r>. LtcK,z* CO. - Cork Past and Present
r>. LtcK,z* CO. - Cork Past and Present
•r>. LtcK,z* CO., ?I.BLIN] I'rce Sixpence. Lea har ann Chathair C lorcai IMPORTANT ,._3 ,T1 00 8 " . .™5.9.. IS TO A n l,e4bj.|\tAnn p u i t ) l i t ) e , CojiCAij (CORK P U B L I C L I B R A R Y ) G R A N D P A R A D E , C O R K . noitltl CASAttCA. — • C L A S SR. j o c U , Ill'-'*—•- ACC. NO. T h i s b o o k is provided f o r u s e in t h e Reference R o o m only, a n d m u s t n o t b e t a k e n away. I t is earnestly requested t h a t readers use the books w i t h all c a r e , a n d d o n o t s oi l t h e m , o r c u t , t e a r o r t u r n d o w n leaves, o r write o r m a k e a n y m a r k on them o r otherwise damage them. T h e h a b i t of wetting- f i n g e r o r t h u m b t o t u r n l e a v e s s h o u l d especially b e avoided. T h e u s e of t h e R e f e r e n c e R o o m is s u b j e c t t o t h e R u l e s a n d R e g u l a t i o n s , a n d any injury t o books, o r any improper conduct, will b e d e a l t w i t h a s t h e r e i n p r o v i d e d . SOUTHERN COUNTIES WAREHOUSE, KING STKEET, CORK. l/k Kmtoml Jufoiftiftoti w s?,. rifiin G E J S E B ^ D IJMDE^ P/ISE IX- D U B L I N PI^IJSTED B ¥ W. fcECKIE § CO., 5 9 B0LTOJVI $ T i ^ E E ¥ KEVAHS & KE&N Chattered ^mmntatrts AND PUBLIC AUDITORS. From a large experience in A U D I T I N G an M E j L g A N T j: L E A C C O U N T A N T V , a r prepared to open Sets of Books to meet th various requirements of L I M I T E D C O M P A N IESL PARTNERSHIPS. MANUFACTURERS, MERCHANTS, tec. PERIODICAL AUDITS Carried out at b ixed Chargps Accounts in CHANCERY and BANKRUPTCY Matters Prepared or Investigated. •K s » a h s a R e a m , '0 4 6 & 47, D A M E S T R E E T , DXTJ3LI2ST. • + a - - s f l g S ^a< j| 4 - ~?T~ C O K K CITY P I F L I C LIBRARY CLASS1FILD ACCESSIONED CATALOGUED „A S&ifbl STAjtf&Ii L) CHECKED Q BC < CARDED « ^ LABELLED f B. TOCKET E * y y • CHE<MC£D 11 lsS f I CORK E X H I B I T I O N M a n u f a c t u r e s , a r t s , P r o d u c t s anti Industries, 1 8 83 . JDreaiiifftti. T H E RIGHT HONORABLE T H E EARL OF BANDON, Lieutenant of t h e C o u n t y a n d C i t y of Cork. • Executive Committee. (Cljtxtrittitit. T H E M A Y O R O F CORK. 3jHcc-(Cl>itivtueu. S I R G E O R G E ST. J O H N C O L T H U R S T , BART., D . L . WILLIAM SHAW, M.P. TIMOTHY M A H O N Y , J. P. ffixrmmiitee. T H E MAYOR OF CORK S I R GEORGE S T . J O H N COLTHURST, H-jBart., D . L . L . A . BEAMISH, J . P . C A P T A I N R . P . BEAMISH JAMES B R E N A N , R . H . A . , C o r k S c h o o l of Art W . H . CRAWFORD THOMAS CROSBIE H E N R Y DALE, T . C . JOHN DALY, A l d e r m a n , M . P . M . D . DALY, J . P . R . DAY, J u n . , Alderman COMMENDATORE D E L A N Y , T . C . P . F . DUNN R . IT. P . FITZGERALD, D . L . JOHN FLYNN JOHN FOX, T . C . W . B . HARRINGTON, F . C . S . JOHN HEGARTY J. H . JOLLY, President U n i t e d Trades DENNY LANE W . J . LANE, T . C . D . F . LEAHY, D . L . THOMAS LYONS, J . P . JAMES M ' K E N Z I E JOSEPH W . M ' M U L L E N , J . P . T . MAHONY'I J . P . N . D . MURMY, D.L. MAURICE MURRAY-, D . L . D . A . NAGLE, Alderman J . J . O'BRIEN J A M E S OGILVIE, J . P . S I R D . V . O'SULLIVAN, T . C . E . PIKE J . W . POLLOCK. J . P . CAPT. D . R . P . SARSFIELD, D . L . WILLIAM SHAW, M . P . COLONEL SHULDHAM, D . L . W . K . S U L L I V A N , L L . D . , ['RESIDENT Q.C.C. IT. L . T I V Y , T . C . J O H N JONES, A l d e r m a n Honorary Honorary Honorary Architect Builder Secretary Assistant Solicitor Secretary L. A . B E A M I S H , J . P . J . J. M A H O N Y D . A . N A G L E , Alderman ROBERT WALKER, C.E. COMMENDATORE D E L A N Y , T . C . ir GENERAL COMMITTEE. T H E D U K E OF DEVONS HIRE , K . G . T H E MARQUIS OF W A T F R F O H D , K . P . T H E E A R L OF CORK, K . P . T H E E A R L OF EGMONT E A R L OF DONOUGHMORE, K . C . M . G . T H E E A R L OF B A N T R Y , D . L . T H E E A R L OF LISTOWEL, K . P . VISCOUNT DONEIIAILE, D . L . YISCOUNT LISMOKE LORD CARBERY LORD FERMOY, D . L . LORD CASTLETOWN SIR E . ABERCROMBY, Bart., D . L . SIR G. ST. J. COLTHURST, Bart., D L. S I R JOCELYN COGHILL, B a r t . , D . L . SIR A . WARREN, Bart., D . L . SIR T . 0 FORSTER, Bart., J . P . SIR HENRY- W . B KG HER, Bart., D . L . SIR R . KEANE, B a i t . S I R THOMAS A . JONES, P r e s i d e n t , Boyal Hibernian A ca d em y S I R JOHN P O P E H E N N E S S Y , K . C . M . G . T H E MAY-OR OF CORK STEPHEN GREHAN, J.P., County H i g l i Sheriff J . G. WYOHERLEY, J . P . , C i t y H i g h Sheriff T H E M E M B E R S OF PARLIAMENT FOR COUNTY CORK T H E MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT FOR C I T Y CORK S I R JOHN ARNOTT, D . L . SIN J . N . M'KENNA, M . P . S I R G . PENROSE, J . P . S I R D . V . O'SULLIVAN, T . C . G. J . ADAMS, H o n . See. Cork School of A r t B . J . ALCOCK, J . P . • 'OLONEL ALDWORTH, J . P . J . C . ALLMAN R . L . ALLMAN, M . P . J . ANDREWS, Society Cork Y o n n g Men's J O H N C . ASHLIN W . R . ATKINS COMMANDER J . H . B A I N B R I D B E , U . X . J.P. ISAAC B A N K S W . H . BARRY, J . P . R . BARTER, J . P . LUDLOW A . BEAMISH, J . P . CAPTAIN R . P . BEAMISH T . F . BRADY BROOK R . BRAZIER JAMES BRENAN, R . H . A . , Cork School of Art J A M E S BUTLER B R E N A N , R . H . A . J O H N BUCKLEY, T . C . N A T H A N I E L BUCKLEY, J . P . E . RICE BURNS JAMES B Y K N E , J . P . FRANCIS CADE, J . P . PATRICK CAHILL R . CAULFIELD, L . L . D . , F . S . A . T . J . CLANCHY W I L L I A H CLARKE J . W . CLERY, J P . GEORGE COATES J A M E S COLBECK D . C . COLTSMAN, J . P . CHARLES P . COOTF, D . L . T . S . COPPINGER, J . P . , C . T . C . , Midleton JOSEPH CORBETT W I L L I A M H . CRAWFORD W . S . H . CRAWFORD DOMINIC CRONIN THOMAS CROSBIE W . J . CUMMINS H E N R Y DALE, T . C . JOHN R . D A L Y , J . P . M . D . DALY, J . P . ROBERT DAY, JUN., Alderman JOHN DEASY, P . L G . COMMENDATORE D E L A N Y , T . C . ALFRED DOBBIN C . G . DORAN, C . T . C . , Q u e e n s t o v r n J O H N DOWNING C . DRING P . F . DUNN JAMES DWYER, J U N . THOMAS FARRINGTON, F . C . S . A . FERGUSON I t . IT. P . FITZGERALD, D . L . V G E N E R A L COMMITTEE—continued. JOHN FLYNN RICHARD FOLEY PATRICK J . FORDE, J . P . A . T . FORSTER, J . P . JOHN FOX, T . C . G. W . FRENCH, C.T.C., B a n d o n SAVAGE FRENCH, J . P . C . J . FURLONG, J . P . THOMAS H . GALLWEY, J . P . H . M'FERRAN, F l a x M i l l s E. GERAGHTY, H o n . Sec. Cork Y o n n g Men's Society I). F. GILTINAN, Mayor's Sec. "WILLI M GOULDING, D . L . JOHNW . GREEN J . C . GROOM T . W . GUBBINS W . E . GUMBLETON, J . P . JOHN GUY J . S . HAINES, J . P . R . C. HALL, J . P . P . HANNAGAN, C . T . C . , Y o u g h a l EDWARD HARDING J . 0 . HAROLD, J . P . , C . T . C . , M a l l o w W . B . HARRINGTON, F . C . S . JOHN P . HARTY, J . P . MAJOR H A Y E S COLONEL H E A R D , J . P . •JOHN HEGARTY P . J . HEGARTY JOHN HENNESSY, C . T . C . , S k i b - bereen MAURICE HICKEY, J . P . ARTHUR HILL, B . E . , H o n . JAMES M ' K E N Z I E J . W . M'MULLEN, J . P . M . J . M'MULLEN, City Engineer MICHAEL M ' N A M A R A , J . P . GEORGE M ' Q U E E N NICHOLAS M A H O N Y , J . P . TIMOTHY MAIIONY, J . P . J . J . MAHONY', H o n . Sec , C. I. Cork Y o u n g Men's Association FRANK W . MAHONY . WILLIAM J . MARSH CAPT. P . MAXWELL, J . P . W . R . MEADE, J . P . J . N . MURPHY, D . L . JAMES M U R P H Y , J . P . JOHN MURPHY, J . P . N . D . MURPHY, D . L . MAURICE MURRAY, D . L . D A V I D A . NAGLE, A l d e r m a n J . A . NEWMAN, D . L . J . C . NEWSOM J . A . NICHOLSON J. C. NUNAN, M . D . , J . P . , C.T.C., Kinsale Sec. Cork School of Music MATHEW HONAN, J . P . W A R R E N JACKSON PROF. A . JACK, Q . C . C . W I L L I A M JOHNSON, D . L . W I L L I A M JOHNSON J . H . JOLLY, President, United Trades' Association J O H N JONES, A l d e r m a n W . F . B E N C E JONES, J . P . PATRICK K E N N E D Y . J . P . W . S . KINGSTON, T . C . JAMES LAMBKIN, J . P . DENNY LANE W . J . LANE, T . C . WILLIAM LANE, J U N . D . F . LEAHY, D . L . T . C . LEAHY J . C . LEDLIE R . LONGFIELD, D . L . T . LUNHAM THOMAS LYONS, J . P . ALEXANDER M'CARTHY T o w n C l e r k F . J . M'CARTHY, J . P . EDWARD M'CARTHY JOHN O'BRIEN, T . C . JAMES J . O' B R I E N J A M E S O'CONNOR O'DONOVAN, J . P . J A M E S OGILVIE, J . P . C. O'KEEFFE D A N I E L O'LEARY, C . T . C . , C l o n a - kilty J . M'CARTHY O'LEARY, D . L . . J O H N O'S ULLIVAN, J . P . HENRY PAUL, A l d e r m a n ,T. W . P A Y N E , J . P . STEPHEN P E R R Y W . L . PERRIER, J . P . R . PERROTT, J . P . G E N E R A L J O H N ,T. PIATT, A m e r i c a n Consul, Queenstown EBENEZER P I K E JOSEPH P I K E , D . L . vi G E N E R A L COMMITTEE—continued. W . T . STEWART, R i v e r s t o w n H . VILLIERS-STUART, M . P . W . K . SULLIVAN, L L . D . ^ P r e s i d e n t , Queen's College, Cork R . A . SUTTON, T . C . J A M E S SWANTON, J . P . HENRY L . TIVY, T . C . R . U . E . TOWNSEND HORACE TOWNSEND, J . P . H . P A Y N E TOWNSHEND, J . P . T . M . USBORNE, J . P . RICHARD W E L S T E D , J . P . E . A . WRIGHT H E N R Y L . YOUNG, J . P . GEORGE A . WOOD, J . P . J . W . POLLOCK, J . P . F . P . E . POTT Kit C . O ' L . RONAYNE, J . P . D . RYAN, T . C . CAPTAIN R . T . R Y E , D . L . CAPTAIN D . R . S A R S F I E L D , D . L . P . J . SCANNELL JAMES W . SCOTT, J . P . ROBERT SCOTT, J . P . CAPTAIN W . D . SEYMOUR, J . P . W . H . SHAW, B . E . BARRY SHEEHAN, J . P . COLONEL SHULDHAM, D . L . A . H . SMITH-BARRY, D . L . CAPTAIN R . SMITH-BARRY, J . P . MEMBERS OF SUB-COMMITTEES. Finance. CAPTAIN R . P . B E A M I S H D . F . LEAHY, D . L . T . LYONS, J . P . J . W . M'MULLEN, J . P . SIR. D . V . O ' S U L L I V A N , T . C . EX-OFFICIO. T H E MAYOR S I R G . S T . J . COLTHURST, B a r t . T . MAHONY, J . P . W . T-HAW, M . P . Bui EX-OFFICIO. T H E MAYOR S I R G . S T . J . COLTHURST, B a r t . T . MAHONY, J . P . W . SHAW, M . P . H . DALE, T . C . ing. JOHN DALY, M . P . COMMENDATORE D E L A N Y , T . C . JOHN FLYNN J. Fox, T.C. JOHN HEGARTY M . MURRAY, D . L . JAMES B R E N A N , R . H . A . J A M E S OGILVIE, J . P . Industrial and Arrangements. EX-OFFICIO. T H E MAYOR S I R G . S T . J . COLTHURST, B a r t . T . MAHONY, J . P . W . SHAW, M . P . J . DALY, M . P . M . D . DALY, J . P . R . DAY, A l d e r m a n P . F . DUNNE W . J . LANE, T . C . D . A . NAGLE, A l d e r m a n J . J . O'BRIEN J . OGILVIE, J . P . E . PIKE W . K . SULLIVAN, L L . D . H . L . TIVY, T . C . J . W . POLLOCK, J . P . CO-OPTED MEMBERS. H . M'FERRAN GENERAL J . J . PEATT T . J . CLANCHY Tii inery. EX-OFFICIO. T H K MAYOR S I R G . S T . J . COLTHURST, B a r t . T . MAHONY, J . P . W . SHAW, M . P . DENNY LANE J . W . M'MULLEN, J . P . J . M'KENZIE M . MURRAY, D . L . H . DALE, T . C . J . J . O'BRIEN CO-OPTED MEMBERS. P . F . DUNN R . U . P . FITZGERALD, D . L . J. Fox, T.C. JOHN HEGARTY J . JONES, A l d e r m a n H . M'FERRAN W . H . SHAW, B . E . J A M E S SWANTON, J . P . Raw Materials. J . OGILVIE, J . P . W . K . SULLIVAN, L L . D . I CO-OPTED MEMBERS. EX-OFFICIO T H E MAYOR S I R G . S T . J . COLTHURST, B a r t . T . MAHONY, J . P . W . SHAW, M . P . THOMAS FARRINGTON, B . A . THOMAS SOOTT E . A . WRIGHT P . J . SCANNELL JAMES SWANTON, J . P . W . B . HARRINGTON, F . C . S . DENNY LANE Agriculture. EX-OFFICIO. T H E MAYOR S I R G . S T . J . COLTHURST, B a r t . T . MAHONY, J . P . W . SHAW, M . P . K . U . P . FITZGERALD, D . L . J . JONES, A l d e r m a n D . F . LEAHY, D . L . J . M'KENZIE CAPT. D . R . P . SARSFIELD, D . L . COLONEL SHULDHAM, D . L . S I RD . V . O'SULLIVAN, T . C . W . K . SULLIVAN, L L . D . W . B . HARRINGTON, F . C . S . H . DALE, T . C . CO-OPTED MEMBERS. I RICHARD B A R T E R , J . P . I W . H . BARRY, J . P . viii usic. EX-OFFICIO. T H E MAYOR S I R G . S T . J . COLTHURST, B a r t . T . MAHONY, J . P . W . SHAW, M . P . CAPT. B E A M I S H THOMAS CROSBIE M . D . DALY, J . P . J . JONES, A l d e r m a n D . A . NAGLE, A l d e r m a n N . D . MURPHY, D . L . R . U . P . FITZGERALD, D . L . COLONEL S HUL DHA M , D . L . CO-OPTED MEMBERS. ARTHUR H I L L W . R . ATKINS S I R JOOELYN COGHILL, B a r t . Fine Arts. EX-OFFICIO. T H E MAYOR S I R G . S T . J . COLTHURST. B a r t . T . MAHONY, J . P . W . SHAW, M . P ,T. B R E N A N , R . H . A . W . H . CRAWFORD T . CR9SBIE R. DAY, Alderman D . LANE W . J . LANE, T . C . CAPT. D . R . P . SARSEIELD, D L . ST. D . M U R P H Y , D . L . COLONEL SHULDHAM, D . L . CO-OPTED MEMBERS. J . BUTLER B R E N A N , R . H . A . GEO. J . A D A M S S I R .TOCELYN COGHILL, B a r t . R . CAULFIELD, L L . D Solicitation C o m m i t t e e f o r City o f Cork. EX-OFFICIO. T H E MAYOR S I R G . S T . J . COLTHURST, B a r t . T . MANONY, J . P . W . SHAW, M . P . S I R G . S T . J . COLTHURST, D . L , B t . JOHN FLYNN JOHN JONES, A l d e r m a n C A P T . D . R . P . SARSFIELD, D . L . S I R D . V . O'SULLIVAN, T . C . Reception Committee. W . K . SULLIVAN, P h . D . , L . C . D . R . U . P . FITZGERALD, D . L . COLONEL SHULDHAM, D . L . I J .W . M ' I ' D L L E N , J . P . ' CAPTAIN R . P . BEAMISH GENEKAL I N D E X . PAGE. 308—310 iv—vi vi—viii xxxiv xi—xxxii 243—257 260—271 271—279 280—283 283—288 ADVERTISEMENTS, I N D E X TO COMMITTEE, G E N E R A L COMMIT TEES, S U B ERRATA E X H I B I T O R S , I N D E X TO F I N E A R T COLLECTION, I N D I C E S TO Do. do. MODERN PAINTERS Do. L O A N COLLECTION—ANCIENT AND M O D E R N P A I N T E R S DO. COLLECTION—MODERN P A I N T E R S — c o n t i n u e d Do. do. HAND-PAINTED CHINA, & C . DO. do. WOOD CARVING, PHOTOGRAPHY, SCULPTURE ETC. INT RODUCTION K 289—296 1—15 297—307 iii . L O A N COLLECTION—ARCHAEOLOGICAL : P R E S I D E N T , CHAIRMAN, AND E X E C U T I V E COMMITTEE SECTION A . - E X T R A C T I O N OR PRODUCTION O F M I N E R A L , VEGETABLE, A N I M A L R A W MATERIALS, AND T H E I R IMMEDIATE PRODUCTS. AND Class 1.—Mining, Metallurgy, Quarrying, a n d Mineral Products, Class 2.—Chemical a n d Pharmaceutical Processes a n d Products Class 3. — Vegetable a n d Animal Substances used a s Food, Drinks, a n d Narcotics Class 4.—Vegetable a n d Animal Substances a n d Products used for t h e Production of Light a n d i n Manufactures 16-25 25—35 35—55 55—65 S E C T I O N B . — M A C H I N E S A N D TOOLS. Class 5.—Motors a n d Contrivances f o r t h e Transmission of Motion a n d Forces generally Class 6.—Railway a n d Tramway P l a n t s , including Locomotive Engines Carriages a n d Waggons Class 7.—Carriages a n d other Appliances f o r t h e Transport of Persons a n d Goods on Land, exclusive of Tramways a n d Railways Class 8.—Manufacturing Machines a n d Tools Class 9.—Miscellaneous Machines a n d Tools n o t included i n t h e other Classes Class 10.—Agricultural a n d Horticultural Machines, Implements, &c. . Class 11.—EngineeringandArchitecturalContrivane.es Class 12.—Scientific Apparatus a n d Medical a n d Surgical I n s t r u m e n t s a n d Appliances . . Class 13.—Musical I n s t r u m e n t s SECTION C . — W O R K S I N METALS. Class 14.—Steel Cutlery a n d Edge Tools Class 15—Iron a n d General Hardware . Class 16.—(1.) Manufactures i n Gold, Silver, a n d other costly Metals, a n d their imitations (2.) A r t Manufactures i n various Metals, including Church Plate, Ornamental Ironwork, <fcc. (3.) Jewellery a n d Enamels o n Precious Metals 66—70 70 70—73 73—79 80—88 89-113 114-130 130—134 135—137 137—139 139—149 X GENERAL INDEX—continued. SECTION D . — V I T R E O U S AND CERAMIC MANUFACTURES. Class 17.—Glass Class 18.—Pottery .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 154 155 j j 156—103 SECTION E.—MANUFACTURES FROM T H E S K I N S AND O T H E R P A R T S O F ANIMALS (exclusive of Wool, <fcc.) Class 19.—Dressed Skins for Hearth Rugs, <&c. ; Furs, Hair, Feathers, Horn, Tortoise Shell, Bones, Shells, Gut, &c. . . . . 163—169 Class 20.—Leather and Leather Goods, including Saddlery and Harness, Boots and Shoes, and Gloves .. .. . . 169 181 SECTION F . — M A N U F A C T U R E S FROM VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL F I B R E S , S P U N , W O V E , F E L T E D AND L A I D . Class 21.—Manufactures in Cotton, Flax, Hfemp, J u t e and other Vege table Fibres .. .. .. .. .. Class 22.—Manufactures in Wool, Alpaca, Mohair, &c. .. .. Class 23.—Silks, Velvets, and Mixed Fabrics .. .. .. Class 24.—Carpets, Tapestry, Fringe, Lace, Embroidery .. .. Class 25.—Articles of Clothing, exclusive of those made of Leather .. Class 26.—Paper, Stationery, Printing, Bookbinding .. 181—188 188—195 195 195—199 199 -207 208—214 SECTION G . — Class 27.—Furniture, Upholstery, Decoration, <fcc. Class 28.—Nil. .. .. 215—225 SECTION H . — E D U C A T I O N A L APPLIANCES. A. Intellectual. Class 29.— School and College Buildings, Fittings and Furniture Class 30.—Teaching Appliances B. Physical Class 31.—Drill and Gymnastics ; Games and Toys C. Technical. Class 32.—Writing, Drawing, Modelling Class 33.—Industrial Work generally 226—227 227—228 229 230—232 SECTION I.—MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURES. Class 34.—Miscellaneous Articles 232—239 SECTION J . — F I N E A R T S . Class 35.—Sculpture in Marble, Alabaster, Stone, Terra Cotta, Ivory, Wood; Casts in Plaster of Paris, Bronze, Zinc, Silver, <fec.; Coins, Medals, <fcc. 240—241 Class 36—Paintings in Oil and Water Colours; Drawings in Chalks, Crayon, Ac. 242—296 Class 37.—Engravings on Copper, Steel, and Wood ; Etchings, Litho graphs, Photographs 242 Class 38.—Illumination. Enamels, Stamped Leather, and other ornamental work of a high artistic value 242 SECTION K.—ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY ( L o a n C o l l e c t i o n ) 279—307 xi I N D E X T O EXHIBITORS. PAGE Aaron & Sons, D u b l i n Atchison, Toneka and Santa F e Railroad Co., Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A. Mollis Waterspray and General Ventilating Co., Limited, T h e , Lon d o n A g e n c e de Paris, London Alcock, James, B a n d o n Aldworth, Colonel, Newmarket, Co. Cork Allan, A . M., & Co., Glasgow A l l a n & Holden, Cork Allman & Co., Distillers, Bandon Allman, D o w d e n , & Co., Bandon Allman, F . W . , Cork Allport, Henry, & Son, Cork Altaian, Albert L . , & Co., D u b l i n Anderson, Walter, D u b l i n Anderson, D a v i d , N o r w a y Andrews, J o h n Orme, C.E., Queenstown A n g l i h a m Marble Quarry Co., Galway Ansboro, Thomas, Carrick-on-Suir Antrim I r o n Ore Co., Limited, Belfast Arnott, Sir John, & Co., Cork Arnott & Co., Limited, D u b l i n Arnold, W m . Cork Arnold, Daniel, Cork A s h e & Son, E . E . , V . S . Asylum for t h e Blind, Cork Atkins, T . & J . , Cork Bailey Brothers, London Bailey, Stephen, Cork Baker & Co., Cork Baker & Wright, Cork 23538 114 132 143 24 154 74, 202 36 49, 5 0 202 121 21 62 150 127 25120 22 50 215 116 205 143 231 135, 136 82 162, 163 40, 81. 28 xii Index to Exhibitors. Baker, Jeremiah L . , Cork Baldwin, S. J . , K e n t Baltimore Fishery Co., Skibbereen Banfield, Francis, Bandon Bansha Woollen H i l l s Co., Limited Barbour, W m . , & Sons, Lisburn Barrett, Freeman, & Co., D u b l i n Barrett, Professor W . F . , D u b l i n Barry, Lawrence, P assage West, Cork Barry, John, Cork Barry, James, MallowBarry, John, Ostlere, & Co., Limited, Kirkcaldy Barton, Wm., & Co., Glasgow Beamish & Crawford, Cork Beamish, George H . T., C.E., Queenstown Becker, Leander, Y o r k Beechey, Miss Frideswide F . , Matlock B a t h Belfast M i n i n g Co., Limited, B e l f a s t Belfast Paint and Colours Manufacturing Co., Belfast Belfast Electric Appliances Co., Limited, Belfast Belfast Bopework Co., Limited, Belfast Belfast Hemstitching Co., Limited, Belfast Benduff & Eroe Slate Co., Limited, Bosscarbery, Co. Cork Bennett, William, Cork Berehaven M i n i n g Co., Limited, Allihies, B a n t r y Berger, Lewis, & Sons, Limited, London and Sheffield Bernard, David, Passage W e s t Berney, George Ducketfr, Norwich B e w l e y & Draper, D u b l i n Bible Brothers, Cork Biffin, W i l l i a m Henry, Bedford, E n g l a n d Blackburn, John, & Sons, Cleckheaton Blair, John, Cork Blackie & Son, Dublin Bligh, Joseph, Dublin Boileau & B o y d , Dublin Bolger, David, & Sons, Ferns, Co. Wexford Booth Brothers, Dublin B o o t h & Fox, Cork Boyd, Miss L., Belfast Boyd, Son, & Co., D u b l i n PAGE 66 112 44 219 190 185 54 131 123 21, 2 5 20 196 129 35, 49 126 82 199 20 29 69 58 203 23 80, 136 22 29 238 130 52 223, 224 122 78 133 212 222 34 96 138 164 163, 2 2 0 31 Index to Exhibitors. Boyle, Robert, & Son, London Boyle, James F . , D u b l i n Boyle, Richard B., D u b l i n B o y n e Mill Manufacturing Co., Limited, Drogheda Box, W m . R . , & Co., D u b l i n Bradford, Richard, Clonmel Bragg, William, L.D.S., C.ork Brannick Brothers, Drumcondra, Dublin Brennan, Francis, Cork Brennan & Son,Gilford, Co., D o w n Breton & Sons, Cork B n n d l e y , Thomas, Cork Bromell, William, London Bromell, W m . Manchester Brosnan, Y e r y Rev. T . Canon, P . P . , Caherciveen Brooks, H . S., & Son, Cork Brown, H . E . , & Co., D u b l i n Brown, Alexander, & Son, D u b l i n Brown, John, Cookstown Browne & Nolan, D u b l i n Browne, Charles, Birmingham Bruce & Gibson, D u b l i n Burrowes & Son, Cork Burns, Robert, Coalisland, Co. Tyrone Burns & Hutton, Belvelly Brick Works, Queenstown Bushmills Old Distillery, Bushmills, Co. A n t r i m Butterfield, J o h n C . W . , Cork By r ne , Michael, Cork Bywater, E . W . , D u b l i n Cade, F . , & Sons, Cork Cadle, Cornelius, Dublin Cahill, Patrick, Cork Cahill, Patrick, D u b l i n Cairns, John, Sen., D u b l i n Callan, Mary, D u b l i n Calnan, Jos., Bandon Cameron, Amberg, & Co., Chicago Campbell, Henry, & Co., Belfast Cannock & Co., Ltd., Limerick Cantrell & Cochrane, Dublin xiii 219 240 ... 181 173 Igy 134 31 150 183 j 8 4 149 150 87 88 141 207 212 214 25 127 128 _ "• _ _ _ I55 jgg 208 gg JJQ 217 I57 25 51 J34 200 02 03 53 gg g^ (~ g 34 ^03 53 212 jg5 jgy 55 Index to Exhibitors. PAOE 71 160,161 179 46 21, 24 91, 9 2 237, 239 207 215 22 185 156, 157 42 227, 228 230,231 57 176 230 224 196 192 45 169 206 Canty, Daniel, & Son, Cork Carey, Thomas, & Co., and F . P . Sheehan Carmody, William, Cork Carpenter, Jane, D u b l i n Carroll, W m . , Cork Carson, Walter, & Sons, D u b l i n Carter, J . , & Son, Newcastle-on-Tyne Casey, Francis, Belfast Cash & Co., Limited, Cork Chandler, E l i H . & H . L . , Delaware Chandlee, Susanna H., Quinagh, Carlow Cheavin, George, Boston, Lincolnshire, England Cherry & Smalldridge, D u b l i n Christian Brothers, Cork Christian Brothers' Institute f o r Deaf and D u m h , Cabra, D u b l i n Christie, G . D . , & Co., D u b l i n C i t y of Cork Boot Manufacturing Co., Cork Clare, R e v . Mother M . K., Knock, Co. M a y o Clarke, E . & W . , Cork Clarke, Enoch, & Sons, London Clayton, F . & J . , N a v an , Co. Meath Clear, Bichard, & Sons, Cork Clear, Eichard, B a n d o n Cleburne Brothers, Cork Clow. James, & Sons, Oatmeal Millers, E m y Mill?, Emyvale, Co. Monaghan C l y d e Shipping Co., Glasgow Coakley, James, Killarney Coates, Victor, & Co., Belfast Cochrane & Co., Birkenhead Cogan, John, & Son, Midleton Coghlan, L . , & Co., Cork Cohen, Henry, Belfast Colahan, H u g h , D u b l i n Colbeck, J . Cork Colclough, J o h n , & Sons, D u b l i n Colles, Eichard, Kilkenny Collins & Co., Cork Collins, H . M., Cork Collins & Hastings, Cork Collins, Cornelius, Inniscarra ••• 40 126 234 80 68 190 197 137 220 196 72 225 202 203 30,83 144 Index to Exhibitors. xv PAOK Comber Distilleries Co., Comber, Co. D o w n Comerford, Chas., Ballinakill Conland, John, & Sons, Belfast Connolly, Myles, D u b l i n Connolly, Bernard, Dublin Convent of Good Shepherd, Cork Conway, Maurice, Cork Conway, P . J . , D u b l i n Cooke Brothers, Cork Cooke, Bartholomew, Cork Cooney, Charles, & Co., D u b l i n Cooper, Elizabeth, & Co., D u b l i n Cooper & Co., W e x f o r d Cope, William Thomas, Limerick Coppinger, Henry, Cork Corbet, Patrick, Mallow Corcoran, Michael, Ballinakill Corcoran & Co., Carlow Cork Blacking Co., Cork Cork Gas Consumers' Co., Cork Cork Distilleries Co., Cork Corry, Jas. P . , & Co., Belfast Corry & Co., Belfast Costelloe, W m . , & Sons, G a l w a y Costelloe, Harriet, Howth, Co. D u b l i n Coughlan, Thos., D u b l i n Coughlan, Daniel, Skibbereen Coveney, Daniel, Kinsale Cox & Co., Cork C o y l e & Turner, D u b l i n Coyne, Catherine, D u b l i n Crabbe, Benjamin, Cork Craig, H e n r y B . , Passage W e s t Crawford, Alexander, Glenarm, Co. Antiira Crawford, Alexander, & Son, Belfast Cream, Catherine, Clonmel Cremin, J . D . , & Goggin, Killarney Cronin, J., Cork Cropper, H . S., & Co., London Crosse & Blackwell, London Crossley Bros., Manchester .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . - 50 194 183 232 234 198 22, 2 3 30 140 142 42 233 19 136 67 48 194 52 64 145,146 50 226 53 47 235 229 175 189 135 54 165 117 113 28 37 169 234 109 210 43 66 L X vi Index to Exhibitors. PAGE Crott.y, J o h n , Cork Crowley, Jeremiah, Skibbereen Curtin, Michael, Cork Curtis, W., & Son, D u b l i n D ' A r c y , Gerald, Cork Dahl, H . , & Co., Cork Dalton, Michael, Tipperary D a l y , Bernard, Tullamore D a l y , J . C., D u b l i n D a l y , John, fc Co., L i m i t e d , Cork D a l y , John, D u b l i n D a l y , John, 11 Great George'a Street, Cork D a l y , Samuel, Cork Davidson & Co., Belfast Davis, Alfred, Limerick D a v i e s Brothers & Co., "Wolverhampton, E n g l a n d D a y , W i l l i a m , & Co., London D a y , Robert, & Son, Cork Deane, Charles, Lt.-Colonel, Gurrane, Fermoy, Cork D e e , Peter, & Son, Cork Deigan, Mary, Bagnalstown, Co. Carlow D e n n y , William, Tralee Dennehy, William, Cork Dillon, James, Cork Distillers' Co., Limited, D u b l i n Dobbs, Joseph, Jarrow Colliery, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny Doherty, J . , & Sons, Cork Dominican Fathers, Cork Donaldson, Henry, Cork Donegan, Daniel, & Sons, Cork Donovan, Edward, Mallow Donovan, Patrick, Mallow Donovan, J . J., Standfold, tlueheo Donnelly, John, D u b l i n Dormon, Margaret, Cork Doulton & Co., Lambeth, Lon d on D o w d e n & Co., Bandon D o v l e , Patrick, A t h y Draper, H . N . , D u b l i n D r i s t o l l / J o h n , Cork 224 19 179 149 41 44 90 50 144 21& 221 223 240 81 113 144, 145 65 174, 175 St> 218, 229 23 127 0, 203, 222 169 51 19 195 197 130 35 73 79 170 73 47 169 38 25 210 124 Index to Exhibitors. xvii Drogheda Chemical Manure Co., Drogheda Drogheda L i n e n Co., Balbriggan Drury, Jaspar, & Sons, Y o u g h a l Dublin & W i c k l o w Manure Co., Limited, D u b l i n Dublin Cattle Spice Co., D u b l i n D u b l i n Glass Bottle Co., D u b l i n D u b l i n Grains Co., Limited, D u b l i n D u b l i n Sugar Refinery, Limited, D u b l i n Duffy, James, & Sons, D u b l i n Dunbar, M'Master & Co., Gilford, Co. D o w n D u n n , George N e w m a n , Kinsale D u n n Brothers, Cork D w y e r & Co., Cork ... ... .. Fitzgerald, M i s s Frances, Valencia Island Fitzgibbon, Robert, Cork Fitzgibbon, Mary, Cork Fleming, Michael, Youghul 4f) 1 5 5 30 41 ... 1 8 5 121 1 7 0 1 7 9 1 97 Eason, Charles, D u b l i n E d e y , Thomas, & Son, S t . Neots, H u n t s Edmundson, J., & Co., London Edmundson Brothers, D u b l i n E g a n , William, & Sons, Cork Egar, D i x o n , & Son, D u b l i n ' Elvery, J . M . , & Co., D u b l i n Evans, Sons & Co., Liverpool Fair & Ridge, Cork F a n n m & Co., D u b l i n Farrell, Richard, Youghal Feather & Smith, Yorkshire Fearn, Thomas, Fulham, London Fennessy, Michael, Cashel Ferrumite Manufacturing Co., Cork Finlay, Alexander, Belfast F i n n , T . W . , & Co., Cork F i r m i n & Sons, Limited, D u b l i n Eitzmaurice, Eliza J a n e , D unmanw a y Fitzgerald, James, Carrigacrump, Cloyne Fitzgerald, R. U . Penrose, Whitegate, Cork Fitzgerald, Michael, Cork ^28 182 ] 5 9 27 213 Ill . ... ' 6 6 m 1 5 2 223 6 2 43 29 jgg g9 242 l!g 90 [[[ 205 igg 21 24 121,194 '2 0 2 . 204 ] 7( > 1 { |t , jy, " " b Index to Exhibitors. F l e m i n g , J o h n , & Co., Y o u g h a l . . . 157, 138 F l y n n , Paul, Newport, Tipperary ... 191 F l y n n , J a m e s C., Cork ... 207 Fogarty & Sheffield, Galway ... 236 F o l e y , Eichard, Cork ... 41 Foley, Jeremiah, Cork ... 219 Forrest, James, & Sons, Cork and Dublin ... 195 Foster, Charles, & Co., Birmingham ... 3 Francati & Santamaria, Rom e and London ... 151 French, George W . , Bandon, Co. Cork ... 123 French, James, Killarney ... 233 Frenett, Joseph, Queenstown ... 116 F r y , "William J . , Queenstown ... 222 Fullwood, R . J . , & Bland (late R . J . Fullwood & Co.), London . . . 31 Furlong, John, & Sons, F e r m o y ... 38 Galgey, W., & Sons, Cork Galvin, Nicholas, Cork Gandy, Maurice, London Geany, Mrs. Kate, Cork Geological Survey of Ireland Director, D u b l i n Gethings, E . G., & Co., D u b l i n Gibbs, James, & Co., London, Bristol, Plymouth, and, H u l l Gleeson, Smith, & Co., Athlone G l e n M i l l s Co., T h e , D u b l i n Glennon, J o h n , D u b l i n Godfrey, Francis H . , B e l f a s t Goggin, Jeremiah, D u b l i n Goidanich, Gabriel, Queenstown Goodbody, J . & L . F . , Clara, K i n g ' s County Goodbody, T . P . & R . , Tullamore Gordon, Alex., Cork Goulding, W . & H . M., Limited, D u b l i n and Cork Goyers et Fils, Lou^ain, B e l g i u m Graham, William, D u b l i n Grant, A., & Co., Cork Grant, W . H . , & Co., Coventry Grant, W i l l i a m Henry, Coventry Graves' P a t e n t Roofing Co., N e w Ross Gray, E . D w y e r , M . P . , D u b l i n Gray, James, & Co., B e l f a s t ... 61 ... 225 ... 69 . . . 205, 206 ... 227 ... 57 ... 26 ... 191 ... 39 ... 167 ... 155 ... 233 ... 55 ... 186 ... 47 ... 227 ... 27, 3 2 ... 240 ... 201 .... 196, 216 .... 152 79 .... 187 238 ... 90 Index to Exhibitors. xix PAGE Gray, John, Whinnyfold, Elben, Aberdeenshire Great Southern & W e s t e r n Railway, D u b l i n Greaven, A . , & Sons, Kimmage, Co. Dublin Greenhill, J o h n H . , Belfast Greenmount Spinning Co., D u b l i n Greer, Alfred, & Co., Cork Gregory, James, Lincoln Grubb, Howard, D u b l i n Gubbins, Honora, Tipperary Guest, George, D u b l i n Guinness, Edward C., Dublin Gulliver, Samuel, & Co., England G u n n & Ferguson, Cork G u y Brothers, Cork G u y , Francis, Cork ... ... Haberfield, T . & E . , Cork Haekett, Edward H . , Cork Hackett, Miss E v a , Cork Hackett, William, & Co., Cork H a l l & Brereton, Little Island, Cork H a l l & Co., Cork Hall, James, Cork Hall, Robert, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny Halliday, A . & F., Windsor Hamilton, L o n g , & Co., Limited, D u b l i n Hanlon, Rev. W . , Innishannon Hanley, Joseph, & Sons, Waterford Hargreaves Brothers & Co., Hull, England Harland & W o l f f , Belfast Harold, Joseph 0 . Harrington, William, & Son, Cork ... Harrington, W i l l i a m Mennis, Y o u g h a l Harris, Jonathan, & Sons, Cumberland Harris, Daniel, & Son, D u b l i n Harrison, William, Manchester Hartland, Richard, Cork Hart, Thomas S . , Cork Harty, Joseph, & Sons, Woodville Mills, Rochestown, Co. Cork Hayde, Rev. John, Upton, Co. Cork H a y e s Brothers, Dublin 45 70 192 68, 80 181 208 238 131 165 44 192 , 51 136 77, 214 77, 213 115 152 225 170 31 38 220 19 225 33 159 236 30 124 128 64, 134 33 59 229 74 239 211 37 232 171 Index to Exhibitors. PAGE Hayes, F . W . , & Co., Banbridge H a y e s , H e n r y , Cork H e a l y Brothers, Tralee Healy, Jeremiah, K i l l a m s y H e a l y , Richard, Cork Hearder & Son, P l y m o u t h Heather Brothers, D u b l i n HefEernan, Jeremiah, Cork H e g a r t y , William, & Sons, Cork Henderson Brothers, Liverpool Henderson, J o h n , D u n g a n n o n Henderson, D . S., & Co., Dublin H e n l e y , J o h n , Cork Herlihy, Daniel, Cork Herlihy, Denis, Mallow Heron, Thomas, Manchester Heydon, Stephen, Brownstown, A t h y Hicks, Steen, & Co., Belfast Highet, John, Cork H i l l , Arthur, Cork H i l l & Sons, L u c a n H i l l , H e n r y & Arthur, Cork H i l l , John, & Son, Cork H i l l , Richard Raisin, Steam Mills, Drogheda Hillsborough L i n e n Co., Limited, Hillsborough, Co. D o w n Hilton, William Henry, Bristol H o d g i n s & Dobson, Tralee H o e y , Thomas, & Co., D u b l i n Hogan, Daniel P . , Cork H o g a n , Daniel, Tipperary Hogan, J o h n , Midleton Hole, J . R. W . , Farrington, Herefordshire H o p k i n s & Hopkins, D u b l i n • Horgan, Daniel, Cork Howell, T h o m a s George, Carriek-on-Suir Humphreys, W . R., & Co., Sheffield Hungerford, W . 1' ., Cork H u n t , Henry, & Son, Cork Hurley, Mrs. Mary Frances, F e r m o y Hurley, Timothy, Cork Hurse, Edward, & Co., D u b l i n Hutchison, Robert, Glasgow 18542" 24 155 236 128 176 143 172 126 184 164 151 211 108 147 25 185 116 218193 118205 40* 182 83 89 139 155 9» 194 113 150 51, 229 94 137, 138 51 130" 220, 242 89 41 61 Index to Exhibitors. xxi PAGE Irish. Glass Bottle Co., D u b l i n I r i s h Sisters of Charity, Cork I r i s h, Symons, & Co., T h e Plains, Totn.es, Devonshire Ismay, Imrie, & Co., Liverpool ... ... Jack, James, Sf Co., Liverpool Jacob, W . Sf R . , Sf Co., Limited, Dublin Jacques, J o h n , London. James, H e n r y , Nottingham J e f f e r y Sf Blackstone, Stamford -Jenkins, M., Sf Son, Cork J e n n i n g s , Thomas, Cork Jesson, Thomas, Galw a y J e y e s Sanitary Compounds Co., Limited, London, E.G. Johnson, J a m e s , Cork Johnson, William, Frankfield Jones, Erancis H . , Waterford Jones, T . , Sf Son, Cork Jones, Thomas, Sf Son, Cork Jordon, J o h n , Cork Julian, Robert, Cork 125 ... 40 151, 168, 169 ••• 129 ... 106 ••• 212 30, 31, 53 ••• 166 ... 34 '2 ... H2 ... m 28, 96 155 ••• 236 '1 Keane, R . & F., Cappoquin Keane, Thomas, D a n man w a y Keily, Patrick, & Sons, Waterford K e i l y , Michael, Cork -Kelly, Maurice F . , Hibernian Starch Works, D u b l i n K e l l y , John, Waterford K e l l y , Dunn, & Co., D u b l i n Kennedy, John J . Dublin Kennedy, J . & E . , D u b l i n Kennedy, Michael, Y o u g h a l Kennedy, John, Cork Khoosh Tonic Bitters Co., Limited, Liverpool, London, D u b l i n Killaloe Slate Co., Limited, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary K i n g , William, D u b l i n K i n g , B., & Co., Cork and Limerick Kirby, Beard, & C o . , London Kirk, Walter S „ & Co., Huddersfield .Knowles, J . , London ... ... ... ... ... ••• ••• ... ... ••• ... 164 230 25 125 100 120 50 36 °2 172 47 51 106 34 23 169 176 1: J '' "8 Index to Exhibitors. PAGE Lacey, Michael, Cork Laird, Elizabeth, D u b l i n L a n e & Co., Limited, Cork Lane, John, Cork Lane, D e n n y , Glanmire, C'o. Cork L a n d o n Brothers, Cork Lambkin Brothers, Cork Lambkin, James, & Co., Limited, Cork Law, Samuel, & Sons, Clec-kheaton Lawes' Chemical Manure Co., Limited, Dublin L a w s o n & Co., Cork Leahy, Patrick, Middleton L e a h y , John, Cork Leahy, D a n i e l , Cork Leddy, Peter, D u b l i n Lee, D a v i d S., Cork L e e , Harrison, & Sons, Limerick Legbrannock Collieries, H o l y town, b y Glasgow Lehmann, A., London Lester, Thomas R . , M . P . S . (Ireland), Cork Lewis, Daniel T . , Liverpool 1 L e w i s , Fred, D u b l i n L e v i t u s Brothers, B i r m i n g h a m Levis, J o h n F . , Skibbereen Linley, S . & R . , Sheffield Livie, D a v i d Brown, Dundee, -Scotland London, J . A . , Newcastle-on-Tyne Lonergan, Cornelius, Cahir L o n g , "William, & Sons, Y o u g h a l L o n g , Nathaniel, J r . , Cork Loughlan, Michael, Y o u g h a l L o v e & Co., Cork L y n c h , William, Cork Lynch, J o h n , Farren, Co. Cork L y n c h , D a n i e l , & Co., Macroom L y n c h Brothers, Cork Lyons, Francis, Cork L y o n s J o h n F., & Co., Cork Lyons, T . , & Co., Cork Lucy, D . , & Co., Cork L u n h a m Brothers, Cork 204 237 35, 4 » 156 36: 210 46: 48. 7828' 202 194 175 228 224 74 so la 187 3a 15664 151 171 97, 9812319 191 75 218: 120217 60' 90> 190 217 137 175, 171 6, 1 9 7 , 2 0 5 1934S. xxii PAGE M'Auliffe, Jeremiah, Cork M'Causland, Samuel, Belfast M'Cann, John, Drogheda M'Cann, Patrick, Dublin M'Carthy, James, Cork M'Carthy, James J . , F e r m o y M'Carthy, D . F., Mallow, Cork M'Carthy, Eugene, Skibbereen M'Carthy, E . , & Co., Cork M'Carthy, John, D u b l i n M'Carthy, James, Drogheda M'Carthy, J . , & Sons, Cork M'Carthy, Thomas, Cashel M'Connell, David, Tralee M'Cowen, Robert, & Sons, Tralee M'Cowen & Heald, Tralee M'Cready Brothers, Dublin M'Creery, James, & Sons, Belfast M'Donnel, John, & Co., D u b l i n M'Donnell Brothers, Cork M'Donnell, Alexander, Clifden, Galwaj" M'Fadden, Manus, Letterkenny M'Glaughlin, John. & Son, D u b l i n M'llwraith W . , & Son., Cork M'Xntyre, H o g g , & Co., Londonderry M'Kechnie, R . & J . , Cork M'Kenzie & Sons, Limited, Cork M'Lean, P . , & Son, D u n m an way M'Master, Hodgson, & Co., Dublin M'Mullen, J . W . , & Son, Cork M'Namara, Denis, D u b l i n M'Neice, James, Belfast M'Sherry, J o h n J . , Limerick M'Tear & Co., Limited, Belfast Mackey, Mackey, & Co., 1 and 2 Bouvei Maconochie Brothers, Suffolk Magrath, W m . , Cork Maguire & Edwards, Belfast Mahony, Martin & Brothers Mahony, J . & J., D u b l i n Mahony, John, Croom, Co. Limerick ,, 21 QC oo 40 160 206 156 165 154 166 1-22 40 50 128 90 89 66 67 193 78, 2 3 4 208, 209 92 236 201 152 81 203 165 100—102 189 65 OQ 117 115 141 ... 188 32 E.C. 45 176 184 50 713, 189, 191 165 xxiv Index to Exhibitors. Mahony, Daniel J . , Kenmare Mahony, John, Cork Main, A . and J., & Co., D u b l i n Manisty, Edward, D u n d a l k Martin, T . B . , Queenstown, Co. Cork Martin, Russell, Cork Marsh & Co., Belfast Martin, H e n r y J., & Co., Cork Marsden & Saffley, Liverpool Matterson, J . , &Sons, Limerick Mayfield Spinning Co., Waterford Mayson, W a l t e r H . , Ulverston, England Meade, Daniel F . , Cork Mennis, Michael, Rosscarbery Merlino & Co., London Merne, J o h n G., Cork Merry, James, D u b l i n Merry, L . & R., D u b l i n Merryweather & Sons, London, S . M i d l a n d Indiarabber Co., B i r m i n g h a m Miller, Daniel, & Co., D u b l i n Mitchell, Ernest Pryce, Queenstown Millikin, H e n r y , & Son, Cork Mills, James, D u b l i n Mitchell, Alexander, D u b l i n Mockler, Thomas, Cork Moffatt, Alexander, Birmingham Moffitt, T . , Cork Molony Patrick M., Peafield, Kenmare, Co. Kerry Mooney, Morgan, D u b l i n Moore, W . F., & Co., Whiteabbey, Co. Antrim Morgan, J., D u b l i n Morrin, James, A t h y Morrogh, Dominick, Cork Morrow, Miskelly, & Co., Belfast Mortimer, 15., D u b l i n Muggleton, W i l l i a m , S o u t h Norwood, Surrey Muirhead, William, Cork Mulcahy, H . , & Son, Cork Mullins, William, Cork Mullins & Sons, Cork ... L93 ... 220 ... 118 ... 96 ... .34 ... 39 ... 39 ... 63 .,, 229 ... 42 ... 181 ... 136 ... 72 ... 190 ... 232 ... 70 ... 175 ... 82 . . 1 1 5 ... 63, 64 ... 149 ... 116 ... 220 . . 209 ... 168 ... 165 ... 130 ... 201 ... 22 ... 27 ... 186 ... 200 ... 25 ... 115 ... 59 ... 233 ... 237 ... 137 ... 173 ... 124 ... 71 xxv Index to Exhibitors. PAGE Mullins, James, Cork Munster Iron Co., Cork Munster Cork Cutting Co., Cork Murphy, P . & T . , Clonmel Murphy, Jeremiah, Dunkettle Murphy, John, Dunkettle, Cork Murphy, J o h n & Jeremiah, Dunkettle, Cork Murphy, J o h n , D u b l i n Murphy, C., & Co., D u b l i n Murphy, Marianne, Cork Murphy, P . F . , & Co., Cork Murphy, John, Cork Murphy, Anne, D u b l i n Murphy, C., & Son, Cork Murray, Sir James, & Son, Dublin Murray, T . W . , & Co., Cork Musgrave & Co., Limited, London Myles, David, Cork ... 194 ... 89 ... 73 ... 72, 105 ... 99 ... 99 ... 144 ... 149 ... 164 ... 198 ... 210 ... 225 ... 232 ... 217 ... 35 ... 120 ... 100 55, 108, 109 N a i r n M . , & Co., Kirkcaldy Nash, W i l l i a m H e n r y , Upton, Co. Cork N a y l o r , Henry, Dublin Ne ff , John, Cork Nelis, Samuel, & Son, Londonderry Neville, Richard, & Sons, Macroom N e w s o m & Sons, Cork NiohoU, William, Belfast N i r e Y a l e W o o l l e n M i l l s Co., Limited, Clonmel Nolan, Kate, D u b l i n N o v e l t y Printing Co., Birmingham Nunan, J . T., & Co., Cork ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 195 123 219 152 64 172 49 117 190 152 77 158 ... ... .. .. .. ... ... 157 136 227 112 180 52 78, 192 194 233 61 Oates & Green, H a l i f a x Oliver, George, D u b l i n Ordnance Survey, D u b l i n Orr, William R., Strabane Ovans, Thomas, & Co., D u b l i n O'Brien & Co., D u b l i n O'Brien Brothers, Cork O'Brien, John, & Co., Cork O'Brien, Denis, D u b l i n Q'Callaghan, Timothy, Cork ... ... xxvi Index to Exhibitors. O'Callaghan, P . V . , D u b l i n O'Callaghan, Eugene, & Son, Limerick O'Callaghan, Mrs. M a r y , Cork O'Connell, James, Cork O'Connell, Michael, & Sons, Mallow O'Connell Daniel, Cork O'Connell, D a n i e l, Killarney O'Connell, John, & Son, Cork O'Connor, Jeremiah, Killarney O'Connor, John, Cork O'Connor, James, Cork O'Crowley, J a m e s P . , Cork O'Donnell, William, Limerick O'Donoghue, John, Cork O'Donoghue, L e t t y , Mallow O'Donoyan, B . , & Sons, Cork O'Driscoll, T i m o t h y , Cork O'Dwyer, D a n i e l , Bandon O'Farrell, P . J . , D u b l i n O'Gilvie & Moore, Cork O'Hanlon, J. Leslie, D u b l i n O'Keeife, James, Bridgetown, Co. Wexford O'Leary, J o h n , & Son, Blackrock, Cork O'Leary, Michael, Cork O'Leary, Mortimer, B a n t r y O'Mara Brothers, London, Canada O'Neill, Joseph, & Sons, Bagnalstown O'Neill, Edward, Cork O'Neill, Richard, Waterford O'Neill, Son, & Thompson, D u b l i n O'Neill, Charles, Co. D u b l i n O'Neill, Juliet, D u b l i n O'Neill, P . J., & Co., D u b l i n O'Neill, J a m e s Henry, Ballintemple, Cork O'Eegan, Brothers, Bandon O'Reilly, D u n n e , & Co., D u b i i n O'Reilly, J o h n C., D u b l i n O'Reilly, W . P . , Birmingham O'Shea, E . , Callan, Kilkenny O'Shea, Thomas, Blackiock, Cork O'Sullivan, J o h n , & Co.,Cork ... ... ... ... ... ... .. , ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ' Ag|j 170 207 20 58 134 234 ggl £§U gg iQg; 104 Igo 65, l7g 1<)~ 83 171 17& 60 gj 116 218 45 143 173,174 43. 43 5f 57 i3g 168 234 240 222 72 79,195 210 237 23, 241 123, 137 47 xxvii Index to Exhibitors. PAGE: 56 O'Sullivan, C. P . , Cork O'Sullivan, C . & J . , Cork O'Toole, James, Cork O T o o l e , Laurence W . , D u b l i n 164 67 115 106, Parkes, J o h n C. & Sons, D u b l i n Parker, Robert, D u b l i n Parkinson, F . K . , Cork t.. Parsons, A n n e Mary, D u b l i n — Parsons, W i l l i a m P . , London Patterson & Co., Limited, B e l f a s t Pearson, T . , D u b l i n P e a s l e y . J o h n , Passage West, Cork ... Percival, Gerald, Cork 62, 69, 80, Perrott, George, & Son, Cork Perrott, John H . , Cork 99, Perrott, Richard, & Sons, Cork P e r r y , George, D u b l i n 140, Perry, J o h n , & Sons, Cork ... Pfleiderer, Paul, London Phelan, M . F . , Y o u g h a l Phillips & Sons, Swansea, and 10 Old Corn Exchange, Manchester Pierce, Philip, & Co., W e x f o r d P i g g i n , Stanley C., Lismore ... P i m Brothers & Co., D u b l i n Pinkerton, William, Larne *n P l u n k e t t Brothers, D u b l i n •v. Plunkett, J o h n , Dublin Poirotte, D . , & Son, D u b l i n Poirotte, Madame Theodore. D u b l i n ... Porter, William, Cork ... Porter, William J o h n , Cork ... Potter, Frederick P . E . , Skibbereen Power, Edmond, Midleton Power, Richard, B a n t r y ... Pulvertaft, Robert, Cork Purcell & Co., Cork 107, 108 180 124 242 158 30 80, 139 123 68 104, 1 0 5 159 141, 142 56 141, 153 81,82 218 49 94 235 79,195 7S 35 35 181 204 79 149 214 235 240 148 153, 210 «fc. 131 191 56 Queen's College, Cork, President of, Cork Quinlan Brothers, F e r m o y Quinn, Charles, D u b l i n ... xxviii Index to Exhibitors. PAGE! Rae, C. S . , Allesley, Coventry ... Rawson, Lieut. H . E., Cork ... Regan, Joseph, Cork ... Revington, Jos., Tralee ... Reynor, Arthur, Dublin ... Richardson & .Fletcher. Dublin ... Richardson Brothers & Co., Belfast, Dublin, Cork, Galway, and Sligo Richardson, J . N . , Sons, & Owden, Limited, Belfast ... Richardson, William George, Liverpool ... Richard, James I". Douglas, Cork .. Ringsend Bottle Co., Limited, Dublin ... Riordan, T . V . , Cork ... Rishworth, T . & J . , & Co., Galway ... Ritchie, Francis, & Sons, Belfast ... Robertson, Ledlie, Ferguson, & Co., Limited, Cork ... Robey & Co., Lincoln ... Robinson, J o h n L., Dublin ... Roger^, John, Belfast ... Rohu, Alfred, Cork Rohu, Frederick R., Cork ... Rohu, William Charles, Dublin ... Rowan, John, & Sons, Belfast ... Rowbotham, J o h n , & Sons, Manchester ... Russell, Thomas, Clonmel ... Ryan, D . , & Son, Cork ... Ryan, Edward, Cork ... Ryan, Private Thomas, N e w Barracks, Limerick ... Ryan, James, Cork ... Ryding, Henry Stephen, Limerick ... Salmon, Barnes & Co., LTlverston, Lancashire Salmon & Co., Northampton Salt Chamber of Commerce, Northwich, Cheshire Samuelson & Co., England Saunders, M., & Sons, Cork Savage, Wm., Bandon Scally, Thomas, & Co., Dublin Scanlan, William & Patrick, Cork Scannell, Patrick John, Cork Scannell, James D., Cork -Scott, Robert, & Co., Cork ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 128, 130 120 55 192 210 26 28 182 126 235 155 34, 108 79 24 185 68, 106 117 187, 188 168 167 45, 46 67, 81 172 171 170 61 165 208 220 117 79,109 20 95 239 242 51 115 241 143 94 Index to Exhibitors. xxix PAGE Scott,' Thomas R., & Co., Dublin Scott & Strickland, D u b l i n Scott & Co., Cork Sealy, Edward, Killarney Sexton, Denis, Cork Shanks, J . , & Co., D u b l i n Sharkie, J o h n , Cork Shaw, W . J . , & Sons, Limerick Shaw, W m , & Co., Cork Shea, P . &W . , Cork Sheehan, Thomas, Cork Sheehan, William, Carrignavar Sheehan, Daniel, Cork Sheridan, J . J., Cork Sheridan, H e n r y , & Co., D u b l i n S h i n e , R e v . Brother W . P . , Cork Short, Michael, Waterford Singer ManufactaringlCo., Cork Sisk, John, & Son, Cork Skillan, M . A . , Cork Smart, Walter, Essex, England Smith, George, & Co., D u b l i n Smith, J . Crosbie, Passage W e s t Smith, J o h n Charles, Caledon Smith, W . J . , & Co., Waterford Smith, John, & George, Portlaw, Waterford Smyth, Erancis, & Son, D u b l i n Sm y t h , J o h n J., Ballinacurra Southwick, George, Cork Spamount Spinning Co., Castlederg, T y r o n e Spencer, J., & Son, D u b l i n Spence, J a m e s D . , D u b l i n Spence, William, D u b l i n Stack, J o h n J.,'[Cork Stanton, Patrick, Cork Stuart, Villiers, Prize f o r Model Cottages Stuart, H . Villiers, M.P ., Cappoquin Sullivan, William, Cork Sullivan, James, B a n d o n Sullivan, John, Cork Sullivan Brothers, D u b l i n 155, 158, ... ... ... 218 193 26 188 58 52 124 43 186 43 116 143 161, 162 242 103' 231 118 75160 198 139 57 110 190 40 237 236 113 177,178 58,59 132, 133: 224 70 200 228118 120 134 94 20 226,227 XXX Index to Exhibitors. Stinner, Richard, P h . 0 . , Cork Sutton, Abraham W . , & Co., Cork Sydney, Edward, London Symons, John, & Co., London Tank, James, D u b l i n Tarrant, Eichard, Cork Taylor, James, Cork Taylor, Wentworth, Tinahely, Co. Wicklow Taylor Brothers, Sheffield Thompson, Moorehouse Augustus, Berwick-on-Tweed Thompson Brothers, Cork Thompson Brothers, Wexf ord T i v y , H e n r y Lawrence, Cork Tobin, David, Tipperary Tobin, Joseph, D u b l i n Todd, William, & Co., Limerick Tomkins, M.J „ & Sons, Cork Townsend, Horatio H . , Tipperary Tracy, John, Cork Trickett, Benjamin, Sheffield Trickett, John, Sheffield Turhbull & Somerville, Yaletta, Malta Turtle & Pearce, L o n d on B r i d g e Twiss, Robert, M.R.C.S., Lakeview, Glanmire T w o m e y , Michael, Cork ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 33 29,238 147 54 j jig 72 112 133 95 19 110 12O 238 23 129 igg 3 3; 54 129 87 137 12g 1 3 3 ' 47 238 36 193 U l s t e r T i n Co., Belfast Usher, Robert, & Co., Drogheda 149 lg'> Varian, William, Cork Yarian, J . S., & Co., D u b l i n Verchoyle, B . , D u b l i n 166 Vertical P e e d Sewing Machine Co., Limited, London Victoria Slate Co., Limited, D u b l i n Vodrey, Frederick, D u b l i n Wadsworth, Thomas, & Son, H a l i f a x Wagner, Edward, Cork Walker, George, Newtownards Walker, A . R . , N e w r v , Co. D o w n 1(;6 6 5 ... 88 .. 76 .93 ,163 1 2 3 93 ^ 7 59 39 Index to Exhibitors. xxxi PAGE Walsh, John & Edward, Cork Walsh, N . J ., & Co., Kinsalo Wallis & Pollock, Cork Walsh, James, Cork Walpole, Mary A., Kilmacthomas, Waterford Walker, Mrs. Anster F . G., Glenbeigh, Co. Kerry Ward, Marcus, & Co., Belfast Warsop, Thomas, Nottingham Waterford Boot & Shoe Manufacturing Co., Waterford Waterford's Woollen Mills, Marquis of, Kilmacthomas Watson, Benjamin, Cork Webb, J . & R., Mallow, Co. Cork Webster, George E., & Co., Nottingham Welstead, William J . , Cork Wentworth, F., & Co., London ' Whelan, Daniel, Fontstown, Co. Kildare Wheelhouse, John A., Belfast Wheeler & Wheeler, Cork Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co. Whitehouse, George, Liverpool Whitewell Print Works Co., Limited, Belfast Whitaker, Joseph Birkett, Kendal, Englaud Wicklow Copper Mine Co., Dublin Wilby, William, Dublin Wilkie, A . W., & Son, Cork Williams & Woods, Dublin Williams, David, & Son, London Williams & Son, Dublin Winnington & Sefton, Belfast Wilson, Hugh, Bandon Wilson, James, Cork Wilson, Samuel, Athlone • Wilson, Henry, & Co., Stockton-on-Tees Winstanley, James, Dublin Wood, E . H., & Co., London Wood, Walter A . , N e w York Wood & Son, Cork Woodcock, Joseph, Cork Woodford, Bourne, & Co., Cork Woodhouse, John, Dublin Wookev & Co., Dublin ... ... 147, 148 63 78,193 ... 235 ... 235 ... 241 212 ... 84 ... 176 ... 189 ... 154 ... 39 ... 146 ... 115 ... 127 ... 229 ... 209 ... 211 ... 74 ... 59,129 ... 184 ... 211 ... 26 ... 69 ... 211, 214 ... 41 ... 147 ... 167, 168 ... 84, 85, 86 ... 113 ... 221 ... 79 ... 82 ... 180 ... 237 ... 95 ... 199 ... 236 ... 41,42 ... 241 ... 60 xxxii Index to Exhibitors. Worn, Austin, Dublin Workman, Clarke, & Co., Belfast Winter, G. J., London Wright, Richard, Dublin Wright, William, & Sons, Cork Wright, George, Cork Wright, Alexander Falls, Dublin Y e l f , H . H . , London, &c. "Young, William Watson, Perth, Scotland Y o u n g & Neilson, Bristol Zair, G. & J-, Birmingham © o v l t C ' S x l j i M t i a n , JSSI. G E N E R A L PLAN. A—Extraction or Production of Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Raw Materials, and their immediate pro ducts. B—Machines and Tools. C—Works in Metal. D—Vitreous and Ceramic Manufactures. E—Manufactures from the Skins and other parts of Animals. F—Manufactures from Vege table and Animal Fibres, Spun, Wove, Felted and Laid. G—Furniture, Upholstery, Decoration, <fcc. H— Educational Appliances. |—Miscellaneous Manufactures. INSTRUMENTS, Music- & J : ORGAN 3 3 B O m g J O i A R T GALLEI rrrrnORCHPSTRA 3<ffi£{<EjSRAl= SMOKING 1*7 CLASS D I N I N C ROOM DINING ROOM ROOM SMOKING ROOM 2 GREAT H A L L , LADIESft "post a' IUUMI* , DAIRY FOUNTAIN • 1 1 • • • • 1—*- •—»— — - f ENTRANCE H A L L ^plfejSa^JqpCBffffiT • SECRETARYS] *" O F PICE. t STORE ROOM READING ROOM • 1 GALLERY PLAN CLASS DINING OFFICE .^ST'BULe J PORCH f CLOAK ROOM WAITING l* ROOMS INTEODUCTION. THE Great Exhibition of 1851 marked t h e beginning of a new epoch i n human industry,—that of t h e complete substitution of machines for the hand, of scientific formulae and processes for craftsmen's empiric secrets and rule of thumb. The change had been going o n w i t h accelerated strides during the past half-century, b u t was only t h en f u l l y revealed to the world. T h e effect was great. A l l felt t h a t i t was inevitable, and t h a t handicrafts that refused to transform themselves under the influence of science, must, sooner or later, perish. The present position of industry i n Europe and America shows h o w carefully this lesson of the Exhibition of 1851 has been learned ; and also another and u o less important one, t h a t beauty of form and colour should be the aim of every workman as well as of the painter and sculptor. T h e first place t h a t attempted after 1851 t o realize t h e advantages of an Industrial Exhibition was Cork. A t first sight i t seems singular, nay, almost presumptuous, that an Irish town should be t h e first to follow the example of London ; but nothing was more natural than that people w h o had passed through the fearful crisis of the famine period and realized the want of skill among the people, and the absolute necessity of finding employment for them, should, on seeing what other people w i t h n o better natural resources had been able t o do b y skill, thrift and perseverance, desire to hold a show of i t s own materials and the products of such skill as i t possessed. T h a t this was the chief object of the promoters of t h e Cork Exhibition of 1852 is shown by t h e moderate scope of their project a t the outset—it was t o have been merely a Local Exhibition held i n t h e room which forms the vestibule of the present E x h i b i t i o n ; i t soon, however, expanded into w hat was practically a National Exhibition, and was i n one respect a notable advance upon even t h a t of 1851, i f we m a y compare the small w i t h the great. I n the Exhibition of 1851 seulptuie had a place, but painting was excluded. Neither was the history of human-work illustrated there ; y e t n o true idea of human progress can be formed without contrasting t h e products of skill i n time and space. I n the Cork Exhibition of 1852, art was represented i n all i t s forms, and i t s historical aspect also was n o t forgotten, for archaeological collections found a place there. T h e example of Cork has been followed i n all general Exhibitions since held. 2 Introduction. The Cork Exhibition of 1852 was followed b y one i n Dublin i n 1853, which, thanks t o t h e munificence of "William Dargan, assumed the character, and t o some extent t h e proportions of a n International Exhibition. Again, i n 1865 a similar one was h e l d i n a building which was constructed, not o n l y for t h i s special purpose, b u t also t o serve afterwards a s a permanent place for holding Exhibitions of various kinds, and for the recreation of t h e people of Dublin. This idea h a s n o t been fulfilled; part of t h e structure h a s been removed, and t h e rest applied t o another purpose. T h e great distress i n some parts of t h e country, and t h e want of employ m e n t generally everywhere i n 1882, turned attention t o t h e necessity of doing something t o resuscitate and encourage manufactures i n Ireland. Mr. W . J . Lane, of Cork, suggested t h e holding of a National Exhibition i n Dublin ; t h e suggestion was warmly taken up, and a representative Committee formed t o realize it. Irreconcilable dissensions, however, broke out among t h e members a t t h e very outset, a s unhappily too often happens i n Ireland, and led t o t h e dissolution of t h e Committee. T h e Lord Mayor of Dublin and other Members determined, however, n o t t o l e t t h e project drop, and formed a j o i n t stock Company t o carry i t out. Notwithstanding t h e shortness of time a t t h e disposal of t h e Company, t h e difficulties of the site, and above all, t h e abstention of a large number of manufacturers, a n excellent and instructive Exhibition was g o t together. T h e Dublin Exhibition having brought t h e subject of Exhibitions i n general into prominence, t h e idea naturally occurred t o several, t h a t one m i g h t b e h e l d i n Cork w i t h advantage. About t h e same time t h e Royal Agricul tural Society of Ireland resolved t o revive their Annual Show, a n d t o hold t h e one for 1883 i n Munster. Two places competed for t h e privilege,—Cork and Limerick. T h e County of Cork Agricultural Society promoted the claims of Cork, and having obtained a Local Guarantee F u n d of over £2,000, sent a deputation t o plead their cause before t h e Council of t h e Royal Agricultural S o c i e t y ; Limerick, however, was selected. T h e failure of getting t h e Agricultural Show gave new life t o t h e idea of a n Industrial Exhibition. I t was suggested b y Alderman Nagle, t h a t t h e Guarantors o f t h e F u n d for t h e Show m i g h t be induced, not on ly t o transfer their guaran tee t o one for a n Industrial Exhibition, b u t even t o increase it. A conferencc of representatives of t h e County of Cork Agricultural Society and of prominent citizens, called b y t h e Mayor, was held, and i t was decided that t h e project of holding a n Industrial Exhibition i n Cork i n 18'83, should b e laid before a Public Meeting, t o be convened b y the Lieutenant of t h e County and of t h e C i t y of Cork, t h e Earl of Bandon. This Meeting, which was held o n t h e 21st of December, 1882, was well attended b y t h e leading men of t h e County and City, without distinction of religion or politics. I t was there resolved t o hold a n Exhibition of Industry, including Agriculture, Introduction. 3 and of Fine Arts, i n the Autumn of the present year, and t w o Committees were appointed—a General Committee of promoters, w i t h power t o add t o their numbers, and a n Executive Committee, selected from the General Committee b y t h e meeting itself, and strictly limited t o forty members. This meeting i s memorable as the first really successful attempt t o unite all classes i n the County and City of Cork—Catholics and Protestants, National ists, Conservatives and Liberals, t h e landlords and farmers of t h e County, and' the artizans of t h e City, for t h e promotion of a common object—the industry, trade, and agriculture', of the country. Such a n union of classes and parties necessarily involved t h e rigid exclusion of every topic involving religious or political discussion, and could only subsist and do t h e work proposed, b y a loyal adherence of everyone t o t h e terms of the tacit compro mise. THE WOKE OF T H E E XECUTIVE C O M M I T T E E . — N o t i m e w a s l o s t i n getting the Executive Committee t o work. A t i t s first meeting, on t h e 23r(l of December, a Sub-Committee w a s appointed t o report o n the organization o f the necessary working Sub-Committees. This Sub-Committee reported t o .a meeting of the Executive Committee o n t h e 28th December, recommending the appointment of nine Sub-Committees:—1. Finance; 2. B u i l d i n g ; 3. Industrial and Arrangements; 4. Machinery; 5. Raw Material; 6. Agriculture ; 7. Music ; 8. Fine Arts ; and 9. Solicitation. The number was afterwards reduced t o six—the Building, Industrial and Arrangements, Machinery, and Raw Materials having been amalgamated The Site of t h e proposed Exhibition was also considered, and as there could be n o doubt, t h a t both as t o convenience a n d economy, t h e most, eligible place for the purpose was t h e Corn Market, i t was agreed t h a t appli cation should a t once be made t o t h e Trustees of the Market for i t s use. T h e Trustees a t once granted the request, and afterwards gave the use^ of t h e H a y Market also for holding t h e Cattle and Horse Shows. I t i s right record here t h a t t h e Executive Committee have been met b y every publie body they had t o deal with, i n t h e most cordial and liberal spirit, and t h a t the Corporation of Cork was ever ready t o give t h e m a helping hand. On the 18th of January t h e Executive Committee issued t h e following statement of the objects t h e y had i n view :— 1. The Exhibition of articles manufactured i n Ireland, and of raw materials—mineral, vegetable, and animal—produced i n Ireland. 2. The Exhibition of articles manufacturd, aud raw materials produced in. other countries, which, i n t h e opinion of t h e Executive Committee, may t e n d t o the improvement of existing, or t h e development of new industries i n Ireland. 3. The Exhibition of machinery suited t o Irish industries, t h e machinery manufactured i n Ireland being distinguished from t h a t of other countries. Introduction. 4. A n Exhibition of paintings, sculpture, carvings, china, antique furniture, plate, lace and other Art manufactures, the work of Irish artists and residents i n Ireland, old Irish work. 5. A general loan collection of similar works. 6. A n Exhibition of agricultural products and machinery, subject t o t h e same conditions attached t o exhibits in Classes Nos. 1 and 2. 7. A n Exhibition of appliances used i n the culture, capture and curing o f fish, both fresh and saltwater. The Exhibition was also t o be utilized as far as possible as a school f o r educating t h e farming, the artizan and the working classes, b y means of suitable lectures, demonstrations and reports. Medals and certificates were t o be awarded for t h e best exhibits i n each class, and t o t h e artizans whomade them. Besides these immediate and temporary uses of t h e Exhibition, t h e Com mittee hope to make i t the starting point of a permanent Institute for Technical Education, and the promotion of skilled industry. A resolution pro posed b y Mr. R. U . P. Fitzgerald, and adopted o n t h e 3rd of February, marks the views of the Committee at t b e outset of t h e undertaking as t o t h e necessity of making the Exhibition the beginning of a permanent movement, and n o t a passing event. This resolution provided : " That a Committee t o be called t h e Permanent Use Committee be appointed, having for i t s object t h e watching of all the proceedings connected w i t h the Exhibition, w i t h a view t o advising such steps as t h e y m ay deem necessary towards carrying out one o f the objects which the promoters of the Exhibition originally had i n view, viz.:—the ultimate establishment of permanent Technical Schools of Instruc tion, Mechanics' Institutes, Lecture Halls, Reading Rooms, etc." THE EXHIBITION BUILDING.—The Committee having fixed the 1st of March as the last d a y for receiving applications for space for industrial exhibits ( t h i s date was, however, afterwards extended t o t h e 17t h March,) and the 15th March for pictures and other objects belonging to t h e Fine A r t s section, and having also determined t o open t h e Exhibition o n t h e 3rd July, n o time was t o be lost i n providing the necessary building. Accordingly the Architect, Mr. Robert t a l k e r , C.E., was instructed o n the 24t h January t o prepare a designand working drawings for a building adapted for the site, and embodying i n i t so much of t h e existing Corn Exchange and Market Sheds as could be used. A draft plan was submitted t o the Committee on February 3rd, for covering i n the whole of t h e Corn Market, about acres i n extent. T h e full drawings, specifications, and quantities, were submitted o n t h e 8 t h of February, and tenders were invited for erecting t h e building. T h e tenders were opened on the 15th of February, and t h a t of Mr. J o h n Delaney having been found the lowest, h e w a s declared contractor a t £ 8 , 7 8 6 Os. 3d., w i t h a n allowance for the old materials, should t h e building be removed, of £ 1 , 2 0 0 . Introduction. The highest tender was £10,901, with a n allowance of £ 8 7 0 for old materials. O n February 26th possession of the site was obtained, and o n the 27th t h e work commenced, and i n t e n weeks w a s covered in, the men having been enabled t o work till a late hour i n the n i g h t b y the use of the electric light. The contractor was bound, under a penalty of £ 2 0 a day, to have the building ready for the erection of stalls and the mounting of machinery not later than t h e 20th M a y ; on the other hand, h e was entitled to £ 2 0 for every day h e had the work completed before t h e stipulated time. Owing to the rapid progress h e made Mr. Delaney became entitled t o claim this bonus for twenty d a y s ; but, feeling a deep interest i n the project, h e generously waived h i s claim to the entire sum. T h e building consists of t h e Hall of the Corn Market, which i s 7 5 feet long, and the same i n breadth. I n the hall are t h e turnstiles, a cloak-room, and clerks' office, which divide i t into a porch opening directly o n the quay, and a vestibule; from the latter a n arched opening, 20 feet wide and 35 feet high, leads into t h e Great Hall, 188 feet l o n g b y 75 feet, consisting of a nave 5 0 feet wide b y 56 feet high, with side aisles and galleries over 12 feet 6 inches wide. A t the far or southern end of the hall i s a n orchestra, capable of accommodating 400 performers, having i n i t s centre the organ, built b y Mr. Magahy, of Cork. Attached t o the orchestra are retiring rooms. Along the western side of the Great Hall have been erected the art galleries, ladies' room, dining rooms, kitchen, and refreshment bar; and o n t h e eastern side, the reading and smoking rooms, post, telegraph, and money order office. I n t h e north-western angle of t h e building, adjoining t h e dining rooms and bar, a well-fitted lavatory has been erected. There i s also a dining room o n t h e eastern side for workmen employed about the buildings. The two art galleries are each 75 feet long b y 2 5 feet wide, and are admirably lighted, the l i g h t being steady and free from shadows and glare. For the sake of economy and also rapidity of execution the building throughout i s constructed of timber rough after t h e saw. I n order t o secure light proportions, t h e minimum dimensions, consistent with sufficient strength, have been adopted. The roof trusses are semi-circular, and i n part consist of laminated ribs, and i n part of lattice-girder work. T h e pillars which support these trusses consists of < two planks bolted together, from which spring a t t h e same height on the four sides semi-circular ribs. The Great H a l l i s completely enclosed with l j - i n c h tongued sheeting, extending t o tlie roof light, and the orchestra i s further enclosed i n a similar manner. The part of t h e building set apart for exhibitioual purposes i s o n the same level as the Great H a l l and other adjoining rooms, the only steps i n the whole area of 3J acres being those leading out of t h e vestibule. I t con sists of 13 avenues, 25 feet wide, eight of which are 384 feet long, and 5 •behind the Great Hall and art galleries, 196 feet long, the whole having a n 5 6 Introduction. average length of about 290 feet. These halls all open into each other, a n d being only separated b y the pillars, from each of which spring four arches, a s above described, the whole appears t o consist of a series of arches running i n every direction. The colours used i n decoration are only three]: a dark purple, which i s used t o form a dado, except i n t h e art galleries, where t h e whole surface h a s been so coloured t o form a back-ground for the pictures ; a light ultramarine blue o n the sides of t h e curved trusses, and t h e remainder of t h e walls and roof a very pale ochre or bath-stone colour. T h e roof is formed of corrugated zinced iron, resting upon a thin-tongued sheeting, and t h e upper part along t h e ridge of large plates of framed horti cultural glass, which effectually l i g h t s every part of the building. T h e large space t h u s provided was found, on applotment, insufficient for t h e number of exhibits offered. T h e Executive Committee was consequently obliged to erect an additional hall, 250 feet long, 51 feet wide, and 30 feet high, on a n unused road l y i n g along t h e eastern wall of t h e main building and the station of t h e Cork and Bandon Railway. This great hall is con nected w i t h the main building b y t w o doors, one of which, 12 feet wide, opens from the great main avenue which crosses t h e whole area from west t o east. This hall has been allocated t o agricultural machinery and implements, which form a notable feature of t h e Exhibition. Exclusive of t h e offices, b u t including t h e vestibule and the galleries of t h e great hall, the whole floor space of the Exhibition i s 143,115 square feet, of which the great hall, dining-rooms, lavatories, smoking and reading rooms occupy 28,372 square feet, leaving 114,743 square feet for exhibitional purposes exclusively. A s t h e galleries of t h e great hall and aisles beneath t h e m are fully occupied b y various collections, we m ay assume t h e whole of t h e floor space available for exhibits t o be about 120,000 square feet, to which i s t o be added the wall space. I n t h e Cork Exhibition of 1852 t h e whole available space was on ly 43,875 square f e e t ; so t h a t this exhibition occupies more' than three times t h e space of t h e first one. I t should also be added t h a t less space i s wasted i n this Exhibition than i n most others. Some idea of the extent of t h e building m a y be formed from t h e following quantities of materials employed i n i t s construction :—The roof i s supported b y 15,000 lineal feet of timber pillars and struts, and 15,600 lineal feet o f curved r i b s ; 47,000 square feet of boards have been used i n sheeting t h e roofs and walls. The roof is covered b y 62,000 square feet of corrugated zinced sheet iron ; and 67,000 square feet of horticultural glass, framed i n 56,000 lineal feet, or upwards of 10J miles of sash-bars. The floor i s formed of 95,800 square feet of boards, resting o n 205,709 lineal feet, or nearly 39 miles flooring joists. Lastly, the painted, coloured, and varnished surfaces measured 33,173 square yards. Introduction. CLASSIFICATION A N D ARRANGEMENT OF E X H I B I T S . — T h e E x h i b i t s a r e classified i n t o 11 sections, numbered respectively from A t o K . divided i n t o classes, of w h i c h there are i n all 38 as follow : These are SECTION A . — E x t r a c t i o n or Production of Mineral, Vegetable, a n d A n i m a l R a w Materials, a n d their immediate Products. Class 1. Mining, Metallurgy, Quarrying, and Mineral Products. Class 2. Chemical a n d Pharmaceutical Processes a n d Products. Class 3. Vegetable a n d A n i m a l Substances used a s F o o d , Drinks, a n d Narcotics. Class 4. Vegetable a n d Animal Substances a n d Products u s e d for t h e production o f Light, a n d i n Manufactures. SECTION B.—Machines and Tools. Class 5. Motors and Contrivances for t h e Transmission of M o t i o n and Forces generally. Class 6. Railway a n d Tramway P l a n t s , including Locomotive Engines, Carriages a n d W a g g o n s . Class 7 . Carriages a n d other appliances for t h e transport of persons a n d goods o n land, exclusive of tramways a n d railways. Class 8. Manufacturing Machines a n d Tools. Class 9. Miscellaneous Machines a n d Tools n o t included i n other classes. Class 10. Agricultural a n d Horticultural Machines, Implements, &c. Class 11. Engineering and Architectural Contrivances (sub-divided i n t o : 1. Civil Engineering a n d Architecture, i n c l u d i n g Sanitary a n d Ventilating Contrivances ; 2. Military Engineering, including Accoutrements, Ordnance a n d Small Arms ; 3. N a v a l Engineering a n d Architecture, including Life-Saving Apparatus). Class 12. Scientific Apparatus, Medical a n d Surgical I n s t r u m e n t s a n d A p p l i a n c e s ; a n d Veterinary Instruments a n d Appliances. Class 13. Musical Instruments. SECTION C . — W o r k s i n Metals. Class 14. Steel Cutlery and Edge Tools. Class 15. Iron a n d General Hardware. Class 16. (1) Manufactures i n Gold, Silver, a n d other Costly M e t a l s (2) A r t Manufactures i n Various Metals ; (3) J e w e l l ery a n d E n a m e l s o n Precious Metals. SECTION D.—Vitreous and Ceramic Manufactures. Class 17. Glass Class 18. Pottery Introduction. 8 SECTION E.—Manufactures from t h e S k i n s a n d other parts of A n i m a l s (exclusive of "Wool, &c.) Class 19. Dressed S k i n s for Hearth Rugs, &c.—Furs, Hair, Feathers, H o r n , Tortoiseshell, Bones, Shells, Gut, &c. Class 2 0 . Leather a n d Leather Goods, including Saddlery a n d Harness, B o o t s a n d Shoes, and Gloves. SECTION F.—Manufactures from Vegetable a n d Animal Fibres—Spun, W o v e , Felted, a n d Laid. Class 2 1 . Manufactures i n Cotton, Flax, Hemp, J u t e , a n d o t h e r Vegetable Fibres (exclusive of Cordage, Twine, &c., included i n Class 4). Class 22. Manufactures i n Wo o l , Alpaca, Mohair, &c. Class 23. Silks, Velvets, a n d Mixed Fabrics. Class 2 4 . Carpets, Tapestry, Fringe, Lace, Embroidery, Artificial Flowers. Class 25. Articles of Clothing, exclusive of those made of Leather. Class 26. Paper, Stationery, Printing, Book-binding. SECTIONG . — Class 2 7 . Furniture, Upholstery, Decoration, &c. SECTION H.—Educational Appliances. A . Intellectual. Class 28. School a n d College Buildings, Furniture, a n d F i t t i n g s . Class 29. Teaching Appliances. B . Physical. Class 30. Drill a n d Gymnastics, Games and Toys. C. Technical. Class 31. W r i t i n g , Drawing, Modelling. Class 32. Industrial W o r k generally—(a) of Private Persons, National, Convent, a n d other Schools ; (b) W o r k of t h e Blind, Deaf, a n d D u m b , &c. ; (c) W o r k o f t h e Industrial S c h o o l s ; (d) Work of Reformatories a n d Prisons. SECTION I . — Class 33. Miscellaneous Articles a n d Small Wares. SECTION J . — F i n e Arts. Class 34. Sculpture i n Marble, Alabaster, Stone, Terra Cotta, Ivory, W o o d ; Casts i n Plaster of Paris, Bronze, Zinc, Silver, etc. ; Coins, Medals, etc. Class 35. Paintings i n Oil a n d Water Colours ; Drawings i n Chalks Crayons, etc. Introduction. 0 Class 36. Engravings o n Copper, Steel, and Wood, E t c h i n g s ; Lithographs, Photographs. Class 37. Illumination, Enamels, Stamped Leather, and other Ornamental Work of h i g h Artistic value. SECTIONK . — Class 38. Archaeology and Ethnology (Loan Collections). I n the arrangement of the Exhibits this classification has been adhei ed t o a s closely as possible, though i n a few cases where an Exhibitor showed several classes of goods i t was thought right t o accede to their strongly expressed desire not t o separate t h e m and place t h e m i n their respective classes. T h e Entrance H a l l or Vestibule contains t h e six cases of objects l e n t b y t h e Department of Science and Art, South Kensington, three on each side of t h e Hall. T h e right side h a s been allotted t o the works of Sculptors, and t h e left t o Marble Altars, Stone Carvings, and Plaster of Paris Figures. I t was first proposed t o arrange the nine classes of Section B around t h e eastern, southern, and western sides of the building, t h e machines i n motion being a l l placed i n t h e cross avenue along the southern side. T h e other sections beginning o n t h e eastern or l e f t side w i t h A were t o have been placed within t h i s border or frame of machines and tools along t h e sides of t h e parallel avenues, so as t o have a free passage along t h e centre of each avenue leading t o t h e machinery i n motion. I n applotting t h e ground i t was found, however, t h a t there was not room for all t h e Exhibits promised within the b u i l d i n g ; t h e agricultural machines and implements were accordingly provided for i n t h e new H a l l above described, and t h e space originally intended for them assigned t o Sections G and H , which are now on the eastern or left side, instead of the western where t h e y should be i f the original design could have been carried out. W i t h the exception of the two Sections j u s t mentioned, t h e arrangement follows t h e order of t h e classification. Passing through t h e door o n t h e left of t h e Great H a l l the visitor will find himself or herself i n Section A , Class 1, among Building Stones, Ores, Coal, and other mineral products. Then comes Class 2 , Chemical and Pharma ceutical preparations, followed b y Class 3, Flours, Oatmeals, Biscuits, Bride Cakes, Preserved Fruits, Sugars, Teas and Coffees, etc. ; Pickles, Sauces, Preserved Meats, Butter, Bacon, and Hams, and other articles of food ; "Whiskey, W i n e , Porter and Ale, Effervescing Drinks, Tobaccos. Class 4 i s somewhat scattered, owing t o t h e Coopers' Work and Basket Work being placed, the one a t t h e north-east end of t h e Section, and t h e other i n t h e neighbourhood of Preserved Provisions ; t h e remainder of the Class is i n i t s proper place. Section C occupies t h e first of t h e short avenues behind t h e Great H a l l , b u t also extends irregularly t o the eastwards, almost surrounding Class 4 Introduction. and part of Glass 3. To t h e west of t h e Manufactures i n Metals is t h e avenue of Glass and Pottery, forming t h e two classes of Section D . T h e n come t h e avenues occupied b y t h e two classes of Section E—Skins, Feather, Hair, &c., and Leather a n d Leather Goods. N e x t t o these come t h e Textile Manufactures, forming Section F, beginning wit h Cotton and Linen, t h e n Woollen Fabrics, Silk and Mixed Goods, Lace Embroidery, Articles o f Clothing, Hats, &c., and lastly, Paper and Printing. Section G, Furniture, Upholstery, and Decoration, occupies part of the eastern side of t h e building, near Section A . Section H i s necessarily somewhat scattered, t h e School Furniture, Billiard Tables, &c.; and the Work of the Blind, Deaf and Dumb, Industrial, and Reformatory Schools being placed near Section G, while t h e examples ofWriting, Drawing, &c., of Schools of Art are placed i n t h e Western Aisle and Gallery of the Great H a l l , the Eastern Gallery being occupied b y the Collections of the Ladies' Committee. The single Class of Section I h a s been divided into two parts—one consisting of Umbrellas, Walking Sticks, &c., has been placed near the Articles of Clothing i n Section F, o n t h e Western Side ; and t h e B o g Oak Carvings and similar work, near Section G on the Eastern Side. T h e Models of Ships, Guns, &c., are placed i n t h e Aisles or Precincts of t h e Great H a l l ; the Miscellaneous Models i n a n y con venient place. The Fishing Appliances, Life-Saving Gear, &c., are i n the Eastern Avenue, near Combo & Barbour's Engine. T H E L A D I E S ' COMMITTEE FOR N E E D L E W O R K , & c . — T h i s i s t h e first t i m e that women have directly shared i n the promotion and work of a n Industrial Exhibition. A Ladies' Committee was formed t o assist t h e Executive Committee i n collecting money for carrying out t h e present Exhibition ; but soon rightly extended i t s functions b y collecting for Exhibition samples of Needlework from Art, Industrial, Convent, Nat ion al and Private Schools, and individuals throughout the country. A s t h e aim of t h e Exhibition i s Educational, as w e l l as Industrial, t h e Committee proposed t o collect examples of work o n l y of the highest excellence i n each of t h e s i x classes included under t h e h ead Needlework, n a m e l y : — 1 . Plain Work ; 2. W h i t e Embroidery ; 3 . Lace Work, including—(a) Pillow Lace, (6) Point Lace, (c) Crochet L a c e ; 4. Art Needlework, including Coloured Embroideries; 5 . K n i t t i n g ; and 6. Tatting. I n order the better t o carry out their object, a s well as o n account of t h e limited space which could be assigned t o t h e Needle work Department, the contribution of a School or of an individual w a s necessarily restricted t o a few of the best articles. The Ladies' Committee propose t o award Medals and Certificates i n each class, and are prepared t o sell t h e Exhibits, t o be delivered w h e n t h e Exhibition shall close. They also propose t o organize a Sale of E xhibits o n t h e Art U n i o n Principle, the tickets t o be issued at one shilling each. T h e left Gallery of the Great H a l l i s occupied b y the Committee's Collection of Introduction. Needlework, consisting of 1,002 Exhibits, contributed b y about 2 5 0 Schools or individuals, a n d forms a m o s t interesting feature of t h e E x h i b i t i o n , w h i c h i s well w o r t h y of a visit. THE DAIEY.