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Dresser-Rand Separators May 2006 A little history…….. California inventor 1987-1995 z separation principles z early development and testing z capital constraints Aker Kvaerner & Dresser-Rand 1996-2004 z formed JV company MppT (Multiphase Power & Processing Technologies) z purchased all rights and patents from inventor z AK market knowledge and sales force z D-R machinery expertise and manufacture z some progress Purchase by D-R of AK’s interest in MppT mid-2005 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION D-R Separator products IRIS (Inline Rotary Separator) z separates liquids from a gas stream Biphase: separates gas and oil (a larger, powered IRIS) Triphase: separates gas and water from oil PROPRIETARY INFORMATION The IRIS separator IRIS benefits Separation efficiency z >99% of particles over 5 microns z equal to cartridge filters Compact, in line design High liquid capacity z 4% liquid to gas volume ratio z up to 30% by mass Self powered Ease of maintenance/replacement PROPRIETARY INFORMATION How Does the IRIS operate? TM DRY GAS WET GAS Swirl Generator Separation Zone Diffuser Section Separated Liquids PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3” IRIS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS field testing CEESI, Colorado z 6 inch test - Feb 2003 z Natural gas to 1000psi, injection of Decane upstream z good repeatability obtained, solid quantitative results PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3/4" Tubing Valve 1 IRIS field testing 3/4" Tubing/ pipe Valve 1 CEESI, Colorado To Drain 3/4" Tubing 1/4"- 3/8" Tubing z subsequently developed performance modeling code z and product configurator, proposal generator IRIS-6060: Dry Gas Data - GSV vs. Speed 5000 4500 y = 119.21x - 206.46 R2 = 0.9982 100 < Psia < 106 4000 IRIS Speed (rpm) Valve 2 289 < Psia < 310 529 < Psia < 645 3500 975 < Psia < 1042 3000 y = 123.62x - 434.93 R2 = 0.9998 y = 120.4x - 115.87 2 R = 0.998 y = 161.53x - 2192.5 R2 = 1 2500 2000 1500 1000 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Gas Superficial Velocity (ft/sec) PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3/4" Tubing Valve 1 IRIS field testing 3/4" Tubing/ pipe Valve 1 CEESI, Colorado To Drain 3/4" Tubing 1/4"- 3/8" Tubing IRIS-6060: Dry Gas Tests - GSV vs. Pressure Drop 35.0 1000 PSI 30.0 Pressure Drop (psid) Valve 2 600 PSI 25.0 300 PSI 20.0 100 PSI 2.0102 y = 0.0181x 2 R =1 2.0234 y = 0.01x 2 R = 0.9999 15.0 2.0691 y = 0.0039x 2 R =1 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.00 2.3781 y = 0.0005x 2 R =1 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 Gas Superficial Velocity (ft/s) PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3/4" Tubing Valve 1 IRIS field testing 3/4" Tubing/ pipe Valve 1 CEESI, Colorado To Drain 3/4" Tubing 1/4"- 3/8" Tubing IRIS-6060: Dry Gas Tests - GSV vs. Pressure Drop 3.5 1000 PSI Pressure Drop as % of Inlet Pressure Valve 2 3.0 600 PSI 1.9816 y = 0.002x 2 R =1 300 PSI 2.5 100 PSI 1.9961 y = 0.0018x 2.0 2 R =1 2.0644 y = 0.0014x 1.5 2 R = 0.9999 2.1663 y = 0.0009x 1.0 2 R =1 0.5 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Gas Superficial Velocity (ft/s) PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3/4" Tubing Valve 1 IRIS field testing 3/4" Tubing/ pipe Valve 1 CEESI, Colorado To Drain 3/4" Tubing 1/4"- 3/8" Tubing IRIS-6060: 600 PSI Wet Gas Tests - LCO Analysis 25.00 LIquid Carryover (Gal/MMSCF) Valve 2 20.00 GSV - 16 ft/s, Speed - 1800 rpm GSV - 26 ft/s, Speed - 2880 rpm GSV - 39 ft/s, Speed - 4630 rpm 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Liquid Mass Fraction of Total Flow PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3/4" Tubing Valve 1 IRIS field testing 3/4" Tubing/ pipe Valve 1 CEESI, Colorado To Drain 3/4" Tubing 1/4"- 3/8" Tubing IRIS-6060: 600 PSI Wet Gas Tests 100.00 Separation Efficiency (%) Valve 2 99.90 GSV - 16 ft/s, Speed - 1800 rpm 99.80 GSV - 26 ft/s, Speed - 2880 rpm GSV - 39 ft/s, Speed - 4630 rpm 99.70 99.60 99.50 99.40 99.30 99.20 99.10 99.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Liquid Mass Fraction of Total Flow 0.35 0.40 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS sizes 1½ inch - vertical design, 600# flanges 3 inch - 600#, 900# flange ratings 6 inch - 600#, 900# flange ratings PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS flow capability Application Range of IRIS Product Line 5.0% 4.5% Model XX30 Minimum Pressure Drop (% of inlet) Model XX15 4.0% Model XX60 3.5% 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Actual Gas Flow (CuFt/sec) PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS flow capability Approx max capacity 1.5" & 3" IRIS 18 Flow in MMSCF MMSCFD 16 14 12 10 3"IRIS 1.5" IRIS 8 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 1500 Pressure in psia PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS flow capability IRIS Capacity Approximate Maximum Flow Rates 70 60 MMSCFD 50 6" IRIS 3" IRIS 40 30 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Pressure (psia) PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3” IRIS unit installed PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 6” IRIS unit installed PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1½” IRIS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1½” IRIS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1½” IRIS - factory test PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS markets gas seal systems refining GT Fuel gas treatment recip compressor inlet oil and gas production (including NGC*) * Natural Gas from Coal a.k.a. Coal Bed Methane PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3” IRIS - Gas Turbine fuel treatment PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Packaged 6” IRIS - wellhead application PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS competition