200505 Newsletter - Evergreen Picture Framers Guild
200505 Newsletter - Evergreen Picture Framers Guild
MAY 2005 Free to EPFG Members $1.25 for nonmembers. Serving Washington & Alaska Sunday May 15th General Meeting Clyde & Syli~ia5 Frames-N-Things Aberdeen, WA rn COME JOIN US IN ABERDEEN The May meeting is being hosted by Clyde & Sylvia k Fr~r~?re.s-N-Things in Aberdeen, WA. Make your plans to attend today. The meeting starts at 1 p.m. This is the first meeting we've had on a Sunday. It should be a nice change for everyone. There's a write up about Clyde and Sylviarepeatedin this issue. The Evergreen Jackpot is up to $75 for this meeting. You can't win unless you attend the meeting. Winning would certainly be a. grcat bonus for making the effort. There will also be a great door prize. given away to an attendee at the meeting. You'll be so~v);you missed out, so comejoi~lus. rn EDUCATION FESTIVAL The articles and information aboul the Education Festival will finish up in this issue. There's an article about the Luncheon (and door prize winners), the Social Hour, more of the class write-ups and a special section of photos and thanks to our Sponsors. This issue of the newsletter is traditionally larger than the usual issues. This allows for the extra information, photos and Sponsor information. Be sure to note the compa~liesthat supported the Guild at this year's Education Festival. Without their support, our organization couldn't function. With their support out group is ablc to continue to provide great education opportunities to our members. Be sure to patronize these companics. This year our group gained several new members. A hugc increasc ovcr last year. Our thanks to everyone who took the opportunity to join and attend the Education Festival and realize the value that the EPFG offers it'smernbers. (3a WELCOME NEW MEMBERS ec> ABBOTT CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING New Westminster, BC Canada ANNIE'S AFFOIWARLE A R T Seattle. LVA AR 75' & CIU F TS CENTER Fort Le~vis,\VA CHUCCk:.4h'liTR24Y GALLERY Bellingliam. \lit\ CC'STOM CORlVERS Lynden, WA DESIGNS BY MARA Edmonds, WA ELK ITILLS GALLERY Enurnclaw, WA FRAMED ART STUDIOS INC. Eugene, OR FRAIVIA"ARTWORKS Anchorage, AK KINGSTON FRAME SHOP Kingston, WA POI<T TO F?VSEND FRAME WORKS Port Townsend, WA QUEEN ANNE FRAME Seattle, WA RICHARD 'S AR TISTIC FRAMING Seattle, WA SKILLS DE VELOPMEA'T CTR/ARTS & CRAFTS McChord AFB, WA THE ARTISTEDGE Silverdale, WA WHITE L.iKE PICTUM FRAMING Colville. WA WINDJAMhfER GALLERY cC CUSTOM FRAMING Coupeville, W.4 EVERGREEN PICTURE Page 2 Change of Address Mernbersl~ipDues Advertising Payments Paul Knoop June Bounds. EPFG Treasurer c/o W1111an1 bound^ Gallery I054 BerkeleyAve. 160 Cascade Place Sutfc 103 Fircr@st,WA98466 253-279-2598 Bulington, WA 95233 360-404-2002 e-marl: william@~villiambounds.con~ e-mail. phoop@earthlii~k.net Classified Ads Newsletter Ad Copy & Classified Ads Free for EPFG Members, $1 5 for non-members. ~ Page 3 President's Letter Page 4 2005 Luncheon Review Page 5 Social Hour Page 6 The May General Meeting Pages 7-10 FESTIVAL SPONSORS & PHOTOS Page 11 LJ Special Event Write-up Page 12 Festival Class Write-up Page 13 Sponsor Page Page 14 Sponsor Page & Famous Quote kPage 15 Classified Ads & Helpful Hints Page 16 Calendar of Events & Map i~d ~ ~ Bob Holcomb bc,v+e!ter ,,a&\tnC c/o hl~llenniumGallery 2Q,h 161 a 18lNfi 87th ~ ~Street~ ~,ontb ~ Redmond, WA 98052 425-895-8822 e-mad. exafixer@gahoo.coln ~ ~ D~gltalAmvorL is pnferred Submlt via e-mail or on dlsk THE I EVERGREEN I JACKPOT At each EPFG general meeting, there is a Co Clzairs Paul fioop, CPF - pknoop@earthlink.net 253-279-2598 Term Scidmore. CPF The M~teredComer tscidmo(irlanglobaI.~~et 206-4332 14; L 0 4 2 0 0 ' E P O F C E S Trtvzsrrrer Junc Bounds, CPF William Bounds Galler); Virsinia Cogdell Studio Moulding \\iiiiiam@millianibounds.com 360-404-2002 drawing for $25 and it grows by $25 each meeting until someone wins. All you have to d o is attend and you could win the "iackaot. We didn't 11ave a winnet- a t the January meeting. That means the Jackpot will be $75 for the May meeting. Sounds great! You could win, but only if you attend. Secretary \cogdeli@studiomouldinginc.com 206-313-8721 Advisors to tlte Board liay hliles - Niclsen BailibridgeNurre Caxton Terry Scidrnore - The Mitered Comer Board of director.