General Meeting - Multi-Lakes Conservation Association
General Meeting - Multi-Lakes Conservation Association
VOL. 58 August 2009 General Meeting~ August 19th Number 8 Member~ Son Night! Tickets ($1 per person) required for entry. Your ticket also goes into the Good Old Days Raffle. 1st prize - $1000 2nd – $500 3rd - $300 Prizes Games Archery Car Show Bake Sale Kids Tent Sling Shot Pony Rides Horse Shoes Face Painting Motorcycle Show Weekend Camping BBQ & Beverage Tent Deluxe Inflatable Rides Shooting Demonstrations 50/50 and Compound Bow Raffle DJ all Day – Live Band Starts at 8 PM ~ Special Work Bee ~ August 21st ~ ~ Regular Work Bee ~ August 23rd ~ PRESIDENT’S COLUMN The Beef-Cook out was on Saturday. What a fine meal. The top rounds were in the smoker for about 8 hours and very tender. Thanks to Jim Aschraft and Tracey Griggs for stepping up. And to all the other folks that made the party a success thank you. No one walked away hungry from this dinner. Then we have work bee Sunday, finally took some dead trees down by the lake. They had the Oak Wilt disease. We lost about ten or eleven big ones. Hopefully we can take the rest down before Good Old Days. Most every one was outside working on the grounds. It sure looks nice with all the flowers blooming. A special thanks to Bob Wyckoff and Kevin Lash for fixing the well at the indoor range building and the outdoor rest rooms. Parts were the only cost to the club. If you see these guys give them a big hand shake for their efforts. Its member and son night at the meeting this month with David Lee. Again he is going to raffle off a fishing trip to a lucky son and parent. Good Old Days is upon us again. It is going to take all of us to pull this off. We have gotten quite a few donations from our purveyors this year. Also we are going to have a full bar at night under the tent with the band after 8 pm. Come and have some fun. See you there. MULTI-LAKER DEADLINE Deadline for articles in the September 2009 Multi-Laker Magazine is Wednesday, August 19th, 2009. NOTE: All copy must be electronically submitted and approved by the Editor. THE MULTI-LAKER (USPS) 350-060 Published Monthly by the Multi-Lakes Conservation Association Office Fax – (248) 363-8092 Club Manager – Barry Anderson Office Manager – Terry Martin CLUBHOUSE – (248) 363-9109 Skeet, Trap & Sporting Clays Building – (248) 363-8811 Indoor Range House – (248) 360-3965 Member Michigan United Conservation Clubs Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners Periodicals Postage Paid at Walled Lake, MI 48390 Subscription Rates: Members - $12.00 of the members Annual Dues is paid as a year’s subscription to The Multi-Laker Non-members - $15.00 per year payable in advance. 2009 OFFICERS PRESIDENT……………………….…DAN PELTIER, (248) 666-9418 VICE-PRESIDENT…………..…RUSS DEVRIENDT, (248) 624-5232 TREASURER……………………...…DAVE FISHER, (248) 668-0371 RECORDING SECRETARY…….TRACEY GRIGGS, (248) 767-3111 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY……..JIM ASHCRAFT, (248) 563-5184 2009 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tony Katopodis – Past President….……….……………(248) 360-6457 Jon Lash `09……………………….………….…………(248) 363-7474 Bill Lonsberry `09………………….……………………(248) 363-1328 Eric Manning`09 – Chairman.…..………………………(248) 705-1516 Cal Kittinger`10…………………………………………(248) 354-4449 Matt Philippart`10– Vice Chairman ……….……………(313) 443-4777 Vern Rederstorf `10…………………………..…………(248) 363-6910 Ken Behrens `11…………………………………...……(248) 669-2294 Evan Lacy `11…………………...………………………(248) 363-4586 Marty Zaremba `11...………………………………...….(248) 476-3983 See you at the club, Dan POSTMASTER: send address changes and notices of undelivered copies on form 3579 to: MULTI-LAKES CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION 3860 Newton Road Commerce Twp, MI 48382 2 The Multi-Laker is monthly publication of Multi-Lakes Conservation Association – Dave Leonard, Editor, Important dates for August 2009 8/5 Chairpersons meeting 8/9 Country Breakfast 8/12 Board of Directors Meeting Sunday Monday 8/19 8/21 8/22 8/23 Tuesday General Membership Meeting Good Old Days Work Bee GOOD OLD DAYS with CAR & BIKE SHOWS Work Bee Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 10am-5:30pm Sporting Clays 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 & ODR 3-6pm Open Shooting ODR#1 2-7pm Skeet & Trap 6-9pm Combat Pistol RG#1 10am-1pm Cowboy Action Pistol ODR#2 8am-12am Picnic BBQ, LAKE Campout -CG 2 12-5:30pm Sporting Clays 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Outdoor Range Campout- CG 9 9am-12pm COUNTRY BREAKFAST 12-5:30pm Sporting Clays 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Outdoor Range 9am-3pm Red Cross Blood Drive RG#2 16 12-5:30pm Sporting Clays 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Outdoor Range 23 8am WORKBEE ALL 12-5:30pm Sporting Clays 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Outdoor Range 3-6pm Varmint Shoot ODR 30 12-5:30pm Sporting Clays 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Outdoor Range 3 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 10am-4pm Tactical Training ODR 10 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 10am-4pm Tactical Training ODR 17 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 10am-4pm Tactical Training ODR 24 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 10am-4pm Tactical Training ODR 4 6:30pm Bingo 6pm-Dusk Competitive Rifle ODR 6pm Archery Outdoor League ODA 6-9pm Combat Pistol RG#1 10am-4pm Tactical Training ODR 6-10pm Hunters Ed RG#2 11 6:30pm Bingo 6pm-Dusk Competitive Rifle ODR 10am-4pm Tactical Training ODR 7-10pm Hunters Ed RG#2 18 5 8pm CHAIRPERSONS MTG 6-9pm Black Powder Pistol RG#1 6:30-9pm Junior Shotgun Skeet & Trap 6pm Archery Outdoor League ODA 4:30-Dusk Muzzleloaders League ODR 7-10pm Hunters Ed RG#2 12 7:30pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS MTG 6:30-9pm Junior Shotgun Skeet & Trap 9am-12pm & 6:30-8:30pm Open Pistol RG#1 7-10pm Hunters Ed RG#2 19 8pm MEMBERSHIP MTG 6:30pm Bingo Multi-Laker Deadline 6pm-Dusk Competitive 7-10 Hunters Ed RG#2 Rifle ODR 6-10pm Hunters Ed RG#2 6-9 Combat Pistol RG#1 25 6:30pm Bingo 6pm-Dusk Competitive Rifle ODR 7-10pm Hunters Ed RG#2 26 6:30-9pm Junior Shotgun Sporting Clays 9am-12pm & 6:30-8:30pm Open Pistol RG#1 7-10pm Hunters Ed RG#2 6 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 2-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 2-5pm Sporting Clays 6pm Archery Outdoor League ODA 7pm Horseshoe League GROUNDS 10am-4pm Tactical Training ODR 13 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 2-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 2-5pm Sporting Clays 7pm Horseshoe League GROUNDS 10am-4pm Tactical Training ODR 20 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 2-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 2-5pm Sporting Clays 7pm Horseshoe League GROUNDS Archery Outdoor League Banquet 27 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 2-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 2-5pm Sporting Clays 7 8 5:30-8:30pm Fish Fry 10am-5:30pm Sporting Clays 5pm Classic Car Cruise 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 & ODR In 3-6pm Open Shooting ODR#1 2-7pm Skeet & Trap 6-9pm Combat Pistol RG#1 10am-1pm Cowboy Action Pistol ODR#2 9am-12pm Hunters Ed ODR, ODA, S&T 8am-12am Reception RG#2 8am-12am Reception MTG RM 14 15 5:30-8:30pm Fish Fry 10am-5:30pm Sporting Clays 5pm Classic Car Cruise 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 & ODR In 3-6pm Open Shooting ODR#1 2-7pm Skeet & Trap 6-9pm Combat Pistol RG#1 8am-12am Reception RG#2 Muzzleloader League Banquet 21 8am GOOD OLD DAYS WORKBEE 5:30-8:30pm Fish Fry 5pm Classic Car Cruise In 28 22 GOOD OLD DAYS & 4th ANNUAL CAR & BIKE SHOW 29 5:30-8:30pm Fish Fry 10am-5:30pm Sporting Clays 5pm Classic Car Cruise 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 & ODR In 3-6pm Open Shooting ODR#1 2-7pm Skeet & Trap 6-9pm Combat Pistol RG#1 12-3pm Safari Club Int. Sight In ODR#1 8am-12am Party RG#2 31 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 10am-4pm Tactical Training ODR 3 Chairmen’s Meeting Minutes – July 1st 2009 Vice President Russ DeVriendt called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm & opened the meeting with the pledges. Chairman in attendance: Rich LaFave Sr., Cal Kittinger, Bill Brennecke, Dave Fisher, Eric Manning, Bill Lonsberry, Vern Rederstorf, Pete Cesaro Jr., Dan Peltier, Marty Zaremba, Barry Anderson, Curtis McNaught, Ian Grapp, Don Priebe, and Mark Geiger Russ DeVriendt read the proposed reserved dates to be approved. Motion: Rich LaFave Sr./Eric Manning second to approve dates as read: Carried unopposed. Dave Fisher – The new asphalt entrance drive has been completed. We need volunteers to help with Good Old Days. The budget looks good so far this year but we need more members. The last payment on the sporting clay loan was paid in June 2009. Much applause! 