Traditional scrubber vessels Traditional scrubber vessels + vane pack axial flow cyclones PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples Recip inlet scrubber retrofit z 5-CVIP-4 recip, offshore LA PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples Recip inlet scrubber retrofit z 5-CVIP-4 recip, offshore LA z 3 separate valve failures due to liquid damage PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples Recip inlet scrubber retrofit z 5-CVIP-4 recip, offshore LA z 3 separate valve failures due to liquid damage z Typical costs incurred per incident: • parts & labor to repair • downtime 2 days • TOTAL $20,000 $200,000 (20 MMSCD x $5/MMBTU x 2 days) $220,000 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples Recip inlet scrubber retrofit z 5-CVIP-4 recip, offshore LA z 3 separate valve failures due to liquid damage z Typical costs incurred per incident: • parts & labor to repair • downtime 2 days • TOTAL z $20,000 $200,000 (20 MMSCD x $5/MMBTU x 2 days) $220,000 IRIS solution • • • • • • 6” unit w/drainer pipe cutting/welding Fittings, tubing Engineering, planning downtime 1 day TOTAL $48,000 $800 (1 day) $500 $24,000 (200 hrs x $120/hr) $100,000 $173,000 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples Recip inlet scrubber retrofit z 5-CVIP-4 recip, offshore LA z 3 separate valve failures due to liquid damage z Typical costs incurred per incident: • parts & labor to repair • downtime 2 days • TOTAL z IRIS solution • • • • • • z $20,000 $200,000 (20 MMSCD x $5/MMBTU x 2 days) $220,000 6” unit w/drainer pipe cutting/welding Fittings, tubing Engineering, planning downtime 1 day TOTAL $48,000 $800 (1 day) $500 $24,000 (200 hrs x $120/hr) $100,000 $173,000 Competitive alternatives: no space to install PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples Discharge scrubber retrofit (Epic Energy) PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples Discharge scrubber retrofit (Epic Energy) z recip compressor, 15MMSCFD at 350 psig z oil carryover in line, backpressure, reduced capacity, monthly pig (clean) PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples Discharge scrubber retrofit (Epic Energy) z recip compressor, 15MMSCFD at 350 psig z oil carryover in line, backpressure, reduced capacity, monthly pig (clean) Pigging z equipment, manpower, production loss $152,300 per month PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples Discharge scrubber retrofit (Epic Energy) z recip compressor, 15MMSCFD at 350 psig z oil carryover in line, backpressure, reduced capacity, monthly pig (clean) Pigging z equipment, manpower, production loss $152,300 per month Scrubber/coalescer z hardware, engineering, installation, downtime $247,000 z opex (replace coalescer elements), downtime $40,000 per year PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples Discharge scrubber retrofit (Epic Energy) z recip compressor, 15MMSCFD at 350 psig z oil carryover in line, backpressure, reduced capacity, monthly pig (clean) Pigging z equipment, manpower, production loss $152,300 per month Scrubber/coalescer z hardware, engineering, installation, downtime $247,000 z opex (replace coalescer elements), downtime $40,000 per year IRIS z hardware, engineering, installation, downtime $160,000 z opex nil PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples offshore process separator repair PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples offshore process separator repair z severe liquid carryover z need to service vane pack PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples offshore process separator repair z severe liquid carryover z need to service vane pack vane pack repair z hardware, engineering, manpower, downtime $655,000 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRIS value proposition examples offshore process separator repair z severe liquid carryover z need to service vane pack vane pack repair z hardware, engineering, manpower, downtime $655,000 install IRIS z hardware, engineering, manpower, downtime $327,000 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION D-R Separator products IRIS (Inline Rotary Separator) z separates liquids from a gas stream RST (Rotary Separator Turbine) z Bi-phase: separates gas and oil z Tri-phase: separates gas and water from oil PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Typical Application of Bi-phase Bi-phase 32 MBPD / 64 MMSCFD / 900 # ANSI installed on Shell’s Mars TLP in GoM in December 2002 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Models of Bi-phase RST •100/200/900 RST Bi-phase •100 MBFPD •200 MMSCFD •28 ton operating weight •10 ft x 16 ft •32/64/900 RST Bi-phase •32 MBFPD •64 MMSCFD •18 ton operating weight •8 ft x 14 ft PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Tri-phase RST Field Trial Marathon’s Ewing Bank 873 platform - Gulf of Mexico • > 3000 hrs operation • Water < 20 ppm OiW • Oil < 0.5% WiO • Operation at wellhead manifold • 110% design flow rate (5500 BFPD) • 20 API crude • “Overboard quality water, pipeline quality oil” PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Application of Tri-phase ..on Shell’s Ursa TLP platform - Gulf of Mexico • 65,000 BFPD RST Package • Future replacement of BOT/FWKO • Weight reduction - 450 ton • Vessel size 55ft x 12 ft dia • Package size 11ft x 14ft PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Tri-phase RST Field Test unit • 1,000 BPD TPRS • readily transportable by workboat • quick disconnects • attended operation • first client test in Olean May 06 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Tri-phase RST Field Test unit • 1,000 BPD TPRS • readily transportable by workboat • quick disconnects • attended operation • first client test in Olean May 06 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION for your interest. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION