Trademarks Supra, the Supra Logo, Comp 20, Sunsport 20V
Trademarks Supra, the Supra Logo, Comp 20, Sunsport 20V, Sunsport 22V, Sunsport 24V, Launch 20, Launch 20SSV, Launch 21V, Launch 22SSV, Launch 24SSV are registered trademarks of Skier’s Choice, Inc. All other product names are copyright and registered trademarks/trade names of their respective owners. 6NLHU¶V&KRLFH,QFUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRFKDQJHSURGXFWVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDWDQ\WLPHZLWKRXWLQFXUULQJREOLJDWLRQ © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 1— Table of Contents Section I Section II Section III Section IV 6HFWLRQ9 Section VI Section VII Section VIII Sectioin IX Sectiion X 6HFWLRQ;, Section XII Section XIII Section XIV Section XV Section XVI Introduction Boating Safety Emergency Procedures Boating Rules %RDW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Operating Information Starting & Operation Instrument Panel Equipment & Options Service & Maintenance &OHDQLQJ&DUH6WRUDJH Winterization & Dry Storage Technical Information Trailering Your Boat Supra Warranty Index 3 5 11 15 25 27 31 45 63 71 73 75 81 85 Boat Information +XOO,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ1XPEHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'DWHRI3XUFKDVHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'HDOHUVKLSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'HDOHU¶V3KRQH1XPEHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 5HJLVWUDWLRQ1XPEHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB (QJLQH6HULDO1XPEHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 7UDLOHU6HULDO1XPEHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB —2 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section I Introduction Introduction 6XSUDLQERDUGVNLERDWVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGE\6NLHU¶V&KRLFH,QFLQ0DU\YLOOH7HQQHVVHHDQG GLVWULEXWHGWKURXJKRXWWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVDQGWKHZRUOG 7KLVPDQXDOSURYLGHVDQRYHUYLHZIRURSHUDWLQJ\RXU6XSUDERDW,WVKRXOGEHFRQVLGHUHGD SHUPDQHQW SDUW RI \RXU 6XSUD ERDW DQG FRQWDLQV LPSRUWDQW LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ 6DIHW\ %RDWLQJ 5XOHV3URSHU2SHUDWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFHRI\RXUERDW6KRXOGWKHERDWEHVROGWKLVPDQXDO will provide the same important information to the next owner. %HVXUHWRUHDGDQGXQGHUVWDQGDOODVSHFWVRI%RDWLQJ6DIHW\DQG2SHUDWLRQEHIRUHXVLQJ\RXU ERDW,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQV\RXUGHDOHUFDQSURYLGHWKHLQIRUPDWLRQ\RXQHHGWRKDYHD VDIHDQGSOHDVXUDEOHERDWLQJH[SHULHQFH $OOLQIRUPDWLRQLOOXVWUDWLRQVDQGVSHFL¿FDWLRQV LQWKLVPDQXDODUHEDVHGRQWKHODWHVWSURGXFW LQIRUPDWLRQ DYDLODEOH DWWKHWLPH RI SULQWLQJ Supra may discontinue models and equipment RUFKDQJHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGGHVLJQVZLWKRXW DQ\QRWLFHDQGZLWKRXWLQFXUULQJREOLJDWLRQ 7KLVPDQXDOFRQWDLQVLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWVHYeral Supra models. Some information may not DSSO\WR\RXUERDWVLQFHVWDQGDUGDQGRSWLRQDOHTXLSPHQWPD\YDU\IURPPRGHOWRPRGHO $V\RXUHDGWKURXJKWKLVPDQXDO\RXZLOO¿QG&$87,21:$51,1*DQG'$1*(5V\PEROV which require special attention. Please read them carefully! They may tell you how to avoid SUREOHPVDQGRUHQGDQJHULQJ\RXUVHOI\RXUSDVVHQJHUVDQGRWKHUERDWHUV3/($6(5(9,(: $//6$)(7<,1)250$7,21 $PDLQWHQDQFHVFKHGXOHDQGDFFHVVRU\LQIRUPDWLRQDUHLQFOXGHGWRDVVXUHWURXEOHIUHHRSHUDWLRQRI\RXUERDW6KRXOGVHUYLFHSUREOHPVDULVHUHPHPEHUWKDW\RXU6XSUDGHDOHUNQRZV\RXU ERDWEHVWDQGLVLQWHUHVWHGLQ\RXUWRWDOVDWLVIDFWLRQ 7KDQN\RXIRUSXUFKDVLQJD6XSUDERDW:HKRSH\RXURZQHUVKLSUHVXOWVLQDQHQMR\DEOHDQG UHZDUGLQJERDWLQJH[SHULHQFH%HVDIHDQGHQMR\WKHIXQ © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 3— • • • • • • • Drain Plugs (Securely in place?) /LIH6DYLQJ'HYLFHV2QHIRUHYHU\SHUVRQRQERDUG" Drain Plugs (Securely in place?) Steering System (Working smoothly and properly?) Fuel System (Adequate fuel? Leaks? Fumes?) %DWWHU\)XOO\FKDUJHG"&DEOHWHUPLQDOVFOHDQDQGWLJKW" (QJLQH,Q1HXWUDO" Capacity Plate (Are you overloaded or overpowered?) Weather Conditions (Safe to go out?) (OHFWULFDO(TXLSPHQW/LJKWVKRUQEORZHUELOJHSXPSHWF" (PHUJHQF\*HDU)LUHH[WLQJXLVKHUEDLOHUSDGGOHDQFKRUOLQHVLJQDOLQJGHYLFHWRRONLWHWF" Bilge Pump (Working properly?) NOTE: Bilge pump should be checked prior to each use to ensure proper operation! Check BEFORE running (where applicable) • • • • Engine Oil level 7UDQVPLVVLRQ/XEULFDQWOHYHO Engine Drain Plug, Transom Drain Plug and Center Drain Plug Leakage (Fuel, water lines and connections) '2127RSHUDWHHQJLQHZLWKRXWFRROLQJZDWHUÀRZLQJWKURXJKZDWHUSXPSRWKHUZLVH pump will sustain damage and subsequent engine damage may result! Check BEFORE running 2LO3UHVVXUH5HIHUWR(QJLQH2ZQHU¶V0DQXDO :DWHU7HPSHUDWXUHGHJUHHVWRGHJUHHVIRUUDZZDWHUV\VWHPVZDWHULVQRWUHFLUFXODWHG and 180 degrees to 200 degrees for closed cooling systems (water is recirculated). ,GOH530LQJHDU 0D[LPXP)RUZDUG5306HH(QJLQH2ZQHU¶V0DQXDO 6KLIWLQJ/LQNDJH)RUZDUG1HXWUDODQG5HYHUVH GASOLINE VAPORS CAN EXPLODE! It is very important to check for fuel spillage or leaks prior to each use of your boat. • Check engine compartment for gasoline vapors. 2SHUDWHEORZHUIRUPLQXWHVEHIRUHVWDUWLQJWKHHQJLQH $OZD\VRSHUDWHEORZHUEHORZFUXLVLQJVSHHG NOTE: Please refer to your Engine Owner’s Manual for maximum RPM and engine break-in procedure. —4 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section II Boating Safety Important Safety Information! Your safety, as well as the safety of others with and around you, is a direct result of how you operate and maintain your ERDW5HDGDQGFRPSUHKHQGWKLVPDQXDO0DNHVXUHWKDW you understand all the controls and operating instructions EHIRUHDWWHPSWLQJWRRSHUDWHWKHERDW,PSURSHURSHUDWLRQ is extremely dangerous. 7KH EDVLF VDIHW\ UXOHV DUH RXWOLQHG LQ WKLV VHFWLRQ RI WKH manual. Additional precautions throughout the manual are QRWHGE\WKHIROORZLQJV\PEROV 7KLVV\PEROLQGLFDWHVDSRWHQWLDOO\KD]DUGRXVFLUFXPVWDQFH which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. ,WPD\DOVREHXVHGWRDOHUWDJDLQVWXQVDIHSUDFWLFHV 7KLV V\PERO LQGLFDWHV D SRWHQWLDOO\ KD]DUGRXV VLWXDWLRQ which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. 7KLVV\PEROLQGLFDWHVDQLPPLQHQWO\KD]DUGRXVVLWXDWLRQ ZKLFKLIQRWDYRLGHGZLOOUHVXOWLQGHDWKRUVHULRXVLQMXU\ This is limited to the most extreme situations. 7KHSUHFDXWLRQVOLVWHGLQWKLVPDQXDODQGRQWKHERDWDUH not exhaustive. If a procedure, method, tool or part is not VSHFL¿FDOO\ UHFRPPHQGHG E\ 6NLHU¶V &KRLFH \RX PXVW satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and others, and that WKHERDWZLOOQRWEHGDPDJHGRUPDGHXQVDIHDVDUHVXOW of your decision. Safe Boating 6DIH ERDWLQJ SUDFWLFHV PD\ VHHP REYLRXV EXW SHRSOH KDYH WKRXJKW XS ULVN\ DQG GDQJHURXV DFWLYLWLHV LQ ERDWV ZLWK ERDWV DQG EHKLQG ERDWV -XVW EHFDXVH \RX RU \RXU SDVVHQJHUVKDYHVHHQDERDWLQJPDQHXYHUSHUIRUPHGRU have seen a particular activity promoted, do not assume WKHUHLVQRULVNRILQMXU\RUGHDWK%HIRUH\RXRU\RXUSDVVHQJHUVJRRXWLQWKHERDWDQGHQJDJHLQDQ\ZDWHUVSRUW activity, give careful consideration to the risks. Plan ahead. 7KLQNWZLFHEHIRUH\RXWU\VRPHWKLQJQHZEHKLQG\RXUERDW RUZLWK\RXUERDW.QRZWKHOLPLWVRI\RX\RXUSDVVHQJHUV and your equipment and do not exceed them. ,QDGGLWLRQWRFDUHIXOUHYLHZRIWKLVPDQXDO\RXVKRXOGEH aware as well that there are many sources of information DYDLODEOH6NLHU¶V&KRLFHXUJHV\RXWRSXUVXHDGGLWLRQDO training, such as safety and seamanship courses offered E\ WKH 86 &RDVW *XDUG$X[LOLDU\ DQG WKH 86 3RZHU Squadron. 6DIHERDWLQJDQGVDIHDFWLRQVPD\VHHPREYLRXV\HWHYHU\ \HDU 86 &RDVW *XDUG VWDWLVWLFV JLYH HYLGHQFH WKDW PDQ\ SHRSOHGLVUHJDUGVDIHERDWLQJSUDFWLFHV'RQRWWDNHVDIHW\ IRUJUDQWHG7KLQNWZLFH:HZDQWDOORXUERDWRZQHUVDQG their passengers, friends, and families to have a safe and HQMR\DEOHH[SHULHQFHRQWKHZDWHU US Coast Guard Auxiliary Boating Safety Course 7KH SXUFKDVHU RI D QHZ 6XSUD ERDW LV HQWLWOHG WR D86&*$%RDWLQJ6DIHW\&RXUVHWKDW6XSUDZLOOSD\IRU 3OHDVHVHHWKH&HUWL¿FDWHLQ\RXURZQHU¶VSDFNHWRU\RXU dealer for more details. REMEMBER: ALWAYS USE COMMON SENSE WHEN OPERATING, SERVICING OR REPAIRING THE BOAT! ,QDGGLWLRQWRHYHU\GD\VDIHW\IDLOXUHWRREVHUYHVDIHW\UHFRPPHQGDWLRQVPD\UHVXOWLQVHYHUHSHUVRQDOLQMXU\RUGHDWK WR\RXRUWRRWKHUV8VHFDXWLRQDQGFRPPRQVHQVHZKHQ RSHUDWLQJ\RXUERDW'RQ¶WWDNHXQQHFHVVDU\FKDQFHV %HFHUWDLQWKDWDOOERDWSDVVHQJHUVDUHDZDUHRIWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQDQGFRQIRUPWRERDWVDIHW\SULQFLSOHV © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 5— Safety Training Organizations Safety Equipment 7KHIROORZLQJLVDOLVWLQJRIMXVWVRPHRIWKHDJHQFLHVDQG RUJDQL]DWLRQVWKDWRIIHUVDIHW\WUDLQLQJRULQIRUPDWLRQ <RXU6XSUDKDVEHHQHTXLSSHGDWWKHIDFWRU\ZLWKPRVWRI the federally required safety equipment for inland waters &ODVV¶WR¶7KLVHTXLSPHQWLQFOXGHV $PHULFDQ5HG&URVV1DWLRQDO+4 WK'6WUHHWV1: Washington, DC 20006 8/DSSURYHG0DULQH)LUH([WLQJXLVKHU7\SH$%& OEVJRRGIRUVROLGVOLTXLGVDQGHOHFWULFDO¿UH $%<&DSSURYHG0DULQH0XIÀHUVZLWKZDWHULQMHFWLRQ 86&*DSSURYHG0DULQH)ODPH$UUHVWRU 86$:DWHUVNL 2YHUORRN'ULYH Winter Haven, FL 33884 %RDW2ZQHUV$VVRFLDWLRQRIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV%2$786 880 South Pickett Street Alexandria, VA 22304 ZZZERDWXVFRP 1DWLRQDO6DIH%RDWLQJ&RXQFLO 06WUHHW1:6XLWH Washington, DC 20037 ZZZVDIHERDWLQJFRXQFLORUJ 86&RDVW*XDUG$X[LOLDU\&RPPDQGDQW*1$% 2100 Second Street SW :DVKLQJWRQ'& (800) 336-2628 863RZHU6TXDGURQ On-Line Basic Boating Safety Course ZZZERDWVDIHFRP 1DWLRQDO0DULQH0DQXIDFWXUHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ 200 E. Randolph Dr. Suite 5100 Chicago, IL. 60601 )HGHUDOODZUHTXLUHVFHUWDLQVDIHW\HTXLSPHQWWREHRQERDUG DW DOO WLPHV ,Q DGGLWLRQ UHVSRQVLEOH ERDWHUV FDUU\ RWKHU equipment in case of emergency. Check with the local ERDWLQJDXWKRULWLHVIRUDQ\DGGLWLRQDOUHTXLUHPHQWVRYHUDQG DERYHWKHIHGHUDOVWLSXODWLRQV 86&*DSSURYHG(QJLQH%R[9HQWLODWLRQZLWKVSDUNOHVV SRZHUEORZHU - ABYC-approved Electric Horn sound warning device 86&*DSSURYHGLQODQGOLJKWLQJ Federal law also requires at least one Type I, II or III PerVRQDO)ORWDWLRQ'HYLFH3)'IRUHDFKSHUVRQRQERDUGRU EHLQJWRZHGRQZDWHUVNLVRURWKHUUHFUHDWLRQDOHTXLSPHQW ,QDGGLWLRQRQHWKURZDEOH7\SH,93)'PXVWDOVREHRQ ERDUG$VWKHRZQHUREWDLQLQJWKHDSSURSULDWH3)'VLV\RXU UHVSRQVLELOLW\<RXU6XSUDGHDOHUFDQDQGZLOOEHKDSS\WR assist you. NOTE: Requirements for coastal waters and inland waters differ. Check with the local authorities for more information. $VPDUWRZQHUZLOODYRLGSRWHQWLDOSUREOHPVRQDQRXWLQJ E\KDYLQJDGGLWLRQDOHTXLSPHQWRQERDUG1RUPDOO\WKLV HTXLSPHQW LV GHSHQGHQW RQ WKH ERG\ RI ZDWHU DQG WKH length of the trip. We suggest the following—as a minimum. Your Supra dealer can also assist you with additional recommendations. - An anchor with at least 75 feet of line $PDQXDOEDLOLQJGHYLFHIRUUHPRYLQJZDWHU $FRPELQDWLRQRDUERDWKRRN A day-and-night visual distress signal $¿UVWDLGNLWDQGPDQXDO $QDLUZD\EUHDWKLQJWXEH $ZDWHUSURRIÀDVKOLJKW A set of local navigation charts Mooring lines and fenders Extra engine oil A tool kit $SRUWDEOH$0)0UDGLRRUZHDWKHUUDGLR VHF hand held marine radio %RDWLQJUHODWHG DFFLGHQWV DUH JHQHUDOO\ FDXVHG E\ WKH RSHUDWRU¶V IDLOXUH WR IROORZ EDVLF VDIHW\ UXOHV RU ZULWWHQ SUHFDXWLRQV0RVWDFFLGHQWVFDQEHDYRLGHGLIWKHRSHUDWRULVFRPSOHWHO\IDPLOLDUZLWKWKHERDWLWVRSHUDWLRQDQG FDQ UHFRJQL]H SRWHQWLDOO\ KD]DUGRXV VLWXDWLRQV EHIRUH DQ accident occurs. —6 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. General Safety Precautions General Safety Precautions (continued) Failure to adhere to these precautions may result LQVHYHUHLQMXU\RUGHDWKWR\RXDQGRURWKHUV - Improper operation is extremely dangerous. Operators must read and understand all operating manuals VXSSOLHGZLWKWKHERDWEHIRUHRSHUDWLRQ 7KHWRZEDULVQRWGHVLJQHGIRUYHUWLFDOH[WHQVLRQV $Q\PRGL¿FDWLRQVWRWKHWRZEDURULWVPRXQWLQJV PD\UHVXOWLQGDPDJHWRWKHERDWDQGLQMXU\WRWKHXVHU 5HPDLQVHDWHGDWDOOWLPHVZKLOHERDWLVLQPRWLRQ 5HDUVWRUDJHDUHDLVORFDWHGDERYHWKHJDVWDQNDQG LVQRWGHVLJQHGIRUEDOODVW:HLJKWOLPLWLVOEV HTXDOO\GLVWULEXWHG 1HYHUVWDQGRUDOORZSDVVHQJHUVWRVWDQGZKLOHWKH ERDWLVPRYLQJ<RXRURWKHUVPD\EHWKURZQIURPWKH ERDW 7KH5DG$&DJH7RZHUPD\VWULNHORZREMHFWV&KHFN clearance height around docks, shore, overhanging REMHFWVEULGJHVDQGSRZHUOLQHV &KLOGUHQLQWKHERZRIWKHERDWVKRXOGEH DFFRPSDQLHGE\DQDGXOWDWDOOWLPHV 1HYHURSHUDWHWKHERDWZKLOHXQGHUWKHLQÀXHQFHRI alcohol or drugs. 2QERDUGHTXLSPHQWPXVWDOZD\VFRQIRUPWRWKH governing federal, state, and local regulations. *DVROLQHYDSRUVFDQH[SORGH%HIRUHVWDUWLQJHQJLQH RSHQHQJLQHER[FKHFNHQJLQHFRPSDUWPHQWIRU JDVROLQHYDSRUVDQGRSHUDWHEORZHUIRUDWOHDVWIRXU PLQXWHV5XQEORZHUEHORZFUXLVLQJVSHHG /HDNLQJIXHOLVD¿UHDQGH[SORVLRQKD]DUG,QVSHFW system regularly. Examine fuel tanks for leaks or corrosion at least annually. 1HYHURYHUULGHRUPRGLI\WKHHQJLQHVDIHW\VKXWRII switch or engine neutral starting safety switch in any way. - Do not pull past 45 degrees of the centerline of the ERDW)DLOXUHWRIROORZWKLVUXOHFRXOGUHVXOWLQWKHERDW capsizing. ,WLVWKHGULYHU¶VUHVSRQVLELOLW\WRHQVXUHDOOSDVVHQJHUV DUHVHDWHGZKHQERDWLVXQGHUZD\ Failure to adhere to these warnings may result in severe LQMXU\RUGHDWKWR\RXDQGRURWKHUV 7KLVERDWLVDKLJKSHUIRUPDQFHERDWDQGFDSDEOHRI quick and tight turns and changes in direction. It is the GULYHU¶VUHVSRQVLELOLW\WRRSHUDWHWKHERDWLQDPDQQHU to ensure the safety of all passengers. 1HYHUUHPRYHRUPRGLI\FRPSRQHQWVRIWKHIXHO V\VWHPLQDQ\ZD\H[FHSWIRUPDLQWHQDQFHE\ TXDOL¿HGSHUVRQQHO7DPSHULQJZLWKIXHOFRPSRQHQWV may cause a hazardous condition. 1HYHUDOORZDQ\W\SHRIVSDUNRURSHQÀDPHRQERDUG ,WPD\UHVXOWLQ¿UHRUH[SORVLRQ %RDWHUV PXVW FRQWLQXRXVO\ EH DZDUH RI ZHDWKHU FRQGLtions. ,WLVWKHRZQHU¶VUHVSRQVLELOLW\WRFKHFNWLJKWQHVVRIWKH 5DG$&DJH7RZHUEROWV%()25(HDFKXVH - Sudden storms, wind, lightning, etc., can unexpectedly SXWERDWHUVLQJUDYHGDQJHU$OZD\VFKHFNWKHORFDO ZHDWKHUUHSRUWEHIRUHJRLQJERDWLQJ ,WLVWKHGULYHU¶VUHVSRQVLELOLW\WRGHWHUPLQHLIZHDWKHURURWKHU IDFWRUVKDYHFUHDWHGDQXQVDIHERDWLQJHQYLURQPHQW The Rad-A-Cage Tower is designed to pull a single (1) LQGLYLGXDO'2127FOLPERUVLWRQWKH5DG$&DJH 7RZHU5RSHPD\ORRSRQLQYHUWHGWULFNV'2127VLW EHKLQGWKHSXOOLQJSRLQWRIWKH5DG$&DJH7RZHU 7KHGULYHULVVROHO\UHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHFRQVHTXHQFHV of their actions. 7RDYRLGVHULRXVSHUVRQDOLQMXU\'2127EHRQRU DERXWWKHVZLPSODWIRUPZKLOHHQJLQHLVUXQQLQJDQG NHHSDZD\IURPUHDURIERDWZKLOHHQJLQHLVUXQQLQJ 7RDYRLGVHULRXVSHUVRQDOLQMXU\'2127RSHUDWH HQJLQHZKLOHDQ\RQHLVRQRUDERXWWKHVZLPSODWIRUP RULQWKHZDWHUQHDUWKHERDW © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 7— Skiing Safety Carbon Monoxide (CO) Safety 6NLHUV DUH REOLJDWHG WR EH DV DZDUH RI WKH IXQGDPHQWDO VDIHW\ UXOHV DV ZHOO DV WKH ERDW RSHUDWRU ,I \RX DUH QHZ WRZDWHUVNLLQJVHHNFHUWL¿HGWUDLQLQJEHIRUHVWDUWLQJ<RX ZLOO¿QGLWHVSHFLDOO\KHOSIXOWRMRLQDORFDOVNLFOXEDQG86$ :DWHUVNLZKHQSRVVLEOH &DUERQPRQR[LGHLVDFRORUOHVVRGRUOHVVDQGWDVWHOHVVJDV ,WLVSURGXFHGE\JDVROLQHHQJLQHVDQGLVDFRPSRQHQWRI exhaust fumes. $OZD\VUHPHPEHUWKDWWKHPDMRULW\RIZDWHUVNLLQJLQMXULHV DUHWKHUHVXOWRILPSDFWVZLWKRWKHUREMHFWVVRDOZD\VORRN ZKHUH \RX DUH JRLQJ DQG EH DZDUH RI ZKDW LV JRLQJ RQ around you. Shut off the engine when people are on the swim platform RULQWKHZDWHUDURXQGWKHUHDURIWKHERDW Do not do any other activities which puts people in close proximity of the transom when the engine is running. )RUWKHPRVWFXUUHQWLQIRUPDWLRQRQFDUERQPRQR[LGH\RX PD\FDOOZULWHRUYLVLWRQOLQHDQ\RIWKHIROORZLQJ Failure to adhere to these warnings may result in severe LQMXU\RUGHDWKWR\RXDQGRURWKHUV (YHU\VNLHUPXVWDOZD\VZHDUD86&*DSSURYHG SHUVRQDOÀRWDWLRQGHYLFH - Maintain a distance of at least 100 feet from all other REMHFWVLQFOXGLQJRWKHUERDWVSLHUVUDIWVPRRULQJDQG QDYLJDWLRQDOEXR\VSLOLQJVDEXWPHQWVRUDQ\RWKHU items. $OZD\VKDYHDQH[SHULHQFHGGULYHUDQGREVHUYHULQWKH ERDWZKHQVNLLQJ 1HYHUVNLLQVKDOORZZDWHUFORVHWRVKRUHRULQZDWHU ZKHUH\RXGRQRWNQRZWKHGHSWKRUZKDWLVEHQHDWK the surface. 