^ JoIiti FZI-ens FerenSoir Lynn Clark Lake City Picture Fmminf Bob Holcomb Millennium Gallery 'Tom Whipplc National Glass epfg@fcrensofl.co~~~ 206-282- 1775 lynn.clark@comcast.net 206-363-2100 exafixer@yahoo.com 425-895-8822 tu~hip5@yahuo.com HOST A MEETING Past President L I O I I ~Boo~re,CPF Seattle Custom Framing Mo~~ycp~~aol.corn 206-041-0074 Librarian MOIIY Boone, CPF M Seattle Custom Framing 206-941-0074 O I ~ ~ C ~ ~ Newsletter Editor Bob Holcomb Millerniium Gallery exafixert~yahon.com 425-895-S522 ~ ~ ~ O I . ~ There are opportunities available for Members to host a meeting. If you would like to host a meeting, contact any of the Officers or Board members. The ~ ~ Guild ~ ~ offers $100 to offset the cost of hosting a meeting. EPFG APRONS Did you know that the EPFG now has Aprons available for purchase. You have a choice of Navy Blue or Black. The Evergreen Logo is stitched onto tlie front in Green and Gold. The cost of the Aprotl is a very reasonable $20 (tax is included). This apron is adjustable to fit any size. The strap is slipped through the body of the piece enabling it to be adjusted for any height. To purchase one or more, send $20 for each one plus $3 postage to: June Bounds (EPFG) c / o WilliainBounds Gallery, 160 Cascade Place, Suite 103: Burlington, WA98233 Make your check payable to EPFG Mav 2005 EVERGREEN PICTURE FRAMERS GUILD Page 3 President Pro Tem Letter Three years ago last month, I wrote what I thought would be my final President's letter to our members. Guess what! As it turns out, and as many of you already know. Molly Boone is opening her new business, Seuttle Custorn Framingat 2330 3rdAve in downtown Seattle. So, she needs to devote her time to the business and has resigned as the Guild's President. Until we find a volunteer to take over the reins of the organization, T e l ~ yScidmore and I will be sharing the duties of keeping things on the right track and moving forward. WithTeiry, I am confidentthat things WILJ,movefom~ard! This month's meeting is on a Sunday, the 1Sth, at Clyde and Sylvia's Frames-N-Things. in Aberdeen. They will share ideas on expanding the stock ofyour shop, with some ideas ongift and decorator items to help your bottom line. The Board is trying to set up car pools fi-omvarious locations in the inetro area to maximize attendance, minimize gasoline consumption and provide company for the long drive. E-mails have gone to area members, with contact infonnntion to sign up, so please take advantage of the opporh~nity.For those of you who do nothave e-mail, or at least wehaveno record ofan e-mail for youl please contact a Boardmember listed on page 2 of the newsletter and while you are thinking of it, send me an e-mail so that I can update our records to include this ineans ofcontacting you in the future. Directions to Clyde & Sylvia's store are on the back page ofthe newsletter. W l a t n great festival in March! Outstanding competitioi~framing, great classcs, good food, lots of camaraderie and a happy hour to boot--what more could you ask for'?The Board has started planning for next year's event and we need your input for any classes or instructors you would like to have. We will also consider changes in fonnat, length of classes. etc.. So let us hear from you. And, on the subject of Board. I would like to welcome Virginia Cogdell of Studio Moulding as our new Secretary. replacing Hope Reituer. Hope and family will be leaving our area soon, to return in several years after an overseas teaching assignment for her husband. We will miss her voice of reason, smile and her many contributions to the Guild. Have a safe and wonderful trip, Hope. One last item: Please take a minute to thank our wonderhl sponsors for their support of our educational efforts throughout the year. Without them, we couldn't do a fi-action ofthe things wedo. Thanks for reading, Paul Knoop, CPF pknoop@earthlink.net Special Thanks The Officers and Board members would like to take this opportunity to thank Molly Boone for her efforts on behalf of the EPFG. R4olly served three years with EPFG as president. Molly \ + r i l l still be part of the EPFG but will be devoting a lot of her time to her new venture. We wish her great success and all the best! We also want to thii~tkHope Reimer for her work as EPFG Secretary over the past two years. We want to wish lier and her family a safe trip. We look forward to welcoming Hope back to the organization when she returns &om her adventures on the other side of the world. Paze 4 EVERGREEN PICTURE FRAMERS GUILD May 2005 12TH ANNUAL