Monday, March 07, 2016
Monday, March 07, 2016
COUNTY OF DARE PO Box 1000, Manteo, NC 27954 DARE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dare County Administration Building 954 Marshall C. Collins Dr., Manteo, NC Monday, March 07, 2016 “HOW WILL THESE DECISIONS IMPACT OUR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES?” AGENDA 9:00 AM CONVENE, PRAYER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ITEM 1 Employee of the Month ITEM 2 Opening Remarks - Chairman's Update ITEM 3 Public Comments ITEM 4 Report on Jennette's Pier ITEM 5 DCDHHS Public Health Division - Update on the Zika Virus ITEM 6 Classification and Compensation Study ITEM 7 Award of FY2015-2016 Vehicle and Equipment Financing ITEM 8 Resolution Approving an Installment Financing Contract with the Dare County Public Facilities Corporation and Related Matters ITEM 9 Public Hearing – 10:00 a.m. Public Hearing for Series 2016A LOBs ITEM 10 Consent Agenda 1. Approval of Minutes (02.11.16 Retreat & 02.15.16) 2. Government Education Access Channels 2016/2017 Proposed Budget ITEM 11 Board Appointments 1. Health and Human Services Board 2. Upcoming Board Appointments for April, May, June 2016 ITEM 12 Commissioners’ Business & Manager’s/Attorney’s Business ADJOURN UNTIL 9:00A.M. ON APRIL 4, 2016 3 Employee of the Month Description The Employee of the Month certificate will be presented. Board Action Requested None Item Presenter To Be Determined 4 Opening Remarks - Chairman's Update Description Dare County Chairman Robert Woodard will make opening remarks. Board Action Requested Informational Presentation Item Presenter Chairman Robert Woodard 5 Public Comments Description The Dare County Board of Commissioners will provide time on the agenda for Public Comments. Board Action Requested Hear Public Comments Item Presenter Robert Outten, County Manager 6 Report on Jennette's Pier Description A report on the operation of Jennette's Pier will be presented to the Dare County Board of Commissioners. Board Action Requested Informational Presentation Item Presenter Michael P. Remige, Director - Jennette's Pier at Nags Head 7 JENNETTE’S PIER ANNUAL REVIEW ‐ 2015 Mike Remige, Director – March 7, 2016 8 JENNETTE’S PIER ANNUAL REVIEW • Statistics • Operations • Projects & Exhibits • Research & Ocean Observing • Community Events & Activities • Facility Rentals • Education • Conservation • Notable Highlights • Looking Ahead ‐ 2016 9 JENNETTE’S PIER STATISTICS 2015 Pier visitation – 189,538 (1% increase over 2014) Fishing admissions – 32,829 Walk‐on admissions – 125,246 Programs/Camps – 206 Program/Camp participants – 1,962 NC school student field trips – 84 10 JENNETTE’S PIER OPERATIONS – DNCR Department of Natural & Cultural Resources The NC Aquariums, NC Zoo, State Parks and the NC Museum of Natural Sciences have joined Arts, History and NC Libraries in a brand new department. Goals: • House all state‐owned treasures under one roof • Collectively conserve, protect and promote NC’s natural and cultural resources 11 JENNETTE’S PIER OPERATIONS ‐ STAFF Tony Wilcox Facility Maintenance Supervisor 12 JENNETTE’S PIER OPERATIONS ‐ STAFF Jim Mulford Security The Jim Mulford Memorial Red Drum Fishing Tournament 13 JENNETTE’S PIER OPERATIONS ‐ PERFORMANCE Inspire. Appreciate. Conserve. In support of our mission, Jennette’s Pier incorporates conservation principles into daily activities and long‐term initiatives. Our platinum LEED certified facility saves money and resources, has a positive impact on visitors and demonstrates renewable energy technology. 14 JENNETTE’S PIER OPERATIONS ‐ PERFORMANCE 2015 – Wind Power Wind Turbines generated 59,475 kWh Facility lighting consumed 57,873 kWh Wind Turbines have reduced carbon (CO2) emissions by 70,243 lbs. Wind Turbines provide an invaluable educational tool 15 JENNETTE’S PIER OPERATIONS ‐ PERFORMANCE 2015 – Reclaimed Water 324,311 gallons of municipal water used 2,218,300 gallons of reclaimed water used 87% of Jennette’s Pier’s water is reclaimed Benefits of using reclaimed water: • Reduces water bills significantly. • Alleviates overloading septic systems. • Unused reclaimed water is returned directly to the local aquifer. • Encourages a connection between people and their water use by providing a unique educational opportunity for our visitors and guest. 16 JENNETTE’S PIER OPERATIONS ‐ PERFORMANCE Stormwater Retention 17 JENNETTE’S PIER OPERATIONS ‐ PERFORMANCE Solar ‐ Planning for the Future Jennette’s Pier is currently researching new ways to enhance and expand our sustainability efforts by working towards introducing new technologies and expanding educational opportunities. A site assessment conducted in October 2014 concluded that Jennette’s Pier could add a 50kW net‐metered photo‐voltaic solar system on the pier house, pump house and a newly constructed covered walkway for $250,000 more than doubling the capacity to produce renewable energy on‐site. 18 JENNETTE’S PIER PROJECTS 1. Comprehensive Web Site Redesign 2. Digital Security Camera Upgrade 3. Custom Terrace Curtains Installed 19 JENNETTE’S PIER EXHIBITS Life in a Drop of Water Interactive exhibit highlighting plankton that was developed in‐house and in partnership with: • NOAA’s Phytoplankton Monitoring Network • First Flight Phyto‐finders student research team 20 JENNETTE’S PIER EXHIBITS Ocean Observing Data Display in partnership with UNC Coastal Studies Institute Sample Data Sources: • Waverider buoy (9 miles off Oregon Inlet) – offshore wave height, period, direction, sea surface temp • Weatherflow meteorological station (JP) – wind speed and direction, air temp, barometric pressure • Coastal Ocean RADAR (Duck & Buxton) – ocean surface current direction and speed • Acoustic Wave & Current Profiler (JP) – local wave height, period, direction, currents, bottom temp • Digital water thermometers (JP) – sea surface and bottom temp • Regional surf forecast – provided by 21 JENNETTE’S PIER RESEARCH & OCEAN OBSERVING Research Center Upgrades Thanks to the UNC Coastal Studies Institute 1. Installation of a cable trough 2. Installation of two digital water temperature sensors 22 JENNETTE’S PIER COMMUNITY EVENTS & ACTIVITIES We were proud to host… • Soundside (Surfside) Live! • EVP Beach Volleyball Tour • Surf Contests (11) • Run & Bike races (5) • Fishing Tournaments (4) • Surfing for Autism • Blood Drive and Health Forum 23 JENNETTE’S PIER FACILITY RENTALS Total Events – 93 (11,210 guests) • Weddings – 54 (6,637 guests) • Corporate/Business – 14 (1,882 guests) • Government/School – 15 (1,608 guests) • Private – 1 (60 guests) • Service Provider – 1 (111 guests) • Other ‐ 8 (912 guests) 24 JENNETTE’S PIER EDUCATION PROGRAMS Programs & Camps • Fishing – 154 • Science – 16 • Nature Tours – 7 • Day Camps – 37 • Week‐long Summer Camps – 13 25 JENNETTE’S PIER CONSERVATION EFFORTS 26 JENNETTE’S PIER CONSERVATION EFFORTS NC Aquariums’ Conservation Program Mission ‐ Support and foster a culture of stewardship, grounded in science, to better understand and save animals in our care. Vision – 1. Thriving populations of sharks, sea turtles, amphibians exist in the wild. 2. Aquariums maintain and expand animals in their care primarily through breeding programs, animal exchanges, and minimal well‐ managed wild collection. Call for research/conservation proposals – May 1 ‐ June 1, 2015 Received 15 proposals – Conservation Advisory Committee reviewed all proposals based on alignment to committee goals, AZA goals, and NC Aquariums’ mission Awarded funding to 8 proposals – July 1, 2015 27 JENNETTE’S PIER CONSERVATION EFFORTS NC Aquariums’ Conservation Program Funded Projects: $166,722.00 1. Investigation of Vitamins and Trace Minerals in Bonnethead Sharks and their Relation to ‘Failure to Thrive Syndrome’ – Dr. Emily Christiansen (NC Aquariums) 2. Investigation of the Metabolome Following Different Capture Techniques of the Bonnethead Shark – Dr. Michael Stoskopf (NCSU Veterinary School) 3. Seasonal Residency Patterns, Landscape‐scale Habitat Use, and Movement Ecology of Bonnethead Sharks in NC Estuaries – Dr. Joel Fodrie (UNC‐CH Institute of Marine Sciences) 4. Genetic Diversity, Population Structure and Movements of the Bonnethead Shark in North Carolina Waters – Emily Peele (NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher) 5. Trial Treatment Investigation for Gyrodactylid spp Found on Locally Collected Pipefish – Christian Legner and Saiward Turnbaugh (NC Aquarium on Roanoke Island) 6. Ketoprofen pharmacokinetics in loggerhead sea turtles – Dr. Craig Harms (NCSU Veterinary School) 7. ATV Sea Turtle Monitoring – Karen Gregory (Network for Endangered Sea Turtles) 8. Fish Propagation Programs at the North Carolina Aquariums – David Cerino (Carteret Community College) 28 JENNETTE’S PIER CONSERVATION EFFORTS Responsible Pier Initiative Jennette’s Pier is the first pier in NC to join this first‐of‐its‐kind program designed by the Loggerhead Marinelife Center to provide first‐responders on fishing piers with the necessary resources to respond effectively to sea turtle injuries and strandings on or around fishing piers. 29 JENNETTE’S PIER CONSERVATION ACTIONS Pollution Prevention • • Proper trash, recycling and cigarette receptacles Mono‐filament recycling on the pier and in the pier house Educational Signage 30 JENNETTE’S PIER CONSERVATION ACTIONS Underwater Clean‐up 31 JENNETTE’S PIER NOTABLE HIGHLIGHTS UNC‐TV’s premier outdoor series, the Carolina Outdoor Journal, filmed an episode at Jennette’s Pier on May 14, 2015 32 JENNETTE’S PIER NOTABLE HIGHLIGHTS Uncommon Catches Striped Cusk Eel Gag Grouper Angel Shark Smooth Puffer Octopus Ladyfish 33 Ribbonfish JENNETTE’S PIER NOTABLE HIGHLIGHTS Staff Awards Award of Excellence – Tony Chirico Sea Star Award – Ken Partlow & Rick Probst 34 JENNETTE’S PIER ‐ 2016 New Aquarium – LIFE ON THE LEDGE 35 JENNETTE’S PIER ‐ 2016 Proposed Changes – FEES Topic 2015 2016 1. Pin‐rig fishing fee (basic) $3/day $8/day Choice of: 2. Pin‐rig fishing fee (annual pass holders) $0/day 1. $8/day 2. $125/season (May 15 – Sept. 30) 36 JENNETTE’S PIER ‐ 2016 Underwater Clean‐up – OLD PILING REMOVAL 37 The Aquariums & Pier will be up for their accreditation inspection next year. Accreditation is good for 5 years. There are 218 accredited institutions world‐wide. Application covers the following areas: General Information Animal Care, Welfare & Management Veterinary Care Conservation Education & Interpretation Research Governing Authority Staff Support Organization Finance Physical Facilities Safety & Security Guest Services Other Programs Miscellaneous 38 JENNETTE’S PIER ‐ 2016 Fishing, Family, Fun 39 DCDHHS Public Health Division Update on the Zika Virus Description Sheila Davies, director of the Public Health Division will provide the Board with information regarding the Zika Virus. Board Action Requested No Action Item Presenter Sheila F. Davies, PhD 40 Classification and Compensation Study Description To review and discuss the proposals received regarding the Dare County Classification and Compensation Study Board Action Requested To approve one of the received Classification and Compensation Study proposals. Item Presenter Robert Outten, County Manager Elizabeth Reilly, HR Director 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 A Proposal to Conduct a CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY for the DARECOUNTY,NORTHCAROLINA March 1, 2016 Primary contact for this proposal: Chip King, Regional Director 115 Lanella Parkway Conyers, Georgia (770) 860-0192; Fax: (803) 366-1082 55 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY TABLEOFCONTENTS A.EXECUTIVESUMMARY B.PROJECTPLAN PROJECT&RELATIONSHIPMANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY PROJECTTASKS PROJECTSCHEDULE C.FIRMBACKGROUND&QUALIFICATIONS ABOUTOURCOMPANY ABOUTOURPROFESSIONALS ABOUTOURSYSTEMS CLASSIFICATION&COMPENSATIONEXPERIENCE PROJECTTEAM D.CLIENTREFERENCES E.PROJECTFEES © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 1 56 PAGE3 PAGE7 PAGE8 PAGE9 PAGE14 PAGE17 PAGE19 PAGE20 PAGE20 PAGE21 PAGE21 PAGE23 PAGE28 PAGE32 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY Section A Proposal Summary © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 2 57 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY SECTIONA.EXEUCITVESUMMARY STATEMENTOFUNDERSTANDING: Dare County, North Carolina (the County), desires to hire a qualified personnel management consultant to conduct a classification and compensation study. The study will include approximately 870 full time and part time employees assigned to approximately 280 classifications. The County currently has two salary schedules consisting of forty-five pay grades. The County has conducted several focused classification and compensation studies since 2000. The County wishes to conduct a comprehensive classification and compensation study in order to recruit and retain talented employees and to provide quality services to Dare County. The study should be done in accordance with generally accepted compensation methods and applicable federal and state laws, utilizing accepted practices in the management and design of compensation systems. The County desires the consultant to develop a sound classification and an equitable pay system and provide tools to help the County sustain the system over time. It is important to both Human Resources and County Management that any system developed during this process must be perceived as fair and balanced by the employees represented in the plan. A well designed pay plan will achieve a careful balance between internal equity (fairness) and external equity (competitiveness). GOALS&OBJECTIVES: The overall goals of the study are: (1) revise the existing classification and compensation system to ensure that the County’s pay plan reflects the compensation philosophy; (2) recommend changes to improve or update the compensation system based on job evaluation and market analysis; and (3) assist the County with implementation and communication of the results. As part of this process, the Archer Company will work with the County, the Project Team to design a classification and pay structure (number of classifications, number of pay grades, width of salary ranges, etc.) to ensure that they support the County’s objectives and compensation philosophy. The County has specifically identified the following objectives for the pay plan: x Attract and retain qualified workers who will be paid equitable salaries x Provide fair salaries for all workers of the County x Provide the County with a salary structure that enables the County to maintain a competitive position with other counties and companies within the same geographic area. PROPOSALOVERVIEW We are pleased to submit this proposal to conduct a Classification and Compensation Study for the County. The project steps will include job analysis, classification and evaluation; job documentation, market analysis; the development of a recommended pay plan (new or revised) and reports detailing our findings and recommendations. The study will include recommendations for implementing the proposed recommendations and ongoing communication with County management and Human Resources staff. © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 3 58 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY In keeping with this understanding, the Archer Company will conduct the tasks outlined below. All tasks will be performed in coordination and cooperation with management, with significant input and participation from the County’s management team and employees as appropriate. The Archer Company will: (1) Conduct a thorough analysis of the County’s positions in order to identify and redefine job classifications as necessary to reflect current operations and work assignments within the County (this may include the consolidation of existing job titles as appropriate); (2) Implement a new job evaluation system in order to provide the County with tools to sustain sound classification system and an equitable pay system; (3) Evaluate all classifications using our innovative point factor job evaluation matrix in order to establish a job worth hierarchy that ranks classifications properly ranked internally (re-establish internal equity); (4) Develop class descriptions for the revised classification structure; (5) Conduct a salary survey and analysis to assess the competitiveness of the County’s salaries in the market and to align the new pay plan with the competitive market; (6) Develop a pay plan that will accommodate our findings and balance internal equity with market considerations; (7) Develop a plan for implementing the results of the study, to include cost analysis and projections for implementation costs; (8) Prepare reports detailing our findings; and (9) Train Human Resources staff in the use of the systems and methodology needed to maintain the pay plan internally. This project will be organized as a strategic partnership between the Archer Company and the County’s Management and Human Resources staff. The Archer Company expects to work closely with management, the Compensation Task Force and employee group in order to ensure the success and long-term viability of the pay plan and to facilitate the implementation of our recommendations. We will draw from our extensive experience working with local governments in order to provide management with an objective, unbiased assessment of the County’s competitiveness in the market. The Archer Company understands that this project is of significant importance to the County. All recommendations made during the study must be supported by objective analysis (data driven rationale) and valid methodologies in order to promote the credibility of the findings to both management and employees. While the Archer System will utilize a system and methodology proven to provide reliable and objective findings to develop recommendations, our methods and report formats may be customized to meet the County’s specific needs. We also understand that communication, perception and buy-in will play a key role in whether the plan will meet with success in this project. We recognize that any recommendations developed during this process must be perceived as fair and balanced by the employees represented in the plan. STUDYREQUIREMENTS The consultant will analyze the County’s pay plan and update or design a system to achieve the goals and objectives outlined. The following list outlines specific requirements. © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 4 59 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY The County has identified the following steps to be undertaken during this study: 1. Review the County's existing compensation classification system 2. Gather necessary information through the use of questionnaires, job audits, personal interviews or other accepted methods. 3. Work with the County's management staff to identify a market position for the County. 4. Develop a comprehensive labor market salary survey for an appropriate region that includes other Counties, governments and private industry. 5. Analyze existing internal hierarchy based on job relationships, identify problem areas within the internal hierarch system, and propose implementation methods to correct identified problems. 6. Prepare class descriptions. 7. Develop a pay plan identifying specific parameters (i.e., percent spreads between ranges and within ranges). 8. Review and assign all positions to an appropriate pay grade. 9. Recommend implementation strategies including calculating the cost of implementing the study. 10. Provide staff training to maintain and revise system as needed. 11. Provide system documentation and computer formats as approved by the County. 12. Prepare cost analysis for positions that fall below the proposed minimum salaries following reclassification. 13. Develop a comprehensive classification/compensation plan for County employees based upon an objective analysis and evaluation of job content. Such compensation plan must provide internal equity and yet be competitive in the marketplace in attracting and retaining qualified employees. © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 5 60 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY Section B Project Plan © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 6 61 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY SECTIONB.PROJECTPLAN A.PROJECT&RELATIONSHIPMANAGEMENT Relationship Management: While the Archer Company utilizes a team approach in our work, every client is assigned a senior manager who will manage the project and serve as the primary project liaison to the client. The project manager is expected to devote a significant amount of time to the project and will be hands-on in the development of all recommendations. The workload of all of our consultants is balanced to ensure that they give their full attention to each task at hand and complete deliverables in a timely manner. The team approach ensures that all work receives the scrutiny of a second and usually third set of eyes—even the work of our most experienced consultants is subject to review by the team to ensure the highest quality of service. Back-up Procedures: The Archer Company is committed to exceptional customer service, which means that our clients should have open communication with and reasonable access to their assigned project manager. Our principals use the latest technology to maintain contact with our clients while in or out of the office—this allows us to communicate and respond to inquiries via cell phone, email, or text messages when traveling. Phones from the local offices will be forwarded to the corporate office as a backup measure. Should the project manager be out of contact for an extended period of time, members of the project team will be available to answer questions and address issues as needed. In extreme cases, a temporary or replacement manager will be assigned subject to the client’s approval. If at any time the client is unsatisfied with the level of service they receive, they may contact the President of the company directly for resolution of the problem. Client Communication and Coordination: The Archer Company is committed to active communication and coordination with the County’s project team and County management. It is expected that regular communication between management and the Archer Company will help to keep the project on track and ensure a successful outcome. x Involvement from the County’s Human Resources staff and project team: We have developed a turn-key approach that will limit the burden on County staff. The Archer Company expects to conduct all analyses independently, soliciting input and feedback from Human Resources on design and structure at critical points in the development of the pay plan. We will ask Human Resources to assist with scheduling and coordination of meetings and to approve all formats, pay plan elements, recommendations, and draft reports. In this way, we can use the County’s time wisely and maximize the utilization of County resources. x Project Meetings: The Archer Company will meet with the Project Team as appropriate during strategic points of the study in order to seek their input and facilitate their review of key components and deliverables of the study. County Management will be asked to participate in the decision-making and review process; we also understand that the County may review the project status and progress as needed. x Progress Reports: The Archer Company will submit periodic progress reports to management throughout the study to apprise management of any issues that arise during the course of the study. © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 7 62 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY Reports will detail specific accomplishments during the reporting period; account for the completion of tasks pursuant to the provisions of the contract; and provide projected completion dates for remaining project tasks. The progress reports will refer back to the project plan and timeline as agreed to in the initial project planning. C.METHODOLOGY/APPROACH Based on our understanding of the County’s compensation needs, the Archer Company is pleased to offer the following project plan to accomplish these objectives. The methodology utilized by the Archer Company is consistent with the methodology employed successfully in all of our engagements of this nature nationally, and is supported by our proprietary job evaluation system. This project is conceived as a multi-task effort— while it is necessary to conduct the phases in the general order presented, there may be overlap in the time frame for each task. As requested, we have also prepared a proposed timeline to accomplish the objectives. All project tasks and deliverables will be scheduled so as to allow for timely completion. PROJECTTASKS The following is intended to be an outline of the project plan and progression of the proposed work; a more detailed discussion of our methodologies is presented immediately after the scope of work. Orientation Meetings The Archer Company will conduct an orientation meeting with County management and the Project Team to discuss any areas of concern related to the County’s current and future classification system and pay plan and their expectations for the study. At that time we will also outline and explain our philosophies associated with conducting the proposed classification and compensation study to assure a common understanding regarding the basis for the study’s recommendations. The Archer Company will ask the County to compile the following information: x x x x x x Employee database containing pertinent information (identified by the Archer Company); Copy of your current pay plans showing job titles, grades, and salary ranges (if available); Current job descriptions; Organizational charts for all departments included in the study; List of department directors and key managers with phone numbers and email addresses; and Copy of the current budget document. CLASSIFICATION PLAN AND PAY PLAN DEVELOPMENT Job Analysis The Archer Company will establish internal equity for all job classifications first by conducting job analyses and by reviewing current job classifications. We will analyze each job in the study to obtain a thorough understanding of the scope of responsibility and the major job functions. Our job analysis process is a three-pronged approach that begins with the administration of the Comprehensive Position © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 8 63 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY Questionnaire (CPQ). The CPQ has proven very effective as a tool to gather in-depth data about each job without placing too high an administrative burden on the employees. x To further our understanding of each job, the Archer Company will conduct department director interviews and selected individual interviews. The interviews may be combined with onsite observations. This proposal includes six days of interviews. x The Archer Company will review the County’s existing organization structure, job documentation, and administrative procedures related to job classification and compensation. x Based on the CPQ’s and the employee interviews input we will develop a set of recommendations regarding changes to the County’s classification structure by applying our Job Evaluation Methodology to meet the County’s philosophy of broader classifications. Job Evaluation The County’s classifications will be carefully reviewed and analyzed against the information captured in the job analyses phase. The Archer Company will make recommendations to add, delete, consolidate or revise classifications as appropriate to ensure that they reflect current operations, new classification expectations and position assignments throughout the County. We will use the Archer Matrix-Point-Factor Job Evaluation System to determine the relative worth of each job within the study (internal equity) to establish and to maintain a valid and reliable, long-term pay plan. Job evaluations based on the job-related criteria yield a quantitative score for each job. Internal equity is established by grouping jobs of similar complexity and importance (i.e., jobs with similar quantitative scores) into the same pay grade. We will revise the “size” of the pay grades will be tailored to the specific needs of the County. The Archer Matrix-Point-Factor Job Evaluation System covers the following areas: Job Function Requirements Aptitude Requirements x Data Utilization x Language Requirements x Human Interaction x Mathematical Requirements x Equipment, Tools and Materials Utilization x Functional Reasoning Requirements x Situational Reasoning Requirements x Manual Dexterity Requirements Responsibility Requirements © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 9 64 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY x Managerial Span of Control x Physical Requirements x Time Span of Decisions and Planning x Sensory Requirements x Budgetary /Fiscal Accountability x Experience Related Requirements x Educationally Related Requirements x Environmental Adaptability Requirements The County will be asked to review a preliminary list of job evaluation rankings to provide our team with input regarding the face validity of the outcomes. We will respond to management input regarding the job evaluation results. The job evaluation process includes analysis of FLSA recommendations. Salary Survey The Archer Company will collect and compile salary data for the County and analyze the results in order to assess the impact of the County’s competitive market on the pay plan. To the extent possible, we will also solicit information regarding general compensation plan administration practices to aide our analysis. The Archer Company will ask the County to approve the list of benchmarks and targeted survey participants prior to survey development. Data collected in the surveys will be supplemented by data from published sources. The data collected will be compiled and submitted to The County in a comprehensive, easy to read report. 1. Planning: The following tasks are expected to take place as part of the kick-off process: x The Archer Company will work with the Project Team to define the competitive market. This will include recommendations for the list of targeted survey participants that make up the geographical area studied. The final list of organizations to be surveyed will be submitted to the County for input and approval. Jurisdictions with the following characteristics are typically surveyed: (1) organizations with which the County competes for employees; (2) organizations which are recognized as important, or influential, in the local market place; (3) organizations which are within proximity to the County’s competitive market (i.e. the same geographic region); and/or (4) organizations with similar population, demographics, scope of services and other quantitative filtering criteria. x The Archer Company will work with the Project Team to identify the list of benchmark jobs that will be included in the salary survey. The final list of benchmark jobs will be submitted to the County for input and approval. Benchmark jobs are generally selected to represent the continuum of the County’s classifications, focusing on: (1) positions which are widely recognized as possessing similar job content in most organizations; (2) positions for which the County may have had difficulty recruiting and retaining a qualified work force; (3) positions which represent a substantial number of employees as well as the various job families; and/or © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 10 65 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY (4) positions which represent the full array spectrum of salary grades and ranges in the pay plan. 2. Survey Construction: The Archer Company will construct a customized survey designed to collect the data requested by the County. The Archer Company utilizes a specific format for salary and benefits surveys that has proven to optimize the collection of the data while minimizing the burden to participating organizations; however this format can be customized to meet the specific needs and objectives of the County. Our surveys typically include sections regarding base and supplemental pay, pay practices, and any supplemental questions the Archer Company or the client feels would add to the value of the survey. x Our standard salary survey solicits information regarding the pay ranges, average actual salaries, number of employees covered, an indicator of the degree-of-match, and the respondents’ title for each benchmark; we also ask for general information about the structure of the pay plan and practices (colas, merit pay, adjustments, etc.). x In all of our engagements, the Archer Company prefers to utilize customized salary surveys to help ensure validity, rather than relying on a database clearing house to compile the information. However, we use data collected from credible published sources where necessary and appropriate to supplement survey responses. x A draft of the survey document will be submitted to the County for review, and appropriate revisions will be made before the survey is initiated. x The survey will be developed as an electronic form to facilitate completion by the targeted organizations; participants can complete the form electronically or in hard copy. 3. Conducting the Survey: The Archer Company will conduct a customized salary survey for the County and analyze the results in order to determine the competitive job market for the County. x The Archer Company will identify and compile the contact information for the targeted organizations. Each organization will be contacted by phone to invite their participation in the survey. x The Archer Company will distribute the electronic survey tool to all participants; paper versions will be made available to participants if requested. x The Archer Company will contact each participant after the surveys have been distributed and provide any follow-up assistance participants may need to complete the survey. x The Archer Company will make every reasonable effort to solicit and encourage the participation of the targeted agencies; however, we may ask County personnel to follow-up on any personal contacts that may help obtain participation. 4. Survey / Market Analysis: Salary data gathered is carefully analyzed to ensure a high level of validity in our findings. The Archer Company will carefully analyze the results in order to assess the County’s position relative to the competitive job market within which it competes. © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 11 66 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY x All data collected will be compiled, tabulated, and edited as appropriate, to facilitate the comparative analysis and to ensure the accuracy and consistency of match with the County’s benchmark jobs. x The Archer Company will contact participants directly to clarify their responses and to solicit additional information as necessary to ensure that appropriate comparisons were made. Significant differences between the job functions for similarly titled positions will be identified and factored into our analysis. x The survey analysis will account for cost of living differentials, the size and scope of participating organizations, and differences in job responsibilities as appropriate. 5. Design & Development of the Pay Plan: The Archer Company will incorporate our findings from the review of internal equity with the data collected in the market analysis in order to provide recommendations for the County’s pay plan. x The Archer Company utilizes mathematical regression analysis to integrate the relative worth of classifications (job evaluation points) with the competitive worth of each classification in the competitive labor market (market rates). x The regression analysis produces a pay schedule (a list of pay grades and their respective salary ranges) that can be structured and customized to reflect the organization’s compensation philosophy. Thus, the new or revised pay plan will be designed to meet both internal equity and competitive needs. The recommended pay plan will reflect the cooperative result of organizational discretion paired with the professional guidance and facilitation of the consultant. x Job analysis and evaluation is used to establish the appropriate internal relationship between benchmark classifications and the remaining classifications in order to tie non-benchmark classifications to the plan. x The universal design of our system provides for optimal equity across departments and job families. 