1HYHUSXW\RXUDUPKHDGRUDQ\RWKHUSDUWRI\RXU ERG\WKURXJKWKHKDQGOHEULGOHRIWKHVNLOLQHQRU ZUDSWKHOLQHDURXQGDQ\SDUWRIWKHERG\DWDQ\WLPH 8QLWHG6WDWHV&RDVW*XDUG 2I¿FHRI%RDWLQJ6DIHW\*23% 2100 Second Street SW :DVKLQJWRQ'& ZZZXVFJERDWLQJRUJ 1-800-368-5647 100$ 1DWLRQDO0DULQH0DQXIDFWXUHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ 200 East Randolph Drive, Suite 5100 Chicago, IL 60601-6528 American Boat & Yacht Council, Inc. 6RORPRQ¶V,VODQG5RDG Edgewater, MD 21037-1416 ZZZDE\FLQFRUJ 1HYHUVNLDWQLJKWRUGLUHFWO\LQIURQWRIRWKHUERDWV 1HYHUMXPSIURPDERDWWKDWLVPRYLQJDWDQ\VSHHG nor enter or exit the water when the engine is running 21 - Make sure that everyone knows and uses approved skiing hand signals and common skiing courtesy. Ski Pylon Extensions The use of a ski pylon extension or extensions in excess RI IHHW YHUWLFDO LV QRW UHFRPPHQGHG E\ 6XSUD RQ RXU products. If you elect to use merchandise such as these, EHDZDUHWKDWWKH\FRXOGFUHDWHH[FHVVLYHVWUHVVRQ\RXU ERDWDQGVXEMHFWLYHO\FDXVHGDPDJHVQRWFRYHUHGE\WKH warranty. —8 Product Misuse Misuse of the product or use of it in a manner for which it was never intended can create dangerous situations. The driver DQGSDVVHQJHUVDUHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUXVLQJWKHSURGXFWVDIHO\ DQGDVLQWHQGHG7KHGULYHUPXVWRSHUDWHWKHERDWLQDPDQQHU that ensures the safety of all passengers. If you or your pasVHQJHUVDUHXQVXUHDERXWXVHRIWKHSURGXFWDERXWSHUIRUPLQJ FHUWDLQERDWLQJPDQHXYHUVRUDUHXQVXUHDERXWDSDUWLFXODU ZDWHUDFWLYLW\UHIHUWRWKLVPDQXDORUFRQWDFWDNQRZOHGJHDEOH VRXUFHVXFKDV\RXUORFDOGHDOHU6NLHU¶V&KRLFH,QFWKH86 &RDVW*XDUGRU\RXUORFDOERDWLQJDXWKRULW\ © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Proper Seating Contact Information 3URSHUVHDWLQJLVDQLPSRUWDQWHOHPHQWRIERDWLQJVDIHW\ 3URSHUVHDWLQJFRQVLVWVRIVLWWLQJZLWK\RXUEXWWRFNLQIXOO FRQWDFWZLWKDVHDWDQ\WLPHWKHERDWLVXQGHUZD\DQGXVLQJ KDQGKROGVDQGJUDEKDQGOHVWRVHFXUHRQHVHOIDQGSUHYHQW ORVVRIEDODQFH'RQRWVLWLQORFDWLRQVQRWGHVLJQHGDVD VHDW)RULQVWDQFHGRQRWVLWRQVHDWEDFNVGRQRWVLWRQWKH VLGHVRUJXQZDOHRIWKHERDWDQGGRQRWVLWRQWKHVXQGHFN ZKLOHWKHERDWLVLQPRWLRQ6HHH[DPSOHVEHORZRISURSHU sitting positions. If you have questions regarding the operation of your ERDWDFFHVVRU\RURSWLRQVRUTXHVWLRQVLQUHJDUGWR%RDW Safety, contact your dealer or Skier’s Choice, Inc. at 865 7KHGULYHUPXVWEHDZDUHRIDOOSDVVHQJHU¶VORFDWLRQVDQG positions, and passengers must stay alert to changes in GLUHFWLRQ7+(%2$7,6&$3$%/(2)48,&.$1'7,*+7 7851668&+0$18(9(56&$1&$86(816($7(' 2&&83$176 72 %( 7+52:1$5281' 25 287 2) 7+(%2$7$/(573$66(1*(56%()25(&+$1*(6 ,1',5(&7,21 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 9— Warning Plates and Labels Read and note ALL warning plates and labels from bow WRVWHUQWKDWDSSHDURQWKHERDWLQFOXGLQJWKHVH If your warning decals should become damaged in any way, please contact your Supra Dealer or write to Skier’s Choice, Inc., 1717 Henry G. Lane Street, Maryville, Tennessee 37801 to request replacement warning decals. The decals will be provided free of charge. Your boat’s serial number (located on the transom) must be included for warning decal requests. 6NLHU¶V&KRLFH,QFUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRFKDQJHZDUQLQJODEHOVZLWKRXWQRWL¿FDWLRQRULQFXUULQJREOLJDWLRQ For a copy of the most current warning labels, please contact your dealer or Skier’s Choice, Inc. — 10 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Reprinted from “Fishing and Skiing Boats Owner’s Manual” with permission from the NMMA. Section III Emergency Procedures 7KHWLPHWRWKLQNDERXWHPHUJHQFLHVLVEHIRUHWKH\KDSSHQ 3ODQ DKHDG .QRZ ZKDW WR GR EHIRUH \RX HQFRXQWHU DQ\ of these situations. Wear a PFD (Personal Flotation Device) when boating. Explosion & Fire EXPLOSION/FIRE/ASPHYXIATION HAZARD 2SHQÀDPHFRRNLQJDSSOLDQFHVFRQVXPHR[\JHQ This can cause asphyxiation or death. 7KURZEXUQLQJPDWHULDOVRYHUERDUGLISRVVLEOH 0RYHDQ\RQHQRWQHHGHGIRU¿UH¿JKWLQJRSHUDWLRQV DZD\IURPWKHÀDPHV • Signal for help. 3XWRQ3)'VJUDEGLVWUHVVVLJQDOVDQGVXUYLYDOJHDU DQGSUHSDUHWRDEDQGRQVKLS Abandoning Ship • Maintain open ventilation. BURN HAZARD /LTXLGIXHOPD\LJQLWHFDXVLQJVHYHUHEXUQV 6ZLPDJDLQVWWKHFXUUHQWRUZLQGLI\RXDEDQGRQVKLS/HDNLQJIXHOZLOOÀRDWZLWKWKHFXUUHQWDQGPD\LJQLWH 8VHIXHODSSURSULDWHIRUW\SHRIVWRYH 7XUQRIIVWRYHEXUQHUEHIRUH¿OOLQJ • When clear of danger, account for all who were on ERDUGDQGKHOSWKRVHLQQHHG • Do not use stove for comfort heating. 8VHGLVWUHVVVLJQDO ),5($63+<;,$7,21 +$=$5' 8VH VSHFLDO FDUH ZLWK ÀDPHVRUKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHVQHDUXUHWKDQHIRDPLIXVHG LQFRQVWUXFWLRQRI\RXUERDW%XUQLQJZHOGLQJOLJKWVFLJDrettes, space heaters and the like can ignite urethane foam. 2QFHLJQLWHGLWEXUQVUDSLGO\SURGXFLQJH[WUHPHKHDWUHleasing hazardous gases and consuming much oxygen. Explosion .HHSHYHU\RQHWRJHWKHUWRPDNHUHVFXHHDVLHU )ORRGLQJ6ZDPSLQJRU&DSVL]LQJ 67$<:,7+7+(%2$7$ERDWZLOOXVXDOO\ÀRDW HYHQLIWKHUHLVPDMRUKXOOGDPDJH5HVFXHUVFDQVSRW DERDWPXFKHDVLHUWKDQDKHDGEREELQJLQWKHZDWHU ,IH[SORVLRQLVLPPLQHQWSXWRQ3)'VJUDE distress signals and survival gear, and immediately DEDQGRQVKLS • Signal for help. Fire Collision 7XUQRIIHQJLQHVJHQHUDWRUVVWRYHVDQGEORZHUV Extinguish smoking materials. )L[HG¿UHVXSSUHVVLRQV\VWHPLIHTXLSSHGKDVKHDW VHQVRUVWKDWDXWRPDWLFDOO\ÀRRGPDFKLQHU\VSDFHZLWK D¿UHH[WLQJXLVKDQW$OORZH[WLQJXLVKDQWWR³VRDN´ compartment for at least 15 minutes to cool hot metals RUIXHOEHIRUHFDXWLRXVO\LQVSHFWLQJ¿UHDUHD+DYH SRUWDEOH¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHUVUHDG\'RQRWEUHDWKHIXPHV RUYDSRUVFDXVHGE\WKH¿UHRUH[WLQJXLVKDQW ,IQR¿[HG¿UH¿JKWLQJV\VWHPLVLQVWDOOHG DQG¿UHLVLQHQJLQHFRPSDUWPHQWGLVFKDUJHSRUWDEOH ¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHUVWKURXJKHQJLQHFRPSDUWPHQW access plate, if equipped. Do not open engine hatch DVWKLVIHHGVR[\JHQWRWKH¿UH • • • $FFRXQWIRUHYHU\RQHRQERDUG &KHFNIRULQMXULHV Inspect structural damage. 5HGXFHÀRRGLQJ Signal for help. STAY WITH THE BOAT! Grounding $FWLRQ GHSHQGV RQ KRZ KDUG WKH ERDW KLWV ERWWRP DQG ZKHWKHUWKHERDWUHPDLQVVWUDQGHG,ILWLVDVLPSOHWRXFK you may need only to inspect the hull. If you are aground, DVVHVVWKHVLWXDWLRQEHIRUHUHDFWLQJ,QVRPHFDVHVWKURZLQJWKHERDWLQWRUHYHUVHFDQFDXVHPRUHGDPDJH ,I\RXKDYHDFFHVVWR¿UHGLUHFWFRQWHQWVRI H[WLQJXLVKHUVDWEDVHRIÀDPHVQRWDWWKHWRS © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 11 — Grounding (continued) Basic Guidelines • Inspect damage to hull, propulsion and steering systems. &KHFNIRUOHDNV,IZDWHULVFRPLQJLQVWRSSLQJWKHÀRZ takes priority over getting free. 'HWHUPLQHZDWHUGHSWKDOODURXQGWKHERDWDQGW\SHRI ERWWRPVDQGPXGURFNVHWF7KLVZLOOKHOS\RX GHFLGHZKLFKZD\WRPRYHWKHERDW Towing Vessel (continued) 8VHGRXEOHEUDLGHGRUEUDLGRQEUDLGOLQH1HYHUXVH three-strand twisted nylon; it has too much elasticity DQGFDQVQDSEDFNGDQJHURXVO\ )DVWHQWKHWRZOLQHDVIDUIRUZDUGDVSRVVLEOHRQWKH XSZLQGRUXSFXUUHQWVLGHRIWKHWRZLQJERDW )DVWHQLQJLWWRWKHVWHUQZLOOUHVWULFWPDQHXYHUDELOLW\RI WKHWRZLQJERDW ,ISRVVLEOHXVHDEULGOH • Move slowly to prevent sudden strain on slack line. • Determine if tide, wind or current will drive the ERDWKDUGHUDJURXQGRUZLOOKHOSIUHHLW • Be ready to cast loose or cut the line if the towing VLWXDWLRQEHFRPHVKD]DUGRXV Leaks Vessel Being Towed ,PPHGLDWHO\VZLWFKRQELOJHSXPSV $WWDFKWKHWRZOLQHWRWKHERZH\HIRUZDUGELWWRUFOHDWV LIWKH¿WWLQJFDQWDNHWKHORDG • Assign crew to operate manual pumps, if needed. ,IERDWLVWDNLQJRQZDWHUKDYHVRPHRQHWDNHWKHKHOP while you manage damage control. ,IWKHERDWKDVH\HEROWVLQWKHWUDQVRPIRUSXOOLQJ VNLHUVDWRZOLQHPD\EHDWWDFKHGWRDVPDOOEULGOH KRRNHGWRERWKH\HEROWV 6ORZRUVWRSWRPLQLPL]HLQÀRZ+RZHYHULI\RXFDQ NHHSDKROHDERYHZDWHUE\PDLQWDLQLQJVSHHGGRVR ,ILWLVQHFHVVDU\WREHWRZHGDIWHUEHLQJIUHHGNHHS someone at the wheel to steer. ,ISRVVLEOHSDWFKWKHRXWVLGHZLWKZKDWHYHUPDWHULDOLV DYDLODEOH Both Vessels ,I\RXDWWDFKWKHWRZOLQHWRD¿WWLQJEHVXUHWKH¿WWLQJLV IDVWHQHGZLWKDWKURXJKEROWDQGLVUHLQIRUFHGRQWKH underside. Towing PERSONAL INJURY HAZARD 7RZLQJRUEHLQJWRZHGVWUHVVHVWKHERDWV hardware and lines. Failure of any part can seriously injure people or damage the boat. $UHFUHDWLRQDOERDWWRZLQJDQRWKHULVXVXDOO\DODVWUHVRUWEHFDXVHRISRVVLEOHGDPDJHWRRQHRUERWKERDWV7KH&RDVW *XDUGRUDSULYDWHVDOYDJHFRPSDQ\LVEHWWHUHTXLSSHG$ UHFUHDWLRQDOERDWPD\DVVLVWE\VWDQGLQJE\DQGSRVVLEO\ NHHSLQJWKHGLVDEOHGERDW¶VERZDWDSURSHUDQJOHXQWLOKHOS arrives. Only when conditions are ideal—that is, waters DUHFDOPGLVDEOHGERDWLVVPDOODQGRQHRUERWKVNLSSHUV NQRZ FRUUHFW WHFKQLTXH²VKRXOG D UHFUHDWLRQDO ERDW WRZ another. Towing Vessel %HVXUH\RXUERDWZLOOQRWUXQDJURXQGWRR &UHDWLQJDEULGOHZLWKDOLQHDURXQGWKHKXOORU VXSHUVWUXFWXUHZLOOGLVWULEXWHWKHORDGRYHUDZLGHDUHD SDGSUHVVXUHSRLQWV7KLVWHFKQLTXHFDQEHXVHGRQ ERWKWKHWRZLQJDQGWRZHGERDW .HHSOLQHVFOHDURISURSHOOHUVRQERWKERDWV .HHSKDQGVDQGIHHWFOHDURIWKHRWKHUERDW 1HYHUKROGDWRZOLQHDIWHULWLVSXOOHGWDXW Person Overboard • Immediately sound an alarm and keep pointing to the SHUVRQRYHUERDUG • Throw a life preserver even if the person is wearing a PFD. It will serve as a marker. ,PPHGLDWHO\VWRSRUVORZWKHERDWWKHQFLUFOHWRZDUG the victim. %HFDXVH\RXDUHPDQHXYHUDEOHDQGWKHJURXQGHGERDW is not, you should pass the towline to the grounded ERDW — 12 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Person Overboard (continued) 3URSXOVLRQ&RQWURORU6WHHULQJ)DLOXUH .HHSSHUVRQRYHUERDUGRQKHOPVLGHVRRSHUDWRUKDV the person constantly in sight. • Shut off engine. • Put out an anchor to prevent drifting. • Approach from downwind and move alongside into the wind for pickup. • When almost alongside, stop the engine in gear to SUHYHQWGDQJHURXVSURSHOOHU³ZLQGPLOOLQJ´ • As part of your emergency plan, consider what to GRLI\RXZHUHDORQHDQGIHOORYHUERDUGHJZHDU PFD, keep signal device in PFD, attach emergency stop switch lanyard to yourself). Drowning • Swim to rescue a drowning victim only as a last resort. • Immediate resuscitation is critical! At least two people RQERDUGVKRXOGEHFHUWL¿HGLQ&35 .HHSWKHYLFWLPZDUP 8VHFDUHLQKDQGOLQJ6SLQDOLQMXU\PD\H[LVWLIWKH YLFWLPIHOORYHUERDUG • Signal for help. Medical Emergency ,QDQHPHUJHQF\\RXPD\EHIDUIURPSURIHVVLRQDO PHGLFDODVVLVWDQFH%HSUHSDUHG7DNHD¿UVWDLG FRXUVHDQGFDUU\D¿UVWDLGNLW%HDZDUHRIVSHFLDO FRQGLWLRQVWKDWPD\DIIHFWDQ\RQHRQERDUG Carbon Monoxide &DUERQPRQR[LGHLVDQRGRUOHVVFRORUOHVVH[WUHPHO\WR[LF JDV6\PSWRPVRIFDUERQPRQR[LGHSRLVRQLQJDUHGL]]Lness, ears ringing, headaches, nausea and unconsciousness. A poisoning victim’s skin often turns cherry red. 'HWHUPLQHLI\RXFDQ¿[WKHSUREOHP\RXUVHOI6HH HQJLQHRSHUDWRU¶VPDQXDOLIHQJLQHLVÀRRGHG • Signal for help. Radio Communication 5DGLRLVWKHERDWRSHUDWRU¶VPDLQPHWKRGRIUHFHLYLQJVDIHW\ information and summoning aid. VHF-FM radio is the primaU\PHDQVRIVKRUWUDQJHFRPPXQLFDWLRQ6LQJOHVLGHEDQG radio (SSB) is used for longer range communication. VHF-FM Channel 16 and SSB 2182 kHz are designated for HPHUJHQF\XVH6XFKVLWXDWLRQVFDQEHFDWHJRUL]HGDV • Emergency ³0$<'$<0$<'$<0$<'$<´8VHGZKHQDOLIHRU vessel is in imminent danger. 8UJHQF\ ³3$13$13$13$13$13$1´SURQRXQFHG3$+1 3$+18VHGZKHQDSHUVRQRUYHVVHOLVLQVRPH MHRSDUG\OHVVWKDQLQGLFDWHGE\D0D\GD\FDOO • Safety ³6(&85,7<6(&85,7<6(&85,7<´SURQRXQFHG 6$<&85(,77$<8VHGIRUQDYLJDWLRQDOVDIHW\RU weather warning. $QHPHUJHQF\VLWXDWLRQZLOOEHKHFWLFDQGWKHUHZLOOQRWEH time to learn proper radio procedure. LEARN WHAT TO DO BEFORE YOU NEED TO DO IT. If you hear a distress call, stop all radio transmissions. If you can directly assist, respond on the emergency frequency. If you cannot assist, do not transmit on that frequency. +RZHYHUFRQWLQXHWRPRQLWRUXQWLOLWLVREYLRXVWKDWKHOSLV EHLQJSURYLGHG Distress Signals +DYHWKHYLFWLPEUHDWKHIUHVKDLUGHHSO\,IEUHDWKLQJVWRSV UHVXVFLWDWH$YLFWLPRIWHQUHYLYHVWKHQUHODSVHVEHFDXVH RUJDQVDUHGDPDJHGE\ODFNRIR[\JHQ6HHNLPPHGLDWH medical attention. &RQVXOW\RXUQDWLRQDOERDWLQJODZHQIRUFHPHQWDJHQF\ Visual Distress Signals 86&RDVW*XDUGUHJXODWLRQVUHTXLUHERDWVLQFRDVWDO ZDWHUVDQGWKH*UHDW/DNHVWRFDUU\YLVXDOGLVWUHVV signals for day or night use, as appropriate for the time of operation. Exempt from the day signals requirement, EXWQRWQLJKWVLJQDOVDUHERDWVOHVVWKDQPHWHUV IHHWRSHQVDLOERDWVOHVVWKDQPHWHUVIHHW © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 13 — Visual Distress Signals (continued) Notes ERDWVSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQRUJDQL]HGHYHQWVDQGPDQXDOO\ SURSHOOHGERDWV • If you are required to have visual distress signals, at least three safety-approved pyrotechnic devices in VHUYLFHDEOHFRQGLWLRQPXVWEHUHDGLO\DFFHVVLEOH7KH\ PXVWEHPDUNHGZLWKDGDWHVKRZLQJWKHVHUYLFHOLIH ZKLFKPXVWQRWEHH[SLUHG • Carry three signals for day use and three signals for night use. Some pyrotechnic signals, VXFKDVUHGÀDUHVPHHWERWKGD\DQGQLJKWXVH requirements. • Store pyrotechnic signals in a cool, dry location. An orange or red watertight container prominently marked ³'LVWUHVV6LJQDOV´LVUHFRPPHQGHG 2WKHUUHFRJQL]HGYLVXDOGLVWUHVVVLJQDOVLQFOXGH • • )ODPHVLQDEXFNHW &RGHÀDJV1RYHPEHUDQG&KDUOLH 6TXDUHÀDJDQGEDOO %ODFNVTXDUHDQGEDOORQRUDQJHEDFNJURXQGÀDJ 2UDQJHÀDJFHUWL¿HG (OHFWULFGLVWUHVVOLJKWFHUWL¿HGIRUQLJKWXVHRQO\ Dye marker (any color) Person waving arms 86HQVLJQÀRZQXSVLGHGRZQ Audible Distress Signals 86&RDVW*XDUGUHJXODWLRQVUHTXLUHRQHKDQGPRXWKRU SRZHURSHUDWHGZKLVWOHRUKRUQDXGLEOHIRUDWOHDVWDKDOI mile. 2WKHUUHFRJQL]HGDXGLEOHGLVWUHVVVLJQDOVLQFOXGH • Radio communication (see Emergency Procedures Radio Procedures - Radio Communication) • Radio-telegraph alarm 3RVLWLRQLQGLFDWLQJUDGLREHDFRQ 0RUVH&RGH626VKRUWORQJVKRUWVRXQGHGE\ any means • Fog horn sounded continuously — 14 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section IV Boating Rules Basic Boating Rules Encountering Other Vessels <RXVKRXOGEHDZDUHRIWKHVHUXOHVDQGIROORZWKHPZKHQHYHU you encounter another vessel on the water. There are three main situations in which you may encounter RWKHU YHVVHOV DQG \RX PXVW REVHUYH WKH 6WHHULQJ 5XOHV LQ RUGHUWRDYRLGDFROOLVLRQ7KHVHDUH The rules presented in this manual are condensed and have EHHQ SURYLGHG DV D FRQYHQLHQFH RQO\ &RQVXOW \RXU ORFDO 86&RDVW*XDUG$X[LOLDU\86&*$RU'HSDUWPHQWRI0Rtor Vehicles (DMV) for a complete set of rules governing the ZDWHUVLQZKLFK\RXZLOOEHXVLQJ\RXUERDW,I\RXSODQWR WUDYHO²HYHQ IRU D VKRUW WULS²\RX ZRXOG EH ZHOO VHUYHG WR FRQWDFWWKHUHJLRQDO86&*$RU'09LQWKHDUHDZKHUH\RX ZLOOEHERDWLQJ Review and understand all local and state laws. Any time two vessels on the water meet one another, one vessel has the right-of-way. It is called the stand-on vessel. 7KHYHVVHOZKLFKGRHV127KDYHWKHULJKWRIZD\LVFDOOHG WKHJLYHZD\RUEXUGHQHGYHVVHO - Meeting (you are approaching another vessel head-on) - Crossing (you are traveling across the other vessel’s path) 2YHUWDNLQJ\RXDUHSDVVLQJRUEHLQJSDVVHGE\DQRWKHU vessel) 8VLQJWKHIROORZLQJLOOXVWUDWLRQLQZKLFK\RXDUHWKHERDWLQWKH center, you should give right-of-way to all vessels shown in the white area. In this instance, you are the give-way vessel. All vessels in the shaded area must yield to you as you are the stand-on vessel. Both you and the meeting vessel must alter course to avoid each other. These rules determine which vessel has the right-of-way, and accordingly, what each vessel should do. The vessel with the right-of-way has the duty to continue its course and speed, except to avoid an immediate collision. When you maintain your direction and speed, the other vessel ZLOOEHDEOHWRGHWHUPLQHKRZEHVWWRDYRLG\RX The vessel which does not have the right-of-way has the duty to take positive and timely action to stay out of the way of the VWDQGRQYHVVHO1RUPDOO\WKHJLYHZD\YHVVHOVKRXOGQRW cross in front of the stand-on vessel. Slow down or change GLUHFWLRQVEULHÀ\DQGSDVVEHKLQGWKHRWKHUYHVVHO<RXVKRXOG always move in such a way that the stand-on operator can see what you are doing. This rule is called Rule 2 in the International Rules and says, ³,QREH\LQJDQGFRQVWUXLQJWKHVHUXOHVGXHUHJDUGVKDOOEHKDG to all dangers of navigation and collision, and to any special FLUFXPVWDQFHVZKLFKPD\UHQGHUDGHSDUWXUHIURPWKHDERYH UXOHVQHFHVVDU\LQRUGHUWRDYRLGLPPHGLDWHGDQJHU´ © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. If you are meeting another power vessel head-on, and you are close enough to run the risk of collision, neither of you has the right-of-way. Both of you should alter course to avoid an accident. You should keep the other vessel on your port (left) VLGH7KLVUXOHGRHVQ¶WDSSO\LIERWKRI\RXFDQFOHDUHDFK RWKHUE\FRQWLQXLQJ\RXUVHWFRXUVHDQGVSHHG 15 — When two power-driven vessels are crossing each other’s path close enough to run the risk of collision, the vessel WKDWYLHZVWKHFURVVLQJYHVVHOWRWKHVWDUERDUGULJKWVLGH must give-way. If the other vessel is to the port (left) side, maintain your course and direction, provided the other vessel gives you the right-of-way as it should. $OOYHVVHOVZKLFKDUH¿VKLQJZLWKQHWVOLQHVRUWUDZOVDUH FRQVLGHUHGXQGHU,QWHUQDWLRQDO5XOHVWREH¿VKLQJYHVVHOV %RDWVZLWKWUROOLQJOLQHVDUHQRWFRQVLGHUHG¿VKLQJYHVVHOV Fishing vessels have the right-of-way, regardless of position. These vessels, however, cannot impede the passage of other vessels in narrow channels. 6DLOLQJYHVVHOVVKRXOGQRUPDOO\EHJLYHQWKHULJKWRIZD\ 7KHH[FHSWLRQVWRWKLVDUH If you are passing another vessel, you are the give-way vessel. This means that the other vessel is expected to maintain its course and speed. You must stay out of its way as you clear it, altering course and speed as necessary. &RQYHUVHO\LI\RXDUHEHLQJSDVVHGE\DQRWKHUYHVVHO\RX should maintain your speed and direction so that the other vessel can steer itself around you. 7KHUHDUHWKUHHRWKHUUXOHVWRDOZD\VUHPHPEHUZKHQGULYLQJ\RXUERDWDURXQGRWKHUYHVVHOV When navigating in narrow channels, you should keep to the right when it is safe and practical to do so. If the operator of a power-driven vessel is preparing to go around a EHQGWKDWPD\REVWUXFWWKHYLHZRIRWKHUZDWHUYHVVHOVWKH RSHUDWRUVKRXOGVRXQGDSURORQJHGEODVWRQWKHZKLVWOHRU horn—four to six seconds. ,IDQRWKHUYHVVHOLVDURXQGWKHEHQGLWWRRVKRXOGVRXQG the whistle or horn. Even if no reply is heard, however, the YHVVHOVKRXOGVWLOOSURFHHGDURXQGWKHEHQGZLWKFDXWLRQ If you navigate these type of waters, you should carry a SRUWDEOHDLUKRUQZKLFKDUHDYDLODEOHIURPORFDOPDULQH supply stores. — 16 - When the sailing vessel is overtaking the power-driven vessel, the power-driven vessel has the right-of-way. 6DLOLQJYHVVHOVVKRXOGNHHSFOHDURIDQ\¿VKLQJYHVVHO - In a narrow channel, a sailing vessel should not hamper the safe passage of a power-driven vessel which can navigate only in such a channel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colors to show regulatory or advisory information. 