August - FPMT Losang Dragpa Centre
August - FPMT Losang Dragpa Centre
Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ Shabda 1 Monthly Newsletter of Losang Dragpa Center August 2006 In celebration of Kuan Yin Enlightenment day in July Geshe Deyang explains the Practice of the Six-syllable mantra OM MANI PADME HUM The vast benefits of practicing together If we know the meaning of the mantra then when we recite it will become even more powerful and helpful. Actually the Kuan Yin Enlightenment day is on 14th July, and on that day at 7:30pm we make offerings and recite the Kuan Yin Sadhana, which is composed by the current manifestation of Kuan Yin, also known as the Buddha of Compassion in human form, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER On this special day it is important for us to do practice together because it is more effective and beneficial. Generally we practice individually at home, but if we can practice together, there is group energy, and atmosphere. Even if we are to recite just one mantra, there is a group reciting it, so it accumulates and counts as much more merit then reciting on our own. It’s similar to cleaning a room with a broom: we can clean up the place more effectively compared to cleaning it with just a single straw. You can clean with a single straw but it’s not as effective. If we pray together, especially on special days like on Kuan Yin’s enlightenment day, our practice becomes more effective. The power of the holy places Also, if you recite the mantra at home seven times, and compare this with the same number of mantras recited in a holy place such as in Bodhgaya, where Shakyamuni Buddha gained enlightenment, there is no comparison in terms of the power of the place. Reciting the mantra once in Bodhgaya has the same power as reciting it seven times at home or anywhere else in the world! Design by WOFS.COM 2 Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ The power of holy places makes a lot of difference. That is why people undertake pilgrimages to where the Buddha was born (Lumbini), where Buddha gained enlightenment (Bodhgaya), where Buddha first gave teachings i.e the first turning of the wheel (Varanasi) and where Buddha attained parinirvana i.e. passed away (Kushanagar). Since there is great blessing in these holy places and one gets great imprints when visiting and seeing these places, many of us should try to go to these holy places to get blessings and to see the holy images. During the winter time especially in Bodhgaya, there are many Tibetans and Chinese and people from other Buddhist countries such as Korea, Sri Lanka and Japan who spend time doing practices such as prostrations and circumambulations around the holy Enlightenment Mahaboudhi Stupa. Not too far from Bodhgaya is a place called Vultures peak Mountain where Shakyamuni Buddha gave teachings on the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. These holy places are located in very remote areas so you find many bandits there. When we visit these places we have to go in a large group, definitely not alone or with just one or two people. Those who had been to Bodhgaya will know the shape of the Enlightenment Stupa. Those who haven’t been there can see a picture of the stupa placed just in front of the Lama Yeshe statue on © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER our altar. Around the stupa there is a wide walkway for circumambulation. Though the stupa site is such a big place, during prayer festivals it became so crowded with lots of people doing prostrations, butter lamp offerings and other practices. A skillful act of guiding others toward virtues Did you see the picture in which Shakyamuni Buddha is wearing a yellow robe (the picture which Lama Zopa Rinpoche distributed to students)? It was taken inside the Enlightenment Stupa in Bodhgaya. On Jan 25 or 26, 2006, many Tibetan high lamas of various sects and traditions made offerings together with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the Buddha statue inside this stupa; they offered the ushnisha, a new offering bowl and a yellow robe. If you have seen the statue before, it didn’t have the ushnisha, it was offered later. At that time everyone in Bodhgaya was given the chance to make a donation: each person was allowed to donate 1 rupee 25 cents and at most 25 Indian rupees. At that time through this group effort, everyone was able to participate in sponsoring the golden ushnisha and robe to the Buddha; everyone got the chance to make an offering and create merit. After the offering ceremony, it was dedicated for the Buddha’s teachings to spread far and wide, Design by WOFS.COM ~ August 2006 ~ around the world and to last forever. His Holiness at that time also composed this prayer “Praise to Lord Buddha” for world peace and for all war and conflicts, troubles to cease in this world. It was also dedicated for harmony among all religious groups as well as among the various Buddhist sects. You might have also noticed that the Buddha inside the Enlightenment Stupa wears robe – the symbol of an ordained monk, whereas the Buddha in Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, Tibet is adorned with plenty of ornaments. The reason was during Lama Tsongkhapa’s time, in order to sustain the teachings of Buddha, these ornaments were offered to the Buddha statue in the Jokhang Temple. This is one of the reasons why