4th ANNUAL MULTI-LAKES CAR & BIKE SHOW Saturday, August 22nd, 2009 Registration 9-11am Voting 11am-1pm Awards at 3pm $10 Day of Show $8 Pre-Registered (by 8-15-09) Dash Plaques to First 100 Registered CLASSES: Grass Parking 01- GM Up 1949 Music 02- Ford Up To 1949 Door Prizes Pete Cesaro Jr. – Now has pistol ammo for sale. There 03- Mopar Up To 1949 50/50 Drawing is a three box limit per visit. 04- GM 1950-1959 Picnic Area 05- Ford 1950-1959 Rich LaFave Sr. – Asked for support for the Club Play Ground Memorial Fund. 06- Mopar 1950-1959 Food Available 07- GM 1960-1969 Don Priebe – The August Meeting night will be a Father and Son night we would like everyone to be there and 08- Ford 1960-1969 Best In Class Awards many nice raffle prizes. 09- Mopar 1960-1969 People’s Choice awards 10- GM 1970-1979 Mark Geiger – First of all, Happy 75th Birthday Tom Special Awards (Jake) Jakubiec. Would like help with Good Old Days and 11- Ford 1970-1979 nd join us for the Good Old Days meeting, July 22 at 7:30 12- Mopar 1970-1979 pm in the main meeting room. 13- GM 1980-1989 Marty Zaremba – We would like help at the July 19th 14- Ford 1980-1989 work bee to remove the dead trees on the hill by the lake. 15- Mopar 1980-1989 Cal Kittinger – 25 to 30 Women have signed up for 16- GM 1990-Present Women on Target for July 11th class. Tickets are 17- Ford 1990-Present available for Friends of NRA auction and dinner. 18- Mopar 1990-Present Barry Anderson – When signing out keys behind bar 19- Truck- Stock/Restored please write legible. Bar specials are coming Mondays 20- Truck- Custom and Tuesdays and new food item – MINI PIZZAS at 21- 4x4-All bingo. 22- Special Interest Dan Peltier – Many members have not paid their dues 23- Sport Compact for this coming year. If you know anyone on the list 24- Bike- Restored please contact and encourage them to come back and 25- Bike- Stock join us. If anyone has ideas for meeting night entertainment, please contact me (Dan). If anyone is 26- Bike- Custom interested in helping with the July 18th Beef cookout please contact me. Also tickets are on sale at the bar please come out, always a great time! Once again Good Old Days needs much help, coming up quickly. Please attend Good Old Days meeting July 22nd at 7:30 pm. Old Business: None New Business: None Motion to adjourn, Rich LaFave Sr./Bill Lonsberry second Carried unopposed. Respectfully submitted by: Russ DeVriendt 4 Sponsored by: North Oakland BowTies United Street Machines Knights Auto Supply AutoZone- Walled Lk Melvin’s ACE Hardware- Walled Lk B&B Concrete Placement For more information call (248) 363-7125 or Registration Forms Available At The Club Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – July 8th 2009 Chairman of the Board Eric Manning called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Eric led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Conservation Pledge. Officers present: Dan Peltier, Russ DeVriendt, Tracey Griggs, Jim Ashcraft and Dave Fisher. Directors present: Eric Manning, Matt Philippart, Bill Lonsberry, Vern Rederstorf, Cal Kittinger, Evan Lacy, Marty Zaremba, Ken Behrens, Jon Lash and Past President Tony Katopodis. Interested members present: Rich LaFave, Sr. and Don Priebe. MINUTES: Recording Secretary Tracey Griggs read the minutes from the June 2009 Board meeting. Tracey Griggs/Matt Philippart moved to accept the minutes as printed in The Multi-Laker. WITHOUT OBJECTION PEOPLE TO SEE THE BOARD: None Matt Philippart/Cal Kittinger moved to enter into Executive Session. WITHOUT OBJECTION Matt Philippart/Ken Behrens moved to exit Executive Session. WITHOUT OBJECTION PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Dan discussed the following: Polled the B.O.D. to pursue a liquor license for outside liquor sales during Good Old Days. Most board members were in favor. Dan Peltier/Ken Behrens moved to approve outdoor liquor sales after 8 pm during Good Old Days. Discussion followed. IN FAVOR – 13; OPPOSED – 1; (J. Ashcraft) Dan also discussed the Commerce Twp. meeting regarding the Newton Road Relief Forcemain sewer project. The township is applying for government grants. Due to funding time frames, the earliest the project could begin would be 2010. Dan proposed the following chairman change: Bill McKeever – Add to Building Maintenance Dan Peltier/Russ DeVriendt moved to accept the noted chairman change. WITHOUT OBJECTION VICE PRESIDENT’s REPORT: Russ reviewed the proposed calendar. Russ DeVriendt/Tony Katopodis moved to approve the proposed calendar dates. WITHOUT OBJECTION Russ also wanted to note that the final Good Old Days meeting will be held July 22nd. RECORDING SECRETARY’s REPORT: None MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY’s REPORT: Jim discussed the following: Have approximately 260 members who have not paid their dues; reminder postcards have gone out. Please remind the suspended members on your committees to renew their membership. If there are any questions or hardship concerns, please direct those individuals to Jim. TREASURER’s REPORT: Dave discussed the following: Daily raffle and cost savings have improved greatly; Cal’s great efforts in education have created greater revenue facets; thanks to all for efforts in revenue and savings – a $70k increase over same time year. Dave Fisher/Tracey Griggs moved to receive and file the Treasurer’s Report. WITHOUT OBJECTION Dave also noted that the Sporting Clays loan has been paid in full. Working on changing banking management to pull detail electronically, this will improve execution and save on bank fees. Terry Martin will go through training to manage the bank detail. ATM is doing better than expected. Beef Cookout is Saturday, July 18th – please encourage your friends and family to come out and enjoy. MANAGER’s REPORT: Management Report provided de the following: Cancellations on rentals are increasing due to economic hardships. Bar will be promoting $.50 Hot Dogs Tuesday – Thursdays, from 7pm – 10pm. Thanks to Gary Gryglewski, Denny Cullen for replacing ballasts and Bob Wycoff and Kevin Lash for replacing the well pump. Bill Lonsberry inquired about the lights down at Skeet & Trap. Brian Moore is looking into renting the required lift to get the job done. STANDING COMMITTEE’s REPORT: - None SPECIAL COMMITTEE’s REPORT: - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Bill Lonsberry/Deer Processing Center – Plans are moving along. Goal is to complete the structure by October so it may be used this fall. Currently waiting on the volunteer contractors to be available and donated supplies. NEW BUSINESS: Tracey Griggs/G.O.D. Raffle Tickets - Sent out to all members; please encourage your friends and family to buy a ticket to the event and turn in your ticket sales. Additional tickets are available at the bar. Cal Kittinger/W.O.T. - Classes are filling up and making a favorable impression on the participants. Cal also wanted to revisit the liquor pour of 2 oz. made in April. Profits are decreased due to ‘heavy’ pour. It was discussed that the April motion was made for consistency, not to increase or decrease the standard serving size the bar staff are to enforce. Tony Katopodis/Matt Philippart moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 PM. WITHOUT OBJECTION Respectfully Submitted, Tracey Griggs Recording Secretary Ken Behrens also noted a special thanks to Rich LaFave, Sr. who has helped by contacting people to remind them of