6. Implementation and Administration: The Archer Company will work with the Project Team Compensation Task Force to recommend strategies for implementing the updated pay plan (i.e. transitioning employees to the new pay plan), to include calculation of costs associated with the update if appropriate. x The Archer Company will assist the County in the calculation of implementation costs for the recommended pay plan (i.e. placing employees into their new salary ranges based on their proposed classification and pay grade) if appropriate. Implementation costs can be calculated using standard methodologies or customized to meet specific needs of the County and can be calculated to spread the costs over multiple years if necessary. Emphasis is placed on resolving © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 12 67 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY existing pay issues in the most fair and equitable manner, taking into consideration financial constraints and the County’s compensation philosophy. x Variables considered when calculating costs are open for discussion and buy-in; however they are expected to include longevity, employee movement through the ranges, and a measure of employee performance. Final Report and Implementation The Archer Company will provide a final narrative report containing the study methodology, data used, findings and recommendations based on the feedback from the County. We will train the Human Resources staff on the new classification and compensation plan so that the pay plan can be maintained internally. PROJECT TASKS Following are specific tasks necessary to complete the classification and compensation study. TASK 1: Conduct Orientation Meetings 1.1 We will meet with the Project Team as the key contacts for the study to discuss expectations with respect to the development and implementation of the study and explain the CPQ. Project time frames will be finalized. 1.2 We will develop employee communication materials to outline the project and assist with completing the CPQ’s. TASK 2: Employees Complete the Comprehensive Position Questionnaires 2.1 Selected employees will complete and return completed Comprehensive Position Questionnaires (CPQs) for each job title to their immediate supervisors for review and approval. 2.2 Supervisors will review and forward the completed questionnaires to the appropriate department head. 2.3 Department directors will review and return the completed questionnaires to the Human Resources who will review them for completeness and send them to the Archer Company. TASK 3: Conduct Job Analysis © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 13 68 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY 3.1 The Archer Company will carefully review each completed CPQ and any employee comments. 3.2 We will interview department directors and employees to discuss classification and compensation issues. We anticipate conducting six consulting days of employee interviews and observations. 3.3 We will develop recommendations for changes to the County’s classification structure and specifications that we think are appropriate to accurately describe the work being performed. TASK 4: Conduct Job Evaluation 4.1 The Archer Company will evaluate the data provided in the CPQs and obtained from the employee interviews using the Archer Matrix-Point-Factor Job Evaluation System. 4.2 We will submit an initial job evaluation listing to the County for review. 4.3 We will respond to any concerns of the County regarding the job evaluation results. 4.4 We will develop class descriptions that will include a classification function, essential functions, minimum qualifications, FLSA recommendation and knowledge, skills and abilities. TASK 5: Conduct Salary Survey 5.1 The Archer Company and the County will define the target labor market and benchmark jobs for the pay and benefits survey. 5.2 We will develop a salary survey instrument. The survey will request information about, organization size, compensation practices, pay ranges and pay structure. We will submit the survey instrument to the County for review. 5.3 We will identify and compile the contact information for the targeted organizations and distribute the electronic survey instrument to participating organizations. We will determine with the County which, if any, published surveys should be considered. 5.4 We will analyze the pay survey data to calculate the mean market rates paid for the benchmark jobs along with other compensation practices. 5.5 We will submit the analysis of the salary survey data to the County for review and comment. TASK 6: Develop the Pay Plan © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 14 69 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY 6.1 We will integrate internal equity (job evaluation data) and external competitiveness (mean labor market rates) for the benchmark jobs via linear regression analysis to determine pay range midpoints once the “size” of the pay grades is determined. We will also make recommendations based on pure market competitiveness. 6.2 We will work with the County to develop the number of pay grades and the pay range structure. 6.3 We will assign the appropriate pay grade and pay range to each classification. TASK 7: Recommend Implementation Plan and Pay Plan Policies 7.1 The Archer Company will work with the County to develop the most appropriate strategy for implementing the recommended pay plan. 7.2 The Archer Company will provide a pay plan implementation costing scenario. TASK 8: Present Draft Report and Recommendations 8.1 We will submit a recommended pay plan draft report to the County. The draft report will include the new pay table, alphabetical listing of jobs, grade order listing of jobs, and an installation schedule with implementation costs by department and employee. 8.2 The County will review and comment on the draft report. TASK 9: 9.1 TASK 10: Present Final Report and Recommendations We will present our final report and recommendations and all other supporting data to the County. Provide Training 10.1 We will install the updated classification plan with the County’s Human Resource Department. We will provide two days of onsite training. 10.2 We will provide one year of pay plan maintenance at no cost to the County. D.PROPOSEDPROJECTSCHEDULE The project timeline will be finalized during the initial meetings with management, and individual tasks will be scheduled as appropriate to complete the study within the agreed upon timeframe. The Archer Company can typically begin work within two weeks of notification that we have been awarded a contract. © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 15 70 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY The Archer Company has designed the following projected timeline for the project. Factors that generally impact completion time frames include the time organizations take to return requested information and the time the County requires to review our pay plan recommendations. Work progress for each major task will be reviewed with the County’s project team at appropriate intervals in order to allow for review, feedback, and validation of our findings. The projected time frame for the completion of the study is described below based on weekly increments: Project Task Task # Month / Week 1.0 Planning & Kickoff Week 1 Planning Meetings* Employees complete questionnaires Weeks 1-3 County reviews questionnaires and submits them to Archer Week 4-6 2.0 Complete Job Analysis Review questionnaires and conduct job analysis Weeks 6-8 Conduct employee interviews* Weeks 9 Integrate Interview data with Analysis Week 10 2.0 Evaluate classifications Establish job worth hierarchy Weeks 11-12 Confirm pay grade structure with County Week 12 Submit internal equity to the County* Week 12 County reviews & responds to internal equity Week 12 Archer Company revises internal equity Week 13 Develop class descriptions Weeks 14-18 3.0 Market Analysis Identify & approve benchmark positions Week 3 Define & approve targeted labor market Week 3-4 Construct customized salary survey* Weeks 5 Conduct salary survey Weeks 6-9 Analyze salary data Weeks 10-12 Week 12 Submit initial market data & analysis* © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 16 71 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY Project Task Task # Month / Week Week 13 County reviews & responds to salary survey data 4.0 Develop the Pay Plan Design pay plan structure Weeks 14 Integrate internal & external equity (regression analysis) Weeks 14 Submit draft pay plan to the County* Week 16 Determine pay plan implementation scenarios 5.0 Weeks 17 Submit draft reports to the County 6.0 Week 18 7.0 Week 20 County reviews draft reports Submit final reports (12 copies) Archer presents findings to Commissioners Week 20 9.0 Training for Human Resources © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 17 72 (TBD) DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY Section C Firm Background & Qualifications © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 18 73 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY SECTIONC.FIRMBACKGROUND&QUALIFICATIONS About Our Company: The Archer Company, LLC is the flagship of a long established consulting practice that began on the east coast, over thirty years ago and became nationwide through the marketing and distribution efforts of Archer Consulting, Inc., David M. Griffith and Associates (DMG), Ltd. and MAXIMUS, Inc. The Archer Company was established in 1978 for the sole purpose of providing Federal, State and Local Governments with award-winning, valid and reliable human resource management systems. For thirteen years, the human resource management systems created and copyrighted by the Archer Company were marketed by the Human Resources Management Practice of MAXIMUS, Inc. In July 2004, these practices were once again consolidated under the Archer Company. The Archer Company has been a profitable company in all the years of its existence, which is a testament to the high quality of services we provide and repeat client loyalty. Today, the Archer Company is a leading human resources consulting firm specializing in the development and implementation of compensation and classification systems for local government and public sector organizations. We have extensive experience and expertise in the areas of job analysis and evaluation, development of classification structures, salary and benefits surveys, market analysis, and job documentation. The Archer Company also specializes in performance management, pay-for-performance programs, skillsbased / competency-based pay, career ladders, personnel policies and procedures, and other elements of total compensation. Finally, the Archer Company has considerable experience in management studies, organizational reviews, analysis of operations and staffing, process improvement, training and development, and employee surveys and communication. We are proud of our successes, which have led to a long list of satisfied clients. The Archer Company is a limited liability company wholly owned (100%) by its principals. With headquarters in Rock Hill, South Carolina (a suburb of Charlotte, NC), we staff offices in Atlanta (Georgia), Chicago (Illinois), and Columbus (Ohio), with additional staff in California, Colorado, and Virginia. The County’s study will be managed from our Columbus office. About Our Professionals: It takes experience to maintain the high level of service and to provide the results offered by the Archer Company. We bring to bear industry best practices in organization design, provided by client service professionals who have actually worked as local government managers and who, as a result of their experience, understand the practical implications of organizational change. We understand the public sector environment, its issues and concerns, the requirements of government leaders, and how to develop an equitable, defensible classification and compensation plan. Our professionals have the ability to communicate and interact with employees at all levels of the organization, including Elected Officials, management, professionals, technicians, laborers, and public safety personnel. Team members have extensive knowledge and understanding of the various areas of local government. Thus, we are uniquely qualified and staffed to complete all of the tasks associated with a public sector engagement. This means only minimal time and involvement is required from our government clients. © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 19 74 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY About Our Systems: The Archer Company utilizes a number of proprietary products in its classification and compensation work. They include the Archer Comprehensive Position Questionnaire, the Archer MatrixPoint-Factor Job Evaluation System, the Archer Multi-Dimensional Performance Appraisal System, and the Archer Quality of Work Life Survey. These products are the result of 27 years of research; and all have won an outstanding practitioner award given by the American Society for Personnel Administration (now the Society for Human Resource Management). They were developed and copyrighted by Ernest R. Archer, Ph.D., the President of the Archer Company. Even though they are based upon the complex mathematical relationships required for valid and defendable systems, all of our systems are easily administered and maintained. Because these systems also facilitate change, clients who adopted our systems years ago have been able to maintain sound, reliable human resource programs through their organizations' growth and the many recent changes in computerization capabilities and government service obligations. Classification & Compensation Experience: Since our inception, the Archer Company has developed classification and compensation studies for more than one thousand union and non-union cities, counties, utilities, airports, school districts, housing authorities, colleges, other public agencies, and private organizations throughout the United States. Our clients range in size from five to over 15,000 employees. Our clients utilize our expertise to review and audit their systems, design and development classification and compensation systems (pay plans, performance management, etc.), and/or obtain guidance when navigating unique compensation issues. These clients have contracted for the Archer Company to address innovative, yet practical, compensation methodologies and to develop systems and policies that overcome the problems, or limitations, of traditional compensation systems. Areas of Expertise x x x x Compensation and Classification Systems: total compensation analysis; pay equity and comparable worth; Point-Factor Evaluation Systems; career ladders; and pay plan design Performance Management Systems: performance appraisal systems; performance-based salary administration; Skills-based Pay; alternative rewards programs; individual & group recognition programs; and management/executive compensation. Policies and Procedures: personnel ordinances and policy manuals; recruiting and hiring guidelines; disciplinary procedures; and employee handbooks. Management Studies: Operational reviews; staffing analysis; employee satisfaction surveys. Our clients have utilized our expertise in local government and public sector management to help them analyze operations and organizational structures, assess efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery, and determine appropriate staffing levels; these engagements have resulted in enhanced services and improved operations for our public sector clients. Approximately 98% of our clients are local governments and public sector organizations. © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 20 75 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY Services Provided: The following is a list of all of the services provided by the Archer Company and the approximate percentage revenue during the last three years: x x x x x Selected Areas of Expertise ¾ Compensation and Classification Systems Market Analysis (Salaries and Benefits) Pay Equity and Comparable Worth Point-Factor Evaluation Systems Salary and Pay Practices Career Ladders and Lattices Management/Executive Compensation Class & Compensation Studies (75%) On-going Pay Plan Maintenance (15%) Performance Appraisal Systems (6%) Management / Staffing Studies (2%) Quality of Work Life Studies & Other (2%) Conclusion: The Archer Company presents a unique combination of experience and expertise unmatched by our competitors. We have worked with a wide variety of public sector organizations in both union and non-union environments in the development of classification and compensation systems. Our clients appreciate our commitment to thoroughness, objectivity and accuracy. We stay with the project and assist with the implementation of the study recommendations by providing the necessary presentations and training to accomplish total understanding and support. We are ideally suited to work and communicate with the individuals or groups that might be affected by our recommendations, to ensure their understanding of the opportunities presented, and to gain their support. Although all systems are designed with the primary focus of equity, competitiveness and ease of administration, each system is developed and tailored to incorporate the specific needs, concerns and philosophies of the client organization. ¾ Performance Management Systems Performance Appraisal Systems Performance-Based Salary Administration Alternative Rewards Programs Skills / Competency Based Pay Self-Managed Teams ¾ Policies and Procedures Personnel Ordinances and Policy Manuals Disciplinary Procedures Employee Handbooks ¾ Management Studies & Staffing PROJECTTEAM The majority of the work on this project will be performed by our staff in Atlanta and Columbus, with support from personnel in Chicago. We always utilize a team approach in our work to ensure overall consistency for our clients, and we have assembled a team of experienced professionals that we believe will best provide the professional analysis and support needed for this project. Brief biographies of our key project consultants are provided below (Analysts will be assigned to support these consultants in accordance with need and availability). © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 21 76 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY Project Manager: Mr. King serves as our Regional Director for the Southeast and will serve as the Project Manager. Contact information for Mr. King is as follows: Chip King, Regional Director, Archer Company (Atlanta) 115 Lanella Parkway, Conyers Georgia 30013 770-860-8614; Proposed Project Staffing Earnest Archer, President Quality Control & Project Oversight: Dr. Archer will have ultimate responsibility for the project and quality assurance to our clients; Dr. Archer will provide technical guidance and oversight to all staff. Chip King, Regional Director Project Manager & Client Liaison: Mr. King will serve as the Project Manager and coordinate workflow and project deliverables; the project manager oversees the construction of the pay plan recommendations (job analysis, classification, and evaluation and market analysis) and the work of the project team. Jim Battigaglia Regional Director Mr. Battigaglia will be active in the project and play a significant role in the technical components of the work; Mr. Battigaglia will directly with Mr. King to assist with the development of recommendations. Mr. Battigaglia will serve as a backup to project management and assist with the oversight of project professionals as needed; as part of our quality control and internal review process, Mr. Battigaglia will review recommendations for this project with the project manager. Jim Hughes, Senior Consultant Amy Lee, Analyst Laurie Sherrin, Analyst Project Team: Team members will be assigned to the project as needed based on skill-set and availability; consultants and analysts play significant roles in the technical components of the work, including market analysis, job analysis and evaluation, employee interviews, documentation; and operational support. KEYPERSONNEL Earnest Archer, Ph.D., P.E., S.P.H.R. x Dr. Archer is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Archer Company. He has over 35 years of experience in developing classification and compensation systems and other human resource systems, in both the public and the private sectors. Dr. Archer has designed award-winning compensation systems that have received national recognition. He is a member of the Society of Human Resource Management, the American Statistical Association, the American Psychological Society, the American Society for Quality Control, the National Society of Professional Engineers, the Institute of Industrial Engineers, the International Personnel Management Association, and © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 22 77 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY other professional associations. Dr. Archer will provide managerial oversight, quality control and technical assistance in all operations and aspects of the study. Dr. Archer has served as a project director or technical advisor for the development and implementation of compensation systems in over 550 cities and counties across the United States. Dr. Archer holds a Bachelor of Science degree cum laude from North Georgia (Military) College and State University, a Masters of Business Administration degree from the University of Georgia, and a Ph.D. in Management Science and Managerial Economics from the University of Georgia. He is a registered professional engineer, a behavioral theorist, and a senior professional in human resources management. Dr. Archer has taught at the University of Georgia and is a professor emeritus at Winthrop University, where he taught compensation theory, business policy, statistics, and organizational theory and behavior at the senior and graduate level. He has over 40 publications to his credit. His book entitled Influence and Motivation: A Managerial Perspective published by Wesley, Cabot, and Keith, is currently being prepared for a second edition printing. His new book, The Archer System: An Advanced Approach to Pay and Compensation is being prepared for publication. Chip King, M.P.A x Regional Director & Project Manager: Mr. King is a Regional Director in our Atlanta office. With sixteen years of management and consulting experience for local government, Mr. King specializes in human resources management, management studies, and general consulting services to local government clients. His extensive experience in public personnel administration, operational analysis, and budgeting and financial management has been utilized in all aspects of project work for the Archer Company, with specialization in the development and implementation of classification and compensation systems, performance management and appraisal systems, and other human resource engagements. Human Resources Consulting: Mr. King has successfully managed numerous human resources management consulting engagements for public sector and non-profit organizations. Highlights include: Classification & Compensation Studies: Mr. King has managed numerous classification and compensation studies nationwide, resulting in the development of pay plans and compensation strategies for client organizations. Work in this arena includes job/position analysis, job evaluation, salary and benefits surveys, market analysis, job documentation, and development of classification structures and pay plans. The Archer Company retains a large percentage of our clients in the continued maintenance and upkeep of their classification and compensation plans. Mr. King serves as the principal manager for all projects and client relationships for our local government clients in Georgia and the Southeast. He currently is serving as Project Manager for our classification and compensation studies at Fulton County, Dekalb County and Cobb County (GA). These three metro-Atlanta county projects include more than 20,000 employees. His other recent projects include City of Christiansburg (VA), City of Newport News (VA), City of Manassas (VA), Denver Housing Authority (CO), City of Charlotte (NC), City of Albany (GA), Albany Water, Gas, & Light (GA), Chatham County (GA), Bibb County (GA), Walton County (GA), City of Hapeville (GA), City of Myrtle Beach (SC), Lee County Airport Authority (FL), and the Truckee Tahoe Airport District (CA). © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 23 78 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY Strategic Planning & Development of a Total Compensation Philosophy and Pay Plan: Mr. King was the project manager for a strategic planning effort facilitated on behalf of the executive management team for a large metropolitan County government. The study developed a philosophy and framework for integrating the County’s classification plan with total compensation considerations including comprehensive performance management, career development, and competencies- and skills-based pay. Design & Development of Strategic Classification Strategies: Mr. King has developed classification strategies in use by our clients Archer Company that are geared toward balancing maximum managerial flexibility and equity in classification for many of the more dynamic and hardto-classify series, including engineering classifications (Professional Engineers, Engineering Technicians, and construction management positions in Public Works, Utilities, Transportation, Natural Resources, Community Development, and related departments); construction and maintenance (unskilled and semi-skilled trades workers, equipment operators, and crew supervision); and information systems/technologies. Development of Implementation Strategies: Mr. King has developed numerous implementation options that have been successful in addressing critical needs of the organizations while working within our clients' constraints. He has assisted numerous clients with problem resolution pertaining to policies and procedures and other organizational considerations. Other areas of proficiency include performance appraisal and pay-for-performance implementation, development and facilitation of training programs for client systems, and application of computer skills and software tools to meet special client needs. Other Management & Local Government Experience: Mr. King served in County administration as the Executive Assistant to the Chairman and the Board of Commissioners, responsible for managing the daily operations of a rapidly growing Town government. Duties included preparation, adoption, and implementation of a $30 million general fund budget; supervision of departments falling under the authority of the Board of Commissioners; coordination of service delivery and inter/intra-governmental relationships with constitutional officers and neighboring governments; management of the administrative functions of the Chairman's office; and coordination and implementation of inter-governmental and special projects. Mr. King has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. James V. Battigaglia, CCP x Regional Director: Mr. Battigaglia is a Regional Director and is based in Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Battigaglia specializes in developing classification and compensation systems, developing pay plan implementation alternatives, performance appraisal systems and other human resource engagements. A sample of Mr. Battigaglia's experience is summarized below: x Served as project manager developing classification and compensation systems at the Cuyahoga, Clark, Franklin, Geauga, Lucas, Mahoning, Richland, and Wood Counties Ohio; Franklin County County of Common Pleas; Franklin County Municipal Court; Cuyahoga County Board of Health; Central Ohio Transit Authority; Regional Income Tax Agency; Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio; Franklin County ADAMH Board; Franklin County Children Services Board; Cleveland Metroparks and Zoo; Summit County Board of DD; The Metropolitan District Commission (CT); City © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 24 79 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY of Carmel, Indiana; City of O’Fallon, Missouri; City of Hazelwood, Missouri; Williams-Gateway Airport Authority, Arizona; Rickenbacker Airport Authority; Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority; Massachusetts Board of Higher Education; First Judicial District of Pennsylvania; Jefferson County, Colorado; Beaver, Cumberland, Mifflin, Monroe and Union Counties in Pennsylvania; Battery Park City Authority (NY); Milwaukee Public Schools, Wisconsin; and Huron County, Michigan. x Consolidated multiple individual elected official offices into a metropolitan government’s centralized classification plan. x Implemented performance appraisal systems at Cuyahoga County, Montgomery County Auditor's Office, Ohio and the Butler Metropolitan Housing Authority. x Participated in developing classification and compensation systems at Newport News, Virgina; Manassas, Virginia; Fulton County, Georgia; Jackson Georgia; Irvine, California; Roswell, Georgia; and McHenry County State’s Attorney, Illinois. x Provides pay plan maintenance services to numerous organizations including clients in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Tennessee, and Massachusetts. The majority of the pay plans included job analysis, market analysis, classification structure design, job documentation, pay plan implementation design and pay plan implementation costing analysis. Prior to the Archer Company, Mr. Battigaglia served as the Director of the MAXIMUS Human Resources and Organizational Development practice. Prior to that, Mr. Battigaglia served as a government consultant for KPMG and as the Director of Accounting for Montgomery County, Ohio. Mr. Battigaglia received a Bachelor of Business Administration from Ohio University. He is a member of World at Work (formerly American Compensation Association) and holds the World at Work’s Certified Compensation Professional certification. James A. Hughes, Jr. x Senior Consultant: Mr. Hughes is a Manager for the Archer Company and is based in Northbrook, Illinois. Mr. Hughes possesses over 35 years of technical experience in human resource consulting with heavy emphasis on compensation plan development. Much of Mr. Hughes’s work in developing compensation plans has also dealt with incentive systems and with performance appraisal methods. As a result, Mr. Hughes has a well-developed expertise in compensation practice and an informed approach to recruitment, retention, and pay for performance issues. Mr. Hughes’s career includes work for Towers-Perrin and for Hayes/Hill as a principal compensation consultant. He provided compensation consulting services to over 200 companies, hospitals, not-for-profit organizations, colleges, and universities. A representation of his experience includes: Franklin County, Ohio Cuyahoga County, Ohio City of Hazelwood, Missouri City of Elmhurst, Illinois © The Archer Company, 2013 City of O’Fallon, Missouri City of Irvine, California Milwaukee Public Schools, Wisconsin Solano County, California Page 25 80 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY Village of Lombard, Illinois Sangamon County, Illinois Village of Downers Grove, Illinois Madison Metropolitan School District Geauga County, Ohio Battery Park City Authority Community District 200, Illinois Mr. Hughes received a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Chicago. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree, Summa Cum Laude, for Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. Mr. Hughes is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and a member of both the World at Work and the Chicago Compensation Association. © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 26 81 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY Section D Client References © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 27 82 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY SECTIOND.CLIENTREFERENCES The Archer Company has developed classification and compensation systems for over cities, counties, utilities, school districts, colleges, other public agencies, and private throughout the United States. These clients utilized our services to address innovative, compensation methodologies and to develop systems and policies that overcome the limitations, of traditional compensation systems. one thousand organizations yet practical, problems, or The Archer Company has an extensive list of public sector clients which includes numerous long-term relationships with maintenance clients. The organizational references listed below are a representative sample of projects in Georgia and/or comparable municipal clients outside of Georgia. These references represent studies that have been recently completed and/or clients with whom we actively work to maintain their pay plan (using the same methodologies proposed for this study). All clients listed are still using the pay plans developed and maintained by the Archer Company. Fulton County Contact: Stacey Jones, Compensation Manager x (404) 612-0898; 141 Pryor Street SW, Suite 300, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 The Archer Company successfully completed a classification and compensation study for Fulton County covering 6,300 positions and over 800 classifications. A primary goal of this study is to replace the existing Decision Band Method (DBM) used for job evaluation and to rebuild the classification structure. The County implemented the plan in January and the Archer Company is assisting them with employee appeals. Mr. King was the project manager DeKalb County Contact: Benita Ransom, Human Resources Director x (404) 687-3888-; The Archer Company is nearing the successful completion of a classification and compensation study for Fulton County covering 7,000 positions and over 900 classifications. We are currently moving from the draft to final pay plan; while we have not yet presented our final findings and recommendations to DeKalb, Ms. Ransom can speak to our project plan, methodology, communication with key stakeholders, evaluation system, and general project management. Mr. King manages client relations for the County. . Cuyahoga County, Ohio Contact: Mr. Albert Bouchahine, Human Resources Manager x (216) 443-5619 1219 Ontario Street, 4th floor, Cleveland, OH 44113 The Archer Company maintains the County’s classification plan. Since 1992, we have conducted classification plans for most all elected officials with the County government. To date, we have conducted classification studies that include approximately 12,000 employees. In 2008, we conducted a classification studies for the Coroner’s Office, Public Defender’s Office and Soil and Water Conservation District. In 2010, we conducted studies for the Data Center, Planning Commission and Sheriff’s Office. We consolidated more than 750 employees within the prior Auditor, Clerk of Courts, Engineer, Recorder and Treasurer as a result of the County implementing charter form of government. In addition, we © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 28 83 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY recently completed classification studies for the Prosecutor’s Office, Public Defender’s Office and Medical Examiner’s Office. Franklin County, Ohio Contact: Mr. Don L. Brown, County Administrator x (614) 525-5539 373 South High Street, 26th floor, Columbus, OH, 43215 The Archer Company maintains the County’s classification plan. Since 1996, we have conducted classification plans for most all elected officials with the County government. The Archer Company recently completed a classification and compensation plan update for the Board of Commissioners, the County of Common Pleas and the Data Center. This project included job evaluation, salary survey development and analysis, pay plan development, pay plan implementation and job documentation. The recent project included approximately 1,800 employees. In 2010, we conducted a classification plan update for the Coroner’s Office. We just completed a classification plan for the Franklin County Probate County. We are in the final stages on a classification study of the Municipal County. In addition, we currently are conducting classification studies for the Prosecutor’s Office and Public Defender’s Office. Chatham County, Georgia Contact: Mr. Michael Kaigler, Assistant County Manager x (912) 652-7930 124 Bull Street, Suite 310, Savannah, GA, 31401 The Archer Company recently conducted a classification and compensation plan for the County. The study consisted of 450 job classifications covering 1,200 employees. The project included job evaluation, salary survey development and analysis, pay plan development, pay plan implementation and job documentation. Mr. King manages client relations for the County. City of Newport News, Virginia Contact: Libby Gooden, Assistant Director of Human Resources x (757) 926-1828; City of Charlotte, North Carolina Contact: DeLane Huneycutt, Compensation Manager x (704) 366-5700 City of Raymore, Missouri Jim Feuerborn, Assistant City Manager (816) 892-3026; City of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Connie Rutledge, Human Resources Administrator x (843) 918-1129 © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 29 84 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 30 85 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY Section E Project Fees © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 31 86 DARNCOUNTY•CLASSIFICATIONANDCOMPENSATIONSTUDY SECTIONE.PROJECTFEES The following fixed fee proposal is prepared for the County based on the proposed Scope of Work. Fees provide a breakdown by component and include all travel, per diem and other incidental expenses. Costs assume the inclusion of approximately 280 job classifications (covering 870 employees). We welcome the opportunity to discuss ways to split this project into phases in to order to better meet the County’s needs if necessary. Classification and Compensation Study Fees Planning & Kick-off $3,600 Internal Equity • Job Analysis, Classification, Evaluation & Descriptions $37,000 Salary Survey & Analysis $7,200 Development of Recommendations & Implementation $8,000 Draft/Final Report & Presentation $8,000 Training for Human Resources $4,000 Classification & Compensation Study Total $67,800 The proposed professional fees are valid for 180 days from the date of this proposal submission. We provide general consulting services for $125 per hour. We anticipate submitting monthly invoices. This proposal includes free maintenance support (job evaluation, position classification, and software support) for one year after completion of the study! © The Archer Company, 2013 Page 32 87 Proposal Dare County, North Carolina Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 March 1, 2016 88 Table of Contents LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 1 STATEMENT OF THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORK, DESCRIPTIONS OF THE APPROACH ..................................................... 