Meeting “Building a national geospatial information system: driving forces and success stories.”. Integration of the Cadastral and Registry Information System February 4, 2013 1 Introduction 2 Law of the National Statistical and Geographical Information System Article 3. The National Statistical and Geographical Information System (SNIEG) aims to supply society and the State with quality, relevant, truthful and opportune information, in order to contribute national development 3 National Subsystems of SNIEG Parts of the System in charge of producing, integrating and disseminating information by specific topics Demographic and Social Geographical and Environmental Economic Government, Public Security and Application of Justice 4 SNIGMA components Geographic Datasets Environment Indicators Geographical names Atmosphere Cadastre, Topographic, Natural Resources and Climate Data Land, Island and Submarine Relief Coastal, International, State and Municipal Limits Environment Water Soil Biodiversity Hazardous Waste Geodetic Reference Frame Solid Waste 5 Process to integrate the Cadastral and Registry Information System Results Graphical cadastral query Integration of information Whose? Where? Measures? Features? Cadastral and Registry Information System Coordination Standards Data Collection Technology 6 Coordination 7 Mexican Coordination within the SNIEG 32 Cadastral 32 Cadastral State Offices State Offices 32 Public 32 Public Property Property Registry Registry Offices Offices 8 Regulation 9 ARTICLE 62.‐ The Institute will promote the adoption of methods and technical standards in gathering data to be registered, in coordination with the authorities that manage directories of individuals or corporations, cadastre, public property and commerce registry, lists, inventories and other administrative registries to gather information . ARTICLE 93.‐ The inscription on the National Geographic Information Registry regarding municipal and state cadastres, will consider both cartography and data bases of urban and rural lands within their territories. In the case cartography and data bases described in the previous paragraph don’t exist, data available in lists, sketches and cadastral cards will be registered. 10 SUPERFICIE TOTAL: 196 MILLONES DE HAS. LAND USE AND PROPERTY DISTRIBUTION IN MEXICO TOTAL AREA: 196 MILLION HECTARES 1% 3% 2% 4% Uso de Suelo Total 196.4 Mha. D i str ib u c ió n d e la P r o p ied ad en M éx ic o . Su p er fic ie To tal 19 6.7 M h as . 2% 13% 4% 3 % 1% 13% 17% 17% 17% 38% 53% 3 8% 17% 17% 17% 53 % 35% 35% Propiedad Social: 103.9 Mha. PSocial Property: 103.9 Mha ro pied ad S o cial: 1 0 3 .9 M h a. Bosques: 34.5 Mha. Bosques: 34.5 Mha. Forest: 34.5 Mha PPrivate Rural Property: 73.1 Mha ro pied ad P rivad a Ru ral: 7 3. 1 M h a. Propiedad Privada Rural: 73.1 Mha. Selvas: 32.6 Mha. CAgricultural and Ranching Colonies: 3.8 Mha olo nias A g ríco las y Gan aderas: 3 .8 M h a. Colonias Agrícolas y Ganaderas: 3.8 Mha. National Properties: 7.2 Mha Terren os Nacion ales: 7 .2 M h a. Terrenos Nacionales: 7.2 Mha. OOthers (Federal Lands, Urban areas, tros (Z o nas F ederales, Z o nas Urb an as, C uerp o s d e A gua, etc. ): 5. 8 M ha. water bodies, etc): 5.8 Mha Otros (Zonas Federales, Zonas Urbanas, Source: 1998 Historical Cadastre Fuente: Información con base en Catastro Histórico de 1988. Cuerpos de Agua, etc.): 5.8 Jungle: 32.6 Mha Selvas: 32.6 Mha. Shrubland and other vegetation: 69 Mha Matorral y Vegetación D iversa: 69 Mha. Matorral y Vegetación Diversa: 69 Mha. Agricultural: 32.6 Mha Agricultura 32.6 Mha. Agricultura 32.6 Mha. Pastureland: 25.1 Mha Pastizales: 25.1 Mha. Human settlements (Urban: 1.1 and Rural: 0.5 Mha) Asentamientos Humanos (Urbano: 1.1 y Rural 0.5 Mha.) Pastizales: 25.1 Mha. Asentamientos Humanos (Urbano: 1.1 y Rural 0 Fuente: INEGI. Conjunto Nacional del Uso del Suelo y Vegetación. Source: INEGI. Land Use and Vegetation Information, version Serie IV, 2010. IV 2010 SOCIAL PROPERTY DISTRIBUTION (EJIDOS AND COMMUNITIES) 12 Incorporated parcels into the Cadastral and Registry Information System INFORMATION NATIONAL AGRARIAN, COMMUNAL PROPERTY • 29,427 Agrarian Conglomerates with: • 5.8 Million of Parcels • 3 Million of urban parcels • 69 thousand common lands Program with Secretary of Agriculture 3.3 Million parcels Program with Secretary of Social Development 25.8 Million parcels Program with Bank Public works BANOBRAS 2.5 Million parcels TOTAL 40. 