—In order t o g i v e farmers v i s i t i n g t h e E x h i b i t i o n a n opportunity of seeing t h e n e w process of separating Cream from M i l k , and t h e best w a y of h a n d l i n g butter, t h e E x e c ut i v e Committee h a v e erected a special b u i l d i n g i n t h e yard, t o t h e east of t h e Corn Exchange, fronting t h e Quay, i n w h i c h Messrs. "Walter Carson & Sons, of D u bl i n , h a v e fitted u p a D e Laval Separator a n d other necessary apparatus for t h e purpose. T h i s B u t t e r Factory w i l l b e worked every d a y w h i l e t h e E x h i b i t i o n remains open. One of J . & E . H a l l ' s Small-sized P a t e n t Cold D r y A i r Machines i s placed i n t h e Factory S h e d , a n d w i l l be worked b y one of Crossley's G a s Engines, w h i c h supplies power t o t h e Cream Separator. Yisitors w i l l t h u s h a v e a n opportunity of seeing t h e m e t h o d o f preserving M i l k , Butter, F i s h , Meat, a n d other perishable articles b y means of air cooled mechanically— a process of t h e greatest importance t o t h i s country. N e a r t h e B u t t e r Factory i s also a Dairy, constructed after t h e M o d e l t o w h i c h t h e Committee awarded t h e Gold Medal offered b y Mr. W . H . Crawford, for t h e best m o d e l of a D a i r y for t e n cows, t o be b u i l t a t a cost n o t exceeding £35. T h e Models s e n t i n competition for t h e m e d a l are exhibited w i t h t h e Models of Workmen's Cottages i n t h e south-eastern part of t h e building. M E . Y I L L I E E S STUART'S P E I Z E FOE TIIE B E S T M O D E L OF A W O E K M A N ' S COTTAGE.—Another interesting feature of t h i s E x h i b i t i o n i s t h e collection of M o d e l s for W o r k m e n ' s Cottages, w h i c h w i l l be f o u n d i n t h e south eastern part of t h e B u i l d i n g . M o s t of t he se Models h a v e b e e n entered for the prize of £ 5 0 offered b y Mr. Villiers Stuart, for t h e best Model of a Workman's H o u s e t h a t c a n b e b u i l t for fifty guineas. I n t h e D a i r y Y a r d are also some full-sized M o d e l s of Cottages constructed of various materials. C H I E F F E A T U E E S OF T H E E X H I B I T I O N . — T h e p r e s e n t E x h i b i t i o n p o s s e s s e s one great merit, t h a t of thoroughly representing I r i s h Manufacturing Industry i n i t s present aspect of transformation a n d resuscitation. Y i e w e d from t h i s standpoint, t h i s E x h i b i t i o n is, perhaps, superior t o a n y previous Irish one. A l l our principal Industries are w e l l represented—Cured Provisions, Leather, L i n e n , a n d Woollens. Our limited, b u t t o u s neverthe less important Manufactures of Cotton, S i l k a n d M i x e d Fabrics, are also shown. T h e collection of Agricultural Machines a n d I m p l e m e n t s i s , a s m i g h t have been expected, good, a n d b e i n g a l l brought together i u one great Hall, i s effectively displayed. T h e u s e of t h e great Motor of t h e future, t h e Gas Engine, m a y be seen i n several places throughout t h e building ; a n d also m a n y of t h e endless applications of Electricity, including t h a t of l i g h t i n g t h e place. B u t n o single industry i s so f ul l y or satisfactorily illustrated a s 12 Introduction. the Irish Woollen Trade. This Manufacture has undergone many vicissitudes, and had practically died out thirty years ago. I n 1856 Mr. Marmion stated i n h i s History of the Maritime Ports of Ireland, that " t h e Woollen Manufacture once so prosperous, h as shown n o symptoms of resuscitation." B u t i t has n o t only since recovered, b u t developed so rapidly as t o promise t o become once again the staple trade of the south and centre of Ireland. A few brief notes from t h e History of the Woollen Trade i n Ireland will show t h a t i t is, so t o say, indigenous t o the country. The Cochull, a cloak-like garment, w i t h a hood or cowl, and made of frieze, corresponding t o the Gallo-Roman cucullus, of which mention i s made b y Juvenal, w a s much worn b y the ancient Irish; b u t was probably t h e special garb of the Filid, a n Order of Druids i n Pagan times, and i n Christian times the poets and bards of t h e chiefs. Out of the schools of t h e Filid grew, i n most cases, the cenobium or monastery of the early Irish Church, w i t h its village of round huts, i n which t h e students lived. T h e Cochull or Cowl of the poet became the garb of t h e Irish monk, and was carried b y him, together w i t h t h e gospel and such learning as t h en existed, into Britain, t h e Low Countries, Eastern France, Germany, Switzerland, and even Northern Italy, during the great emigration of Irish monks and scholars i n t h e 7th, 8th, and 9 t h centuries, and t h u s became t h e special garb of monks. There i s evidence t h a t i n t h e centuries j u s t named the material, as well a s t h e shape of t h e cowl was Irish. W e k n o w t h a t even a t t h e e n d of t h e 6 t h century trade was carried o n regu^aily between t h e southern ports of Ireland and Nantes, and there seems n o reason t o doubt t h a t Cochulls and frieze were regular articles of export a t that time. I n a Latin life of St. Cadoc, w h o lived about t h e period j u s t mentioned, there i s a passage i n which t h e Cochull i s described as " a kind of garment which the Irish wear out of doors, full of prominent shaggy hairs, woye into a kind of plush." T h i s passage i s n o t contemporary wit h t h e saint, for the life belongs t o t h e 11th or 12th century, but i t a t least shows t h a t i n t h e centuries named cowls of Irish frieze were i n use i n Wales. Cowls, plaids, and other garments of various colours were among t h e usual stipends paid b y superior chiefs t o inferior ones ; and also among t h e tributes paid t o chiefs were dyed wool and dye stuffs, such as woad and some kind of madder. I n 1250 Henry III. gave t h e citizens of Dublin power t o levy toll u p o n certain articles, among which are named English, foreign, and Irish cloths, woad, and alum. There i s also evidence of commercial relations about t h i s t i m e between the citizens of Dublin and La Rochelle, and of money dealings w i t h t h e Florentines. Irish woollen fabrics were t h en largely exported t o England, and probably formed one of t h e articles exported t o La Rochelle. Then and for l o n g after England exported raw wool and imported woollen Introduction. 13 k cloths, among w h i c h Irish fabrics, especially frieze a n d serges, largely figured. I t w a s n o t u n t i l Edward I I I . b r o u g h t over J o h n ' K e m p a n d several other F l e m i s h workmen i n 1331 t h a t t h e E n g l i s h cloth trade m a y b e said tohave been founded. B u t t h o u g h Edward endeavoured t o establish t h e woollen manufacture i n England, a n d prohibited t h e importation of woollen goods from abroad, h e greatly favoured t h e Irish woollen trade, w h i c h t h e n flourished a t D u b l i n , Cork, K i l k e n n y , Waterford, Ross, Drogheda, a n d Trim. N o r w a s t h e exportation from Ireland of woollen goods confined a t t h i s period t o E n g l a n d , b u t e x t e nde d t o Spain a n d Italy. T h e following passage from t h e curious poem, called " I I D i t t a m o n d o , " written about 1364, b y Fazio degli Uberti, places t h i s statement b e y o n d doubt. H e says : " I n l i k e manner w e pass i n t o Ireland, W h i c h a m o n g u s i s w o r t h y of renown, For t h e noble serges (nobilc saie) s h e sends u s . " T h a t Irish serge w a s a recognised article of commerce i n I t a l y , a n d of s o fine a quality a s t o b e use d for ladies' dresses i s s h o w n b y a n i t e m from a n account quoted i n illustration of t h e word saia i n t h e Dictionary della Crusca: " For a piece of serge of Ireland (saia d'Irlanda) for c l o t h i n g t h e wife of Andrew." N o w a t t h e t i m e t h a t t h e saia d'Jrlanda w a s worn b y t h e Florentines their o w n woollen manufactures were flourishing, a n d Macchiavelli tells u s i n h i s Florentine H i s t o r y t h a t about 1380 t h e woollen weavers formed the m o s t important a n d powerful g u i l d i n Florence. T h a t Irish w o o l l e n s continued t o be of g o o d repute i n I t a l y i n t h e 1 5 t h century, i s placed b e y o n d d o u b t b y a license granted i n 1 4 8 2 t o t h e Pope's agent i n E n g l a n d , for exporting i n t o I t a l y certain goods d u t y free, a m o n g which are m e n t i o n e d five m a n t l e s of Irish c l o t h, o n e l i n e d w i t h green, o n e russet garment l i n e d w i t h I r i s h cloth. Fine serge, l i k e t h e Saia d'Irlanda, w a s m u c h used i n t h e t i m e of Queen Elizabeth under t h e n a m e of Say, a n d i s e v e n c o n t e s t e d w i t h silk i n w the Faerie Queen. " His garment neither was of Silke nor Say." Notwithstanding t h e miserable condition of Ireland a t t h i s period m u c h say and frieze continued t o be exported f r o m Ireland. E v e n t h e wretched government of t h e Stuarts, from t h e first t o t h e last, d i d n o t entirely destroy t h e woollen trade of Ireland. A report drawn u p b y Sir W i l l i a m P e t t y a n d Colonel Parsons, early i n t h e reign of Charles I I . , states t h a t t h e clothing trade h a d not recovered i t s former e x t e n t . T h e manufacture of narrow frieze, however, soon recovered so rapidly t h a t t h e export of t h a t article w a s con- | sidered to he equal t o t h e h o m e consumption. T h e manufacture of t h e finer fabrics also increased. T h e Irish woollen trade recovered indeed so fast t h a t t h e jealousy of English manufacturers w a s aroused, a n d t h a t s y s t e m of u n j u s t H Introduction. Tepressive legislation was begun, w h i c h ended, i n the tyrannical A c t of the 11th of W i l l i a m I I I . The preamble of this A c t i s worth quoting, for t h e striking evidence i t affords of t h e growth and prosperity of the Irish woollen trade : — " T h a t woollen manufactures of all kinds made from, or mixed w i t h wool had of late been made and were daily increasing i n Ireland, and t h e British Plantations of America, and exported from thence to foreign countries, heretofore supplied b y England, w h i c h will inevitably sink the value of land t o the ruin of trade and t h e woollen manufacturers of t h e realm." B u t so thoroughly indigenous t o Ireland is t h e woollen manufacture t h a t even the legislation of William I I I . did n o t k ill it. Like all similar legisla tion, i t led to systematic smuggling. Irish friezes and other fabrics found their w a y into Spain through Cadiz, Santander, Bilbao, and t h e Portuguese ports, and thence into t h e Spanish and Portuguese colonies. E v e n after t h e prohibitive A c t , above referred to, had been i n force for more t h a n half-acentury, Cork, which was t h e n t h e principal Irish port for foreign trade, exported i n 1770 among other tilings—blankets, flannel, plushes, serges, friezes, and other stuffs, tinned iron ware ; and, singular t o relate, herrings, some of which went t o America. Galway and Limerick also carried o n a considerable trade w i t h Spain and Portugal. Irish frieze, serge, and other fabrics found their way into France also. B u t t h e export of woollen goods gradually fell off, and t h e smuggling of wool took i t s place. A great deal of wool was, however, made into home-spun yarn and exported t o England. T hus i n 1772, while only 2,075 stones of wool were exported t o England, 115,754 stones of yarn were exported, a large portion of which was sent t o Norwich. Irish W o o l was chiefly long or combing wool, and well fitted for making worsted goods, especially of the large class of fabrics formerly included under t h e term serge. These were crossed fabrics made i n a loom having four leaves of heddles. T h e k i n d of serge called b y t h e Spaniards Sempiternes or "Everlastings," o n account of their durability, aud b y the French Perpetuanes, were most probably first made i n Ireland, and from thence introduced into England, where t h e y were made i n t h e 17tli and 18th centuries, a t Colchester, Exeter, and other places i n t h e south-west of England, and destined chiefly for Spain and Italy, especially for t h e former. A s little i f any broad cloth was made i n Ireland, our native short wool not being abundant, or well suited for t h e purpose, i t i s probable t h a t t h e chief cause of t h e destructive legislation of Charles I I . and William I I I . , was t h e successful competition of Irish Serges w i t h those of England i n t h e Spanish and Portuguese markets, and their great Colonies i n South America. T h e manufacture of t h i s class of serges was introduced i n t o France, and carried o n especially at Nimes, Montpelier, Castres, and other towns of Lower Languedoc ; and also i n t h e North of France, a t Beauvais. I f n o t first introduced into France from Ireland, w h i c h seems probable, i t i s certain t h a t many Irish woollen weavers emigrated t o France. I t i s a suggestive Intioduction. 15 lesson that similar political causes should have carried a branch of the woollen trade from Ireland t o France, and the manufacture of cambric and diaper and of silk fabrics from France t o Ireland. The political and trade freedom granted i n 1782 gave a great impulse t o Irish industries. The existing branches of trade improved, and new branches were established. The linen, paper, and woollen industries flourished in Cork and i t s neighbourhood, and the towns of Bandon, Clonakilty, Lismore, &c., manufactured a good deal of linen and woollen goods. The export of woollen goods from Cork i n the latter end of the last century and the beginning of the present was considerable, among which m ay be mentioned the plain fabrics—blankets, flannels, baize, frieze, camlets ; and crossed fabrics, such a s serges, plushes, calaminque, a lustrous stuff used for making quilted petticoats, bombasin and bombazetts, &c. The export of wool almost ceased, and even that of home-spun worsted yarns, which, as has been stated above, amounted t o 115,754 stones i n 1772, had fallen i n 1811 t o 2,407 stones. "We have n o t space, nor even i f we had, i s this the place t o dwell upon the changes i n the industrial and social history of Ireland, which the figures j u s t given denote—the genesis of manufactures, and t h e disorganization and degradation of the rural labourer. T h e fall of prices and other financial disasters which followed t h e peace of 1815, ruined the infant manufactures, •depressed agriculture, and helped still further t o lower the condition of the labourer. The workshops and mills were closed, the artizans emigrated, and when the great crisis of t h e Famine came t h e manufacturing industry of the south of Ireland was all b u t extinct. But a t the very time (1856) t h a t Mr. Marmion wrote the words above quoted, the woollen industry had begun t o recover. The new birth of this indigenous and ineradicable industry took place a t Blarney, a place of great note i n the industrial history of t h e S o u t h of Ireland. I n the last century Mr. James St. John Jeffries had converted a hamlet of m u d cabins into a smart manufacturing town, b y building the houses for the workmen and encouraging the starting of factories of various kinds. Amongst the latter was a cotton factory, which did not prosper, and was changed into a flax mill, i n which was erected the first machinery for spinning flax yarns i n Ireland (by the dry process of P h i l i p de Girard, t h en recently invented). Some samples of this first machine-spun yarn were woven into duck cloth, and sent to Portugal t o clothe the British army i n the lines of Torres Yedras'. In one of the paper mills of t h e neighbourhood, too, was erected the f u s t automaton paper machine introduced into Ireland. Out of this historical flax mill has arisen t h e present great woollen factory of Martin Mahony Brothers, in which the first power looms for weaving flannel, and t h e first tweed loom w i t h boxes were employed i n Ireland, and whose success un doubtedly helped, if i t did n o t lead, t o the great revival of the woollen trade of Ireland, which the present Exhibition marks. C0RK i p t l J S H O T I i RXPIBITlefJ, JSS5. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. —»0c'<®>-30« SECTION A . E x t r a c t i o n or Production of Mineral, V e g e t a b l e , a n d A n i m a l R a w Materials, and t h e i r i m mediate Products. stand No. 1 COLLECTION OF RAW MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS belonging to the Four Classes of Section A, made by t h e Raw Materials' Committee. CLASS 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 Specimens representing the structure of t h e Lead Lode of Luganure, Co. "Wicklow Series of Specimens representing t h e process of dressing Lead Ore at Luganure Slags from Ore Furnace and Slag Hearth (Ballycorus Smelting Works) Specimens illustrating t h e extraction of Silver from Lead, and t h e manufacture of Litharge and Red Lead T i g of desilverised Lead from Ballycorus, Co. Dublin Series of Specimens illustrative of the manufacture of Patent Shot, from Ballycorus Specimens of Sheet and Pipe Lead Anthracite Coals and F i l e Clays from Slievardagh Collieries, Co. Tipperary, and from Droniagh Collieries, Co. Cork Contributed b y the Mining Company of Ireland Collection representing the Zinc Ores of Silvermines, Co. Tipperary Contributed b y W . K. Sullivan, Esq., President of Queen's College, Cork Miscellaneous Collection of Ores, etc., from t h e West of Co. Cork Contributed b y Wm. B . Harrington, Esq. Duplicate of Building Stones of Ireland (146 Specimens), collected for t h e Museum of Irish Industry i n 1845-46, b y the Royal Engineers Contributed b y the Koyal College of Science, D u b l i n (Scienceand Art Department, South Kensington) 3 Blocks of Dressed Sandstone, 6 Scythe Stones, and 5 Small Grindstones Contributed b y W . Senior, Mulaghana Quarries, Dungannon,. Co. Tyrone 3 Blocks of Dressed Freestone from Cape Clear Contributed b y W . Beecher, Esq., D . L . Official Catalogue. 17 C l a s s 1—continued. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Specimens of Limestones and Marbles from Mallow, Co. Cork Contributed b y C. P . Coote, Esq., D . L . Specimens of Irish Marbles Contributed b y R. Colles, Esq., Kilkenny Specimens of Dressed Limestones from Co. Limerick and Co. Tipperary Contributed b y S. Hennessy, B.E., Cork Limestone Monolith Contributed b y Colonel Aldworth Sample of Glass Sand from Muckish Mountain, Co. Donegal Contributed b y Alex. Stewart, Esq., of Ards Clay from Ballycotton, Co. Cork, and Pottery made therefrom Contributed b y W m , P e n n Gaskell W h i t e Potter's Clay from Ballymadody, Co. Tipperary White Potter's Clay from near Cashel Pottery Clay from Rockwell, Co. Tipperary Pottery Clay from Cashel Contributed b y the Town Commissioners of Cashel Pottery Clays from Galway—Contributed b y Sir V. Blake, Bart., Galway Do. from Bantry do. B . Eddy, Bantry Do. from Rostellan do. J . Wise, Esq., Co. Cork Do. from Carrigaline do. Mrs. Cogan, Carrigaling Do. from Ballyhooly do. Rev. Mr. Higgins Do. from Boherbee do. Rev. Mr. M'Mahon Do. from Clounties do. Mr. M'Kenna, Dingle Specimens of Coals imported into Cork Contributed b y J. Harley, Esq., Cork Specimens of Coals imported into Cork Contiibuted b y City of Cork Steam Packet Company A Collection of Paraffin Oil Shales representing all the chief Beds now being worked i n Scotland Contributed b y T. C. Archer, Esq., Director of the Industrial Museum of Scotland Specimens of Turf, Peat Litter, P e a t Dust, Peat Wool, etc., from Bruns wick, Germany Contributed b y Herrn A . Rimpan, Brunswick Specimens of Irish Turf from various Localities suitable for the manufac ture of Peat Litter CLASS2 . Sample of Kelp Contributed b y Alexander Crawford & Son, Belfast. 21 Specimens of Barytes and t h e various Salts and Paints made from i t Contributed b y the Dunneen B a y Mineral Company, Clonakilty. 22 Collections of Organic and Inorganic Substances used for Technical, Scientific and Pharmaceutical Purposes Collection of Medicinal Oils Collection of 64 Elements 20 i8 C l a s s 2—continued. Collection of 72 Alkaloids Collection of Phosphorescent Substances Collection of Aniline D y e s and Samples of Wool and Silk dyed w i t h same Collection of Fruit Essences and Essential Oils Specimens of Crystallised Sodium and Potassium 200 Specimens of rare Indian and Persian Drugs Specimens of Gums, Seeds, Roots and Mosses Collection of Sponges Contributed b y William Harrington & Sons, Cork. 23 Paraffin from Peat Contributed b y W . K. Sullivan, Esq., President of Queen's College, Cork. 24 Specimens illustrative of the manufacture of Sugar from Beet-root CLASS3 . C L A S S4 . 25 Collection of Sections of Native-Grown Woods Contributed b y Sir Richard Keane, Bart., Cappoquin 26 A Cotton Tree ; samples of the Raw Cottons coming into t h e Liverpool Market; and samples of Cotton i n process of Spinning Contributed b y G. M'Ferran, Esq., Liverpool 27 Series of samples illustrating the process of Cotton Spinning Contributed b y John Haslam & Co., Halliwell Cotton Works, Bolton, Lancashire. 28 Collection of Vegetable Fibres—Rhea or China Grass, Jute, W . S. P. K. Riga, East Indian Silk Flax (rough and dressed), Egyptian Flax, English Flax, Scotch Flax, Hemp 1st Bass, Hemp 2nd Bass, H e m p G and H e m p P . C . Contributed b y H . M'Ferran, Esq., Millfield, Cork. 29 Collection of D u t c h Flax Straw, Flax i n preparation, and Scutched Flax ready for market Scutching Machinery (old and modern) Contributed b y Messrs. Reilly & Walker, Rotterdam 30 Collection of Flax and other Vegetable Fibres Contributed b y W . J . Pollock, Esq., Cork. 31 Collection of Materials used i n the manufacture of Paper Contributed b y F. Guy, Cork. 32 Collection of Tanning Materials 33 Samples of Wool— 1 South Down. Hogget Fleece (1st Clip)} 1 Leicester do. >• Irish-Grown 1 Irish Breed do. ) 1 Australian Fleece before shearing 1 Do. unwashed Contributed b y Martin Mahony Brothers, Cork. 34 4 P e l t s of Irish-bred Sheep Contributed b y A. H , Smith-Barry, Esq., D . L , , Fota Official Catalogue. ig S e c t i o n A—Class 1 Stand Wo. 2 J E R E M I A H CEOWLT, 3 Main Street, Skibbereen Glass Case, containing about 100 pieces Copper Ore, from Broughhead, Ballycumisk, Cappaugh, Horse Island, Dreenahmaun Mines, White Mines, Brightus. (Schull and Ballydehob, post towns) Marble, Jasper, Flint, Granite, Limestone, Slates Petrified Wood, Worms, Insects, &c. A few pieces of Lead and Silver Ore Stand No. 3 ROBERT HALL, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny Coal and Culm Stand No. 4 JOSEPH DOBBS, Jarro-w Colliery, Castlecomer, Kilkenny Anthracite Coal, for Malting and other purposes Stand No. 5 JOSEPH DOBBS, Jarrow Kilkenny. Colliery, Co. Castlecomer, Co. Coal Stand No. 6 1 LEGBRA1WOCK COLLIERIES, Holytown, by Glasgow Specimen showing thickness of Greenside House and Steam Coal 2 > 3 ,, ,, ,, „ „ Mossband „ Arniston Cannel Coal Stand No. 7 J . A. LONDON, 7 Side, N c w c a s t l e - o n - T y n o Fibrous Peat Stand No. 8 1 COOPER & CO., Portland Wexford Drinagh Portland Cement, i n sacks Cement Works, D i i n a g h , 2 A number of Briquettes used in testing Drinagh Portland Cement a t the Works, w it h records of the tensile strain borne b y each. 3 Concrete Paving Slabs made from Drinagh Portland Cement Stand No. 9 1 2 THOMPSON BROTHERS, 2 0 Wintbrop Street, Cork, Agents of Charles Francis, Son & Co., West Medina Cement Mills, Newport, Isle of Wigbt, and 17 Graceclmrcb Street, London. " V e c t i s " Portland Cement, and some specimens of it, as used by Builders, Engineers, &e. " V e c t i s " Medina (Hydraulic) Cement Cork Industrial 20 Exhibition Section A—Class 1 Stand No. 10 T H E FERRUMITE MANUFACTURING CO., Street, Cork 2 Ferrumite Slabs, suitable for paving and for house building Cattle Pen and Stable Blocks 3 Kerbstones 1 4 Edge Copings for Railway Platforms 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Paving Slabs for Railway Stations W a l l Copings Window Heads Window Sills Pier Caps Pier Blocks Champfered W a l l Stones 12 13 Dairy Shelves 14 Dairy Channels Dairy Paving Blocks stand No. 11 1 2 3 JAMBS O'OONNBLL, St. Finn Barr's Salt and Lime Works, Bishop Street, Cork Cork-made " P i n e Butter S a l t " ,, " Coarse Salt," used for meat; &c. ' 1 Rock Salt " T h e above are manufactured from the Rock Salt Stand No. 12 T H E BELFAST MINING CO., Limited, 5 Victoria St., Belfast. J . A. Cochrane, Sec. Rock Salt from French Park Mine, Carrrickfergus, for manufactur i n g purposes, and for Cattle and Sheep, and when crushed, for application to green crops and grass lands 1 • 2 Rook Salt i n lumps Rock Salt crushed Stand No. 13 JAMES BARRY, Main Street, Mallow Salt for Domestic, Dairy, Curing, and other purposes Stand No. 14 Salt SALT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Northwich, Cheshire Stand No. 15 Salt J O H N SULLIVAN, St. Finnbarr's, Cork Official Catalogue. S e c t i o n A—Class 1 Stand No. 16 WILLIAM CARROLL, Anglesea Street, Cork 1 Superfine Butter Salt 2 Fine Table Salt 3 Coarse Provision Salt 4 Agricultural Salt 5 Sea Salt 6 Irish Rock Salt 7 Fishery Salt St3.nd No. 17 ALBERT L. ALTMAN <&; CO., 5 Pembroke Quay, Dublin 1 Circular Wood Drums * 2, 3 and 4 Calico and Paper Bags ) 5 and 6 0 u ro w n Manufacture Jars and Bottles All the above filled wit h Flour Salt 7 Square Boxes filled wit h Sea Salt 8 9 Irish Fine Dairy Salt, made a t Tullamore Works Irish Coarse Provision Salt ,, ,, 10 Irish Rock Salt, raised a t Carrickfergus 11 12 13 Irish Bituminous Coal, from Arigna Mines, Lough Allen, Co. Leitrim „ „ • Minashamus Mines ,, Co. Roscommon ,, Anthracite Modubeagh, Queen's Co., non-sulphurous „ Clough Colliery, Co. Kilkenny M 15 Jarrow Colliery, Stand No. 18 ,, ' J E R E M I A H M'AULIFFE, 36 Great Britain Street, Cork Cork Butter Salt Stand No. 19 JOHN BARRY, Douglas Street, Cork Specimens of Salt manufactured b y Exhibitor, viz. : 1 Fine Table Salt 2 Dairy Salt for Butter Making Stand No. 2 0 ELIZA J A N E FITZMAURICE, Dunman-way, Co. Cork Barytes from Bantry Bay Barytes Mine 22 Cork Industrial Exhibition Section A—Class 1 Stand No. SI BEEBHAVEN MINING- CO., Limited, Alliliies, BantryP Go. Cork 1 Specimen Keallogue Ore, taken from workings about 1,280 feet below surface. (Mine abandoned) 2 Specimen Mountain Ore, taken from workings 1,500 feet below surface. (Mine abandoned) 3 Specimens of Coom Ore, taken from Ore bearing part of the lode now being worked 250 feet below surface 4 Specimens of Tragh-na-mban Ore taken from lode now being worked 180 feet below surface 5 Sample of Copper Ore dressed and ready for shipment and sale, containing about 10 per cent, line copper Stand No. 2 2 THE ANTRIM IRON ORB CO., Limited, 1 Victoria Chambers, Belfast 1 2 Samples of Antrim Iron Ores raised b y t h e Antrim Iron Ore Co. Samples of Pig Iron and Bar Iron, i n the manufacture of which t h e Antrim Ores were used 3 Block of No. 1 Glenarm Iron Ore, from Antrim Iron Ore Co.'s Mine rifear Glenarm, Co. Antrim Stand Nos. 2 3 & 2 4 1 PATRICK M. MOLONT, Peafield, Kenmare, Co. Kerry Copper Ore Stones 2 Magnesian Stone 3 N o t ascertained as yet—very peculiar description, i t being a j e t black and very weighty, i t may or may not be of great commercial value Stand No, 25 E L I Ti. tfc H. L. CHANDLER, 718 Market Street^ Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A. Felspar, used for the manufacture of artificial teeth Stand No. 2 6 MAURICE CONWAY, 36 & 37 Mary Street, Cork Shannon Flags, used for Flagging Streets, Side Walks, and General Flooring purposes. Official Catalogue. 23 S e c t i o n A—Class 1 Stand No. 27 DAVID TOBIN, Shrough Flag Quarry, Tipperary Superior smooth level green Flags, ean be cut any thickness from 1 t o 6 inches, and delivered in any quantity a t any Railway Station 1 2, 3 Flags Stand No. 28 MAURICE CONWAY, 37 Mary Street, Cork Curriers' Scouring Stones Tools used b y Curriers in the manufacture of Leather Stand No. 2 9 BENDUFF AND FROE SLATE CO., Limited, Roascarbery, Co. Cork 1 Dressed Queens, for roofing 2 Ordinary roofing Slates 3 Slabs for Conservatories or Tanks 4 Enamelled work 5 Rough Rock, showing size slabs can be had if required stand No. 3 0 THE KILLALOE SLATE CO., Limited, Nenagh Roofing Slates made a t the above Company's Works, near Nenagh. Stand No. 31 1 2 3 VICTORIA SLATE CO., Limited. Quarries near Carricfeon-Suir; Regd. Office, 11 South Frederick St., Dublin Slate Block, cut with the mallet ready for " Splitter" Block sawn at each end and ready for the " Splitter" 4 Block after passing through the "Splitter's" hands and ready for the " Dresser" Dressed and Finished Slates 5 Specimen Roof (covered with small sized Slates) Stand No. 32 E . O'SHEA, Callan, Kilkenny Piece of Rough Limestone from the quarries of Exhibitor Stand No, 33 MARY DEIGAN, Bagonalstown Stone Works, Co. Carlow 1 Granite Monumental Cross 2 Small Crosses 3 Carved Granite Heads 4 Moulded Step 5 Worked Pedestals in Granite and Limestone 6 Granite Landings for doorsteps 7 Rough Blocks, Granite and Limestone Cork Industrial 2+ Exhibition S e c t i o n A—Class 1 Stand No. 3 4 1 Lime WILLIAM CARROLL, Anglesea Street, Cork 2 Limestone 3 Magnesian Limestone 4 Pipe Clay (Yellow) 5 Bricks 6 Moulding Sand Stand No. 35 H E A L Y BROTHERS, Tralee Limestone Monument Stand No. 3 6 FRANCIS RITCHIE & SONS, Belfast, Manure and Felt Manufacturers, Tar Distillers, Iron Ore Merchants, <&c» 1 Chemical Manure Department:— Raw Materials employed i n t h e Manufacture of Artificial Manures 2 Manures specially prepared for every description of Crop 3 F e l t Department:— Model of Circular Roof (Scale one inch t o foot) 4 Raw Materials employed i n t h e Manufacture of Tarred and other Felts 5 Roofing, Sarking, Inodorous, Black, and Brown Sheathing F e l t s 6 Foundation F elt 7 F e l t Varnish, Mineral Paints 8 Asphalte Flagging, Breeze Pavement 9 Coal Tar Products Iron Ore Merchants, &c. :— Tar Distillers:— 10 Iron Ores fron their Mines in.different parts of County Antrim 11 Building Stone from Scrabo and Duff erin Quarries, County D o w n 12 Square Setts for Street Pavement, from County D o w n Stand No. 37 JAMES FITZGERALD, Carrigacrump, Cloyne, Co. Cork 1 2 One Block of Limestone One Celtic Cross (cut out of Limestone) 3 Specimens of Limestone Lime i n Case Stand No. 3 8 COLONEL ALDWORTH, Newmarket, Co. Cork Limestone Slab «• Official Catalogue. 25 Section A—Class 1 Stand No. 3 9 V E E Y R E V . T. CANON BROSNAN, P.P., Caherciveen Specimens of Castleisland Marble, proposed t o b e u s ed i n t h e O'Connell Memorial Church, Caherciveen Stand No. 4 0 T H E A N G L I H A M MARBLE QUARRY CO., Gal-way Small Scantlings of Marble Stand No. 4 1 B U R N S & HUTTON, Belvelly Brick Works, Queenstown Plain a n d F a n c y Bricks a n d Tiles Stand No. 42 PATRICK DOYLE, Castle Mitchell Brick Works, A t h y B u i l d i n g Bricks Stand No. 4 3 S T E P H E N HEYDON, Brownstown, Athy, Co. Kildare, Brick Manufacturer A t h y Stock Bricks manufactured b y Exhibitor Stand No. 4 4 J A M E S MORRIN, Ballyroe Brick Works, A t h y B u i l d i n g Bricks Stand No. 45 J O H N BARRY, SI Douglas Street, Cork 1 Best L i m e for Gas Purifying, a s supplied t o Cork Gas Company a n d others, also for B u i l d i n g purposes, a n d manufactured b y Exhibitor 2 Samples of Ordinary or Common Bricks for Building, also t h e Material used i n their manufacture 3 Limestone C l a s s2 . Chemical and Pharmaceutical Processes and Products. Stand No, 4 6 . I R I S H , SYMONS & CO., The Plains, Totnes, Devon 1 Patent Gas P u r i f y i n g Compound 2 Patent " P h o s p h o A m m o n i a " Manure 3 Patent " E l e c t r i c o n " Gas Economise!' 4 Patent Litter for u s e i n Stables, &c. 2 6 Section A—Class 2 Stand N o 47 1 W I O K L O W COPPER M I N E CO., 113 Grafton St., Dublin Pyrites 2 Iron Ore 3 Ochres 4 Artificial Manures 5 Sulphuric A c i d Stand N o . 48 1 J A M E S GIBBS & CO., London, Bristol, Plymouth, and Hull Gibbs' Ammonia-fixed Peruvian Guano E x t r a Dissolved B o n e s 2 „ 3 „ D i sso l v e d B o n e s 4 „ T u r ni p Fertiliser 5 „ Special Fertiliser 6 „ P o t a t o Fertiliser „ Superphosphate of L i m e 8 „ Concentrated 9 „ Various samples of t h e R a w Materials us ed i n t h e manufacture of t h e above l' Stand N o . 49 1 „ RICHARDSON & F L E T C H E R , Agricultural Chemists. Works — Ringsend Dock; Offices — Beresford Place, Dublin Collection of R a w Materials u s e d i n t h e manufacture of Artificial Manures 2 Samples of Fish, Blood, Bone, a n d F l e s h Manures 3 Special Manures prepared for various Crops 4 Samples of Premier Special Manure containing proportions of m o s t k n o w n fertilizing materials a n d suitable for every soil a n d crop Stand No. 5 0 SCOTT & CO., Millfield, Cork 1 Chemical Manures 2 Tar Products 3 Lead a n d Composition Pipes 4 R a w Material Official Catalogue. 2 7 Section A—Class 2 3tand No. 51 1 MORGAN MOONEY, Rogerson's Quay, Dublin Sulphate of Soda 2 Chloride of L i m e (Bleaching Powder) 3 Hydrochloric A c i d 4 Sulphuric A c i d 5 B o n e Manure 6 Superphosphate 7 Special Manure 8 Mooney's Fertilizer 9 R a w Materials used i n t h e manufacture of above Stand No. 52 W . & H . M. MOULDING, Limited, 2 5 E d e n Quay, Dublin, and Glen, Cork 1 ' 1 Goulding's Special Manure" 2 " G o u l d i n g ' s B o n e Manure" 3 ' 1 Goulding's Corn a n d Grass Manure 4 g '' Goulding's Dissolved Guano " 6 " G o u l d i n g ' s Sugar-cane F o o d " 7 " G o u l d i n g ' s Superphospliate'' 8 " Goulding's Feeding Cakes" 9 ' ' Goulding's Sulphuric A c i d " ' ' Goulding's Turnip Manure" stand No. 53 1 2 3 D U B L I N A N D W I O K L O W M A N U R E CO., Limited. Works—Dublin Vitriol Works, Ballybougli Bridge, Dublin; and Wicklow Chemical Works, t h e Murrough, Wicklow; Office—1 College Street, Dublin. A c i d s :—Sulphuric, Muriatic, N i t r i c R a w Materials Used i n t h e manufacture of Manures Manufactured Manures, viz. : — Superphosphate B o n e Manure lso-Guano, a n d Special Manures 4 5 R a w Materials use d i n t h e manufacture o f Chemicals Manufactured Chemicals, viz. : — Sulphate of A l u m i n a ( A l u m Cake) Sulphate of Soda (Salt Cake) Chloride of L i m e (Bleaching Powder) Cork Industrial Exhibition Section A—Class 2 Stand No. 54 1 2 RICHARDSON B R O T H E R S & Cork, Galway a n d Sligo CO., Belfast, Dublin, Special Manures for e v e r y crop, Dissolved Bones, B o n e Compound a n d Superphosphate of L i m e manufactured a t Belfast Sulphuric A c i d manufactured a t Belfast 3 Bones, R a w P h o s p h a t e s a n d other materials used i n t h e manufacture of Manures i 5 R a w Peruvian Government Guano imported from Peru Linseed Cake a n d Linseed Meal manufactured a t Belfast 6 Linseed Cake a n d Decorticated Cotton Seed Cake imported from America Stand No. 55 T. J O N E S &• SON, 8 3 Grand Parade, Cork Artificial Manures Stand No. 56 L A W E S ' C H E M I C A L M A N U R E CO., Limited, 2 2 E d e n Quay, Dublin 1 " L a w e s ' S p e c i a l Manure": fertilizer for Corn, Potatoes a n d Mangolds, manufactured b y p a t e n t process a s a substitute for R a w Peruvian Guano 2 " L a w e s ' P a t e n t T ur ni p Manure": a s originally m a d e b y S i r J o h n B . Lawes, t h e first manufacturer a n d introducer of Chemical Manures " Lawes' D i sso l v e d B o n e s " : special fertilizer for enriching m eadow a n d pasture l a n d 3 4 " L a w e s ' S u p e r p h o s p h a t e " : for general u s e o n l i g h t l a n d 5 " L a w e s ' D i s s o l v e d Guano": t h e phosphates of w h i c h are rendered soluble a n d t h e A m m o n i a non-volatile Materials f r o m w h i c h t h e above Manures are manufactured 6 Stand No. 57 T H E DROGHEDA CHEMICAL M A N U R E CO., Drogheda Chemical Manures Stand No. 58 A L E X A N D E R CRAWFORD, Glenarm, Co. Antrim One sample o f Kelp, manufactured from pure Sea Weed. T h e W e e d i s first dried, a n d t h e n burned i n a k i l n m a d e for t h e purpose. K e l p i s manufactured principally for t h e Iodine i t contains Stand No. 59 B A K E R & W R I G H T , 4 8 Patrick Street a n d 1 9 Academy Street, Cork 1 Liquid Paint, i n t i n s 2 B a k i n g P owde r 2 0 Official Catalogue. Section A Stand N o . 6 0 29 Class 2 FATR & R I D G E , 5 & 3 7 Maylor Street, Cork Glass Case, w i t l i B o t t l e s o f Dry P a i n t Colours stand No. 6 1 L E W I S B E R G E R & SONS, London, E . , a n d Sheffield Limited, Homerton, 1 D r y Colours of a l l descriptions suitable for Painting, Printing, Paper Staining, Paper H a n g i n g s , W a x Making, Coach Painting, a n d a l l purposes f r o m t h e " H o u s e Painter " t o t h e " A r t i s t " 2 Paints, g r o u n d a n d m i x e d , ready for use, i n small tins. Specially prepared i n t h i s f o r m for s m a l l consumers. Suitable for a l l ordinary purposes 3 Paints, i n t i n s a n d tubes. Specially ground for Coach Painters under t h e process of J . W . Masury, of N e w York, of w h i c h w e h a v e t h e sole r i g h t a n d p a t e n t t o manufacture here a n d i n Continental Europe 4 Paints, i n tubes, f o r Ar t i st s' a n d Decorators' u s e 5 Tarnishes, o f a l l classes, for Coach Builders, Decorators, Builders, a n d general work, a n d a l l other trades wherein Varnishes are used Stand N o 6 2 1 T H E B E L F A S T P A I N T A N D COLORS M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO., Woodstock Road, and 7 8 Anne St., Belfast Genuine W h i t e Lead, guaranteed chemically pure 2 P u r e Oxide o f Iron, for ship's bottoms, a n d a l l k i n d s of iron work 3 M i x e d Paints, prepared a.nd ready for u s e for a l l k i n d s of household work, a l s o s h i p p a i n t i n g a n d general purposes ; acknowledged t o be the best i n t h e market 4 P a i n t Packages. Stand No, 6 3 O n l y manufacturers of P a i n t Packages i n Ireland. A B R A H A M W . SUTTON & CO., 3 9 W a r r e n ' s Place, Cork 1 Peacock & B u t h a n ' s P a i n t , i n t i n s , i n 3 0 different colours 2 Tarr & W o n s o n ' s P a t e n t A n t i - f o u l i n g Copper Paint, for ships' a n d boats' b o t t o m s Cork Industrial Exhibition 3° Section A—Class 2 stand No. 64 H A E G E E A V E S B E O T H E E S & CO., Tlie Black L e a d and Blue Factories, Cleveland Street, Hull, England 1 T h e " R o t u n d a " B l a c k Lead, for Stoves, Grates, a n d Ornamental Iron W o r k 2 Hargreaves' Refined B l a c k Lead, for Stoves, Grates, a n d Ornamental Iron W o r k 3 Hargreaves' " U n r i v a l l e d " Square B l u e F o r L a u n d r y purposes 4 Ellison's Square B l u e 5 National 6 Blue, i n round ba l l s 7 Pure Ultramarines Stand No. 65 ,, P . J . CONWAY, 7 Trinity Street, Dame Street, Dublin Powder for Cleaning Gold a n d Silver P l a t e Powder, manufactured b y E x h i b i t o r Stand No. 66 1 PATERSON <fc CO., Limited, Hammond Lane, Dublin, a n d M'Auley Street, Belfast, Match. Manufacturers Matches :— Ordinary P a t e n t Safety a n d V e s u v i a n s 2 Specimens of t h e W o o d s a n d o t h e r materials u s e d i n t h e manufacture Stand No. 66a COLLINS & HASTINGS, Cork Case f o r W o o d M a t c h e s Stand No. 67 THOMAS J E N N I N G S , 10 Brown Street, Cork Samples of Magnesia i n B l o c k a n d Powder, viz. : — 1 B o t t l e s of Calcined Magnesia 2 ,, 3 ,, Ponderous Calcined Magnesia ,, 4 , Light Carbonate ,, ,, „ i n Powder 5 B l o c k s of Carbonate, papered a n d unpapered 6 '' I r i s h Squares " Carbonate of Magnesia 31 Official Catalogue. SectionA—Class 2 Stand N o . 6 8 THOMAS J E N N I N G S , 10 Brown Street, Cork S a mp l e s o f t h e following Vinegars, v i z : — 1 Crystal W h i t e W i n e , a n d B r o wn Vinegar, o f different strengths 2 Raspberry 3 Chili 4 Tarragan 5 Spiced 6 Spiced P i c k l i n g 7 S a l t e d a n d Spiced P i c k l i n g Vinegar Stand N o . 6 8 a BOYD, SON & CO., Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 1 S u l p h a t e of Soda, m a d e b y Hargreaves' process 2 B l e a c h i n g Powder (Chloride of Lime) 3 R a w Materials, u s e d i n manufacture of above Stand No. 6 8 b P v H A L L <fc B R E R E T O N , Little Island, Cork Products of D i s t i l l a t i o n of Coal Tar, f o r m i n g t h e R a w Materials for t h e production of t h e Coal Tar Colours ( S h o w n o n t h e Cork Gas Co. 's St a nd) Stand N o . 6 9 B R A N N I C K BROTHERS, Kincora Charcoal Works, Richmond, N e a r Drumcondra, Dublin Samples of Charcoal a n d Pyroligneous A c i d Stand No. 7 0 O G I L V I E & MOORE, W a r r e n ' s Place, Cork 1 Improved D a n i s h B ut t e r Colour, manufactured b y L. C. Glad & Co.. Copenhagen 2 F i n e s t S p a n i s h Saffron, imported b y Ogilvie & Moore, Warren's Place, Cork Stand No. 7 1 1 R - J . FULLWOOD <fc BLAND (Late R . J . EULLWOOD < & CO.), 31 Bevenden Street, Hoxton, London A n n a t t o , f o r Colouring Cheese a n d B u t t e r &c. 2 F l u i d E x t r a c t of A n n a t t o 3 Imperial B l a c k Cake A n n a t t o 4 Treble S t r e n g t h ,, 5 E x t r a Superfine „ 6 Superfine Orange 7 Samples of Original " Fullwood's " A n u a t t o , of w h i c h t h e y were t h e original inventors 32 Cork Industrial Exhibition SectionA—Class 2 Stand No. 72 ivta c j k e Y, ivtaci-V hj Y CO., 1 <fc 3 Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, London, E.C. Pharmaceutical Preparations, Chemical Products, &c. s t a n d No. 73 W . & H . M. G OULDI N G, 1 0 8 Patrick Street, Cork Pharmaceutical Preparations : — 1 2 Goulding's Tetrie's Corn Cure Chemical F o o d 3 4 W h i t e Rose T o i l e t Vinegar E g y p t i a n H a i r Cream 5 6 7 8 ,, Tooth Paste ,, Balm Neroline Bay Rum Proprietary Articles 9 Persian H a i r Restorer 10 ,, , , Oil 1 1 Irish B u t t e r Powder 1 2 Persian T o o t h Powder 1 3 Mal-king I n k 1 4 T o o t h Tincture 1 5 Vaseline Pomade 1 6 S h a v i n g Cream 1 7 Gold P a i n t 18 P i c k - me - u p B i t t e r s 1 9 Cold Cream of R o s e s 20 Electric Liver a n d N e r v e T o n i c 2 1 Bannister's S y r u p 2 2 Assorted Perfumes 2 3 Bannister's Medicated a n d Table Mineral W a t e r s s t a n d No. 74 J O H N J . K E N N E D Y , 11 Groat Brunswick St., Dublin 1 P a t e n t Pad,^ w h i c h pr e v e nt s t h e formation of Bunions, a n d g i v e s a symmetrical f o r m t o t h e worst-shaped f o o t T h e y h i d e a l l Mal formations, B u n i o n s &c. 2 3 4 5 P a t e n t Chiropedian Co m po o r Corn Cure Infallible B u n i o n Cure Infallible W a r t Cure Miraculous Toothache Cure Official Catalogu, 33 Section A—Class 2 Stand No, 75 HAMILTON, LONG- &r CO., Limited, 3 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin 1 Pharmaceutical Preparations, &c., Case A 2 Mineral "Waters, S t a n d B Stand No. 7 6 THOMAS R . L E S T E R , M . P . S . (Ireland), 1 0 7 St. Patrick Street, Cork 1 Pharmaceutical Products 2 Specimens of R a w Drugs. Specimens o f D i s p e n s i n g 3 Specimens of Chemicals 4 Marking I n k (requiring n o preparation) m a d e b y T . R . Lester 5 Toilet Requisites 6 Tooth Powders 7 N e w P a t e n t Poison B o t t l e use d i n Lester's Di spe nsi ng Department 8 Trusses a n d Surgical Appliances 9 Veterinary Medicines 10 Perfumes m a d e b y T. R . Lester 11 Compressed Tablets s h o w i n g Medicine m a d e u p i n portable form 12 Coated P i l l s (Tasteless), Coating Sugar 13 Insect Powder for t h e Destruction o f Beetles a n d a l l k i n d s of Insects 14 Improved Preparation of Camphor for spreading i n F u r s t o prevent attack of M o t h s 15 Improved Fragrant Disinfectant a n d Distributor 10 Specimen of Sponge (growing o n Coral Rock) 17 Improved R e m e d y t o remove Corns f r o m t h e F e e t Stand No. 77 RICHARD SLTNNER, P h . C., 31 Patrick Street, Cork "Pure Chemicals," " G e n u i n e D r u g s , " a n d t h e Principal Preparations of t h e British Pharmacopoeia w h i c h are used i n t h e compounding of Physicians' a n d Surgeons' Prescriptions of every-day life, " a l l i n an absolute state of p u r i t y " Stand No. 78 "WILLIAM M E N N I S HARRINGTON, The Youghal Drug Hall, 136 Main Streat, YoughaJ. 1 Chromograph a n d necessaries for W o r k i n g 2 Shaving Paste, &c. 3 Tooth Paste 4 Pomade for Hair 5 Blister Plaster, &c. 6 Chemicals 34 Cork Industrial Exhibition SectionA—Class 2 s t a n d No. 7 9 1 BOILEATT & BOYD, 91, 9 3 & 9 3 Bride Street, Dublin Pharmaceutical Preparations 2 Chemicals 3 Colors 4 W h i t e ' s Saccharized F l u i d Magnesia Stand No. 8 0 J E Y E S ' SANITARY COMPOUNDS 4 3 Cannon Street, London, 23.C. CO., Limited, 1 D i s i n f e c t a n t F l u i d , " J e y e s ' Perfect Purifier." I n use does n o t p o i s o n , stain, or b u r n 2 S a n i t a r y Powder. T h i s Powder i s w h o l l y Disinfectant, a n d possessing 8 0 per cent, of soluble, a n d t h e remainder volatile ingredients, does n o t c l o g t h e drains 3 D i s i n f e c t a n t H o u s e h o l d Soap 4 D i s i n f e c t a n t T o i l e t Soap (Jeyes' Perfect Purifier Soap) 5 D i s i n f e c t a n t S u b l i m e Toilet Soap 6 D o g Soap 7 Sanitary S o f t Soap, Lubricant, Detergent, a n d Disinfectant Stand No. 8 1 1 2 J O H N CAIRNS, Sen., 4 9 Lombard Street, W e s t , South Circular Road, Dublin A L i n i m e n t for t h e Relief of Rhe um a t i c a n d other P a i n s A n A n t i - R h e u m a t i c a n d Anti-Scorbutic Meal, manufactured from th& r o o t s of o n e of t h e " S c u r v y Grasses" Stand No. 8 2 T. B . MARTIN, Queenstown, Co. Cork C h o k Marafet, A n i m a l s ' Friend, &c. stand No. 8 3 T H E " K H O O S H " TONIC B I T T E R S CO., Limited, 13 Goree Piazzas, Liverpool, 3 4 King William Street, London, E.C., and 6 0 William Street, Dublin " K h o o s h " T o n i c Bitters. Stand No. 8 4 A Valuable Medicinal Production T . "V. RIORDAN, Shanakiel, Cork M u l l e d y n e or M u l l e i n Extract. A Medicinal Preparation for u s e i n i o f Chest, L u n g , or S t o m a c h Diseases Official Catalogue. -j Section A—Class 2 Stand No. 8 5 1 S I R J A M B S MURRAY & SON, Chemical W o r k s Graham s Court, Upper Temple Street, Dublin P a t e n t Recarbonated F l u i d Magnesia 2 P a t e n t Recarbonated F l u i d Camphor 3 Acidulated L e m o n S y r u p C l a s s3 . Vegetable and Animal Substances used as Food, Drinks, and Narcotics. Stand No. 8 6 D A N I E L DONEGAN. & SONS, 1 9 Merchant's Quay and J o h n Street Maltings, Cork 1 M a l t for Porter Brewing, m a d e f r o m Irish Barley 2 M a l t Crushed, prepared for M a s h i n g stand No. 87 J O H N P L U N K E T T , Portland Street, Dublin 1 2 P a l e M a l t m a d e f r o m I r i s h Barley P a t e n t Roasted M a l t 3 Galatz Maize Stand No. 8 8 P L U N K E T T BROTHERS, Bellevue Works Dublin 1 Pale M a l t 2 Amber B r o w n M a l t 3 P a t e n t Roasted M a l t 4 Patent Roasted Maize 5 Patent Roasted Barley 6 Barley 7 Glasses w i t h Coloring of P a t e n t Malt, &c. Stand No. 8 8 a B E A M I S H & CRAWFORD, Brewers, S o u t h M a i n S t . Cork 1 Malt for S t o u t s 2 Malt for A l e s Made b y Exhibitors, f r o m Barley grown i n Co unt y Cork stand No. 88b L A N E & CO., Limited, Southgate Brewery, Cork 1 Malt from Cork-grown Barley 2 Do. Foreign „ c Cork Industrial Exhibition 36 Section A—Class 3 stand No. 88c A L L M A N & CO., Distillers, Bandon, Ireland Barley, Malt, M a l t Combings, a n d S p e n t Grains Stand N o . 8 9 T H E D U B L I N G R A I N S CO., Limited, 4 0 Rainsford St., Dublin D r i e d Porter Grains for Cattle F o o d Stand N o . 9 0 S A M U E L M'CAUBLAND, Belfast Seeds and Implements Stand N o . 9 1 ACHESON, T O P E K A & SANTA F E RAILROAD CO., Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A. Agricultural Products o f Kansas—Grains, Grasses, &c. Stand No. 9 2 CHARLES] D E A N E , Lt.-Colonel, Gurra.no, Fcrmoy, Co. Cork One B a g of B l a c k Tartary Oats, g r o w n f r o m H a l l e t t ' s Imported S e e d Stand No. 93—Cancelled S t a n d No.- 9 4 ROBERT TWISS, M.R.C.S., Lake-view, Glanmire, Cork A Sample of t h e successful result of four years' e x p e r i m e n t s o n t h e P o t a t o P l a n t t o escape t h e B l i g h t , b y s e t t i n g t h e p rod uct o n o r about t h e first of J u n e every year S t a n d N o . 95 1 M A U R I C E F . K E L L Y , Hibernian 4 3 Ballybough Road, Dublin „ 3 5 Works, " H i b e r n i a n " Rice Starch i n 41b. paper packages 2 4 Starch „ j ; i n 41b. F a n c y B o xes i n l i b . a n d 41b. F a n c y B o x e s " H i b e r n i a n " Starch Glaze i n I d . packages, for i m p a r t i n g a g l o s s a n d stiffness t o Linen, &c. Ladies' a n d Gentlemen's Collars a n d Cuffs done u p w i t h t h e " H i b e r n i a n " Starch Stand N o . 9 6 D E N N Y L A N E , Silverspring Starch Works, Glanmire, Co. Cork 1 Pure Rice Starch 2 Corn Flour 3 Preparations f r o m Starch 4 Grey Starch for Paper Makers, D y e Works, &c. Official Catalogue. 37 Section A—Class 3 Stand No. 9 7 A L E X A N D E R CRAWFORD & SON, Mill St., Belfast 1 " S n o w White Starch" Made from Irish W h e a t , a n d suitable for Bleachers a n d Finishers 2 " Finishing Starch" Made from Irish W h e a t , a n d specially suited for Lace Dressers 3 Irish Corn Flour I l i S hW h e a t tabkusr ' f ° r C a k e S ' P u d d i n S s >a stand No. 9 8 1 n d ever y variety o f J O S E P H H A R T Y & SONS, Woodville Mills, Roohesto-wn, Co. Cork ; Office—5 Patrick Street, Cork W h i t e Irish W h e a t , U n c l e a n e d 2 j, ,, ,, Cleaned PKODUOE. 3 4 Small W h e a t o u t of U n c l e a n e d W h e a t Dust ,, 5 Bran off Cleaned W h e a t 6 Pollard „ ,, 7 Pollard (fine),, ,, 8 Tailings „ 9 Flour, 1 s t Quality „ 10 „ 2nd „ 11 „ 3rd „ 12 „ 4th „ 13 W h i t e American W h e a t , Uncleaned ,, ,, ,, Cleaned PRODUCE. 15 Small W h e a t o u t of Uncleaned W h e a t 16 D u s t ,", JJ 17 Bran off Cleaned W h e a t 18 Pollard 19 Pollard (fine),, ,, 20 Tailings ,, 21 Flour, 1st Quality ,, 22 „ 2nd „ 23 „ 3rd „ 24 „ 4th ,, Cork Industrial Exhibition 38 Section A—Class 3 stand No. 9 9 DOWDEN & CO., Coolfadda Mills, Bandon Flour, Meal, Maize a n d W h e a t s t a n d No. 1 0 0 1 J O H N F U R L O N G & SONS, Fermoy and Cork W h e a t , Irish 2 Flour m a d e f r o m I r i s h W h e a t 3 W h e a t , Californian 4 Flour f r o m Californian W h e a t 5 Wheat, U n i t e d States (North) 6 Flour from Northern U.S. W h e a t 7 W h e a t , U n i t e d S t a t e s ( So ut h) 8 Flour f r o m Southern U . S . W h e a t 9 W h e a t , Australian 10 Flour f r o m Australian W h e a t 11 W h e a t , N e w Zealand 12 Flour from N e w Zealand W h e a t 13 Wheat, India (White) 14 Flour from I n d i a n W h i t e W h e a t 15 W h e a t , India (Red) 16 Flour from I n d i a n R e d W h e a t 17 W h e a t , Russian 18 Flour from Russian W h e a t 19 W h e a t , Canadian 20 Flour f r o m Canadian W h e a t 21 Flour, best quality, for Irisli Trade 22 Maize 23 Maize Meal 24 Barley 25 Barley Meal stand No. 101 H A L L & CO., St. Dominick's Mills, Cork Samples of W h e a t a n d I n d i a n Corn, w i t h their various products Official Catalogue. 39 Section A—Class 3 Stand No. 102 J. W . M'MULLEN & 5 George's Quay, Cork SON, Dork Steam Tvriiia, WHEAT—cleaned a n d uncleaned 1 2 Flour, first, second, a n d t hi r d quality, m a d e from above Bran 3 4 5 6 Pollards Tailings Screenings Dust 7 Fine Indian Meal Stand No. 103 J . <fc R . W E B B , Quartertown and Mallow F l o u r Mills Mallow, Co. Cork 1 Irish "Wheat, w i t h i t s products i n Flour, &c. 2 Australian W h e a t 3 American W h e a t 4 Russian "Wheat stand No. 104 „ " )} T H E G L E N M I L L S GO., Exchequer Street, Dublin 37 Market 1 Self-raising Flour, prepared f r o m Californian W h e a t . Dublin 2 Self-raising Flour, prepared f r o m Hung a r i a n Flour Stand No. 105 Buildings, F l o u r made i n A . R . W A L E E E , H i l l Street, NewTy,^Go. Down FLOUR 1 No. 1 Patent 2 Patent Californian 3 Bakers' E x t r a I Extra Superfine Californian 5 x x x 6 x x 7 x Stand No. 106 MARSH & CO., Biscuit Manufacturers, Donegal Street Belfast Case of Biscuits (Biscuits a n d T i n s manufactured b y Exhibitors) stand No. 107 RUSSELL MARTIN, 71 Patrick Street, Cork Bread from various parts of t h e U n i t e d Kingdom 4° Section A—Class 3 S t a n d No. 1 0 8 W . & R . JACOB & CO., Limited, 5, 6, & 7 Peter's B o w , Dublin Biscuits anil R i c h Cakes, i n a l l varieties Stand N o . 1 0 9 R I C H A R D R A I S I N H I L L , Steam Mills, Droghcda Oat Meal S t a n d N o . 110 J A M E S M'OARTHY, Newfoundwoll and Hope Mills, Drogheda 1 " E x t r a P i n h e a d " Oatmeal 2 "Patent" ,, 3 "BestFine" ,, 4 "Coarse" 5 "Scotch C u t " 6 " W h i t e Irish " W h e a t m e a l s t a n d No. I l l > ,, J A M B S GLOW & SONS, Oatmeal Millers, E m y Mills, Emyvale, Co. Monaghan 1 P i n h e a d Oatmeal, for Porridge. 2 F i n e Cut Oatmeal, for Bread or B i s c u i t m a k i n g Stand N o . 112 J O H N M'CANN, Beamond Mills, Drogheda 1 P i n h e a d Oatmeal 2 F i n e C u t Oatmeal s t a n d N o . 113 D U B L I N CATTLE S P I C E CO., 3 J e r v i s St., Dublin " E x c e l s i o r Meal," a complete substitute for M i l k i n rearing Calves H a y Spice, for flavouring a n d preserving H a y r i c k s H o r s e a n d Cattle Spice, for k e e p i n g Horses, Cattle, Sheep, P i g s , Poultry, a n d Game, i n good h e a l t h a n d condition Stand N o . 114 B A K E R & CO., 3 9 Patrick Street; Factory—French Church Street, Cork 1 Bride Cake, F a n c y Cakes 2 Prepared Californian Y e a s t Flour S t a n d No. 115 W . J . S M I T H & CO., Waterford Sugar Confectionery Official Catalogue. Section A—Class 3 stand No. 116 W I L L I A M S & WOODS, 2 0 5 & 206 Great Britain St., Dublin Confectionery—A variety o f samples of Lozenges, Comfits, G u m Goods, Sugar Boilings, &c. stand No. 117 1 GERALD D'ARCY, 5 & 6 North Main Street, Cork Large P l u m Cake, w e i g h i n g 1 , 1 2 0 l b s . , manufactured of purely Irish products (sugar a n d fruit excepted) Four Glass Cases of various descriptions of Sweets, manufactured b y Exhibitor 2 stand N o . 118 E D W A R D H U R S E & CO., 17 & 18 Great Strand St., Dublin 1 Specimens of Drained a n d Candied Citron, Lemon, a n d Orange Peels 2 Samples of J a m s 3 ,, 4 D u b l i n Sauce a n d K e t c h u p ,, Marmalade T h e whole of t h e Goods i n case w i l l b e of Irish Manufacture Stand No. 119 T H E D U B L I N SUGAR R E F I N E R Y , Limited, Great Brunswick Street, Dublin 1 Crushed Sugars, manufactured b y t h e Exhibitors 2 Raw Sugar u s e d i n t h e manufacture stand No. 1 2 0 1 2 R I C H A R D F O L E Y , [3 Merchant's Quay and Custom House, Cork Refined Sugar, c u t b y Machinery Old Irish W h i s k e y , b o t t l e d i n bond, for h o m e u s e a n d e x p o r t ; each bottle labelled w i t h t h e year of distillation, w h i c h i s a guarantee of t h e age, a s t h e Customs w i l l allow n o misrepresentation on t h e labels stand No. 121 WOODFORD, B O U R N E & CO., 6 4 Patrick Street and Nile Street, Cork 1 Matured I r i s h W h i s k e y 2 Matured Scotch W h i s k e y 3 Grande Champagne Brandy, 2 0 years o l d Cork Industrial 4 * Exhibition Section A—Class 3 Stand N o . 121 —continued. 4 Claret, Premier erus, a n d specialities 5 Champagne, o w n brand, a n d Magnum's vintage, 1874 6 Sherry, curious o l d Pale a n d Golden 7 Port, R e d a n d W h i t e 8 Liqueurs, Fo r e i g n a n d British 9 10 Coffee, Raw, roasted a n d ground Tea, India a n d China varieties 11 Spices, Oriental 12 Biscuits, Fruit, Seed, a n d Ornamental Bride Cakes 13 Sauces, Pickles, Preserved Me a t s a n d Condiments Stand N o . 122 C H E E K Y & SMALLDRIDGE, Seville Steam Works. Dublin S a m p l e T i n s o f t h e various qualities of Mustard, manufactured b y t h e nrm, m all sizes s t a n d N o . 123 1 2 C H A R L E S COONEY & CO., Steam Mills, Back Lane Dublin Mustard, genuine a n d compound, i n various size t i n s Laundry Blues, square a n d ball 3 Blacking, paste a n d liquid 4 Ground Ginger 5 Linseed Meal 6 Ultramarine Blues, for L a undr y Purposes, P a i n t Manufacture, Papei Manufacture a n d Staining, Bleaching, Calico Printing, &c. s t a n d N o 124 H E N R Y H A Y E S , Warren's Place and 3 0 Prince's St. Cork 1 Smoked Bacon, H a m s , a n d Lard 2 S a l t for Domestic, Dairy, Curing, a n d other purposes Stand No. 125 J . MATTERSON cfc SONS, Limerick Limerick H am s, Bacon, Lard, a n d T i n n e d Me a t s Official Catalogue. SectionA—Class 3 Stand No. 126 L U N H A K BROTHERS, Kemp Street, Cork 1 Smoked H a m s 2 P a l e Dried H a m s 3 S m o k e d Middles or Breakfast B a c o n 4 P a l e Dried Middles 5 S m o k e d Gams 6 Lard i n Bladders a n d S k i n s 7 Lard Oil 8 P i c k l e d Pork a s u se d b y H e r Majesty's N a v y 9 10 P i c k l e d Pork a s u s e d b y t h e Mercantile Marine Sausages, fresh 11 Sausages, i n t i n s 12 Butter, i n t i n s Stand No. 127 P . & W . SHEA, 5 9 Duncan Street, Cork Bacon, H a m s , a n d Lard Stand No. 128 W . J . S H A W & SONS, Garryowen Bacon Factory, Limerick Bacon, H a m s , a n d Lard Stand No. 129 1 Messrs. O'MARA BROTHERS, London, Canada BACON Mild-cured H a m s a n d Bacon 2 Prime Cheese 3 P o t t e d Meats a n d F i s h , Pickles a n d Sauces 4 Mild-cured Bacon, Middles a n d Gams 5 ,, 6 ,, L o i n s a n d Shoulders ,, Heads 7 i B e l l y Pieces 8 Spiced a n d Corned Beef 9 Spiced H a m , Collared, &e., Stand No. 130 CROSSE &, BLAOKWELL, Morrison's Quay, Cork, and Soho Square, London Pickles, Sauces, a n d Condiments Jams, Jellies, a n d B o t t l e d F r u i t s Pure Malt Vinegar of E n g l i s h manufacture Preserved Soups, Meats, a n d Fish, of Irish manufacture 43 Cork Industrial 4+ Exhibition SectionA—Class 3 Stand N o . 131 GEORGE GTJEST, 153 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, and Fleet Street, Dublin 1 Preserved Fruits, i n t i n s a n d bottles, prepared b y Santos, Cirne & Cie., Oporto 2 Preserved F r u i t s i n tins, a n d H o n e y p u t u p i n t h e district of S a n Jose, California 3 Preserved Vegetables i n tins, prepared b y Dandicolle e t Gaudin, Bordeaux 4 Peas, French Beans, Asparagus, Mushrooms, &c. 5 D r i e d or Evaporated Fruits, prepared a t Boston, U . S . A . ; Apples, Peaches ; also A p p l e s a n d m i x e d Vegetables prepared i n France 6 P l u m s a n d Prunes prepared b y P . B a y l e & Cie., Bordeaux 7 Crystalized Fruits, prepared i n France 8 Sardines i n oil, f r o m t h e Factories of A m i e u x Freres, D a n d i c o l l e e t Gaudin, F e l i x Carneau, P . Carodel, Miramon & Cie., s i t u a t e d o n t h e coast of N o r m a n d y 9 S a l m o n packed i n t h e Columbia River, b y W m . H u m e ; Lobsters, Newfoundland, papked entire, a n d Prawns p u t u p a t N e w Ooleans, U.S.A. 10 Preserved Meats, Fruits, Poultry, Soups, a n d E n g l i s h P l u m P u d d i n g , p u t u p b y Richardson & Robbins, Dover, Delaware, U . S. A . 11 Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Semolina, a n d P a t e s for Soups, prepared i n Italy 12 Prepared Corn, T. Kingsford & Son, Oswego, U . S . A . 13 Cocoanut, dessicated, prepared b y t h e N e w Y o r k Dessicating Co., Maltby's P a t e n t 14 D r i e d Turtle, W e s t Indian, f o r Soups 15 Leaf Gelatine, for J e l l i e s s t a n d No. 1 3 2 1 .2 Cask Cured Pilchards B u n d l e Cured L i n g Stand No. 133 1 B A L T I M O R E F I S H E R Y CO., Skihberecn H . D A H L & CO., 18 Anderson's Quay, Cork F i s h i n boxes, barrels a n d t i n s 2 Cod Liver Oil 3 F i s h Manure a n d F i s h i n g Appliances Official Catalogue. +S Section A—Class 3 Stand No. 1 3 4 MACONOCHIE BROTHERS, Raglan Works, Lowestoft Suffolk 1 Preserved F i s h 2 Pickles 3 Sauces 4 P o t t e d Meats, &c. Stand No. 135 J O H N GRAY, Whinnyfold, Elben, Aberdeenshire 1 First Class Sun-dried S m o k e d H a d d o c k s or Spaldings 2 Second Class Sun-dried S m o k e d H a d d o c k s or Spaldings 3 T h i r d Class Sun-dried S m o k e d B u n c h Spaldings 4 Sun-dried W h i t e Large Spaldings 5 Sun-dried W h i t e M i d Spaldings 6 S m o k e d H a ddo c ks or F i n n e n s Stand No. 136 J O H N O'LEARY & SON, Blackrock, Cork Cork Harbour Oysters s t a n d No. 137 R I C H A R D CLEAR & SONS, 9 3 South Mall, Cork Irish B u t t e r i n Tins, l i b . t o 281bs., fastened w i t h p a t e n t strip, w h i c h renders u s e of k n i f e i n o pe ni ng unnecessary: for exportation t o tropical countries, a n d u s e of ships o n l o n g voyages s t a n d N o . 138 W I L L I A M C H A R L E S ROHU, 5 3 Amiens St., Dublin 1 Leinster Sauce 2 Shelbourne Sauce 3 D u b l i n Sauce 4 K e t c h u p Sauce 5 B a k i n g Powder, E g g Powder 6 Perfumes 7 N e r v o l i n e for Toothache 8 D i a m o n d Cement for m e n d i n g Glass 9 Brass Paste 10 Phosphor Paste 11 Marking I n k 12 D r y Powder Inks, i n all colour 13 Copying I n k 46 Cork Industrial Exhibition SectionA—Class 3 Stand No. 138 —continued 14 Ordinary I n k (Black) 15 Liquid B l a c k i n g 16 M a r k i n g Pencils, a l l Colours 17 18 Mulleen P l a n t Decoction for Cough, Colds a n d Consumption H a i r Restorer 19 H e a d Soap 20 D o g Soap 21 Corn a n d W a r t P a i n t 22 23 Ringworm Ointment Bloom, Roses 24 Spirits, E t h e r 25 Sulph. Tine. 26 Oxid. Tine. 27 Sulph. Iron 28 Sugar, Lead 29 Acid, Tartaric 30 Carbonate Magnesia 31 Cough S y r u p fialsametie 32 Quinine T o o t h Powder 33 Pomades s t a n d No. 1 3 9 1 2 L A M B K I N BROTHERS, Tobacco a n d Snuff M a n u facturers, 2 6 Cook Street, Cork Specimens o f R o l l a n d Target Tobaccos ,, stand No. 140 Snuffs J A N E C A R P E N T E R , 5 5 Great Brunswick St., Dublin Irish Ladies' A i d Society Cigarette Brands— 1 Oxford 2 Cambridge 3 Elor E i n a 4 Regalia 5 La Donna (Duba) 6 L a Reinan 7 Packages o f Irish Ladies' A i d S o c i e t y S m o k i n g Mixture Official Catalogue. 47 SectionA—Class 3 Stand No. 141 1 T. P . &. E . GOODBODY, 1 Charlcvillc Square, Tullamore Irish R o l l a n d Coily Tobacco 2 Nailrods, Cavendish 3 A l l quantities o f F a n c y Cut Tobaccos 4 Snuffs 5 Cigarettes Stand No. 142 W I L L I A M COSTELLO & SONS, High Street, Galway, Co. Galway 1 Manufactured R o l l a n d Coil Tobacco 2 Unmanufactured Leaf Tobacco, from w h i c h t h e Roll a n d Coil are made Stand No. 143 J . & E . K E N N E D Y , 8 8 Amiens Street, Dublin Roll, Coil, a n d Cut Tobacco ; Snuffs, Cigars, a n d Cigarettes ; F a n c y a n d Cake Tobaccos Stand No. 144 MARGARET DORMON, 11 Winthrop Street, Cork 1 Carved Meerschaum Pipes 2 Plain 3 Silver M o u n t e d Briar P i p e s 4 Cigars 5 Cigar Cases 6 ,, ,, „ Holders 7 Cigarette H o l d e r s 8 Samples—Cigarettes manufactured b y Exhibitor 9 10 ,, F a n c y Tobaccos m i x e d b y Exhibitor Cigarette Cases Stand No. 145 T U E N B U L L & SOMERVILLE, Valetta, Malta Cigarettes Stand No. 146 J O H N O'STJLLIVAN & CO., The New York House, 12 Patrick Street, Cork 1 Cigars, Cigarettes, a n d Tobaccos 2 Meerschaum, Briar Root, a n d Clay P i p e s 3 Snuff 4 Tobacconists' F a n c y Articles Cork Industrial Exhibition SectionA—Class 3 Stand No. 147 1 P A T R I C K CORBETT, Main Street, Mallow R o l l a n d Coil Tobacco Stand No. 148 JA1VEES L A M B K I N CO., Limited, Tobacco a n d Snuff' Manufacturers, 9 Patrick Street, Cork 1 Cut Tobaccos 2 R o l l a n d Coil Tobaccos 3 Pigtail 4 Nailrod 5 Lambkin's Celebrated Cork Snuff ,, 6 ,, 7 „ S. P . 8 ,, Princes' Mixture Snuff 9 I r i s h T i c k l e Snuff Samples of R a w L e a f Stand N o . 149 J O S E P H O ' N E I L L <Sc SONS, Tobacco Factory, B a g n a l stown 1 Yarious qualities of R o l l Tobacco 2 T w o qualities of Coil Tobacco 3 ,, Snuff 4 Virginia Tobacco (Raw Material) 5 Western , ,, ,, From w h i c h ( 4 a n d 5) t h e R o l l a n d Coil Tobaccos are manufactured Stand No. 150 W I L L I A M W E I G H T & SONS, 16 Patrick Street a n d Maylor Street, Cork 1 Tea, i n packages, " W r i g h t ' s I n d i a n , " " W r i g h t ' s A f t e r n o o n , " a n d " Wright's Ho use ho l d " 2 Samples of Teas, various kinds, a n d f r o m various countries 3 Coffee, i n t i n s 4 Samples of Coffee, various k i n d s , a n d from various countries 5 B a k i n g Powder, i n t i n s a n d otherwise 6 Specimens of Bread m a d e w i t h '' W r i g h t ' s B a k i n g Powder " 7 J a m s a n d Marmalade 49 Section A—Class 3 Stand No. 151 NEWSOM & SONS, 4 0 <fc 4 1 Patrick Street, Cork 1 S a mp l e s of " N e w s o m & Sons' Selected Tea," w i t h difierent k i n d s of Chinese a n d I n d i a n Congos, Pekoes, &c. 2 Samples of " N e w s o m ' s Cafe d e Paris, a Cup of Coffee i n Perfection," a n d various sorts of R a w Coffee Stand No. 152 P H I L L I P S <fc SONS, Castle Square, Swansea; 12 A r t h u r Street, London Bridge, and 10 Old Corn Exchange t Manchester D a n d e l i o n Coffee a n d F r e n c h Coffees Stand No. 153 EVANS, SONS & CO., 5 6 Hanover Street, Liverpool Conroy's M a l t Coffee (Patented) ; a combination of finest Coffee a n d selected M a l t Stand No. 154 BEAMISH Cork 1 East India Pale A l e 2 P a l e Bitter A l e 3 Extra Stout 4 Double Stout 5 Single S t o u t Stand No. 155 < & CEAWFOED, Brewers, South Main St.? L A N E & CO., Limited, Southgate Brewery, Cork 1 Draught Porter, i n cask 2 "West India Stout, i n cask 3 ,, Stand No. 156 „ i n bottles ALLMAN, DOWDEN & CO., Brewers, Bandon Brewery, Bandon, Cork Ale and Stout 5° Cork Industrial Exhibition SectionA—Class 3 S t a n d N o . 157 S I B J O H N ABNOTT & CO., Limited, St. F i n Bore's a n d Riverstown Breweries, Cork 1 E x t r a S t o u t a n d S t o u t , cask a n d b o t t l e 2 P a l e A l e , cask a n d b o t t l e 3 M i l d A l e , i n cask Stand N o . 158 P A T R I C K K E I L Y & SONS, Pale Ale a n d P o r t e r Brewers and Maltsters, The Brewery, Waterford 1 I n d i a P a l e A l e , brewed from finest Irish M a l t (Perry's, R a t h d o w n e y , Queen's Co.) 2 X X X Ale, o w n Irish Malt 3 X X X Stout S t a n d No. 159—Cancelled Stand No. 1 6 0 B E R N A R D DALY, Tullamore "Whiskey Stand N o . 161 COMBER D I S T I L L E R I E S CO., Comber, Co. Down, Ireland « W h i s k e y , i n cask a n d b o t t l e Stand No. 1 6 2 A L L M A N & CO., Distillers, Bandon, Ireland 1 S a mp l e s of Irish W h i s k e y o f various a g e s 2 W h i s k e y , a s b o t t l e d i n b o n d for export 3 Model P o t Still i n jar, Stand N o . 1 6 3 CORK D I S T I L L E R I E S CO., Limited, Morrison's Island, Cork "Whiskey, i n casks a n d b o t t l e s Stand N o . 1 6 4 J . M'C/ARTHY & SONS, 3 3 & 3 4 Cook Street and 9G George's Street, Cork Blends o f Old Irish Whiskeys B l e n d e d Teas, a n d Original I n d i a n a n d China Teas 5' Section A—Class 3 Stand No. 165 D A N I E L HORGAN, Maylor Street, Cork Liquors a s blended a n d b o t t l e d a t Horgan's, Maylor Street, S o l e A g e n t i n Cork for Rittscher & Co.'s, Rlieims, "Grand Old '74 V i n t a g e Champagne," brand " C u v e e de C h o i x " Stand No. 166 W*. E. HUNGEREORD, 7 3 South Mall, Cork, and Customs Bonded "Warehouse, Ship Street, Cork Irish W h i s k e y , " R o u n d Tower B r a n d " (Registered 1871) Stand No, 167 THOMAS SCALLY & CO., Eustace Street, Dublin Old W h i s k e y s t a n d No. 168 B U S H M I L L S OLD D I S T I L L E R Y CO., Bushmills, Co.. Antrim Irish W h i s k e y Stand No. 169 S A M U E L GULLXVER & CO., Vale of England 1 W h i s k e y Curacoa, t h e N e w Liqueur 2 Sparkling Vinita, N o n - I n t o x i c a t i n g F r u i t Beverage 3 Orange Champagne ,, ,, 4 Crystal Lemonade ,, ,, 5 Ginger A l e „ ,, 6 Lime Juice Champagne ,, „ 7 Soda Water, Mineral W a t e r 8 Seltzer W a t e r ,, 9 Potass W a t e r ,, 10 Lithia Water ,, stand No. 170 Aylesbury T H E D I S T I L L E R S ' CO., Limited, Phcenix P a r k Die. tillery, Dublin Samples of D u b l i n W h i s k e y made i n old-fashioned P o t S t i l l s from t h e finest native Grain s t a n d No. 171 M I C H A E L K E N N E D Y , Youghal Lemonade, Ginger Water, &c. Ale, Ginger Beer, Champagne Cider, Soda D 5z Cork Industrial Exhibition Section. A — C l a s s 3 Stand No. 172 J . S H A N K S cfc CO., 5 4 t o 5 6 Townsend St., Dublin 1 Aromatic Ginger A l e 2 Mineral Waters, Assorted •3 Capsules for securing Corks of Mineral Waters, &c. S t a n d No. 173 J O H N K E L L Y , Bakehouse Lane, Water ford MINERAL WATEKS. 1 Ginger Beer 2 Lemonade 3 Ginger A l e 4 Soda W a t e r Stand N o . 174 E E W L E Y & D R A P E R , M a r y Street, Dublin Aerated W a t e r s S t a n d N o . 175 O ' B R I E N & CO., 5, 6, 7 & 8 H e n r y Place, Dublin 1 Aerated a n d Mineral Waters, v i z . : — S o d a Water, Seltzer Water, K a l i W a t e r , Lemonade, Ginger A l e , Champagne Cider, Irish Nectar, &c. 2 British W i n e s a n d Cordials, v i z . : — Ginger W i n e , Orange W i n e , Raspberry Cordial, Peppermint Cor dial, L i m e J u i c e Cordial, Orange Bitters, Raspberry Vinegar, &c. Stand N o . 176 CORCORAN & CO., 2 4 Wellington Square, Carlow Mineral W a t e r s Stand No. 177 M I C H A E L F L E M I N G , Youghal 1 Soda Water 2 Ginger Beer 3 Ginger A l e 4 Lemonade 5 Champagne Cider i ^ K Official Catalogue. Section A—Class 3 Stand No. 178 P . CADE & SONS, King Street, Cork 1 Aerated "Waters, Ginger A l e , Ginger Beer, Gingerade, Lemonade 2 Mineral Waters, Lithia Water, Soda W a t e r , Kali or Potass W a t e r Seltzer W a t e r 3 Aerated a n d Mineral Waters i n P a t e n t Globe Stoppered B o t t l e s 4 Aerated a n d Mineral W a t e r s i n S y p h o n s Stand No. 179 W I L L I A M COKEY & CO., Belfast . C r a t e d Water Works, Oromao Springs, Belfast, Ireland 1 Perfectly Pure Aerated Waters, a s prepared for export t o t h e various Foreign _ Markets, under H e r Majesty's R o y a l Letters P a t e n t , comprising Ginger A l e , Lemonade, Soda Water, Potass or Kali Water, L i t h i a Water, Carrara Water, Cromac Seltzer W a t e r , Aromatic Tonic, Sarsaparilla, Quinine, F r u i t Nectar, S u m m e r a n d W i n t e r Beverages 2 Samples of P a t e n t Recarbonated F l u i d Magnesia, Concentrated L e m o n Syrup, a n d H o p Bitters Stand No. 180 THOMAS J E N N I N G S , 1 0 Brown Street, Cork Soda, Seltzer, Kali, Lithia, Ammoniacal Soda, a n d Aerated o r Car bonized Water, Lemonade, Ginger Beer, a n d Ginger A l e ; als-o F l u i d Magnesia a n d Acidulated S y r u p Sample B o t t l e of t h e Spring W a t e r u s e d i n manufacture of t h e a b o v e Waters Stand No. 181 N . J . W A L S H & CO., Kinsale 1 '' Old H e a d B l e n d " Irish W h i s k e y 2 Aerated W a t e r s 3 " W a l s h ' s P a t e n t Registering T a p " w h i c h records a l l abstractions from Casks, Vats, &c., a n d registers c o n t e n t s Stand No. 182 JOS. CALNAN, Bandon Mineral Waters a n d B o t t l e d W h i s k e y Stand No. 183 W . J . TOMKINS & SON, 19 Wintlirop Street, Cork Foreign W i n e s : — Champagnes, Sherries, Ports, Clarets, Burgundies, H o c k s , C a r lo witz, Madeiras, Foreign Liqueurs Mineral Waters, Tivoli Lager Beer Q Cork Jndustrial Exhibition 5+ SectionA—Class 3 S t a n d No. 183 —continued "Whiskeys:—• O l d Cork Malt, Royal Balmoral (Scotch Malt), D u b l i n M a l t Cordials a n d Liqueurs, our o w n manufacture:— 1 Cherry B r a n d y 2 Ginger W i n e 3 Cinnamon Cordial i A n n i s e e d Cordial 5 Peppermint Cordial 6 Milk Punch 7 Ginger B r a n d y 8 Ginger G i n 9 Orange B i t t e r s 10 R i c h Raspberry Yinegar 11 Liqueur Raspberry W h i s k e y 12 Royal Cordial 13 Lemon S y r u p 14 Lemon Nectar 15 Prince Regent's Cordial Stand No. 184 COYLB & T U R N E R , Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin Champagne, D u e d e Montebello B r a n d " E x t r a Cuvee Champagne Cremant" s t a n d No. 185 BARRETT, F R E E M A N & CO., Dublin SO Westland Row,. Liqueurs, Cordials, a n d Rectified Goods s t a n d No. 1 8 6 J O H N SYMONS & CO., Ratcliff, London Totnes, 1 B e s t Devonshire Cider 2 3 Apple Must " S y m o n i a " Champagne a n d Moselle W i n e s Devonshire, and. Official Catalogue. 55 Section A—Class 3 Stand No. 187 1 GABRIEL GOIDANIGH, 3 Westbourne Place, Queenstown 3 "Maraschino di Zara" Liqueur, b y G. Luxardo, Zara, Austria, Hungary " R o o b Coccola" Liqueur out of the Juniper Berry, b y R. Vlahov, Sebenico, Austria, Hungary Dalmatian Claret and other high-class Wines 4 5 Hungarian Claret and " Elixir Vlaliov" Stomachic Bitters 2 • stand No. 187a CANTRELL & COCHRANE, Nassau Place, Dublin. Variety of Mineral Waters CLASS4 . * Vegetable and Animal Substances and Products used for the production of Light, and in Manufactures. stand No. 188 JOSEPH REGAN, 3 St. Finn B a r r s Place, Cork. 1 One Oval Cask with Glass Heads, 4 Gals. 2 One Letter D Shape Cask 3 4 One Large Oval Tub One Small Oval Tub 5 6 7 One Small Butter Tub One Small Cask, contains 2 Pints One Letter D Shape Cask, contains 1 Pint stand No. 189 DAVID MYLEB, Cooper, 9 Hillgrove Lane, Cork 1 Oak Parlour Coal Vase 2 3 „ ,, Bucket Black Walnut Bucket 4 5 6 7 „ ,, ,, Coal Vase „ „ Lamp Stand Oak Lamp Stand Mahogany Lamp Stand Cork Industrial 5& Exhibition Section A—Class 4 Stand N o . 1 9 0 1 JOHN" O'CONNOR, 6 Nelson's Place, Cork Barrel Churn 2 Oval Casks 3 Butter Packages 4 Dairy Work Stand N o . 191 J E R E M I A H ] L . B A K E R , 19 Church Street, Cork 1 2 Twigged white-hooped Butter Firkins Twigged brown-hooped ,, 8 4 Notched white-hooped Notched-brown-hooped 5 6 A n improved Butter Tub, white-hooped A Butter Firkin, unhooped s t a n d No. 192 1 2 3 C. P . O'STJLLIVAN, Glebe House, Shandon, Cork W h i t e Firkins for Mild-cured Butter Brown ,, , , Heavy-salted ,, Barrel Churn for churning one firkin Butter ^ si >i it 5 ,, ,, ,, 6 Set of Cream Tubs 7 Standing Churn 8 Sundries Stand N o . 1 9 3 1 ,, ,, half ,, ,, twelve p o u n d s , , GEORGE P E R R Y , 3 7 & 3 8 Long Lane, Dublin Packing Cases t o contain Whiskeys and Brandies for Export Merchants, in 1, J-pint flask, and round bottles, reputed pints and quarts. Various brandings showing trade marks, &c. 2 Wine Cases, sizes from J dozen to 6 dozen, for straw and division packing 3 Mineral Water Cases, assorted sizes 4 Packing Casks, for dry packing 5 Small Boxes, assorted sizes, for Parcels Post, Drugs, Confectionery,. Chemicals, &c. S t a n d No. 194 C H A R L E S QTJINN, 16 Barrack Street, Dublin 1 Whiskey Puncheon 2 Whiskey Hogshead 3 Porter Hogshead 4 Porter Half Barrel Official Catalogue. 57 Section A—Class 4 stand No. 195 E D W A R D O ' N E I L L , St. Mary's Road, Cork 1 Ale Tierce of best Danzic oak 2 3 4 Porter Tierce of best Orleans oak ,, Kilderkin „ ,, 5 Butter Firkin, brown hoops, t o contain 70 lbs. 6 7 8 „ Kilderkin „ ), > stand No. 196 „ ,, ,, white brown > white „ „ ,, „ ,, ,, 70 „ 60 ,, ,, 60 ,, RICHARD O ' N E I L L , S3 Michael Street, Waterford, Ireland 1 Basket Settee 2 Fancy Chair 3 Fancy Round Table 4 Lobster Pot, for catching lobsters i n rivers or deep waters Stand N o , 197 GEORGE S M I T H & CO., 10 Castle Street, Dublin Irish, French, and German Fancy Baskets 1 Wicker Chair and Table, and Cane Window Blind 2 Clothes Basket and Linen Basket, and Travelling Basket 3 Fancy Reticule and Pic-nic Baskets 4 5 6 Flower Stand and Flower Basket, and Newspaper Stand Work Table, Work Basket, and Knitting Basket Bassinette and Baby Linen Basket Stand No. 198 G. D. C H R I S T I E Dublin < & CO., 3 5 Lower Gardiner Street, Manufactured Corks, home-cut Stand No, 199 E . G. GETHINGS & CO., 151, 153 & 153 Thomas S t . , Dublin Corks, Fishery Floats , Cork Industrial Exhibition 58 Section A—Class 4 S t a n d No. 2 0 0 M I C H A E L O'CONNELL & SONS, Ballydaheen, M a l l o w 3 Coils of white Sash Line 2 Coils of green ,, 2 Coils of blue „ 2 Coils of white Blind Line 4 Balls of yellow W h i p Cord, different sizes 4 Balls of puce ,, ,, 4 Balls of white „ 3 Rings of yellow Fishing Line 3 Rings of pjice . ,, 3 Rings of blue „ 3 Rings of white ,, 4 Rings of brown ,, 2 Skeins of N e t Twine, white 6 2 6 1 6 6 1 ,, ,, „ ,, „ ,, Skeins of Mill Twine, different colors Skeins of N e t Twine, brown Coils of green hemp Rein Cord and Cart Rope Ring of green hemp Sea Rope Coils of Manilla Rein Cord and Cart Rope Coils of Jute Rein Cord and Cart Rope Ring of Manilla Sea Rope s t a n d No. 2 0 1 T H E B E L F A S T E O P E W O E K CO., Limited, Belfast Ropes, Lines, and Cords of all descriptions, tarred and untarred, for Shipping, Fishing, and general purposes Stand N o . 