The Erin Palmateer Community Pool
The Erin Palmateer Community Pool
The Erin Palmateer Community Pool Summer 2013 Program Guide 175 Alexander Street Tweed, Ontario K0K 3J0 Tel: 613-478-9808 Fax: 613-478-9806 YMCA of Central East Ontario Belleville Branch 433 Victoria Avenue Belleville, Ontario K8N 2G1 Tel: 613-966-9622 Fax: 613-962-9247 City of Quinte West Branch 50 Monogram Place Trenton, Ontario K8V 5P8 Tel: 613-394-9622 Fax: 613-394-8223 Balsillie Family Branch - Peterborough 123 Aylmer St S Peterborough, Ontario K9J 3H8 Tel: 705-748-9622 Fax: 705-741-3719 website: YMCA MISSION STATEMENT As a charity your YMCA is open to all. Providing opportunities for growth in spirit, mind and body. The YMCA strives to be a recognized leader and valued partner in the development of healthy communities. OUR CAMPS Discovery Day Camp This traditional camp is specifically designed for children aged 5 to 8. Activities will include arts, crafts, cooperative games, sports and swimming This camp will run weeks 1 to 9. The YMCA Day Camps are a shared experience for all children to enjoy. Location: Erin Palmateer Community Pool Each of us, staff, campers , volunteers and parents have a part in mak- Weekly Rate: $80.00 per child ing camp a positive, enjoyable, safe and fun experience for everyone. Sports Adventure Camp This camp is packed full of activities for boys and girls aged 9 to YMCA Day Camps encourage behaviour modeled on our YMCA Core 13. Activities will include cooperative games, sports, crafts and Values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility. swimming. This camp will be run weeks 1 to 9 It is our goal to provide a healthy, safe and secure environment for all Location: Erin Palmateer Community Pool participants. Camp staff use a positive, value-based approach to guide Weekly Rate: $80.00 per child appropriate behaviors and seek to reward and reinforce positive behaviors. Campers are expected to follow our behavior guidelines and Session Session Dates Theme to interact appropriately with their fellow campers. 1 July 2 - 5, 2013** Super Hero’s The YMCA Experience – Values in Action We Create a Safe and Supportive Environment Our Commitment to Quality • YMCA Camps build Strong Kids in a fun, safe, stimulating environment • YMCA Camps encourage learning new skills, developing friendships and healthy development • Campers are supervised and supported by qualified, trained staff that act as positive role models for campers • YMCA Camps develop the Spirit, Mind and Body of campers and build strong character through the YMCA Core Values • YMCA Camps treat everyone equally, understanding the individual needs of each camper as well as the overall group Convenient Camp Hours Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm Extra hours are available 7:30 - 8:30am or 5:00 - 6:00pm $15.00 per week per child 2 July 8 - 12, 2013 Y’s Got Talent 3 July 15 - 19, 2013 Wild Wild West 4 July 22 - 26, 2013 Where the Wild things Are 5 July 29 - August 2, 2013 Around the World in 5 Days 6 August 6 - 9, 2013** Spy Kids 7 August 12 - 16, 2013 Wet and Wacky 8 August 19 - 23, 2013 We are Family 9 August 26 - 30, 2013 Summer Send Off **Please note that programs will not run Monday, July 1st, 2013 or Monday, August 5th, 2013 due to the Civic Holiday. Camp Fees will be adjusted accordingly. Family Discounts Family Discounts are available for the second and third child when registered in the same weeks. Day camp fees will be reduced by $5.00 per session for each additional child from the same family. Weekly Trips Each week the YMCA Day Camps will be travelling to a new destination either by foot or by bus. The trips are INCLUDED in the weekly cost of camp. Typical trips are: Oak Lake, the Frink Centre, RCAF Museum and Trenton Splash Pad., Peterborough Zoo and Cobourg Beach. Financial Assistance The YMCA of Central East Ontario strives to serve all segments of our community. If you or your family would benefit from a YMCA program, yet are unable to pay the full price, you may apply for assistance. YMCA Financial Assistance is for those who are unable, not unwilling to pay full fee. Please contact (613)966-9622 ext226 for more information. Registration for Summer Camp Registration must be done in person. The first week of camp chosen must be paid in full at the time of registration. Each additional week of camp registration requires a NON REFUNDABLE 25% DEPOSIT. The balance is due by post dated cheques, Visa, Mastercard or American Express and dated TWO WEEKS prior to the start of the camp week that the camper(s) is registered. Please refer to the Parent Handbook for our refund policy and what items to bring to camp everyday. Registration Dates Tuesday, May 14th Saturday, May25th Thursday, May 30th Wednesday, June 5th Saturday, June 15th Wednesday, June 19th Registration Location Municipal Building, 255 Metcalfe St 6:00-8:00pm 10:00am-2:00pm 6:00-8:00pm 6:00-8:00pm 10:00am-2:00pm 6:00-8:00pm Registration at the pool begins Monday, June 23th NEW THIS YEAR OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 1 - 4PM BEGINNING JUNE 15TH, 2013 SWIM LESSON INFORMATION Please note there are no classes on August 5 Monday to Thursday (2 week sessions) Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 July 