EDUCATION FESTIVAL LUNCHEON We had lunch and left. What more is there to say? Wcll, a lot actually. It wasn't just lunch, that's for sure. Molly was there, spouting away, as usual. Lynn was there handing out goodies. Hope was there, hoping for a treasure. Speaking of goodies and treasures, there were many given out during the luncheon. Thanks to all the companies that provided all the giveaways. First ofall, the lunch break began with everyone finding the lunchroom and taking their shot at viewing the Framing competition and voting for their favorite. There were nine entries in the framing competition and it wasn't an easy task to get in and see them all to make a decision. There was quite a crowd gathered around. But with a little pushing and shoving, well actually most just waited patiently for their turn, each was able to do the dirty deed. And then the votes were tallied and we had a winner! Of course no one knew who the winner was except for the person that tallied the votes. The biggest bribe came from one person who shall remain nameless and well you can guess the rest. Okay, okay. I'm kidding! Sheesh! Anyway, the attendees got in line and filled their plates from the buffet. We all sat and talked and ate for the &st part of the luncheon. Sounds exciting, I know. It was good food and great company. Each attcndcc found abag of goodies on their seat at lunch. This bag contained numerous items from framing companies. There were tape measures and levels and tape measure levels. Each bag contained a photo frame that was donated by Max Mozrlding. We had hooks and hanging systems and pens and pads and post its. Lots of little "goodies" and that's why they're called goody bags. Molly soon got up to the podium and started her speech. She introduced the Officers and Board members and our "extra" helpers Paul &loop and Terry Scidmore. Next Gift Certificates were given out to our Sales Reps as a token of our appreciation for all they do for us. Then it was on to the door prizes. Jennifer Strande of Ben Franklin received a goody box that was donated by 3M. Eric Rust of Fuarnin.'Art~:orksalso received a goody box from 3M. Bill Bounds of ifillianz Bounds Gallery won a case of 32 x 40 Denglass. Kristen Ling of A Framer k Touch won two of the EPFG aprons. Menill Milliette of White Lake Picture won a box of assorted framing supplies donated by i+amer k invetztor-y. Kelley Roberts of Elk Hills Gallery won a framed min-or that was donated by AMPF. Natascha Pctcrson of Ft. Lewis Arts & Crafts won an EZ-Tach Object Kit donated by Fletclzer Michelle Paganucci of another Ben Franklin Frame Shop won a Fine Fabric Kit donated by Fletclzer: Becky Fry of Columbia River Gallery won an EZ-Stretch pen & tool donated by Fletcher: Barbara Mercer of Edmonds Frame Design also won an EZ-Stretch pen & tool from Fletcher Five lucky attendees also won five of the photo frames that were donated by Max Moulding. These attendees had a cl~ocolateEaster Egg inside their goody bag. Members enjoying the lunch and Listening to see who's name would be called next. After all the door prizes had been given out the Framing Competition winners were announced. Each attendee was curious to see if their favorite would win First placc. As was mentioned in the newsletter last issue, Willia~nBounds of William Bounds Gallei-y won First place and Popular Choice. June Bounds of TElliam Bounds Gallery won second place and Chuck Poust of May 2005 EVERGREEN PICTURE FRAMERS GUILD Windjammer Gallev won third place L p n Clark, our own Mrs. Santa handing out the door prizes After all the door prizes and framing competition winners and Molly and Lynn cavorting around, I think everyone was ready to move on to the second part of the "education day". All in all a grcat luncheon and most went away satisfied inmore ways thanone Page 5 The Social Hour IV'Iiat about after the afternoon classes? What happened then? Everyone went home, what do you t h i ~ k . Okay. not right away, at leastnoteveryone did. After the last classes, the atrium in the Hotel is set up for the attendees to enjoy the Social Hour. There were lots, and I mean lots of great Hors D'oeuvres. Everyone got a ticket for one free drink, and thci-e were a lot of "extras" around for those who wanted more than one drink. Everyone just sat around and ate and talked and got to know some tlew members too. It was an easy time to just sit back and reflect on the days activities. I always elljoy this part of the day because the bulk of the work is o\:er and it's time to just enjoy the food and the company. Ireally enjoy getting to talk with new members or with the instructors. Often sales reps will stay and it's great to get to know them better too. You never know the "right" connectioll will cotllc ill llandy. After a couple of hours the atrium had become mostly deserted and it was time for the stragglers totallyhoalldawav. UPCOMING LOCAL ART EVENTS JCJANDE FUCA FESTIy4L OF THE ARTS MAY 27-30 Venl Burton Community Cmter. Port Angeles. Performances of music, dance and theater from around the world; street fair; and children's activities. 