1 2 SYNOPSIS COVERING THE FEATURES OF THE PROPOSAL AND OVERALL COSTS ............................................................................... 4 3 BREAKDOWN AND DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC STEPS, SERVICES AND STUDY PRODUCTS ...................................................... 6 I. Project Initiation – Data Collection and Needs Assessment ................... 6 II. Classification Analysis ................................................................. 7 III. Review of Preliminary Classifications and Class Descriptions............... 8 IV. Job Evaluation and Development of Pay Plan .................................. 8 V. Implementation Strategy ............................................................ 11 VI. Draft Report, Staff Training and Appeals ....................................... 11 VII. Classification and Compensation Plan Final Report ........................ 11 4 PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ......................................... 13 County Staff Support Needed .......................................................... 13 5 SCHEDULE AND FEES ...................................................................... 14 Out-of-Pocket Expenses ................................................................ 15 Additional Work ............................................................................ 15 6 FIRM’S ORGANIZATION AND SERVICES AND STAFF ASSIGNED ............ 16 History and Leadership .................................................................. 16 Organizational Management and Human Resources............................. 16 Qualifications............................................................................... 17 Advisory Services Offered .............................................................. 17 Project Staffing ............................................................................ 19 7 CLIENT REFERENCES....................................................................... 21 8 AGREEMENT STATEMENT................................................................. 30 SAMPLE COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS SURVEY.......................... APPENDIX I RESUMES ......................................................................................... APPENDIX II Mission Statement Springsted provides high quality, independent financial and management advisory services to public and non-profit organizations, and works with them in the long-term process of building their communities on a fiscally sound and well-managed basis. 89 Springsted Incorporated 9097 Atlee Station Road, Suite 100 Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Tel: 804.726.9748 Fax: 804.277.3435 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL March 1, 2016 Ms. Elizabeth K. Reilly, Human Resources Director Dare County 954 Marshall C. Collins Drive PO Box 1000 Manteo, North Carolina 27954 Re: Request for Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 Dear Ms. Reilly: Springsted Incorporated, as a preferred provider of services for the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC), is pleased to provide a response to the County’s request for proposals for a classification, compensation and benefits study. We have a developed a general outline of our services and cost estimate to provide a comprehensive review of the County’s classification, compensation and benefits system; as well as a review of the County’s compensation policies. As noted throughout the proposal, we are flexible in our work with local governments and are willing to adjust the proposal to meet the County’s needs. Our firm has assisted numerous jurisdictions and special purpose authorities in North Carolina and across the United States, in addressing a wide variety of human resources issues. We have conducted classification and compensation studies for a number of North Carolina counties and governmental agencies and our management consulting services practice provides in-depth study and analysis on a variety of topics. In addition, we have worked closely with numerous local governments in recent months to develop their first or update their existing classification and compensation systems. Over the years, we have built a significant base of knowledge as to how to work with a wide variety of staff to develop and implement a sound system that best meets the community’s needs. We understand that Dare County has determined that development of an updated pay and classification system for a wide range of employee groups and a review of its current benefits program is necessary. An updated plan will significantly improve morale among employees and enable the most effective use of available funds. The primary purposes of the study are to: • • • • • Evaluate competitiveness of the salary, benefits and additional pay compared to external market value; Develop a compensation strategy and salary structure that is fair internally and externally; Review current compensation practices and policies in Dare County; Evaluate the internal ranking of current positions, based on job responsibilities and salaries; and Develop sound recommendations for implementation which result in the ability of Dare County to retain existing employees and recruit high quality employees when necessary. 90 Dare County, North Carolina March 1, 2016 Page 2 As indicated above and throughout our response to your request for information and a realistic work plan, Springsted has developed specialized expertise in performing the services requested by the County. An advantage to Dare County is that, by pooling our technical and human resources specialties, Springsted will bring to your study unparalleled expertise in the areas of local government human resources administration. As noted above, we are “Preferred Providers” of services for the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC), which assures the County that our work will meet not only your expectations, but the expectations of the NCACC as well. In accordance with our agreement with the NCACC, we will provide a copy of a contract that ensures the County is afforded the benefits of this relationship if you choose to move forward. Our proposal outlines how we would approach the Scope of Work outlined in your request and includes specific information on our approach to the work, references, estimated cost, timeline and our firm’s history and experience. We look forward to working with Dare County and its staff on this important project. Respectfully submitted, John A. Anzivino, Senior Vice President Client Representative kmd 91 Statement of the Understanding of the Work, Descriptions of the Approach 1 1. Statement of the Understanding of the Work, Descriptions of the Approach It is our understanding that the County has identified a need to review its current classification, compensation and benefits system as it relates to recruitment and retention of the County’s seven hundred thirty (730) full-time and one hundred forty (140) part-time employees who are allocated to two hundred forty two (242) classification descriptions across both General Government and State Personnel Act classifications. Major concerns of the County include: the length of time since the last comprehensive study, recruitment of employees at all levels; retention of employees at all levels; and the competitiveness of the County’s total compensation plan as it relates to other public and private sector employees in the area The County has conducted three studies over the past thirteen years which have addressed various public safety and general government functions. However, the County believes a comprehensive study is now warranted to evaluate all positions and their competitiveness in the labor market. The County is working to rectify this through a thorough analysis of its classification and compensation system, as well as its compensation policies and benefits to ensure that Dare County is able to compete in the market, recruit qualified candidates and maintain its levels of service delivery to its current and future citizens and visitors. The study process outlined in the following pages will involve an interactive process with County staff beginning with an initial meeting with the County Manager, Human Resources Director, department heads and other designated officials to secure a clear and complete understanding of the management philosophy of the County, to review organizational structure, staffing, mission, goals and objectives as well as to establish working relationships and secure information and desired policies for the updated system. Subsequent meetings will be held with County officials to present and discuss our strategy for completing the analysis of jobs within the County, review our methodology for completing the study and review our scope of work and completion schedule for the project. Additionally, because we believe deeply in employees being well informed and a part of the process, a series of employee briefing sessions (we would suggest approximately twenty (20) at various County locations) be held to discuss and explain the project’s objectives and procedures and to answer any questions they may have relating to the project. The briefing sessions will include PowerPoint presentations and handouts for employees that will outline the steps in the process. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 92 Statement of the Understanding of the Work, Descriptions of the Approach 2 During the process, the County will receive weekly progress reports which may be made available to employees for their information concerning the project’s progress. Each employee will complete a comprehensive position analysis questionnaire (PAQ) to provide the information necessary to determine specific duties, responsibilities and job requirements and to prepare updated or new class descriptions and ensure proper classification. If the County desires, these forms may be made available online for employee completion. This written data will be augmented by personal interviews with at least ten percent (10%) of study participants and, where necessary, with department directors or supervisors. Springsted will use our Systematic Analysis and Factor Evaluation (SAFE®) system to evaluate each job in the workforce to determine its relative worth within the organization. Use of the SAFE® system ensures compensation and classification of the County’s employees will be conducted in a fashion which is blind to gender, color, religion, national origin, age, disability or any other status protected by state or federal law or regulation. The SAFE® system, as discussed later in this proposal, was developed to ensure that internal equity is maintained and only bona fide job factors are considered in making decisions relative to classification of jobs in relation to compensation. American with Disabilities Act (ADA) physical requirements and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status for each position will also be determined and all class descriptions shall be consistent with EEO criteria. We will also develop and distribute a comprehensive salary and fringe benefits survey to the targeted benchmarks identified by the County so that a reasonable and accurate comparison and analysis of salary, wages and benefits for like or similar jobs can be developed. Methods of transition and costs of implementation will be developed and study data will be presented to County officials orally, in a written report and electronically, where appropriate. The implementation programs proposed will take into consideration phasing of the recommendations should the economic impact upon the County be significant. Phasing options for implementation, if necessary, will consider the need for wage adjustments, with the most critical positions being addressed first and the fiscal impacts of each step of the plan being clearly identified for staff and the County Board’s consideration. If phasing of implementation recommendations is not necessary, clear cut alternatives will be provided covering minimum levels of implementation and others based upon availability of funds. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 93 Statement of the Understanding of the Work, Descriptions of the Approach 3 Finally, policies will be reviewed and recommendations for adoption or updates to current compensation policies will be provided to the County. Policy recommendations will provide the County with a snapshot of creative policies which are now in place both within the public and private sector with recommendations for implementation after close consultation with County staff. At the conclusion of the process, Springsted will meet with the County Manager, Human Resources Director, department heads and the County’s Board of Commissioners to present our findings and methodology, answer questions and to discuss in detail with interested employees their job ranking and our methodology and rationale for assignment of positions to grades. Springsted is confident it can meet the County’s completion date of September 1, 2016 if information is provided in a timely basis. Our estimated cost for completion of the work is $60,280, plus $2,500 for out of pocket expenses. Details of these processes, Springsted’s qualifications timelines and estimated costs to conduct this study are presented in the following pages. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 94 Synopsis Covering the Features of the Proposal and Overall Costs 4 2. Synopsis Covering the Features of the Proposal and Overall Costs The study process outlined in the following pages involves an interactive process with County staff beginning with an initial meeting with the County Manager, Human Resources Director, department heads and other designated officials to secure a clear and complete understanding of the management philosophy of the County, to review organizational structure, staffing, mission, goals and objectives as well as to establish working relationships and secure information and desired policies for the updated system. Subsequent meetings will be held with County officials to present and discuss our strategy for completing the analysis of jobs within the County, review our methodology for completing the study and review our scope of work and completion schedule for the project. Additionally, because we believe deeply in employees being well informed and a part of the process, a series of employee briefing sessions (we would suggest approximately twenty (20) at various County locations) be held to discuss and explain the project’s objectives and procedures and to answer any questions they may have relating to the project. The briefing sessions will include PowerPoint presentations and handouts for employees that will outline the steps in the process. During the process, the County will receive weekly progress reports which may be made available to employees for their information concerning the project’s progress. Each employee will complete a comprehensive position analysis questionnaire (PAQ) to provide the information necessary to determine specific duties, responsibilities and job requirements and to prepare updated or new class descriptions and ensure proper classification. If the County desires, these forms may be made available online for employee completion. This written data will be augmented by personal interviews with at least fifteen percent (15%) of study participants and, where necessary, with department directors or supervisors. Springsted will use our Systematic Analysis and Factor Evaluation (SAFE®) system to evaluate each job in the workforce to determine its relative worth within the organization. Use of the SAFE® system ensures compensation and classification of the County’s employees will be conducted in a fashion which is blind to gender, color, religion, national origin, age, disability or any other status protected by state or federal law or regulation. The SAFE® system, as discussed later in this proposal, was developed to ensure that internal equity is maintained and only bona fide job factors are considered in making decisions relative to classification of jobs in relation to compensation. American with Disabilities Act (ADA) physical requirements and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status for each position will also be determined and all class descriptions shall be consistent with EEO criteria. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 95 Synopsis Covering the Features of the Proposal and Overall Costs 5 We will also develop and distribute a comprehensive salary and fringe benefits survey to the targeted benchmarks identified by the County so that a reasonable and accurate comparison and analysis of salary, wages and benefits for like or similar jobs can be developed. Methods of transition and costs of implementation will be developed and study data will be presented to County officials orally, in a written report and electronically, where appropriate. The implementation programs proposed will take into consideration phasing of the recommendations should the economic impact upon the County be significant. Phasing options for implementation, if necessary, will consider the need for wage adjustments, with the most critical positions being addressed first and the fiscal impacts of each step of the plan being clearly identified for staff and the County Board’s consideration. If phasing of implementation recommendations is not necessary, clear cut alternatives will be provided covering minimum levels of implementation and others based upon availability of funds. Finally, policies will be reviewed and recommendations for adoption or updates to current compensation policies will be provided to the County. Policy recommendations will provide the County with a snapshot of creative policies which are now in place both within the public and private sector with recommendations for implementation after close consultation with County staff. At the conclusion of the process, Springsted will meet with the County Manager, Human Resources Director, department heads and the County’s Board of Commissioners to present our findings and methodology, answer questions and to discuss in detail with interested employees their job ranking and our methodology and rationale for assignment of positions to grades. Details of these processes and Springsted’s qualifications to conduct this study are presented in the following pages. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 96 Breakdown and Description of the Specific Steps, Services and Study Products 6 3. Breakdown and Description of the Specific Steps, Services and Study Products Springsted Incorporated will perform all the services delineated on the following pages for Dare County. Included is the proposed project approach and study methodology, the scope of services, tasks and staffing necessary to complete this project successfully. The project assumes that the County will involve all of its approximately 730 full- and 140 part-time employees who are distributed over a number of departments with 240 job classes covered by general County requirements and the State Personnel Act. The project approach was developed to include significant employee involvement and is subject to adjustment if it is determined that more employee involvement is necessary or desirable. I. Project Initiation – Data Collection and Needs Assessment The Springsted Project Director will meet with the County Manager and Director of Human Resources and other appropriate officials to establish working relationships and to finalize a comprehensive work plan and timetable. All current classification and compensation data will be assembled and evaluated to determine the status of existing human resource management programs and to identify apparent issues and opportunities. The purposes of the meeting are to: • Introduce the Project Director; • Discuss the background and experience of Springsted and the consulting team; • Discuss, in detail, the methodology to be used in conducting the study, the role of the consultant and the employees, the job audit and appeals processes and the amount and type of employee participation; • Ascertain the major issues that the County wants the study to address; • Review the project schedule and determine significant milestones; • Determine the frequency and content of status reports; and • Discuss methods of communicating the status of the study to employees. After meeting with the County Manager, Human Resources Director and designated staff, meetings will be held with department directors involved in the study to discuss the project objectives and procedures and to determine the positions they want analyzed. It is anticipated that during these meetings individual issues will be discussed concerning current classification and compensation issues as well as issues concerning retention and recruitment of employees. In addition, information will be sought on department operations through discussion and review of current organizational structure for each department. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 97 Breakdown and Description of the Specific Steps, Services and Study Products 7 During interviews with department directors involved in the study, Springsted will also determine the duties and responsibilities of the positions being studied and the scope, nature and complexity of each job studied will be evaluated to determine the appropriate classification. Springsted is sensitive to the human relations aspects of studies of this type. In accordance with this sensitivity, the consulting team proposes that they conduct a series of orientation and information sessions for employees included in the study. Given the number of employees in Dare County, it is suggested that approximately twenty (20) employee meetings be held. The sessions would be scheduled at various times to allow employees to attend without requiring too many to be absent from the workplace at any one time, which could negatively affect the provision of service to the citizens of Dare County. During these sessions, project objectives and procedures will be discussed, questions answered and comments and suggestions solicited. Employees will also be asked to complete Position Analysis Questionnaires (PAQs) during these meetings. The PAQs are the vehicle used by Springsted to gather information about employees’ jobs and their essential functions. PAQs will be provided to the County electronically and/or in paper form. During employee meetings, Springsted will review the PAQ with employees and supervisors and clarify the employees’ and supervisors’ roles in completing and reviewing the forms for accuracy. II. Classification Analysis Springsted will also determine the duties and responsibilities of the positions being studied and the scope, nature and complexity of each job studied through discussions with employees and/or employee groups where several individuals fall within a particular job classification. It is anticipated that the field/desk audits will include all job classifications and up to tenpercent (10%) of the County’s work force and will be spread over a number of days. As requested by the County, Springsted will review the employee PAQ’s and obtain additional information from the supervisor from the PAQ’s. Based on the information collected through discussions with department directors, employees and the PAQs, a consistent program of job classification will be developed and discussed with the Director of Human Resources. This will include well-defined class descriptions for each position recommended as a result of the interviews with department directors and employees. It will include the assignment of employees to the appropriate class with respect to duties and responsibilities, skills and abilities and minimum education and experience requirements. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 98 Breakdown and Description of the Specific Steps, Services and Study Products 8 The new class descriptions will include a position title, general definition of work, essential functions, examples of typical tasks, necessary minimum knowledge, skills and abilities, physical requirements, education and experience requirements and special qualifications, if any. Special attention will be given to ensuring that bona fide occupational qualifications, licensing, certification and special training, if dictated by standards of practice and/or job requirements, are included as minimum qualifications of classes. In addition, new classification descriptions will include information required under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) concerning the physical requirements for the position and will have a Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) designation attached concerning its status under the FLSA. III. Review of Preliminary Classifications and Class Descriptions The consulting team will prepare a preliminary list of employee classifications, develop preliminary class descriptions for new job classes and submit them to the Director of Human Resources, elected officials (Sheriff, etc.) and department directors for review and comment. The consulting team will review the comments and make adjustments based upon the comments received. After all suggested changes have been evaluated, final classification decisions will be made and the new class descriptions finalized. IV. Job Evaluation and Development of Pay Plan In order to determine appropriate salary levels of positions in the workforce, Springsted will conduct an extensive salary, benefits and additional pays survey to compare Dare County with other comparable public and private agencies in the area labor market, other governmental units of similar size and private sector employers in the area. The study team will consult with the County staff in identifying the appropriate sources of survey data. Data collected will include a wide variety of information including salary range hiring rates, minimums, maximums, actual salaries paid, FLSA designations, work week hours and numbers of positions and other items noted in the County’s Scope of Services (Section IV, sub item A. 4) to obtain accurate data and calculate weighted averages). The Base Pay Salary Survey will include: a. Pay plan salary range comparison to Dare County for each position for each participant organization by hiring, minimum, midpoint and maximum; b. Existing employee average salary comparison to Dare County for each position for each participant organization; Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 99 Breakdown and Description of the Specific Steps, Services and Study Products 9 c. Combined average pay plan salary range comparison to Dare County for each position by hiring, minimum, midpoint and maximum; d. Combined existing employee average salary comparison to Dare County for each position; e. Comparison of Dare County’s existing employee average salary for all benchmarks to the combined average for all organization participants; f. Dare County’s market position for each benchmark individually, and overall; g. Analysis of pay practices and salary structure; h. Recommended salary ranges or pay bands to include per cent spreads between ranges/bands. Prepare a new salary structure/schedule, based on the results of the study; i. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) designation for each job title/classification; and j. Class/position descriptions in a standardized format that include at a minimum a classification summary; listing of essential duties; required education, training, and experience; and required knowledge, skills, abilities (KSAs) for each position class. Springsted will also conduct a thorough benefits survey, including leave, of the same regions/organizations included in Section IV – A. 3) of the County Request for Proposals. It is recommended that potential survey data pertain to organizations comparable to Dare County, relate to those organizations with whom the County is competing for employees and represent the appropriate labor market. There are different labor markets for positions. Some positions are recruited from the local area, while others are recruited regionally and/or statewide. The consulting team will work closely with the staff in determining the appropriate labor market for positions. A salary survey instrument will be prepared that encompasses a cross-section of clerical, labor and trades, technical, public safety, paraprofessional, supervisory, managerial and professional positions. While covering a wide range of all job classes in the County, additional information will be sought from the Director of Human Resources and the department directors on any specialized positions that the County may be having difficulty in recruiting and or retaining. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 100 Breakdown and Description of the Specific Steps, Services and Study Products 10 The survey will also include fringe benefits and data on additional pays, recruitment incentives and all items requested in the County’s request for proposals as noted above. The consulting team will confer with the County staff to ensure the appropriate benefits and additional pays are surveyed. A sample compensation and benefits survey is included for the County’s review in Appendix I. Based on the wage data analysis and the classification system developed, the linear least squares method will be used to develop an appropriate salary curve and salary schedule. The salary schedule will contain sufficient pay grades to properly compensate employees for the development of their abilities over time. Springsted has developed and copyrighted a job evaluation system known as Systematic Analysis and Factor Evaluation (SAFE®). This system has been successfully used for several years and has been reviewed by the United States District Court, in conjunction with an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) suit, and found acceptable to the Court. It is important to note that the Systematic Analysis and Factor Evaluation system is a unique method of job evaluation. The SAFE® system was designed to measure job factors which apply specifically to local government. The system rates and ranks jobs based on skill levels and work factors. The result is an equitable and consistent method of evaluating jobs and relating classes to the compensation plan. The system facilitates proper and equitable cross comparisons between and among classes and minimizes the appearance of favoritism in evaluating, rating and ranking jobs. Each position, or group of positions, will be evaluated and assigned to an appropriate salary grade based on the classification system and prevailing rates paid by survey participants. The elements considered in determining the relative value of classifications are: • Training and Ability • Experience Required • Level of Work • Human Relations Skills • Physical Demands • Working Conditions / Hazards • Independence of Actions • Impact on End Results • Supervision Exercised Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 101 Breakdown and Description of the Specific Steps, Services and Study Products 11 V. Implementation Strategy Springsted will suggest a variety of plans to implement the study recommendations that coincide with the needs of employees and the financial and budgetary requirements of the County. An estimate of the cost of the plans of implementation will be provided and, if necessary, options for phasing implementation options will be developed and reviewed with the County. In addition, pay policy recommendations will be included which include pay strategies for both implementation and maintenance of the system and overcome any current deficiencies identified by the consultants throughout the study period. VI. Draft Report, Staff Training and Appeals At the conclusion of the study, Springsted will meet with the Director of Human Resources to present the preliminary findings and recommendations of the study. In addition, Springsted will make staff available to present the reports’ findings to all department directors and will meet with them individually, if needed, to review specific issues with their departments. Upon conclusion of those meetings, Springsted will make adjustments to the report, where warranted, and report them to the Director of Human Resources. Springsted will also train members of the staff in the methodology used to develop, maintain and update all aspects of the compensation, classification and benefits plan. The training program will include the development and/or revision of class descriptions, along with rating, ranking and salary grade assignments of positions. Instruction manuals pertaining to the job evaluation system will be prepared and presented. The Springsted team will remain available to the staff for additional consultation after the study has been completed. VII. Classification and Compensation Plan Final Report Springsted will also present the final report to the County Manager, Assistant County Manager, Human Resources Director, designated staff and the Board of Commissioners at a time convenient for the County. Due to the complexity of the issue, Springsted will also be available for additional meetings with the Board, should they be necessary. The final report will include all items included in Section V of the County’s request for proposals and will be a document that contains the following: a. A series of recommendations, including discussion of methods, techniques and data used to develop the classification and compensation plan; Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 102 Breakdown and Description of the Specific Steps, Services and Study Products 12 b. An analysis of the financial impact for various implementation dates of the new classification and compensation plan and define funding issues. The compensation plan will include discussion concerning compression issues and their resolution; c. Provision of all benefits survey results; d. A summary report of the total compensation system including pay, benefits, leave, etc., that compares the County and its relation to market; and e. Instructional information and guidelines to allow County staff/Human Resources to conduct individual classification and compensation audits and recommend adjustments consistent with study methods. Training on the SAFE® system will be provided and a manual on the use of the SAFE® job evaluation system will be provided. The report will be provided in both an appropriate number of hard copies and in electronic formats. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 103 Proposed Implementation Schedule 13 4. Proposed Implementation Schedule County Staff Support Needed The study team would request the following staff support from the County: Task Staff Estimated Time Initial Meeting County Human Resources Manager, Dare County Staff Contact Information Gathering and Various Information Requests / Contacts Throughout Study County Designated Staff 6 – 8 Hours in individual meetings Orientation Meetings Staff Involved in the Study 1 Hour per meeting Arrange Interviews County Designated Staff 1 – 2 Hours Preliminary Review County Manager, Department Directors, Elected officials 1 – 2 Hours Final Report Presentation County Manager, Staff Contact, Department Directors, Elected Officials, County Commissioners 1 Hour 1 Hour Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 104 Schedule and Fees 14 5. Schedule and Fees Springsted takes pride in meeting its time commitments. The schedule to commence this project coincides with Springsted’s completion of other studies. This will ensure that the proposed staff members will be available to concentrate on this study for Dare County. Springsted is prepared to initiate the study within ten (10) days after receiving the official notice to proceed. A realistic timeline for completion is approximately one hundred thirty (130) to one hundred thirty-five (135) days, dependent upon the availability of County staff. There are additional factors that impact upon meeting the schedule which are beyond the consulting team’s control. The proposed time frame, as outlined below is contingent upon a timely decision, the receipt of the data from the participants when requested and the timely receipt of feedback and comments on the submitted preliminary data. Task April, 2016 May, 2016 June, 2016 July, 2016 August, 2016 September, 2016 Project Initiation Classification Analysis Review of Preliminary Class Descriptions Prepare / Evaluate Survey Data Develop Compensation Plan Assign Classes to Grades Develop Implementation Strategies / Review Draft Submit Final Report Staff Training Springsted Incorporated will perform all tasks delineated in the described Scope of Services for a professional fee of $ 62,280. Expenses associated with the project (travel, lodging, subsistence, courier services and communications beyond our internal capabilities) will be billed in addition to the professional services. Expenses are not anticipated to exceed $2,500 for the meetings and presentations detailed in the Scope of Services. Total costs for the project will not exceed $64,780. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 105 Schedule and Fees 15 Out-of-Pocket Expenses Out-of-pocket expenses include travel and sustenance, overnight or messenger deliveries, conference calling beyond our internal capabilities, photocopying and mailing. Additional Work Should Dare County request and authorize additional work, we would invoice the County at an agreed upon fee or our standard hourly fees. Additional Implementation Plans will be billed at a cost of $450/plan. In addition, we would charge, at cost, for any related out-of-pocket expenses. Hourly Rate Title Principal & Senior Officer $260 Senior Professional Staff $215 Professional Staff $160 Associates $75 Additional work would include work outside the scope of services as agreed to including, but not limited to: • Additional position descriptions • Additional job audits • Additional on-site meetings • Additional reports • Work related to a special request Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 106 Firm’s Organization and Services and Staff Assigned 16 6. Firm’s Organization and Services and Staff Assigned History and Leadership Springsted is one of the largest and most established independent public sector advisory firms in the United States. For nearly 60 years, we have continually grown in the range of our client relationships, the comprehensiveness of our services and our prominence within the industry. Our managed growth is focused on providing clients with a balance of national perspective and local expertise. Springsted is a certified Women Business Enterprise (WBE) with the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Three employee-owners lead Springsted. Our headquarters are located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, with additional offices located close to our clients throughout the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic states. Springsted’s work in the Mid-Atlantic states began with implementing higher education financings in the early 1970s. Since then, our long-term commitment to the region has grown along with the range of services offered to local governments, independent authorities, state agencies and non-profit organizations as they work to overcome increasingly complex and far-ranging financial, economic development, human resource and management issues and problems. In 2000, Springsted solidified its commitment to the region through its merger with a well-known and highly regarded financial advisory and management consulting firm based in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Our office in Richmond, Virginia serves clients throughout the East Coast and surrounding areas. Organizational Management and Human Resources Public entities are under a great amount of pressure to deliver high quality services in a fiscally constrained environment. Traditional methods and means do not necessarily work anymore and this scenario is not likely to change at any time in the future. To that end, elected officials and public administrators are under pressure to employ new and innovative solutions that require progressive leadership, creative partnerships, cautious risk taking and an investment in their personnel and organizational foundation. Success in the public sector is hard to define, but those public entities that enhance and enrich their people, their process and their systems are more likely to deliver more value by maximizing the use of public resources, thus achieving more success in the marketplace of public opinion. Springsted’s staff has been advising our clients in organizational development for over 25 years. We have a strong staff with direct experience in managing and leading local city and county governments. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 107 Firm’s Organization and Services and Staff Assigned 17 Our team of professionals brings practical, realistic and creative solutions to the challenges faced by public entities. Our Human Resource focus is in the area of position classification, compensation and performance evaluation. Our work is competitive, current, court tested and copyrighted to deliver pragmatic outcomes. Our Organizational Management focus ranges from executive recruitment, group facilitation, strategic planning, budget analysis, resource sharing and building collaborations to organizational improvement and efficiency studies. Qualifications As management consultants, and because we understand the financial, operational and administrative aspects of local governments and non-profit organizations, Springsted plays an important role in helping clients derive the greatest benefit from their resources while increasing their efficiency and effectiveness. In response to the growing requirements facing our clients, we broadened our range of advisory services to include our Management Consulting Services Group. Extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of municipal management, municipal finance, personnel and local government operations are Springsted hallmarks. Each team member has several years of local government experience in a variety of areas of expertise. This experience helps us recognize the unique qualities of each local government and non-profit client, thus improving the quality and relevance of our studies. The fact that the firm has provided a wide range of technical and management consulting services to North Carolina local governments recently and over the years provides us with a good knowledge base for dealing with the current and future issues facing Dare County. Advisory Services Offered Operational Finance and Fiscal Planning Group A specialized team dedicated to helping clients plan and manage resources to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness. The team provides a variety of financial planning tools enabling the client to evaluate the interface of capital infrastructure, tax policies, debt management, and operational finance. • Operational Financial Planning • Tax Impact Analysis • Capital Improvement Planning • Referendum Assistance • Integrated • Public/Private Partnerships Capital/Operational Planning • Consolidation/Annexation Studies • Growth/Fiscal Impact Analysis • Privatization Studies • User Fee Studies • Financial Feasibility Analysis • Utility Cost Recovery Studies Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study, RFP # 13-0812 108 Firm’s Organization and Services and Staff Assigned 18 Public Finance Group Organizational Management and An extensive team of financial experts Human Resources Group providing comprehensive services for An expert team of former public sector every type of public infrastructure and leaders devoted to helping governing operational finance area. Specialized bodies, senior management and HR technology and experts devoted to departments solve their organizational providing independent advice covering and staffing needs. Complete services to all options, with associated full provide strategic direction, organizational regulatory compliance services. improvements and staffing enhancements. • Capital Improvement Policies • Strategic Planning • Debt Planning & Policies • Organizational Improvement Studies • Debt Capacity Studies • Compensation & Benefit Systems • Capital Infrastructure Financing • Performance Evaluation Studies • Cash Flow & Pooled Financing • Position Classification & • Individual & Master Lease Evaluation Studies Programs • Executive Search • Debt Management • Personnel Policies • Credit Rating Strategy & • • Enhancement Investment Services Group Arbitrage/Rebate Regulatory A skilled team of investment Compliance Services professionals with experience in Continuing Disclosure Regulatory policy development, cash flow and Compliance Services portfolio analysis, fund selection and refunding existing debt. Housing and Economic Development Group An experienced team to address quality of life through expanded economic opportunities, housing options and private development. Comprehensive services extend beyond planning and policy • Policy Development • Cash Flow Forecasting & Monitoring • Portfolio Analysis • Investment of Public Funds • Ongoing Support and Advice • Debt Refunding Services development to financing plans, project facilitation and full compliance assistance. • Policy Development • Incentive Capacity Analysis • Development Strategy • Development Process Management • Developer Review & Negotiation • Housing Initiatives • Statutory Compliance Services Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study, RFP # 13-0812 109 Firm’s Organization and Services and Staff Assigned Project Staffing 19 Springsted will assign a consulting team with extensive experience in classification and pay, human resources management, organizational and productivity improvement, financial management and municipal operations. All consulting team members have excellent academic credentials and hands-on local government and human resources management experience. A Senior Vice President of the firm will be on-site throughout the engagement and actively involved in all phases of the study. John A. Anzivino Senior Vice President and Client Representative Mr. John Anzivino has over 25 years of experience in state, county and town management. Mr. Anzivino applies this considerable insight in assisting local governments find solutions to a wide range of human resource, financial and programmatic problems and challenges facing them. He holds a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Georgia. Ann S. Antonsen Vice President and Consultant Ms. Ann Antonsen is a consultant with a strong background in organizational management and human resources that she uses effectively in developing position analyses, classification and compensation studies, performance management and evaluation system development and staff training and in conducting executive search efforts for the public sector. She also specializes in performing organizational studies, revising and developing personnel policies and manuals and in conducting organizational management training sessions and providing general human resources assistance. Joel A. Davis Vice President and Consultant Mr. Davis joined Springsted in September 2013 and has considerable experience in wage and benefit administration, recruitment, hiring and retention, employee relations, payroll, employee training and development and regulatory compliance; as well as preparation of job descriptions, personnel policies and analysis of compensation levels. Additionally, Mr. Davis has considerable experience in city and town management as well. Prior to joining Springsted, Mr. Davis served as Human Resources Director/Public Information Officer for the City of Winchester, Virginia where he worked with the City Manager, City Council and department managers on strategic planning, complex administrative projects and Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 110 Firm’s Organization and Services and Staff Assigned 20 assignment of staff resources to ensure productive and cost-effective operations for a 500 employee organization. Mr. Davis has also served as Assistant City Manager overseeing several departments including human resources in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, as Town Administrator for the Town of Harrisburg, North Carolina, as Town Manager for the Town of Spring Lake, North Carolina and as a Recreation Director for Caswell County, North Carolina. He has a Master’s Degree in Public Affairs from the University of North Carolina – Greensboro and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration from Elon University. Rebecca A. Dayton Project Manager Ms. Rebecca Dayton joined Springsted’s Management Consulting Group in the winter of 2011. She has a human resources generalist knowledge base, specializing in classification and compensation studies, performance evaluations, executive search and benefits review. Ms. Dayton has an Associate degree in Education from Salem Community College. She also has course work towards a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University and from Strayer University online college. Hailey W. Daniels Assistant Project Manager Ms. Hailey Daniels joined Springsted in January 2015 as a Human Resources Analyst with the Organizational Management and Human Resources Team, providing support and assistance for executive search and organizational management projects. Her duties include conducting research and working with clients and candidates throughout all phases of a project and/or executive search and recruitment. Ms. Daniels has a Bachelor of Science in Business and Human Resource Management from Virginia Commonwealth University and an Associate of Science in Psychology from John Tyler Community College. Full Project Team Resumes can be found in Appendix II Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 111 Client References 7. Client References 21 City of Salisbury, North Carolina (2009) Mr. Zack Kyle, Director of Human Resources 704-638-5229 Preparation of a classification and compensation plan and performance evaluation system for the City’s employees. Preparation of a classification and compensation plan for the County’s employees. Town of Morehead City, North Carolina (2013) Mr. David S. Whitlow, City Manager 252-726-6848 ext. 113 Preparation of a classification and compensation plan and performance evaluation system for the City’s employees. City of Jacksonville, North Carolina (2010) Ms. Mary Don Olds, Human Resources Generalist 910-938-5228 Preparation of a classification and compensation plan for the City’s employees. Association of County Commissioners, Georgia (2012) Mr. Randy Hartmann, Chief Operating Officer 404-522-5022 x123 Contracted to perform classification and compensation study for the Association. Robeson County, North Carolina (2014) Mr. Ricky Harris, County Manager 910-671-3022 Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 112 Client References 22 Town of Carrboro, North Carolina (2011) Mr. David Andrews, Town Manager 919- 918-7315 Preparation of a classification and compensation plan for the Town’s employees. City of New Bern, North Carolina (2012) Ms. Sonya Hayes, Director of Human Resources 252-639-75700 Preparation of a classification and compensation plan for the City’s employees. Onslow County, North Carolina (2013) Dr. Meghan Doyle, Human Resources Director 910-347-4717 meghan_doyle@onslowcountync .gov Preparation of a classification and compensation plan for the County’s employees. North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (Ongoing) Ms. Elizabeth Floyd, Director of Finance 919-715-2893 Contracted to perform numerous classification and compensation studies for counties throughout North Carolina since 2007. North Carolina League of Municipalities (Ongoing) Mr. Hartwell Wright, Membership Services Director 919-715-3932 Contracted to perform numerous classification and compensation studies for municipalities throughout North Carolina since 1987. Edgecombe County, North Carolina (2009) Mr. Lorenzo Carmon, County Manager 252-641-7834 Conducted comprehensive classification, compensation and benefits study for the County. Warren County, Virginia (2010) Mr. Douglas P. Stanley, County Administrator 540-636-4600 Preparation of new class descriptions for all general Government positions and integration into existing compensation plan. Springsted also evaluated the impacts of the County’s participation in the LEO’s retirement program and is called on for continuing support in revising classification descriptions. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 113 Client References 23 Duplin County, North Carolina (2011) Ms. Pam Brame, Human Resources Director 910-296-2174 pamela.brame@duplincountync. com Conducted comprehensive classification, compensation and benefits study for the County. Lee County, North Carolina (2012) Ms. Joyce D. Mc Gehee, Human Resources Director 919-718-4615 Conducted comprehensive classification, compensation and benefits study for the County. Chowan County, North Carolina (2011) Carrie B. Byrum, Human Resources Manager 252-482-8431, ext. 2 Conducted comprehensive classification, compensation and benefits study for the County. Warren County, Virginia Conducted comprehensive compensation and benefits study for the County, including Constitutional Officers. Continue to provide annual maintenance consulting services. Mr. Douglas P. Stanley, AICP, County Administrator 540-636-4600 Fauquier County General Government and Public Schools, Virginia Conducted comprehensive compensation and benefits study for the County, including Constitutional Officers. Continue to provide annual maintenance consulting services. Ms. Janelle Downes, Director of Human Resources 540-428-8703 North Carolina League of Municipalities, North Carolina Contracted to perform numerous classification and compensation studies for municipalities throughout North Carolina since 1987. Mr. Hartwell Wright, Director of Member Services 919-715-3932 City of New Bern, North Carolina Preparation of a classification and compensation plan for the City’s employees. Ms. Sonya Hayes, Director of Human Resources 252-639-75700 Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 114 Client References 24 Chowan County, North Carolina Conducted comprehensive classification, compensation and benefits study for the County. Camden County, North Carolina Conducted comprehensive classification and compensation study and performance evaluation system for the County. Ms. Carrie B. Byrum, Human Resources Manager 252-482-8431 ext. 2 Mr. Michael Renshaw, County Manager 252-333-1603 Cabarrus County, North Carolina Conducted comprehensive classification and compensation study for the County. Ms. Susan Nunn, Human Resources Analyst 704-920-2200 Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 115 Client References 25 Springsted Incorporated continues to provide a unique combination of professional, fiscal, personnel, administrative and related consulting services to a growing number of city, county and town governments and special purpose authorities. List of Classification & Compensation Studies: 2011 – Present Year 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Client Cabarrus County Schools Carroll County, Virginia Chowan County Crystal Eastern Shore Virginia 911 Commission Eau Claire City-County Health Department Elko New Market Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library Farragut Grand Forks County Grand Rapids Guilford County Housing Authority Columbus, Georgia Independent School District No. 0001 Independent School District No. 0013 Intermediate District No. 287 Intermediate School District No. 917 Lee County Macon County New Bern New Hope Pewaukee Prince George County Salisbury Southeastern Center for MH/DD/SA Services Story County Triangle Transit Authority Virginia Resources Authority Waite Park West Metro Fire District Winona Baudette Beltrami County Breckenridge Clay County Coon Rapids Crystal Dunn County Eudora Independent School District No. 0256 Independent School District No. 0535 Independent School District No. 0656 State NC VA NC MN VA WI MN IN TN ND MN NC GA MN MN MN MN NC NC NC MN WI VA NC NC IA NC VA MN MN MN MN MN MN NC MN MN WI KS MN MN MN Project Salary Study Class & Comp Study Class & Comp Study Job Evaluation Study Compensation Study Compensation Study Class and Comp Study Comp/Job Equity Study Class and Comp Study Comp/Posi Description Study Pay Equity/Compensation System HR Personnel Study Pay Comparable Study Classification & Compensation Study Job Classification Salary Study Job Descriptions Class and Comp Study Class and Comp Study Compensation Study Classification and Compensation Class and Comp Study Position Comp Analysis Pay for Performance Compensation Study Class and Comp Study Compensation Study Class and Pay Revisions Pay Study Update Pay Equity and Compensation Study Pay and Class Study Pay and Class Study HR Consulting Class & Comp Study External Compensation Study Classification and Compensation Study Compensation Study Wage and Job Study Consulting Services Comp & Class Study Purchase SAFE System Salary Study Pay and Class Study Population 184,498 29,883 14,726 22,524 4,513 21,390 69,179 10,989 495,279 202,824 2,087 19,674 60,266 33,857 30,242 20,728 13,827 37,253 33,604 91,140 6,680 57,546 1,073 44,442 3,387 10,584 62,103 22,524 44,122 6,211 16,513 110,742 23,414 Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 116 Client References 26 List of Classification & Compensation Studies: 2011 – Present Year 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Client Isanti Itasca County Lawrence Public Library Le Sueur County Moorhead Morehead City Morrison County Mounds View New Brighton New Prague North St. Paul Ortonville Poquoson Racine Randolph County Renville County Richmond Behavioral Health Authority Roseville Shakopee St. Anthony St. Joseph Wabasha County Waseca Waseca County Washington County HRA Watertown Albemarle County Service Authority Alcoa Alexandria Amherst County Arden Hills Association County Commissioners Georgia Bath County Beltrami County Brainerd Buchanan Carteret County Carver Concord Dinwiddie County Schools Fosston Franklin County Harrisonburg Harrisonburg-Rockingham CSB Hawley Hermantown Jamestown State MN MN KS MN MN NC MN MN MN MN MN MN VA WI NC MN VA MN MN MN MO MN MN MN MN WI VA TN MN VA MN GA VA MN MN WI NC MN NC VA MN NC VA VA MN MN NC Project Pay and Class Market Analysis and Contract Costing Staffing and Compensation Study Classification and Compensation Study Position Class and Comp Job Class, Comp and Perf Eval Project Compensation Presentation Job Audits Compensation Study Golf Course Position Analysis Compensation Study Compensation Study Pay and Class Classification and Compensation Study Class & Comp Study Class and Comp Study Class and Comp Class and Comp Study Classification and Compensation Study Compensation Study Class and Comp Study Class & Comp Study & Org Review Study Pay and Class Study Class Comp Study Class & Comp Class and Comp Compensation Study Compensation Study Classification & Compensation Study Classification and Compensation Study Classification & Compensation Study Classification & Performance Evaluation Class & Comp Study Classification & Compensation Study Classification Job Evaluation Study Compensation Plan Update Classification & Comp Study Compensation Study Classification Study Classification Study Classification and Compensation Study Class, Compensation, Benefits Study Class and Comp Study Class and Comp Classification and Compensation Study Classification & Compensation Study Compensation Study Population 5,395 45,221 90,811 27,810 39,398 9,203 33,052 12,407 21,867 7,502 11,830 1,871 12,104 81,855 142,577 15,166 214,114 34,934 39,167 8,583 77,147 21,443 9,345 19,097 246,603 23,929 103,000 8,640 11,580 32,353 9,750 10,100,000 4,616 44,442 13,487 6,894 67,632 4,147 83,506 27,904 1,508 62,260 51,395 2,070 9,603 3,617 Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 117 Client References 27 List of Classification & Compensation Studies: 2011 – Present Year 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Client La Crosse Lake City Laurinburg Mahtomedi Maryville Mecklenburg County Melrose Menasha Merriam Moorhead Public Housing Agency Mounds View New Prague Person County Piqua Stutsman County Swift County Todd County Traverse County Triangle Transit Authority Warren County NC Warroad Waukesha County Wheaton Wilson Big Lake Bloomington Cabarrus County Water and Sewer Authority Cape Charles Carroll County Public Schools Chatham County Clarke County COMtech Business Park County Transylvania Delavan Dunn County Elkhorn Elko New Market Glasgow Independent School District No. 2167 Independent School District No. 2805 Independent School District No. 911 Lake Geneva Leland McFarland McFarland School District Metropolitan Sewerage District Middleton State WI MN NC MN TN VA MN WI KS MN MN MN NC OH ND MN MN MN NC NC MN WI IL NC MN MN NC VA VA NC VA NC NC WI WI WI MN VA MN MN MN WI NC WI WI NC WI Project Pay and Class Study Classification and Compensation Study Class and Comp Study Compensation Study Compensation Study Class and Comp Study Classification and Compensation Study Compensation Study Compensation and Benefits Study Class and Compensation Update Class & Comp Program Comp Study & Perf Evaluation System Classification, Pay and Benefits Study Class and Comp Study Compensation Study Employee Class & Comp Study Class and Comp Study Class & Comp Study Class & Comp Class System and Pay Plan Dev Classification & Compensation Study Administrative Support Study Class and Comp Study and Analysis Compensation Study Classification & Compensation Study Job Evaluation Study Class & Comp Class and Comp Study Classification and Compensation Study Classification Study Pay & Class Update CAO Salary Survey Compensation Plan Update Compensation Study Classification and Compensation Study Compensation Study Compensation Update Comp and Position Classification Plan Job Description Project Job Descriptions Review Job Description Compensation Study Class and Comp Study Compensation Study Classification and Comp Study Comp Update Compensation Study Population 51,522 4,980 15,774 8,013 27,992 31,426 3,601 17,588 11,281 39,398 12,407 7,502 39,276 20,699 21,120 9,594 24,509 3,451 20,575 1,770 393,843 53,469 49,628 5,200 86,319 187,226 990 29,883 66,817 14,323 32,903 8,495 44,122 9,963 4,513 1,130 7,710 16,022 8,108 8,108 17,589 Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 118 Client References 28 List of Classification & Compensation Studies: 2011 – Present Year 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Client New Berlin Public Schools Oakdale Pewaukee Pope County Rib Mountain Robeson County Sampson County Sanford SW & West Central Service Cooperative St. James State WI MN WI MN WI NC NC NC MN MN 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Stacy Stevens County Stoughton Verona Virginia Association of Counties Wayzata West Point Wilson County Woodstock Amherst Appomattox River Water Authority Bemidji Bloomington Bloomington Chatfield Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Dist Comm Coweta County Emporia Franklin County Independent School District No. 0012 Independent School District No. 0206 Kannapolis La Crosse Public Library Lake Worth Lee County Maple Lake Midlands Auth for Conv, Sports & Tourism Monroe Mukwonago Newnan Newport NCACC Pine County Plymouth Plymouth Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority MN MN WI WI VA MN VA NC VA VA VA MN MN MN MN VA GA VA VA MN MN NC WI FL NC MN SC NC WI GA MN NC MN MN MN VA Project Job Class Study-Support Staff Compensation Study Compensation Study Classification and Compensation Update Class & Comp Plan Class and Comp Study Class, Comp and Benefits Program Study Class and Comp Study Compensation Plan Sal & Ben Surv and Rev the Pay Equity Sys Compensation Plan Class & Comp Study Compensation Study Compensation Study Class and Comp Compensation Study Comp Study/Work Plan Class and Comp Study Review Personnel Policies and Pay Plan Pay & Classification Study Compensation Study Market Survey Attorney Market Survey SAFE Database Compensation Market Study Salary Update Study Classification and Compensation Study Compensation and Classification Study External Compensation Study Comp Worth Salary Study Class and Comp Study Classification and Compensation Study Class & Comp Study External Comp Study Classification and Compensation Classification & Compensation Study Classification & Compensation Study Compensation Study Compensation/Classification Study Classification and Compensation Study Compensation & Classification Study Classification & Compensation Study SAFE Database Classification Study Classification & Compensation Study Population 39,834 27,780 8,166 10,892 6,825 134,841 64,150 2,013 4,553 1,426 9,735 12,945 10,632 4,217 3,339 81,667 5,189 2,219 14,435 86,319 86,319 2,789 133,180 5,588 56,335 11,580 44,359 51,522 36,000 60,266 2,093 33,975 7,494 34,847 3,461 9,944,000 29,104 73,987 Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 119 Client References 29 List of Classification & Compensation Studies: 2011 – Present Year 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress Client Rockbridge County Rockingham County Scott County CDA Sherburne County Siler City Southampton County Warrenton Washington County HRA Whitewater Wythe County Buffalo Cass Lake Clarkfield Farragut Harris County Hutchinson Utilities Commission Lake Geneva Le Sueur Little Falls Luray New Ulm Orange Water and Sewer Authority Otsego Red Lake Falls Wabasha County State VA NC MN MN NC VA VA NC WI VA MN MN MN TN GA MN WI MN MN VA MN NC MN MN MN Project Class, Comp Plan and Perf Eval Study Class and Comp Classification and Compensation Study Classification & Compensation Study Classification & Compensation Study Classification & Compensation Study Classification & Compensation Study Class and Comp Class & Comp Study Classification and Compensation Study Market Study Compensation Study Classification and Compensation Study Market Study Classification & Compensation Study Job Evaluation and Compensation System Utility Compensation Study Compensation Study Classification Study Compensation Study Compensation Study Employee Total Compensation Study Classification and Compensation Study Compensation Study Market Study Update Population 22,307 91,898 90,158 8,169 18,128 9,862 14,732 29,344 15,825 747 832 32,663 13,871 7,710 4,041 8,232 4,860 13,210 140,352 1,410 21,443 Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 120 Agreement Statement 30 8. Agreement Statement In accordance with the County’s request, Springsted agrees to: a. Deliver at least twelve (12) hard copies of the final report to the Human Resources Director; b. Provide the final report, tables, schedules, job descriptions, charts, spreadsheets, procedures manual, salary surveys, benefits survey and other materials necessary for the implementation and maintenance of the compensation/classification system in an electronic format (CD and/or USB thumb drive) in Microsoft Office 2010 format; and c. Appear at scheduled Board of County Commissioners’ meeting(s) to discuss the recommendations and final report. Dare County, North Carolina. Proposal to Provide a Classification and Compensation Study 2016 121 APPENDIX I Sample Compensation and Benefits Survey 122 APPENDIX II Resumes 123 John A. Anzivino Senior Vice President Client Representative Mr. Anzivino joined Springsted in December 2001 as Vice President and Client Representative. In July 2006, he was named Senior Vice President of the firm and, in December 2006, as Director of Springsted’s Mid-Atlantic group. He assists Mid-Atlantic cities, counties, towns and non - profit organizations in addressing human resources, staffing, organizational management, financial, housing and economic development challenges in a variety of innovative ways. In addition, Mr. Anzivino oversees the bond issuance process for clients, ensuring that debt offerings are marketed and delivered in a timely and effective manner. Mr. Anzivino has over 25 years of experience in state and local government. He served as Town Manager for Warrenton, Virginia for more than 12 years. Prior to Warrenton, he served as County Administrator for four years in Caroline County, Virginia, and for six years in Amelia County, Virginia. Each of these communities received state and national recognition for developing creative and innovative approaches to resolving complex financial and programmatic issues that they faced during his tenure. During this time, Mr. Anzivino authored chapters in the VML Handbook for Mayors and Council Members and the Virginia Association of Counties Handbook for County Supervisors. He has also held positions in West Virginia with the Governor’s Office of Economic and Community Development, specializing in resolving complex utility and project financing issues and with a regional planning and development agency, as its Assistant Director. Mr. Anzivino has been an active participant in professional associations, having served as Vice President of the Virginia Local Government Management Association and as President of the Virginia Association of County Administrators. He has addressed several national and regional organizations on changes in the workforce and their relationship to hiring patterns in the public sector. Education University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia Master of Public Administration Concord College, Athens, West Virginia Bachelor of Arts University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia Senior Executive Institute Affiliations International City Management Association (ICMA) Virginia Local Government Management Association (VLGMA) International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA) Virginia Local Government Management Association (VLGMA), Life Member North Carolina Government Finance Officers Association (NCGFOA) 124 Ann S. Antonsen Vice President Consultant Ann Antonsen is an organization and management consultant, specializing in position analyses, classification and compensation studies, performance management and evaluation system development and staff training and in conducting executive search efforts for the public sector. She performs organizational assessments and studies, revisions and development of personnel policies and manuals and conducts organizational management training and providing general human resources assistance. Ms. Antonsen has been with Springsted since 2005 and serves clients nationwide. With her strong background in Organizational Management and Human Resources, she is dedicated to using her well-honed abilities to assist governmental agencies in developing and growing meaningful legacies. Ms. Antonsen has extensive experience in serving government organizations; she previously worked as a consultant with Labor Relations Associates, Inc., which has served the region for many years, providing management and human resources consulting services. Ms. Antonsen has provided human resources management services for large suburban communities and regional centers. She brings practical experience in handling the wide variety of issues that face public management. Additionally, she has related human resources experience in both public associations and private corporations. Education University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Continuing Legal Education Courses Professional International Public Management Association in Human Resources (IPMA) 125 Joel A. Davis Vice President Consultant Mr. Davis is an organizational management and human resources consultant, specializing in position analyses, classification and compensation studies, performance evaluation studies, assisting in the resolution of management challenges and in conducting executive search efforts for the public sector. He performs organizational studies, develops personnel policies and manuals and conducts organizational management training. Mr. Davis joined Springsted in September 2013 and has considerable experience in wage and benefit administration, recruitment, hiring and retention, employee relations, payroll, employee training and development and regulatory compliance; as well as preparation of job descriptions, personnel policies and analysis of compensation levels. Additionally, Mr. Davis has considerable experience in city and town management as well. Prior to joining Springsted, Mr. Davis served as Human Resources Director / Public Information Officer for the City of Winchester, Virginia where he worked with the City Manager, City Council and department managers on strategic planning, complex administrative projects and assignment of staff resources to ensure productive and cost-effective operations for a 500 employee organization. Mr. Davis has also has served as an Assistant City Manager overseeing several departments including human resources in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, as Town Administrator for the Town of Harrisburg, North Carolina, as Town Manager for the Town of Spring Lake, North Carolina and as Recreation and Parks Director for Caswell County, North Carolina. Education University of North Carolina – Greensboro, North Carolina Master of Public Affairs Elon University – Elon, North Carolina Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration University of North Carolina, Institute of Government Capital Finance and Budgeting, Municipal Administration and Personnel Management Affiliations International City/County Management Association (ICMA) International Public Management Association (IPMA) North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) North Carolina City County Managers Association (NCCMA) North Carolina League of Municipalities (NCLM) Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) Virginia Municipal League (VML) Civic Affiliations Paul Harris Fellow in the Rotary Club; Past Chair of Rotary Club Finance Committee Chair of Horry County Heart Walk (2007) 126 Rebecca A. Dayton Project Manager Rebecca Dayton joined Springsted in November 2011, working as an Analyst with the Management Consulting Services Team. She provides technical support and assistance to clients through our human resources services line, focusing on compensation studies, executive searches and organizational management projects. Ms. Dayton specializes in all facets of human resources, including classification and compensation as well as benefits reviews. She has prepared offer letters, non-disclosure and non-compete documents, classification and compensation studies and performance review programs. Her previous experience includes program coordinator, membership assistant/exhibition coordinator, and an associate analyst. Prior to employment with Springsted, Ms. Dayton supervised positions and programs related to management consulting services. She was responsible for overseeing clerical operations and preparing, editing and formatting correspondence, spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations. She has extensive experience creating and analyzing position profiles, creating and posting job advertisements, and researching benchmark information and following up with contracts. Education Salem Community College, Carneys Point, New Jersey Associates degree in Education Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia Course work for Bachelors of Business Administration Strayer University Course work for Bachelors of Business Administration in Management 127 Hailey W. Daniels Assistant Project Manager Ms. Hailey Daniels joined Springsted in January 2015 as a Human Resources Analyst with the Organizational Management and Human Resources Team, providing support and assistance for executive search and organizational management projects. Her duties include conducting research and working with clients and candidates throughout all phases of a project and/or executive search and recruitment. Before joining the Springsted team, Ms. Daniels worked in an administrative human resources role in the construction industry. She was responsible for recruitment efforts and pre-employment tasks such as creating job postings, conducting candidate screenings and scheduling interviews. In addition, Ms. Daniels was responsible for managing the employee on-boarding process, updating personnel policies and clerical duties such as contract management, formatting spreadsheets and creating PowerPoint presentations. Education Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia Bachelor of Science, Business and Human Resource Management John Tyler Community College, Chester, Virginia Associate of Science, Psychology Memberships Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) Richmond Society of Human Resource Management Local SHRM Chapter 128 Award of FY2015-2016 Vehicle and Equipment Financing Description On February 15, 2016, Finance received proposals for financing in the amount of $1,361,569 with a 3 year term for acquisition of county vehicles and equipment as approved in the fiscal year 2015-16 operating budget. Responses were received from six financial institutions. The lowest total cost proposal for a 3 year financing was submitted by US Bancorp Government Leasing & Finance at a rate of 1.235%. The bid tabulation and financing documents are attached. Board Action Requested Adopt the attached Resolution to award the 3 year financing to US Bancorp GLF at a rate of 1.235% and authorize the County Manager, Finance Director, and Clerk to execute all necessary documents. Item Presenter David Clawson 129 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,361,569 WITH US BANCORP GOVERNMENT LEASING AND FINANCE INC TO FINANCE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT FOR USE BY THE COUNTY OF DARE, NORTH CAROLINA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF RELATED INSTRUMENTS, AND DETERMINING OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH BE IT RESOLVED by the governing body for the County of Dare, North Carolina (the “Unit”): Section 1. The governing body of the Unit does hereby find and determine: a) The County of Dare proposes the acquisition of certain equipment, which may include fixtures as more fully described in the hereinafter mentioned Contract (collectively, the “Equipment”); b) After consideration, the governing body of the Unit has determined that the most advantageous manner of financing thereof is by an installment contract pursuant to Section 160A-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended; c) Pursuant to Section 160A-20, the Unit is authorized to finance the acquisition of personal property, including fixtures, by installment contracts that create a security interest in the property financed to secure repayment of the financing; and d) US Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance Inc (USBGLF) has proposed that USBGLF enter into an Installment Financing Contract with the Unit to finance the Equipment pursuant to which USBGLF will lend the Unit the amount of $1,361,569 (the “Contract”) and a related Escrow Agreement between the Unit and USBGLF (the “Escrow Agreement”). Section 2. The governing body of the Unit hereby authorizes and directs the County Manager and Finance Director to execute, acknowledge and deliver the Contract and Escrow Agreement on behalf of the Unit in such form and substance as the person executing and delivering such instruments on behalf of the Unit shall find acceptable. The Clerk is hereby authorized to affix the official seal of the County of Dare to the Contract and the Escrow Agreement and attest the same. Section 3. The proper officers of the Unit are authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all papers, instruments, opinions, certificates, affidavits and other documents and to do or cause to be done any and all other acts and things necessary or proper for carrying out this Resolution and the Contract and the Escrow Agreement. Section 4. Notwithstanding any provision of the Contract or the Escrow Agreement, no deficiency judgment may be rendered against the Unit in any action for breach of a contractual 130 obligation under the Contract or the Escrow Agreement and the taxing power of the Unit is not and may not be pledged directly or indirectly to secure any moneys due under the Contract, the security provided under the Contract being the sole security for USBGLF in such instance. Section 5. The Unit covenants that, to the extent permitted by the Constitution and laws of the State of North Carolina, it will comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) as required so that interest on the Unit’s obligations under the Contract will not be included in the gross income of USBGLF. Section 6. The Unit hereby represents that it does not reasonably expect that it, all subordinate entities thereof and all entities issuing obligations on behalf of the Unit, will issue in the aggregate not more than $10,000,000 of tax-exempt obligations, including the Contract during calendar year 2016. In addition, the Unit hereby designates the Contract and its obligations under the Contract as a “bank qualified tax-exempt obligation” for the purposes of the Code. Section 7. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of March, 2016. _____________________________________________ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners [SEAL] COUNTY OF DARE, NORTH CAROLINA ___________________________________ Clerk to the Board 131 DOCUMENT CHECKLIST PLEASE EXECUTE TWO (2) ORIGINALS OF ALL DOCUMENTS **NO FRONT AND BACK COPIES, PLEASE** RETURN ALL ORIGINALS TO: U.S. BANCORP GOVERNMENT LEASING AND FINANCE, INC. LISA ALBRECHT TH 950 17 STREET, 7TH FLOOR DENVER, CO 80202 303-585-4077 ¾ Addendum/Amendment to Master Tax-Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement – This document must be executed in the presence of a witness/attestor. The attesting witness does not have to be a notary, just present at the time of execution. ¾ Property Schedule No. 3 - This document must be executed in the presence of a witness/attestor. The attesting witness does not have to be a notary, just present at the time of execution. ¾ Property Description and Payment Schedule – Exhibit 1 ¾ Lessee’s Counsel’s Opinion – Exhibit 2. This exhibit will need to be executed by your attorney, dated and placed on their letterhead. Your attorney will likely want to review the agreement prior to executing this opinion. ¾ Lessee’s General and Incumbency Certificate – Exhibit 3. - Include in your return package a copy of the board minutes or resolution for our files ¾ Payment of Proceeds Instructions – Exhibit 4. – Intentionally Omitted ¾ Acceptance Certificate – Exhibit 5. – Intentionally Omitted ¾ Bank Qualification and Arbitrage Rebate – Exhibit 6. ¾ Insurance Authorization and Verification – To be filled out by the Lessee and sent to your insurance carrier. A valid insurance certificate, or self-insurance letter if the Lessee self-insures, is required prior to funding. ¾ Notification of Tax Treatment ¾ Form 8038-G – Blank form and instructions provided to Lessee. Please consult your CPA, local legal or bond counsel to fill out. ¾ Vehicle Titling Memo ¾ Escrow Agreement – This document needs to be executed by the Executing Official defined in the Lessee’s Certificate – Exhibit 3. o o o o o o Investment Direction Letter – Exhibit 1. This document needs to be executed by the Executing Official. Schedule of Fees – Exhibit 2. Requisition Request – Exhibit 3. This document should be retained by Lessee and utilized to request disbursements from the escrow account. Please make copies and fill out as many as are needed. Final Acceptance Certificate - Exhibit 4. This document should be retained by Lessee and provided to Lessor once all the proceeds have been disbursed from the escrow account. Class Action Negative Consent Letter – Exhibit 6. IRS Form W-9. This document should be retained by Lessee and submitted with the Requisition Request(s) for each vendor being paid. Please make copies and fill out as many as are needed. 132 ADDENDUM (NORTH CAROLINA) Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement THIS ADDENDUM, which is entered into as of March 15, 2016 between U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. (“Lessor”) and County of Dare (“Lessee”), is intended to modify and supplement Property Schedule No. 2 (the “Property Schedule”) to the Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement between Lessor and Lessee dated as of March 14, 2014 (the “Master Agreement”). Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Master Agreement. In addition to the representations, warranties and covenants set forth in the Master Agreement, Lessee represents, warrants and covenants for the benefit of Lessor that (i) Lessee has reviewed the Property Schedule with legal counsel regarding the need to obtain approval of the Local Government Commission, and if determined that such approval is needed, has so obtained such approval, and (ii) if Lessee is a school district, Lessee has reviewed Section 115C-528 of the General Statutes of North Carolina with its legal counsel for compliance with all of the terms and conditions set forth therein for lease-purchase contracts, and has complied with all said terms and conditions with respect to the Property Schedule. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lessor and Lessee have caused this Addendum to be executed in their names by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written. Lessor: U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. Lessee: County of Dare By: By: Name: Name: Robert Outten Title: Title: County Manager Attest: By Name: Title: 133 Sally DeFosse Assistant Finance Director Property Schedule No. 3 Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement This Property Schedule No. 3 is entered into as of the Commencement Date set forth below, pursuant to that certain Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement (the “Master Agreement”), dated as of March 14, 2014, between U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc., and County of Dare. 1. Interpretation. The terms and conditions of the Master Agreement are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. Reference is made to the Master Agreement for all representations, covenants and warranties made by Lessee in the execution of this Property Schedule, unless specifically set forth herein. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Master Agreement and the provisions of this Property Schedule, the provisions of this Property Schedule shall control. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings provided in the Master Agreement. 2. Commencement Date. The Commencement Date for this Property Schedule is March 15, 2016. 3. Property Description and Payment Schedule. The Property subject to this Property Schedule is described in Exhibit 1 hereto. Lessee shall not remove such property from the locations set forth therein without giving prior written notice to Lessor. The Lease Payment Schedule for this Property Schedule is set forth in Exhibit 1. 4. Opinion. The Opinion of Lessee's Counsel is attached as Exhibit 2. 5. Lessee's Certificate. The Lessee's Certificate is attached as Exhibit 3. 6. Proceeds. Exhibit 4 has been intentionally omitted. 7. Acceptance Certificate. Exhibit 5 has been intentionally omitted. 8. Additional Purchase Option Provisions. In addition to the Purchase Option provisions set forth in the Master Agreement, Lease Payments payable under this Property Schedule shall be subject to prepayment in whole at any time by payment of the applicable Termination Amount set forth in Exhibit 1 (Payment Schedule) and payment of all accrued and unpaid interest through the date of prepayment. 9. Private Activity Issue. Lessee understands that among other things, in order to maintain the exclusion of the interest component of Lease Payments from gross income for federal income tax purposes, it must limit and restrict the rights private businesses (including, for this purpose, the federal government and its agencies and organizations described in the Code § 501(c)(3)) have to use the Property. Each of these requirements will be applied beginning on the later of the Commencement Date or date each portion of the Property is placed in service and will continue to apply until earlier of the end of the economic useful life of the Property or the date the Agreement or any tax-exempt obligation issued to refund the Property Schedule is retired (the “Measurement Period”). Lessee will comply with the requirements of Section 141 of the Code and the regulations thereunder which provide restrictions on special legal rights that users other than Lessee or a state or local government or an agency or instrumentality of a state or a local government (an “Eligible User”) may have to use the Property. For this purpose, special legal rights may arise from a management or service agreement, lease, research agreement or other arrangement providing any entity except an Eligible User the right to use the Property. Any use of the Property by a user other than an Eligible User is referred to herein as “Non-Qualified Use”. Throughout the Measurement Period, all of the Property is expected to be owned by Lessee. Throughout the Measurement Period, Lessee will not permit the Non-Qualified Use of the Property to exceed 10%. 10. Bank Qualification and Arbitrage Rebate. Attached as Exhibit 6. 11. Expiration. Lessor, at its sole determination, may choose not to accept this Property Schedule if the fully executed, original Master Agreement (including this Property Schedule and all ancillary documents) is not received by Lessor at its place of business by April 09, 2016. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lessor and Lessee have caused this Property Schedule to be executed in their names by their duly authorized representatives as of the Commencement Date above. Lessor: U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. Lessee: County of Dare By: By: Name: Name: Robert Outten Title: Title: County Manager Attest: By Name: Title: 134 Sally DeFosse Assistant Finance Director EXHIBIT 1 Property Description and Payment Schedule Re: Property Schedule No. 3 to Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement between U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. and County of Dare. PROPERTY IS AS FOLLOWS: The Property as more fully described in Exhibit A incorporated herein by reference and attached hereto. PROPERTY LOCATION: 954 Marshall C Collins Drive Address Manteo, NC 27954 City, State Zip Code USE: Vehicles, Washers and Dryers - This use is essential to the proper, efficient and economic functioning of Lessee or to the services that Lessee provides; and Lessee has immediate need for and expects to make immediate use of substantially all of the Property, which need is not temporary or expected to diminish in the foreseeable future. Lease Payment Schedule Total Principal Amount: Payment No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $1,361,569.00 Due Date 15-Jun-2016 15-Sep-2016 15-Dec-2016 15-Mar-2017 15-Jun-2017 15-Sep-2017 15-Dec-2017 15-Mar-2018 15-Jun-2018 15-Sep-2018 15-Dec-2018 15-Mar-2019 TOTALS Lease Payment Principal Portion Interest Portion 115,754.03 115,754.03 115,754.03 115,754.03 115,754.03 115,754.03 115,754.03 115,754.03 115,754.03 115,754.03 115,754.03 115,754.03 1,389,048.36 111,550.19 111,894.60 112,240.08 112,586.62 112,934.23 113,282.91 113,632.67 113,983.51 114,335.45 114,688.45 115,042.55 115,397.74 1,361,569.00 4,203.84 3,859.43 3,513.95 3,167.41 2,819.80 2,471.12 2,121.36 1,770.52 1,418.58 1,065.58 711.48 356.29 27,479.36 Interest Rate: 1.235% Lessee: County of Dare By: Name: Robert Outten Title: County Manager 135 Termination Amount (After Making Payment for said Due Date) N/A N/A N/A 940,696.44 824,374.18 707,692.78 590,651.13 473,248.11 355,482.61 237,353.50 118,859.68 0.00 EXHIBIT A Property Description (4) Pickup Trucks (12) Patrol Vehicles (3) Ambulances (2) Trash Trucks (5) Commercial Washers and Dryers VIN#s to be determined 136 EXHIBIT 2 Lessee's Counsel's Opinion [To be provided on letterhead of Lessee's counsel.] March 15, 2016 U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. 13010 SW 68th Parkway, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97223 County of Dare 954 Marshall C Collins Dr Manteo, North Carolina 27954 Attention: Sally DeFosse, Assistant Finance Director RE: Property Schedule No. 3 to Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement between U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. and County of Dare. Ladies and Gentlemen: We have acted as special counsel to County of Dare ("Lessee"), in connection with the Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement, dated as of March 14, 2014 (the "Master Agreement"), between County of Dare, as lessee, and U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. as lessor (“Lessor”), and the execution of Property Schedule No. 3 (the "Property Schedule") pursuant to the Master Agreement. We have examined the law and such certified proceedings and other papers as we deem necessary to render this opinion. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings provided in the Master Agreement and Property Schedule. As to questions of fact material to our opinion, we have relied upon the representations of Lessee in the Master Agreement and the Property Schedule and in the certified proceedings and other certifications of public officials furnished to us without undertaking to verify the same by independent investigation. Based upon the foregoing, we are of the opinion that, under existing law: 1. Lessee is a public body corporate and politic, duly organized and existing under the laws of the State, and has a substantial amount of one or more of the following sovereign powers: (a) the power to tax, (b) the power of eminent domain, and (c) the police power. 2. Lessee has all requisite power and authority to enter into the Master Agreement and the Property Schedule and to perform its obligations thereunder. 3. The execution, delivery and performance of the Master Agreement and the Property Schedule by Lessee has been duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of Lessee. 4. All proceedings of Lessee and its governing body relating to the authorization and approval of the Master Agreement and the Property Schedule, the execution thereof and the transactions contemplated thereby have been conducted in accordance with all applicable open meeting laws and all other applicable state and federal laws. 5. Lessee has acquired or has arranged for the acquisition of the Property subject to the Property Schedule, and has entered into the Master Agreement and the Property Schedule, in compliance with all applicable public bidding laws. 6. Lessee has obtained all consents and approvals of other governmental authorities or agencies which may be required for the execution, delivery and performance by Lessee of the Master Agreement and the Property Schedule. 137 7. The Master Agreement and the Property Schedule have been duly executed and delivered by Lessee and constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of Lessee, enforceable against Lessee in accordance with the terms thereof, except insofar as the enforcement thereof may be limited by any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium, reorganization or other laws of equitable principles of general application, or of application to municipalities or political subdivisions such as the Lessee, affecting remedies or creditors' rights generally, and to the exercise of judicial discretion in appropriate cases. 8. As of the date hereof, based on such inquiry and investigation as we have deemed sufficient, no litigation is pending, (or, to our knowledge, threatened) against Lessee in any court (a) seeking to restrain or enjoin the delivery of the Master Agreement or the Property Schedule or of other agreements similar to the Master Agreement; (b) questioning the authority of Lessee to execute the Master Agreement or the Property Schedule, or the validity of the Master Agreement or the Property Schedule, or the payment of principal of or interest on, the Property Schedule; (c) questioning the constitutionality of any statute, or the validity of any proceedings, authorizing the execution of the Master Agreement and the Property Schedule; or (d) affecting the provisions made for the payment of or security for the Master Agreement and the Property Schedule. This opinion may be relied upon by Lessor, its successors and assigns, and any other legal counsel who provides an opinion with respect to the Property Schedule. Very truly yours, By: Dated: 138 EXHIBIT 3 Lessee's General and Incumbency Certificate GENERAL CERTIFICATE Re: Property Schedule No. 3 to Master Tax-Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement between U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. and County of Dare. County of Dare (“Lessee”) does hereby The undersigned, being the duly elected, qualified and acting ____________________of County Manager certify, as of March 15, 2016, as follows: 1. Lessee did, at a meeting of the governing body of the Lessee, by resolution or ordinance duly enacted, in accordance with all requirements of law, approve and authorize the execution and delivery of the above-referenced Property Schedule (the "Property Schedule") and the Master Tax-Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement (the “Master Agreement”) by the undersigned. 2. The meeting(s) of the governing body of the Lessee at which the Master Agreement and the Property Schedule were approved and authorized to be executed was duly called, regularly convened and attended throughout by the requisite quorum of the members thereof, and the enactment approving the Master Agreement and the Property Schedule and authorizing the execution thereof has not been altered or rescinded. All meetings of the governing body of Lessee relating to the authorization and delivery of Master Agreement and the Property Schedule have been: (a) held within the geographic boundaries of the Lessee; (b) open to the public, allowing all people to attend; (c) conducted in accordance with internal procedures of the governing body; and (d) conducted in accordance with the charter of the Lessee, if any, and the laws of the State. 3. No event or condition that constitutes, or with the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both would constitute, an Event of Default or a Nonappropriation Event (as such terms are defined in the Master Agreement) exists at the date hereof with respect to this Property Schedule or any other Property Schedules under the Master Agreement. 4. The acquisition of all of the Property under the Property Schedule has been duly authorized by the governing body of Lessee. 5. Lessee has, in accordance with the requirements of law, fully budgeted and appropriated sufficient funds for the current budget year to make the Lease Payments scheduled to come due during the current budget year under the Property Schedule and to meet its other obligations for the current budget year and such funds have not been expended for other purposes. 6. As of the date hereof, no litigation is pending, (or, to my knowledge, threatened) against Lessee in any court (a) seeking to restrain or enjoin the delivery of the Master Agreement or the Property Schedule or of other agreements similar to the Master Agreement; (b) questioning the authority of Lessee to execute the Master Agreement or the Property Schedule, or the validity of the Master Agreement or the Property Schedule, or the payment of principal of or interest on, the Property Schedule; (c) questioning the constitutionality of any statute, or the validity of any proceedings, authorizing the execution of the Master Agreement and the Property Schedule; or (d) affecting the provisions made for the payment of or security for the Master Agreement and the Property Schedule. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate as of March 15, 2016 County of Dare By: Print Name: Robert Outten County Manager Print Title: SIGNER MUST BE THE AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL EXECUTING THE DOCUMENTS. 139 INCUMBENCY CERTIFICATE Re: Property Schedule No. 3 to Master Tax-Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement between U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. and County of Dare. The undersigned, being the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary or Clerk of County of Dare (“Lessee”) does hereby certify, as of March 15, 2016, as follows: As of the date of the meeting(s) of the governing body of the Lessee at which the above-referenced Master Agreement and the Property Schedule were approved and authorized to be executed, and as of the date hereof, the below-named representative of the Lessee held and holds the office set forth below, and the signature set forth below is his/her true and correct signature. NAME OF EXECUTING OFFICIAL Robert Outten TITLE OF EXECUTING OFFICIAL SIGNATURE OF EXECUTING OFFICIAL County Manager IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate as of March 15, 2016 County of Dare By: Print Name: Gary Gross Clerk to the Board Print Title: SIGNER MUST NOT BE THE SAME AS THE EXECUTING OFFICIAL SHOWN ABOVE. 140 EXHIBIT 4 Payment of Proceeds Instructions Intentionally Omitted 141 EXHIBIT 5 Acceptance Certificate Intentionally Omitted 142 EXHIBIT 6 Bank Qualification And Arbitrage Rebate U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. 13010 SW 68th Parkway, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97223 Re: Property Schedule No. 3 to Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement between U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. and County of Dare Bank Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligation under Section 265 Check One: _____ Lessee hereby designates this Property Schedule as a "qualified tax-exempt obligation" as defined in Section 265(b)(3)(B) of the Code. Lessee reasonably anticipates issuing tax-exempt obligations (excluding private activity bonds other than qualified 501(c)(3) bonds and including all tax-exempt obligations of subordinate entities of the Lessee) during the calendar year in which the Commencement Date of this Property Schedule falls, in an amount not exceeding $10,000,000. or X Not applicable. _____ Arbitrage Rebate Eighteen Month Exception: Pursuant to Treasury Regulations Section 1.148-7(d), the gross proceeds of this Property Schedule will be expended for the governmental purposes for which this Property Schedule was entered into, as follows: at least 15% within six months after the Commencement Date, at least 60% within 12 months after the Commencement Date, and 100% within 18 months after the Commencement Date. If Lessee is unable to comply with Section 1.148-7(d) of the Treasury Regulations, Lessee shall compute rebatable arbitrage on this Agreement and pay rebatable arbitrage to the United States at least once every five years, and within 60 days after payment of the final Lease Payment due under this Agreement. Consult tax counsel if there is any chance that the Eighteen Month Exception will not be met. Lessee: County of Dare By: Name: Robert Outten Title: County Manager 143 Language for UCC Financing Statements Property Schedule No. 3 SECURED PARTY: U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. DEBTOR: County of Dare This financing statement covers all of Debtor's right, title and interest, whether now owned or hereafter acquired, in and to the equipment leased to Debtor under Property Schedule No. 3 dated March 15, 2016 to that certain Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement dated as of March 14, 2014, in each case between Debtor, as Lessee, and Secured Party, as Lessor, together with all accessions, substitutions and replacements thereto and therefore, and proceeds (cash and noncash), including, without limitation, insurance proceeds, thereof, including without limiting, all equipment described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Debtor has no right to dispose of the equipment. 