202 D E N I S SEXTON, 5 Rockwell Lane, oil Sundays W e l l , Cork Nets and Nettings, Ropes, Lines, and Twines S t a n d Nos. 2 0 3 & 2 0 4 SPAMOUNT S P I N N I N G CO., Spamount M i l l s , Castlederg, Co. Tyrone 1 Flax Tow Yarns 2 3 Italian and Russian Hemp Yarns Twines, suitable for all purposes 4 Irish Flax Tow Box Cords, and Hemp Box Cords 59 Section A—Class 4 Stand Nos. 2 0 3 & 2 0 4 —continued 5 Sash Lines (hand-spun and plaited 6 Window Blind Cords 7 W h i p Cords, Chalk and Mason Lines a 9 10 Signal Cords, for Railway Trains &c. Deep Sea Lines Patent Log Lines n Plough Lines and Cart Ropes 12 13 Webbing for Horse Halter Heads and Halters mounted Irish Tow Hessians 14 Nail Bagging Stand No. 205 G-EORGrE WALKER, Castle townards, Co. Down Gardens 1 2 3 4 Hemp Yarns, grey and bleached Flax and Hemp Twine Yarns, grey and bleached Twines Girth Webs, Brace Webs, &c. 5 Tapes and General Smallwares Mill, New- Raw Hemp, and Hemp i n process for spinning will also be shown, and the case will be trimmed with Macrame Lace made entirely from Irish Thread Stand N o . 206 MOREOW, MISKELLY & CO., 7 Corporation Square, Belfast Rope manufactured from Russian Hemp, Manilla Hemp, &c. Stand No. 207 GEORGE WHITEHOTTSE, Park Road, Liverpool Improved Fishing Gear, t o cateh flat fish or eels Stand No. 208 JONATHAN HARRIS & SONS, Derwent Mills, Cockermouth, Cumberland Flax and Tow Threads of all kinds, for hand and machine sewing, lace making, &c. Stand No. 209 MARTIN Cork MAHONY Various breeds of Fleece Wool BROTHERS, Camden Quay, 6o Cork Industrial Exhibition Section A—Class 4 Stand No. 2 0 9 a WOOKEY & CO., Salmon Leap Mills, Co., Dublin 1 Washed Wools for Mattresses, &c. 2 Washed Woollen Mill-Puffs, for Bedding and General Upholstery Stand No. 210 ALEXANDER EINLAY, Anne Street, Belfast, Ireland Soaps—Hard and Soft, White, Pale, Yellow, Brown, Black, Mottled, Marbled—for Bleachers, Finishers, Silk Dyers, Woollen Manu facturers, Household, Laundry, Toilet, &c. Speciality, the celebrated Gold Medal Silkstone Soap Candles—Paraffine Wax, a substitute for the old Tallow Dip, Sperm, Paraffine, Stearine Raw Materials from which above Soaps and Candles are manufactured: Tallow, Lard, Cocoanut Oil, Palm N u t Oil, Cotton Seed Oil,. Linseed Oil, Palm Oil (raw and bleached), Resin, Soda, Potash, Barilla, Shale, from which Paraffine W a x i s obtained, Paraffine Wax Stand No. 211 P. J . O'FABRELL, 145 North King Street, Dublin. 1 Ordinary Waste Soap Lye. Samples of Glycerine obtained from Soap Lye by F. J. O'Farrell's patented process 2 Crude, anhydrous, undistilled Glycerine 3 Glycerine obtained in one single distillation from crude glycerine 4 Ornamental Glass Jars, containing double-distilled (chemically pure), obtained from the crude glycerine Stand No. 212 "WILLIAM LYNCH, 8 Great George's Street, Cork. 1 Church Candles, home-made and decorated 2 3 1 5 ,, English-made and decorated „ home-made, plain „ German, embossed Paraffine Candles, liomo-made, plain 6 7 8 9 10 Glycerine ,, ,, i n colours Patent self-burning Charcoal, for church purposes Fragrant Incense, for church purposes Patent Wicks and Floats ,, Sanctuary Lamps Official Catalogue. 61 Section A—Class 4 Stand No. 213 1 W. GALGEY & SONS, John Street, Cork Specimens of Paraffine W a x Candles, all of similar material, prepared b y different processes ( ) Transparent Refined Wax, of natural golden colour ( ) ,, ,, ,, colourless 2 (c) Opaque White W a x (d) The above various coloured, and i n a variety of shapes Candles of other waxes, especially suitable for religious purposes 3 White Stearine Stand No. 214 TIMOTHY O'CALLA&HAN, 29 Shandon Street, Cork Soaps, &c. Stand No. 215 EDWARD RYAN, 114 Patrick Street, Cork Soap, for Laundry and Toilet purposes Stand No. 216 1 2 3 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ROBERT HUTCHISON, Springvale Oil Mills, Cowlairs, Glasgow] Sperm Oil Hyper Sperm Oil (patented) Neatsfoot Oil Rectified N i eats foot Oil Patent Colza, for lubricating only Machinery Oil Oleine, for wool batching Refined Oleine ,, Extra Refined Oleine, for wool batching Saponified Olive Oil ,, Jute Batching Oil Spindle Oil (for light machinery) , (for heavy machinery Loom Oil Engine Oil Mineral Lubricating Oil Mineral Oil Cork Industrial Exhibition Section A—Class 4 Stand No. 217 GEORGE PERROTT & SON". King Street, Cork American Lubricating Cream Stand No. 218 WALTER ANDERSON, 4 3 Upper Buckingham Street, Dublin 1 India Rubber Stamps, for endorsing Papers, Parchment, Fac Similes, Crests, Monograms, Private Note Heading, Envelopes, Stamping Linen, Books, &c. 2 India Rubber Dating and Numbering Machines, for professional and general commercial purposes 3 Composition Flexible Stamps, for Window Tickets, Packing Cases, Slate, Wood, Stone, Canvas, Seed or Flour Bags, &c. 4 Steel Letter, Figure and Name Punches, for Iron, Brass, Wood, Leather, &c. 5 Burning Brands, for Wood, Leather, Cattle, Sheep, &c. 6 Improved Percussion and Embossing Presses, for Legal Documents, Note Paper, Envelopes, &c. 7 Brass Seals, for Chemists, Wine Merchants, Official Deeds, &c. 8 Brass Door and Letter Box Plates 9 Brass Hand Stamps, for Bookbinders' Tools, Branding Corks, and Manufacturers' uses 10 Brass Dating and Endorsing Self-Inking Machines 11 Metal Type, for Linen, Books, &c. 12 Endorsing Rubber Stamp Inks (all Colours), and Indelible Marking Ink Stand No. 219 J . W. ELVERY & CO., Sackville Street, Dublin India Rubber Goods, Waterproof and Lawn Tennis Requisites Stand No. 2 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 E . W. BYWATER & SON, South City Market, Dublin, and 7 Richmond Avenue, Fairview, Clontarf Extra Durable Rubber Dating Stamps (price with Address, Die, &c.) complete, 10/6 Cooke's Patent Climax Dater, 21/- ; complete and warranted for twelve years The Patent Pencil Stamp, Self-Inking, complete, from 2/6 each India Rubber Linen Marker Stamp, w i t h best makers' Indelible Ink, 2/- each Metallic Labels for Keys and Umbrellas, 1/- each Official Catalogue. 6? Section A—Class 4 Stand No. 220—continued 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Brass Seals for impressing Wax, with letters sunk, at 1/6 per dozen J Seal and Handle included Brass Seals for Wax, with 7 Improved Movable Centres for Wine as, "Port," "Sherry," "Claret," "Gin," " R u m , " "Brandy,"and "Whiskey," complete, at 17/6 the set Stencil Plates cut t o order, letters under 1 inch, per doz. 1/6 plain 2 inch, 3/- ; 3 inch 4/- ; Fancy Type 7/6 per doz. Brass Stencil Letters, Patent, Adjustable, per set of 70 separate pieces, J inch, 8/- ; f i n c h , 10/'- ; Alphabet f inch, 4/6 ; J inch, 6/6 ; l i n c h , 7/6 ; Figures, 3/Rubber Stamp Printing Ink, best quality ; any colour in l oz. bottles, patent stopper, at 1/- ; J oz. 6d. ; small, 4d ; Indelible Cuttle at 1/- each Metal Type and Type Holders, Size from 1 inch, inside measure, to4 inches long. Do., i n Brass and S i c k l e Silver Steel Key Rings and Chains Copying Presses, including various new Processes and Graphs, their Special Compositions and Inks Ladies' and Gentlemen's Visiting Cards b y new process. N o plate required, 50 for 1/-, Ladies' Fine Ivory, 1/6 Stand No. 221 H E N R Y J . M A R T I N & CO., 127 George's St., Cork Rubber Type for Printing Circulars, Cards, &c., and appliances for same 1 2 3 Patent Climax Daters, dating for 100 years ,, Self-Inking Stamp for a Rubber Stamp A box of Patent Rubber Type, 10 Alphabets, 3 Sets of Figures, &c. 4 Holders of various sizes for same 5 6 Self-Inking Compass Stamps " Snuff-box" Pocket Stamps Stand No 222 T H E M I D L A N D I N D I A R U B B E R CO., 8 9 t o 9 3 R y l a n d Street, Birmingham 1 Best Grey Rubber Valves for Air Pumps of Steam Engines 2 Washers for Steam and Water-pipe Joints, 5 qualities 3 Rings for Water Gauge Glasses 4 Hose for Fire Engines, Breweries and Garden purposes 5 Flexible Gas Tube wired inside lor Gas Stoves, Table Lamps Fluted without, wire inside Cork Industrial Exhibition Section A—Class 4 Stand No. 2 2 2 —continued 6 Tyres for Bicycles and Tricycles, Best Red 7 Pedal Rubbers for Bicycles and Tricycles, Red and Grey 8 9 Draught Tubing t o exclude draughts from doors and windows Closed Cones for Plumbers' use 10 11 Red Rings for Umbrellas or Gauge Glasses Machine Driving Belting, for Thrashing Machines, &c. Stand No. 2 2 3 1 SAMUEL NELIS & SON, 13 Magazine St., London derry Preserving Balm and Colouring Paste for Horses' Feet U u 3 •1 5 6 7 8 }} }} 5> n Imperial Waterproof Liquid, for Cart Harness Waterproof Harness Composition Constabulary Pouch Polish Neptunian Waterproof Liquid Blacking for Seamen's use Fanny Bloomfield's (Mystic) Waterproof Paste Blacking for Kid Boots, Gloves, Belts, Bags, &c., &c. Stand No. 2 2 4 THE CORK BLACKING CO., Caroline Street, Cork Blacking, Liquid and Paste, in Jars, Tins and Squares Kid Reviving Cream Patent Waterproofing for Boots, and Egyptian Polish for Red Boots: Stand No. 225 FRED LEWIS, 6 Fleet Street, Dublin Scented Soaps Pomades Hair Oil Perfumes Stand No. 226 WM. HARRINGTON & SON, Chemists and Druggists, 8 0 Patrick Street, Cork Perfumery and Toilet Requisites Official Catalogue. Section A—Class 4 s t a n d No. 2 2 7 1 M'MASTEB, HODGSON & CO., 131 & 123 Capel St., Dublin, also Ashtown, Phoenix Park, Co. Dublin Perfumery Warren's " S w e e t " Essence Rennet "Improved " Fluid Extract of Annatto Graphic Ink Trotter Oil 2 M'Master's Hair Restorer Linseed Cake „ Meal Linseed and Drying Oils Stand No. 2 2 8 W I L L I A M DAY & CO., Blackheath, London, S.E Specimens of Patent Black Varnisli for preservative or first coating of the outside bottoms of Fishing Smacks, &c. Specimens of Patent Metallic Composition for second or outside coating, t o prevent fouling Stand No. 2 2 9 B. V E E C H O Y L E , Roper's P e s t , Greenville Avenue, Dublin Glue stand No. 2 3 0 W I L L I A M O'DONNELL, Tanner and Glue M a n u facturer, 3 2 Thomas St., 2 & 3 Cornwallis St., and St. Francis Abbey, Limerick Samples of Glue manufactured b y Exhibitor M Cork Industrial Exhibition Section B . M A C H I N E S A N D TOOLS. CLASS5 . Motors, and Contrivances for the transmission of Motion, and forces generally. s t a n d No. 2 3 1 J . EDMTTNDSON & GO., 33, 3 4 , 3 5 & 3 6 Capel Street, D u b l i n ; Stafford Works—Stafford Street, Dublin, and 19 Great George's St., Westminster, London 1 Wigham's Patent Eoyal Atmospheric (10-liglit) Gas Machine i a action 2 Wigham's Patent Royal Atmospheric (100-light) Gas Machine. portion, except raw material, Irish Manufacture 3 Albo-carbon process for improving ordinary Coal Gas, i n action J. Edmundson & Co., Sole Agents S t a n d No. 2 3 2 1 2 3 | h.-p. Patent Otto Gas Engine, indicating about 2 h.-p. .. „ „ „ „ „ The Engines are reversible 6 h.-p. " 12 h.-p. each C O R N E L I U S CADLE, 3 9 Wellington Quay, Dublin Turbine Water Wheel Seed and Cockle Separator Safety Oil Cabinet Stand No. 2 3 4 1 CROSSLEY BROTHERS, Limited, Great Marlborough Street, Manchester 3 * h.-p. Two 6 h.-p. Stand No. 233 1 2 3 Every M ' C O W E N & H E A L D . Edward Street, Tralee One Improved Reliable & c m P r < > V e dH y d r a u l i c Turbine Water-wheel (Mercer's Patent) 2 0n a s us 3 4 5 Bench Drilling Machine, suitable for Smiths' Shops, &c. Double-Action Self-adjusting Piston Rings and Springs Specimen of finished Shafting e d for Organ Blowing, Sawing^ Official Catalogue. 67 Section B—Class 5 Stand No. 234—continued. 6 Pedestals and Hangers with gun-metal steps and white metal steps 7 Specimens of Couplings, Wheels and Pulleys 8 Plough and General Castings Manufactured b y Exhibitors 9 Samples of Leather and Simplex Cotton Belting 10 Silver Steel Mill Chisels 11 Patent Self-lubricating Engine Packing 12 Cast Iron Oil Feeders, and Engineers' Hand Lamps Imported and sold b y Exhibitors stand No. 2 3 5 J A M E S O'TOOLE, M.E., Assoc. I n s t , of C.E., I r e l a n d , Wellington Terrace, Slianakiel, Cork One Working Model of Horizontal Steam Engines, with a new Radial Valve Gear, applicable to Marine or Locomotive Engines Designed and made b y the Exhibitor Stand No. 2 3 6 H E N E Y C O P P I N G E R , Tivoli Gardens, Cork Rotary Motor Engine, having a constant piston area, which can he worked b y steam, water, compressed air, &c., and i s also capable of being used as a rotary pump ; the invention of the Exhibitor Stand No. 2 3 7 1 J O H N R O W A N & SONS, Limited, Engineers, Boiler m a k e r s , I r o n a n d B r a s s F o u n d e r s , &c., Belfast Horizontal Condensing Engine, simply constructed, with few working parts, large bearings and working surfaces, detachable condenser, grooved fly-wlieel for rope drive, steel piston rod and cross-head, crank shaft, connecting rod, and crank disc with solid pin, also high-speed direct-acting horizontal governor, with adjustable lever t o throttle valve This Engine has been specially designed t o reduce the cost of maintenance t o a minimum 2 Horizontal High-pressure Engine, specially designed as above t o reduce cost of maintenance to a minimum. The merest tyro can take charge of it, and 110 repairs should be required for years 3 Bright Shafting with couplings and pulleys, driven by special engine above 4 Centrifugal Flour-Dressing Machine (Rowan's improved), with large hollow bearings, enclosed gearing, and continuous delivery screw, fitted with cast-iron blades 5 3-High Roller Mill (for middlings), with smooth rollers 24 inches long by 10 inches diameter, and combined arrangement for stopping feed and crushing instantaneously, arranged either for belt or gearing 68 Section B—Class 5 Stand No. 237—continued. 6 Sample of Fluted Rollers, used for breaking wheat, any number of flutings per inch, according t o the breaks required 7 Conveyor Screws, for meal, flour, grain, &c., up t o 12 inches diameter, right or left hand, with special bearings arranged so as not t o impede the progress of the material Stand No. 238 1 2 3 ROBEY & CO., Globe Works, Lincoln, England 7 horse-power Portable Engine, fitted with steam-jacketed cylinder, improved governor, feed-water beater, expansion gear, and all the latest improvements 25 horse-power Patent Robey Electric Light Engine and Locomotive Boiler combined, filled with patent equilibrium governors and expansion gear. Both engine and boiler are mounted on a massive cast-iron tank foundation plate, i n which is formed a n efficient feed-water beater, and in every way specially adapted for driving Electric Light apparatus 16 horse-power do. Stand No. 2 3 9 COCHRAN & CO., Engineers, &o., Birkenhead; Repre sented at Cork by W. "V". Mabony, Junr., Engineer, 124 Patrick Street 12 horse-power Patent Vertical Multitubular Steam Boiler, with horizontal flue tubes Stand No. 240 GERALD PERCXVAL, 3 0 Old George's Street, Cork 1 Dynamo-Electric Machines 2 Electric Arc Lamps 3 Electric Incandescent Lights, Swan's and Edison's 4 Domestic Telegraphs, Electric Pendulum 5 Electric Batteries 6 Pictel's Ice Machine, manufactured b y Emerson, Murgatroyd, & Co., Stockport, capable of producing 35 lbs. of Ice per hour, b y the alternate liquefaction and rarefaction of Sulphurous Anhidride 7 Pneumatic Bells 8 Articles i n Blown Glass made i n Cork Stand No. 240a JOHN HAYTON GREENHILL, 35 Mill St., Belfast 1 Crompton-Burgin Patent Dynamo-Electric Light Machine Manufactured i n Ireland by Exhibitor, for Arc or Incandescent Systems 2 Crompton Patent Arc Lamps and fittings 3 Swan's Patent Incandescent Lamps and fittings Official Catalogue. 69 Section B—Class 5 Stand Ho. 2 4 1 B E L F A S T E L E C T R I C A P P L I A N C E S CO., Limited, 27 Chichester Street, Belfast 1 Dynamo Machines 2 Electric Motors Stand No. 2 4 2 I | 3 Arc Lamps 4 Incandescent Lamps, &c. W I L L I A M WILB5T, P a t e n t Machine Belt Manufac t u r e r , 4 9 High Street, Dublin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12-inch Double Belt for Main Driving, cemented only 8-inch „ „ cemented, pinned, and rivetted 5-inch „ ,, cemented and rivetted 5-inch ,, Light Elevator, cemented only Chain Link Belting, for extra heavy drive 10-inch Single Main Driving Belt, cemented only 8-inch ,, ,, ,, stitched and rivetted 4-inch ,, Heavy Driving Belt ,, v 5-inch ,, Thrashing Machine Belt ,, ,, 3-inch ,, Loom Belting, cemented and rivetted 11 12 13 14 15" 16 17 2-inch ,, ,, ,, 2J-inch Light Creeper Belt, cemented only 4-inch „ Elevator Belt ,, 3-inch Raw Leather 2J-inch Copper-rivetted Fire Hose Condenser Rubber Picker Arm Laces, Picker Straps Stand No. 2 4 3 > i MAURICE QANDY, 130 Queen Victoria St., London, and Baltimore, U.S.A. COTTON B E L T I N G . 1 Roll of 12 inches x 8-ply 2 3 4 „ 9 „ x i „ 6 „ x I „ 5 „ xl Steel's Patent Fasteners. Stand No. 2 4 4 1 5 Roll of 4 inches x 6-ply 6 , , 5 ,, x 4 7 V , 4 „ x 4 8 , , 3 „ x 4 Leather Laces GEORGE PERROTT & SONS, City of Cork I r o n Works, Cork Patent Wrought Iron Split Pulleys Cork Industrial Exhibition 7° Section B—Class 5 S t a n d No. 2 4 5 W I L L I A M S P E N C E , 1 0 9 Cork Street, Dublin 1 One set Treble-barrel Brass Pumps and Steam Engine combined, capable of pumping 10,800 gallons per hour 2 One set Treble-barrel Brass Pumps, t o be driven b y machinery, capable of pumping 15,000 gallons per hour CLASS6 . Railway and Tramway Plants, including Locomotive Engines, Carriages, and Wagons. S t a n d No. 2 4 6 1 2 3 4 5 GREAT S O U T H E R N & W E S T E R N R A I L W A Y CO., Locomotive Department, Inchicore, Dublin. J o h n A . E . Aspinall, Engineer Eight-wheeled Bogie Passenger Locomotive Engine Six-wheeled Tender for same Six-wheele d Composite Eailway Carriage, w i t h 2 first class compart ments, with 2 lavatories attached ; also 1 second and 1 third classcompartment Four-wheeled Ventilated Butter Wagon Group of Eailway Appliances, comprising— Water Column, 4 Cast Iron Engine and Tender Wheels, l p a i r Locomotive Cylinders, cast in one piece; 2 pairs W ood Carriage Wheels, Cast Iron Chimney, Forgings and S t a n d i n g s from Steam Hammer, &c. C L A S S7 . Carriages and other appliances for the transport of persons and goods on land, exclusive of Tramways and Railways. S t a c d No. 2 4 7 1 2 3 H . E . B R O W N & Co., l i m i t e d , Coach Builders, 13 & 14 Redmond's H i l l , Dublin "Waldegrave" Landau, painted olive green, picked-out black, and fine-lined yellow, trimmed in dull grained Morocco, with laces tomatch, silver-plated mounting French Pattern Brougham, painted dark French green, picked-out black, and fine-lined subdued lake, trimmed i n olive green silk plush, with laces t o match, b y the eminent firm of Fry & Co., Dublin, with self-acting steps Outside, Car, w i t h hickory shafts and w alnut body, h u n g with moveable game well, varnished body, with Morocco cushions, and lamps Official Catalogue. 71 Section B—Class 7 Stand No. 248 M U L L I N S & SONS, W a r r e n ' s Place a n d Maylor St., Cork A Variety of Fashionable Carriages, open and elosed ; Dog Carts, miniature and full size ; all with latest improvements, and manu factured b y Exhibitors > Stand No. 2 4 9 D A N I E L CANTY & SON, Caroline Street, Cork 1 2 A Four-wheel Covered Car A Two-wheel Covered Car 3 A Reversible Stanhope Waggonette 4 A Whitechapel Cart Stand No. 250 1 R O B E R T J U L I A N , Carriage Manufacturer, 12 South. Mall, Cork A "Five-Glass Landau, " mounted on patent American C springs, with India-rubber insulators t o the axles, patent falling head, which can be raised or lowered b y a mere child in a moment, thus converting i t from an open t o a closed carriage, or vice versa The Wheels are manufactured from the best American hickory and rock elm, imported direct b y Exhibitor ; the ends of all the springs are lined with India-rubber and g u n metal, fitted w i t h " Patent Fore-Carriage " which is constructed i n such a manner as to dispense with the perch bolt. The whole vehicle i s finished i n the most artistic manner 2 A "Full-size" round-fronted "Brougham," fitted with "patent Insu lating India-rubber Blocks" t o springs, preventing the vibration communicating w i t h the body, fitted with patent Indicator for speaking t o coachman; the spring ends are lined with India rubber and gun m e t a l ; lined with velvet plush and gold lace 3 A "Cork Car," painted and lined green and crimson, with Morocco and cloth lining, real leather roof and top, and leather curtains 4 "Exhibition DogCart," painted black and patent yellow, trimmed black cloth and Kamptulicon, with patent break for throwing the weight off the horse's back when going down hill and checking the wheels a t the same time, with long springs hung on leather, and "Julian's spring back r e s t " 5 t " Shooting Cart," painted marone lake, w i t h gun-metal shaft fulcrums and spring to p r e v e n t " knee motion," with moveable foot-rest and " J u l i a n ' s spring back rest," with moveable side slips, &c. A most complete cart for shooting, fishing, &c., or going t o hunting meets 6 " Lome Cart," painted black and light blue, with blue cloth cushions and patent seat and door regulator ; very suitable for ladies' use, fitted with " Julian's spring back r e s t " Cork Industrial Exhibition 72 Section B—Class 7 Stand No. 2 5 1 J A M E S J O H N S O N , Nelson Place Carriage W o r k s , Cork, and George Street, Limerick 1 Patent Canoe Landau 2 3 Lyons Brougham Victoria Phaeton 4 5 Patent Reversible Stanhope Parisian Phaeton 6 7 8 Stanhope Gig Landau Cart Side Car, w i t h Dog-box Stand No. 2 5 2 1 2 D A N I E L F . M E A D E , 11 Mulgrave Street, Cork Outside Car Two-wheeled Trap Stand No. 2 5 3 O'REGAN BROTHERS, Bandon Carriage F a c t o r y Ladies' Rustic Drag Every part of i t manufactured b y ourselves and made i n our factory here of Irish hard-wood timber ; best springs and patent axle, silver lamps and silver rails Stand No. 2 5 4 J O H N COLCLOTJGH <fc SONS, 22 & 23 D u k e Street, Dublin 1 A Patent Sidelight, medium size, Canoe Landau 2 A n Angular Pattern, Family size, Outside Car Stand No. 2 5 5 1 2 Stand No. 256 1 2 J A M E S TAYLOR, 4 Anglesea Street, Cork Side Car Two-wheeled Trap p . & T. M U R P H Y , Main Street, Clonmel The Doctor's Two-wheel Safety Cab, with leather hood and apron, invented and manufactured b y Exhibitors A Combined Open and Close Carriage Can be altered i n two minutes, with patent break on nave of wheels, and patent stops to hold u p shafts. Invented and manu factured by Exhibitors Official Catalogue. 73 Section B—Class 7 Stand No. 256 —continued. 3 A Combined Open and Close Two-wheel Sociable Car Can be altered in two minutes. Invented and manufactured by Exhibitors 4 A Two-wheel Waggonette Designed and manufactured by Exhibitors 5 A Yarnished Polo Cart Designed and manufactured by Exhibitors Stand No. 257 WILLIAM LONG & SONS, Carriage Works, Y o u g k a l Two Light Carriages Stand No. 258 EDWARD DONOVAN, Coach Builder, Main Street, Mallow Fashionable mounted Outside Car, mounted on Collinges' patent axle, with lancewood shafts, and mahogany panels, all home-made, with the exception of lamps and axle A Sporting Car, mounted on Collinges' axle, with lancewood shafts, and mahogany panels, all home-made, with the exception of lamps and axle 1 2 Stand No. 259 JOHN DONNELLY, 1 0 Grenville Street, Dublin Miniature Outside Jaunting Car Built specially for Cork Exhibition CLASS8 . Manufacturing Machines and Tools. stand No. 260 WILLIAM PINKERTON, Ballymena and Larne R a i l way. Lame Patent Apparatus, for enclosing Point Levers and locking Railway Sidings, invented and patented by Exhibitor Manufactured b y Messrs. Kane Brothers, Ballymena Stand No. 261 MUNSTBR CORK-CUTTING CO., 12 St. Patrick's Quay, Cork 1 Machines for cutting Corks 2 Corks cut by machines 74 Section B—Class 8 Stand No. 262 WILLIAM HARRISON, Patentee, 138 Portland Street, Manchester, England Tlie Harrison Knitting Machines Knits Stockings, Petticoats, Jerseys, Caps, Shawls, Gloves, plain or ribbed, and Cardigan, i n any fancy or artistic pattern, producing 5 entirely distinct webs : the circular web, from a glove finger t o the full width of the Machine ; the wide flat web, t h e double , flat web, the ribbed flat web, and the real Cardigan web. A l l flat webs are formed with selvedges like cloth. The stocking is knitted, narrowed down the back of the leg,, heel, foot, and toe, fully shaped and completed, w i t h double heel and toe, upon the Machine Stand No. 263 ALLAN & HOLDEN, 4 5 St. Patrick Street, Cork 1 2 Patent Automatic Knitting Machines One each Class C. 84 and 60 Needles 3 4 5 6 „ B. 108 Domestic 84 ,, 12 inch 316 Hose and Half-hose k n i t b y the Stand No. 2 6 4 „ ,, „ Machines - DAVID S. LEE, 62 Grand Parade, Cork Sewing and other Machines for manufacturing purposes, including one Glove-making Clamp made b y Exhibitor Stand No. 265 THE WHEELER & WILSON MANUFACTURING CO., 32 Grand Parade, Cork MANUFACTURING MACHINES. 1 N e w Style Sewing Machine, (No. 10) worked b y power, for Cloth work 2 Sewing Machine (No. 6), for Boot-closing 3 4 Cylinder „ ,, Leather work N e w Style (No. 8) Sewing Machine, for Corset and Mantle and Dress Making 5 Machine, for Shirt manufacturing 6 Cabinet Case Machine DOMESTIC MACHINES. 7 Silver-plated Treadle Machine (No. 1) 8 9 New Style Hand Machine and Case Crystal Presser Machine 75 Section B—Class 8 Stand N o . 2 6 6 T H E S I N G E R M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO., 7 9 G r a n d Parade, Cork DOMESTIC U S E . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Singer's New Style Family Hand Sewing Machine Singer's New Style Family Hand. Sewing Machine, Pearled Singer's New Style Family Hand Sewing Machine, with Cover Singer's New Style Family Treadle Sewing Machine Singer's New Style Family Treadle Sewing Machine, with Cover Singer's New Style Family Hand and Treadle Sewing Machine Singer's New Style Family Treadle Sewing Machine, Bright Gold Singer's New Style Family Open Cabinet Sewing Machine Singer's Medium Sewing Machine, with Cover Singer's Medium Sewing Machine, Bright Gold Singer's Medium, 5 Drawer, Drop Leaf, Sewing Machine Singer's New Family Oscillating Shuttle Sewing Machine MANUFACTURING SEWING MACHINES. 13 Singer's New Manufacturing Oscillating Shuttle Treadle Sewing Machines, for Cloth work 14 Singer's New Manufacturing Oscillating Shuttle Treadle Sewing Machines, for Boot and Shoe Work 15 Singer's Fan Oscillating Shuttle Treadle Sewing Machine, for light Boot work 16 Singer's No. 2 Combination Presser Sewing Machine 17 Singer's Wax Thread Sewing Machine 18 Singer's New Style Arm Sewing Machine 19 Singer's No. 4 Sewing Machine SEWING MACHINES D R I V E N BY G A S ENGINE. 20 21 "Otto" Gas Engine, by Crossley Bros., Limited, Manchester Singer's Manufacturing Oscillating Shuttle Sewing Machine, for Cloth work 22 Singer's Manufacturing Oscillating Shuttle Sewing Machine, for Boot work 23 Singer's Family Oscillating Shuttle Sewing Machine, for Boot work 24 Singer's Family Oscillating Shuttle Sewing Machine, for Shirt work 25 Singer's Knitting or Plaiting Machine, heated by Gas 26 Glass Case of accessories and threads , 76 Section B—Class 8 Stand No. 267 1 t h e "VERTICAL P E E D S E W I N G M A C H I N E CO., 5 2 Queen Victoria St., London, E.C., a n d a t W a t e r town, N e w Y o r k , U.S.A. New High-Arm Sewing Machine, and various styles of Cabinet work Hand Machine complete Plain Table, with large drawer Plain Table, with large drawer and panelled cover Fancy Cover, on drop-leaf table with large drawer Fancy Cover, oil drop-leaf table with case of two drawers Fancy Cover, on moulded table having extension leaf and case of two drawers at each end Open Cabinet. A finely finished case, having five large drawers at one side and convenient compartment for work at the other, with extension leaf and fancy cover Fancy Cover, on drop-leaf table, with case of three drawers (drop knobs) at each end, and swing drawer and brackets in centre Full Cabinet. An elegantly finished black walnut case, with French veneered oval panels, five drawers, and folding cover Full Cabinet, Fancy Lined Manufacturing Extension Leaf Table, with large drawer This machine is arranged with especial reference to the varied requirements of general manufacturing in cloth and leather The heads on all styles are highly ornamented and have plated hand-wheels 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Stand No. 2 6 8 1 2 J O H N G-. M E R N E , 2 0 F r i a r ' s W a l k , Cork Knitting Machines Machine-knitted Goods S t a n d No. 2 6 9 1 R I C H A R D W R I G H T , 2 Nelson Lane, Dublin Crown Size, Stop Cylinder, Job Printing Machine, with taking-off Fliers attached. This Printing Machine is the second one made in Ireland ; the exhibitor having made the first one as an exhibit in the Dublin Exhibition of 1882 Official Catalogue. 77 Section B—Class 8 Stand No. 270 1 G U Y B R O T H E R S , Academy Street, Cork " Paragon " Lithographic Printing Machine Lithographic (Printing) Hand Press Showing i n contrast the hand labour as exhibited b y us at the Cork Exhibition of 1852, w i t h the machine work of the present ; t h e first Litho Machine being introduced b y us into the South of Ireland i n 1868 2 " M i n e r v a " Letter-Press Platen Machine, specially adapted for fine work 3 Paper-Bag Machine Bagmakers a t work, making various descriptions of hand-made bags (for Grocers, Drapers, Seedsmen, Confectioners and Bakers, &c., &e.), i n contrast w i t h the machine-made bags 4 Manufactured Stationery and Machines, &c. Stand N o 2 7 1 Bookbinding Apparatus, Cutting H A R R Y H . Y 1 L F , P r i n t e r a n d Engraver (Late of 8 0 9 Regent Street, London, W.), 14 & 15 Holyrood Street, Newport;, I s l e of "Wight 1 Machine (patent), for the rapid production ofVisiting Cards, invented b y " Magand," will make 6,000 impressions per hour 2 Specimens of Engraved Plates for Fabrics 3 Machine for Nature Printing Stand No. 2 7 2 1 F R A N C I S GUY, 7 0 Patrick Street, Cork Lithographic Printing Machine, w i t h all latest improvements, at work 2 A n Arab Platen Machine, of the most improved construction, at work Visiting Cards and other work printed i n t h e Exhibition for visitors Stand No. 2 7 3 T H E N O V E L T Y ..PRINTING CO., 3 9 Broad Street, Binningliaiii The " N o v e l t y Printing Company" exhibits their " N o n p a r e i l " Rapid Card Printing Machine, Self-feeding and I n k i n g ; prints 8,000 cards per hour, equal t o plate Cork Industrial Exhibition 7» Section B—Class 8 Stand No. 274 W A L T E R S. K I R K <fc CO., Woollen Machinery and Card Makers, <fec., 2 George St., a n d Newtown Mills, Huddersfield, England Case of Patent Card Clothing, for use o n Woollen Manufacturing Machinery ; also Spiral Mill Furnishings and Requisites for Woollen Factories stand No. 275 1 2 Woollen Power Loom, with Jacquard and Drop Boxes, capable of working 5 shuttles, pick and pick Same, w i t h double beam Both made b y Pearson & Spurr, Birstall Iron "Works, Birstall, York shire, and shown i n motion Stand No. 276 1 2 M A R T I N M A H O N Y & B R O T H E R S , Limited, 3 Camden Quay, Cork, a n d Blarney F a c t o r y O ' B R I E N B R O T H E R S , St. Patrick's Woollen Mills, Cork One set of Carding Engines, comprising Scribbler, t w o Cleaners and Condenser, for carding fine Wool One Self-acting Wool Spinning Mule Carding Engines and Mule, made b y Thornton Brothers, Cleckheaton. Card Clothing, b y R. & C. Gold thorp, Cleckheaton Stand N o . 276a J A M E S M ' C R E E R Y <fc SONS, 9 5 Thorndyke Street, Belfast, Irish Spinning W^heel and Reel Stand No. 277 W A L L I S & POLLOCK, T h e Douglas Mills, Cork Tweed Loom, a t work S t a n d No. 278 1 2 S A M U E L L A W & SONS, 5vCoorland Mills, Cleckheaton, via Normanton Card-Setting Machine, for making Card Clothing for Scribblers and Carders, used i n Woollen Manufactures Sample Case of Cards Stand N o . 279 J O H N B L A C K B U R N tfe SONS, Westgate, Cleckheaton, Yorks 1 Samples of Card, for carding Wool, Cotton, Silk, Felt, and other fibrous materials 2 Also Blackburn's Patent Parallel Fillett Cards Official Catalogue. 79 Section B—Class 8 stand No. 2 8 0 W I L L I A M P O E T E E , Millfield, Cork Combing Machines stand No. 281 T. & J . Eishworth & CO., Curragh Mills, Tuam, Oo. Galway 1 Bobbins and Spools used i n spinning, winding, and weaving t h e various textile fabrics 2 Miscellaneous Turnery and Japanned work Stand No. 2 8 2 SAMUEL WILSON, Shannon Works, AtKLone Bobbins used i n the manufacture of wool, flax, jute, cotton, silk, and other fabrics Stand No. 283 1 2 PATEICK DONOVAN, Bridge Street, Mallow, Oo. Cork One Spinning Wheel for flax threads One Woollen Wheel for woollen threads Stand No. 2 8 4 DIM BEOTHEES & CO., 22 William Street, Dublin Loom for weaving silk handkerchiefs Stand No. 284a O'REILLY, DUNNE & CO., 3 0 College Green, Dublin Poplin Loom Stand No. 285 1 WILLIAM H E N E Y England GEANT, Foleshill, Coventry,. Improved Jacquard Ribbon Loom, 6 tiers of shuttle, w i t h eccentric motion for cylinder, and improved weft arrangement; i n motion, weaving a special Exhibition Book-mark, commemorative of the Cork Exhibition, containing Silk Portraits of Irish Celebrities, &c.; number of silk threads employed, 3,000 2 Products of Silk Loom exhibited, comprising ribbons, ladies' ties, saslies, garters, braces, book-marks, Exhibition souvenirs, and silk goods generally Stand No. 286 SALMON & CO., Kettering, Northampton 1 25-in. Eccentric Double Treadle Press, for cutting out Shoe-sola Envelopes or Labels 2 Breasting Machine for finishing inside heels of boots 3 Blocking Machine for shoe manufacturers Cork Industrial Exhibition C L A S S9 . Miscellaneous Machines and Tools, not included in the other Classes. Stand No. 287 W I L L I A M B E N N E T T , 2 Anglesea Place, Copley S t , Cork 1 Bennett's "Compound Purifier and Separator," for separating and purifying Middlings 2 Bennett's " Wheat Aspirator," used for perfecting the extraction and separation of light material from wheat or other grain Bennett s Wheat Separator," used i n storing, or before sending wheat to other machines. I t takes out barley, oats, peas, stones dust, chaff, &c., from wheat 3 Stand No. 288 1 2 3 J O H N H A Y T O N G R E E N H T L L , 3 5 M m St., B e l f a s t Greenhill's Patent Disintegrator, for rapid reduction of grain into fine meal or flour, and for grinding various other materials Greenhill's Corn Screen, for separating nails and other foreign matter from grain Greenhill's Spring Balanced Meal and Flour Sieve Stand No. 289 V I O T O B C O A T E S & CO., Limited, L a g a n F o u n d r y , a n d Prince's Dock Works, Belfast F LOUR M A C H I N E R Y . 1 2 Wilson's Patent Centrifugal Dressing Machine Wilson's Patent Koller Mill Stand No. 290 T. P E A R S O N < & CO., 1 1 S h i p Street, D u b l i n Millstones and Mill Furnishing Stand No. 291 G E O R G E P E R B O T T & SONS, Cork Samples of Silks Official Catalogue. 81 Section B—Class 9 . Stand No. 292 DAVIDSON & CO., " Sirocco " Works, Queensbridge St., Belfast 1 Tlie "Sirocco " Patent Tea Drying Apparatus, used o n the tea estates of India, Ceylon, &c. ; manufactured b y Exhibitors 2 The "Sirocco" Patent Stove (using coal or coke fuel), for heating churches, large assembly rooms, warerooms, drying lofts, &c., by means of hot air ; manufactured b y Exhibitors 3 The "Sirocco" Patent Gas Stove, for heating sitting-rooms, offices, &c., b y means of hot air ; manufactured b y Exhibitors 4 The " N o r t h " Patent Lawn Tennis Pole, manufactured b y Exhibitors 5 The " N o r t h " Patent Racket Stand, manufactured b y Exhibitors Stand No. 2 9 3 W . M A C I L W R A I T H & SON", Millwrights and Engineers, Anglesea Street, Cork 1 Milling Machine for Tweeds, Flannels, &c. 2 Gas Engine, \ horse-power, Bisschop's Patent Improved, '1 i n motion ' 3 Band Saw Machine driven b y gas engine 4 Band Saw Machine on timber upright 5 Hydraulic and Screw Jacks 6 Noiseless Fan 7 Hydraulic Bam for converting common screw press t o hydraulic, with pump 8 Burnham's Standard Turbine Water-wheel Stand No. 294 J O H N ROWAN & SONS, Engineers, Belfast Shafting, Gearing, &c. Stand No. 295 B A K E K &. CO., Retail—39 Patrick S t . ; Factory—French. Church. St., Cork Lozenge manufacture and Lozenge stamping Stand No. 2 9 6 P A U L P F L E I D E E E E , 8 6 "Upper Q-round Street, S . E . ; City Office—37 Farringdon St., E.C., London 1 A large Reversible Universal Kneading and Mixing Machine, for bread bakeries, with automatic tilting gear, constructed of iron and steel 2 Do., for white and coloured confectionery and pharmaceutical prepara tions, also for power, but t o tilt b y hand, constructed of iron and Steel as above ; the container and mixing blades being, however, of superior bronze, and polished. The whole machine t o take t o pieces in a minute 8z Section B—Class 9 Stand No. 296—continued. 3 4 Do., very powerful (one speed only) for hard pill masses and similar goods, constructed of iron and steel; t o tilt b y hand and driven by steam or hand power ; also readily taken t o pieces Do., smaller size 5 Do., i n iron, for paints and putty, t o t i l t by hand 8 7 8 Sifting Machine, with spiral brush for sifting meals, flour, &c. D o . , with fine sieve, for finest flours, sugars, and powders D o . , small, for kitchen use, and small chemist's purposes Stand No. 297 L. & It. MERRY, 25 Bride Street, Dublin 1 Beer Engine, Mulling Apparatus 2 Pewter Ware 3 Syphons, &e Stand No. 298 1 2 H E N R Y WILSON & CO., Phcen ix Iron, Brass and Copper Works, Stockton-on-Tees, England One Refrigerator for Brewery and Distillery purposes One Milk Cooler 3 One Feed Water Heater 4 Samples of Gun-metal Engine Fittings and Impermeators (Wilson's Patent) Stand N o 299 BAILEY BROTHERS, 25 Chancery Lane, London, W.C. 1 Potato and Apple-paring Machines 2 Mincing Machines Stand No. 300 L E A M ) E R BECKER, York, and Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 1 Washing Machine Stand No. 301 FEATHER & Yorkshire • 1 Washers 2 3 4 5 Wringers Chaff Cutter . Fruit Dresser Bench Screws SMITH, Parkside Works, Keighley, Official Catalogue. «3 Section B—Class 0 Stand No. 3 0 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 W I L L I A M H E N R Y HILTON, 130 Victoria St., Bristol Specimens of Marble Glass Specimens of Malakite Specimens of Tortoise-shell Glass Collection of Patent Refrigerators. N o Ice required Patent Sash Fasteners Patent Greenhouse Stove Collection of Domestic Articles—various Stand No. 3 0 2 a J . &> E . H A L L , Engineers, 2 3 St. Swithin's Lane, London; W o r k s a t Dartford, K e n t Patent Cold Dry-air Machine ; this machine takes only 3J horse-power Gas Engine t o work. I t will preserve 7,840 stone of meat Stand No. 303 1 2 3 4 5 B. O'DONOVAN & SONS, 2 8 Dunbar Street, Cork One Splint Machine One Skillet Machine, for cutting the shavings for the boxes One Filling Machine Match Boxes in course of construction Imitation Matches Stand No. 3 0 4 COLLINS & HASTINGS, City Match Works, Marina, Cork One Skillet Machine One Splint Machine One Flaker Machine One Filling Machine Stand No, 305 CHARLES FOSTER & CO., 3 5 Oolemore Row, Birmingham 1 New Patent Knife-cleaners 2 Patent Vegetable, Fruit Parer and Slieer 3 A variety of domestic inventions and labour-saving appliances Stand No. 3 0 6 P E T E R V I N C E N T O'CALLAGHAN, Merrion, Dublin; Originator of t h e Industry and Inventor of t h e Machines and Implements for making Straw-Bottle-Envelopes The Machines and Implements used i n manufacturing Straw-BottleWrappers ES The Machines and Implements used in preparing Straw Plait for I Hats, Bonnets, ta. :— ^ 1 Envelope Machines 2 Tying and Cutting Machines v 8+ Cork Industrial Exhibition Section B—Class 9 Stand No. £06 —continued. 3 Packing Press 4 5 6 Bench for Envelope-making Mills for rolling Straw Plait Straw Splitters 7 8 Straw for Plaiting, bleached and coloured Patterns of Straw Plait stand No. 307 1 THOMAS WAESOP, 76 Queen's W a l t , N o t t i n g h a m A n Improved Window Fastener 2 A n Improved Interchangeable Collier's Pick Stand No. 3 0 8 W I N N I N G T O N & S E F T O N , Brassfounders, Engineers a n d Machinists, 7 & 9 Wilson St., Belfast, Ireland 1 Well-Engine Frame, strong gothic pattern, wrought-iron doubln crank, gearing wheels, set of 3J-inch brass pumps with cast-iron air vessel, for shallow wells 2 Well-Engine Frame, medium pattern, geared wheels, wrought-iron crank, double 3-inch brass pumps and copper air vessel, for shallow wells 3 Well-Engine Frame, plain pattern, wrought-iron crank, geared, single 3-inch brass pump and copper air vessel, for shallow wells ' 4 Strong Village Wheel Pump, wrought-iron crank, 3J-inch cast-iron . cylinder, brass valves 5 Strong Rotary Forcing Pump, 3-inch brass cylinder, taper under valve, on wood back, with bracket and turned shaft, fly wheel and crank handle (reducing the labour required t o a minimum), copper air vessel, and brass draw-off cock wiped on 6 Rotary Forcing Pump, oscillating lever, 3-inch brass cylinder, square under flange, on wood back, fly wheel, crank handle, copper air vessel, and brass draw-off cock screwed on 7 Brass Force Pump, on iron back, wrought-iron lever handle, 3-inch cylinder, square under flange and frost screw, copper air vessel, and cock screwed on 8 Brass Force Pump, on wood back, wrought-iron lever handle, open end, brass piston rod and cross head, wrought-iron screwed and turned guide rod, forked shears, 3-inch cylinder, square under flange, air vessel, and cock wiped o n Official Catalogue. Section B—Class 9 stand No. 308—continued. 9 Force Pump , o n wood back, wrought-iron handle, ball end, 2 | - i n c h brass cylinder, square u n d e r flange, a i r vessel, a n d cock wiped on, mounted for l e f t h a n d 10 Force P u m p , o n wood back, 2-ineh brass cylinder, fitted a s above 11 Brass L i f t a n d Force P u m p , o n iron back, wrought-iron handle, 2 j - i n c h cylinder, w i t h arrangement for easy access t o u n d e r valve, polished brass air vessel, a n d lever h a n d l e draw-oflf cock 12 Forcing P u m p , o n broad wood back, wrought-iron lever handle, copper piston rod, t u r n e d iron guide rod a n d socket, w i t h cutter pin a n d connecting rod shears, 2J-inch brass cylinder, square u n d e r flange, air vessel a n d cock 13 Cast-iron Pillar L i f t P u m p , 3-inch cylinder, brass working a n d u n d e r valve, a n d screwed connection for lead or iron suction pipe 14 Cast-iron Pillar L i f t P u m p , 3J-inch brass cylinder a n d valves, flanged for suction 15 Cast-iron Pillar L i f t P u m p , 4-inch cylinder, brass valves, and door for access t o u n d e r valve 16 Plumbers' Forcing P u m p , brass barrel, t u r n e d wood T h a n d l e 17 Gas Syphon P u m p , brass barrel-stuffing b o x top, iron d i p pipe 18 Small Y a c h t P u m p , brass barrel, deck socket, a n d connections 19 Improved Self-acting Hydraulic Earn, for forcing water t o mansions, railway stations, f a r m buildings, towns, gardens, &e. Valves a n d internal fittings of best g u n m e t a l 20 Cast-iron Street F o u n t a i n , w i t h screwed high-pressure brass valve and fittings, for water-works 21 Sluice Valve, four faces spindle screw, a n d n u t of best g u n metal, spigot a n d socket ends bolted o n 22 Sluice Valve, do., do., socket ends 23 Ball H y d r a n t , elbow p a t t e r n , heel a n d socket 24 ,, „ s t r a i g h t pattern, flanged 25 Screw-down H y d r a n t , gun-metal screw a n d mountings, leather-laced valve,"socket-screwed, for Fire Brigade s t a n d pipe 26 Fire Cock, Brass Plug, Stuffing Gland, Brass Socket for s t a n d pipe 27 Screw-down H y d r a n t , gun-metal spindle valve a n d seating, leatherfaced valve, frost valve, a n d screwed-socket for s t a n d pipe 28 Fire Brigade S t a n d Pipe, double outlets, iron stem, brass rack ai*u pinion valves, 2 chained caps a n d c r a n k handle, screwed t o s u i t Hydrants Nos. 25, 26, 27 As supplied t o Belfast F i r e Brigade 86 Section B—Class 9 Stand No. 308—wntinwed. 29 Brigade Stand Pipe, double revolving outlets, brass stem iron sere* spindle a n d 2 chained caps, gun-metal mountings, suitable for H y d r a n t s Nos. 2 3 a n d 24 50 Stand Pipe, single revolving outlet, brass stem and close cap. guumetal mountings, i n suit w i t h No. 29 31 Stand Pipe, double outlets, brass stem, 2 chained caps, gun-metal mountings t o screw on H y d r a n t s 25, 26, 21 32 S t a n d Pipe, single outlet, copper stem a n d close cap, gun-metal mountings, i n suit with 31 3 3 Plain S t a n d Pipe, iron stem, brass stop-cook, w i t h iron lever and chained cap 34 Hose Union, ordinary size a n d pattern 35 ,, , , swivel lugs 36 Copper Fire Brigade Branch Pipe, 30-inch, gun-metal mountings ^ " i> ,, 24 , , with lugs 38 Gun-metal Horizontal Lauding Fire Valve, iron wheel on top, anot chained cap 39 U pr i ght Landing Fire Valve, iron wheel, a n d close cap a n d chain 40 Upright Landing Fire Valve, w i t h bend t o main, brass wheel and chained cap 41 Small H y d r a n t Valve for fixing i n road or wall box 42 High-Pressure Cock or H y d r a n t , for fixing in wall box for carriag. washing, w i t h cap and k e y 43 t o 45 Cast-iron Hinged Guard Boxes, for sluice valves a n d hydrants 46 t o 48 Wrought-iron Keys, for sluice valves and h y d r a n t s 49 & 50 Pair of Wrought-iron Hose Union Wrenches 51 Improved Steam T r a p 52 „ S i g h t Feed Lubricator 53 Samples of Ship's Side L i g h t s 54 Samples of Ship's Bells 55 Miscellaneous P u m p Fittings, Valves, &c. 56 A n assortment of Stop-cocks and Union Joints, for Street Main Service Pipes 57 Street Tobys or Paving Boxes 58 Miscellaneous lot of Steam Fittings, Plumber's Brass W o r k , and Gas Cocks «7 S e c t i o n B—Class 9 stand No. 308a BENJAMIN TRICKETT, 9 5 Wicker, Sheffield New Patent Hand Pump Stand No. 3 0 9 P A T R I C K C A H I L L , Tinware Factory, Harpur's Lane, Cork A variety of Tin-ware, both polished, Japanned, and ornamental, including Deed Boxes, Baths, Railway and other Lamps, Roasting Screens, both square and hollowed, Toilet Ware, Milk Churns, Corn Bins, &c., &c., together with the following Models, illustrating the use and application of Water-power, all manu factured by Exhibitor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -8 Undershot Water Wheel Breast Water Wheel Overshot Water Wheel Persian Water Wheel, illustrating the manner of raising water to high levels, as used by t h e Persians. This is also arranged to illustrate Dredging Model of Barker's Perpendicular Mill Water Fountain, showing curves and pressure of jets Model showing the most approved way to construct Domestic Water Fittings, with cistern, cylinder, bath, circulating boiler, and hot and cold supply Tank with glass sides, illustrating the use and application of the Ball Cock All perfect working Models U Octagonal Aquarium, constructed to hold living Birds in t h e centre of the Fish Pond 10 A varied collection of Boxes, Trays, &c., &c., made of crystalized tins 11 A very neat collection of Miniature Baths and Grocers' Canisters And a collection of Working Machinery, by which Canisters will be manufactured during t h e Exhibition, at stated times stand No. 310 1 2 3 4 5 6 W I L L I A M B R O M E L L , 8 3 8 Old K e n t Road, London. ( I m p e r i a l H o t e l , Cork) Automatic Gas Tap a t Burner Improved Gas Regulator Economic Gas-holder Portable Compressed Gas Buoy Ship's Balloon Signal Boat's Balloon Signal 88 Section B—Class 9 Stand No. 310 —continued. 7 Main Balloon Signal, set u p when i n ocean 8 Collapsible Boat, w i t h means t o inflate Balloon Signal 9 Economic Kaft a n d Deck Seat combined, with means to inflats Balloon Signal 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Sea Helmet, Cape, a n d Respirator,/with means to give Balloon Signal Portable Gas Generator, t o inflate Balloon when in ocean Improved Hydrogen Gas-making apparatus Portable Gas-inflating Balloon apparatus Portable Gas-compressing Machine Swimming or Heat-conserving Dress Ship's Ventilators Smoke-curing Chimney Cap Means t o give simultaneous effect t o the Blocks on Continuoun Railway Breaks Gas-making Retort, i n connexion with Domestic Fire-Grate, i n poor man's dwelling Rapid Printing Machine Rapid Knitting Machine Vulcanized India-rubber Stamps Non-capsizable Boat Apparatus Portable Dynamite Cartridge" or Ball, as a defence against Sea Monsters, or as Fog or 14ight Signal Chromo-Litlio Calendars for 1884 S t a n d N o . 311 CHAELES BEOWK, Birmingham Chard Works, Park Street, 1 2 3 4 Horse-clipping Machine 5 Specimen of Charles Brown's new metal Mckoline, adapted for harness furniture >> s t a n d N o 311a >> E D W A R D W A G N E R ,4 0 G i U a b b e y S t r e e t , C o r k Brush-makers' Boring Lathe Official Catalogue. 89 CLASS 10. Agricultural and Horticultural Machines, Implements, etc stand No. 318 T H E M U N S T E R I R O N CO., 9 3 N o r t h M a i n S t . , C o r k Spades, Shovels, Crowbars, &e. stand No. 313 R O B E R T M ' C O W E N & S O N S , 1 4 & 1 5 M a n , Tralee 1 M'Cowen's Best Two-horse Single-furrow Swing Plough, with double-holed bridle, for general purposes 2 M'Cowen's Best Second Size Two-liorse Single-furrow Swing Plough, with double-holed bridle, for general purposes 3 M'Cowen's Light Draught Double-mould Plough, straight boards, with improved gauge for shifting boards, also improved marker 4 M'Cowen's Improved Parallel Lever Field Grubber, for 2 or 3 horses, with improved high wheels, making considerably lighter draught 5 M'Cowen's 5-tired Drill Grubber, with self-acting muzzle 6 M'Cowen's Improved Drill Grubber, for 1 or 2 horses 7 M'Cowen's Improved Patent Zig-zag Harrow, made of t h e best grooved iron, light and strong, t h e teeth cutting a separate track at equal distances apart, ensuring perfect work and freedom from choking Stand No. 314 T I M O T H Y H U R L Y , Blacksmith, Carhuc, B a n d o n , C o . Cork One Iron Harrow, complete stand No. 315 1 2 3 4 5 6 H O D G I N S & D O B S O N , T h e K e r r y Iron Works, Tralee; M a c h i n e S h o w Yards—6U p p e r Castle St.; S e e d W a r e h o u s e s a n d Offices—4 & 5 L o w e r C a s t l e S t . , T r a l e e Swing Plough, new pattern, long board ,, ordinary board „ smaller size, ordinary board Drill Plough, with improved screw expanding boards Field Cultivator for three horses Drill Grubber Cork Industrial Exhibition 90 Section B—Class 1 0 S t a n d N o . 316 1 2 3 4 D A V I D M ' O O N N E L L , Hibernian Iron Works, Pembroke Street, Tralee Improved Swing Plough, with wrought-iron frame and long convex mould board, specially adapted for lea Swing Plough, with wrought-iron frame, for general purposes Improved Double Mould Board Drilling Plough, with wrought-iron frame, adjusting screw t o mould boards, and marking gaug« Improved Field or Drill Grubber, with 5 diagonal tines S t a n d N o . 317 H A R R I S O N L E E & S O N S , City Foundry, Limerick 1 4 Ploughs 2 Hydraulic Press S t a n d N o . 318 1 2 3 Ploughs, H a y Rakes, &c. Pony Gears 3 Two-wheeled Carts S t a n d N o . 319 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M I C H A E L D A L T O N , H e n r y Streat, Tipperary J A M E S G R A Y & CO., P r i z e A g r i c u l t u r a l I m p l e m e n t Makers, 4 1 M a y Street, B e l f a s t Gray's Improved Prize Lea Plough, for two horses, with improved steel board Gray's Improved Prize Lea Plough, for two horses, with improved steel board Gray's Improved Prize, Lea Plough, for two horses, with cast-iron board Gray's Improved Prize Lea Plough, for two horses, with cast-iron board, well adapted for small farmers Gray's Prize Drill Plough, with expanding screw, will open from ^tli of an inch t o any required width Gray's Prize Drill Plough, with plain screw Gray's Improved Gauge, for regulating t h e width of drill Gray's Improved Prize Potato-raiser Gray's Improved Potato-raising Sock Gray's Prize Two-horse Sub-soil Pulverizer. This Implement can be worked easily with two horses when working 13 inches deep Official Catalogue. 91 S e c t i o n B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 319—continued. 11 Gray's Improved Prize Parallel One-horse Grubber 12 „ „ Prize Two-horse Field and Drill Grubber 13 „ „ „ „ „ b u t lighter • 14 „ „ Prize Two or Three-horse Field Grubber, with two wheels in front and two behind 15 „ ,, Prize Two or Three-horse Field Grubber, with leverage 16 ,, ,, Prize Horse Hoe 17 „ ,, „ Three-tined Grubber 18 ,, ,, ,, Drill Harrow, with revolving wheel- in front, 19 ,, ,, ,, Drill Harrow, with revolving wheel in front, with two scuffling tines 20 ,, ,, ,, Small Grubber on same principle 21 ,, ,, ,, Two-horse Zig-zag Iron Harrows, with swing bar complete. These Harrows have square mortices which keep the tines firm 22 ,, ,, ,, Rotating Harrow 23 „ ,, ,, Single Drill Turnip Sower for one horse 24 „ ,, ,, Field Roller complete, for one horse, 5 feet by 2 feet 25 ,, ,, ,, Saddle Harrows with swing bar 26 ,, ,, ,, Equalizing Bars, for three horses, aril'iron 27 ,, ,, ,, Barn Fans, double-blasted 28 "Wheel-barrows for farm purposes 29 Gray's Improved Prize Patent Tin and Chain Harrows Stand No. 3 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 W A L T E R C A R S O N & S O N S , 2 1 Bachelor's W a l k , Dublin De Laval's Centrifugal Separator, for separatiug the cream from milk when fresh from t h e cow The Holstein Vertical Churn The Holstein Butter Worker Milk Setting Pans Milk and Cream Cans Temperature Cans Cork Industrial Exhibition Section B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 320 —continued 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Butter Kneading Boards Butter Troughs Patters, Hands, Knives, and Slicers Patent Butter Press Improved Butter Muslin, for packing Butter Paper Thermometers and Testing Instruments Butter Scales and Weights Refrigerators and Fittings Milk Perambulators Railway Churns and Strainers Stand No, 3 2 1 M A C D O N N E L L B R O T H E R S , Mulgrave St., Camden Quay, Cork; Agricultural Implements, S e e d a n d Manure Merchants 1 Combined Mowing and Reaping Machine 2 Thrashing Machine 3 Winnowing Machine 4 Novelty Seed-cleaning Machine 5 Patent Noiseless Lawn Mower 8 Royal Prize Chaff-cutter q " >> It J> 1 0 >i » » ^ ji it it 12 Patent Combined Double-action Pulper and Slicer 13 ,, Large Turnip Slicer 14 ,, Root Pulper 15 ,, Oil Cake Breaker 16 „ Corn and Seed Crusher 17 „ Wheel Plough 18 ,, Swing Plough 19 .. Harrow Official Catalogue. 95 Section B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 321—continued 20 Horse Rake and American Hay Maker 21 22 23 24 25 Horse Gear Turnip Sowers Improved Portable Boiler Turnip Seed a n d Drill Machine Patent Mangle a n d Wringer 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Cattle Trough Pig Pig „ Poultry ,, Churn Barrel Milk Pans Improved Swing Water Barrow 33 Field Gate 34 35 Garden Roller 36 Patent Endless Chain Pulley Block 37 38 39 40 41 42 Garden Chair Garden Chair Garden Table Metal Vases Terra Cotta Vases Howard's P a t e n t Ventilator 43 44 A variety of Agricultural and Horticultural Implements ,, J) S 45 Samples of Feeding Stuffs 46 ,, Patent Canvas and Roofing Felt 47 ,, Corrugated Iron Roofing 48 ,, Building and Sanitary Appliances Stand No. 3 2 2 1 D A N I E L H O G A N , L i m e r i c k S t . , R o s c r e a , Co. T i p p e r a r r A Field Gate, manufactured b y Exhibitor 2 Two-horse Plough ,, Cork Industrial Exhibition Section B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 3 2 3 J A M E S SULLIVAN", Ballyvougc, Desertserges, B a n d o n ' Plough and Harrows Stand No. 324 R O B E R T S O O T T <fc CO., 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 & 1 0 S t P a t r i c k ' s Quay, Cork; I r o n W o r k s a t Monard 1 Irish Spades and Shovels 2 ,Coal, Cinder and Stove Shovels 3 Scrap Bar Iron 4 5 6 7 8 9 „ Plough Sock Plates ,, Plough Beam Blocks ,, Cart Axle Arms Kitchen Range and Utensils Marble Chimney-piece, Grate, Tiles and Fender Baths and Mangles Sta nd N o . 3 2 5 1 2 3 T H O M A S Q - E O R Q E TIC)W E T jL, S u i r V a l l e y S a w MiJLLs, Carrick-on-Suir Horse H a y Rakes, made of ash, with wrought-iron mountings and socketed teeth, all manufactured b y Exhibitor 9 teeth, for Collecting 15 ,, Raking 19 „ •Stand N o . 3 2 6 PHILIP PIERCE Wexford <fc CO., M i l l R o a d I r o n W o 1 k>-, 1 4 Horse-power Threshing Machine; 26-inch Drum 2 2 „ 22-inch, „ 3 2 ,, 16-ineh 4 2 ,, 5 Churning Machine for dash churn 6 Pony Horse Gear 7 8 „ 14-inch 2-Horse Combined Mowing and Reaping Machine 2-Horse Mowing Machine 9 23^Tooth, Patent Steel Tooth Horse Rake 10 Single Drill Turnip and Mangold Seed Sower 11 Fan Bellows Official Catalogue. 95 Section B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 3 2 7 1 SAMUELSON England & CO., Britannia Works, Banbury, A Prize String Sheaf-binding Reaper, with elevated binding table and with canvas elevating aprons, binding with string. Cutting 5 feet wide 2 A n e w Patent " H a r v e s t Queen "Controllable Rake Reaper, with hinged fingerbeam for travelling, and with 5 rakes which can be controlled from t h e driver's seat. W i t h improved offside for separating t h e ears of cut corn from the standing crop, large wrought-iron travelling wheel. S. & Co.'s patent draught bar for equalizing t h e draught, and patent welded steel and iron fingers. 3 A Patent Grass 'Mower, t h e " G e m , " w i t h patent balance draught, and cutting on t h e right hand of driver. Fitted with strengthened cutting apparatus, consisting of a stifier beam, malleable shoes, stout backs to t h e sickles, detachable sickle ends, &c. Stand No. 3 2 8 1 M O O E H O U S E A U G U S T U S THOMPSON, Old Tweed Implement Works, Tweedmouth, Berwick-on-Tweed " P a t e n t " Thompson (Mower and Reaper combined), with all gearing completely enclosed in oil box, and patent shoe for adjusting til# fingers t o any inclination with t h e crop 2 " P r i z e " Thompson Potato Digger, with adjusting sock and new and improved clutch gear, by which i t is impossible for t h e pinion to get "cog-on-end " with spur wheel Stand No. 3 2 9 W A L T E R A . W O O D , Hoosiok Falls, N e w York, U.S.A., a n d L o n d o n . J a m e s O'Connor, K i n g S t . , C o r k , A g e n t 1 Harvester and Binder. The binder has a n iron frame, is driven from the front, and entirely open a t t h e rear. The knotting gear has been perfected, so t h a t i t will now be practically impossible for loose sheaves to be thrown out 2 Enclosed Gear Mower, for two horses. All gearing enclosed i n t h e frame, wheels very high, draught exceedingly light 3 " J u n i o r " Self-Delivery Reaper, with four controllable rakes, width of cut four feet six inches, very light draught 4 Combined Mower and Reaper, similar to No. 2 as a mower. attachment very much improved and most convenient i Reaping Cork Industrial Exhibition 96 Section B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 3 3 0 T . J O N E S & S O N S ,8 3 G r a n d P a r a d e , Cork ] " A d r i a n c e " Buckeye Mowing Machine, manufactured b y Adriance, P i a t t & Co., of Poughkeepsie, New York 2 " A d r i a n c e " Buckeye Combined Mowing and Reaping Machine, for manual delivery 3 ' ' Adriance " Self-Raking Reaping Machine Manufactured b y Adriance, Piatt, & Co., Poughkeepsie, U. S. America Collection of American Elastic and Bright Steel Goods, comprising H a y Forks, Manure Forks, Stable Forks, Thistle or Weed-cutters, Spading Forks, Turf Edgers, Turnip Hoes, Weeding Hoes, Potato Hooks, Manure Drags, Garden Rakes, Lawn Rakes Collection of " P e n n s y l v a n i a " Lawn Mowers stand No. 331 1 E D W A R D M A N I S T Y , Dundalk Iron Works, Dundalk, Co. L o u t h , I r e l a n d Six horse-power semi-portable Horizontal Engine and Verticle Boiler Exhibitor's pwn manufacture 2 3 Four horse-power ,, ,, „ i Combined Mower and Reaper. Exhibitor's own patent and manu facture 4 Horse Gear and Churn. Exhibitor's manufacture 5 Sundry Specimens of Cast-iron work Stand No. 332 ,, D A V I D B O L G E R & S O N S , M i l l t o w n M i l l s , F e r n s , Co. Wexford 1 Corn and Furze Sickles, of various patterns, suitable for t h e different Counties of Ireland 2 Best Improved P a t e n t Scythes 3 Patent Hooks, several patterns 4 Patent Hay-knife 5 Reaper Sections, different patterns 6 Bill Hook 7 Turnip Hoes 8 Machine Knife All manufactured b y Exhibitors Official Catalogue. Section B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 3 3 3 S . & R . L I N L E Y , d o u g h Works, Sheffield 1 Pair of Crown Scythes, 66 inches 2 Improved Patent Scythe, 42 inches 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 > j „ > J Crown , 38 ») 40 ,, „ „ 36 , Crown Bramble ,, 28 ,, " R e d J a c k e t " Garden Scythe Crown Hay-knife, side handle, 18 inches Patent Hay-knife, cross handle, 18 inches Common Elbow Sickle, Size No. 2 „ ,, Size No. 8 ( Cast Steel ,, Size No. 3 Furze Sickle, Size No. 3 Cranked Furze Hook Furze Hook Hedge-trimming Hook, long handle Double-edged Hedging Bill ' Hedge Slasher Hatchet with claw House Hatchet Hedging Bill 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Gentleman's Bill Hook Common Axe Wedge Axe Patent Short-neck Hoe Patent Long-neck Hoe Hammered Long-neck Hoe Patent Dutch Hoe Patent Swan-neck Hoe Garden Trowel 32 33 Weeding Spud 34 ,, 35 Weeding Hook Cork Industrial Exhibition g8 S e c t i o n B-—Class 1 0 S t a n d N o , 333—eontinwd, 36 37 38 39 40 Weeding Fork, short handle* Weeding Fork, long handl« Garden Rake Ladies' Garden Shears Sheep Shears 42 Steel-filing Scythe Strickle 43 " R e d Derby Old0 " Scythe Strickle 44 Chaff-cutting Knife 45 Pulper Knife 46 Turnip Knife 47 Mowing Machine Knifa 48 49 50 51 52 Reaper File, knife shape bevelled three square. 53 Mill-saw File 54 Reaper Rivets 55 Engineer's Hammer 56 57 Steel Spikes for sharpening horses, a n d the necessary tools iis connection therewith 58 Hand-made Horse-nails, pointed a n d finished 59 Swedish Blister Steel, mild temper 60 Linley's Old O Blister Steel 61 Double Shear Steel 62 Spring Steel 63 Cast Steel Stand No. 3 3 4 T H O S . W A D S W O E T H & S O N , P a t e n t W h e e l , A x l e and, W a g g o n W o r k s , T h o m a s Street, H a l i f a x , E n g l a n d Models of t h e " W a d s w o r t h " P a t e n t Wheel H u b or Nave, for agricultural implements, carts, waggons, &c. Sections of an ordinary Wooden Nave, for comparison with t h e Patent, do. Also comparisons of relative strengths in spokes for do. Official Catalogue. 99 Section B—Class 1 0 S tu id No. 3 3 5 R I C H A R D F A R R E L L , Steam Sawing, Planing a n d Molding Mills, Youghal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cart and Wheels Wheels, Spokes, Felloes, and Naves Door (panel), pitch pine Window Frame and Sash Wainscotting Mouldings and Architraves Turnery, Ships' Blocks and Sheaves, and general Joinery 9 Laths, split and sawn, &e., &c. Stand No. 3 3 6 J E R E M I A H M U R P H Y , Caherlag, Dunkettle, Cork Agricultural Implements Stand No. 3 3 6 a J O H N M U R P H Y , Caherlag, D u n k e t t l e , Cork Case of Horse Shoes stand No. 337 1 R I C H A R D P E R R O T T & S O N S , H i v e Iron Works, Cork, a n d I r o n Mills, Curraheen " Busy Bee " Portable Thrashing Machine, complete 2 Horse Gear (fixed), all iron 3 A Wilkie Plough 4 Solid Steel Shovels 5 „ Spades 6 Cart Traces 7 ,, Eidge Bands 8 Cow Ties 9 Horse Fetters 10 Scrapped Plough Sock Plates 11 „ St*sd No. 338 Axle Arms J O H N L Y N C H , A h e r l a , F a r r e n , Co. C o r k One Tumbling B u t t and Wheels, suitable for farm purposes G ' ' • IOO Cork Industrial Exhibition Section B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 3 3 9 M U S G R A V E & CO., L i m i t e d , A n n e S t r e e t I r o n W o r k s . Belfast, a n d 9 7 N e w B o n d Street, L o n d o n ,W . Samples of Musgrave's Patent Stable Fittings Samples of Musgrave's Patent Slow Combustion Stoves and Airwarmers Model of Musgrave's Patent Stable Fittings Model of Musgrave's Patent Cow House Fittings Samples of Musgrave's Patent Harness-room Fittings Samples of Musgrave's Carriage Entrance Gates and Pillars, &e. 7 Sa TpparatusIUSgraVe'3 C o m b i n e d Stand No. 3 4 0 1 Stovea n d H o t Water Heatin-t R . & F. K E A N E , C a p p o q u i n F o u n d r y , Co. W a t e r f o r d . Ireland Zig-zag Harrow 2 Improved Double-action Pulper and Slicer ® ,, Single-action Pulper * " j, 5 Oil Cake Breaker 6 Oat Mill 7 Garden Roller 8 9 Slicer Zig-zag Harrow Assortment of Castings Stand No. 3 4 1 M ' K E N Z I E & S O N S , L i m i t e d , C a m d e n Q u a y ,a n d C e r e * Iron Works, Cork MANUFACTURED BY EXHIBITORS 1 4 H b°eate?s 0WerT h r a s M n g M a c h i n e , 26-ineh drum, fitted with patent Patent Furze, Gorse, or W h i n "Masticator," size No. 4 P „ >> fitted w i t h hopper a m i feed a p p a r a t u s f o r k i b b l i n g maize, locusts, beans, peas, & c . Patent Double-drill Turnip and Mangold Sower Patent Single-drill Improved Corn Winnower, with oscillating motion 23-tooth, American pattern, Steel H a y Rake 8 S P « t P a t 0 n t P ° r t a b l e S h e e i )F e n c e 'f o r t em P < > r a r y d i v i s i o n of Official Catalogue. 101 Section B—Class 1 0 Stand 9 10 11 12 No. 341—continued. Heavy general purpose Swing Plough Medium ,, ,, Seed Plough, all wrought-iron ,, with cast-iron body 13 Drill Plough, with board regulating apparatus 14 Set general purpose Harrows 15 Set medium ,, ,, 16 3-Horse 5-Tine Grubber or Cultivator, English pattern 17 ,, ,, Scotch pattern 18 5-Tine Combined Drill a n d Field Grubber 19 5-Tine Drill Scuffler or Horse H o e 20 3-Tine „ „ 21 Farmer's wrought-iron Field Gate 22 ,, „ Double Gate 23 Eotary B u t t e r "Worker, 36-inch diameter table, Continental pattern M A N U F A C T U R E D FOR E X H I B I T O R S 24 Hornsby's wrought-iron Swing Plough, m a r k " R A " 25 ,, „ 26 „ „ ,, m a r k" R B " 2-wheel Plough, m a r k " R B " 27 „ „ „ mark"H" 28 „ Improved Ridging Plough, m a r k " M " 29 Howard's new P a t e n t " Simplex " 2-wheel Plough, m a r k " B " 30 Hornsby's ,, Root Pulper, m a r k " L T " 31 „ „ „ m a r k " MT " 32 ,, „ Finger-piece T urnip Cutter, m a r k " C A C " 33 Nicholson's Gardners' P a t t e r n D A Turnip Cutter 34 „ Improved T u r n i p Slicer, m a r k" 0 M " 35 Picksley's Combined Pulper a n d Slicer, m a r k" D I " 36 „ Oat, Bean, a n d Indian Corn Mill, size No. 6 37 ,, ,, ,, size N o . 7 38 H u n t & Farrell's " Eclipse " Oil Cake Breaker, m a r k " B " 39 40 „ „ „ mark " C * One each Harrison, M 'Gregor & Co. 's Chaff Cutters, marked " C C A , " " C C B , "" C C E , " " 2 A , " " C X L , "" 2 B , " a n d " 3B " 41 "Williams' Churning Gear, with two 102 Cork Industrial Exhibition Section B—Class1 0 Stand No. 341—continued. 42 43 Bobey's Improved Double-action Hay-maker, on wood wheels Nicholson's 24-tooth Horse Rake, w i t h seat, teeth, H section, m a r k " AA " 44 Howard's Anglo-American 24-tooth Horse R a k e 45 46 Corbett's Small Occupation Corn Winnower, m a r k " S 0 2 " Baker's P a t e n t Corn Winnower, size N o . 2 47 28 „ „ „ size N o . 3 One each " P r e s i d e n t " American Lawn Mowers; sizes 8, 10, 14, 16, a n d 18-inch 49 One each Improved Barrel Churns, t o make 21, 30, 40, a n d 55 lbs. butter 50 One Improved Barrel Churn, t o make 86 lbs. butter, w i t h double bungs, eye-glass i n ends, a n d b u n g strainer 51 52 53 54 Ahlborn's Holstein Churn, size N o . 2 Victoria Churn, t o make 27 lbs. b u t t e r Board a n d Roller B u t t e r Worker B u t t e r Worker V Shaped 55 „ American pattern, m a r k " M M " 56 Assortment of Dairy Utensils, Firkins, Thermometers, &c. 57 Assortment of Garden Chairs 58 Collection of F a r m a n d Garden Seeds 59 Specimens of N a t u r a l Grasses a n d Clovers, i n growth 60 Collection of N a t u r a l Grasses i n t h e straw 61 ,, Seed Grain 62 ,, „ i n t h e straw 63 Samples of Cattle-Feeding Stuffs 64 Miniature Specimens, Swards of Grasses contained i n M'Kenzie's Mixture, for Lawns, Croquet Grounds, Bowling Greens, &c. 65 Ornamental Spray, Garden or Lawn Fountain i n p l a y 66 Collection of Agricultural Tools 67 68 69 ,, Horticultural Tools Sample Case of Danish Butter Colouring ,, Higgins' P a t e n t " E u r e k a " Dairy S a l t Official Catalogue. S e c t i o n B-I-Class1 0 Stand No. 3 4 2 H E N R Y S H E R I D A N & CO., " I r i s h I m p l e m e n t F a c t o r y , B r i d g e f o o t St r e e t , D u b l i n 1 Celebrated No . 2 B Plough 2 3 4 „ No. 3 Plough „ No. 2 Plough Double Mould-board Plough 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2-Horse Grubber Drill Grubber 2-part H a r r o w a n d Swing Hand-power C h u r n i n g Machine Metal "Window Sashes Two American H a y Rakes Specimen of F a n c y Railing „ A l t a r Railing 2 a n d 3-Horse "Whippletrees Improved Iron-framed T u r n i p Sowers 3 Horse-power Threshing Machine 16 Miscellaneous Tools, &c., See. Stand No. 3 4 3 J A M E S O'CONNOR, Southern Counties Seed W a r e h o u s e , K i n g St r e e t , Cork 1 Perry's " N e w Y o r k " Hay-maker 2 American " Larsen " H a y R a k e 3 4 Boby's Hay-maker Howard's Simplex H a y R a k e 5 Waide's No . 6 C h u r n 6 Hathaway's Instantaneous Cliurn 7 Boby's Corn-Dressing a n d Separating Machine 8 9 Boucher's Winnower Baker's Winnowing a n d Dressing Machine 10 Lloyd's Domestic Flour Mill 11 Gardner's Double-acting T u r n i p Cutter 12 Hornsby's R B W h e e l P l o u g h 13 Hornsby's H H ,, 14 Howard's Drill Plough a n d P o t a t o Raiser 15 Howard's L B Swing Plough Cork Industrial Exhibition 104 Section B—Class1 0 Stand 16 17 18 No. 343—continued. Howard's Scotch P a t t e r n Plough Wilkie Swing Plough Howard's Simplex Harrow 19 5-tined Drill Scuffler 20 Saddle Harrow 2 1 D H Chaff Cutter 22 O a t Bruiser 2 3 Double-acting T u r n i p Cutter 24 Victoria Churn 25 Pair Field Gates 26 Set Home-made Dairy Appliances 27 Sample Linseed Meal, Crown b r a n d 28 Sample American Linseed Cake, pure 29 Sample English Cake 30 Sample Cotton Cake Stand No. 3 4 4 G E O R G E P E R R O T T & S O N S , Iron a n d Brassfounders, Millwrights a n d Engineers, " City o f Cork I r o n W o r k s , " K i n g Street a n d St. Patrick's Quay, Cork MANUFACTURED BY EXHIBITORS 1 Portable 4 horse-power " City of Cork " Thrashing Machine, mounted for Travelling 2 P o n y Gear, with slow a n d quick motion 3 Adams' P a t e n t Cycloidal Cask-Washing Machine, for cleaning barrels 4 5 6 ,, ,, „ for cleaning half-barrels Four-inch " Town " P u m p , w i t h all brass chamber a n d boxes Three-inch ,, ,, ,, 7 Four-inch W o r k i n g Barrel, for deep well, w i t h a l l brass chamber valves a n d boxes Three-inch ,, ,, ,, 8 IMPORTED 9 H u r s t , w i t h French Burr Millstones, intended t o exhibit George Perrott's P a t e n t Improved Adjustable Driver, adapted for h i g h or low grinding, shelling oats, kc. 10 4 f t . 2 in. F r e n c h Burr Millstone, fitted w i t h George Perrott's a t e n t Improved Adjustable Driver Official Catalogue. Section B—Class 1 0 S t a n d N o . 3 4 4 —continued. * MANUFACTURED BY EXHIBITOR 11 Collection of Pulleys, from 5 ft. 6 in. diameter 12 Deep Elevator Well, 15-in. Pulley with regulating screws 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ,, ,, 17-in. ,, ,, Shallow Elevator Well, 15-in. Pulley „ ,, ,, 18-itt. ,, j; Collection of Pillow Blocks ,, Disc Couplings ,, Bright Turned Shafting Screw Conveyor or Worm, with imported blades Improved Iron Reel, with silk cover, and riddle for dressing flour, &P. IMPORTED 21 Collection of Mackie's Patent ' ' Spring " Pulleys MANUFACTURED BY EXHIBITORS 22 Millstone Proving Staff 23 Sack Packer for Flour IMPORTED 24 Samples of Swiss Flour-Dressing Silks 25 26 ,, „ Stand No. 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 French ,, „ Leather and Cotton Belting P- & T.M U R P H Y , M a i n Street, Clonmel 6 Horse-powef Portable Thrashing Machine, horse-wheel 5 ft. 6 in. diameter, 30-in. drum 4 Horse-power Portable Enclosed Gear Thrashing Machine, horsewheel 4 ft. 4 in. diameter, 26-in. drum 4 Horse-power Portable Thrashing Machine, horse-wheel 4 f t . 2 in. diameter, open gear, 26-in. drum 3 Horse-power Portable Thrashing Machine, 24-in. drum 2 Horse-power Portable Thrashing Machine 20-in. drum All the above invented and manufactured b y Exhibitor io6 Cork Industrial Exhibition Section B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 3 4 6 B O B E Y & CO., G l o b e W o r k s , L i n c o l n Thrashing Machine Stand No. 347 J O H N K E N N E D Y , Great George's Street, a n d H a n o v e r Street, Cork 1 4 Horse-power Portable Thrashing Machine 2 2 Horse-power Thrashing Machine and Churning Gear combined 3 Furze-Cutting and Churning Pony Gear combined All manufactured by Exhibitor Stand No. 3 4 8 J E F F E K Y & B L A C K S T O N E , Rutland Iron Works. Stamford Agricultural Implements Stand No. 3 4 9 J O H N O. P A E K E S & S O N S , 1 0 9 , 1 1 0 & 111 C o o m b e , Dublin 1 Collection of Henry Disston & Sons' Cross-cut Saws, Circular Saws, P i t Saws, H a n d Saws, Butcher Saws, Pruning Saws, Compass Saws, Keyhole Saws, Saw Sets 2 Henry Disston & Sons' Post-hole Digger 3 ,, „ Wood Saw and Saw Buck 4 Collection of Henry Disston & Sons' Plumbs and Levels, Squares, Gauges, Trowels 5 Henry Disston & Sons' Horse-rasps and Files 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Collection of M'Arthur & Co.'s Cross-cuts, H a n d Saws, Back Saws, Climax Ripper Saws Collection of Stanley Rule Co.'s Steel Planes, Wood Planes, Spokeshaves, Tool Handles, Tack Hammers Collection of Collins & Co. 's Felling Axes, Mattocks Collection of M. Price's Bench Hatchets, Claw, Shingling and Hunters' Axes Collection of Small Tools—Double-spur Augur Bits, " J e n n i n g s " Extension Lip Augur Bits, " C l a r k ' s " Expansion Augur Bits, " D e r b y " Expansion Augur Bit, Patent Nail and Spike Gimblets, Clark's improved Screw-driver Handle and Bits, Clark's Doublecut 'Bits, Counter-sinks for wood, iron and brass Square Reamers Collection of Hammond's Cast-steel Hammers Collection of Spoffords and Barben's Patent Braces Official Catalogue. 107 Section B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 349—continued 13 Collection of American Screw "Wrenches, Coe's pattern, Agricultural, " H a y d e n ' s " Screw "Wrenches, Remington Socket Wrenches, Diagonal Wrenches 14 Collection of " R u s s e l l & E r w i n ' s " Real Bronze Locks, Latches, Door Knobs a n d Finger Plates 15 Collection of Russell & Erwin's Real Bronze R i m Locks a n d fu rn iture 16 Collection of Bronzed Latches, Bolts, Handles, H a t a n d Coat Hooks, Drawer Pulls, Knobs, Knockers, Sash Lifts, Cupboard Catches, and " Ive's " P a t e n t Door Bolts 17 Collection of R i m Latches, Draw-back-locks, Door Bells 18 Collection of R i m a n d Mortise Locks ; R i m a n d Mortise F u r n i t u r e Padlocks 19 Collection of Gem Door Springs, Spring Hinges, B u t t Hinges, Axle a n d F r a m e Pulleys 20 Collection of " P a y s o n " a n d other Sash Fasteners 21 Collection of Shelf Brackets, Clothes-line Pulleys, Cattle Leaders Bull Rings, Champion P i g Ringers, Double P i g Rings, P i g Holders 22 Collection of Zinc Boxes, Match Safes, I n k Stands, Letter Clips 23 Collection of Household Articles,—Hand Fluters, E g g Beaters, Mincing Knives, Raisin Seeders, Apple Parers, P o t a t o blicers, Lemon Squeezers, N u t m e g Graters, Carpet Stretcher 24 Family Grinding Stone 25 Patent Bread Slicer 26 Patent Acme F r y P a n s 27 " Hem's " P a t e n t Broilers 28 Patent Box I r o n a n d Sad-irons 29 Egan P a t e n t Stove Shovels 30 Collection of " Ketcham's " P a t e n t Sieves for Household a n d Dairy Purposes 31 " Fairbank's " P l a t f o r m Scale, w i t h sack r a c k 32 ,, Counter Scale, w i t h rack 33 Collection of " Douglass " P u m p s a n d R a m s 34 Weymouth's P a t e n t L i g h t n i n g H a y Knife 35 Collection of Shebb & Fisher's H a y a n d Manure Forks, S p a d i n g Forks, Manure Drags, a n d Garden Rakes 36 Collection of " S t a r Manure Co." H a y Forks 37 Collection of 2 a n d 3 Cow H a y R a k e io8 Cork Industrial Exhibition Section B—Class 1 0 Stand No, 349—continued. 38 Collection of Shamrock Lawn Mowers 39 P a t e n t Grain a n d M a l t Scoops 40 Silver Clipper Scythes and Handles 41 " R a p i d " Ice Cream Freezers 42 " S p a i n ' s " P a t e n t Churns " Stoddard " P a t e n t Churns ' 1 S t a r " P a t e n t Churns 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Cedar Tubs, Keelers, Milking Pails, Stable Pails, Measures " Reid's " B u t t e r Workers Lock-hinge P a t e n t Safety Ladder P a t e n t Folding Clothes-horse Lever Clothes Wringer a n d T u b S t a n d combined Keystone W a s h i n g Machine 51 Collection of Wooden Ware, W a s h Boards, Tubs, Pails, Clothes pins, Flour Kils, Baw's P a s try Boards, Rolling Pius, Towel Rollers Chopping Trays, Spoons, Butter Prints, Milk-skimmers, B u t t e r Plates, Mouse Traps 52 Collection of Handles—Pick, Adze, Sledge, Hammer, H a t c h e t , Fork Hoe, Hake, a n d Broom Handles American T r u n k s 53 54 " Essex " Horse Nails Stand No, 3 5 0 T . V . R.IORDAN, Slianakiel, Cork Hay-Pressing Machine, one horse-power, manufactured b y Exhibitor Stand No. 351 Firkins D E N I S H E E L I H Y , Pair Lane, Mallow Churns, &c. s t a n d No. 352 D A V I D M Y L E S , Cooper, 9 H i U g r o v e L a n e , C o r k Oak Butter Churn Milk Churn Milk Cooler Milk Can Keeler Milking Can Official Catalogue. 