360-457-54 11 EDMONDS W'ATERFRONT FESTIVAL JUNE 3-5 Port of Edmonds Marina. Arts and Crafts, beer garden, duck races and boat displays. 425-489-7900 FREMONT FAIR JUNE 18-19 Fremont District, Seattle. Street Fair with arts and crafts, food, entertainment, and parade (June 18). 206-694-6706 John Ferens was in charge of thc Social Hour. He made sure everyone stayed "Social". Page 6 EVERGREEN PICTURE FRAMERS GUILD May 2005 DON'T FORGET - THE MAY RIEETING; A SUNDAY! Clyde & Sylvia's Frames-N-Things came into existence in March of 1997. With the demise of the xx~oodsindustry in 1990-1991, and following over 20 years ofworking in the Shake and Shingle industry, mauy of them as business owner, Clyde and Sylvia Brown went back into the working force. Clyde's background, which included having achieved a college accounting certificate, as well as bookkeeping for various businesses led him to an accounting job with a Hardware and Construction Company. Sylvia went back into the medical field, managing the office of a local doctor. until she retired to care for ailing parents. Clyde, who was looking for a hobby, saw an advertisement for the sale of equipment from a retired Aberdeen picture framer. He decided on the challenge of a new advent~lreand made the purchase, soon learning that he must carefully plan a space for a huge amount of equipment, mats and much more, that must be stored in a dry area. Clyde's woodworking room at the back of the garage, soon became a fi-aming studio, as hc moved his shop out to an exterior building on the spare lot. The retiring frainel; advised on set up of equipment and came to teach one hands-on lesson. Clyde purchased 11ou.-to videos and books and was making great progress when his hours at his accouliting job were cut to part-time due to the econonly. This spurred the purchase of a business license and the hobby became a home located business. Shortly after. Clyde was totally laid off at his job, aud with Sylvia unemployed as wcll, thc two asscsscd the situation and selected the most visible location available in downtown Aberdeen. Clyde completed a Larson-Juhl training course on how to do all that he does today. Displaying his prized framing certificate and hanging their prized few framedpieces they were on their way. Sylvia incorporated antiques fi-om home into the shop to set a theine for the overflo~vof depression glass they had acquired. Adding decor ttames, tea accessories and gift items, consigmncnt of pottery. wc3od carvings, and art made a good fit with the framing. Featuring local artists brings interest to the arts and is done regularly. Colorplak has been a good service for customers. Their most recent addition being Custom Awards, TI-ophiesand In-house Engraving has brought work for a daughter-inlaw, and attracts new customers. All of these things, along with quality workmanship and custorner service, have earned the honor of Best Art Store in T\viti Harbors (Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties) three years in arow. Colne join us 011 S~nldayMay 15th and see a11 that Clydc and Sylvia have incolyorated into their b~~siness. Get ideas onhow you too can expand what you oRer and thus create a bigger customer base. If you have ideas to offer or items you sell that you'd like to share. please bring theln as this will bc a round table discussioi~.This is the first of our five General Meetings scheduled this year. Hour many will you attend. Make this the first! The meeting starts at 1p.m. Directions can be found on the back page of this ncwsletter. May 2005 EVERGREEN PICTURE FRAMERS GUILD page 7 THANKYOU FESTIVALSPONSORS! CANADIAN PICTURE FRAMER'S SCHOOL COLORPLAK CRESCENT CARDBOARD DESIGNER MOULDING FERENSOFT FRAMER'S INVENTORY FRANK'S FABRICS FOR FRAMERS JAYENESS MOULDING COMPANY J ORR MOULDING LARSON-JUHL