October 2015 Newsletter - First Presbyterian Church


October 2015 Newsletter - First Presbyterian Church
The First Press
October 2015
October 4
October 11
October 18
October 25
Leslie Bierman
PYF Member
Amy Brown
Chip Hatcher
Camp Hopewell hosted a Friends Day on September 27th. This was a
fundraiser for the ministry of Camp Hopewell. But more than that it
was a day to enjoy the beauty and activities of Camp and to spend time
with friends – old and new.
Walter & Jeanette Wilkinson
Katie Chisamore
Aidan Chisamore
Kay Dawson
Richard Dawson
Communion Servers
Donna Eiland
Shannon Eiland
Frank Jue
Beth Raffety
Leigh Smith
Karen Hill
Chuck Davidson
Jimmy Hill
Communion Preparation
Brad & Rachel Cook
Mary & Christa Reiss
As a reminder our Church Retreat will be held at Camp Hopewell on
November 14th and 15th. Our theme will be “We Have a Story to Tell”.
Rev. Ann Kelly will be our retreat leader. Mark your calendar. You
won’t want to miss this fun and renewing weekend.
Newsletter Deadline ♦ Tuesday, October 27
Email to: fpctonia@comcast.net
“Monthly Member Highlight”
Our church is filled with many kinds of people- leaders,
workers, participants, center stage people and behind the scene
people. It takes everyone to keep our church serving the Lord
and living out our mission statement. We have tried to
recognize our members for their contributions through the
years, but we would like to take this a step further by
highlighting a church member who gives above and beyond
what is normally expected.
This month our church would like to give a shout out to Brad
and Rachel Cook. They volunteer to help with many activities
that go on at the church. This summer they helped to organize
the Family Fun Day in July and the Faith Enrichment weekend
in August. They both help with many mission programs such
as Dress a Child, and they have worked to assist needy families
in our area. Brad is currently on the Session and chairs the
Stewardship Ministry Team. He sings in the choir and
organizes the fishing activity at our All-Church Retreat.
Rachel has worn many hats throughout the years. She currently
teaches Sunday School, helps with Children’s Church, and
Vacation Bible School. If something needs to be done they are
“all in”.
Both Brad and Rachel are wonderful examples of service in
our church family. Thank you for everything you do.
Prayer Request
Please remember in prayer: Juli Kleine,
Chip Pfisterer, Donna Hall, Bobbie Duke,
Carley Wright, Mildred Davidson, Elaine
Sullivan, Jean Taylor, Shannon Eiland,
Meredith Walker, Calvin Crotwell, Georganne
Johnson, June Halsted
Jim & Cathy Franks and family in the passing
of Cathy’s son, Neal Gammill
Please remember family members of our
congregation: Justin Londeree (Betty Kirby’s
great-grandson), Jean Norton (Julie Ward’s
mother), Shirley Richardson (Kalle Cantrell’s
mother), Margaret Sutton (Barry Sutton’s
mother), Jane Nicklay (Jim Nicklay’s
stepmom), Clay Dirks (Juli Kleine’s son), John
Burnham (Eenise Farris’ nephew), Emily Lane
(Susan Kizer’s sister), Jenni Martin (Sheri
Todd’s daughter), Scooter Birmingham (friend
of June Halsted), Danny Moore (Irene Nichol’s
brother), Peggy Douglas (Eenise Farris’ sister),
Dixie Qualls (Dean Franklin’s aunt), Gaye
Montgomery (Dallygene Reeves Daughter),
Polly Moore (Mary Shambach’s mother),
Hamano Ross (Tonia Marshall’s sister-in-law,
Wanda Ross’ daughter-in-law), Ken
Remington (Becky Remington’s father)
Prayer Ministry
Congregational Care Ministry has started a new
prayer group - an intercessory prayer group, that
is available when an immediate prayer is needed.
There are times in all of our lives when we are
facing a crisis and need prayer - not several hours
or days later - but right then. This is what the
prayer ministry will provide. If you have a need
for prayer, please contact Linda Cooksey at (901)
483-5556 and she will inform others.
If you are willing, when you receive a telephone
call, to stop what you are doing and pray for one
in need, please sign up in the narthex or the
church office for this new ministry.
Shepherd's Center of Hernando
Happy Fall!
Shepherd's Center of Hernando will meet Thursday, October
8th , 10 AM at First Presbyterian Church.
The Cedar Hill Pickers will entertain us.
Wear Orange for Halloween!
Please contact Barbara Cleveland at (662) 449-1632
with questions.
The Out to Lunch Bunch is getting
together for lunch on Friday,
October 23th. We will be enjoying
fellowship and a wonderful lunch at The Women’s Exchange
Tea Room. Please contact Kay Dawson if you plan on
attending (901-327-5681).
Presbyterian Women (PW) offers
women in the church meaningful ways to
live out their faith in the midst of a caring
community of women. For more than 200
years Presbyterian women’s groups have
strengthened the Presbyterian Church and
played a major role in sharing the good
news of Jesus Christ and witnessing to
the promise of God’s kingdom.
Tuesday Morning Circle will be meeting on October 13th at
10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Tuesday Evening Circle (used to be Monday evening) will
meet on Tuesday, October 6th at 6:30 p.m. at the home of
Kay Dawson.
The PW CT meeting will meet on Sunday, October 25th at
4:00 PM in the Jenny Sandridge room.
Kroger Rewards Program
Don’t forget Kroger rewards program. Please register your
Kroger card for the benefit of our church. You must re-register
your card each year. If you have an email address you can
register (or re-register your card) at
www.krogercommunityrewards.com, If you do not have an
email address you can call 1-866-221-4141 - our organization
number is #81152.
Choir News
Welcome to Fall in the south! One day it is
warm and the next it is cool. Football season
is in full swing and activities are being planned
for Halloween. Speaking of activities, we are
back into full swing here at First Presbyterian.
Wednesday night dinner and programs are
going strong, Trunk-or-treat is just around the
corner and the Church Family Camp is being
planned right now.
Our choir program is working hard to bring
you music that will add to your worship
experience, but we sure could use some extra
voices. Please consider joining us in “Making
a joyful noise” each Sunday morning.
The Kirk Choir rehearsals are on
Wednesday evenings at 7:00, Members that
are in Wed. night classes come when you
The Hand Bell choir has started back up
and meets every Monday at 6:15 p.m.
Children's Sunday school singing has also
started back. We need some of their voices
to begin our Sunday mornings with excited
praise! Please consider coming to Sunday
school as a family, so they can participate.
We are looking forward to a fun and busy Fall!
All Church Retreat – November 14th & 15th
“We Have a Story To Tell”
Our church wide retreat will be November 14th
and `15th at Camp Hopewell. Please mark your
calendar and make plans to attend. This is for
everyone – young and old, families and singles.
We have a lot of fun activities planned:
canoeing, archery, fishing, flag football, crafts,
vespers, singing, study time, bonfire, good food
and lots of fellowship. This is a time to draw
closer to God and to enjoy time with your
church family. The cost is $45/person or a
maximum of $125/family. You may come for
just the day for $25. Registration forms will be
available soon. Don’t be left out; make plans to
People think that stories
are shaped by people. In
fact, it’s the other way
– Terry Pratchett
We really enjoy our mid week
Wednesday night time when we
gather for food, fun, and
fellowship. We meet on
Wednesdays at 5:30 – 7:15. We
encourage you to come and
participate. Please call the
office and let us know if you are coming. It is never too late to
We offer two adult studies on Wed. night: Scouting the
Devine: My Search for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey;
and What Christians Can Learn from Other Religions. You
can join at any time.
We will have games, costume parade, candy, and fun!! Join us
on Wednesday, October 28th. We will have dinner at 5:30 and
the activities begin at 6. We encourage the children to come
dressed in their costumes. The costume parade will begin at 6
and the games will follow. The judging for the best decorated
trunk will begin at 6:30. We will open the Trunks for Treats at
6:45. The best decorated trunks will receive a prize. Please sign
up if you plan to decorate a trunk. If you wish you can also
participate without decorating and just hand out candy. The
more trunks we have the better
the experience! Mark your
calendar – Wednesday, October
28th. We are also asking for
donations of candy for the
games. Please bring to the office.