their dues coming due. Thanks Rich! 5 General Membership Meeting Minutes – July15th 2009 President Dan Peltier called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM. Dan led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Conservation Pledge. EARLY DRAW Larry Zuziak, Club number #1012, lost out on $360. Next month the prize grows to $370, plus $25 for wearing your name tag. Dan acknowledged the Past Presidents in attendance: Pete Dan noted there were 175 in attendance: 143 Members, 10 Cesaro Sr., Don Christensen, Dave Fisher, Ken Behrens, Jim New Members, and 22 Guests. WELCOME! Kirn, our guest speaker Lori Grigg and two guests from Windsor. Welcome all! Vice President’s Report Dan noted the following on behalf of Russ: Vern Rederstorf/Dave Marohn moved to accept the minutes All calendar dates were approved. Good Old Days Meeting of the June General Membership Meeting with the following next Wednesday evening, WorkBee this Sunday. Anyone correction. WITHOUT OBJECTION who can help with chairs and tables after the meeting can earn a few work hours. Kevin Peltier/Colleen McKowen moved to receive and file the Treasurer’s Report, as printed in The Multi-Laker. Dan introduced the following speakers: WITHOUT OBJECTION Marty Zaremba/Forestry – Need assistance cleaning up Oak CHAPLAIN’S REPORT: tree by the play set and other dead trees in the area. Please Dan noted the following on behalf of Skip: bring out any available equipment. Ronald Schmidt passed away; John Laque, Jr. is in Huron Valley, and our Vice President, Russ DeVriendt, will be Pete Cesaro, Sr. /Skeet & Trap – Paint party this weekend for WorkBee, painting all the S&T houses. Also, there will be a having surgery on a broken leg after his recent motorcycle 10 gun salute next Sunday in remembrance of Cliff Eckhart. incident. Dan asked all to rise for a moment of silence for all the departed, deceased and sick, and for all our service men Please come out and support him with his other friends and family. and women. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Chris Peltier/Nominating – need five officers, three Directors Dan noted the following: (3 year term). Applications available at the bar; need three Beef cookout this weekend – come out and support the years membership in good standing and strong working event. The B.O.D. approved liquor for outside sales during hours. our G.O.D. event. Still need volunteer for G.O.D.; need security to manage the event. Force main sewer meeting at Cal Kittinger/NRA – Junior Rifle/Hunter’s Ed. received their Commerce Twp. referred to preliminary planning, awaiting NRA grant check for over $2k, W.O.T. check should be government funding. Advised M.L.C.A. that contact would be received very soon. Last weekend’s W.O.T. had 20 made prior to the project starting, so any events and the participants trying out pistol, need extra R.O.’s for these Haunted Forest could be taken into consideration. Earliest events – severely understaffed, as pistol is the most popular anticipation of project start date is 2010. Elections are coming event. Next C.P.L. class is Saturday July 25th, about 50 up this Fall – need to get some new members. Thanks to Don attendees, and another 50 in gallery seating for the legal Priebe and Jeff Whitacre for fixing the water leak. portion. Steve Dulan will be instructing legal portion, gallery seating $10 to sit in on the legal section. RECORDING SECRETARY’S REPORT: Tracey noted the following: Rich Kovach/Archery – Setting up a new broadhead course. Good Old Days Raffle Tickets were sent out to all members. Jon Lash/Swap Day – Sept. 13th will be the 2nd and last swap Please encourage friends and family to purchase them, and day of the year. Members get a free table, non-members $10 come out and enjoy the event. Thanks to everyone who came per table. 9am – 1 pm. Contact Jon with any questions and if together at the last minute and helped put this mailing you would like a table. First come first serve – before several together. Beef Cookout Saturday night will offer a great opening seasons, and a good time to check and swap out menu, music and dancing. Tickets are only $10 per person, your gear to get ready. 21 and older only. Hope to see you there! Gary Regintin/Gaming – House Bill 5121 has been introduced MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY’S REPORT: to increase the daily license fees for charitable organizations Jim noted the following: from $50 per day to $250. This bill will not be addressed for 218 suspended; any member carrying a blue card is approximately six weeks while the legislature is on summer suspended. If someone needs help, see Jim. About 40-50 break. Please call and contact your legislators and let them more suspended this year over this time last year. Getting know that it is not acceptable to do this to charitable ready to pay M.U.C.C. dues to stay in the affiliate program. organizations. Discussion followed. Beef Cookout is this Saturday evening; please join us for a great time! Chet Dymon – Hunters Ed. – Begins next month, cost is $10, TREASURER’S REPORT anyone born after Jan 1st 1960 is required to have a Dave noted the following: certificate. First class August 4th. There will be 5 courses, all nd Great news – Sporting clays loan is paid off as of June 22 ; listed in The Multi-Laker. profit of $70k for the year, which is about $70k over last year end of June. Any new members looking for hours please ask Don Navigato Sr. /Good Old Days – Need more volunteers in ticket sales and the food booth. These are 3 – 4 hour shifts, – we need assistance with Bingo. See you at the Beef Cookout! Continued on page 7... 6 ~ Letters ~ Oppose HB 5121 Please contact your state legislator's to oppose HB 5121. This legislation would significantly hurt out ability to raise needed funds necessary to support our organization. Considering the current financial climate in our state, we would stand to lose a viable source of revenue. HB 5121 proposes a license fee increase to $250 per day from the current $50. This would result in an immediate loss of $800 per four-day event for our club. Because the license fee is paid by our organization in advance of the event, this is a direct hit on our club's financial resources. We can hold four of these "Texas Hold-Em" four day events per year. Bottom line, $3200 out of our treasury and into the State's general fund. That is about the same as holding three events for the club and one for the State of Michigan. This is not only a significant blow to our club but also an additional state tax on each member. Call, write, email your state representative opposing HB 5121. Respectively submitted, ~Gary Regentin # 76-830 Chairman THANK YOU !!! THANK YOU !!! THANK YOU !!! I’d like to take the opportunity to thank all those who helped make the BEEF COOK OUT possible. Without these individuals the event would not have been as successful. I generally try to shy away from naming individuals as someone is usually dropped from the list but I am willing to take the chance in order to give thanks where due. I apologize in advance for anyone left out. Your efforts were greatly appreciated as well. First, we should be ever grateful for Tracey Griggs’ amazing organizational skills and willingness to cover EVERY detail (and for her cookies). She pretty much took care of EVERYTHING. Please give her a big thank you when you see her around the club. In support of the event at different levels were: Jeff Telford, George Messner, Pete Cesaro, Jr., Eric Manning, Bill Lonsberry, Moose, Doc Johnson, Glen Kruckenberg, Chris Peltier, Charlie Bonar, Al Vandenberg, Gary Chase, Russ Griggs, Phil Andres, club manager Barry Anderson, Rich LaFave, Dave Fisher, Cal Kittinger, Keith Erdman, Brad Isaacson, Gordon Perry, Ed Rapin, nonmember Susan Graves and last but certainly not least our bar-maid Carmen. And to all those who offered their assistance, you too deserve a thank you for stepping up and making yourselves available. And finally, all the folks who came out to brave the temperature and enjoyed themselves. Thank you all for a great evening of fun and typical Multi-Lakes’ fellowship. Best Regards ~ Jim Ashcraft Membership