\Vdco me LO LOday's mat ch in the O S Insurall ce Co unry Champio n ship _ T hi s is the second scason that wc have had the privilegc of sponsoring a tournament that givcs liS ail th e opp o rrunity of s!.:eing exciti ng Engli sh r ugb y o n a prac l ic al and local lcvd , Lasl year's ch:lInpio nship was aClion-packed from SI art 10 finish and culminall.:d in Yo rksh ire's 26-3 vic tor)' over D urham in Ihe linal pl aycd al Tw ickenham, T his po pular com petition , played al ' -CllUes acrûss thc enlire co unlry, pro\'es that repres!.: nt:ltive r ugby is a force 10 be recko ned with _ Rugby is a highl}' parLic i p:j(ive spo rt and it is imparl:lnt thal ther!.: arc stru Ctures in p l:lCe to f0 l111 a bridge bctween Ihe small dite of the internatio na l gallle andlhe man y enthusÎ:lsls w h o p b )' Ihe gallle al a local levcl. The Counry Champi onship is an illlcgrai part of that struc t ure, and wc arc proud to be associa ted with il. Fi n:llly, l 'd Jikc l a wis h yo u ai l a mûst enl enaining and mc mo rable day. 1 :1111 sure yO ll \Viii thal'Oughl y enjoy th e;: act ion , C~IS Co-ope 'e Il ln ADSneddon CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER Welcome from the President of Durham County R.F.o. Our game today is our last in this season's championship an, after a much improved performance last week against Northumberland, we will be 100 king ta go out on a winning note. Although results have been disappointing, l'm sure that we have ail enjoyed being back in the old Northern Group, and amongst friends of long standing. We look forward ta the present system continuing. To the Cheshire President Frank Povall, his committee and players , we welcome you ail to Durham taday. We hope you ail enjoy the lime spent with us, and that we ail witness an exciting game between the two teams this afternoon. The Friarage has been the venue of many County Championship games and is one of the players' favourite grounds. We thank the officiaIs, ground staff and everyone involved for their part in ensuring that everything is up to the standard we have come ta expect at the Friarage. We again welcome c.I.S. and trust that they continue their support of rugby for many years to come. You can be assured that the financial support received goes a long way tawards the running of youth and juni o r rugby in ail the count ies. We thank you for being with us today, and tn.st you enjoy the afternoon. Bernie Lewis Horden RFC President, Durham Cou nt Y RFU NORT HERN GROUP Northumberland Cumbria Lancashire Yorkshire Cheshire Durham P 4 4 4 4 4 4 W D L 3 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 3 4 1 0 1 For 70 51 103 103 49 21 Against 49 42 62 81 90 73 Pts 6 6 5 5 2 0 Durham Cheshire (M.1IoonJerst:ys, Whir< Shons) 15 14 12 13 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 John Murray Dave Tweddle Piers J,T. Nickalls Paul Collins Bill Ridley Gary Ellis Steve Havery (Captain) Mike Wardle lan parnaby Maurice Douthwaite John Dixon Peter Black Kevin C10ugh Darren McKinnon John Hutchinson 16 17 18 Replacements: David Davison Rob Preston Barry Corbett 11 Newc3Stle Gosforth 1· D.A.C. CHAPMAN 11 (R.FU. & Yorkshire Society) 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IanKennedy Dean Crompton Matt Farr Matt Tetlow Jes Owens Steve Swindells Simon Wright Dave A1cock Iain Taylor Peter Mitchell Chris Brierley (Captain) Paul Rees Stuart Deely Paul Billington Andy Mc FarIa ne 16 17 18 Replacements: Simon Morrison Mark Dinnington Chris Crompton Gateshead FeU DarlinglOn Nonhem West H:/ftlepool Horden Referee: Gateshead FeU Durham City WCS{œ' Stockton West Hanlepool TouchJlIdges: R.A. SCOTT (R.F U. & Manchester Society) W. LOWE (R.FU. & Yorkshire Society) Horden Gateshead Feil Dllrh.,m City Darlington Mowden Park Horden Suxkton DarlinglOn 15 14 13 12 Medic.11 Officer: W.M. BOWDEN FR.è.s.Ed. New BrighlOn S:J1e Orrell Newc3Stle Gosforth Winningron P3rk Waterloo W;Jt~rloo Winninglon Park WinninglOn P3rJ.: Waterloo Orre/l WinnùJgton Park Waterloo Chester S:J1e Cong/eton New Brifihton S:J1e Good aftemoon and welcome to the Friarage for today's final Northern Group clash in the crs County Championship, and how times have changed in the four weeks since Durham were last on home terrÎ[ory. When Steve Havecy led Durham out o n to the field at Hollow Drift against Yorkshire last month, we were play ing out a repeat of the 1994 CIS Championship final. Four matches o n, we have still to win a point in the 1994-95 Championship and, after starting the programme as the previollS season's losing finalists, today wc are bauling 10 avoid the wooden spoo!!. Cheshire arrive at Hartlepool Rovers with two points. courtesy of a