Buddha’s teaching has been preserved for so long: because during Lama Tsongkhapa’s time he made great prayers and contributed these ornaments to create extensive merit. In a similar way, on this special day of Kuan Yin, we should engage in virtue with our physical, verbal and mental actions. This way we can easily create extensive merit. So it is so good that many members came to the Center on 14th July, the enlightenment day of Kuan Yin. By practicing virtue together, this world will become a more peaceful and harmonious place; there will be © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Shabda 3 less disease and conflict. This world will become a much better place to live in. Who is Kuan Yin? When we talk about Kuan Yin, in the Tibetan language he is Chenrezig and in Sanskrit he is Avalokiteshvara. Kuan Yin has numerous manifestations and stories relating to them, for example there are the thousand-arm and thousandeye Kuan Yin and the Kuan Yin with just four arms. Who is Kuan Yin and what is his background? Before Kuan Yin became a great Bodhisattva, he was exactly like us – ignorant and full of delusions. But then he started practicing Dharma. During the time of training, he mainly relied on Amitabha Buddha as his Guru. At that time when Kuan Yin was training in the Bodhisattva path and practicing bodhicitta, he saw so many suffering beings in the three realms and felt great compassion. He made a request to all the Buddhas of the ten directions and his Guru Amitabha Buddha and sought advice on what he can do to help all sentient beings. At that time all the Buddhas in the ten directions in one voice, told him, “In order to benefit sentient beings, you need to generate great compassion and bodhicitta.” Upon hearing that instruction, Kuan Yin took the Bodhisattva vows in front of all the Buddhas as well as his Guru Amitabha Buddha, “From Design by WOFS.COM 4 Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ now on I will work unceasingly for the benefit of all sentient beings. If I ever generate one single thought of seeking my own happiness or a selfish motive, my body shall shatter into one thousand pieces. Until all sentient beings gain enlightenment, especially those who are unsubdued and possess very stubborn and negative mind, I shall not achieve enlightenment.” After taking such vows, Kuan Yin worked for the welfare of all sentient beings for many eons. One day he contemplated on how many beings he had benefited for these many eons. When he found out that there are still so many sentient beings who were not yet liberated and enlightened, he became very discouraged and thought to himself, “Since I took the Bodhisattva vows I had vowed that I will not attain enlightenment until all sentient beings were liberated from suffering. For so long I had worked for their benefits yet countless beings are still not liberated. Perhaps I should stop working for them and instead work for my own enlightenment and happiness…” As soon as he gave rise to this thought, the Bodhisattva vow, which he took, was instantly destroyed. Because of having generated a tiny selfish thought, he broke the vow and his promise to all the Buddhas, and in that split second his body cracked into one thousand pieces. © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER When this happened, Kuan Yin’s Guru Amitabha Buddha came to him, collected all the fractures and with his power, transformed Kuan Yin into the Bodhisattva having 1,000 arms and 1,000 eyes. This is how Kuan Yin gained his many arms and eyes. Having 1,000 arms has great meaning. If one has only one arm one can only work for some beings. If one has two arms one can work for more beings, but if one has 1,000 arms one has the ability to work for limitless sentient beings. Eleven heads 1000 arms Avalokiteshvara Design by WOFS.COM ~ August 2006 ~ Also Kuan Yin has eleven heads, the one on the very top is Amitabha Buddha. This signifies Kuan Yin and Amitabha Buddha – the disciple and the Guru – are inseparable. This also signifies that the disciple remembers his/her Guru all the time. In this way Kuan Yin shows us in practice how we should rely on our Gurus, and how we and our Gurus are inseparable. Under Amitabha Buddha’s head is Vajrapani, the deity who is the manifestation of all Buddhas’ power. Some people said it’s Mahakala but it actually is Vajrapani. Of the eleven heads of Kuan Yin, ten are in the peaceful aspect and one in the wrathful aspect, which is Vajrapani. The reason why Vajrapani is there is to benefit and work for the welfare of sentient beings. Kuan Yin himself is in the peaceful aspect but if Kuan Yin manifests only in the peaceful aspect then he can only benefit sentient beings in that manner, but for certain sentient beings this doesn’t work; they need to be tamed in a wrathful manner and therefore Vajrapani is there exactly for this reason. Those of us who haven’t gained realization we cannot see the deities directly, but those who have achieved realization can see the deities and communicate with them directly. There was a Kuan Yin statue in Namgyal Monastery (His Holiness’ main temple) in Dharamsala. Two © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Shabda 5 years ago there was nectar coming down from the crown of one of the heads on the second-tier of Kuan Yin’s eleven heads. The gompakeeper wondered how it happened because there was no leakage from