metales alcalinos terreos
metales alcalinos terreos
Computational Material Science Gonzalo Gutiérrez Departament of Physics Universidad de Chile. 2 Outline 1. Introduction - Simulation of Materials - Characteristic lengths and times in materials - Adiabatic approximation 2. Electronics Structure Calculation (T=0 K) - Density Functional Theory (DFT), Hohenberg-Kohn Theo. - Kohn-Sham Eqs., Local Density Approximation (LDA) -Example: alumina 3. Moving the atoms -Classical MD - Ab-initio MD - Example: germania 4. Conclusions gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 3 Tabla Periódica de los Elementos Metales alcalinos Otros metales gg/FIU,August 04 Metales alcalinos terreos Gases nobles Metales de transición Metales de tierras raras haluros Otros no metales Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 4 Computer simulation Real material Theory Experiments Computer simulation Experimental results Test of the theory gg/FIU,August 04 Models (reductionism) Computer simulation Analitically soluble Test of the model Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 5 Space and time in materials continium als r i r te e e a M gin En ys >10-3m microstructural Ph d istry a n em ch atomics 10-1010-13 10-1210-16 10-9-10-6m electronics 10-11-10-8m Å gg/FIU,August 04 nm µm length >10-6 10-610-10 10-6-10-3m ics time (s) mm m Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile Splitting different characteristics time H Ψ =E Ψ • Equation of the system • Solid state physics hamiltonian: (Tion + Te + Ve−e +Ve−ion + Vion−ion )Ψ(r1,...,rN ; R1,...,RM ) = EΨ(r1,...rN ; R1,...,RM ) • Adiabatic approximation: splitting of the ionics and electronics degree of freedom Mion ~2000-10000 me ⇒ τion>>τe • Writing Ψ(r;R) =Φ(r) χ (R), the problem split in two parts: electron (Te +Ve−e +Ve−ion+Vion−ion)Φ(r1,...rN ;{R})=ε({R})Φ(r1,...rN;{R}) ion gg/FIU,August 04 (Tion +ε({R}))χ(R) = E' χ(R) Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 6 7 Electrons and ions Electrons (Te + Ve−e + Ve−ion +Vion−ion )Φ(r1,...rN ;{R}) = ε({R})Φ(r1,...rN ;{R}) • knowing ε(R) we can have: -Ground state (T=0) -Crystalline structure and PV diagram -Elastic, optics, magnetics, etc, properties Iones -Potential energy surface -Interatomic potential ⇒ interatomic forces (Tion + ε ({ R}) )χ ( R ) = E ' χ ( R ) This is a quantum problem, but classical physics work pretty well! - to look for an effective interatomic potential ε(R) - to treat the ions as classical particles, i.e. obeying Newton Laws gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile Electrons : solution of the Schrödinger Eq. • Hamiltonian of a many electrons system: N h2 2 r r r r ∑− ∇ j + Ve −e + Vext Φ(r1,.., rN ) = EΦ( r1,.., rN ) j =1 2 m •To look for the GS by means of a variational method: ~ r r Φ(r1 ,.., rN ) ~ ~ E0 [Φ0 ] = MinΦ~ Φ H Φ 3N dimensions trial function • Approximate Methods : one electron selfconsistent equations r r Hartree: Φ ( r1 ,.., rN ) = φ1....φN h2 2 Z n( r ' ) − ∇ − +∫ dr ' φ i = ε iφ i , con n ( r ) = ∑ | φ i |2 r | r − r '| i 2m Hartree-Fock: gg/FIU,August 04 r r 1 Φ (r1 ,.., rN ) = det [φ1 ....φ N i ] N Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 8 Density Functional Theory The electronic density n(r) as the basic variable Hohenberg-Kohn (1964): 1. The external potential v(r) is totally determined from the electronic density n(r). E [n ] = ∫ n (r )v(r )dr + T [n ] + Ve−e [n] 2. For the trial density ñ(r) we obtain E0 ≤ E[ñ] N.B. a) We had a 3N variables trial function Φ(r1..rN) , but now only a 3 variables trial function ñ(r) b) DFT gives a strict formulación of the search of the GS from the electronic density ñ(r) . For example, Thomas-Fermi