Havergal College Summer Institutes for Teaching and


Havergal College Summer Institutes for Teaching and
Havergal College
Summer Institutes
for Teaching and
Learning 2011
June, July and August Programs
Educators — Register Today! Enjoy collegial
learning and intellectual challenges at Havergal College this summer.
The PD workshop I attended allowed me a
rare opportunity to reflect on my planning
strengths and weaknesses and to collaborate
with colleagues in a supportive, genuine
Mind Times Nine
—Ina Szekely
for PLC
I have participated in the Understanding by
Design conference for the past three years
and it has had an invaluable influence on my
practice. I continue to return each summer
because it affords me the opportunity to
further build on my knowledge and skills,
and to develop more effective programs for
my students.
—Lauren Phillips
The three Havergal workshops I attended
last summer had an immediate positive
effect on my teaching. In addition to giving
me a number of new and effective teaching
tools, I came away with a significantly
different mindset and approach to
classroom education.
Learning Through
Understanding by
—Kevin Walsh
Times Nine
Fri. June 24 to Sat. June 25, 2011
From Plato and Piaget to Gardner and beyond, educators
have traced patterns that shape learning throughout
our lives. This two-day workshop invites you to explore
the Enneagram, a philosophical and practical system for
understanding ourselves and others. Rooted in ancient
wisdom, the Enneagram branches into modern psychology
to help sharpen awareness and deepen understanding of
ourselves and our students.
Join colleagues for a showcase of activities that put insights
about the Enneagram into action in various subject areas.
By exploring nine different styles of learning and teaching,
participants will become better observers of behaviour,
willing to listen closely to the needs and motivations
of others, and to respond in ways that make learning
experiences more effective, respectful and meaningful.
During this workshop you will:
• Learn to recognize nine different styles of teaching
and learning.
•Realize how your particular teaching persona and
leadership style affect your work.
•Acknowledge students’ strengths, their different needs
and their potential growth areas.
•Hear from experienced teachers about specific
lessons that really work to spark interest and
thoughtful engagement.
•Be directed to resources for further learning about
this remarkable set of insights.
Times Fri: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Sat: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Cost: $250 (cost includes materials, breakfast,
lunch and snacks)
for Professional
Learning Communities
Mon. June 27 to Tues. June 28, 2011
One of the keys to successful teaching is an environment
in which teachers collaborate and learn from one
another. This two-day interactive session is designed to
enable participants to engage in meaningful discussions
and build trust in the context of Professional Learning
Through Dialogue by Design
Wed. August 17 to Fri. August 19, 2011
Mon. August 22 to Thurs. August 25, 2011
Join us for an interactive conference on Learning
Through Dialogue with Dr. Mark Winston, an awardwinning educator and the Director of the Simon Fraser
University Undergraduate Semester in Dialogue, and
Ralph Sneeden, English Instructor and Bennett
Fellowship Director, Exeter Humanities Institute at
Phillips Exeter Academy.
Join us at Havergal College where acclaimed presenters
Jay McTighe and Seonaid Davis will provide an in-depth
four-day conference that focuses on developing aligned
curriculum using the Understanding by Design model.
Join communication coaches Valerie Lanctot-Bedard
and Jean-Phillipe Bouchard for practical strategies
to optimize communication in Professional Learning
The three-day conference will explore the role of dialogue
as a foundational learning practice in 21st century
classrooms. Learning Through Dialogue integrates several
educational practices—it is a student-centred, cooperative
method that provides students with the skills they
need for inquiry and understanding. Models of Learning
Through Dialogue (such as the Harkness method, the
Socratic method, a seminar or a tutorial) acknowledge
the whole person, foster excellence and are based on a
foundational notion of respect.
Five reasons to attend this two-day workshop:
Participants will explore the following:
Participants will practise collaborative communication
focusing on how to fully hear others, how to speak in
ways that can be heard and how to navigate conflict to
assist individuals and organizations in fostering growth
and learning.
Presenters: Jay McTighe—an experienced educator and
noted author, Jay McTighe provides consulting services
to schools, districts, regional service agencies and
state departments of education. Seonaid Davis—an
experienced presenter on Understanding by Design,
Seonaid Davis is a consultant with Grant Wiggins’
Authentic Education.
At this conference, participants will:
•Work individually or in a team to design or refine
an Understanding by Design unit and course syllabus.
•Align units and courses with standards and learn
how to unpack the standards.
• Draft overarching Essential Questions and
Understandings to connect units.
• Engage in peer review and revision of unit, course
and program designs.
1. Optimize your learning teams.
2. Empower discussions in course/grade
planning teams.
3. Learn to provide effective feedback to students
and colleagues.
4. Conduct efficient meetings.
5. Move beyond your fear of conflict.
1. How teaching and learning through dialogue develops
21st century skills.
2. Why dialogue? Why teach through dialogue?
3. How to foster learning through dialogue in the
4.The role of the educator in evaluating, nurturing and
participating in learning through dialogue.
5. How intellectual and social thinking skills are
developed through dialogue.
Time (Mon. and Tues.): 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Time (Wed. to Fri.): 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Time (Mon. to Thurs.): 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Cost: $300 (cost includes materials, breakfast,
lunch and snacks)
Cost: $550 (cost includes materials, breakfast,
lunch and snacks)
Cost: $700 per person or $650 per person if
registering three or more participants (cost includes materials, breakfast, lunch & snacks)
Havergal College Summer
Institutes provide exciting
opportunities for colleagues to
both learn and share practical
strategies that effectively
enhance student understanding.
Registration Information
To register for the Havergal College Summer
Institutes for Teaching and Learning 2011,
contact Natalie Jacus at 416.483.3843 ext. 6704
or njacus@havergal.on.ca, or download the
registration form at www.havergal.on.ca/pd.
Havergal College
1451 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preparing young women
to make a difference
1451 Avenue Road
Toronto, Ontario M5N 2H9
Telephone: 416.483.3519
Fax: 416.483.6796

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