Secretary Letters to the Editor, and Hunt Photos should be e-mailed to Prints and hand written letters can be dropped in my box at the club. MLCA’s COMPETITIVE RIFLE GROUP Hosts the 2009 ‘Varmint Shoot Season’ at the OUTDOOR RANGE Dates: August 23rd, and September 20th Time: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Cost: $13.00, Includes range fee during “Shoot Time’ Distance: 100 m Rim Fire, 200 m Center Fire Course of Fire: 45 Minute – Sight-in & Match Shots. Match Rules apply. Targets: 3 MLCA Varmint & Reduced Bullseye Assortments. Equipment: Any legally permitted firearm, any sling, sights, bi-pods or front rests, gloves coats winds flags, etc. NO Back Rest! Awards: Lewis Class Re-shoots: Shooter may elect to shoot a second line at a predetermined cost of $8.00 the shooter can only use one score and must elect to re-shoot prior to posting of Lewis Class Scores. Coordinators: Jim Nesbit Duane Osman Jeff Whitacre 734-564-0087 586-805-0353 248-719-0223 … General Meeting Minutes - Continued from page 6 so you can still enjoy your day as well as lend a hand. July 22nd is the next G.O.D. Worker’s Meeting, where we will work out details and plans for the event. Please sign up anywhere you can – there are many facets of this great event, and much help is needed. Most importantly, come out with your friends and family and enjoy the event! OLD BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS - None Larry Willis/Robert Beach – Moved to adjourn the business meeting at 8:49 PM. WITHOUT OBJECTION The entertainment this evening was provided by Lori Grigg from F.B.I. (For Better Independence) Assistance Dogs, and a presentation of the company and how the dogs assist was greatly appreciated by the audience. MEETING NIGHT RAFFLE Daryl Ramsey 3rd prize, Fillet Knife Gerald Grusendorf 2nd prize, Trout float Tube Jon Lash 1st prize, Gun Congratulations!! Chris Peltier/Tracey Griggs – Moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:43 PM. WITHOUT OBJECTION Respectfully Submitted, Tracey Griggs Recording Secretary 7 Sporting Clays PUPPY FAIR Thursday - 2:00 to Dusk Saturday - 10:00 to 7:00 Sunday - Noon to 6:00 (248) 363-8811 *Dogs must be leashed or in a pen Bring Your Puppies to Sell! 2nd Sunday of each month (March – October) 8:30am – 2:30 pm During and after the Country Breakfast For more info call: Dave Elam (248) 624-0944 SKEET & TRAP Thursday 2:00 - 9:30pm Saturday 2:00 – 7:00pm Sunday Noon - 6:00pm Fun Shoot's & Pot Luck's 1st Sunday of each Month. The fun starts at 2:00 p.m., with the pot luck around 4:00 You are eligible for a free line of Skeet or Trap just for attending. 2 prizes are drawn each week from all that attended the monthly pot-luck WOMEN ON TARGET – 2009 Upcoming classes October 3 also Pheasant Hunt: October 17th Death Notice Our sincere sympathy goes out to: The Schmidt family, with the July 7th passing of Ronald Schmidt a member for the past 34 years. God Bless and may he rest in peace. 8 Hunter Education Courses Fall 2009 Indoor Range House Range #2 $10.00 1205 N. Pontiac Trail Walled Lake, MI 48390 (248) 960-4212 CPL (CCW) NOTICE Concealed Pistol License Class: October 17 Cost: Member - $75.00 / Non-member $125.00 Pre-registration and payment required by October 7, 2009 Make check payable to Multi-Lakes C. A. or MLCA. Mail to: Cal Kittinger – 24264 Tamarack Circle Southfield, MI 48075-6179 (248-354-4449) • • • • • • • • LEAVE AMMO IN CAR LEAVE GUNS IN CAR • 125 RDS FACTORY AMMO RANGE HOUSE #2 LUNCH at CLUB HOUSE MEET & GREET 8:00AM • (Pay for your own) CLASS STARTS 8:30AM SPECIAL DIET BYO CLASS ENDS 6-6:30PM • MEMBER RATE EXTENDS TO SPOUSE, PARENT, CHILD & GRAND CHILD, BUT NOT IN-LAWS NAME AS ON DRIVERS LICENSE Course 1: August 4th August 5th August 8th August 11th August 12th Course 2*: August 18th August 19th August 22nd August 25th August 26th Registration 6pm, class 7-10pm 7 - 10pm 9am - noon, Saturday 7 - 10pm 7 - 10pm Course 3*: September 1st September 2nd September 5th September 8th September 9th *times are similar to course 1 Course consists of five sessions. All sessions must be attended by the new hunter. This Hunter must be at least 10 years old to hunt in Michigan. Wee need a Signature from a parent, giving permission for their son or daughter to use a firearm in our hands on class on Saturday. Questions: Wayne Hoyt 248-363-2294 Chet Dymon 248-363-7030 or (Topic: Hunter Ed) Your Local “Lakes Area” Independent Insurance Agent Lankford Agency “Because It’s Dangerous Out There!” Western Wayne Co / Multi-Lakes Summer Schedule Date Time Location Event Sun. 8-2 10 am WWCCA .22LR Bowling Pins Sun. 8-23 10 am WWCCA Falling Plates Sun. 8-23 3 pm MLCA Varmint Sat. 9-12 10 am WWCCA .22LR Bowling Pins Sun. 9-20 10 am WWCCA Falling Plates Sun. 9-20 3 pm MLCA Varmint Sat. 10-3 10 am WWCCA .22LR Bowling Pins Sun. 10-11 10 am WWCCA Falling Plates As An Independent Agent We Represent You First! AUTO • HOME • RENTERS • HEALTH • LIFE • BUSINESS BOATS • ATV’S • MOTORCYCLES • SNOWMOBILES WAVE RUNNERS • MOBILE HOMES • MOTOR HOMES Falling Plates: 8 sets of 6 steel plates shot at 10, 15, 20 and 25 yards (48 rounds total). 6" plates for 22LR, 8" plates for center fire. Varmint: 5 shots into 6 different varmint targets (30 rounds total). Rim fire @ 100 meter distance, Center fire @ 200 meter distance .22LR Bowling Pins: 6 sets of 5 bowling pin tables (30 total bowling pins). 5 best times added for total score / time. Same event as at MLCA. 248-360-6524 1135 Round Lake Road, White Lake, MI 48386 9 Located Next To Mr. Ron’s IGA Market HURON RIVER RAIDERS (The Multi-Lakes Conservation Association Cowboy Action Shooting Group) Established 2007 Next Match - August 8th Our Second match was held on June 6th. We had 20 paid shooters participate. The weather was great and we completed all 5 stages. I would like to thank everyone that helped put this on. The Huron River Raiders will hold three more Cowboy Action Shooting Matches on Saturday mornings this year. The dates are August 8th, September 12th, and October 10th. Registration will start at 8:30 AM. The mandatory Safety Meeting will be at 9:15AM and shooting will start at 9:30AM. We will end shooting about 1:30PM. No food will be served after these shoots. The shooting scenarios (stages) will be set up on Outdoor Range #2. A practice session is planned for Saturday, August 1st. It will run from 10:00AM till 1:00PM. Cost will be $5.00. Cost will be $13.00. A discount of $1.00 will apply for SASS Members, Wolverine Ranger Members, and Multi-Lakers, for a total of $3.00, if you belong to all three. Cowboy attire is strongly encouraged. Observers and helpers are welcome. Come on out and join us for a fun morning of making guns go bang and targets clang. If you don’t have all the equipment, bring what you can and we will loan you the rest, at least the first time. Lead bullets are required since we shoot steel targets. For more information about Cowboy Action Shooting, go to the Cowboy Action Shooting Web Page at For more information about the shoots contact Dan Campau (aka The Baja Kid) at 734-261-9786, Dan Wiseley (aka Quiet Ranger Dan) at 248-202-0058 or Ron Davis (aka Boss Wheelwright) at 248-685-1206. Hope to see you on the range, partner. CAP-N-BALL REVOLVER First Wednesday of each month from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Bring out that old 1860 Colt, 1858 Remington or others to shoot on the indoor range #1 with us. Just a few guidelines to remember: • No Cloth or Fiber Wads • All powder charges must be pre-measured For more information call: Open Position - Chairman Needed 10 Sporting Goods SWAP DAY September 13th 9am – 1pm in Range 2 $1 at the door, kids under 12 free Buy-Sell-Trade Guns, bows, hunting, fishing, camping equipment, reloaders, ammo, tools, and much more! Come see us: PUBLIC WELCOME! For more info or a table: John Lash 248-363-7474 or Four Big Wheels and a Little Mud I’ve long believed, as Thomas Jefferson believed, that all men are created equal. But that was before I went on a four-wheel trip with four of our beloved past presidents. (No Mom, not those Presidents!) I’m sure that had Jefferson had the opportunity to spend a few days in the woods with Multi-Lakes