Germination characteristics of flower species
Germination characteristics of flower species
13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI - ISTA FLOWER SEED TESTING COMMITTEE Lu ca GERMINATION CHARACTERISTICS OF FLOWER SPECIES Flower species in the ISTA Rules: 352 species 192 genera 55 families 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI DICOTYLEDON FAMILIES Family MONOCOTYLEDON FAMILIES Family N°genera N°species Amaryllidaceae 1 1 Asparagaceae 1 2 Asphodelaceae 1 1 Liliaceae 1 1 Poaceae 2 2 13 June 2011 N°genera N°species Acanthaceae 1 1 Aizoaceae 1 Amaranthaceae N°genera N°species Hypericaceae 1 1 1 Iridaceae 1 1 3 6 Lamiaceae 14 21 Apiaceae 3 4 Linaceae 1 4 Apocynaceae 1 1 Malvaceae 6 7 Araliaceae 2 2 Nyctaginaceae 1 1 Asclepiadeaceae 1 1 Onograceae 2 4 Asteraceae 49 86 Papaveraceae 3 7 Balsaminaceae 1 2 Plumbaginaceae 4 8 Begoniaceae 1 2 Polemoniaceae 3 5 Boraginaceae 6 10 Polygonaceae 1 1 Brassicaceae 11 22 Portulaceae 1 1 Campanulaceae 3 13 Primulaceae 3 12 Capparidaceae 1 1 Proteaceae 1 1 Caryophyllaceae 6 16 Ranuncolaceae 7 20 Chenopodiaceae 1 1 Resedaceae 1 1 Cistaceae 1 1 Rosaceae 2 3 Convolvulaceae 2 5 Rutaceae 1 1 Crassulaceae 1 3 Saxifragaceae 1 1 Dipsacaceae 1 2 Scrophulariaceae 10 22 Fabaceae 4 8 Solanaceae 9 15 Gentianaceae 1 1 Tropaeolaceae 1 3 Geraniaceae 2 2 Valerianceae 1 1 Gesneriaceae 2 2 Verbenaceae 2 4 Hydrophyllaceae 3 4 Violaceae 1 3 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR Family RITA ZECCHINELLI What flower species have in common? ornamental use fast changing trends in the market for seed testing laboratories - less experience in standardized methods - lower number of samples/species than for agricultural species and vegetable - accreditation: all flower species in one crop group 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI GERMINATION METHODS IN THE ISTA RULES Only one temperature for germination: Agricultural species: 172 species/326 (53%) Flower species: 35 species/352 (10%) Three temperatures for germination: Agricultural species: 18 species/326 (5,5%) Flower species: 54 species/352 (15%) Flower species: higher variability within the species lower degree of standardization lower degree of knowledge and experience 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI SEEDLING EVALUATION ACCORDING TO GROUPS (ISTA HANDBOOK ON SEEDLING EVALUATION) Seedling Type Seedling Group A A-1-1-1-1 Liliaceae B A-1-2-1-1 Asphodelaceae C A-1-2-2-1 Asparagaceae D A-1-2-3-1 Poaceae A-1-1-1-1 Amaryllidaceae A-2-1-1-1 Acanthaceae, Aizoaceae, Amaranthaceae, Apiaceae, Apocynaceae, Araliaceae, Asclepiadeaceae, Asteraceae, Asteraceae Begoniaceae, Boraginaceae, Brassicaceae, Campanulaceae, Capparidaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Cistaceae, Convolvulaceae, Crassulaceae, Dipsacaceae, Fabaceae (Galega, Mimosa), Gentianaceae, Geraniaceae, Gesneriaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Hypericaceae, Lamiaceae, Lamiaceae Linaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Onograceae, Papaveraceae, Plumbaginaceae, Polemoniaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulaceae, Primulaceae (Anagallis, Primula), Proteaceae, Ranuncolaceae, Resedaceae, Rosaceae, Rutaceae, Saxifragaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Solanaceae, Verbenaceae, Valerianceae, Violaceae A-2-1-1-2 Balsaminaceae, Malvaceae A-2-1-4-3 Primulaceae (Cyclamen Cyclamen) F A-2-1-2-2 Fabaceae (Lupinus Lupinus) G A-2-2-2-2 Fabaceae (Latyrus), Tropaeolaceae E 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Type C Seedling Group A-1-2-2-1 Monocotyledons Hypogeal germination Epicotyl elongation Primary root essential A. densiflorus The seedling part that grows towards the light and turns green is the epicotyl with the terminal bud A. densiflorus Asparagus spp. (Asparagaceae) A. setaceus ISTA Germination methods A. setaceus 13 June 2011 Substrate Temperature (°C) TP; BP; S 2030; 20 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR Counts First (d) Final (d) 7-14 35 Breaking dormancy Soak in water for 24 h RITA ZECCHINELLI Asparagus: development of the seedling during the test •Start of germination: the primary root pierces the seed coat, followed by a short hypocotyl and the basal part of the cotyledons (the upper part remains in the seed coat and absorbs reserves from the endosperm) - A. setaceus: has a very stout primary root; secondary roots don’t normally develop (A) - A. densiflorus: secondary roots normally develop; one of them serves as a water storage organ (B) terminal bud •The epicotyl emerges from the basal part of the cotyledon; it bears several small scale-leaves, the top ones form the terminal bud small scale-leaves epicotyl basal part of cotyledon hypocotyl secondary roots (one serving as a water storage organ) A primary root B 1 13 June 2011 2 3 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR B 4 RITA ZECCHINELLI Asparagus densiflorus: abnormal seedlings