CN-CVXC-C137-2GEN - User Manual
CN-CVXC-C137-2GEN - User Manual
User Manual GPS TG F_d9-!ttf- F . Pl@ Hd the itrtuioN itr,this.inind:e&ie 6i: s#Brrii6 of.Yfrb'avotl dpEdiftd d!dF. Fdlwto ft[ow'ft€ bstudms will iDvditue *anzoiy od f,deF reml s.fety, for which F p M,nfr6rtg'add elffiinia F r MpMim r: rc6d *. f.:., I eituis. W ssmes Ftr a ftepiffi E ssffi no inf(Mm b of updab te lMd m Usc iepsibility. ftl cPs ri*ieih. ih& @ rcsFbsibility sotu Oqlrdrg tulht bddkittoisEiit wilh atud.effio.sieidsraue b derelormt. Plee folow dnc rcgulalim md si$iail.&ivd imddiry b stutid. ildhE a jn6pd e[rD@r.t mgBt f6 ecidEh ard loss ed upgrdc, pl€* subjer b 6e md Chaptei II thild.rdiivinc st8ht: otus,rsdo& go tu b hplw us. b ou objtrt. webdte ii ChsEerm 3-1@P1.ra.....--l:.......-:. Chpbrry .....-..--..-......-...-...-..-...-..-......-..-....-............-..-..8 Grm€E . Clilpbr V Tobls-.-.r..-..::.....,.i.:...-.;.:...........-----. t ChiprerU Chrp&r I V[ ErploEr .ts ......-...-....*..21 Ct,ptE I &gffig Ue tupeVIIIGPS Info-..------------...._.......:.......... AppedL lhubl$lootry..-............. Weleome Tb* fn usmg GPS PF08. Il is kmd frd ado & navlgalion tuciloo. video play. phoro browsug md e-book fimclios. r' StrArlas-V / Fneodlyutr hldace fo' shpleopemdotr CPU dd heb pdollMce ild low powercoNwdoo r' Power magemenr for longer md more ,tsble r' Dab tusdssiotr witb r' Qudityr€ceptioaactratepositioDingmdsa&facbrymvigdionsetrice coryuh ua Mrni qsarion USB r' Leisue Htrd ild adidrideo/allruelrmt tudoN You my [e Let us€ uvi$br ilyrhe onhere, lor€x@le GPS ib mvigation ad muemmt tuctions edch you life To reake fre tucdo$ of GPS ?F08 wUle md fiviq. ffieorcychg. wo*! md to udentmd drc qmtion dehils, plsse read the ,mud cdeilyYou my se Se fo[osiq suplemend tromar'on h he iMud. lNohl:Explffihoo oi relevmt subjtrts lRelflm. H()mtionlr Exh infomtion kaudos tAteoriotrl: dd folow t'l: the \,"rog, or hstudions of relevmt subjects of relryar subjes. Plsse psy ahuotr b ft;s infomailo" to avoid devasbting ffiuence on youself md othe6. opdoDal tuncbotr Chapter I Begitrning Use tus chryh inEoduces the aptrilce. compoGoE md hic qtratioos of CPS PF08. Ll ADpeamtre fre pduct pictu below is subject h Se dsial objd- Etplil160n hdicaM I'eht IoEh pa slot hdicaihe hcdm the oFatus skte of exteml posq swply of fre touch pil c+@I &d!tugUr Ctupler I Playhg souds (such Powetre on/ as mviBtiotr pryt h6, msic, the etc.) ofid slq s&d b powr swply md chqe lhe GPS w€r fre chq;iry indiQtu tght tNotel is Eqhon€ MIM j&k USB Comfftddfi Se sryhon€ Colmdcatug d6 pt Bauqcover USB cable md ils€d 6 1.2.., Ctqiry Banrytuide PIU one Rstd kry fre Do Please lot uplug 6e chqe util fre ckge fie GIS mYigabrwhm the chqhg pd cm chqer iab pws ed chqe to supply drye tNotel To avoid srsh CsrChrrgel by timtud of 6e pd chargiry T-flashcardslot T-fldhcardimide R€set @ fre bahery is low or 6ed up. N PC via U.e raugab rd duing chgitrg. baery h flilychqed mdfre hdcalor lightMs EeffiJ due to the USB pd of 6e GPS navi$tor d 6e ofrer b the fre GIS navigator mnt swe, plw h the ce o1,4er afta the aubmobile is shed. !.3 Bsic Us 1.2 Power Supply & Charglng l3.l Powetusodofi& Chqe tle GPS navigabr ftly with the Sleep chq* hfore fst e. l.3.l.l Powetugotr U.l Power Supply The GPS PFO8 mm fte ce be kss pwsed by the buiLh bdry or the GPS navigabr is m@me@d ro fr6 