MAX MOULDING NATIONAL GLASS NIELSEN & BAINBRIDGE STUDIO MOULDING TRU VUE, INC. \[IZARD INTERNATIONAL Ben Edwards of Crescent Cardboard ing Additional support provided by: LaMarche Moulding Rr I'acific Framing Supply Page B EVERGREEN PICTURE FRAMERS GUILD May 2005 PHOTOS Below; Hope Reimer (right), former EPFG Secretary, enioving lunch with fellow members. Above: Brian Wolf. CPF. GCF of Wizard Znternationar Baer Charlton, CPF, MPF of Frank's Fabrics for Fraporr lnctnnrtinn hi" r l n r a nn X'ahri~Wranninq Above; Dennis Tilly of Dakota Framing Specialties Instructing one of his two classes. rn Left; Molly Boone, CPF with Tom Whipple of National Glass and Virginia Cogdell of Sfudio Moulding at the Registration Desk I May 2005 EVERGREEN PICTURE FRAMERS GUILD Page 9 Page 10 EVERGREEN PICTURE FRAMERS GUILD--, Maw05 The 12th Annual Education Festival Thanks for your support and help! The Education Festival takes a lot of work to put together. There are many people iuvolved with the "creating" of the day. The Officers and Board mes~bersare a beginning. This year we had Molly Boone, CPF as President, June Rounds, CPF as Treasurer, Hope Reimer as Secretaiy, John Ferens, Tom Whipple and Lynn Clark as Board Members. Bob Holcomb as board member and Newsletter Editor. Advisors to the board: Ray Miles and Terry Scidmore, CPF. Past President Paul Knoop, CPF These are the people thatwere at the lieart of the effort to create the EPFG Festival. Other people who helped were, of course, our Sponsors which are listed here and on page seven. Canadian Picture Framer b School, Colorplak, Crescent Cardboard, Designer Moulding FerenSofi, F~v~7me~al-jInventt~ry,Frarrlib Fabrics for Framers, Jayeness Mozrlding Company, J O~,rMoulding,Larson-Juhl, A 4 u A$oulding, ATational Glass, Nielsen & Bainbridge, Studio Moulding, F u Vue, Inc., crnd Wizard Inzer-national. Additional support provided by LaMarche Moulding and PaciJic Framing Supply. Without the support of these companies the EPFG Festival couldtl't become a reality. Each of the companies donated money. Some also donated an inshuctor, and materials for their instructors. Some also donated items either for Door Prizes or the goody bags, or both. The instructors of the classes were also an important part of this year's Festival. U'e had eight classes. Dennis Tilly. CPF of Dolata Fralning Specialties taught two classes, Framing with Fillets and Pricing & Profitability. Cris Pera, CPF of The A~tisunCnstoin Fmming taught the class If You Can't Hide it Paint it Red. Ray Miles of Nieisen & Bainbridge helped Cris Pera. Brian Wolf, CPF, GCF of Wizard International taught two classes both on Working With CMC's. Baer Charlton, CPF, MPF of FrankS f70brics-forF~.anierstaught the class Fabric Wrapping Altnost Anything. Tekoah Bucbanan ofPearl Framing taught Stretching Canvas Transfers & Giclees. Dotma R i c h a n , CPF of Finishing Touches moderated the class Designing Women. A lot of work went into creating the classes that the attendees enjoyed. Manyrnatetials had to be gathered and information sorted. Others that helpedl but were n~orebehindthe scenes; Ben Edwards of Crescent Cardboard for making endless phone calls. Virginia Cogdell of Sludia Moulding for helping with Festival day Registration and setup. Ben always helps with calling for sponsorship or donations. Virgi~liahasbecome a willing volunteer ofthe EPFG as well. Another group that helped make the Festival a success were those members that entered the nine pieces in the t Framing Competition. It takes a lot of nerve and effort to enter the contest. The Framing Contest is always a h ~with the attendees. The last group of people that made the Education Festival such a great success this year were all the members that took the time out to actually attend. Thanks to all who took advantage of all the Education Festival has to offer! Thanks to everyone who had a part in crcating the 12th Annual Education Festival. It was a great success and you should be proud of your effort. Plans are underway for the 13th Amual Education Festival planned for March of 2006. We look forward to seeing you there! VOLUNTEER Ifyouwould like to becomen~oreinvolvedinthe organizationthere isalways room for you. There aremany ways for members to help. You don't have to become an Officer or Board member. You can just offer your assistance, and we'll call when theneed arises. Youmay also attend the Boardmeetings and see how everything is organized. Contact