7KHVHPDUNHUVDUHZKLWHZLWKEODFNOHWWHUVDQGRUDQJH ERUGHUV7KHLQIRUPDWLRQVLJQL¿HVVSHHG]RQHVUHVWULFWHG areas, danger areas and general information. 5HPHPEHU0DUNLQJVPD\YDU\E\JHRJUDSKLFORFDWLRQ $OZD\VFRQVXOWORFDOERDWLQJDXWKRULWLHVEHIRUHGULYLQJ\RXU ERDWLQXQIDPLOLDUZDWHUV (See examples of buoys and markers next page.) © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 17 — Notes — 18 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section V %RDW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Comp 20 Sunsport 20V %RDW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZR3ODWIRUP 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ3ODWIRUP 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ7UDLOHU :LGWK%HDP 'UDIW :HLJKW%RDW2QO\ :HLJKW%RDW7UDLOHU Capacity - Passenger &DSDFLW\:HLJKW Capacity - Fuel Engine © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ´ ´ OEV OEV 10 OEV 34 gals. 325 HP, MPI V-8 %RDW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZR3ODWIRUP 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ3ODWIRUP 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ7UDLOHU :LGWK%HDP 'UDIW :HLJKW%RDW2QO\ :HLJKW%RDW7UDLOHU Capacity - Passenger &DSDFLW\:HLJKW Capacity - Fuel Engine ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ´ ´ OEV OEV 10 OEV 40 gals. 325 HP, MPI V-8 19 — Sunsport 22V Sunsport 24V %RDW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZR3ODWIRUP 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ3ODWIRUP 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ7UDLOHU :LGWK%HDP 'UDIW :HLJKW%RDW2QO\ :HLJKW%RDW7UDLOHU Capacity - Passenger &DSDFLW\:HLJKW Capacity - Fuel Engine — 20 %RDW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ´ ´ OEV OEV 15 OEV 40 gals. 325 HP, MPI V-8 Overall Length w/o Platform Overall Length w/Platform 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ7UDLOHU :LGWK%HDP 'UDIW :HLJKW%RDW2QO\ :HLJKW%RDW7UDLOHU Capacity - Passenger &DSDFLW\:HLJKW Capacity - Fuel Engine 24’ 26’ ¶´ ´ ´ OEV OEV 16 OEV 52 gals. 325 HP, MPI V-8 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Launch 20 Launch 20SSV %RDW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV %RDW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZR3ODWIRUP 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ3ODWIRUP 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ7UDLOHU :LGWK%HDP 'UDIW :HLJKW%RDW2QO\ :HLJKW%RDW7UDLOHU Capacity - Passenger &DSDFLW\:HLJKW Capacity - Fuel Engine © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ´ ´ OEV OEV 10 OEV 34 gals. 325 HP, MPI V-8 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZR3ODWIRUP 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ3ODWIRUP 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ7UDLOHU :LGWK%HDP 'UDIW :HLJKW%RDW2QO\ :HLJKW%RDW7UDLOHU Capacity - Passenger &DSDFLW\:HLJKW Capacity - Fuel Engine ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ´ ´ OEV OEV 10 OEV 40 gals. 325 HP, MPI V-8 21 — Launch 21V Launch 22SSV %RDW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV %RDW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZR3ODWIRUP Overall Length w/Platform 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ7UDLOHU :LGWK%HDP 'UDIW :HLJKW%RDW2QO\ :HLJKW%RDW7UDLOHU Capacity - Passenger &DSDFLW\:HLJKW Capacity - Fuel Engine — 22 ¶´ 23’ ¶´ ´ ´ OEV OEV 13 OEV 40 gals. 325 HP, MPI V-8 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZR3ODWIRUP 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ3ODWIRUP 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ7UDLOHU :LGWK%HDP 'UDIW :HLJKW%RDW2QO\ :HLJKW%RDW7UDLOHU Capacity - Passenger &DSDFLW\:HLJKW Capacity - Fuel Engine ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ´ ´ OEV OEV 15 OEV 40 gals. 325 HP, MPI V-8 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Launch 24SSV %RDW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Overall Length w/o Platform Overall Length w/Platform 2YHUDOO/HQJWKZ7UDLOHU :LGWK%HDP 'UDIW :HLJKW%RDW2QO\ :HLJKW%RDW7UDLOHU Capacity - Passenger &DSDFLW\:HLJKW Capacity - Fuel Engine © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 24’ 26’ ¶´ ´ ´ OEV OEV 16 OEV 52 gals. 325 HP, MPI V-8 23 — Notes — 24 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section VI Operating Information Break In Period 7DNLQJFDUHWRSURSHUO\EUHDNLQ\RXUQHZHQJLQHZLOOSD\RII LQWKHORQJUXQ,QRXU\HDUVRI¿HOGWHVWLQJZHKDYHSURYHQ WKDWDQ,QGPDUHQJLQHZKHQSURSHUO\EURNHQLQDFFRUGLQJWR RXUVLPSOHSURFHGXUHVZLOOODVWORQJHUUXQEHWWHUDQGKDYH fewer repairs over its lifetime. <RXU QHZ HQJLQH GRHV QRW UHTXLUH DQ HODERUDWH EUHDNLQ SURFHGXUH-XVWIROORZWKHVHVLPSOHLQVWUXFWLRQVDQG\RXDUH off to a great start. 7KHWKUHHPRVWLPSRUWDQWDVSHFWVRIQHZHQJLQHEUHDNLQ DUH 1. Avoid running engine at high speeds. 2. Do not carry a heavy load (passengers, gear, etc.). 9DU\\RXUERDWVSHHGGXULQJEUHDNLQGRQ¶WUXQDWWKH same RPM for a long period of time. BREAK-IN STEPS )RUWKH¿UVWKRXUGRQRWH[FHHG530 - For the second hour, do not exceed 3,000 RPM. )RUWKHQH[W¿YHKRXUVGRQRWH[FHHG530 BREAK-IN TIPS Starting & Operation - Avoid fast accelerations and don’t carry (or pull) a heavy load during this period. $OZD\VOHWHQJLQHZDUPXSJUDGXDOO\EHIRUHDFFHOHUDWLRQ &KHFNRLOIUHTXHQWO\'XULQJWKH¿UVWWRKRXUVDQ engine can use more oil than usual. Maintain oil at a SURSHUOHYHODWDOOWLPHVGRQRWRYHU¿OO 0RQLWRUWUDQVPLVVLRQÀXLGOHYHOV 5HSRUWDEQRUPDOQRLVHVRUYLEUDWLRQVWR\RXUGHDOHU .HHSDQH\HRXWIRUORRVHPRXQWLQJV¿WWLQJVQXWVEROWV and clamps. $VWDQGDUGSUHVWDUWLQJSURFHGXUHVKRXOGEHDOZD\VEHIROORZHGEHIRUHWKH¿UVWVWDUWXSRIWKHGD\ 'XULQJ WKH %5($.,1 SURFHVV HQJLQH WHPSHUDWXUH VKRXOG EHFDUHIXOO\PRQLWRUHGDQGVSHHGVKRXOGEHUHGXFHGLIRYHUKHDWLQJ LV HYLGHQW $/62 3/($6( 5()(5 72 (1*,1( 2:1(5¶60$18$/)25%5($.,1,1)250$7,21 2WKHULWHPVPLJKWDOVREHLQVSHFWHGGHSHQGLQJRQWKHERDW DQGLWVXVH,WLVDGYLVDEOHWRIRUPXODWHDFKHFNOLVWSDUWLFXODU WRWKHHTXLSPHQWDQGRSHUDWLRQRI\RXUERDW 127,&(3/($6(5()(572(1*,1(2:1(5¶60$18$/ IRUPD[LPXP530DQGHQJLQHEUHDNLQSURFHGXUH $IWHU WKH ¿UVW KRXUV RI RSHUDWLRQ WDNH \RXU ERDW WR WKH GHDOHUIRULWV¿UVWRLODQG¿OWHUFKDQJHDVZHOODVDQHQJLQH FKHFNXS5HPHPEHUWRNHHSDVKDUSH\HRQDOOJDXJHVDQG ZDUQLQJ OLJKWV GXULQJ WKHVH ¿UVW KRXUV RI RSHUDWLRQ 5HSRUW anything unusual to your dealer. $IWHUWKHEUHDNLQSURFHGXUHLVRYHU\RXUERDWPD\EHRSHUated continuously at any speed. Do not exceed maximum RPM recommended for your engine. Exceeding the maximum RPM may result in damage to the engine. Before starting your engine you must open the engine box and check engine compartment and bilge for gasoline and oil vapors. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 1. Check the engine oil level. &KHFNIRUJDVROLQHIXPHVLQELOJHRUHQJLQHFRPSDUWPHQW 2SHUDWHHQJLQHEORZHUIRUPLQXWHVEHIRUHVWDUWLQJWKH engine to remove any fumes. &KHFNPDQXDORSHUDWLRQRIELOJHSXPS0DNHVXUHELOJH areas are empty. REFER TO THE BOATMAN’S CHECKLIST OF THIS MANUAL. &RQVXOWWKHORFDO&RDVW*XDUG$X[LOLDU\RU3RZHU6TXDGURQ IRUIXOOGHWDLOVRQERDWLQJVDIHW\ NOTE: Add-on electrical accessories should never be connected to the ignition terminal or ignition circuit. ,03257$17 '2 127 FRQWLQXH WR RSHUDWH WKH VWDUWHU IRU more than 15 seconds at a time without pausing to allow the starter motor to cool down for at least 2 minutes. This will DOVRDOORZWKHEDWWHU\WRUHFRYHUEHWZHHQVWDUWLQJDWWHPSWV 3/($6( 5()(5 72 (1*,1( 2:1(5¶6 0$18$/ )25 $'',7,21$/'(7$,/6 %()25(67$57,1*(1*,1(%(685(7+$77+(6+,)7 6(/(&725,6,11(875$/ The correct starting procedure depends upon the type of enJLQH3OHDVHUHIHUWRWKHHQJLQHPDQXDOEHIRUHVWDUWLQJ 25 — Coast Guard Regulations Notes 7KH8QLWHG6WDWHV&RDVW*XDUGERDWLQJUHJXODWLRQVSUHVFULEH PLQLPXPVWDQGDUGVRIVDIHW\WREHPHWDQGPDLQWDLQHGE\DOO ZDWHUFUDIW,WLVQHFHVVDU\WKDW\RXUERDWUHPDLQLQFRPSOLDQFH with these regulations. 7KH VWDII DW 6NLHU¶V &KRLFH ,QF UHFRPPHQG WKDW DOO ERDW RSHUDWRUVFRPSOHWHD&RDVW*XDUGDSSURYHGERDWLQJVDIHW\ course. Maximum Capacities ,QFRPSOLDQFHZLWK8QLWHG6WDWHV&RDVW*XDUG5HJXODWLRQV Supra Boats meet or exceed all safety standards designed for UHFUHDWLRQDOERDWV7RHQVXUHVDIHKDQGOLQJDQGSHUIRUPDQFH HDFK6XSUDERDWGLVSOD\VDPD[LPXPFDSDFLW\VWLFNHUVHH VDPSOHVWDWLQJWKHPD[LPXPWRWDOZHLJKWORDGDOORZDEOH NOTICE: Refer to the Maximum Capacity Sticker on your boat for allowable loading. Do not exceed the maximum capacity of the boat. — 26 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section VII Starting & Operation $VWDQGDUGSUHVWDUWLQJSURFHGXUHVKRXOGEHDOZD\VEHIROORZHGEHIRUHWKH¿UVWVWDUWXSRIWKHGD\ 1. Check the engine oil level. &KHFNIRUJDVROLQHIXPHVLQELOJHRUHQJLQHFRPSDUWPHQW 2SHUDWHHQJLQHEORZHUIRUPLQXWHVEHIRUHVWDUWLQJWKHHQJLQHWRUHPRYHDQ\IXPHV &KHFNPDQXDORSHUDWLRQRIELOJHSXPS0DNHVXUHELOJHDUHDVDUHHPSW\ 2WKHULWHPVPLJKWDOVREHLQVSHFWHGGHSHQGLQJRQWKHERDWDQGLWVXVH,WLVDGYLVDEOHWRIRUPXODWHDFKHFNOLVW SDUWLFXODUWRWKHHTXLSPHQWDQGRSHUDWLRQRI\RXUERDW REFER TO THE BOATMAN’S CHECKLIST OF THIS MANUAL. &RQVXOWWKHORFDO&RDVW*XDUG$X[LOLDU\RU3RZHU6TXDGURQIRUIXOOGHWDLOVRQERDWLQJVDIHW\ NOTE: Add-on electrical accessories should never be connected to the ignition terminal or ignition circuit. ,03257$17'2127FRQWLQXHWRRSHUDWHWKHVWDUWHUIRUPRUHWKDQVHFRQGVDWDWLPHZLWKRXWSDXVLQJWRDOORZWKH VWDUWHUPRWRUWRFRROGRZQIRUDWOHDVWPLQXWHV7KLVZLOODOVRDOORZWKHEDWWHU\WRUHFRYHUEHWZHHQVWDUWLQJDWWHPSWV 3/($6(5()(572(1*,1(2:1(5¶60$18$/)25$'',7,21$/'(7$,/6 %()25(67$57,1*(1*,1(%(685(7+$77+(6+,)76(/(&725,6,11(875$/ The correct starting procedure depends upon the type of engine. Please refer to the engine manual before starting. Do not start engine if gas fumes are present. To Start Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) Engine 3ODFHVKLIWVHOHFWRULQ1HXWUDOZLWKWKHWKURWWOHLQWKH upright (zero) position. (If throttle is not in the idle position, the throttle position sensor will not allow the engine computer to proceed with a normal starting procedure). 7XUQ,JQLWLRQ.H\WR6WDUW3RVLWLRQWRRSHUDWHWKHVWDUWHU 5HOHDVHWKH.H\ZKHQHQJLQHVWDUWVNH\ZLOOUHWXUQWRUXQ position). $OORZWKHHQJLQHWRHVWDEOLVKDJRRGLGOHWR VHFRQGVEHIRUHJHWWLQJXQGHUZD\ 5. Shift slowly into forward or reverse, allowing the WUDQVPLVVLRQWLPHWRHQJDJHEHIRUHSRZHULQJXS 127(,WLVQRUPDOIRUWKHLGOHWRVSHHGXSLQFROGVWDUWFRQditions. '2 127 FRQWLQXH WR RSHUDWH WKH VWDUWHU IRU PRUH WKDQ seconds at a time without pausing to allow the starter motor to FRROGRZQIRUDWOHDVWPLQXWHV7KLVZLOODOVRDOORZWKHEDWWHU\ WRUHFRYHUEHWZHHQVWDUWLQJDWWHPSWV3/($6(5()(572 (1*,1(2:1(5¶60$18$/)25$'',7,21$/'(7$,/6 127( 6KRXOG WKH (), HQJLQH EHFRPH ³ÀRRGHG´ XVH WKH IROORZLQJSURFHGXUHWRVWDUW 3ODFHVKLIWVHOHFWRULQ1HXWUDODQGGLVHQJDJHWKH WUDQVPLVVLRQE\SXVKLQJWKHWUDQVPLVVLRQORFNRXW EXWWRQORFDWHGDWWKHERWWRPRIWKHOHYHU 2. With the transmission disengaged push the lever forward to full throttle position. (This will cause the FRPSXWHUWRVKXWRIIWKHIXHOLQMHFWRUVZKLFKZLOODOORZ the engine to clear of excess fuel during starting). 7XUQWKH,JQLWLRQ.H\WR6WDUW3RVLWLRQDQGRSHUDWH the starter for no more than 15 seconds at a time until the engine starts. :KHQWKHHQJLQHVWDUWVEDFNRIIWKHWKURWWOHDQGDOORZ WKHHQJLQHWRHVWDEOLVKDJRRGLGOHWRVHFRQGV 5. Return the throttle to idle position and the transmission lockout will automatically reengage the transmission in neutral position. 6. When ready to get underway, shift slowly into forward or reverse, allowing the transmission time to engage WKHJHDULQJEHIRUHSRZHULQJXS NOTE: See also “EFI Phased Warm-Up” © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 27 — Engine Warm-Up Throttle Lever Always let engine warm up to normal operating temperature EHIRUHDFFHOHUDWLQJ 7KHWKURWWOHOHYHUFRQWUROVERWKWKHWKURWWOHDQGWKHWUDQVPLVsion. The idle position (normally vertical) is the zero throttle position and the neutral position for the transmission. A safety ULQJXPEUHOODNHHSVWKHOHYHUIURPEHLQJDFFLGHQWDOO\PRYHG to engage the transmission. To place the transmission into gear, with your hand placed RYHUWKHOHYHUEDOOSXOOXSRQWKHVDIHW\ULQJXPEUHOODDQG slowly push the lever into forward gear or slowly pull the lever EDFNLQWRUHYHUVHJHDU 1HYHUVKLIWWKHOHYHUGLUHFWO\IURPWKHQHXWUDOYHUWLFDOSRVLWLRQ into a speed position. - To prevent damage to the transmission always allow the WUDQVPLVVLRQWLPHWRHQJDJHEHIRUHDFFHOHUDWLQJWKH engine. - Once the transmission’s engaged, you may accelerate as quickly as you like. Transmission Lockout 6XSUD7HDP5LGHU²-RVK6DQGHUV — 28 7KH7UDQVPLVVLRQ/RFNRXWEXWWRQDOORZVWKHWUDQVPLVVLRQWREH disengaged while giving the throttle full operating range. With WKHOHYHULQWKHLGOHSRVLWLRQQRUPDOO\YHUWLFDOSXVKWKHEXWWRQ ORFDWHGDWWKHERWWRPRIWKHOHYHUWRGLVHQJDJHWKHWUDQVPLVVLRQ7KHWKURWWOHPD\WKHQEHRSHUDWHGLQDQ\RSHQSRVLWLRQ IRUZDUGRIQHXWUDORUEDFNRIQHXWUDOXSULJKWSRVLWLRQ5HWXUQ the throttle to idle position, and the transmission lockout will automatically reengage the transmission in neutral position. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Bilge Area Center Drain Plug Rear Drain Plug 7KHELOJHDUHDFHQWHUGUDLQSOXJLVORFDWHGDWWKHIURQWRIWKH motor well, directly under the engine. It is extremely important that the drain plug is always checked EHIRUHVWDUWLQJWKHHQJLQH7KHGUDLQSOXJVKRXOGEHVHFXUHG in place using a wrench. NOTE: Not all Supra models have center drain plugs. DO NOT start engine until center drain plug is checked and secured in place. DO NOT try to install center drain plug while engine is running! 7KHUHDUGUDLQSOXJLVORFDWHGDWWKHEDFNRIWKHERDWQHDU WKHERWWRPRIWKHWUDQVRP6HHSKRWR,WLVH[WUHPHO\LPSRUWDQWWKDWWKHGUDLQSOXJLVDOZD\VFKHFNHGEHIRUHVWDUWLQJ WKHHQJLQH7KHGUDLQSOXJVKRXOGEHVHFXUHGLQSODFHXVLQJ a wrench. DO NOT start the engine until the drain plug is checked and secured in place. DO NOT try to install the drain plug while the engine is running. Some Supra models DO NOT have mechanical devices to hold the motor box cover in the open position. Please use caution to prevent accidental closing. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 29 — Fuel Precautions 8VHDJDVROLQHZLWKDPLQLPXPRFWDQHUDWLQJRI7KH+2 HQJLQHVKRXOGXVHDPLQLPXPRFWDQHUDWLQJRI6HHHQJLQH owner’s manual for more information. DO NOT use gasoline containing methyl alcohol (methanol). Methanol can damage your boat’s fuel system. Gasoline Stabilizer should be added to the fuel tank when the boat is used infrequently or whenever your boat will not be used for two weeks or more. During storage always add Gasoline Stabilizer to reduce gumming or tank sludge. Filling the Tank Fueling Sparks while fueling could cause an explosion! Before Fueling: 1. Turn off engine. 2. Turn off ignition. ([WLQJXLVKFLJDUHWWHVRUDQ\RSHQÀDPH While Fueling: .HHSKRVHQR]]OHLQFRQWDFWZLWK¿OOSLSHWRSURYLGHD ground against static sparks. 2. Fill tank at a slow rate to avoid any spillage. Fuel Cap & Key The fuel cap is located on the rear deck near the stern. A special fuel key is provided to open the cap. %HHVSHFLDOO\FDUHIXOZKHQ¿OOLQJWKHIXHOWDQN'2127 RYHU¿OOWKHWDQN)XHOPD\HPSW\WKURXJKWKHIXHOYHQW DQGGDPDJHWR¿QLVKHVFRXOGUHVXOW ,IIXHOLVVSLOOHGRQVWULSHVRUGHFDOVDSSO\DFRPPRQEDWK FOHDQHUQRQDEUDVLYHDQGZLSHZLWKDGDPSFORWK5LQVHWKH spill area with clean water. — 30 NOTE: The cap is sealed by a rubber O-ring. Please do not over tighten. 7KHDQG6HULHVERDWVIRUH[WUDFRQYHQLHQFHKDYHD IXHO¿OORQERWKVLGHVWRDOORZIRUHDV\IXHOLQJ © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section VIII Instrument Panel & Controls This section provides the information needed to understand and operate the Medallion Instrumentation System installed on all Supra Boat Models. The instrument system includes gauges, digital displays, DQG D *UDSKLFDO ,QIRUPDWLRQ &HQWHU WR FRPPXQLFDWH YLWDO UHDOWLPH LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW WKH VWDWXV DQG SHUIRUPDQFH RI WKHERDWWRWKHGULYHU%\MXVWJODQFLQJDWWKHGDVKWKHGULYHU FDQGHWHUPLQH • • • • • • Boat Speed Perfect Pass™ Status Trim Depth Engine RPM Remaining Fuel • • • • • Lake Temperature Air Temperature Engine Oil Pressure Engine Coolant Temperature Battery Voltage Speed Calibration 6SHHGPD\EHFKHFNHGXVLQJDVWRSZDWFKDQGDVWDQGDUG slalom course. 