Normal seedling Abnormal seedlings 1 1 2-3 4-5 6 7- 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - 12/01 Secondary root serving as water storage organ weak or missing - 11/04 Primary root missing - 21/05 Epicotyl missing - 12/01; 21/05 Secondary root and epicotyl missing - 11/03; 11/04 Primary root retarded or missing - 00/09 Seedling as a whole decayed as a result of primary infection 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Asteraceae Type E Seedling Group A-2-1-1-1 Dycotiledons Epigeal germination Without epicotyl elongation Primary root essential Dahlia pinnata The seedling part that grows towards the light is the hypocotyl with two cotyledons attached that turn green ISTA Germination methods 13 June 2011 Substrate Temperature (°C) TP; BP 2030; 20; 15 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR Counts First (d) Final (d) 4-7 21 Breaking dormancy Prechill RITA ZECCHINELLI Dahlia: development of the seedling during the test •Start of germination: the primary root pierces the seed coat (1) •The primary root elongates rapidly (2) •The hypocotyl elongates and raises the cotyledons (3) •The cotyledons become green and start photosynthesis (4). During the test period, the seedling rarely develops secondary roots. The epicotyl doesn’t develop and the terminal bud is hardly visible between the cotyledons. 1 13 June 2011 2 3 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR 4 RITA ZECCHINELLI Dahlia pinnata: abnormal seedlings Normal seedling 1 3 4 1 - 11/04 Primary root missing 3 - 31/05 Cotyledons are discoloured 5 - 00/01 The seedling as a whole is deformed 13 June 2011 2 5 2 - 11/03 Primary root is retarded 4 - 31/05 Cotyledons are necrotic ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Type E Seedling Group A-2-1-1-1 Dycotiledons Epigeal germination Without epicotyl elongation Primary root essential Lamiaceae The seedling part that grows towards the light is the hypocotyl with two cotyledons attached that turn green ISTA Germination methods Coleus blumei Substrate Temperature (°C) TP; BP 2030; 20 13 June 2011 Counts First (d) Final (d) 5-7 21 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR Breaking dormancy Light RITA ZECCHINELLI Coleus: development of the seedling during the test •Start of germination: the primary root pierces the seed coat (1) •The primary root elongates rapidly (2) •The hypocotyl elongates and raises the cotyledons (3) •The cotyledons become green and start photosynthesis (4). During the test period, the seedling rarely develops secondary roots. The epicotyl doesn’t develop and the terminal bud is hardly visible between the cotyledons. 1 13 June 2011 2 3 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR 4 RITA ZECCHINELLI Coleus blumei: abnormal seedlings 1 Normal seedling 2 3 Abnormal seedling 1 - 11/03 Primary root retarded 2 - 11/12 Primary root decayed as a result of primary infection 3 - 11/04 Primary root missing 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Primulaceae Type E Seedling Group A-2-1-4-3 Dycotiledons Epigeal germination Tuberous hypocotyl Several seminal roots, instead of a primary root The seedling part that grows towards the light is the hypocotyl with two cotyledons attached that turn green Cyclamen persicum ISTA Germination methods 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Substrate Temperature (°C) TP; BP; S 20; 15 Counts First (d) Final (d) 14-21 35 (germination in the dark is suggested) Breaking dormancy KNO3; soak in water 24 h Cyclamen: development of the seedling during the test The seed of Cyclamen contains a small, straight embryo embedded in endosperm. •Start of germination: the seed coat is pierced (1) •The hypocotyl forms a tuber (2) •Several seminal roots develop at the base of the hypocotyl (3) •When the hypocotyl has completely emerged, it is followed by the petiole of one cotyledon (4) The blade of the cotyledon (A) seldom occurs during the test period. The terminal bud takes place on the top of the tuber, at the base of the cotyledon (B). The first foliage leaf needs time to start the development. A B 1 13 June 2011 2 3 4 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI NORMAL SEEDLINGS: examples Unusual, but normal 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI ABNORMAL SEEDLINGS: examples Normal seedling 00/01 – Seedling deformed Normal seedling 11/08 Primary root shows negative geotropism Primary root with negative geotropism 11/02 Primary root stubby 21/02 Hypocotyl not forming a tuber Normal seedling Normal seedling 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI ABNORMAL SEEDLINGS: examples 31/07 Cotyledon decayed as a result of primary infection Attention must be paid to sign of decay at the point where the cotyledon petiole leaves the seed coat 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Tropaeolaceae Tropaeolum peregrinum Tropaeolum majus Tropaeolum peltophorum Tropaeolum spp. 