any ofthe Officers or Boardinembers to volunteer. May 2005 EVERGREEN PICTURE FR4MERS GUILD Page I I IT'S ALL ABOUT THE ART SPECIAL EVENT, MONDAY CLASS OFFERED BY LARSON-JUHL Instructor: Dennis Tilly of Expressions Gallery & Dakota Framing Specialties, Watertown, SD Review by Terry Scidmorc, CPF Dennis began by einphasizing that good business practices are as important as good design. He explained how to determine the hourly cost of doing business and the importailce of understanding what we are really selling is a service. Dennis illustrated the necessity of an effective work area; an organized desisn counter. having technology in POS and equipment, and displaying stunning framed examples that are a notch above the ticket price the shop sells at. Heutilizedsceilarios drawnfrom hisownbusiness, sharing why he hadmade certain decisions and the result of those decisions. Dennis also recounted sales techniques used by other businesses, correlating these techniques to things that we could do in our own shops. He emphasized that there are many resources both \vithin and outsidc of the picture framing indust~y.He pointed out that our sales reps and trade shows are often wonderful resources for ideas, help and inspiration. Next Deunis shared guidelines for working with customers, offering tips to help gct customers tlu-c~~gh the design process quickly. His goal is to design and close the sale in about 20 minutes - anecessity since the customerl~asabout a 20 minute attmtion span, and it is not cost efficient for the business to take longer. Expl-ession Gallery uses a sirnple but innovative design board that securely holds the artwork at eyc level, blocks out the carrier sheet, and supports thc inat and frame selectioils. It was fascinating to see how much easier it was to suggest wider mats and fia~nrtst\he.nthe art was presented in this manner. A lesson in color terminology, color schemes and the color wheel, and a short film about color lead up to Dennis dernonstl.ating 11ow he applies a systclnatic approach to identify the focal point, the lightness or darkness of the art, whether it is cool or wann, selecting highlights, pattern, texture, utilizing fillets, and choosing correct border widths the art. With a series of slides, Denilis showed some of the tricks that matting can accomplish. After to co~nplen~ent the mat selection, Dennis moved on to picking the appropriate frame, taking into consideration the era of thc artwork, width ofthe frame in relation to the mat widths, depth needed within thc frame, and the glazing choiccs. The remainder of the seminar focused on framed examples that were '.picked apart" to highlight the approach Expressions Gallery brings to their design table. Follouing examination of the framed examples, a group ofpictures were "designed" by the class, with changing mat colors, widths, bevels, fillets, spacers and frame selections. A strong believer that fillets are an essential part of mat design, Dennis finished up with an encore perfonnance of his class the previous day on working with fillets. DJ WHOLESALEFRAMERS SUPPLY. INC. PL,I:SU;M~ J'Lvfection in Quaiit:, P Sert.;'-c 3 Crescenf Crescent Cardboard Con~pony,L.L.C. Diana Lunan So1c~sl<epresc.niu~ioe &der Phone: 8oOhh57~6454 2504 Suudance Suite I 1 !\'ampa, Idalto 83651 Tel,l,bo,,.. 208-466-2(>0(1 Fax L;m: 208-465-5786 Cell: 503.3117~7251 Ben Edwards District Monoger 1.847.537.3400 - Froming Prodvch txi537.4264 1.800.323.1055 i . l e i i u ~ - i i BCU.5i4.7:.7i 1.847.537.7153 f o x t-;A~l:Lid~~~rdrii>creiren~aidooa:a.rom 100 W. Willow Road - Wheeling, Illinois 60090-6587 U.S.A. ww.crerrentcardbaard.rom Page 12 . , ,, . EVERGREEN PICTURE FRAMERS GUILD- May 2005 2dflj$PHNGED U CATmFE$T[:yA: CLASS REVIEW , . .. . ., . . .,,,.,, . . .... .! h.i FRAMING WITH FILLETS Instructor: Dennis Tilly of Expression Gallery & Dakota Framing Specialties Review by Lynn Clark Fillet - a piece or slice of boneless meat or fish, while we all huddled around a fillet chopper A-ewatched oops, that was in the cooking class NOT to be confused in amazement as the expert cut the fillet for the mat and with filet.. showed us each step along the way. According to Webster's New Collegiate Fillets ordered from the supplier in chop should Dictionary version 1978 (ok, it was the only reference be 1'' over the required size needed. Ordering length may source near the computer) a moulding separating others. get you a better price, but for what is