6SHHGPD\DOVREHFKHFNHGE\XVLQJDKDQGKHOG*36 (Times are from start gate to end gate) © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 31 — Tachometer Battery Voltage 7KHYROWDJHGLVSOD\HGLQGLFDWHVWKHEDWWHU\YROWDJHZKHQWKH HQJLQHLVUXQQLQJRUWKHEDWWHU\YROWDJHZKHQWKHHQJLQHLV stopped. By monitoring the displayed voltage, the driver can EHFRPHDZDUHRIFKDUJLQJV\VWHPSUREOHPVDQGKDYHWKHP UHSDLUHGEHIRUHVWDUWLQJGLI¿FXOWLHVRFFXU7KHYROWPHWHUVKRXOG LQGLFDWHDYROWDJHEHWZHHQDQG9ROWVZKHQWKHHQJLQH is running. The voltage of a fully charged EDWWHU\ LV WR YROWV ZKHQ WKH HQJLQH LV VWRSSHG $ FRPSOHWHO\ GLVFKDUJHG EDWWHU\ ZLOO SURGXFH YROWV RU less. Speedometer The tachometer indicates the engine revolutions per minute (RPM). Engine Oil Pressure, Engine Coolant Temperature, and Battery Voltage are also continuously displayed in a Digital Display located within the Tachometer. DO NOTH[FHHGWKHUHFRPPHQGHG530GXULQJEUHDNLQDQG normal operation of your motor. Exceeding the manufacturer’s suggested RPM may cause damage to the engine. Oil Pressure The top line of the digital display indicates the pressure of WKHOXEULFDWLQJRLOLQVLGHWKHHQJLQH2LO3UHVVXUHYDULHVZLWK the engine speed. Oil Pressure typically caries from 6 PSI at 1,000 RPM up to 80 PSI or greater at cruising speeds. /RZRLOSUHVVXUHPD\EHFDXVHGE\DORZRLOOHYHORURWKHU SRWHQWLDOO\VHULRXVSUREOHPV,I\RXH[SHULHQFHORZRLOSUHVVXUH VWRS \RXU HQJLQH LPPHGLDWHO\ DQG LQYHVWLJDWH EHIRUH resuming operation. Running the engine with low oil pressure may cause severe engine damage. Coolant Temperature The second line of the digital display indicates the temperature of the cooling water inside the engine. The normal operating WHPSHUDWXUHZLOOUDQJHIURPGHJUHHV)WRGHJUHHV) ,I\RXREVHUYHH[FHVVLYHHQJLQHWHPSHUDWXUHVWRS\RXUHQJLQH LPPHGLDWHO\DQGLQYHVWLJDWHEHIRUHUHVXPLQJRSHUDWLRQ NOTICE: Refer to your Engine Owners Manual for additional details. 7KH VSHHGRPHWHU LQGLFDWHV WKH ZDWHU VSHHG RI WKH ERDW LQ PLOHVSHUKRXU,WLVUHFRPPHQGHGWKDWWKHVSHHGRPHWHUEH checked for accuracy periodically. The Depth, Air Temperature, and Lake Temperature are continuously displayed in a digital display located within the speedometer. Speedometer Paddle Wheel Damage from overheating an engine IS NOT warrantable. The Speedometer pickup is a paddle wheel located on the ERWWRPRIWKHERDW3RRUZDWHUFRQGLWLRQVPD\FDXVHWKHZKHHO WREHFRPHFORJJHGRUJLYHLQFRUUHFWLQIRUPDWLRQ — 32 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Fuel Gauge 7KH )XHO *DXJH LQGLFDWHV WKH DPRXQW RI IXHO UHPDLQLQJ LQ the fuel tank. Trim Gauge 7KH7ULP*DXJHLQGLFDWHVWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKH:DNH3ODWH This gauge indicates the approximate quantity of fuel remainLQJLQWKHWDQNZKHQWKHLJQLWLRQLVLQWKH³21´SRVLWLRQ NOTICE: DO NOT run the tank to empty. To prevent conGHQVDWLRQIURPIRUPLQJLQWKHWDQNLWLVUHFRPPHQGHG WKDWWKHWDQNEH¿OOHGZKHQWKHJDXJHLQGLFDWHVWDQN of fuel remaining. 7KHIROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQVPD\EHFRQVLGHUHGQRUPDORSHUDWLRQ RIWKHIXHOJDXJHDQGIXHOV\VWHP *DVVWDWLRQSXPSVPD\VKXWRIIEHIRUHWKHIXHOJDXJH LQGLFDWHV)8// 7KHDPRXQWRIIXHOUHTXLUHGIRU¿OOXSPD\QRWH[DFWO\ correspond to the gauge. 7KHJDXJHQHHGOHPD\QRWPRYHDZD\IURP)8//XQWLO VRPHWLPHDIWHU¿OOXS 7KHJDXJHQHHGOHPD\PRYHDURXQGZKHQERDWLVLQ motion. NOTICE: Become familiar with engine hourly fuel consumption at various speeds and know when to check the fuel gauge. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 33 — Information Center The Info Center located in the center of the dash supports PDQ\RIWKHV\VWHP¶V.H\IHDWXUHV ,WLVWKHJUDSKLFDOGLVSOD\IRUWKHHPEHGGHG3HUIHFW3DVV Speed Control System. ,WFDQGLJLWDOO\GLVSOD\6SHHG(QJLQH5302LO3UHVVXUH Coolant Temperature, Battery Voltage, Remaining Fuel, Depth, Air Temperature, Water Temperature, and Engine Hours. ,WDOORZVDFFHVVWR6HW8S6FUHHQVIURPZKLFK\RXFDQ &DOLEUDWHWKHVSHHGRPHWHU $GMXVWWKH'LVSOD\&RQWUDVW 6HOHFWHLWKHU(QJOLVKRU0HWULF8QLWV $GMXVWWKHFDOLEUDWLRQRIWKH7ULP*DXJH - Run Diagnostic Routines. 7KH$YDLODEOH,QIRUPDWLRQLVGLYLGHGLQWRPDQDJHDEOHSDJHVRUVFUHHQVDQGRUJDQL]HGLQWRDVWUDLJKWIRUZDUGPHQX structure for presentation to the driver. Display controls, conveniently located to the right of the helm, allow rapid navigation of the menu structure to display the desired information. 7KHIRXUEXWWRQVWRWKHOHIWRIWKH6WHUHR5HPRWHDUH6FUHHQ 1DYLJDWLRQ EXWWRQV GHGLFDWHG WR WKH ,QVWUXPHQW 6\VWHP 6FUHHQV 7KH6&52//83$552:DQG6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVDUHXVHGWRQDYLJDWHWKURXJKWKH VFUHHQVVFUROOWKURXJKOLVWVDQGDGMXVWVWRUHGYDOXHV 7KH(17(5EXWWRQLVXVHGWRDFFHVVVXEPHQX screens, select an item in a list, and store new values. 7KH%$&.EXWWRQLVXVHGWRUHWXUQIURPVXEPHQX screens. 7KH IRXU EXWWRQV WR WKH ULJKW RI WKH 6WHUHR 5HPRWH DUH dedicated to the Perfect Pass Speed ™ Control System. 2QFHWKH6SHHG&RQWURO6\VWHPLVDFWLYDWHGE\SUHVVLQJ WKH212))EXWWRQWKH,QIR&HQWHULVGHGLFDWHGVROHO\WR the Perfect Pass™ system until it is turned off. 7KH212))EXWWRQLVXVHGWRWXUQWKHVSHHG control system on and off. 7KH6&52//83$552:DQG6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVDUHXVHGWRDGMXVWVWRUHGYDOXHV select settings, and edit settings. 7KH0(18EXWWRQLVXVHGWRPRYHDURXQGZLWKLQD screen and scroll through lists. — 34 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Info Center Display Modes 6LQFHWKH,QIR&HQWHULVXVHGWRVXSSRUWERWKWKH,QVWUXPHQW System and the Perfect Pass™ Speed Control System, it KDVWZRRSHUDWLQJPRGHV While in Instrument System Mode, the display responds to WKH ,QVWUXPHQW 6\VWHP 'LVSOD\ EXWWRQV DQG GLVSOD\V RQO\ Instrument System Screens. • Perfect Pass™ Speed Control Mode • Instrument System Mode 3HUIHFW3DVV6SHHG&RQWURO0RGHFDQQRWEHHQWHUHGIURP an Instrument System Mode set up screen. 2QFHWKH6SHHG&RQWURO6\VWHPLVDFWLYDWHGE\SUHVVLQJ WKH 212)) EXWWRQ WKH ,QIR &HQWHU LV LQ 6SHHG &RQWURO Mode and dedicated solely to the Perfect Pass™ system XQWLOWKH6SHHG&RQWURO6\VWHPLVVZLWFKHGRIIE\SUHVVLQJ WKH212))EXWWRQDJDLQ When power is applied, the Supra Logo is displayed while the instrument system is initializing and performing self checks. Once the initialization routines are complete, the Info Center returns to the operating mode it was in when the power was removed. If it was in Instrument System Mode, it returns to ,QVWUXPHQW6\VWHP0RGHDQGGLVSOD\VWKH0$,16&5((1,I it was in Perfect Pass Mode, it returns to speed control mode DQGGLVSOD\VWKHVFUHHQWKDWZDVEHLQJGLVSOD\HGZKHQWKH power was removed. While in Perfect Pass™ Speed Control Mode, the display responds to the Speed Control Buttons and displays only Speed Control Screens. Instrument Screens Road Map 7KH,QVWUXPHQW6\VWHPGDWDLVRUJDQL]HGLQWRVFUHHQVDVLOOXVWUDWHGDERYH • • • The Main Screen The Engine Screen The Depth — Temperature Screen 7KH6HW8S6FUHHQ 7KH6HW8S6XE0HQX6FUHHQ 7KH6SHHGRPHWHU&DOLEUDWLRQ6FUHHQ © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 35 — Info Center Screen Descriptions Main Screen Set Up Screen The Main Screen displays digital speed and engine RPM in a large font size. 7KH6HW8S6FUHHQLVWKHJDWHZD\WRWKH6HW8SVXEPHQX IURPZKLFK\RXFDQDGMXVWWKHGLVSOD\VFRQWUDVWVHOHFWWKH GHVLUHGGLVSOD\XQLWVFDOLEUDWHWKH7ULP*DXJHDQGUXQGLagnostic routines. 7KH LQGLFDWHG VSHHG PD\EHGLVSOD\HG LQHLWKHU(QJOLVK RU 0HWULFXQLWVDVVHOHFWHGLQWKH6HW8S0HQXVFUHHQ Engine Screen )URPWKH6HW8SVFUHHQSXVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH 6HW8S0HQXVFUHHQ The Engine Screen displays engine oil pressure, engine FRRODQWWHPSHUDWXUHEDWWHU\YROWDJHDQGWKHSHUFHQWDJHRI fuel remaining. 7KHRLOSUHVVXUHDQGFRRODQWWHPSHUDWXUHPD\EHGLVSOD\HG LQ HLWKHU (QJOLVK RU 0HWULF 8QLWV DV VHOHFWHG LQ WKH 6HW 8S Menu screen. Set Up Procedures 1RWH$OOV\VWHPVHWXSSDUDPHWHUVDUHSUHVHWDWWKHIDFWRU\ DQGQRUPDOO\GRQRWUHTXLUHDGMXVWPHQWLQWKH¿HOG Speedometer Calibration 1. With the Info Center in Instrument System Mode, use WKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRGLVSOD\WKH0DLQVFUHHQ 3XVKDQGKROGWKH(QWHUEXWWRQIRUVHFRQGVWRGLVSOD\ WKH6SHHGR&DOLEUDWLRQVFUHHQ Depth - Temperature Screen The Depth — Temperature Screen displays depth of the water XQGHUWKHERDWWKHDLUWHPSHUDWXUHWKHZDWHUWHPSHUDWXUH and the total engine hours. 3. While holding a constant speed compare the displayed speed against your standard (stop watch RU*36DQGXVHWKH6&52//83$552:RU 6&52//'2:1$552:EXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKH displayed speed to agree with the standard. 4. Once the speeds are in agreement push the Enter EXWWRQWRVWRUHWKHFDOLEUDWLRQDQGUHWXUQWRWKH Main screen. 7KH GHSWK ODNH DQG DLU WHPSHUDWXUH PD\ EH GLVSOD\HG LQ HLWKHU(QJOLVKRU0HWULF8QLWVDVVHOHFWHGLQWKH6HW8S0HQX screen. — 36 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Set Up Procedures (continued) Contrast Adjustment Unit Selection (continued) 1. With the Info Center in Instrument System Mode, use WKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRGLVSOD\WKH6HW8SVFUHHQ 3XVKWKH%DFNEXWWRQWRH[LWWKH6HW8S0HQXVFUHHQ 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH6HW8S Menu screen. 8VHWKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRKLJKOLJKWWKH&RQWUDVWOLQHLQ the menu. The following parameters change in value in response WRDFKDQJHLQXQLWV Depth Air Temperature Lake Temperature Digital Speed Oil Pressure Coolant Temperature 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQ 2QFHWKH(QWHUEXWWRQLVSXVKHGWKHKLJKOLJKWHGOLQHZLOO VWDUWÀDVKLQJRQDQGRIILQGLFDWLQJWKDWWKHV\VWHPLVLQ data entry mode. The Contrast is set at 12 at the factory. Lowering WKDWQXPEHUZLOOPDNHWKHVFUHHQDSSHDUOLJKWHU DQGLQFUHDVLQJWKDWQXPEHUZLOOPDNHWKHVFUHHQGDUNHU 8VHWKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKHFRQWUDVWWRWKH desired level. Running System Diagnostics Changes in the contrast take effect immediately, so you can see the effect on the display as you make WKHDGMXVWPHQW 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQWRVWRUHWKHQHZYDOXH7KH &RQWUDVWOLQHZLOOVWRSÀDVKLQJ 1. With the Info Center in Instrument System Mode, use WKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRGLVSOD\WKH6HW8SVFUHHQ 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH6HW8S Menu screen. 3XVKWKH%DFNEXWWRQWRH[LWWKH6HW8S0HQXVFUHHQ Unit Selection 8VHWKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRKLJKOLJKWWKH6HUYLFHOLQHLQ the menu. 1. With the Info Center in Instrument System Mode, use WKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRGLVSOD\WKH6HW8SVFUHHQ 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQ 7KH6HUYLFHVFUHHQZLOOEHGLVSOD\HG 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH6HW8S Menu screen. 8VHWKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRKLJKOLJKWWKH*DXJHOLQHLQWKHPHQX 8VHWKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRKLJKOLJKWWKH8QLWVOLQHLQ the menu. 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQ7KH*DXJHOLQHZLOOVWDUWÀDVKLQJ 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQ 2QFHWKH(QWHUEXWWRQLVSXVKHGWKHKLJKOLJKWHGOLQHZLOO VWDUWÀDVKLQJRQDQGRIILQGLFDWLQJWKDWWKHV\VWHPLVLQ data entry mode. 8VHWKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRVHOHFWEHWZHHQWKH1250 6:((3)8//DQG=(52RSWLRQV 8VHWKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRWRJJOHEHWZHHQ(QJOLVKDQG0HWULF 8QLWV 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQWRDFWLYDWHWKHVHOHFWHG gauge exercise routine. 1RWH2QFHWKHH[HUFLVHURXWLQHLVLQLWLDWHGLWZLOO UXQXQWLOWKH1250RSWLRQLVRQFHDJDLQVHOHFWHGRU XQWLOWKH%DFNEXWWRQLVSXVKHGWRH[LWWKH Service screen. 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQWRVWRUHWKHQHZYDOXH7KH 8QLWVOLQHZLOOVWRSÀDVKLQJ 3XVKLQJWKH%DFNEXWWRQDJDLQZLOOH[LWWKH6HW8S0HQX screen. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 37 — Set Up Procedures (continued) Resetting the Perfect Pass™ System 1. With the Info Center in Instrument System Mode, use WKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRGLVSOD\WKH6HW8SVFUHHQ 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH6HW8S Menu screen. Trim Gauge Calibration 8VHWKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRKLJKOLJKWWKH6HUYLFHOLQHLQ the menu. 1RWH7KH7ULP*DXJHLVFDOLEUDWHGDWWKHIDFWRU\DQGQHHG QRWEHUHFDOLEUDWHGXQOHVVWKHLQGLFDWHGWULPSRVLWLRQQRORQger agrees with the physical position of the wake plate at its extremes. 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQ 7KH6HUYLFHVFUHHQZLOOEHGLVSOD\HG 1. With the Info Center in Instrument System Mode, XVHWKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRGLVSOD\WKH6HW8SVFUHHQ 8VHWKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRKLJKOLJKWWKH5(6(733OLQHLQ the menu. 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH6HW8S Menu screen. 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQ 3XVKWKH%DFNEXWWRQWRH[LWWKH6HUYLFHVFUHHQ 3XVKWKH%DFNEXWWRQDJDLQZLOOH[LWWKH6HW8S0HQX screen. 8VHWKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRKLJKOLJKWWKH7ULP&DOOLQHLQ the menu. 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQ 7KH7ULP&DOVFUHHQZLOOEHGLVSOD\HG 8VHWKH6&52//83$552:RU6&52//'2:1 $552:EXWWRQVWRKLJKOLJKWWKH'RZQ&$/OLQHLQ the menu. 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQ 7KH'2:1&$/OLQHZLOOEHKLJKOLJKWHGDQGÀDVKLQJ 8VHWKH0DQXDO7ULP6ZLWFKWRUXQWKH7ULP7DEDOO WKHZD\GRZQDQGSXVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQWRVWRUH WKHGRZQYDOXH7KH'2:1&$/OLQHZLOOVWRS ÀDVKLQJDQGLQGLFDWH'21( 8VHWKH6&52//'2:1$552:EXWWRQVWRKLJKOLJKW WKH83&$/OLQHLQWKHPHQX 3XVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQ 7KH83&$/OLQHZLOOEHKLJKOLJKWHGDQGÀDVKLQJ 8VHWKH0DQXDO7ULP6ZLWFKWRUXQWKH7ULP7DEDOO WKHZD\XSDQGSXVKWKH(QWHUEXWWRQWRVWRUHWKHXS YDOXH7KH83&$/OLQHZLOOVWRSÀDVKLQJDQG LQGLFDWH'21( 3XVKWKH%DFNEXWWRQWRH[LWWKH7ULP&DOVFUHHQ 3XVKWKH%DFNEXWWRQDJDLQWRH[LWWKH6HW8S0HQX screen. — 38 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Stereo Please refer to your stereo owner’s manual for proper operation instruction. 127(6WHUHRXQLWLVFRQQHFWHGWRWKH6WHUHRVZLWFKRQWKH VZLWFKSDQHO7KH³6WHUHR´VZLWFKPXVWEHLQWKH³21´OLJKWHG SRVLWLRQEHIRUHWKHVWHUHRFDQEHWXUQHGRQ © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 39 — — 40 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Ignition Switch /RFDWHGRQWKHSRUWVLGHRIWKHGDVKERDUGWKHLJQLWLRQVZLWFK has three positions. In the vertical position the ignition is OFF. With the key in, turn the ignition switch one notch to WKHULJKWWRFKHFNDOOHOHFWULFDOHTXLSPHQWLQFOXGLQJEORZHU pump, and lights. Turn the ignition all the way to the right to operate the starter. NOTE: All electrical equipment should be turned off when the boat is in storage. Blower Switch 7KHEORZHUVZLWFKDFWLYDWHVWKHEORZHUPRWRU7KHSULPDU\ IXQFWLRQRIWKHEORZHUIDQLVWRUHPRYHDQ\IXPHVIURPWKH ELOJHDUHD7KHEORZHUDOVRGUDZVIUHVKDLULQWRWKHHQJLQH compartment. 1HYHUGHSHQGVROHO\RQWKHEORZHUWRHOLPLQDWHGDQJHURXV fumes. Before starting the engine, always open the motor ER[WRFKHFNLIIXPHVDUHSUHVHQW6ZLWFKRQWKHEORZHUIDQD PLQLPXPRIIRXUPLQXWHVEHIRUHVWDUWLQJWKHHQJLQH 127,&(,IWKHEORZHUIDLOVWRRSHUDWHUHVHWWKHFLUFXLW EUHDNHU,IWKHEORZHUVWLOOGRHVQRWRSHUDWHQRWLI\\RXU Supra dealer. Failure to operate the blower in accordance with the Coast Guard Recommendation could result in an explosion. Horn Switch Horn/Whistle Signals 2QH/RQJ%ODVW Warning Signal (Coming out of slip) 2QH6KRUW%ODVW Pass on my Port Side 7ZR6KRUW%ODVWV Pass on my Starboard Side 7KUHH6KRUW%ODVWV Engines in Reverse )RXURU0RUH%ODVWV Danger Signal The Horn Switch is located on the port dash panel near the LJQLWLRQ6RXQGWKHKRUQE\GHSUHVVLQJWKHEXWWRQ © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 29(57$.,1*3$66,1* Boat being passed has the right-of-way. KEEP CLEAR. 