chalgfi, bahery carity icoo E t m sFrem M it is powwd bdre by the Llpolftr bahry. mi rcsiM ba{ry sbws Wha lhe baftry is mvigab is cmet€d to GPS lAhtiod fre Mhy np@, I q &d the chffgq it is pws€d by aMd po*s md rle chqd. GPS ndgator adqts hlmd mn-movable Li-polper bery 10 explosion, tu baflry h tu rel€e of luldous subshe orbm, or do ml avoid uwk, pitre, sffie 1 .3. by DC I I Fi 6, Phg L2. Powtring off CPS tu ffid of 6e DC power kry & to pows it on' ler go afts proryt€d at tffit Mq If ti* slq m& *hm is secoa& b pws offfr€ st*te4 6e mvigah chqft bdorc chry bb fte USB pn mdBrd and rh€ oths r6me a8air. il B Pwed tu resd kry m fre back of the GPS mvigatff to SFtem tu sysh iloes nd resrue, pres sysh. l. Deby fist ue. of &e GPS the GPS navigator The win aubmticalv lRdevmr hf()@6onl The lolowirg situdm9 miSht lead b no respNe of the svstem. DC m Sl4 ed tre srak beforc mEriry &6Mhg tre Mo scmds of 6e GPS navigabi Power n€w enviromert. be 1.3, ld lhd chuil - Bvipbr rur k chqd d& te USB tle Whfl I tu hs &comodated b let go after at to on wab. it My 1ed folowiDg hterftre will lhe rl2 CtrBirg tut hmidty fllfutiu mvig&r dtr ks ryritY ild ihe power key of the GPS mvigabr INobl dt6al pws suripv b m paus h hlerfae 2. Failw of tution 3. Fdre b power silhhi4r activation orotrthe d6 ovalmg exeutim CPS asdgator by presiry the pwd kry. resh Chapt.rI B€gitrtriDgUs. ch.pierr BeeinninsUs€ lNotel Reslding the system by pressing 6e reset key bachp your &la 1.3.1 Firing lvil re$ilt in toss ofu.saved daia. piease reslarli the GPS The monnling Ht h Navigatorrith MouddngKr composed of a back sptint ud a bracket To use lhe cps navigator i. an automobile, fix it on ihe dashboadmder the ftonr windshield. lNolel Do notplace the GPS navigator in positions ob$rocring fte driver,s vkion. Do aot place ir irithoxl fixing jt or h dre place ofair bag or rbe area after the at bag h inflaled. 1.3.4 Using T-FLASH Card Coty mappins applicalions, rup data and nedia files h a T-FLASH card. hsed rte ctrd h 6e Vlewfrefuctionsbyslidinsftescreen.Tap IGPSI, fMusicl.rVideo'or iPhoiol toenrerthe next tuiction menus. fte mfr functions are listed as below tNotel L Do noi take out the T-FLASH card while is a navigarion prosam h beirA run or Erphnation a media file bei,g played. 2. To avoid &op or crash ofthe T,FLASH card, do nor exert heavy Fessure on ir or beDd ir. GPS Tap to enablenavigation Musicplayer WMAg andWAV files suploned Randon. sequen.e md cyclellay supponed 3. Avoid ustug or storing the T-FLASH card in high tempe.ature, high humidity or diecr Video smlighl. Keep tle caid away frorn liquid or corosive subsrmce. 4. Mind the diectio. while iNeding the T,FLASH card ro avoid damaging the dot or tunction player trVV, ASF andAvl files supportedi Adju$nenl of playing progess, paNe and tullscreen play snppofrod rhe Pholobrowser PG, GIF, BWildPNGfilessuppoted; Photo roiation, zoom in/out md auto play suPpoded 1.4 Syslem Main Interface and Major tr'unctions Lorg pre$ the power key on fte top side offte GPS navigator to enter the sysrem E book min intedace reader TxT files leading suppodirg page selection Othello. Boilan. Calculalor,ft Rxssia Block eme, WallPaper Uni1, Favorites volme, backlight, lansage, &le& time, calibralion, sy$em kusdser, Tap lo entei info. FM USB sefting, Navigalion pafr andFactoryieset tbe WinCE syslem , push Reset buflpn 1o Dhplay GPS signal state, resel GPS sisd restat up the system Cbapterl Bqinniq Us. Ch+ter Ir cPS Chapter II GPS Vdous navigadon maming applicalions can be installed h the GPS navigator, such CARELAND and RITU irtelligdt navigation satellile receiver and display work oulthe be$path it syslems. which position the navigator on ihe map. Set a deilflalion, md ro help theuserreach via as the fte sy*em will automticauy thedesinalion safely ard quickiy. 