the roof on top of this statue, but how did the water come in? The first time he wiped away the nectar, but then later the nectar came back again. He reported this incident to His Holiness and His Holiness responded by saying it is a very good sign. He called everyone into the gompa and together made offerings and did some Kuan Yin prayers and mantra recitations. Benefit of making offerings to Kuan Yin Ordinary beings like us cannot see the Buddhas directly, but even to see images of the Buddhas and deities we do need great amount of merit and good karma. If we can make offerings with faith we will create great benefit. Kuan Yin is the symbol of love and compassion of all the Buddhas of the ten directions. So making offerings to Kuan Yin is the same as making offerings to all the Buddhas in the ten directions, the benefit is inconceivable. Manifestations of Kuan Yin Kuan Yin has numerous other emanations, and he can come in the form of a protector, a yidam, a deity and also as a lama. In order to remove hindrances caused by the nagas and spirits, Design by WOFS.COM 6 Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ Kuan Yin manifests himself as Hayagriva. In order to overcome the obstacles coming from the nagas, Kuan Yin comes into the form of the lion faced dakini (Senge-pa). In order to assist practitioners and protect the spread of Dharma, Kuan Yin comes in the form of the Six and Four-arm Mahakala. Kuan Yin also appears in various other forms such as 4-arm Chenrezig as well as the thousand arm Chenrezig, to benefit sentient beings. There are so many Kuan Yin manifestations but we have to understand they are all the same; they are all Chenrezig in essence and appear differently in forms because of sentient beings’ prayers and varied mental dispositions. Whatever form he takes, it is only for the benefit of sentient beings. It’s like seeing someone playing in a drama – he is the same person behind the screen but while on stage, he appears in different forms. The meaning of the Kuan Yin mantra OM MANI PADME HUM One of the main Kuan Yin practices is the recitation of the 6-syllable mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum. Hum . There © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER are different ways to explain it and one of them is as follow: OM: this syllable itself consists of three letters: ah, o, ma. These three are the symbols of the purified body, speech and mind of KuanYin. Thus the syllable OM indicates one has to transform one’s unpurified body, speech and mind into the purified body, speech and mind of a Buddha, or Kuan Yin. How does one do the transformation? This follows with the further explanation on the rest of the syllables: Mani Padme Hung. MANI: In the Sanskrit language it means the “precious jewel”. If one has the precious jewel, it can help to overcome the obstacles to all temporal happiness and fulfill one’s wishes. However the real meaning of Mani indicates the bodhicitta mind, the mind of loving compassion. If one has loving compassion and bodhicitta, one can free all other sentient beings from sufferings. Someone with such good heart can benefit the entire human community. It is also by having this good heart and loving compassion that one can transform one’s unpurified body, speech and mind into the purified Design by WOFS.COM ~ August 2006 ~ body, speech and mind of Kuan Yin. Even with loving compassion alone is not enough, one needs wisdom as well. For example: one has a kind heart to help a very sick person, but at the same time one needs the wisdom to know how to help i.e. whether the sick person needs to be taken to the hospital etc. Just having loving compassion and a good heart is not enough; one may be sitting right next to that sick person but one doesn’t know what to do to help. Therefore wisdom is equally important in a kind action. Talking about wisdom, there are many types of wisdom: the wisdom realizing impermanence, the wisdom realizing emptiness and so forth. Among all, the most important is the wisdom realizing emptiness. This wisdom realizing emptiness when combined with method – the loving compassionate attitude, the bodhicitta mind – can really benefit sentient beings and has the power to transform one’s unpurified body, speech and mind into the purified body, speech and mind of the deity. Wisdom is symbolized by lotus, in the Tibetan language “PADME”, which is the next syllable in this mantra – the wisdom realizing emptiness. The last syllable HUM – it is by practicing wisdom and method together (Mani – the wish-fulfilling jewel/bodhicitta mind, and Padme – lotus/the wisdom realizing emptiness) that one is able to transform one’s © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Shabda 7 unpurified body, speech and mind into Kuan Yin’s purified body, speech and mind. This very short six-syllable mantra contains all the teachings, which show us how to practice in our daily life. These teachings are also found in Lam Rim. When we recite this mantra, we should understand its meaning and generate great loving compassionate attitude toward other sentient beings. And then with our body, speech and mind in reverence, we chant the mantra. This is a very short explanation of the Kuan Yin mantra. The Tibetans have the habit of always reciting the Kuan Yin mantra. Some people achieved billion times of this mantra recitation. There were many cases where