discarded, chop Think about that, the fillet does separate the frame might be abetter option. When using tape to install the fillet, use the ATG moulding horizontally or vertically either in the frame or 960 which is super sticky and is 5 mil thick as opposed to the mat. A fillet in a mat visually frames the art and stops ATG 924 at 2 mil thick. Generic brand Highland 987 is 1 the eye to concentrate on the all. A fillet will enhance the mil thick. Dennis uses the pinwheel method for attaching art when done with sophistication. One "trick ofthe trade" his barrier product and starts at the worst comer thus is to make fillet samples using 8'' of length and place in forcing the boardagainstthecomer to align more evenly. Mat margin should always be at least twice the foam core to make the visual easier at presentation time size of the fillet width. Always design with a inat down against the art. Dennis talked about various things to make you first, then the fillet in the top mat. People will try to use think about using fillets in mats and frames. Fillets on banier tape to cul a mat li8" smaller and that will get by, frames work well when stacking frames are needed but butnot according toF.A.C.T.S.Also; woodagainstart can only a smidgen of color is \%anted.And vice versa is tlue cause impression in art paper froill not having a smooth with large fillets enhancing the frame and adding that nice surfaceon the back ofthe fillet. Remember, adhesion to each other and cohesion extra bit of color to a frame. Fillets in mats were discussed and then Dennis is to slide to each other. TRU VUE, AETNA, AND "NATIONAL CLEAR" GLASS WASHINGTONS' ONLY SUPPLIER OF DENGLAS PRODUCTS IMAGE PERFECT EZ-AR AND MUSEUM GLASS I I STOCK AND CUSTOM BEVELED MIRRORS CLEAR, CONSERVATION, NON GLARE ACRYLIC SELECT GLASS AND ACRI7LIC CUT TO SIZE REGULAR, HEAT ACTIVATED, ACID FREE & SELF ADHESIVE FOME-COR GATORFOAM - FOR HEAVY DUTY PROJECTS 17030 Woodinville-Redmond Road \%'oodinville,N'A 98072 Phonc: 425.488.8126 or 800.521.7061 Fax: 425.488.3712 I I I Mav 2005 EVERGREEN PICTURE FRAMERS GUILD a STUDIO MOULDING Page 13 Qualiq Picture Frnnre iMouIdi~zg 1010 SW 4 l r t St., Renton, WA 98055 Virginia Cogdell Sales Representative Order: (800) 262-4174 Voicemail: (800) 756-2184 ext. 217 Fax: (888) 423-1814 e-mail: vcogdell@rtudiomouldinginc.com www.studiomouldinginc.com ! TRUVUE' 9400 West 55th Street hfcCook Illinois 60525 nrvxtru-r.ue.com tel: 708.185.5080 ext. 2720 toll free: 800.621.8339 far: 206.723.6082 c-mail: Igarrettmstru-vae.rom FOR MORE INFORMATION. PLEASE C ~ L US L AT 1.900.282.9964 <>it\'I51 i l J S i i l WMM\V.MAXliOULI.)INC:.ii>iI I LlND,i GiRRETT Dirtricl Snler M<mufer &A& ~~~~~~~ I~ic,ureFnr,ni,r,o I'?,~dnclrUiurriongfApo~:(mEnlerprise.~,b8corp<8irrecl FRAMERS' INVENTORY Check out o u r Web Site *WOOD MOULDING" AMPF, Bay, F r a m e r s ' I n v e n t o r y . N A T I O N A L GLASS L a M a r c h e , Max, R o m a , S t u d l o , G r y p h o n , Desl n Gu~ld,U n i v e r s a l Tom Whipplo SALES REPRESENTATIVE *MET%L MOULDING* Nielsen 17030 WOODINVILLE-REDMOND ROAD * WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 Tel(425) 488-8126 * (800) 521-7061 * Fax (425) 488.3712 *MATBOAR DX Crescent, iirs~va,T r u Vue Balnbndge, "GLASS & F O A M B O A R D * f r u Vue. A c r y l l t e ainbridge, Bienfang, & Hart Fome For, G a t o r f o a m *EQUIPMENT* Le 33-02 48thAvetlue - Long Island, NY 11101 Ian Phillips Sales Representative Cell: 360-649-2597 &W. EcltpSe, FLefcher M l t r e Mile, SealiHunt Mountlng *SERVICE* D e l l v e r y In P o r t l a n d & SeatHe M e t r o a r e a s , Overnight chop s e r v l c e . O r d e r s taken u n t 1 1 4 p m f o r next d a v delivery S a l e s r e p . M i k e O u e l l e t ext. 420 5000 SE 'lath AVENUE, P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N 97202 L O C A L ('503) 236 9293 TOLL FREE ('800) 543-2467 FAX ('503) 238 3899 EVERGREEN PICTURE FRAMERS GUILD Page 14 - . . . - . May 2005 i ~ l l i l h l S O N TRUVUE CLASS!MIILER MATBOARD IUPOETS CLARK DCSlChER WOOD 8 MCTAL COLONIAL BLRNICII FOAllCORE SEATTLE, WA 981 33 Now in stock at MFA! MFA, Inc. is now rtorking~amingaccwories,hardwarrand tapes m mention a fmof thz imiii. For a complete list,ppkrjegi ve u call or itop b~andpick om up. .- -4-, ,'* p*\= , THE ART DOCTOR RESTORATION OF OIL PAINTINGS, JAPANESE SCREENS ART O N PAPER, ART OBJECTS M f A , INC. NANCY G. WHITE L A K E ROAD sHONt 800 3-IL.7329 SM S35.3410 ~ l l bN. Conservotor ifixartdoc@aol.com By Appointment (206)783-9160 SYUMNEWh5HINCTON W 2 1 2 Same day service! 