0((7,1*+($'21 Keep to the right. &5266,1* Boat on the right has the right-of-way. slow down and permit him to pass. 41 — Tilt Steering 7LOWVWHHULQJPD\EHDGMXVWHGXSRUGRZQLQ¿YHGLIIHUHQWORFNLQJSRVLWLRQV7RDGMXVWGHSUHVVWKHWLOWOHYHUORFDWHGEHQHDWK WKHEH]HODQGPRYHWKHVWHHULQJZKHHOWRWKHGHVLUHGSRVLWLRQ Release the lever to lock the wheel into place. V-Drive Warning Light The V-Drive transmission in your Supra is equipped with D³ORZSUHVVXUH´ZDUQLQJOLJKW7KLVOLJKWLVORFDWHGE\WKH dash. Do not operate your Supra if the warning light remains RQZKHQHYHUWKHHQJLQHVSHHGLVDERYH530 5307KLVZDUQLQJOLJKWVKRXOGEHRQZKHQHYHUWKH HQJLQHVSHHGLVEHORZ530530,IWKLV OLJKW UHPDLQV RQ GXULQJ RSHUDWLRQ DERYH LGOH VKXW \RXU engine off immediately and check your v-drive oil level and see your dealer. Circuit Breaker Panel Safety Lanyard/Engine Shut Off Switch 7KHFLUFXLWEUHDNHUSDQHOFRQWDLQVEUHDNHUVIRUDOOHOHFWULFDO HTXLSPHQW7KHSDQHOLVORFDWHGEHORZWKHGDVKERDUGRQWKH side wall nearest the driver’s left knee. Your Supra is equipped with a Safety Lanyard/Engine Shut Off switch. In order for the engine to run, the plastic tip of the VDIHW\ODQ\DUGPXVWEHDWWDFKHGWRWKHVZLWFK,IWKHFOLSLV removed from the switch, the engine will not run. If a switch fails to operate, locate the corresponding circuit EUHDNHUDQGSUHVVWKHUHVHWEXWWRQ,IWKHHTXLSPHQWVWLOOGRHV not operate, notify your Supra dealer. Avoid serious injury or death. Attach Safety Lanyard to driver prior to operating boat. — 42 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Gravity Ballast System &DUHVKRXOGEHWDNHQWKDWWKHEDOODVWEDJVDUHVLWXDWHGSURSHUO\ZLWKWKH¿OOKRVHRQWRSDQGGUDLQKRVHRQERWWRPDQG WKDWDOO¿WWLQJVDUHLQVWDOOHGVHFXUHO\7KHEDJVVKRXOGQRW EHWZLVWHGDQGWKHEDJVVKRXOGEHIUHHWRH[SDQGDQGGUDLQ FRPSOHWHO\&DUHVKRXOGEHWDNHQWRSUHYHQWVKDUSREMHFWV IURPFRPLQJLQFRQWDFWZLWKWKHEDJV&XWVDQGSXQFWXUHVWR WKHEDJVDUHQRWZDUUDQWDEOH 7KHRSWLRQDO*UDYLW\%DOODVW6\VWHPLVDQHOHFWURQLFDOO\FRQWUROOHGEDOODVWV\VWHPWKDWFDQEHRSHUDWHGIURPWKHGULYHU¶V VHDW 7KH *UDYLW\ V\VWHP LV DYDLODEOH LQ D RU SRVLWLRQ system. The switch panel to the 3 position system is located GLUHFWO\EHORZWKHVKLIWHUPHFKDQLVPDQGWKHSRVLWLRQV\Vtem is operated from a switch on the dash. Each switch allows LQGHSHQGHQW¿OOLQJDQGGUDLQLQJRIHDFKEDOODVWFRQWDLQHUE\ VLPSO\KLWWLQJWKH¿OORUGUDLQVZLWFK,IWKHV\VWHPIDLOVWR¿OO RUGUDLQ\RXPD\FKHFNWKHUHVHWWDEOHEUHDNHURQWKHVZLWFK SDQHORUWKHVHSDUDWHEDOODVWIXVHEORFNORFDWHGXQGHUWKH GDVKDUHD7KHEDOODVWEDJVRUWDQNVFDQEHIRXQGLQWKHIURQW ski locker, under the rear seat, or in the rear v-drive storage DUHDVGHSHQGLQJRQWKHWKHPRGHODQGEDOODVWV\VWHP (DFK*UDYLW\%DOODVWV\VWHPDOVRLQFOXGHVDPDQXDOVKXW off valve in case of emergencies. If closed, the valve will prevent any water from entering the system and is only used LQHPHUJHQF\VLWXDWLRQV8QGHUQRUPDOXVHWKHYDOYHVKRXOG UHPDLQRSHQWRDOORZIXOOÀRZRIZDWHULQWRV\VWHP Priming the System 7RDOORZZDWHULQWRWKHV\VWHPWKH*UDYLW\%DOODVWV\VWHP utilizes a scooped intake strainer to force water into the V\VWHP 7KLV DOORZV WKH EDOODVW V\VWHP WR EH ¿OOHG ZKLOH UXQQLQJRUVLWWLQJVWLOO,IDLUEHFRPHVWUDSSHGLQWKHV\VWHP LWPD\EHQHFHVVDU\WRUXQWKHERDWDWSODQLQJVSHHGVWR IRUFHZDWHULQWRWKHV\VWHPDQGDOORZVWKH¿OOSXPSWRSULPH fully. Once the pump has primed it is no longer necessary WR UXQ WKH ERDW IRU ¿OOLQJ 7KLV VLWXDWLRQ PD\ RFFXU LI WKH ERDWLVWUDLOHUHG :KHQEDJVEHJLQWRYHQWVKXWRII 'R1RWRYHU¿OOEDOODVWEDJV © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 43 — DC Outlet 7KH*UDYLW\%DOODVWV\VWHPXWLOL]HVDPDQLIROGDQGDVROHQRLG YDOYH WR LQGHSHQGHQWO\ ¿OO HDFK EDJ RU WDQN 7KH VROHQRLG valves have a small toggle switch that can manually override the opening of the valve. The manual toggle switch needs to EHLQWKH³GRZQ´SRVLWLRQWRDOORZWKHV\VWHPWREHFRQWUROOHG E\WKHVZLWFKHVLQWKHGDVKDUHD,IWKHPDQXDOWRJJOHVZLWFK LVWXUQHGWRWKH³XS´SRVLWLRQWKHYDOYHZLOOEHRSHQDOOWKH WLPHDQGFDQQRWEHFRQWUROOHGE\VZLWFKHVLQWKHGDVKDUHD ,IWKHEDOODVWV\VWHP¿OOVFRQWLQXRXVO\ZKLOHUXQQLQJWKHERDW check to make sure the manual override toggle switch is in WKH³GRZQ´SRVLWLRQ,ILWFRQWLQXHVWR¿OODQGWKHPDQXDOWRJJOH VZLWFKLVLQWKH³GRZQ´SRVLWLRQFKHFNIRUGHEULVWKDWPD\KDYH clogged the solenoid valve forcing the valve to stay open. If the YDOYHVFRQWLQXHWR¿OOFORVLQJWKHPDQXDOHPHUJHQF\VKXWRII valve will prevent any water from entering the system. )RU \RXU FRQYHQLHQFH D '& RXWOHW KDV EHHQ LQFOXGHG RQ the panel to the right of the driver’s seat. Some models KDYH UHFHSWDFOHV ORFDWHG LQ WKH JORYHER[ /RFDWLRQ YDULHV E\PRGHO (DFK *UDYLW\ %DOODVW V\VWHP DOVR LQFOXGHVDQLQOLQHZDWHUVWUDLQHUEHIRUHWKH PDQLIROG7KLV VWUDLQHU ZLOO NHHS GHEULV out of the solenoid valve and should prevent the valve from getting clogged up and forced open. The strainer cover VKRXOGEHUHPRYHGSHULRGLFDOO\DQGWKH ¿OWHU VFUHHQ FOHDQHG WR SUHYHQW GHEULV EXLOGXSRQWKHPHVKVFUHHQ%HFDUHIXO when removing the cover not to lose the O-ring used to seal the cover. Also, the VWUDLQHUVKRXOGEHUHPRYHGDQGGUDLQHG during winterization. 7R¿OOWKHEDOODVWV\VWHPSUHVVWKH¿OOVZLWFK7RHPSW\SUHVV WKHHPSW\VZLWFK:LWKWKHEDOODVWIXOOWKHERDWPD\SRUSRLVH DWVSHHGVDERYHPSK Empty ballast before trailering the boat. DO NOT trailer boat with ballast full! — 44 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section IX Equipment Driver Seat & Options Fuel Cap Key Ignition Keys Two ignition keys are provided with WKH ERDW .H\ HQWU\ LQWR WKH LJQLWLRQPD\EHGLI¿FXOWGXHWRWKHERRW protector. Please, do not unduly IRUFHWKHNH\LQWRWKHLJQLWLRQ.H\ WXPEOHUVDUHORFDWHGYHUWLFDOO\WKXV WKH NH\ VKRXOG EH YHUWLFDO ZKHQ placed into the switch. NOTE: Always attach the igniWLRQNH\DQGJDVNH\WRDÀRDWLQJ key chain to prevent loss in the water. To prevent tampering with fuel system, your Supra is provided ZLWK D JDV FDS ZKLFK PD\ EH RSHQHG RQO\ ZLWK D VSHFLDO key. NOTICE: The gas cap is sealed by a rubber O-ring. Do not over tighten! $OZD\VDWWDFKWKHLJQLWLRQNH\DQGJDVNH\WRDÀRDWLQJ key chain to prevent loss overboard. Mirrors 7KHUHDUYLHZPLUURULVLQVWDOOHGDVDVWDQGDUGLWHP7KHPLUURULVDGMXVWDEOH DQGLVQRWSHUPDQHQWO\SODFHGVRWKDWLWPD\EHVHWIRUHDFKGULYHU 0LUURUVKRXOGDOZD\VEHFKHFNHGEHIRUHGULYLQJ - Mirror angle will change with each new driver. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 45 — Driver’s Seat & Seat Adjustment The Rise-R Seat is a unique driver seat enhancement. The front edge of the driver’s seat cushion lifts up to give the driver a taller sightline. To switch the seat to the raised position, use two hands to lift and push the front edge of the seat cushion XSDQGEDFNXQWLOLWLVVLWWLQJRQWKHUHDUKDOIRIWKHGULYHU¶V seat cushion. To switch to the lower position, use two hands to push the Rise-R seat cushion forward and down. %HFDUHIXORIWKHDUWLFXODWLQJKLQJH'RQRWSODFH¿QJHUV or other objects in the hinge mechanism during use. Inboard Motor Box 7KHPRWRUER[HQFORVHVWKHLQERDUGHQJLQHDQGTXLHWVHQJLQH noise. To open, stand on either side of the engine toward the VWHUQVHDW*UDVSWKHKDQGOHDQGSXOOXSDWDSSUR[LPDWHO\D 45 degree angle. If the engine requires maintenance, open WKHER[XQWLOLWUHVWVRSHQ 7KHPRWRUER[EDVHLV¿WWHGZLWKTXLFNUHOHDVHUXEEHUKROG GRZQVDQGVWDLQOHVVVWHHOEUDFNHWVIRUHDV\UHPRYDO Never open the Motor Box while the boat is moving! Some Supra models DO NOT have mechanical devices to hold the motor box cover in the open position. Please use caution to prevent accidental closing. 7KHGULYHU¶VVHDWPD\EHDGMXVWHGIRUZDUGRUEDFNZDUGE\ PRYLQJWKHOHYHUEHORZWKHIURQWRIWKHVHDW8VHERG\SUHVsure to move the seat to the desired position. Release the lever then check to feel the seat lock into place. $IWHUDGMXVWLQJWKHVHDWEHVXUHWKDWLWKDVORFNHGLQWR place by pushing forward and backward until it has securely latched. DO NOT attempt to adjust the driver’s seat while the boat is moving. V-Drive Engine Compartment To access the engine compartment, turn latch and pull to raise the center sun deck lid. When the ski lockers and engine compartment lids are closed, the upholstered lids GRXEOHDVDFXVKLRQHGVXQGHFN — 46 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Fire Extinguisher V-Drive Ski Pylon 7KHVNLS\ORQLVWREHXVHGWRSXOOVNLHUV'2127XVHVNLS\ORQ WRKRLVWERDW2QO\XVHWKHOLIWLQJULQJVIRUWKLVSXUSRVH $VWDQGDUG8QLWHG6WDWHV&RDVW*XDUGDSSURYHG¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHULVSURYLGHGZLWK\RXU6XSUDERDW7KH¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHU LVXVXDOO\ORFDWHGXQGHUWKHREVHUYHU¶VVHDWFXVKLRQKRZHYHU ORFDWLRQVYDU\E\ERDW<RXVKRXOGNQRZWKHH[DFWORFDWLRQRI \RXUERDW¶V¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHULQFDVHRIDQHPHUJHQF\ 127,&(5HIHUWRWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVRQWKH¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHU for proper use. Flame Precautions Sparks while fueling can cause explosion! Extreme cauWLRQVKRXOGEHWDNHQZKHQDQRSHQÀDPHLVSUHVHQWRQ board. Fumes from the engine and fumes from the battery DUHKLJKO\ÀDPPDEOH1RÀDPHRUVSDUNVKRXOGFRPH near these areas. 7KH6HULHVDQG9ERDWVKDYHDUHWUDFWDEOHVNLS\ORQ7R XVHSXOOS\ORQXSWZLVWFRXQWHUFORFNZLVHDQGSXVKEDFNGRZQ into the lock position. To retract, pull pylon up, twist clockwise and push down to storage position. DO NOT mount any Pylon Extension on the rear pylon (located at the rear sundeck). Inboard Ski Pylon 7KHVNLS\ORQLVORFDWHGLQWKHFHQWHUSRUWLRQRIWKHERDWGLUHFWO\LQIURQWRIWKHPRWRUER[7KHVNLS\ORQLVWREHXVHGWR SXOOVNLHUV'2127XVHVNLS\ORQWRKRLVWERDW2QO\XVHWKH lifting rings for this purpose. NOTICE: The use of pylon extensions may cause the pylon to loosen. Please see your dealer for proper tightening procedures. The use of pylon extensions can severely effect the overall handling of the boat. Follow pylon extension manufacturers directions for mounting. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 47 — Rad-A-Cage ,I\RXU6XSUDPRGHOKDVEHHQHTXLSSHGZLWKDQRSWLRQDO5$'$&$*( towing tower, please review this section for details on it’s usage, mainteQDQFHDQGVWRUDJH7KHFDJHLVGHVLJQHGDVDVWDEOHWRZHUWRHQKDQFH ZDNHERDUGLQJ,WLV127LQWHQGHGWREHXVHGWRWRZVNLHUVEDUHIRRWVNLHUVRUPXOWLSOHZDNHERDUGHUV6XFKXVHZLOOYRLGDQ\ZDUUDQWLHVZULWWHQ or implied. %HIRUHXVHEHVXUHWKDWDOOPRXQWLQJEROWVDUHSURSHUO\WLJKWHQHG in place. %HDZDUHRIDQGDYRLGORZRYHUKHDGREMHFWVVXFKDVEULGJHVSRZHU OLQHVRYHUKDQJLQJWUHHVHWF To Raise Cage To Lower Cage for Storage - Lift the tower and swing up the rear legs. Install the four KDQGNQREV 5HPRYHWKHIRXUKDQGNQREVIURPWKHWRSRIWKHUHDU leg. While holding the tower up, lower the side legs. 7KHQORZHUWKHWRZHUGRZQZDUGLQWRWKHERDW 7KH WKUHDGV LQ WKH DOXPLQXP IRRW FRXOG EH GDPDJHG LI WKH EROWVDUHQRWDOLJQHGDQGWKUHDGHGFRUUHFWO\ 7KH5DG$&DJHLVGHVLJQHGWRSXOODVLQJOHZDNHERDUGHU WULFNVNLHURUNQHHERDUGHU NOTE: Apply a thin coat of anti-seize to the threads of the hand knobs periodically. — 48 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Pole Light Receptacle 7KHSROHOLJKWUHFHSWDFOHLVORFDWHGRQWKHVWDUERDUGRIWKH stern, along side of the sun deck. To install pole light, slide open the weather cover and insert the pole light in the aligned position. Pole Light Bow Light 7KHERZOLJKWLVORFDWHGRQWKHERZRIWKHGHFNDWWKHIURQWRI WKHERDW7RDOHUWRWKHUERDWHUVWR\RXUSRVLWLRQDQGGLUHFWLRQ WKHOLJKWLVJUHHQRQWKHVWDUERDUGVLGHDQGUHGRQWKHSRUW VLGH7KHERZOLJKWLVDFWLYDWHGE\WKH³1$9´VZLWFK Courtesy Lights On some models, the removDEOHSROHOLJKWLVVWRUHGRQWKH side wall of the rear storage DUHD*HQWO\SXOOWKHSROHOLJKW from the mounting and place into the pole light receptacle. The pole light must always EH LQ SODFH DQG LOOXPLQDWHG ZKHQ YLVLELOLW\ LV OLPLWHG 7KH SROH OLJKW PXVW EH GLVSOD\HG while underway from sunset to sunrise. Boats equipped with factory installed towers do not have a stern light pole, even though the rear light receptcle is installed. Tower Navigation Light Courtesy lights are installed at several locations in the interior RIWKHERDW7KHFRXUWHV\OLJKWVZLWFKLVORFDWHGRQWKHLQVWUXPHQWSDQHODQGLVPDUNHG³&2857´ Stern Courtesy Light Boats equipped with factory installed towers have the 360° White Pole Light mounted on the tower. 7KH OLJKW FDQ EH LOOXPLQDWHGE\WKH³1$9´VZLWFK located on the panel. Some Supra models are equipped with stern lights. The stern OLJKWLVORFDWHGDWWKHFHQWHURIWKHWUDQVRPEHORZWKHUXEUDLO 7KHVWHUQOLJKWLVDFWLYDWHGE\WKH³&RXUWHV\´OLJKWVZLWFK © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 49 — Lifting Rings Ski Platform The transom mounted ski platform allows easy access to and from the water for skiers and swimmers. It is recommended that entries to and exits from the water EHPDGHIURPWKHSODWIRUPWRDYRLGDFFLGHQWV7KH¿EHUJODVV GHFNFDQEHFRPHVOLSSHU\ZKHQZHW Shut off the engine when people are on the platform or in the water near the platform. Exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide. Direct or prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide will cause brain damage or death. Two lifting rings are located on the transom. Children should be supervised while on the ski platform to ensure that their feet or legs do not get caught between the platform rail and platform. Bow Eye 7KHERZH\HLVORFDWHGDWWKHIURQWRIWKHKXOOEHORZWKHUXE UDLO,WLVWKHSRLQWRIWKHDWWDFKPHQWWROHDGWKHERDWRQWR WKHWUDLOHUDQGWRVHFXUHWKHERDWWRWKHWUDLOHURUWRWLHRII when docking. — 50 NOTICE: Do not use the bow eye ONLY to hoist the boat. You must use a sling with the bow eye when hoisting the boat. (See Hoisting Instructions) © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Detachable Bracket 7KHVNLSODWIRUPLVDWWDFKHGWRWKHERDWZLWKGHWDFKDEOHEUDFNHWV7KHSODWIRUP PD\EHUHPRYHGIURPWKHERDWE\SXOOLQJWKHUHWDLQLQJSLQVIURPWKHEUDFNHWV and lifting up and out. Ski Locker Bilge Inspection Plate 7KHIXHOWDQNLQVSHFWLRQSODWHELOJHLQVSHFWLRQSODWHLVORFDWHG RQ WKH ÀRRU 2SHQ WKH LQVSHFWLRQ SODWH E\ XQVFUHZLQJ LW WR check the condition of the fuel tank and wire harness or for ZDWHULQWKHELOJH NOTICE: Keep this area clean and free of dirt and debris. 9'ULYH6XQGHFN6WHSZD\ Ski storage, depending on the model of Supra you own, is ORFDWHGHLWKHUEHWZHHQWKHREVHUYHU¶VVHDWDQGGULYHU¶VFRQVROHRQPRVWYGULYHVRUFDQEHIRXQGXQGHUWKHVXQGHFNRI LQERDUG PRGHOV 2Q VWRUDJH IRXQG EHWZHHQ WKH GULYHU DQG REVHUYHU¶VFRQVROHVLPSO\XQVQDSWKHVWUDSDQGOLIWWRRSHQ 0RGHOVZLWKVNLVWRUDJHDWWKHUHDURIWKHERDWFDQEHDFFHVVHG E\JUDVSLQJWKHVWUDSDQGSXOOLQJXSDQGIRUZDUG © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. The Supra 20, 22 and 24 V-drives offer a convenient stepway IRUHLWKHUHQWHULQJRUH[LWLQJWKHERDW/LIWWKHVWDUERDUGVLGH sundeck lid to access the stepway. 51 — Sundeck :KHQWKHVNLORFNHULVFORVHGWKHXSKROVWHUHGOLGGRXEOHVDV a cushioned sun deck. Double-Up Seating Some Supra models offer 'RXEOH8S 6HDWLQJ 7KLV XQLTXHVHDWLQJFDQEHVWRUHG ÀDWIRUHDV\DFFHVVWRWKHERZ RUÀLSSHGXSIRUH[WUDUHDUDQG forward facing seating. To use this seating, lift and pull the VHDWEDFNLQWRWKHORFNHGSRsition. Be sure that the metal DUPV DUH ORFNHG VWUDLJKW EHfore applying pressure. To lay VHDWEDFNGRZQVLPSO\SXVK down on the middle section of the metal support arm. Propeller Triple-Up Seating The research and design team at Skier’s Choice has carefully explored and tested many different propellers and pitch DQJOHVIRUXVHRQRXUERDWV$OOWHVWVLQGLFDWHWKDWWKHFXUUHQW SURSHOOHULQVWDOOHGRQ\RXUPRGHOLVWKHEHVWIRUWKHYDULHW\RI ERDWLQJSHUIRUPDQFHUHTXLUHGZKHWKHUVNLLQJFRPSHWLWLYHO\ or for pleasure. ,WLVVWURQJO\UHFRPPHQGHGWKDW\RXU6XSUDGHDOHUEHQRWL¿HG EHIRUHFKDQJLQJWKHSURSHOOHU,QJHQHUDOFKDQJLQJWRDORZHU SLWFKHGSURSHOOHUPD\LQFUHDVHDFFHOHUDWLRQEXWZLOOGHFUHDVH top speed. Changing to a higher pitched propeller may achieve higher top speed with a light load, while acceleration and power may decrease. Avoid engine damage. Do not exceed the maximum RPM as listed for your motor. Some props may allow the HQJLQH WR RYHU UHY ZKLFK FDQ FDXVH QRQZDUUDQWDEOH engine damage. Both the 22 and 24 6HULHV ERDWV KDYH ³7ULSOH8S´ VHDWing. This unique type of seating can EH VWRUHG IODW RU ÀLSSHGXSIRUH[WUD rear facing seating. To use this seating, lift and pull the seat EDFNLQWRWKHORFNHGSRVLWLRQ%HVXUHWKDWWKHPHWDODUPV DUHORFNHGVWUDLJKWEHIRUHDSSO\LQJSUHVVXUH7ROD\VHDWEDFN down, simply push down on the middle section of the metal support arm. Altitude and Wakeboard Prop Supra offers an optional prop GHVLJQHGVSHFL¿FDOO\IRUKLJK DOWLWXGH DQG ZDNHERDUGLQJ 7KLV SURS PD\ KHOS ERDWV SHUIRUP EHWWHU LI WKH ERDW LV EHLQJ RSHUDWHG DW HOHYDWLRQV DERYHIHHW7KLVSURS DOVR KHOSV ERDWV VSHFL¿FDOO\ ZHLJKWHGIRUZDNHERDUGLQJJHW on plane faster. NOTE: This prop will reduce the top end speed of the boat. NOTE: It will change the RPM-to-speed ratio and make it possible for the RPM limiter built into the engine to engage at full throttle. — 52 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Hydraulic Wake Plate The hydraulic wake plate allows the driver to control the runQLQJDWWLWXGHRIWKHERDW,WFDQEHFRQWUROOHGE\WKHVZLWFK RQWKHGDVKERDUG Trim Switch Glove Box 7RRSHQWKHJORYHER[SUHVVWKHEODFNURXQGF\OLQGHUGRZQ ZKLOHOLIWLQJWKHEODFN¿QJHUWDE2QFHRSHQWKHOLGLVVXSSRUWHG E\DVKRFN7RFORVHWKHOLGSXVKGRZQRQEODFN¿QJHUWDE 7RRSHQWKHJORYHER[SUHVVWKHEXWWRQRQWKHGRRU7RFORVH WKHOLGVLPSO\SXVKWKHOLGEDFNXQWLOLWODWFKHV This switch controls the optional hydraulic wake plate. The gauge indicates the position of the plate. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 53 — Optional Boat Heater 7KHERDWKHDWHULVDIRUFHGDLUKHDWHUWKDWXVHVKRWHQJLQH water as a heat source. To use the heater, simply turn the heater switch to the selected fan speed. In order for the heater WRZRUNWKHHQJLQHPXVWEHDWRSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH2QH of the features of the heater are the snorkel vents, which can EHSXOOHGRXWWRGLUHFWKHDWWRVSHFL¿FDUHDV Walk-Thru Windshield 7KHPRYDEOHFHQWHUZLQGVKLHOGSDQHODOORZVDFFHVVWRDQG IURP WKH ERZ GHFN7R RSHQ WXUQ VDIHW\ ODWFKHV WR YHUWLFDO and push. Lay the center windshield panel gently against the ¿[HGVLGHSDQHO Optional Bimini Tops 7KHELPLQLWRSLVGHVLJQHGDVDVXQVKDGH3OHDVHVHHWKHPRRULQJFRYHUVHFWLRQIRULQVWUXFWLRQVRQFOHDQLQJDQGFDULQJIRU \RXUELPLQLWRS:KHQRSHQLQJDQGODWFKLQJWKHVWUDSVWRWKHH\HKRRNVWZLVWWKHVWUDSRQHWRWZRWLPHVWRSUHYHQWWKHP IURPYLEUDWLQJLQWKHZLQG DO NOT operate the boat above 45 MPH with the bimini top open. Do not trailer the boat with the bimini top open. — 54 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Battery Box 7KHEDWWHU\LVPRXQWHGLQVLGHWKHREVHUYHU¶VVHDWVWRUDJHFRPSDUWment. Location may vary slightly depending on the model. NOTICE: It is recommended that the battery cables be disconnected from the battery when the boat is placed in storage. Avoid damage or injury from battery acid. Ensure that the battery is properly secured before using boat. Dual Battery Option Hookup 7KHGXDOEDWWHU\RSWLRQLVGHVLJQHGWRJLYH\RXH[WUDEDWWHU\SRZHUWRUXQDFFHVVRULHVEXWDWWKHVDPHWLPHJLYH \RXDVDIHW\IHDWXUHQRWFRPPRQO\IRXQGLQDGXDOEDWWHU\ VHWXS7KH6XSUD'XDOEDWWHU\RSWLRQIHDWXUHVD9ROWDJH Sensitive relay which always monitors the engine starting EDWWHU\VRWKDW\RXUHQJLQHZLOODOZD\VUHVWDUW :H UHFRPPHQG WKDW WKH VHOHFWRU VZLWFK DOZD\V EH VHW WR ³´ ,Q WKH ³´ SRVLWLRQ WKH 9ROWDJH 6HQVLWLYH 5HOD\ PRQLWRUV WKH HQJLQH VWDUWLQJ EDWWHU\ ZKLFK ZLOO HQVXUH WKDW\RXKDYHDIXOO\FKDUJHGEDWWHU\WRVWDUW\RXUERDW 7KH³+RXVH´RU³$FFHVVRU\´EDWWHU\PD\EHFRPHGUDLQHG during a high discharge cycle since it does not get charged XQWLOWKH6WDUWLQJEDWWHU\LVIXOO\FKDUJHG ,QSRVLWLRQ³´ZKHQWKH6HQVHGEDWWHU\HQJLQHVWDUWLQJ EDWWHU\UHDFKHVYROWVWKHUHOD\FORVHVDQGSDUDOOHOVERWKEDWWHULHV:KHQWKLVKDSSHQVWKH/('OLJKWRQ Voltage Sensitive Relay comes on. ,QSRVLWLRQ³´WKHVHQVHGEDWWHU\LVWKHDFFHVVRU\EDWtery. We do not recommend using this position since it FDQFDXVHWKHVWDUWLQJEDWWHU\WRGUDLQZKLFKZRXOGQRW DOORZWKHHQJLQHEDWWHU\WRKDYHHQRXJKSRZHUWRUHVWDUW \RXUERDW ,Q SRVLWLRQ ³ERWK´ WKH EDWWHULHV DUH SDUDOOHOHG DQG LQ D KLJKGLVFKDUJHF\FOHERWKEDWWHULHVFDQEHFRPHGUDLQHG ZKLFKZRXOGQRWDOORZWKHHQJLQHEDWWHU\WRKDYHHQRXJK SRZHUWRUHVWDUW\RXUERDW NOTE: It is recommended that you fully recharge your batteries using a battery charger periodically or after a session of high discharge (lots of accessories running for an extended period). © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. NOTE: It is possible with this system for accessories to shut down when the engine is running due to the accessory battery draining down. This is a safety feature. This system monitors the starting battery and ZLOOVDFUL¿FHWKHDFFHVVRU\EDWWHU\VRWKDW\RXDUHQRW stranded on the water with a weak starting battery. NOTE: We highly recommend using high quality “Dual-Purpose Batteries” in both the starting and house position. 55 — Cooler Optional Tower Speakers 6RPH6XSUDPRGHOVRIIHUEXLOWLQFRROHUV7KH\DUHLQVXODWHG DQGKDYHGUDLQKROHVWKDWGUDLQZDWHULQWRWKHELOJH%HVXUH to thoroughly clean the cooler and allow it to dry after each use to prevent mold and mildew. 7KHRSWLRQDOWRZHUVSHDNHUDQGOLJKWEDUFRPERLVDXQLWWKDW KRXVHVERWKDQDGGLWLRQDOVHWRIWRZHUVSHDNHUVDQGOLJKWV 7KHVSHDNHUVDUHGHVLJQHGWRDOORZWKHULGHUWREHDEOHWRKHDU the music. The tower speakers require the addition of an amSOL¿HUWRSRZHUWKHVSHDNHUV7KHWRZHUOLJKWVDUHGHVLJQHGWR make docking, loading and unloading easier. The tower lights UHTXLUHWKHDGGLWLRQRIDGXDOEDWWHU\HOHFWULFDOV\VWHP Wakeboard Racks NOTE: Tower lights are not to be used as running lights at night. USCG regulations mandate that a boat under power after sunset must display a 360 degree white light and a red/green bow light. ,WLVLOOHJDOWRZDNHERDUGVNLWXEHHWFDIWHUVXQVHWDQG before sunrise in most states. It has been outlawed because it is dangerous. Tower lights do not make these activities legal or safe. Some lakes have noise restriction ordinances. The use of tower speakers may not be allowed in your area. Please check all applicable laws in your area regarding noise level restrictions. Transom Mount Stereo Remote :DNHERDUGUDFNVDUHDFRQYHQLHQWZD\WRWUDQVSRUWDQGVWRUH ZDNHERDUGVZKLOHXVLQJ\RXUERDW 6XSUDVKDYHVZLQJDUPZDNHERDUGUDFNVIRUHDVLHUORDGLQJ DQGXQORDGLQJRIERDUGV7KHVZLQJDUPKDVDVWRSDW DQGGHJUHHV7RRSHUDWHSXVKEXWWRQRQERWWRPRIKLQJH DQGURWDWHWRWKHQH[WVWRS3XVKQH[WEXWWRQWRURWDWHDJDLQ Reverse steps to to go other direction. • Place wakeboard swing arm in the 0 degree position prior to putting the boat in gear. • Check tightness of all mounting hardware before each use. • DO NOT trailer the boat with wakeboards mounted in the racks. — 56 The optional transom mounted stereo remote allows the stereo WREHFRQWUROOHGIURPWKHUHDURIWKHERDW Keep away from rear of boat while the engine is running. Do not be on or about the swim platform while the engine is running or the boat is in motion. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Mooring Cover Optional Tonneau Cover <RXU6XSUDERDWFRYHULVPDGHIURPWKH¿QHVWFDQYDVDQG ZHEELQJWRHQVXUHWKDW\RXUERDWZLOOEHSURWHFWHGLQWKHRII VHDVRQ7KHFRYHUKDVEHHQGHVLJQHGWR¿WVHFXUHO\DURXQG HDFKERDW 7KHRSWLRQDOWRQQHDXFRYHULVGHVLJQHGWRVQDSRYHUWKHERZ RIWKHERDW,WVSXUSRVHLVWRPLQLPL]HDLUÀRZLQWRWKHFRFNSLW DUHDZKHQWKHERDWLVLQXVHDQGDVDVWRUDJHFRYHUZKHQ XVHGLQFRPELQDWLRQZLWKWKHRSWLRQDOFRFNSLWFRYHU Use the following procedure when covering the boat: %HVXUHWKDWWKHFRYHU¿WVVQXJO\DWWKHERZWKHQXQIROG IURPIURQWWREDFN %HVXUHWRLQVWDOOFRYHUSROHVDQGDGMXVWWR proper height, using set screw on pole(s). This will keep water from gathering in the center, which can damage the cover. 3. Secure all fastening straps around the trailer frame. 3XOOWKHGUDZFRUGHTXDOO\IURPERWKVLGHVDQGWLHRII to the lifting eyes on the stern in accordance with the illustration. DO NOT trailer the boat with the tonneau cover installed. The tonneau cover is not designed as a trailer cover and may come unsnapped or rip. This type of damage IS NOT covered by your boat warranty! Optional Cockpit Cover Folding Cover :KHQIROGLQJWKHFRYHUIRUVWRUDJHEHVXUHWKHFRYHULVGU\ 7DNHFDUHQRWWRVFUDWFKWKHFDQYDV¿QLVKDJDLQVWURXJKVXUfaces. Store in a dry location. Cover Repair ,IWKHFRYHUEHFRPHVGDPDJHGLPPHGLDWHO\SDWFKDQGUHVHDO WKHDUHD8VHDWHQWVHDPVHDOHUWRUHVHDODQ\QHZVWLWFKHV 6SUD\ IDEULF JXDUG RQ VFUDSHG RU ZRUQ VXUIDFHV &DQYDV WHDUVVKRXOGEHUHSDLUHGSURIHVVLRQDOO\DQGVWLWFKHVVHDOHG to prevent leakage. DO NOT trailer the boat with the mooring cover installed. The cockpit cover is not designed as a trailer cover and may come unsnapped or rip. This type of damage IS NOT covered by your boat warranty! The optional cockpit cover is a snap down storage cover deVLJQHGWRKHOSSURWHFWWKHLQWHULRURI\RXUERDW7RLQVWDOOWKH cover, start at the windshield and work towards the transom. Be sure to install the cover poles to prevent water pocketing. DO NOT trailer the boat with the cockpit cover installed. The cockpit cover is not designed as a trailer cover and may come unsnapped or rip. This type of damage IS NOT covered by your boat warranty! © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 57 — Optional Stereo Amp 7KHVWHUHRDPSOL¿HULVDQRSWLRQDOSLHFHRIVWHUHRHTXLSPHQW that is designed to increase the wattage of the signal going to the speakers while minimizing distortion of this signal. Please VHHVWHUHRDPSOL¿HURZQHU¶VPDQXDOIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ 8VLQJ D VWHUHR DPSOL¿HU ZLWKRXW ERDW HQJLQH UXQQLQJ may drain the battery to the point where the boat will not UHVWDUW7KLVFRQGLWLRQPD\KDSSHQYHU\TXLFNO\GHSHQGing on the size of the battery. Optional Satellite Radio The optional satellite radio is designed to give the user music DFFHVVDQ\ZKHUHWKH\JRLQ1RUWK$PHULFD7KHV\VWHPLVD FKDQQHOV\VWHPZKLFKLVEURNHQGRZQLQWRGLIIHUHQWPXVLF W\SHVVXFKDVROGLHVKDUGURFNHDV\OLVWHQLQJDOWHUQDWLYH ¶VMD]]ELJEDQGVHWF7KLVV\VWHPGRHVKDYHDPLQLPDO VXEVFULSWLRQ IHH WKDW PXVW EH SDLG DQQXDOO\ WR FRQWLQXH service. Please see satellite radio owner’s manual for more information. NOTE: Location of satellite antenna may vary by model. 2SWLRQDO$LU,QÀDWRU Optional Subwoofer 7KH RSWLRQDO VXEZRRIHU LV GHVLJQHG WR LQFUHDVH WKH VRXQG OHYHORIWKHEDVVQRWHV7KHDPSOL¿HUSRZHUVWKHVXEZRRIHU 7KHEDVVOHYHOFDQEHDGMXVWHGRQWKHDPSOL¿HU3OHDVHVHH VWHUHRDPSOL¿HURZQHU¶VPDQXDOIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ 7KH6XQVSRUW9PRGHOFRPHVVWDQGDUGZLWKDQDLULQÀDWRU ,WLVDKLJKYROXPHORZSUHVVXUHSXPSGHVLJQHGVSHFL¿FDOO\ IRUWXEHVDLUPDWWUHVVHVHWF7RXVHWKHSXPSSXOOWKHXQLW out of its storage compartment located to the rear of the walk through area and plug the cord into the 12 volt receptacle. &RQQHFWWKHKRVHRIWKHLQÀDWRUWRDLULQSXWRQLQÀDWDEOHREMHFW and turn on. '2127OHDYHDLULQÀDWRUUXQQLQJXQDWWHQGHG — 58 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Optional Water Strainer 7KH RSWLRQDO HQJLQH ZDWHU VWUDLQHU LV D ¿OWHU IRU WKH HQJLQH FRROLQJZDWHU,WLVUHFRPPHQGHGIRUERDWVWKDWDUHJRLQJWR EHRSHUDWHGLQZHHG\FRQGLWLRQVRURWKHUDUHDVZKHUHGHEULV could clog the engine. It consists of a stainless steel mesh ¿OWHULQVLGHDFOHDUFXS,WLVORFDWHGEHWZHHQWKHZDWHULQWDNH RQWKHERWWRPRIWKHERDWDQGWKHHQJLQH¶VUDZZDWHUSXPS,W VKRXOGEHFKHFNHGSHULRGLFDOO\IRUGHEULVDVFRQGLWLRQVGLFWDWH 7RUHPRYHGHEULVXQVFUHZWKHFOHDUVLJKWFXSUHPRYHWKH RULQJDQGVWDLQOHVVVWHHO¿OWHUPHVKDQGSURFHHGWRULQVHRXW WKHFXS%HVXUHWRUHLQVWDOOWKH¿OWHUPHVKDQGRULQJEHIRUH reattaching the sight cup to the inlet. Fresh Water Cooling System The optional fresh water cooling system has a heat exchanger which allows the engine to have an antifreeze mixture which circulates in the engine. For more information, see your engine owner’s manual. Fresh Water Flush Optional Walk-Through Curtain Some Supra models offer an optional Walk-through curtain that snaps into the front walk-through to help prevent cool air IURPÀRZLQJLQWRWKHFRFNSLWDUHD Optional CD Changer 7KHRSWLRQDOGLVN&'FKDQJHULVPRXQWHGWRWKHÀRRURI WKHERDWDQGLVFRQWUROOHGXVLQJWKHVWHUHRFRQWUROV,WFDQDOVR EHFRQWUROOHGE\WKHVWHUHRUHPRWH3OHDVHVHH&'FKDQJHU owner’s manual for more information. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 7KHRSWLRQDO)UHVK:DWHU)OXVKNLWLVDYDOYHVSHFL¿FDOO\GHsigned to allow you to attach a garden hose to your engine ZDWHULQWDNHWRÀXVKEUDFNLVKRUVDOWZDWHURXWRI\RXUHQJLQH To use the Fresh Water Flush, simply attach a garden hose to the valve. Turn on the water to the valve. Start the engine. 0RQLWRUWKHH[KDXVWSRUWVRQWKHWUDQVRPRI\RXUERDWDQG engine temperature gauge. Water should come out of the exhaust ports while the engine is running. It is recommended WKDW\RXUXQWKHHQJLQHDWDORZ530ZKLOHÀXVKLQJVLQFH the engine’s raw water pump at higher RPMs can pump more water than the garden hose can supply. If you have questions on the operation of your Fresh Water Flush kit, consult your Supra Dealer. 59 — Fuel Precautions Filling the Tank 127,&(3D\FDUHIXODWWHQWLRQZKHQ¿OOLQJWKHIXHOWDQN '2 127 RYHU¿OO WKH WDQN )XHO PD\ HPSW\ WKURXJK WKH IXHOYHQWDQGGDPDJHWKHRXWVLGH¿QLVK Sparks while fueling could cause an explosion! Before Fueling: 1. Turn off engine. 2. Turn off all electrical systems. ([WLQJXLVKFLJDUHWWHVRUDQ\RSHQÀDPH While Fueling: .HHSIXHOKRVHQR]]OHLQFRQWDFWZLWK¿OOSLSHWRSURYLGH grounding. 2. Fill tank at a slow rate to avoid spills. ,IIXHOLVVSLOOHGRQVWULSHVRUGHFDOVDSSO\DFRPPRQEDWK FOHDQHUQRQDEUDVLYHDQGZLSHZLWKDGDPSFORWK5LQVHVSLOO area with clean water. V-Drive Fuel Tank Fuel Tank 7KHIXHOFDSLVORFDWHGRQWKHVWDUERDUGVLGHRIWKHERDWQHDU the stern. A specially designed fuel key is provided to open the cap. 7KHIXHOFDSLVORFDWHGLQWKHPLGGOHRIWKHUHDURIWKHERDW$ specially designed fuel key is provided to open the cap. NOTE: The cap is sealed by a rubber o-ring. Please do not overtighten. NOTE: The cap is sealed by a rubber o-ring. Please do not overtighten. %RWKWKHDQG6HULHVERDWVIRUH[WUDFRQYHQLHQFHKDYH DIXHO¿OORQERWKVLGHVWRDOORZIRUHDV\IXHOLQJ Fuel Vent 7KHIXHOYHQWLVDSDUWRIWKHJDV¿OOHUQHFN7KLVYHQWLVFRQnected to the fuel tank via the vent hose, which releases gasoline fumes from the fuel tank. Gasoline vapors are highly explosive. — 60 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Docking Lights The optional docking lights are designed to help you dock, ORDGDQGXQORDG\RXUERDWLQORZOLJKWRUDWQLJKW NOTE: Docking lights are not to be used as running lights at night. USCG regulations mandate that a boat under power after sunset must display a 360 degree white light and a red/green bow light. Jump Seat 7KH -XPS 6HDW RSWLRQ LV D VPDOO H[WUD VHDW ZKLFK FDQ EH SODFHGLQWKHZDONWKUXDUHDWRJLYHPRUHVHDWLQJ,WPXVWEH used in an area which keeps the seat from moving. Automatic Fire Suppression System The optional Automatic Fire Suppression System has a sensor in the engine compartment that is designed to detect a ¿UH8QGHUQRUPDOFRQGLWLRQVWKHGDVKDUHDZDUQLQJOLJKWZLOO JORZJUHHQZKHQWKHLJQLWLRQLV³21´,IWKHHQJLQHFRPSDUWPHQWVHQVRULVDFWLYDWHGE\D¿UHLWZLOOGHSOR\WKHFRQWHQW RILW¶V¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHUDQGWKHGDVKPRXQWHGZDUQLQJOLJKW will turn red. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 61 — Notes — 62 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section X Service & Maintenance 7KHLOOXVWUDWLRQDERYHGHQRWHVWKHDUHDVZKLFKPD\QHHGWREHDFFHVVHGRUPD\UHTXLUHFOHDQLQJRUPDLQWHQDQFH,WLV LPSRUWDQWWRKDYHEDVLFXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKHSDUWVDQGWKHLUORFDWLRQRQWKHERDW+RZHYHULWLVUHFRPPHQGWKDWDQ\ VHUYLFHEH\RQGURXWLQHPDLQWHQDQFHEHSHUIRUPHGE\DQDXWKRUL]HG6XSUDGHDOHU Service & Maintenance )RU\RXUFRQYHQLHQFHDPDLQWHQDQFHVFKHGXOHKDVEHHQLQFOXGHGLQWKLVPDQXDO7KHLWHPVOLVWHGRXWOLQHZKHQWRSHUIRUPVDIHW\FKHFNVOXEULFDWLRQDQGJHQHUDOVHUYLFHWR\RXUERDW(QJLQHKRXUVRUHODSVHGWLPHGHWHUPLQHZKHQVHUYLFH is necessary. ,WLVUHFRPPHQGHGWKDWDQ\UHSODFHPHQWSDUWVXVHGGXULQJPDLQWHQDQFHRUIRUUHSDLUEHVXSSOLHGE\DQDXWKRUL]HG6XSUD dealer. NOTICE: You are responsible for keeping records of all maintenance on your boat. To maintain your new boat ZDUUDQW\\RXPD\EHUHTXLUHGWRSURYHWKDWUHTXLUHGPDLQWHQDQFHZDVSHUIRUPHG © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 63 — Cooling Systems Fuel Filter FRESH WATER COOLING SYSTEM 7KHVWDQGDUGFRROLQJV\VWHPIRU6XSUDERDWVLVDQRSHQFLUculation cooling system with intake water. This is preferred for lakes and reservoirs with low salt content. If the engine is occasionally operated in salt water, the cooling system should EHÀXVKHGZLWKIUHVKZDWHUSHULRGLFDOO\DQGDOZD\VEHIRUHVWRUDJH,I\RXUERDWLVUHJXODUO\RSHUDWHGLQVDOWZDWHULWVKRXOG EHHTXLSSHGZLWKWKHRSWLRQDOVDOWZDWHUSDFNDJH SALT WATER COOLING SYSTEM The optional cooling system for use on salt water is a closed system with a solution of 50% antifreeze and 50% fresh water. The coolant is left in the closed system and replaced once a year. Component Lubrication 1RUPDOXVHRI\RXU6XSUDFDXVHVPHWDOWRPHWDOPRYHPHQW DWVRPHSDUWVLQWKHERDW'ULYHUVHDWWUDFNVKRXOGEHOXEULFDWHGZLWKDZDWHUUHVLVWDQWFKDVVLVOXEULFDQWVXFKDVVLOLFRQ grease. 7KHUHLVDQLQOLQHIXHO¿OWHULQVWDOOHGIRUDGGHGSURWHFWLRQ2Q 9GULYHPRGHOVLWLVPRXQWHGRQWKHVWDUERDUGVWULQJHUDFFHVVLEOHXQGHUWKH9GULYHFRYHU2QLQERDUGPRGHOVLWLVPRXQWHG RQWKHLQVLGHRIWKHWUDQVRP,WLVDFFHVVLEOHE\UHPRYLQJWKH DIWVWRUDJHSDQHO7KLVLVDVHUYLFHDEOHFRPSRQHQWDQGVKRXOG EHFKDQJHGHYHU\KRXUVRU\HDUO\DQQXDOO\ /XEULFDWH UXGGHU JUHDVH ¿WWLQJ ORFDWHG EHORZ WKH HQJLQH once annually. — 64 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Engine Oil and Filter 7KHRLO¿OWHULVORFDWHGEHORZWKHHQJLQH7KHHQJLQHPDQXIDFWXUHU UHFRPPHQGV WKDW \RX FKDQJH WKH RLO DQG RLO ¿OWHU DIWHU WKH ¿UVW KRXUVXVHRI\RXUQHZERDW7KHUHDIWHUWRPD[LPL]HHQJLQH OLIHFKDQJHRLODQG¿OWHUDIWHUHYHU\KRXUVRIXVH6HH(QJLQH Manual). &UDQNFDVHRLOVKRXOGEHVHOHFWHGWRGHOLYHUWKHKLJKHVWSHUIRUPDQFH for your operating conditions and climate. In general, engine oils with lower viscosity ratings are used when temperatures remain low RUZKHQEHWWHUIXHOHFRQRP\LVGHVLUHG2LOVZLWKKLJKHUYLVFRVLW\ ratings are used when temperatures remain higher and when higher performance is expected from the engine. The Engine Manufacturer recommends Pennzoil 15W-40 Marine 0RWRU2LO,IWKLVLVXQDYDLODEOHXVHD:PRWRURLOZLWKDQ $3,FODVVL¿FDWLRQUDWLQJRI6/6-&,&K&*RUHTXLYDOHQW REFER TO ENGINE MANUAL for more information. V-Drive Remote Oil Filter 9'ULYHUHPRWHRLO¿OWHULVPRXQWHGLQWKHHQJLQHFRPSDUWPHQW for convenience. Oil Level Check (QJLQHRLOOHYHOVKRXOGEHFKHFNHGDWUHJXODULQWHUYDOVVXFK DVHYHU\HQJLQHKRXUV7RREWDLQDWUXHUHDGLQJZKHQ the engine is at operating temperature and turned off, check the oil level showing on the dipstick. ,IWKHRLOOHYHOLVEHWZHHQWKH³)8//´DQGWKH³$''´PDUNV on the dipstick, simply replace the dipstick. When the oil OHYHOLVDWRUEHORZWKH³$''´PDUNDGGRLOWRUHWXUQWKH OHYHOWRWKH³)8//´PDUN © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 65 — Transmission Level Check V-Drive Fluid Check 7KHÀXLGOHYHOFDQEHFKHFNHGE\XVLQJWKHRLOOHYHOJDXJH which is located on top of the V-Drive unit. This unit is located under the center cushion of the rear seat. Pull out the cushion to access the transmission. 