very elderly Tibetan men or women found new teeth were growing in their mouth! We used to call these the “billion mantra teeth”. W or ds of W isd om fo r Au gu st “There is no harm that comes to oneself that doesn’t come from one’s own mind, one’s past negative karma.” ~By Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche~ Design by WOFS.COM 8 Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ LDC NEWS 1. WATER BOWLS OFFERING Many of you have been to LDC there will be great force behind our gompa recently and many have accumulation of merit. Let me share voiced their amazement and this simple poem … happiness by the extensive water bowls offering we set up on our Water is Cool, delicious, light, and beautiful altars! We have in total 80 soft, Clear, odourless, easy on the large water bowls offered on the altar throat, Kind to the stomach is the 24 hours every day. This is a practice water With the eight properties. which our most kind and precious guru has taught us as an easy way to By making water bowls offering we purify all our negative karma … receive the benefit that our ethics will be pure because the water we Why do we offer water bowls? offer is cool. It is also delicious, we will come to enjoy most delicious food. Water has eight properties. We The lightness of the water means just need to offer water bowls and our mind and body will become fit. The water’s softness results in a gentle mind-stream. A clear mind results from the water’s clearness; its odourless-ness will purify our karmic obscurations. And because the water does not hurt the stomach, our body will be free of illness. Its being easy on the throat means we will come to have pleasant speech. Whenever a grey day befalls you or whenever things don’t seem to go right, come and do this practice in the Center. We have records that show that when a members family comes by and do the water bowls offering Water bowl offerings to Buddha © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER practice, their children obtained good grades from school. By offering Design by WOFS.COM ~ August 2006 ~ water bowls everyday, the husband’s restaurant business started to improve much more than before. We would like to offer this opportunity to our members, members’ family & friends to come forward to our gompa and do the water bowls offering practice everyday. We suggest that whenever you want to do this practice, please bring along 1 or 2 companions. It takes an average 1 1/2 - 2 hours for 2-3 persons to complete changing all the water bowls. Please contact William at 03-7968 3278 to arrange the date and time. If you are not familiar with this practice, we have the Sangha available at the Center to help and Shabda 9 where all your family members and friends are able to come and join us. In appreciation of the continued support of our member toward the Center, we are able to offer various “specials” to our members. For LDC members, you will have chance to participate in sub-committees serving the Center; you will be given a discounted rate for our outing programs such as pilgrimages to Nepal and India; or when special workshops and retreats are organized. Usually we will try to keep fees down to a nominal amount, only for members . The programs we have planned advise you. include How to Make a Wealth Vase, 2. IMPROVEMENT ON LDC MEMBERSHIP Offering through Gold Leafing on From the first day Losang Dragpa Arrangement Class, The Mandala Center started with a small group of Dancing, Yoga Class as well as Chi people. Until today, we are able to Kung Class. As we finalize plans for continue growing, carrying out the these programs they will be put up on wishes of our precious Guru Kyabje the notice boards and on our websites, Lama Zopa Rinpoche all due to the so please do check for schedules and kind hearted support of members announcements, How to make Tsa Tsas & do Gold Buddha Statues, Cooking Class, Flower and benefactors of LDC. However over the years many of our members Other MEMBERS’ benefits include haven’t been coming to the Center celebrating birthdays with your dharma as, many of you are tied up with family friends, enjoying a social movie commitments, your own business, night with Dharma screenings, library attending office etc etc. Now with the borrowing right, Young People Program further improvement and development and deity retreat. LDC members will of LDC, we are planning more be given priority to attend all these interesting activities at the Center, programs. © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM 10 Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ Becoming an LDC member is not agreed to be our hosting master of the merely to study Dharma, to sit in prayer Million Lights Offering Event. Program and to meditate, it is also to learn many such as Thousand Arms Chenrezig living skills to help & benefit others and Initiation, Maitreya Buddha Puja, to enjoy our life. To live a life surrounded Medicine Buddha Puja, Tara Puja, by dharma friends who all share the Dzambhala Puja, Animal Liberation same Guru, same teaching, same view and Jangwa Puja will be arranged. and goal in our practices, what else Extensive activities such as Thousand could be better? Offering Arrangement, Long Life & Deceased Sponsorship, Million Lights If you have friends who are interested Offering Stupa & Wish Fullfilling Tree are to become an LDC member, get