presidents, the Declaration of Independence would have begun with the words All men are not created equal. We already know all men are not equally endowed. So, while I still have the right to free speech, let me share a few thoughts and a few laughs. For me it was heart warming to spend a few days with some old friends, even knowing that some of their friendships run much deeper and longer than mine. What we do have in common is that our friendships began at Multi-Lakes, that we all care about Multi-Lakes, and that we are all long-time members. There are many excellent reasons to belong to Multi-Lakes, but one of the most important is the life-long friendships you make. Newer members: this is perhaps the greatest benefit...priceless. Past presidents, along with other club leaders, have stepped up to make the club a better place. At times ready to kill one another, they have had intense disagreements, quit talking to each other, and said things they wish they had not. Sound familiar? Please take a look at these past presidents. They know what is important. Some very fine and dedicated members have been disillusioned recently, but quitting or backing up only hurts yourself and your friends. Dueling might work, but most of us are pretty good shots. Then again, so is the Grim Reaper. We’ve lost some great members to the Eternal Footman again this year. We owe it to those members, and all the other dedicated members that have passed before them, to keep the club viable. Let’s buck up and cut the crap. Speaking of crap... After stepping on numerous piles of poo, I asked (past president) Marty Johnson why the U.P had so many horses. Marty told me that wasn’t horse dung that I was stepping on; it was mosquito droppings. In the U.P the state bird is the mosquito. I believe they are closely related to Pterodactyls. In spite of the bugs, we all had a great trip...probably because most of the flaws in our character failed to materialize until the last day. Of the four presidents on this trip, guess which two had trailer wheels fall off? Which one needed stitches after shooting his automatic pistol? Which one lost his four-wheeler somewhere on the highway? (“I can’t find my macheeeeeeeen!”) Which one couldn’t find his cabin without assistance? And who ran from the law? No, other than you and me we can’t all be perfect, but we all can, and should, try a little harder. Enjoy Multi-Lakes… Make new friends and treasure your old friends before the Grim Reaper pays you a visit. ~ R. C. Carlson FREE KEY $2 OFF Buy One Get One FREE! 20 lb. Propane Tank Fill One coupon per visit per day Hardware Melvin’s Melvin’s One coupon per visit per day Melvin’s Hardware Hardware 690 N. Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake 248-624-4583 Show Your MLCA Card for 10% Off Regular Retail Prices! 11 ~ Member Daughter Night ~ ~ Work Bee ~ 12 ~ Varmint Shoot ~ ~ FBI Dogs ~ (For Better Independence) ~ Women on Target ~ 12 13 Women On Target® Shooting Clinic – October 3 Open to any woman eligible to possess a firearm REGISTRATION: 9:00 A.M. followed by ORIENTATION & MANDATORY SAFETY CLASS FIRST CLASS begins 10:15 AM (Rain or shine). LUNCH, DOOR PRIZES AND GROUP PHOTO 12 Noon to 1:30 PM SECOND CLASS begins 1:45 PM COST: $45.00 fee covers breakfast snacks, lunch, ammo, hearing/eye protection and targets. no refunds after 9/20/09 For more information, contact: Make checks payable to: Multi-Lakes C. A. or Cal Kittinger, 248.354.4449 or MLCA and mail to Cal Kittinger - 24264 Tamarack Marti Murdock, 313.819.0239 or Circle, Southfield, Mi. 48075-6179. Use Women On Target as subject line. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cut here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please print) Add. ______________________________________________ City ________________________ MI. Zip ____________ Phone _________________________________E-mail ______________________________________________________ Choose no more than two events: Pistol ( ) Skeet ( ) Trap ( ) Rifle/Black Powder ( ) NOTE: Archery not offered during summer/fall clinics. Photographic Model Release I hereby authorize the use, publication, and reproduction at any time by the National Rifle Association of America (NRA) of the photographs taken of me on October 3, 2009 for any editorial use, advertising, promotion, or any other purpose whatsoever, and hereby waive all claims or rights arising out of such use, publication or reproduction. I also waive any right to inspect or approve the finished materials in which such photographs will be used. Signed________________________________________________ (If a minor, must be signed by a parent or guardian of said minor.) Open Pistol at Multi-Lakes Conservation Association Welcome to Multi-Lakes Open Pistol Range. The Open Pistol Committee invites you to try our facility and enjoy shooting your handguns. We have put together this information sheet to inform you about our range, hours of operation, and accessories available for purchase. HOURS OF OPERATION: All Sundays………………………...…………..……4:30 pm to 8:00 pm nd th 2 and 4 Wednesdays of each month……………9:00 am to noon, and 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Note: Range closed for holidays and special events. All range closings will be posted in advance. FEES: Members……………………………………..……………$4.00 per hour* Non-Members…………………………………………….$7.00 per hour* Juniors (17 & under)………………………………..…..$3.00 per hour* *When range is at full capacity. ACCESSORIES: We have targets, eye & ear protection, and Shoot & Sees, available for purchase. Ammunition sales are being discontinued – but while supplies last we still have 22 long rifle ammo available. 14 For further information call the Open Pistol Chair: Pete Cesaro Jr. 248-363-1102 or Curtis McNaught 248-366-4730 Fish Fry & Outdoor Barbecue Door Prizes & 50/50 Drawings Music & Fun! Thursday September 10, 2009 Doors open at 5:30 pm – Dinner at 7:00 pm Prime Rib, Chicken, Red Skin Potato’s, Vegetable, Salad, Roll, Butter & Ice Cream Dessert w/Blue Berry & Cherry Compotes Prepared by the: CASH BAR AUCTIONS, 00 Dinner ticket ONLY $30. per person SILENT & LIVE, MLCA (Or) WILD GUN TABLES, EARLY PURCHASE SPECIAL - $110.00 GAME GAMES, RAFFLE which Includes & DOOR PRIZES DINNER 2 Dinner tickets, GALORE! COMMITTEE $140.00 general raffle tickets, plus 1 raffle ticket for a single bonus drawing of $500.00 in General Raffle Tickets Must be purchased before August 31, 2009 50% of proceeds go to NRA Headquarters for NON-POLITICAL USE, the remaining 50% returns to the Michigan FNRA State Fund Committee as GRANT MONEY (For deserving organizations engaged in promoting safe firearm instruction to Women & Junior shooters) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TICKETS CONTACT: Cal Kittinger – 248-354-4449 - George Rhodes – 248-476-6722 Ed Rapin – 734-762-4288 - Hugh Crawford 248-349-5079 CLUB Mgr. BARRY ANDERSON or BAR 248-363-9109 Outdoor Broadhead Shoot Schedule 5:00 to 8:30 pm Friday’s August 7, 14, 21, 28 Friday September 4 Saturday’s September 12, 19, 26 For More Information Call: Rick Kovach 248-830-0938 DEAN SELLERS The Real Deal 2600 W. Maple Road Troy, MI 48084 (248) 643-7500 Monday - Thursday Lunch Specials See Lynn at the Clubhouse Bar and Grill 15 August: Mid-Summer Outdoor Work By Marty Zaremba August and most vacations have arrived. The work of watering, weeding, tying and staking should continue in our gardens. Cutting of annual flowers and picking ripe vegetables should continue also. Spraying for insects and diseases should be done as needed. Look for Japanese beetles that chew or lace the leaves of garden plants, flowerbed plants and ornamental trees. Container plants need extra care in August. A little maintenance is probably needed about now. Cut back overgrown plants and replace the ones than have seen better days. Check with your local nursery to see what is available to make a replacement. Container plantings can benefit from some replacements this month. Maintain a regular watering routine. When plants wilt, apply a measured inch of water. This amount will moisten the soil to about 6 inches deep. This is enough for annuals for about a week on heavy soils. This is about