2.1 Map hanspofralio. development. inconfomily beMeen producb and real traffic hfomtion Due 1o will occur a period afler producl release. Please ddva accordins to road condition and ablde by tdfic regulations. 2.2 Navigation Navigarion paths tre for reference onlx md fie user may decjde vtether to follow them. 2.3 Reception Hish md crowded srructures (such as inside of tu€h, space between high buildi,gs. udersround car parks and u,der viaducts), s€alher chanse or salellile si$ah 1motr may idueDce siSal reception, resuki,g in positiorins failure, inaccmte positioning, navigation failure or sy$em tunction abnomity. Wifr stereoscopic maps, in$mt animation, voice prompt and text prompi of fre navigation sy*em, you will appreciate ib uique cham md erjoy a Feat tip. Diferent navigadon maps nay have ditrerenl ryemiion metlods. Please follow inshctions of cofiespoadng navigalion mappi,g applicalions. lNot6l Before using fre GPS navigator, please puchase and appoht file paths. For setdng metnods please refer io hskll mapphs 6 10 Naviganon applicatioDs Path. Seniilg ud cn.per Itr Media Chqt.r III t*|xi*iJi!d Chapter III Media freMedia tunclion hchdes rhe mnsicplaye4 Drag it leflwdd to trn Medir down or rightra.d to tum video playei photo browset and e_bookreader ll;:trE rc 3.1 Music Player Proqes Drag ii letu?rd or rightuard lo play Aom a previous or tuture nomenl. Ths section hhoduces fte 3.1.1 usase of&e music playe. Music rertures Etrler ii to select music to play t{rl Themusic playersrppods Copy audio files into ffe list r:,:! WM9 and lblderD vou WAv files md seledion of play sequence. memory cardbefore using the 1.1.3 SelectiDg and PlayingMusic Tap M i, the inlerlace Music Play to enter the Music list shown as below 3.1.2 Interface and Operndon Tap fre iconMusic ro crterthe Music ptay htedace as showntetou f,rplination o Explanation o Close the musicplayer M;nimize a o fte music player md rehm to &e Continue playing the paused sopped rnxsic. Paue fre mnsic behs played EI Stop Slop fre musrc ' i-l Play Selecr sequm.e. rndom or cy.le ptay J.i E E 'eqience beh8playd. Closethe Music List inledlce Scroll bar ore & Add & Addall W gJ Delete one Select onepiece ofmusic Delete all Delete all the music inthe play 1.1.4 Vie$ing Ifyou Add a piece ofmusic on the left list to Addall rhe music onthe left list ro hthe tle play lisl on the riehj theplay lisr onrhe ristr play lisi and ta! the ico! to detete ir lil I yrics memory card contahs colrespbndjng .Lrc files tbr the mNic being played, then beplaydat fte risht Play fte prelious mNic Dras it upward dowDwdd to vielv all nusic &l side ofthe Music Piay inrerihcel lrics wili Ch.pier III Nledi. 3.2 Video Player THs secrioD intoduces the usage ofrhe videophyer. The video playcr supports WMV. ASF and AVI filcs. fullscreen play, progress seleclior and file Copy video iiles to a loider in Double ta! the lyrlcs area to liew yolr nremory cdd beio.e us'ng the plavcr. the ly.ics tu fuLl screen as shown below. Under tull sffeen hode, 3.2.2 lDterface and OperAiion double lap lhe scrccD to retrrn ro nomaLsized hterfacc. Ta! thc icon Video to cnrertLc Video play iilerface strown r,p (d io u," .^k rn E usei ffi uu.i. ruy on frc io,cda.c ro e.rer rhe Equarizer serhg ntedace as sho$n below: upr- er or r r abor( dr.nrce. dnd ren Y ro.el(.r r nun- Tre or Rock, Meral. Darce. Elecronic. rap from the dropdown menu The music rypes rnclude pop, Coutry Jazz. Oldes, Blues, Nosalgia, Otera tud speech. If"User" is selecied. you nuy drag the {ider at sill 10 set fre equalize. Afler sethg, tap 0 to save and retum ro ffe Music pla} II re Close lhc videoplayer Nrne& lonnst Prelious :: as betoq. fiIft Play Next ' Lr cnt ,rde,, -rra. Jnd ir) formdr Contjnueplayingthepaused$oppedfilm film Play dre nerr film Slop die Vldeo trLe Playthe previors fihn folder liln E.ter itlo ':=€ prosess l&-r"..1I3 vot,m. Drag @Yt@S rime Dispiay the beingplayed select a fihn to play Drag tte Jiding block leflward roplay from a previous moment or ilghiDard coming Inoment il letuard to rurn playtine dowD or dghtuard to aDd irs duration M up 3.2.3 Sel€cdns and PlrYinq Udeo Tap i8 in tle video Play ilGdace to enter ffe video fol&r shoM as below f,plmaton g Close the video folder Dng 6e Scrollbu rffiffi Film name& sliding block upwild downwd to view dl fre files I Preuous Viewhepreviwphotohrhefolder B Next viewhenex.photoinrhefolder zoomh scaleupcuenrphoro. zoomout scaledomcmenrphoto Rohte Robrecurqiphotog0oclockwise & hside 6e folder W Fih Mme and ib foml K| rc 3.3 Pholo fris Browier section intoduces the usage ofthe photo browsei Auto play Cycle play alt frephotos in the folder ftom W Folder Enter rhe phob folder to select I Close ClosethebrowsermdretmtoiheMedahtedrce- 33.1 Feltrres Itr 6e above ht€rface, double te ft€ rls Tap 5I hredile photo browser suppots PG, GIF, BMP dd PNG files, photo rohlibn, zoom plav Copy phobs ro a folde. il your memory cdd before utug the browss. 3J.2 Inlert!.e rnd Oper.don Tap the icon Photo to enter fte Photo Browser hlefee shown as below iil oui dd auto creni ro enter auro play otr the screeD to dsplay ds shoM be a photo phobs in ou. Dag *e photo. tul scremi strder dt fre boilom otrhe *reen to regdate play spd (1-10 seconds), md ften tap on fre sqeen to hide lhe slide (or the slide will be hdden autonatically); hp on the screen b sh& rhe slide. Doubte tap on lhe screen to *op playhg and retu to 6e browsing htsface. ffi ,", M ,n ,n" O.o*r., interface to enter 6e photo folder showD as belos r"JX I a. "-a.ot *uer hbface to enter fte e book foldtr shown as below - Explrnafion u aloqe ihe cnrent folder G' Retu to the previous foldei Dras the sliding block DEg fte didingblockto view allffephotos I File 3.4 E-book Reader nanle& The file Thh section intoduces the nsage 3.4.1 Features readd suppods TxT files, Copy fi1es b TxT page tum lormat to a folder nr ild you folder selection. memory crd before ushs fre browser 3.4.2 Interface and Operafior Tap the icon nme and fomat. ofthe E book readei Selecl fte upwad domwmd EBookto enterfte O-bookReader inlerlace shom asbelow. a book file md 6p il ro enter the Reading det'ace N foilow: to view alt TXT files Ch.pter Itr Medii rap &S in the e-book reader hteface to enter the Se6ry hietrace shom The as below. woic leati crqaizaton s4s oie or tie rnpres nr de.l maiemal nrot.lq s by nays ro Edu.e Explanation o mnnm Explanadotr File g name& Exit the settug btdace cnren filename and fomat tBl n @ Drag fre slidilg block trpwdd doMMdd to vrew I@ &@ all cortent of ihe e-book. fl 1l p Enter fie Tap & to select Tap * to selecr a fontforthe e-book a Tap 1o enable bold fteme for the e-book b"e. Tap it aSah to cacel e book lolderlo selectm e-bookto read 3.43 Fun Scre.n R€adiry Readfte previouspage ln fte above Dtedace, double tap lhe Select &,3 K &s a lexl iheme, fonl, word sLe New Select pdjal boohark boohrk. text dd and bold lype tap the rcon 1o ffeate Bookmarklist Enler tle boohilk lht to select or full scr@D 1o enter to the screen readiry mode as follow: TIeUoad He.S Orqan:zaa.n says one of lhe sinrplen s4s io red!.€ $e r*ecfmaie.€lnotalB s b! prevennnq unsate eotrors. At leasi hf o{ tE {2 mliion wooen th. epenen.e unpl.nned preqnmei nsde t. Erminale bv ethe. nduonq abodonthemsetes.rby ar unskJled proYder lhe sno.alk a It.!r16erol unsafe abotion5 a p?ndenric in r..E.ou..€s, just talkinq 6bo!t:bodo. dile pelple -,*. so Gmes:6ose trh. Cetend a woren3 dgit to €trd a :3liinq. vsus 6ose lho,e the nqn6 or an sbon .ii3 i!r.6d€ & nothe/s. delete boohark. ElnaDeth n$e neld nl fetmdu.ttre.qh*, 1 Page/ Cuneni page/ total pages In tu11 screen pd or 3.4.4 mode, tap on the upper pan he ,creen to Creitug and red offre lhe nerr pdte. rap screen to read lhe Previous page, tap G1o ,"m nonol L_book reader hledice. MefrDgBoohark To creale a bookmrk, locate a page by t4ing K reader htedace md drag to select text content. Tap rolows: ro or the lower or tX I{x when or &agghg il 6e scroll bar h ffe is on and a didog will pqup as Chapter Mames Thh chapter inlroduces the usage of Gmos. 4,1 Othello i Trp lhe icon Oth€Uo to enler Tap OK to finish creathg rap ffi to vlew createa a boohnk. tooMks RQeat in rhe tis rhe htedace as shom belou operatioD ro create more wmted booknilks htetree of Booknark Lisr shom as below. 4.2 BoxMan Tap the icon BoxMan in the Games inlerface to enter lhe intedace as shown below Dmg the scroll bar md select a boohark on 6e lefl bookmd or hp W to aeue uwanted kt. Tap W to so lo the page wih the uoomrre. 4.3 Russia Block Tap tle icon Russir Block to etrter fte intedace as sboM below' Chapter V Tools The tooh hclude Calculalot Udt WdPapet Favodtes, Theme. 5.1 Calcdrtor Tap fre icoo Crlculator to mttr lhe caicdator hiedace 5.2 Unit Tap the icon Udt b etrE 6e dt cotrvets iledace x as shom below shom below. 5.3 WallPaper Tap 6e icon WallPaper io enter the wdlpaper convener ided&e as Som below U Sefrng & time, calibration, factory Chrprer Chapter VI Setting 6.1 Summary This chapter intoduces he sethg of fre GPS navigatoi Tle sethg pds me hcldhg volme, backlight, Im$age, date settinss. sy$em info, USB md navigatioD paft. trxplinadon 5..1 Adjust 6e spe*sr Favorites volme; emble/ disabie sounds for hp: Tap the icon Favorites to e.ter fre favorites conveiler htedace as shown belov Adjusl fre bdghhess oI louch screefl bacHight; Suppod auto bacHigit. Select a sy$em lmSage Date & dme Set fte sy$em &te, lime, and nme zone Calibmte fre screen when position deviation Display system mcus. hfolmdon hcludng ROM veBioD, sotutre