an well under planning. application form from LDC office, fill up the form and submit it to our Our renowned dancer of Mother Tara Office Administrator William. When the - Juanita Lee is our event coordinator. membership has been approved, you Many interesting ideas for fundraising will then receive a membership card for yourself, and a supplementary card Million Lights offerings to Stupa for the spouse and children, as well a membership kit for you to know more about us. 3. ANNUAL YEAR END FUNDRAISING EVENT On the third week of October mark a special weekend to celebrate the Festival of a Million Lights Offering. Light Offerings eliminate the darkness of ignorance, help us to receive the illumination of wisdom, subsequently helping us to receive great enjoyment of wealth, get reborn in the deva realms, become liberated and ultimately achieve enlightenment. The abbot of Kopan Monastery Khenrinpoche Lama Lhundup has © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM ~ August 2006 ~ have been generated, but all these ideas will only be actualized with the help from everyone of you. If you are interested to participate as a volunteer for the event, please call LDC Office to leave your name and contact number with William. Million Lights Offering Event will take place at the Chinese Assembly Hall from 20th – 22nd October 2006. During Khenrinpoche’s visit in Malaysia, there will be a teaching program conducted at LDC by Khenrinpoche, and a Long Life Puja will be offered to Khenrinpoche on 29th October 2006. Anyone who wish to make an appointment with Khenrinpoche, please contact Ven.Osel at 019-3022 369 to arrange the Shabda 11 mountain. He’ll be back with us at LDC in mid-Oct. During Ven. Losang’s absence, Ven. Tenzin Sherab from Kopan Monastery has very kindly agreed to come to LDC to act as the interim translator for all of Geshela’s classes from Aug-Oct. Born in 1974, Ven. Tenzin Sherab entered Kopan Monastery at the age of twelve. He attended the school in the Monastery for the next twelve years and is now a senior student of the Philosophical Study Program at Kopan. Ven. Tenzin Sherab is one of the best translators who graduated from date and time. Kopan Monastery’s Translator Training 4. INTERIM TRANSLATORVEN.TENZIN SHERAB FOR AUG-OCT, 2006 has travelled to as far as America and LDC’s translator Ven. Ang Losang is taking two-month’s leave from LDC from August to early October during which he’ll be going back to Kopan Monastery, Katnmandu. and spend some time with his family in Lukla, Solo Kumbu region of the Himalayan © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Program in year 2000. Since then, he was resident translator to a number of FPMT Centers there. After coming back to Kopan, Ven. Tenzin Sherab taught English to the younger monks and assisted in administrative work in the monastery’s office. He is also Kopan’s Abbot, Khenrinpoche’s favorite translator. Design by WOFS.COM 12 Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM ~ August 2006 ~ Life-sized snakes and ladders game which is known as “Karma game” Shabda 13 Two girls decorated the mantra with beautiful design. YPP secretary Chyen Tng is helping a youngest participant of YPP to play the “match & win” game.. Children was enjoying themselves in the karma game”. Lillian too gave special feng shui tips to the children © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM 14 Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ Report on the YPP program Week 1 – 15th of July 2006 Lillion Too’s hour on Fengshui guest speaker, Colonel Mohan Singh, The first session began with Lillian Too giving building to the children. He prepared the youngsters tips on how to study better several games for the youths to play. and how to get good grades in school. She The young people were divided into 4 also taught and encouraged the children teams. They were to come up with their to chant the Manjushri mantra – mantra of own team dance and a team name. The wisdom. team names were Compassion, Tigers, Week 2 – 23rd of July 2006 Match & Win game a qualified educator, spoke of team- Spiders and Love. The Colonel spoke to them about how The second session saw Venerable Dechen important teamwork is, and taught them telling the story of Buddha Shakyamuni. After to be a team player both in and outside that, we proceeded with the “Match and their homes. The youths were then led Win” game, where Venerable Dechen took outside where the Colonel prepared the youths on a tour around the gompa to a compounded area in the middle of introduce to them about 40 holy objects the garden. In the middle of the square, in the room. The 29 students were then there were 4 tubes filled with sweets and separated into two groups (red and yellow chocolates. The youths were required to teams). Each player was then given a card use only a piece of string to fish out their with the name of a holy object. When it was tube of goodies. They were not allowed the player’s turn, he/she would match the to step into the compounded area. The card to the holy object accordingly. solution of this game was, instead of each team fishing out their own tubes, the four Both teams did very well with the red team teams had to tie their strings together to scoring 100% and the yellow, 96%. Both bring out the 4 tubes. teams were awarded for their participation. After the prize-giving, the youths had a This taught