3XOOWKHRLOOHYHOJDXJHWRFKHFNWKHÀXLGOHYHO,IWKHOHYHOLV ORZDGGÀXLGWRWKHFRUUHFWPDUNRQWKHGLSVWLFN8VH6$( 30 motor oil. 8VHRQO\DXWRPDWLFWUDQVPLVVLRQÀXLGW\SH³$´LQWUDQVPLVVLRQV ZLWKGULYHWUDLQ5HIHUWR(QJLQH2ZQHU¶V0DQXDO Change Frequency &KDQJHWUDQVPLVVLRQÀXLGHYHU\\HDUXVLQJRQO\'H[WURQ,,, 0HUFRQDXWRPDWLFWUDQVPLVVLRQÀXLG Maintaining Fluid Level 7UDQVPLVVLRQÀXLGOHYHOVKRXOGEHFKHFNHGUHJXODUO\DQGÀXLG DGGHGLIQHFHVVDU\0DLQWDLQÀXLGOHYHOVDVIROORZV %RDWPXVWEHDWUHVW (QJLQHVKRXOGEHDWRSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUHEXWWXUQHGRII while checking level. - Remove transmission dipstick. :LSHÀXLGFOHDQIURPGLSVWLFNDQGUHSODFH 5HPRYHGLSVWLFNDQGQRWHOHYHOLQGLFDWHGE\WKHXSSHU and lower marks. ,IUHTXLUHGDGGÀXLGWREULQJWKHOHYHOWRWKHXSSHUPDUN — 66 127( 2QO\ D WUDLQHG DQG TXDOL¿HG WHFKQLFLDQ VKRXOG perform the oil change on your V-drive unit. Change Frequency 7KHRLOVKRXOGEHFKDQJHGLQWKH9GULYHXQLWDIWHUWKH¿UVW 100 hours of operation, then each year at the end of your ERDWLQJVHDVRQ Maintaining Fluid Level 9'ULYHXQLWÀXLGOHYHOVKRXOGEHFKHFNHGUHJXODUO\DQGÀXLG DGGHGLIQHFHVVDU\0DLQWDLQÀXLGOHYHOVDVIROORZV %RDWPXVWEHDWUHVW (QJLQHVKRXOGEHDWRSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUHEXWWXUQHGRII while checking level. 5HPRYHÀXLGGLSVWLFN :LSHÀXLGFOHDQIURPGLSVWLFNDQGUHSODFH 5HPRYHGLSVWLFNDQGQRWHOHYHOLQGLFDWHGE\WKHXSSHU and lower marks. ,IUHTXLUHGDGGÀXLGWREULQJWKHOHYHOWRWKHXSSHUPDUN © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Battery Cable Installation & Precautions Sulfuric acid in the battery can cause serious burns. If VSLOOHGRQVNLQRULQH\HVÀXVKZLWKFOHDQZDWHULPPHGLDWHO\WKHQVHHNPHGLFDODWWHQWLRQ <RXUEDWWHU\LVDQLPSRUWDQWSDUWRI\RXUERDW,WSURYLGHVDOO WKHSRZHUWRVWDUW\RXUERDWDQGDOORZVDOORI\RXUHOHFWULFDO FRPSRQHQWVELOJHSXPSEORZHUVWHUHRHWFWRZRUNHYHQ if the motor is not running. Because of its important role, Supra recommends using a good TXDOLW\ ³0DULQH 'XDO 3XUSRVH´ EDWWHU\7KH ³'XDO 3XUSRVH´ rating means that it can provide the cranking Amps needed to start your motor, yet it also has an Amp hour discharge rating so it can handle low electrical drawdown cycle. Your Supra electrical system is a negative ground type. The QHJDWLYHEDWWHU\FDEOHLVJURXQGHGWRWKHHQJLQHEORFN7KH SRVLWLYHEDWWHU\FDEOHLVFRQQHFWHGWRWKHVWDUWHUVROHQRLG &RQQHFWWKHSRVLWLYHEDWWHU\FDEOHWRWKHSRVLWLYHSRVW RQWKHEDWWHU\&RQQHFWWKHQHJDWLYHEDWWHU\FDEOHWRWKH QHJDWLYHSRVWRQWKHEDWWHU\ Failure to connect battery cables as outlined will damage the system and void the warranty. Hydrogen and oxygen gases are produced during normal EDWWHU\RSHUDWLRQDQGFKDUJLQJ6SDUNVRUÀDPHVQHDU the battery vent openings can cause the mixture to ignite and explode. Dripless Shaft Seal Your Supra comes standard with a dripless shaft seal. If any seepage occurs, contact your dealer. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 67 — Notes — 68 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section XI Cleaning, Care & Storage Fiberglass Care Rub Rail Care :DVKLQJDQGZD[LQJWKHERDWKXOODQGGHFNUHJXODUO\ZLOOH[WHQGWKHOLIHDQGEHDXW\RI\RXU6XSUD,WLVDJRRGURXWLQHWR ULQVH\RXUERDWZLWKIUHVKZDWHUDIWHUHDFKGD\¶VXVH ,W LV UHFRPPHQGHG WKDW WKH KXOO DQG GHFN EH FOHDQHG DQG waxed after every 25 hours of use. This will decrease water friction and lesson the potential for staining or spotting on the gelcoat surface. :KHQWKHRULJLQDOJHOFRDWVKLQHFDQQRWEHUHVWRUHGE\ZD[LQJ WKHVKLQHPD\EHUHVWRUHGE\KDQGEXI¿QJZLWKDFRPPHUFLDO polishing compound. Be sure to apply a new coat of wax FRQWDLQLQJ&DUQDXEDRYHUWKHDUHDWKDWKDVEHHQSROLVKHG ,03257$17 3RUFHODLQ FOHDQLQJ SRZGHUV DUH WRR DEUDVLYH for use on gelcoat and may cause permanent discoloration if used. Household detergents containing ammonia or chlorine VKRXOGQRWEHXVHGRQJHOFRDW1HYHUXVHDFHWRQHRUNHWRQH VROYHQWVWRFOHDQ\RXUERDW¿QLVK 8VHDVSRQJHRURWKHUVRIWPDWHULDOWRZDVKDQGZD[WKHUXE UDLO7RZD[XVHDFRPPHUFLDODXWRPRWLYHEXPSHUZD[ 127,&(:KHQW\LQJXSWRDGRFNRUDQRWKHUERDWDOZD\V XVHFXVKLRQHGIHQGHUVGRFNEXPSHUVWRSURWHFW\RXUERDW from hard surfaces. Washing Your Boat Windshield Care 7KHHDVLHVWZD\WRSUHVHUYHWKHEHDXW\RI\RXUERDWLVWRNHHS LWFOHDQE\IUHTXHQWZDVKLQJ:DVKWKHERDWZLWKOXNHZDUP RUFROGZDWHU:LSHWKHERDWGRZQLPPHGLDWHO\DIWHUZDVKLQJ to avoid water spots. Avoid using hot water or washing your ERDWLQGLUHFWVXQOLJKW$YRLGXVLQJVWURQJVRDSVRUFKHPLFDO GHWHUJHQWV7RDYRLGVSRWWLQJDOOFOHDQLQJDJHQWVVKRXOGEH thoroughly rinsed from the surface promptly and not allowed WRGU\RQWKH¿QLVK All Supra windshields are constructed of tempered safety glass WRHQVXUHSDVVHQJHUVDIHW\7KHJODVVVXUIDFHVVKRXOGEH FOHDQHGUHJXODUO\WRHQVXUHWKDWYLVLELOLW\LVQRWREVWUXFWHG © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 8VHDFRPPHUFLDOJODVVFOHDQHUWRUHPRYHDQ\VSRWWLQJRU VWXEERUQVWDLQVWKDWGHYHORSRQWKHZLQGVKLHOG1HYHUXVH DEUDVLYHFOHDQHUVRQJODVVVXUIDFHV 69 — Upholstery Care Foreign Deposits 7UHHVDSELUGGURSSLQJVDLUERUQHFKHPLFDOVSHWUROHXPSURGucts and other foreign matter may damage the gelcoat surface if not removed promptly (See Washing Instructions). Boat Hull Protection If your Supra is to remain in the water for an extended period, WKHKXOOEHORZWKHZDWHUOLQHVKRXOGEHSDLQWHGZLWKDPDULQH ERWWRP SDLQW %RDWV OHIW LQ WKH ZDWHU IRU H[WHQGHG SHULRGV RI WLPH ZLWKRXW ERWWRP SDLQW PD\ H[SHULHQFH EOLVWHULQJ RU GLVFRORUL]DWLRQ7KLVW\SHRIGDPDJHLVQRWFRYHUHGE\\RXU ERDW¶VZDUUDQW\ All upholstery items on your Supra are made of tough marine grade vinyl that is easily cleaned. It is important to provide for the drying of all upholstery and FDUSHWDIWHUHDFKXVHRIWKHERDW2SHQDOOVWRUDJHFRPSDUWPHQWVDQGVOLGHDOOUHPRYDEOHFXVKLRQVRXWDERXWDQLQFKWR DOORZDLUWRFLUFXODWHEHKLQG Strong detergents and cleaners may shorten the life of the vinyl. PLEASE SEE VINYL MANUFACTURER’S RECOMMENDED CARE GUIDE INCLUDED IN YOUR OWNER’S MANUAL PACKAGE. FAILURE TO FOLLOW CARE GUIDE MAY VOID VINYL WARRANTY. Drying Upholstery Teak Wood Care ,IWHDNZRRGKDVEHHQLQVWDOOHGRQ\RXU6XSUDDVPDOODPRXQW RIPDLQWHQDQFHZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRUHWDLQWKHQDWXUDOEHDXW\ 7HDNZRRGVKRXOGQRWEHYDUQLVKHG,QVWHDGWHDNRLORUPLQHUDO RLOVKRXOGEHDSSOLHG2LOVKRXOGEHDSSOLHGWRWLPHVSHU \HDU,IWHDNKDVEHHQDOORZHGWREHFRPHJUD\DQGGU\VDQG ZLWK¿QHJULWSDSHUDQGUHDSSO\WHDNRLO 'DPDJHFDXVHGE\LPSURSHUFDUHFOHDQLQJDJHQWVFRQGLWLRQHURLOVZD[HVJDVROLQHHWF,6127FRYHUHGXQGHU your boat’s warranty. Use only the recommended vinyl cleaner as listed on the Vinyl Care Instruction Sheet. Please refer to for more information regarding vinyl care. Wet Slipping Boats ,QWKHHYHQWRIODUJHVWRUPVERDWVLQZHWVOLSVDUH PRUHOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHG ,I\RXGRQRWXVHWKHERDWRIWHQWKHEDWWHU\FDQJR dead from pumping out water. 7KHERDWPD\GHYHORSRUJDQLFJURZWKZKLFKFDQ greatly reduce performance, attack and discolor the gelcoat.* 7KHERDWPD\GHYHORSRVPRWLFEOLVWHUV 7KHERDWPD\JHWDVWDLQOLQHZKLFKFDQQRWEH removed.* * Painting the area below the waterline of the boat with Interlux products will reduce the likelihood of these last three. It is important to provide for the drying of all upholstery and FDUSHWDIWHUHDFKXVHRIWKHERDW2SHQDOOVWRUDJHFRPSDUWPHQWVDQGVOLGHDOOUHPRYDEOHFXVKLRQVRXWDERXWDQLQFKWR DOORZDLUWRFLUFXODWHEHKLQG — 70 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section XII Winterization & Dry Storage Winterization Summerization :KHQWKHERDWLQJDQGVNLVHDVRQFRPHVWRDFORVHLWLVLPSRUWDQWWRKDYH\RXUERDWSURIHVVLRQDOO\ZLQWHUL]HG %HIRUHXVLQJWKHERDWDIWHULWKDVEHHQLQGU\VWRUDJHUHquires some special treatment. Supra recommends having \RXU ERDW SURIHVVLRQDOO\ VXPPHUL]HG SUHIHUDEO\ E\ WKH VDPHIDFLOLW\WKDWSUHSSHGLWIRUVWRUDJH7KH\ZLOOEHIDPLOLDU with what items were done in the fall and what items need WREHDGGUHVVHGLQWKHVSULQJ ,I\RXUERDWLVH[SRVHGWRWHPSHUDWXUHVEHORZGHJUHHV) GHJUHHV&LWLVSRVVLEOHIRUZDWHULQWKHHQJLQHEDOODVWV\VWHP heater core, etc., to freeze. As this water freezes, it expands DQGFDQFUDFNSXPSVYDOYHVKHDWH[FKDQJHUVHQJLQHEORFNV etc. This type of damage usually requires the replacement of WKHFUDFNHGLWHPDQGFDQEHYHU\H[SHQVLYHWRUHSDLU ,QDGGLWLRQWRKDYLQJ\RXUERDWSURIHVVLRQDOO\VXPPHUL]HG WKHIROORZLQJOLVWRIWDVNVVKRXOGEHGRQHWRHQVXUHDVXFFHVVIXOVWDUWWR\RXUERDWLQJVHDVRQ It is extremely important to follow the proper winterizing procedure. The engine must be correctly winterized for safe storage in your climate. This should be done by a professional. Your Supra dealer will know exactly what must be done to ensure the longest possible life for your boat. ,QDGGLWLRQWRKDYLQJ\RXUERDWSURIHVVLRQDOO\ZLQWHUL]HGWKH IROORZLQJ WDVNV VKRXOG EH GRQH WR SURWHFW \RXU ERDW GXULQJ VWRUDJH 5HPRYHWKHGUDLQSOXJIURPWKHERDW 7KRURXJKO\FOHDQWKHERDWLQVLGHDQGRXW,QVSHFWWKHKXOO for any residue or algae growth and remove if required. &OHDQWKHELOJHDUHDWKRURXJKO\DQGRSHUDWHWKHELOJH SXPSWRUHPRYHDQ\ZDWHUIURPWKHELOJHKRVH 4. Remove all seat cushions and open all storage areas to DLUFLUFXODWLRQLQWKHERDWLQWHULRU:KHQWKRURXJKO\GU\ replace cushions and close storage areas. 5. Top off fuel tank to prevent any condensation from DFFXPXODWLQJLQWKHIXHOV\VWHP8VHDFRPPHUFLDOO\ DYDLODEOHIXHOVWDELOL]HUWRUHPRYHZDWHUDQGSUHYHQW gumming. ,IWKHERDWLVVWRUHGRQLWVWUDLOHUHQVXUHWKDWWKHERDWLV SURSHUO\SRVLWLRQHG,ISRVVLEOHOLIWWKHWRQJXHVRWKDWWKH ERZLVVOLJKWO\UDLVHGWRSURPRWHGUDLQDJHIURPWKHGUDLQ hole. 7. Install the canvas cover and secure the straps in accordance with cover instructions. :KHQODXQFKLQJWKHERDWIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHRIWKHVHDVRQ FDUHIXOO\ ZDWFK DOO JDXJHV WR HQVXUH WKDW WKH ERDW LV QRW overheating, the alternator is charging and the engine has proper oil pressure. 127('XULQJWKHZLQWHUPRQWKVZDWHULVDERDW¶VZRUVW enemy. Always store the boat when the interior is completely dry. Periodically check on the condition of the stored boat. Damage due to improper winterization IS NOT covered under your boat’s warranty. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 71 — Temporary Hoisting Correct Hoisting ,IWKHERDWHYHUQHHGVWREHKRLVWHGVSHFLDODWWHQWLRQVKRXOG EHJLYHQWRWKHIROORZLQJUHFRPPHQGDWLRQV +RLVWWKHERDWXVLQJDKRUL]RQWDOOLIWLQJEDURQO\ 1HYHUDWWHPSWWROLIWWKHERDWE\PHDQVRIDFDEOHVOLQJ IURPERZWRVWHUQOLIWLQJH\HV +RLVWRSHUDWRUVKRXOGVORZO\DQGVPRRWKO\OLIWWKHERDW ZLWKRXWMHUNLQJWRDYRLGGDPDJHWRWKHOLIWLQJH\HV Use only a proper sized sling in the designated lifting rings to hoist the boat. Incorrect Hoisting NOTE: )RUERDWKRXVHVZHKLJKO\UHFRPPHQGWKHXVHRIDOLIWing cradle. Cradle bunk design should mimic the bunk design of the trailer. DO NOT use the ski pylon to hoist the boat. Incorrect hoisting may invalidate the warranty on the boat. — 72 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section XIII Technical Information ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ1XPEHU 7KHKXOOLGHQWL¿FDWLRQQXPEHULVORFDWHGRQWKHXSSHUULJKW KDQGVLGHRIWKHWUDQVRPEHORZWKHUXEUDLO Hydrogen and oxygen gases are produced during normal EDWWHU\RSHUDWLRQRUFKDUJLQJ6SDUNVRUÀDPHVFDQFDXVH this mixture to ignite and explode if it comes near the vent openings. Sulfuric acid in the battery can cause serious burns if spilled on skin or in eyes. Flush with clear water immediately! © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 73 — — 74 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section XIV Trailering Your Boat Trailer & Towing The trailer supplied with your Supra was designed especially IRUWKHERDWZLWK\RXUFRQYHQLHQFHLQPLQG3OHDVHEHVXUH WKDW\RXKDYHDQDSSURSULDWHWRZYHKLFOHEHIRUHDWWHPSWLQJ WRWUDLOHU\RXUERDW<RXUYHKLFOHPXVWEHFDSDEOHRIWRZLQJ OEVDQGPXVWEH¿WWHGZLWKQROHVVWKDQD&ODVV,,, OEPD[WUDLOHUKLWFK Read the trailer towing section of your vehicle owner’s manual before towing your trailer. $OO6XSUDWUDLOHUVUHTXLUHD´EDOODQGD¿YHSLQPDULQH grade trailer wiring connector. The standard height from WKHJURXQGWRWKHWRSRIWKHKLWFKEDOOVKRXOGEHDERXW inches. With the trailer attached to the tow vehicle, the trailer should stand approximately level. Trailer Plug Wire Schematic :KLWH *UHHQ <HOORZ %URZQ %OXH *URXQG 5LJKW7XUQ%UDNH /HIW7XUQ%UDNH 5XQQLQJ/LJKWV 5HYHUVH/LJKWV Prolong Trailer Life The following guidelines will prolong the life of the boat and trailer: 1. Always secure the boat to the trailer with tie-downs. Do not place straps around fenders or lights. $OZD\VYHULI\WKDWWKHZLQFKKRRNLVVHFXUHO\LQWKHERZ eye, the strap is tight and the winch handle locked in SODFHEHIRUHWUDLOHULQJ 3. Check the recommended pressure displayed on the side of the tires and assure that it is maintained. 8QGHULQÀDWHGWLUHVFRXOGFDXVHWUDLOHUVZD\DQG excessive tire wear. 4. Before use, please read all information supplied with the WUDLOHUE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHU%HDULQJ%XGG\%RDW%XGG\ DQGK\GUDXOLFEUDNHDFWXDWRU&KHFNZKHHOEHDULQJ grease. 5. Before operating Boat Buddy, check trigger setting and latch pin location. After loading, check latch pin DQGFRQ¿UPWKDWLWLVSURSHUO\VHDWHGLQWKHH\HKRRN EHIRUHSXOOLQJWUDLOHURXWRIZDWHU:DVK%RDW%XGG\ moving parts with high pressure water. &KHFNZKHHOEHDULQJOXEH 7. See Trailer Owner Manual for Maintenance Schedule. Inadvertent release of latch pin could result in injury NOTE: Supra trailers feature disk brakes. The 5th wire (blue) on the wire connector needs to be connected to your vehicle’s reverse lights to be operative. This wire (blue) provides power to a solenoid which deactivates the brakes while in reverse. You may still tow your trailer ZLWKRXWWKHEOXHZLUHFRQQHFWHGKRZHYHU\RXPD\H[SHULHQFHGLI¿FXOW\EDFNLQJWKHWUDLOHU © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 75 — Trailer Alignment Connecting the Trailer When connecting the trailer to your tow vehicle use the folORZLQJSURFHGXUH 5DLVHWKHWRQJXHZLWKWKHWUDLOHUMDFNSRVLWLRQWKHWUDLOHU WRQJXHGLUHFWO\RYHUWKH´EDOODQGORZHUWKHMDFN XQWLOWKHWRQJXHJRHVDOOWKHZD\GRZQRYHUWKHEDOO :KHQSXOOLQJWKHERDWRQWRWKHWUDLOHUEHVXUHWKDWLWLVFHQtered on the trailer. 3UHVVGRZQRQWKHODWFKXQWLOLWORFNVRQWKHEDOOZLWK D³FOLFN´ NOTICE:,I\RXUKLWFKEDOOKDVDQH[FHVVLYHÀDWVSRWRQWRS the latch may not engage properly. If the latch does not catch, FKHFNZLWK\RXUGHDOHURUKLWFKLQVWDOOHUEHIRUHWUDLOHULQJ 3. Insert the locking pin into the tongue. Lock pin hole is on the side of the tongue. Correct Alignment :KHQDOOZHLJKWLVRIIWKHWUDLOHUMDFNSXOOWKHMDFN ORFNSLQDQGURWDWHWKHMDFNWRWKHKRUL]RQWDOSRVLWLRQ and re-lock the pin. $WWDFKWKHVDIHW\FDEOHVWRWKHWRZYHKLFOHKLWFK &URVVWKHFDEOHVDQGZUDSWKHPDURXQGHDFKRWKHU RQFHRUSRVVLEO\WZLFHDOORZLQJMXVWHQRXJKVODFNWR permit tight turns of the vehicle and trailer. 6. Plug the trailer lights connector to the vehicle harness. &OLSWKHEUDNHORFNRXWFDEOHWRWKHYHKLFOHKLWFK 7KHGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQWKHERDWDQGWKHZKHHOUXQQHUERDUG VKRXOGEHHTXDORQERWKVLGHV Incorrect Alignment — 76 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Unloading Procedure Loading Procedure 7RXQORDGWKHERDWXVHWKHIROORZLQJSURFHGXUHDVDJXLGH 1. Make sure that all drain plugs are securely in place. 8QSOXJOLJKWFRUGEHIRUHEDFNLQJLQWRWKHZDWHU 3. With Bow Eye Hook fastened, retract Boat Buddy ODWFKSLQE\SXOOLQJWULJJHULQWR³VDIHW\´ SRVLWLRQ,IODWFKSLQLVERXQGWLJKWHQZLQFKWR UHOLHYHSUHVVXUHWKHQSXOOWULJJHULQWR³VDIHW\´SRVLWLRQ :LWK%RZ(\H+RRNIDVWHQHGEDFNWKHWUDLOHUXQWLOWKH ZDWHUOHYHOLVDSSUR[LPDWHO\LQFKEHORZWKHWRSRIWKH WUDLOHUIHQGHUV127,&(5DPSVORSHVYDU\VRDFWXDO OHYHORIZDWHURQWUDLOHUPD\EHGLIIHUHQW 127(&DXWLRQRQWKLVSDJH 5. Follow the cold start procedure recommended in this manual. 6. After starting the engine, remove Bow Eye Hook. 7. With engine idling, center steering wheel, engage transmission and slowly pull throttle into reverse. Ease EDFNRQWKHWKURWWOHOHYHUXQWLOWKHERDWVWDUWVWRPRYH 7R ORDG WKH ERDW RQ WKH WUDLOHU SRVLWLRQ WKH WUDLOHU LQ WKH water with approximately 1 inch of the top of the fender showing. NOTE: DO NOT attempt to use excessive power to free the boat from dry carpet runners. Power off of the trailer RQO\ZKHQWKHERDWKDVÀRDWHGIUHH DO NOT OVER POWER onto trailer or damage may occur to the boat and/or the trailer! ,IWKHWUDLOHULVQRWVXEPHUJHGWRWKHFRUUHFWGHSWKWKH ERZRIWKHERDWFRXOGGURSZKHQSRZHULQJRIILQFRUUHFWO\ possibly damaging the boat. The trailer must be positioned for the correct water depth for loading or you may damage the boat. Varying UDPSDQJOHVUHTXLUHGLIIHUHQWSURFHGXUHV,QJHQHUDOWKH VWHHSHUWKHUDPSWKHPRUHVKDOORZWKHWUDLOHUVKRXOGEH positioned in the water. Your local dealer can help you unGHUVWDQGWKLVVKRXOG\RXUHTXLUHDGGLWLRQDODVVLVWDQFH Roll driver’s side window of tow vehicle down prior to EDFNLQJGRZQUDPS6KRXOGWKHYHKLFOHVOLSLQWRWKHZDWHU the driver can escape through open window. 6HWWKH%RDW%XGG\IRUORDGLQJE\SXOOLQJWULJJHU RUODWFKPHFKDQLVPLQWR³VHW´SRVLWLRQ ,GOHFRDVWWKHERDWRQWRWKHWUDLOHUXVLQJDVOLWWOH SRZHUDVSRVVLEOHZKLOHNHHSLQJLWFHQWHUHGEHWZHHQ the guide poles. 3RZHUVORZO\IRUZDUGXQWLOWKHERZH\HVROLGO\FRQWDFWV the Boat Buddy and the latch is triggered. :LQFKKRRNPXVWEHDWWDFKHGWRERZH\HDQGWLJKWHQHG EHIRUHWUDLOHULQJ DO NOT Power onto the trailer during rough conditions! 2QFH FRUUHFWO\ SRVLWLRQHG RQ WKH WUDLOHU VZLWFK RII ignition. 127(%HFDXVH\RXU6XSUDLVDGLUHFWGULYHLQERDUG ZKHQEDFNLQJXSWKHVWHUQZLOOKDYHDWHQGHQF\WRGULIW left or right depending on propeller rotation. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 77 — Boat Buddy Surge Brakes Fluid Reservoir Your Supra trailers come standard with a trailer Boat Buddy. 