can be derived from DFT. gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 9 Electrons II: Kohn-Sham Eqs. • Total energy reads as (Kohn & Sham, 1965) E{R}[ñ]=Ts[ñ]+EHartree[ñ]+Eext[ñ]+ Exc[ñ] •Minimization of E{R}[ñ] is equivalent to solve Kohn-Sham Eqs. Selfconsistent solution r r r h2 2 − 2 m ∇ + veff (r ) ϕi (r ) = ε iϕ i (r ) r r r n(r ' ) r veff = ∫ r r dr ' + Vext (r ) + vxc (r ) | r − r'| N r r 2 n( r ) = ∑i =1 | ϕ i (r ) | r r r • LDA approximation: Exc [n] ≈ ∫ n(r )ε xc (n(r )) dr with gg/FIU,August 04 ε xc = − 0.458 0.44 − rs rs + 7.8 homogeneous electron gas Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 10 11 Electrones III: implementation all-electron full-potential all-electron muffin-tin pseudopotenciales jellium LDA GGA non-relativistic relativistic I I II h2 2 r r k k k − ∇ + V( r ) + v ( r ) ϕ = ε ϕ xc i i i 2m linearized augmented periodic no-periodic spin-polarized non spin-polarized gg/FIU,August 04 plane wave: LAPW scattering functions (ex.:. Hankel): LMTO plane wave LCAO Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile Implementation: selfconsistent cycle nini (r ) q (r ) = n(r ) + Z ( Rα ) 2 ∇ VC (r ) = 4π q(r) v xc (r) = v xc[n(r)] Electronics cycle H kl = k | H | l S kl = k | l (H − εS )c = 0 {ε i }, {cij } ϕ i = ∑ j cij j n(r) = ∑ i,oc | ϕi |2 Rα Poisson Eq. Matrix elements Dynamics Find the de eigenvectors and eigenvalues KS orbitals in terms of base functions Etot [n( r), Rα ], F = − ∂E ∂R Calculation of properties gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 12 13 Technical issues •Input: crystalline structure, atomic numbers •Accuracy in energy, in forces •Full potential calculation: • FPLAPW (Wien2k), • FPLMTO •Pseudopotential calculation •PPPW method (VASP, CPMD, ABINIT) •Other expansion: Gaussian, SIESTA gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 14 Example: Al2O3 Importance: -ceramic material important both in geosciences and technology -many technological applications, because extreme hardness, high melting point, low electrical conductivity. Structural phase transitions: liquid → γ → δ, θ→ α-alumina amorphous(a.o) → γ → θ→ α-alumina Transition aluminas are used as adsorbents, catalysts or catalyst support, coatings, etc, because of their fine particle size, high surface and catalytic activities of their surfaces. gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 15 γ-Al2O3 Ref: G. Gutiérrez et al: -PRB 65, 012101 (2002) -to be submitted (2004) α and γ-Al2O3 are the most common phases, but the structure of g is still unknown. •Aluminum surface oxidize in the atmosphere, forming oxide films. Also, one can make a surface treatment to aluminum by anodic oxidation. •How is the structure of such films? •Are they amorphous-like, or they have a γ structure, as has been suggested because the low coordination that present Al atoms at the surface? •The first step to answer these question is to determine the bulk γ-Al2O3 structure gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 16 γ-Al2O3 : structure • Defective spinel: cubic unit cell 32 O in a fcc array, and 211/3 Al , placed in tetra- and octahedral positions at random. described by [ ] 2 Al 1 O 23 213 32 •This formula is deduced from the figure. An integer number of Al atoms is obtained if one enlarges this unit cell three times: 160 at=[]8 Al64 O96 These Al vacancies occupy octahedral or tetrahedral cation sites? In what proportion? gg/FIU,August 04 Al O Mg Unit cell of the spinel MgAl2O4: 56 atoms: 8 Mg in tetra, 16 Al in octahedral, and 32 O in fcc position. Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 17 Situation so far • Experiments: neutron, electron and x-ray diffraction has led to conflicting conclusions: •vacancies situated entirely in tetrahedral positions octahedral both, 63:37 •Theoretical works: not conclusive results either. •MD and MC 64% of vacancies in thetrahedral sites •Empirical pair pot+ab-initio, MD (’99): vacancies in octahedral positions. gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile Searching for the minimum energy structure Total energies for a large number of configurations consistent with the crystallographic specifications need to be calculated Two main ways: 1) In most MD simulations, authors have increased the unit cell 2) to consider as a tolerable stoichiometric approximation a unit cell with 56at=21 Al + 32 O. •Our approach: reduction of the unit cell •Instead of considering a cubic unit cell, one can consider a primitive cell with less particles! Noting that ([]8Al64O96)/4=[]2Al16O24 only 40 atoms •In order to have it •perfect spinel, Al3O4, has 56 at., so the primitive has 14 at. Increase by three, remove 2 Al, and you get Al2O3 •There are two Al vacancies, which can be both tetrahedral, both octahedral, or one tetra and one octa. •There are only 153 configurations for Al vacancies (in comparison to 1010 for the 160 at. unit cell). gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 18 19 Method After a detailed structural analysis of the 153 configurations, one get only 14 non-equivalent config: 4 OO, 6 TO and 4 TT. •We performed total-energy calculations for all these 14 configurations, allowing for relaxation. Method: ab-initio total energy calculation DFT within LDA and exchange-correlation functional of Ceperley and Alder Plane wave pseudopotentials code (VASP) Kinetic energy cutoff Ecut at 400 eV., Two kind of k-point sampling, resulting two kind calculation Low accuracy: only the g point, converged to 0.03 eV/(formula unit) High accuracy, using a (3x3x9) k-point mesh, 0.004 eV/(formula unit) gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 20 Total energy results Total energy for the 14 minimum configurations gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile γ-Al2O3 :total energy curve Bulk modulus: 219 GPa gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 21 22 Density of states gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 23 Moving the atoms •IDEA: atoms “are” classical particles, they follow Newton laws Interatomic potential V(r) F = −∇V (r1 ,..., rN ) Temperature : equipartition theorem T = mv 2 / 3k •Numerical solution of the coupled ordinary differential equations •Results: r1(t),....,rN (t); v1(t),....,vN(t) •Physical properties: average over configurations, like in statistical mechanics gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile Molecular Dynamic program 24 Inicial conditions: {ri(t0),vi(t0)}N Choice of interatomic potential ⇒forces Numerical solution to the eqs. of motion Physical properties: temporal average over configurations: 〈….....〉t gg/FIU,August 04 N~2000 V EK=3/2NkBT • empirical pot • ab-initio ε(R) Verlet V (r ) = q q CC − 6 + B exp(ar) r r i j i j ∆t:10-15 s : time step •Termodynamics prop. • structural properties • dynamical prop. Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile Interatomic potentials A general expresion for an interatomic potential should contains one-body, two body, three body,...and N body terms r N N rr N N N rr r V = ∑v1(ri ) +∑∑v2 (ri ,rj ) +∑∑ ∑v3(ri , rj ,rk )+......... N i=1 i=1 i≠ j i=1 i≠ j i≠ j≠k For simplicity, people in general use only two and three body terms. The idea is to write a general functional form and to fit it according some experimental data: elastic constants, vacancy energy, etc. gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 25 Simple interatomic potential Ex: Lennard -Jones potential: good for noble gases σ Φ (rij ) = 4ε rij σ gg/FIU,August 04 σ − r ij 12 6 ε Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 26 Interatomic potential II A good interatomic potential should have the following properties • FLEXIBILITY 2. PRECISION 3. TRANSFERABILITY 4. COMPUTATIONAL EFFICIENCY gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 27 28 DM algorithm Time discretization r r r 1r 2 r t r t v t a t ( + ∆) = ( ) + ( )∆ + ( )∆ i i i i 1 ∂V r 2 ai = − r r r a t a t r r ( ) + ( + ∆) m ∂ r i v ( t + ∆) = v ( t) + i i i ∆ i i 2 ri(∆) ri(2∆) ri(0) Time stepping: Velocity Verlet algorithm Given 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. gg/FIU,August 04 r r (ri (t),vi (t)) r { r Compute as a function of i (t)} r ∆ r ∆r vi (t + ) ← v i (t) + ai (t) 2 r r r2 ∆ ri (t + ∆) ← ri (t) + vi (t + )∆ 2 r r r ai (t) Compute ai (t + ∆) as a function of r r ∆ ∆r vi (t + ∆ ) ← v i (t + ) + ai (t + ∆ ) 2 2 {ri (t + ∆)} Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 29 Physical Properties Structural properties: pair distribution function g( r) static strucuture factor S(q) Thermodynamics properties pV = NkT + heat capacity W Dynamical properties diffusion coeficient D Velocity autorrelation function VACF(t) Vibrational density of states D(w) gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 30 Amorphous Al2O3 : results I Pair distribucion function Coordination number • Al-O distance: 1.76 Å (exp.=1.8 Å) • Coord. Nr: Al-O: 4.25, O-Al:2.83 (cutoff: 2.2 Å) Ref: G. Gutiérrez et al: PRB 65, 104202 (2002) gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 31 Amorphous Al2O3 : angle distributions Al O Summary: -Short range order consists of AlO4 tetrahedra. -there are 3- and 4-fold rings, with planar 2- and 3-fold ring. gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile Structural trasformation of amorphous Al2O3 under pressure 32 pres s u r e • In the Al2O3-SiO2 system (important in geoscience and ceramic) present a both a Si and Al coordination change, from tetrahedral to octahedral Coordination under pressure bajo. In SiO2 that change is wellknown. What does it happen in alumina? • Phase transformation in liquid and amorphous material: poli-amorphysm C’ II líquid C I Observed in: H2O!! SiO2, GeO2, P, Al2O3-Y2O3 gas temperature gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile Amorphous Al2O3 under pressure: results Ref: G. Gutiérrez, Submitted (2004) 4.2 3.9 3.175 gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 33 Al2O3under pressure II 34 Angular distribution Coordination of Al changes according density ⇒ OK exp. • a-a transformation in alumina: coord 4 → coord.6 • according our simulation, it does happen at pressure 15-25 Gpa. gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 35 Ions + electrons: ab-initio MD The only interaction there exists is the Coulomb interactions! The idea of ab-initio MD is to calcul everything from the solid state hamiltonian 1. Electronic structure calculation to obtain the total energy e( R) in terms of the positions of the ions. 2. Forces for each ∆t, forces are obtained from the electronic str. calc. ∂ ∂ FI = − EKS ({ϕ i},{Ri}) ⇒ ε({R}) = − ∂RI ∂RI ∂ ∂ =− ϕ i | HKS | ϕ i = −∑ ϕ i HKS ϕi ∑ ∂RI i ∂RI i Teo.Hellman-Feynman gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile 36 Amorphous Al2O3 : DM ab-initio Preliminary Results Pair distribution functions Ref: S. Davis & G. Gutiérrez, in progress Electronic Density of states Detalles: Codigo VASP, 10 ps, 600 K,80 at., (NVT), solo punto Γ, 5min/paso. gg/FIU,August 04 Depto. of Physics, U. of Chile