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Tropaeolum spp. Type G Seedling Group A-2-2-2-2 Dycotiledons Epigeal germination Epicotyl elongation The primary root may be replaced by secondary roots Tropaeolum majus The seedling part that grows towards the light and turns green is the epicotyl with the primary leaves ISTA Germination methods Tropaeolum peltophorum Tropaeolum peregrinum 13 June 2011 Temperature (°C) Substrate TP; BP; S Counts First (d) Final (d) 4-7 21 Breaking dormancy 20; 15 (and 2030 T. majus) ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR Prechill RITA ZECCHINELLI Tropaeolum majus: development of the seedling during the test •Start of germination: the primary root pierces the seed coat (1) •The primary root elongates rapidly (2) •Secondary roots soon develop (3) •The hypocotyl is hardly discernible, the epicotyl elongates rapidly (4) The buds in the axils of the cotyledons are usually dormant except if the terminal bud is damaged. 1 13 June 2011 2 3 4 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Tropaeolum majus: abnormal seedlings 1 Normal seedling 4 2 5 1 - 00/01 Seedlings deformed 2 - 00/09 Seedling decayed as a result of primary infection 3 - 11/03 Primary root retarded 4 - 11/04 Primary root missing 5 - 21/01 Epicotyl short and thick 6 - 21/03 Epicotyl deeply cracked 7 - 21/12 Epicotyl decayed as a result of primary infection 13 June 2011 3 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR 6 7 RITA ZECCHINELLI Fabaceae Lupinus spp. Lupinus nanus Lupinus polyphyllus Lupinus hartwegii Lupinus hybrids 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Lupinus hartwegii Lupinus spp. (flower species) ? Type F Seedling Group A-2-1-2-2 Dycotiledons Epigeal germination Epicotyl elongation The primary root may be replaced by secondary roots The seedling part that grows towards the light and turns green is the hypocotyl with two cotyledons And the epicotyl with the primary leaves ISTA Germination methods Temperature (°C) Substrate Lupinus nanus 13 June 2011 Lupinus polyphyllus TP; BP; S 2030; 20 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR Counts First (d) 4-7 Final (d) 21 Breaking dormancy L. hartwegii: pierce seed; or file fragment off testa at cotyledon end; prechill RITA ZECCHINELLI Lupinus polyphyllus: development of the seedling during the test •Start of germination: the primary root breaks through the seed coat (1) •The primary root elongates rapidly (2) and soon produces numerous secondary roots •The hypocotyl elongates and the cotyledons are freed from the seed coat (3) •The cotyledons become green and start photosynthesis (4). ? 1 2 3 Substrate: paper 4 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Lupinus polyphyllus vs Lupinus albus Type F - Seedling Group A-2-1-2-2: secondary roots soon produced? Lupinus polyphyllus (flower) Lupinus albus (vegetable) NO any secondary roots produced YES (or only a few and very late) secondary roots produced Substrate: sand 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Lupinus polyphyllus Type F - Seedling Group A-2-1-2-2 Dycotiledons Epigeal germination - Epicotyl elongation The primary root may be replaced by secondary roots → YES → YES →? The seedling part that grows towards the light and turns green is the hypocotyl with two cotyledons and the epicotyl with the primary leaves Change to: Type F - Seedling Group A-2-1-2-1 (new) ? Change only the description of the Development of the seedling during the test? The other flower species of Lupinus should be also investigated. Looking for seeds! 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Lupinus poliphyllus: abnormal seedlings 1 2 3 1 - 11/04 Primary root missing 2 - 42/03 Primary leaf shredded or otherwise deformed 3 - 00/09 Seedling decayed as a result of primary infection 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI ISTA Flower Seed Committee Flower species: there is some work to do WORKING GROUPS 1) ISTA Flower Seed Testing Handbook 2) Validation study for Felicia heterophylla (germination method/s) 3) Validation study for Alcea rosea (germination method in sand) 4) Sample size for flower species (Tab. 2A part 3) 5) Identification of Helianthus species by seed … Seedling evaluation in flower species of Lupinus (NEW! To be still discussed) Anyone willing to co-operate is welcome! 13 June 2011 ISTA GERMINATION SEMINAR RITA ZECCHINELLI Photos of seeds and seedlings Sylvie Ducournau Zita Ripka Digital Atlas of Economic Plants ( USDA Plant Database ( Digital collection of INRAN-ENSE Laboratorio Analisi Sementi, Italy ISTA Handbook on Flower Seed Testing 1st Edition 2008 ISTA Handbook on Seedling Evaluation 3rd Edition 2003 ISTA Handbook on Pure Seed Definitions 3rd Edition 2010 Acknowledgements Fabio Ferrari, Alessandra Arioli and colleagues Sylvie Doucournau Joël Léchappé and Luca Frigerio, the young artist of the drawing ‘Germination of a seed of violet’ And thank you for your attention!