Cost: $40/ Person , $120 Max/ Family
$25 Saturday only
Registration & fees due by Nov. 1st
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Children (name and age)____________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
Email address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________ Cell phone _____________________________________
Housing: We will have a female and male lodge. Family cabins are available upon request. There may be 2
families per cabin. Please see Joyce if you have a special request.
All Church Retreat t-shirts will be available. They must be ordered by October 16th. The cost will be $8 each.
I would like to order: (Please indicate size and amount)
Youth: xSmall_____ Small_________ Medium __________ Large ____
Adult: Small _____ Medium _____
Large_____ xLarge _____ xxLarge__
Total amount paid: _________________________________
“A simple gift-filled shoe box is a tangible expression of the love of God.” This
year millions of children will experience Christmas joy when they receive giftfilled shoe boxes. This may be the only gift that most of the children will receive.
This is an opportunity for us to share with others our abundance and love.
Use a wrapped shoebox, the Samaritan’s Purse shoebox that you can get from the
church, or a plastic shoebox lined with tissue paper. Fill each box with a variety of
gifts for a specific age. You select either boy or girl and age 2-4; 5-9; or 10-13.
Then purchase gifts to fit in the box. Each box should include the following: soap and a washcloth, comb, toothbrush
and toothpaste, Kleenex, school supplies (such as pencils, pencil sharpener, scissors, glue sticks, notepad, markers,
crayons, coloring books); stuffed animal or doll, small toys, and hard candy. Do not include war related items,
chocolate, liquids or lotions, or breakable items. You also need to include $7.00 for shipping. This is a wonderful
opportunity for a family to work together to fill a shoebox. If you are unable to shop we will accept donations and we
will shop for you. $30 will fill a box and ship it.
Last year we completed 85 shoeboxes. Can we match or better that number this year? The deadline to turn in the
shoebox is November 8th. Think of what an impact we would have if each family filled one or two or more
Do you remember a time in your life when you sat at the feet of someone, a grandparent, an older church member or
even a friend and listened to their story? I was very fortunate to have had these kinds of people in my life while I was
growing up. I was so lucky to be able to spend time with them and listen to their stories. I have listened to my
grandfather as he told how his father raised and fed 24 children during the depression. How the boys were pulled from
school at 12 to work the fields, how there were many Christmases where each child received only an orange and home
made candy (and they were happy to have it).
My grandmother, a wonderful record keeper, provided our family with a very long history of family members and the
church I was raised in, Philadelphia Presbyterian Church. She used to write the names above the peoples heads on
each picture - what seemed to me like an awful thing to do, has been invaluable to my family. We have a pictorial
history of our family and of the church because that was what they/we did - we did church every time the doors were
open. I know a lot of the stories of my family and so wish I could have the time to listen to them again. It is
something I would very much like for my daughter to have the experience of.
So, now our church has once again started telling its story by asking you to tell yours. Being someone that was not
raised in this church, I love to hear others talk about why they love this place, why they have stayed a church member
here for so many years and for those of us that are newer - what brought you to this church home.
Each Wednesday night, we are letting members do just that. We are setting up times to record members telling their
stories about our church. These are anywhere between 3 to 8 minutes long and will be played during the worship part
of our Wednesday nights. If you would be interested in being a part of this, please contact me in the church office and
we will set up a time to record.
4th - PYF & UFO: 5:00-7:00
PYF - Montreat Service Work - Will work on the
Montreat Service - Please try to make every Sunday
practice and Wednesday nights. There is a lot of work to
be done.
UFO - “Church Talk”
Dinner provided by Mary Heather
Gibbs & Wendy Jue
11th - PYF: 4:00-5:00 - Montreat Service
PYF & UFO: 5:00-7:00 - Bonfire at the
Dinner provided by Chip & Melinda Hatcher
Montreat Service - please make every effort to be here,
the service is on the 11th - this will be our last chance to
work on it.
25th Morning - PYF Montreat Service:
We are responsible for both church
services this morning. Please be in
the sanctuary by 8:00 am. to take
care of any last minute things before
the early service begins. We will
provide something to have for
breakfast in the youth room during
Sunday school.