144 INSURANCE AUTHORIZATION AND VERIFICATION Date: March 15, 2016 To: County of Dare (the “Lessee”) Property Schedule No: 3 From: U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. (the “Lessor”) 1310 Madrid Street Marshall, MN 56258 Attn: Lisa Albrecht TO THE LESSEE: In connection with the above-referenced Property Schedule, Lessor requires proof in the form of this document, executed by both Lessee* and Lessee’s agent, that Lessee's insurable interest in the financed property (the “Property”) meets Lessor’s requirements as follows, with coverage including, but not limited to, fire, extended coverage, vandalism, and theft: LESSOR, AND ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, shall be covered as both ADDITIONAL INSURED and LENDER'S LOSS PAYEE with regard to all equipment financed or leased by policy holder through or from Lessor. All such insurance shall contain a provision to the effect that such insurance shall not be canceled or modified without first giving written notice thereof to Lessor and Lessee at least thirty (30) days in advance of such cancellation or modification. Lessee must carry GENERAL LIABILITY (and/or, for vehicles, Automobile Liability) in the amount of no less than $1,000,000.00 (one million dollars). Lessee must carry PROPERTY Insurance (or, for vehicles, Physical Damage Insurance) in an amount no less than the 'Insurable Value' $1,361,569.00, with deductibles no more than $10,000.00. *Lessee: Please execute this form and return with your document package. Lessor will fax this form to your insurance agency for endorsement. In lieu of agent endorsement, Lessee’s agency may submit insurance certificates demonstrating compliance with all requirements. If fully executed form (or Lessee-executed form plus certificates) is not provided within 15 days, we have the right to purchase such insurance at your expense. Should you have any questions, please contact Lisa Albrecht at 303-585-4077. By signing, Lessee authorizes the Agent named below: 1) to complete and return this form as indicated; and 2) to endorse the policy and subsequent renewals to reflect the required coverage as outlined above. Agency/Agent: Address: Phone/Fax: E-Mail _____________________/____________________ NCACC Risk Management Pools __________________________________________ 215 N. Dawson Street __________________________________________ Raleigh, NC 27603 _____________________/____________________ __________________________________________ 866-261-5788 919-719-1170 County of Dare By: _______________________________ Print Name:_________________________ Robert Outten Title: ______________________________ County Manager TO THE AGENT: In lieu of providing a certificate, please execute this form in the space below and promptly fax it to Lessor at 303-585-4732. This fully endorsed form shall serve as proof that Lessee's insurance meets the above requirements. Agent hereby verifies that the above requirements have been met in regard to the Property listed below. Print Name Of Agency: X_____________________________________ By: X____________________________________ (Agent's Signature) Print Name: X______________________________ Date: X__________________________________ Insurable Value: $1,361,569.00 ATTACHED: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FOR PROPERTY SCHEDULE NO.: 3 145 Notification of Tax Treatment to Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement This Notification of Tax Treatment is pursuant to the Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement dated as of March 14, 2014 and the related Property Schedule No. 3 dated March 15, 2016, between Lessor and Lessee (the "Agreement"). _______ Lessee agrees that this Property Schedule SHOULD be subject to sales/use taxes _______ Lessee agrees that this Property Schedule should NOT be subject to sales/use taxes and Lessee has included our tax-exemption certificate with this document package _______ Lessee agrees that this Property Schedule should NOT be subject to sales/use taxes and no taxexemption certificate is issued to us by the State _______ Lessee agrees that this Property Schedule is a taxable transaction and subject to any/all taxes _X______ Lessee agrees that this Property Schedule is subject to sales/use taxes and will pay those taxes directly to the State or Vendor IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lessee has caused this Notification of Tax Treatment to be executed by their duly authorized representative. Lessee: County of Dare By: Name: Robert Outten Title: County Manager 146 Instructions for Form 8038-G Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service (Rev. September 2011) Information Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental Obligations Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. indenture or other bond documents. See Where To File next. General Instructions Where To File Purpose of Form File Form 8038-G, and any attachments, with the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service Center, Ogden, UT 84201. Form 8038-G is used by issuers of tax-exempt governmental obligations to provide the IRS with the information required by section 149(e) and to monitor the requirements of sections 141 through 150. Who Must File IF the issue price THEN, for tax-exempt (line 21, column (b)) governmental is... obligations issued after December 31, 1986, issuers must file... $100,000 or more A separate Form 8038-G for each issue Less than $100,000 Form 8038-GC, Information Return for Small Tax-Exempt Governmental Bond Issues, Leases, and Installment Sales For all build America bonds and recovery zone economic CAUTION development bonds use Form 8038-B, Information Return for Build America Bonds and Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds. For tax credit bonds and specified tax credit bonds use Form 8038-TC, Information Return for Tax Credit Bonds and Specified Tax Credit Bonds. ! When To File File Form 8038-G on or before the 15th day of the 2nd calendar month after the close of the calendar quarter in which the bond is issued. Form 8038-G may not be filed before the issue date and must be completed based on the facts as of the issue date. Late filing. An issuer may be granted an extension of time to file Form 8038-G under Section 3 of Rev. Proc. 2002-48, 2002-37 I.R.B. 531, if it is determined that the failure to file timely is not due to willful neglect. Type or print at the top of the form “Request for Relief under section 3 of Rev. Proc. 2002-48” and attach a letter explaining why Form 8038-G was not submitted to the IRS on time. Also indicate whether the bond issue in question is under examination by the IRS. Do not submit copies of the trust Sep 20, 2011 Private delivery services. You can use certain private delivery services designated by the IRS to meet the “timely mailing as timely filing/paying” rule for tax returns and payments. These private delivery services include only the following: • DHL Express (DHL): DHL Same Day Service. • Federal Express (FedEx): FedEx Priority Overnight, FedEx Standard Overnight, FedEx 2Day, FedEx International Priority, and FedEx International First. • United Parcel Service (UPS): UPS Next Day Air, UPS Next Day Air Saver, UPS 2nd Day Air, UPS 2nd Day Air A.M., UPS Worldwide Express Plus, and UPS Worldwide Express. The private delivery service can tell you how to get written proof of the mailing date. Other Forms That May Be Required For rebating arbitrage (or paying a penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate) to the Federal government, use Form 8038-T, Arbitrage Rebate, Yield Reduction and Penalty in Lieu of Arbitrage Rebate. For private activity bonds, use Form 8038, Information Return for Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bond Issues. For build America bonds (Direct Pay), build America bonds (Tax Credit), and recovery zone economic development bonds, complete Form 8038-B, Information Return for Build America Bonds and Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds. For qualified forestry conservation bonds, new clean renewable energy bonds, qualified energy conservation bonds, qualified zone academy bonds, qualified school construction bonds, clean renewable energy bonds, Midwestern tax credit bonds, and all other qualified tax credit bonds (except build America bonds), file Form 8038-TC, Information Return for Tax Credit Bonds and Specified Tax Credit Bonds. Cat. No. 63774D 147 Rounding to Whole Dollars You may show amounts on this return as whole dollars. To do so, drop amounts less than 50 cents and increase amounts from 50 cents through 99 cents to the next higher dollar. Questions on Filing Form 8038-G For specific questions on how to file Form 8038-G send an email to the IRS at and put “Form 8038-G Question” in the subject line. In the email include a description of your question, a return email address, the name of a contact person, and a telephone number. Definitions Tax-exempt obligation. This is any obligation, including a bond, installment purchase agreement, or financial lease, on which the interest is excluded from income under section 103. Tax-exempt governmental obligation. A tax-exempt obligation that is not a private activity bond (see below) is a tax-exempt governmental obligation. This includes a bond issued by a qualified volunteer fire department under section 150(e). Private activity bond. This includes an obligation issued as part of an issue in which: • More than 10% of the proceeds are to be used for any private activity business use, and • More than 10% of the payment of principal or interest of the issue is either (a) secured by an interest in property to be used for a private business use (or payments for such property) or (b) to be derived from payments for property (or borrowed money) used for a private business use. It also includes a bond, the proceeds of which (a) are to be used directly or indirectly to make or finance loans (other than loans described in section 141(c)(2)) to persons other than governmental units and (b) exceeds the lesser of 5% of the proceeds or $5 million. Issue price. The issue price of obligations is generally determined under Regulations section 1.148-1(b). Thus, when issued for cash, the issue price is the first price at which a substantial amount of the obligations are sold to the public. To determine the issue price of an obligation issued for property, see sections 1273 and 1274 and the related regulations. Issue. Generally, obligations are treated as part of the same issue if they are issued by the same issuer, on the same date, and in a single transaction, or a series of related transactions. However, obligations issued during the same calendar year (a) under a loan agreement under which amounts are to be advanced periodically (a “draw-down loan”) or (b) with a term not exceeding 270 days, may be treated as part of the same issue if the obligations are equally and ratably secured under a single indenture or loan agreement and are issued under a common financing arrangement (for example, under the same official statement periodically updated to reflect changing factual circumstances). Also, for obligations issued under a draw-down loan that meet the requirements of the preceding sentence, obligations issued during different calendar years may be treated as part of the same issue if all of the amounts to be advanced under the draw-down loan are reasonably expected to be advanced within 3 years of the date of issue of the first obligation. Likewise, obligations (other than private activity bonds) issued under a single agreement that is in the form of a lease or installment sale may be treated as part of the same issue if all of the property covered by that agreement is reasonably expected to be delivered within 3 years of the date of issue of the first obligation. Arbitrage rebate. Generally, interest on a state or local bond is not tax-exempt unless the issuer of the bond rebates to the United States arbitrage profits earned from investing proceeds of the bond in higher yielding nonpurpose investments. See section 148(f). Construction issue. This is an issue of tax-exempt bonds that meets both of the following conditions: 1. At least 75% of the available construction proceeds are to be used for construction expenditures with respect to property to be owned by a governmental unit or a section 501(c)(3) organization, and 2. All the bonds that are part of the issue are qualified 501(c)(3) bonds, bonds that are not private activity bonds, or private activity bonds issued to finance property to be owned by a governmental unit or a section 501(c)(3) organization. In lieu of rebating any arbitrage that may be owed to the United States, the issuer of a construction issue may make an irrevocable election to pay a penalty. The penalty is equal to 11/2% of the amount of construction proceeds that do not meet certain spending requirements. See section 148(f)(4)(C) and the Instructions for Form 8038-T. Specific Instructions Part I—Reporting Authority Amended return. An issuer may file an amended return to change or add to the information reported on a previously filed return for the same date of issue. If you are filing to correct errors or change a previously filed return, check the Amended Return box in the heading of the form. The amended return must provide all the information reported on the original return, in addition to the new or corrected information. Attach an explanation of the reason for the amended return and write across the top, “Amended Return Explanation.” Failure to attach an explanation may result in a delay in processing the form. Line 1. The issuer’s name is the name of the entity issuing the obligations, not the name of the entity receiving the benefit of the financing. For a lease or installment sale, the issuer is the lessee or the purchaser. Line 2. An issuer that does not have an employer identification number (EIN) should apply for one on Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number. You can get this form on the IRS website at or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676). You may receive an EIN by telephone by following the instructions for Form SS-4. Line 3a. If the issuer wishes to authorize a person other than an officer or other employee of the issuer (including a legal representative or paid preparer) to communicate with the IRS and whom the IRS may contact about this return (including in writing or by telephone), enter the name of such person here. The person listed in line 3a must be an individual. Do not enter the name and title of an officer or other employee of the issuer here (use line 10a for that purpose). Note. By authorizing a person other than an authorized officer or other employee of the issuer to communicate with the IRS and whom the IRS may contact about this return, the issuer authorizes the IRS to communicate directly with the individual entered on line 3a and consents to disclose the issuer’s return information to that individual, as necessary, to process this return. Lines 4 and 6. If you listed an individual on line 3a to communicate with the IRS and whom the IRS may contact about this return, enter the number and street (or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to street address), city, town, or post office, state, and ZIP code of that person. Otherwise, enter the issuer’s number and street (or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to street address), city, town, or post office, state, and ZIP code. Note. The address entered on lines 4 and 6 is the address the IRS will use for all written communications regarding the processing of this return, including any notices. Line 5. This line is for IRS use only. Do not make any entries in this box. Line 7. The date of issue is generally the date on which the issuer physically -2- 148 exchanges the bonds that are part of the issue for the underwriter’s (or other purchaser’s) funds. For a lease or installment sale, enter the date interest starts to accrue in a MM/DD/YYYY format. Line 8. If there is no name of the issue, please provide other identification of the issue. Line 9. Enter the CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) number of the bond with the latest maturity. If the issue does not have a CUSIP number, write “None.” Line 10a. Enter the name and title of the officer or other employee of the issuer whom the IRS may call for more information. If the issuer wishes to designate a person other than an officer or other employee of the issuer (including a legal representative or paid preparer) whom the IRS may call for more information about the return, enter the name, title, and telephone number of such person on lines 3a and 3b. ! Complete lines 10a and 10b even if you complete lines 3a and 3b. CAUTION Part II—Type of Issue ! CAUTION Elections referred to in Part II are made on the original bond documents, not on this form. Identify the type of obligations issued by entering the corresponding issue price (see Issue price under Definitions earlier). Attach a schedule listing names and EINs of organizations that are to use proceeds of these obligations, if different from those of the issuer, include a brief summary of the use and indicate whether or not such user is a governmental or nongovernmental entity. Line 18. Enter a description of the issue in the space provided. Line 19. If the obligations are short-term tax anticipation notes or warrants (TANs) or short-term revenue anticipation notes or warrants (RANs), check box 19a. If the obligations are short-term bond anticipation notes (BANs), issued with the expectation that they will be refunded with the proceeds of long-term bonds at some future date, check box 19b. Do not check both boxes. Line 20. Check this box if property other than cash is exchanged for the obligation, for example, acquiring a police car, a fire truck, or telephone equipment through a series of monthly payments. (This type of obligation is sometimes referred to as a “municipal lease.”) Also check this box if real property is directly acquired in exchange for an obligation to make periodic payments of interest and principal. Do not check this box if the proceeds of the obligation are received in the form of cash, even if the term “lease” is used in the title of the issue. Part III—Description of Obligations Line 21. For column (a), the final maturity date is the last date the issuer must redeem the entire issue. For column (b), see Issue price under Definitions earlier. For column (c), the stated redemption price at maturity of the entire issue is the sum of the stated redemption prices at maturity of each bond issued as part of the issue. For a lease or installment sale, write “N/A” in column (c). For column (d), the weighted average maturity is the sum of the products of the issue price of each maturity and the number of years to maturity (determined separately for each maturity and by taking into account mandatory redemptions), divided by the issue price of the entire issue (from line 21, column (b)). For a lease or installment sale, enter instead the total number of years the lease or installment sale will be outstanding. For column (e), the yield, as defined in section 148(h), is the discount rate that, when used to compute the present value of all payments of principal and interest to be paid on the obligation, produces an amount equal to the purchase price, including accrued interest. See Regulations section 1.148-4 for specific rules to compute the yield on an issue. If the issue is a variable rate issue, write “VR” as the yield of the issue. For other than variable rate issues, carry the yield out to four decimal places (for example, 5.3125%). If the issue is a lease or installment sale, enter the effective rate of interest being paid. Part IV—Uses of Proceeds of Bond Issue For a lease or installment sale, write “N/A” in the space to the right of the title for Part IV. Line 22. Enter the amount of proceeds that will be used to pay interest from the date the bonds are dated to the date of issue. Line 24. Enter the amount of the proceeds that will be used to pay bond issuance costs, including fees for trustees and bond counsel. If no bond proceeds will be used to pay bond issuance costs, enter zero. Do not leave this line blank. Line 25. Enter the amount of the proceeds that will be used to pay fees for credit enhancement that are taken into account in determining the yield on the issue for purposes of section 148(h) (for example, bond insurance premiums and certain fees for letters of credit). Line 26. Enter the amount of proceeds that will be allocated to such a fund. Line 27. Enter the amount of the proceeds that will be used to pay principal, interest, or call premium on any other issue of bonds within 90 days of the date of issue. Line 28. Enter the amount of the proceeds that will be used to pay principal, interest, or call premium on any other issue of bonds after 90 days of the date of issue, including proceeds that will be used to fund an escrow account for this purpose. Part V—Description of Refunded Bonds Complete this part only if the bonds are to be used to refund a prior issue of tax-exempt bonds. For a lease or installment sale, write “N/A” in the space to the right of the title for Part V. Lines 31 and 32. The remaining weighted average maturity is determined without regard to the refunding. The weighted average maturity is determined in the same manner as on line 21, column (d). Line 34. If more than a single issue of bonds will be refunded, enter the date of issue of each issue. Enter the date in an MM/DD/YYYY format. Part VI—Miscellaneous Line 35. An allocation of volume cap is required if the nonqualified amount for the issue is more than $15 million but is not more than the amount that would cause the issue to be private activity bonds. Line 36. If any portion of the gross proceeds of the issue is or will be invested in a guaranteed investment contract (GIC), as defined in Regulations section 1.148-1(b), enter the amount of the gross proceeds so invested, as well as the final maturity date of the GIC and the name of the provider of such contract. Line 37. Enter the amount of the proceeds of this issue used to make a loan to another governmental unit, the interest of which is tax-exempt. Line 38. If the issue is a loan of proceeds from another tax-exempt issue, check the box and enter the date of issue, EIN, and name of issuer of the master pool obligation. Line 40. Check this box if the issue is a construction issue and an irrevocable election to pay a penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate has been made on or before the date the bonds were issued. The penalty is payable with a Form 8038-T for each 6-month period after the date the bonds are issued. Do not make any payment of penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate with this form. See Rev. Proc. 92-22, 1992-1 C.B. 736 for rules regarding the “election document.” Line 41a. Check this box if the issuer has identified a hedge on its books and records according to Regulations sections 1.148-4(h)(2)(viii) and 1.148-4(h)(5) that permit an issuer of tax-exempt bonds to identify a hedge for it to be included in yield calculations for computing arbitrage. Line 42. In determining if the issuer has super-integrated a hedge, apply the rules of Regulations section 1.148-4(h)(4). If the hedge is super-integrated, check the box. Line 43. If the issuer takes a “deliberate action” after the issue date that causes -3- 149 the conditions of the private business tests or the private loan financing test to be met, then such issue is also an issue of private activity bonds. Regulations section 1.141-2(d)(3) defines a deliberate action as any action taken by the issuer that is within its control regardless of whether there is intent to violate such tests. Regulations section 1.141-12 explains the conditions to taking remedial action that prevent an action that causes an issue to meet the private business tests or private loan financing test from being treated as a deliberate action. Check the box if the issuer has established written procedures to ensure timely remedial action for all nonqualified bonds according to Regulations section 1.141-12 or other remedial actions authorized by the Commissioner under Regulations section 1.141-12(h). Line 44. Check the box if the issuer has established written procedures to monitor compliance with the arbitrage, yield restriction, and rebate requirements of section 148. Line 45a. Check the box if some part of the proceeds was used to reimburse expenditures. Figure and then enter the amount of proceeds that are used to reimburse the issuer for amounts paid for a qualified purpose prior to the issuance of the bonds. See Regulations section 1.150-2. Line 45b. An issuer must adopt an official intent to reimburse itself for preissuance expenditures within 60 days after payment of the original expenditure unless excepted by Regulations section 1.150-2(f). Enter the date the official intent was adopted. See Regulations section 1.150-2(e) for more information about official intent. Signature and Consent An authorized representative of the issuer must sign Form 8038-G and any applicable certification. Also print the name and title of the person signing Form 8038-G. The authorized representative of the issuer signing this form must have the authority to consent to the disclosure of the issuer’s return information, as necessary to process this return, to the person(s) that have been designated in Form 8038-G. Note. If the issuer in Part 1, lines 3a and 3b authorizes the IRS to communicate (including in writing and by telephone) with a person other than an officer or other employee of the issuer, by signing this form, the issuer’s authorized representative consents to the disclosure of the issuer’s return information, as necessary to process this return, to such person. Paid Preparer If an authorized officer of the issuer filled in this return, the paid preparer’s space should remain blank. Anyone who prepares the return but does not charge the organization should not sign the return. Certain others who prepare the return should not sign. For example, a regular, full-time employee of the issuer, such as a clerk, secretary, etc., should not sign. Generally, anyone who is paid to prepare a return must sign it and fill in the other blanks in the Paid Preparer Use Only area of the return. The paid preparer must: • Sign the return in the space provided for the preparer’s signature (a facsimile signature is acceptable), • Enter the preparer information, and • Give a copy of the return to the issuer. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. You are required to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you are complying with these laws. You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return information are confidential, as required by section 6103. The time needed to complete and file this form varies depending on individual circumstances. The estimated average time is: -4- 150 Learning about the law or the form . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preparing, copying, assembling, and sending the form to the IRS . . . . . . 2 hr., 41 min. 3 hr., 3 min. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler, we would be happy to hear from you. You can write to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Products Coordinating Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:M:S, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Do not send the form to this office. Instead, see Where To File. 8038-G Form (Rev. September 2011) Information Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental Obligations a Under Internal Revenue Code section 149(e) a See separate instructions. Caution: If the issue price is under $100,000, use Form 8038-GC. Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Part I 1 Reporting Authority OMB No. 1545-0720 If Amended Return, check here 2 Issuer’s name Issuer’s employer identification number (EIN) County of Dare, NC 56-6000293 3b Telephone number of other person shown on 3a 3a Name of person (other than issuer) with whom the IRS may communicate about this return (see instructions) Lisa Albrecht 4 303-585-4077 Number and street (or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite 5 Report number (For IRS Use Only) 7 Date of issue 9 CUSIP number 3 PO Box 1000 6 City, town, or post office, state, and ZIP code Manteo, NC 27954 8 a March 15, 2016 Name of issue Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement 10a Name and title of officer or other employee of the issuer whom the IRS may call for more information (see instructions) 10b Telephone number of officer or other employee shown on 10a Sally DeFosse, Assistant Finance Director Part II 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Health and hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Environment (including sewage bonds) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other. Describe a commercial equipment and various vehicles for police, ambulance, sanitation, and general use If obligations are TANs or RANs, check only box 19a . . . . . . . . . . . . . a If obligations are BANs, check only box 19b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a If obligations are in the form of a lease or installment sale, check box . . . . . . . . a Part III 3/15/2019 21 Part IV (c) Stated redemption price at maturity (b) Issue price $ 1,361,569 (d) Weighted average maturity 1,361,569 n/a $ 3 (e) Yield 1.235 % years Uses of Proceeds of Bond Issue (including underwriters’ discount) Proceeds used for accrued interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Issue price of entire issue (enter amount from line 21, column (b)) . . . . . . . . Proceeds used for bond issuance costs (including underwriters’ discount) . . 24 Proceeds used for credit enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Proceeds allocated to reasonably required reserve or replacement fund . 26 Proceeds used to currently refund prior issues . . . . . . . . . 27 Proceeds used to advance refund prior issues . . . . . . . . . 28 Total (add lines 24 through 28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nonrefunding proceeds of the issue (subtract line 29 from line 23 and enter amount here) Part V 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Description of Obligations. Complete for the entire issue for which this form is being filed. (a) Final maturity date 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 252-475-5733 Type of Issue (enter the issue price). See the instructions and attach schedule. . . . . . . 22 23 . . . . . . 29 30 Description of Refunded Bonds. Complete this part only for refunding bonds. 31 Enter the remaining weighted average maturity of the bonds to be currently refunded . . . . 32 Enter the remaining weighted average maturity of the bonds to be advance refunded . . . . 33 Enter the last date on which the refunded bonds will be called (MM/DD/YYYY) . . . . . . 34 Enter the date(s) the refunded bonds were issued a (MM/DD/YYYY) For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 63773S 151 a a years years a Form 8038-G (Rev. 9-2011) Page 2 Form 8038-G (Rev. 9-2011) Part VI 35 36a Miscellaneous Enter the amount of the state volume cap allocated to the issue under section 141(b)(5) . . . . Enter the amount of gross proceeds invested or to be invested in a guaranteed investment contract (GIC) (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 36a b Enter the final maturity date of the GIC a c Enter the name of the GIC provider a 37 Pooled financings: Enter the amount of the proceeds of this issue that are to be used to make loans to other governmental units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38a b c d 39 40 41a b c d 42 43 37 If this issue is a loan made from the proceeds of another tax-exempt issue, check box a and enter the following information: Enter the date of the master pool obligation a Enter the EIN of the issuer of the master pool obligation a Enter the name of the issuer of the master pool obligation a a If the issuer has designated the issue under section 265(b)(3)(B)(i)(III) (small issuer exception), check box . . . . a If the issuer has elected to pay a penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate, check box . . . . . . . . . . . . . a If the issuer has identified a hedge, check here and enter the following information: Name of hedge provider a Type of hedge a Term of hedge a a If the issuer has superintegrated the hedge, check box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If the issuer has established written procedures to ensure that all nonqualified bonds of this issue are remediated a according to the requirements under the Code and Regulations (see instructions), check box . . . . . . . . 44 45a If the issuer has established written procedures to monitor the requirements of section 148, check box . . . If some portion of the proceeds was used to reimburse expenditures, check here a and enter the amount of reimbursement . . . . . . . . . a b Enter the date the official intent was adopted a Signature of issuer’s authorized representative Print/Type preparer’s name Date Preparer's signature F Paid Preparer Use Only . a Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete. I further declare that I consent to the IRS’s disclosure of the issuer’s return information, as necessary to process this return, to the person that I have authorized above. F Signature and Consent . Sally DeFosse, Assistant Finance Director Type or print name and title Date PTIN Check if self-employed Firm’s name a Firm's EIN Firm's address a Phone no. a Form 8038-G (Rev. 9-2011) 152 VEHICLE TITLING ADDENDUM Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement dated March 14, 2014 and related Property Schedule No. 3 dated March 15, 2016, between County of Dare as Lessee and U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. as Lessor. 1. Lessor and Lessee hereby agree to amend the above referenced Agreement to add additional terms and conditions as set forth below: Lessee agrees that it will provide to Lessor the original title documentation to the Equipment. Lessee shall provide such title documentation to Lessor within 15 days of Lessee’s receipt of such title documentation from the appropriate titling authority. Lessee’s failure to provide Lessor with title documentation to the Equipment in a timely fashion shall be deemed a condition of Default as defined in the default paragraph herein subject to remedies available to Lessor pursuant to the remedies paragraph. 2. Location: Lessor agrees that in regard to the location of the equipment, Lessee must be responsible for maintaining records showing the location of each piece of Leased equipment. Lessee will report this location to Lessor upon written request by Lessor. Failure to do so shall constitute a breach of the Agreement, which default shall be governed by the terms and conditions specified in the default and/or remedies paragraph of the Agreement. 3. Lessee will complete the physical titling of the vehicle as required by the state of Lessee’s residence and guarantee U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. that U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. will receive the original title to the leased vehicle in a timely manner. Lessee agrees to indemnify U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. from any damage or loss it incurs, including legal fees, due to its failure to complete its agreement herein. ST THE APPLICATION FOR TITLE MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING AS 1 LIEN HOLDER: U.S. BANCORP GOVERNMENT LEASING AND FINANCE, INC. 1310 MADRID STREET MARSHALL, MN 56258 By signing this Addendum, Lessee acknowledges the above changes to the Agreement and authorizes Lessor to make such changes. In all other respects the terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. Lessor: U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. Lessee: County of Dare By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: 153 Robert Outten County Manager 3/15/16 ESCROW AGREEMENT THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT (“Escrow Agreement”) is made as of March 15, 2016 by and among U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. (“Lessor”), County of Dare (“Lessee”) and U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as escrow agent (“Escrow Agent”). Lessor and Lessee have heretofore entered into that certain Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement dated as of March 14, 2014 (the “Master Agreement”) and a Property Schedule No. 3 thereto dated March 15, 2016 (the “Schedule” and, together with the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement incorporated therein, the “Agreement”). The Schedule contemplates that certain personal property described therein (the “Equipment”) is to be acquired from the vendor(s) or manufacturer(s) thereof (the “Vendor”). After acceptance of the Equipment by Lessee, the Equipment is to be financed by Lessor to Lessee pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. The Master Agreement further contemplates that Lessor will deposit an amount equal to the anticipated aggregate acquisition cost of the Equipment (the “Purchase Price”), being $1,361,569.00, with Escrow Agent to be held in escrow and applied on the express terms set forth herein. Such deposit, together with all interest and other additions received with respect thereto (hereinafter the “Escrow Fund”) is to be applied to pay the Vendor its invoice cost (a portion of which may, if required, be paid prior to final acceptance of the Equipment by Lessee); and, if applicable, to reimburse Lessee for progress payments already made by it to the Vendor of the Equipment. The parties desire to set forth the terms on which the Escrow Fund is to be created and to establish the rights and responsibilities of the parties hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in hand paid, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Escrow Agent hereby agrees to serve as escrow agent upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. The moneys and investments held in the Escrow Fund are for the benefit of Lessee and Lessor, and such moneys, together with any income or interest earned thereon, shall be expended only as provided in this Escrow Agreement, and shall not be subject to levy or attachment or lien by or for the benefit of any creditor of either Lessee or Lessor. Lessor, Lessee and Escrow Agent intend that the Escrow Fund constitute an escrow account in which Lessee has no legal or equitable right, title or interest until satisfaction in full of all conditions contained herein for the disbursement of funds by the Escrow Agent therefrom. However, if the parties’ intention that Lessee shall have no legal or equitable right, title or interest until all conditions for disbursement are satisfied in full is not respected in any legal proceeding, the parties hereto intend that Lessor have a security interest in the Escrow Fund, and such security interest is hereby granted by Lessee to secure payment of all sums due to Lessor under the Master Agreement. For such purpose, Escrow Agent hereby agrees to act as agent for Lessor in connection with the perfection of such security interest and agrees to note, or cause to be noted, on all books and records relating to the Escrow Fund, the Lessor’s interest therein. 