109 S e c t i o n B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 352—continued. 7 Oak Brown Butter Firkin 8 „ White Butter Firkin 9 „ White Butter Tub 10 ,, Washing Tub 11 Ash Brown Butter Firkin 12- ,, White Butter Firkin 13 ,, White Butter Tub 14 „ Milking Can 15 „ Keeler 16 Oak 30-Gal. Whiskey Cask 17 „ 18 ), 10 „ 5 J, a 19 Porter Tierce Stand No. 353 J- C R O N I N , 7 9 G r e a t B r i t a i n S t . , " C o o p e r a g e W o r k s , " Cork 1 Three Show Casks, for a bar 2 Set of Dairy Vessels, viz. : Barrel Churn, Cooler, Cream Tub, Keeler, and Can 3 Four Firkins, two white and two brown stand No. 3 5 4 T . S A L M O N & CO., N ortliamptonsliire Victoria Works, Kettering, 1 No. 1 Hand Armenian Grindstone, with handle, plates screwed 011 2 Armenian Grindstone, i n wood frame, with treadle and handle complete, for farmers, amateurs, and others. Stone 12 in. by i m . 3 Armenian Grindstone, mounted in cast frame, with handle and treadle complete. Stone 18 in. by in. 4 Armeiiian Grindstone, mounted in wood frame, with handle and treadle complete. Stone 22 in. by 3 in. 5 Armeniau Grindstone, mounted in strong cast frame, with handl* and treadle complete. Stone 24 in. by 4 in. 4 Armenian Grindstone, mounted in strong cast frame, with handle and treadle complete. Stone 26 in. by 4 in. 7 Armenian Grindstone, mounted in strong cast frame, with handle and treadle complete. Stone 28 in. by 4 in. 8 Armenian Grindstone, mounted in extra strong cast frame, with handle and treadle complete, also pulley for power. Stone 36 in. by 4J in. 110 Cork Industrial Exhibition Section B—Class 1 0 Stand N o 355 1 B R U C E & G I B S O N , 6 Bachelor's W a l k , Dublin Patent Separator, for seeds, grain, &c. 2 " > s t a n d No. 3 5 6 For power it For hand T H O M P S O N B R O T H E R S , Custom H o u s e Quay, W e x ford 1 and 2 Models of Labourers' Cottages, i n concrete, of Irish-manufactured Cement 3 Model of H a y Barn, 42 in. b y 20 in., w i t h galvanized and corrugated iron roof on wrought-iron rolled columns, and Exhibitors' system J of roof ties 4 5 6 7 8 Concrete, vermin proof, Kick-stand Pillars Concrete Flags and Tiles for flooring Concrete Footpath Kerbs Concrete J a m b Blocks Concrete Window Sills 9 1° 1 1 Set of No. 44 " L e i n s t e r " Harrows „ No. 40 » No- 16 All with steel pointed pins 12 Set of 2-Horse trussed Swings 13 Set of 3-Horsed equalising trussed Swings 14 Samples of wrought-iron Fence, Straining Posts, Standards, a n d Stays, withExhibitors' P a t e n t Self-fixing E a r t h Blocks 15 An assortment of wrought-iron Carriage Drive, Wicket, a n d Field Urates S t a n d N o . 357 1 2 3 J C R O S B I E S M I T H , Canning Place, Passage W e s t , Co. Cork Bar-frame Hives, made from boxes used for trade purposes, t o show how Cheap Hives " can be made a t a small outlay Specimens of Honey, Comb, Bees, &c. Straw Hives fitted u p with supers, or means of getting surplus honey from bees without having t o destroy t h e m Official Catalogue 111 S e c t i o n B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 3 5 8 T H O S .E D I Y & S O N , S t e a m J o i n e r y W o r k s , S t N e o t s , Hunts Bee-hive and crate of Sections (Cottager's) 3 Crate of Sections 4 Sample of Pure W a x Comb Foundation (Worker) 5 Sample of pure W a x Comb Foundation (Thin Drone) 6 Queen Cage, suitable for posting 7 8 9 10 Smoker Glass Jar t o hold 1 lb. of Honey Queen-Excluder, Zinc Wire Gauze Yeil Stand No. 3 5 9 E D M O N D S O N B R O T H E R S , ; 1 0 D a m e Street, D u b l i n 1 Taylor's (Tinahely) Standard Hive MANUFACTURED BY EXHIBITORS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cottager's Small Bar-frame Bee Hive Cottager's Bar-frame Bee Hive " Premier " Prize Bar-frame Bee Hive The " E y r e c o u r t " Bar-frame Bee Hive Straw Hive, with wooden-roofed super Super Crate, with Honey Sections Bee Smokers Bee Dresses and Veils Single Comb Extractor Comb Knives Stand No. 3 6 0 F R A N C I S H . J O N E S , Mullinabro', W a t e r f o r d 1 Complete Two-story Hive 2 Story-and-a-half Hive 3 Apparatus for moulding foundation, and specimen sheets made therewith 4 Bee-keeping etceteras Cork Industrial Exhibition Section B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 361 S. J. B A L D W I N , T h e Apiary, Bromley, K e n t 1 Bee Hives 2 Honey Extractors 3 Comb Foundation, and 4 Process of Making s t a n d No. 3 6 2 W E N T W O R T H T A Y L O R , T m a h e l y S a w M i l l s , Co. Wicklow Bar-frame Bee Hives, to illustrate t h e profitable and humane management of the Honey Bees in Ireland Stand No. 3 6 3 W I L L I A M W A T S O N Y O U N G , B e e a n d H i v e Dealer, 1 5 0 H i g h Street, Perth, Scotland 1 Improved Eclectic Bar-frame Hives 2 East of Scotland Improved Hive 3 Double-Walled Cottager's Hive 4 Single-Walled „ 5 Caledonian Bar-frame Prize Hive 6 7 8 9 10 Amateur Honey Extractor, invented by Thomas W . Cowen, Esq. Rapid Honey Extractor, „ Automatic Honey Extractor, ,, Comb Foundation, Pure Wax Appliances connected with modern Bee Management From 6 to 10 all Manufactured on m y own Premises, or chiefly so. Stand No. 3 6 4 1 W I L L I A M J O H N S O N , F r a n k f i e l d , Co. C o r k Bar-frame Bee Hive Stand No. 3 6 5 "WTLLIA1M R . O R R , C a s t l e S t . , a n d A b e r c o m Ro&d, S t r a b a n e , Co. T y r o n e 1 Bar-frame Bee Hive, with crate of Sections, winter cushion, and feeder complete 2 The Apprentice Bee Hive, with case of Sections, super cover, SUM shade and floor board complete Official Catalogue. Section B—Class 1 0 Stand No. 366 1 A L F R E D D A V I S , Muleair Cottage, Ballyclough Mills, Limerick Bar-frame Hive, double-walled. w i t h roof sloping back 2 Bar-frame Hive, ,, 3 Bar-frame Hive, single wall 4 Machine for melting wax 5 Honey Extractor 6 Smoker, &c. All Limerick manufacture Stand No. 367 1 2 H U G H W I L S O N , N o r t h Main Street, Bandon Bee Hive Model Cottage stand No. 368 j . E . W . H O L E , Farrington, Ledbury, Herefordshire Bee Hives Stand No. 369 H E N R Y B R O W N CRAIG, Rock Cottage, Passage West, Co. Cork Bar-frame Hive, fitted u p o n Abbott's combination principle, with section frames a t back of brood nest Stand-No. 370 1 J O H N J A M E S S M Y T H , Rathcoursey House, BalLmacurra, Co. Cork Four Bar-frame Hives, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, w i t h moveable a n d inter changeable frames, fitted w i t h pressed wax t o guide a n d economise t h e building of comb 2 Two Hives, fitted w i t h straw l i n i n g a n d straw dummies, supply a long felt w a n t with Bee-keepers for t h e proper wintering of bees. Hives are fitted w i t h crates of sections over a n d i n rear of broodnest, for t a k i n g honey. Some are shown prepared for summer working, others packed for winter 3 A Crate of Honey i n 1 lb. sections Cork Industrial Exhibition C L A S S 11. Engineering and Architectural Contrivances. s t a n d No. 371 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 T H E ^ O L U S W A T E P . S P P . A YA N D G E N E R A L V E N T I L A T I N G - CO., L i m i t e d , 3 3 5 H i g l i H o l b o r n , L o n d o n , W.C., England Upright JEolus with Flower Basket Single Horse-shoe jEolus Double Horse-shoe ^Jolus Upright Double-action JEolus, T shaped Single Horse-shoe iEolus, with heating apparatus Heating and Ventilating Apparatus without waterspray Model of Nave of Church, showing action of iEolus Invisible Exhaust Roof Ventilator iEolus Exhaust Soil-pipe Ventilator JEolus Injector Chimney Cowl iEolus Special Downblow Chimney Cowl , .ffiolus Automatic Exhaust Ship Ventilator .ffiolus Improved Watertight Downcast Ship Ventilator Stand No. 372 R O B E R T B O Y L E & S O N , Ventilating, Sanitary a n d Consulting Engineers, 1 1 0 B o t h w e U Street, Glasgow, and London 1 Models of House Ventilators, Tor Churches, Halls, Dwelling-houses, Billiard Rooms, &c. 2 Models of Boyle's Patent Self-acting Air-pump Ventilators, as applied in ventilation of Dining, and other rooms of Exhibition Buildings Models of Boyle's Patent Air-pump Self-acting Ventilators for Ships for t h e extraction of foul air 3 4 Models of Boyle's Patent Self-acting Downcast Ship Ventilators for introducing fresh air 5 Models of Boyle's Patent Self-acting Chimney Cowls for creating an up-draught 6 Models of Boyle's Patent Self-acting Chimney Cowls, for preventing blow-down 7 Section of Roof, showing position of Patent Air Pump Ventilators on i t Plan of Boyle's System of Ventilation 8 Official Catalogue. 11 S S e c t i o n B—Class 11 Stand No. 373 JAMES M'NEICE, Parkgate, Belfast Patent " Self-acting" Automatic Fire and Burglar Alarm Stand No. 374 LAWSENOE W. O'TOOLE, 4 Audley Place, Cork, a n d Gardiner Street, Dublin Model of the Dublin Corporation Fire Escape, made b y Exhibitor Stand No. 374a MEEETWEATHEE & SONS, Greenwich Road, London 1 Steam Fire Engine, Montreal type, capable of discharging 350 gallons per minute Stand No. 375 Masters WILLIAM & PATRICK SCANLAH, 6 Langford Row, Cork Model of a R. C. Church, made of yellow pine, wit h Altar, 1 4 seats, &c., inside Stand No. 376 GEORGE WRIGHT, 3 Hanover Place, Cork 1 Model of Church Architecture, made of zinc (can be illuminated) 2 Improved Revolving Ventilator 3 4 ^ Stand No. 377 tl w i t h stationary top tl varied shape DOMINICK MORROGH, 31 Roman Street, Cork A Model of St. Anne's, Shandon, Church Stand No. 378 T. & E . HABERFIELD, 73 Friar's Walk, Cork 1 Model of Chapel (furnished) 2 3 Fancy Writing Desk Three-Turret Photo. Stands 4 Two Fancy Work-boxes A l l fancy wood-work and fret-work own design Stand No. 379 1 2 WILLIAM J . WELSTEAD, 67 Patrick Street, Cork Model of St. Andrew's Church, Dublin, made b y W . J. Welstead, Cork Model of Steam Ship, made b y W . J. Welstead, Cork ; engines made in England n Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n B—Class 11 Stand No. 380 JOSEPH FEENETT, Master Mariner, 17 Queen Street, Queenstown, Ireland A small Chapel and Altar complete, made entirely b y Exhibitor with a knife Stand No. 381 J . L E S L I E O'HANLON, Architect and O.E., 3 Lover Merrion Street, Dublin Proposed E . C. Church, to cost about £ 1 5 , 0 0 0 Proposed E . C. Church, to cost about £ 4 , 0 0 0 Stand No. 3 8 2 WILLIAM ARNOLD, Carpenter, 2 8 Stephen St., Cork Model of Self-supporting W i n d i n g Stairs, i n wood • Stand No. 3 8 3 THOMAS SHEEHAN, 2 Chapel Hill, Cork 1 Mo 2 Do., i n Card-board, painted d e l Cork Corn Exchange, previous to alterations for Exhibition .buildings, m Cork-wood Stand No. 384 RICHARD TARRANT, 18 "Windmill Road, Oork Eustic Castle, carved i n stone Stand No. 385 J O H N HIGHET, Plumbing and Gasfitting Establish ment, 4 Marlboro' Street, Cork 1 2 Plunge Bath, wit h spray and shower attached Cabinet Stand 3 4 Lavatory, wit h tip-up basin Laundry Wash Tubs 5 Hydraulic Earn 6 7 Force and Lift Pump, wit h copper air vessel N e w Patent Water Closets Stand No. 386 MICHAEL FENNESST, Tipperary Lower Gate, Cashel, Co. Model of t h e Rock of Cashel stand No. 387 ERNEST PRYCE MITCHELL, Carrignafoy, Queens-, town Models of Ships (in bottles), and Photograph Frames, made at sea w i t h a penknife " 7 S e c t i o n B—Glass 11 Stand No 388 MICHAEL KEILY, 5 Walshe's Lane, Blackpool, Cork One Model Locomotive Engine, i n glass frame stand No. 889 SALMON, BARNES & CO., UJverston, England Models of Bevolving Shutters, i n iron and wood StandINo. 390 SALMON, BARNES & CO. (Alfred Attwood, Director), Canal Head Foundry and Engineering Works, UTver~ ston, Lancashire 1 Patent Wood Revolving Shutter, worked b y patent balance weight motion 2 Curvilinear Charcoal Iron Revolving Shutter, worked by improved spring motion 3 A B C Patent Lift, fitted with patent self-sustaining and safetyapparatus 4 Joiners' Patent Bencli Knives stand No. 391 BENJAMIN CKABBE, 4 Buxton Terrace, Sunday's Well, Cork Model of a Swivel Bridge, designed and built b y Benjamin Crabhe, aged fourteen, made with an ordinary knife stand No. 392 WILLIAM NICHOLL, 3 Great George's St., Belfast Working Model of Turbine Water-wheel stand No. 393 DENIS M'NAMARA, 2 5 South Terrace, Inchicore, Dublin Mode of a Great Southern and Western Railway Passenger locomo tive Engine and Tender, built by Exhibitor stand No. 394 JOHN L ROBINSON, M.R.I. A., Architect, 198 Great. Brunswick Street, Dublin 1 View of Kingstown Town Hall, from Crofton Road 2 Town Hall and Court-house, Kingstown, Co. Dublin 3 Sketch Design for N e w City Hall, Sullivan's Quay, Cork St. Michael's Hospital and Convent of Mercy, Kingstown, Co. Dublin Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n E—Class 11 stand No. 395 H E N R Y & A R T H U R H I L L , Architects, S 2 George'* Street, Cork 1 Minister Bank, Kilmallock 2 Premises No. 80 Patrick's Street 3 Stores, Academy Street 4 Card-board Model, design for Public Building Stand No. 3 9 6 MICHAEL SHORT, Strang's Mills, Kilmaeow, Waterford Three Models of Cottages,—Ireland, Past, Present, and Future Stand No. 3 9 7 A. & J . M A I N & CO., I r o n R o o f Manufacturers, 11 Lemster Street, Dublin One Model of Wood and Galvanized Iron House, for domestic purposes Stand No. 398 VILLIERS STUART'S PRIZE for Models of Labourer's Cottages A Prize of £ 5 0 has been offered b y Mr. Villiers Stuart, M.P., for the best Plan and Model, a t a scale of 1J inches to a foot, of a JM I ' E F P A 1°ST e r e c t m S which i s not to exceed £ 5 2 10s Cotta es t ob e b ui compete ' S > l ta t a cost of £105, may also Each entry to be accompanied b y a specification and a detailed estimate 1 2 J. M'D. Birmingham, 46 Lower Gardiner Street, Dublin Model of Labourer's Cottage P , _ ' C ^ D u b l i nt Co. Dublin Mary 'ST e m c e ' Monkstown Avenue, Monkstown,. Model of Labourer's Cottage 3 M. J. Dorney, 6 22 Dawson Dawson Street, Street, Dublin Dublin Model of Labourer's nCottage ~ J -' 4 A. C. Donovan, Ballinadoe, Bandon Model of Labourer's Cottage 5 G. Moore, Ratlicormac, Co. Cork Model of Labourer's Cottage 6 M. Fitzpatrick, 4 College Square, Cork Model of Labourer's Cottage 7 L. M. Fitzgerald, Lismore Castle, Lismore Models of two pair of Labourers' Cottages 8 M. R. Hynes, Owbeg, Lismore Model of Labourer's Cottage, double and single 9 W. H . Jones, Dunmanway Model of Labourer's Cottage Official. Catalogue. S e c t i o n B—Class 11 Stand No. 398—continued. 10 S. A. Kirkby, C . E . , Castle Jare, Glanmire Model of Labourer's Cottage 11 M. Kelly, Kilrush, Suncroft, Curragh Camp, Kildare Model of Labourer's Cottage 12 S. J. Moore, 4 Norwood Street, Belfast Model of Labourer's Cottage 13 P. J. Morgan, 9 Eason's Lane, Cork Model of Labourer's Cottage 14 Wm. Murray, 29 Duncan Street, Cork Model of Labourer's Cottage 15 Millar & Symes, 197 Gt. Brunswick Street, Dublin Model of Labourer's Cottage 16 James F. M'Mullen, 3 4 Mary Street, Cork Model of Labourer's Cottage 17 John 0 ' S u l l i v a n , 4 3 Lower Glanmire Road, Cork Two Models of Labourers' Cottages 18 K. D. Roche, 2 5 South Mall, Cork Model of Labourer's Cottage 19 M. Roach, 6 3 Lower Glanmire Road, Cork Model of Labourer's Cottage 2 0 G. P. Sheridan, 5 Granby Row, D u b l i n Model of Labourer's Cottage 2 1 W. F . Mackey, Donaghmore, Ballybrophy Model of Labourer's Cottage 2 2 W. H . Hill, Marlborough Street, Cork Model of Labourer's Cottage 2 3 James Howard, Charlemont Street, D u b l i n Model of Labourer's Cottage 24 A. W. Barnard, Ballygrawnan House, Ovans, Cork Model of Labourer's Cottage .25 Philip Murphy, Killenaule, Co. Tipperary Model of Labourer's Cottage 26 T. W . Webber, Kelly ville, At h y Model of Labourer's Cottage 27 B. B. Leech, 7 London Bridge Road, D u b l i n Model of Labourer's Cottage 28 Bartholomew Hackett, Dublin Hill, Ballyvolane, Co. Cork Model of Labourer's Cottage 29 W m . J . H u l l , Moira, Co. D o w n Model of Labourer's Cottage •30 A. & J . Main, 11 Leinster Street, Dublin Model of Labourer's Cottage 119 Cork Industrial Exhibition 1 2 0 S e c t i o n B—Class 11 Stand No. 3 9 9 H . V I L L I E R 3 STUART, M.P., Dromana, Cappoquin Model of Cottage, costing less than £ 5 2 10s. Stand No. 4 0 0 LIEUT. H. E . RAWSON, R.E., Roseneath. Villas, Cork Model and Plans of Labourers' Cottages Stand No. 401 THOMSON BROTHERS, Wexford Models of Labourers' Concrete Cottages Stand No. 4 0 2 THOMAS ANSBORO', Main Street, Carrick-on-Suir Plans of Labourers' Cottages Stand No. 4 0 3 THOMAS KEANE, Main Street, Dunmanway, Co. Cork 1 Model of Concrete Byre t o contain 44 head of Cattle, erected a t Phale Farm, Ballineen, Co. Cork, the property of the Rt. Hon. Lord Carbery 2 Model of Dairy for 10 cows, i n concrete Stand No. 4 0 4 1 2 3 4 MICHAEL LOUGHLAN, North Main Street, Youghal,. Co. Cork Hammerless Gun, left barrel choke bored, t o shoot a t long ranges Central Fire Gun, left barrel choke bored Breech-loading Duck Gun, barrel 4 feet long, and is thoroughly choke bored ; the chamber is ground out t o carry a n extra long cartridge, and a heavy charge for shooting plover, ducks, and wild fowl a t extreme long ranges Various parts of the works of Guns, some i n forged state, and some i n filed state Stand No. 4 0 5 T. W. MURRAY <fc CO., 87 Patrick Street, Cork 1 Top Lever Treble-grip Hammerless Gun, 12 gauge, best Damascus: barrels, " Anson & Deely's " lock mechanism 2 Purdey Lever Snap-action Breech-loading Gun, 12 gauge, best Damascus barrels, extended rib, re-bounding bar locks, w ith hammers below line of sight 3 4 5 6 Top Lever Snap-action Breech-loader, 12 gauge, best Damascus barrels, extended rib, left choke re-bounding bar locks, w i t h hammers below line of sight Our Special Ten-guinea Gun, Top Lever Snap-action Breech loader, 12 gauge, steel Damascus barrels, extended rib, left choke re-bounding bar locks, snap fore-end, w ith hammers below line of sight Top Lever Snap-action Breech-loader, 12 gauge, Damascus barrels, extended rib, left choke re-bounding back-action locks Our Keeper's Gun, double-grip action, lever over-guard re-bounding locks, low hammers, steel Damascus barrels 12 1 S e c t i o n B—Class 11 Stand No. 4 0 6 H E N E Y ALLPORT & SON, 4 3 Patrick Street, Cork 1 2 Large Guns, for Sea-fowl Shooting Double Breech-loading Guns 3 Revolving and other Rifles 4 Revolvers 5 Brass Cannon for yachts Stand No. 407 R. TT. PENROSE FITZGERALD, Whitegate, Cork Corkbeg Island, Rocket Life-saving Appliances Stand No. 4 9 8 GEORGE NEWMAN DUNN, Newman's Mall, Kinsale 1 Life-saving Bench P o n t o o n ; model scale, 1J inch t o t h e f o o t ; especially designed for t h e decks of river steamers; invented and made b y Exhibitor 2 3 Life Raft The A 1 Life Buoy. B o t h invented and made b y Exhibitor These are intended to be released from a case^ placed a t the stern of sea-going vessels. Each exhibit the gas-light automati cally, support the body almost out of water, afford food, water, and shelter, and are reversible. The Raft is constructed to be fitted w i t h t h e Patent Socket Distress Signal 4 The Life Cot, for ordinary use as a bed. I n shipwreck i t serves to carry a line on shore b y t h e action of the wind, and afterwards as a means of rescue for t h e crew much as the rocket apparatus is now used from the land. Invented and made b y Exhibitor 5 Sample of Ostermoor's American Patent Elastic F e lt (water-proof), used i n t h e construction of the mattresses of the Got, and experi mental test of this F elt Model showing t h e automatic action of the Gas-light Signal 5 7 Model, scale 2 inches t o the foot, of Exhibit N o . 2, for experimental demonstration, made b y Exhibitor 8 Sample of Phosphide of Calcium, used t o produce t h e Gas Signal 9 Diagram showing a proposed means of rescue from similar positions to that the men occupied o n t h e Calf Rock Lighthouse, designed b y the Exhibitor 10 Reels and Coil of Manilla Line t o be used wit h the Life Cot 11 Improved Galvanized Metallic Ladder, for N o . 2 Exhibit, made b y Exhibitor 12 Specimens of Willesden's Patent Waterproof Card-board and Canvas 122 S e c t i o n B—Class 11 Stand No. 4 0 9 JOHN M'OAHTHY, 2 Alexandria Place, Stony Road, Dublin Life-Saving Apparatus Stand No. 410 "WILLIAM HENRY BIFFEN, Junr., Embankment, Bedford, England Case of Racing Boats, built to scale of J of an inch t o the foot 1 Model of Racing Eight, fitted wit h sliding seats, as used b y t h e Oxford and Cambridge crews for the 'Varsity Race, t h e Grand Challenge Cup a t Henley, the London and Dublin Metropolitan. Regattas, &c. 1 a Oars for the same 2 Model of Tub Eight, w i t h fixed seats, as used for all junior races and the above crews a t t h e commencement of practice 2A Oars for the same 3 Model of Racing Four, t o carry a coxswain, fitted w ith sliding seats, used for all senior races i n Ireland, and most juniorracesin England 3A Oars for the same 4 Model of Racing Four, without coxswain, fitted w ith sliding seats, the rudder being moved b y the feet of the bow oarsman, a s used for the Steward's Clip a t Henley Champion Fours, a t the Metro politan, International, and most other Regattas 4A Oars for the same 5 Model of Racing Pair, fitted wit h sliding seats and rudder, the latter being used b y t h e feet of the bow oarsman, as used for t h e Goblets a t Henley, and the Champ'ion and senior pairs a t a l l English and Irish Regattas 5A Oars for the same 6 Model of a Racing Sculling Boat, fitted wit h sliding seat and swivels, as used for the Diamond Sculls a t Henley, Wingfield Sculls a t Putney, and all Championship Races 6A Sculls for the same Case of Pleasure Boats built t o scale of 1J inches t o the foot 7 Model of Pleasure Skiff and all i t s fittings, used on all English rivers, capable of carrying eight or t e n persons 8 Model of Pleasure Gig and all i t s fittings, used o n most rivers and canals, capable of carrying four persons 9 Model of Canoe, for travelling through rivers and canals 9A Paddle for the same N . B . — A l l the above boats are built to scale, and all th« timbers, seats, rowlocks, &c., are p u t i n the same as a full-sized boat, not cut out of the solid as most models are done '23 Official Catalogue. Section. B—Class 11 Stand No. 411 J O H N P E A S L E Y , Passage W e s t , Oo. Cork A Boat 14 feet l o n g Stand No. 412 1 Stand No. 413 1 MICHAEL TWOMEY, 116 Shandon Street, Cork A First-class Pleasure Boat, named '' Lady Gay," built of material t h a t had grown i n Blarney, comprised of Larch and Elm, constructed so as t o row four oars, 22 feet long, 3 feet 8 inches beam, depth, 17 inches. Racing Model. Built b y Exhibitor EDWARD WAGNER, 4 0 Gillabey Street, Cork Four-Oared Race Gig, not canvassed fore or aft, 35 feet i n length, built b y Exhibitor •Stand No. 414 DAVID BROWN LIVIE, Dundee Boatbuilding Works, Dundee, Scotland Half Model Block Diagonal Whaleboat. The interior of boat shown i n inlaid work, accompanied b y frame drawings, Nos. 50 and 51 The model is on t h e scale of two inches t o one foot, and the drawings one inch to one foot Stand No. 415 WILLIAM HENRY NASH, Glenview, Upton, Co. Cork Model Cutter Yacht " Wave " The above modal i s t h e sole work of Exhibitor. case ; size about 2 feet square b y 9 inches h i g h Stand No. 416 1 2 Stands i n glass GEORGE W. FRENCH, Railway and Commercial Hotel, Bandon, Oo. Cork T h e "A m a z o n ," 36 guns The " Mermaid," Ship's Launch, fitted as a Gun-boat Models made i n 1800, b y George French, Haulbowline (neatCove of Cork) Stand No. 417 LA WREN CE BARRY, Shipwright, 7 Lucia Place, PasWest Two Models of Ships, each about two feet long and two feet i n height Stand No. 418 1 THOMAS O'SHEA, Convent Road, Blackrock, Cork A Model Ship i n Glass Case, 1 ft. 10 in. by 10 in. Cork Industrial Exhibition Section B—Class 11 Stand No. 419 1 J O H N SHARKIE, 8 3 Lo-wer Glanmire Road, Cork Model City of Cork Steam Ship " S a b r i n a " 2 „ Inman Steam Ships, " City of Berlin " and " Richmond " 3 4 „ „ Clyde Shipping Co.'s Steam Ship " Kinsale " Two Sailing Ships Stand No. 4 2 0 HARLAND & WOLFF, Belfast 1 Model of Iron Four-masted Sailing Ship " W . J. Pirrie," built b y Messrs. Harland & Wolff, for Samuel Lawther, Esq., of B e l f a s t ; gross tonnage, 2,570 tons 2 Model of Iron Screw Steamer " N u b i a , " built b y Messrs. Harland & Wolff, for the African Steam Ship Co. of L o n d o n ; gross tonnage, 1,958 tons ; indicated horse-power, 1,000 3 Painting of t h e Steel Screw Steamer " Shannon," built b y Messrs. Harland & Wolff, for t h e Peninsular and Oriental Steam N a v i gation Co. of London; gross tonnage, 4,189 t o n s ; indicated horse-power, 4,000 4 5 Model for a First-class Screw Steamer for Passenger Service Model for a General Trading Screw Steamer 6 Model for a First-class Paddle Steamer for Channel Passenger Service Stand No. 421 1 Stand No. 4 2 2 1 2 J O H N DRISCOLL, 36 Friar Street, Cork A Model Ship, wit h bone spars and anchor cable, made from one solid piece bone, executed b y Exhibitor WILLIAM MTJLLINS, 3 3 Evergreen Street, Cork One Ship, Full-rigged, i n glass case One Full-rigged Ship Stand No. 4 2 3 F. K. PARKINSON, Secretary, Cork, Blaokrock, and Passage Railway Company and Steamers, Terminus, ALbert Street, Cork A Stand wit h Glass Case, containing Models of two Paddle-wheel Steam "Vessels named the " A l b e r t " and t h e " M o n k s t o w n , " built b y MTlwainS & Lewis, of Belfast, for the Cork, Blackrock, and Passage Railway Company, and now running t o Crosshaven and intermediate Piers i n connection wit h said Railway Official Catalogue. '25 S e c t i o n B—Class 11 Stand No. 4 2 4 1 J A M B S J A C K & CO., Victoria E n g i n e Works, Sandon D o c k , Liverpool Full Model of the Paddle Steamer, " Colonel Lamb " 2 Half Model of the S.S. " Egypt " (National Line) 3 Half Model of the S.S. " S t . Finbar" (new Steamer for t h e City of Cork Steam Packet Co.) 4 Photograph of the Engines of S.S. " St. Finbar " Stand No. 425 1 2 3 A Full Model of the W h i t e Star Royal Mail Steamer ""Britannic," built b y Messrs. Harland & Wolif, Queen's Island Ship-building Yard, Belfast A complete Model of t h e R. M. S. " Britannic's " Engines An Oil Painting representing the R. M. S. ' Britannic" o n the point of leaving the Mersey with t h e Mails for N e w York, via Queenstown Stand No. 4 2 6 1 2 I S M A Y , I M R I E & CO., W h i t e Star Line, 1 0 WaterJSt.^ Liverpool W O R K M A N , C L A R K E & CO., Limited, B e l f a s t S h i p yard, Spencer D o c k , B e l f a s t Half Model Iron Screw Steam Ship " City of Cambridge," built by Messrs. Workman, Clark, & Co., Limited, Belfast, for George Smith & Sons' City Line of Steamers, for the Calcutta trade. These vessels are employed between London and Calcutta direct, via Suez Canal The City of Cambridge i s fitted wit h compound inverted cylinder engines of 3,650 horse-power. She maintains a speed of 14 k n o t s per hour Half Model of Heel Screw Steamer " Teelin Head," built for t h e Ulster Steamship Co., Limited, Belfast, for the Baltic and Medi terranean trades. This vessel is built with a steel cellular bottom extending all fore and a f t for taking water ballast 3 Half Model of Iron Screw Steamer " Maria A Hinde," built for Wm. Hinde, Esq., of Belfast, for the Cross-channel and general Coasting trades 4 Half Model of Iron Screw Steamer " Blackwater," built for J. G. MacCormick, Esq., of Dublin, for general Coasting 5 Half Model of Iron Screw Passenger Steamer " Skerryvore," built for the Clyde Shipping Company, for the Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford trade 126 Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n B—Class 11 Stand No. 4 2 6 —continued. 6 H a l f Model of Iron Screw Steamer, building for t h e N e w r y S t e a m s h i p Co., for Coasting purposes 7 H a l f Model of Four-masted Sailing Ship, building for Messrs. Clark & Service of Glasgow. N e t Register Tonnage, 1 , 6 7 5 t o n s dead w e i g h t carrying capacity o n load draft, 2, 750 t o n s ; l e n g t h oil load line, 251 f e e t ; breadth moulded, 3 9 . 7 5 f e e t ; depth of hold, 2 3 . 5 feet 8 H a l f Model of Steel Schooner Y a c h t " L e n o r e , " designed b y G. L. Watson, Esq., of Glasgow, a n d b u i l t b y Messrs. Workman, Clark & Co., Limited, Belfast, for George Smith, Esq., of Glasgow S t a n d No. 4 2 7 CLYDE S H I P P I N G CO., 21 Carlton Place, Glasgow One Model of Steamer Stand No. 4 2 8 H E N D E R S O N BROTHERS, 17 Water Street, Liverpool Model of Anchor L i ne Steam S h i p " C i t y of R o m e , " 8 , 4 1 5 t o n s s t a n d No. 4 2 9 W I L L I A M GEORGE RICHARDSON, 12 Baltic Buildings, Liverpool T w o Mersey Portable Canoes, suitable for fishing a n d general cruis i n g purposes s t a n d No. 4 3 0 J O H N TRICKETT, 16 Bennett Street, Sheffield TT<^ Fields H a n d Pumps, w i l l throw a continual stream of water 2 5 feet Scaling Knives a n d Domestic Appliances Mechanical Gyroscope Stand No. 431 GEORGE H . T. BEAMISH, Assoc. Mem. I n s t C.E., Spy Hill House, Queenstown Models illustrating a n improved m e t h o d of construction ; w i t h blocks ol Concrete so formed a s t o combine t h e general cohesion of t h e structure, w i t h freedom for u n e v e n settlement of t h e foundation 1 Model of portion of a W h a r f W a l l , ; scale 2 Model of improved form of Travelling Gantry, suitable for erecting t h e above ; scale, or J " = l ' ' or £ " = 1 ' 3 Some modifications i n t h e form of Block t h a t m a y b e used ; or — 1' Official Catalogue. 127 S e c t i o n B—Class 11 Stand No. 432 1 2 J O H N O E M E A N D R E W S , C.E., F o r t Villa, Queenstown Model of Haulbowline and the Naval Extension "Works Set of Photographs relating to the Haulbowline Extension Works Stand No. 4 3 3 F . W E N T W O E T H & OO , 1 3 M u s e u m St., London, W . C A l l kinds of Ladies', Gentlemen's, and Children's Coats, Jackets, Vests, and Capes, fitted with Cork and other buoyant materials, without affecting the appearance or convenience of the wearer Vests especially designed for, and used b y the Cinque Port Pilots Oilskins and Reefing Jackets of all kinds, rendered unsinkable Life-belts of all kinds, ranging from 4 lbs. to 2 4 lbs. supporting power Sailor's Life-saving Jerseys and Smocks The "Sauve qui p e u t " Combination Suits, for Boating, Canoeing, Fishing, Wading, Camping-out, Sleeping and Bathing I n these unsinkable dresses, family parties can bathe together with perfect propriety, and acquire the art of swimming without danger Also for Blue Jackets on Torpedo and other dangerous services Also for Fishermen, i n Oilskin or Tanned Canvas, especially designed for the " B o x i n g " or "Transfer" Service A l l the above protected b y Letters Patent i n Great Britain, the Colonies, and. abroad Stand No. 4 3 4 W M . D E N N Y , D e n n y Street, Tralee Fishing Canoe Stand No. 435 H . S. B R O O K S &> S O N , 8 Grand Parade, Cork 1 Salmon Flies, suitable for Irish, English, Scotch, American Rivers. and Lakes 2 Baited Peal 3 White Trout ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 4 5 River Trout „ Sea-water Flies for Coast and Harbour ti Three-pieced Salmon Rod and spare Lancewood Top 7 8 ,, ,, 8 „ Lake Rod, Bronze Slide fittings Trout River Rod, Brass Slide fittings ,, all Groenheart, Brass Slide fittings Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n B—Class 11 S t a n d No. 4 3 5 —continued. 10 Five-pieced Bamboo Trolling B o d 11 Four-pieced, all Lancewood, Irish Screw Sockets a n d W h e e l fitting* 12 Four-pieced, Bronze, A s h a n d Lancewood, Steel fittings 13 14 15 16 17 18 B r a s s > ,, H o l l o w B u t t a n d Spare Top, Steel fittings Telescope Bamboo Landing F o l d i n g N e t a n d Gaff H a n d l e ,, Brass S h a n k „ L a n d i n g N e t a n d Gaff Bamboo Handle, Hollow, for Spare T o p of Rod Plain ,, ,, ,, 19 L i v e B a i t Minnow a n d Worm. 20 Artificial Minnows a n d Baits, Fresh-Water a n d Sea 21 I r e b l e G u t T wi st i ng Machines for casting Lines 22 D y e d Cocks' Hackles a n d Swans' Feathers for dressing flies 23 D y e d Mohair, H o g s ' W o o l a n d Seals' F u r for flies Do. Fl i e s B o x e s 24 Golden Pheasants' N e c k Feathers, for flies 25 Miscellaneous Lot : Casting a n d W h e e l Lines, Salmon a n d Trou Reels, Bait, H o o k s t i e d a n d untied, &c., &c. Stand No. 4 3 6 THOMAS M'CAETHY, Tipperary William S t r e e t , C a s h e l , Oo. A Case of F i s h i n g Fl i e s Stand No. 4 3 7 JOSEPH O Mallow H A R O L D , F i s h i n g Tackle Manufacturer, Salmon a n d Trout Rods, Flies, a n d F i s h i n g Tackle Stand No. 4 3 8 C S . R A E , P i c k f o r d Green, A l l e s l e y , C o v e n t r y F i s h i n g Rods, Reels, Lines Flies, Artificial Baits, &c. Stand No. 4 3 9 H E A R D E R <fc S O N , 1 9 6 TJnion (Street, P l y m o u t h Samples of Artificial S a n d Eels, Silver Spinners, Soleskin Bait*, D e m o n Minnows, Mounted Lines, Swivels, Gimp, G u t or F l u x Traces or Lines, a n d Gear specially suited for t h e Irish and other fisheries, invented a n d manufactured b y Exhibitors Official Catalogue. 129 S e c t i o n B—Class 11 Stand No. 439a GEORGE WHITEHOUSE, 151 Park Road, Liverpool Fishing Lines, specially adapted for catching flatfish Stnad No. 4 4 0 JOSEPH TOBIN, 1 Greek Street, Dublin » Sample of Machine-made Lines, for fresh-water fishing, some all hair, some of silk and hair combined, and some of all silk, made by Exhibitor Also the Machine b y which t h e y are made, invented b y the Exhibitor Stand No. 441 WM. BARTON & CO., Hemp and Wire Rope, and Sail Makers, 55 Clyde Place, and South Western Rope and Sail Works, 153 Scotland St., Glasgow, Scotland 1 Case containing all descriptions of Wire Ropes—Iron, Steel, Copper, and Brass, as manufactured b y Exhibitors 2 Model (working) of Machine for making Ships' Rigging, Submarin Cables, P i t Ropes, &c. 3 120 Fms. 3-in. Steel Hawser, for ships' mooring and towing purposes. or for Fishing Steam Trawlers, on Crab Winch Stand No. 442 G. J . WINTER, 5 St. Mary's Road, Lower Edmonton, London 1 Appliances for Marking and Addressing Fish Boxes, Yacht Sails, &e. 2 Architectural Designs and Engravings Business, and other purposes 3 Glutinous Extracts from Fish showing wonderful strength 4 Cutlery for Ships' purposes 5 Portable Refrigerators for keeping Fish, &c., cool, without ice 6 Iron-stone Slag (Ornaments) Stand No. 4 4 3 suitable for Engineers. HENRY JAMES, Windleys Factory, Nottingham Machine for making Fishing Lines Stand No. 444 HORATIO H , TOWNSEND, Cordangan Manor, Tip perary Apparatus for Hatching Fish Ova '3° Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n B—Class 11 Stand No. 443 GEORGE DUCKETT BEENEY, Morton Hall, Norwich Drawings about one-third the size of Tub for transporting live fish Vertical Section of Model of Carboy, for transporting live fish Stand No. 446 HENRY DONALDSON, Tinsmith, Millfield Flax Spin ning Mill, Corfe Ornamental Aquarium, entirely manufactured from sheet-metal b y Exhibitor CLASS12. Scientific Apparatus, and Medical and Surgical Instruments and Appliances. Stand No. 447 C, S. RAE, Kckford Green, Allesley, near Coventry Marine Glasses, Telescopes, Barometers, Saccharoineters, Microscopes, &c., as exhibited a t Great International Fisheries Exhibition,. South Kensington, London Stand No. 448 1 HENRY HTJNT & SON, 109 George's Street, Cork Theodolite, with all the adjustments; wooden Patterns for same, and tools required for the manufacture of i t ; all of which were made i n Cork, b y James Hunt, of the firm of Henry H u n t & Son, Cork 2 Dumpy Level, made b y James H u n t ; also patterns and tools for same 3 Six-inch Circular Protractor, w i t h double veriners, made b y James Hunt, Cork 4 Double-Dipping Needle Transparent Compass Cards, made b y James Hunt, Cork 5 Brewing Thermometer, i n copper case, made b y James Hunt, Cork 6 Callipers for gauging, &c., made b y James Hunt, Cork A n d Sundries for Exhibition Stand No. 449 ALEXANDER MOFFATT, 8 0 Balsall Heath Road,. Birmingham 1 Optical and Philosophical Instruments 2 Cement made from Fish Glue, as exhibited at International Fisheries; Exhibition, London, 1883 Coolers (without ice), for keeping cool Fish, Butter, Milk, Wine, &cKnives for opening Oysters, Fish Cans, &c. Official Catalogue. 131 Section B—Class 1 2 Stand No. 450 1 2 HOWARD GRUBB, F.R.A.S., Rathmines, Dublin Iron Framework of Portable Astronomical Observatory, with Equatorial Room covered b y revolving dome, and Transit Boom with Improved Transit Shutter 7-inch Equatorial Telescope, on portable mounting (the illuminators of circle micrometer, &c., b y electric lamps) 3 2J-inch Transit Instrument 4 3-inch Student's Equatorial 5 Spectroscopes, &c. stand No. 451 PRESIDENT OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE, Cork Instruments made i n the workshop of the Physical Laboratory of Queen's College, b y Hardeker Lund, Mechanician t o the College : 1 Induction Coil 2 Instrument for illustrating the relations of the Crystallographic Axes of the Pyramids of the Triaxial, Orthic and Clinic Systems ; and the Law of Crystalline Series 3 Instrument t o graphically represent the Composition of two Forces 4 A Decimetre Cube, t o show the relation between i t and the Centi metre Cube ; and between the Kilogramme and Gramme 5 A cheap Barometer for the use of laboratories and experimental stations, with Hygeometer attached 6 Glass Concave Lens, silvered o n the face Stand No. 452 1 PROFESSOR W . F. BARRETT, Scienoe, Dublin Royal College of Tangent Galvanometer 2 Reflecting ,, 3 Astatic ,, 4 "Wheatstone Bridge 5 Magnetic Engine (on rails) 6 Voltameter 7 Electrophorus ? Condenser Made by John Irwin, Boys' Home, Grand Canal Street, Dublin. Cork Industrial Exhibition 132 Section B—Class 1 2 Stand No. 453 § ^ 1 A&ENCB DE PARIS, 2 2 5 Regent St., London, "W. Electric Lamps and Batteries 2 Dynamo Machines 3 Telescopes, Cutlery, etc. Stand No. 454 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J . SPENCER & SON, 19 Grafton Street, Dublin 30-incli Telescope, with Astronomical and Terrestrial E y e Pieces mounted on Spencer's Improved Stand Spencer's N e w Heliostat „ Improved Dumpy Level ,, Gravatt's ,, Drainage Level Combined Prismatic Compass and Altitude Instrument and Clin ometer, for military surveying Ditto, best form Major Hutchinson's Prismatic Compass Clinometer 10 11 12 Magazine Case of Drawing Instruments Collection of Drawing Pens and Pocket Drawing Instruments Improved Dotting Pen, for straight lines 13 14 ,, ,, curved lines Mountings for a Beam Compass 15 Spring-bows, w i t h improved points t o hold needles 16 " W a t c h " size Aneroid Barometer, with revolving altitude scale for measuring the heights of mountains up t o 10,000 feet Do., t o 8,000 feet, with thermometer attached Do., i n Silver Hunting Case 17 18 19 Do., w i t h Barometrical Scull only 20 Large Holosteric Barometer 21 Hall Aneroid Barometer, with Carved Oak Frame 22 23 24 25 26 ,, „ ,, larger size ,, ,, i n Foreign Walnut Case ,, ,, i n Ebonized Case Library Aneroid Barometer Official Catalogue. '33 S e c t i o n B—Class 1 2 Stand No. 454—continued. 27 Maximum and Minimum Thermometers, divided o n t h e struss, the figures o n opal glass scales 28 Collection of Binocular Glasses 29 30 ,, Opera Glasses Fancy Opera Glass, mounted w i t h pearls 31 32 .33 Si ,, painted o n porcelain ,, ,, enamelled o n silver „ ,, mounted i n ivory Collection of Pocket Compasses, Passometers, Piedometers 35 Circular Protractor 36 Large and Beautiful Specimen of F l i n t Glass Stand No. 455 F A N N I N & CO., 41 Grafton Street," D u b l i n Surgical Instruments a n d Appliances stand No. 458 J O H N BLAIB, 7 St. Patrick Street, Cork SUBGIOAL TRUSSES For Femoral, Inquinal, Scrotal, and Umbilical Hernia 1 Circular Springs, Ordinary 2 Covered w i t h Yulcanite, worn while bathing 3 Salmon & Ody's Principle 4 Water P a d Trusses 5 Children's 6 Sliding H e a d , , 7 8 L'Estrange's „ MacMain's Liver Trusses 9 „ various Sliding Back „ Cole's Principle ,, 11 Scrotal ,, 12 13 Umbilical ,, Special and Sundry Trusses, n o t enumerated above 10 A > Cork Industrial 134 Exhibition S e c t i o n B—Class 1 2 St&nd No. 457 WM. HAHRXNGTON & SON", Chemists and Druggists* 8 0 Patrick Street, Cork English, French, and German Surgical Instruments and Appliances 1 2 3 4 Amputation Instruments Dental ,, Dissecting E ,, ye 5 6 7 Pocket Cases of Instruments Medical Electric Machines Trusses, Belts, &c. 8 9 Surgeons' Bandages, in great variety Surgeons'Plasters, stand No. 458 WILLIAM BRAGG, L.D.S., 16 Patrick Street, Cork Case of Artificial Teeth in Gold, Platinum, and Vulcanite, manufac tured b y Exhibitor stand No. 459 JOHN CHARLES WESTROPP BTJTTERFIELD, D D.S., Dent. Surg., 37 South Mall, Cork Case containing Vulcanite Compounds of India Rubber, Case for the adjusting of sets of Artificial Teeth, Gold, Platinum, Celluloid and Dental Alloy Sets ; and for Single Teeth, Gold, and Plastic Gold Amalgam for stopping, &c. ; and Porcelain Teeth, manufac tured b y Exhibitors Stand No. 4 6 0 W I L L I A M S U L L I V A N , Artist, 119 Old Goorge's St.,. in care of R. Pulvertaft, Esq Artificial Leg and Arm stand No. 461 DANIEL O'CONNELL, 4 Tuckey St., Cork, Bootmaker and Cliiropedist 1 Models of the Human Foo 2 3 Ladies and Gentlemen's Boots made off same A n Artificial Leg 4 5 Padded Boots, changing the appearance of feet with large joints General Appliances for the Feet Official Catalogue. *35 C L A S S 13. Musical Instruments. stand No. 4 6 2 COX & CO., 113 Patrick Street, Cork Two Pianos b y Chickering & Sons, Boston, U . S . A . 1 " Concert Grand " Piano 2 " Upright Grand" , , • Three Pianos b y Neumeyer & Co., Berlin 3 "Upright Grand" Piano, Walnut and Gold, Patent Iron Frame 4 "Universal" Piano, Walnut and Gold, Patent Quadruplex Con struction 5 " U p r i g h t " Piano, Black and Gold, Patent Quadruplex Construction . Five Organs, b y t h e Smith-American Organ Co., Boston, U . S . A . 6 "Cathedral " Organ, 2 Manuals and Pedals 7 "Connoisseur" , , Orchestral Speciality 8 "Imperial" ,, Drawing-room Favourite 9 10 "Chancel" "Victoria" „ ,, Church use ,, 11 Tournaphone 12 Cabinetto stand No. 4 6 3 T. & J . ATKINS, 117 Patrick Street, Cork PIANOFORTES 1 Short Grand Pianoforte, i n Italian Walnut Case, Iron Frame, b y J . Brinsmead & Sons, Lon d on ; w i t h Patent Sostenente Pedal, b y means of which any particular chord or notes may be sustained at will of t h e Performer, independent of other notes or passages. Also w i t h Patent Perfect Check Repeater Action, and other modern Improvements 2 Short Overstrung Grand Pianoforte, b y Messrs. Collard & Collard, London ; Rosewood Case, Patent Escapement Action, &c. -3 Boudoir Short Grand Pianoforte, b y Ibach & Son, Barmen, Germany (Makers t o t h e Royal Imperial Families of Germany), Patent Escapement Action, and Patent Iron Frame, imparting great power and richness of tone 4 Magnificent Upright Iron Grand Pianoforte, b y Ibach & Son, Ger many, Elaborately Covered Case, Patent Iron Frame and Check Action 5 Upright Iron Grand Pianoforte, i n black and gold case, b y J . Brinsmead & Sons, Lon d on ; w i t h Patent Check Repetition Action, &c. Cork Industrial 136 Exhibition S e c t i o n B—Class 1 3 Stand No. 463—continued 6 U p r i g h t Pianoforte i n W a l n u t , P a t e n t Check Action, &c. ; b y J . Brinsmead & Sons, London 7 U p r i g h t Grand Pianoforte i n Ebonised W o o d , b y E . Gaiden, Paris ; w i t h P a t e n t Check Repeater A c t i o n 8 U p r i g h t Iron Grand Pianoforte, i n Ebonised Case, N i c k e l l e d Silver Mounting, a n d N i c k e l l e d P i n Block, Patent Check Action, a n d a l l modern improvements ; b y Ibach & Sons, Barmen Stand No. 4 6 4 1 W I L L I A M THOMAS COPE, Pianoforte and Harmonium Factory, 11 Cecil Street, Limerick A n Iron Frame Seven-Octave Check A c t i o n Pianoforte, Case " Early E n g l i s h " Style, entirely manufactured o n m y premises, a n d a s far as possible o f Irish materials Stand No. 465—cancelled 8tand No. 466 G U N N & FERGUSON, Pianoforte and Harmonium Importers, Music Sellers, 5 Winthrop St., Cork 1 Kirkman Cottage Piano 2 Cadby „ 3 Collard „ 4 Cesarini Church Harmonium 5 Collard Cottage Piano 6 Kirkman ,, 7 Brinsmead ,, 8 Trayser Drawing-room H a r m o n i u m s t a n d No. 467 GEORGE OLIVER, 2 5 Upper Dorset Street, Dublin One Pianoforte, manufactured b y Exhibitor s t a n d No. 4 6 8 WM. BENNETT, 3 Anglesea Place Cork Violin Stand No. 4 6 9 W A L T E R H MAYSON, Croft House, Windermere Lake Side, Ulverston, England 1 Violin, made entirely b y h a n d b y Exhibitor 2 H i s finest E x a m p l e o f F i n i s h 3 V i o l i n a n d Violincellos S e c t i o n B—Class 1 3 stand No. 470 HENRY COHEN, 7 Upper Crescent, Belfast Stringed Instruments Stand No. 471 THOMAS O'SHEA, Convent Road, Blackrock, Cork Pair of Band Stands SECTION C . WORKS I N METAL. CLASS 14. Steel Cutlery and Edge Tools. stand No. 472 BENJAMIN TRICKETT, 95 Wicker, Sheffield Cutlery, Spears, &c. Stand No. 473 FRANCIS LYONS, 4 3 Great George's Street, Cork General Hardware Samples for domestic use Stand No. 474 WILLIAM MUIRHEAD, 3 Wintlirop Street, Cork Cutlery, Edge Tools, Brass Founding and Locks, Raw material i n connection w i t h Brushes. Brushes, Home-manufacture Stand No. 475 RICHARD BRADFORD, Clonmel 1 Cutlery, Razors, Penknives, Bread-knives, and Daggers, i n fancy carved ivory handles. Specimens of Cutlery i n t h e various stages of manufacture 2 Fishing Tackle, Salmon and Trout Flies, and tackle of different kinds stand No. 476 W. R. HUMPHREYS & CO., Eyre St. Work, Sheffield 1 Table Cutlery, i n Ivory, Bone, Black, and Delf Top, &c. 2 3 Dessert ,, Carving Knives and Forks 4 Bread Nnives 5 Table Steels 6 Butchers' Steels 7 Butchers' Knives 8 French Cooks' Knives 9 Putty „ •> >• Cork Industrial Exhibition '38 S e c t i o n C—Class 1 4 S t a n d No. 4 7 6 —continued. 10 P a l l e t t e K n i v e s 11 Farriers' 12 Bowie ,, 13 Hunting „ „ 14 Sportsman's „ 15 Gentlemen's P o c k e t Knives 16 Ladies' 17 Champagne 18 Razors i n Cases 19 Scissors s t a n d No. 4 7 7 1 ,, ,, „ „ O ' N E I L L , SON & THOMPSON, 7 H e n r y Street and 2 5 Nassau Street, Dublin, State Cutlers and Surgical Instrument Manufacturers Irish-made Dinner Knives 2 „ Dessert 3 „ R o u n d of Beef Carvers 4 „ Head and Foot „ 5 ,, Poultry „ 6 ,, Bread Knives „ 7' ' „ Masticating a n d one-handed K n i v e s 8 ,, Razors 9 ,, P e n , Pocket, a n d Spo r t i ng K n i v e s 10 ,, 11 Surgical Instruments Spinal Supports, Orthopaedic Instruments, for correcting deformities. Improved Trusses of every description for t h e cure of Hernia, &c. Stand No. 4 7 8 J O H N TRICKETT, 16 Bennett Street, Sheffield Improved Knives for o pe ni ng Shell-fish, Shears, a n d P u m p s Stand No. 4 7 9 TAYLOR BROTHERS, Adelaide Works, Sheffield Saws, Files, Machine Irons, Steel, &c. S t a n d No. 4 8 0 BOOTH BROTHERS, 6 3 Upper Stephen Street, Dublin P l a n e s for Cabinet Makers, Coopers, &c., a n d other manufacturing tools Official Catalogue. '39 S e c t i o n C—Class 1 4 stand No. 481 THOMAS HOBY & CO., Royal Canal Pin and Rivet Works, Royal Canal, Dublin Pins for Toilet purposes, Blanket Pins, Lace Pins for making Pillow Lace, Ethnological Pins, Ribbon Pins, &c. Hair-pins, plain and curvilinear, i n 1 oz. and 2 oz. packages, i n boxes, and on sheets Brass and Iron Shoe Rivets, for Boot Manufacturers' uses Escutcheon and Gimp Pins Wire Nails, plain and plaited w i t h t i n (small sizes) Stand No. 482 1 2 3 KIRBY, BEARD & CO., 115 Newgate St., London, E.CJ Pins and Safety Pins Fancy Pins, w i t h Gold, Silver, Pearl, Coral, Oxydized, and Glass Heads Patent Surgical and Bandage Pins (Dr. Ward Cousins') i 5 6 Hair-pins „ t h e Registered " Flexor " The Original " N e Plus U l t r a " Needles, for Sewing, Embroidery, and Crewel Work 7 Needles for t h e Blind and Short-sighted 8 9 Sewing Machine Needles Patent Self-adjusting Boot Buttons C L A S S 15. Iron and General Hardware. Stand No. 483 WALTER SMART, Buckhurst Hill, Essex, England Fire, Oven, &e., Cement, w i t h handle and Scraper, for coating Boot Soles and general cementing Stand No. 484 T PEARSON, 11 Ship Street, Dublin Ornamental and Plain Wire Work, Brass, Copper, and Iron Webs 140 S e c t i o n C.—Class 15 stand No. 485 COOKE BEOTHEES, 67 Patrick Street, Cork 1 Belgium Statuary, Marble Chimney-piece w i t h Grate 2 3 Bullion Safe made b y Milner's Safe Company, Liverpool 4 5 Meat-Chopping Machine N e w pattern Tin Churn for family use 6 7 Refrigerator for keeping meat, fish, butter, &c. Bronzed Iron Flower Stand Irish-manufactured Black Marble Chimney-piece, of Kilkenny Marble Stand No. 486 JOHN" PERRY & SONS, Patrick Street, Cork 1 Ornamental Brass Bedstead 2 3 Spring Bed, made b y Exhibitors Drawingroom White Marble Chimney-piece, w i t h Tiled Grate, Tesselated Hearth, Brass Fender, Brass Standards and Fire Brasses 4 Diningroom Coloured Marble Chimney-piece, with Grate, Hearth, &c., as above, en suite Library or Boudoir Chimney-piece and Grate, w i t h Mirror and Brackets complete Highly Ornamented Coal Yases 5 6 7 Richly Decorated Fire Screens of new designs, w i t h illuminated Panels 8 9 10 11 Brass Jardinieres Refrigerator Domestic Knife Cleaner N e w Carpet Sweeping Machine 12 13 14 Specialities i n Sausage Makers' and Meat-Mincing Machines, Bread Slicing Machines, Pea Shellers, Meat Pressers, and various other articles of domestic utility Improved Patent Mangle Superior Box Churns 15 16 A suit of Paraffin Cooking Stoves Sponge Bath 17 Water Filterers 18 Case of Hinks' Lamps with Duplex Burners, and latest patented im provements 19 Case of sundry Brass Art Goods, consisting of Candlesticks, Bells, Inkstands, Vasos, &c. Official Catalogue. S e c t i o n C—Class 1 5 Stand No. 4 8 6 —continued. 20 Case of t h e Celebrated Cutlery Manufactures of Joseph Eodgers & Sons, Sheffield ; consigned t o u s for e x h i b i t i o n i n t h i s stall 21 Three Girandoles 2 2 Garden Chair 2 3 Hall a n d Umbrella Stands 24 Tools of various k i n d s 25 Milners' Fire a n d T h i e f Proof Safe 26 Avery's Self-Kegistering W e i g h i n g Machine 27 Improved D o u b l e O v e n Close Fire K i t c h e n Range, w i t h Tiled Cove Plates and Skirting 28 Model Cottage R a n g e 2 9 American C o o k i ng S t o v e 30 Improved H e a t i n g S t o v e 31 T h e Ovifer, a n e w m o d e o f pa c ki ng e g g s stand No. 4 8 7 J O H N J . M ' S H B E E T , 4 Bedford Row, Limerick A n e w l y i n v e n t e d K i t c h e n Range, suitable for large mansions, specially m a d e i n t h e C i t y of Limerick for t h e Cork E x h i b i t i o n of 1883 stand No. 4 8 7 a W E BP.OMELL, 8 Egerton Grove, Manchester Ranges Stand No. 4 8 8 R I C H A R D P E R R O T T & SONS, Hive I r o n Works, Cork, and I r o n Mills, Curralieen 1 Centrifugal P u m p , capable of discharging three t ho u s and gallons per 2 Cast-iron "Water Cistern, 8 f t . b y 5 f t . 6 i n . b y 4 f t . deep, capable of containing 1 , 1 0 0 g a l l o n s 3 Double Crank P u m p minute 4 Crab "Winch, s i n g l e a n d double purchase 5 Urn-head P u m p , fitted w i t h brass barrel 6 Street "Water F o u n t a i n 7 Valve a n d Sluice Cocks 8 Hydraulic E n g i n e , b l o w i n g Grand Organ i n Main H a l l (English) 9 P a t e n t Turbine W a t e r W h e e l , A l l c o t t , U . S . A . Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n C—Class 1 5 Stand No. 488—continued. 10 Double Oven Kitchener, 7 f t . long, w i t h wrought-iron steam boiler 11 Single „ 5 , 12 n 5 » ,, ,, rivetted boiler w i t h circulating boiler for b a t h 13 tt 4 14 » 4 ft. 6 in. long, w i t h side boiler 15 „ 4 ft. long, l i g h t pattern 16 20 » 3 ,, cottage pattern > 2 ft. 6 in. l o n g „ li.vaporating Closet (small), for a Chemical Laboratory, similar t o those made for Museum of Irish Industry, Dublin, and for t h e Queen's College, Cork, under direction of President Sullivan Slow Combustion Stoves, Musgrave's A n Aquarium 21 A Pair of Entrance Gates 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 tt w i t h cast-iron Piers ft Gothic A Scale Stand, Beam and Dishes 26 A Blacksmith's Sledge Quarry Sledge 27 Quarry Wedge St&nd No. 489 1 BARTHOLOMEW OOOKE, 14 Tuokey Street, Cork L i l y Fountain 2 L i l y Lobby Light 3 Two Counter Canisters 4 5 T w o Sets Toilet Ware Two Churns 6 Plate Carrier 7 S i x Shelf Canisters 8 9 Two Persian Sponge B a t h s Moulded Oxford B a t h 10 Moulded Windsor B a t h 11 Moulded Malvern B a t h Official Catalogue. S e c t i o n C—Class 1 5 Stand Ho. 4 9 0 EDWARD EVANSON ASHE & SON, V.S., M.R.C.V.S , 36 George's Street, Cork H O K S E SHOES. 1 Two Sets of Eating Plates 2 3 „ Hunting Shoes One Set of Ordinary Harness Shoes 4 „ 5 Two 6 One 7 „ 8 9 10 11 „ ,, „ „ „ „ „ Trotting Shoes Shoes, t o prevent " brushing" "Rubber" Shoes, for frosty weather " Diamond " Shoes, with frost cogs ,, „ ,, " Eocking " Shoes, for cart horses Cart Horse Shoes „ „ (two plain and two bar) One Shoe, w i t h spring for sandcrack 12 One Hinge Bar Shoe 13 One Set of Charlier Shoes stand No. 491 WILLIAM SHEEHAN, Coole, Carrignanar Horse Shoes Stand No. 4 9 2 MICHAEL O'LEARY, 6 Prosperity Square, Cork One Case of Horse Shoes, twenty-four i n number Stand No. 4 9 3 JEREMIAH HEFFERNAN, Foreman Saunders, V.S., 3 Crane Lane, Cork to William One Case of Horse Shoes, consisting of Eacing Plates, Hunting Shoes, Carriage Horse Shoes, Cart Horse Shoes Stand No. 4 9 4 JAMES ALCOCK, Cavendish Row, Bandon Hunting Horse Shoes, free from suction of the land, and cannot b« easily pulled off Stand No. 495 JAMES D. SCANNELL, Veterinary Surgeon, Wairen'e Place, Cork Horse Shoes i n glass case Cork Industrial Exhibition 144 S e c t i o n C—Class 1 5 Stand No. 496 1 2 3 4 5 CORNELIUS COLLINS, Beliring, Inniscarra, Co. Cork S e t of H u n t i n g Horse Shoes „ „ Eacing , for carriage horses ,, for cart ,, Pair of Bar Shoes 6 Hammer for turning Horse Shoes 7 Shoeing Hammer s t a n d No. 4 9 7 J O H N & J E R E M I A H M U R P H Y , CaJierlog, D u n k e t t l e , Cork Horse S h oes Stand No. 4 9 3 J O H N CHRISTOPHER DALY, 1 M!eatli's Cottages, off Wentworfch. Place, Grand Canal Street, Dublin Specimens of Horse-shoeing o n t h e Natural Foot, w i t h Introductions of Horse-shoeing. Exhibitor's o w n invention Veterinary Instruments Stand No. 499 1 DAVIES BROTHERS & C O , Wolverhampton, England Crown Iron Works, Boof over stand—Example of a Galvanized Corrugated Fire-proof H a y Boof, supported o n cast-iron columns A N e s t of Galvanized and Painted Open Cisterns, from 20 t o 500 gallons 2 3 Three Galvanized 2-feet Cube Tanks, for h o t water, i n 3 thicknesses One Galvanized Wrought-iron Cattle Trough i One 200-gallons Ship's Tank, painted 5 One Galvanized Wrought-iron Circulating Cylinder, for h o t water 6 7 One 50-gallons Galvanized Wrought-iron Water Cistern Samples of Galvanized Bain Water Pipes 8 Samples of ,, ,, Gutters 9 10 Samples of ,, _ ,, Heads, Shoes, and Elbows Samples of Zinc Gutter and Pipes 11 Samples of Galvanized Bolts, N u t s , Washers, N a i l s for fixing Gal vanized Booflng Sheets 12 One Galvanized Portable Manure P u m p 13 Three Galvanized Wrouglit-iron Wheelbarrows, various sizes Official Catalogue. H5 S e c t i o n C—Class 1 5 Stand 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 No. 499 —continued. One each, Iron and Wood Sack Trucks One Galvanized Wrought-iron Cask Stand Samples of various kinds Galvanized Iron Buckets Samples of Galvanized and Tinned Wash-hand Basins, wood-handle bowls, manure jets One Nest of Galvanized Iron Washing Tubs One Nest of ,, Tijrnip Skeps One each, Round and Rectangular Galvanized Iron Corn Bins Eight Rolls, various sizes, galvanized wire netting Samples of Tinned Milk Pans Samples of Galvanized Iron Milk Cans Stand No. 500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 CORK GAS CONSUMERS' CO., Cork Gas Cooking Ranges Large Kitcheners for Hotels, &c. Hot Plates Hotel Stock Pot Burners Hotel Grillers Boiling Arrangements Cooking Utensils Radial Burners Burners for Coffee Urns Bath Heaters Instantaneous Water Heaters Cross-tube Boilers for baths Heating Stoves and Fires Incandescent Fires Calorifers Bath Boilers Dutch Ovens Steamers Gas Distributors Blow Pipes Argand Bunsen Treble Furnace 146 Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n C—Class 1 5 Stand 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 34 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 No. 500—continued. Solid Flame Burner Low Temperature Burner Blowing Apparatus Melting Arrangement Injector Furnace Gas Forge Draft Furnace Muffle Blast „ Soldering Iron Heaters Hatters' and Tailors' Stoves Office Cooker Gas Trivets Nickelled Incandescent Fires Powerful Lamps for out-door use Powerful Lamps for in-door use Christiana Burners for domestic use Christiana Globes, various patterns Reading Lamps with non-actinic Screens Argand Burners Patent Table Burners Chandeliers, Brackets, and Portable Pillars Sun Burners Ventilating Lights Stand No. 501 GEORGE E. WEBSTER & CO., Terrace St., Hyson Green, Nottingham 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Duplex Incandescent Gas Burners Photometer and Demonstrar for illustrating consumption of Gas Governor for Gas Screens Revolving Lights for Advertising Sanitary or Condensing Stoves Gas Fires and Boiling Stoves, Fire Lighters Refrigerators, Large and Small Descriptions Potato Peelers, and Model of Anti-Priming and Circulator Modifica tions for Steam Boilers Official Catalogue. S e c t i o n C—Class 1 5 Stand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No. 502 EDWARD SYDNEY, 191 New North Road, London, N . Patent Duplex Gas Burner, to burn at low pressure Solid Flame Boiling Stoves Patent Cooking Stove Patent Incandescent Gas Fire Patent Sanitary Stove for heating and lighting Patent Condensing Stove Assortment of Gas Stoves, Cooking Appliances Stand No- 503 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 THOMAS HERON, Chief Offices, Pump Street Works, London Road, Manchester Heron's Patent Duplex Gas Burners, 12/- per doz. „ Street Lamp, 80 candles ,, O'Connell Lantern, 100 candles ,, Wallsend ,, 120 „ „ Tyne „ 200 „ „ 2.000-candle Lantern, as fitted at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, S.E., the Largest Lamp in the World Heron's Patent Perfect Lamp, 18 opal globe ti it 15 ,, >> tt 12 ,, „ Hall Lamp, 20 half-circle globe ,, Phatometcr, for testing gas burners ,, Eevolving Demonstrating Appliance All kinds of Gas-lighting Appliances Stand No. 504 DAVID WILLIAMS & SON, Phcenix Works, Chester; and 151 Strand, London 1 Brass and Gas Fittings, Window Casements 2 Church and Domestic Windows Stand No. 505 JOHN & EDWARD WALSH, 37 Paul Street, Cork PAINTED WOKK. 1 2 3 4 5 1 Malvern or Open Bath Oxford Hip Bath Toilet Can Hot Water Can Ladies' Watering Pot Large Watering Pot 7 Small Watering Pot 8 Travelling Sample of Oxford Hip Bath 9 Travelling Sample of Toilet Can and Hot Water Can Cork Industrial Exhibition 148 S e c t i o n C—Class 15 Stand Ho. 505—continued. BRIGHT T I N WORK. 25-gallon Tinned Iron Brassmounted Churn 11 15-gallon Tinned Iron Plain Churn 10 12 13 14 15 3-gallon Milking Can 3-gallon Milk Can, covered Fish Kettle Sundries in Kitchen Utensils COPPER W O R K . Yane, with emblem of dove with olive branch in bill 17 Braizing Pot 18 Stock Pot 16 Stand No. 506 19 20 21 22 Frying Pan 5-gallon Copper Spirit Measure 1-pint ,, ,, i-naggin „ ROBERT PULVERT AFT, Brass and Copper Works. 119 George's Street, Cork W O R K , OWN M A N U F A C T U R E . 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 Brass Bar Light Desk Rail Shop Fittings Water Cocks Gauge Cocks Pet Cocks Steam Cocks Railway Carriage Handles and Hinges 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Gas Main Cocks Bar Taps Bath Cocks Large Spirit and Bar Taps Bronze Castings Boat Fittings Door Steps Force and Pickle Pumps COPPER W O R K , OWN M A N U F A C T U R E . 17 Three Copper Boilers 18 Large Branch Tie 19 Large Bend IMPORTED S T E A M FITTINGS. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Pressure Gauges Steam Valves Gland Cocks Water Gauges Pet Cocks Patent Water Injectors Patent Organ Whistles 27 28 29 30 31 32 Patent Oil Cans Back-pressure Valves Check Valves Brass and Needle Lubricators Gauge Glasses Steam Unions Official Catalogue. 149 Section C—Class 15 Stand No. 507 DANIEL MILLER & OO., 29 Church Street, Dublin Copper and Brass-work for Distilleries, Breweries, Sugar Refineries, Plumbers, Land and Marine Engineers, &c. Stand No. 508 JOHN MURPHY", 6 2 Thomas Street, Dublin Large Church Bell, to stand on frame in open space, 25 cwts., in the key of D Stand No. 509 ULSTER TIN CO., 107 Donegal! Street, Belfast Plain and Decorated Tin Canisters Stand 1 2 3 4 5 6 No. 510 WILLIAM JOHN PORTER, Grand Parade, Cork Patent Floor Covering Ornamental Brass and Iron Bedstead, with Expansion Bar, &c. Solid Brass Fender, hand-made Set Fire-brasses, special design Pair of Ornamental Brass Dogs or Fender Rests Special Whitechapel Perambulator Stand No. 511 W. CURTIS & SON, Abbey Street, Dublin Pump and Brass-work, Brass Fittings for Steamer, Gas, Nidkel Plating, &c. CLASS 16. Gold and Silver Plate, A r t Metal Work, Jewellery. Stand No. 512 1 2 3 4 5 BRETON & SONS, Silversmiths, Jewellers and Watch makers, 100 St. Patrick Street, Cork Art Silver Ordinary Plate for domestic use, such as Dinner and Tea Services. Spoons, Forks, &c. Some beautiful specimens of Antique Silver Diamond Jewellery, consisting of Bracelets, Brooches, Earring, Rings, &c. Fine Gold J ewellery of every description Cork Industrial Exhibition •5° S e c t i o n C—Class 1 6 Stand No. 512 —continued. 6 Selection of the finest London-manufactured Watches, Chronometers, Half-Chronometers, Repeaters, Chronographs, &c. 7 Selection of "Watches of American manufacture ; "Watches by tha American "Watch Co., Waltham, Mass., U.S.A. 8 Selection of "Watches manufactured in Switzerland 9 Selection of Various Novelties Stand No. 513 1 2' 3 4 5 JAMES F. O'CROWLEY, 89 George's Street, Cork Gold and Silver Jewellery Lane Testimonial consists of a centre-piece or epergne, supported on hexagonal ebony stand, is a vine tree artistically furnished with leaves and f r u i t ; on the top is a large glass dish embedded in the tendrils of the vine, and three branches jutting out in relief hold three smaller dishes. The sections of the Stand are beautifully mounted with raised figures, suggestive of Industry, Labour, and Art, by the models of Ploughman, "Woman a t Spinning-wheel, Smith, Artist at easel, and Carpenter. There is also a plate for inscription, surmounted by the Cork Arms. The height of this article is about 36 inches, and weighs about 200 ounces of solid silver, the entire being executed by Exhibitor, and is the first piece of heavy silver work manufactured in Cork for years. I t is after the design of Miss Caroline Beatson, Cork School of Art Ink Stand, in silver, to order of C. S. Parnell Esq., M. P. A variety of Crest Brooches Ornaments made for Lady Arnott, including Beautiful Necklet A variety of Articles in gold and silver Chains, Lockets, Bracelets, Earrings, Wedding Rings. Crosses, together with specimens of mountings in Pipes, Connemara Marble Goods, Spar Goods, &c. Stand No. 514 HOPKINS <fc HOPKINS, 1 Lower Sackville St., Dublin Manufactures in Gold and Silver Spoons, Forks, Jugs, &c., all mado by Exhibitor Stand No. 515 FRANCIS BRENNAN, 8 3 Patrick Street, Cork Watches of the American-Waltham Watch Company, as Agent for the Company Diamond Work Stand No. 516 DAVID ANDERSEN, Christiania, NorwayOne Case of Filagree Work Official Catalogue. 15' S e c t i o n C—Class 1 6 Stand No. 517 LEVETUS BROTHERS Canada Works, Vittoria Street, Birmingham An Assortment of Mercurial Fire Gilt Jewellery, consisting of Alberts, Seals, Lockets, Brooches, Ear-rings, Chains, &c., and Sterling Silver Jewellery Stand No. 518 JOHN JACQUES, London Royal Aquarium, Westminster, Jewellery, Bog Oak Carving, Spar Jewellery, Rings, Chains, &c., Gold and Silver Puzzle Rings, made at Stall stand No. 519 JOHN HENLEY, 5 3 George's Street, Cork 1 3 Gold Albert Chains 2 3 Gold Puzzles 3 6 Gold Scarf Pins 4 3 Gold Lockets and Pendants 5 6 Gold Rings 6 A Lot of Silver Chains, Rings, &c. 7 3 Pairs Gent's Braces mounted in Silver 8 Silver Art Work in Brooches and Earrings 9 16 Silver Brooches with Local Views 10 Silver Bracelet, Blarney Castle 11 Gold "Watches, Silver Watches, "Specimens" 12 Gold and Silver Jewellery, London and Birmingham-made 13 Frenc^Clock, goes for 400 days 14 French Clock, visible escapement, with new rotary motion to Pendulum 15 1 Pair Parisian Bronzes 16 Electro-Gilding and Silver-Plating process explained to visitors ; who can have articles gilt or silvered Jewellery manufactured at Stall. Process of melting, &c., explained to visitors stand No. 520 FRANC ATI & SANTAMARIA, Babuino, Rome, and 65 Hatton Garden, London Cameos and Mosaics, Roman and Byzantine Jewellery, Corals, Lava, and Coral Shells, Works, Marbles, &c Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n C—Class 1 6 Stand 1 2 -• 4 No. 521 KATE NOLAN, 37 Donnybrook, Dublin Machine for making Hair Jewellery Bouquet of Flowers made of Hair Guard Chain, 2 yards in length, made of 3-inph Hair Earrings, Brooches, Bracelets, made of Combings of Hair Stand No. 522 JOHN NEFF, 71 Grand Parade, Cork 1 Silver Jewellery manufactured in Cork Watches, movements finished in Cork 3 Clocks, movements finished in Cork 4 A Novel Design of Clock, modelled and manufactured in Cork Stand No. 523 EDWARD H. HACKETT, Grand Parade, Cork Jewellery Stand No. 524 WILLIAM EGAN & SONS, 3 3 Patrick Street, Cork 1 Silver Model of Shandon Church Tower, etc., complete, with clock movement working, showing the time on each of the four dials in tower. Manufactured by Exhibitor 2' Six Gold and Silver Watches, movements manufactured in Cork. Manufactured by Exhibitor 3 Bracelets, Lockets, and Silver Jewellery, also Cork manufacture. Manufactured by Exhibitor 4 Miniature Keyless Watch, set in gold, as Signet Ring 5 Diamonds, Ornaments, Pendants, Bracelets, Rings, Brooches, etc. ft Silver Plate 7 Brass Goods, Church Plate and Furniture, Bronzes, eifc. 8 Clocks Staid No. 525 W. H. GRANT <fc CO., Carpenter's Lane, Foleshill, Coventry Complete Apparatus, illustrating the process of Electro-metallurgy, or the depositing of Precious Metals upon articles of Jewellery, Plate, etc., showing the various stages] in Gilding, Bronzing, Electro-typing, etc. At work daily. Stand No. 526 JOHN M'GLATJGHLIN & SON, 4 8 Great Brunswick Street, Dublin Art Work in Metal, for Ecclesiastical and Domestic purposes. Manu factured by Exhibitor. Materials imported Official Catalogue. *53 S e c t i o n C—Class 1 6 Stand No. 526a PURCEEL & CO., 124 Patrick Street, Cork Antique Metal "Work (copies from 16th and 17th centuries) for use and decoration ill t h e Drawingroom, Boudoir, or Library, and for Mural Decorations, and for Presentation purposes Feather Work and Painted Fans, &c. Stand No. 527 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 JOHN PERRY & SONS, 89 Patrick St.; 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17 Academy St.; Works—1 & 3 French Church St., Cork One Pair of Nave Entrance Church Gates, all Hammered Wrought Iron, with emblems of the Apostles Ss. Peter and Paul One Pair Ornamental Pillars for same One Pair Altar Rail Gates, all Hammered Wrought Iron and Brass, Floral Design One Pair do., with Brass Enrichments, Sacramental Emblems Communion Rail Panel to match same Ornamental Pillar, with Brass Furnishings, for Communion Rail One Pair Hammered Wrought Iron and Brass Altar Rail Gates, Classic Design Single Altar Rail Gate, Brass Floreations Candelabra, 25-Light Three Pieces Ornamental Flower Work Ornamental Wrought Iron Pillar-with Oak Stand Altar Safe with Illuminated Door and Lined with Cedar and White Satin Casket or Reliquary in Ornamental Brass Ten Confraternity Shields with Emblems of the Apostles and Bishops Lamp Pendant, 3-Light Lamp Pendant, 4-Light Sanctuary Lamp Weight in Decorated Iron and Brass, with Orna mental Chains and Pulleys Ornamental Statue Bracket and Pillar All the above our own manufacture Stand No. 528 JEREMIAH HEALY, IS Henn St., Killarney, Kerry Wrought Iron Altar Candlestick Cork Itidustrial Exhibition iS4 Section. C—Class 1 6 stand No. 529 ETTGENE M'CAKTHY, lien Street, Skibbereen IRON WORK. 1 Communion Gates of Skibberreen ' ' Pro Cathedral" 2 Entrance Gate of Railing for a Grave stand No. 530 BENJAMIN WATSON, 6 & 7 Bobert Street, Cork 1 Pair of Ornamental Wr ought-Iron Avenue Entrance Gates, 11 ft. wide by 7 ft. 6 in. high 2 Ornamental Wrought-Iron Wicket Gate, for Flower Garden at Queen's College, Cork 8 Ornamental Wrought-Iron Communion Standard 4 Ornamental Wrought-Iron Choir Screen or Chancel Screen Panel 5 Ornamental Wrought-Iron Pane], for inserting into Timber Entrance Gates, or suitable for Glass Porch Entiance, also for Chancel or Choir Screen SECTION V I T R E O U S A N D CERAMIC M A N U F A C T U R E S CLASS 17. Glass. stand No. 531 1 2 3 4 5 A. M. ALLAN & CO., Forth Glass Works, Firhill Koad, Glasgow Plain and Prismatic Deck and Side Lights Pressed Glassware Blown and Engraved Glassware Medical and Dispensing Bottles (special Quinine Tint) Medical and Dispensing Bottles (White Flint) stand No. 532 IBISH GLASS BOTTLE CO., Charlotte Quay, Dublin Black Glass Bottles of all kinds, manufactured by Exhibitors Official Catalogue. S e c t i o n D—Class 1 7 stand No. 533 ALEXANDER BROWN & SON, 175 Lower Church Street, Dublin Square Glass Case containing Apothecaries', Druggists', and Per fumers', and Spirit Bottles, oval and flat stand No. 534 RINGSEND BOTTLE CO., Limited, Fitzwffliam Quay, Ringsend, Dublin. J. O. Fussell, Secretary BOTTLES Wine and Spirit Quarts, Pints, and Half-pints, Black Glass ,, Clear Glass Carboys and Mineral Water Bottles Stand No. 535 DUBLIN GLASS BOTTLE CO., North Lotts, Dublin Wine, Ale, Porter and Spirit Bottles, of every Size and Shape, also specimens of the various Materials used in the manufacture Stand No. 536 DANIEL SHEEHAN, 109 & 110 Patrick Street, Cork Case containing specimens of Table Glass made and cut in Cork i a the beginning of this century. These pieces are from the celebrated Works of the late Messrs. Foley & O'Connell, Hanover Street, and Messrs. R. & E. Ronayne, " T h e Terrace" Glass Works, South Terrace Also a few pieces of " Waterford " Glass made by the late Mr. Gatchell Stand No. 537 DANIEL P. HOGAN, House Painter, S3 Lough Road Cork 1 Embossed Glass Panel in Black and Gold Frame 2 Cork Arms on glass in Gold and Silver and Ornamental Letters ; in Gold and Colors and Embossed Gold Letters. Black and Gold Frame All executed by Exhibitor Stand 1 2 3 4 No. 538 THOMAS JONES & SON, SO Grenville Quay, Cork Grocer's Shelf and Counter Canisters Coal Vases, Dressing Cases, &c. Samples of Writing, Gilding, and Embossing on Glass Lettering and Ornamenting on Sand Blast Glass Stand No. 539 FRANCIS H. GODFREY, 98 Cromao Street, Belfast Initial Letters, Heraldry and Ornamental Door Panels, embossed in Gold and Silver on Glass Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n D—Class 1 7 Stand No. 540 THOMAS BRINDLEY, 18 Grand Parade and 2 3 Castle Street, Cork Artistic and Domestic Cut and Engraved Glass Stand No. 541 DANIEL T. LEWIS, 27 School Lane, Liverpool GLASS-BLOWING! 1 2 3 i 5 Saccharometers Lactometers Barometer and Thermometer Tubes Spirit Levels High Power Lenses for Microscopes and other Philosophical Instru ments. Manufactured at the Stand in the Exhibition Stand No. 542 1 2 3 4 5 6 PATRICK CAHILL, Optician, 17i Wellington Quay Dublin Improved Steel Spectacles Improved Steel Folding Eye-glasses Tortoise-shell Folders Improved Nickel Eye-glasses Improved Gold Spectacles Improved Gold Eye-glasses, Telfscopes, Field-glasses, &c. The above-named Spectacles and Eye-glasses are partly manufactured in England ; lenses ground, grooved, and glazed by Exhibitor Stand No. 543 JAMES J. M'CARTHY", Princes Street, Fermoy A Decorated Glass Tabernacle stand No. 544 JOHN LANE, 106 George's Street, Cork 1 Glass Chandelier 2 Stained Glass CLASS 18. Pottery. stand No. 545 1 GEORGE CHEAVIN, Wide Bargato Filter Works, Boston, Lincolnshire, England Collection of Improved Patent Gold Medal Rapid Water Filters manufactured in hard stoneware Official Catalogue. I 57 S e c t i o n D—Class 1 8 Stand No. 545 —continued. 2 3 i 5 Ornamental Refrigerator Filter, manufactured in Terra Cotta ware Ornamental Iron-stone China Filter, decorated Improved Syphon Filter Improved Si;lf-acting Cistern Filter (in wrought prepared galvanized iron), fitted with Improved Valve, whereby the speed of filtration can he regulated. For domestic, manufacturing, and general purposes stand No. 546 OATES & GREEN, Horley Green Fire Clay and Sanitary Tube Works, and Beacon Hill Fire Brick and Red Brick Works, Halifax 1 Green's Patent Wall Trap, for fixing under the wall where there is no right of front line heyond the building, or where the building abuts to the public causeway. I t is double-trapped, ventilated and the sink pipe is entirely disconnected from the sewer 2 Patent Ventilating Trap; can he closed and trapped, or opened for ventilation by means of the plug 3 Patent O.G. Trap and Dishstone ; has an improved dish made to fit into the socket of the t r a p ; at the top of the outlet pipe is an opening, covered by a movable disc or lid, for use in case the outlet pipe requires connecting with the surface or rain spouts, or for inserting a cleaning rod to remove any obstruction from the drain Stand No. 547 ROBERT BURNS, Ballynakelly Pottery, Coalisland Co. Tyrone Earthenware, Black and Yellow Glazed Tall Crocks, Wash Pans,. Milk Pans, and Flowc r-pots and Saucers Stand No. 548 ROBERT BURNS, Ballynakelly Pottery, Coalisland, Co. Tyrone Terra Cotta—some hand-painted, merely exhibited to show manufac ture of goods rather than painting Stand No. 549 JOHN FLEMING & CO., Tourig Pottery, near Youghal 1 Ornamental Vases, Fern Pans, and Flower Pots 2 Milk and Wash Bowls, Gream and Bread Crocks '58 Cork hidustrial Exhibition S e c t i o n D—Class 1 8 Stand No. 549 —continued. 3 Roofing and Flooring Tiles of various sizes, and Garden Tiles. 4 Perforated, Pressed, and Common Building Bricks Stand No. 550 DANIEL SHEEHAN", 109 110 Patrick Street, Cork 1 "The Munster" Terra-Cotta Heating Stove, J . C. W. M'Laim, Inventor 2 New Vaporizing Stove, heated by gas ® >; >, by petroleum 4 Terra-Cotta Stove, Blackleaded, for gas or petroleum " Black and Gold, Decorated, for gas or petroleum ® > Black Decorated |( 7 ,, Plain jj Plain, for petroleum, for either double or single Burner Manufactured by Exhibitor from Terra-Cotta made in Youghal Co. Cork ° Stand No. 551 WILLIAM P. PARSONS, 3 3 Lambeth Road, London, S.E.. 1 A Potter s Wheel in motion, from the Royal Aquarium, Westminster, London, working daily 2 Miniature Pottery-ware 3 Showing the Art of Pottery-ware on the Potter's Wheel Stand No. 552 J. T. N U N A N & CO., 68 Shandon St., and 3 3 Great George's St., West, Cork 1 Imitations of Terra-Cotta and Antique Yases, from one to three feet in height 2 The now famous Porous Flower Pots, from two to eighteen inches in diameter 3 Garden Stands, Flower Baskets, Fern Stands, &c. &c. THE DAISY 4 Milk Pans, from 1 to 4 gallons 5 Cream Crocks, all sizes 6 Butter Crocks, all sizes 7 Water Pitchers, &c. &c. All Home Manufacture Official Catalogue. *59 S e c t i o n D—Class 1 8 stand No. 553 DOULTON & CO., Lambeth, London 1 A very handsome Carved Walnut Mantel-piece, with hand-painted tiles, birds, flowers, &c., fitted with a Doulton No. 20 J . D. 2 Brown Glaze Fire-place, with Brown Glaze Fender Kerb and Decsrated Hearth Tiles 3 A Handsome Black and Gold Over-mantel, with Silvered Plate-glass, and liand-painted Cord 4 Samples of Doulton's Glazed Fender Kerbs and Hearth Tiles 5 Art Vases, Bowls, Plaeques, Filters, &c., in Doulton Ware, Lambeth Faience 6 Doulton Impaste Ware ,, Decorated and Silicon Ware 7 Hand-Painted Tiles for sides of Grates, Cabinet Work, kc. stand No. 554 JASPER DRURY & SONS, Youghal, Co. Cork 1 Garden Pots and Stands, Plain and Ornamental 2 Garden Vases, Plain and Orna mental 3 Seed Pans 4 Sea-kale Pots 0 Hyacinth Pots 6 Orchid Pots 7 Pigeon Bowls 8 Earthenware, Assorted Stand No- 555 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Milk Pans of all sizes Building Bricks Flooring Tiles Roofing Tiles Chimney Tops Flue Linings Drain Pipes Miniature Ware and V; Plates for Painting Rustic Baskets JOHN H. PERROTT, Hayfield, Cork Specimens of Ornamental Stained Glass (Vitremanie) in three windows Stand No. 556 Rev. W. HANLON, Innishannon Panel of Stained Glass (section of window), Style Early English ; from Studio of Rev. W. Hanlon, Innishannon, Co. Cork Cork Industrial Exhibition 160 S e c t i o n D—Class 1 8 Stand No. 557 PATRICK M'OANN, 6 2 Lower Jervis St., Dublin 1 Stained Glass Windows 2 Bent Glass for Carriage Lamps Stand No. 558 1 JOHN SISK & SON, 1 Oove Street, Cork Six Panels of floor and Wall Tiling suitable for pavements, wall linings, fire-places and hearths, and many other purposes of decoration Stand Nos. 559, 560 & 561 THOMAS CAREY & CO. and F P. SHEEHAN, 88 Patrick St. and 1 Market Buildings, Grand Parade, Cork 1 Fine Pair Painted French Figures 2 Pair Majolica Figures, Man-at-Arms and Huguenot 3 Pair Fine Painted Dresden Cupid Ewers 4 „ „ Figure Candelabras 5 j, 19 >> 6 Portrait on Porcelain of Lord Bandon 7 ,, Sir George Colthurst, Bart. 8 ,, L. A. Beamish, Esq. 9 „ Sir D. V. O'Sullivan 10 „ Captain P. Beamish 11 „ D. E. Leahy, Esq., D.L. 12 „ Thomas Lyons, Esq., J.P. 13 „ M. D. Daly, Esq., J.P. 14 „ R. U. P. Fitzgerald, Esq., D.L. 15 ,, N. D. Murphy, Esq., D. L, 16 Dresden Cupid Dessert Dish, surmounted by figures 17 to 33 San-pies of Dessert, Breakfast and Tea Services, in Crown Derby, Worcester and Coalport Porcelain IRONSTONE D I N N E R SERVICES Belleek (Co. Fermanagh) China Vases, Shells and Figures Belleek Ornaments mounted in Sheffield Silver French China Mirrors, raised flowers Official Catalogue. Section D—Class 1 8 Stand Nos. 559, 560 & 561 —continued. GLASS Loan Collection of old Cork Cut Glass 31 Tall Glass (Cut) Duplex Lamp 32 ,, ,, 33 S4 Engraved and Cut samples of Cut and Engraved Glass, and Table Decorations 35 Wall Mirrors mounted in velvet 36 Engraved (Dublin) Jugs, Irish Emblems •stand No. 562 DANIEL SHEEHAN, 109 & 110 St. Patrick's Street, Cork Belleek Porcelain Manufactory, Belleek, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland STATUARY PORCELAIN 1 " Prisoner of Love " 2 " Hibernia Awaking from Her Slumbers " 3 Two Busts, " Joy " and "Sorrow" D E S S E R T CENTRES A N D PI E C E S . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Minstrel Centre-Piece Prince of Wales'Centre Prince of Wales' Ice Pail Vase, Bronze and Gold Two Tri-boy Composts Bittern Compost One Dessert Service, Ivory China, Painted and Gilt Two Tall Naiades Flower Pot Holders Two Low„ „ „ F A N C Y C H I N A ARTICLES. 12 13 14 15 16 Two 3-Light Candelabra, Raphaelesque and Gilt Two 3-Light Candelabra, Pearl Two Chinese Dejeuner Urns Echinus and Japanese Thorn Dejeuner Services Samples of Echinus Eggshell China, as supplied to Her Majesty th» Queen 17 Miscellaneous Collection of Belleek China Articles, Shells, Teapots, Jugs, &c. I k-, Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n D—Class 1 8 Stand No. 562-continued. 18 A Large Collection of Minton's Celebrated China, consisting of Vases, Majolica, Dinner, Dessert, and Tea Urn, &c. 19 20 21 22 Doulton Art Pottery Rose's Celebrated Salopian China Samples of Irish Glass, made at the Dublin Flint Glass Works Hink's Patent Duplex Suspension Lamp in Doulton's Lambeth Waro Stand No. 563 1 2 3 4 5 DANIEL SHEEEAN, 109 & 110 Patrick Street, Cork Cut Flint Glass, Duplex Lamps Doulton Ware „ ,, Dresden China „ ,, Patent Argand Shadowless Lamps Zoological Duplex Lamps Stand No. 563a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 STEPHEN BAILEY, 4 4 Great George's Street, and 2 Brunswick Street, Cork Richly Cut Crystal Pillar Table Lamps, fitted -with Patent Duplex Extinguisher Burner Superior Eisen Bronze Base and Pillar Lamps, fitted with Patent Lever Extinguisher Burner Superior Cuverre Table Lamps, fitted with Opaline Fount and Patent Duplex Extinguisher Burner Very Superior Cast Brass Pillar Lamps, fitted with Patent Multum in uno Duplex Burners' Richly Decorated Bohemian Vase Lamps, fitted with Improved Duplex Burners Eisen and Brass Base Richly Decorated Bohemian Vase, on Enamel Ground, fitted with Patent Duplex Extinguisher Burners Enamelled and Brass Base Table Lamps, Richly Decorated Bohemian Base on Coral Ground, fitted with Lever Extinguisher Burners Opal Table Lamps. Gilt Blue, Decorated, Loose Fount, fitted with Improved Burners Plated Crystal Base Table Lamps with. Crystal and Threaded Ruby Flowers and Patent Lever Extinguisher Burners Punkah Lamps, Finest Majolica, Richly Decorated Indian Figure, Loose Fount and best Burners CHANDELIEKS, 3 - L I G H T 11 Very Superior Cast Brass Mounts, Richly Decorated Dishes, Vase, and Founts Official Catalogue. 163 I S e c t i o n D—Class 1 8 Stand No. 583a—continued. 2-LIQHT. 12 Eisen Bronze Frame and Baskets, Brass Chains, Cut Crystal Founts, fitted with Patent Duplex Extinguisher Burners 13 Hall Lamps. Antique Bronze Arms, Brass Chains, fitted with most Improved Burners 14 Oil Cooking Stoves Stand No. 564 FREDERICK VODREY, 37 Mary St. and 19 Moore St., Dublin 1 Dublin-Manufactured Pottery from Irish Clays 2 Home and Foreign Cut and Engraved Table and Ornamental Glass 3 China and Earthenware Stand No, 565 L. BOYD, Bccclicroft, Strandtown, Belfast 1 Umbrella Stand, made of Chimney Tile, painted by Exhibitor 2 Earthenware Flower Pot, ornamented by Exhibitor SECTION E . Manufactures f r o m t h e S k i n s a n d other p a r t s of A n i m a l s ( e x c l u s i v e of "Wool, etc.) CLASS 19. Dressed Skins for Hearth Rugs, etc.; Eurs, Hair, Feathers, Horn, Tortoise Shell, Bones, Shells, Gut, etc. stand No. 566 Mrs. MARY CALLAN, 2S South Frederick St., Dublin Hair Ornaments consisting of Bracelets, Rings, Chains, Brooches, Earrings, Necklaces, Solitaire and Eyeglass, Chains, Feroniers, Pencil Cases, Pens, Studs, Book Markers, Whips, Purses, &e., with Hair Cleansing and Restoring Wash, with other miscellaneous goods Cork Industrial Exhibition 164 S e c t i o n E—Class 1 9 Stand No 567 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D. S. HENDERSON & .CO., Artists in Hair Jewellery and Device Work, 31 Westmoreland Street, Dublin " A Lock of Hair " Jewellery of every description manufactured from Human Hair Landscapes and Heraldic Designs, reproduced entirely of Human Hair Mottoes, Monograms, Crests, Devices and Emblems made to order Speciality—Heraldic Designs in Hair The above mounted in Gold and Silver Bracelets, Brooches, Earrings Rings, Scarf Pins, Necklets Alberts, Chains, Crosses, &c., all of Human Hair, made and mounted by Exhibitors Heraldic Designs, Coat of Arms, Bouquet of Flowers Monograms, Names, Landscapes, and Devices, manufactured entirely of'Human Hair by Exhibitors Stand No. 568 C. MURPHY & CO., Belview Works, Dublin Curled Horse Hair Drassed Feathers Dressed Down Btand No. 569 c . &. J. O'SULLIVAN, Blarney Street, Cork 1 Manufactured Curled Hair in Rope, and teased ready for use 2 Raw or unmanufactured Hair 3 Washed and thoroughly purified Bed Feathers 4 Feathers in the raw or unpnrified state Stand No. 570 1 2 3 4 5 BOOTH < F E FOX, Cork Eider and Arctic Down Quilts, and Down Clothing Raw or undressed Irish Feathere Washed and Purified Bed Feathers Raw or undressed Irish Horse Hair Cleaned, ttoved and Curled Irish Horse Hair Official Catalogue. S e c t i o n E—Class 1 9 Stand No. 571 THOMAS MOOKLER, 5 & 6 Shandon Street, Cork 1 Sample Irish Raw Horse and Cow Hair, as collected 2 Samples of Black, White and Grey Curled Hair in rope vK » >t a 6 Samples of Black, White and Grey Curled Hair, opened ready for Upholstering 10 Sample of Irish Fleece W ool 11 Sample of Irish Moss 12 Sample of Irish Geese Feathers stand No. 572 DANIEL F. M'OARTHY, Feather and Hide Merchant, Lower Bridge Street, Mallow, Co. Cork 1 White Geese Feathers, used for Beds, &c. 2 Grey „ „ Stand No. 573 R. & J. M'KECHNIE, "Victoria" Dye Works, Cork; 1 Pembroke Street, Limerick; 2 Cecil Street Ostrich Feathers. These Feathers are imported by us as plucked from the ostrich in South Africa and Arabia. They are prepared, cleaned, dyed, and curled at our works in Cork Stand No, 574 HONORIA G-UBBINS, James's Street, Tipperary Lady's Boa manufactured from the Down of Geese Feathers, upwards of forty years ago, at a farm-house near Tipperary Stand No, 575 Mrs. CATHERINE COYNE, 7 3 Aungier Street, Dublin One liand-made Quilt, made by a Poor Widow Stand No. 576 PRIVATE THOMAS RYAN, 52nd Oxfordshire Light Infantry, New Barracks, Limerick Fancy Bed Quilt or Counterpane stand No. 577 J. & J. MAHONY, 112 to 114 Coombe, and Wall's Court, Dublin Stable, Fancy Painters' and General Household Brashes Cork Industrial Exhibition [66 S e c t i o n E—Class 19 stand No. 578 E. M'CAETHY &, CO., Brush, Bellows and Mat Manu facturers, 4 Great George's Street, Cork 1 2 3 4 5 6 Household Brushes and Bellows Stable Brushes and Bass Brooms Limers' Stock Brushes and Painters' Brushes Foot Brushes, with and without Scraper Hair and Cloth Brushes Miscellaneous Collection of Toilet, Stable, and Household Requisites,. viz.: Sponge, Chamois, Nail and Tooth Brushes, &c. 7 Mats, Carpet Whisks, and Chimney Sweeping Machines 8 Machine and Mill Brushes Stand No. 579 1 THOMAS JESSON, Mill Street Brush Works and Saw Mills, Galway Bass Brooms 4 Stove Brushes 2 Hair „ 5 Cloth ,, 3 Shoe Brushes 6 Hair „ And all kinds of Household and Fancy Brushes 7 Hammer Handles 9 Wheel Barrows 8 Sledge „ 10 Felloes And various kinds of Turnery and cut wood-work Stand No. 580 WILLIAM VARIAN, 106 Patrick Street, Cork 1 Brushes and Brooms for House, Stable._ Manufacturing, and Agri cultural purposes, made from pure Bristles, Piassava (Bass), Can® Tampica (Mexican Fibre), and Whisk 2 Raw Materials used in the manufacture of Brushes 3 Miscellaneous Articles, Wooden-ware, Bellows, &c. Stand No. 581 J. S. VAEIAN & CO., North Dublin Brush Factory, 9 3 Talbot Street, Dublin 1 2 Glass Case containing Hair Brushes, Cloth and H a t Brushes, &c. Horse-water Spoke, Dandy, Shoe Brushes, &c. t n 3 Various Brushes for Painting, Whitewash, Sweeping Bannisters, Bass Brooms, and for manufacturing purposes, made to order Official Catalogue. 167 Section E—Class 19 Stand No. 582 EDWARD WAGNER, 4 0 Gillabbey Street, Cork Brushes stand No. 583 JOHN GLENNON, 9 Dawson Street, Dublin Case containing Stuffed Fox and Wild Duck, and Feather Hats, &c., all made in Dublin Stand No. 584 FREDERICK R. ROHTJ, Naturalist and Furrier, 72 Grand Parade, Cork 1 2 3 4 5 Osprey in case, with partly devoured Fish Bewick's Swan in case, on the water The Widowed Duck ,, ,, Feather Hats, newest designs, Feather Screens, &c. Dressed Skins of Native and other Animals, manufactured into Muffs, Muff Bags, &c. 6 Zoological Lamp Stand No. 585 1 2 3 4 5 6 stand No. 586 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 JAMES TANK, 10 Aungier Street, Dublin Case, 2 Otters, with Trout; background River Scene, "Summer" Case, Fox with Rabbits ; background " Mid-summer " Case, Mallard and Duck ; " Winter Morning" Case, Owls and young ; " Moon-light " Robin in Winter ; " Anxious Enquirer " Irish Stags' Heads, Land 'Rail and young ; Harvest Scene as back ground WILLIAMS & SON, Naiuralists, 2 Daine St., Dublin Collection of Grallatores or Wading Birds, from Dublin Bay Otter and Cubs, or " River Poachers " " Disputed Ownership," Foxes Fighting " In the Covert," Pheasants and young Collection of Australian Birds Sparrow Hawks and young Wild Duck and young "Deadly Intentions," Hooded Crows preparing to attack a wounde.d seal; a Snow Scene Cork Industrial Exhibition 168 S e c t i o n E—Class 1 9 Stand 9 10 11 12 13 14 No. 586—continued. Herring Gulls and young Kingfishers in their haunt Case Common Snipe Case Jack Snipe Heads of West Highland Cattle, Kilos Heads of Black Buck, India, &c. Stand No. 587 ALFRED EOEU, 61 Grand Parade, Cork N A T U R A L H I S T O R Y SUBJECTS 1 Case of Sea Birds 2 Waterhens and young 3 " Just out," the Tail of a Sparrow 4 Marsh Owl in case, and various others Stand No. 588 1 2 4 5 CHARLES O'NEILL, Rutland Mills, Dolphin's Barn, Co. Dublin Vegetable Ivory Buttons & 3 Horn and Bone Buttons Wood Buttons Sundries Stand No. 589 ALEXANDER MITCHELL, 3 3 Upper Mocklenburgh Street, Dublin COMBS 1 Buffalo Horn 2 Tortoise Shell 3 Ivory Stand Nos. 590 & 591 JOHN JACQUES, Royal Aquarium, Westminster, London 1 Specimens of Art Carvings in Irish Bog Oak 2 Carved Jewel Casket in Bog Oak—design: National Emblems of Ireland 3 Model of the east side of North Cross, Clonmacnoise, King's Co. 4 Two Carved Book Slides, in Bog Oak 5 Ink Stand and Match Boxes ,, 6 A Variety of Personal Ornaments in Bog Oak, mounted in silver and gold 7 Specimens of Irish Spar Jewellery Official Catalogue. 169 Section. E—Class 1 9 Stand 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Nos 590 & 591—continued. Specimens of Crystal Jewellery A Variety of Fancy Jewellery Model of St. Bridget's Cathedral, Co. Kildare Specimens of British and Foreign Shells Clam Shells, Green Pearl Snail, Harp, Murex, Thorny Oyster, Cone Fig, Venetian, East, and other Shells A Variety of Shell Jewellery Table Ornaments, viz. : Shells, with Terra Catta Figures Specimens of White Coral from the Indian Ocean Pearl Shells, Hand-Painted, and adapted as ornaments for the Table Pearl Shells for Hand Painting Ornaments made out of Mother-of-Pearl Pink Coral Jewellery Stand No. 592 WILLIAM KING, Manufacturer, 3 0 Hardwicke Street, Dublin 1 Shell W oi'k and Coral Ornaments 2 Bog Oak and Spar, and Imitation Coral Pearls, &e. Stand No. 593 JAMES DILLON, Cattle Market Street, Cork Machine-Driving (Gut Belting) Bands and Window-sash lines These Bands are manufactured from the intestines of sheep, commonly called Catgut, from sun-dried material, considered tho best; all produced in Ireland, and only manufactured in Ireland CLASS 2 0 . Leather and Leather Goods, including Saddlery and Harness, Boots and Shoe?, and Gloves. Stand No. 594 RICHARD CLEAR, Watergate Street, Bandon Brogue Leather Stand No. 595 CATHERINE CREAN, 41 Irishtown, Clonmel 1 Foreign Sole Leather 2 Native Sols „ 3 Native Uppsr „ Co?-k Industrial Exhibition 170 S e c t i o n E—Class 2 0 stand No. 596 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 D U N N BROTHERS, Tanners, 26, 38, 3 9 & 4 0 Water course Road, and 4, 5, 6 & 7 Water Lane, Cork " Butts," tanned from heavy-salted River Plate ox-hides ' 1 Bends " tanned from same description of Hides " Crops " tanned from same, and got up in the Munster fold " Crops " tanned from same, and got up in the Dublin fold " Sides " tanned from same ' ' Offal" tanned from roundings of Butts and Bends Roundings of Butts and Bends untanned, called " Glue Pieces" by the trade, and used for sizing writing paper by paper manu facturers Stand No. 597 1 2 3 WTLLIAM HACKETT tfc CO., 4 Patrick's Quay, and 7 Watercourse Road, Cork Heavy Sole Leather as follows :— 20 South American heavy rounded Butts 10 „ ,, heavy crop Hides 12 ,, ,, heavy Bends Stand No. 598 EUGENE O'CALLAGHAN <fc SON, City Tanyard, Limerick 1 2 Bales of Sole Leather manufactured from South American Hide 2 3 * >f }) 8 3 » 1 it 4 3 ,, Irish Hides 5 2 '» » Stand No. 599 D. UYAN SON, 1, 3 & 3 Glen Lane, Cattle Market Street, Cork 1 Sole Leather 2 Harness and Upper Leather All manufactured from Irish Hides Stand No. 600 ROBERT FITZGIBBON, Tanner, Clarence Street, Cork 1 Prime-tanned Foreign B. A. Crops 2 Harness Leather Stand No. 601 J. J. DONOVAN, Stanfold, Quebec Leather Official Catalogue. 171 S e c t i o n E—Class 2 0 Stand No. 602 HAYES BROTHERS, New Row, South. Dublin Tanned and Curried Leather, all manufactured by Exhibitor stand No, 603 1 2 3 4 5 THOMAS RUSSELL, Old Bridge, Clonmel Harness Leather, brown Brogue „ „ Harness ,, black Shoe ,, brown Shoe ,, black waxed Stand No. 604 JOHN P. LYONS CO., Common's Tannery, Cork 1 Heavy Butts made from South American Hides 2 „ Crop Hides from „ ,, 3 „ Crops from Irish Hides in Dublin fold 4 „ Crops from Irish Hides in Cork fold 5 Satin Calf-skins, from Irish Calf-skins stand No. 605 JOHN TRACY, Tanner and Currier, Bishop St., Cork 1 Tanned and Curried Brogue Leather 2 „ ,, Heavy Shoe Leather 3 „ „ Light Shoe Leather 4 Harness Leather, tanned and curried Stand No. 606 TIMOTHY O'DRISCOLL, 6 5 Duncan Street, Cork Ladies' and Gentlemen's plain and fancy Boot and Shoe Uppers, all made at the Factory, Duncan Street, Cork Stand No. 607 JOHN F. LEVIS, Skibbereen, Co. Cork 1 Two Otter Skins from the River Hen, Skibbereen, Co. Cork 2 One Seal Skin from Cape Clear, Co. Cork 3 One Badger Skin from Mount Gabriel, Co. Cork 4 Upper Leather, manufactured in Skibbereen Cork Industrial 172 Exhibition Section E -Class 2 0 Stand No. 608 RICHARD NEVILLE & SONS, Massytown, Macroom, Co. Cork Satin Calf Memel Calf Russett Calf Kip Butt Shoe Butt Stand No. 609 Harness, brown ,, black 8 Shoe, brown 9 Brogue, brown 10 Waved Calf 6 7 JOHN ROWBOTHAM & SONS, Manchester 1 Leather Belting, Laces 2 Cotton Bandings 3 Mill Furnishing stand No. 610 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WILLIAM HEGARTY & SONS, Tanners, Curriers and Leather Merchants, Blarney Street, Cork Monster Kid Calf Horse „ Glove „ Satin Veala „ Calf „ Horse Memel Calf „ Goat „ Horse „ Kip Shoulders Waxed Calf „ Veals ,, Middlings Kip Butts 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Native Crupp Spanish Crupp Waterproof Brogue „ Shoe Russott Brogue ,, Shoa ,, Veals „ Calf Brown Strap Black ,, Levant Horse „ Kip „ Goat „ Kip Shoulders stand No. 611 KELLY, D U N N & CO., Limited, Watling St., Dublin 1 Parchment 2 Chamois 3 Whip Strings 4 Sausage Casings and Oils Official Catalogue. S e c t i o n E—Class 2 0 Stand No. 612 W E E. BOX & CO., 105 Middle Abbey St., Dublin 1 Riding, Racing, and Hunting Saddletrees and Side-saddletrees, finished and unfinished ; Bits and Stirrups, Harness Mountings,. Carriage Handles, Spring Locks, Pole Hooks, and Crabs. All requisites in Silver, Steel, and Brass lor the Coach-Building and Harness Makers' Trades 2 State and Civic Heraldic Coach and Harness Ornaments, Coats of Arms. Crests, Cyphers and Monograms, including for Her Majesty, the Viceroys De Grey and Marlborough, the Duke of Leinster, the City Arms of Dublin, of many Lord Mayors, including that of Daniel O'Connell, with its medallion of King William III., and the Star on a Mural Crown of Lord Mayor Dawson 3 Riding and Driving Whips, State Whip used by the High Sheriff of Dublin for year 1836 4 Set of Gold-mounted Miniature Driving Harness and Suit of Horse Clothing to correspond ; Miniature Riding Saddle and Stirrups. The Mountings, Trees, Plain and Patent Leather, Bridles, Bits, and Stirrups, as well as the finished articles, were mide by Exhibitors. Altogether, ten distinct branches of their trade were required to produce the goods in this case. All goods exhibited are of their own manufacture stand No. 613 H. MULCAHY & SON, 6 3 George's St., Cork, Army and Hunting Saddlers, and Harness Manufacturers 1 2 3 4 5 Lady's Improved Hunting Saddle Gentleman's ,, ,, Flat Racing Saddle Steeplechase ,, Double Set Improved Super-plated, Silver on German Silver CarriageHarness 6 Set Super-plated Silver on German Silver Gig Harness 7 Set Best Brass Brougham Harness All manufactured on our Premises. Miscellaneous Saddlery and Harness Goods, Stable Requisites, &c. Stand No. 614 MOETIMBP. O'LEAEY, Saddler and Harness Maker, New Street, Bantry 1 A Set of Gig Harness, with whole Buckles Silver on German, Silvered Hames, Patent 1 eather Collar, Saddle and Bridle. All Hand Work and made by Exhibitor 2 A Set of Gig Harness, Silver on German Silver Mounts, Patent Leather Collar, Saddle, and Bridle Cork Industrial Exhibition '74 S e c t i o n E—Class 2 0 Stand No. 614 —continued. 3 Two Sets Gig Harness, Solid Brass, Patent Leather Collars, Saddles, and Bridles; one Collar lined with Blue Serge and stuffed with Curled Hair, the other lined with Leather 4 A Set Gig Harness, Solid Brass Mounts, Patent Saddle and Bridle, Patent Leather Side Pieces on Collar, lined with Blue Serge, and stuffed with Curled Hair 5 Two Sets Extra-strong Posting Harness, Collars lined with Leather and stuffed with Culled Hair, and Saddles with Brass Plates, to prevent the skirts being torn by Backhand, Brass Hames, and Traces with Chains 6 A Set of Posting Harness Brass Hames, and Traces with Chains. Collar lined with Blue Serge and stuffed with Curled Hair 7 Two Large Heavy Sets Cart Harness, with Brass Mounts, Scotch Straddles ; Collars and Straddles stuffed with Curled Hair 8 One Large Set Cart Harness, Single Leather Straddle, Brass Mounts ; Collar and Straddle stuffed with Curled Hair 9 Three Set Heavy Cart Harness, Brass Mounts, Single Leather Straddles, Collars and Straddles stuffed with Curled Hair 10 A Set of Cart Harness, Brass Mounts 11 Two Cart Straddles, two Breetchens, and two Winkers ; these are Brown Work 12 Three Strong Biding Saddles, with Kneepuffs 13 Three Strong Riding Saddles, with Plain Flaps stand No. 615 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ROBERT DAY & SON, Army and Hunting Saddlers, 103 Patrick St., and 3 & 4 Bowlingreen St., Cork Set of Best Quality Pair-horse Carriage Harness, with Silver-plated Furniture Set of Best Quality Brougham Harness, Brass Furniture Set of „ ,, Silver-plated Furniture Set of ,, Harness, with Patent Nickoline Furniture (for which R. Day & Son are Sole Agents in Ireland) Set of Light Harness, in Brown Leather, for Tax Cart, Brass Furni ture Safety Side-saddle, invented by James Russell, Esq., Glanmire House Day & Son's Improved Side-saddle Plain Flap Hunting Saddle, with Improved Open Panel and Fur niture Hunting Saddle, with Spence's Patent Safety Spring Bars Hunting Saddle, with Breastplate and Bridle of Warwickshire Stain Official Catalogue. Section E—Class SO Stand Ho. G1S—continued. 11 Suits of Super Kersy Horse Clothing 12 ,, ,, Summer ,, 13 D a y & Son's Breaking Roller a n d Stable Appliances A l l t h e above are made i n their workshops. 14 D a y & Son's Challenge Lawn Tennis Racquets a n d L a w n Tennis Balls 15 D a y & Son's Challenge Lawn Tennis sets complete 16 Cricket Appliances 17 D a y & Son's " R o u g h W e a t h e r " Waterproof Coats, Box-seat Coats a n d Driving Aprons Stand N o 618 G. & J - Z A I K , B i s h o p Street, B i r m i n g h a m W h i p s of every description Stand No. 617 J A M E S M E E E Y ,4 0 Cork Street, D u b l i n Livery Cockades of various Patterns and Sizes Stand No. 618 J O H N L E A H Y , B o o t a n d S h o e Manufacturer, 6 6 & 6 7 G r a n d P a r a d e , Cork Four Pairs Ladies' Boots E i g h t ,, Gentlemen's B o o t s Three „ Children's „ One Pair H u n t i n g B o o t s Stand No. 619 T . L Y O N S & CO., L i m i t e d , S o u t h M a i n Street, Cork Boot s a n d Shoes Stand No. 6 3 0 D A N I E L O ' D W Y E R , N e w Road, Bandon One Pair of Box-toe Shoes Stand No. 6 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 D A N I E L CO I T G H L AN, 5 5 B r i d g e St., Skibbereen, Co. Cork, I r e l a n d One Pair Riding B o o t s (Men's) ,, Men's Elastic Boots ,, Men's Shooting Boots „ ,, stand No. 6 2 2 Men's Shoes Lady's Balmoral Boots T . L Y O N S <fc CO., L i m i t e d , 21, 2 3 & 3 3 S o u t h M a i n Street, Cork 1 Boots and Shoes various k i n d s 2 Leather, various k i n d s 3 B o o t and Shoe Uppers iy6 Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n E — C l a s s2 0 Stand No. 6 2 2 —continued. 4 Men's Boots made from Upper Leather tanned i n Cork 5 W o m e n ' s B o o t Uppers made from Cork Satin Calf S k i n s W e shall exhibit t h e Leather from which these are m a d e Stand No. 6 2 3 C I T Y O F C O R K B O O T M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO., L i m i t e d , 6 3 W a t e r c o u r s e R o a d , Cork A large a n d varied assortment of all classes a n d qualities o f Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots s t a n d No. 6 2 4 J O H N O ' D O N O G H U E , 1 & 2 S o u t h M a i n S t r e e t , Cork Boots a n d Shoes, Strong, Medium and Fancy. Stand Nos. 625 & 6 2 6 Irish manufacture W I L L I A M M A G R A T H , 1 9 G r a n d P a r a d e , Cork 1 Case of Gentlemen's H u n t i n g , Military, Shooting, a n d W a l k i n g Boots a n d Shoes, manufactured i n Cork 2 Case of Ladies' Boots a n d Shoes, manufactured i n Cork N . B . T h e Boots distinguished w i t h a P i n k Label are made entirely of leather manufactured i n Cork. Descriptive particulars of each E x h i b i t w i l l be found i n t h e Cases, appended t o t h e Boot.* 3 Case of French Boots and Shoes a s sold b y Exhibitor Stand No. 627 H E A T H E R BROTHERS,2 2 Lower Bridge St., Dublin Boots and Shoes. s t a n d No. 6 2 8 A l l manufactured b y Exhibitors T H E WATERFORD BOOT & S H O E M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO., W a t e r f o r d . E x h i b i t e d b y D w y e r & Co., L i m i t e d , Cork Boots a n d Shoes exclusively manufactured i n Waterford Stand No, 6 2 9 1 B . K I N G & CO., W h o l e s a l e a n d R e t a i l B o o t a n d Show M a n u f a c t u r e r s , 2 3 P a t r i c k S t . , Cork, a n d 1 2 7 George St., Limerick Ladies' W a l k i n g Boots, Button, Lace a n d Elastic, Rivetted, Machin* a n d H a n d Sewn 2 Ladies' Dress a n d F a n c y Shoes, House Boots a n d Slippers 3 Gents' Grained H i d e Shooting Boots, Tops a n d B o t t o m s H a n d Sewn, Extra Strong, Waterproof 4 Gents' Calf Lace, and Elastic Side Boots, double a n d single Soles. Machine a n d H a n d Sewn 5 Gents' Dress Boots a n d Shoes, Court Shoes a n d Slippers 6 Boys' a n d Girls' Dress and School Boots, Rivetted, Machine and Hand Sewn Official Catalogue. 177 S e c t i o n E—Class 20 Stand No. 630 GEORGE SOUTHWICK, 51 South Mall, Cork Boots and Shoes manufactured i n Cork b y Cork "Workmen G E N T L E M E N ' S BOOTS A N D SHOES. 1 Lace Walking Boots, Crup, all Cork Leather 2 Button Boots, French Glove Kid Legs, Crup, Golosh and Soles, Cork Leather 3 Cloth Button Boots, Crup, Golosh and Soles, Cork Leather 4 Lace Boots, French Glove Kid Legs, Crup, Golosh and Soles, Cork Leather 5 6 Lace Boots, German Patent Leather, Cork Sole Leather Lace Boots, Russian Leather Legs, Crup, Golosh, and Cork Soln Leather 7 Lorne Lace Boots, Crup, all Cork Leather 8 Shooting Boots, Grain Cowhide, all Cork Leather 9 Russian Leather Tennis Shoes 10 Lace Boots, Porpoise Skin Uppers of English Tannage and Cork Solo Leather 11 Albert Spring-side Boots, German Patent Leather and English Sole Leather 12 Dress Boots, Prunella Legs, German Patent Leather Golosh, and English Sole Leather 13 Russian Leather Regulation Boots, Cork Sole Leather 14 Regulation Boots, German Patent Leather Uppers, and Cork Solo Leather 15 Dress Wellington Boots, Morocco Leather Legs, German Patent ' Leather Yamps, and English Sole Leather 16 Salmon Colour Top Boots, English Leather, and Cork Sole Leather 17 Newmarket Boots, German Patent Leather Vamps, English Cloth. and Cork Sole Leather 18 Court Shoes, German Patent Leather Uppers, and English Sole Leather 19 Brown Top Racing Boots, all English Leather 20 Lace Boots, French Calf Skin Uppers, and Cork Sole Leather 21 Lorne Brogues, Crup all Cork Leather 22 Buckskin Cricket Boots, Cork Sole Leather L A D I E S ' BOOTS A N D S H O E S (All made of English Sole Leather.) 23 High Polish Button Boots, Prunella Legs, French Goloshed with German Patent Leather, French Heels , 7 8 Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n E—Class SO Stand No. 6 3 0 —continued. 24 H i g h Polish B u t t o n Boots. Prunella Legs, French Goloshed, w i t h German P a t e n t Leather, French H e e l s 25 H i g h Polish B u t t o n Boots, Prunella Legs, French Goloshed, w i t h Glazed Kid, French Heels 26 H i g h Polish Balmoral Boots, Glazed Kid Legs, German P a t e n t Leather V a m p s a n d Toe-caps, French Heels 27 H i g h Polish B u t t o n Boots, Glazed K i d Legs, German P a t e n t Leather Vamps a n d Toe-caps, French H e e l s 28 H i g h Polish B u t t o n Boots, Glazed Kid Legs, J e t embroidered V a m p s , French H e e l s 29 H ' g h Polish Balmoral Boots, Glazed Kid Legs, J e t embroidered Vamps, French H e e l s SO H i g h Polish B u t t o n Boots, Prunella Legs, French Goloshed w i t h Glazed Kid, H i g h French H e e l s 31 Polish Balmoral Boots, Glazed Kid, French H e e l s 32 Polish Balmoral Boots, Glazed Kid, French H e e l s 33 Polish Balmoral Boots, Glazed Kid, Straight Soles, French H e e l s 34 Polish B u t t o n Boots, Glazed Kid, French H e e l s 35 Polish B u t t o n Boots, Glazed Kid, French H e e l s 36 Polish B u t t o n Boots, Glazed Kid, Extra H i g h French H e e l s 37 Boy's Balmoral Boots, Calf K i d Legs, French Calf Golosh 38 R i d i n g Boots, German Patent Leather 39 B u t t o n Boots, Calf Kid Legs, Crup, Golosh, a n d Toe-caps 40 Balmoral Boots, Calf K i d Legs, Crup, Golosh, a n d Toe-caps 41 Polish Balmoral Boots, Glazed Kid, J e t embroidered Vamps, high French H e e l s 42 Extra h i g h Polish Balmoral Boots, Glazed Kid, J e t embroidered Vamps, h i g h French H e e l s 43 Lorne Brogues, German P a t e n t Leather 44 Lorne Brogues, French Calf S k i n 45 Russian Leather Tennis Shoes 46 B l u e S a t i n Court Shoes 47 W h i t e Satin Court Shoes 48 Bronze K i d Langtry Shoes, Lined w i t h B lu e Satin, h i g h French H e e l s 49 Bronze K i d W a t t e a u Shoes, Lined w i t h B l u e Satin, h i g h French Heels 50 Bronze K i d Court Shoes, Lined w i t h B l u e Satin, h i g h French Heels £1 Black Satin Alexandra Shoes, Lined w i t h Cardinal Satin, h i g h French Heels V » Official Catalogue. '79 S e c t i o n E—Class 2 0 Stand No. 630—continued. 52 Glazed Kid Oxford Shoes, J e t embroidered Vamps, h i g h French Heels 63 Glazed Kid Oxford Shoes, h i g h French Heels 54 Glazed Kid Oxford Shoes, French Heels 55 German Patent Leather Court Shoes, French Heels 56 German Patent Leather Court Shoes, Medium Heels 57 Glazed Kid "Watteau Shoes, J e t Embroidered Vamps, Medium Heels 68 Porpoise Skin Balmoral Boots, strong, wide soles and flat heels, for winter wear 59 Girls' H i g h Polish Laced Boots, Glazed Kid, wide soles and flat heels Stand No. 631 DWYEE Cork CO., Limited, 2 4 & 25 Groat George's St. Boots and Shoes English and American Manufacture Stand No. 632 1 MICHAEL CURTUST, 3 & 4 Blair's Hill, Sunday's Well Ladies' Lace Boots, Gold Embroidered, made b y Exhibitor 2 Gents' Lace Boots, Shooting or Fishing, Waterproof 3 Ladies' Buttoned Kid Boots, Louis Blocked Heels, French style 4 Gents' Lace Boots, w i t h 2 Soles, one outside t h e other, American stylo 5 Ladies' Buttoned Durable Dress W a l k i n g Boots G Gents' Elastic Patent Dress W a l k i n g Boots 7 Ladies' Riding Boots or Stage Boots 8 Gents' Black Satin B a l l Shoes, Gold Embroidered, made b y Exhibitor for Exhibition Stand No. 633 1 WILLIAM CABMODY, 0 Tuckey Street, Cork Gentlemen's Button Boots 2 „ Lace 3 „ Fast W a l k i n g Boots „ 4 „ Parade 6 „ Watertight Shooting Boota ,, 6 „ Spring Boots 7 ,, Lace 8 „ Ladies' Louis-Heel Kid Lace Boots 9 „ 10 „ „ Button Boota Button Boota Kade b y m e from Leather tanned i n t h e City o f Cork M Cork Industrial Exhibition i8o S e c t i o n E — C l a s s2 0 Stand No. 633—continued. 11 12 13 14 15 Gentlemen's Newmarket Boots „c „ ,, Jockey „ Patent Leather Biding Boots Drab Cloth Button „ „ Drab Cloth Patent Lace Boots 16 17 18 19 ,, Blue Cloth Button „ Gentlemen's Drab Cloth Patent Leather Shoes Ladies' Louis-Heel Button Boots Gents' Patent Leather Dress Shoes 20 21 22 23 24 „ Alligator-skin Boots ,, Brown Leather Yachting Boots „ Shoes Ladies' Lace Boots Gents' Cork Double Sole Boots Made from English, Irish, and Foreign tanned Leathers Stand No. 634 R O B E R T P A R K E R , 9 Capel Street, a n d 3 8 Lower Camden Street WHOLESALE A U D RETAIL T R A D E The fine Kid and Patent Leather in this ease, French Calf, Kip, Crup, and Sole Leather, Irish cut, and made top and bottom on the premises, 9 Capel Street. Established since 1848 stand No. 635 J A M E S W I N S T A N L E Y , 4 3 t o 4 5 B a c k Lane, Dublin Boots and Shoes for wholesale trade Stand No. 636 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T H O M A S O V A N S & CO.,'14 Merchants' Quay, Dublin Ladies' Boots Girls' „ Gentlemen's Boots Army Bluchers Boys' Boots Ladies' Poplin Slippers Closed Uppers Official Catalogue. 1 8 1 Section. E — C l a s s SO stand Ho. 637 D . POIROTTE & SON", 12 Suffolk Street, Dublin 1 French Boots and Shoes for Ladies 2 Irish-manufactured Ladies' Boots and Shoes, made of French materials Section F . C L A S S 2 1 . Manufactures in Cotton, Flax, Hemp, Jute, and other Vegetable Fibres. Stand Ho. 638 T H E GREENMOTTNT S P I N N I N G CO., Harold's Cross, Dublin Table Damasks, Linens, Hollands, Sheetings, and other Linen Goods ; also Cotton Yarns Stand No. 639 M A Y F I E L D S P I N N I N G CO., Portland, Waterford, Ireland 1 Cotton i n various stages of manufacture 2 Cotton Yarns, Grey, Bleached and Dyed 3 Cotton Goods, Grey, Bleached and Coloured 4 Linen Goods 5 Union Goods Stand Ho. 610 B O Y N E M I L L M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO., Limited, B o y n e Mills, Drogheda. Nicholas Whitworth, Sec. a n d Manager COTTONS 1 Dyed Twills and Sateens for Linings and Dress Goods, newest designs 2 Printed „ „ 3 White Shirts, for day and night 4 Printed and Turkey red Handkerchiefs 5 Grey and White Twills 6 Grey and White Calicoes 1 Turkish White Towels 8 White Cambrics „ „ „ i8z S e c t i o n F—Class 2 1 Stand No, 641 J. N. RICHARDSON, [SONS & OWDEN, Limited^ Belfast 1 Rough Browns, Creams and Mantle Linens 2 3 Finished Hollands, Brown, Slate and Black Fronting, Medium, and H e a v y Linens 4 5 Pillow Linens and Sheetings Diapers 6 7 Table Cloths and Napkins t o match D'Oylies 8 Cambric, Hem-stitched and Embroidered Handkerchiefs Stand No. 642 1 ROBERT USHER & CO., Greenhills Factory, Drc E hcda Bed and Mattress Tickens 2 Brown, Loom and Bleached Table Diapers 3 4 5 Brown, Loom and Bleached Russian Diapers Loom and Bleached Sheetings Drogheda Loom Linens 6 7 Half, three-quarter, and full W h i t e Bleached Linen Boat L i n i n g s Brown, Cream, and W h i t e Drills 8 Check and Bordered Glass and Tea Cloths 9 Loom and Bleached Huckaback i n Piece and Towels 10 Loom and Bleached Honeycourt Bath Towels 11 Barleycorn, Birdeye and Fancy Diaper Towellings 12 Brown and Loom Twill and Diaper Rollerings, &c., &c. Stand No. 643 THE DRCGHFDA LINEN CO., Lower Tumi-. Balbriggan, Co. Dublin Pieces of Bed Ticken, pure Flax Sheeting 2J yards wide, Table Diaper and Damask, Huckaback Towelling, Glass Cloths, Cl»eck for con tract (used and supplied t o North Dublin Union) Stand No. 6 4 4 1 H I L L S B O R O U G H L I N E N CO., Limited, H i l l s b o r o u g h , Cc. D o w n , I r e l a n l Loom and Bleached Damask Towels 2 » „ Huck „ 3 » .. Fancy ,, 4 I Glass Cloth, and all sorts of I l a i n Linans Official Catalogue. '83 S e c t i o n F—Class 2 1 Stand No. 645 1 ^ . JOHN CONLAND & SONS, 7 Alfred Street, Belfast White and Printed Bordered Lawn Handkerchiefs 11 >1 Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs n >. Hem-stitched Linen Cambric Handk's 4 7/8 and 4/4 wide Family Linen 5 Pillow-case Linen, 40, 42, 45, 50, 54, and 60 inches wide 6 Sheetings, Plain and Twilled, 2 t o3 | yards wide 7 8 Diapers, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, 4/4, 9/8, 5/4, and 6/4 yards wide Towels and Towellings, Glass Cloths 9 Damask, Loom and Cream, i n Piece, Napkins, and Table Cloths 10 Damask and Double Damask, Bleached, i n Piece, Napkins, Tabl« Cloths, Doylies, and Toilets 11 A variety of Furnishing Materials in Tapestry Curtains, Table Covers and Upholstering Tapestry of all sorts, Embroidered Window Blinds, Fancy Ticking, D u s t Rugs, &e., &c. No. 11, Belgian Manufacture ; all t h e others Irish Stand No. 616 1 JOHN BROWN, Milton Mills, Gookstown, Go. Tyrone 4/4 wide Black Holland Linens 2 j, Slate ,, 3 „ Brown ,, 4 ,, Chocolate Holland Linens 5 8/4 wide Black Buckram 6 7 */* 4/4 » „ „ „ Rough Brown ,, 8 5/4 and 6/4 wide Rough Brown „ 9 4/4 wide Pale Rough Linens 10 40-inch wide Heavy Black Linens 11 Samples of Green Retted and Scutched Flax 12 Samples of Pale and Dark Linen Yarns Stand No. 647 1 BEENNAN & SON, Laurencetown, Gilford, Go. Down 3/4 and 7/8 Lawns 2 7/8 and 4/4 Fine Medium Linens 3 7/8 and 4/4 Strong , , ,, 4 7/8 and 4/4 Extra Heavy 5 9/8, 5/4, 6/4, 10/4, 11/4, and 12/4 Sheetings ,, Cork Industrial Exhibition 184 Section F—Class2 1 Stand No. 647—continued. 6 5/8, 3/4, and 7 / 8 L a w n Handkerchiefs 7 23 inch and 3/4 Linen 8 5 / 8 a n d 3 / 4 Huckaback Towels a n d other F a n c y Pa tte r n s 9 ,, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, 4/4, 2/8, 5 / 4 a n d 6 / 4 Birdeye Diapers 10 4/4, 9/8, a n d 5 / 4 F i s h e y e Diapers 11 5 / 8 a n d 3 / 4 Spot, another N e w Pattern Diaper N a p k i n s 12 5/8, 3/4, a n d 7 / 8 Damask N a p k i n s 13 5 / 8 , 3/4, a n d 7 / 8 Double Damask N a p k i n s U 6 / 4 15 rn%4 ' f o / i * 8 / 4 ' 8 / 4 X 1 0 / 4 ' 1 0 / 4 X 1 0 ' 4 ' ) S i n S l ea n d Double 10/4x12/4 r D a m a s k Table 10/4 x 14/4, 10/4 x 16/4, 10/4 x 18/4, 10/4 x 20/4, \ Cloths 10/4x24/4,10/4x26/4 ' 16 6/4, 7/4, 8/4, and 1 0 / 4 S p o t a n d Damask i n piece 17 4 / 4 Rough Brown, Slate a n d Black Hollands Stand No. 6 4 8 1 T H E W H I T E W E L L P R I N T W O R K S OO., Limited,. Whitewell, Belfast. J o h n L . Marshall, Secretary Printed Linen Shirtings 2 ,, Linen L a wn Dresses 3 ,, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs s t a n d No. 6 4 9 M A G T J I R E & E D W A R D S , 6 0 Tipper A r t h u r S t . , B e l f a s t Fancy Linen Drills, and Satin Mattress Coverings W h i t e a n d Brown L i n e n a n d U n i o n Ticks T h e " U n i o n " Spring Palliasse (Registered) Stand No. 6 5 0 1 2 J O H N H E N D E R S O N , Sherrygroom, Dungannon W h i t e a n d Black India Tapes „ Star ,, 3 Stay Bindings, Coloured, W h i t e and Black 4 Boot W e b i n various w i d t h s 5 Cocoa Bindings 6 Chair W e b s 7 Spindle Bandings 8 Venetian W e b s i n various colours 9 Mattress Bindings, various qualities and co1 ours Official Catalogue. 185 Section F—Class 2 1 stand No. 651 R O B E R T S O N , L E D L I E , F E R G U S O N & CO., L i m i t e d , M u n st er Arcade, Patrick St. a n d George's St., Cork 1 Silk and "Wool SMrts and Shirtings specially manufactured for t h e Munster Arcade, Cork, b y John Stevenson, Newtownards, near Belfast (Patterns registered) 2 Hand-knit Socks of Irish Yarn, knit on Valencia Island 8tand No, 652 H I C K S , S T E E N & CO., W i l s o n Street Mills, B e l f a s t Ireland White and Coloured Sewing Threads stand No. 653 1 F . W . H A Y E S & CO., Seapatriek Mills, Banbridge Linen Threads of every description for hand and machine use 2 Prime Warp Yarns for Sheetings and Damasks 3 Flax, Dressed and Undressed Stand No. 654 H E N R Y C A M P B E L L & CO., M o s s l e y Mills, B e l f a s t Linen Yarns and Linen Threads on Spools, Skeins and Knots, suitable for all classes of Machines, H a n d Sewing, Book Binding, Leather, Carpet, Lace and Tailors' work Stand No. 655 1 W I L L I A M B A R B O U R & SONS, Hilden F l a x Mills, Liaburn, Ireland Linen Threads i n hanks, balls, and on spools 2 Shoe Threads i n balls 3 Linen Yarns, H e m p Yarns 4 Twines for Fishing Lines, Net-making 5 Seaming, Roping, &c. Stand No. 656 D U N B A R , M ' M A S T E R & CO., Gilford, Co. D o w n 1 Linen Yarns, Grey and Bleached 2 Linen Threads, Dyed and Bleached, for Tailors, Shoemakers, and Book binders ; for Carpets and Leather work ; for Fishing N e t s ; for Lace Making, Embroidery, &c. &c. stand No. 657 S U S A N N A H . C H A N D L E E , Quinagh, Carlow Irish hand-made Linen Buttons Cork Industrial Exhibition 186 Section F—Class2 1 Stand No. 658 1 W I L L I A M S H A W & CO., Millfleld F l a x M i l l s , Cork Irish F l a x Straw 2 ,, Scutched 3 ,, Hackled 4 French Flax, Hackled 5 6 D u tch Flemish 7 H a n k Samples of Line Yarns 8 » Tow Line Yarns, Bunched 9 10 Tow „ „ „ „ Stand No. 659 J- & L . F . GOODBODY, Clashawaun F a c t o r y , Clara, K i n g ' s Co. 1 Jute Yarns for Rope-makers 2 Sacks for Corn, Flour, Meal, Bran, Potatoes, etc. 3 Bags for Flour, Coal, Manure, etc. 4 Tarpaulin for various purposes 5 Roofing Canvas 6 Twine for t y i n g Corn Sacks 7 Twine for lacing Flour and Meal Sacks 8 Twine for mending purposes 9 Raw Jute, the material from which above are made Stand No. 6 6 0 W . F . M O O R E <fc CO., L i m i t e d , M o n k s t o w n Mills, Wliit eab b ey, Co. Antrim. Sail Cloth of different qualities, of great strength and wearing qualities, manufactured from Irish hand-scutehed F l a x 1 3 Bolts., 1st quality 2 3 ,, Extra, 2nd quality 3 4 ,, Boiled, 3rd quality 4 Samples of all qualities and numbers Official Catalogue. . 8 7 S e c t i o n F—Class 2 1 stand No, 661 1 2 3 GRAVES' PATENT ROOFING CO., New Ross, Ireland Model Girder Roof, w i t h sample of Patent Roofing attached, cut from a roof t e n years old Sample Roll of N o . 0 Patent Roofing for Gutter-ways, Ice Houses, Dairies, etc. Sample Rolls of N o . 1 and N o . 2 Patent Roofing, for Sheds, Farm Buildings, and every other k i n d of roof stand No. 662 A. LEHMANN (August, Julius, Albert), 7 2 Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C., and Westphalia Mills, Bow London, E. 1 A Roll of Asphalte Roofing 2 Model of Open Shed covered w i t h Asphalte Roofing, and cement washed 3 Model of Fowl House, entirely constructed of Asphalte Roofing on framework 4 Model of Ornamental Rustic Garden Store-house, entirely constructed of Asphalte Roofing ou lattice-work 5 Model of Shed, entirely constructed of Asphalte Roofing o n frame work, and painted 6 Samples of Asphalte Varnish for Dressing 7 Roofing N a i l s stand No. 6 6 3 J O H N R O G E R S , 7 9 Vict oria Street, B e l f a s t 1 " F e l t Roof," w i t h Improved Sky-lights, showing t h e proper con struction of t h e shed, and how t o p u t o n j h e F e l t 1 Roll of Patent Roofing F e l t 2 „ Sarking 4 5 „ „ Inodorous „ Brown Sheathing F elt „ Black 6 7 8 „ ,, Sample of Asphalte Flooring „ Patent F e l t Varnish 9 „ ,, 10 „ „ Black Varnish ,, Mineral Paint 11 ,, , , Brown „ 12 Samples of " Irish " A x l e Grease, i n tins 13 Sample of Extra Fine A x l e Grease, i n k e g 188 Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n F—Class 2 1 Stand No. 633—continued. 1 4 Samples of F i n e Cog-wheel Greases (black and white) 15 16 Sample of W i r e Guard for sliop windows Samples o f W i r e W e b s 17 Sample of Strong Iron Wire W e b , for Kiln Floors 18 » Patent Mill P i c k s and Chisels 19 ,, Leather B e l t i n g „ T i n Sieves 20 21 W i r e Sieves a n d Riddles 2 2 A l l k i n d s of P l a i n a n d F a n c y Wirework and Zincs Stand No. 664 McTEAR & CO., Limited, 117, 119, & 131 Corporation Street, Belfast 1 Model F e l t Roof a n d Asphalte Floor 2 Specimens of Mouldings 3 R o l l o f Roofing F e l t 4 ,, Sarking Felt, for p u t t i n g under Slabs, W o o d e n Sheeting, etc. 5 ,, Inodorous F e l t , for p u t t i n g under Carpets t o preserve them, a n d t o deaden sound, also under paper u p o n w a l l s t o k e e p out damp 6 ,, Black Ship's Sheathing F e l t 7 ,, Brown „ 8 Specimens of H a i r or Boiler Felt, for covering S t e a m Boilers, and S t e a m or Wa t er Pipes, etc. 9 Piece of W o o d t a k e n from a Ship's Bottom, s h o w i n g ravages o f Marine creatures, against wh i ch t h e Sheathing F e l t i s a guard and preventive C L A S S2 2 . M a n u f a c t u r e s i n W o o l , A l p a c a , Mohair, e t c . Stand No. 665 1 Friezes 2 Tweeds 3 Flannels 4 Serges EDWARD SEALY, Kerry Woollon Mills, Beaufort, Killarney, Co. Kerry Official Catalogue. 189 S e c t i o n F — C l a s s2 2 stand No, 6 6 6 J O H N M A H O N Y , W o o l l e n Manufacturer, Croom, Co. Limerick 1 2 4 Pair Blankets 4 E n d s Flannels 3 4 E n d s Friezes 4 8 E n d s Tweeds Stand No. 6 6 7 1 2 M A R T I N M A H O N Y & B R O T H E R S , Limited, 3 Camdem. Quay, Cork, a n d B l a r n e y F a c t o r y ' Blarney Tweeds," from Colonial W o o l " Mangerton Tweeds," made from Home and Foreign Wool 8 " Tuskar Boating Serges," pure Indigo dye, H o m e and Foreign Wool. 4 " B l a r n e y Moss, Greys and Suiting Serges," made from Home a n d Foreign W o ol 5 6 All Wool "Frieze" " Trouserings and Coatings " from Colonial Wools 7 8 " Railway Wraps " " Irish Flannels," all Wool Every process, from t h e fleece Wool t o t h e finished cloth, carried _ out i n t h e Blarney Factory Stand No. 6 6 8 MARQTJIS O P W A T E R F O R D ' S W O O L L E N M I L L S , K i l m a c t h o m a s . Robertson, Ledlie, F e r g u s o n , & Co., L i m i t e d , A g e n t s f o r Cork Irish Tweeds and Friezes manufactured in Ireland of Irish Wool stand No. 6 6 9 P . M ' L E A N & S O N , W o o l l e n F act ory, D u n m a n w a y Tweeds made from Irish and Australian Wool Stand No. 670 1 D A N I E L COVENEY, K i n s a l e , Co. Cork Tracton Abbey, Ballyfeard, Tweeds of a heavy serviceable make specially manufactured t o suit & country trade 2 Coloured Friezes 3 White and Coloured Flannels 4 Blankets Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n F — C l a s s2 2 Stand No. 671 M I C H A E L M E N N I S , B e n a s c r e s n a M i l l s , Ros3carberv Co. Cork Tweeds Stand No. 672 T H E N I K E V A L E W O O L L E N 1WTT.T.R CO., B a l l y m a carbry, n e a r Clonmel Irish Friezes, Tweeds and Blankets s t a n d No. 673 T H E B A N S H A "WOOLLEN M I L L S CO., Limited, B a n s h a , Co. Tipperary 1 2 Raw "Wool Yarns 3 Tweeds Stand No. 674 J O H N C H A R L E S S M I T H , Caledon W o o l l e n Tvnii,, Caledon, Co. T y r o n e Irish Tweeds Stand No. 675 D A N I E L L Y N C H & CO., Drip33y M i l l s , a n d M a c r o o m Co. Cork 1 Blankets 2 Flannels 3 4 Military Quilts or Rugs Tweeds Stand No. 676 J O H N COGAJST & S O N , Ballincrarig M i l l s , Midleton, Co. Cork 1 Tweeds, 8 or 10 Samples 2 Double-dyed Blue Pilot 3 Double-dyed Blue Napped Frieze i Blankets of Irish Wool 5 Swanskins and Flannels € Indigo Blue and Black Serges A l l of Irish Materials and manufactured b y Exhibitors Official Catalogue. 191 S e c t i o n F — C l a s s 32 Stand No. 677 P A U L P L Y N N , Clare Mills, Newport, Co. Tipperary 1 Blankets 2 Friezes 3 Flannels 4 Grey Miller Sergo 5 Blue Miller Serge 6 Irish Tweed Stand No. G78 G L E E S O N , S M I T H & CO., trading aa t h e A T H L O N E W O O L L E N M I L L S CO., S h a n n o n a n d B uiiibrook Mills, Athlono 1 Irish Cheviot Tweeds, made from pure Irish Wool only 2 West of Ireland Tweeds, made from Saxony Wool 3 Irish Friezes, made from Irish Wool only 4 Melton Cloths, out of Foreign Wools 5 Serges, from Irish and Foreign Wools 6 Fancy Yarns for Manufacturers' use stand No. 679 1 2 M A R T I N M A H O N Y & B R O T H E R S , Limited, 3 Camdeit Quay, Cork, a n d B l a r n e y F a c t o r y Knitting Worsteds and Yarns Fingering Worsteds, all colours and mixtures, dyed i n Hank and i n Wool 8tand No. 6 8 0 C O R N E L I U S L O N E R O A N , Mount Anglesby Woollen Mills, Cloglieen, Caliir, Co. Tipperary 1 2 Tweeds Doulile-dyed Friezes 3 Double-dyed Pilots 4 White, Blue, and Scarlet Flannels 5 Serges stand No. 681 1 Q U I N L A N B R O T H E R S , Araglin F a c t o r y a n d D y » W o r k s ; W a r e h o u s e , Queen's Square, F e r m o y Blue and Black Serges (Pure Indigo Blue and Woaded Black) 2 Tweeds 3 Eailway and Carriage Wraps, Mauds and Shawls 4 W h i t e and Coloured Blankets 5 D y e d Yarns, Quilts, &c. 6 W h i t e and Coloured Flannels, Blue and Coloured Friezes Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n F — C l a s s2 2 s t a n d No. 6 8 2 EDWARD Works C. GUINNESS, Kingsbridge 1 Irish Tweeds, Serges, Friezes, Blankets and Flannels 2 Samples of Irish W o o l used i n manufacture of above goods Woollan 3 Samples of Yarn i n various stages of manufacture 4 Samples of Bobbins, D y e Wools, &c., used i n Kingsbridge Woollen Works 3tand No. 6 8 3 J O S . R E V I N G T O N , Tralee Tweeds, Blankets, Flannels Stand No. 6 8 4 A . 6 R E A V E N & S O N S , Upper Cross Mills, Kimmage, Co. D u b l i n 1 Tweeds 2 W h i t e and Coloured Flannels 3 4 Sailor's Indigo N u n ' s Serge 5 Black Kimmage Cord for Soutans 6 ,, Diagonal Coating Stand No. 685 1 F . & J- C L A Y T O N , N a v a n , Co. M e a t h Tweeds, Cheviot and Saxony 2 Worsted Coatings 3 Serges 4 Friezes 5 6 Blankets Railway Rugs 7 Ladies' Dress Materials 8 Knitting Yarns 9 Sheepskin Hearth Rugs 10 „ Carriage, Car, and Door Mats Stand No. 6 8 6 O'BRIEN B R O T H E R S , St. Patriot's Woollen Mills, Cork Tweeds, Serges and Rugs, made from H o m e a n d Foreign Wool Official Catalogue. '93 S e c t i o n F — C l a s s 22 stand No. 687 D A N I E L J . IVTAIIOI'TY, Kenmare, Go. Ker r y 1 A light piece of Kenmare Home-spun Tweed 2 A dark piece of Kenmare Home-Spun Tweed (hand-made) Stand No. 688 M'CEBADY BROTHERS, Belview Woollen Works Dublin 1 Serges 2 Tweeds 3 Meltons 4 Friezes Stand No. 689 W A L L I S & POLLOCK, T h e D o u g l a s Mills, Cork 1 Linen and Cambric Yarns. Linens and other manufactures made from Flax. Also Flaxes in raw and dressed state, &c. 2 Cheviot and Saxony Tweeds. Woollen Yarns 3 Tweed Loom a t wo.k atand No. 690 1 H I L L <& S O N S , B l u e B e l l a n d L u c a n Factories, Co. Dublin Irish Frieze 2 Saxony Tweeds 3 Cheviot Tweeds Stand No. 691 SCOTT & S T R I C K L A N D , I s l a n d Bridge M i l l s , Dublin Tweeds, Friezes, Meltons and Kugs Stand No. 692 D . L U C Y & CO., W o o l Merchants, D y e r s a n d Finishers, a n d W o o l l e n Manufacturers; Warehouse—141 Barrack Street; Factory—Watercourse Road, Cork 1 Blankets in several qualities 2 Flannels, Scarlet and White 3 Swanskins, Scarlet and White 4 Indigo Blue Pilot 5 Indigo Blue Flannel Serge S Specimens of Dyeing in Yarns and Woollen Fabrics Cork Industrial 194 Exhibition Section F—Class 2 2 JAMES M U L L I N G , Blarney Street, Cork s t a n d No. 6 9 3 1 Blankets made of Irisli W o o l 2 Flannels Stand No. 694 ,, ,• CHARLES COMERFORD, Ballinakill, Queen's Co. -Woollen Manufacturer, Specimens of Home-spnns and Flannels stand No. 695 MICHAEL CORCORAN, Manufacturer, Ballinakill, Queen's Co. F l a n n e l s 2 pieces of W h i t e Flannel 74 yards l o n g and 28 inches m width, commonly known as Ballinakills Stand No. 696 R- U. P. FITZGERALD, Corkbeg Island, Whitegate Co. Cork Jersey Frocks of Irish Wool hand k n i t Stana No. 697 1 PATRICK. LEAHY, Midleton Flannel, Coarse. 2 ,, M y own manufacture Fine , 3 4 Melted Tallow ,, Skin Wool. M y own pulling 5 6 Fleece Wool, Fine ,, Long and Strong stand No. 698 JOHN HOGAN, Walslitown, Midleton Flannel and Linen Stand No. 699 1 2 JOHN O'BRIEN & CO., 58 Patrick Street, Cork Irish Tweeds , , Serge Suitings 3 ,, Coatings 4 „ Friezes Official Catalogue. >95 S e c t i o n F—Class 2 2 8taad No. 700 J. DOHEETY & SONS, Queen Street, Cork 1 Specimens of Dressing and D y e i n g o n Ostrich Feathers 2 » 3 > „ 4 )> „ , ,, Dyeing o n S k i n Mats 5 , ,, Damasks « ,, „ Silks 7 » ,, Velveteens 8 „ Tram Silk Skein Wool Tinting o n White Curtains G L A S S2 3 . Silks, Velvets, and Mixed Fabrics. Stand No. 701 PIM BROTHERS & CO., 2 3 William Street, Dublin 1 Irish Poplins, Silks, Silk Handkerchiefs 2 Furniture Materials 3 Mantles and Costumes Stand No. 702 O'REILLY, DUNNE & CO., SO College Green, Dublin Richest Black and Coloured Pure Silk Warp Poplins Stand No. 703 JAMES FORREST & SONS, 101 Grafton St., Dublin. and 3 4 Patrick St., Cork Specimens of Irish-manufactured Lace Goods C L A S S2 4 . Carpets, Tapestry, Fringe, Lace, and Embroidery. stand No. 704 M. NAIRN & CO., Kirkcaldy, Scotland; London Warehouse 131 Aldersgate St., E.C.; Manchester "Ware house—Canal Street and Winshull Street; Glasgow Warehouse—Centre Street; Paris Warehouses—57 Boulevard Ornano, and 3 Avenue de l'Opeia 1 Floor Cloth, manufactured 8 yards wide 2 Linoleum, manufactured 4 yards wide x Cork Industrial Ig 6 Exhibition S e c t i o n F — C l a s s2 4 stand No. 705 E N O C H C L A R K E & SONS, N e a t e St., Oobourg Road, Old K e n t Road, London, S.E. Three Squares Floor Cloth, each 12 ft. b y 12 ft. stand No. 706 J O H N B A R R Y , O S T L E R E & CO., Limited, Fortk W o r k s , Kirkcaldy, Scotland 1 Linoleum, 4 yards wide 2 3 ,, 2 ,, Ground Cork, used i n manufacture of above 4 5 6 Canvas „ ,, Linseed Oil ,, „ Oil Floor Cloth, made i n Sheets, 8 yards by 25 yards, i n one piew 7 Canvas, forming foundation of this cloth stand No. 707 A . G R A N T & CO., Patrick Street, Cork Carpets and Curtains, imported Stand No. 7 0 8 W I L L I A M TODD & CO., L ac e Manufacturers, 7, 8 & 9 William Street, Limerick Limerick Laces in Tambour, Applique, Guipure Point, and other makes stand No. 7 0 9 1 C A N N O C K & CO., Limited, Limerick 2 Whito Tambour Laces—Flounces, Albs, Rochets, Handkerchiefs, Sets, etc! White Run Laces—Fiehues, Surplices, Albs, Sets, Collars and Cuft 3 Black Laces, Flounces, Tunics, etc. Stand No. 710 J . COLBECK, 17 Patrick Street, Cork 1 Specimens of Real Irish Lace 2 Real Irish Point 3 Crochet 4 Carrickmacross 5 6 Limerick Laces Milliuery and Head-dresses Official Catalogue. ,f ) S e c t i o n F — C l a s s2 4 stand No. 711 T . L Y O N S & CO., L i m i t s d , 2 0 & 2 3 S o u t h M a i n S t . Cork Real Crochet Quilts a n d Antimacassars Stand No. 712 1 D W Y E R & CO., L i m i t e d , 2 4 & 2 5 G r e a t George'sS t Cork Esal Irish Crochet Lace i n sets of Collars and Caffs 2 Flouncings, Trimmings, a n d E d g i n g s 3 Crochet Antimacassars a n d Toilet Sets Stand No. 713 L . OOOIILA.N & CO., 116 P a t r i c k S t r e e t , Cork 1 Irish Guipure Crochet Flounces 2 Limerick Lace Applique Flounce 3 Irish Crochet Child's Frock 4 j; Point Lace Flounce (Youghal) 5 > Collar and Cuffs (Youghal) 6 » 7 ,, Poplin Tabernacle Curtains (embroidered) Stand No. 714 ,, Handkerchief ,, L E T T Y O'DONOGIIUE, F a i r Street, M a l l o w Crochet Cover, one yard square Stand No. 715 1 THE D O M I N I C A N FATHERS, s t Q u a y , Cork MARY'S, I W V Banner of t h e Blessed Sacrament 2 Banner of t h e Blessed Virgin Immaculate SI Humeral Veil These are all embroidered b y Mrs. Murphy, o f Clifton, Cork Stand No. 716 1 T H E D O M I N I C A N F A T H E R S , St. Q u a y , Cork Preaching Stole 2 A Tabernacle Veil Mary's These are embroidered b y Mrs. Fords, o f S y d n e y Place, Cork Pope':, ' 9 8 S e c t i o n F — C l a s s2 4 Btand No. 717 M. A . S K I L L I N , 5 0 Great George Street, Cork 1 Church Vestments 2 3 4 Stoles Barrettas Rabbas Collars 5 6 7 Lace Altar Fall Linen Altar Cloth Ciborium Cover, P i x Case, Oil Stock 8 9 10 Cinctures of Flax Missal and Breviary Registers Two Antique Chairs, Irish Oak Carved, Upholstered in Embroidery 11 Embroidered Draperies, Mantlepiece, etc. 1 2 , Bannerettes 13 Specimens of Household Embroidery, Badges, etc. 14 Tapestry Embroidery 15 Ancient Venetian Mirror 16 Original Etchings by Rembrandt .in All the work designed and executed i n Cork, at M. A. Skillin's Stand No. 718 C O N V E N T OE GOOD S H E P H E R D , Sunday's Well, Cork Church "Vestments, etc. * Btand No. 719 1 2 F I R M I N & S O N S , Limited, 7 3 D a m e Street, Dublin.. a n d a t London, Birmingham, a n d N e w Y or k Metal Buttons Military Badges and Ornaments s t a n d No. 720 M i e s M A R I A N N E M U R P H Y , Fair H i l l , Cork 1 A Shade of W a x Flowers, mixed 2 W a x Hyacinth, white, in shade 3 4 „ purple „ Speumens of Paper Flowers in Epergne, for Winter purposes. Official Catalogue. Q9 S e c t i o n F—Class 2 4 Stand No. 721 MARY FITZGIBBON, 3 0 Pope's Quay, Cork Wreathes and Crosses made of W a x Flowers, different varieties of Wax Flowers, Table Ornaments, Wax Figures ; each and every article made b y hand, without moulds, and from own designs stand No. 722 MISS FRIDESWIDE F. BEEOHEY, Dovedale Houst, Matlock Bath., Derbyshire °o. Artificial French Paper Roses for table or personal decoration C L A S S2 5 . Articles of Clothing, exclusive of those made of Leather. Stand No. 723 WOOD & SON, 4 6 Patrick Street, Cork 1 Patent Flexible Silk and F elt Hats, manufactured b y Carl Bartfeldt, Bremen 2 Soft and Patent Zephyr F elt Hats, manufactured by Ph. Mockel, Homburg 3 Pull-Over F e l t Hats, Black and Coloured, manufactured b y Henry Heath, London 4 Pull-Over Felt Hats, Black and Coloured, manufactured b y Lincoln Bennett & Co., London 5 French Plush Hats, manufactured b y Henry Heath, London « French Plush Hats, manufactured b y Lincoln, Bennett & Co., London 7 All Felt Hats, Black and Coloured, shaped and trimmed b y Henry Heath, London 8 All Felt Hats, Black and Coloured, shaped and trimmed by Lincoln Bennett & Co., London 9 Opera H a t on Springs, manufactured b y Henry Heath, London 10 French Pull-Over Hood for F e l t Hatting 11 French Plush for Silk Hatting 12 Materials used in Felt Hatting 13 Materials used i n Bodies of Silk Hats, Pull-Over Hats, Cloth Tweed, or Merino Hats zoo Section F—Class2 5 Stand No. 7 2 4 J O H N J . S T A C K , 6 8 a n d 6 9 Grand Parade, Cork 1 Silk H a t s 2 Tweed Hat s manufactured from " Blarney, Navan, and Norc H a v a l " Tweeds 3 Round and Square P u l l Overs 4 Round Cloths, without seams 5 Square Cloth, w i t h and without seams 6 Court H a t 7 8 Livery H a t Materials used i n t h e manufacture Siand No. 725 J . M O R G A N , H a t Manufacturer, 9 G r a f t o n Street, Dublin 1 2 Silk Hat, Arep Silk Hat, Arep, manufactured on consolidated hody, very lightweight, about 2 ozs. 8 4 Silk Clerical H a t Silk Livery Hat, Lace Band and Binding 5 Solid Leather H a t Case, t o hold 3 H a t s 6 Hunting Cap, Velvet 7 Black F elt H a t (all Fur body) 8 Black Pull Over H a t 9 10 Brown P u l l Over H a t Drab F elt H a t (all Fur body) 11 Cloth H a t s and Caps 12 H a t Brushes, Guards, &c. PtKTf • Stand N e . 726 M I C H A E L E T R N E , 7 Castle Street, Cork 1 Clerical and Fashionable Silk Hat s 2 3 F e lt P u l l Over H a t s Cloth and Tweed Pull Over H a t s 4 Flexible Consolidated F elt Hat s Made b y Exhibitor Stand No. 727 1 2 W I L L I A M B E N N E H Y , 6 2 Patrick Street, I S and 18 Castle Street, Cork Silk and Satin Hats, Felt, Tweed, and Cloth H a t s Ladies' Silk and Plush Hats, Military H ats and Caps A l l m y own make Official Catalogue. 201 S e c t i o n F — C l a s s2 5 stand No. 728 A L E X A N D E R F A L L S W E I G H T , 11 L o w e r Ormond Quay, and Mespil Felt Factory, Dublin 1 French Silk Hats, of various shapes 2 Felt Hats, of various shapes, hard and soft 3 Court and Military Cocked H a t s 4 Lord Mayor's Cocked H a t s (Livery) 5 Military and Police Helmets 6 Pull Over F e l t Hats, assorted i n colours and shapes 7 Velvet H u n t i n g Caps 8 Specimens of F e l t Hats, manufactured i n i h e i r various £.t]£C3 A l l above Goods are warranted of Irish Manufacture Stand No. 729 W I L L I A M G R A H A M , H a t Manufacturer, 4 Grafton Street, Dublin 1 Silk H a t s for Dress, H u n t i n g and Livery 2 Felt H a t s i n the Newest Shapes and Patent Ventilating Lining 3 Military Helmets and Forage Caps 4 New Style of H at s and Caps for Fishing, Touristing, Tennis, &o. Stand No. 730 T. MOFFITT, 5 Great George's Street 1 Clerical Silk H a t s and Barettas 2 Livery „ „ 3 Fashionable 4 Cashmere and Cloth H a t s B Felt Pull Overs 6 Cricket and Bicycle Caps Stand No. 731 MANTIS M ' F A D D E N , Donegal Ereenagh, 1 Men's and Boys' Hand-knit Woollen Half-hose 2 Men's and Women's Hand-knit Woollen Hoso Letterkenny, Co. 3 Men's Hand-knit Woollen Gloves Manufactured b y Exhibitor, and Warehoused a t Eustaco Street Build ings, Dublin 102 Section F—Class2 5 stand Ho. 732 L A W S O N & CO., 3 3 Grand Parade, Cork 1 Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hosiery, Gloves, Umbrellas, &c., &c. 2 2 Kid-skin, showing the different processes o f Glove Making Patent Perforated Chamois Flannel Vests for Ladies and Gentlemen. Recommended for delicate Chests and t o those susceptible to cold, etc. Surgical Elastic Stockings, Knee Caps and Leggings 4 Stand No. 733 M I C H A E L F I T Z G E B A L D , 4 4 Patrick Street, Cork 1 2 Shirts of various kinds Exhibitor's Specialite in Make of Flannel Shirts 3 Scarfs, Ties, Collars, &c. Stand No. 7 3 4 1 2 3 C O L L I N S & CO., I S N o r t h M a i n Street, Cork Shirts Embroidery Waterproof Clothing, etc. Stand No. 735 1 2 3 4 5 P . W . A L L M A N , 1 Winthrop Street, Cork 4. Shirts, Day use 4 ,, w i t h Collars 4 ,, Full Dress 2 ,, Open Back Gentlemen's Linen Collars 6 „ „ Cuffs 7 2 Sets Underclothing 8 2 „ stand N o 736 1 2 3 A L L A N H O L D E N , Shirtmakcrs, Hosiers, Glovers, and Gentlemen's Outfitters, 4 5 St. Patrick St., Cork Irish Linen Shirts Calico Shirts, Linen Fronts, no Collars ,, ,, ,, Collars on 4 Tennis Shirts 5 6 Cricket Shirts Irish Linen Collars 7 8 „ ,, „ ii Wrist Bands Pyjamas and Jumpers for " Sleeping Garments " Official Catalogue. 203 S e c t i o n F — G l a s s2 5 stand No. 737 H . M . C O L L I N S , Cork Shirt Factory, 1 3 Caatlo St., Cork Cotton, Woollen, and Linen Shirts Stand No. 738 B E L F A S T H E M S T I T C H I N G CO., L i m i t e d ; Warehouse— 18 Great Vict oria St., B e l f a s t ; Factories—Hope St. F a c t ory, B e l f a s t ; Ballynaiiinoh, Co. D o w n 1 Benson's Patent Hemstitching Machine 2 Handkerchiefs—Cotton, Linen, Plain, Printed, and Embroidered 3 Shirts, W h i t e and Fancy 4 Collars, Cuffs, and Fronts Stand No. 739 W M . D E N N E H Y , 6 3 Patrick St., a n d 1 2 & 19 Castlo Street, Cork 1 Shirts 2 Collars 3 Scarfs 4 Ties 5 Handkerchiefs 6 Stockings Stand No. 7 4 0 1 2 M ' I N T Y E E , H O G G & CO., City Factory, Londonderry Ladies' Underclothing, all hand-made „ ,, machine-mado 3 Gentlemen's Dress Shirts 4 „ Stand No. 741 1 Collars and Cuffs J O H N H I L L & S O N , 3 5 Grand Parade, Cork Irish Cambric Handkerchiefs 2 White Long Cloth Shirts, Irish Linen Fronts and Wrists, Manchester Long Cloth, manufactured b y Exhibitor 3 French Cambric Shirts, printed i n Alsace, manufactured b y Exhibitor 4 English Flannel Shirts, manufactured b y Exhibitor 5 Irish Linen Collars, Irish Manufacture, made expressly for J. H. & Son Irish Hand-knit Half-hose, Blarney Yarns, manufactured by Exhibitors 6 7 Balbriggan Hosiery 8 Best Makes of Nottingham Hosiery Cork Industrial Exhibition 204 S e c t i o n F — C l a s s 25 Stand No. 7 4 2 M I C H A E L L A C E Y , " B l i n d M a n , " 3 5 6 E l a r n e y Street*. Cork Knitted Stockings, made b y m y own band of t h e best Blarney Wool,, 1 as follows:— Gents' Long Bicycle Stockings 2 Gents' Sbort 3 Ladies' Fancy Assorted Colour Stockings 4 Children's Stand No. 7 4 3 ,, ,, „ ,, F R A N C E S F I T Z G E R A L D , Glanleam, V a l e n c i a I s l a n d VALENTIA ISLAND KNITTINQ. 1 Men's Jerseys, Blue and White, of Blarney Wool 2 One Lady's Jersey and one Man's, of Bleadford Wool 3 Black Gloves of Blarney Wool 4 Coloured Gloves and Mittens of Baldwin's Fingering 5 Shooting Stockings and Socks of various kinds of Blarney Wool, also Pink Caps 6 Women's and Children's Stockings of Blarney Fingering and Yarns s t a n d No. 7 4 4 Y O U N G & N E I L S O N , 11 a n d I S P o r t l a n d Square, Bristol 1 Cardinal Italian Seam Corset, " Y & N ' s " Patent Diagonal 2 Black Satin ,, „ 3 Peacock Satin ,, ,, 4 Brown Italian Supporter Corset " Y . & N . 's " Patent Duplex 5 Black Satin ,, ,, ,, 6 Brown Satin ,, ,, „ 7 Black Satin " Y . & N . ' s " Patent Diagonal Curative Magnetic Corset and Belt combined s t a n d No. 745 „ ,, M A D A M E T H E O D O R E F O I R O T T E , 18 D a w s o n Street, Dublin Ladies' and Children's Hy£ienic Corsets Official Catalogue. 205 S e c t i o n F—Class 2 5 Stand No. 7 4 6 T . L Y O N S & CO., L i m i t e d , S o u t h M a i n S t r e e t , C o r k Ready-Made Clothing, a n d Clothing i n process of manufacture, showing C u t t i n g Machine b y A u b l e t t Ilarry & Co., London, anil Singer's Sewing Machines, driven byCrossley Brothers' 3J " O t t o " Gas E n g i n e D A N I E L A R N O L D , T h e W e s t E n d , 4 7 Patrick Street, Cork Stand No. 747 1 Boy's Military Suit, m a d e of Blarney Worsted 2 Boy's Lounge Suit, m a d e of Blarney Serge 3 Boy's Lounge Suit, m a d e of S h a n n o n Tweed 4 Boy's Lounge S u i t , m a d e of Blarney Worsted 5 Child's L a Mode Suit, m a d e of Blarney Worstcd 6 Boy's R u g b y Suit, m a d e of Blarney Worsted 7 Boy's Lounge Suit, m a d e of Cork Tweed 8 Child's Norfolk Suit, made of Blarney Tweed 9 Boy's R u g b y S u i t , m a d e of (Cogan's) Midleton Tweed T h e above m a d e i n m y Workshops T . W . F I N N <fc CO., 8 0 G r a n d P a r a d e a n d 5 2 G r e a t George's S t r e e t , Cork Stand No. 748 Men's Blarney Tweed Suits Men's Blarney Serge Suits Men's Suits of Clayton's Irish Tweeds Men's Suits of H i l l & Son's Irish Tweeds Boy's Blarney Tweed S u i t s Suits of Clayton's Irish Tweed stand No. 7 4 9 M R S . K A T E G E A N Y , 1 6 U n i o n Q u a y , Cork Midshipman's Suit, m a d e from W e s t of E ng l a nd Satara Cloth Sailor Suit, made from Blarney Serge Military Parade Jacket Suit, mado from Blarney Black Diagonal Cloth, braided b y h a n d Seven W a x D o l l s dressed i n different Suit3 Eaton Suit, made from F i n e B l a c k Cl o t h Jack Tar Suit, made from Blarney Serge Norfolk Suit, made from W e s t of E n g l a n d Tweed Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n F—Glass 2 5 Stand No. 7 4 9 —continued. 1 Lounge Suit, m a d e f r o m W e s t of E n g l a n d Tweed 8 Lounge Suit, m a d e f r o m Irish Tweed 9 W h i t e Sailor S u i t , m a d e from B l a r ne y F l a n n e l 10 B l a c k S i l k V e l v e t Suit, braided b y h a n d 11 Ladies' Military Braided Jackets, made from E n g l i s h Diagonal Cloth a n d braided b y h a n d ' 12 Ladies' Braided Jacket, m a d e from Blarney Black Diagonal Cloth nr»rl ° * a n d hroirlf.rl braided bV\ir y h^ an nn rdl 13 S i x S m o k i n g Caps braided b y h a n d i n different colours Stand No. 7 5 0 C L E B U R N E B R O T H E R S , 4 7 G r e a t G e o r g e ' s Street, Cork 1 Morning S u i t , Irish Manufacture 2 Lounge S u i t 3 Lounge Suit, B l a r ne y Serge ,, „ 4 Lounge S u i t , Blarney T w e e d 5 B i c y c l e Suit, B l a r ne y Serge 6 Cricket Suit, W h i t e F l a n n e l 7 Man-of-War Suit, Blarney Serge 8 J a c k Tar S u i t 9 Middy's Suit, W e s t of E n g l a n d Cl o t h 10 ,, „ Y o u t h ' s Lounge Suit, Irish Manufacture 11 B o y ' s Oxford S u i t 12 Boy's Fancy Suit 13 Cover Coat S t a n d No. 751 „ 3i J A M E S M C C A R T H Y , 2 B r u n s w i c k S t r e e t , Cork MILITARY 1 F i e l d Officer's T u n i c Sleeve, R o y a l Artillery 2 Colonel's T u n i c Sleeve, I n f a n t r y 3 Captain's T u n i c Sleeve, R o y a l Engineers 4 Colonel's S h e l l J a c k e t Sleeve, InfantryJ 5 Roman Catholic Canon's Soutane <) Roman Catholic Canon's Mosette 7 Ladies' Braided W a l k i n g J a c k e t CLERICAL Official Catalogue. zoj S e c t i o n F—Class 2 5 Stand No. 752 F R A N C I S C A S E Y , 6 3 Corporation Street, B e l f a s t 1 Fisherman's Oilskin S u i t 2 Seaman's Oilskin Suit 3 Sea Captain's or Pilot's Coat 4 Gentleman's Fishing and Trolling Coat 5 Gentleman's Yachting Coat 6 Coachman's Driving Coat 7 Carter's Coat, Leggings, and H a t 8 Oilskin Suit and H a t for Man a t Wheel 9 Car or Carriage Cover 10 Sample of Cart or Wagon Cover 11 Carriage or Car Horse Cover Stand No. 753 w ILLXAIVT B R O M E L D , 8 Egerton Grove, Manchester Fisherman's Suit stand No. 754 J A M E S C. F L Y N N , 4 , 5 <fc 6 D u n c a n Street, Cork ; Office Address—50 N o r t h M a i n Street, Cork O I L S K I N CLOTHING A N D WATEKPKOOFINGS 1 Ship Master's Waterproof Coat 2 Pilot's Storm Coat 3 Seaman's Complete Oilskin Suit 4 Fisherman's Oilskin Safety S u i t 5 Oilskin Jumper (French pattern) 6 Fisherman's Petticoat Pants 7 Angler's Improved Waterproof Coat 8 Carman's Complete Oilskin S u i t 9 Waterproof Rick or Cart Cover 10 Waterproof Horse Cover Stand No, 755 Mrs. M A E Y O ' C A L L A G H A N , 3 Grand Parade, Cork 1 2 Two Black Oil Suits, bound yellow leather. Own Manufacture Two Yellow French Suits, bound brown leather 3 One Yellow Oil Suit 4 One Black Oil Coat, bound'and strapped yellow leather Cork Industrial Exhibition 208 CLASS2 6 . Paper, Stationery, Printing, and Bookbinding. Stand No. 756 A L F E E D GREBE. & GO., Dripsey a n d Glenville Paper M i l l s ; Office a n d "Warehouse—Academy Street, Cork 1 Brown and Grocery Papers 2 Prepared and Unprepared Roofing Paper 3 Carpet Paper All made a t Glenville Paper Mill Stand No. 757 J A M E S R Y A N , 2 6 Maylor Street, Cork; Worke—Gurth P ap e r Mills, B l a r n e y 1 Blue, Brown, W h i t e y Brown, and Manilla Lapping 2 3 Papers i n Rolls, 54 inches wide Blue and Brown Bag Papers, and Bags made from them Stand No. 753 B R O W N E & N O L A N , 2 4 N a s s a u Street, Dublin 1 Paper and Stationery 2 3 Printing Bookbinding Stand No. 759 1 2 5 JOHN M DONNEL CO., Limited, 8 L o w e r Ormond Quay, D u b l i n ; WorkL—Swiftbrook M i l l s (No. 42), Saggart, Co. D u b l i n Specimen of " E x t r a Strong" Azure Laid Account Book Paper, in Folio Reams Specimen Fine Cream Laid Paper for Lithographic Printing, in Foli« Reams Specimen of Heavy Cream Laid Foolscap for Lawyers 4 ,, 6 6 „ of Fine Cream Laid Paper for N o t e Paper, in Folio of Fine Cream Laid N o t e Paper, i n 8vo ,, of Superfine Cream Laid N o t e Paper, i n 8vo 7 * ,, of Superfine Antique Note Paper, i n 8vo Yellow Wove Paper, i n Folio Official Catalogue. 2og S e c t i o n F—Class S 3 Stand No. 759—continued. 9 Specimen F i n e Bluo Laid N o t e Paper a n d Lawyer's Foolscap 10 „ of H e a v y Cream Laid Foolscap for Lawyers 11 ,, of t h e " O'Connell " Note, i n Cream Laid and Antique 12 ,, of Rags as bought, u s ed i n t h e Manufacture of t h e Paper 13 ,, of Sail Canvas, used t o g i v e strength t o t h e Rags 14 ,, o f Rags, c u t a n d dusted 15 ,, of Rags, boiled a n d washed 16 ,, of " H a l f Stuff," first Process of Pulping 17 ,, 18 ,, ,, after Bleaching of Pulp, final beating 19 „ „ w i t h Color for Cream Paper 20 „ ,, w i t h Color for B l u e Paper "21 „ H i d e Pieces, used for Sizing t h e Paper 22 ,, Size, Prepared a n d Ready for U s e when Melted 23 „ Ultramarine, used for Colouring 24 „ Carmine of Safflow, used for Colouring Stand No, 7 6 0 J O H N A . WHEELHOTTSE, £ 6 Street, Belfast Framed Show Cards, etc. Stand No. 761 J A M E S M I ^ L S , 9 a Cabra P a r a d e , D u b l i n 1 Cyclostyle, for copying Circulars, Designs, &c., i n Indelible Black or Colours, from one original w r i t i n g 2 Trypograph, Hektograph a n d other apparatus for copying Circulars, &e., Patent a n d Foreign manufacture 3 Rubber Stamps of all k i n d s for H e a d i n g Note, B i l l Heads, Memo randum forms, Marking Linen, a n d Business purposes ; entirely of (Own) Irish Manufacture 4 Dating, Self-inking, N u m b e r i n g &rc a r r a n g e m e n t s used i n connection with above (No. 3) P a t e n t and Foreign make 5 In k s of all Colours for Stamps, Multiplying, &c., all Irish (Own) manufacture 6 Printing Machine Automatic, Self-inking, for Visiting Cards, Note, Bill, and Memo Heads 2 IO S e c t i o n F—Class 2 6 Stand No. 762 2 J O H N C. O ' R E I L L Y , 3 2 a D a w s o n Street, D u b l i n 1 N e w Automatic Rotary Copying Apparatus or Graph. manufactured b y t h e Exhibitor 2 Metallic K e y and Umbrella Labels, with N a m e and Address of Owner engraved thereon stand No. 7 6 3 Invented and H . S . CHOPPER, & CO., Great A l f r e d Street Within, a n d S 3 Ald ersgat e Street, L o n d o n Ons Foolscap Folio Paten Minerva Platen Printing Machine, with an Ink-duct and steam gear, so a s t o be worked by foot or by power Stand No. 7 6 4 P U R C E L L & CO., 1 2 4 Patrick Street, Cork Lithography, Printing, Account Books, Bookbinding stand No. 765 1 P . F . M U R P H Y & CO., 8 S t . Patrick S t . , Cork Illuminated Addresses 2 Hand-Painted Christmas Cards, painted b y Cork Ladies and others 3 Specimen of Christmas Card i n 16 printings, showing various stages 4 Specimens of Lithography, &c. 5 Album t o hold Visiting Cards, invented b y P. F . Murphy, and published b y Marion & Co., 22 and 23 Soho Square, London 6 Specimen of Portrait Playing Card, Invented and Patented by P. F. Murphy stand No. 7 6 6 L A N D O N B R O T H E R S , 16 Bridge Street, Cork 1 Case of Account Books, our own manufacture. samples of our Printing 2 Small Printing Machine, t o be worked b y Steam Power Stand No. 767 Also containing a tew H . N . D R A P E R , 2 3 M a r y Street, D u b l i n Dichrolc I n k Stand No. 768 A R T H U R E E T N O R , BO Camden Street, D u b l i n Writing Inks, Ruling Ink, Office Gum Official Catalogue. 211 S e c t i o n F — C l a s s2 6 stand No. 769 J O S E P H B I R K E T T W H I T A K B E , 1 H o u s e of Oorreotion Hill, Kendal, England 1 Wood-stains (for interior w o r t i n Churches, Schools, Houses, &c.> and ior Ornamental Panels and Parquetting) 2 Black Writing Ink, for general purposes 3 Household Dyes, adapted, selected and labelled for Household use Stand No. 770 D A N I E L H E R L I H Y , 7 7 S h an d on Street, Cork Black and Coloured Writing, Copying and WaA-in, Tnkg Stand No. 771 W H E E L E R & W H E E L E R , 6 7 K i n g St., a n d 6 4 & 6 5 Patrick Street, Cork 1 The Hibernian Chemical " B l a c k " writing I n k 2 Wheeler & Wheeler's Copying I n k 3 >j ,, Red Blue „ ,, ® » Violet „ Stand No. 772 A . W . W I L K I E & S O N , City bf Cork Rubber S t a m p W o r k s , K i n g Street, Cork Inks, various colours, for use w i t h India Rubber H a n d Printing Stamps ° Stand No. 773 T H O M A S S A N D E R S H A R T , , 9 5 George's Street, Cork 1 Books—Irish Literature 2 Stationery—Photographic views of Ireland ; Hand-painted, Birthday Christmas, etc., Cards 3 Pictures Local Water Color Sketches, Oleographs, and Chromo Lithographs 4 Mouldings—Oxford and Mitred Frames Stand No. 774 J A M E S D U F F Y & S O N S , 1 5 Wellington Quay, D u b l i n 1 Bookbinding and Publishing of Altar Missals 2 Breviaries, Diurnals, and Rituals 3 Prayer Books and Devotional Works 4 Irish National Publications, etc., etc O 1,2 Cork l7iduslrial Exhibition S e c t i o n F — C l a s s2 6 Stand No. 775 B L A C K I E & SON", Printers a n d Publishers, 8 9 Talbot Street, D u b l i n 1 Books—General Literature and School Publications 2 Yere Foster's Writing and Drawing Series—Specimens of Writing Copy Books, and examples from Drawing and Water Colour Books 3 Bookbinding—Specimens of the Ordinary work of t h e Firm in Leather and Cloth Stand No. 776 M . J E N K I N S & S O N , 18 P e m b r o k e Street, Cork 1 Sealing W a x and 2 Miscellaneous Stationery Stand No. 777 C A M E R O N , A M B E R G , <Sc CO., Chicago, N e w York, L o n d o n . B . G. B r a d s h a w (Sole A g e n t f o r Ireland), B e n b u r b Lodge, F a i r v i e w , Co. D u b l i n A 60 File Cabinet, w i t h double-folding Doors and Locks, i n Walnut Wood A 40 A 30 A 24 A 18 „ Single-folding n ii A 12 A 6 Single Files of Various Sizes Indexicons and Transfer Cases Stand No. 778 MAECTJS W A R D & CO., R o y a l U l s t e r W o r k s , Belfast Specimens of Colour Printing, &c. Stand No. / < 9 W I L L I A M B R O M E L L , 8 E g e r t o n Grove, Manchester Cliromo Printing Stand No. 780 A U S T I N W O R N , 4 Moles-worth Street, D u b l i n 1 Specimens of Die-sinking and Colour-stamping 2 Copperplate and Stone Seal Engraving Official Catalogue. S e c t i o n F—Class2 6 Stand No. 781 C H A R L E S EA30JM", 30 Middle A b b e y Street, D u b l i n 1 Holy Childhood : A Book of Prayers for Little Children. Mulholland 2 B y Rosa The Treasury of the Sacred Hsarfc : A N e w Manual of Prayer. 740 pages The Same, Abridged. Royal 32mo. 18mo. 512 pages 3 The Manual of Catholic Devotions. 4 The Manual of Catholic Piety. B y the late Rev. Wm. Gahan, O.S.A. Diamond 48mo 5 The Key of Heaven. B y t h e Righ t Rev. J . M. 6 The Garden of t h e S o u l : A Manual of Catholic Devotion 7 The Path t o Paradise. Stand No- 781a A revised edition J . K N O W L B S , F i s h e r i e s Exhibition, L o n d o n New Book o n Fishes Stand No. 782 1 ERA"N"OIS G U T , 7 0 Patrick Street, Cork Printing Prize Drawing an ! Show Cards. The Prize Drawing is b y Miss Caroline Beatsou of t h e Cork School of Art 2 Sets of Cork Manufactured Account Books, i n various Styles of J Binding, &c. 3 Specimens of Bookbinding and Hi^h-cla33 Finishing, together w ith Examples of the Process of Binding Books 4 Lithographic Show-cards executed i n Cork, Copper-plate Engraving, and Commercial Lithography, Original Working Designs, Stones, &c., illustrating the Art 5 Modern Decorative Letter-press Printing, Book Types, reprinted from old Cork Magazine, &c., Local Publications, Pamphlets, &c., a Collection of Irish, Scotch, Welsh, English, German and American Typography, and other Printing Novelties 6 Wood-engraving, sets of Blocks, &c., illustrating t h e Art 7 Colour-stamping and Die-sinking Seals, &c. Cork Industrial Exhibition 214 S e c t i o n F — C l a s s2 6 Stand No. 783 G U Y B E O T E E E S , Manufacturers, Cork S t e a m Printing a n d Stationery W o r k s , P a p e r B a g a n d A c c o u n t B o o k Factory, A c a d e m y Street, N e l s o n ' s P l a c e , Cork 1 Manufactured Stationery 2 N o t e Papers 8 9 Bottle Labels Direction „ % Envelopes 10 Bookbinding 4 Account Books Machine R u l i n g 5 Paper Bags 11 12 6 Lapping Papers 13 Letterpress 1 Show Cards Stand No. 7 8 4 1 '2 Lithographic Printing ,, F R E D E R I C K P . E . P O T T E R , Bridge St., Skibbereen, a n d South. M a i n St., B a n d o n Specimens of Letter-press Printing Show Card Stand No. 785 A . W . W I L K I E <fc S O N , C i t y o f Cork R u b b e r S t a m p W o r k s , K i n g Street, Cork 1 2 India-rubber Stamps for Hand-printing and Marking Linen India-rubber Types 3 Metal-bodied Rubber Type 4 Climax and Flange Daters, also various Appliances for Self-inking Office and Pocket Stamps 5 American Model Card Printing-press 6 "Wood Engravings, Stereotypes, etc Stand No. 786 W I L L I A M B R O M E L L , 8 E g e r t o n G r o v e , Manchester India-rubber Stamps, etc. Official Catalogue. SECTION G . CLASS2 7 . Furniture, Upholstery, Decoration, etc. Stand No. 787 A R N O T T & CO., Dublin, Limited, 11,12, 13, 1 4 , 1 5 , a n d 5 0 H e n r y Street, D u b l i n 1 Carved Oak Sideboard ; style, Italian Renaissance, freely treated 2 Ebonized and Satin-wood Cabinet 3 4 "Vis-a-vis Ottoman, Carved and Gilt, covered i n Rich Brocatelle Specimen Dining and Drawingroom Chairs All Designed and Manufactured b y Arnott and Co., Limited, i n their Factory Stand No. 788 G A S H & CO., Limited, 91 S o u t h Mall, Cork Oak Diningroom Suite, consisting of Side-board, Dinner Wagon, Settee, Telescope Table, 12 Chairs and 2 Carving Chairs Stand No. 789 1 J O H N D A L Y & CO., Limited, 8 4 & 8 5 Grand Parade, Cork Ebonized Drawing-room Cabinet, Italian Renaissance style 2 Six Occasional Chairs, i n Ebonized Woods, upholstered i n French Tapestry and Plush 3 Settee (Ebonized Wood), and upholstered i n French Tapestry and Plush 4 Bed-room Suite of Furniture, i n Cedar and Satin Wood 5 Bed-room Suite of Furniture, i n Pitch Pine and Mahogany 6 Bed-room Suite of Furniture, i n Decorated Pine 7 Brass Bedstead and Bedding 8 Axminster Carpet 9 Patent Axminster Carpet 10 " W e a v e Truth with Trust" Brussels Carpet 11 Art Carpet 12 Carpet of Irish Manufacture 13 3 Suites of French Tapestry Carpets, with poles, etc., coihplete 216 Cork Industrial Exhibitmi S e c t i o n G—Class 2 7 Stand No. 790 1 ^ A L E X . G R A N T & CO., Patrick Street, Cork y a r d s ™4 E ° y a l W i l t 0 n Carpe t P e r s i a n ' design, size 5 y a r d s b y 2 One R o y a l A x m i n s t e r Carpet, 5 y a r d s b y 4 y a r d s 3 O n e R o y a l W i l t o n Carpet, l i g h t g r o u n d , J a p a n e s e design, 12 f t . 6 i n . . 4 5 A E o y a l W i l t o n , T e r r a C o t t a design, size 12 f t . 8 i n . b y 9 f t . 7 i n . Turkey Carpets 6 A v e r y h a n d s o m e _ a n d massive P a t e n t H a l f - c a n o p y Bedstead a l l y n e w Exhibition P a t t e r n > specially designed f o r t h i s 7 A n a l l brass-wire Spiral S p r i n g M a t t r e s s 8 Best H a i r M a t t r e s s f o r do. 9 10 A p a i r of h a n d s o m e carved W o o d a n d G i l t Cornices, Cork m a d e O n e E a s y Chair i n Genoa V e l v e t a n d R u b y P l u s h 1 1 " 12 " » >> 1 4 "u L ? ' 6 in » F i g u r e d S i l k a n d Sage P l u s h Tete-a-tete Settees ' B l a c ? In laid , 1 P linecfwith'vTlvet 15 4 f t „ Cabinet, w i t h O r m o l u M o u n t i n g s ^ C °rinthian columns - e t c -> V e r i e r " 16 Gold a n d B l a c k Three-plate Mirror, p a i n t e d piece (or t o p of Cabinet) l i c h l y decorated w i t h raised figures, etc. 1 7 AU 1 8 A V 1 9 5 20 Ebonized Chippendale Card, a n d Occasional Table, l i n e d w i t h olive green c l o t h ' 21 Ebonized W r i t i n g Table, w i t h t w o drawers a n d morocco l i n e d t o p > , ! ? 0 l n 1 C o ^ e " t o P M i r r ° r , w i t h p a i n t e d panels, a n d bevelled edge silvered p l a t e s byyi^genglaSe ^ C °nS°leT a W e ' W i t hm M b l e t o p s u r m o C h i p p e n d a l e desi t d ^ a S p a n e k ^ fitted w i t h ' S». ™ted ^ v e i l e d plated 2 2 .A W a l n u t and_ Gold S u i t e of Drawing-room F u r n i t u r e , r i c h l y A r tistic ° a v e t a n d R ub y P l u s h , s t y l e Modern, 2 3 3 F o l d i n g Chairs, covered w i t h P l u s h a n d Persian needle-work 24 Samples of Yallance F r inges a n d U p h o l s t e r y T r i m m i n g s 25 Miscellaneous Collection of F a n c y Articles Official Catalogue. S e c t i o n G—Class 2 7 stand No. 791 L Y N C H B R O T H E R S , 2 3 Grand Parade, Cork Furniture Stand No. 792 1 B U R R O W S & S O N , 6 5 George's s t r e e t , Cork Solid Spanish Mahogany Dining-room Suite, comprising— 8 f t . Sideboard, r o u n d , a n d p l a t e glass b a c k 2 4 f t . 6 in. Bracket Dinner Waggon 3 12 f t . b y 4 f t . 8 i n . Telescope Table 4 Two E a s y Chairs, covered i n crimson g r a i n Morocco 6 12 Spoon b a c k Chairs it 55 T h e above a r e o u r own designs, a n d m a d e o n t h e premises, fitted w i t h P a t e n t B a l l Castors 18 12 Birch Bed-room Suite, all m a d e o n t h e premises, comprising 6 f t . W a r d r o b e , one-third hanging, t w o - t h i r d s drawers a n d frays 3 f t . 6 i n . Chest Drawers 20 4 f t . Toilet Table, w i t h jewel drawers a n d shelves 21 4 f t . M a r b l e t o p , t i l e b a c k W a s h s t a n d 22 Pedestal Cupboard 23 Towel H o r s e 24 3 Chairs 27 D r u m - h e a d Couch 28 Solid Brass Persian Bedstead, w i t h F u r n i t u r e 29 S p r i n g Bed, upholstered Curled H a i r 30 M a t t r e s s " a 31 Bolster a n d t w o Pillows W i t h exception of Bedstead, a l l t h e above were m a d e o n o u r own premises 34 Samples different qualities Curled H a i r u s e d i n Upholstery 45 Samples P a t e n t Ball Castors Stand No. 793 1 LOVE CO., M a y l o r Street, Cork M a h o g a n y Sideboard, bevelled edge, glass b a c k 2 One D u m b W a i t e r t o m a t c h Sideboard, bevelled edge, glass back 3 One M a h o g a n y Wardrobe, 3 doors, centre door, plate-glass, fitted w i t h drawers a n d t r a y s inside stand No. 794 O. M U R P H Y & S O N , H o u s e a n d Church Decorators 3 2 Old George's Street, Cork W a l l Decorations, P a p e r H a n g i n g s , a n d F u r n i t u r e 2i8 Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n G—Class 27 stand No. 795 A R T H U R H I L L , Architect, 2 2 George's Street, Cork Oak Cabinet, designed b y A r t h u r H i l l , made b y George Wheeler Folding Screen (Japanese Style), A r t h u r H i l l stand No. 796 1 T H O M A S R . SOOTT & CO., 3 3 & 3 3 U p p e r Abbey Street, D u b l i n A Collection of Artistic Economical Domestic Furniture, consisting of Dmmg-room Sideboard, made i n S t . Domingo Mahoranv W00<1 antl BeVel GlaSS Panels> a n d Sma11 to match 2 3 °ha"' A Drawing-room Cabinet, 6 feet long, m a d e of American W a l n u t , and w i t h Carved Wood a n d Bevel Glass Panels A Bed-room Suite of Furniture, w i t h Beaconsfield Wardrobe, all Bevel G l a s " l e n e a i 1 ^ W ^ °° d I n l a y si n P a n e l s >a n d All t h e F u r n i t u r e i s designed a n d m a d e a t our works stand No. 797 P E T E R D E E & SON, 3 0 a n d 3 1 D u n c a n StreetBranch House—7 Great George's Street, Cork A P i t c h P i n e a n d Satin Wood Suite of Bedroom F u r n i t u r e consisting of Wardrobe w i t h Plate-glass Door, Toilet T a b ^ w i t h S affixed. W a s h - s t a n d w i t h Marble Top, fitted with Million's Tiles u V o M ' e r e d t ' ^ thr6e °hairS ^ stand No. 798 N A T H A N I E L L O N G , Junr., 2 Crosses Green, Cork Oak Sideboard i n t h e Pompian style Stand.No. 799 M . F . P H E L A N , Devonshire A r m s Hotel, Y ou gh&al Co Cork * One Sideboard Stand No. 8 0 0 1 J A M E S O ' K E E F E , The Moor, Bridgetown W e x f o r d , Ireland Countv Combined Cabinet W r i t i n g Desk, Book Case, a n d Bed-room Altar made of N a t i v e Wood a n d decorated ' 2 Combined Cabinet. W r i t i n g Desk, Book Case, a n d Bed-room Altaimade of Foreign Deal a n d decorated ' 3 Small Combined Cabinet W r i t i n g Desk, Book Case, a n d Bed-room Altar, m a d e of Foreign Wood, a n d decorated 4 H a n g i n g Bed-room Altar, w i t h W r i t i n g Desk, Drawer, a n d smal Book Case attached, decorated 5 H a n g i n g Bed-room Altar, w i t h W r i t i n g Desk attached, decorated 6 H a n g i n g Bed-room A l t a r Official Catalogue. 219 S e c t i o n G—Class 2 7 Stand No. 801 H E N E Y N A Y L O E , 3 6 L o w e r Liffey Street, D u b l i n One Pair Painted Cabinets, doors w i t h subjects of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, ends w i t h Ornaments typical of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air stand No. 8 0 2 J E R E M I A H F O L E Y , 3 5 A b b e y Street, Cork 1 Square Wicker Table i n Black and Gilt 2 Round Table i n W h i t e 3 Oval Table i n Buff Colour 4 Lady's Work Table i n Buff Colour 5 6 7 „ ,, ,, ,, „ ,, White Black and Gilt Parlour Fire-wood Basket, i n Black and_Gilt 8 „ „ ,, Buff 9 ,, ,, ,, White 10 D Square Chair i n Buff 11 Round ,, Black and Gilt 12 Half Seckel Chair i n W h i t e 13 Square Bed-room Basket i n Buff 14 Round ,, ,, 15 Eight Square,, ,, 16 Travelling Basket i n Buff 17 Flour Stand i n Buff „ White 18 Dog Basket i n Buff Stand No. 8 0 3 J A M E S F . B O Y L E , 7 3 B l e s s i n g t o n Street, D u b l i n 1 Artistic Carved and Gilt Furniture 2 Pier Table and Mirror Stand No. 8 0 4 F R A N C I S B A N F I E L D , Cavendish Quay, B a n d o n A Ladies' Toilet Table i n Fretwork (made and polished b y a n Amateur) Cork Industrial Exhibition / S e c t i o n Gr—Class 2 7 s t a n d No. 8 0 5 1 I A E Y F R A N C E S H U R L E Y , Presentation Convent, 1 F a n c y Table w i t h S a t i n (painted) Top, Lace Border a n d Stem ornamented w i t h Leather W o r k stem, 2 O n e P a i n t i n g ( F r a m e of L e a t h e r W o r k ) Stand No. 8 0 8 1 2 Gl 3 T e a 4 J O H N M A H O N Y , 1 0 B r u n s w i c k Street, Cork W i c k e r Table, B l a c k a n d Gilded Psy 8 " Garden Chairs 9 i ® Chairs 6 Oval C h a m b e r B a s k e t s t a n d No. 8 0 7 7 » 0 Round Chamber Basket Square T r u n k Cottage-roof Cage Eel Trap 11 Lobster T r a p 12 Travelling Basket J A M E S H A L L , 3 Vict oria Street, Cork O n e O a k C a r d T a b l e T h e oak i n t h i s t a b l e f o r m e d p a r t of t h e roof of t h e o l d C h u r c h of S t . M a r y , S h a n d o n , Cork. T h e Church w a s b u i l t m 1690, a n d t h e oak for t h e roof Was procured f r o m Sie F o r r e s t opposite (vide Register). T h i s t i m b e r , therefore, g r e w in J i e neighbourhood of S h a n d o n Street, a n d i s a t least 400 years Stand No. 8 0 8 H E N R Y S T E P H E N R Y D I N G , L . D . S . , R.C.S.L., Lower Glen tw o r t h Street, L i m e r i c k Dental Operating Chair Stand No. 8 0 9 M I S S L . B O Y D , Beechcropt, Strandtown, B e l f a s t U m b r e l l a S t a n d , P a i n t e d i n Oils Stand No. 810 1 H E N R Y M I L L I K I N & S O N , P o s t Office L a n e , Cork A V e n e t i a n B l i n d , P a i n t e d Buff, w i t h a P a t e n t C a t c h o n t o p ' ^ ii ,, Green 4 " »> F r e n c h Grey, P a t e n t C a t c h A P er f or ated Z i n c B l i n d , P a i n t e d Buff 5 A Gauze-wire B l i n d , Br own a n d Gold 6 i, s t a n d N o 811 B l u e a n d Gold H U G H C O L A H A N , 3 4 L o w e r Clanbrassil Street, Dublin Imitations of Woods and Marble Official Caialogue. 221 S e c t i o n G—Class 2 7 stand Ho. 812 J O H N D A L Y , 7 H a m i l t o n B o w , Dublin Painted Woods and Marbles Seven Panels of Marbles „ Stand No. 813 „ Woods J O H N O ' C O N N E L L & S O N , 8 7 N o r t h Main St., Cork 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Embossed and Decorated Glass Panels, for Altar Fronts, or t o be fixed on walls i n Church or Business Establish^ ments 6 Decorated Zinc Panel, t o be fixed on wall i n Church 7 Designs for Works of House and Church Decoration 8 Arabesque Panel for walls of Drawingroom 9 Decorated Centre Flowers for Ceiling Name of Designer and Artizan for entire of above, J. J. O'Connell. Stand No- 814 J A M E S W I L S O N , 27 Grand Parade, Cork 1 Ornamenting and Embossing on Plate Glass. Exhibitor's name lettered o n same I M I T A T I O N OF W O O D S A N D I N L A Y I N G . Inlaid Figure, w i t h Scroll, Walnut, Lime tree, and Tulip Woods 6 7 8 Maple and Walnut Scroll of Walnut, with Maple Sap of Oak Inlaid Panel, Maple, Walnut, and Tulip Woods Hungarian A s h and Tulip Wood Light Oak and Mahogany 9 10 11 12 13 Oak Veined Satin Wood, with Tulip inlay Walnut Panel Root of Oak Mahogany, with Ebony^inlay I M I T A T I O N OF M A E B L E S . 14 Jasper Rose 15 Rouge Jasper 16 Yerd Antique 17 Serpentine 18 Pyreannan Green 19 20 21 Devonshire Brescia Ficario Girotte 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sienna Black and Gold Italian Pink Rouge Ro Dove Marble Brocatella Cork Marble 222 Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n G—Class 2 7 Stand N o 815 J O S E P H B L I G H , 21 Stafford Street, D u b l i n Ceiling a n d W a l l Panels i n F l a t T i n t s a n d Gold ; b e i n g specimens of Gothic, a n d Renaissance P a i n t e d Decorations, f o r Interiors of Ecclesiastical a n d Domestic Buildings Stand No. 816 1 J A M E S H E N B Y O ' N E I L L ' Decorator, BaJlintempl* Cork Panels i n imitation of t h e following woods, viz : "Oak" " Pitch Pine " "Walnut" 2 3 Panels i n imitation of t h e following Marbles : " Gal way Green a n d I t a l i a n " Panels of House Decoration 4 A L a Rennaissance a n d Arabesque style Church Decorations ;— " Christ a t t h e Sepulchre " A l l t h e above executed personally b y E x h i b i t o r Stand No- 817 W I L L I A M D E N N E H Y , 7 3 Grand Parade N i n e Imitations of Woods a n d Marble O n e C h u r c h Decoration O n e Glass, Embossed F o u r Figures P a p e r Hangings, &c. s t a n d No- 818 W I L L I A M J . F R Y , 8 Harbour B o w , Queenstown I m i t a t i o n of Spanish Mahogany B i r d E y e Maple I r i s h Bog Oak English Oak French Walnut I r i s h Live Oak Pollard, or Root of Oak Official Catalogue. S e c t i o n G-—Class 2 7 stand No- 819 1 2 T A L L I S E A G A R , D I X O N , & SON, 8 3 Upper Rathmines, Dublin Specimen of Classic Ecclesiastical Decoration „ Gothic „ „ 3 Special and Original Dining-room Decoration 4 Specimen of Italian Renaissance Dining-room Decoration 5 Specimen of Japanese Inlaid Drawing-room Decoration 6 8 ,, Drawing-room Decoration ,, Celtic Ornament, stained o n the raw wood w i t h our own stain 8 Specimen, Imitation of Midleton, Co. Cork, Marble & „ ,, Connemara Marble 10 „ ,, Sienna Marble 11 „ ,, Cork Red (Little Island) Marble Stand No- 8 2 0 J O H N D A L Y , N o . 11 Great George's Street, Cork 1 Eight Panels Grained Imitation of Woods and Marbles 2 Specimens of Fancy Tinted and Lined Painted Decorations for Walls and Ceilings i n Sections 3 Pillars Painted i n Ecclesiastical Colours and Gilded 4 Specimens of Figure Painting, Decorations 5 The Back-ground of t h i s stand w i l l be covered over w i t h the Old Room Paper Stands, made i n Cork b y Cork Tradesmen 65 years ago, before printing b y machinery Stand No- 821 1 suitable for signs B I B L E B R O T H E R S , P o p e ' s Quay, Cork Roompaper Printing i n Colours and Gold 2 Trimming Roompaper b y Machinery 3 Picture Frame Making 4 Carving and Gilding 5 Lincrusta Walton o n t h e Limburg W a l l Decorations 6 Specimens of House Painting 7 Patent Glacier Window Decoration (Irish Manufactur 8 Stamped Brass Centre ieces and other Cork Industrial 224 Exhibition S e c t i o n G—Class 2 7 Stand No. 821 —continued 9 F r e n c h Decorations, Room-papers, &c. 10 Varnishes 11 Brushes 12 Colours 1 3 P a t e n t Size 14 Gloy stand N o . 8 2 2 P E T E R L B D D Y , 9 N o r t h Court A v e n u e , Church Road Dublin 1 Ornamental Carved Woodwork F r a m e , representing a H a p p y Fainilv i n t h e year 1781, t h e P i c t u r e — t h e P a r l i a m e n t H o u s e a n d the evicted one i n 1882 2 Photograph Frame, showing Exiles g o i n g t o P o r t l a n d Prison, and the m e n of 98 breaking E r i n ' s c h a i n s 3 Carved F r a m e ; picture—Mr. G r a y ; E r i n L a m e n t i n g h i m going to Stand No. 823 J A M E S D . S P E N C E , P r i n t Seller, A r t i s t Colorman, and Picture F r a m e Maker, 7 L o w e r Sackville St., Dublin Specimens of Best G i l t F r a m e s f o r Oil Paintings, W a t e r Colour Drawings, Engravings, &c. stand No. 8 2 4 1 2 R . & W . C L A R K E ,4 0 & 4 1 Grand Parade, Cork G i l t Carved W i n d o w Cornice, Renaissance S t y l e G i l t Cornice, Floral Design 3 G i l t Carved Mirror, Queen A n n e Design. 4 A n t i q u e Chippendale Glass (restored) 5 G i l t Jardiniere a n d Flower S t a n d , w i t h Upholstered S e a t Stand No. 825 J O H N CROTTY, 8 Clarke's Br i d ge 1 2 3 I n l a i d Table T o p i n Marble Mahogany Panels Oak ,, 4 Maple 5 2 I n l a i d W a l n u t Panels ,, Official Catalogue. 225 S e c t i o n G—Class 2 7 stand No. 826 1 J O H N M U R P H Y , W o o d s L a n e , Cork 2 Inlaid Scagliola Marble Tables 2 3 Scagliola Marble Pedestals 3 4 Specimens of Enriched Plaster Cornices, and specimens of Encaustic Tiling, and specimens of Corinthian Capital i n Plaster stand No- 827 R I C H A R D C O L L E S , M a r b l e Mills, K i l k e n n y Massive Mantelpiece i n Irish Marbles, from various localities, Designed and Manufactured b y Exhibitor Stand No- 828 N I C H O L A S G A L V I N , Plasterer & Slater, a n d Modeller, 7 9 P a i r L a n e , Cork 1 Cement Table, executed i n Keene's Cement, in imitation of Sca^liola. on Mosaic, w i t h Ornamental Carved Oak Stands 2 Top of Table, i n imitation of Scagliola and Mosaic 3 Inlaid Panels i n Keene's Cement 4 Segment Pediment w i t h Ornamental Plastering i n Panels, and Imita tion of Marble i n same, i n Keene's Cement o n Plaster of Paris Stand No. 829 A . & P . H A L L I D A Y , 3 3 & 9 2 Highest,.CEton, W i n d s o r Oak Chimneypiece ; all work done b y Exhibitor Stand No. 8 3 0 M I S S E V A H A C K E T T , Bellair, Cork Pair of Brackets Cork Industrial Exhibition SECTION H EDUCATIONAL APPLIANCES. CLASS2 9 . A—INTELLECTUAL. School and College Buildings, Fittings, and Furniture. Stand No. 831 J A M E S P . O O E B Y & CO., Prince's D o c k Saw Mills a n d Joinery Works, B e l f a s t 1 2 Teacher's Desk, Pitch-Pine Single Desk (with Locker) 3 4 Plain Desk without Bookshelf Plain Desk w i t h Bookshelf 5 The Irish Reversible Desk, as a Desk 6 „ ,, as a Table 7 The Wheel Reversible Desk, as a Desk 8 9 „ ,, The Scotch Desk as a Table 10 11 Easel and Blackboard Moveable Stand, with Blackboard 12 13 14 Model of " Tenant Fixture " Greenhouse Door made of Baltic Timber Frame and Sash „ Stand No. 8 3 2 S U L L I V A N B E O T H E E S , Publishers, Booksellers, Stationers, Bookbinders, a n d School Furniture Manu facturers, 2 6 a n d 2 7 Marlborough. Street, Dublin 1 2 Head Master's Desk and Chair, i n Pitch-Pine Under Master's Desk, with Cupboard and Chair, i n Pitch-Pine 3 4 Mistress's Table Folding Desk, combining a Seat with Back and a Writing Bench ^ 17 It J) These two Desks placed back t o back form a Table with Seats Official Catalogue. 227 Section H—Class 2 9 Stand Ho. 832 —continued. 6 T h e Model School D e s k a n d Seat, a l l "Wood » j> w i t h Metal S t a n d a r d s » >' w i t h s u p p o r t a t back, f o r G irls 9 F o r m for Places of "Worship a n d Lecture Rooms 1 0 11 Blackboard m o u n t e d o n S t a n d 1 2 >1 Framed, mounted o n S t a n d 13 Framed Easel a n d Blackboard GLASS 3 0 . Teaching Appliances. stand No, 833 A L E X . G O R D O N , Manager, T h e Cork a n d B a n d o u R a i l w a y , Cork Map of Cork H a r b o u r a n d Distr ict stand No. 8 3 4 D I R E C T O R , Geological S u r v e y o f Ireland, I I H u m e Street, D u b l i n Geological S u r v e y M a p of S o u t h e r n half of Ireland. statute mile Scale 1 i n t o Stand No. 833 O R D N A N C E S U R V E Y , Phoenix Park, D u b l i n Series of Maps of I r e l a n d Stand No. 836 C H R I S T I A N B R O T H E R S , Our L a d y ' s Mount, Cork 1 W o r k i n g Model of F i t t e r ' s W o r k s h o p : (°) ( /j ) >i » Gothic Engine Self-aoting Screw C u t t i n g L a t h e w (d) Grinding Stone Ordinary Lathe if) Drilling Machine ( f ) Bench Vices (9) W e s t o n ' s P u l l e y Block » ffl ,, ,, P u l l e y Block (Epicycloidal) Circular Saw P Cork Industrial Exhibition 228 S e c t i o n H — Cl a s s 3 0 S t a n d N o . 8 3 6 —continued. 2 W o r k i n g Model o f Sheare-legs ; s h o w i n g application of Mechanical rowers. (Model b y J . Burke, Engineer, former pupil of school) 3 D y n a m o Machine (Gramme), showing (a) Electric L i g h t ; (6) Chemical Decomposition ; (c) Motion ; (d) Magnetism ; (e) Sound 5 Electric L a m p for A r e L i g h t (Dubosque's Form) 6 S w a n L a m p s for Incandescent L i g h t 7 Electro-Magnetic Motor (Griscorn's Form) 8 Force P u m p s (made b y J . Burke, former pupil), worked b y ElectroMagnetic Motor, s h o w i n g Fountains 9 Decomposition of W a t e r b y Electricity (Hoffman's Apparatus) 10 Pneumatic Trough for Collection o f Gases, from N o . 9, Hoffman's Apparatus 11 Production of Wa t er b y Electricity (Cavendish's Eudrometor), from Gases produced b y Decomposition of Water Electric P u m p 12 13 Electric Engine, D r i v i n g Circular Saw, &c. 14 Electro-Magnet 15 Electrotyping (Sulphate o f Copper B a t h ) 16 Electro-Dynamometer (Siemen's), s h o w i n g strength o f Electric Cur rent 17 Induction Coil a n d L ey d en Jars 18 Sounder Telegraph (Polarized Vibrator) 1 9 A B C Telegraph (Brequet) CHRISTIAN BROTHERS 20 Additional (at Mr. G. Perceval's Stall) A , B , C Telegraph (Brequet) 21 Sounder Telegraph (Morse) 22 Dynamo-Machine ( S h u n t F o r m ) ; g i v i n g A r c Light, 2 , 0 0 0 Candles, or 10 S w a n L i g h t Lamps of 2 0 Candles each s t a n d No. 8 3 7 D A N L E A H Y & P A T R I C K S T A N T O N , 7 1 Grand P a r a d e , Cork, o n B e h a l f o f t h e I r i s h Gaelic Union, Cork Branch. A Bookcase, 4 J feet l o n g , about 18 inches deep, a n d 8 feet high • containing Books a n d Manuscripts i n t h e Irish Language and some i n t h e E n g l i s h Language ' Official Catalogue. 229 CLASS 31. B—PHYSICAL. Drill and Gymnastics, Games, and Toys. StandJNo. 838 M A E S D B N & S A F F L E Y , 9 Be ac on St., Liverpool, N . "Marsden's Patent Billiard Table," with adjuncts for Billiards, which never requires ironing, thereby preserving the colour and texture of the Cloth, and saving the labour required b y Slate Beds, which we condemn as t h e most pernicious substance ever placed under a woollen cloth. These Tables obtained Prizes at Sydney and Mel bourne International Exhibitions Stand No, 839 P E T E R D E E & S O N S , SO & S I D u n c a n Street; Branch H o u s e , 7 Great George's Street, Cork Oak Billiard Table, full size, home-made stand No. 840 T H O M A S C O G H L A N , 4 0 a L o w e r Camden St. , D u b l i n Full-size Billiard Table, Slate Bed, mounted on Mahogany Frame, with appointments, Compound Marking Board, Cues, &c. Stand No. 841 D A N I E L H A R R I S & S O N , Cliarlemont Bridge W orke, Dublin 1 Billiard Table, complete, Slate Bed on Patent Metallic Frame with our Patent Cushions 2 Compound Marking Board 3 Circular Cue Stand and Cues, &c., 3 Billiard Balls, 1 Table Brush, and 1 Holland Cover Stand No. 842 D A N I E L H O R G A N , Maylor Street, Cork Billiard Table, Irish Manufacture Stand No. 843 1 D A N I E L W H E L A N , Booleigh, Fontstown, Co. Ki l dare 2 Pair Cricket Bats, 1 whole Cane and Double Cane 230 Cork Industrial Exhibition CLASS 33. C—TECHNICAL. Industrial Work Generally stand No. 845 1 2 3 4 S C H O O L S O F T H E I R I S H S I S T E R S O F CHARITY S t . Vincent's Convent, St. Mary's R o a d Cork A Set of Floral Altar Charts (Original Design) Specimen of Illumination Painted Fan A Child's Dress 5 Point Lace Handkerchief 6 7 Mouchoir Case, Point Lace Banner Screen stand No. 846 R E V . M O T H E R . ( M A R Y F R A N C I S C L A R E ) , Knock, Ballyhaunis, Co. M a y o 1 Publications—Historical and Religious Works written and published b y the above 2 Souvenir of Knock,, Co. Mayo, with views of t h e Church and Scene of the Apparitions 3 Knitting and N e t s worked b y children of t h e Knock Industrial School Stand No. 847 1 2 3 5 0 T H E C H R I S T I A N B R O T H E R S ' I N S T I T U T I O N FOE T H E D E A F A N D D U M B , S t . Joseph's, Cabra, Dublin A Set of Silver-mounted Brougham Harness ; Mountings and Material, with t h e exception of the Patent Leather, Irish manufacture A Set of Fancy Posting Harness, mounted i n Silver A Set of Fancy Delivery Float Harness, Brass Mountings, all Irish Manufacture except Buckles A Fancy Trotting Saddle and Collar, on the American principle A Complete Outfit for a Stallion Two Patent Safety Head Collars, designed b y the foreman of the Harness Department Official Catalogue. 231 S e c t i o n H — C l a s s3 3 Stand No. 847--continued 7 One Cavasan, with hand-plated fine Silver Nose Iron and Silver Mounting, all Home-made 8 Rug Straps, Fancy Collar Boxes, and Opera Cases 9 Pair of Plough Back-bands i n brass mountings 10 A variety of Gentlemen's and Boys' Boots and Shoes' 11 The Manual Alphabet, painted i n Oil, with rich Floral Border, by a. Deaf Mute B o y 12 Heraldic and Landscape Paintings in Oil, &c., b y the Deaf Mutes 13 Specimens of Fretwork stand No, 848 ABYLTJM F O R T H E B L I N D , Infirmary Road, Cork KNITTED W O B K . 1 Gents' Socks 2 Ladies' Stockings 3 Gloves 4 Skirts 6 Jacket 7 Ladies' Cuffs 8 Baby's Hood 9 Baby's Coat 10 Ladies' Cape 5 Macassar BASKET W O B K 1 1 Colored Table 2 White Table 3 Coloured Chair 8 Bird Cage 9 Trunk Basket 10 Square Market B i White Open Chair 5 White Solid Chair 6 Chamber Basket 7 Bird Cage 11 'Stand No. 849 School Basket 13 Flower Baskets 13 Factory Baskets R E V . B R O T H E R W . P S H I N E , Grreenmount I n d u s trial School, Cork 1 An Altar 2 Stations of the Cross 8 A Suite of Bed-room Furniture 4 A Table 5 Boots, Clothing, &e. 232 Cork Industrial Exhibition Section H—Class 3 3 Stand No. 850 R E V . JO H N HA"! D E , St. Patrick's Reformatory SchoolUpton, Go. Cork 1 Pulpit in "Walnut 2 * Piano Burr-wood Case, Iron Frame, Metal Pressure Bar, Best Repetition, Check Action 3 4 Suite of Bed-room Furniture, Medieval Style, in Walnut Specimens from t h e Boot and Shoe-making Department '' ^ a »J ii >» Tailoring Department Bookbinding Department Iron Frames are strongly recommended for Country Houses, bea-side, and for t h e Colonies, as t h e y resist damps and heat, and therefore keep better in tune than Wood Back SECTION I . MISCELLANEOUS M A N U F A C T U R E S . CLASS 34. Miscellaneous Articles. Stand No. 851 M ER U N O & CO., of Naples, 6 5 H a t t o n Garden, London. Collection of Coral Shells, Marbles, and Alabaster "Works of Art, and s h e l l Works Stand No 852 1 2 3 M Y L E S C O N N O L L Y , 18 W e l l i n g t o n Quay, Dublin Various Specimens of Bog Oak Ornaments and Carvings Mineral Spar Ornaments Stand No. 853 A N N E M U R P H Y , 9 Y o r k Street, D u b l i n 1 Irish Bog Oak Ornaments 2 3 Personal Ornaments, Bracelets, Brooches, Earrings, &c. Table Ornaments 4 Wieklow Spar in Personal Ornaments Official Catalogue. *33 S e c t i o n I—Class 3 4 StandlNo. 854 J A M B S F R E N C H , Gap H o u s e , Gap of Dunloe, B e a u f o r t , Killarney 1 Inlaid Arbutus Cabinet 5 2 Inlaid Arbutus Chess Table 6 „ Ladies' Work B ox 7 „ Chess Board 3 4 ,, ,, Table Ladies' Work 8 Inlaid Writing Desk Carved Irish Bog Oak Cabinet Inlaid Small Cabinet Stand No. 855 J E R E M I A H O'CONNOR, A r b u t u s and B o g Oak Factory, M a i n Street, K i l l a r n e y Arbutus Cabinet and Card Table, wit h Arbutus and Bog Oak Orna ments Snuff Boxes and Fancy Trinkets, manufactured from the Killarney Wild Deer's Hoof Stand No. 856 D E N I S O ' B R I E N , 15 Arraninore A v e n u e , N o r t h C i r cular Road, D u b l i n Specimens of Irish Bog Oak, Personal and Table Ornaments, and Wicklow Spar An Indian Work-box, mounted i n Silver, Ivory, and Platina Stand No. 857 E . M O R T I M E R , 1 B l e s s i n g t o n Street, D u b l i n Bog Oak, Spar, and Irish Fancy Goods. A l l Irish Manufacture Stand No. 858 J E R E M I A H GOGGIN, 7 4 Grafton Street, D u b l i n Bog Oak Donegal Pebbles, Killarney Arbutus, &c., for personal wear. The Materials are Irish, and manufactured b y Exhibitor Stand No. 859 E L I Z A B E T H C O O P E R & CO., 4 0 a n d 4 1 K i l d a r e St. 1 Samples of Irish Ore as g o t out of t h e Mines, manufactured into Jewellery b y Exhibitor 2 Samples of Irish Oak as g o t out of the Bog of Allen, manufactured into Jewellery and Table Ornaments b y Exhibitor 2 34 Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n I—Class 3 4 Stand No. 8 6 0 J U L I E T O ' N E I L L , 1 0 9 L o w e r Gardiner Street, Dublin 1 Book o n t h e Ancient Crosses of Ireland, b y H e n r y O'Neill 2 Book on the Fine Arts and Civilization of Ancient Ireland, by H . 0 Neill ' 3 i Lithographs of t h e Round Towers of the County Dublin Pencil Sketches, b y H . O'Neill 5 B o g Oak Spar, and Silver Jewellery, etc. Stand No. 861 B E R N A R D C O N N O L L Y , 6 4 Aungier Street, Dublin Bog Oak and Irish Spar Stand No. 862 J A M E S C O A K L E Y , 4 M a i n Street, Killarney, Kerry 1 2 3 Devonport Chess Table Work Table 4 Tea Caddy, made by Exhibitor, i n Arbutus, Yew and Sycamore Stand No. 863 J E R E M I A H J. C R E M M I N & GOGGIN, TW^T, street, Killarney Various Ornaments, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Card Cases, Cabinets, etc. stand No. 8 6 4 J A M E S M c C R E E R Y & SON, 9 5 Thorndyke Street, Albertbridge Road, Belfast 1 Irish Spinning Wheel, made from Teak Wood, suitable for Spinning Flax or Wool, etc. 2 Irish Reel, 70-inch standard, Spanish Mahogany 3 4 Spinning Wheel in Real Irish Bog Oak, on Marble Stand and Shade Case containing Specimens of Carvings i n Irish B o g Oak, such as Walking Sticks, Table Ornaments, Brooches, Crosses, etc., etc. All the above manufactured b y Exhibitor Stand No. 865 D A N I E L O'CONNELL, B o g Oak Carver, N e w Street, Killarney 1 Jewel Casket, Card Cases 2 3 Brooches, Bracelets, Irish Crosses Pipes a n d Table Ornaments Manufactured i n B o g Oak Official Catalogue. 2 35 Section I—Class3 4 stand No. 8 6 6 H A R R I E T T C O S T E L L O , S t . L a w r e n c e H o t e l , Ho-wth, Co. D u b l i n 1 Fret-work Cage 2 Fret-work Bracket 3 Card-board Cut stand No. 8 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 , J A M E S W A L S H , 5 Marina Terrace, Cork Fret-work designed and manufactured by Exhibitor out of Irish Walnut and Sycamore Miniature Altar Miniature Irish Outside Jaunting Car Irish Motto Motto Carte-de-Yisite Frame Oxford Frame, of novel design, sawn out of one piece of wood Stand No. 8 6 8 E D M U N D P O W E R , 2 S o u t h Terrace, Midleton, Co. Cork Sundry Articles in Fret-work Stand No. 8 6 9 S T A N L E Y C. P I G G I N , F r o n t L o d g e , L i s m o r e C a s t l e , Lismore, Co. W a t e r f o r d Selection of Fret-work, including Photo Frames, Brackets, Easels, Baskets, and Boxes, etc., etc., made by Exhibitor stand No. 8 7 0 J A M E S F . R I C H A R D , M o u n t Prospect, Douglas, Co. Cork Specimens of Fret-work, viz. : Mirrors, Brackets, Baskets, etc. stand No. 8 7 0 a M A R Y A . W A L P O L E , A n n ' s C o u r t , K i l m a c t h o m a a , Waterford Table-Cabinet in fret-work Stand No. 871 A A R O N S O N S & CO., 1 Coppinger's R o w , D u b l i n Sunshades Ladies' and Gentlemen's Umbrellas 236 Section I—Class3 4 Stand No. 8 7 2 1t 0 8 J O H N J O R D A N , U m b r e l l a M a n u f a c t u r e r , 2 0 Prince'" Street, Cork S S lbr el] w i t h I r i s hB HHandles, S ! e I d and / i Foxe j l k F sTLock , Bibs S ° S0 9 to 36 a k a n d Cork-made Spitalfields Silk Umbrellas, with Fancy and Natural Handles Stand No. 873 F R A N C I S S M Y T H & S O N , 7 5 G r a f t o n S t r e e t , 4 LowerS a c k v i l l e S t r e e t , a n d 24 E s s e x Q u a y , D u b l i n 1 Umbrellas and Parasols 2 Umbrellas of Irish Silk Stand No. 8 7 4 1 2 s t a n d No. 8 7 5 1 3 R I C H A R D H E A L Y , 1 0 Bridge Street, Cork Irish Blackthorn Walking Sticks , , Hazel, Orange, and Briar D A V I D B E R N A R D , D o c k Street, P a s s a g e W e s t Eight Inlaid Walking Sticks Boat s Yoke for Rudder Head (Inlaid) Stand No. 8 7 6 J O S E P H W O O D C O C K , 5 7 O l d G e o r g e ' s S t r e e t Cork Meerschaum, Briar, and other Pipes, manufactured Meerschaum, Amber, and Briar, unmanufactured Pipe, Cigar, and Cigarette Cabinets S t a n d No. 8 7 6 a J O S E P HH A N L E Y & SONS, 4 J o h n Lane, Waterford Clay Tobacco Pipes Stand No. 877 A L E X A N D E R M o D O N N E L L , M a r b l e A r t i s t Clifden Galway ' * Various Drawing-room and other Ornaments in Connemara Marble Stand No. 878 1 2 3 F O G A R T Y & S H E F F I E L D , M a n u f a c t u r e r s o f Conn e m a r a M a r b l e J e w e l l e r y , & 0 . , 6 a n d 1 6 S h o p Street Galway * Connemara Marble (Ophite) or Serpentine Rock in the rough stateas taken from t h e quarry Specimens of same with one side polished Carved Marble ready for polishing 4 Articles carved and polished, ready for mounting 5 Connemara Marble Jewellery, mounted in Sterling Silver I Official Catalogue. 2 37 Section I—Class 3 4 stand No. 8 7 9 W . P . O ' R E i L LY 5 P a r k V i l l a , R o t t o n P a r k R o a d , Birmingham 1 A Variety of Beautiful Ornaments manufactured from Iron-stone Slag 2 A very Valuable China Cement S An Assortment of Culinary Appliances Stand No. 8 8 0 E . H . W O O D & GO., 11a H a r t S t r e e t , L o n d o n Wedding Presentation Ornaments, etc. Stand No. 8 8 1 M I S S E L I Z A B E T H L A I R D , P a r i s H o u s e , 5 8 Grafton. Street, D u b l i n Lace Fans mounted in Tortoise Shell, Bog Oak, Ivory Hand-painted Screens All t h e above are exclusively of Irish Manufacture Stand No. 8 8 2 J O H N & G E O R G E S M I T H , 3 5 & 3 7 B r o w n Street, Portluw, County Waterford 1 Gent's Zinc-Covered Trunk, Linen-Lined Compartments i n Lid, and Tray 2 Ladies' Dress Trunk, covered in Drab Leather Cloth, similarly fitted 8 » „ covered in brown sail canvas 4 „ French „ covered in black oil-cloth, linen lined Stand No. 8 8 3 } f 1 2 3 4 S O N , 3 8 H i g h Bridge, Newcastle-on- Knight's Patent Knife and Fork Cleaner India Rubber Stamps Stencil Plates New Nickel Steel Fruit and Vegetable Parer, etc. Stand N o . 8 8 4 1 J . CARTER Tyne W I L L I A M M U G G L E T O N , 11 P o r t l a n d R o a d , S o u t h . Norwood, Surrey Specimens of Slag A r t Pottery, manufactured from t h e refuse of Iron Blast Furnaces, comprising Flower Vases, Flower Holders, Claret Jugs and Decanters, Toilet Sets, Jewellery Cases, etc. 2 Eefrigerators, for preserving and cooling Fish and Provisions without the use of ice 3 Collection of Articles for Domestic Economy L J 238 Cork Industrial Exhibition Section I—Class 3 4 stand No. 885 1 2 J A M E S G R E G O R Y , Portland Works, Lincoln Patent V-shaped Lime, Sand, or Gravel Screw Office Stool, convertible into Wash-stand Stand No. 8 8 0 E . D W Y E R G R A Y , M . P . , 4 , 5 , a n d 6 P r i n c e ' s Street, N o r t h , T a l b o t S t r e e t ,8 3 a n d 8 4 M i d d l e A b b e y Street, D u b l i n , R a t h m i n e s , Go. D u b l i n ; 2 8 R o s e m a r y Street, C r o w n E n t r y , D o n e g a l S t r e e t , C o m m e r c i a l Court, a n d E x c h a n g e Lane, Belfast; 1 3 Castle St., Derry; 2 8 Grand Parade, Cork; 1 4 5 A r g y l e Street, Glasgow; a n d 2 1 1 S t r a n d , L o n d o n , W . C . , <fcc. 1 Matrices taken from type 2 Printing Plates produced from Matrice s 7 8 " Freeman's J o u r n a l " " Evening Telegraph " 3 Papers from which Newspapers are printed 9 " Weekly Freeman " 4 Microscopic Reproduction of nrst issue of "Freeman's Journal" 10 " Morning News," Belfast 5 First Volumeof t h e "Freeman's Journal" 11 " Evening News " 6 Volume of Pictures issued with " Weekly Freeman " 12 " Weekly Examiner " s t a n d No. 8 8 7 H E N R Y L A W R E N C E T I V Y , J a n e v i l l e , Montenotte, Cork The First Number of t h e " Cork Constitution," as issued on June 7th, 1822, accompanied by a Copy of t h e same Newspaper, with Sup plement, as published in 1883 Stand No. 8 8 8 A B R A H A M W . S U T T O N & C O . , 3 9 W a r r e n ' s Place, Cork Flags and Bunting, Hand and Machine made Stand No. 8 8 9 T U R T L E & P E A R C E , F l a g M a k e r s , 1 3 D u k e Street, London Bridge,S.E. % Flags andfBanners, " Pattern Dyed," and without seams, colour per fectly fast, Coats of Arms can be heraldicly displayed in colours by this process Official Catalogue. *39 Section I—Class 3 4 Stand N o . 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 R I C H A R D H A H T L A N D , T h e L o u g h N u r s e r y , Cork Boxes of Cutblooms of Hybrid and Tea Roses » „ French, Show, Zonal and Double Pelargo niums » n Double and Single Begonias Stove and Greenhouse Plants in variety Collection-of Cones and Seeds of Conifer® in variety Small sections of Home-grown Timber, Trees and Shrubs; showing Grain, aud value commercially Painted Models of Home-grown Pears, Apples, Plums, and other Fruits correctly named 6 large Golden "Variegated Wellingtonias, which originated a t the Lough Nurseries Stand No. 890a ffiL S A U N D E R S & SONS, Friar'a W a l k Nurseries Cork Ornamental Foliage and Flowering Plants (for Greenhouse, Stops and Apartments) Roses, collection of over 400 varieties Coniferse, including many rare and new Species suited to Climate of Ireland Forest Tree Specimens, especially those suited for re-afforesting purposes Trees and Shrubs of various Sorts, suited for Irish Climate^ and including many rare varieties and species Begonias, double and single-flowered; the largest collection i n Europe Ferns, Palms, Herbaceous Plants (800 varieties and species) Pelargoniums (Zonal, Ivy-leaf, French, Show and Regal) Gladioli, Dahlias, Pansies Spring and Summer Bedding Plants, etc., etc. Stand N o . 8 9 1 <T. C A R T E R & S O N , H i g h b r i d g e , N e w c a s t l e - O G - T y n e * Miscellaneous manufactures a n d s m a l l wares Cork Industrial Exhibition Section J. F I N E A R T S . C l a s s 35. Sculpture in Marble, Alabaster, Stone, Terra Cotta, Ivory Wood—Casts, Coins, Medals. Stand No. 892 RICHARD P O W E E , The Quay, B a n t r y Irish Oak P u l p i t s t a n d No. 8 9 3 R I C H A R D B . B O Y L E , J u n i o r , 7 3 Blessing-ton Street. Dublin 1 A Frontispiece carved i n Wood, i n t h e I t a l i a n style, for a decoration over a Clnmneypiece i n t h e H a l l or Dining-room ; t h e head in centre represents Ceres, t h e Goddess of F r u i t s a n d Mowers 2 3 A Musical Trophy, Carved i n Pear Wood, laid d o w n i n W a l n u t 2 Circular Panels of Boys, Carved i n P e a r Wood, i n high Alto K e i i e t ; Subjects—Representing P a i n t i n g a n d Sculpture A Clockcase elaborately Carved i n I r i s h Bog Oak, of A n t i q u e Design • I h e Clock supported b y a Figure of Old T i m e 4 Stand No. 8 9 4 1 2 3 P . J . O ' N E I L L & C O , 1 3 8 G r e a t B r u n s w i c k Street. Dublin W h i t e Marble A l t a r I r i s h Crosses Pulpit Stand No. 8 9 5 S A M U E L D A L Y , 11 C o o k S t r e e t C o r k A l t a r of Irish a n d Italian Marbles, manufactured b y Exhibitor 3 t a n d No. 8 9 6 G O Y E R S E1VFILS, Louvain, Belgium Marble Altar Official Catalogue. 241 Section J—Class 3 5 Stand No. 8 9 7 E , O ' S H E A , Oallan, K i l k e n n y Celtic Cross, after the design of t h e Ancient Irish Cross of Kilklispeen r Co. Kilkenny ' stand No. 8 9 8 P A T R I C K J O H N S C A N N E L L , Sculptor, Stone, a n d M a r b l e Merchant, 1 3 D o u g l a s Street, Cork 1 1 Kneeling Figure of Angel, in Caen stone, 5 feet 6 inches high 2 Figures of St. Joseph, in Portland Stone, 5 feet 7 inches high 3 ,, St. Francis of Assisi, in Caen Stone, 6 feet 5 inches high i „ St. Dominic, in Caen Stone, 6 feet 7 inches high 5 Gothic Marble Altar of White Carrara, 8 feet 5 inches long, and 10 feet 6 inches h i g h 6 7 8 9 10, 13 14 2 Kneeling Figures of Angels, in Caen Stone, 2 feet 9 inches high The Boy Samuel, in White Carrara Marble, 1 foot 8 inches high Figure of Angel, in White Carrara Marble, 2 feet 3J inches high 2 Figures (Monumental) of Carrara Alta, each 2 feet 6 inches high 11, and 12 3 Tables with various Works by the Staff Marble Pillar, with Head of the Redeemer, of Carrara, in Alto Specimens of Irish Marble Stand No. 8 9 9 J O H N W O O D H O U S E , A . R . H . A . , 11 Harrington Street Dublin A case of Medals containing Specimens by t h e following Artists 1 A Collection of Medals, t h e Dies of which'were Engraved bv t h e late J Wm. Mossop ^ ^ ^e< ^ a ' s > t h e Dies of which were Engraved by the late W. o. Mossop 3 A Collection of Medals, t h e Dies of which were Engraved bv the late Wm. Woodhouse i Specimens of Medal Die Engraving and the manufacture of Medals by John Woodhouse, Exhibitor The Collection No. 2 are very rare, as many of the unfinished Dies remained unhardened for over 30 years, and those were the first Bronze Medals exhibited Stand No. 9 0 0 M r s A N S T E R F . G. W A L K E R , H u r r i c a n e L o d g e , G l e n b e i g h , Co. K e r r y 1 Hand-carved Chimneypiece and Mirror, with hand-carved Frame 2 Picture worked in Wool—" Bolton Abbey in t h e Olden time," with hand-carved Frame Cork Industrial Exhibition 242 C l a s s 36. stand No. 9 0 1 M r s M A R Y , F R A N C I S H U R L E Y , P r e s e n t a t i o n Convent, Fermoy P a i n t i n g i n W a t e r Colours C l a s s 37. Engravings on Copper, Steel, and Wood, Etchings, Lithographs, Photographs. s t a n d No. 9 0 2 THOMAS FEARN, 3 0 London, S . W . Epple 1 2 Stencil E n g r a v i n g s i n Copper, Brass a n d Silver H o g ' s H a i r B r u s h e s i n a l l sizea ( s p e c i a l l y m a d e ) 3 B l a c k , R e d a n d B l u e I n k s , &c. Stand No. 9 0 3 Terrace, Fum™ J . J . S H E R I D A N , 5 C o l l e g e R o a d , Oorfe F e r r o t y p e P h o t o g r a p h s t a k e n b y Exhibitor C l a s s 38. Stand No. 9 0 4 A N N E M A R Y P A R S O N S 4 1 K i l d a r e Street, Dublin Two Illuminated Tablets Stand No. 9 0 5 W M . S A V A G E , Bandon Illuminated Writing 243 I N D E X TO F I N E A E T EXHIBITORS. Nos. of Exhibits. Addey, Maria L . , 33 Shipquay Street, Londonderry . . . 772, 994 Addey, J . P . , do. do. 154, 316, 743,754, 1067, 1214 Aldworth, Lady Mary, Newmarket House, Newmarket . . . 952,978 Aldworth, Colonel do. do. ... 78, 825 Aldworth, Miss, Woodbank, Queenstown 898, 918, 942, 966, 967 Allen, Miss M . , Ashton Lawn, Cork 197, 880, 911, 937 Ambrose, E., P a r k Holohane, Lough Road, Cork ... 1216, 1232 Anderson, Miss Emily, Mount Corbet, Buttevant 843, 845, 846, 860, 861, 891, 903, 917, 940 Anderson, Elizabeth S., do. do. 964, 969 Andrews, Miss, F o r t Villa, Queenstown Ansdell, K., R.A. ... 353 Armstrong, A., Florence ... 751, 764 Armstrong, S. A . , 8 Leeson Park, Dublin 230, 1048, 1166 1168 Ash, Thos. M., 4 Bull St., Birmingham ... 20, 82 Ashlin, G. C., Architect, Dublin 1041—1043 Atkins, Mrs. Geo., Ballyseedy 30, 52; 64, 89, 1119 Atkins, Miss C. J . , 210 Holland Road, Kensington, London ... 2 5 1 , 2 7 8 Atkinson, Geo. M . W . , 3 Mervue Place, Queenstown ... 75, 85 Atkinsm, Miss S. do. do. ... 131, 194 Atkinson, R. P . do. do. 178,377, 477 Atkinson, Geo. M . , 285 Oswald's Road, W e s t Brompton, London 337, 778 Aumonier, J . , 136 Camden Road, London 86, 67, 218, 312 Aungier, Miss T . S., 35 U p . Mount Street. Dublin 838, 850, 856, 866, 875,1883, 914, 965, 1005 Babington, Miss A., 29 Wellington Road. Cork ... 930, 962 Baker, Leslie, 7 Lansdowne Terrace, Lansdowne Road,'Dublin... 31 Barnes, R.H.A. ... 53] Barry, J . , R . A . 343, 387, 398, 405, 409, 1 1 7 3 - 1 1 8 9 Barry, Thos., 97 Evergreen Road, Cork ... 698 Barter, R „ T h e Studio, S t . Ann's, Blarney 1202 1212 Barton, Miss R., 44Merrion Square, Dublin . . . 237,812 <3 244 Index to Fine Art Exhibitors. Bassano, J . Bayes, A . W . , 22 Mortimer Street, London Bayly, Miss H . , Mahon Villa, Blackrock, Cork Beale, J . Beaumont, J . Bell, Miss Beddoes, Captain, Belmullet, Co. Mayo Bealey, H., Corbally, Limerick Belshaw, F., 22 Mortimer Street, London Bennett,J . L . , Grange, Parsonstown Bennett, W . , 15 Bolsover St., Fitzroy Square, London Bergin Nos. of Exhibits. 386, 404 213, 309 849, 864 517, 1062 253, 784 341, 359 ,116 84, 139 204 125 4, 222 474 A Fan 13, 77, 888 315 55 813, 977, 1029 Bernard, L a d y Louisa, 15 Cresham Street, London Black, Miss S. A., 145 Chapel Street, Dublin Bond, Lloyd Bowkett; Miss L , 18 Milbury Road, London Boyd, Miss H., 17 South Street, New Ross Brenan, J . Butler, R . H . A . , 10 South Mall, Cork 76, 105, 157, 165, 327, 334. 335, 375, 388, 437 Brenan, J . , R.H.A., B u x t o n Hill, Cork 54, 62, 171, 220, 321, 357 Brenan, Geo. A . , 51 Camden Street, Dublin 22,66 Brennan, Miss A . , 2 Lincoln Place, Cork ... 902, 919 Brennan, W . A., Cottage W e s t , Cork ... 216,310 Breydel, C. 401 Brightman, E . Lyndale, Argley Hill, Bristol 1106—1109, 1112 Brockman, E . , 22 Mortimer Street, London 166 Brunnin, L., care of A . Marshall, Buxton Road, Huddersfield 18 Burke, A . , R . H . A . , 6 Stephen's Green, Dublin 190, 332, 333, 368 B a r t o n , W . P., 22 Mortimer Street, London 232 Burton, F . W., R.H.A., Argyle Road, Kensington 497. 0 Cagney, Miss, Tivoli, Cork Cahill, James, 197 Great Brunswick Street, Dublin Calamo Campbell, J . , J u n . , 2 7 Mountjoy Square, Dublin Campion, Mrs. A . , 22 Mortimer S t . , L o n d o n Campion, H . , do. do. Cane, Miss E „ St Wolstan's, Celbridge, Co. Kildare Canova Canaletto Caracci, Anibale 946 1071, 1218 364 174 765 61, 117, 137 ... 770, 804 1220 46» 414 Index to Fine Art Exhibitors. 2 45 Nos. of Exhibits Carelli, G., care of H . Hicks, Woodcote, Warwick 203,256, 258 Casey, W . L . 480, 532, 1125 Casey, Laurence, 7 Nelson Place, Cork 999—1001 Catcermole ... 499, 511 Charde, Huge, Antwerp 12, 83, 195, 198 Chandelier, T . S., 22 Mortimer Street, London 734 Chaplin, F . do. do. 10 Christian Brothers, Cabra, Dublin 119 Christian, Mrs., 2 Upper Park, Queenstown ... 219, 505 Clift, A., H a r p Lane, Great Tower Street, London 238 Close, S. P . , 53 W a r i n g Street, Belfast 716—718, 803 Coakley, J . J . , York Street, Cork 244, 269, 296, 763, 1018—1020 Colles, Cooke, Miss A . T . , F e r n Bank, Queenstown ... 945, 1053 Conolly, Ellen, l l £ Gower Street, London 172 Cooke, C. H., H i g h Street, Scarborough 79, 345, 1060, 1121 Cooke, W. E . , 4 Victoria Street, Nottingham 123Cooper, Thomas Sidney 856 Cooper, W . Sidney, 22 Mortimer Street, London 193 Copiiinger, Miss A., Tivoli, Cork 947 Copley, J . Singleton, R.A, 471 Corban, Mrs. L . 1083 Cordier, Mine. A . Delville, 19 Quai S t . Michael, P a r i s 205, 236, 810, 811 Cornwall, Miss, Castle Grogan, Ballybrophy 827, 828, 1022,1028.1050, 1051 Cranitch, Miss, 36 Grand P a r a d e ... 892, 893 Crawford, E . 325, 342, 346 Cregan, Martin, P . R.A. 406 Creswick, T., R . A . 351 Cronin, D. J . , Cork ... 773, 1085 Crosley, M i s s E . A., 15 Batoum Street, London 3, 96 Currey, Miss F . W., T h e Mall House, Lismore 293 Curtis, Miss F . M., Camden Place, Cork 921 Darmesteter Dale, H. S., 17 F i t z r o y Street, Fitzroy Square, London Davidson, Miss, 6 A l f r e d Street, Cork Davis, C. L., 22 Mortimer Street, Regent Street, London Davis, Lucien Davis, Miss Isabel, South Terrace, Cork Davis, Valentine, 33 Upper P a r k Road, Haverstock London, N . W . Day, J . ... 418, 429 257 839, 907, 932 207 823 954 Hill, ... 148, 301 369 m 246 Index to Fine Art Exhibitors. Nos. of Exhibits. Dicksee, J o h n R., 6 Fitzroy Square, London ... 45,68 Dillon, A r t h u r , Brighton House, Rathgar, Dublin ... H90 Dillon, J o h n J . , W e s t View House, E d g e Lane, Liverpool 106, 147, 748, 749, 808, 1070 Dolce, Carlo 430 Donegan, Miss M . F . , Monkstown, Co. Cork ... 996 Doneraile, Vicountess 32 58 Doolin, W . G. . . . 713, 715 Drummond, J., 53 Lorraine Road, Holloway, London, N . 152,515, 501, 508 Duffy, P . Vincent, R . H . A . , Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin 16, 150, 318, 367 Dundas, Agnes 169, 318 D u V a l , E . J . , 247 Neville Street, Southport 767 Dwyer, Miss E., T h e Terrace, F e r m o y 160 Eickelberg, H . A . , 22 Mortimer Street, Regent Street, London Elliot, Miss Kate, 22 Mortimer Street, Regent Street, London . Elrington, Mrs. D . H . , Strand House, Youghal 149 168 2 Farrell, Thos., R . H . A . , Dublin Faulkner, J o h n , care of J . D. Spence, 7 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin 1217 Francia, Alexander, 22 Mortimer Street, Regent Street, London, 186 285, 760 Faulkner, Miss Maud C. 841, 855, 925-928, 968 Fennell, W . G., 11 Chichester Street, Belfast ... 686*, 687 Ferguson, G . W . , Lombard Street Chambers, Belfast ... 68*5 Fisher, Daniel, 22 Mortimer Street, Regent Street, London 60, 93, 283, 745, 777, 822, 824 Fisher, Miss E . , Donaghmore Glebe, Ballybrophy 984, 1055, 1082 t itzgerild, J . A . , 233 Stanhope Street, Regent's P a r k , London N W ' " ... 201,755 Fitzgerald, J . , Nelson Place, C o r k ... i003 Fitzgerald, Miss B., Clarisfort, Killaloe, Co. Clare 233, 725, 726, 798, 821, 1197 Fitzgerald, Michael, 31 S t . J o h n ' s Villas, U p p e r Holloway London, N . *' 40) u Fitzmaurice, Annie, 3 Bell V u e Terrace, Cork 951 Fitzmaurice, Harriette do. do. ... 135 809 Fitzpatrick, T., Bloomfield Terrace, Cork 1021 Foley, J . H . , R.A. 1231, 1236—1239 Foley, Ricliard, Cork JJJ Flocton, F . I Index to Fine Art Exhibitors. 247 Nos. of Exhibits. Fraser, F. A . , Burnside, Sheane, Surrey 21, 41, 284 767 Fnge, Miss E . A., Youghal 865, 870, 876—878, 900, 905, 909, 910, 922, 923, 924, 960, 963 Fuge, M J., Youghal, 871, g 8 5 ) 8 8 P > i 0 4 7 Fulleylove, J . , 24 Regent's Street, Southfields, Leicester ... 308,822 Gainsborough Gerardin, D. Delaplace ... jgg Gilbert, John, 120 Patrick Street 231, 289, 768, 1006—1017 Glancy, J., Belfast ... jQgg Glover, M., 124 Stephen's Green, Dublin . . . 1160, 1161 Goodall, 22 Mortiiner Street, Regent's Street, London ... 211 Gouk, Miss I . , 6 A l f r e d Street, Cork 785, 859 980 3 1 7 ) 740, 8 1 7 Gould, Mrs. Graham, Miss 3 Prince Edward's Place, Clonmel ... 944 Graves, Miss H. F., Waterpark, W a t e r f o r d 159, 234, 737 Gray, George, care of Rodman & Co., Belfast ... 73 Gray, George, 22 Mortimer Street, Regent's Street, London . . . 33, 111 Green, Rev. VV. S., Carrigaline, Co. Cork 261, 276, 739, 780, 815 Grey, Alfred, R.H.A., 1 Lower Sherrard Street, Dublin 162, 177, 347, 361 Grey, Gregor, 1 Lower Sherrard Street, Dublin ... 8,88 Grey, J., R.H.A. 92 Grierson, C. M., School of A r t ... 281 Griffiths, T., 31 Rochester Road, Camden Town, London ... 144 G r i s et H > ... 1169,1170 Grogan, N . 439, 440, 522, 525, 1034 Grogan, William, Queenstown ... 1004, i u 7 Gue, Madame du, 38 North Audley St., Grosvenor Square ... 126, 1069 Guy, Francis, 70 Patrick Street, Cork 1187 1149 Raines, W . II., 44 Montpelier Street, South Kensington 6, 130, 294, 313 Hanlon, Mrs. W . , Innishannon, Co. Cork ... 179 Hardy, T . B., 22 Mortimer Street, London ... 300, 305 Hardy, Mrs., Lapps Island, Cork ... 49,91 Hare, J . G., Cork ... 702, 706 Harman, Harriette E . , Ford, West E n d Lane, Kilburn ... 121 Harman, Geraldine do. do. ... 890 Hartland, Albert, Arthog, Dolgelly, N . W . 42, 488, 495, 496, 502, 508, 516, 524, 1084, 1087 Hartland, Miss A., Lough Nurseries, Cork 842, 847, 872, 897, 931 Hastling, Miss, 22 Mortimer Street, London ... 141, 183 248 Index to Fine Art Exhibitors. Nos. of Exhibits. Haughton, Miss, Rock Spring, Cork ... Hayes, Claude, Steele's Road, Haverstock Hill ... Hayes, Edwin, R.H.A., care of Cranfield, 115 G r a f t o n Street, 953 774 1,ublin 27, 65, 176 Hayes, Michael A., R.H.A. ... 353 Hayes, Miss, D e n n y Street, Tralee ... gg Hayes, W . F., Barron, T h e Studios, Kensington ... 98 Hearn, Miss B., A b b e y Street, Ballinrobe ... 997 Heem, David d e 425 Hegarthy, P . J . , Connaught Place, Cork ... 719, 720 Henderson, W . 353 Henson, E . 1061 Herman. L . 1078 Herring, G. E . ... 355 Hill, Miss E . M., Mount Rivers, Carrigaline, Co. Cork 323, 727, 786, 807, 819, 820, 826 Hill, Mrs. H., Hillsboro', Cork ... 933 Hill, Miss K a t e , 22 Mortimer Street, London ... 59 Hogan, J o h n 1221 to 1224 Hogarth , ... 475 Holland, Miss, Audley Place, Cork ... 972 Hollingworth, T., 29 Golborne Gardens, Up. Westborne Park, London 1074 Hondekooter ^ 422 Hoce, Nathaniel, R . H . A . , Seafield, Malahide ... 356,164 Hughes, Miss E . , Kingstown, Dublin 852, 1193, 1198 1199 Hynes, Samuel F . , South Mall, Cork ... 707, 712 Isafcey * ... 521 Johnson, Mrs. Louisa, Rushbrook, Queenstown 848, 863, 881, 899, 906 Jones, Charles, Hcathercroft, Bulham Hill, London 113, 153, 173 Jones, Sir Thomas, P.R.H.A., 9 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 10J, 185, 217, 311, 352 Jones, H . Thaddeus, Florence 19, 23, 63, 70, 138, 163, 330, 379, 469, 1066 Jordaens 397 Juliaan, M., Gainsborough House, Aldin Street, Sheppard's Bush Green, London JJ J u l i a n a , Jose, 22 Mortimer Street, London. ... 783 Justice, Miss L., Dungannon, Co. Tyrone 723, 830, 948, 949 K a u f m a n n , Angelica Keane, Miss H . E., Glenshelane, Cappoquin Kempe, H . , 21 F i t z r o y Square, London 458 214, 215, 721 ... 120, 268 Index to Fine Art Exhibitors. 2 4 9 _ Nos. of Exhibits. Kempe, John, 4 Spa Villas, Gloster 241 319 797 Kempe, Miss C., Sullivan's Quay, Cork . 733 831 ffinnear, James, care of Rodman & Co., Belfast ... ' 134 Kirke, W . B . ^33 Knight, J . W . B., 22 Mortimer Street, London 212, 297, 751, 1172, 1191,1192, 1195 Koerner, Ernest 360, 375 Lastman Lawler, J . Lawlor, Michael, 23 Acklain Road, N o t t i n g Hill Lawrence, Sir Thomas Lely, Sir Peter Lipenver, J . L „ 22 Mortimer Street, London Litchfield, Miss M . H . , Cloyne, Co. Cork Lodder, Captain C., L args, Ayrshire Longfield, Miss, Longueville, Mallow Lowe, Miss G. B., Race Course House, Cashel Ludovici, A . , 22 Mortimer Street, London 452 371 ... 1226, 1227 ' 3 g M 1 5 ... 224 985, 986, 988 384 ... 728 ... 1058 209 Luini 394 Lusk, C. W . , 22 Mortimer Street, London ... 226 Luther, Miss E . , Monkstown, Co. Cork 744, 818 998 Lyster, Richard 3 2 6 , 354, 370, 378, 403, 417, 473, 1126 MacArthur, Blanche, 30 J o h n Street, Bedford Row, London MacArthur, M a r y do do. do. M'Cloy, Samuel, 41 Cromwell Road, B e l f a s t M'Swiney, Eugene J . , 22 Dyke Parade, Cork MacGuinness, Bingham, 6 Stephen's Green, Dublin Maclise, D a n i e l 99, 247, 286 81, 167, 175 29, 94,161 ... ' 90 306, 492, 752 4 1 6 , 477A, 484, 4 8 5 , 4 9 3 , ' 5 1 8 , ' 5 2 0 MacMalion, Miss, P a r k View, "Wellington Road, Cork 837, 889, 959, 1054 Macpherson, J . , care of J . D . Spence, 7 L r . Sackville S t . , Dublin 285 Magrath, William, 98 Gower Street, London 34, 57, 514 Mannix, R., 10 South Frederick Street, Dublin 17, 39, 51, 874, 1063, 1065, 1079, 1080, 1088,1122 Marquis, J . Richard, R . H . A . , 64 Netherwood Road, West Kensington P a r k , London, W . 97 Martin, Russell, Clifton Lodge, Cork 260 738 Marshall, Charles, 112 Mansfield Road, London, N . W . 9, 228, 366 Marshall, R. A . K . , 22 Mortimer Street, Regent Street, London 299, 771 Mauvis & Vivash, Belfast 2162 Mayer, Joseph, Oberammergaii 1213 Index to Fine Art Exhibitors. Nos. of Exhibits. M a y n e , A r t h u r J . , K . H . A . , M u l b e r r y H i l l H o u s e , Chapelizod, D u b l i n 5, 118 Meadows, J . E . , Gainsborough H o u s e , A l d i n e S t r e e t , S t e p h e n ' s B u s h Green, L o n d o n ... 1B7,192 Minchin, Miss F . , 11 Kenilworth Square, R a t h g a r , D u b l i n ... 970,97# Mitchell, P . , c a r e of J . D . Spence, 7 L r . Saekville St., D u b l i n ... 267 Moore, James, M . D . , H o n . R . H . A . , Chichester Street, B e l fa s t 320, 479, 481, 483, 486, 489, 498, 504, 507, 510, 513, 523, 528, 735, 776 Moore, W . G., 11 U p p e r Sackville Street, D u b l i n 1200, 1201 Morris, A l b e r t , 4 Castlena Cottages, B a r n e s , S u r r e y ... 14, 103 Mossman ... 482: M u r r a y , Mrs. E . , 22 M o r t i m e r Street, Regent Street, L o n d o n . . . 254, 266 Murillo 462, 464, 468, 470 M u r p h y , S a m u e l J . , School of A r t , W a t e r f o r d ... 24, 48 M u r p h y , J o h n Ross, 10 E l l i s ' s Quay, Dublin ... 128, 240 Nadin, Mrs., Kelson P l a c e Tipperary . . . 1045,1046 N a d i n , Miss do. do. 989,990, 991 Nasymth ... 447 Newmarsb, F . , 22 M o r t i m e r S t r e e t , L o n d o n ... 72 Nicholls, C . W . , R . H . A . , 2 T u d o r Lodge, A l b e r t S t r e e t , R e g e n t ' s P a r k , London ... -56,151 Nicholl, A . , R.H.A., 4 M e a d o w Road, L a m b e t h .... 736, 762 Noblett 490, 526, 529 N o r t h , A . W . , 68 B u x t o n Road, Huddersfield ... 136, 187 O'Connor,J . A . „. 389,408 O ' F l a g h e r t y , P . J . , Abbey Street, Killaloe 1163, 1164 O ' H a r a , Miss H . , T h e Castle, Portstewart, Co. D o w n 287, 729 O ' M e a r a , Maurice D., 14 B e r n a r d S t . , Russell Square, L o n d o n 249, 264, 288 O'Neill, H e n r y 50, 344, 478, 491, 791, 801, 816, 1077, 1115 Osborne, M r s . E . M., 10A C u m m i n g h a m Place, London ... 5$ Osborne, F . W . , A . R . H . A . , 6 Castlewood A v e n u e , R a t h m i n e s Dublin 28, 37, 102, 109 O ' S h s a , H., George's Street, Limerick ... 338 O t w a y & W a t t , 77A V i c t o r i a Street, Belfast . . . 691—695 Ovens, Miss L . ... 862 Pan ini Pate! Peacan, J o h n P . , 69 H a r c o u r t Street, D u b l i n P e e l , Miss M . , Knoolmere Manor, Clitheroe, E n g l a n d Perry, Miss Lizzie, Devonshire S t r e e t , Cork Petrie, D r . ... ... ... ... ... ... 423 457 140 781 851 508 251 Index to Fine Art Exhibitors. Nos. of Exhibits. Phillips, Miss, Nile Street, C o r k Pilsbury, Wilmot, 22 Mortimer S t r e e t , London Pike, Miss Florence, Besborough, Cork Player, F . D a Ponte, 22 M o r t i m e r Street, London Porter, Miss, Bellisle, Lisbellaw, Co. F e r m a n a g h Potter P a u l 730, 834, 955 9 4 3 • ... 307 934, 935, 956, 957 393,896 Pousin, Gaspard Pradez, Miss E d i t h , 2 4 R u e N y s t o n , Liege, Belgium ... 273,761 Pro 11c, S. 500, 5 0 6 , 5 1 2 Purser, Miss S. H . , 2 L e i n s t e r Street, D u b l i n ... H".124 Pjrne, Thomas, 56 U p p e r P a r k R o a d , Haverstock Hill, L o n d o n ... 290, 292 Ramberg Redgrave, Evelyn, 18 H y d e P a r k Gate, L o n d o n Reeves, Miss H . H . , T r a m o r e , Douglas, Cork Reeves, Miss M. do. do. Reeves, Miss S . T . do. do. Reingle, R . A . Rembrandt Reni, Guido Riviere,W . Rothwell, R., R . H . A . Rothwell, M r s . M . R . , G r e e n Island, Belfast Rubens Ryan, Miss Annie, Cahoer, Gorey, Co. W e x f o r d Ryan, T . E . 476. — ... ... 722, 7 5 0 262, 280, 804 - 395 >411 "" 4 1 9 - 4 2 1 , 4 3 2 - 4 3 4 , 451 — 981, 982 7801 "• 2 0 0 Saliante, G., 22 M o r t i m e r Street, London — Salvator, R o s a 413,436,438 Sanderson, J . , Glentworth, L i n c o l n — w o >1 5 8 Sanderson, J u l i a T . , 19 A y n h o l R o a d , W . , Kensington .... 110 Satur, E . B y r n e de, Clifton V i l l a , H i g h g a t e H i l l , L o n d o n , W . ... 112, 143 Sauvy, A d a m , P a t r i c k S t r e e t , Cork 1128—1132 Scanlan Seymour, Robert G., care of Cranfield, 115 G r a f t o n S t . , D u b l i n Seymour, Miss J . H . , Cork — Sharland, L . A . , 7 G r a n t h a m Street, D u b l i n ... 229 >9 0 4 180, 182 858 4 4 6 ghee, Sir M a r t i n , P . R . A . — Sheil, E „ R . H . A . , 328, 336, 349, 376, 381, 390, 412, 424,461, 1075, 1116 Shoesmith, Miss, Queensbury Road, B r i g h t o n ... 983 l i 7 1 Shofield, Miss, Sundayswell, Cork ••• Silk, J . , 6 Crosses Green, C o r k 1215- • 252 Index to Fine Art Exhibitors. Skill, F . J . Nos. of Exhibits. 782 Smith, J . B., care of Rodman & Co., Belfast Smyth, ^Coke' * * * * * 7, 69, l O l / m , 766, £ Smyth, Mrs. R — 206, 227 Snyders ... 867 Sparrow, Miss M., — 397 Stanley, Miss N., Bandon 840 q m 01K o o n Stannus, A . C., 11 Chichester Street, Belfast ' ' ° 6 1 '9 7 1 '9 7 4 2 5 1 9 6 202 Starace ' ' > 2 2 1 > 263, 265, 795, 796 Stevens, Albert, 38 King Street, Covent Garden, London Stocks, Arthur, 29 Henlev Bnarl t t „ Stopford, R. L., Patrick's Hill, Cork Stuart, Charles Swan, Miss Alice C„ Sunmmmf est T I Swan, J . M-AUen do. ' do Sweeting, J . * • 2 5 G 2 7 0 272 ' T ' > 279 > 756 "" 1 7 ° ' 2 4 3 > 29®> 753, 790, 802 38 — . 127 245, 246, 271, 324, 742, 769 ... 365, 372 o0Q Taylor. Key. Mr., Dungarvan Taylor, Charles, 9 ICing Street, Covent Garden London "" Therry, Miss H . , Ballyclogh, P e r m o y ' Thornton, Miss, 3 Wellesley Terrace Cork Tickell, Miss Elizabeth, care 0of1 MMr r TTeed t M i re Tintoretto " e e ^ l e , Monks Rd., Lincoln Tisdall, Miss E . M., B a l l v h r a p „ Titian ' ^ ^ ° ° -M T itian e a t h Toft, P., 22 Mortimer Street,"London Trant, Miss Emily, Dovea, Thurles Trevor, Miss Trobridge, George, School of A r t , Belfast lurner Tyler, William, 36 Sussex Place, Kensington, London Tytler, Miss Fraser, Rosslvn, N.B. ^ 250 1026 1027 ' 913 S 02 ••• 442 857, 929, 1056, 1057 435, 460 252 ... 259,274 ... 936,973 47, 731, 779, 799 450 ... 1230, 1231 ... 1228,1229 Usher, Arland A., 2 Knapton Terrace, Kingstown, Dublin Vanacker, P., 6 8 Buxton Road, Huddersfield Vandyke Varian, Miss Agnes, Dublin 87, 223, 758 35 426, 441 832, 833, 987, 992, 993, 995 Index to Fine Art Exhibitors. 2 53 Nos. of Exhibits. Vinycomb, John, Belfast 775 787 806 Vivash & Mavius, Belfast ^ ' '1162 Vivian ; J . , Gainsborough House, Aldine Street, Shepherd's Bush Green, London 114 146 Wainwright, T . F „ care of Rodman & Co., Belfast Wainwrigbt, Miss G. Walker, Robert, C.E., 17 South Mall Cork Walker, Robert, Junior do. do. Walters, G. S. ... 208 675 684, 1037 ]040 8Q0 Walter, Miss E., 6 Victoria Street, Kilburne, London 210, 248, 759 Ward & Co., Winthrop Street, Cork ... 1150—1159 Watkins, B . Colles, R.H.A., 6 Stephen's Green, Dublin 1, 189, 329, 363 Watson, Samuel, 34 U p p e r Sackville Street, Dublin 80, 1078, 1081, 1111, 1127 m Watson, Samuel J . Watson, C., A l l Saints Green, Norwich J 4 - 303 Watson, Miss R., Castlelough, Killaloe 830J 879 ; 8g7j §94. W a t t , R., Belfast 621 to 695 Watts, G. F . , R . A . , L i t t l e Holland House, Kensington ... 142, 184 Whipple, J . , Chichester Street 242' 805 White, J . Telmage, 10 Draper's Gardens, Throgmorton Street, London . 255, 277,291 White, Mrs. Hans, Doneraile, Co. Cork 868, 873, 950 Whitmore, B., care of Rodman & Co., Belfast ... ' ' 314 Whitty, Augusta F . g4I Wilkinson, Miss E . S. one 0 - 0 TTT'llA • • • Oi/O, JOO Williams, A., 7 G r a n t h a m Street, Dublin 133^ i g l , 199, 282 Williams, W . C., 15 Craven Terrace, Halifax 700, 701, 1133 t o 1136 Williams, G. A . , 4 Castlenan Cottages, Barnes, Surrey ... 95, 132 W " illiams, Walter, Florence Villa, Lonsdale Road, Barnes, Surrey 46, 71 Williams, Caroline F., 4 Castlenan Cottages, Barnes, Surrey ... 15, 108 Wood, Miss L . »C., Bally Ellis, Mallow 895, 916, 1068 Woodroffe, Miss, St. Brandon's, Montenotte, Cork 938 K-l Woods, Carslake W., Torquay g*35, 853, 854 Wynne, A . B., 4 Crosthwaite P a r k , Kingstown 275, 298, 724 Tglesias, V . P . , 9 Fitzroy St., Fitzroy Square, London Zurbarari 129, 191, 793, 794 M H .. 4 4 yn . 2 Q 5S INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE FINE ART LOAN COLLECTION, Nos. of Exhibits 364 Albans, D u c h e s s of S t . , C l o n m e l Arnold, D a n i e l , P a t r i c k S t r e e t , C o r k 495, 4 9 6 1066 Bagwell, R i c h a r d , E a s t G r o v e , E a s t F e r r y , C o r k 1173—1189 Bagwell, R i c h a r d , M a r l f i e l d , C l o n m e l 411, 446, 458, 4 7 1 Bantry, C o u n t e s s of 493, Barry,A . H . S m i t h , M a r y b u r y H a l l , C h e s h i r e 386, 394, 404, 4 1 3 , 414, 4 1 9 — 4 2 1 , 426, 4 3 2 - 4 3 5 , 438, 441, 4 4 2 , 4 4 9 Beale, M r s . , B a l l i n t e m p l e , C o r k 1002 Beamish, L u d l o w , A . , A s h g r o v e , Q u e e n s t o w n , C o . C o r k Belfast S c h o o l of A r t Bfill, W m . , G r a y ' s H i l l , B a n g o r Brosnan, C a n o n , C a h i r c i v e e n , C o . K e r r y Buckley, W . J . , S u n d a y ' s W e l l , C o r k 327, 3 3 5 543 573 357 1041 Cahilll, P . , 1 7 J W e l l i n g t o n Q u a y , D u b l i n Clarke, E . H . , B e l f a s t 1043 4%% ... 463,1025 35] Cork L i b r a r y , P e m b r o k e S t r e e t Crofts, H o l m e s , H e n r y S t r e e t , C o r k Cogan, E . H . de, C a s t l e M a r t y r , C o . C o r k Colthurst, S i r Geo., T h e C a s t l e , B l a r n e y Collins, R . , D u b l i n Cramer, M a r m a d u k e C., R a t h m o r e , K i n s a l e Crawford, W . , L a k e l a n d s Cremen, M i s s E . , B l a c k r o c k , C o r k _ ,t . . . 490, 5 2 6 ,,, 1120 „„ 410 499, 500, 506, 511, 5 1 2 307 i m 393, 396, 422, 4 5 2 462, 464, 468, 470, 4 7 4 , 1 0 0 4 , 1236 ... 374 Oroshie, T h o s . , S u n d a y s W e l l , C o r k Cranfield, T h o s . , 1 1 5 G r a f t o n S t r e e t , D u b l i n Cork S c h o o l of A r t Dawson, M r s . , S h a n i k i e l P l a c e , S u n d a y s W e l l , C o r k Day, A l d e r m a n R . , Cork Donegan, M a j o r J . H . , 7 S i d n e y P l a c e , C o r k D u b l i n S c h o o l of A r t 3 3 6 , 384, 1 0 7 5 3 2 8 , 361, 4 1 6 645—674 f m 518 1005A, 1005B 405,1232, 1233 602—644 256 Index of Contributors to the Fine Art Loan Collection. Nos. of Exhibits Fitzgerald, D r . C. E „ U p p e r Merrion Street, Dublin Flynn, John, North Mall, Cork Fortune, Rev. Wm., All Hallows, Drumcondra, Dublin Fox, John, Monkstown, Cork Gordon, P . O'K., South Mall, Cork Gumbleton, VY. E., Bellgrove, E a s t F e r r y , Cork Harland, E . J . , Ormiston, Belfast Hartog, Professor, Queen's College, Cork Hegarty, T h e L a t e W . Hegarty, J o h n , Sunday's "Well Cork Hennessy, Sir J o h n Pope, Toughal Hewitt, Thos., Rockingham, Passage W e s t Hopkins, Kev..J. "VY., A g h e r n Vicarage, Co. Cork Horgan, lie v. P . J . , Kilworth, Co. Cork H u t t o n , Thos. Maxwell, Summer Hill Dublin 332, 333, 368 524, 1060, 1121 398 1015, 1105, 1114 ... 430 484,485 353, 355, 3R0, 373 418, 429, 11( 9, 1170 ... 326, 369 503 460A 1018, 1030—1035 409, 439, 440, 521 371 ... 382, 460 . . . 497, 509 Jones, J . , Alderman, 83 Grand Parade, Cork 408, 415, 423, 431, 459, 475, 1084, 1124 Joyce, Mrs. G., Myrtle Hill, Cork ... 862 Kinahan, E . H., 11 Merrion Square, N o r t h , Dublin 329, 348, 352, 363, 476, 531 L a n e , James, Cork Lane, Denny, South Mall, Cork Lane, W . J . , North Mall, C.)rk Leahy, D . F . , Shanakiel, Cork L< inster, D u k e of, Carton, Maynooth Londonderry School of A r t Lyons, Francis, Montenotte, Cork Lyons, Thomas, Waterview, Passage West, Cork 493 370, 516,1126 1017 339 397 ... 539—545 ... 508, 514 . . . 488, 502 MacKenzie, James, Tivoli, Cork 365 M'Kenzie, J o h n B . , Rockview, Montenotte, Cork 372, 38.5, 525, 527 M'Key, James, 32 Grand Parade, Cork 427 M'Laine, J . , Dunmanway, Co. Cork 1072 Maguire, Rev. Canon, Ballincollig, Co. Cork 375 Maguire, Mrs. J . F . , Ardmanagb, Co. Cork 390, 403, 480, 1221 Mahony, Timothy, Sidney Place, Cork 1223: ... 461, 106£ Masson, J o h n S., Durimamvay, Co. Cork Moore, James, M.D., H o n . R . H . A . Chichester Street, Belfast... 403 ' Index of Contributors to the Fine Art Loan Collection. 257 Nos. of Exhibits Mullan, F., Monkstown, Co. C o r k 345 t § Munster Club, South Mall, Cork 381, 417^ 530 Murphy, N . D . , Homeville, S u n d a y ' s W e l l , Cork 334, 349, 354, 388, 399, 406, 437, 501, 515, 517, 532, 1125 Murray, Maurice, Beech Hill, C o r k . . . 415, 465 Murray, W . J . , George's Street, C o r k ... 'io87 Nagle, David A . , 2 S o u t h Mall, C o r k 522, 1086, 1113, 1194 O'Connell, Mrs. M o r g a n J . , Longfield, Cashel 331, 362, 392,448, 1219, 1222 Ogilvie, James, Cork j01g O'Toole, Robert A., D u b l i n Parker, J .H , Clontarf, D u b l i n Peard, Mrs., Cool Abbey, Fermoy, Co. Cork Penrose, Rev. J . D., Woodhill, C o r k Perry, John, jun., S u n d a y ' s Well, Cork Powerscourt, Yiseount Richardson, A . A . , Lambeg, B e l f a s t .443, 450, 457, 466, 829 520 1083 ... 337 412, 424, 1116, 1120 3gg 325, 342, 343, 346 Sandell, J . , D u b l i n 1076 Scully, Vincent, Golden, Cashel 330, 391, 401, 402, 1021. 1023, 1044 Seymour, Capt., Wilmont Castle, Queenstown 380, 425, 444,454, 455, 472,477 Shaw, William, Beaumont, C o r k . . 341 359 Sheehan, Barry J . , Horaehead, P a s s a g e W e s t , Cork . . . 338, 377 Sheil, Mrs., 68 P a t r i c k Street 37g Sherman, Mrs. 22 H e n r y S t r e e t , C o r k ... 383 Somerville, Mrs. D . A , Douglas .. 407 South Kensington School of A r t 533—538, 574 601 Still, A., Rockboro' House, Cork 43g Stoker, Dr. Thornley, D u b l i n . . . 339 400 Stewart, H . Villiers, D r o m a n n a g h , Cappoquin 395 Sullivan, Dr. W . K „ P r e s i d e n t Queen's College, Cork ... 1213 Sullivan, Mrs. Dina, S o u t h M a l l , Cork . . . 378, 4 7 3 Tomkins, Valentine, D o u g l a s Towensend, H . H . , C o r d a n g a n Manor, T i p p e r a r y Tracey, Joseph E . , Grenville H o u s e , Cork 447, 453^ 4 5 ^ 4g 7> 5 2 9 ... ' 428 . . . 451 ggg Vere Foster, Belfast _ 1 1 65 Walker, Robert, C . E . , 17 S o u t h Mall 1038 1040 Official Catalogue. g i t t e NOTICE T O T H E PUBLIC, — - * » - < - — Persons wishing to purchase Pictures are requested to apply t o the Superin tendent, M r . D . J . O'MAHONY. A Bed Star placed on t h e Picture indicates t h a t t h e Picture is sold. Purchasers must, i n all cases, pay a deposit of 15 per cent, on t h e Catalogue price of any Work of Art t o t h e Officer in charge before t h e Work can be marked sold, and shall pay t h e remainder of the purchase-money, and, at their own expense, remove t h e Work so purchased within t e n days from the final close of t h e Exhibition. A Sale made b y t h e Exhibition Committee shall supersede one made privately b y t h e Artist or his Agent, unless the matter be immediately communicated t o t h e Hon. Secretary. A commission of 5 per cent, will be charged on t h e Catalogue price of all Works sold during t h e Exhibition. a r t union drawing. "With a view to encourage t h e Sale of Pictures, t h e Committee propose holding an Art Union Drawing i n connection with t h e Fine A r t Section. Tickets, One Shilling each, may be obtained from t h e Superintendent of Fine Art Gallery. B Cork Indtistrial Exhibition G A L L E R Y O F M O D E R N PAINTINGS. ^ R- -A.. R . S. A . R . H . A. A. R . H . A. Royal Academician. Royal Scottish Academician. Royal Hibernian Academician. Associate Royal Hibernian Academy. O I L P A I N T I N G S . TITLE. 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Lonely P a t h Gregor Grey Charles Marshall F. Chaplin M. Juliaan Sugh Charde Sarah A. Black Albert Morris Caroline F. Williams P. V. Duffy, U.S.A. U. Mannix L. Brunin S. Thaddeus Jones T. M. Ash F. A. Frascr PRICE. £80 0 5 5 5 5 15 7 15 15 25 15 7 15 0 0 10 0 8 8 5 0 8 0 4 i 12 12 9 9 O o 7 8 M a k i n g ready for Market 9 Morning—Loch Ard, N . B. 10 S t u d y of F r u i t 11 Sheep 12 A Corner of Old A n t w e r p 13 E t o n Chapel 14 Lane near Dolgelly, N . W . 15 Sundredge, K e n t 16 Spring Time—Study of Chesnut Trees i n Blossom 17 T h e Painter 18 A Flemish Cowhouse a n d Stable ... 19 W a s h i n g D a y 20 On t h e E a s t Lyn, N . Devon 21 ARTIST. Ecclesiastical R u i n s o n Inniscaltra or H o l y Island, Lough Derg, County Clare, a f t e r sunset B. Colics Watkins, U.S.A. View o n Lower Lake, Killarney ... Mrs. I). I f . Elrington Loyal a n d T r u e Edith A. Crosley T h e Ferry, T a l y Cafu, N . Wales . . . William Bennett T h e Dairy-man's Friend A. J. Mayne, U.S.A. Sad News IV. S. Saines Idle Hands S. C. Smith, U.S.A. 12 12 7 0 30 0 12 12 10 10 2bi Fine A r t Department ARTIST 22 Mount St. Bernard Dog , George A. Brenan 23 Without a Care H. Thaddeus Jones 24 The F r u i t Seller Samuel J. Murphy 25 The Corridor, Brewers' H a l l , Antwerp A. C. Stannus 26 Early Spring Marguerita R. Rothwell 27 Lobster Boat off Dalkey Island, Co. Dublin E. Hayes, R.H.A. 28 Head of a Cocker Dog F. W. Osborne, A.R.H.A. 29 The Letter Samuel M'Cloy 30 Portrait of a Gentleman, a f t e r Miravet (Spanish School) Mrs. George Atkins 31 Coast View, Kinsale Leslie Baker 32 Higher u p t h e River Viscountess Dmieraile 33 Dunolly Castle, Oban Bay G. Gray 34 Thinking i t over (The L a n d Question) Wm. Magrath '35 The Steen, Antwerp P. VanAcker 36 South Stoke J. Aumonier 37 Afternoon Tea F. W. Osborne, A.R.H.A. 38 Llyn Lumff'ymon, N . W . Charles Stuart 39 My Love d o t h show h e r w i t i n h e r attire R. Mannix 40 A Game a t Cards Michael Fitzgerald 41 His Father's Picture F. A. Fraser 42 Showery W e a t h e r near Barmouth Albert Hartland 43 Her Sweetest Flower Arthur Stocks 44 Waterfall, "Vale of N e a t h J. B. Smith 45 Repose John R. Dicksee The Bathing-place a t W h i t b y 47 Bygones 48 Portrait of a L a d y 49 Portrait .50 A Group of Sheep •51 Lenten Fare 46 ... Walter Will tains George Trobridge Saml. J. Murphy Mrs. Hardy The Late Henry O'Neill R. Mannix .52 The German Peasant's Supper . . . Mrs. Geo. Atkins ,53 View a t t h e Mouth of t h e River... Viscountess Doneraile £10 0 60 0 12 12 21 0 10 0 35 0 12 12 25 • 8 8 30 0 105 0 18 0 45 0 12 12 18 0 7 20 12 200 7 0 0 0 200 0 16 16 3 1 10 12 0 12 0 7 5 8 7 6 t 262 Fine A r t Department TITLE ARTIST 5 4 One of t h e B a n d . James Brenan, It.I f . A. 55 Summer-time i n Wales . Miss L. Bowkett 56 Tired . 0. W. Nicholls, U.S.A. 57 I n t h e Green Fields of E r i n . Wm. Magrath 58 A Christmas Greeting . E. M. Osborne " Nay, good goose, bite not "—Borneo and Juliet 59 Summer . Miss Kate Sill 60 N e a r Pullborough . Dan Fisher 61 T h e Stream t h r o ' t h e Woods . Howard Campion 6 2 T h e Beleaguered Fortress , James Brenan, U.S.A. 63 St. Patrick U. Thaddeus Jones 64 Burgomaster (after R e m b r a n d t ) . . . . Mrs. Geo. Atkins 65 Bray Strand Edwin Hayes, U.S.A. 66 A Quiet P i p e Geoi'ge A. Brenan 67 Cleeve Mill J. Aumonier 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 "Adieu" A Woodland P a t h Y o u n g Fishermen A n Autumnal Evening a t Sutton, Surrey Evening—Teddington 83 84 85 86 15 0 105 0 125 0 6 6 4 4 15 15 10 1050 0 52 30 10 50 21 10 0 0 0 0- John B. Dicksee S. C. Smith, U.S.A. S. Thaddeus Jones 50 0 20 0 Walter Williams F. Newmarsh 10 012 12 Gathering Tangle—Morning George Gray A Sketch i n R a t h f a r n h a m P a r k , Co. D u b l i n Michael Fitzgerald 75 T h e Close of t h e Battlo of t h e N i l e Geo. M. W. Atkinson 7 6 Por trait of t h e l a t e Rev. J a m e s Stewart James Butler Brenan, U.S.A. 77 Deserted Sarah A. Black 78 Yiew i n Telemarken, Norway . . . Col. Aldworth 7 9 H i g h Life below S t a i r s C. 11 Cooke 80 Po r trait of L. A. R y a n , Esq., J . P . Samuel Watson 81 82 PRICE £15 15 A Boulogne Fish-wife Mary Macarthur T h e L y n , L y n m o u t h , N . Devon... Thomas M. Asli A Reverie Sugh Charde Coming f r o m t h e P e a t Bog S. Begley After t h e Storm Geo. M. W. Atkinson Before Dawn Miss Hayes 9 9- 20 0- 40 0- 5 5 80 0 10 10 14 14 12 0 15 & 20 ft 263 Fine A r t Department TITLE ARTIST 87 Flowing t o t h e River . . . Arland A. TJssher 88 Our Pets . . . Gregor Grey 89 Frida, Bavarian Peasant Girl ... Mrs. Geo. Atkins 90 An Old "Weir o n t h e Lee ... Eugene J. MacSwiney PRICE £ 1 0 10 20 0 10 10 3 10 91 Kock a t Dawlish, Devonshire Coast . . . Mrs. Hardy 92 Looking across Phoenix P a r k 93 Brittany . . . J. Grey, R.H.A. . . . Dan. Fisher 21 10 8 8 94 Biddy Enjoying t h e F r a g r a n t "Weed . . . Samuel M'Cloy 14 14 95 Winter's Evening Heath 15 15 on Reigate 96 I n t h e Bower G A. Williams . . . Edith A. Orosley 97 Sunshine a n d Shower.—A Moun tain Home, Upper Lake, Killarney . . . J. Richard Marquis, R.H.A. 98 Spring-time near t h e Forest of Fontainbleau W. F. B. Hayes 99 No Fish To-day . . . Blanche Macarthur 5 5 150 0 70 0 18 18 100 The Seaur, W h i t b y .. John Sanderson 12 12 101 A Mountain P a t h . . . S. C. Smith, R.H.A. 10 0 102 Sketch a t t h e Cover-side.—A Noble M . F . H . ... Wm. Osborne, R.H.A. 25 0 103 Near Betcliworth, Surrey 104 The Colleens' Toilet 9 25 9 0 . . . Albert Morris . . . Sir T. A. Jones, P.R.H.A. 105 Portrait of t h e R i g h t Rev. D r . Delany, Catholic Bishop of Cork, painted for t h e Christian Brothers ... James Butler Brenan, R.H.A. 106 Moonrise—Tide Coming i n ... John J. Dillon 5 107 Evening ... J. E. Meadows 5 108 I n t h e Pool—Morning ... Caroline F. Williams 7 109 The Stallion Uneas Wm. Osborne, R.H.A. 15 110 A Girl of t h e Olden Time . . . Julia T. Sanderson 6 111 Lane i n Berwickshire ... G. Gray 18 112 A Lovers' Quarrel ... E. Byrne de Satur 30 113 Disturbed b y Hoodies ... Charles Jones 350 114 The Column of St. Mark's, a n d Dogana, f r o m Ducal Palace, Venice ... J. 'Vivian 50 5 0 7 15 6 0 0 0 0 264 Cork Industrial Exhibition Fine A r t Department T I T L E 115 ARTIST A Portrait . . . Sarah II. Purser 116 Fine Weather . . . Capt. Beddoes 117 118 119 I n t h e Forest of St. Cloud ... Howard Campion Sugar Loaf Mountain, Glengarriff A. J. R.H.A. Wallflowers . A Deaf Mute, Cobra Fruit . H. Kempe 120 121 Little J a c k ' s F i r s t Love . Harriette E. Harman 122 A Scotch Moor S. C. Smith, R.H.A. 123 A F a r m near Leicester W. E. Coolce 124 Between Two Valses S. H. Purser 125 Scalesman a n d T i m J. L. Bennett (Lent b y Mrs. Johnson) 126 A Freeborn American Madame du Gue 127 T h e Miner's Road Charles Stuart 128 Morning a f t e r a H e a v y Gale o n t h e W e s t Coast John Ross Murphy 129 Moonlight o n a Norfolk River ... Vincent P. Yglesias 130 T h e Connoisseur W. H. Haines 131 Making-off w i t h a Soldier Sara Atkinson 132 A u t u m n a l Evening near Redleafe, Kent G. A. Williams 133 A Calm E v e n i n g near Bonchurcli Cove, Isle of W i g h t A. Williams 134 A Forest Pool .. James Kinnear 135 Barney .. Harriette Fitzmaurice 136 A f t e r Dinner .. A. W. North 137 N e a r Fontainbleau .. Howard Campion 138 T h e Friends of t h e Model .. H. Thaddeus Jones 139 O n t h e Cliffs i n K e r r y .. H. Begley 140 Castles i n t h e Air .. John P. Peaean 141 Lilies .. Miss Hastling 142 S t u d y of a Child G. F. Watts, R.A. 143 I t was, I ween, alovely spot of ground ; And there a season atween June and May" E. B. de Satur 144 T h e Old Foot Bridge ... T. Griffiths 145 B o a t Building o n t h e Yare ... Charles J Watson 146 O n t h e Canal Regio, Venice ... J. Vivian ppaoE £5 5 26 5 5 55 108 05 515 015 1515 15. 35 0 75 040 0 4 4 10 10 3 3 35 0 15 15 16 16 12 0 6 0' 26 5 50 0 15 0 20 0' 12 12' 15 158 ft i Official Catalogue. 