2 - 12** July 15 - 25 July 29 - Aug 9** Aug 12 - 22 **Short Sessions, make up lesson for the Monday classes will be on the Friday** Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 9:00-9:40am 9:45-10:25am 10:30-11:10am 11:15-11:55am 9:00-9:40am 9:45-10:25am 10:30-11:10am 11:15-11:55am 9:00-9:40am 9:45-10:25am 10:30-11:10am 11:15-11:55am 9:00-9:40am 9:45-10:25am 10:30-11:10am 11:15-11:55am Splashers and Bubblers Thirty Minute Swim Lesson (6 mths to 3 years, parented) Daily at 10:30am Cost: $40.00 per child Bobbers, Floaters, Gliders, Divers, Surfers, Dippers Thirty Minute Swim Lesson (3- 5 years, un-parented) Cost: $40.00 per child YMCA Learn to Swim & Star Program All learn to swim and star levels Forty Minute Swim Lesson(Ages 6-13 years) Cost: $45.00 per child Private & Semi-Private Swim Lessons All private and semi-private swim lessons are 30 minute in length. Private and semi-private lessons are scheduled on a first come, first served basis and are subject to instructor and time availability. If a student is going to miss a class, advanced notice of 24 hours must be given. Time available Monday to Friday 12-1pm, and Monday to Thursday 4-5pm Cost: $15.00 private lesson or $18.00 semi-private lesson (max 3 participants) **To book semi-private lessons you must have a second child interested and book at the same time. We do not keep a list of semi-private participants. Aqua Fitness Monday - Saturday 12:00-12:45pm July 2 – August 30 $200.00 (includes tax) Tuesday & Thursday 4:00-4:45pm July 2 – August 29 $90.00 (includes tax) **Drop in and 10 passes available Evening Lessons Monday and Wednesday or Tuesdays and Thursdays Session 1 Session 2 July 2 - 29 July 30 - Aug 26 Splashers and Bubblers Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:30pm Cost: $40.00 per child Bobbers, Floaters, Gliders, Divers, Surfers, Dippers Mondays & Wednesdays at 5:00pm or 5:30pm Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:00pm or 5:30pm Cost: $40.00 per child YMCA Learn to Swim & Star Program Monday & Wednesday at 5:00pm Tuesday & Thursday at 5:00pm Cost: $45.00 per child Bronze Medallion / Cross w/Standard First Aid & CPR”C” and AED Prerequisite: 13 years or successful completion of Bronze Star (1 hour classroom, 2 hours pool) YM - $170.00+hst NM - $190.00+hst Manual Fee - $70.00+hst Thursdays July 4 – Aug 22 5:00 to 8:00pm Pool Rentals Rent the pool for private use for just $90.00 per hour, this includes lifeguards. Birthday Parties, Family Event, School Party or Lessons. Call today to book. Canada Day Celebration Join us on Canada Day, the first day that the Erin Palmateer Community Pool will be open to the public! Games, Activities, Family/Youth Swimming, Music, BBQ, and Much More! Be the first to get in the pool! 12noon to 5pm Wednesday Night Family Fun! The Erin Palmateer Community Pool is the place to be on Wednesday nights from 6-7pm. Music, games,fun for all ages! FREE, sponsored by Tim Horton’s SATURDAY Pool Rentals 9am – 12noon Pool Rentals 5-6pm Family/Youth Swim 1-5pm SUNDAY Pool Rentals 9am – 1pm Pool Rental - $90.00 (includes tax) Pass Rates - $25.00 - Ten Pass Under 14 years $50.00 - Summer Pass Under 14 years $40.00 - Ten Pass 15 years and above (includes tax) $160.00 - Family Summer Pass (includes tax) $52.00 - Ten Pass Aquafit (includes tax) Tuesday, May 14th - 6:00-8:00pm Saturday, May25th - 10:00am-2:00pm Thursday, May - 30th6:00-8:00pm Wednesday, June - 5th6:00-8:00pm Saturday, June 15th - 10:00am-2:00pm Wednesday, June 19th - 6:00-8:00pm Registration Dates Registration at the pool begins Monday, June 23th All Swims - $3.00 - Under 14 years $4.50 - 15 years and above (includes tax) $10 .00 - Family Rate (immediate Family Members Only, Includes Tax) Aqua Fit Drop In - $6.00 - 16 years and above (includes tax) Registration Location Municipal Building, 255 Metcalfe St **YMCA of Central East Ontario Members – Swimming is included (with the excepƟon of swim lessons and aqua fit), just show your membership card to the aƩendant** **NEW THIS YEAR OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1 - 4PM STARTING JUNE 15, 2013!!! Swim Lessons 5-6pm Family/Youth Swim 6-7pm FRIDAY Family/Youth Swim 9am-12noon Aquafit 12-12:45pm Private Lessons 12-1pm Family/Youth Swim 1-4pm Private Lessons 4-5pm Aquafit Aquafit Aquafit 12-12:45pm 12-12:45pm 12-12:45pm Private Lessons Private Lessons Private Lessons 12-1pm 12-1pm 12-1pm Family/Youth Family/Youth Family/Youth Aquafit Swim Swim Swim 12-1pm 1-4pm 1-4pm 1-4pm Aquafit Private Lessons Aquafit Family/Youth 4-4:45pm 4-5pm 4-4:45pm Swim Private Lessons Swim Lessons Private Lessons 1-5pm 4-5pm 5-6pm 4-5pm Swim Lessons Family/Youth Swim Lessons 5-6pm 5-6pm Swim 6-7pm Family/Youth Family/Youth Family/Youth Pool Rentals Tim Horton’s Swim Swim Swim 5-6pm Free Swim 6-7pm 6-7pm 5-6pm Programs will not run on July 1 and August 5 Family/Youth Swim 12noon unƟl 5pm THURSDAY Swim Lessons 9am – 12noon Aquafit 12-12:45pm Private Lessons 12-1pm Family/Youth Swim 1-4pm Private Lessons 4-5pm WEDNESDAY Swim Lessons 9am – 12noon TUESDAY Swim Lessons 9am – 12noon MONDAY Swim Lessons 9am – 12noon Monday, July 1 – Saturday, August 31, 2013 YMCA Summer Schedule Erin Palmateer Community Pool Schedule
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