2. On such day as is determined to the mutual satisfaction of the parties (the “Closing Date”), Lessor shall deposit with Escrow Agent cash in the amount of the Purchase Price, to be held in escrow by Escrow Agent on the express terms and conditions set forth herein. On the Closing Date, Escrow Agent agrees to accept the deposit of the Purchase Price by Lessor, and further agrees to hold the amount so deposited together with all interest and other additions received with respect thereto, as the Escrow Fund hereunder, in escrow on the express terms and conditions set forth herein. 3. Escrow Agent shall at all times segregate the Escrow Fund into an account maintained for that express purpose, which shall be clearly identified on the books and records of Escrow Agent as being held in its capacity as Escrow Agent. Securities and other negotiable instruments comprising the Escrow Fund from time to time shall be held or registered in the name of Escrow Agent (or its nominee). The Escrow Fund shall not, to the extent permitted by applicable law, be subject to levy or attachment or lien by or for the benefit of any creditor of any of the parties hereto (except with respect to the security interest therein held by Lessor). 154 4. The cash comprising the Escrow Fund from time to time shall be invested and reinvested by Escrow Agent in one or more investments as directed by Lessee. Absent written direction from Lessee, the cash will be invested in the U.S. Bank National Association Money Market Deposit Fund. See Exhibit 1 Investment Direction Letter. Lessee represents and warrants to Escrow Agent and Lessor that the investments selected by Lessee for investment of the Escrow Fund are permitted investments for Lessee under all applicable laws. Escrow Agent will use due diligence to collect amounts payable under a check or other instrument for the payment of money comprising the Escrow Fund and shall promptly notify Lessee and Lessor in the event of dishonor of payment under any such check or other instruments. Interest or other amounts earned and received by Escrow Agent with respect to the Escrow Fund shall be deposited in and comprise a part of the Escrow Fund. Escrow Agent shall maintain accounting records sufficient to permit calculation of the income on investments and interest earned on deposit of amounts held in the Escrow Fund. The parties acknowledge that to the extent regulations of the Comptroller of Currency or other applicable regulatory entity grant a right to receive brokerage confirmations of security transactions of the escrow, the parties waive receipt of such confirmations, to the extent permitted by law. The Escrow Agent shall furnish a statement of security transactions on its regular monthly reports. Attached as Exhibit 6 is the Class Action Negative Consent Letter to be reviewed by Lessee. 5. Upon request by Lessee and Lessor, Escrow Agent shall send monthly statements of account to Lessee and Lessor, which statements shall set forth all withdrawals from and interest earnings on the Escrow Fund as well as the investments in which the Escrow Fund is invested. 6. Escrow Agent shall take the following actions with respect to the Escrow Fund: (a) Upon Escrow Agent’s acceptance of the deposit of the Purchase Price, an amount equal to Escrow Agent’s set-up fee, as set forth on Exhibit 2 hereto, shall be disbursed from the Escrow Fund to Escrow Agent in payment of such fee. (b) Escrow Agent shall pay costs of the Equipment upon receipt of a duly executed Requisition Request (substantially in the format of Exhibit 3) signed by Lessor and Lessee. Lessor’s authorized signatures are provided in Exhibit 5. Lessee’s authorized signatures will be provided in Exhibit 3 of Master Lease Purchase Agreement. Escrow Agent will use best efforts to process requests for payment within one (1) business day of receipt of requisitions received prior to 2:00 p.m. Central Time. The final Requisition shall be accompanied by a duly executed Acceptance Certificate form attached as Exhibit 4 hereto. (c) Upon receipt by Escrow Agent of written notice from Lessor that an Event of Default or an Event of Nonappropriation (if provided for under the Master Agreement) has occurred under the Agreement, all funds then on deposit in the Escrow Fund shall be paid to Lessor for application in accordance with the Master Agreement, and this Escrow Agreement shall terminate. (d) Upon receipt by Escrow Agent of written notice from Lessor that the purchase price of the Equipment has been paid in full, Escrow Agent shall pay the funds then on deposit in the Escrow Fund to Lessor to be applied first to the next Lease Payment due under the Master Agreement, and second, to prepayment of the principal component of Lease Payments in inverse order of maturity without premium. To the extent the Agreement is not subject to prepayment, Lessor consents to such prepayment to the extent of such prepayment amount from the Escrow Fund. Upon disbursement of all amounts in the Escrow Fund, this Escrow Agreement shall terminate. (e) This Escrow Agreement shall terminate eighteen (18) months from the date of this Escrow Agreement. It may, however, be extended by mutual consent of Lessee and Lessor in writing to Escrow Agent. All funds on deposit in the Escrow Fund at the time of termination under this paragraph, unless otherwise directed by Lessee in writing (electronic means acceptable), shall be transferred to Lessor. 7. The fees and expenses, including any legal fees, of Escrow Agent incurred in connection herewith shall be the responsibility of Lessee. The basic fees and expenses of Escrow Agent shall be as set forth on Exhibit 2 and Escrow Agent is hereby authorized to deduct such fees and expenses from the Escrow Fund as and when the same are incurred without any further authorization from Lessee or Lessor. Escrow Agent may employ 155 legal counsel and other experts as it deems necessary for advice in connection with its obligations hereunder. Escrow Agent waives any claim against Lessor with respect to compensation hereunder. 8. Escrow Agent shall have no liability for acting upon any written instruction presented by Lessor in connection with this Escrow Agreement, which Escrow Agent in good faith believes to be genuine. Furthermore, Escrow Agent shall not be liable for any act or omission in connection with this Escrow Agreement except for its own negligence, willful misconduct or bad faith. Escrow Agent shall not be liable for any loss or diminution in value of the Escrow Fund as a result of the investments made by Escrow Agent. 9. Escrow Agent may resign at any time by giving thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Lessor and Lessee. Lessor may at any time remove Escrow Agent as Escrow Agent under this Escrow Agreement upon written notice. Such removal or resignation shall be effective on the date set forth in the applicable notice. Upon the effective date of resignation or removal, Escrow Agent will transfer the Escrow Fund to the successor Escrow Agent selected by Lessor. 10. Lessee hereby represents, covenants and warrants that pursuant to Treasury Regulations Section 1.148-7(d), the gross proceeds of the Agreement will be expended for the governmental purposes for which the Agreement was entered into, as follows: at least 15% within six months after the Commencement Date, such date being the date of deposit of funds into the Escrow Fund, at least 60% within 12 months after the Commencement Date, and 100% within 18 months after the Commencement Date. If Lessee is unable to comply with Section 1.148-7(d) of the Treasury Regulations, Lessee shall, at its sole expense and cost, compute rebatable arbitrage on the Agreement and pay rebatable arbitrage to the United States at least once every five years, and within 60 days after payment of the final rental or Lease Payment due under the Agreement. 11. In the event of any disagreement between the undersigned or any of them, and/or any other person, resulting in adverse claims and demands being made in connection with or for any moneys involved herein or affected hereby, Escrow Agent shall be entitled at its option to refuse to comply with any such claim or demand, so long as such disagreement shall continue, and in so refusing Escrow Agent may refrain from making any delivery or other disposition of any moneys involved herein or affected hereby and in so doing Escrow Agent shall not be or become liable to the undersigned or any of them or to any person or party for its failure or refusal to comply with such conflicting or adverse demands, and Escrow Agent shall be entitled to continue so to refrain and refuse so to act until: (a) the rights of the adverse claimants have been finally adjudicated in a court assuming and having jurisdiction of the parties and the moneys involved herein or affected hereby; or (b) all differences shall have been adjusted by Master Agreement and Escrow Agent shall have been notified thereof in writing signed by all of the persons interested. 12. All notices (excluding billings and communications in the ordinary course of business) hereunder shall be in writing, and shall be sufficiently given and served upon the other party if delivered (a) personally, (b) by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, (c) by an overnight delivery by a service such as Federal Express or Express Mail from which written confirmation of overnight delivery is available, or (d) by facsimile with a confirmation copy by regular United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the other party at its respective address stated below the signature of such party or at such other address as such party shall from time to time designate in writing to the other party, and shall be effective from the date of mailing. 13. This Escrow Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. No rights or obligations of Escrow Agent under this Escrow Agreement may be assigned without the prior written consent of Lessor. 14. This Escrow Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in the state of the Escrow Agent’s location. This Escrow Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and no waiver, consent, modification or change of terms hereof shall bind any party unless in writing signed by all parties. 156 15. This Escrow Agreement and any written direction may be executed in two or more counterparts, which when so executed shall constitute one and the same agreement or direction. IN W ITNESS W HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Escrow Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above set forth. U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc., as Lessor By: Name: Title: th Address: 13010 SW 68 Parkway, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97223 County of Dare, as Lessee By: Name: Title: Robert Outten County Manager Address: 954 Marshall C Collins Dr Manteo, North Carolina 27954 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Escrow Agent By: Name: Title: Address: U.S. Bank National Association th th 950 17 Street, 12 Floor Denver, CO 80202 157 EXHIBIT 1 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT AUTHORIZATION FORM DESCRIPTION AND TERMS The U.S. Bank Money Market account is a U.S. Bank National Association (“U.S. Bank”) interest-bearing money market deposit account designed to meet the needs of U.S. Bank’s Corporate Trust Services Escrow Group and other Corporate Trust customers of U.S. Bank. Selection of this investment includes authorization to place funds on deposit and invest with U.S. Bank. U.S. Bank uses the daily balance method to calculate interest on this account (actual/365 or 366). This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal balance in the account each day. Interest is accrued daily and credited monthly to the account. Interest rates are determined at U.S. Bank’s discretion, and may be tiered by customer deposit amount. The owner of the account is U.S. Bank as Agent for its trust customers. U.S. Bank’s trust department performs all account deposits and withdrawals. Deposit accounts are FDIC Insured per depositor, as determined under FDIC Regulations, up to applicable FDIC limits. U.S. BANK, WHEN ACTING AS AN INDENTURE TRUSTEE OR IN A SIMILAR CAPACITY, IS NOT REQUIRED TO REGISTER AS A MUNICIPAL ADVISOR WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION FOR PURPOSES OF COMPLYING WITH THE DODD-FRANK WALL STREET REFORM & CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT. INVESTMENT ADVICE, IF NEEDED, SHOULD BE OBTAINED FROM YOUR FINANCIAL ADVISOR. AUTOMATIC AUTHORIZATION In the absence of specific written direction to the contrary, U.S. Bank is hereby directed to invest and reinvest proceeds and other available moneys in the U.S. Bank Money Market Account. The U.S. Bank Money Market Account is a permitted investment under the operative documents and this authorization is the permanent direction for investment of the moneys until notified in writing of alternate instructions. County of Dare Company Name Signature of Authorized Directing Party Trust Account Number – includes existing and future sub-accounts unless otherwise directed Title/Date County Manager 3/15/16 158 EXHIBIT 2 Schedule of Fees for Services as Escrow Agent For County of Dare Equipment Lease Purchase Escrow CTS01010A Acceptance Fee The acceptance fee includes the administrative review of documents, initial set-up of the account, and other reasonably required services up to and including the closing. This is a one-time, non-refundable fee, payable at closing. WAIVED CTS04460 Escrow Agent Annual fee for the standard escrow agent services associated with the administration of the account. Administration fees are payable in advance. WAIVED Direct Out of Pocket Expenses Reimbursement of expenses associated with the performance of our duties, including but not limited to publications, legal counsel after the initial close, travel expenses and filing fees. At Cost Extraordinary Services Extraordinary Services are duties or responsibilities of an unusual nature, including termination, but not provided for in the governing documents or otherwise set forth in this schedule. A reasonable charge will be assessed based on the nature of the services and the responsibility involved. At our option, these charges will be billed at a flat fee or at our hourly rate then in effect. Account approval is subject to review and qualification. Fees are subject to change at our discretion and upon written notice. Fees paid in advance will not be prorated. The fees set forth above and any subsequent modifications thereof are part of your agreement. Finalization of the transaction constitutes agreement to the above fee schedule, including agreement to any subsequent changes upon proper written notice. In the event your transaction is not finalized, any related out-of-pocket expenses will be billed to you directly. Absent your written instructions to sweep or otherwise invest, all sums in your account will remain uninvested and no accrued interest or other compensation will be credited to the account. Payment of fees constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PROCEDURES FOR OPENING A NEW ACCOUNT: To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. For a non-individual person such as a business entity, a charity, a Trust or other legal entity we will ask for documentation to verify its formation and existence as a legal entity. We may also ask to see financial statements, licenses, identification and authorization documents from individuals claiming authority to represent the entity or other relevant documentation. 159 County of Dare, NC X Governmental PO Box 1000 Manteo, NC 27954 5 6 3/15/16 160 6 0 0 0 2 9 3 161 162 163 County of Dare, NC RFP Dated February 1, 2016 $1,361,569 3 year term Rate 1/4ly Pymt Capital One Public Funding Carlyle Capital Markets Inc -No Bid 1.640% $ 116,510.58 $ PNC Equipment Finance 1.300% $ 115,875.27 $ Signature Public Funding Corp The Bancorp Bank dba Mears Motor Leasing US Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance Inc 1.600% $ 1.690% $ 1.235% $ 116,435.74 $ 116,604.17 $ 115,754.03 $ Fees Total Cost of Loan Day Count Rule - $ 1,398,126.96 250.00 $ 1,390,753.24 - 164 $ $ $ 1,397,228.88 1,399,250.04 1,389,048.36 360 Prepayment Premium 102% of balance 103% of balance after second anniversary 102% of balance prior to 3/16/2017 360 101% of balance on or after 3/16/2017 not disclosed none not disclosed 103% of balance not disclosed RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF DARE, NORTH CAROLINA, APPROVING AN INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT WITH THE DARE COUNTY PUBLIC FACILITIES CORPORATION AND RELATED MATTERS Description Please see the attached Item Summary. Board Action Requested Adopt Resolution Item Presenter David Clawson, Finance Director 165 Item Summary: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF DARE, NORTH CAROLINA, APPROVING AN INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT WITH THE DARE COUNTY PUBLIC FACILITIES CORPORATION AND RELATED MATTERS The attached Resolution is the final action (except for budget actions) to be taken by the Board to approve the issuance of the Series 2016 Limited Obligation Bonds for the financing of a portion of the RECC/EOC project and for the refinancing of a portion of the 2007 Certificates of Participation. Electronic copies of the documents have been previously provided to the Board, Clerk and Manager, as well as to the Dare County Public Facilities Corporation Board and Officers. The Resolution makes several findings and statements of fact, including: The Board has previously determined to finance a portion of the Regional Emergency Communications Center & Dare County Emergency Operations Center. The County previously entered into an Installment Financing Contract (2007 COPs) to finance the Administration Building, the Kitty Hawk Recreation Park, and the Hatteras Island Administration Building. It is in the best interests of the County to enter into an Installment Purchase Contract with the Dare County Public Facilities Corporation and into the Deed of Trust which pledges as collateral the RECC/EOC project and site. The County will execute a Letter of Representations for Piper Jaffray, underwriter. Copies of the documents have been made available to the Board and the Board approves: o the Contract; o the Deed of Trust; o the Escrow Agreement; and o the Letter of Representations (Exhibit A to the Purchase Agreement). A draft of the Preliminary Official Statement has been presented to the Board and that the POS is in an appropriate form. The Board held a public hearing on March 7, 2016. The County has filed an application with the Local Government Commission for approval. The Resolution resolves: 1. That all actions of the Clerk, the Manager, the Finance Director and their respective designees are approved, ratified and authorized. 2. That the form, terms and content of the POS and final Offering Statement are authorized, approved and confirmed. 3. That the Contract is approved and that the Manager, the Finance Director, the 166 4. 5. 6. 7. Clerk and their designees are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Contract with any changes which shall to them seem necessary. That the Manager, Clerk and Finance Director are authorized to do all such acts and things necessary to comply with the provisions of the Contract. That the Deed of Trust is approved and that the Manager, the Finance Director, the Clerk and their designees are authorized to execute and deliver the Deed of Trust with any changes which shall to them seem necessary. That the Manager, Clerk and Finance Director are authorized to do all such acts and things necessary to comply with the provisions of the Notice of Extension. That the Escrow Agreement is approved and that the Manager, the Finance Director, the Clerk and their designees are authorized to execute and deliver the Escrow Agreement with any changes which shall to them seem necessary. That the Manager, Clerk and Finance Director are authorized to do all such acts and things necessary to comply with the provisions of the Escrow Agreement. That the form and content of the Letter of Representations is approved and that the Manager or Finance Director is authorized to execute the Letter of Representations. That the County Manager and Finance Director are designated as the County’s Representatives to act on behalf of the County with the transaction; that the same are authorized to obtain an opinion from the County Attorney and other attorneys for the documents; that the County Attorney is authorized to provide an opinion; that the County Representatives are authorized to supply all information for the POS; that the Manager, Clerk, Finance Director or their designees are authorized and empowered to do any and all acts and to execute other documents which they deem necessary and appropriate to complete the transaction. The Dare County Public Facilities Corporation will meet prior to the Board meeting to adopt its necessary Corporate Resolution. The application is on the Local Government Commission’s agenda for 4/5/2016. The LGC has assigned a sale date of 4/28/2016. 167 EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Dare, North Carolina, was duly held on March 7, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in the County Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 954 Marshall C. Collins Drive, Manteo, North Carolina. Chairman Robert Woodard presiding. The following members were present: The following members were absent: Commissioner ______________ moved that the following resolution, copies of which having been made available to the Board of Commissioners, be adopted: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF DARE, NORTH CAROLINA, APPROVING AN INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT WITH THE DARE COUNTY PUBLIC FACILITIES CORPORATION AND RELATED MATTERS WHEREAS, the County of Dare, North Carolina (the “County”) is a validly existing political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, existing as such under and by virtue of the Constitution, statutes and laws of the State of North Carolina (the “State”); WHEREAS, the County has the power, pursuant to the General Statutes of North Carolina to (1) purchase real and personal property, (2) enter into installment purchase contracts to finance the purchase of real and personal property used, or to be used, for public purposes, and (3) grant a security interest in some or all of the property purchased to secure repayment of the purchase price; WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County (the “Board”) has previously determined that it is in the best interest of the County to finance the costs of constructing, equipping and furnishing a consolidated regional emergency 911 call center for Dare, Tyrell and Hyde Counties and an emergency operations center for Dare County, in the County (the “RECC/EOC Project”); WHEREAS, the County has previously financed the costs of (1) acquiring, constructing, equipping and furnishing a County Administrative Building, (2) acquiring certain real property in Kitty Hawk to be used for parks and recreation and the construction of improvements thereon and (3) constructing, equipping and furnishing a satellite County office facility on Hatteras Island (the “2007 Projects”) pursuant to an installment purchase contract and may have the opportunity to refinance the 2007 Projects for debt service savings by providing for the refunding of a portion of the outstanding Certificates of Participation, Series 2007 (the “2007 Certificates”) related to the 2007 Projects; 168 WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the County (a) to enter into an Installment Financing Contract (the “Contract”) with the Dare County Public Facilities Corporation, a North Carolina nonprofit corporation (the “Corporation”), in order (1) to finance the costs of the RECC/EOC Project, (2) to refinance the costs of the 2007 Projects by refunding all or a portion of the 2007 Certificates and (3) to pay the costs related to the execution and delivery of the Contract and (b) to provide, in connection with the Contract, as grantor, a Deed of Trust, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing (the “Deed of Trust”) related to the County’s fee simple interest in the site of the RECC/EOC Projects and the improvements thereon to secure the County’s obligations under the Contract (the “Mortgaged Property”); WHEREAS, in order to assist the County in the financing described above, the Corporation will execute and deliver Limited Obligation Bonds Evidencing Proportionate Undivided Interests in Rights to Receive Certain Revenues Pursuant to the Contract (the “Bonds”) in one or more series; WHEREAS, in connection with the sale of the Bonds by the Corporation to Piper Jaffray & Co. (the “Underwriter”), the County desires to make certain representations and warranties to the Underwriter in the form of the County’s Letter of Representations to the Underwriter (the “Letter of Representations”); WHEREAS, there has been described to the Board the following documents (collectively, the “Instruments”), copies of which have been made available to the Board, which the County proposes to approve, enter into and deliver, as applicable, to effectuate the proposed installment purchase financing: (1) the form of the Contract; (2) the form of the Deed of Trust; (3) the form of the Escrow Agreement (the “Escrow Agreement”) between the County and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as escrow agent, related to the refunding of the 2007 Certificates; and (4) the form of the Letter of Representations; WHEREAS, to make an offering and sale of the Bonds, there will be prepared a Preliminary Official Statement (the “Preliminary Official Statement”), a draft thereof having been presented to the Board, and a final Official Statement (the “Final Official Statement” and, collectively with the Preliminary Official Statement, the “Official Statement”) with respect to the Bonds, which Official Statement will contain certain information regarding the County; WHEREAS, it appears that each of the Instruments and the Preliminary Official Statement is in an appropriate form and is an appropriate instrument for the purposes intended; WHEREAS, the Board conducted a public hearing on March 7, 2016 to receive public comment on the proposed Contract; WHEREAS, the County has filed an application to the LGC for approval of the Contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF DARE, NORTH CAROLINA, as follows: 169 Section 1. Ratification of Action. That all actions of the County Manager, the Finance Director, the Clerk to the Board and their respective designees, whether previously or hereinafter taken, in effectuating the proposed financing are hereby approved, ratified and authorized pursuant to and in accordance with the transactions contemplated by the Instruments. Section 2. Authorization of the County's Information in the Official Statement. That the information with respect to the County contained in the Preliminary Official Statement and the Final Official Statement is in all respects authorized, approved and confirmed and the use of the Preliminary Official Statement and the Final Official Statement by the Underwriter in connection with the offering and sale of the Bonds is hereby in all respects authorized, approved and confirmed. Section 3. Authorization to Execute the Contract. That the County approves the financing of the RECC/EOC Project and refinancing of the 2007 Projects in accordance with the terms of the Contract, which will be a valid, legal and binding obligation of the County in accordance with its terms. The form and content of the Contract shall be and the same hereby are in all respects authorized, approved and confirmed, and the County Manager, the Finance Director and the Clerk to the Board and their respective designees, individually or collectively, shall be and they hereby are authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver the Contract, including necessary counterparts, in substantially the form and content presented to the Board, but with such changes, modifications, additions or deletions therein as shall to them seem necessary, desirable or appropriate, their execution thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of their approval of any and all changes, modifications, additions or deletions therein from the form and content of the Contract presented to the Board, and that from and after the execution and delivery of the Contract, the County Manager, the Finance Director and the Clerk to the Board, individually or collectively, are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to do all such acts and things and to execute all such documents as may be necessary to carry out and comply with the provisions of the Contract as executed. Section 4. Deed of Trust. That the form and content of the Deed of Trust shall be and the same hereby are in all respects authorized, approved and confirmed, and the County Manager, the Finance Director and the Clerk to the Board and their respective designees, individually or collectively, shall be and they hereby are authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver the Deed of Trust, including necessary counterparts, in substantially the form and content presented to the Board, but with such changes, modifications, additions or deletions therein as shall to them seem necessary, desirable or appropriate, their execution thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of their approval of any and all changes, modifications, additions or deletions therein from the form and content of the Deed of Trust presented to the Board, and that from and after the execution and delivery of the Deed of Trust, the County Manager, the Finance Director and the Clerk to the Board, individually or collectively, are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to do all such acts and things and to execute all such documents as may be necessary to carry out and comply with the provisions of the Deed of Trust as executed. Section 5. Authorization to Execute the Escrow Agreement. That the Escrow Agreement will be a valid, legal and binding obligation of the County in accordance with its terms. The form and content of the Escrow Agreement shall be and the same hereby is in all respects authorized, approved and confirmed, and the County Manager, the Finance Director and the Clerk to the Board and their respective designees, individually or collectively, shall be and they hereby are authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver the Escrow Agreement, including necessary counterparts, in substantially the form and content presented to the Board, but with such changes, modifications, additions or deletions therein as shall to them seem necessary, desirable or appropriate, its execution thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of their approval of any and all changes, modifications, additions or deletions therein from the form and content of the Escrow Agreement presented to the Board, and that from and after the execution and delivery of the Escrow Agreement, the County Manager, the Finance Director and the Clerk to the 170 Board, individually or collectively, are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to do all such acts and things and to execute all such documents as may be necessary to carry out and comply with the provisions of the Escrow Agreement as executed. Section 6. Letter of Representations. That the form and content of the Letter of Representations shall be and the same hereby is in all respects approved and confirmed, and the County Manager, the Finance Director and their respective designees, individually or collectively, be and they hereby are authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver the Letter of Representations for and on behalf of the County, including necessary counterparts, in substantially the form and content presented to the Board, but with such changes, modifications, additions or deletions therein as shall to him seem necessary, desirable or appropriate, his execution thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of his approval of any and all changes, modifications, additions or deletions therein from the form and content of the Letter of Representations presented to the Board, and that from and after the execution and delivery of the Letters of Representations, the County Manager and the Finance Director, individually or collectively, are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to do all such acts and things and to execute all such documents as may be necessary to carry out and comply with the provisions of the Letters of Representation as executed. Section 7. County Representatives. That the County Manager and Finance Director of the County, individually or collectively, are hereby designated as the County’s Representatives to act on behalf of the County in connection with the transaction contemplated by the Instruments and the Preliminary Official Statement, and the County’s Representatives are authorized to proceed with the transactions contemplated by the Instruments and to seek opinions as to matters of law from the County Attorney, which the County Attorney is hereby authorized to furnish on behalf of the County, and opinions of law from such other attorneys for all documents contemplated hereby as required by law. The County’s Representatives and/or designee or designees are in all respects authorized on behalf of the County to supply all information pertaining to the County as purchaser under the Contract for use in the Preliminary Official Statement and the transaction contemplated by the Instruments and the Preliminary Official Statement. The County Manager, the Clerk to the Board and the Finance Director of the County or their respective designees, individually or collectively, are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to do any and all other acts and to execute any and all other documents, which they, in their discretion, deem necessary and appropriate to consummate the transactions contemplated by the Instruments or the Preliminary Official Statement or as they deem necessary or appropriate to implement and carry out the intent and purposes of this Resolution, including the post-issuance on-going administration thereof. Section 8. Severability. That if any section, phrase or provision of this Resolution shall for any reason be declared to be invalid, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the sections, phrases or provisions of this Resolution. Section 9. Repealer. That all motions, orders, resolutions and parts thereof, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 10. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall become effective on the date of its adoption. 171 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DARE ) ) ) SS: I, Gary L. Gross, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of Dare, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, as follows: 1. A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Dare, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, was duly held on March 7, 2016, proper notice of such meeting having been given as required by North Carolina statute, and minutes of said meeting have been duly recorded in the Minute Book kept by me in accordance with law for the purpose of recording the minutes of said Board of Commissioners. 2. I have compared the attached extract with said minutes so recorded and said extract is a true copy of said minutes and of the whole thereof insofar as said minutes relate to matters referred to in said extract. 