265 Fine Art Department TITLE PRICK ARTIST 147 Vessels i n a Calm off Poolbeg John J. Dillon Light Valentine Davis 148 Across t h e Common IT. A. Eickelberg 149 On t h e Coast, Holland P. V. Duffy, R.H.A. 150 Study a t Arklow, Co. Wieklow 5 6 60 0 0 151 Lilies 152 A Sister of Charity 153 Travelling i n t h e Highlands ... C. IV. Nicolh, J. Drummond Charles Jones 15 30 63 105 0 0 0 0 154 Expectation 155 "The Sheela," E .C.Y.C. 156 A Fecamp Lugger 157 A Brother A r t i s t 158 Tomb of Sir Christopher W r a y in Glenworth Church 159 The Lake of t h e F o u r Cantons, Switzerland 160 Boat o n Strand, Shanganagh, Co. Dublin 161 An Interesting Y a r n 3 J. P. Addey Richard Foley Nathaniel Hone, R.H.A. 50 James Butler Brenan, R. H. A. 3 '26 5 3 0 5 20 75 5 0 0 150 50 0 0 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 I £5 On t h e H i l l Market D a y i n Finistere Mountain Eoad, Co. Wicklow ... Portrait of t h e l a t e Roger B . Evans The Old Mill A Blue J a c k e t Flowers ' ' Bob,"—A Po rtrait A Moorland Valley The Young Housewife Left i n Charge West of E n gland Sheep b y t h e River Kennet, Wiltshire Rustic Scene A Girl's Head Trawler leaving P o r t Kylemore Lake, Connemara Blackrock Castle R.H.A. John Sanderson H. F. Graves Miss E. Dwyer Samuel M'Oloy Alfred Grey, R.H.A. H. Thaddeus Jones Nathaniel Hone, R.H.A. 0 James Butler Brenan, R. H. A 30 0 E. Brockman Mary Maearthur 10 1 0 Miss Kate Elliot 4 10 A t wis Dundas 3 3 10 10 W. F. Stocks 21 0 James Brenan, R.H.A. 63 0 Ellen Conolly Charles Jones John Campbell, Jan. Mary Macarthur Edwin Hayes, R.H.A. A. Grey, R.H.A. It. P. Atkinson 120 10 8 130 50 7 0 0 8 0 0 7 266 FineA r t Department ARTIST ... Mrs. W. Hanlon 179 TITLE A Quiet Corner 180 181 A Fertile Valley A Fresh Breeze ... L. A. Sharland . . . A. Williams 182 A Scotch L a k e Scene . . . L. A. Sharland 183 Azaleas ... Miss Hastling 184 S t u d y of a H e a d ... G. F Watts R.A. 185 P o r t r a i t of Marion, D a u g h t e r of Sir F . W . Brady, Bart., Q.C. Sir T. A. Jones, P.H. H.A. 186 T h e Rescue ... Alex. Francia 187 W a s h i n g D a y o n a D u t c h Barge A. W. North 188 Brimscombe Bridge, near Stroud, _ Gloucestershire . . . I). Delaplace Gerdrdin 189 Kylemore Lake, Connemara— Sunset ... B. C. Wdtkitis, R.IT.A. 190 R e t u r n f r o m t h e Boat ... A. JBurJce, R.H.A. 191 Rye, Sussex ... y. p . Yglesias 192 N e a r Cromer, Norfolk ... J. F. Meadows 193 S o u t h Stoke, Oxfordshire . . . W. S. Cooper 194 Queenstown, b y Moonlight . . . Sara Atkinson 195 T h e Vrow's E v e n i n g Prayer ... Hugh Charde 196 L a s t of t h e Armada, Coast of Antrim . . . A. G. Stannus 197 B y t h e Shore ... Aliss M. Allen 198 S t u d y of an I t a l i a n ... Hugh Charde 199 Evening—Steephill Cove, Ventnor, Isle of W i g h t ... A. Williams PRICE £4 4 10 0 5 5 5 0 5 2 10 6 0 50 0 25 0 x s 0 30 18 0 1 ] 15 0 105 0 5 0 5 5 Official Catalogue. i 67 W A T E R COLOURS. 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 TITLE Old Mill on t h e Seine Conceit Sketch on t h e Thames A. C. Stannus San Lazzaro, T h e Armenian Con vent near Venice Gabriel Carelli Orange Grapes F. Belshaiv Angels (after Sir Joslma Rey nolds) Madame A. T). Cordier Italian Monk showing Reliquary The Wayside Cottage Landscape, w i t h Sheep A Light from Ostend Pier Golden Crested W r e n a n d B l u e t i t On t h e Sea Shore 212 Over t h e Moors 213 A Reverie Pat Sullivan's Garden 214 215 316 217 218 219 .220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 ARTIST G. Saliante J. A. Fitzgerald Coke Smyth C. L. Davis T. F. Wainewright A. I/udovice Miss Emma Walter Walter Goodall J. W. B. Knight A. W. Bayes Miss H. K Keane A Summer's d a y ... Miss H. E. Keane Cottages near Innishannon, Co. Cork William A. Brennan The Mourner Sir T. A. Jones, P.R.H.A. Oxford J. Aumonier Miranda—A S t u d y Mrs. Christian Old Bridge o n t h e River Blackwater, near Kenmare (Oil Painting) James Brenan, R.H.A. Sketch on t h e Thames A. C. Stannus Cornfield, Surrey William Bennet A Lean-to—Surrey Arland A. Ussher A French Homestead J. Leperiver A Storm John Pilsbury Marine View O. W. Luslc Country Home Coke Smyth Flood Falls—A Ravine of a W a y u p t o Snowdon Charles Marshall PRICE £ 5 5 15 0 E 0 10 10 5 5 40 0 5 5 10 10 15 15 6 6 31 10 15 15 6 6 4 4 3 0 8 8 210 0 15 0 5 5 5 5 7 7 5 5 7 7 8 8 10 10 268 229 Cork Industrial Exhibition Fine A r t Department TITLE ARTIST Mountain Bridge, N a n t Francon Robert G. Seymour PRICE £7 7 230 Rain a n d F o g o n t h e Thames, (Oil Painting) S. A. Armstrong 2 10 231 Betokening R a i n John Gilbert 2 2 232 L ittlehampton W. P. Burton 233 U n d e r t h e Greenwood T r e e Grasmere Miss B. Fitzgerald / / . F. Graves 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 Sherkin Abbey, Baltimore, Co. Cork Susana T. Reeves A n Algerine Jewish Maiden Madame A. D. Cordier T h e I r o n Bridge, Dublin Miss Rose M. Barton A Study A. Olift T h e Calm o n t h e Sea of Galilee R. L. Stopford T h e Old H e a d of Kinsale (Oil Painting) J. Ross Murphy K i n g J o h n ' s Castle, Carlingford, Co. Down John Kemp Looking down from Tower W h a r f , Thames J. Whipple Eventide Walter F. Stocks 12 12 2 0 40 0 2 2 7 7 10 10 2 10 10 10 12 12 1 2 12 J arms J. Coalcley Miss A. C. Swan 30 0 245 Sketch of Old Mill outside Cork Strayed 4 0 246 Narcissus Miss A. C. Swan Miss B. Macarthur Miss E. Walter M. I). 0'Mara 12 12 247 A n Old S a l t 248 Vase of Flowers 249 S t u d y of a H e a d 250 Y a r m o u t h Smacks r e t u r n i n g t o Port Charles Taylor Ready, a y e R e a d y Miss C. J. Atkins Near Rye Harbour P. Loft Haymaking James Beaumont 251 252 253 1 2 12 12 12 3 3 15 15 14 14 12 12 254 T h e P e t Chicken 255 A W i n t e r Sunset a t Anacapei . . . P o n t e d i Rialto Mrs. C. Murray J. T. White Gabriel Caretti 42 0 15 0 257 A D u l l Morning—Venice / / . S. Dale 258 10 10 A Room i n t h e Palace of t h e Doges, Venice Gabriel Carelli 40 256 0 Official 2 69. Catalogue. FineArt Department TITLE PRICE ARTIST £5 ... Mrs. E. Trant 259 One of t h e Gallant 18th . . . Russell Martin 260 At Glengariff 261 Mount Cook a n d M o u n t Tasman, from Great Tasman Glacier ... Rev. W. S. Green 0- 10 262 Illustrations of Thackeray's Poem, " A t t h e Church G a t e " ... Mary Reeves 263 Sketch o n t h e Thames 264 Study of a H e a d 265 Sketch o n t h e Thames . . . A. G. Stannus ... M. D. 0'Mara ... A. G. Stannus ... Mrs. E. Murray 266 A Spanish Breakfast 267 "Mountain Stream," N o r t h "Wales Philip Mitchell ... H. Kempe 268 The "Wayside B e s t ... J. J. Coakley 269 Blarney Castle, Co. Cork 270 Beaver Bridge, o n t h e Conway, N . "Wales . . . Albert Stevens . . . Miss A. G. Swan 271 Primroses . . . Albert Stevens 272 The Last R a y s 273 A Door i n t h e Sala degli Ambasciatori Doge's Palace, Venice . . . Miss E. Pradez 5 O 7 T 3 10 10 10- 280 The Shortest D a y (expressed b y t h e December Landscape a n d I n f a n t ' s Funeral) ... Miss Mary Reeves . . . C. M. T. Grierson 281 The Usurer 282 On t h e Dodder, near D u b l i n . . . A. Williams D. Fisher F. A. Fraser J. Faulkner J. Macpherson O' 15 1535 030 O . . . Mrs. E. TroM 274 " Ready, Aye Ready " 275 Study o n a Mountain Stream— Bettws-y-coed, N o r t h "Wales ... A. B. Wynne 276 Great Tasman Glacier, f r o m t h e Slopes of M o u n t Cook, N e w Zealand ... Rev. W. S. Green 277 Ruined Villa Positano, B a y of Salerno ... J. T. White . . . Miss G. J. Atkins 278 A Moorish L a d y Albert Stcve7is 279 Backwater o n t h e W e y , Surrey ... 283 Old Cottage, Pullborough ... 284 Spring-time 285 Lough Derrydan, Connemara T h e Landscape b y a n d Cattle b y 5 ) > ) 4 0- 3 8- 10 A 42 9 21 »• 5 3 4 5. 3 4 8 0- O» A 14 14- 2-jO "286 287 288 289 290 291 292 Fine Art Department TITLE ARTIST A Boulogne F r u i t Girl . . . Miss B. Macarthur Clematis Languhlosa ... Miss O'Hara S t u d y of a H e a d . . . M. D. O'Mara N o more t o sail o'er S u m m e r Seas—to brave t h e S t o r m n o more ... John Gilbert A n A u t u m n Morning—Cookham Deen ... Thomas Pyne Cimon del l a P a l l a — S u n s e t Austrian Dolomites . . . J. T. White A Lane a t Cookham Deen ... Thomas Pyne T h e Oldest B i t of t h e Village ... Miss F. W. Curry " P r e t t y maiden, r a k e away, Lest t h e showers spoil y o u r h a y " W. H. Haines 295 Killarney ... R_ L. Stopford Abbey a n d Castle a t Kilcrea, Co. Cork ... J. J. Coakley 2 9 7 A Yorkshire Moor J. W. B. Knight 298 Mil-age o n t h e R u n of K u t c h A. B. Wynne 299 Sunshine a n d Shower . R. A. K. Marshall •300 W r e c k off Kingsdown, K e n t t . B. Hardy PRICE £12 12 5 3 2 2 84 0 5 5 8 8 293 294 301 302 303 A "Walk over t h e H e a t h Val Davis I h e Laster Sepulchre, Lincoln Cathedral A Y a r m o u t h Row Elizabeth Tic/cell G. J. Watson 5 3 1 8 18 30 0 15 15 5 12 21 12 5 12 0 12 •304 S t u d y made i n t h e Roman Campagna Mary Reeves 305 Carew Castle T. B. Hardy 306 Street Scene i n B r i t t a n y B. M'Guinness 307 O n t h e Shore a t S t . Leonards . . . F. Da Ponte Player 308 Venice o n t h e Grand Canal J. Fulleylove 3 0 9 B a i t i n g h i s Hooks A. W. Bayes 310 View o n t h e Lee William A. Brennan 311 A Y o u n g iEsthete Sir T. A. Jones, P.R.H.A. 312 313 314 315 I n t h e Mellow L i g h t of a n A u t u m n ^ve ... J. Aumonier St - John ... W. H. Haines Coast Scene—Wilton on t h e Mage B. Whitmore Yrifan from I d w a l . . . Lloyd Bond 45 0 14 14 10 10 7 7 89 5 18 18 10 10 15 0 271 Official Catalogue. Fine Art Department TITLE ARTIST PRICE. 316 Beech Trees, Crosshaven, Co. Joseph P. Addey Cork (Not f o r Sale) Mrs. Gould 317 On t h e Lake 318 Castle Stalker, Argyleshire 319 Carriganass Castle, Co. Cork ... 320 A Day's E n j o y m e n t i n t h e Mourne Mountains 321 A Study from N a t u r e (in oils)... Avignon, t h e Ancient Seat of t h e Popes 323 At Killanne, Co. Wexford 324 A Study 322 £ 3 10 3 13 A. Dundas 5 John Kemp 5- James Moore, M.D. James Brenan, R.H A 12 12 5 6 J. Fulleylove Miss E. M. Hill 21 01 10 2 10 Alice C. Sworn NOTICE. "Water Colours continued i n t h e W e s t e r n Gallery of Concert H a l l . LOAN TITLE 325 A n Interior 326 The Cobbler's B u l k COLLECTION. ARTIST OWNER .... E. Crawford A . A . Richardson. ...Xyster T h e L a t e "W. Hegarty, Alderman 327 The late Lieut.-Col. Beamish, K.H. ... / . Butler Brenan, R.H.A. L . A . Beamish 328 " Tired O u t " (for Sale) 329 Landscape E. Sheil, R.H.A. Thomas Cranfield B. C. Watkins, R.H.A. E . IX. K i n a h a n 330 The W o u n d e d Poacher H. T. Jones 331 Daniel O'Connell, i n Koman Toga ... Haverty 332 Landscape 333 Landscape Vincent Scully Mrs. M . J . O'Connell . . . A. Burke, R.H.A. ... A. Burke, R.H.A. 334 The Pharisee a n d P u b l i c a n J. Butler Brenan, R.H.A. 335 Mrs. Ludlow Beamish ... J. Butlor Brenan, R.H.A. 336 Refugium Peccatomm . . . E. Sheil, R.H.A. 337 Legend of t h e Limerick Bells (Price £60) . . . Geo. i 1 . Atkinson D r . Fitzgerald D r . Fitzgerald N . D. M u r p h y L . A . Beamish T h o s . Crosbie 272 F i n e A r t Department—Loan Collection TITLE ARTIST B. J . Sheehan, E x - M a y o r . . . H. O'Shea 339 T h e Council of W a r . . . W. Riviere S t u d y of Two D a u g h t e r s of t h e L a t e Col. Masserine... R. Rothwell, R.H.A. 341 A n Algerine Maiden Miss Bell 342 Interior of Cottage i n Done gal E. Crawford 3 4 3 A n Eviction J. Barry, R.A. 344 Blarney Castle (for Sale) . . . / / . ONeiU '345 P a d d y C. 11. Cook 340 346 347 Izaak W a l t o n E. Crawford OWNER B . J . Sheehan D. F . Leahy D r. Moore W . Shaw, M.P. A . A . Richardson A . A . Richardson Mrs. O'Heill F . Mullen A . A . Richardson A n I r i s h Dairy Field (Price £105) A. Grey, R.H.A. 348 A S u n n y Day,—Killarney P. V. Duffy, R.H.A. E . H . Kinahan 349 Copperfield a n d D o r a E. Sheil, R.H.A. N . D. Murphy 350 On t h e Thames (for Sale) W. Henderson 3 5 1 T h e Strid, Yorkshire T. Creswick, R.A. E . H . Clarke 352 Bella D o n n a Sir T. Jones, P.R.H.A. E . H . Kinahan 353 Outside t h e Cover R. Ansdell, R.A. E . J . Harland 354 T h e Baron of Grogswig N . D . Murphy 3 5 5 Isola d i S a n Giulio d'orta .. G. E. Hering E . J . Harland 356 A n E v e n i n g D r i n k .. T. Sidney Cooper V i s c o u n t Powerscourt 357 T h e Spinning Lesson James Brenan, R.H.A. Win. Bell 358 T h e Installation of t h e Prince of Wales as K n i g h t of S t . P a t r i c k (Price £300) ... M. A. Hay: R.H.A. 359 P o r t r a i t ... Miss Bell W . Shaw, M.P. 360 Constantinople b y Moonlight Ernest Koerner E . J . Harland -361 Moutain Road @rey, R.H.A. T h o m a s Cranfield 362 Landscape D a l e Mrs. M . J . O'Connell 363 Salmon Pool, Connemara ... B. C. TVatkins, R.H.A. E . H . Kinahan 364 H a n d e c k Waterfall Calamo Duchess of S t . Albans 3 65 Portrait S w a n J . • MacKenzie 3 66 Valley of t h e Conway, N . Wales (Price £10) Charles Marshall 367 T h e Dargle River P. Vincent Duffy R . Collins 368 Scene i n B r i t t a n y A. Burke, R.H.A. D r . Fitzgerald 369 Gipsy E n c a m p m e n t J. Day T h e L a t e W . Hegarty, Aldennan Official Catalogue. z Fine A r t Department - L o a n Collection ARTIST TITLE 370 A Cork Girl 371 Jack of t h e Lantern 372 The Wounded Crow ... Lyster ... Lawlor ... Swan 73 OWNER D e n n y Lane Key. J . W . H o p k i n s J o h n B . M'Kenzie E . J . Harland . . . E. Koerner 373 On t h e Nile 374 Hermit in Cell—On Porce Miss Cremen lain, Dresden J. B. Brenan, B.H. A. Rev. Canon Maguire 375 The late J . Maguire, M . P . Mrs. Shiel ... E. Shiel, R.H.A. 376 Excelsior B. J . Sheehan ... Atkinson 377 Cork Harbour M r s . D i n a Sullivan ... Lyster 378 The Clurecawn ... H. T. Jones 379 Lelia (Price £5) David's Dying Charge t o Solomon "(for Sale) ... 381 The Agony i n t h e Garden ... E. Shiel, B.H.A. 382 Martyrdom of St. Sebastian (for Sale) . . . Guido Reni ... Sir Peter Lely 383 Nell Gwynne (for Sale) 384 Calm Evening—Coast of Ayre Capt. Ladder Capt. Seymour Munster Club R e v . P . J . Horgan, P . P . Mrs. S h e r m a n T h o m a s Crosbie J . B . M'Kenzie 385 A Dutch M a r k e t a t N i g h t . . . A. H . Smith-Barry ... J. Bassano 386 Figures, with Cattle Rev. J . D . Penrose Yenus Rising f r o m t h e Sea J. Barry, B.A. Portrait of N . D . M u r p h y . . . J. Butler Brenan, R.H.A. N . D. M u r p h y The Gap of Barnaghee, Co. Mayo ... J. -A. O'Connor 390 The Taking Down f r o m t h e Cross ... E. Sheil, R.H.A. 391 392 3S3 394 395 397 D r . Thornley Stoker Mrs. J . F . Maguire Vincent Scully Italian Landscape Portrait of t h e L a t e Charles Mrs. M. J . O'Connell Bianconi . . . Haverty M. C. Cramer Cattle Piece ... Paul Potter A . H . Smith-Barry Cherub's H e a d . . . Luini Portrait of t h e Old Countess of Desmond (Widow of t h e 12th Earl), w h o died a t Youghal a t t h e a g e of H . Villiers S t u a r t , M . P . 140 years ... Rembrandt M. C. Cramer Cattle Piece ... Paul Potter Game and F r u i t , b y Snyders, with Portrait of himself b y Jordaens . . . Snyders <t Jordaejis T h e D u k e of Leinster 274 F i n e A r t Department—Loan Collection TITLB ARTIST OWNER T a k i n g down f r o m t h e Cross Barry 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 407 408 409 Portrait ... Reingle, R.A. N . D . Murphy D r . Thornley Stoker "Vincent Scully Castle Carrow, Co. Mayo ... J. A. O'Connor B a t t l e Piece . . . G. Bveydel I t a l i a n Landscape, w i t h Figures Portrait Figures, w i t h Cattle .... Lyster ...J, A n Allegorical P o r t r a i t of George t h e F o u r t h (when Prince of Wales), a s St. George's T r i u m p h over t h e Dragon James Barry., R.A. Portrait M. Cregan, R.H.A P o r t r a i t of Miss Annesley ... Sir T. Lawrence T h e Adoration of t h e M a g i . . . A ndrea del Sarto P o r t r a i t of R i g h t H o n . Edmund Burke James Barry, R.A. Portrait of L a d y a n d Child... ' ' Ecce H o m o " Rembrandt 410 411 412 T h e Little Housekeeper 413 Landscape 414 S t . Francis 415 Nell Gwynne 416 417 Rev. W . Fortune E. Sheil, R.E.A. Salvator Rosa S t u d y (for sale) Anibale Caracci Sir P. Lely Maclise Beggar B o y (Murillo) Lyster 418 P o r t r a i t of C h i l d 419 ) 420 ! I l l u s t r a t i n g Life i a n d D e a t h of Achilles .. 421 J 422 Domestic P o u l t r y 423 R o m a n R u i n s .... 424 Inspiration 425 F r u i t (for Sale) 426 H o l y F a m i l y 427 Portrait of Daniel O'Connell'i M o t h e r (for Sale) 4 2 8 Portrait Darmesteter Vincent Scully Mrs. J . F. Maguire A . H . Smith-Barry Major Donegan N\ D. Murphy M vs. D . A. Somerville J . Jones, Alderman Thomas Hewitt E . H . de Cogan R. Bagwell J o h n Perry A ' H . Smith-Barry A . H . Smith-Barry J . Jones, Alderman T. Cranfield Munster ClubProfessor Hartog, Q.C.C. Rubens A. H . Smith-Barry Sondekootcr M„ C. Cramer J . Jones, Alderman E. Sheil, U.S.A. David de Seem Vandyke J o h n Perry Capt. Seymour A . H . Smith-Barry J a m e s M'Key H . H . Townsend Official Catalogue. Fine A r t DepartmentTITLE 429 A Quoi Eeye-t-il 430 Mater Dolorosa 431 Itinerant Tinkers 432 433 275 L o a n Collection OWNER AETIST ... Darmesteter ... Carlo Dolce ... S. Watson Prof. Hartog, Q.C.C. P . O ' K . Gordon J . Jones, Alderman Sketches Illustrating Life and Death of Achilles ... Rubens 434 435 Dog 436 The Conversion of Saul 437 The Critic 438 Landscape A . H . Smith-Barry Titian Salvator Rosa . J. Brenan, R.H.A., J. J. Brenan A. H . Smith-Barry A. Still ... Salvator Rosa A. H . Smith-Barry 439> N. Grogan Bacchantes 440' After Vandyke 441 The Holy F a m i l y Tintoretto Admiral Barbarosa 442 443 The Virgin a n d Child (for Andrea del Sarto Sale) 444 The Larder (for Sale) G. Pousin 445 Athens—The Acropolis Sir M. Shee, P.R.A. Portrait of Col. Bagwell ... 446 Nasymth 447 Landscape (for Sale) 448 Flemish Forge 449 Lady Elizabeth of Hungary" 'Zurbarari Turner 450 Sea Piece (for Sale) N . D . Murphy Thomas Hewitt A . H . Smith-Barry A . H . Smith-Barry J . H . Parker Capt. Seymour Maurice Murray R . Bagwell Val. Tomkins Mrs. M . J . O'Connell A . H . Smith-Barry J . I f . Parker 451 Painting on Porcelain (after Rubens) ..(. Lastman 452 The Famine i n E g y p t Julio Romano 453 The L a s t Supper (for Sale) 454 The Storm (for Sale) 455 The Crucifixion (for Sale) ... Starace 456 Study of Horses (for Sale) ... 457 Landscape Ruins—RiverView and Fountain (for Sale) ... Patel Angelica Kaufinann 458 Portrait 459 Portrait 460 The Espousal of S. Catherine, after T i t i a n (for Sale) ... and J . E . Tracy M . C. Cramer Val. TomkinB Captain Seymour Captain Seymour Val. T o m k i n s J . H . Parker R . Bagwell J. Jones, Alderman Rev. P. J . H orga n, P.P. C 276 F i n e A r t Department—Loan Collection TITLE ARTIST 460A S i r "Walter Raleigh 461 T h e B l i n d Girl 462 Landscape 463 J o h n Shears, w h o was exe cuted, 1 4 t h J u l y , 1798 . . . 464 Religious Subject ... 465 T h e D u c a l Palace a n d Square, Venice 466 T h e W o m a n t a k e n i n s i n i n t h e Temple (for Sale)... 467 A S t u d y (for Sale) 468 T h e I n f a n t Saviour wounded b y Thorns 469 " S t u d y " (Price £ 1 0 10s.). 470 S t . F r a n c i s ministered t o b y Angels . 471 P o r t r a i t of H e n r y Laurens, President of Congress, 1778 472 T h e S a m a r i t a n W o m a n a t t h e W e l l (for Sale) 473 M a r i a n a ... 474 475 476 Horses D r i n k i n g E. Shiel, It.II.A. Swancveldt Muritto Canalctto " H e r a r m s across h e r b r e a s t s h e laid ; She was more fair t h a n words c a n say * Barefooted came t h e beggar maid * Before t h e King Cophetua. I n r o b e and crown t h e king s t e p t down. T o m e e t a n d greet her on h e r way • I t is n o wonder,' said t h e lords, ' ' S h e i s more beautiful t h a n d a y ' W . H . Crawford P . Cahil] W . H . Crawford Maurice Murray J . H . Parker Val Tomkini Murillo H. T. Jones W . H . Crawford Murillo W . H . Crawford J. S. Copley, R.A. Oyster . . . N. Berghe.m T h e Backgammon P l a y e r s . . . Children Bird-nesting ... 477 T h e B a t t l e of t h e N i l e — A t N i g h t (for Sale) ... 477A K i n g Cophetua a n d t h e Beggar M a i d ... OWNER S i r J . Pope Hennessy J o h n S. Mason R . Bagwell Captain Seymour M r s . Dina Sullivan W . H . Crawford Hogarth Ramberg J . Jones, Alderman Atkinson Captain Seymour D. Maclise,R.A.,R. E . H . Kinahan ,H.A. J o h n D . Wardell A s shines t h e moon i n clouded skies, She i n h e r poor a t t i r e was s e e n ; One praised h e r ankles, one her eyes, One h e r d a r k h a i r a n d lovesome mien. 0 0 sweet a face, such angel grace, I n all t h a t l a u d h a d never been. Cophetua sware a royal oath— 4 T h i s beggar maid shall b e m y queen.'M —Tennyson. 277 Official Catalogue. W A T E R C O L O U R S . — L O A N COLLECTION. TITLE 478 Blarney Castle for Sale) • 479 Windso 480 The "Wounded Soldier . 481 Carrigfergus Gaol 482 The Duet 1 483 Carrigfergus Gaol 4841 Miniatures (1826) 48SJ < • 486 Crypt—Eoslyn Chapel(1845) 487 Ross Castle Mist o n t h e Lakes, Inchigeela Murlough B a y F a i r H e a d . Landscape Glendalough (for Sale) Street Scene i n Bavaria ARTIST OWNER / / . O'Neill James Moore, M.D., Mrs. O'Neill Hon. M.H.A Mrs. J . F . Maguire Moore, M.D., Hon. R.H.A. Moss-man W . J . Buckley James Moore, M.D., Hon. R.H.A. "W. E . Gumbleton Maclise James Moore, M.D., Hon. B.H.A. By the late John Brenan J . B u t l e r Brenan, R . H . A . 488 A 489 490 491 492 493 Miniature 494 The "Veiled Prophet 495 The Ibis 496 Glengariffe 497 Portrait 498 A S t u d y - -Newcastle, Co. Down ... Figures b y 499 The Arrest of Stafford, 1680 (the Civil "Wars illustrated ty) 500 Nuremberg 501 T h e First-Born 502 The Gap of Dunloe 503 Landscape A. Hartland T h o m a s Lyons James Moore, M.D., Hon. R.JI.A. Noblett Cork Library H. O'Neill Mrs. O'Neill B. M'Guinness, A.R.H.A. Countess of B a n t r y Maclise James Lane Ford J . Butler Brenan, R . H . A . A. Hartland D . Arnold A. Hartland D . Arnold Burton, R.H.A. Thos. Maxwell H u t t o n James Moore, M.D., S. Bough. Cattermole Prout Drummond • Hon. R.H.A. Sir Geo. C o l t h u r s t Sir Geo. C o l t h u r s t N . D . Murphy T h o m a s Lyons A. Hartland J o h n Hegarty A. Hartland 504 Newcastle Harbour, Co. Down J. Moore, M.D., Hon. ft.U.A. 505 Allegorical Group (Price £ 1 2 12s.) Mrs. Christian 278 F i n e A r t Department—Loan Collection TITLE ARTIST 506 • 507 508 509 Ratisbon Cathedral . . . Prout A D a y ' s S t u d y (Price £ 1 0 10s.) J. Moore M.D., OWNER Sir Geo. Colthurst Hon. R.H.A T h e F i r s t Sail Brandon Peak ...Drummond Francis Lyons ... Dr. Pctrie T h o s . Maxwell Hutton * 510 Cliffs, Newcastle, Co. Down J. Moore, M.D., Hon. R.H.A. 511 T h e D e a t h of Sir David Lindsay ( t h e Civil W a r s illustrated b y ) Gattarmole S i r G e o . Colthurst 512 Nuremberg F r o u t Sir Geo. Colthurst v 5 1 3 Castlerock, Co. D e r r y J. Moore, .11.D., Hon. R.H.A. 514 Seaweed Girl Win. M'Grath Francis Lyons 515 " Blarney " Drummond N . D . Murphy 516 T h e Corn F i e l d A. Hartland Denny w 517 Lucerne J a m e s B e a l e N . D. Murphy 518 Miniature, 1828 Maclise Mrs. Dawson 519 Glengariffe The Late John TZrenan J . B u t l e r Brenan, R.H.A 520 Miniature, 1827 ... Maclise Mrs. Peard 521 M a d a m e Ricamier ... Isabcy T . Hewitt 522 Etching—Dissipation ... N. Grogan D. A . Nagle, Alderman * 523 Trassy Bog, Mourne Moun524 525 526 52 7 - 528 529 530 531 532 tamS "• J' M°°™, M.D., Hon. R.H.A. Dr. Moore L a r n gs a n a s s Castle .- A Hartlnvrl aartLawl j,o h, n p ™ j Flogging t h r o u g h t h e Streets of Dublin ... N. Grogan J o h n B. M'Kenzie Landscape ... Noblett , riK r T h e Sportsman's R e t u r n . . . Scanlan j. B M ' K e Z Interior a t W e s t m e a t h J. Moore, M.D., Hon. R.H.A. D r. Moora Figures b y Erskine Nieholl, R.S.A. Mountain Torrent (for Sale) m h t t Val Tomkins Landscape The Late John Brcnan Munster Club T h e Y o u n g Poachers Barnes, R.H.A. E . H . Kinahan A n Arab, f r o m Life Case H N . D. Murphy Official Catalogue WESTERN GALLERY O F C O N C E R T 2 7 9 H A L L . S C H O O L SO F A R T . — L O A N C O L L E C T I O N S 533) to >• Spanish "Wall Decorations in leather, from South Kensington 538) 539) 602) to >- Londonderry 545) to > Dublin 644) 546) 645) to >• Belfast 573) t o > Cork 674) 574) to }- South Kensington 601) A R C H I T E C T U R A L D R A W I N G S . 675) to >- Robert Walker, C.E., 17 South Mall, Cork, Architect of the Exhibition 684) 685 Godfrey W . Ferguson, Lombard Street Chambers, Belfast 687} ^ e n n e ^ > ^ Chichester Street, Belfast 688) to > John L. Robinson, Architect, 119 Great Brunswick Street, Dublin 690) 691) to >• James Otway & R. W a t t , 77A Victoria Street, Belfast 695) 696] j J . Leslie O'Hanlon, 3 Lower Merrion Street, Dublin <971 698 Thomas Barry, Cork 699 John L. Robinson 700^j- Pen and Ink Sketches by W . Clement Williams 701. 702) to >- Jonathan G. Hare, Architect and Surveyor, Cork 706) 707) to J- Samuel F. Hynes, M.R.I.A.I., Architect, Cork 712) 713) to > Walter G. Doolin, Architect, 20 Ely Place, Dublin 715) 716) to S- Samuel P. Close, F.R.I.A.I., 53 "Waring Street, Belfast 718) 2 So Cork /ndustrial Exhibition G A L L E R Y O F M O D E R N P A I N T I N G S —continued. W A T E R C O L O U R S . TITLE 719 Blackwater Bridge, Kenmare 720 Raven's Rock, Ballinatray 721 Pansies Rome—Tlie Coliseum, from t h e Palatine H i l l 7 2 3 W h i t e Rhododendrons 724 Falls o n t h e Lugwy, a t P o n t y Pair 725 A B i t of W a r m Colour ARTIST PRICES P. J. Hegarty P. J. Hegarly Miss N. E. Kcane £3 $ 722 726 A u t u m n Foliage 727 On B r a y H e a d 728 " T h e Last Roses of S u m m e r , " 729 Affane Churchyard Miss H. H. Reeves Lizzie Justice ' A. B. Wynne Miss Beatrice Fitzgerald 7 4 0 Landscape 741 T h e Lagoons, Venice 742 Chrysanthemums 743 Corn Field 744 P i n k Roses, " L a France " 745 T h e Stream 746 Carrigogunnel Castle, Limerick 10 10 Miss Beatrice Fitzgerald Miss E. M. Hill 2 10' Miss Long Helen O'Rara 2 10 2 2 field 730 L o u g h Ine, near Skibbereen, Co. Cork . . . A. Phillips 7 3 1 A n n e P o r t Bay, Jersey George Trobridge 732 W h i t b y , Yorkshire Evelyn Redgrave 733 Group of Objects Charlotte Kemp 734 R a i n o n t h e Coast—France T. S. Chandelier ' 735 Study—Blue Lake, Mourne Moun tains J. Moore, M.D., Hon. R.H.A. 736 A Summer Sunset Andrew Nieholl, R.H.A. 737 Como H. F. Graves 738 N e a r Crosshaven 739 M i t r e Peak, N e w Zealand 5 5 2 0- Russell Martin Rev. W. Green Mrs. Gould Atkinson Armstrong Alice C. Swan Joseph Poole Addey Miss E. Luther Dan Fisher The Late Thomas Phillips 5 0 8 8 5 5 7 0 7 7 12 12 21 02 0 3 3 13 4 3 10 13 0 3 3 2 10 5 5 281 Official Catalogue. Fine A r t Department TITLE 747 Lost a Husband, Lost a S o n . . . ... 748 Twilight—Tenby S t r a n d 749 The Beacon i n t h e River—Sunset ... 750 pisa—without t h e W a l l s PRICES ABTIST John Sweating J.J.Dillon J. J. Dillon Miss II. H. Reeves . . . J- W. B. Knight 751 Knowle Park, K e n t Dordrecht, Holland, f r o m t h e 752 jy;aa3 ... B. M'Guiness, A.R.H.A. 753 754 761 762 763 764 765 Solitude 766 Fishing 767 An Old Barn, Essex 768 T h e Edge of t h e W o o d 769 Pear Blossom a n d Japonica 770 Studies 771 E r e Masts Valley 772 Under t h e Greenwood Tree 773 Cork Harbour (Pencil Draw" ing) 774 Sheep i n Snow 775 Interior of Cave * 776 Malahide Abbey 777 A Guard I I 21 0 10 0 47 0 15 1 5 18 18 J. Faulkner Madle. Edith Pradez 5 5 15 1 5 7 7 7 7 Andrew Nicholl, UM.A. 21 0 James J. Coakley 20 0 Atkinson Armstrong Mrs. A. Champion S. Catterson Smith, R.H.A. F. A. Frasar 15 15 4 4 10 0 8 0 2 2 2 0 6 6 18 18 759 Cape Clear, Co. Cork The Scaliger Bridge, Verona Clifden a n d Ben-a-Beola, o r " T h e Twelve P i n s , " Connemara, Co. Galway — Head from Raphael's Cartoon, " T h e Beautiful G a t e " ... Palazzo Contarini degli Serigni ... Venice 0 4 4 3 15 15 10 1 0 Entrance t o Cork H a r b o u r ... R. L. Stopford Roadside Cottages, Co, Derry ... Joseph Took Addey 755 The Return after t h e Masked J. A. Fitzgerald Ball Albert Stevens 756 Breezy E. J. Du Val 757 On t h e Brathay, Windermere A. A. Usshcr A Welsh Moorland 758 Miss Emma Walter Fruit for t h e Dessert 760 £8 4 4 3 John Gilbert Alice C. Swan Edith Cane R. A. K. Marshall Maria Louisa Addey D. J. Cronin Claude Hayes John Yinycomb J. Moore, M.D. Daniel Fisher Hon. R.H.A. 5 5 4 6 10 4 0 0 12 1 2 5 5 Cork Industrial Exhibition FineA r t Department TITLE ARTIST 778 P o r t r a i t .... George M. Atkinson 779 Old L i m e Kiln, Carnlough . . . Geo. Trobridge 780 T h e Moruga River, Trinidad, W . I . Rev. W. S. Green 781 T h e Brook—Yiew in'Yorkshire Miss Maud Peel 782 Street Scene, Venice ... F. J. Skill 783 A t t h e Garden Gates 784 T h e Thames a t Cookham . . . Jose Juliana ... James Beaumont 785 View of Borne ... 786 M o u n t Leinster a n d Woodbrook, Co. Wexford ... 787 Belfast Lough—After Sunset .... 788 Ireland's E y e f r o m H o w t h ... 789 Interior, S t . Mark's, Venice . . . 8 Miss E. M. Bill John Vinycomh S. Catterson Smith, R.H.A. T. E. Ryan V. P. Yglesias V. P. Yglesias A. C. Stannus A. C. Stannus John Kemp 798 M o u n t a i n a n d B o g .., Miss Beatrice Fitzgerald 799 A W a r m Afternoon—Marlow . . . Geo. Trdbridge 800 A Breezy D a y . . . G. S. Walters 801 Solitude . . . Mrs. O'Neill 802 W i l d W e a t h e r a t Kilkee . . . R. L. Stopford 803 N e w Methodist 1 Church, Larne, Co. A n t r i m ... Samuel P. Close 804 F r o m t h e H a l l Door, Roche's H o t e l , Glengarriffe . . . Edith Cane 805 O n t h e Thames . . . J. Whipple 806 A n American Liner m a k i n g for Cork Harbour—Sketched o n t h e spot . . . John Vinycomb 807 Kilruddery, f r o m B r a y H e a d , Co. Wicklow . . . Miss E. M. Hill 808 Morning—Waiting for t h e Fish i n g Boats . . . J, J. Dillonj g g 12 12 Isabella J. Gouk 790 T h e Storm o n t h e Sea of Galilee R. L.. Stopford 791 View of G l e n d a l o u g h — S u n s e t . . . Henry O'Neill 792 S m a l l Birds a n d N e s t . . . F. Flockton 793 O n t h e Severn ... 794 O n t h e A v o n ... 795 Sketch o n t h e Thames ... 796 Sketch o n t h e Thames ... 797 Carriganass Castle, Co. Cork . . . PBICES £12 10 3 3 5 5 5 5 2 10 7 10 15 <j 12 IS 10 1C 10 10 7 7 4 4 4 4 5 0 5 0 5 5 5 5 8 8 6 6 12 12 2 i 12 12 5 0 2 10 4 4 283 Official Catalogue. Fine A r t Department PRICES ARTIST TITLE Harriet Filzmaurice Study of H e a d , Mine. Detville Cordier Pensive Thoughts 810 Mine. Delville Cordier 811 Study of a H e a d 812 The Massacre of t h e Innocents . . . Miss Rose M. Barton Harriette Boyi 813 Old Books Eev. Mr. Taylor Study of a Dog 814 Rev. W. S. Green 815 Mount Cook, N e w Zealand S. O'Neill 816 Round Tower a n d C h u r c h Mrs. Gould 817 Landscape Miss E. Luther 818 Pelargoniums 819 Bray H e a d f r o m t h e Beach, Co. Miss E. M. Sill Wicklow B r a y , Co. The Esplanade 820 Miss E. M. Hill Wicklow . Miss Beatrice Fitzgerald 821 Children of S p r i n g . Dan. Fisher 822 Amberley 823 I n Childhood's Golden Days . . . . Lucien Davis .. Dan. Fisher 824 A n Old Cottage .. Colonel Aldu-orth 825 Fagenses, Valders, Norway 826 Sunrise a t B r a y , Co. Wicklow ... .. Miss E. M. Hill . Miss Cornwall 827 Group of Narcissus .. Miss Cornwall 828 Lilium Lancifoliom 829 Pen and I n k Drawing—Plan of a Lent ty J. H. Parker Study Table (for Sale) Lizzie Justice 830 Primroses a n d F e r n s Charlotte Kemp 831 Geraniums £2 0 10 10 10 10 1 10 5 ,5 10 0 21 0 2 10 2 10 2 10 4 4 5 4 5 4 2 10 1 0 1 0 1 10 2 10 Agnes Varian 832 Studies f r o m N a t u r e Agnes Varian 833 Progress of Decorative A r t Specimens of Styles i n Drawing Miss Phillips 834 H A N D - P A I N T E D C H I N A ,T E R R A COTTA,P O R C E L A I N A N D C H R Y S T O L E U MW O R K . 835 Katz on t h e ' K h i n e 836 Lady's Head (ChrystoleumWork, or Transparent P a i n t e d Photos) ... Carslake W. Woods Miss R. Watson 837 Apple Blossom—Plaque (not for Sale) Miss MacMahon 0 15 0 0 15 6 2«4 FineA r t Department TITLE 838 839 840 841 842 84,3 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 ARTIST P l a q u e a n d Carved F r a m e Apple Blossom P a i n t e d Mirror • Teresa S. Aungier . Miss Davidson PRICES £3 Miss M. Sparrow ' Shamrocks, Green S h a m r o c k s ' Miss Maud C. Faulkner View of t h e Lee Annie L. Hartland Wayside Weeds Emily Anderson Girl's H e a d Geraldine Wainwright H e a d of Mozart Emily Anderson Ladies H u n t i n g — E t c h i n g f r o m a M S . of t h e 13th C e n t u r y Emily Anderson Caught Annie L. Hartland A "View i n N o r t h W a l e s Mrs. Lousia Johnson H u t c h Scenery Miss Ellen Bayly Plaque a n d Carved F r a m e Teresa S. Aungier Dessert Service (Moore's I r i s h Melodies) Group of Roses Miss Lizzie Perry Ethel Hughes R u e d e P e t i t Savoyard, Bergues Place d u Marche, Beauvais C. W. Wood C. W. Wood 3 » 1 10 0 3 10 0- 5 0 5 1 0 0 1 5 0 1 1 0 0 15 0 1 1 0 2 0 a 1 10 0 4 4 0 10 10 0 10 0 a 0 15 0 0 15 0. S e t of Clock Panels, p a i n t e d w i t h views i n t h e Co. W i c k l o w Miss Maud C. Faulkner 3 3 0 856 Chrystoleum P a i n t i n g — P o r t r a i t of Miss Graham Teresa S. Aungier 1 10 0857 D o g Roses Miss E. M. Tisdall 1 0 0 858 B i r d s a n d Flowers Jane Haynes Seymour 1 1 0 . 859 R e m b r a n d t ' s M o t h e r Miss T. J. Gouk 3 3 0 860 H e a d of R a p h a e l Emily Anderson o 15 0 861 Ladies H a w k i n g Emily Anderson l i o 862 Tea T r a y a n d Set, comprising 12 pieces, t h e rest t o b e seen i n t h e case ...Miss L. Ovens wcvo LSJCUL e n t b yIMrs. G. Joyce 863 Cromwell s Bridge, Glengariff . . . Mrs. Louisa Johnson 1 10 0 864 P l a q u e . . . Miss Helen Bayly 4 4 0 865 Chrystoleum Painting—Muff ... E. A. Fuge 0 15 0 866 Sevres C h i n a — S t a g a t B a y . . . Teresa S. Aungier 5 5 0 867 A Set of Door Plates (hand868 Painted) Russian Peasants ... Mrs. R. Smyth ... Mrs. Hans White 2 20 0 0 Official Catalogue. 2^5 Fine A r t Department TITLE 869 Painted Mirror 870 Chrystoleum—Once a Week ARTIST . . . Ethel Hughes . . . E. A. Fuge 871 Clirystoleum—Waiting for M. J. Fuge ... Crumbs Annie L. Hartland Easter Holidays 872 Mrs. Hans White 873 Study of a H e a d 874 Head of Cassandra, o n Plaque . . . R. Mannix 875 Carving a n d Plaque—Tlie Fisher Teresa S. Aungier man E. M. Fuge Chrystoleum—Clytie 876 E. M. Fuge 877 Chrystoleum—Drowned 878 Chrystoleum—Beauty's Daughter• E. M. Fuge Miss R. Watson 879 Chrystoleum—Samuel Minnie Allen I n t h e Snow Mrs. Johnson Lough Foyle Miss T. S. Aungier A City A r a b M. J. Fuge Chrystoleum—Lord Byron Chrystoleum—" One o'clock, M. J. Fuge two o'clock " 887 Chrystoleum—Dignity a n d I m p u Miss R. Watson dence Terra C o t t a — " J a n u a r y "—(after Sara A. Black Sidney Cooper) China Plaque —Lilac (notfor Sale)1 Miss M. MacMahon 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 Little Kitty—Miniature o n Ivory • Geraldine Harman Dessert P l a t e — Violets a n d Emily Anderson Daisies Miss Cranitch Bird a n d Flowers . Miss Cranitch Landscape Miss R. Watson Chrystoleum Miss L. C. Wood Portreath, Cornwall Miss E. S. Wilkinson Plaque " Lover's W a l k , ' ' S t . Luke's . . . Annie L. Hartland Miss Aldworth Mrs. Louisa Johnson Swiss View Bets-y-coed, N o r t h Wales 9 0 0 Chrystoleum—The Love L e t t e r 9 0 1 Pelargonium E. A. Fuge Nannie Stanley £ 3 0 7 6 0 O 7 10 & 3 3 O 9 1 & 0 0 5 0 15 0 10 1 10 0 0 10 6- 0 Q. 0 12 8 1 10 (V 5 5 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 12 1 10 2 2 0 15 O0 0 1 10 1 10 0 10 a 0 6 & 0 1 1 5 6 <>. 0 6 a 0 a 2 8 6 FineA r t Department TITLE 902 Plaque (for Sale) 903 H e a d of G r a t t a n 904 W a t e r Lilies ARTIST ... Miss Brennan PRICES ... Emily Anderson £0 12 Jine II. Seymour Chrystoleum—Portrait of B o y ... Fuge 905 906 T h e Upper L a k e , Killarney . . . Mrs. Louisa Johnson 907 Azalea°al>e "" Mar are 9 t Davidson 2 9 1 0 / Chrystoleum—You c a n ' t see m e 911 I n t h e Snow 913 Narcissus 914 P a i n t i n g o n China—Dog's H e a d P u r p l e Clematis 916 918 View o n t h e Coast, N o r t h D e v o n H e a d of Daniel O'Connell Grodesberg 919 Bridge i n Wales 920 Begonia 917 921 View i n Wales 922 Chrystoleum—A Snow Storm . . . 923 Chrystoleum S t u d y i n Yellow and White 924 Chrystoleum—Grace Darling "Parewell, S u m m e r " 925 926 T h e Skipper a n d h i s B o y 927 " O h w e H f o r t h e sailor l a d Slu _ g s in his boat on t h e bay," Men m a y come a n d m e n may go B u t I go o n for ever." ' 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 2 0 1 1 0 909 . 915 6 1'5 0 0 5 0 1 10 0 AVhite L i l y Plaque—Scotch Lakes Mischievous P l a y Winter M. J. Fuge Minnie Allen Miss Thornton Miss T. S. Aungier Nannie Stanley Miss L. C, Wood Emily Anderson Miss Aldworth Miss Brenan Nannie Stanley F. M. Curtis M. J. Fuge 0 10 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 10 10 10 5 10 123 0 4 0 1 10 2 0 0 0 15 0 M. J. Fuge F. A. Fuge 0 10 0 0 15 Miss Mavd C. Faulkner Miss Maud C. Faulkner 3 3 0 0 7 7 0 Miss Maud C. Faulkner 5 5 0 Miss Maud C. Faulkner Miss Tisdall 5 5 0 Ada Habihgton Annie L. Sartland Design f o r W a l l Tiles Lower L a k e Miss Margaret Davidson Mrs. II. Hill Miss Pointer Boss Castle, Killarney Plaque 1 0 0 1 10 0 1 0 0 4 4 0 Miss Porter 0 10 0 10 0 6 Miss Trevor 1 0 0 Official Catalogue. 287 FineA r t Department I N CASE. TITLE ARTIST 937 Two China "Vases ( t h e pair) . . . Minnie Allen 938 Buttercups a n d Daisies . . . Miss Woodrofft 939 Tea T r a y a n d Set, 8 Pieces— Apple Blossom Nannie Stanley 940 Tete-a-t§te Tea Service, 8 Pieces Emily Anderson 941 Tea Set, 12 Pieces F. Augusta Whitty 942 Tea Set, 12 Cups a n d Saucers, 2 Cake Plate, 1 Slop Bowl. 9 Specimens only exhibited . . . Miss Aldworth 943 3 Plates Florence L. Tike 944 Painting on S a t i n Miss S. Graham 945 Dresden China, 5 P l a t e s Miss Cooke Collis 946 Pink Dessert Set, 6 P l a t e s a n d 2 Stands (for Sale) Miss Cagney 947 Dessert Set, 12 Plates a n d 4 Stands Miss Coppinger Lizzie Justice 948 Plate 949 Plate 950 Plate, Dresden C h i n a 951 Set of Six C h i n a Dishes 952 Dessert Set, 12 Plates different designs (2 specimens exhibited) 953 A Pair of Vases, Terra C o t t a . . . 954 Painted Mirror 955 Pair of Terra C o t t a Vases 956 Upper Lake, Killarney 957 Old W e i r Bridge, Killarney Lizzie Justice Mrs. Sans White Annie Fitzmaurice Lady Mary Aldworth Miss E. S. Wilkinson Isabel Davis Miss A. Phillips Miss Porter Miss Porter Miss Haughton Landscape Terra Cotta Vase (not f o r Sale)... . Miss M. MacMahon E. A. Fuge Chrystoleum Nannie Stanley Plaque Ada Babington 962 Pair of J a r s M. J. Fuge 963 Chrystoleum—Pussy Elizabeth S. Anderson 964 B e t t y 965 Chrystoleum—Angel's Heads ... Teresa S. Aungier 958 959 960 961 PRI CE S £0 15 0- 0 10 0 6 5 5 5 0' 0 8 8 0 7 7 0- 5 5 0 16 0 0 15 0 17 7 10 3 10 12 12 3 3 i 4 1 5 0 10 0 10 1 0 0 7 1 10 each 1 1 1 1 0 10 1 0 ft 0 ff 00 0a a 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0> 6 O z88 Cork Industrial Exhibition Fine A r t Department TITLB ARTIST PRICSH •906 Tiles . Miss Aldworth £0 12 967 Tiles Miss Aldworth 0 12 968 L a P e t i t e Paresseuse 969 A n E m i g r a n t ' s Sister 970 P l a q u e Maud C. Faulkner . Elizabeth S. Anderson 971 Marguerite Daisy 972 P a i r of P l a t e s 973 P l a q u e 977 978 979 980 981 982 5 Nannie Stanley •Terra Small Plaque—Terra Cotta 5-fold Screen, p a i n t e d o n china P a i r of Flower P o t s ... W a t e r Lilies—on S a t i n ... Bracket T r i m m i n g ... B a n n e r Screen ... 985 Christmas Cards 9 8 6 B i r t h d a y Cards S t u d y f r o m N a t u r e - Geranium Easter Cards Everlasting P e a — N o . 3 D o g Rose 991 C h r y s a n t h e m u m 992 . g 9 g > Sketches f r o m N a t u r e 1 Miss Trevor 983 3-Fold S a t i n Screen 984 W a l l Screen 987 888 989 990 1 0 Miss Holland 974 H a w t h o r n 975 P a i r of E t r u s c a n Vases Cotta 976 P l a q u e 0 10 , Miss F. Minehin Nannie Stanley ... ... ... Miss H. F. Graves per pair 0 10 Miss Minchin 1 10 Harriette Boyd Lady Mary Aldworth 10 10 Miss H. F. Graves each 0 7 Miss T. J. Gouk 3 3 Annie G. E. Ryan 0 10 Annie G. E. Ryan 1 0 Miss M. Shoesmith 10 10 Miss Edith Fisher 0 10 Miss M. H. Litchfield Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss M. H. Litchfield Agnes Varian M. H. Litchfield Nadin Nadin Nadin Agnes Varian 994 Designs for Christmas Cards . . . Maria Louisa Addey 995 Studies f r o m Nature—Leaves ... Miss Agnes Varian 996 Gold L e a t h e r P i a n o B a c k — T r u m p e t Lilies a n d W h i t e Azalias Miss Donegan 997 I r i s h H a r p , entwined w i t h Flowers Bessie Hearn 998 Two Cabinet P h o t o W r e a t h s . . . Miss E. Luther (N ot for Sale) 10 2 6 Official Catalogue. 289 W O O D C A R V I N G . TITLE ARTIST 999 Shield—St. Michael . . . L. Casey 1000 W a r (for Sale) 1001 Erin (for Sale) PRICES L e n t b y Joseph E . Tracey . . . X . Casey ... L. Casey 1002 Two Shields ( t h e lower one for Sale) ... John Fitzgerald 1003 Flowers (for Sale) £21 0 0 . . . Glancy 1004 Old Carving—Christ i n t h e Tomb ... L e n t b y W . H . Crawford 1005 Carving a n d C h i n a P a i n t i n g ... Teresa S. Aungier 1005a-> I 0 0 5 J B r o n z e - D e a d Game ... L e n t b y Alderman D a y ILLUMINATIONS B Y J O H N GILBERT. 1006 " Break, break, break, O n t h y cold g r e y stones, O s e a " . . . 1007 T h e D a y i s done 1008 A Prayer 1009 ' ' The Turf shall b e m y F r a g r a n t Shrine" ... 1010 " As I laye-a-thynkynge" ... 12 12 0 15 15 0 1011 The Lost Chord 1012 Retrospection 1013 Alone ADDRESSES B Y J O H N GILBERT. 1014 1015 1016 1017 T o "Wm. Beamish, M . D . To J o h n Fox, T . C . To James Ogilvie, J . P . To William J . Lane, T.C. S t a n d N o . 513) ( T h i s Address t o b e seen a t J . F . O'Crowley's A D D R E S S E S B Y J A M E S J . COAKLEY. 1018 To Sir J o h n Pope Hennessy 1019 To J o h n Daly, Mayor, 1872 1020 T o J o h n Daly w h e n elected M . P . , 1880 Cork Industrial 290 Exhibition FineA r t Department TITLE 1021 1022 1023 1024 ARTIST H o l y F a m i l y (after Miiller) Cyclamen a n d F e r n PRICES J. Fitzpatrick Miss Cornwall Aurora (after Guido Reni) L e n t b y V. Scully £1 0 0 L e n t b y Yincent Scully Armorial Bearings of Lord Fermoy (not f o r Sale) The Late Thomas Phillips W i l d Flowers gathered 1851, f r o m t h e enclosure of t h e Great E x h i b i t i o n Building ... Le nt b y P . Cahill 1026 T h e Giaour ... Helena Therry 2 0 0 1027 T h e Setters—Landseer's unfin ished Dogs Helena Therry 1 0 0 1028 Narcissus a n d Japonica Miss Cornwall 1 0 0 1029 Skeleton Leaves Harriette Boyd 0 15 01 1025 1030 L e n t b y Sir J o h n P o p e Hennessy. Our L a d y honoured b y Saints ... 1031 W a r r a n t , w i t h Autograph of Queen Elizabeth, 1558 (see Section K, N o . 62) 1032 Engraving—Portrait of Queen Elizabeth, 1558 1033 Original Deed, 1523 (see Section K , N o . 63) 1034 Portrait of Old Countess of Desmond . . . E n g r a v e d b y N . Grogan Engraving—Portrait of Sir W a l t e r Raleigh 1035 1036 M a p of Cork, 1545 (for Sale) . . . 1037 M a p of Cork, 1595 E t c h i n g of Cork, 1760 T h e Exchange, Cork L e n t b y Mrs. Carpenter L e n t b y R . Walker, C . E . 1038 1039 ... D r a w n b y R . W a l k e r , C.E. ... Butts 1040 E n l a r g e m e n t from a n E t c h i n g of Cork, 1760 . . . By R. Wallcer, Jun. 1041 1042 Birthplace of Daniel O'Connell O. C. Ashlin, Architect Site of t h e Memorial Church, Caherciveen ... Do. Design f o r t h e Memorial C h u r c h Do. L e n t b y C a n o n Brosnan. 1043 Official Catalogue. 291 Fine A r t Department TITLE ARTIST PRICES ... (Mezzo-tinto b y Dixon) L e n t b y Vincent Scully 1045 Illuminating (not for Sale) . . . Mrs. Nadin 1046 Illuminating (not for Sale) ... Mrs. Nadin 1047 "Hortense Machini, Duchess of Mazarin" . . . E. A. Fuge 1044 Rembrandt's Frame Maker 1048 Bog Land, Dorset&hire 1049 The Three Mary's 1050 Wreaths of Apple Blossom ...S.A.Armstrong . . . Engraved b y Cooper ... Miss Cornwall £ 2 12 S ( 8 8 0 1 0 0 1051 Wreaths of Holly 1052 3-Fold Screen . . . Miss Cornwall ... 1 0 0 1 5 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 1053 3-Fold Screen, i n Monochrome 1054 Table w i t h Mirror T o p (not for Sale) ... 1055 Table, painted • ... 1056 Screens—Marigolds ... 1057 Screen—Water L i l i e s ... 1058 3-Fold Screen ... 1056A 3-Kold Screen ... 1059 Prospectus of t h e Dublin E x h i bition, 1853, printed o n S a t i n Miss L. Collet Miss Edith Miss Miss Miss Miss M. M'Mahon Fisher Tisdall Tisdall G. B. Lows F. Pike L e n t b y R . A. O'Toole 1060 St. Patrick's Day . . . C. 11. CooJce 1061 I n t h e Spring-time . . . E. Ilcnson 1062 Skelligh N i g h t on t h o S o u t h Mall, Cork, 100 years ago ... James Beale 1063 The Dead Christ (after P o u r i n ) (for Sale) ... R. Mannix 1064 View o n t h e Tiber 1065 Study of a B o y . . . William Grogan . . . Robert Mannix 1066 Rent D a y ... 1067 An Irish Game-keeper ... 1068 Front for Piano, Hand-painted Back for Piano, Hand-painted Lent by J o h n Flynn 14 14 q Lent b y Mrs. Beale 20 0 0 7 7 0 H. T. Jones Lent b y D . Arnold J. P. Addey 10 0 0 Miss L. C. Wood 1 10 0 Miss L. C. Wood 3 10 0 1069 La ly Help ... Madame du Gue L e n t b y J . S. Mason 1070 A Misty Sunrise off P o r t o Rico John J. Dillon 7 7 0 1071 One out of a Set of Stations (price for Set) ... James Cahill 200 0 0 1072 Napoleon I . ... Lent by J . M'Laine T 292 Coth Industrial Exhibition FineA r t Department T I ™ ARTIST PRICES 10/3 Fislier B o a t a t Sea ... L. Herman 1074 F r e s h Gathered Flowers . . . Thomas Hollingworth 1075 T h e Sailor's Wife . . . E. Shicl, It.II.A. 1076 Rotundo, D u b l i n (very old Painting) ... 1077 Landscape w i t h Cattle (for Sale) IT. O'Neill 1078 Portrait of Mrs. Siddons ... Samuel Watson 1079 Allegorical Figure of E r i n . . . Robert Mannix 1080 S t u d y from Nature—Co. A n t r i m R. Mannix 1081 Portrait of a Child . . . Samuel Watson 1082 "Sulking" ... Miss Edith Fisher £6 6 0 5 5 0 L e n t b y T . Crosbio L e n t b y J . Sandell 10 0 o 3110 0 5 5 0 0 10 6 1033 A Sunset i n K e n t ... Mrs. L. Corban L e n t b y Mrs. Peard 1034 W a t e r Colour . . . Ilartland L e n t b y J . Jones, Alderman 1085 Cork H a r b o u r . . . D.J. Cronin 8 8 0 1086 T h e Two Friends before Sebastopol (Photo f r o m Picture b y Bellange) . ... L e n t b y D . A . Nagle, Aid] 1087 D i n i s Island, Killarney ...Ilartland L e n t b y W . J . Murray 1088 National Gallery, London . . . Robert Mannix 15 15 0 1089 ^ t o r Photographs b y W . Lawrence, Saekville Street, D u b l i n 1104^ 1105 I t a l i a n Bead-work ... L e n t b y J o h n Fox, T.C. 1106. t o 5- Photographs b y E d w a r d Brightman, Lyndale, Arley Hill, Bristol 1109' 1110 Coloured Photographs b y Miss Andrews 1111 F a n c y P o . t r a i t . . . S. Watson 1112 Photographs b y Edward Brightnian 7 0 0 1113 Ferrotype—Cork Travellers a t Niagara ... L e n t b y D . A . Naglc, Aid. 1114 I t a l i a n Bead-worlc ... L e n t b y J o h n Fox, T.C. 1115 T h e Meeting of Essex a n d Tyreonnell a t t h e F o r d (for Sale) . . . 12. O'Neill 1116 S u n d a y Morning 1117 Italian Landscape . . . Shicl . L e n t b y J o h n Perry . . . William, Grogan 20 0 0 1118 ... byaSailor Steam'ship " A l a s k a " 10 0 0 Official Catalogue. 2Q3 Fine A r t Department TITLE ARTIST 1119 Portrait 1123 I n tile Wood 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 112(5 Ilartland Sketching My Daughter ( N o t for Sale) Portrait Landscape Olivia A Kerry Girl 1127 Portrait of a L a d y Mrs. Geo. Atkins Day Lent b y J o h n PerryC. TI. Cooke L e n t b y J o h n Flynn. R. Mannix Buckley Morgan Casty Lyster L e n t b y Holmes C r o f t y J . Jones, Alderman Lent b y N . D. Murphy L e n t b y D e n n y Lann Samuel Watson PHOTOGRAPHY. 1128 \ to ) A. Sauvy, Cork a n d D u b l i n 1132 ) 1133 ) to / W . Clement Williams, 15 Craven Terrace, Halifax 1136 ) 1137) to J Photographs a n d Porcelain Painting—Francis Guy, 70 Patrick St., Cork 1149) 1150 | to > W a r d & Co., Cork 1159 J 1160 | • M. Glover, S t e p h e n ' s Green, W e s t , Dublin 1161 ' 11G2 Manvis & Vivash, Belfast D R A W I N G S , etc. 11 fi<0 Ornamental Lettering. Awarded J- a prize of 10s. f r o m Vere 1164) Foster P. J. O'FIagherty £0 1 5 0 1165 Vero Foster's National Competi tion, 1 882-3—Selection s from ; t h e Prize Drawings, P a i n t ings, a n d Writings L e n t b y Vere Foster 294 Cork Industrial Exhibition Fine A r t Department ARTIST PRICES Upland Com—Kilbrittain (char coal . S. A. Armstrong £3 3 0 1167 Waterloo Bridge, from T h a m e s Wharf S. A. Arms.'rong 2 2 ft1168 T h e Marsh—at Springtide S. -4. Armstrong 2 12 61169) Two Landscapes H. Griset L e n t b y Prof. Hartog, Q.C. C 1I70> 1166 1171 S t u d y of F r u i t 1172 . Miss Shofield J. IV. B. Knight Carrying H a y 3 3 f t 1173) t o / E t c h i n g s b y himself of B a r r y ' s Pictures 1189) L e n tl y B . Esgwel 1190 P e n a n d I n k Sketch—Chairing t h e Members (after Hogarth) A. M. Dillon 1191 Breezy March—Proof Etchings J. JV. B. Knight 3 3 01192 E t c h i n g .. J. W. B. Knight 3 3 0 1193 W o m a n ' s Rights—Pen a n d I n k Sketch . . . Ethel Hughes 4 0 ft1194 Photograph—Moving a H o t e l b y Machiney i n Chicago . . . L e n t b y D . A . Nagle, Aldermau 1195 Etching—Haymaking ...J. W. B. Knight 3 3 ft 1196 A L i t t l e Hostess— a n Original Drawing for " L i t t l e F o l k s " Miss Davis 2 0 ft1197 H e c t o r Miss Beatrice Fitzgerald 1198 S t . J a m e s ' s a n d S t . Giles's 1199 St. James's a n d S t . Giles's 1200 Photographs 1201 Po rtrait of t h e late W . D . L a Touclio 1201A F e r r o t y p e s Ethel Hughes Ethel Hughes 2 10 Q 2 10 0 W. G. Moore, 16 Upper Sachvil/e Sired W. G. Moore, J. J. Sheridan SCULPTURE (IN VESTIBULE). RICHARD BARTER'S EXHIBITS. 1202 B u s t of Christ—Mercy 1203 Miniature B u s t of a L a d y 1204 Alto-Relievo—Peace do. 16 1G 0 Official Catalogue. 295 Fine A r t Department 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 TITLE Miniature Bust of t h e late J Dhn Francis Maguire, M.P., Cork Medallion Portrait — Colonel Webber, R . A . Medallion Alto-Relievo—Beatrice Cenei ... Friendship ... Miniature B u s t of t h e l a t e D r . Barter, Cork ARTIST 1210 Alto-Relievo—War, f r o m t h e Crusades ... 1211 Bust of a Warrior—No Mercy 1212 Miniature B u s t of t h e late R. Beamish, F.R.S., C o r k . . . 1213 Crucifix a n d Case, carved b y J . Mayr, Oberammergau . . . PRICES £5 120 0 0 0 & 63 0 21 0 O 0 Lent b y t h e President of Queen's College, Cork 1214 Portrait of a Lady—Modelled f r o m Life ... P. J. Addey 1215 Figures a n d Bust ... J. Silk, 6 Crosses Green, Cork. MARBLE. 1216 " S p r i n g " 1217 " T h e Little P e t " 1218 T h e Virgin (for Sale) 1219 Bust of P i o N o n o 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 ...Ambrose L e n t b y W . H . Crawford . . . Thomas Farrcll, R.H.A. 70 0 0 . . . James Cahill ... An Italian Artist L e n t b y M r s . Morgan J . O'Connell Bust of Napoleon I . ... Canova Lent b y J o h n Vinycomb Bust of F a t h e r Mathew ... Hogan L e n t b y Mrs. J . F . Maguire Bust of F a t h e r Mathew . . . Hogan L e n t b y Mrs. M . J . O'Connell Bust of " F a t h e r P r o u t " ... Hogan L e n t b y Timothy Mahony Bust of t h e late D. Corbett, Esq., Originator of t h e Cork E x h i bition, 1852 ... Hogan L e n t b y Dr. Corbett, Dublin Wedgwood B u s t of Washington L e n t b y Vincent Scully "Morning"> ... MichaelLawlor Plaster Casts 6 6 0 "Night" i . . . Michael Lawlor I n Marble 123 0 O T h e Dancing Lesson — T e r r a Co tta ... Miss Fraser Tytler 2 10 O zg6 Co/ k Industrial Ex htliieon Fine A r t Department TITLR AETIST 1229 T h e Reward of Merit — Terra Cotta . . . Miss Fraser lyttcr 1230 Before t h e Verdict (for Sale) . . . William Tyler PRICES. £ 2 10 ft' 1231 A f t e r t h e Verdict (for Sale) . . . William, Tyler 1232 Small B u s t of P i u s XX.—in Marble . . . Ambrose L e n t b y Major Conejan BRONZES. 1233 I r i s Ascending 1234 T h e Y o u t h a t t h e S t r e a m 1235 Napoleon I : . . . W. B. Kirk Lent b y Major Doncgatt . . . J. II. Foley R.A. Nieuwcrkcrke L e n t b y W . H . Crawford IN T H E C O N C E R T HALL. 1236) 1237f [238( M o d e l s i n P l a s t e r . . . J. II. Foley, R.A. 1239) L e n t b y D u b l i n School of A r t . 1240 Professor J u k e s 1241 Sir George Hodson 1242 L a d y Hodson 1243 Mr. Mulvaney, L a t o Directcr of National Gallery, D u b l i n 1244 General Colomb 1245 Sir Bernard Burke 1246 Miss Rose T r e n c h 1247 H e a d of Savonarola, i n C a r v e d ... L. Frullini L e n t b y Mis3 P o r t e r I N D E X TO L O A N COLLECTION. SECTION K . - A R C H / E O L O G Y A N D ETHNOLOGY. • P AO K Caulfield, Richard, LL.D. Corbett, Joseph Cahill, P. Day, Robert, Junior Historical and Archaeological Society, Royal Hewitt, Thomas Hennessy, Sir John Pope, K.C.M.G Jones, Alderman Einsale, Town Commissioners of Lyons, James L. Beeves, Mis3 Stuart, Captain J . T . Thompson, Miss Westrop, Ralph Wise, James Woods, Cecil C. ... 301 ... 304 ... 305 298—303, 306, 307 299, 300, 302, 305 ... 300 301, 304, 305 ... 306 ... 301, 303 ••• 303 ... 301 ... 307 ... 299, 300 298 299. 307 303 ... 303 298 Cork Industrial Exhibition SECTION K . ARCHiEOLOGY A N D ETHNOLOGY. LOAN C O L L E C T I O N . Stone Antiquities. L e n t b y R O B E R T D A Y , Jun., Esq., Alderman, F.S.A., Cork 1 One H u n d r e d Arrow Heads (Irish), made of F l i n t , Jasper, Chert, L,ydian btone, &c., forming a representative series of those found i n t h i s country 2 A Typical Collection of Stone Axes, Celts, Chisels, Sc., from Ireland. A m o n g these is a Celt l e n t b y B. Scott, Esq., Rough Grove, Bandon, where i t was f o u n d ; another of Green Stone, from Conna ; a n d a t h i r d from t h e Old Head, Kinsale, which are fine iixaraples $ 4 A N u m b e r of Stone Hammers, f r o m Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, &c. A Collection of Arrow Heads t o illustrate those found in Ireland, f r o m N o r t h a n d S o u t h America, J a p a n , It a l y, Scotland, England, etc. etc. 5 Some Stone Axes, mounted i n t h e i r Deer-horn Handles, from the Lake Dwellings of Switzerland. Others fixed i n their Wooden Handles, f r o m t h e S o u t h Sea Islands, t o show t h e manner in which t h e Stone Axe was secured t o i t s h a n d l e A Few Typical Stone Axes from Greece, Britain, Denmark, North America, Peru, Brazil, N e w Guinea, Fiji, N e w Zealand, France, Sc. 6 L e n t b y R A L P H W E S T B O P , Esq., Ravenswood, Carrigaline 7 Twenty-eight Stone Celts, mostly from t h e County Cork, and from Lough Gur, County Limerick 8 Seven Sling Stones a n d twenty-two W h o r l Stones. These are called ill some p a r t s of t h e country F a i r y Mill Stones 9 10 A Collection of thirty-six F l i n t Arrow H e a ds a n d Spear Heads Two Whetstones a n d twelve Pierced Stones, worn a s Amulets or Ornaments 11 A Stone Shot a n d eight H a m m e r Stones. A '1 Mere " of Basalt from JSIew Zealand. A n Obsidian Spear H e a d f r o m N e w Caledonia Two Adzes of Shell f r o m Barbadoes 12 L e n t b y A L D E R M A N D A Y , Cork 13 A Mere or B a t t l e Axe of Basalt, a n d another similar i n shape, but made of F i s h Bone—New Zealand Official Catalogue. Section K—Archaeology a n d E t h n o l o g y Celtic Antiquities—Bronze. Lent by ROBERT D A Y , Jun., Esq.., Alderman, F.S.A., Cork 14 Leaf-Shaped Sword, from t h e County Monaghan. T h i s Sword i s i n t h e finest possible p-eservation. I t h a s t h e greater portion of i t s original H a n d p a r t of F i s h Bone, attached b y rivets t o t h e handle, and is i n t h i s respect unique 15 A Collection numbering one h u n d r e d I r i s h Bronze Implements a n d "Weapons, viz. :—Celts, Palstaves. Chisels, Gouges. Some of these are covered with Incised a n d Punched Ornaments while others are of t h e simplest a n d most primitive form, a n d of Unmixed Copper 16 W i t h these i s a Stone Mould i n which Bronze Celts were cast All were found i n various parts of t h e country, a n d t h e Mould proves t h a t t h e y were manufactured i n Ireland 17 Three Bronze B a t t l e Axes from t h e County Cork 18 Two Irish Bronze W a r Trumpets a n d a Collection of t w e n t y Bronze Dagger Blades a n d Rapiers Lent by T H E R O Y A L H I S T O R I C A L A N D ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY O F I R E L A N D , Kilkenny 19 A Stone Mould for casting Bronze Celts, a n d a Plaster Cast f r o m same. A Bronze Bridle Bit. A Bronze Penanular Brooch. A Bronze Tortoise-shaped Brooch. Six Bronze P i n s of different Designs. A Bronze Cauldron, and a Collection of various Articles, sueli as Pins of Bronze a n d W h i t e Metal, found i n t h e R a t h of Dunmore Lent by Miss THOMPSON, F e n i t H o u s e , Tralee 20 Large Copper Celt w i t h Lunette-shaped Cutting Edge, apparently of Unalloyed Metal, found i n t h e County Kerry Lent by R A L P H W E S T R O P , Esq., Ravens-wood, Carrigaline 21 Ten Bronze Rings, varying i n size. N i n e Celts of different Types. Seven Spears. Two Crotals. One Stirrup. Six Leaf-shaped Swords, and six Broken Swords. Seven Battle Axes. Twentyfour Socketted Celts. Eleven F l a t Celts of E a r l y Type, some of which are apparently Copies of t h e Older Stone Celts. E i g h t Spear Heads. One Spoon. Two Brooches. A n d twelve Smaller Rings 300 Cork Industrial Exhibition Section K—Archeology and Ethnology L e n t b y R O B E R T D A Y , Jun., Esq., Alderman,P S A , Cork 22 A 23 A Group of t w e n t y Bronze P i n Brooches, w i t h Palling Pendants f ne rvitin1n ' examples of T e n t h a n d Twelfth Century' Celtic Ornaments. Some ol these are set with Ambu- and Glass A Glass Case containing twenty-four Bronze Spear Heads of various, shapes a n d sizes. Some are decorated w i t h Engraved and Punched Ornaments, a n d all are from Irela nd 24 25 A S e S " . " V ' f y Bronze Brooches. Some W S % o f Enamel, a n d Glass, a n d are enriched with delicate Tracery ot Twisted a n d Interlaced Celtic work C a se with eight Bronze Leaf-Shapod Swords, of differ e n t lengths, a n d a lew Bronze Bridle Bits Celtic Ornaments, and other objects i n Gold. L e n t b y T H O M A S H E W I T T , Esq., Rockingham, P a s s a 3 e W e s t 26 Gold H e a d Fillet terminating w i t h Circular Loops, a n d made of i n t 0 ar i b a n d -sh^ L e n t b y R O B E R T D A Y , Jun., Esq., Aldermar, F.S.A., Cork 27 Five Neck a n d A r m Torques of Twisted Riband Shape, wide in t h s centre a n d tapering t o where tliey terminate i n hooks and discshaped ends, iound a t Inishowen, Co m t y Donegal 28 Slug-shaped Ornament, Engraved, w i t h F l a t Circular Ends, and e sairie Down1' S ' ^ e s i g n ? f o u n d w i t h i t i n t h e County 29 30 31 32 ^ C ^ 1 1 1 1 6 4 / p m i ^ C°,Unty C°rk' a I r u m p e t - s h a p e d Ends, found near Cloyne F o u r Specimens of Irish R i n g Money n d a G o l d F i b u I a w i th T h i e e Examples of Ancient Forgeries of t h e same GOl 1 7 5 0 n a m e l l e dP a t C h B ° X ' S 6 tW i t h P e a r l s ° f F r e u c h W o rk > Circc Celtic and other Ornaments, &e., i n Silver'. L e n t b y M i s s T H O M P S O N , F e n i t House, Tralee 3 3 AT foun?inAthfco°r/errryWith * P e n a n U k r *****> ^ Official Catalogue. JO I Section K—Archssology a n d Ethnology Lsnt b y Miss B E E V E S , Tramore, Douglas, Co. Cork 34 A Silver Casket of Filagree, presented b y King William I I I . t o his. Secretary, T h e Very Kev. Rowland D a vies, Dean of Cork lout by B O B E B T D A T , Jun., Esq.., Alderman, F.3.A., Cork 35 Brooch of T e n t h Century W o r k , found i n t h e County A n t r i m n e a r Ljsburn 36 A Case containing E a r l y English Apostle Spoons, Seal-top Spoons, a n d other varieties temp. Charles I . , t h e Commonwealth arid Charles I I A l'omander of early Seventeenth Century W o r k , a M a n n e r s Compass w i t h Sun-dial, made b y ISlondeau, Paris, 1656. A collection of P a t c h Boxes, a I'azza of Moss Agate on Silver G i l t S t a n d set w i t h Hyacinths, Tourquoise, Jasper a n d other Gems, a n d various other objects i n Silver, of Sixteenth a n d Seventeenths Century Workmanship Lent by T H E K I N S A L E T O W N C O M M I S 3 I O N E B 3 37 T h e Silver Oar a n d Seal of t h o Old Corporation of Kinsalo Lent b y B O B E B T D A Y , J u n , Esq., Alderman, F.S.A., Cork 3S The Silver Seal of t h e L i t t l e Customs of t h e P o r t of Kinsale Lent b y B I C H A B D C A U U I E L D , E s q . , LL.D., E.S.A 39 T h e Silver Oar of t h o P o r t of Castlehaven, Co. Cork Lent b y B O B E B T D A Y , Jun., E s q . , Alderman, F.S.A., Cork 40 T h e Silver Oar of a P o r t on t h e W e s t Coast of Ireland, Engraved with t h e Royal Crown a n d Cyi>her of George t h e Second Lent b y S I B J O H N P O P E H E N N E S S Y 41 Antique Silver Spoon Lent b y T H E B O Y A L H I S T O B I O A L A N D ARCHAEOLOGICAL.. SOCIETY O F I B E L A N D , Kilkenny 42 Antique Silver Brooch 302 Cork Industrial Exhibition Section K—Archasology a n d Ethnology- Ancient Glass and Amber. L e n t b y R O B E R T D A Y , Jun., E s q . Alderman, F . S . A , Cork 43 A Case of Glass Ornaments pierced for suspension, a n d a Glass Armle t f e e ? / a S S ' , a l 1 , f ? l m di n I r e l a » d . Some of these are set w i t h s t u d s of E n a m e l or Yitreon Paste, a n d have spiral andzi»-za» Ornaments a n d nipple like projections ° 45 46 Some fine Amber Beads a n d Ornaments from Pagan Tombs Two Glass Beads Irish Ecclesiastical Antiquities. L e n t b y R O B E R T D A Y , Jun., Esq., Alderman, M R.I.A., Cork i7 48 49 50 A Collection of Religious Emblems comprising Silver Crosses, Crucifixes. Reliquaries of l i f t e e n t h , Sixteenth, Seventeenth a n d Eighteenth Century workmanship of both t h e E a s t e r n a n d Western Churches Among these i s one Crucifix set i n Amber, f r o m Galwav Six of fine Byzantine work, a n d Relic Cases of varied forms One of t h e missing Figures from t h e Shrine of St. Manchan, made of bronze, heavily gilt, iound a t Clonmacnoise Bronze Crucifix of a n Archbishop, w i t h a Relic Case a t t h e back found m t h e graveyard of A r m a g h Cathedral Br0 Hi Z p AKK01" t}Ae S , a v i o ". r > , o f Eleventh Century work, found at t h e Red Abbey, Co. Longford 51 Ancient Celtic Quadrangular Bell, found near t h e Ruined Church of Ivilconriola, Co. A n t r i m , k n o w n a s " T h e Bell of Ballymena " 52 A smaller B e l l of t h e same form, engraved u p o n t h e angular edges g known as " T h e Castle Dermot Bell ° ' TlleSe Be11 a l e ? , P e r l i a P s t l l e s l i e s t Christian Relit* + il of t h e country ; t h e y date from t h e F i f t h Century L e n t b y T H E R O Y A L H I S T O R I C A L A N D ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY O F I R E L A N D , Kilkenny 53 Ecclesiastical Iron Quadrangular Bell, coated w i t h Bronze, and two smaller Bells, a n d t h e H e a d of a Bishop's Pastoral Stall' Official Catalogue. 3°3 Section K—Archeology a n d Ethnology Miscellaneous Antiquities, Lent by R O B E R T D A Y , Jun., Esq., Alderman, F.S.A., M.R.I.A., Cork 54 I n a glass case—Tho H a u b e r k of Chain Mail, found i n t h o Phcenix Park, Dublin, h a y i n g attached t o i t t h e Silver Badge of t h e O'Neills. T h i s i s t h e finest k n o w n example of Irish Chain Mail 55 Portion of another H a u b e r k of different construction, found i n t h e County Limerick NOTE.—In t h e O'Neill H a u b e r k each link i s riveted. I n t h e portion from t h e Co. Limerick t h e l i n k s are simply closed Lent by J A M E S W I S E , Esq., Rostellan Castle 56 The Two-Handed Sword of B r i a n Boroimhe Lent by CECIL C. WOODS, Esq., Chiplee, Blaekrock, Oork 67 Belt Pistol used b y Oliver Cromwell (1648-1G58). I t was carried as a concealed weapon 58 Trophy formed of French Cuirass (1815), a n d three Irish Volunteer Flags (1782)—centre forming t h e plate of Cuirass from Waterloo ; r i g h t a n d l e f t ; Red and W h i t e Silk Colours of t h e Cork I n f a n t r y Volunteers, middle Blue Satin " G u i d o n " Cork Cavalry Volunteers. 59 Saddle Cloth a n d Holster Cloths of Crimson Silk Velvet trimmed with heavy Silver Lace a n d Fringe. These housings were usedb j Samuel Maylor, E s q . , w h e n Mayor of Cork (1766) Lent by T H E K I N S A L E T O W N C O M M I S S I O N E R S 60 The Municipal Charters of Kinsale Lent by J A M E S L. L Y O N S , Esq., Cork, t h e Grand-Nephew of General Corbet 61 Sword of Honour, presented t o General William Corbet, Commander of t h o Legion of Honour, Mareschal Marmont's favourite Aidede-Camp, b y t h e Greeks on t h e occasion of h i s driving t h e T u r k s out of Greece, A n n o 1829-30. T h e Sword i s of Damascus Steel inlaid with gold, a s i s also t h e inscription in Greek ; t h e h i l t i s agate, and t h e scabbard is gold engraved. Also t h e Decorations of General Corbet, namely, Grand Cross of Commander of t h e Legion of Honour, Medal of St. Helena, presented b y Napoleon when i n exile t o a few of h i s favourite Generals, w i t h other decorations. General Corbet was a gold Medallist of Trinity College, Dublin. He, a f t e r escaping from Kilmainham J a i l w i t h Nappcr Tandy fled t o Fiance i n 1798, vide Madden's " L i v e s of t h e United Irishmen " J04 Cork Industrial Exhibition Section K—Archeeologya n d Ethnology L e n t b y S I R J O H N P O P E H E N N 3 3 3 Y , K.C.M.G-. 62 Queen Elizabeth's W a r r a n t g i v i n g a Pension t o Eleanor, Countess of Desmond 6 3 Deed of t h e W a r d e n of t h e College of Youghal, a n d a List of Prisoners i n t h o Tower, t h e first being J a m s Fitzgerald, 17th E a r l of Desmond, w i t h Autographs of Members of t h e Privy Council, Sir R. Cecil, etc. 64 Books a n d Documents on Sir AValter Raleigh's Table 65 Holinshed's Description a n d H i s t o r y of Ireland, Black Letter, 1577. Open a t p. 63. w i t h a n Account of t h e " Citie of 0'orka " •66 T h e first Folio Edition of t h e F a i r y Queen (1604), open a t t h e tw© Sonnets signed W . R . (Raleigh) 67 Sir Thilip Sidney's Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia, 1598,—Queen Elizabeth's copy,—the Royal A r m s u p o n t h e cover 68 Xenophon, Dominicloa Edition, 1 ">48, f r o m t h e library of Robert Dudley, E a r l of Leicester. H i s device u p o n t h e b i n d i n g <59 D u Bartns' W o r k s , 1613, f r o m t h e library of K i n g J a m e s I . H i arms on t h e b i n d i n g 70 Chronicorum Orbis, a b initio m u n d o , 1492. ( T h i s i s o n e o f t h e books asked for b y Iialeigh i n h i s letter t o Sir 'Robert Cotton, from the Tower, when writing h i s H i s t o r y of t h e W o r l d ) 71 Noel Taillepied's Histoire d e Druides, &c., 1585. (Another of t h e books asked for b y Raleigh) 72 Ptolemy's Atlas, printed in Rome, 1586. (This contains e a r l j maps of Ireland a n d of America, N o r t h America a s N e w France, and S o u t h America a s Peru) 7 3 N u r e m b u r g Chronicle, History of t h e W o r l d , 149", containing Albeit Durer's engraving of N u r e m b u r g a n d of t h e l a s t J u d g m e n t 74 75 76 77 78 Sir W a l t e r Raleigh's Lease of Aul-na-Cloe£onna, 1588, i n which he mentions t h e old Countess of Desmond A Japanese Box and F i n e " Old Chinese " Timber Carved Stands Two Pieces of " Celedon " W a r e 1 Chinese Seal A Japanese Umbrella S t a n d a n d Screen, etc. "Lent b y J O S E P H CORBETT, E s a . , Morrison's Island, Cork 79 Engraved Tortoise-Shell Case, containing t w o combs of t h n same, m a d e a t " P o r t Royal, Jamaica, 1685," a n d a Case containing a collection of ivory ami boxwuoi objects, t u r n e d a n d carved by Joseph Corbett, Esq. Official Catalogue. 3°5 Section K—Archaeology a n d Ethnology. Lent by T H E R O Y A L H I S T O R I C A L A N D ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY O P I R E L A N D , K i l k e n n y 80 A number of J e t Ornaments, E a r l y Celtic. " A B r a n k s " or Scold' Bridle ; two Stone Censors or Oil Holders Lent by Mr. P. C A H I L L , Wellington Quay, Dublin 81 Gold Seal with old polished Intaglio on Sard, of t h o Crucifixion, formerly belonging t o Archbishop Troy, of Dublin Lent by S I R J O H N P O P S H E N N E S S Y , K.O.M.G., Raleigh H o u s e , Youghal 82 A Green Globular J a r w i t h Melallions of Lotus P l a n t s o n black ground, w i t h t h e Seal of t h e K t e n l u n g period i n blue beneath t h e glaze upon t h e bottom (carved specimens of t h i s ware ara extremely rare) 83 Two Kylins or Chinese Mythical Bogs 81 A Chinese State Umbrella, silk, embroidered w i t h characters i n gold £5 A long Chinsse Lacquered Box, modern H o n g - K o n g work containing embroidery, a n d a n address in Chinese S6 A long black Lacquered Japanese Box, w i t h t h e crest of t h e Tycoon, in gold, circa 1800 87 An Ornamental H a n g i n g Panel, i n gold lacquer w i t h raised flowerso i n silver 83 Two Japanese Saddles i n lacquer, eighteenth century work SO Some Circular Sword Guards, showing iron inlaid with gold a n d silver, Japanese 30 A tall old N a n k i n blue a n d white Porcelain Bottle, w i t h painting of a horseman a n d attendant, of t h e best period of Chinese colouring 91 Pour Cylindrical Match Pot?, illustrating different periods, of Old lilue a n d W h i t e N a n k i n Porcelain 82 Three Bare Globular J a r s w i t h H a w t h o r n Blossoms on Marbled B l u e Ground 93 A Tall Ming Teapot of F i f t e e n t h Century W o r k , painted with Horses, Fish, a n d Flowers i n Yellow a n d Pale Green on Dark Green Ground 94 Chinese Celadon (Pale Green), W a r e 95 A Bowl a n d Cover with Raised Ornaments, of very P a l e Colour, with S t a m p of t h e Emperor Keenlung 95 A Representative Set of Old Japanese Faience, beginning with objects found i n t h e Magatama Tombs, two thousand years' old, also a Tile from t h e Imperial Palace of N a r d , a n d a n Uuglazcd F l a t Pilgrim's Bottle, circa A.D. 730 3°6 Cork Industrial Exhibition S e c t i o n K—Arclissolog-y a n d E t h n o l o g y 97 A Brown Splash C u p a n d a Black H a n g i n g Vase of the Yeiraku Work 93 A K u t a n ' s C u p painted w i t h Figures 99 A n Osaka Oviform J a r , L i g h t Yellow, with t h e Figure of a Damio in Relief 100 A Painted Kettle of Yeiraku W o r k 101 Two Brown Tea J a r s with Ivory Covers of Fourteenth Century Work, a n d a Small Teapot w i t h Cover 102 A Small Tea J a r p a r t l y G i l t w i t h I v o r y Cover 103 A n Osaka Hexagonal Green Glaze J a r , w i t h Figures i n Relief 104 A Goshin Tea J a r w i t h Cover 105 A Shell Shaped Box a n d Circular Cover w i t h Encrusted Shells and Crabs 106 A Two-Handled Satsnma W a r e Vase of Grey Crackle, with Sprays of Gold Flowers a n d Leaves, a n d a Shell-Shaped Dish A D a r k Brown Satsuma Cup, h i g h l y Glazed A Grey Crackle Basin, w i t h Dragons i n Pale Blue 107 108 109 A n Old Sastuma S juare-Shaped Vase w i t h Characters in Relief, presented to Sir J o h n Pope Hennessy b y H i s Excellency, Matongata, t h e Home Secretary of J a p a n . (An extremely rare Specimen of Old Satsuma Ware) Lent b y R O B E R T D A Y , Jun., Esq., Alderman, F.S.A., Cork 110 I n a frame—The Descent f r o m t h e Cro«s, after Raphael's Picture in A n t w e r p Cathedral, signed " E n o c h WooJ, Sculp. 1777 " T h i s i s a Wedgewood-like Cameo of t h e highest degree of rarity. I t was made with two other replicas when Wood was an Apprentice t o h i s father a t Burslem, a n d i t measures 22" x 18" 111 Two China Plaques painted by, a n d signed " P e r l i n g Worcester" 112 A Portrait on Worcester Porcelain b y t h e same A r t i s t 113 Two Battersea Enamel Transfer Plaques' i n Ormolu Frames, and x collection of Worcester, Chelsea, Derby a n d P l y m o u t h Porcelain Lent b y ALDERMAN JONES 114 A pair of Old Oriental J a r s a n d Dishes, 30 inches high, of Octagonal lorm, w i t h paintings of Landscapes, Figures, Birds, Flowers, etc. a 115 A n t i q u e China Cabinet, richly inlaid i n Ormolu, a n d containing examples of Old Dresden, Crown Derby, Worcester, Bristol, N a n k i n , Spode a n d Oriental China Official Catalogue. 3°7 Section K—Archasology a n d E t h n o l o g y Lent b y C A P T A I N J . T. S T U A R T , R . N . 116 A Chinese I v o r y Globe 117 Chinese Tortoise-Shell Tea Caddy 118 Model of a Canadian B o a t 119 Two Brass Mortars f r o m t h e Wreck of t h e Roy.il Gairge 120 T w o Brass Long Guns from same Ship 121 A Tobacco B o x f r o m t h e same Wreck 122 A Burmese H a r p Ornaments and Weapons i n Jade. Lent b y R O B E R T D A Y , Jun., Esq., Alderman, F.S.A., Cork 123 A " M e r e Poenamenoo," or New Zealand Battle Axe of green Jade, t a k e n from a New Zealander i n action, b y a n officer of t h e 40th Regiment, i n t h e last Maori W a r 125 A n unusually large a n d fine Adze of pale green Jade, brought home b y t h e Rev. Mr. Green, of Carrigaline, f r o m New Zealand 12S A flat, t h i n a n d semi-transparent green J a d e Adze, New Zealand, doubly pierced 127 Three Axes of various forms, N e w Zealand 128 One Axe-head of mottled green Jade, from N e w Caledonia 129 S i x Grotesque Figures i n green jade, called i n t h e Maori language " T i k i s , " worn b y t h e Maoris as personal ornaments 130 Six N e w Zealand J a d e Ornaments, pendants, worn as ear drops 131 Three Chinese J a d e Ornaments of cream colour, mottled red, and pale green 132 One E a s t I n d i a n Green J a d e Dagger H a n d l e 133 A small J a d e Axe mounted i n i t s original handle of deer's horn, front one of t h e Swiss Lake dwellings Lent b y R A L P H WESTROP, Esq. 134 A Green J a d e Battle Axe, from New Zealand tj I N D E X TO ADVERTISEMENTS. - COOc^oOOO- " Anclior " L i n e of Steamers Anderson, D . , A Son, Limited, Belfast Banks, William, & Co., Cork Barbour, William, & Sons Beamish & Crawford, Cork B e l f a s t & N o r t h e r n Counties B a i l w a y B e ' f a s t Eopework Co., Limited, B e l f a s t i i e l t a s t P a i n t a n d Colour M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co. Belvelly Brick a n d T i l e Works, Queenstown -Bodega D i n i n g Rooms, Dublin Bushmill's Old Distillery Co., L i m i t e d , Co A n t r i m .Butler s Musical I n s t r u m e n t s , Dublin Cadle, C., D u b l i n Cairns, J o h n , Sen., D u b l i n Cantrell & Cochrane, Dublin Carson, W a l t e r , & Sons, Dublin C a s h & Co., Limited, Cork Cherry's Mustard Clayton, F . & J . , N a v a n Comber Distilleries' Co., Co. Down Lonland, J o h n , & Sons, B e l f a s t Cork Distilleries' C o m p a n y , Cork Cork G a s Consumers' Co., Cork C o r r y & Co., B e l f a s t Crawford, Alexander, & Son, B e l f a s t Crowley & H u m p h r e y s , Dublin Davidson, E . , Cork Davidson & Co., Belfast Dobbin, Ogilvie, & Co., Cork Dockrell, T h o m a s , Sons, & Co., Dublin iJrogheda L i n e n Co., Balbriggan I hiblin Grains Co., Limited, Dublin D u b l i n and Wicklow M a n u r e Co., Dublin D u n b a r , M'Master, & Co., Gilford Dumlalk I r o n Works, D u n d a l k D u n n Brothers, Cork Dunville & Co., Limited, B e l f a s t E lv ery , J . W „ & Co., Dublin E e a t h e r & Smith, Keighlev Eitzgerald, M. Cork P i 0 E . Cover—inside of back ... xxiv ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xlix xxiii xxviii lv xxi xxiv xlv ix xlvii xxv ... xxvi ... xxv ... v iii ... xxii ... xxvii . . . xxxv ... xii ... lxi ... vii ... xlv . . . xviii . . . xlvii . . . xil ... xxxix ... xliii . . . X X X . . . xxxvii ... x l . . . xxxiv liii . . . xvi ... xlix ... Jiii . . . xxxii . . . x , xi ... ... xiv xxv Index to Advertisements. PAGE "Free Grants of L a n d i n Canada " French's Hotel, Bandon ... x x x v . . . lviii Glentworth Hotel, Limerick Goldthorpe, E . & C., Cleckheaton Goulding's Manures, C o r k a n d D u b l i n Greenmount Spinning Co., Dublin Gresham Hotel, Dublin Grosvenor Hotel, Dublin ... ... ... ... ... ... lviii xix vi xlviii lvi Ivii Heather Brothers, & Co., D u b l i n Henshaw, Thomas, & Co., D u b l i n Hibernian Hotel, Cork Hopkins & Hopkins, Dublin Hurse, Edward, & Co. Hutchison, Robert, Glasgow ... ... ... ... ... ... Ix lv lix i xxiii xiv Imperial Hotel, Enniskillen International Hotel, B r a y "Irish F a r m , F o r e s t a n d Garden " "Irish G r o c e r s ' a n d V i n t n e r s ' G a z e t t e " Ismay, Imrie, & Co., Liverpool ... ... ... ... . •. lviii lviii lv lv xvii Jameson, William, & Co., Dublin Jury's Hotel, Dublin ... xliv ... l v i Kearie, R . & F . , Cappoquin Kevans & Kean, Dublin Kirby, Beard, & Co., Birmingham Kirk, Walter S., & Co., Huddersfield ... x i v Cover—outside of back ... x x x v i ... Xxix Lake Side New Hotel, W i n d e r m e r e Leech's Superior F i r s t Class Restaurant, Cork Light, James, & Son, Liverpool Liudsay, James, & Co., Limited, B e l f a s t Lore, Prosper, Dublin ... lviii ... l i x ... xxvi ... lxii ... Ix Main, A . & J . , & Co., Glasgow a n d Dublin Marsden & Saffley, Liverpool Martin, Russell, Cork Martin, William, Dublin Matterson, J . , & Sons, Limerick Mills, J . , Dublin Morgan, J . , Dublin Morrow, Miskelly, & Co., Belfast Murphy. C., & Co., Dublin Murray, Sir J a m e s , Dublin Murray, Sons, & Co., Belfast Musgrave & Co., Limited, Belfast M'Cann, J o h n , Drogheda M'Causland, S a m u e l ... xiii ... lxi ... xlix ... lix ... iv ... lix ... xxvii ... ii ... xxxiv ... xii ... xlii ... xlvi . . . xxxiv . . . liv 3io Index to Advertisements. M'Cready Brothers, Dublin M'Master, Hodgson, & Co., Dublin M'Tear, & Co., Belfast O'Brien Brothers, Cork OjConnell, William, Dublin O'Connor, J a m e s , Cork O'Hara, F . , Dublin O'Farrell, Francis, Dublin O'Reilly, Dunne, & Co., Dublin O'Reilly, R . , Dublin Perry, J o h n , & Sons, Cork Petrie, J®hn, & Co., Rochdale Pfleiderer, Paul, London Phoenix P a r k Distillery, Dublin Pinkerton, William, L a m e Portobello Hotel, Dublin Power, J o h n , & Son, Dublin Railway Hotel, Killarney Railway Terminus Hotel, Kingsbridge Richardson & Fletcher, Dublin Robey & Co., Lincoln Rochelle Seminary, Cork Rogers, J o h n , Belfast Rohu, W . C., Dublin Ross's Royal Ginger Ale, Belfast Royal Victoria Hotel, Killarney Samuelson, James, & Son, Liverpool Shanks Brothers, Dublin Shea, P . & W . , Cork Sheehao, Daniel, Cork St. Ann's Hill Hydropathic Establishment Sullivan Brothers, Dublin Tait, W., & Co., Dublin Thornton Brothers, Cleckheaton Trulock & Harriss, Dublin Usher, Robert, & Co., Drogheda Wallis & Pollock, Cork Western Counties Manure Co., Devonport Whitaker, J . B., Kendal Williams & Woods, Dublin Winnington & Selton, Belfast Winstanley, James, Dublin Woodford, Bourne, & Co., Cork Young, Oakenhead, & Co.. Cork Official Catalogue SILVER Presentation t o C Advertisements. CASKET H A R L E S S T E W A R T P A R N E L L , ESQ., M.P., By t h e Nationalists of Drogheda, w h e n receiving t h e Freedom of t h e Borough. I t Las been k i n d l y lent b y tlie Committee f o r E x h i b i t . Designed a n d M a n u f a c t u r e d i n DUBLIN". H O P K I N S & H O P K I N S , I, L O W E R S A C K V I L L E S T R E E T . INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION AWARDS A M E R I C A N W A L T H A M W A T C H CO. PHILADELPHIA, 1876—FOUR PRIZEMEDALS. PARIS,1 8 7 8 - Q O L DM E D A L . S Y D N E Y , 1 8 8 0 — G O L D M E D A L , w i t h Two Special a n d F o u r First Prizes. M E L B O U R N E ,1 8 8 1 - T W OG O L D M E D A L S . T h e Highest A w a r d s t o a n y Exhibitor i n Horology. H O P K I N S A C , HOPKINS, AGENTS, 1, L O W E R S A C K V I L L E S T R E E T , D U B L I N . Cork Industrial Exhibition MORROW, MISKELLY & Go. ESTABLISHED 1803. Trailiarps AND ROPE CORDAGE M A D E SPECIALLY FOR FISHING PURPOSES. MANUFACTURERS. W A R E H O U S E S 7, CORPORATION SQUARE, AND 81, ANN STREET. WORKS : B A L L Y I A C A R R E T T BELFAST. Price Lists on Application. Official Catalogue Advertisements. 