25th Evening - PYF & UFO: 5:00-7:00 - Trunk-orTreat prep - Please join us tonight as we get ready for the
games on Wednesday night at Trunk-or-Treat.
Dinner provided by Rob & Allison Pruette
18th - PYF & UFO: 5:00-7:00 - PYF: Montreat Service
28th - PYF & UFO - 5:30 until - Trunk-or-Treat
UFO: “Church Talk”
Hope everyone is planning on coming to
Dinner provided by Leigh Smith & Blair
help with Trunk-or-Treat. UFO, you all
will be leading the games in the fellowship
hall and PYF, we would like for you all to
24th (Sat.) PYF: 9:00-11:00 Montreat Service Work
decorate trunks and hand out candy.
If Needed we will take this morning to go over the
Stitching Up Hope Ministry
Look what happens when young people decide they want to do something to help!
Early in the year, Nora Chisamore wanted to begin a new ministry here at our
church for those that like to knit or crochet. The picture is of some of the hats that
the Stitching Up Hope Ministry has recently donated to the Tennessee Baptist
Children’s Hospital. This ministry is an opportunity to get together and create
things with your God given talents to give hope and love to others. .
If you can knit, or crochet, or sew, or if you
would be willing to learn how, then please
join us. Our next meeting is on Saturday,
October 24th from 10:00 to 12:00. Please
contact Nora Chisamore at (662)-470-4168
(call only) or at nchis4168@gmail.com if
you are interested.
Eenise Farris
Susan Kizer
Whitney Austein
Michael Chisamore
Maury Brown
Parks Raffety
W. A. Sanders
Mandy Jones
Ford Cooper
Frank Jue
Madeline Massey
Kirkland Sandridge
Bill Ballard
Kim Chamberlin
Addie Carter
Cathy Brooks
Beth Fili
Cindy Parolli
Carl Reich
Miriam Crotwell
Jean Taylor
Julie Ward
Robert Carter
David Flanagan
Calvin Crotwell
Jeanette Wilkinson
Given to the General Fund In Honor of
Bill & Lolly Bailey
by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Leigh
Lee Ann Fili
Karen Sandridge
Given to the General Fund In Memory of
Mr. Chris Tacker
By Steve & Missy Phelps
Mr. Jim Paulk
By Carolyn Faust &
Frank & Wendy Jue
Financial Report
Miscellaneous Contributions
Designated Contributions
Total Contributions
Total Expenses
Pass-Thru Contributions
Excess Income/Expenses
church members in marriage. Although I won't be
officiating the wedding, I feel it's important news to share
with the FPC family. On October 25, Phyllis Manley
As I write this letter Melinda, Katie, Robert and I Jones and Ashleigh Hicks are planning to share wedding
are busy making preparations to fly to New Jersey and
vows with each other at Chapel in the Pines in Tate
celebrate the marriage of our first-born, Marshall, to
County, MS. This is a first-of-its-kind announcement for
Emma Morehouse. The wedding will take place October 3 me to make as a pastor and for us to hear as a church. Yet,
at Princeton Theological Seminary; I will serve as
it is not unprecedented, for our members Nathan Tipton
wedding officiant, and we are all very excited about the
and Paul Foster were previously married in Minneapolis,
festivities. It will be a whirlwind experience, and Melinda MN, on June 28, 2014.
and I look forward to being back in Hernando as parents
When they joined our church last fall, Ashleigh
in a growing family!
and Phyllis hoped to be able to marry, and pursuant to this
I want each of you to know the gratitude of our
summer's U.S. Supreme Court ruling, they are being
whole family for the love, care and support we have
allowed legally to do so. Whatever you may feel
received from FPC over the past 25 years! When we
personally about that ruling or the issue as a whole, I hope
moved here Marshall was only two years old; now he is
that you can join me in wishing happiness to our
27 and will soon have a wife of his own! All of you have members, Ashleigh and Phyllis, and praying that God will
helped us to raise our children, and we are so happy and
guide them toward the will of Christ in their life together.