the youths how to work fellowship in the dining area enjoying snacks together even outside their groups to brought by the parents. overcome difficult problems. After the Week 3 – 30th of July 2006 Team Building games, the groups were then given pieces of paper to write what they have learnt from the lesson and then present The Sunday started with Venerable Dechen it. After that, everyone enjoyed light telling the story of Chenrezig. After that, a refreshments. © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM ~ August 2006 ~ Week 4 – 6th of August 2006 Karma Game Shabda 15 The winning team was then awarded with illuminating pens. Fellowship followed, as The Sunday began with Venerable Dechen usual, with light snacks contributed by the telling the story of Tara. This week she also parents. taught the Chenrezig mantra and the Tara mantra to the youths and refreshed their The youngsters seem to be progressing memories on the Manjushri mantra. The every week, with more interaction and children were then split into teams of two their level of participation increasing. where they could pick a mantra and write and decorate it on pieces of art paper. They then presented their masterpieces to THE LAUNCHING OF THE SENIOR WELLNESS PROGRAM Venerables Dechen and Osel. This program is specially designed for After that, the children were then split into good afternoon with good company. 3 teams to play the “Karma Game”. It was almost like a life-sized “snakes and ladders game”. Each of the teams had their team mantra, and they were taught to recite them every time before rolling the dice. The youths realized that the louder and more spirited they said their mantras, the more paces they get to advance. However, there were also booby traps – as the players step on a place with a toy stuck on it, they were then given a card with a statement or a question. For example, “You saw a spider and killed it.” It was then discussed whether it was right or wrong to kill. Following that was another card that would say, “Killing is a non-virtue. You grandmas and grandpas to enjoy a If you are above 65, foot loose and fancy free, you are hereby invited to spend a few hours at the center every Tuesday, from the 5th of September, to learn about Dharma and to be entertained with special treats. There will be many interesting activities and good food for your pleasure. The fun begins at 2.30pm until 5pm. So, please register or register on your parents’ behalf as soon as possible so they won’t miss this golden opportunity to enrich their golden years with good fun, great company should never kill a life. Go down 5 steps.” and yummy treats. With plenty of ups and downs, laughter and If our young members would like to despair, the youths, no matter their age, enjoyed themselves tremendously. Finally, the Manjushri team won, being the first to reach the 100th place although the teams were neck-to-neck near the end. © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER help in whatever way in enriching the lives our senior citizens, please volunteer your services at the office. Your spending time with them would make good Dharma practice. Design by WOFS.COM 16 Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ Mantra for August The Dharani of the Glorious Vajra Claws NAMAH SAMANTA BUDDHA NAM/ KAYA VAK CHITTA VAJRA NAM/ OM GHA GHA GHA TAYA GHA TAYA/ SARVA DUSHTAM MARAYA/ all those who harm me/ MARAYA PHAT PHAT/ KILI KILA YA/ SARVA PAPAM HUM HUM HUM/ VAJRA KILI KILA YA/ VAJRA DHAROD AJNAYA PAYATI/ KAYA VAK CHITTA VAJRA KILA YA HUM PHAT/ OM AH KRODHE KA MUDGARA HUM PHAT/ OM VAJRA KRODHA MAHA BALA HANA DAHA/ PACHA BIDHAM SAYA/ JATI LAMBO DHARI UCHUSHMA KRODHA HUM PHAT Bad dreams, unfavorable signs, and evil omens; the maras flitting above, the evil spirits rising below, and the wrathful demons in-between; those who endanger my life, those who ambush my wealth, those who rob me of my dignity, those who injure my retinue, those who damage my enjoyments and merit, and those who cause me mental suffering: The qualities of this dharani are inconceivable: On blowing on the ground, the ground cracks; on blowing on a rock, the rock crumbles; on blowing on a tree, the tree dries up; on blowing on water, the water stops; on blowing on fire, the fire dies; and on blowing on wind, the wind ceases. The knowledge mantra stops all of them! The dagger stabs them! The hammer beats them! The mudra overcomes them! Please note that the Center will be conducting a session on 30th August, 7:30-8:30pm to recite the Glorious Vajra Claws Sutra. © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM ~ August 2006 ~ Shabda 17 August Highlights 1. Lam Rim teaching, every Sunday 4-7pm@LDC For those of us who are still unsure about teaching, it’s like putting the puzzles back coming to the Center to attend the in place - I can see the whole picture Sunday Lam Rim class, or thinking that we of Buddhism now. What I’ve learned in do not have to attend any more Lam Rim the class I apply them in my family. I’m teachings because we had taken them a housewife and I have to look after my before, Geshela and some of the regular kids. Before, I didn’t know how to control Lam Rim students would like to share their my temper, but after studying Lam Rim thoughts on the subject with us: I learn not to see others’ faults, instead, I learn to observe myself and my actions. I “Even His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lama can see some changes within me, but of Zopa Rinpoche and Choden Rinpoche course it didn’t come immediately. What etc.