coyer debra


coyer debra
Skin Integrity
Raising the awareness and delivering excellent care in the areas of pressure
injury prevention and Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD) management.
Wednesday 12th June, 2013
This programme has been
endorsed by APEC number
120705422 as authorised by
Royal College of Nursing, Australia
according to approved criteria.
Attendance attracts 5 RCNA
Continuing Nurses Education (CNE)
points as part of RCN’s Life Long
Learning Programme (3LP).
Reference herein to any specific
commerical products, process or
service by trade name, trademark,
manufacturer or otherwise, does
not necessarily constitute or imply
its endorsement, recommendation,
or favouring by RCNA.*
* RCNA endorsement only offered
in Australia
Sydney, Australia
3M hosted in-person event in Sydney:
1.00pm - 6.30pm (lunch served from 1.00pm - 1.30pm)
Live webinar:
1.30pm - 6.30pm (AEST)
3.30pm - 8.30pm (NZT)
If you are only available to attend certain presentations, you are welcome to join
and leave the webinar as your time permits. A more detailed agenda,
including timing will be provided.
Skin Integrity
Introduction & welcome Professor Keryln Carville
Silver Chain & Curtin University, Western Australia
Introduction to Skin Integrity
Debra Thayer Senior Technical Service Specialist, 3M United States
The Impact of Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD) Dr. Karen Campbell
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Pressure Injury Prevention Strategies
Professor Keryln Carville
Silver Chain & Curtin University, Western Australia
IAD Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting
Jill Campbell
Royal Brisbane Woman’s Hospital, Queensland
IAD and Pressure Injury Strategies in Intensive Care
Associate Professor Fiona Coyer
Queensland University of Technology, Queensland
Implementing a Skin Care Programme
Dr. Karen Campbell
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Questions and Answer SessionAll PanelInternational
Spaces are limited
 To register for the in-person event in Sydney (3M Head Office, North Ryde), please email your RSVP to
 To register for the live webinar event, please click on the link to register
If you are only available to attend certain presentations, you are welcome to join and leave the webinar as your time permits.
3M Australia Pty. Limited
Building A, 1 Rivett Road
North Ryde NSW 2113
Phone 1300 363 878
3M New Zealand Limited
94 Apollo Drive
Rosedale 0632
Freephone 0800 80 81 82