lenion. Sysiem info oEM version, plalfom lD md device D. FMTmnsmiter Tmsmits audio siSals of 6e navigator to the ndo st via ftequency modularion 5.5 Theme Tap the icon Them€ USB b ents the fteme conveder intedace setug Navisadotr Facbry path Reset Set ihe Select &ta tmmission mode besem lhe navigalor md compute. a mvigatior patb for 6e navigator Reset the factory defauit setugs- 6.2 Volume Tap fre icotr Volume to enter the lolme selthg interface as shom below. Ctapt€r @@ { Serdhs AutobacHisht When rhh coltlm is ticked, &e bac[ishr will be automaticajly adjusred accordns to he envrromenr bdsFrne,s. 6.4 Language Tap the icon o Lansage ro enter rhe laryuage se(ing htedace as shos! below. Exit the volune seiline ffi! lcr volme !dJe' (rrom nu.< ro rcrirn,rm) available. Taplo decrease fre volune by gade. soudsfortaps @ r*FE Power-on Tlp it to enable the tuDction. Tap n music Tap & or & ro setect a$h to dtabre power on music or diabte t. fte icon BlicHight and lalency of bacHiAbr ofi to enter the backliglt setthg hrerface as shown below. g @ or t to setecl a syseil languase ,no o, [tl ro save 6e seleclion. 6.5 Date& Time Backighi seiling hcLudes bacHighr bdghrness adjushed Tap ii! rap 6.3 Backlight Exit ihe bacHighr sering su"u;clt Dmg letuard to tum down or rigltuard to Tap the icon DateTimc ro eDter fre tangulge serhg irretrace as shoM Dale & Time setbg inchdes sysemdare serthg. beloq tiile seflingod ljmezone sefting 6.5.1Setugth€ s$&m dit€and fm€ h fre above ksface, tap E or V ro ser the tumup rhebeklisht yea motrft. dar hou md ffiute. INotel: Time fomat options de t2 hou and 24-hou. you may Sethg 6.5.2 h tle the system dme above inretrace, tap selecr otre ofhem. ane !& or'!*i to setect a rmre zone. Fo. exmple, select ..(GMT{S.00) Chapter Beijitrg, ChoDgqhs, Hong Kon8, Urumqi" for China. 6.6 Tap &e ion FM Transmifrer 10 enter fM Se6ng shown U Serins as below. Calibration Cnlbradoo to prompt the calibratioD dialog shown "tue you sue to adjust? OK or Cancel ' Tap the icon Tap OK to execute calibration or Cancel cdibration and 1o caDcel dght to fidsh sefrhg Nsor be1ow. go back to the setlng irterface. (l'clthecenrerol.ros\cunorw"h lfuppinsOK.ffetollowbscdl'braroninredare*rllpoplp the ronch pen and fre 6 shifts from the cenier, upper left, lower left, upper nght and lower 6e cdbBtion md the inletrace will be closed automdcally to go back to the hldac€. o k rE r, &t on th6 (6s s .d nai nu6 Exrt fte FM Sefihg t9 ituy to mola uni I W@ __L *"0,- Etl@l ..,. boxloenableFMfucrion. Erequen(r Jide block dghemd (or j rtre ,,1, 6.7 System Tap the icon :.*'',. frequeDcy taffi) to and letuard (or 1 ro leduce Se frquency fte hqtrency range is 88.00 mz-108.00 Mnz. Info Sys&n ltrfo to vi€w fte sysh infomaii& as shom betow. 6.9 USB Connect the cPS navigaior to pC via rhe MtNt IqB pon b rmsdl &b, or back up dau fion &e navigator dala to pC. fte uPs nav.garor pro\ides U\\ StOMrit ao M5 STOMCE mode\ Seiecr USB serrDA 6.s.r uAss s l. Ha\e 6.6 f,M Tiammitter FM tunsdcr 2 realizes tmsmission of audio si$als of edssion frqumcy of lhe GPS navigator the sme and sou& offre navigatd will be output by lhe 6 tle that amplifier GPS mvi$tor to mdio seb. Adju$ the of6e reeivhs fiequary of6e Edo, sysh ofthe ndio sets. roMG[ the CPS nrvigdlor h opemrjon :utus trd Se SD cdd ptugged b he slor: Tap rhe troD USB lo