111. WALTER C A R S O N A N D S O N S , TRADE MARK. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE Oliiinr ANTI-CORROSION PAINT," /^RICINALNS&f ^TICORflOSIOW^I f PA I N T. V \Y [ SOLELY H1| [MANUFACTURED!]]) IWALTES'CARSONM ^ A SONS, M /M \LONDON.M? The only effectual preservative f o r all out-door work. SOLE IMPORTERS O F T H E "ADRIANCE," BUCKEYE MOWER 4 REAPER, The Best American Mower. SOLE IMPORTERS O F T H E "HOLSTEIN," DAIRY APPLIANCES BEST FOR IRELAND, At work daily in the Factory Dairy. SOLE IMPORTERS O F IDIE CENTRIFUGAL S E P A R A T O R , The most Important Invention ever applied t o Dairy Work. Saves its Cost in a Season, A t Work Daily in the Factory Dairy. Makers and Agents for all the best Machinery for Field; Garden, Forest, Dairy. Write for Illustrated GARSONS, Price Lists. 2i, Bachelor's Walk, DUBLIN. Cork IV. industrial Exhibition J. MATTERSON & SONS, BACON FACTORY, LIMERICK BAM A l l BACON C U I U S , L A R D R E F I N E R S , & c . , A N D MANUFACTURERS O F T H E SHAMROCK BRAND, COLLARED HEAD or HRAWJ5, an! SAUSAGES "i«ao» S A U S A G E S . COLLARED HEAD_0R BRAWN. IN CASES OF 1 2 T i ns, nominal weight 4 lb. e a c h 24 , 9 99 99 2 lb. , , 4 8 99 _ 99 99 I lb. „ The Meat is cooked ready for immediate use. IN CASES OF 2 4 T i n s , n o m i n a l w e i g h t . I lb. each. The Sausages are ready for immediate use. The ONLY Bacon Curers awarded Medals at Dublin Exhibition, TWO 1882. GOL LONDON AGENTS : M A T T E R S O N , O ' N E I L & Co., W e l l i n g t o n C h a m b e r s , L o n d o n Bridj Official Catalogue Advertisements. v. Nineteen Gold & Prize Medals Awarded GANTRELL&COCHRANE'S G I N G E B A L E , WORKS; D U B L I N . THE NASSAU. I R E L A N D . WORKS: B E L F A S T , CR0MAC BUILDING f M E M i , WATEB FACTORIES. CANTRELL & COCHRANE'S Aromatic Ginger Ale. Many of the non-intoxicating beverages introduced as substitutes for alcoholic drinks tend, either in form or flavour, to directly frustrate the cause they pro fessedly serve. T h e cups which cheer but d o not inebriate are not so common, but when a really palatable and wholesome drink of the kind is found, it should meet with all the encouragement temperance advocates can accord. This, at least, would appear to be the view of Mr. S. C. Hall, the venerable apostle of total abstinence. I n a late number of Social Notes he says : — " I have looked about for something to drink, and I think I have found it—pleasant, palatable, healthful. I refer to the Ginger A l e manufactured b y Cantrell and Cochrane (of Dublin and Belfast). I know of n o drink s o delicious, and I believe it to be as healthful as it is agreeable." This is praise from the Sir Hubert Stanley of temperance, a n l where he leads, the public may safely follow.—Court Circular. " Sparls.ling Montsorrat," T h e drink for the Gouty and Rheumatic. W O I I K S - D U B I I F T I B E L S S T , IRELAND. So'da, Seltzer, Potass and Lithia Waters, Lemonade, &c., &c., Can be purchased/row. all Wine Merchants, Grocers, and Chemists. Cork Industrial Exhibition P R I M E is^EXXjZD-OTCTH.-tij-U HAMS & BACON, MANUFACTURED FROM T l x © s e l e c t e d .!Pigs- REGISTERED w BRAND, N O N E G E N U I N E E X C E P T BRANDED. P. & W . S H E A , BACON C U R E R S & PROVISION MERCHANTS, 5 8 & 5 9 ,D U N C A N S T . , & 1 ,H E N R Y S T . , C O R K . GOODF O B A L L CROPS. Goulding's Special Manure, Goulding's Corn and Grass Manure, Goulding's Dissolved Guano, Goulding's Bone Manure, Goulding's Turnip Manure. Goulding's Superphosph: Gculding's Feeding Stuffs. Goulding's Sulphuric Acid. 25, EDER QUAY, DUBLIN, AND GLEN, CO Official Catalogue Advertisements. CORK DISTILLERIE'S C L I M I T E D . WATERCOURSE MIDLETON N OR TH MALI DISTILLERY, DISTILLERY. DISTILLERY Head OfSccs: MORRISON'S ISLAND, CORK. viii. Cork Industrial Exhibition FINEST IRISH WHS I KY x s _ D.C L . _ DUBLIN WHISKY MADE BY T H E DISTILLERS' COMPANY, LIMITED PHOIX PARK DISTILLERY DUBLIN. Official Catalogue Advertisements Dame Stroot DUBLIN, London, I l l1 I I T O WINLO Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, &c., &c. Birmingham, dtawn from the Original Cask in Dock Sample Glass, Bottle and Dozen. WHISKIES, BRANDIES& LIQUEURS of the finest quality only. CIGARS of the Best Brands, wholesale and retail. Carriage paid to any part of Ireland upon all orders of Two Dozens and • upwards. PRICE LISTS POST FREE. GRILL ROOM & COLD BUFFET ATTACHED. HOT LUNCHEONS FROM 12 NOON. DINNERS UP TILL 8.30, P.M. Visitors to Dublin should not fail to see the *• Cork Industrial Exhibition RACQUETS BY A L L i H E LEADING MANUFACTURERS. Every requisite for the game of Lawn Tennis kept in Stock. LARGEST SELECTION I N IRELAND. DUBLIN I.E & RETAIL Our Rival Racquet, Our College Racquet, (For Price unequalled in the Trade.) ELEPHANT HOUSE, L r . S 3 o . . c I s _ v i l l oS t r e e t , A n d a t i8j%, N A S S A U S T R E E T ZDTJZBLIZN". S E E OUR CASE I N T H E CORK E X H I B I T I O N . Official Catalogue Advertisements. xi. INDIA-RUBBER AND GUTTA-PERCHA GOODS O F EVERY DESCRIPTION. Manufacturers of the MUkaty Regulation Cloak, the Pocket Siphonia Coat, Macintosh Tweed Coats and Ladles' Cloaks, Coachmen's Coats and Driving Aprons. DUBLIN; SPECIAL EVERY Garments NOVELTY IN THE MADE MEASURE INDIA-RUBBER TRADE IN KEPT TO 2 4 IN H O U R S . S T O C K . W l i o l e s a l e and. R.etail. HUNTING, SHOOTING & FISHING SUITS, M . R T S H E E T S & H O R S E OLCTEX1TG. ELEPHANT HOUSE, L r . S a c l s - v i l l eS t r e e t And at 1 8 ^ , N A S S A U STREET, D U . E L I 1 T . Kg* SEE OUR CASE I N T H E CORK E X H I B I T I O N . , Xl1 ' Cork Industrial Exhibition See Stall No. 33. SIR ^ JAMES MURRArS~~PURE~FLUID MAGNESIA T H E O R I G I N A L P R E P A R A T I O N OF T H E D I S C O V S R E R . For over 6 0 years in use as an excellent remedy for ACIDITY, INDIGESTION, HEARTBURN, G RAVEL AND GOUT „i,./or Chddren especteUy: it forms a pleasant effervescing tipirient when mixed with his Acidulated Lemon Syrup. His F L U I D CAMPHOR is valuable for cases of sleeplessness and nervous depression. Sold by all Respectable Chemists. \ WHOLESALE AT T H E CHEMICAL WORKS, I S e e S t a l l N nJ N R'S O TEMPIE STREET, DUBIIN. j '° 0 , P U B L I C ACCOUNTANTS A N D AUDITORS, C R O W L E Y & HUMPHRIES, P U B L I C ACCOUNTANTS A N D AUDITORS, 73, D A M E S T R E E T , D U B L I N , (OPPOSITE MUNSTER BANK,) Undertake t h e preparation and audit of Balance Sheets for Mercantile Firms and Public Companies, C. and II have also practical experience in all matters of Accounts in Chancery, Bankruptcy, Rentals.. Partnerships. Executors' Accounts, &c. " • COMBER DISTILLERIES GO,, COMBER, Co. DOWN, I R E L A N D . ESTABLISHED 1825. Distillers of only tie Finest POT-STILL WHISKEY. F o r Samples and Quotations apply as above Official Catalogue Advertisements. A. & J. MAIN & CO., C b k M e Jronfoorks, fossil J]ark, ilasgofo, AND ii, LEINSTER STREET, DUBLIN. IRON MANUFACTURERS AND ENGINEERS, CONSTRUCTORS OF IRON, HAY BARNS, FARM STEADINGS, COURTYARD COVERINGS, SHEEP AND CATTLE SHELTER HOUSES, DAIRIES, AG., A C . , A. tfc «T. MAIN" cfc Co. Have b e e n f a v o u r e d w i t h t h e C o v e r i n g , b o t h o f t h e D u b l i n and Cork Industrial E x h i b i t i o n s , a n d a s e a c h B u i l d i n g w a s t ob e erected within very short specified time, t h i s is in itself evidence of their inexhaustible resources. LIST OF DEPARTMENTS. Galvanized Roofing in all its (Upwards of 100 Miles have been erec ted during the Year 1880.) Branches, both for Home and Iron and Wire Fencing, including a Exportation. variety of Patented Improve Ornamental Iron Bridges for Pas ments. senger and Carriage Traffic, care Field Gates, various Designs. fully Designed and Constructed. Carriage-drive and Entrance Gates, Wrought Iron Hurdles for Sheep suited to all Classes. and Cattle. Wrought Iron Railing. Continuous Bar Fencing for all pur Improved Stable and HarnessRoom Fittings. poses, Sheep, Cattle, &c. And all kinds of Constructional Iron Works which the most skilful Mechanic can produce, combined with the most modern Steam Machinery. & cr. &c o . , CLYDESDALE I R O N W O R K S , GLASGOW, 11, L E I N S T E R S T R E E T , D U B L I N . _ Cork Industrial Exhibition Stand - E ^ - <35 K E ^ A ^ E s T I E J C A OO. ~ S A " NO7349. P P O Q U I N FOUNDRY, S Descriplions " ' A f p°o uGg"^CasHngs, Cart Boxes, FEATHER AND SMITH PARKSIDE WORKS, KEIGHLEY. YORKSHIRE. ' Washers Wringers, Chaff Cutters. Fruit Dressers, Sugar Cutters. Oil Cake Mills, Turnip Cutters, Slicers, Pulpers. Bench Screws, & c . P r i c e Lists F r e e on application. R O B E R T HUTCHISON, Oil Manufacturer cfc Refiner SPRINGVALE M I L L S , COWLAIRS WOOL AND JUTE BATCHING MACHINERY OILS. AND SPINDLE OILS. Official Catalogue Advertisements. xv. M'TEAE & COMPANY, LIMITED, 117, 119, 121, C O R P O R A T I O N S T R E E T , BELFAST, Felt and Asphalte Manufacturers. Patent Roofing Felt, The BEST K N O W N W E A T H E R - R E S I S T I N G M A T E R I A L yet introduced for Roofing purposes. Stll*l£.ing' IT'olt, for putting under Slates. Inodorous Folt, for lining Damp Walls, putting under Carpets, Oilcloths, &c. Slioatliing Felts, BLACK a n d BROWN,forputting under Copper on Ships' Bottoms. ] E £ a i r I ^ e l t j forCovering Boilers, Steam Pipes, &c. Foundation Felt Slabs, forpreventing Damp rising from Foundations. Circular o r other 37°olt R o o f s Erected in any part of Great Britain and Ireland. STEAM SAWING, PLANING, & IWinill HIKIP IVIUULUIiib \A/fiRIAQ VVUHivOi sortment of MOULDINGS always in stock. ( Specialities supplied upon shortest notice. Estimates and every information given on application at the Works. Xvi. Cork Industrial Exhibition IRISH NATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1882, GOLD MEBAL AWARDED FOR SPECIAL MANURES S U I T A B L E F O R E V E R Y CROP. RICHARDSON AGRICULTURALCHEMISTS. O F F I C E S & FLETCHER, WORKS, R I N G S E X DDOCKS. B E R E S F O R D PLACE, D U B L I N . WESTERN COUNTIES MANURE COMPANY, TOR POINT, DEVONPORT, Manufacturers of Bone a n d Chemical Manures F O R A L L CROPS. WESTERN COUNTIES T U R N I P M A N U R E W E S T E R N C O U N T I E S B O N E SUPERPHOSPHATE. WESTERN COUNTIES BONE MANURE. W E S T E R N C O U N T I E S DISSOLVED BONES. W E S T E R N C O U N T I E S BLOOD M A N U R E . W E S T E R N C O U N T I E S SPECIAL MANURE. T H E S E Superior Manures have been introduced throughout Ireland for the past Twenty Years with great success, and numerous parties have given flattering Testimonials as to their high quality For three successive Years the W E S T E R N C O U N T I E S S U P E R P H O S P H A T E has won Prizes at Lord Tredegar's Agricultural Show, Newport, Monmouth, for the Best Crop of Swedes. T h e Company guarantee a high percentage of Soluble and Insoluble Phosphates of Lime. T H E W E S T E R N C O U N T I E S S U P E R P H O S P H A T E has been Analysed by the Agri cultural Societies in the County of Kildare and Queen's County for the past Eleven Years, and the Company beg to refer agriculturists to the results, with the Reports of Professors APJOHN and CAMERON ; and also for Testimonials, &c., t o the various Agents throughout the Kingdom. AGENT FOR IRELAND, HENRY SHEPHEARD, No. 124, T O W N S E N D S T R E E T , DUBLIN. D U K T B A R ,M c M A S T E Rc C o . GILFORD, IRELAND, MANUFACTURERS O F A L L K I N D S O F L I N E N T H R E A D S . Highest Medals were awarded Dunbar and Co.'s Threads wherever exhibited TOR HAND OR MACHINE-SEWING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUITABLE F O R ALL PURPOSES, Shoes, Sole-Sewing, S a d d l e r s , Book-Binding, &c. D U N B A R & C O . ' S T H R E A D S are made from the best quality of Pure Flax specially selected. Official Catalogue Advertisements. Xvii ~ T H E I R I S H B OA T S T " WHITE STAB LI1TE. ROYAL AND UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. BRITANNIC GERMANIC ADRIATIC CELTIC ARABIC COPTIC IONIC DORIC BALTIC REPUBLIC OCEANIC BELGIC GAELIC The well-known magnificent Steamers of this Line sail weekly between LIVERPOOL A N D N E W YORK O N T U E S D A Y SO B T H U R S D A Y S , Calling at Queenstown the following day. SALOON. The Cabin accommodation is in the centre of the ship, where the noise and motion are least. The Saloons OCCUPY the whole breadth of the vessels snd are unusually spacious. The Ladies' Saloons and the Smoke Rooms are commodious, and handsomely furnished. In each vessel are Piano, Library, Bath-rooms, and Barber's Shop, &c. Electric Bells communicate with Stewards from each berth ; the Staterooms have water laid o n , a n d e v e r y p o s s i b l e c o n v e n i e n c e . Baggage not required in the Stateroom is stored in the Baggage-room, to which passengers can have r e a d y ^ c c e s s ^p A S S A G E ; l 5 > l 8 0j R 21 G U I N E A S E A C H B E R T H . RETURN T I C K E T S AVAILABLE FOR T W E L V E MONTHS A T REDUCED RATES. STEERAGE. The Steerage Passengers are carried upon the same decks as the Cabin Passengers, and only a l i m i t e d n u m b e r i s t a k e n i n e a c h S t e a m e r . . Families are berthed together, single females and single men at opposite ends i t the ship. The Steerages are unusually spacious, well lighted, ventilated, and warmed ; Passengers of t h i s c l a s s w i l l find t h e i r c o m f o r t c a r e f u l l y s t u d i e d . r Steerage Passengers have the full use of the main deck, over 400 feet in length, for promenadmg Separate and distinct Lavatories, Wash-houses, and Closets, are provided for the sexes, the entrances being lrom below, without the necessity of going on deck. Each Steamer carries a Surgeon and Stewardess in the Steerage to assist the women and ^ A n " abundant supply of COOKED PROVISIONS of the best quality is served by the Company's SteW STEERAGE PASSAGE T O N E W Y O R K . BOSTON P H I L A D E L P H I A O R BALTIMORE, AT L O W RATES. Passages can be engaged and Tickets obtained from any Agent of the White Star Line, or ly sending name, age, and occupation, together with a deposit of One Pound on each Bet th% if Steerage, or Five Povnds, if Cabin, to ISKIAY, IMRIE & CO., 10, WATER-ST., LIVERPOOL, A N D 31, L E A D E N H A L L S T R E E T , L O N D O N , E.C. Cork Industrial Exhibition xvni. So© Stand i n Exliiloition. BY HER MAJESTY'S SPECIAL AUTHORITY. C O R E Y & CO.'S GOLD MEDAL AERATED BEVERAGES. Prepared exclu sively from the Recommended Limpid Waters by the Faculty ofC.& Co.'s cele '•^rermee'wj sx^tnny&c'f. brated and most eminent Analytical Springs. Guaranteed Chemists of the 'h's free from Metallic or day. c^tresssl other impurity. SODA POTASS OR KALI LITHIA T H E Y COMPRISE: ' CARRARA & CROMAC I GINGER ALE , QUININE SELTZER WATERS AROMATIC TONIC i LEMONADE I SARSAPARILLA I FRUIT NECTAR SUMMER AND WINTER BEVERAGES, HOT BITTERS, &C. Established 1830. 1 . C O B B Y & Co.' AROMATIC Prepared w i t h greatest care by Steam Machinery. CROMAC S t . (tote 3, Victoria St.) B E L F A S T "Warwick Lane, Newgate St., London, l0th Mo rr ^ o « , > 3rd » 1861. T C S. COURT, of Victoria St., Belfast, has purchased t h e Large Soda Water Machine made expressly by us lor t h e Great Exhibition,:and which is more complete and highly finished t h a n any Soda Water Machine previously made. I t is engraved in t h e Illustrated I Catalogue Class 6. (Signed) J . TYLOR & SON. | " BY HER 1 patent rx? Corry's Pure Recarbonated Fluid Magnesia and Concentrated Lemon Syrup arer t r l mended by most eminent physicians, also by the most influential medical and chemical journal" STEAM W O R K S , CROMACSPRINGS. B E L F A S T J R E L A N D . Official Catalogue Advertisements. xix O'BRIEN, BROTHERS, MANUFACTURERS O F Tweeds, Serges, Trauelling Rugs. S e e S t a n d No. 686i n Exhibition. E X H I B I T O R SO F C A R D I N G A N D S P I N N I N G M A C H I N E SA T W O R K . — S t a n d N o . 276. ST. PATRICK'S WOOLLEN MILLS, ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 150 YEARS, R, & C, 60LDTH0RP, ESTABLISHED U P W A R D S OF 150 YEARS. CLECKHEATON, MANUFACTURERS OF C A R D CLOTHING, Cotton, Sill, Woolen, Worsted, anil oilier Fitrons Materials. FOR CARDING Patentees a n d Sole M a k e r s of t h e Solid Condenser Doffer Rings, a n d M a k e r s of t h e M a c h i n e - m a d e • TEMPERED CAST S.TEEL WIRE CARDS. W e confidently r e c o m m e n d our T e m p e r e d C a s t Steel C a r d s a s b e i n g suitable for all classes of work. B y a n e w a n d improved process of o u r own we can g u a r a n t e e t h e wire of a perfectly uniform quality a n d temper, from the coarsest t o t h e finest n u m b e r s . W e also m a n u f a c t u r e C a r d W i r e , t i n n e d a n d u n t i n n e d ; T i n n e d Bot tling Wire, for A e r a t e d W a t e r M a n u f a c t u r e r s ; Steel W i r e f o r C a r d M a k e r s and other purposes, a n d every o th er description of W i r e . Prices and further information o?i application. d XX. Cork Industrial Exhibition T H O R N T O N . BROS., MARSH MILLS FOUNDRY, C L E O K H E ATON VIA NORM ANTON. YORKS, Manufacturers of every description of W o o l l e n , Worsted a n d F e l t Carding Machinery, w i t h Iron, W o o d , and Seg m e n t Cylinders, S e l f - A c t i n g a n d H a n d M u l e s , Improved H a r d e n e r s a n d B a t t F r a m e s , for F e l t Condensers, with S i n g l e a n d D o u b l e Doffers, S e l f - A c t i n g F e e d s of all kinds, W i l l e y s , T e a z e r s , Burring a n d W a s t e M a c h i n e s , Patentees a n d M a k e r s of Metallic Cards, etc., etc., etc. General Mill Furnishers. DRAWINGS A N D P R I C E S O N APPLICATION. E S T A B L I S H E D A . D . 1814. J O H N P E T E I E & CO., W H I T E H A L L STREET, ROCHDALE, Eoiineers, M i l l i r i i t a , Irou a i i Brass F o o t t a , - BOILER STEAM AND MAK BUS. E NGTNE S ? Beam, Horizontal, and Vertical, Single Cylinder or Compound, with Patent Variable Self-Regu lating Expansion Apparatus, with Piston Valves placed close to the body of theCylindei, thereby saving all the steam wasted in nozzle posts of the ordinary construction at every stroke of the Engine. The utmost economy of fuel and perfect regularity in turning secured. IMPROVED STEAM BOILERS. With fire-place flues made entirely ot steel solid welded ring? jointed with flanged seams, and fitted with Patent Steel Tubes, which secure active circulation of the water, increase the heating surface, and greatly strengthen the flues against collapse. SHAFTING A N D GEARING. Fly Wheels, Drums, and Pulleys made for Belt and Rope Driving turned up to 30 feet diameter. J . P . & C o . h a v e a large a s s o r t m e n t of S U P E R I O R S P U R A N D B E V I L W H E E L P A T T E R N S , recently r e m o d e l l e d . S P U R A N D D E V I L W H E E L C A S T I N G S m o u l d e d b y m achi nery on the shortest notice-. A T T E N D A N C E EVERY T U E S D A Y A T M A N C H E S T E R E X C H A N G E , A T N O . IO PILLAR. Shippers, F i s h i n g a n d Agricultural Purposes. Manufacturers of every description of R O P E S and L I N E S for Shippers, F i s h i n g a n d Agricultural Purposes. Manufacturers of every description of R O P E S a n d L I N E S for xxii. Cork Industrial Exhibition GASH AND l 0 . 7 1 l M I T E D , C O l , W A R E H O U S E — 18 TO 21, P A T R I C K FACTORY—91, S O U T H STREET, MALL. Furniture Manufacturers by Machine Power. Carpet Wareliousenien, Upholsterers, a i House-Eurnishers. BRUSSELS TAPESTRY, AND KIDDERMINSTER CARPETS. D r a w i n g - R o o m , D i n i n g - R o o m , B e d - R o o m , a n d Library I F 1T T Z R , I s Ir T I R O N B E D S T E A D SA T N J B E . D B E D D I N G ; MATTRESSES RE-MADE A N D PURIFIED. B l a n k e t s , Q u i l t s & S h e e t i n g s ; I l a m a s k s , M u s l i n C u r t a i n s , &c. A n Inspection of o u r S H O W - R O O M S , which h a v e b e e n recently re-modelled a n d a r r a n g e d , invited. Estimates and Designs Given Free of Charge. A SPLENDID - SSORTMENT O P I r i s h Poplins, I r i s h L i n e n s , I r i s h T w e e d s , a n d I r i s h L a c e s always k e p t in stock. The business of this house is conducted on the small profit system for Cash. Official Catalogue Advertisements. EDWARD H U R S E & CO.. MANUFACTURERS O F JAMS, J E L L I E S , MARMALADE, CANDIED A N D D R A I N E D P E E L S , ALSO T H E Celebrated Dublin Sauce and Ketchup, 17 & 18, GREAT STRAND S T R E E T , o u b i j i m . B A B . B O U R . cfc FLAX T H R E A D MANUFACTURERS, LISBURN, IRELAND. Were awarded b y the International J u r y of t h e Paris Exhibition t h e O N L Y G R A N D P R I Z E the Linen Thread T r a d e of T H E W O R L D . T h e y a r e t h e Largest Manufacturers (I . 1 1 AP.T L R P Q Tailors'Threads, E L C ' I * NILRTFF*'TIL V and . I" R ~ - Sewing - AHJ CMachine .T AT.. .. _1 ' I' L .J _ ofI Shoe-threads, Threads. A S K F O E , B A R B O U R ' S Army Hemp Jacquard Threads Seaming Twines Bookbinders' Thread Keat's Machine Threads Tufting Threads Carpet Thread Lace Threads Upholsterers' Twines Dutch Twine MacrSme Threads Variegated Twines Edge Threads Netting Twines White Twines Flourishing Threads Office Twines X t r a Quality Sawing Glove Threads Polishers' Threads Machine Thread Harness Twines Quilting Threads Yellow Twist Roping Twines IRISH F L A X Threads Zone or Girdle Thread Specially Made for the Blake, Crispin, Mills, and Whittemore Machines; also wax Threads for the P earson, Jones, and other Machines, used in Sewing Leather. CABLE-TWIST S I X C O R D , on I oz. Spools, for E x t r a Leather Work, far stronger than bilk, and much cheaper. T H REE- CO RD S E W I N G M A C H I N E T H R E A D S , on 2 oz. Spools. Also all numbers one price, a t id., 3d., and 6d. per Spool. Strongest quality made. T O B E H A D A T A L L WHOLESALE WAREHOUSES. AGENCIES Manchester, 28 Mosley Street ; Northampton, 44 Horse Market ; Stafford, Rowley Street; London, 12 Bread Street, E . C . ; Glasgow, 48 Queen Street; Paris, R u e Thevenot, 25 ; H a m b u r g , G r . Reichenstrasse 31; Madrid, Turco, 8 Pral. Samples THOMAS D E A N E , and Price Lists 10 ST. may be had on application. ANDREW S T . , D U B L I N — A g e n t for Ireland. BELFAST WAREHOUSE.—9, D O N E G A L L S Q U A R E , W E S T , B E L F A S T . " " T H E B E S T M A C H I N E " F O R MAKING"*" I ST H E UNIVERSAL KNEADING AND MIXING MACHINE. I N OPERATION A T THIS EXHIBITION, S T A N D N O . 2 9 5 . SOLE PATENTEE A N D MANUFACTURER— PAUL PFLEIDERER, 8 8 ,u p p e r g r r o u n a s t . , @ . £ 3 . CITY OFFICES : — 3 7 ^ A J W U N G ^ O N S T . , L O N D O N , E . C . x)^v Cork Industrial Exhibition ' THE BELFAST PAINT COLOUR MANUFACTURING COMPANY, AND W o r i r s — W O O D S T O O K R O A D . O f f i c e - 7 8 , A N N STREET. D. ANDERSON & SON, LIMITED, LAGAN F E L T WORKS, BELFAST, And at 10, London Street, Fenchurch Street, London ; 24 Bath Street, Glasgow; and Irwell Street, Liverpool. PATENT FELT MANUFACTURERS. CONTRACTORS FOR WOODEN, LATTICE-GIRDER, FELTED ROOFS. SOLE MAKERS A N D PATENTEES O F PATENT NGN-GOtlBUOTlHG INCOMBUSTIBLE SILICATE FELT CLOTH. Samples, Instructions, and Estimates Free on Application. WILLIAMS & WOODS, MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONERS. WORKS- 2053 & 206, GT. BRITAIN STREET, AND I I I , UPPER DORSET STREET, DUBLIN. OBTAINED FIRST PRIZE MEDAL, NATIONAL EXHIBITION1882. t~S°All Goods free from Adulteration and Injurious Colours, Every description of Lozenges, Comfits, Sugar Boilings, and Gum Goods made from the Pure Sweets t h e best value in the trade, at all prices, from 4d. to 6d. each. E s t a " b l l s l a . e c i 2 3 Years. W H O L E S A L EO N L Y . I Official Catalogue Advertisements, I XXV. C O C H I L A B I O S . R d p Pain NCCNOMNRR T IT r _ M to relieve , A n t l -Rheumatic ^ m a t l c a nand a m assuaging Liniment. Has never failed e *?"° st X ! r u ' e n t f o ™ s o f Rheumatism, either as Rheumatic Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, &c., and most successful in relieving Bronchitis. One Bottle will convince. Class j & _ SectionQ , Cork Exhibition, or of the Proprietor, A N JOHN CAIRNS, Sen., 49, LOMBARD STREET, WEST, SOUTH CIRCULAR ROAD, d u b l i n . ^ Testimonials and Directions with each Bottle.—PRICE is. E A C H . BUTLS&'S MUSIC ISA INSTRUMENTS J OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ™" Monument H o u s e , O'Connell Bridge, Dublin. VIOLINS, VIOLONCELLOS. GUITARS, BANJOES, HARMONIUMS, PIANOS, CORNETS, B A N ! . INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL BOXES, CONCERTINAS, ' FLUTES, MELODEONS &C., &C., &C. MONUMENT HOUSE, DUBLIN, & H M I i M g f p r LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1826^ •ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF 60 PAGES SENT pret R E D U C E D PRICES T O SCHOOLS A N D I N S T m m n v ^ rrrrxr FITZGERALD'S SHIR T SL°nd°,n THwhLEStheSpicReTfs We^ETh^aUlJufqM' d° "^d W ° F ITZGERA LD , Shirt Maker, Hosier, Glover, and Indian 44, P A T R I C K S T R E E T , C O R K . Outfitter Cork Industrial Exhibition IMPORTERS OF FINEST LUBRICATINGAND BLRNING OILSAND TALLOWS. A L L S T O R E S F O R MILLS, QUARRIES, STEAMSHIPS, S H I P B U I L D E R S , & c „ K E P T I N STOCK. MANUFACTURERS OF GREASES OF All KINDS FOR HOME AND A M S £ LC I^iT EXPORT. •<P . ' X I A L I T I E S — L I G H T S Lubricator. L I G H T ' S Valve a n d Cylinder Oi's. L I G H T ' S Patent Boiler Composition. gttfaTS i mPMTEJt JAMES LIGHT & SON, I, BRUNSWICK -STREET, ^WJVFCPPOOL L TRADE WARM. I V E I I P O o L . c o r r e s p o nd e n c e s o l i c i t e d . GREAT ECONOMY OF WATER POWER. THE 10ST ECONOMICAL USE OF WATER JAMES LEFFEL'S Improved Double Turbine W a t e r W h e e l , S u i t a b l e f o r all H e i g h t s o f Fall, FROM Three F e e t and Upwards. E N G I N E E R , &c., 39, WELLINGTON QUAY, D U B L I N . PIFIKERTOrS PATENT APPARATUS FOR ENCLOSING POINT LEVERS AND LOCKING RAILWAY SIDINGS. T h e Apparatus consists of a set of Levers for t h e Sidings, enclosed in a n iron box, which can only be opened by t h e staff carried on t h e engine of trains running on single lines. T h e saving in first cost and maintenance, combined with absolute safecy, recommend it t o Railway Companies working Single Lines under Train-Staff Regulations. I t i s well adapted for hidings t o Factories, Mines, and Quarries, a n d useful for Ballast-pits, Temporary Works, &c. T e r m s for Box, Levers a n d F r a m e s complete, o n application t o t h e Inventor, WILLIAM P I N K E R T O N , L o c o m o t i v e S u p e r i n t e n d e n t , B a l l y m e n a & L a r n e Railway, LARNE. Official Catalogue Advertisements. XXVll. "CJ^o O n l y CHERRY'S MUSTARD ^ r e v o o m l v e M l i a n v n g f a r c t u r » r » 3 e 5 t tt t t * t r v y y p?. TO ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS,& C . o ' h : i r , _ a _ BEGS to inform the above and the Public that he is now making SELF-COILING REVOLVING S H U T T E R S so largely used a t present for S H O P WINDOWS, and never belore made in this country. They can be seen in pertect working order on his windows at the m F A C T O R Y :1 7 A U N G I E R - S T R E E T , D U B L I N , And other Firms throughout the city, and are quite equal .o, if not better, than any foreign make. Estimates and Testimonials can be had on application Competent men sent to all parts of the country. ManuH v n S r f OUTSIDE SUN B L I N D S FOR S H O P f,, . ' Spring Blinds for Conservatories, Venetian Blinds, Zinc Blinds, &c., Ac. Established 1S00. J » M O R G A N , HATTER, ilis iIj£ 3Tori> Jliarttnsmt, Jjfohilitg, (fiitfrg, anb fllergg, 9 , g r a d f t u o e i n s t t l m r e e t , . that countV"Mr £ ' i f * ® < 1 U a " , ! t y °f English goods are imported into this S e r n n n S F respectfully to inform Visitors to this Exhibition that his r pre s c s frOT K r i t t c T s h I n ]g r L T T ? . t h e best materials. As he purchases raw material « V' i • f personal supervision to his business, he is enabled to give his and retail ^eate^ 8 *a r t a t a P n c e which excludes the profit between wholesale manufacturer Silk H a t s , 1 4 s . t o£ 1 2 s . F e l t H a t s , f r o m 10s. Clerical P e l t H a t s , 12s. 6 d . to £ 1 . Clerical F e l t H a t s , from 10s. Silk H u n t i n g H a t s , 17s. t o£ 1 3 s . H u n t i n g Caps, „£ 1 5 s . L i v e r y H a t . 12s. 6 d . t o 14s. Cork Industrial Exhibition xxviii. R O C H E L L E S E M I N A R Y , B L A C K R O C K R O A D , C O R K , Established lor the Education of Young Ladies, the Daughters of Clergymen, Officers, Professional, and other Gentlemen, in order to qualify them for becoming Governesses. VISITOR—Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Cork, Cloytie, and Ross. I n this Institution Pupils are Boarded and Educated, on payment of £,2*J per annum. I t offers three Scholarships annually, on conditions specified in the Prospectus. The Scholar ships confeired by the Boards of Trinity College and the National Union, have been awarded to Pupils in this School. At the Examinations under the Intermediate Education Board, Exhibitions and other Prizes were gained by the pupils. Pupils are prepared for the Royal University Examinations. There is a large gymnasium and also lawn tennis ground for recreation. There are several resident certificated English Teachers, also a German Governess certificated, and a French Governess (diplomee), with visiting Masters for Singing, Drawing, and Music. T h e Hon. Secretaries, REV. CANON MACNAMARA AND MISS WHATELY. BEAMISH & CRAWFORD, CORK PORTER BREWERY, E S T A B L I S H E D 1792. TRADE MARK Brewers of Stouts and Ales, and Maltsters of Irish Barley. 55, S O U T H MAIN S T R E E T , CORK. S e e S t a n d i n Exhibition, N o . 308—Section B. Pumps, Hydraulic Rams, Waterworks Fittings, Fire Extinguishing Apparatus. and WlNNINGTON AND SEFTON. Brassfoundry, E n g i n e e r i n g , a n d M a c h i n e W o r k s , 7 & 9, WILSON STREET, BELFAST, IRELAND. Official Catalogue Advertisements. xmx. JOHN P E R R Y A N D S O N S , GENERAL IRONMONGERSAND HARDWARE MERCHANTS, o o h . k . , DEPARTMENTS: Kitchen Ranges, Marble Chimneypieces, Grates, Fenders, Fire Irons, Iron Bedsteads and Bedding, Japanned Goods, Brushes, Lamps. Bell-hanging, Smith, Lock and Plumbing Work. r PATRICK STREET, ^ ADDRESS: ACADEMY STREET, I QQRK (. F R E N C H C H U R C H S T R E E T , J Military, Naval and Public Contracts Exemted. \ R e g i s t e r e d T r a d e M a r k " K e n d a l Castle." J . IB . " W ZE3II T .A. IKI IE] :R, , D Y E MERCHANT, &C., KENDAL, Sole M a n u f a c t u r e r a n d P r o p r i e t o r of " K e n d a l B l a c k " i n packets; " K e n d a l Castle" Wood-Stains, a n d W r i t i n g Inks. Household D y e s i n b u l k a n d i n packets, & c . ; a s e x h i b i t e d i n CLASS 3 3 , «3" F O R HOME TRADE A N D EXPORT. GOODII CHEAP! M O D E R N III . tflAC , % > W O n y V t t ALL KINDS -£> SECOND-HAND & N E W ^ y » (Saves S5 to 60 per cent.) SPECIAL PATENT CARDS AND MILL FITTINGS, L A R G E STOCK. Mills Fitted u p T h r o u g h o u t a n d W J L I T E R .S . K I R K HUDDERSFIELD, Started. & C O . . Cork Industrial Exhibition XXX. SCHOOL REQUISITES. All R e q u i s i t e s a n d B o o k s required for E d u c a t i o n a l pur poses, are supplied b y S U L L I V A N , BROTHERS, o n t h e b e s t t e r ms ; a n d t h e y invite i n s p e c t i o n o f t h e large a n d varied s t o c k w h i c h t h e y h a v e a l w a y s o n hand. SULLIVAN, BROTHERS, E d u c a t i o n a l P u b l i s h e r s , Booksellers, StatioAers, B o o k binders, a n d S c h o o l F u r n i t u r e M a n u f a c t u r e r s , 2Q & 27, MARLBOROUGH S T R E E T , 3DTJIBI-iHSr. S S T A B £ I I S H £ ! I >I S O tSTOCKrs. PHILLIPS & SON'S DANDELION LIVER COFFEE, Prepared from pure, fresh Dandelion Boot. First Class Medal, Neiv Zealand, 1882. I ZK. 3EZ.S 3 ® < 0 BT © W H Y T H E PUBLIC SHOULD U S E I T . flRSJ—BECAUSE Dandelion is a well-known Remedy for Affections of the Liver. S E C O N D — B E C A U S E all who suffer from I N D I G E S T I O N should use it. iHIRD—BECAUSE it contains Three Times the strength of Ordinary Coffee. FOURTH —BECAUSE it is warranted to be perfectly Wholesome and Nutritious. p|cjH_BECAUSE the Quality will be always alike. SIXTH—BECAUSE its Cheapness enables the general public to buy it—being the Best Value ever given for Money. Wholesale Agents for Seutfi of Ireland, B O B B I N O G I L V I E , & Co., KING STREET, CORK. • ' t i Ojficial Catalogue Advertisevients. XXXI. PURE PALM-NUT M E A L ! F O R C O W S , PIGS, S H E E P , & c . TESTIMONIAL A N D INSTRUCTIONS FROM M r . J O S E P H M ' Q u i L L A N , V I Great Clonard, near Wexford. In reply to your query as to my opinion of PALM-NUT MEAL for Milch Cows, I send yot» a few results :— I had been giving my milch cows (thirty in number) a daily allowance to each cow of a quarter of a stone of bran as a mash in the morning; about five stones of pulped mangolds, with a quarter of a stone of mixed barley and Indian meal, divided into two feeds for mid-day and evening. With this feeding, I found 9^ quarts of milk produced a pound of butter. About the middle of March, I substituted for the barley and Indian meal the same weight of SAMUELSONS ' PALM-NUT MEAL. _ In rather over a week I found that 8J quarts produced a pound o f butter; consequently an increase of about thirty pounds of butter per week, which, at nineteen pence per pound, the price I was then getting, left a clear gain of £2, 7s. 6d. per week—the PalmNut Meal being cheaper than the mixed meal before in use. We do not skim, but churn the milk down through ; and, as a regular register is kept of the number of gallons in each churning and quantity of butter produced, any change is at once observable. I think these results prove very satisfactorily the value of PALM-NUT MEAL for milch cows. For full particulars apply to the Manufacturers, JAMES SAMUELSON & SON, 28, B R O W N ' S B U I L D I N G S , L I V E R P O O L . ROBERT USHER & CO., LINEN MANUFACTURERSAND BLEACHERS, GREENHILL'S FACTORY, DROGHEDA, London:— 3 0 , CHEAPSIDE. Belfast: 1, DONEGALL SQUARE, W, Montreal:— POST OEFICE, BOX 104-5. MANUFACTURERS A g e n t . — M R , H. HARDY. Agent:-MR. J. H. GRAHAME. Agent . — M R . FRANCIS LANGAN. OF Bed and Mattress TICKENS ; Brown Loom and Bleached TABLE DIAPERS ; Brown Loom and Bleached RUSSIA DIAPERS ; Loom and Bleached SHEETINGS ; DROGHEDA LINENS ; Bleached Linen INTERLININGS ; Half, Three-quarter and full White Bleached LINEN BOOT LININGS ; Brown, Cream, and White Drills ; Check and Bordered GLASS and TEA CLOTHS ; Loom and Bleached HUCKABACK, in Piece and Towels ; Loom and Bleached HONEYCOMB BATH TOWELS ; Barley corn, Bird-Eye and Fancy DIAPER TOWELLINGS ; Brown and Loom TWILL and DIAPER ROLLERINGS ; TWILL and DIAPER Fancy Bordered STAIR COVERING,, &c. xxxii. Cork Industrial Exhibition D U N V I L L E & CO., LIMITED, Royal Irish Distilleries, BELFAST, A r e t h e l a r g e s t h o l d e r s o f W h i s k e y i n t h e World. THEIR OLD IRISH WHISKEY I s r e c o m m e n d e d b y t h e M e d i c a l P r o f e s s i o n a s superior t o F r e n c h Brandy. ~~~ SMOKE 'OPERATIC WHIFFS," CIGARETTES MANUFACTURED B Y m u m O'FARRELL, DUBLIN . IRISH MANUFACTURE. M'MASTER'S " W O R L D - F A M E D H A I R R E S T O R E R totally removes every particle of scurf f r o m t h e skin of t h e h e a d , t h e r e b y i m p a r t i n g vigour and strength t o t h e r o o t s of t h e hair, preventing decay, a r r e s t i n g baldness, and r e s t o r i n g g r e y h a i r t o i t s original colour. BOTTLES, 3s. EACH. M a d a m e L e o n T o u l o n w r i t e s : — " F o r several y e a r s p a s t I have used y o u r H a i r Restorer, a n d h a v e always h a d satisfaction with it." E x t r a c t f r o m a R u s s i a n p a p e r : — " M ' M a s t e r ' s H a i r Restorer does a l l y o u s a y of it." Proprietors:— M'MASTER, HODGSON & CO. M ' M . , H . & C o . a r e also M a n u f a c t u r e r s of every description of P e r f u m e r y , including t h e celebrated P e r f u m e " S O M E T H I N G NICE," a l s o T r o t t e r Oil a n d Toilet Requisites, a n y of which c a n b e h a d from C h e m i s t s a n d Grocers in all p a r t s of t h e country. 121 & 122, C A P E L S T R E E T , D U B L I N . Official Catalogue Advertisements. XXXlll ST. A N N E ' S H I L L HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, County Corlt. iam*. - ' : a 3 apo d* > c/ 1 o PO (3 ^ § P S." Founded b y t h e l a t e Dr. Barter, i n t h e Y e a r 1843. T w o Miles from Blarney Station, and Six Miles from t h e City of Cork. R e s i d e n t P h y s i c i a n — J . B. F I T Z S I M O N S , M.D. r p H I S celebrated Sanatorium is picturesquely situated on rising ground, commanding a beautiA ful view of t h e far-famed Groves a n d Castle of Blarney, is sheltered by the wooded hills with which it is surrounded, and, owing to t h e proximity of the Gulf Stream, is a t all seasons a desirable residence for invalids. Arrangements have.been made, a n d will be completed before t h e coming winter, for heating the establishment by means of H o t W a t e r Pipes, b y which t h e advantages of S t . Anne's Hilt as a winter residence will be largely increasedM A G N I F I C E N T T U R K I S H B A T H S 'have been erected, and, together with P I N E BATHS, E L E C T R I C , S T I L L and R U N N I N G S IT Z , P L U N G E and Ordinary H O T a n d COLD W A T E R B A T H S , C O M P R E S S E S , P A C K S , a n d other Hydropathic appliances have been successfully employed a s curative agents for many years. L O C A L E L E C T R I C I T Y in its various forms, and W A L D E N B U R G ' S C O M P R E S S E D A I R A P P A R A T U S are also ap plied in suitable cases. Attached t o th e establishment a r e C I R C U L A T I N G L I B R A R Y , R E A D I N G R O O M COVERED L A W N T E N N I S C O U R T , T H R E E G R A S S T E N N I S G R O U N D S . THEATRE, A M E R I C A N B O W L I N G A L L E Y , B I L L I A R D R O O M S for both ladies a n d gentlemen, &c. G O O D S A L M O N and T R O U T F I S H I N G preserved for t h e use of Visitors. F O X H O U N D S , H A R R I E R S , and O T T E R H O U N D S meet in the neighbourhood. Postal and Telegraph Office in the establishment. Visitors t o theC O R K E X H I B I T I O N will find S t . Anne's Hill a convenient Resi dence, as there is daily communication with Cork both by Rail and Car. To ensure suitable accommodation and a conveyance to meet them at the Blarney Station Tatients and Visitors, before coming, should give due notice to the Secretary. SPECIAL T O U R I S T T I C K E T S f o r T w o M O N T H Sa t R E D U C E D R A T E S a r e i s s u e d a t K i n g s b r i d g e , D u b l i n , on production of a written order_ from the Secretary at St. Anne's Hi'l, who wiH forward the same, or prospectus, on application. All Trains stop a t Blarney except t h e down night and American mails. T e r m s — F r o m£ 2 2s. t o £2 17s. 6d. p e r W e e k . xxxiv. , Cork Industrial Exhibition OATMEAL JOHN M'CANN, BEAMONDm i l l s , b r o 0 r LONDON EXHIBITION, 1851. i PRIZES j M A C h e 0a . }MEVEB EXHIBITED EISEWHER C R E A D Y BR0S- WOOLLENMANUFACTURERS, BmimM Y/mibm Won#®, B W B I . I I . G. &c C O . , € k r I e b | j ui r manufacturers AND F E A T H E RMERCHANTS, Bslview Worts, Thomas Street, and Briflpfoot Street, D U B L I N . IMPORTERS O F EVERY DESCRIPTION O F FIBRES. G O L D MEDAL AWARDED, D U B L I N E X H I B I T I O N , 1882. E I 1 BP 0 1 T 1 I G E A PRICE £ 5 15s. PER TON DELIVERED A TA NY RA TLIVA YSTA TION IN DUBLIN. T H E CHEAPEST F E E D I N G S T U F F Especially suited for use with Pulped Turnips. Circulars, Names of Local Agents, and References to Gentlemen in the locality using this Food Will be sent post free on application. T H E D U B L I N G R A I N S COMPANY, LI M I T E D , 40, R A I N S F O R D STREET, DUBLIN. 44 These Grains constitute a variety of food to which cattle are generally partial. 1 hey are nutritious in a high degree ; when properly dried, they will keep unchanged for any length of time, and are in particular distinguished by the rek*lively low cost at which they may be pur chased."—Apjohn. 44 Dried Grains keep in a good condition for almost any length of time, and will be found a good and wholesome food for every description of stock, and particularly useful for horses and cattle."—Voelcker. Sacks holding one cwt., charged Sd. each extra, if not returned immediately. Official Catalogue Advertisements. xxxv TREE GRANTS OF LAND IN CANADA. 160 ACRES IN MANITOBA AND THE NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. too T O 200 A C R E S I N T H E O T H E R P A R T S O F CANADA GOOD DEMAND FOR AGRICULTURISTS AND DOMESTIC SERVANTS. For full information respecting Investment of Capital, Free Grants of Land, Purchase of Land and Improved Farms, Demand for Labour, Rates of Wages, Assisted Passages, &c., apply to J . G. C O L M E R , Secretary, Candian Government Offices, 9, Victoria Chambers, London. S.W.; J . D Y K E , 15, Water Street, Liver pool ; T H O M A S G R A H A M E , 40, St. Enoch Square, Glasgow ; T H O M A S C O N N O L L Y , Northumberland House, Dublin ; C H A R L E S F O Y , 29, Victeria Place, Belfast. ~ F . & ~ J .C L A Y T O N T " W & m S T M B g P I J V J V M M g , A N D M A N U F A C T U R E R SO F Cheviot a n d S a x o n y T w e e d s , W o r s t e d ^ Coatings, B l a c k Clerical Cloth, S e r g e s , NAV Friezes, Blankets, Railway Rugs, Ladies' D r e s s Material, K n i t t i n g a n d F i n g e r i n g Yarns, S h e e p S k i n H e a r t h R u g s a n d D o o r M a t s , &c., & c . lieits-CAHILL & CLUSKEY, 23, Welliniton Qaay. Dcllin. K O O . M E A T H . Cork Industrial Exhibition xxx vi. "W. G .R O H T J , MANUFACTURING CHEMIST A N D DRUGGIST, 5 3 , A M I E N S S T R E E T , : >UBLIN. F I R S T P R I Z E M E D A L F O R SAUCE, and C E R T I F I C A T E S O F M E R I T for the following Exhibits:—BAKING P O W D E R , BLACK I N K , R A T POISON, LIQUID BLACKING, BRASS PASTE, N E R V O L I N E , for Tooth-ache. This wonderful preparation for Tooth-ache is the first that has ever been notified in any Exhibition, ROHU'S DECOCTION O F M U L L E I N P L A N T , for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consumption. Sold by all respectable Chemists throughout the United Kingdom, in 2s. 6d. Bottles, from the Proprietor, W , C . R O H U , 5 3 , A M I E N S S T R E E T , D U B L I N . SAMPLE T O BE SEEN A T C O R K E X H I B I T I O N . SPECIALLY APPOINTED MANUFACTURERS p e r Igfajigtg t[re 70 (Queen, AND f e r l o p l Pgfjrcess tfje frhtcess of Males. KIRB Y BEARD & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF T H E ORIGINAL He Plus ultra Pins & Needles, HAIR PI^Sj SAFETY PSNS, * FISH HOOKS, SOLE MAKERS O F The Registered "Flexor" Hair Pin, and of Dr. Ward Cousins' Patent Surgical Safety Pins, with Handle, for Bandages, &c. Registered 17th Nov., 1882. No. 6603. WORKS: BIRMINGHAM AND REDDITCH. Warehouses—LONDON : 115, Newgate Street. ESTABLISHED PARIS : 75, Bd. de Sebastopol. 1743. S h o w Case t o b e seen i n t h e Cork Exhibition. J A M E S W I NS T A N L E Y , Boot, Shoe, and Clog Manufacturer, ARMY CONTRACTOR & EXPORTER. W O R K S A N D W H O L E S A L E WAREHOUSE— 4=2, 4=3, 4=4=, Sd 4=5, B a c k L a n e DUBLIN. 1 HK,. ; hm i -1 E V E R YD E S C R I P T I O N . IRRORS (Silvered by us), w i t h plain o r b e v e l l e d edg^es. R O O M P A P E R S | a large A h carefully selecle ill AND > Stock frant from !he Ihe mbest W w1r A n\ t-* L ^ /-v L •»-* D u j<E c-« lCCO ORATIO O N S . . )). Manufacturers, W I N D O W G L A S SO F I D T T B L I l s r . SOUTH GEORGE'S S T R E E T , ( N E W P R E M I S E S 2 2 ? F E E T D E E P . ) b o u d o i r MIRROR, T H O M A S OOCKRELL, S O N S & CO., - • h p lifM XXXV111. Cork Industrial Exhibition SHANKS BROS. i, Foster Place, DUBLIN. S H A N K S BROS., (Of late Craig, Gardner Shanks) A u d i t o r s a n d A c c ou n t a n t s , I, F O S T E R P L A C E , COLLEGE G R E E N . D U B L I N . AUDITORS AND 1 ACCOUNTANTS. Official Catalogue Advertisements. xxxix. LEATHER MERCHANT, NORTH MAIN STREET, CORK. BUTTS, BERDS, AND Crops of ASSORTED TANNAGES ALWAYS I N STOCK ; ALSO SHOULDERS, BELLIES, BR06UE, SHOE, AND y > &C., &C. IMPORTER OF FRENCH, GERMAN, KIP-BUTTS, Offal, / >. w V AND e n e j i l s h g o o d s , CALF, CRUP, ORUP VAMPS, (Of best German makers), SATIN-CALF, KID-CALF, ^ P A T E N T & ENAMELLED LEATHERS, A LARGE R O A N S , BASILS, See., STOCK O F CLOSED U P P E B S ^ Always on hand, which for style, durability and workmanship cannot b e surpassed. &C. \ ^ r \ 61,NORTH MAIN STREET, CORIC^ <1 xl. Cork Industrial Exhibition R . O'REILLY, Musical Instrament ffiannfactnrer, 1 6 & 17, W e l l i n g t o n Q u a y , DUBLIN". All k i n d s of B a n d I n s t r u m e n t s repaired. Musical I n s t r u m e n t s of every Descrip tion always in Stock. Brass, R e e d , a n d F i f e a n d D r u m B a n d s , Supplied o n t h e m o s t M o d e r a t e T e r m s . Musical I n s t r u m e n t s of every description T u n e d a n d Repaired on t h e Premises b y Experienced W o r k m e n . All Orders Executed w i t h P r o m p t nessa n d Despatch. " w n v n . o ' c o i s r i N r E X j X j , 79, G T . B R I T A I N S T R E E T , D U B L I N , Ecclesiastical Banner Manufacturer. Banner Manufacturer to the National League. Banner Manufacturer to the League of the Cross of England and Scotland, and to the Irish National Foresters. T o the Hibernian Benefit Society of Eng land. Costumier to the Irish National Foresters. Band Suits, Band Caps, Sashes, Plumes, &c., &c., at lowest prices and shortest notice. S E E OPINIONS O F T H E PRESS. THE DROGHEDA LINEN COMPANY, BALBRIGGAN, MANUFACTURERS O F B e d a n d M a t t r e s s TICKENS; Brown L o o m a n d Bleached TABLE DIAPERS; Br o w n L o o m a n d B le a c h e d RUSSIA DIAPERS; L o o m a n d Bleached SHEETINGS; DROGHEDA LINENS; B l e a c h e d L i n e n INTERLININGS; H a l f , Three-quarter, a n d F u l l W h i t e Bleached Linen BOOT LININGS; Brown, Cream, a n d W h i t e DRILLS; C h e c k a n d B o r d e r e d GLASS a n d TEA CLOTHS; L.oom a n d Bleached HUCKABACK,in Piece a n d T o w e l s ; L o o m a n d Bleached HONEYCOMB B A T H TOWELS; B a r l e y - C o r n , B i r d - E y e ,a n d F a n c y D I A P E R T O W E L L I N G S ; B r o wn a n d L o o m T W I L L a n d D I A P E R R O L L E R I N G S ; T W I L L a n d D I A P E R F a n c y B o r d e r e d S T A I R COVERING'S, & C . Official Catalogue A dvertisements. Latest a n d most approved P a t t e r n s of H a m m e r l e s s Guns, a n d G u n s w i t h l o w ammers. Best Construction. Shooting Guaranteed. P r i c e L i s t s o n Ap p licatio n . Clay P i g e o n s a n d T r a p s . G l a s s Ball T r a p s . *&L— BRITISH ARMY &EVOLVES Ev e ry S p o r t i n g accessory kept i n Stock. A m m u n i t i o n o f all kinds a t special reduced rates. GUN, R I F L E , A N D R E V O L V E R M A N U F A C T U R E R S , ESTABLISHED OVER A CENTURY. O n l y Address—9, D A W S O N S T R E E T , D U B L I N . xlii. Cork Industrial Exhibition M U K H i Y ' S MELLOW S i ISMOKIHG EMT? A T STA HAU. SMOKING MIXTURE. The only popular Irish Mixture. -jl " Known t o smokers for its mellow mildness in use. W e saworders and inquiries for this article fit t o make any provincial house proud i n d e e d . " — L a n d and IVater. *• Tobacco of the finest quality, recommended no less for i t s ARTHUR ST BELFAST. -M agreeable flavour and delicacy of aroma than for its absolute purity."—The Civilian. " W o u l d recommend t o t n e favourable notice of our Brethren i n t h e Craft ' t h e Mellow Smoking Mixture,' which has become so deservedly popular. - Freemasons' Chronicler. " Such excellent T o b a c c o - t h i s unque Mixture -Sunday Times. " A smoker who has once tried it has t h e satisfaction of knowing t h a t h e h a s always a t com mand a brand that will give him satisfaction .••-Licensed Victuallers Gazette " A remarkably fine blend, and free from all artificial manipulation. — Sporting Times. " F o r delicacy of flavour i t would b e difficult to surpass this really Mellow Mixture. — " I t l s ' w i t h considerable satisfaction we direct t h e attention of t h e Smoking Public t o t h e excellent quality of this T o b a c c o . " - T h e IVillesden Chronicle. " O f the many different 'Mixtures that have come under our notice, w e have no hesitation i n giving th e palm t o this brand. H a s a most pleasant and soothing effect.—Civil Service ^ T h o r o u g h l y uniform in quality, of a fine a n d very fragrant aroma, a n d of medium strength T h o s e who wish t o use a genuine Tobacco only, should load their ' Calumet of peace with n o o t h e r ammunition."—United Service Gazette. . , . , . , ... , " Well deserves the appellation with which its introducers have designated it, and will be welcomed by all pipe smokers.—Can now be obtained of Tobacconists in England."—The ThtsTdmirable Tobacco deserves t o become very popular."—Court Circular. «' A fine specimen of Irish manufacture ; used b y lovers of the weed in every corner of t h e t h r e e kingdoms."—Cork Herald. „ n _ " T h e delicate flavour and fragrant aroma of this famous Mixture. —Dublin Freeman. _ " T h e manufactures of the Messrs. MURRAY, of Belfast find such favour amongst Irish consumers, that w e think a wider knowledge of their excellence is desirable. We, therefore, t a k e note of one or two of their specialities. T h e foremost among them is their Mellow Smokine Mixture,' a sample of which we have procured, and, under its mellowing influence,, a r e disposed t o praise its good qualities uery highly. I t is unlike t h e common run of Mixtures, Ions cut and although composed of several distinct kinds of tobacco, is very regular in texture. I t is handsomely labelled, with a pine-apple as t h e t i a d e mark, a n d t h e manner in which it is packed is especially deserving of favourable mention. — The Tobacco Trade " w T c a n get nothing so g o o d . " — " I t is quite a relish t o m e . " - " I enjoy no other Tobacco." « Since taking t o smoke your Mixture, cannot use a n y other, Ac., &c.—From Smokers. SOLD ONLY IN PACKETS.—8OZ. SAMPLE POST FREEFOR 3/4, U N T I L T H E PARCELS' POST ARRANGEMENTS COMMENCE. M a n u f a c t o r y : 2 3 A r t h u r Street, Belfast. ' ~ WHOLESALE I N C O R K B Y D o b b i n , Ogilvio & Co., K i n g S t r e e t ; Ogilvie & Moore, W a r r e n ' s P l a c e ; a n d J o h n O'SulLva^ & Co., 12, P a t r i c k Street. BRANCH WAREHOUSE:4 , CHRIST CHURCH PLACE, DUBLIN. Official Catalogue Advertisements. xliiL (STAND 292, CLASS B.) D A V I D S O N & CO,, QUEENSBKIDGE STREET, BELFAST. P a t e n t e e s a n d S o l e Manufacturers of THE 'SIROCCO' AIR-HEATING STOVES For Warming Large Buildings—Churches, As sembly Rooms, Warerooms, Sec. These Stoues give out their heat only in the form of hot air, no direct local heat is radiated by the Stoues themselves, the outer casings of which always remain cool. The following ate the prices and ap proximate heating capacity of "Siroccon Stoues " using coal or coke fuel. CUBIC F E E T . T o h e a t a n apartment c o n t a i n i n g 50,000 75,ooo 100,000 125,000 i75,ooo 230,000 £25 .£30 £33 £4.0 ^50 £60 F o r s m a l l e r A p a r t m e n t s a n d Offices, t h e "Sirocco," S t o v e s a r e m a d e in r e d u c e d s i z e s , u s i n g G a s a s fueL P a r t i c u l a r s o n application. x^v. Cork Industrial Exhibition Estalolislied. 1799. WILLIAM JAMESON & Co., DUBLIN WHISKY. MARROWBONE LANE DISTILLERY, DUBLIN. Ojjicial ataiogue Advertisements Beautiful Flowers for xlv. Winter and Spring. ' T A I T Cifcy O O H a v e received their usual l a r g e consignments of HYACINTHS, TULIPS, CROCUS, SNOWDROPS, SNOWFLAKES, NARCISSUS, with MANY OTHER BEAUTIFUL FLOWERING BULBS, for w h i c h they solicit early orders. N . B . — T h e f RST PRIZE HYACINTHS a t t h e S p r i n g F l o w e r S h o w s of t h e R o y a l Horticultural Society for several seasons past h a v e b e e n g r o w n f r o m Bulbs supplied b y u s ; a l s o , ROSES, P I N K S , CARNATIONS, PANSIES. Catalogues free. • X 7 V . c f c O < Q . ( L a t e F e r g u s F a r r e l l & Son), S e e d ,B u l b a n d P l a n t W a r e h o u s e s , 119 & 120, C A P E L S T R E E T , D U B L I N . CORK GAS CONSUMERS' COMPANY. COOKING AND LIGHTING B Y GAB. G a s Consumers are reminded that great e c o n o m y c a n b e secured, e s p e c i a l l y i n t h e S u m m e r S e a s o n ,b y t h e e m p l o y m e n t o f G a s f o r C o o k i n g . G a s K i t c h e n R a n g e s , &c., o n t h e m o s t i m p r o v e d principles, c a n b e s e e n daily i n full operation a t t h e C o m p a n y ' s S t a n d N o . 500, Cork E x h i b i t i o n a n d a t their G a Apparatus D e p o t , S I , PATFLICZ STR.EET. S t o v e s a r e l e t o n H i r e a t v e r y l o w r a t e s p e r quarter, a n d t h o s e w h o w i s h t o p u r c h a s e c a n o b t a i n t h e m o n t h e T H R E E YEARS' SYSTEM a t Very Moderate Prices. rlvcllj) f S r i r l i & (Tile W o r k * ; , Q U E E N S T O W N , BURNS & HUTTQN, PROPRIETORS. Plain ani Fancy Bricks anilTiles in Mtare. xlvi. Cork Industrial Exhibition MUSGRAVE'S PATENT SLOW-COMBUSTION STOVES AND VENTILATING AIR-WARMERS Are t h e Cheapest, Safest, Simplest, m o s t Economical a n d Powerful, for W a r m ing Public a n d P r i v a t e Buildings of every descrip- First-Class H o n o u r s a t all E x h i b i t i o n s w h e r e they have been shown. MUSGRAVE & CO., LIMITED, SUPPLY A N D F I X T H E MOST IMPROVED HOT WATER HEATING APPARATUS For Churches, Schools, Greenhouses, Warehouses, and all kinds of public and private buildings. Economy, Efficiency and Durability guaranteed. ggnr#"!!!! ^v j m u s g r a v e s l e ; •pi mc" ~MUSGRAVE'S PATENT STABLE FITTINGS. T h e s e Fittings are original in design, and a r e superior b o t h in strength and finish t o those oi any other maker. M U S G R A V E & C O . (Limited), manufacture G A T E S , R A I L I N G S & F E N C I N G , I R O N H O U S E S, R O O F S , & C O N S E R V A T O R I E S . Illustrated and Priced Catalogues Post Free, and further particulars o n application to MUSGP.AVE & CO. (Ltd.), BELFAST, A N D 97, N E W B O N D S T R E E T , L O N D O N , W . Official Catalogue Advertisements. CHINA & GLASS. d a s t z S T A N D S5 3 6 , 5 5 0 , 5 6 2 , 5 6 3 ; s x i s x i b b i xlvii. CLASS D. i a r t Invites attention to the magnificent show of I R I S H A R T P O T T E R Y now on exhibition at the above. This much admired China is renowned for its Elegance of Design and Delicacy of Texture, and is manufactured a t the WORKS, BELLEEK, CO. FERMANAGH. I R E L A N D . I R I S H GLASS, Manufactured at the D U B L I N F L I N T GLASS WORKS, can also b e seen at the Stand, where there will be a First-Class Engraver at work daily. All Orders f»r Engraving Crests, Monograms, &"c.f on Table Glass, executed on the Sko7%est Notice. A Show Room at n o , Patrick Street is now set apart for the convenience of visitors, stocked with finest specimens of Messrs. MINTON'S celebrated CHINA, SALOPIAN and WORCESTER CHINA, a l s o a l a r g e a n d choice selection o f BELLEEK a n d DOULTON A R T POTTERY. P L E A S EN O T E A D D R E S S — 109 & 11°, P A T R I C K S T R E E T , C O R K. IRISH COEN FLOUR, OR AMYLACEOUS FOOD. A Pure Wheaten Food, made from the Finest Irish Wheat possessing in a high degree the quality of being easily Digested, combined with great nourishing power. I t will be found a delicious substitute for the best Arrowroot, at less than one-third of the price. Used with milk, it is a pleasant and highly nutritious Food for CHILDREN AND INVALIDS, and is perfectly adapted for every variety of Table use—Puddings, Custards, Cakes, &c. A wholesome and extremely palatable article of DIET for all seasons. SOLE MANUFACTURERS '. A L E X A N D E R C R A W F O R D & SON. SNOW WHITE STARCH MADE FROM IRISH WHEAT. A b e a u t i f u l P r e p a r a t i o n , u s e d b y t h e P r i n c i p a l BLEACHERS a n d FINISHERS i n t h e UNITED KING DOM, a s a l s o i n A M E R I C A , a n d ABSOLUTELY u n e q u a l l e d f o r PURITY, GREAT STRENGTH, EXQUISITE FINISH, and PERFECT WHITENESS. This is the only Starch which produces a finish possessing at the same time the UTMOST STIFFNESS with the most COMPLETE ELASTICITY. Goods finished with it retain their Finish UNIMPAIRED FOR ANY LENGTH OF TIME, and in every kind of weather. I t is suitable for every kind of Textile Fabric. SOLE MANUFACTURERS : A L E X A N D E R C R A W F O R D t * S O N , MILL STREET, BELFAST. THE BUSHMILLS OLD DISTILLERY CO., l i m i t e d , BUSHMILLS, COUNTY ANTRIM, ESTABLISHED, 1784. PURE MALT WHISKEY. OFFICES:—31, D O N E G A L L Q U A Y , B E L F A S T . A l l Correspondence a n d Accountst ob e sent t o t h e latter Address. xlviii. Cork Industrial Exhibition GREENMOUNT SPINNING COMPANY. Linen and Cotton Manufacturers, COTTON S P I N N E R S A N D BLEACHERS, I R I S H MANUFACTURE. List of Manufactures. Striped Drills, Checked , , Brown ,, B i d . Union Drills ) , Linen , , Shoe „ Stair ,, Stair Damask, Bid. Linen Damask, j, ,, , , Cloths, , , Cotton „ 93 9f Cloths, , , Naps, List of Manufactures. Glass Cloths, , , Towels Pantry, , , Check Dusters, Twill Roller Towelling, Diaper , , >, Brown Linens, Loom Dowlas, Scrims, Elastic Canvas, Russia Diapers, Loom, Bid. Union Diapers, Cotton List of Manufactures. Calicoes, Croydens, Cotton Sheetings, Linen Checks, U nion ,, L o o m Twilled Sheetings, Bid. Huck Towelling, Loom , , ,, Bid. , , Towels, Loom , , ,, Tickens, Fancy Mattress Drills, ,, K n e e Covers. WORKS: HAROLD'S CROSS, DUBLIN. WAREHOUSES: B E L F A S T : 42 & 44, Up. Queen Street. LONDON : 30, Milk Street, E.C. N E W YORK : 103, Franklin Street. Official Catalogue Advertisements. W B I L E L I T E S T V f 10, Patrick-St., A M B A A A a . L m N T U i l E I S & G O ' S , B ^ . , N C O R K . y g r o c e r s , Wholesale C K Warehouse-Maylor-St Q 13,I v . T r y o u r Cftoice N E W S E A S O N S ' T E A S . S u n f t a l i i i r o n ® a o r f c £ i , E n g i n e e r s , Millwrights, a n d I r o n f o u n d e r s . ESTABLISHED 1821. Maters of Steamb p s frant 4 to 40 Horse-Power. L A N C A S H I R E A N D CORNISH BOILERS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Including t h e P a t e n t " I R I S H M A N " c o m b i n e d M o w e r a n d R e a p e r H o r s e Gears, L a n d Rollers, S c u t c h Mills f o r F l a x , &c., E S T I M A T E S G I V E NF O R A L L K I N D SO F R O O F & G I R D E R W O R K A C L LARGE E A STOCK OF PATTERNS. N L I N E S S , R U S S E L L MARTIN'S BREAD, 3 r e s » « m i t o 2 c s a . o s a . j l m l H A G - L B E £ Z 3 ? . 7 , 71, P A T R I C K S T R E E T , C O R K . 1. Cork Industrial Exhibition ESTABLISHED A.D. 1751, WOODFORD, B O U R N E & CO.'S W I N E V A U L T S AND BONDED STORES, N I L E S T R E E T , C O R K . T h e B u i l d i n g s c o v e r a n a r e a of 2 8 , 0 0 0 s q u a r e f e e t . T h e D u t y P a i d V a u l t s c o n t a i n 5 0 , 0 0 0 d o z e n B o t t l e s of W i n e . WOODFORD, BOURNE & CO.'S I Z s T ^ - A - X j I I D S ' B H / A 1 T D Y . f o u r ( ^ % % s) t a b G U A R A N T E E D T W E L V E Y E A R S OLD, PRICE, 5 s .6 d . P E R FLASK. B R A N D Y being chiefly used for medicinal purposes, it is of the utmost importance that the very finest quality should always b e used. T H E V E R Y B E S T that can b e procured i s called " T H E G R A N D O L D C H A M P A G N E B R A N D Y , " a n d its superiority over all others is very marked as regards quality. W h e n ordering this Brandy please mention " T H E I N V A L I D S ' B R A N D Y , " T w e l v e Years Old, and s e e that Four ( # * * * ) Star i s branded o n the corks. PRICE, 5s. 6 d . P E R F L A S K . WOODFORD, BOURNE & CO., PATRICK S T R E E T , CORK. f Official Catalogue Advertisements. f li- B s t a T o l i s l i c c i1791. TRADE MARK. JOHN'S LANE DUBLIN WHISKEY. lii. Cork Industrial Exhibition KOBEY & CO,, GLOBE WORKS, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Robey's Superior Portable Engines, From 4 to 50 horse-pow er. Patent Robey Fixed Engine, 4 to 50 horse-power. Robey's Vertical Engines and Boilers, i£ to 16 horse-power. Robey's Patent Iron-Framed Thrashing Machine. Catalogues, &c., o n application t o HQBEY & CO., Globe Works, Lincoln, England Official Catalogue Advertisements. JJJJ Y O U N G , O A KE N H E A D < s T c o SEEDSMEN A N D FLORISTS 86, P A T R I C K S T R E E T C O R K " c a t a l o g u e s , jj „ ' p j * * . ^ m MAY—List of Bedding Plants S E P T E M B E R - D u t c h and other Cape Bulbs. Dublin Exhibition of Irish Manufactures, 1882. ' T W O MEDALS a w a r d e dt o t h e DUBLIN & WICKLOW MANURECO. l i m i t e d i . } Gold Medal for Special Manufacture, and First Prize Medal for Manures. t h e b e s t m a n u r e f o r a l l s o i l sa n d c r o p s . £ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 L o s t A n n u a l l y t o I r e l a n d b y t h e P u r c h a s e of English M a n u r e s . This large sum leaves the country each year for an article which can b e produced as cheaply and better by the d u b l i n a n d w i c k l o w m a n u r e c o m p a n y ,l i m i t e d . O f f i c e : 1, C O L L E G E S T R E E T , D U B L I N . j a n o i s , , E S TIAABLlsHED B L I S H E D 1 .loos. 808. ° f "B-ACELEBRATED FOR E e a v y B u t tS THEIR ' Bends > a n d Cr WATER-RESISTING °PS QUALITIES. AWARDED A GOLD MIDAL, D ^ U R " T H E " R ^ E I ^ E E I R X T E D BUTTS. inch! an7aPi?IU c^mpaft8 certainly all FIRST-CLASS, and as good as time an^ bark couTdTaLThim 'Te'^L^wbTiter'ieathero t S c i T ^ i s , 38, 39 AND 40. WATERCOURSE ^ * * ** ! Sepetmber 8th, 1882 ROAD, AND 4 5, 6 AND 7, WATER LANE. liv. Cork Industrial Exhibition SAMUEL M'CAUSLAND, SEED MERCHANT, B E L F A S T . R Y E G R A S S — I r i s h Grown Perennial a n d Italian. N A T U R A L G R A S S E S — T i m o t h y , Cocksfoot, Foxtail, Fescues, Ribgrass, &c. C L O V E R S E E D — R e d a n d W h i t e , Alsyke, A m e r i c a n Cowgrass, &c., imported direct. F L A X S E E D — E x t r a - P i c k e d Riga, a n d Dutch, best brands. T A R E S — I r i s h a n d Foreign, S p r i n g a n d Winter,finest quality. T U R N I P S E E D , M A N G E L , &c., from t h e best growers. G r a ^ s - S e e d s t h o r o u g h l y Rc-cleaned b y s p e c i a l M a c h i n e r y , d r i v e nb y S t e a m - P o w e r . SELECTED STOCKS O F ALL FARM A N D GARDEN SEEDS. A g e n t for South of Ireland—Mr. A . W J A C O B , C O R K . . « C O R K T for Excellence of Quality W and Durability E E D S Cannot be Surpassed. WARRANTED \ A L L PUKE WOOL. MANUFACTURED AT THE "DOUGLAS ILLS," CORK. WALLIS & POLLOCK w PROPRIETORS. Wholesale for the Trade Only. i ra r ^ C I T Y WAREHOUSES : 6 , 7 , &8 , Official Catalogue Advertisements. ly. " T H E IRISH GROCERS' AND VINTNERS' GAZETTE:" The only Trade Organ published in Ireland. Monthly, 4 d . Specimen C o p y Post Free, 5d. Annual Subscription, 5s. Offices—39, L o w e r O r m o n d Q u a y , Dublin T H O M A S M O O R E , PROPRIETOR. " T H E IRISH FARM, FORESTAND GARDEN: " Lvery Saturday, 2 d . Best a n d Cheapest Agricultural Paper. i n Ireland of any Journal o f its class. Largest Circulation Offices—39, L o w e r O r m o n d Q u a y , D u b l i n . T H O M A S M O O R E , PROPRIETOR. SHORTEST SEA ROUTE TO ENGLAND A N D SCOTLAND VIA LARNE AND STRANRAER. ( S e a a n d L o c h P a s s a g e o n l y2 % hours.) ally ( (Sundays excepted) a n d daylight sailings b y the First Class Royal Mail Steamers Princess Louise and " P r i n c e s s Beatrice." Trains run alongside Steamer at Larne and Stranraer. Through and Sleeping Carriages run b e t w e e n Stranraer a n d London (Euston), a n d Pullman Cars b e t w e e n Dumfries and Lon don (St. Pancras). F o r further information apply t o t h e undersigned. n u v ^ A n g • S " m m f m o n t h s Tourist a n d Excursion Tickets are issued from Dublin (Amiens Street), a n d all the chief t o wns i n the N o r t h o f Ireland to Portrusn (lor the Giant s Causeway.) T h e Northern Counties Railway H o t e l (late Antrim Arms), Portrush, is n o w H H j J f m . a " a § c m ® n t ? f t h e £ a l J . w a y Company, and, having b e e n re-decorated and re-furnished, Tourists w i l l find i t replete with every comfort. F o r full particulars, respecting the hotel, apply t o the Manager, Mr. WILLIAM WINTER, EDWARD Y. COTTON G e n e r a l M a n a g e r , B. & N . C. R., B e l f a s t . Iron tfc Tool Worlts, Dutolin. ea £ : Manufacturers of Scrapped Iron Work, Cart Axles, Spades, Shovels Edge Tools Hammers, Picks, and every description of Draining, Railway, Forest Ouarrv Smiths' Farm' R„mn5r . . ' s j . ' S r a t T - H ™ *'c °-" THOMAS HENSHAW & ®0., WHOLESALE A N D MANUFACTURING IRONMONGERS B A R I R O N MERCHANTS, 5 & 12, C H R I S T C H U R C H P L A C E , & 8 1 , M I D . A B B E Y S T R E E T U p p e r a n d L o w e r Works—CLONSKEAGH, DUBLIN. ... r . All Letters to be addressed to NE. 5, CHKISTCHURCH PLACE. A Fair Price given for Good Scrap H Ivi. Cork Industrial Exhibition JURY'S HOTEL, C O L L E d G u E b l G - I R ,I E I E 1 > T i n . M o s t C e n t r a l l y S i t u a t e d a n d r e c e n t l y G-reatly E n l a r g e d . Coffee, Dining, Reading, Billiard and Smoking Room A L S O P R I V A T E SITTING ROOMS. A LADIES' DRAWING-ROOM. T a b l e d ' H o t e o n W e e k - d a y s , a t 3 a n d 0 . 3 0 o'Olock. CHARGES MODERATE. T w o N i g h t Porters in Attendance. E . J. JURY, Proprietor. THE GRESHAM HOTEL, U P P E R SACKVILLE S T R E E T , D U B L I N. o n e o f T H E L A R G E S TA N D B E S T A P P O I N T E D H O T E L S I N i r e l a n d . R E P L E T EW I T H M O D E R N IMPROVEMENTS. I t c o n t a i n s 1 2 0 Bed-rooms, S u i t e s of A p a r t m e n t s f o r F a m i l i e s , L a d i e s ' D r a w i n g - r o o m , S p a c i o u s D i n i n g Saloons, &c., &c. T h e Tariff i s b a s e d u p o n a M o d e r a t e Sc a l e . Proprietors:— T H E G R E S H A M H O T E L CO., LIMITED. Official Catalogue Advertisements. Ivii. THE GROSVENOR HOTEL, W E S T L A N D ROW, DUBLIN, ' (Opposite t h e R a i l w a y Station.) First-Class Accommodation at Moderate Charges. SPECIALLY ARRANGED BREAKFASTS A N D R E F R E S H M E N T S for T O U R I S T S a n d Travellers from South of Ireland, c o m m e n c i n g a t 4.30 a.m. T h e H o t e l Servants await arrival of Passengers on Plat form a t W e s t l a n d Row, b o t h Morning a n d Evening, from Holyhead Mail Boats. L u g g a g e looked after, a n d n o con veyance o r e x p e n s e necessary, a s t h e H o t e l is immediately opposite t h e Station. MITCHELL & CO., Proprietors. THE P0RT0BELL0 HOTEL SOUTH RICHMOND STREET, HDTJBXJIIST. T h i s First-Class F a m i l y H o t e l i s situated i n t h e healthiest portion o f the C i t y , w i t h a s o u t h e r n a s p e c t , f a c i n g t h e D u b l i n M o u n t a i n s . The COFFEE-ROOMS, P r i v a t e SITTING a n d BED-ROOMS a r e l a r g e , w e l l v en t i l a t e d , a n d e l e g a n t l y f u r n i s h e d , a n d f o r c h e e r f u l n e s s o f v i e w , c l e a n l i n e s s a n d c o m f o r t , u n s u r p a s s e d . A l s o , BILLIARD, SMOKING, a n d B A T H ROOMS. V i a n d s , W i n e s , S p i r i t s , & c . , a l l o f t h e b e s t . Terms Special Tariff a r r a n g e m e n t s m a d e . Moderate. T r a m Cars p a s s t h e d o o r t o all parts o f t h e City a n d Suburbs every five minutes. CON. DOHERTY, Proprietor. Iviii. Cork Industrial Exhibition I HOTEL# DIRECTORY ° INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, bray, county wicklow. This first-class Hotel is situated near the Railway Station, Sea Beach, and Esplanade, central to all the far-famed Scenery of the County Wicklow. Visitors to this fashionable place will find the International Hotel replete with every comfort, and the Cuisine and Wines of the best quality. All charges are fixed and moderate. Boarding Terms per week may be had on application to the Manager, c . DUFRESNE, Proprietor. IMPERIAL HOTEL, mercial. ENNISKILLEN. Omnibus attends all trains. First-Class Family and Com' GEORGE WILLIS, Proprietor. T H E ROYAL VICTORIA HOTEL, l a k e s o f k i l l a r n e y Magnificently situated on the shores of the Lower Lake, and commanding the mos beautiful views in the Lake District. Patronized by the Royal Families of Europ. and leading American families, and highly recommended for its superior accommo dation and comfort. T H E GLENTWORTH HOTEL, L I M E R I C K . T h e Commercia Room (and Writing Room attached), the Ladies' Coffee Room, and the Gentlemen' Coffee Room, will stand comparison with any of the kind in Ireland. Beautifu Smoking Rooms attached. Sitting-Rooms, Bed Rooms Bath-Rooms (Hot and Cok Water), &c., &c. Omnibus attends the arrival of all Trains and Steamers. Nigh Porter in attendance. P. KENNA, Proprietor, 14,15& 16, Glentworth St. Limerick. T H E R A I L W A Y H O T E L , l a k e s o f k i l l a r n e y , is th. largest and the most centrally situated in the Lake District, for visiting the principa points of interest. T h e Public and Private Rooms are very Spacious, and art elegantly furnished. The charges are fixed and moderate. Every arrangemen made for Excursion Parties. G. J. CAPSEY, Manager. F R E N C H S H O T E L , B A N D O N . This long-established and well known Hotel, near the Railway Terminus, has been recently newly furnished anc done up. It has also been considerably enlarged by the addition of Ten Bed-Room; and T w o Sitting-Rooms. Tourists are respectfully asked to give it a trial. Larg< Posting Establishment attached to the Hotel. L A K E S I D EN E W H O T E L , s o u t h e r n e n d o f w i n d e r M E R E L A K E . Adjoining the Lake Side Station of the Furness and Midlanc Railway, and the Windermere Lake Steamboat Pier. Private Grounds. Lawi Tennis. Conveyances. Pleasure Boats, s C . BROWN, Proprietor. Official Catalogue Advertisements. _ _ 5 5 e lix. J G • W H O T E L , K I N G S B R I D G E (the property W b e found those ™ o s t c o n ™ ™ e n t to Travellers, especially those RETURNING t o or COMING- FROM England. T h e Bars are supplied with a choice selection of Wines, Spirits, Liqueurs, &c. Every attention paid to visitors Also Refreshment Rooms, Kingsbridge and Harcourt Street Stations. — | R T T W I F ? C , — X £ * — , — P r o p r i e t o r . % ofbest B r a n d t & C - S e r V e d w i t h o U t ' S a ra °"«nt's delay. A l l Wines, Liqueur's, &c„' T . LEECH, Proprietor. M o S l ! ^ a T t t ^ H o t e ? ! ^ a S Hotels i n Cork? * 1 5b W I L L y f I " t h e C h ea A ^ m S tC 0 PeSt andM°nen° ° V ^ l e M . D . O BRIEN, Proprietor. M M A . R T I 1ST W I N D O W G L A S S M E R C H A N T , OF LATE D O C K R E L L , M A R T I N & C o ' (Glazier of the Cork Exhibition—" Over 63,000 feet of Glass,") 18, STEPHEN'S GREEN, N0B.TH, DUBLIN. S fPr!vate P A T E O T E R o i i i D E p ? i T f 1 G L A ^ f ^ ™ 3 ' a " d > V i n d ° WRoofs: ° i il 5 t Dwellings. h e ~ - « PLAIN S H E E Tr r f & f N ? • S T A K J E P GLASS, for Doors, &c. n g s a n d Gr n LEADED L I G H T S , P L A I N « h ° u s e s , Milk, Factories, &c. S T A I N E D GLASS, J Suitable for Glazing Windows of Churches and Dwellings. S E E SAMPLES A T STAND, I N E X H I B I T I O N . a®" E S T I M A T E S C Y C Lbest O S Y L E fteapest, andTsimplest Apparatus for O P V IN G IRCULARS, MUSIC, DESIGNS, & C . , From One Original. Will take IRISH (OWN) MANUFACTURE, Of all kinds for all purposes. - ^ T R Y P O G R A P H ° ' HEKTOGRAPH, {PfcAL And other Graphs. ft; p*C\> F R E E . V A U D I P H 0 N E F0RDEAF J . M I L L S^ ,^ ^^ . r/ TO HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT? S. ^Stamp,^Ink & Copying Apparatus Depot. PRINTING X MACHINES, Visiting Cards, C A B R A P A R X D ¥ ; ' D U B L I N > ^ O F F I C E R E Q U I S I T E S O F EVERY DESCRIPTION. w SAMPLES, PRICES, &C.I FREE. I SEE STAND 781 I N EXHIBITION. I AGENTS WANTED^ * &r. Cork Industrial Exhibition lx. Persons using A E R A T E D W A T E R S should try R O S S ' S , otherwise t h e y will n e v e r k n o w t o what perfection Aerated Waters can b e brought.—Can (OSS'S LOYAL MANUFACTORY BELFAST terbury Journal IRELAND of Commerce, 17th June, 1882. W H O L E S A L E BOOT, SHOE, SLIPPER, AND UPPER MANUFACTURERS. Warehouse—22, Factory—1 LOWER BRIDGE STREET; to 7, USHER'S COURT, DUBLIN. PROSPER LORE, SILK & FELT HAT MANUFACTURER, WELLINGTON QUAY, ZDTJBUHST. Prize Medal at Dublin Exhibition, 1 8 8 2 . J O H N R O G E R S , 7 9 , Victoria Street, B E L F A S T MANUFACTURER O F PATENT ASPHALTED ROOFING FELT, SARKING FELT, INODOROUS FELT, HAIR FELT, Improved Fibrous Asphalte or Damp Course Jor preventing damp rising m walls of nouses and other buildings. CIRCULAR GIRDER FELT ROOF, ASPHALTE FLOORING, WIRE NETTING AND WIRE WORK I N EVERY VARIETY. SPECIAL T O I R O N M O N G E R S , D R U G G I S T S & W H O L E S A L E G R O C E R S . ROGER'S Irish Axle Grease can now be had in neat Tin Boxes weighing from I lb. to 6 lb. each, at prices much below any other Grease in the Market. Sample I lb. Boxes will be sent free to any address on application. Official Catalogue A dvertisements. JOHNCONLAND jx;, SONS?" M a n u f a c t u r e r s , Bleachers, D y e r s , F i n i s h e r s , a n d M e r c h a n t s OF SURPLICE, F R O N T I N G a n d S H I R T I N G L I N E N S - L I N E N SHFFTTNT'C PILLOW L I N E N S ; T O W E L S a n d T O W E L L I N G V D I A P E I S G L A S S CFOTH<F c D R,lLS c S S S ' 4 -® S S H A N D K E R C H I E F S W h i t e , P r i n t e d , H eHm s t i t c h e d , a n d E m b r o i d e r e d : a l s o T l „„ „ M a n u f a c t u r e r s a n d I m p o r t e r s of ' TAPESTRY C U R T A I N S , T A B L E COVERS, F U R N I T U R E COVERINGS i n g r e a t X L C I I E ^ S ' E m b r o i d e r e d W I N D O W B L I N D S , &C. S a m p l e s a n d P r f c e L i s t s free b yi S o o d s d e l i v ^ d t e f b y P ^ p ' s t ! J O H N CONlANir & SONS, 7, A L F R E D S T R E E T . B E L F A S T . 7 M A R S D E N ' S P A T E N T B I L L I A R D T A B L E ANFL ADILINPTQ SOLE MANUFACTURERS : M A R S D E N & S A F F L E Y , B E A C O N S T R E E T U . . LIVERPOOL. ' nicious. T h e o l d X r ' S condemned—a N e w Method introduced. B e d s * } ° Ci T ' . ^ Patent Counters applied. S t a n d H., 8 3 8 . a s most perCue-tips cement / \ A <)ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS. IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, SHEETINGS, TOWELLINGS, READY MADE SHEETS a n d PILLOW-SLIPS, Irish Cambric Handkerchiefs, IRISH LACES A T W H O L E S A L E PRICES. JAMES LINDSEY & CO., L „ , MANUFACTURERS,*" BLEACHERS & •WAREHOUSEMEN, 28, DONEGALL PLACE, B E L F A S T , ^ 'Aj i k> , ^-) Ls 3 ft u S U T C H M ; AMERICAN MAIL STEAMERS. THE MAGNIFICENT F U L L - P O W E R E D STEAMSHIPS O F T H E " A N C H O R " L I N E A R E A P P O I N T E D T O SAIL AS U N D E R M E N T I O N E D — LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK, (From QUEENSTOWN Following Day.) Tons. 1883. Tons. 1883. BELGRAVIA - 5°°° Wednesday, July 4. I BELGRAVIA- 5000 Wednesday, Aug. 8. FURNESSIA 5500 Wednesday, July 18. FURNESSIA 5500 Wednesday, Aug. 22. CITY O F ROME 8415 Wednesday, Aug. 1. | CITY O F ROME 8415 Wednesday, Sept. 5W And regularly thereafter. Saloon Fares, 12 to 25 Guineas; Intermediate, £8; Steerage, 4 Guineas. GLASGOW TO NEW YORK, ( F r o m L O N D O N D E R R Y , MOVILLE, FOLLOWING D A Y . ) 1883. Tons. 1883. Thursday, June 21. I E T H I O P I A - 4026 Thursday, July 12. Thursday, June 28. ANCHORIA - 4167 Thursday, July 19. Thursday, July 5. | BOLIVIA - 4020 Thursday, July 26. And regularly thereafter. Saloon Fare, 12, 14 6° 16 Guineas ; Second Cabin, 8 Guineas; Steerage, 4 Guineas. BOLIVIA DEVONIA Tons. - 4026 - 42701 - 427 T h e above-mentioned Magnificent Steamers, built i n Waterproof and Fireproof Compartments, are unsurpassed f o r Strength, S p e e d and Perfection of Passenger arrangements. Return Tickets at Reduced Rates. Special Terms to Tourists and Parties. INDIAN SERVICE, L I V E R P O O L t o CALCUTTA. L I V E R P O O L t o BOMBAY. EVERY TEN DAYS. EVERY FOURTEEN DAYS. T H E VESSELS Employed in these Services have been SPECIALLY B U I L T and E Q U I P P E D I F O R T H E INDIAN PASSENGER T R A D E , and are fitted up with all known improve ments and conveniences. First Class Passengers only taken. SURGEON A H D STEWARDESS CARRIED. SALOON FARE to BOMBAY or CALCUTTA, FORTY-FIVE POUNDS. Apply to H E N D E R S O N BROTHERS, 49> Union Street, Glasgow; 17, Water Street, Liverpool; 7, York Street, Manchester; Strand, Barrow-in-Furness ; 1, Pan mure Street, Dundee ; 30, Foyle Street, Londonderry; 13, Eden Quay, Dublin ; Scott's Square, Queen stown ; 3 Rue Scribe, Paris ; Rue Noailles, Marseilles ; Gibraltar. HENDERSON BROTHERS, 18, LEADENHALL STREET, E . C . ; AND 8 , REGENT STREET, S . W . , LONDON.
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