home win over Cumbria, and with a points difference now orny 11 beuer than Durham. Durham will climb off the bottom if they win by six points today but anything less will mean that we will be Ieft clutching the wood. This season's fortunes have mirrore d the times we had afte r wc last visited Twickenham in 1989. The season after we beat Cornwall in that never-IO-be-forgotten final, the wheels really came off. Instead of building on that, we drew one and lost three of the first four group matches in the 1989-90 championship campaign. That meant we met (you guessed it ) Cheshire in the final game at Gateshead Feil and Durham showed their resilience by winning 27 -1 8 thanks to tries by Owen Evans (2) and John Saunders plus 15 points from the boot of Jonathan Bland. We avoided bottom spot, but were still placed - along w ith Cheshire - in the Third Division of the c hampionship. So there is something of a feeling of deja vu about todays game. We played Cheshire twice during the national leagues structure, lo sing at Birkenhead Park and winning al Brierton Lane, but Î[ is nice to be playing them again in the Northern Group. Ir is an understatement to say it has been a poor season for Durham. We started aga inst two strong sides: Yorkshire and then Lancashire before away defeats at Cumbria and Northumberland. Worse still, we have scored just 21 po in ts, but hopefully we can do better today. New coach Graham Cook has been unlucky not to have a settled side to work with as injuries and unavailability have played havoc. But there have been plus points; Pal~ Collins has played weil at centre while John Hutchinson has do ne superb ly in his first season in the side aiter not being used last year. We must look to build for next season, there is a lot of untapped potential in Durham clubs and hopefully via the Un der 21 Championship and B games we can bring new players through 10 the squad. For Cheshire, there must be a feeling of big frustration . They began with a narrow mid-week defeat by Lancashire, beat Cumbria, then were sunk 19-17 by North umberland who won it thanks to a late David Johnson penalty, before being hammered 49-19 by Yorshire. Winger Chris Crompton scored the Cheshire try with stand-off Steve Swindells kicking fou r penalties and a conversion Despite the ohvious pressure of wanting 10 avoid the wooden spoon, hopefully today's garne will be an entertaining one with both sides free to express themselves. To close off with, a few thank yous, 10 cou nt Y secretary Chris McLoughlin for his hard work, to Hartlepool Rovers FC for staging the game and a1so a thank you to our sponsors from CIS Insurance. Finally, just a plug for two forthcoming attractions at the Friarage. Next Saturday Rovers play Hawick and, on Boxing Day, local rivais West are the visitors (both kick offs 2.15pm). Roy of the Rovers Here's your chance to win a fabulous ClS rugby shirt. Simply take the first le tter of your answer tO each question below tO fo rm the name of a famous South African rugby ground. Write your answer co each question, plus the name of the ground, on a postcard and return it to: Agency and Marketi ng, CIS, Miller Street. Mancheste r M60 OAl. Please specify which size of rugby sh irt you requi re (mediu m. large or extra large) should you win. . . Who achieved G tI back-to-back Grand Si am win in 1991 and 1992? What was the surname of the only 3 brothers co ever play in the same team at incernationall evel? . . W hich English councy side has scored the most points in a season? o W hich councry's national scadium is at Lan sdowne Road? . . Where was the first Australian club founded? o Over which team did Argentina score their largest ever victory? . . What is the surname of England's most capped ny-half? e What is the prem ier domestic trophy in New Zealand calle d? . . . At which ground were the Rugby Union's first seven matches played? RU l ES 1. The closing da te for enuies is Monday 1St May 1995. 2. Thrœ dl';'\ws will be made. one on eac.h of the following dates: 1st Dec.ember 1994. 9th january 1995 ",nd 1st May 1995. Ten entnes will win on eac.h of those dates. 3 . Ali c.orrec.t entries will be entered into the next dr.lw ah cr the d"'te thcy arc received. and will not be entered into subsequent dr.lws. 4. Only one enuy per person is ",lIowed. S. The winners will bc notified in writing. 6. The prize will bc a free rugby shirt. No cash altcmative is available. 7 . This offer Is not open t O employecs o f the Co.oper.ltive Insu rance 50cicty Umited or their families. 8 , The decision o f thc CIS Is final and no corrcspondencc will be entered into.
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