srer I SB OpfioD as shoM betow. oDe,n Lhe Chlpter Vr Sdtrg ACTmSYNC md tap B Select MASS 2. Iastdl 6e application Mobite Defrc€ 'm L Comect fte and rhe selectMAss SroucE 3. Comecl the add the MN USB and hp 8j to save it. Eminal of6e USB stmdtrd USB reminal to ffe navisator and prompt the following cord MNI USB gi w rednal of 6e stmddd USB teminal to save the sefting. h a five ofpc. The. lhe followhg icon wili appetr to rd,!. e-.c. USB cable to de i\N USB pon of the GpS naviealor 6e USB Ho$poft ofpc. ro 4. Aftel rhe PC finds new hardware, double ciick ihe Mobile Device b lhe USB Hos pon ofPC. W USB port ofthe GPS navigator Ben, the computei nietree. will recognize 6e &ve h fte set.ction area ro enrer rhe nernoD ofGPS nd\ rgdlor tor &ra rransmNsion. 5.Afte.tusdssion, lAttendonl For no rcsponsibilily [Note] mplug rhe USB cable. data safeb/. please back up your sysrem dala for losl or damage of sysiem If MASS STOMGE is selecled h extemal $onge. tu compoy hil data. whle fte cps navigator is comected ]i6 pC, oser operations will be supended. IAtentionl The followjng operations will sop suspend the comuicatiotr of &e sysem and pC and I. maved &la will be lost Unplxssing the MNI USB cablej 2. Powedng otr To discomect the 5. nailgator ftom PC md enler charging -od", Afte. colmudcafon, uplug fte 6.9.2 MS WI y." -"y uS. [e cPS mvisator; 3. Resefringthe sy$emi 4. Tap fte on close bufron on the top dghr. USB cable. 6.10 Navigation Path Setting ACTMSWC Insed a Aflash card wfrh map dah inlo I . Tap fre icon USB to oter USB Opfion as shom below. intetrace shoM as below fte cps navjga(or dd rap the icon Nav plth to ente, the Chrpter VIr CpS Chapter VII Explorer Tap rhe you sm ico. Explorer to popup to .ntei a dialoe box hdicati.g whether lo enta de WCE bp [O(] toe.EdeWNCEsystemasshomklopwhiletap select a map address a,d tap f.ra*rra 6.1 g b "tue you lc.metl rap ro seied a ilap ad.hes In tbe above jnretrace, double bp the Factory Reset to re$ore the factory serthg. The foltofing dialog will sure to load factory defauk seitinS? OK or Tap OK to restore the default selthg or Ctncel to be icon cls , lhe following intda.e dlt Fpup: Fompted. Cmcel?" rctm to the setring inted&e i*r;- choice ,,& torcMloSesyilemhaiiinledce save the sefrin8. I Resloring lhe Fattory Settiog Tap the icon ryilm, 6eE t window CE?" 1 Note: lush the Resel butun bacbide Se navisator ce atso exit ErploEr md r6h uD lbe rysteo U SSEg Chapter VIII G.pter. Troubl$h@tus of6e nailgaloi For Appendix Troubleshooting GPS Info Please Tap r U fre icon cPS InIo to dew the GPS irfomadon as shom below fffier cry out 6e followhg ope66ors in case ofahoml opdation problem, please contact ou customer seryice cenrr Fault GpS Sohdon Supply exrd power 6d chqe &e Stdp failw Res€t fte GPS navigatoi Supply extemal powei Tm Low bacHight To met the GPS sateltte meiver ap & to prompt a dalog as below. No/ ed chqe 6e up the bacHght. vas€ dsplay BacHight otr Tap the screen hcoEecl kpping response Recalibnt 6e vift 6e touch p. screen. Poor contrct of Comst &e eQhone Comdcation wifr Iap oK to reset 6e GPS satellib or hp Cilcel Poor USB Comect fre USB c3ble. PC to exil GPS sirls rec4tion failm Poor cPS si$d About 3 tuu&s ee n€ded for low ht€nsity of lGal cPS satefrte sigml. Contact you aa6t or disfibutor Inpu! a n€w password afr6r r€covefrg th€ GPS &b.