- they are such great enlightened I’ve learned in the classroom I bring back beings and yet they have taken the Lam to share with my husband. He wasn’t Rim teaching numerous times; even they, interested in Buddhist teaching before, reviewed the Lam Rim teaching again and but his thinking has changed now. If you again. His Holiness even once commented haven’t attended LDC’s Lam Rim class that it is ok to take the initiation only once, before, I suggest you to give it a try. At least but for the Lam Rim teaching, we must take try it for three months, and you’ll see the it again and again, and again.” difference.” ~ Geshe Tenzin Deyang ~ Mrs. Gan “For a samsaric being like me who is “Despite having to travel up and down struggling on the spiritual path, I am inspired between KL and Penang due to work by those great enlightened beings, as what commitment, I always make sure that I Geshela mentioned in the class. If even attend the Lam Rim class whenever I’m in KL they are receiving the Lam Rim teachings as Geshe Deyang’s class is so enlightening, again and again, I must even more so not to mention His great sense of humour! make every effort to attend the Lam Rim There are lots of interaction in the class such teaching at the Center.” as group discussion and debates, and there ~ Dr. Goh Pik Pin are always new discoveries in this class, even though we thought we might have previously “Before I attended any Lam Rim class read the Lam Rim books and attended such I learned the Dharma through reading teachings.” books. After I came across the Lam Rim © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER ~ Christopher Kok Design by WOFS.COM 18 Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ “I like the Lam Rim class! I feel in this class qualities. Buddha has an ushnisha crown, we are not only listening and talking but long earlobe, imprinted wheel on His feet, we are also getting our hands on what forty teeth and deep blue eyes etc. What we have just learned. For example I was is the significance of the marks? How did very happy to be able to participate in the the Buddha obtained it? Let us learn more construction of the mandala offering last about the Buddha’s marks and qualities on week. If you don’t know Tibetan Buddhism 5th August, Saturday 5 – 6:30pm at LDC. and its rituals, it’s difficult to understand even though you are reading about them from the texts or transcripts. You don’t know where to start and how to do it. I do not want to miss this class even once.” ~ Shooi Leng “What is so extraordinary about attending the Lam Rim classes is, one never feels out of place irrespective of which level of practice one is currently in. One only gains the right understanding, right view and proficiency in the practice as one strives to achieve the various goals leading to Buddhahood. On Sunday night before I lay my head on the pillow, I rejoice in my great fortune in attending the Lam Rim classes. To every Dharma brother and sister who aspire towards Buddhahood, I strongly recommend the Lam Rim class.” ~ Cheryl Tan 2. MEETING THE BUDDHA SHAKYAMUNI, Aug 5th (Sat), 5-6:30pm Buddha, the Enlightened One, was first a normal human being just like us, after practicing dharma for many life times, He has finally abandoned all delusion and 3. TSA-TSA MAKING WORKSHOP, Aug 19 (Sat), 2-4pm - to be led by Emillie Lee. Benefits of making tsa-tsa: • Perfect human rebirth • Perfect surroundings • Actualize pure morality • Generate devotion towards one’s guru and Buddhas • Pacify obstacles, bad conditions (i.e.: accidents, sudden diseases) • Long life and good reputation • Pacify enemies, interferers and harms • Generate perseverance to benefit others • Reborn in the human or deva realm to benefit others. • Achieve the bodhisattva’s path of accumulation, seeing, meditation and of no more learning. WORKSHOP DETAILS: Date : 19 August 2006, Saturday Time : 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Venue : LDC (No.1, Jln. 17/21F, 46400 P.J.) COST : achieved the perfect ultimate happiness RM 20.00 Members, – the enlightenment. Buddha is adorned RM 30.00 Non-members with 32 marks and possessed an ocean of © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM ~ August 2006 ~ Shabda 19 Each student will receive: 1st lesson - Basics and the 6-inch • Tsa-tsa practice booklet (Prayer) arrangement. • Tsa-tsa making instruction booklet 2nd lesson - Candle and flower decorations • Laminated quick reference card inspired by the big event on the 20th of Oct. • Blessed beads & mantras for tsa-tsa 3rd lesson - Large arrangement. • Tsa-tsa made in the workshop For our finale, we will hold a competition Note: Please call to register at our office (03) for who can decorate the gompa with the 7968-3278 as space are limited. The workshop most creative and exciting flower design. will be small with a maximum of 20 students. So everyone will have a mould to work with. 5. BIRTHDAY PUJA REMINDER Aug 9 (Wed), 7:30pm@LDC! 4. FLOWER POWER! Commence once a month from 20th Aug (Sun), 10.30am-12pm - to be led by Emillie Lee & Juanita Lee LDC organized it’s first-time ever Flowers are one of the most beautiful things in expect such a BIG turn-out!! The gompa life. In Buddhism, flowers are one of the many