half a week on sandy soil. Try not to water again until the soil has dried out. Fertilize annuals with a liquid fertilizer according to the directions on the package. Container plants need regular fertilizing. Most will need fertilizer by now. You can get more flowers from those hanging baskets, if you spray some kind of liquid fertilizer. I like Rapid-Gro or Miracle-Gro. Control insects with Carbaryl (Sevin) or Orthone. Chewing bugs can be controlled with BT (Bacillus Thuiringienis). Little holes in leaves are nothing to worry about. You should worry about disappearing leaves and flowers. If you are going to spray for Japanese beetles, I suggest you spray the chemical Sevin. When Sevin is used there is usually an increase of spider mites. This can be avoided with the addition of an acaracide or miteacide to your spray mix. Flowers left to go to seed will take energy needed to produce more blooms. So, pruning becomes a continuous but necessary job. Do a little every chance you get and it will not get ahead of you. If your plants are getting a little leggy again, cut them back. If you can keep your flowers in shape through the heat of August, they will reward you when the cooler weather returns this fall. The harvesting of herbs and vegetables should start this month. Continue to pick broccoli, cucumbers & summer squash. Don’t let them grow too long. Production slows if the squash are let get extra large. You should dig up the garlic when the leaves start to turn yellow. If it is left in the ground too long, the paper covering will begin to rot. If it does not rain for a week to 10 days, apply 1 inch of water. Water early in the day so that plants dry before dark. If possible, use soaker hoses to keep the foliage dry. Check regularly for aphids, mites, white flies, leaf beetles and soil insects. If radishes, potatoes, or carrots have spots chewed into them, maggots can be blamed. Some herbs are especially susceptible to mites. Both spider mites and the tiny cyclamen mites will affect them. Parsley leaves that curl may have mites. Leaves of other plants with mites will have a dirty look to them, and close examination will reveal webs and the mites themselves on the underside of the leaves. As the temperatures moderate, the grass will resume growth. Mow as needed to keep the grass at the correct height. Established grass should receive 1 inch of water when it begins to wilt. Fertilize at the end of August. If no lawn repairs were needed, use a weed and feed product to eliminate broadleaf weeds. If you are plagued with Ground Ivy better known as (Creeping Charlie) and do not have access to low yield nuclear weapons, use chemicals named Bonide or Dexol. They kick Creeping Charlie right in the pants. They contain MCPA, TRICLOPYR and DICAMBA. Skunks and raccoons digging up the lawn are a good indication that grubs are present. Roll back damaged grass to see the grubs. Apply Sevin to control June grubs and adults. Animals feeding in the lawn are seeking insects. Some lawn damage is caused by rabbits as they graze. They tend to clip the grass too short & make that area look bad. Squirrels dig holes to bury nuts and seeds. If you put down some sod, make sure the seams are butted tight together. After watering, use a lawn roller to remove extra air and make sure there is good contact with the wet soil. Keep the new sod watered. It is possible that spraying for insects isn’t worth it. If there are so few that they do not harm anything, let the natural predators handle them. Ladybird beetles (Ladybugs) and lacewings eat aphids, scales and mealy bugs. Assassin bugs and others feed on soft bodied insects such as caterpillars. Many flies parasitize insect pests. Wasps and hornets catch insects to feed their young. Spraying insects harms the natural predators too. Use the least harmful material if you must spray. Sometimes it is just as easy to snip off a single shoot that is covered with aphids, or to pick off the caterpillar or Japanese beetle as it is to mix and apply a pesticide. Wear gloves to mix chemicals. Wear goggles and a respirator when spraying. August can be very dry. If it is dry, water the shrubs every couple of weeks. Soak them until the water begins to run off. Watch newly planted shrubs. They have small root systems that are struggling to get started. Water them when they need it, but do not drown them. Trees generally are able to survive on their own in nature. When they are planted out of their natural habitat, they become dependent on us to care for them. Premature fall color in trees is often a sign of trouble. The tree may be overly dry or may have other problems. Often it is a sign of root damage or girdling. If one of your trees is already turning color, examine the root collar at the base of the tree to make sure it is sound. Girdling roots are often the cause of trouble. Remove girdling roots. If they are major roots, there may be some loss in the top of the tree. The other choice is to lose the entire tree from girdling. Some parts of our state have an alkaline soil. Pin oaks and maples can have problems this time of year. In our area Pin oaks turn yellow. This can be corrected by the use of iron chelates. Maples will start to yellow because lack of manganese. Iron chelates and manganese can be given to trees by drilling a small hole in the trunk and inserting a plastic plug (Meta Cap) containing the mineral that the trees can not get from the soil. The minerals can be sprinkled on the lawn under the tree and watered in. They can be put in the soil under the tree, by means of drilling holes 3 feet apart and aproximatly 20 to 30 inches deep. This circle should start at the drip line. The fertilizer spikes that are popular, won’t get the job done. They are easy to install, but think about it, they only go down 6 to 10 inches. When rain is scarce, you will have trouble because the spikes will draw the roots to the surface. You should have the fertilizer down at least 20 inches. This will encourage deep root growth where there is a better supply of water in August. See You When The Wind Shifts! ~ Marty Zaremba 16 SOMETHING DIFFERENT On a recent trip to South Florida with my wife, Lisa, I was able to experience something most sportsmen never knew existed, including myself! One evening at the local watering hole, we met one of the area’s spear fishermen, named Paul. Being a sportsman, I was very intrigued with his profession. Paul told me stories of free diving 70 to 90 feet to pursue the various kinds of grouper and snapper the market preferred. I had to decline Paul’s offer to go with him on the next day’s expedition. I think it was the stories of the 10- foot bull sharks that made my decision easy, not to mention that, being from Michigan, I couldn’t hold my breath for more than a minute let alone three. After getting to know Paul, I inquired about the hunting opportunities in the area. I found out that discharging any firearm in the Keys is illegal and just about all species are protected there. He did mention that iguanas were fair game and could be hunted with a pellet rifle, which is not considered a firearm on private property. This really caught my attention. There are three types of iguanas in the Florida Keys and are all extremely invasive. The green, Mexican spiny-tailed, and black spiny-tailed iguanas are all prevalent throughout the area. The combinations of released pets and animals blown over by hurricanes have over-populated the islands with these unwanted pests. South Florida’s sub-tropic climate allows these herbivores to flourish and have grown in numbers to the tens of thousands. Adult iguanas are powerful animals that can bite, inflict serious gashes with their sharp claws, and have a tail that can open a wound like a razor. Worst of all, they carry the salmonella bacteria which is spread through their droppings, contributing to the deaths of several infants as well as adults. Along with the threats mentioned above, the iguanas are destructive to property as well. They undermine foundations and sidewalks and burrow along seawalls causing them to collapse. These feral pests end up costing islanders hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage annually. The invasive species are now competing with the protected and endangered Key deer, depleting the food reserves the tiny whitetails depend on and devastating the local fauna which make up the fragile ecosystem for which the islands are known. After finding out the facts, I knew I had to do my part to save the Key deer. Paul lent me his Gamo pellet rifle, introduced me to the owner of a local plant nursery who was more than willing to let me help with lizard eradication, and the hunt was on. I spent the last two days of my vacation wading through the mangrove swamps looking for a lizard of “trophy size.” The wildlife I saw would have never been seen from the road. Turtles, crabs, fish, birds and BIG BUGS were everywhere. A real island experience! The green iguana is the largest of the reptiles. The “greens” can grow up to six feet in length, reaching weights of forty pounds or more. Through trial and error, I found this dinosaur-like lizard has an acute sense of smell. Early in the hunt, I could hear them jumping out of the trees into the water 80-100 yards ahead of me. I realized that using the wind is a determining factor while hunting the mature animals. Their eyes can rotate 180 degrees, with vision unmatched by humans. Chances are they will see you well before you see them. I found that the best tactic was to locate where they feed or sun themselves and wait them out. The reptiles proved to be honorable adversaries. They blend in with their environment better than any whitetail, disappear quicker than I could find the safety, and their hide can deflect a .177 pellet moving at 1200 fps. Not as easy as one might think! ~ Dave Lee Bass Pro Hunting Staff These six guys (some are club members and some are not) stepped up when asked to participate in this fund raiser. It all stared when I heard about this freshman wrestler who was having a difficult time in life when it should have been the best time of his life. I was at the District Wrestling Tournament for Class-A when I heard that he was unable to go to wrestling camp because his money was stolen. His family is not very well off. When I heard that some parents were going to raise some money to send him, I told my sister that I had a plan: just sit back and give me a week to come up with something. Well if you know me, I just can't sit back. On my way home all I had to do is make two calls, one to Dave Mercier and one Mark Geiger. When I told them what I wanted to do they said they were in with no hesitation. John Delaney, Joe Carney and myself donated our boats and gas to take these six generous guys walleye fishing on Lake Erie. Over $600 dollars was raised with very little effort. We caught some fish, but the weather was against us that day. That didn't stop these guys from having fun. All they could say was it a great cause don't worry about anything. It just goes to show what can happen when people that care come together, only good things happen. I would like to thank Dave Mercier, Mark Geiger, Kerry Atwell, Steve Atwell, Mike Bowers, Alan Godwin and a special thanks to my sister Janet Hyde for taking care of all of the loose ends. By the way, he made it all the way to State Tournament held at the Palace of Auburn Hills. A great job by the freshman wrestler. Thanks a lot you guys and Sis. ~ Andy Willetts 17 Article 7 – Dues and Assessments Section 2 Any member whose dues are delinquent on July 1st of the current year shall be suspended and any member whose dues are delinquent on September 1st of the current year shall be expelled from this Association, subject to a review of the Membership Committee and the Board… (Note: This does not apply to active duty personnel to the armed forces.) LATE FEE NOTIFICATION: Pursuant to recent By-Laws revision, the current late fee of $25 will apply to all dues received after 30 June 2009. Probationary Members: If you became a Probationary member in 2008, your dues are now due. Please check the front of your card for the year ending date of 30 June, 2009. If you have a blue card, your dues are due. Any Probationary member needing assistance in fulfilling their first year’s obligations, please contact Jim Ashcraft – Membership Secretary, Barry Anderson – Club Manager, or any Officer or Board of Director. We will assist you in any manner possible to maintain your membership. You can buy ATTENTION MAIL IN MEMBERS: Dues will be taken starting 1 April 2009. If you qualify and are planning on mailing in your dues, you must include a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of your new membership card. Failure to comply will cause your card to NOT be mailed. If you are currently, or will become a Senior class member, please provide DOB for confirmation. Thank you for your cooperation Jim Ashcraft #77 Membership Secretary The Early Draw at Augusts’ meeting night will be worth $370, plus $25 if you have your name tag on. HATS, PATCHES & MORE… ANYTIME! We have a full display table of items for sale at our monthly meeting, and some special events at the club. There is also a display case by the bar entrance. You can ask the barmaid on duty, or anytime you see us around the clubhouse. We want you to be able to show everyone that you are a proud member of the Multi-Lakes Conservation Association. Thank you all for your continuing support. Doug Erstad & Dennis Drake MEMBERS CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM Please use this form to notify us at least 4 weeks before moving to your new address. 1. Present Address – attach address label or print your name and address exactly as shown on the label Club No.__________ Name_____________________________________________ CLUB BAR OPEN DAILY Old Address__________________________________________________________ City______________________________________ State______ Zip____________ 2. Fill In New Address: Club No.__________ Name_____________________________________________ New Address__________________________________________________________ City______________________________________ State______ Zip____________ 3. Mail To: Multi-Laker 18 Phone______________________ 3860 Newton Road Commerce Twp., MI 48382 E-Mail_______________________ N O O N PURCHASE * REFINANCE * JUMBO * FHA * VA * INVESTMENT PROPERTY JOHN T. CRANE SENIOR MORTGAGE BANKER 1050 Corporate Office Drive Toll Free: 800‐968‐1624 x 249 Suite 200 Direct: 248‐430‐4398 Milford, MI 48381‐3195 Cell: 248‐939‐2646 E‐Fax: 248‐889‐6683 AMERA is a subsidiary of Capitol Bancorp Ltd.- Nationwide Service Cook Your Own T-Bone Steak Before Every General Membership Meeting Choice of 16 oz. Steak $10.00 or 20 oz. Steak $12.00 with Baked Potato, Vegetable, Tossed Salad, Garlic Bread, and Coffee Also Available 12 oz. Cook Your Own Chicken Breast for $8.00 or Pre-Cooked ½ lb. Burgers, Fries & More Tickets available at the bar. Multi-Lakes Clubhouse 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. August 9 ~ September 13 ~ October 11 Menu includes: Custom omelets, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage links, biscuits & gravy, hash browns, cinnamon apples, waffles, pancakes with hot syrup, toast, coffee, milk, tomato & orange juices. Adults ........... ..... ..... $7.00 Seniors........... ........... $6.50 Children 5-12. ........... $4.00 Children under 5........ $1.00 Hugh D Crawford State Representative Representing the 38th District Office: (517) 373-0827 BUILDING RENTALS Catering Available LARRY GRAY (248) 360-4896 BARRY ANDERSON (248) 363-9109 MULTI-LAKER ADVERTISING: BARRY ANDERSON (248) 363-9109 19 FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY ALL YOU CAN EAT $8.00 Adults • FRIED FISH $5.50 Children 5-12 • BAKED FISH 50¢ discount for Seniors over 62 5:30 to 8:30 pm Help Support Your Club! • BROASTED CHICKEN Also Includes: Salad, Coleslaw, Veggie, Baked Potato & Fries B-I-N-G-O !!! EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT Progressive Jackpot Great Food Free Coffee Pull Tabs First Quickie Game 6:30 PM License # A00911 20 Recent Gun-A-Week Winners 1384 Jason Baiocco Rem. 700 SPS .270 WSM Michael Feryck II Savage 12 FV .22-250 Varmint Hvy BBL 0372 Marlin 336W 30-30 Win Pkg W/Scope 0876 George Nash June 26, 2009 July 3, 2009 July 10, 2009 Commerce, MI Byron, MI Metamora, MI ~ 2009 MLCA Outdoor Range ~ Range Officer On Call List ~ G. Biron D. Campau P. Cesaro P. Cesaro Jr. J. Cleveland R. Davis (313) 532-8542 (734) 261-9786 (248) 685-1922 (248) 363-1102 (248) 473-0085 (248) 685-1206 M. Florkowski W. Hoyt T. Keller D. Mercieca E. Miller G. Rhodes HELP WANTED: BARTENDERS ~ George Smith…………..