4 Million parcels 13 Technical standards Generation, Gathering and Integration of Cadastral and Register Data for Statistical and Geographic purposes Promotes harmonization and uniformity of cadastral and register data. Cadastral code Electronic folio Land code Entitlement code Cadastral information Registry information RAN Cadastres PPR RAN 14 Technical standards Location Accuracy Standards Sets the values of accuracy to be applied to geographic location processes Outside the precision range established by the standard Imprecise Survey Method Within the range of accuracy established by the standard Reliable Method of Survey 15 Technical standards National Geodetic System Defines the unique geographical reference framework to be used in the country Allows the overlay of any geographic dataset to properly: • Integrate • Compare • Analyze Unique Geodetic Reference Framework 16 Technical standards Geographic Addresses Set the rules for describing an address geographically Complete gathering TYPE OF ROAD: STREET ROAD NAME: ISABEL LA CATÓLICA OUTSIDE NUMBER: Not available (SN) TYPE OF HUMAN SETTLEMENT: Neighbourhood HUMAN SETTLEMENT NAME: CAMPESTRE POSTAL CODE: 20129 CITY OR TOWN NAME : AGUASCALIENTES MUNICIPALITY NAME: AGUASCALIENTES STATE NAME: AGUASCALIENTES BETWEEN ROADS: FRONTERA AND AGUSTÍN DE ITURBIDE BACK ROADS: NONE Church 17 Technical standards Development of Geographical Metadata Establishes a layout to standardize the documentation of statistical data and geographic products ¿WHO? Author ¿WHERE? Location ¿WHEN? Date ¿HOW? Quality Geospatial Database ¿WHAT? Product ¿WHY? Objective 18 Data Collection 19 PROGRAMME TO UPDATE INFORMATION AND RECORDS OF CADASTRE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY REGISTRY 20 Objectives : Modernization program of public records and cadastral property * 4th Mexican Government Report 2010 21 INEGI activities 22 State Cadastre Diagnostics Recollect, analyze, evaluate and document the main findings 23 Cadastre modernization programs Linking cadastre and registry information 27.9 million 18.0 million 45.9 million of processed records 24 Cadastre modernization programns Private property parcels information • • • Cadastral parcels: 22.9 Million Public Registry parcels: 12.2 Million Linked records: 4.6 Million BANOBRAS SEDESOL Alphanumeric records 9 million of cadastral accounts Private property rustic parcels Cartography 6.2 million of parcels (597,114 on rural areas) Linked 25 Technology 26 Implemented technologies • Based on Mapa Digital de México V5.0 platform • • Free software solid components Communication standards 27 Digital Map of Mexico Online system created for query and analysis of geographic and statistical information generated by INEGI. • 158 vector information layers • More than 66 million geographical objects (approx. 74 GB) • 4 raster layers (more than 1 terabyte). 28 Shared Information for Territorial Management More than 150 layers of vector information Private property cadastre ade s d e l Es t ad o INE GI Raster Information Ca Pú tastr bli os co s y R eg ist ros Un id Social property cadastre Statistical Information georeferenced 29 Connectivity • Distributed service archtecture National Agrarian Registry RAN Maps System server Data Ma p Da ta National Statistical and Geographical Information System s STATE Mexican States 30 Queries to the System 31 Parcels in Cuernavaca, urban area, state Morelos 32 Query result of an urban parcel 33 General results 34 DISTRIBUTION OF METROPOLITAN AREAS AND CITIES The 384 cities that comprehends the National Urban System are defined as the set of cities whose population is over 15 thousand inhabitants. Based on that information, 72.5% of the population inhabits in these cities and the remaining 27.5% lives in localities whose population is less than 15 thousand inhabitants, which are considered semi‐urban and rural. Source: CONAPO, SEDESOL, SEGOB. 2012 National Urban System Catalog based on the 2010 Housing and Population Census and the 2010 Geostatistical Framework V5.0. 35 The metropolitan areas definition was taken from the Interinstitutional Group SEDESOL, CONAPO and INEGI Measuring General results are obtained for each state through the application of 150 parameters and their proper weighing. Then a summary for each component and its reference value is generated. The evaluated components are: Legal Framework. Cadastral Processes. Information and Communication Technologies. Cadastre link with Public Property Register (RPP). Cadastral Function Professionalization. Service Efficiency. 36 Programme benefits 37 Cadastre and Register Information System 38 Expectations • Sustain coordination with Units of State to integrate information of both areas, urban and rural, through the SNIEG and to characterize the national territory. • Consolidate the Cadastral and Registry Information System in order to have an updated inventory of urban and rural private property. • Define terms and specifications so that after uploading the cadastre and register information online, full access is immediately granted for all levels in the SNIEG. 39 Because we provide information for everybody… +52 800 111 46 34 ¡Meeting Mexico! 40 EXAMPLE 2: PROGRAMME TO UPDATE INFORMATION AND RECORDS OF SOCIAL PROPERTY, NATIONAL AGRARIAN REGISTRY 41 Distribution of communal property Communal property surface per state Oaxaca Nayarit Guerrero Nuevo León Tamaulipas Sonora 75% 35% MÉXICO 51% surface out of the national territory Source: Registro Agrario Nacional 42 National Agrarian Registry Information integrated by the system Communal property parcels • • • • • 29,427 Agrarian Conglomerate 5.8 Million Parcels 3 Million Urban parcels 69 thousand Common land 43 Information about communal property in Morelos state 44 Query result of a parcel in communal property 45