prayerful for the lives that they are now beginning as
Phyllis came to know the Lord in this church. I
adults. These are big emotions that we feel in these days,
her faith grow and flourish since childhood.
and we can't thank you enough for the joy and delight we
She has lived that faith and trusted in God as a wife and
experience at this point in our lives.
mother and a Christian leader in her teaching career. Now
In this somewhat tumultuous year for Christian
she wishes to live out her days with Ashleigh in love and
marriage, FPC has supported and hosted a number of
weddings in 2015. On April 11, Misti Dunn, Wendy Jue's
Ashleigh has known and loved the Lord all of her
sister, was married to Mark Hardwick at FPC. On April
and her wish is the same as Phyllis's. In my
18, Melanie Hughes, Eenise Farris's daughter, was
pastoral conversations and counsel with them I am
married to David Logan at FPC. On June 5, Amanda
confident that their hearts are in the right place as they
Davidson, Chuck & Betty's daughter, was married to
approach this day with compassion, kindness, and
William Crawford in Texas, and on October 10 I will
officiate another wedding for a Hernando couple, Amanda patience with forgiving and loving spirits. I hope you will
join me in sharing prayers and good wishes for Phyllis
Lewis and Kevin Nelson, who are marrying at FPC but
and Ashleigh and their children, Amanda, Luke & Aaron.
who attend another local congregation. And on October
We are their church family, and they need our support, as
31, Julia Hawkins, Katie & Michael Chisamore's niece,
all FPC's households who share the faith, hope and
will marry Elijah Price at FPC. We have been busier than
love of God.
usual hosting and celebrating weddings in 2015!
Dear Members and Friends of FPC-Hernando,
Near the end of this month there will be yet
another wedding ceremony which will join two of our
Yours in Christ, Chip
PW Even Circle 6:30 PM
Hand Bells 6:15 PM
Hand Bells 6:15 PM
Confirmation Class
Session Meeting 6 PM
Boy Scouts 6 PM
Ministry Mtgs. 12PM
Youth 5:00-7:00 PM
Boy Scouts 6 PM
Hand Bells 6:15 PM
Montreat Worship Svc,
Youth 5:00-7:00 PM
PW CT Mtg 4:00
Hand Bells 6:15 PM
Zumba 6 PM
Zumba 6 PM
Zumba 6 PM
Youth 5:00-7:00 PM
PW Morn. Circle 10 AM
Zumba 6 PM
Boy Scouts 6 PM
Youth 5:00-7:00 PM
Choir 7:15 PM
Family Night 5:30 PM
Choir 7:00 PM
Family Night 5:30 PM
Choir 7:00 PM
Family Night 5:30 PM
Choir 7:00 PM
Family Night 5:30 PM
Zumba 6 PM
Zumba 6 PM
Zumba 6 PM
Zumba 6 PM
Shepherd Center 10AM
Zumba 6 PM
Out to Lunch Bunch
October 2015
PYF 9:00-11:00 if
Class of 2016
Class of 2017
Class of 2018
Chuck Davidson
Katie Chisamore
Jimmy Hill
Kay Dawson
Brad Cook
Jessica Nicklay
Cathy Thompson
Beth Raffety
Fred Shambach
Kevin Tully
Miriam Crotwell
Jim Franks & Ralph Kennedy
Church Directory
Robert A. Hatcher, Jr., Pastor . . . . . . . .email: fpcchip@comcast.net . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Church 429-6646, Home 429-0402
Joyce Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .email: fpcjoyce@comcast.net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Christian Education
Tonia Marshall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . email: fpctonia@comcast.net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Church Administrator
Martin Carver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .email: fpcmartin@comcast.net. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Youth Ministry Leader
Ryan Hays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . email: hays.ryan10@gmail.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Music Director
Carolyn Faust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . email: cfaust02@comcast.net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Organist
Miriam Crotwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Clerk of Session
Vicki Phillips and Debbie Reed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nursery Attendants
Cathy Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday School Superintendent
Cindy Runken (901-412-1047) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Presbyterian Day School Director
Linda Cooksey (449-8299) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prayer Ring Coordinator
Web Address: www.fpchernando.com
First Presbyterian Church
1455 McIngvale Road