(248) 698-2605 OR ~ Chris Peltier….…….…..(248) 666-9418 BINGO ~ John Eriksson.…………..….....…(248) 476-1233 COUNTRY BREAKFAST ~ Russ Griggs…(248) 360-5977 FISH FRY ~ Ken Behrens…...……....…..…(248) 669-2294 (248) 318-6643 (248) 363-2294 (313) 319-2424 (248) 318-6053 (248) 360-2051 (248) 476-6722 S. Ross D. St. Aubin G. Stirling K. Troyer J. Whitacre B.Yirovec (248) 563-6745 (248) 698-1355 (734) 421-0655 (248) 684-2389 (248) 719-0223 (248) 682-3478 Outdoor Range Schedule Open Shooting Hours: Saturdays 3:00pm - 6:00pm (Apr - Nov) Saturdays Noon - 3:00pm (Dec - Mar) Sundays 12:00 noon - 3:00pm EXCEPT Holidays & Special Events All other dates check calendar for committee & times MORNING CREW ~ Barry Anderson…..…(248) 363-9109 SKEET & TRAP ~ OPEN…………………… Please Help! WORKBEE ~ Dave Chappel………………(248) 363-1398 Need an Electrician? I Can Help Upgrades, Fans, Plugs Problems, Lights Generators, All types of Work Don Navigato #678 (248) 207-2039 10% discount to MLCA Members Meeting Night Raffle August 19th Top Prizes are scheduled to be: st 1 - Air Rifle nd 2 - Metal Detector 3rd - Knife License # C24388 Thank you for your support. We welcome any and all suggestions. Please call: Don Priebe (248) 363-0753 Effective March 1, 2008 NONMEMBER MEMBER JUNIOR ARCHERY $ 4.00 $ 7.00 $ 2.00 BULLS-EYE PISTOL $ 4.00 $ 10.00 COMBAT PISTOL $ 6.00 $ 6.00 FIVE-STAND $ 5.00 $ 7.00 $ 3.50 HUNTERS ED. $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 JUNIOR RIFLE $ 2.00 *OPEN PISTOL $ 4.00 $ 7.00 $ 3.00 *OUTDOOR RANGE $ 4.00 $ 12.00 $ 4.00 SKEET & TRAP $ 4.00 $ 5.50 $ 3.00 SPORTING CLAYS $11.00 $ 17.00 $ 8.00 WOODSWALK $ 3.00 $ 4.00 Ear & eye protection, ammo & targets available *Per hour if busy. RANGE FEES Fish Fry Schedule August 07 Vanstone 14 Kirby 21 Potter 28 Mullins (313) 790-9620 (313) 387-1904 (248) 624-3846 (248) 360-4251 September 04 DeVriendt 11 Funni 18 Vanstone 25 Kirby (248) 624-5232 (248) 926-6395 (313) 790-9620 (313) 387-1904 21 Multi-Lakers & the NRA When you renew or join the National Rifle Association put our ID number 'C10513B' on your application, and MLCA will receive $10.00 This Space Intentionally Left Blank Applications & renewals at the bar. MCRGO Largest Statebased Firearms Advocate in America 22 D.N.R. OPERATIONS SERVICE CENTER 26000 W. Eight Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48034 Phone (248) 359-9040 REPORT ALL POACHING (RAP) 1-800-292-7800 2009 Committee Chair Directory Activities Steve Leo Adopt-a-Highway Dave Mercieca Archery VACANCY (Indoor) Bryan Hewitt (3D) Tim Loynes (Outdoor) Ron Opfer (Junior) Bar Chris Peltier George Smith Baseball Ed Sienkiewicz Bingo John Eriksson Buck Bourdeau Roger Goodrich Blood Drive Kirk Cooke Frank Spelker Building Maintenance Brian Moore Bill McKeever By Laws Rich Johnson Car Cruise Skip Worden Chairperson’s Committee Russ Devriendt Computer Scott Measel Conservation Education Rich Johnson Country Breakfast Russ Griggs Steve Wagner Cowboy Action Shooting Ron Davis Dan Wiseley Dan Campau Daily Raffle Jim Kirn Gary Gryglewski Dennis Cullen Deer Contest Charles McDonald Jon Lash Election Larry Willis Entertainment VACANCY Equipment Maintenance Evan Lacy Greg Potter Euchre Bill Burnett Family Events Larry Cohorst Charley Stevens Fence Jim Ashcraft Finance Committee Mark Geiger Five Stand VACANCY Friday Fish Fry Ken Behrens Golf League Tom Cockels Mark Kiefer 248-343-2545 248-318-6053 734-560-7476 248-773-9650 248-624-0161 248-666-9418 248-698-2605 248-624-4782 248-476-1233 248-363-0270 248-446-3411 248-562-7477 248-255-7293 248-505-3680 248-363-0898 313-278-7841 248-685-0703 248-624-5232 248-305-9338 313-278-7841 248-360-5977 248-752-8629 248-685-1206 248-202-0058 734-261-9786 248-363-9351 248-348-6053 734-422-3051 248-627-4244 248-363-7474 248-960-7796 248-363-4586 734-464-7802 248-895-9614 248-698-1575 248-542-4773 248-563-5184 248-681-6732 248-669-2294 248-521-0780 248-669-2349 Good Old Days Terry Smart Don Navigato Grounds Al Wilkinson Jim Wells Hall Rentals Larry Grey Hats and Patches Doug Erstad Dennis Drake Haunted Forest Ken Cole Brent Bastien Horseshoes Rob Joyner Horticulture Pete Rinehart Bob Bauman House Richard LaFave, Sr. Hunters Ed. & Basic Rifle Wayne Hoyt Chet Dymon Insurance Dave Mercier JOAD Ron Opfer Junior Conservation Club Larry Smith Lou Gehringer Junior Rifle Frank Zoch Junior Shotgun Mike Borst Jon Sabo Frank Spelker Kitchen VACANCY Kitchen Meeting Night Dale Lee Bob Lederman Las Vegas Night Gary Regentin Meeting Night Raffle Don Priebe Memorial Richard LaFave, Sr. M.U.C.C. Delegates Gene Thibodeau Mike Borst Rich Johnson Dave Manning M.U.C.C. Shoot VACANCY Multi-Laker Editor Dave Leonard Multi-Lakes Chaplain Skip Worden Multi-Lakes Historian Mick McCanham Muzzleloader League Art Hoffmyer Tom Hoffmyer Muzzleloader Rendezvous Clint Double Dave Mercieca New Member Ian Grapp Tom "Jake" Jakubiec Nomination Chris Peltier 586-980-6013 248-921-5257 248-363-2690 248-410-4442 248-360-4896 248-363-4326 248-363-4124 248-505-3310 248-553-3160 248-363-0211 586-755-1437 248-887-8488 248-669-9540 248-363-2294 248-363-7030 248-360-0128 248-624-0161 248-887-3727 248-363-2220 248-360-6666 248-960-9307 248-766-5715 248-255-7293 734-421-4639 248-661-1333 248-360-2364 248-363-0753 248-669-9540 248-698-9097 248-960-9307 313-278-7841 248-624-1218 248-762-3926 248-685-0703 248-366-6819 248-624-6395 248-334-6175 248-363-2139 248-318-6053 248-624-5933 248-624-0014 248-666-9418 NRA Dinner Cal Kittinger 248-354-4449 NRA Training Couselor Tony Racchi 248-207-5961 Operation Can-Do Richard LaFave, Sr. 248-669-9540 Outdoor Range Eric Manning 248-705-1516 William Lonsberry 248-613-9303 Jeff Whitacre 248-719-0223 Painting Tom Jakubiec 248-624-0014 Parliamentarian Dave Fisher 248-668-0371 Personal Protection/CPL Classes Cal Kittinger 248-354-4449 Pheasant Hunt Marshall Maybrier 248-867-5069 Terry Smart 586-980-6013 Photography Tracey Griggs 248-767-3111 Pistol-Bullseye Chuck Lee 248-363-6659 Bob Carlson 810-227-2953 Pistol Combat Bill Brennecke 248-624-6854 Pistol Open Pete Cesaro, Jr. 248-363-1102 Curtis McNaught 248-366-4730 Political Action Committee Chad Muncy 248-320-8637 Pole Barn Jim Babel 248-363-9891 Popcorn Rudy Kirn 248-363-3027 Purchasing Richard LaFave, Sr. 248-669-9540 Range House Coordinator Curtis McNaught 810-333-1331 Range Officer Training Andy Lynch 248-685-8310 Range Stewardship Committee VACANCY School Liaison Shooting Sports Tony Jankowski 248-624-1036 Scouting/Boy Wayne Davis 248-446-5275 Sergeant at Arms Larry Gray 248-360-4896 Ron Pennell 248-624-2630 Mike Wilczynski 248-363-6197 Skeet & Trap VACANCY Slingshot Dave Mercier 248-360-0128 Mark Geiger 248-681-6732 Sporting Clays Pete Cesaro 248-685-1922 Pete Cesaro, Jr. 248-363-1102 Strategic Planning Sam Mullins 248-776-2238 Tree Chairman Marty Zaremba 248-476-3983 Wild Game Dinner Ed Rapin 734-762-4288 Women's Events Cal Kittinger 248-354-4449 Work Bee Dave Chappel 248-363-1398 .22 Pin Shoot Terry Smart 586-980-6013 Carl Sidoti 586-747-0833 WWW.MULTILAKES.COM Members Interested In Committees Call President Dan Peltier @ 248-666-9418 23 Walled Lake, MI Anyone scheduling upcoming events please submit your dates to the Club Manager to be presented to the Chairperson’s Committee and Board of Directors for approval of all upcoming 2009 dates. Postage Paid Periodicals Schedule those dates now! ALL COMMITTEES: We need to know who is doing what! I GIVE MY PLEDGE AS AN AMERICAN TO SAVE AND FAITHFULLY DEFEND FROM WASTE THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF MY COUNTRY – IT’S AIR, SOIL AND MINERALS, IT’S FORESTS, WATERS AND WILDLIFE 24 (USPS-350-060) 8 3860 Newton Road Commerce Twp., MI 48382 Conservation Pledge The Multi-Laker Please drive responsibly on and off club grounds!! Thank you – Club Manager
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