, but certainly within reach, you find the cities of Brussels, Antwerp, Mechelen and Leuven. Bruges, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has the best-preserved example of a medieval city centre in the country, with its bell tower soaring over the impressive market square. The canals that earned the city the moniker ‘the Venice of the North’ intersect the town, providing beautiful historic vistas. The university city of Ghent has a laid-back atmosphere and some worthy architectural highlights: a fortress, an opera house, a few museums, many historic churches and countless bridges spanning the two rivers that wind through the city. As the headquarters of the European Union and NATO, Brussels is often referred to as the Capital of Europe. But it has more to offer the visitor than parks and a wealth of history and culture are all readily accessible. The Grand Place, originally built as a merchants’ market in the 13th century, is an unmissable sight. In the 16th century, Antwerp was one of the greatest and richest cities in all of Europe. Antwerp was home to the iconic Flemish Baroque painter Peter Paul Rubens as well as Anthony Van Dyck. The modern city is an eclectic mix of beautiful medieval buildings, such as the impressive town hall and market square, and contemporary architecture, with numerous Art Nouveau gems in between. A lively student population and a rich history come together to make the city of Leuven an attractive destination. It is home to one of Europe’s oldest 87 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 86 European institutions and embassies: over 80 museums, the King’s Palace, universities (KU Leuven), which was founded in 1425. The university’s college buildings dominate many of the squares and streets. Home to Inbev, the second largest brewery in the world and famous for its Stella Artois beers, Leuven is Belgium’s reigning brewing capital. Centuries of Flemish tradition and craftsmanship lie behind Leuven’s premium brews. Mechelen is a small, picturesque city that is big on charm and history. It is packed with quaint shops, cafes, pedestrianised streets and pleasant squares. Mechelen is a city for all ages. Children can enjoy themselves in the interactive Toy Museum or the Tivoli Children’s Farm. Students from all over the world come to learn to play church bells at Mechelen’s carillon school. It is also home to one of the last remaining establishments in the world that restores and repairs antique tapestries: Royal Manufacturers De Wit. More information on www.visitflanders.com CONTACT INFORMATION Province of West Flanders Educational Service school education) Heidi Timmerman –heidi.timmerman@west-vlaanderen.be – +32(0)51 51 94 33 (secondary school education) Visit Flanders Trade Contacts ASIA (Regional manager) – Nico Peeters • nico.peeters@visitflanders.com AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND - Sonia Holt • sonia.holt@walshegroup.com BRASIL Katrien Dejonghe • katrien.dejonghe@toerismevlaanderen.be CENTRAL EUROPE - Alexandra Raab-Frostl • a.raab-frostl@flandern.at CHINA – LI Xin • li.xin@visitflanders.com.cn FRANCE - Anthony Forest • aforest@visitflanders.fr GERMANY - Britta Weidemann • trade@flandern.com INDIA - Dheera Majumder • dheera@mileage.in Oude Markt, Leuven ©Toerisme Leuven 89 Explore with your class WWI - Explore with your class WWI - 88 Sofie Viaene – sofie.viaene@west-vlaanderen.be - +32(0)51 51 93 65 (primary ITALY - Silvia Clarin • s.clarin@turismofiandre.it JAPAN - Junko Iida • tvltyo-iida@visitflanders.jp NORTH AMERICA - Marco Frank • marco@visitflanders.us RUSSIA • russia@visitflanders.com SCANDINAVIA - Lynn Dauwe • lynn.dauwe@toerismevlaanderen.be SPAIN - Judit Sala • trade@flandes.net THE NETHERLANDS - Joke Nivelle & Ingrid Bokma • trade@toerismevlaanderen.nl UNITED KINGDOM & IRELAND - Lisa Thomas • lisa@visitflanders.co.uk Explore with your class WWI - 90 COLOFON Editor: Heidi Timmerman, Province of West Flanders and Veerle Viaene, Visit Flanders Translation: Heidi Steffes Photography: Westtoer, tourist offices, VJH vzw, province of West Flanders, Nancy Maertens, Piet De Kersgieter, Willy Verschaeve, Wim Debruyne, Grafiekgroep. Lay-out & print: graphics service Province of West Flanders Legal deposit number: D/2015/0248/19 Explore with your class WWI - 92
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