7KLV IHDWXUH PDNHV ORDGLQJ \RXU ERDW RQ WKH WUDLOHU PXFK easier. 7RFKHFNEUDNHÀXLGWZLVWEODFNFDSDQGUHPRYH3U\UXEEHU SOXJRXWRIUHVHUYRLU)ROORZLQVWUXFWLRQVSULQWHGRQSOXJ8VH DOT 3 Brake Fluid. Loading 3ODFHWKHWULJJHULQWKH³6(7´SRVLWLRQ:KHQWKHERZH\HFRQWDFWVWKH%RDW%XGG\WKHSLQZLOOODWFKVHFXULQJWKHERDW “Gold Series” Oil Bath Bearings Unloading 7RXQORDGWKHERDWSXOOEDFNRQWKHWULJJHUDQGORFDWHLWLQ WKH³6$)(7<´SRVLWLRQ — 78 <RXUWUDLOHUIHDWXUHV³*ROG6HULHV´RLOEDWKEHDULQJV&KHFNWKH ÀXLGFRORURIKXEVEHIRUHHDFKXVH,IQRWFRPSOHWHO\IXOORULI RLOLVEURZQLVKJUD\DQGFORXG\GUDLQDQGUH¿OOKXE 127(8VH6$(RLO © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Tandem Axle Swing-Away Tongue Some models come standard with a tandem axle trailer and with some it is an option. 2SWLRQDO6WDLQOHVV6WHHO6ZLQJ$ZD\7RQJXHDYDLODEOH Second Axle Disc Brakes With the swing tongue, you can shorten the trailer length for VWRUDJHE\SXOOLQJWKHSLQDQGVZLQJLQJWKHWRQJXHDZD\WR the side. DO NOT tow trailer without latch pin installed. 7KLVRSWLRQDOVHFRQGD[OHGLVNEUDNHVJLYHWKHWUDLOHUPRUH VWRSSLQJ SRZHU 6RPH VWDWHV UHTXLUHG EUDNHV RQ ERWK axles. Be sure to check your local laws. Always install safety clip on end of latch pin. Spare Tire Bracket Aluminum Step Plate The optional aluminum step plate gives the trailer a GXUDEOH ORQJODVWLQJ QRQVNLG VXUIDFH RQ WKH WUDLOHU steps. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 7KHRSWLRQDOVSDUHWLUHEUDFNHWDOORZV\RXWRFRQYHQLHQWO\ carry a spare tire. 79 — LED Package Aluminum Wheels The optional LED lighting package replaces the traditional WUDLOHUOLJKWVZLWK/('OLJKWV7KH/('OLJKWVDUHEULJKWHU than the traditional lights. NOTE: Vehicles with trailer light monitors may not function properly with LED lights due to the low resistance of the LED lights. Aftermarket resistor packages are available which allow the monitors to work properly. Laser Cut Steps 7KHRSWLRQDOODVHUFXWVWHSVDUHEDFNOLWVRWKH\LOOXPLQDWH when the trailer’s running lights are illuminated. The optional aluminum wheels are a trailer grade wheel. They are a great way to dress up your trailer. Gravity Wheels 7KH*UDYLW\*DPHV(GLWLRQ669FRPHVZLWKFXVWRP wheels. 127(6HH7UDLOHU3DFNHWIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQUHJDUGLQJ tire size and rating. — 80 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Supra Limited Warranty 7DNLQJFDUHRIRXUSURGXFWDIWHULWEHFRPHV\RXUVKDVDOZD\V EHHQ ³VWDQGDUG SROLF\´ DW 6NLHU¶V &KRLFH ,QF WKH SURXG PDQXIDFWXUHURIWKH6XSUDOLQHRIERDWV$QGWRIXUWKHUSURYH our point, we offer the following limited warranty. TERMS OF WARRANTY 'XULQJ WKH DSSOLFDEOH :DUUDQW\ 3HULRG DV GH¿QHG EHORZ 6NLHU¶V&KRLFH,QF³6NLHU¶V&KRLFH´RUWKH³&RPSDQ\´ZDUUDQWVWRWKHRULJLQDOUHWDLOSXUFKDVHUWKH³)LUVW2ZQHU´WKDW WKHFRPSRQHQWVDQGSDUWVPDQXIDFWXUHGE\6NLHU¶V&KRLFH WKH³&RYHUHG&RPSRQHQWV´RIHDFKQHZ6NLHU¶V&KRLFHERDW are free from any defects in material and workmanship, under normal use and when operated and PDLQWDLQHG DFFRUGLQJ WR ERDW¶V LQVWUXFWLRQV ³1RUPDO 8VH DQG2SHUDWLRQ´ This Limited Warranty applies to all Covered Components RWKHUWKDQWKHGHFNKXOOÀRRUDQGVWULQJHUVIRUD SHULRGRIRQH\HDUWKH³2QH<HDU:DUUDQW\3HULRG´ IURPWKHRULJLQDOGDWHRISXUFKDVHE\WKH)LUVW2ZQHU WKH³2ULJLQDO3XUFKDVH'DWH´([FOXVLRQVGRDSSO\ 7KLV/LPLWHG:DUUDQW\DSSOLHVWRWKHGHFNKXOOÀRRU H[FOXGLQJFDUSHWDQGVWULQJHUVIRUWKHOLIHWLPHRIWKHERDW WKH³/LIHWLPH:DUUDQW\3HULRG´([FOXVLRQVGRDSSO\ This Limited Warranty applies to the gel coat for a period RIRQH\HDU7KH³2QH<HDU:DUUDQW\3HULRG´IURPWKH RULJLQDOGDWHRISXUFKDVHE\WKH)LUVW2ZQHU7KH ³2ULJLQDO3XUFKDVH'DWH´([FOXVLRQVGRDSSO\ 7KLV/LPLWHG:DUUDQW\PD\EHWUDQVIHUUHGIRUDPLQLPDOIHH WRVXEVHTXHQWRZQHUVRQO\WKURXJKD6XSUD'HDOHUGXULQJD period of two (2) years from the Original Purchase Date. 6XEMHFWWRWKHWHUPVRIWKLV/LPLWHG:DUUDQW\6NLHU¶V&KRLFH will repair or replace, at its sole option, any Covered CompoQHQWZKLFKLVUHWXUQHGGXULQJWKHDSSOLFDEOH:DUUDQW\3HULRG to the Skier’s Choice factory or to any other Supra authorized UHSDLUIDFLOLW\DQ³$XWKRUL]HG6XSUD)DFLOLW\´SURYLGHGWKDW - Only the Covered Components that are declared GHIHFWLYHXSRQH[DPLQDWLRQE\6NLHU¶V&KRLFHZLOOEH repaired or replaced under this Limited Warranty; 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQRIWKHERDWSDUWVRUFRPSRQHQWVWRDQG from the Skier’s Choice factory or the Authorized Supra )DFLOLW\PXVWEHSUHSDLGE\WKHRZQHU 1RWLFHRIDQ\FODLPXQGHUWKLV/LPLWHG:DUUDQW\PXVWEH SURYLGHGWR6NLHU¶V&KRLFHE\WKH$XWKRUL]HG6XSUD Facility no later than sixty (60) days after the owner EHFRPHVDZDUHRIWKHGHIHFW 1RWL¿FDWLRQRIDFODLPRUGHIHFWPXVWEHSURSHUO\PDGHGLUHFWO\ WRDQ$XWKRUL]HG6XSUD)DFLOLW\ZKRVXEVHTXHQWO\PXVWVXEPLW WKHFODLPLQIRUPDWLRQWR6NLHU¶V&KRLFH,QFDW+HQU\* Lane Street, Maryville, Tennessee 37801. Information needed IRUSURFHVVLQJDFODLPLQFOXGHV1DPHDQGDGGUHVVRIWKH RZQHU6HULDOQXPEHURIWKHERDW2ULJLQDOUHWDLOSXUchase date; (4) Detailed explanation of the defect; and (5) Estimated repair cost. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Section XV Supra Warranty Note: Warranty repair or replacement cannot be made until this information is approved by Skier’s Choice. In case of defect of a Covered Component, Skier’s Choice will XVHLWVUHDVRQDEOHEHVWHIIRUWVWRUHSDLURUUHSODFHWKH&RYHUHG &RPSRQHQWZLWKLQQLQHW\GD\VRIUHFHLSW thereof at its factory or an Authorized Supra Facility. Any warranty on replaced or repaired components pursuant to this Limited Warranty shall remain in effect only for the remainder of the original Warranty Period. The repair or replacement of &RYHUHG&RPSRQHQWVZLOOEHPDGHE\6NLHU¶V&KRLFHZLWKRXWFKDUJHWRWKHRZQHUIRUSDUWVRUODERU7KHUHSODFHPHQW or repair of the defective part or component as stated in this /LPLWHG:DUUDQW\VKDOOEHWKHVROHUHPHG\RIWKHRZQHUDQG WKHVROHOLDELOLW\RIWKH&RPSDQ\XQGHUWKLV:DUUDQW\DQGDQ\ implied warranties. There are no express or implied warranties on the parts and FRPSRQHQWVPDQXIDFWXUHGRUVROGE\6NLHU¶V&KRLFHH[FHSW as set forth in this Limited Warranty. EXCLUSIONS &ODLPVRUDVVHUWLRQVUHODWLQJWRWKHIROORZLQJDUHVSHFL¿FDOO\ excluded from coverage under this Limited Warranty and 6NLHU¶V&KRLFHGLVFODLPVDQ\OLDELOLW\RUREOLJDWLRQZLWKUHVSHFW WRWKHIROORZLQJ 'HIHFWVLQRUGDPDJHFDXVHGE\RUUHODWLQJWRWKH HQJLQHRUDQ\SDUWWKHUHRI1RWH7KHHQJLQHPD\EH FRYHUHGE\ZDUUDQW\RIWKHHQJLQHPDQXIDFWXUHU Please see engine manufacturer warranty for details.) 'HIHFWVLQRUGDPDJHFDXVHGE\RUUHODWLQJWRWKH WUDLOHURUDQ\SDUWWKHUHRI1RWH7KHWUDLOHUPD\EH FRYHUHGE\ZDUUDQW\RIWKHWUDLOHUPDQXIDFWXUHU Please see trailer manufacturer warranty for details.) &RYHUHG&RPSRQHQWVRIDERDWWKDWKDVEHHQVROGRU WUDQVIHUUHGE\WKH)LUVW2ZQHUXQOHVVWKLV:DUUDQW\LV properly transferred through a Supra Dealer to WKHVXEVHTXHQWSXUFKDVHUVZLWKLQWZR\HDUVRI the Original Purchase Date. 'DPDJHFDXVHGE\UHODWHGWRRUUHVXOWLQJIURP failure of components or parts which are not PDQXIDFWXUHGE\6NLHU¶V&KRLFHLQFOXGLQJEXWQRW OLPLWHGWRELOJHSXPSIDLOXUH 7KH/LPLWHG/LIHWLPH:DUUDQW\RQWKHGHFNKXOOÀRRU (excluding carpet) and stringers does not include hardware or other components fastened or adhered WRWKHKXOOGHFNÀRRURUVWULQJHUV 1RUPDOPDLQWHQDQFHDQGXSNHHSUHODWLQJWRWKHERDWRU DQ\SDUWWKHUHRILQFOXGLQJEXWQRWOLPLWHGWRDOLJQPHQW DGMXVWPHQWVFRQQHFWRUVWXQHXSVDQGZHDULWHPV VXFKDVVKDIWSDFNLQJEHOWVKRVHV¿OWHUVVHDOV JDVNHWVVWUXWEXVKLQJHWF 81 — 'DPDJHWRRUPDOIXQFWLRQRIDERDWRUDQ\FRPSRQHQW thereof, resulting from owner use, lack of maintenance, improper maintenance, impact, misuse, negligence, collision, delay in repair, improper hoisting or cradling of WKHERDW $Q\DQGDOOFRQVHTXHQWLDOGDPDJHVLQFOXGLQJEXW not limited to, costs incurred for haul-out, launching, towing and storage charges, telephone or rental charges of any type, inconveniences, loss of use, or loss of time or income. (TXLSPHQWLQVWDOOHGE\DQ\RQHRWKHUWKDQDXWKRUL]HG factory personnel at the Company’s production facility. Equipment replaced at an Authorized Supra Facility pursuant to this warranty agreement remains under warranty until the expiration of the Limited Warranty period. $Q\ERDWZKLFKLVDXVHGIRUUHQWDORURWKHU FRPPHUFLDOPLOLWDU\RULQGXVWULDOSXUSRVHVEXVHG LQERDWUDFLQJGHPRQVWUDWLRQVVNLVFKRRORU VLPLODUHYHQWVFDOWHUHGPRGL¿HGUHSDLUHGRUUH SODFHGVRDVWRLQFUHDVHWKHFXELFLQFKFDSDFLW\ RUKRUVHSRZHURXWSXWRIWKHHQJLQHDQGERDWDV originally manufactured; (d) not properly stored or maintained. 12. Damage to or defects in paints, varnishes, gelcoat VXUIDFHVDQGFRORUV¿QLVKGLVWRUWLRQVFKURPHSODWHGRU DQRGL]HG¿QLVKHVÀRRUFRYHUVDQGDQ\RWKHUVXUIDFH coatings. *HOFRDWGLVFRORUDWLRQEOLVWHUVRUEXEEOHVLQFOXGLQJEXW QRWOLPLWHGWRWKRVHZKLFKPD\UHVXOWIURPDERDWEHLQJ left in the water for long periods of time. 15. Skier’s Choice reserves the right to improve its products through changes in design or material ZLWKRXWEHLQJREOLJDWHGWRLQFRUSRUDWHVXFKFKDQJHV in products of prior manufacture. — 82 11. Speeds, fuel consumption and other performance FKDUDFWHULVWLFVEHFDXVHWKH\DUHHVWLPDWHGDQG may vary. 8SKROVWHU\FUDFNVPLOGHZVWDLQVRUWHDUV resulting from owner use, lack of maintenance, improper maintenance, impact, misuse, negligence, delay in repair, use of improper cleaners or conditioners. OTHER LIMITATIONS 7+,6/,0,7(':$55$17</,0,767+('85$7,21 2)$1<,03/,(':$55$17<2)0(5&+$17$%,/,7< 25,03/,(':$55$17<2)),71(66)25$ 3$57,&8/$5385326(727+(3(5,2'6 63(&,),('+(5(,16RPHVWDWHVGRQRWDOORZ limitations on how long an Implied Warranty lasts, so this limitation may not apply to you. 7+(5(0(',(62)5(3$,5255(3/$&(0(17$7 7+(237,212)6.,(5¶6&+2,&($66(7)257+ +(5(,1$5(7+(21/<5(0(',(6$9$,/$%/( 81'(57+,6:$55$17<6.,(5¶6&+2,&(',6 &/$,06$1<2%/,*$7,2125/,$%,/,7<)25&2676 25&+$5*(6'(5,9(')520 ,1&219(1,(1&(2)/2662)86(&200(5&,$/ 25021(7$5</266'8(72/2662)7,0( ,1&219(1,(1&(25$1<27+(5 &216(48(17,$/63(&,$/25,1&,'(17$/ '$0$*(66RPHVWDWHVGRQRWDOORZWKHH[FOXVLRQRU limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the DERYHOLPLWDWLRQVRUH[FOXVLRQVPD\QRWDSSO\WR\RX 7+,6:$55$17<,6,13/$&(2)$1<27+(5 (;35(66:$55$17,(6 7+,6:$55$17<$33/,(6727+(),5672:1(5 $1',675$16)(5$%/(7268%6(48(17 2:1(5621/<7+528*+$1$87+25,=(' 6835$'($/(5'85,1*$3(5,2'2) 7:2<($56)5207+(25,*,1$/385&+$6( '$7(6.,(5¶6&+2,&(5(6(59(6 7+(5,*+77212775$16)(57+( :$55$17<21$1<%2$77+$7+$6%((1 '$0$*('250,686(' 7+,6:$55$17<*,9(6<2863(&,),&/(*$/ 5,*+76$1'<280$<$/62+$9(27+(55,*+76 WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. 7+,6:$55$17<,6(;35(66/<,1/,(82)$1< &2175$&78$//,$%,/,7,(6,1&/8',1*352'8&7 LIABILITIES. 7+('($/(5,61277+($*(172)6.,(5¶6 &+2,&($1'6.,(5¶6&+2,&('2(6127 $87+25,=(7+('($/(525$1<27+(5 3(562172$6680(21%(+$/)2) 6.,(5¶6&+2,&($1</,$%,/,7<25(;3(16( ,1&855(',17+(&2856(2)5(3$,5,1* ,76352'8&7627+(57+$17+26((;35(66/< $87+25,=(',17+,6/,0,7(':$55$17<7+( '($/(50$<127(;7(1'25,1$1<:$< &+$1*(25$0(1'7+,6/,0,7(':$55$17< © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. Customer Assistance Owner’s Responsibility 1. Before operating your Supra, it is necessary to read and fully understand this Owner’s Manual and all other LQIRUPDWLRQGHOLYHUHGZLWKWKHERDW ,WLVWKHRZQHU¶VUHVSRQVLELOLW\WRWDNHWKHERDWWRDQ DXWKRUL]HG6XSUDGHDOHUWRREWDLQZDUUDQW\VHUYLFH ,WLVWKHRZQHU¶VUHVSRQVLELOLW\WRSURSHUO\RSHUDWHDQG PDLQWDLQWKHERDWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKLVPDQXDODQGDOO RWKHULQIRUPDWLRQGHOLYHUHGZLWKWKHERDW 4. The owner should keep maintenance records, should it EHQHFHVVDU\WRVKRZWKDWUHTXLUHGPDLQWHQDQFHKDV EHHQSHUIRUPHGRQWKHERDW 7KH'HDOHUVKRXOGSURYLGHWKHEX\HUZLWKDQDGHTXDWH RULHQWDWLRQLQWKHJHQHUDORSHUDWLRQRIWKHERDWDQGUHYLHZ DOOV\VWHPVDQGDFFHVVRULHVLQFOXGHGZLWKWKHERDW 3. The Dealer should review all warranty information with WKHEX\HUDQGDVVLVWLQ¿OOLQJRXWZDUUDQW\FDUGVLI necessary. 4 The Dealer should ensure that any information or REOLJDWLRQIURPHLWKHU6NLHU¶V&KRLFH,QFRUIURPWKH GHDOHUVKLSLVFOHDUO\XQGHUVWRRGE\WKHEX\HU 7KH'HDOHUVKRXOGLQVWUXFWWKHEX\HULQREWDLQLQJORFDO VHUYLFHDQGRXWRIDUHDVHUYLFHIRUD6XSUDERDW © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. STEP ONE 'LVFXVVWKHSUREOHPZLWKDPHPEHURI\RXU6XSUD'HDOHU¶V PDQDJHPHQWVWDII,WLVPRVWOLNHO\WKDWWKHSUREOHPZLOOEH resolved at this level. STEP TWO ,IWKH'HDOHUPDQDJHPHQWGRHVQRWUHVROYHWKHSUREOHPWR \RXUVDWLVIDFWLRQSOHDVHKDYHWKHSUREOHPDQGDOODFWLRQWDNHQ GRFXPHQWHGE\WKH'HDOHUWKHQFRQWDFWWKHIDFWRU\&XVWRPHU 6HUYLFH5HSUHVHQWDWLYHDW6NLHU¶V&KRLFH,QF Dealer’s Responsibility 2. The Dealer should deliver a complete owner’s manual SDFNHWZLWKWKHERDWFRQVLVWLQJRI2ZQHU¶V0DQXDO Registration Engine Manual, Stereo Manual, Supra Warranty and all warranties for separately ZDUUDQWHGLWHPVDERDUGWKHERDW The staff at Skier’s Choice, Inc. is concerned with your complete satisfaction. This includes the prompt resolution of any SUREOHPVWKDWPD\DULVHGXULQJWKHZDUUDQW\SHULRG1RUPDOO\ SUREOHPVHQFRXQWHUHGPD\EHHI¿FLHQWO\DQGHIIHFWLYHO\UHVROYHGE\\RXU6XSUD'HDOHU+RZHYHULIDSUREOHPFDQQRW EHKDQGOHGE\WKH'HDOHURULIDVROXWLRQLVQRWVDWLVIDFWRU\WR you as an Owner, please follow these steps to get the matter UHVROYHG Skier’s Choice, Inc. +HQU\*/DQH6WUHHW 0DU\YLOOH71 7HO)D[ 'HVFULEH WKH RULJLQDO SUREOHP LQ GHWDLO WR WKH &XVWRPHU Service Representative. Be prepared to furnish appropriate GRFXPHQWDWLRQDQGWKHUHDVRQVZK\VHUYLFHE\WKH'HDOHU was unsatisfactory. If further action is required to resolve the SUREOHP WKH &XVWRPHU 6HUYLFH 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH ZLOO GLFWDWH the appropriate action. STEP THREE Finally, if after following these steps and providing documenWDWLRQ DQG DIWHU REWDLQLQJ QHFHVVDU\ DXWKRUL]DWLRQ IURP WKH Customer Service Representative to take additional action, the SUREOHPLVVWLOOQRWUHVROYHGWR\RXUVDWLVIDFWLRQWKH3UHVLGHQW RI6NLHU¶V&KRLFH,QFZLOOSHUVRQDOO\UHYLHZWKHSUREOHPDQG PDNHDGHWHUPLQDWLRQFRQFHUQLQJ¿QDOUHVROXWLRQ 83 — Notes — 84 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. A Accessory Power Switch $LU,QÀDWRU²6XQVSRUW9 B %DOODVW6\VWHP*UDYLW\2SWLRQDO %DWWHU\&DEOH,QVWDOODWLRQ Battery Box %DWWHU\6SHFL¿FDWLRQV %LOJH$UHD'UDLQ3OXJ Bilge Inspection Plate Bilge Pump Switch Bimini Top (Optional) Blower Switch Boating Rules Boating Safety %RDW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV %RG\/XEULFDWLRQ Bow Eye %RZ/LJKW Break-In Period 57 42 57 56 64 83 4 24 36-37 46 E Engine Data (QJLQH+RXUVDQG*DXJH (QJLQH:DUP8S (OHFWULFDO5HSODFHPHQWV%XOEV)XVHV 73 F )LEHUJODVV&DUH Filling Fuel Tank Fire Extinguisher )RUHLJQ0DWHULDO'HSRVLWV8SKROVWHU\ Fuel )XHO&DS.H\ Fuel Filter )XHO*DXJH Fuel Information Fuel Precautions Fuel Tank Fuel Vent © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. *ORYH%R[ H Hoisting Horn +XOO,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ1XPEHU Hull Protection 72 41 70 I Ignition ,JQLWLRQ.H\ Introduction Instrument Panel & Controls 41 3 31 K L Lifting Rings Lights—Docking 50 40 M Maintenance Chart Maximum Capacities Mirror 0RWRU%R[,QERDUG 64 26 45 N D Daily Check List DC Outlet 'HDOHU¶V5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV Depth Sounder 'RXEOH8S6HDWLQJ Driver’s Seat Index G 55 51 40 54 41 15-17 5 50 25 C Canvas Cover &'&KDQJHU2SWLRQDO Circuit Breaker Panels &RDVW*XDUG5HJXODWLRQV Cockpit Cover (Optional) Cooler Cooling Systems &RXUWHV\/LJKWV Customer Assistance Section XVI 40 30, 60 47 30 62 30, 60 60 60 60 1DYLJDWLRQ/LJKWV 1HXWUDO/RFN2XW7UDQVPLVVLRQ O Oil Dipstick Oil & Filter Oil Level Check 2LO3UHVVXUHDQG*DXJH Operating Information 65 65 65 25 P Pefect Pass Cruise Control 3ROH/LJKW 3ROH/LJKW5HFHSWDFOH Propeller Propeller Precaution 31, 35-38 52 52 R Rad-A-Cage 5HDU'UDLQ3OXJ 5XE5DLO&DUH 48 (Continued Next Page) 85 — Index (continued) V S Safety Lanyard/Engine Shut-Off Switch Safety Equipment Satellite Radio (Optional) 6HDW$GMXVWPHQW Service & Maintenance Shaft Seal (Dripless) Ski Locker Ski Platform 6NL3ODWIRUP'HWDFKDEOH%UDFNHWV 6NL3\ORQ,QERDUG9'ULYH Slalom Course Speeds Speedometer 6SHHG&DOLEUDWLRQ Speedometer Paddle Wheel Starting & Operation 6WHUHR Stereo Amp (Optional) Stereo Switch 6WHUQ/LJKW 6XEZRRIHU2SWLRQDO Summerization Sundeck 42 6 58 63 67 51 50 31 32 32 25, 27 58 40 71 51-52 V-Drive Engine Compartment Fluid Check Fuel Tank Remote Oil Filter Warning Light Voltmeter 46 66 60 65 42 32, 34, 36 W :DNHERDUG5DFNV Wake Plate (Hydraulic) :DON7KUX&XUWDLQ2SWLRQDO Walk-Thru Windshield :DUQLQJ/DEHOV Warranty :DVKLQJ<RXU%RDW :DWHU6WUDLQHU2SWLRQDO :LQGVKLHOG&DUH Winterization 53 54 81-82 71 T Tachometer Teak Wood Care 7HPSHUDWXUH*DXJH Throttle Lever Tonneau Cover (Optional) 7RZHU3ROH/LJKW Tower Speakers (Optional) Tilt Steering Trailer Boat Buddy Surge Brakes ³*ROG6HULHV´2LO%DWK%HDULQJV 6ZLQJ7RQJXH2SWLRQDO Boat Connecting Loading Procedure Trailer Alignment 8QORDGLQJ3URFHGXUH Transmission Fluid Check )OXLG6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Lockout 7ULP6ZLWFKDQG*DXJH 7ULSOH8S6HDWLQJ 32 70 28 57 56 42 75 78 78 75-76 77 76 66 66 28 U 8SKROVWHU\&DUH — 86 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc. 87 — Notes — 88 © 2007 Skier’s Choice, Inc.
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