offerings we give to the Buddha, symbolizing beauty. Therefore, we have formed a group here in LDC called the “Flower Circle”. This Flower Circle will deal with everything to do with flowers - flower arrangements, giftwrapping with flowers, decorative flowrers, gardening, flower embroidery, making corsages, making hand bouquets, making paper flowers, flower offerings and etc. Emily Lee, our resident florist, will provide lessons on the basics. Juanita Lee will also step in to organize lessons on her forte - gift-wrapping and flower decorations. We will also have a few guest teachers to help with the other interesting programs. Lessons will commence once a month from the 20th of August (Sunday) every 10:30am to 12pm. Here is a rough sketch of what we will be learning. © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Birthday Puja with members on July 6 (also the 71st birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama) and we didn’t quite was packed with people and offerings were abundant. Four birthday “stars” attended the puja together with their family members. The puja went very well and the ambiance wonderful. Here is what one of the Birthday stars has to say about coming to pray at the Center that night: “I enjoyed it so much! It’s an unusual birthday gathering. Normally I and my family don’t celebrate birthdays but that night I decided to bring them all over to the Center and pray together. It feels so empowering when you see so many people praying together for your well-being. I want to thank LDC very much for arranging this wonderful event, and I hope other people will enjoy and find this event meaningful for them.” ~ Anonymous member of LDC Design by WOFS.COM 20 Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ LDC Dharma Program for August 2006 P - Precepts Monday BP - Special Days of Lord Buddha Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2P Full Moon New Moon Thursday 3 Friday 44 Guru Puja 7:30pm TSOG OFFERINGS Tara Puja 7:30pm 7 8 9P 10 11 17 18 18 Members’ Birthday Puja Lord Buddha’s conception (or birth) Shakyamuni Buddha Puja 7.30 pm 14 15 16 Guru Puja 7:30pm Vajrasattva Group Practice 7:30 – 8:30pm 21 22 Protector Puja 7:30pm 28 29 23 P TSOG OFFERINGS 24 25 Medicine Buddha Puja 7.30 pm 30 31 Vajra Claws Sutra Group Practice 7:30 – 8:30pm © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM ~ August 2006 ~ Saturday 21 Sunday 5 Introduction to Deity: Shakyamuni Buddha (Buddha’s qualities) 5:30pm -7pm Shabda 6 Young People Program 10am-12pm Basic Buddhist Teaching: Stages of the Path 4-7pm 12 Shakyamuni Buddha 13 Young People Program 10am-12pm 19 Tsa tsa making class 2-4pm Intermediate Buddhist Teaching: The Ground & Path 5-6:30pm 26 Intermediate Buddhist Teaching: The Ground & Path 5-6:30pm Young People Program 10am-12pm 20 Flower Power 10.30am--12pm Basic Buddhist Teaching: Stages of the Path 4-7pm 27 Young People Program 10am-12pm Animal Liberation 12pm - 1pm Basic Buddhist Teaching: Stages of the Path 4-7pm © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Tayata Om Mune, Mune, Maha Muneye Soha Design by WOFS.COM 22 Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ LDC Dharma Program for September 2006 P - Precepts Monday BP - Special Days of Lord Buddha Tuesday Wednesday Full Moon New Moon Thursday Friday 1P Tara Puja 7:30pm 4 5 6 7P 8 Members’ Birthday Puja Senior Wellness Program 2:30pm - 5pm 11 12 Senior Wellness Program 2:30pm - 5pm 18 19 Introduction to Deity: Dzambhala Wealth Buddha 7:30 – 8:30pm 13 Medicine Buddha Puja 7.30 pm Check In Nyung Nay 7:30pm 14 15 21 22 P Long Life Sutra Group Practice 7:30 – 8:30pm 20 solar eclipse new moon Senior Wellness Program 2:30pm - 5pm 25 26 Senior Wellness Program 2:30pm - 5pm © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Dorje Khadro Fire Puja 7:30 – 8:30pm 27 Protector Puja 7:30pm 28 Chanting Praises to 21 Taras 7:30pm 29 Vajra Claws Sutra Group Practice 7:30 – 8:30pm Design by WOFS.COM ~ August 2006 ~ Saturday 2 Intermediate Buddhist Teaching: The Ground & Path 5-6:30pm Young People Program 10am-12pm 3 Basic Buddhist Teaching: Stages of the Path 4-7pm White Jambhala Guru Puja 7:30pm TSOG OFFERINGS 10 Nyung Nay Retreat Nyung Nay Retreat 16 17 Basic Buddhist Teaching: Stages of the Path 4-7pm Guru Puja 7:30pm TSOG OFFERINGS 23 24 Animal Liberation 11am - 12noon Intermediate Buddhist Teaching: The Ground & Path 5-6:30pm 23 Sunday 9 Intermediate Buddhist Teaching: The Ground & Path 5-6:30pm Shabda Basic Buddhist Teaching: Stages of the Path 4-7pm Om Padma Kroda Arya Jambala Hri Daya Hum Phet 30 P Intermediate Buddhist Teaching: The Ground & Path 5-6:30pm Tara Puja 7:30pm © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM 24 Shabda ~ August 2006 ~ CENTER OPERATING HOURS : Monday-Friday : 10:00am - 6:00pm For donations, please make all crossed cheques payable to Losang Dragpa Buddhist Society. Your donation is greatly appreciated. Thank you. LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER’S : Address: No.1, Jalan 17/21F, 46400, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Eshan, Malaysia. Telephone Number: 603 - 7968 3278 Fax Number: 603 - 7956 7280 Email: Website: LDC’S GURU & SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR : Kyabje Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche Website dedicated to Rinpoche: (look for Spiritual Director) & © LOSANG DRAGPA CENTER Design by WOFS.COM