2828 4th Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98134 206.292.9664 Wholesale Picture Frame Supplies 206.423.6287 FRAMING SUPPLY 695 Edgewater S t N.W. Salem, Oregon 97304 Phone: 1-800-872-4445 FAX: 1-503-363-7273 21828 87th Ave. S.E. Suite H \Voodinville, WA 98072 Phone: 1-800-292-3202 FAX: 1-206-486-4978 9 4 UNIVERSAL framingl~t-oducts Fabrics for Framers specializing I n Fabrics - Liners - Adhesives "Where Value is an Art!" Custom Wrapped Mat and Liners Brent Pottenger cell (503) 516-7905 Call Toll Free (888) 332-2749 Ask for Frank P 8006683627 Famous Quote F8186860766 E l Nielsen Bainbridge RAY Ml LES Perpetual moderrzness is the measure of merit in every work of art. Regional M a n a g e r rrniles@nbframing.com v o i c e mail: R. K Emerson 800-524-0434 Ext. 8429 @NURRE CAXTON' l l a y 2005 EVERGREEN PICTURE FRAMERS GUILD page 15 - Class<fiedAds To Place ail ad contact Bob 415-595-8822 e.@er@yaI~oo.coni Deadline, 2Dtl1 ojfiic J~IOJ;I\I MULTlPLEX S\VlNCING PANEL WALL DISPLA1; 11 Velcro I'anels (& 30 x 40, great for sample display, $1 95. VACUUM PRESS. 40 x 60. sturdv and functioninrr. ", vou , haul it, it's yours.'541-389-9196(~end, Oregon) or E-mail: sunbird@,empnet.com Well established gallery and custom framing business in Historic Downtown Bozeman. Profitable, turnkey business oppot-tunitywith great potential for growth. Specializi~~g in original art by recognized regioilal artists including paintings, sculpture, photograpl~yand pottcly. phs tiuniture, fixtures, equipment, inventory and respected company name. Assumable lease on a higll traffic block of Main Street in the city center district of this expanding and upscale mountain community and regional center for art, tourism and year-round outdoor activity. Contact Chris Pope, ERA Landmark Realtv. Phone 406-556-5076 Cassese 910 Underpinner $1740 works great, Contact: Betty 425-957-9022 FLETCHER 1100 PKOFISSS1ON.U OVAL & CIRCLE CUTTING SYSTERI. Cuts ol,ala and circles from 1" (25nim) to 2 4 (6OOmm) wide. 1 '2"( I ' _ ~ u I I ) fro111 the top o r the mat. pcrfcct V-grooves without attncluncnts - ovals and circles from the front or back of inat - o\.als S. circles in glass - .kcmate lnultiple mats, multiple openings and inlays that lit prrfccrly. Includes Owner's Manual, How to Usc Vidco and vinyl cover. Used 8 times - like new $850. Contact: CJ Tomaino 425-488-9389 ~ ~ f - - P ~h1NT.S UlAlways be on the lookout for llcw ways to display and store your merchandise and equipment. Either you continue to do things the s a n e \vay or you find new ways to work\\ritl~them. Agood way to find new ideas is to attend the EPFG General Meetings. Esneciallv the meetinrrs u " that are being hosted in other frame shops. What better way to see how other framers display and store their merchandise and equipment. The May meeting is being hosted by Clyde & Sylvia's Frames-N-Things in Aberdeen. They've invited the members to come see their shop and look for those new ideas, and perhaps share one or two of your oxvn. The meeting is on Sunday the 15th. Directions are founci on the back cover of this newsletter. Why not take of this special CRAIG P O N Z I O C U S T O M FRAME C O L L E C T I O N For more information on the Craig Ponzio Custorrl Frame ~ ~ ( ( e c t i o n and other ~ a r s o n - j u h l f r a m i nproducts, ~ Please call: 800-438-5031 or coiltact your Larson-Juhl sales Representative Paul Anderson 800-223-0307 eut.456 N W. Washington Pam Pare Joe Garitone 800-223-0307 ext.455 Metro Seattle 800-223-0307 ext.454 S.W. Washington - - 2005 General Meeting hlcuti~ig Abertieen, WA AU G~UST- SUNDAY May 15th Directions to Clyde & Sylvia's Frames and Things GENERAI, MEETING Clyde & Sjrhin'.~ Frames-N-Tlr ings 'I3 E. Aberdeen, WA 98520 360-537-5755 Starts at l:00 p.m. Going i%rrlr or Soutlz on I-5 take exit for ..IBERDEEN/OCEAN BEACHES. Sf0.v on this roadgoing Westfor abor~r40 nziles andyou'll cotne to Aberdeen. .4s you come into .-iberdecn yorr'll cross a snzall ridge, get into the leftlarze,go straightfor four blocks,parking lotis on e e f t a Ice s t o f 5 1 block Shop is alongside theparking lot. S i p s 0. theside andfront oftlze Building and under the awning. ETel green Picture Framer's Guild 6523 California Ave. STY #lo4 S e a ~ ~ li 'er,l 9 8 1 3 6 See page i n o [or address c h ~ n g e s PRSRT STD U.S. POST,AGE P.iID Seattle, \VA Permit number 480