3. Said minutes correctly state the time when said meeting was convened and the place where such meeting was held and the members of said Board who attended said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of said County, this ___ day of March, 2016. (SEAL) _______________________________ GARY L. GROSS Clerk to the Board of Commissioners County of Dare, North Carolina PPAB 3129234v1 172 Public Hearing for Series 2016A LOBs Description Public hearing per the attached notice, concerning the approval of the execution and delivery of the Contract and the Deed of Trust and the County’s financing and refinancing of the Projects. All interested parties are invited to present comments at the public hearing regarding the execution and delivery of the Contract and the Projects to be financed and refinanced thereby. Board Action Requested Hold Public Hearing Item Presenter David Clawson, Finance Director 173 EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING At its February 15, 2016 meeting, the Board of Commissioners (the “Board”) of the County of Dare, North Carolina (the “County”) adopted a resolution which: 1. Authorized the County to proceed with the negotiation of an installment financing contract (the “Contract”), in a principal amount not to exceed $13,000,000 to (A) finance the costs of (1) constructing, equipping and furnishing a consolidated regional emergency 911 call center for Dare, Tyrell and Hyde Counties and an emergency operations center for Dare County, in the County (the “RECC/EOC Project”), and (2) the execution and delivery of the Contract and (B) refinance the County’s installment payment obligations related to a portion of Certificates of Participation, Series 2007, the proceeds of which were used the costs (1) acquiring, constructing, equipping and furnishing a County Administrative Building, (2) acquiring certain real property in Kitty Hawk to be used for parks and recreation and the construction of improvements thereon and (3) constructing, equipping and furnishing a satellite County office facility on Hatteras Island (the “2007 Projects”); 2. Identified that the County may determine in the future to finance under the Contract, in a principal amount of approximately $15,000,000, the costs of beach nourishment in the Towns of Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk and Duck (the “Town Beach Nourishment Projects” and collectively with the RECC/EOC Project and the 2007 Projects, the “Projects”); 3. Authorized the County to proceed to provide, in order to secure the County’s obligations under the Contract, as grantor, a deed of trust, security agreement and fixture filing (the “Deed of Trust”) under which the County’s fee simple interest in the site of the RECC/EOC Project and the improvements thereon (the “Mortgaged Property”) will be mortgaged by the County to create a lien thereon. The RECC/EOC Project will be located in Manteo adjacent to the Dare County Regional Airport. The Town Beach Nourishment Projects will be located on the oceanfront coast line in the Towns of Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk and Duck. The 2007 Projects are located as follows: County Administration Building at 954 Marshall Collins Drive, Manteo, parks and recreation project at 906 West Kitty Hawk Road, Kitty Hawk and satellite County office facility at 50347 Highway 12, Frisco. On payment by the County of all installment payments due under the Contract, the Deed of Trust and any lien created thereunder will terminate and the County’s title to the Mortgaged Property will be unencumbered. PPAB 3105411v3 174 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Sections 160A-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, that on March 7, 2016 at or about 10:00 a.m. in the County Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 954 Marshall C. Collins Drive, Manteo, North Carolina, a public hearing will be conducted concerning the approval of the execution and delivery of the Contract and the Deed of Trust and the County’s financing and refinancing of the Projects. All interested parties are invited to present comments at the public hearing regarding the execution and delivery of the Contract and the Projects to be financed and refinanced thereby. /s/ GARY L. GROSS Clerk to the Board of Commissioners County of Dare, North Carolina PPAB 3105411v3 175 Consent Agenda Description 1. Approval of Minutes (02.11.16 Retreat & 02.15.16) 2. Government Education Access Channels 2016/2017 Proposed Budget Board Action Requested Approval Item Presenter County Manager, Robert Outten 176 Approval of Minutes Description The Board of Commissioners will review and approve their previous Minutes, which follow this page. Board Action Requested Approve Previous Minutes Item Presenter County Manager, Robert Outten 177 Page 1 of 5 COUNTY OF DARE, NORTH CAROLINA District 1: Roanoke Island & Mainland; District 2: Nags Head, Colington, Kill Devil Hills; District 3: Kitty Hawk, Southern Shores, Duck; District 4: Chicamacomico, Avon, Buxton, Frisco, Hatteras; District 5: At Large MINUTES DARE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL MEETING – BOARD RETREAT For discussion and planning about the challenges and issues facing Dare County and for the Board to explore solutions that will best serve the residents and visitors of Dare County Outer Banks Visitors Bureau Conference Room, Manteo, NC 8:00 a.m., February 11, 2016 Commissioners present: Chairman Robert Woodard Vice-Chairman Wally Overman Warren Judge, Jack Shea, Beverly Boswell, Margarette Umphlett Commissioners absent: Allen Burrus Others present: County Manager/Attorney, Robert Outten Finance Director, David Clawson Public Information Officer, Dorothy Hester Clerk to the Board, Gary Gross Chairman Woodard called the Special Meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. He invited Commissioner Umphlett to share a prayer and then he led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. It was announced that Commissioner Burrus was unable to attend because of a medical appointment. No one from the public was in attendance; however, the news media was present throughout the entire retreat. The Chairman led Commissioners in a discussion of the following items, some of which were handled out of sequential order – ITEM 1 – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (STRATEGIC PLAN) The Board was briefed on economic development discussions involving Commissioner Shea, the County Manager, the Finance Director, and NC State. The timeline for the economic development project was reviewed and it was explained that a serious effort will be made to involve stakeholders and make this a broad based community effort. Mr. Outten reported that instructions were given to NC State that clarified the County’s position that a thorough, complete, and accurate report is more important than speed because the County wants a meaningful plan that will work and not just sit on a shelf. 178 Page 2 of 5 ITEM 2 – SALARY STUDY & DISCUSSIONS ON AVAILABLE FUNDS NOW FOR SALARY INCREASES & BONUSES Chairman Woodard outlined research he did on County employee earnings at various compensation levels, which led to a general discussion of how to retain and compensate employees, especially those on the lower end of the pay scale. Mr. Clawson said $781,000 is in the next fiscal year budget for salary adjustments. The Board discussed the merits of moving forward with a salary study. By unanimous consensus, the Board instructed the County Manager to move forward with a salary study by having the firms he identified resubmit bids as quickly as possible for action at the March 7 meeting. The Board also discussed the need to consider future merit pay awards and possibly restoring 401k contributions. Mr. Outten outlined a bonus plan where deserving employees would be given a one-time monetary award. By unanimous consensus, the Board authorized the Manager to proceed in developing this type of a bonus plan. ITEM 3 – SCHOOL BOARD BUDGET Mr. Clawson described the status of the Board of Education’s maintenance list and Chairman Woodard noted that the 5 on 5 meetings have been very productive. Mr. Outten reported on a presentation that was made to the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners about Dare County’s school funding formula. It was the unanimous consensus of the Board that the County Manager and Finance Director should continue using the funding formula that is now in place. ITEM 4 – TWO YEAR BUDGET PLAN The Finance Director reviewed the budget process, which is going into the second year of a two-year cycle. He explained that Department Heads have been instructed only to submit changes for 2017 that address new mandates or items that could not have been foreseen when the budget was prepared last year. The merits of two-year budget cycles were discussed. ITEM 5 – CONTINUE TO INCREASE THE FUND BALANCE Mr. Clawson provided information about the status of the County’s Fund Balance and explained the various categories. The Fund Balance target goal was discussed and it was noted that progress is being made to increase the undesignated Fund Balance. ITEM 6 – CONTINUE TO PAY DOWN INSURANCE DEBT Commissioners were briefed on the progress that has been made concerning the County’s ongoing effort to pay down insurance debt. Mr. Clawson explained the stop loss provisions of the County’s health plan, which led to discussion of the employee Health Clinic that is expected to be operational in about four months and the important role of promoting wellness in the Dare County plan. 179 Page 3 of 5 ITEM 7 – INLET DREDGING (HATTERAS INLET & OREGON INLET) Chairman Woodard reported on additional federal funds that Congressman Walter Jones has obtained for Oregon Inlet and Hatteras Inlet. Commissioner Boswell noted that Oregon Inlet Task Force member Harry Schiffman has done an exceptional job tracking the funds designated for inlet dredging. Vice-Chairman Overman reported on dredging activity at Hatteras Inlet and explained that safety was the reason why dredging was recently suspended and that it was not due to lack of funds. He added that efforts are still underway to expand the federal authorization to include all the waters of Hatteras Inlet. An update was given on the status of the Memorandum of Agreement. Chairman Woodard presented a letter thanking Congressman Jones for the additional funding he obtained. By unanimous consensus, the Board agreed with sending the letter of appreciation. Commissioner Boswell described areas of Oregon Inlet that need lighting and the County Manager said he would follow-up on this. ITEM 8 – BEACH NOURISHMENT PLANS & DISCUSSION OF A POSSIBLE TAX SERVICE DISTRICT Chairman Woodard presented a resolution that was prepared based on discussions he had with the Governor’s staff suggesting that a resolution from the Board might be helpful in obtaining federal assistance for Buxton. Vice-Chairman Overman recommended that language be added clarifying that NC Highway 12 is also the sole source of access to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. MOTION Commissioner Judge motioned to approve the resolution for immediate sending. Commissioners Woodard, Overman, Shea, Boswell, Umphlett seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous The Board discussed the bids that were received for the nourishment projects in Duck, Kitty Hawk, and Kill Devil Hills. Commissioners explored the merits of rejecting the bids and by unanimous consensus adopted a position that the bids should be rejected and that the project be rebid for contract in 2017. MOTION Commissioner Judge motioned to authorize the County Manager to talk with the Managers of the Town Beach Nourishment projects and outline the County’s position (as reflected above) and if the group agrees, staff should move forward as outlined. Vice-Chairman Overman seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous Mr. Outten reviewed the process for establishing a Tax Service District and outlined possible options. In discussing possible Service Districts, the Manager explained that there must be a demonstrated benefit to the district. It was noted that this item is on the Board’s agenda for the next meeting on February 15. Commissioner Umphlett announced that she will be unable to attend the next Board meeting, but sees the need to have Public Hearings on a Service Tax District. 180 Page 4 of 5 ITEM 9 – CONTINUE EXPLORING CONSOLIDATION OF SERVICES An update was given on consolidation talks that have taken place. It was reported that the Towns are apparently not interested in consolidating services for fire, police, trash, and water. However, it was noted that there are many ways that the County and Towns already work together to share equipment and resources as the need arises. The Board was told that consolidation will be an ongoing topic of discussion at monthly meetings of the Town/County Managers. ITEM 10 – MONITORING OF TAX REDISTRIBUTION IN RALEIGH The Board discussed reports that tax redistribution will not be in the 2016 short session, but may be reintroduced by Senator Brown in 2017. Commissioners brainstormed on ideas that may be viable options to help poorer counties without hurting other counties by redistributing tax revenue. Chairman Woodard said Dare County will need to continuing monitoring this issue and stay in close contact with our Legislators. ITEM 11 – TECHNOLOGY ISSUES - CREATING REMOTE ACCESS TO MEETINGS Commissioners were briefed on plans to establish a video link with the Fessenden Center to allow citizens on Hatteras Island to remotely make public comments during Board meetings. Mr. Outten outlined options for providing this service and by unanimous consensus, the Board agreed to authorize the Manager to take $5,900 out of contingency to provide this service with a target implementation date of early May. OTHER ITEMS – The Board discussed how to respond to the issues that were raised by citizens during the Town Hall meetings in Manteo and Buxton. By unanimous consensus it was agreed that a general narrative letter will be prepared that reflects the Board’s position on the topics that were discussed. The letter will be shared with those who spoke and it will also be publicized. Chairman Woodard updated the Board on the County’s ongoing effort to have the Attorney General issue a report on their investigation into the high gasoline prices on the Outer Banks. He expressed frustration that it has been over a year since he requested this investigation and so far has not received any meaningful information. The Chairman said he intends to write a very strong letter calling for answers from the Attorney General. At the conclusion of the Retreat, County Manager Outten thanked the Board saying this has been a worthwhile endeavor because it gives clear direction and guidance to staff. 181 Page 5 of 5 During the Retreat, breaks were taken at the following times – RECESS: 9:05 a.m. – 9:17 a.m. RECESS: 10:37 a.m. – 10:51 a.m. At 12:28 p.m., the Dare County Board of Commissioners adjourned the Board Retreat. Respectfully submitted, [SEAL] By: _____________________________________ Gary Gross, Clerk to the Board APPROVED: ______________________________________ Robert Woodard, Chairman Dare County Board of Commissioners 182 Page 1 of 5 COUNTY OF DARE, NORTH CAROLINA District 1: Roanoke Island & Mainland; District 2: Nags Head, Colington, Kill Devil Hills; District 3: Kitty Hawk, Southern Shores, Duck; District 4: Chicamacomico, Avon, Buxton, Frisco, Hatteras; District 5: At Large Regularly scheduled Board meetings are videotaped and can be viewed at MINUTES DARE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING Dare County Administration Building, Manteo, NC 5:00 p.m., February 15, 2016 Commissioners present: Chairman Robert Woodard Vice-Chairman Wally Overman Warren Judge, Jack Shea, Allen Burrus, Beverly Boswell Commissioners absent: Margarette Umphlett Others present: County Manager/Attorney, Robert Outten Finance Director, David Clawson Public Information Officer, Dorothy Hester Clerk to the Board, Gary Gross A full and complete account of the entire Board of Commissioners meeting is archived on a video that is available for viewing on the Dare County website Chairman Woodard called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. He reported that Commissioner Umphlett was absent due to her daughter having heart surgery today and he noted the recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. He asked that both of these families be kept in prayer. The Chairman then invited the Rev. Phillip Glick from St. Andrews By-the-Sea Episcopal Church to share a prayer, and afterward he led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ITEM 1 – OPENING REMARKS – CHAIRMAN’S UPDATE Chairman Woodard invited everyone to view an exhibit organized by the Keeping Current initiative to help prevent teen substance abuse. He thanked those who attended the Hatteras Town Hall and described plans to establish a two-way video link at the Fessenden Center so Hatteras Island residents will not have to drive to Manteo in order to make public comments. Chairman Woodard commented on the Oden’s Dock and Stumpy Point oyster roast events. He read a letter sent to Attorney General Roy Cooper expressing dissatisfaction with the way that Dare County’s high gasoline prices are being investigated by the Attorney General’s Office. The Chairman described topics that were addressed at the Board’s recent retreat and he thanked Congressman Jones for obtaining additional dredging funds for Hatteras Inlet and Oregon Inlet. Chairman Woodard read a resolution adopted at the retreat that seeks federal assistance for storm stricken Buxton. A complete video account of the Chairman’s update can be seen on the Dare County website 183 Page 2 of 5 ITEM 2 – PUBLIC COMMENTS The Manager outlined the public comments procedure. Citizen remarks can be seen in their entirety on the county website Following is a brief summary – 1. Lorelei DiBernardo, on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Dare County presented Commissioners with copies of the 2016 Citizens Guide. She expressed appreciation for the Board’s support of the project and provided information about the League of Women Voters. ITEM 3 – WATCH4meNC CAMPAIGN Jody Lewis, Community Relations Officer with the Kill Devil Hills Police Department, briefed Commissioners on the Watch4meNC campaign, which is an NCDOT initiative to promote bicycle and pedestrian safety. He described Dare County’s involvement with the campaign and asked Commissioners to continue backing the endeavor. Chairman Woodard presented a letter expressing the Board’s continued support of Watch4meNC. MOTION Commissioner Judge motioned to reaffirm the Board’s support of Watch4meNC. Commissioner Shea and Vice-Chairman Overman seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous (Commissioner Burrus was not in the room during voting on this item) ITEM 4 – BUXTON BEACH NOURISHMENT PROJECT – UPDATE REPORT Dr. Tim Kana with Coastal Science & Engineering presented an update on the Buxton beach nourishment project. He described the 2.9 mile project area and listed the steps that have already been completed. Dr. Kana outlined work that remains to be done before beach nourishment can begin. In discussing the project’s timetable, he explained that there is no way to know the contractor’s schedules until the project is put out to bid. But, he expressed hope that because of the limited size of the Buxton project, a contractor may be able to fit it in their schedule in a timely way. Dr. Kana answered Commissioner questions about the life expectancy of the nourished beach, the type of equipment that will be used, and the planned slope of the beach. He thanked Commissioners for their active involvement throughout the permitting process, which he said has been extremely helpful. ITEM 5 – DISCUSSION OF A TAX SERVICE DISTRICT FOR UNINCORPORATED DARE COUNTY The Manager outlined the statutory requirements and timeline for establishing a tax service district. He explained that all property owners in a proposed service district must be notified by mail at least 4 weeks prior to a mandatory public hearing. Commissioners Woodard, Overman, Shea, and Boswell expressed support for moving forward with steps toward creating a tax service district. The Board then engaged in extensive discussion about possible geographical scenarios for defining the boundaries of a tax service district. Mr. Outten explained that the more specific a service district is, the easier it is to define and defend. Commissioner Burrus noted that other portions of Hatteras Island have trouble spots that may need beach nourishment projects in the 184 Page 3 of 5 future. Commissioner Judge said he could not support a service district without knowing the rate and asked what financial contribution it is expected to generate. The Dare County website contains a video with a full and complete account of the Board’s discussion of this issue that resulted in the following motion – MOTION Commissioner Shea motioned to move forward with establishing a tax service district for the oceanfront properties in the Buxton project area, numbering approximately 34 lots that will receive greater benefit from the project. Motion is made with the finding of the following 4 items based on information and evidence received by the Board – 1) That there is a demonstrable need for providing in the district the services listed for beach nourishment. 2) It is impossible or impracticable to provide those services on a countywide basis. 3) It is economically feasible to provide the proposed services in the district without unreasonable or burdensome annual tax levies. 4) There is a demonstrable demand for the proposed services by the persons residing in the district. Vice-Chairman Overman seconded the motion. During discussion on the motion – Commissioner Boswell clarified that the Board can still consider other projects in the future, which would be handled on an individual basis. Mr. Outten noted that voting on this motion is not a final action on a tax service district. He explained that the motion gives guidance for staff to proceed, which will result in a public hearing being scheduled prior to the Board considering a resolution that would then formally implement a tax service district. VOTE: AYES: 4 (Commissioners: Woodard, Overman, Shea, Boswell) NOES: 2 (Commissioners: Judge, Burrus) Motion carried in a 4 to 2 vote ITEM 6 – RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTIATION OF AN INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT (Att. #1) Finance Director, David Clawson, distributed a revised resolution that reflects changes to the one that was in the meeting packet. He explained that the revision is due to the recent bid opening for the municipal beach nourishment projects, which has resulted in a determination that the beach nourishment portion will be financed later. He outlined the collateral described in the revised resolution and outlined the benefits of refunding. MOTION Commissioner Judge motioned to adopt a resolution authorizing the negotiation of an installment financing contract as presented by the Finance Director and directing the publication of notice setting a Public Hearing for 10:00 a.m. on March 7, 2016. Commissioner Shea seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous RECESS: 7:13 p.m. – 7:24 p.m. ITEM 7 – DARE COUNTY WILKENSON BUILDING LEASE Mr. Outten explained that public notice has been given on the County’s intent to lease the property. He asked the Board to approve the lease and authorize it to be signed by the County Manager. 185 Page 4 of 5 MOTION Commissioner Judge motioned to approve the lease and authorize the County Manager to sign the document. Commissioner Shea and Vice-Chairman Overman seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous ITEM 8 – CONSENT AGENDA The Manager announced the Consent Agenda items as they were visually displayed. Mr. Outten presented a revision to the Grant Project Ordinance for Consent Item #2 in order to update reference numbers that were originally in the Board’s meeting packet. MOTION Commissioner Judge and Commissioner Shea motioned to approve the Consent Agenda with the revision that was outlined by the County Manager: 1) Approval of Minutes (02.01.16 & 02.04.16 Town Hall) (Att. #2) 2) RECC/EOC Project Budget Amendments & Capital Project Ordinance Amendments Approved 2/1/16 (Att. #3) 3) Hurricane Recovery, Elevation Mitigation Project – Budget Ordinance (Att. #4) 4) Public Health Division – Partnerships to Improve Community Health Grant 5) Public Health Division – Maternal and Child Health Planning Grant 6) Budget Amendment – Sheriff Department 7) Charles Finch Gaddy Endowment Grant 8) Tax Collector’s Report Vice-Chairman Overman seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous ITEM 9 – COMMISSIONERS’ BUSINESS & MANAGER’S/ATTORNEY’S BUSINESS Following is a brief outline of items raised during this segment. Commissioners and the County Manager frequently make extensive remarks, which can be viewed in their entirety on a video archived on the Dare County website Commissioner Shea – thanked citizens for expressing their views and said it is important that Dare County residents have ongoing dialogue with the Board. Commissioner Burrus – expressed appreciation for the grant opportunities provided by the Charles Finch Gaddy Endowment. Commissioner Boswell – gave a report on dredging activity at Oregon Inlet. She presented the SPCA Pet of the Week and thanked the organization for their service. Commissioner Judge – thanked everyone for attending the public meeting in Buxton. He commented on community efforts to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety and cited the need for increasing cyclist visibility. Commissioner Judge reported on a recent meeting he attended regarding expansion of the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary. 186 Page 5 of 5 Vice-Chairman Overman – thanked the NCDOT Ferry Division for their dredging work in Hatteras Inlet. He explained that the recent temporary suspension of the project was due to safety issues and not funding. The Vice-Chairman also reported on a meeting he attended with fishermen regarding opposition to mandatory logbooks. He also commented on the recent oyster events on Hatteras Island and Stumpy Point. MANAGER’S/ATTORNEY’S BUSINESS – None At the conclusion of the meeting, Chairman Woodard asked for a motion to adjourn. MOTION Commissioner Shea motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Burrus seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous At 7:38 p.m., the Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:00 a.m., March 7, 2016. Respectfully submitted, [SEAL] By: ______________________________ Gary Gross, Clerk to the Board APPROVED: By: _______________________________ Robert Woodard, Chairman Dare County Board of Commissioners 187 Government Education Access Channels 2016/2017 Proposed Budget Description See Attached Summary Board Action Requested Approve the Proposed Budget Item Presenter Dorothy Hester 188 Government Education Access Channels Committee 20162017 Proposed Budget The following items are presented to the Dare County Board of Commissioners for their review and approval. Specific Action Requested: Approve the proposed 20162017 Budget Budget Summary The Government Education Access Channels (GEAC) Committee has reviewed and approved the proposed 20162017 budget for the operation of the Government and Education Channel. The proposed budget, which would take effect July 1, 2016, must be approved by every participating member entity of the Channels, which includes the towns of Duck, Southern Shores, Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills, Nags Head, Manteo, and Dare County, Dare County Schools, College of The Albemarle, and UNC Coastal Studies Institute. The budget as proposed requires no additional funding from the participating entities above the current annual $1000 membership fee. Our budget is funded mainly from the North Carolina Video Distribution proceeds, which are disbursed quarterly by the State to certified members of the GEAC. These funds must be used for the operations of the two channels and no other purpose. Additionally, the legislation that originally established the Video Distribution funding required that the proceeds not supplant current funding. Accordingly, the annual $1000 membership fee that was in place when the program began must remain, or the Channels would lose all Video Distribution funding from the State. The GEAC committee recommends the budget, which includes, in part, the following: funding for two fulltime staff positions and a Local Programming Development Initiative to assist members in the development of programming for the Government and Education Channels. The funding also includes the continued funding of two regular news magazine shows that highlight each of the participating members of the GEAC on the Education Channel and the Government Channel. 189 Government Education Access Channels Committee 20162017 Proposed Budget Executive Summary Funding comes from the state of North Carolina use tax on cable and satellite fees. Our revenue from this source in 20162017 is projected to be $279,270.04. In addition, each of the 10 entities pay a $1000 membership fee annually to participate in the channel’s operations. This $1000 fee is unchanged and is the only impact on each entity’s budget. This money that is received from the entities in support of the Government and Education Access Channels must remain in the budget in order for each entity to continue to receive PEG Supplements from the state of North Carolina. This budget is requesting a total of $85,087.96 be allocated from the fund balance. The fund balance is projected to be $352,139.23 on June 30, 2016. The proposed total budget for the Government and Education Access Channels Committee for 20162017 is $375,808.00. 190 INCOME Member Fees (annual fee paid by participating entities)1 NC PEG Supplemental Video Disbursement (from the state NCDOR)2 Interest Income (interest from fund balance)3 TOTAL INCOME APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE4 TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES Salaries (2 Full time employees)5 PT Salary (Internships) FICA Retirement Health Insurance Life Insurance Retiree Health Contractual Services (Production of Destination Dare/Ed Awareness)6 Channel Operations (Maintenance Support for Tightrope System)7 Streaming Video/VOD Reflect (service required provide this service)8 Equipment Repair, Replacement, Purchase Office Computer Lease Supplies9 Marketing Plan (Marketing for GovEd TV including EGuide)10 Capital Outlay11 Music Library Training Travel Professional memberships (SEATOA NATOA, NC3C)12 Miscellaneous Contingency (Reserve for unexpected expenses)13 Emergency Contingency (Storm related overtime during activations)14 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 191 10,000.00 279,720.04 1,000.00 290,720.04 85,087.96 375,808.00 (108,470.00) (2,000.00) (8,718.00) (7,461.00) (15,593.00) (210.00) (186.00) (50,000.00) (4,275.00) (2,200.00) (5,000.00) (500.00) (7,500.00) (31,800) (12,000) (1,395.00) (5,000.00) (5,000.00) (300.00) (500.00) (5,000.00) (2,500.00) (275,808.00) Local Program Development Initiative This is money set aside in the budget to foster development of program content by the member entities. Money is awarded on an application and grant basis to participating entities by the Government and Education Access Channel Committee. The money can be used to produce programs, improve the quality of existing programs, or purchase equipment to provide for increased production and/or quality of programs. LPDI 1 Coastal Studies Institute (10,000.00) LPDI 2 College of The Albemarle (10,000.00) LPDI 3 Dare County Government (10,000.00) LPDI 4 Dare County Schools (10,000.00) LPDI 5 Duck (10,000.00) LPDI 6 Kill Devil Hills (10,000.00) LPDI 7 Kitty Hawk (10,000.00) LPDI 8 Manteo (10,000.00) LPDI 9 Nags Head (10,000.00) LPDI 10 Southern Shores (10,000.00) TOTAL LPDI (100,000.00) TOTAL LPDI AND OPERATING EXPENDITURES (375,808.00) 192 Government and Education Access Channel Proposed Budget Notes for 20162017 Goals and Objectives to be achieved with this budget. 1. Continue to fund the operation of the channel at a level that provides a professional, reliable and quality service to the citizens of Dare County. 2. Continue to bring the fund balance down to an appropriate level and strategically use the fund balance to fund channel initiatives. 1 Member Fees Each entity member pays an annual membership fee to participate in the Government and Education Channel Access. This money must remain in place in order for each entity to receive the PEG Supplement from the state. There is no change to this amount from last year, so impact on each entity’s budget is unchanged.. 2 NC PEG Supplemental Video Disbursement this is revenue that is collected by the state in the form of a use tax on cable and satellite providers. The money is pooled and disbursed to qualifying PEG operations within the state. PEG stands for Public, Education, and Government Access. Dare County has 10 qualifying PEG entities, each is a member of the Government and Education Access Channel Committee. Each quarter, this money is disbursed to the entities by the state, and then the Government and Education Access Channels invoices the entities for this money. These state funds are the main source of funding for the Government and Education Access Channels. 3 Interest Income This is interest the Government and Education Access Channels Committee receives on the fund balance. 4 Appropriated Fund Balance The fund balance is projected to be $352,139 on June 30, 2016. 5 Salaries This budget currently funds two fulltime positions that are considered to be Dare County employees. 6 Contractual Services This is for the production of Destination Dare and Dare Education Awareness, our two main programming initiatives that highlight interesting aspects of government and education in Dare County. Each entity contributes one segment to each episode. Destination Dare is produced every other month, and Dare Education Awareness is produced on the alternate months. 7 Channel Operations (Maintenance and Technical Support of Playout Server) One goal we were able to achieve with an aggressive capital outlay 20142015, was an upgrade to our playout server and channel operation software. This has resulted in a better quality signal and more reliable and efficient operations. This budget item is the annual maintenance and technical support for that system. 193 8 Streaming Video/VOD Reflect As part of the playout server upgrade, we are providing a more effective streaming capability of our signal online, and, in addition, provide a video on demand service that will be much better than our current YouTube channel. This is the annual subscription to support that service. 9 Supplies This the purchase supports supplies such as batteries, gaffers tape, lighting gels, accessories, and small equipment items that do not qualify as Capital Outlay. 10 Marketing Plan This will support a professional marketing effort to allow us to better use outreach tools to bring viewers to our channel and to help identify what kinds of information viewers want to see when they watch our channel. 11 Capital Outlay Purchase of a Sony PXWFS5 to enhance the production capabilities of our inhouse projects. 12 Professional Memberships This supports memberships for the two staff positions for the Southeastern Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (SEATOA), National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA), and The North Carolina City and County Communicators (NC3C). These are national, regional and state professional associations for PEG Channel Operators. 13 Contingency This is for expenses that come up that were either unplanned or unforeseen. Not for use of everyday expenses. 14 Emergency Contingency This pays for storm related overtime for the hourly employee during Emergency Management Activations. 194 Board Appointments Description The Dare County Board of Commissioners will consider the following Board Appointments --Complete information about each appointment appears after this page. Upcoming Board Appointments for the next three months are highlighted at the end. Board Action Requested Make Board Appointments & Announce Upcoming Appointments Item Presenter County Manager, Robert Outten 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231