Pisachi University of Scouting


Pisachi University of Scouting
Pisachi University of Scouting
Istrouma Area Council
January 23, 2016
Live Oak High School
35086 Old LA Highway 16
Denham Springs, LA 70706
On-Line Registration: http://pisachi.oalodge479.org
Table of Contents
Istrouma Area Council............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Welcome ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
New in 2016 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Registration, Fees and Cancellation Policy ......................................................................................................................... 4
Registration ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Fees ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Council Cancellation Policy ............................................................................................................................................. 4
University Midway .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Schedule for the Day ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Faculty and Staff ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Administration ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
College of Cub Scouting (CS) ........................................................................................................................................... 5
College of Boy Scouting (BS) ........................................................................................................................................... 5
College of Venturing (CV) ................................................................................................................................................ 5
College of General Studies (CGS) .................................................................................................................................... 5
College of Commissioner Science (CCS) .......................................................................................................................... 5
College of Administration (CA)........................................................................................................................................ 5
Degree Programs Offered ............................................................................................................................................... 6
University Course Catalog ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
College of Cub Scouting (CS) Course Catalog .................................................................................................................. 7
College of Boy Scouting (BS) Course Catalog .................................................................................................................. 8
College of Venturing (CV) Course Catalog....................................................................................................................... 9
College of General Studies (CGS) Course Catalog ........................................................................................................... 9
College of Commissioner Science (CCS) Course Catalog ............................................................................................... 10
College of Administration (CA) Course Catalog ............................................................................................................ 10
My Schedule for 2016 Pisachi University of Scouting ....................................................................................................... 11
2016 Pisachi University of Scouting Registration Form .................................................................................................... 12
Pisachi University of Scouting Degree Application ............................................................................................................... 13
On behalf of the Istrouma Area Council and the Council Training Committee, we welcome you to the 2nd Annual Pisachi
University of Scouting.
Deeply rooted in southeastern Louisiana, Native Americans who spoke Muskogean and/or Choctaw were native to this
area and south Mississippi, one can tell by our city names: Houma, Tunica, Bayougoula, Tchefuncte and Bogalusa. Our
own council, Istrouma, like our state’s capital city means “red-stick.” In Choctaw, Pisachi loosely translates to “to teach.”
Literally it means “to cause one to see.” It is our hope that Pisachi University of Scouting will open some eyes and teach
the skills and/or knowledge needed to provide a better program for the youth of the Istrouma Area Council and the Boy
Scouts of America!
We have organized a single day packed with a year’s worth of fun, program ideas, and information – the largest single
training event for adult leaders in Istrouma Area Council. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to meet and share
ideas with other like-minded friends of Scouting throughout the area. We encourage you to use your time between
classes for networking – meet up with old friends, make new friends, and enjoy a great lunch. Don’t forget to visit the
University Midway throughout the day for great Scouting ideas, information and product information.
Of course, we could not do this without the exceptional dedication and support of many volunteers. From instructors to
the administrative staff, I thank you for your efforts to make this a spectacular event. I also thank those who came
before me and put together a great program. Their efforts coupled with ideas from other Council’s Universities of
Scouting across the BSA make for a tremendous training opportunity!
This document has all the information you need to plan your day and to be prepared. Please take a few minutes to
review; learn how to read the schedules and understand how you can pre-plan your classes. So when it comes time to
register, you will have all the information you need. Should you still have questions please feel free to contact me by
sending email to Robert.M.Bishop@NESA.org. Regardless of your program, please be sure to review the College of
General Studies class offerings as there is something there for everyone!
You MUST check in at the registration table regardless if you have pre-registered or not. Check-in tables will be clearly
On behalf of the youth in the Istrouma Area Council – a sincere THANK YOU for joining us! By your registration you have
indicated your dedication to the principle that “every Scout deserves a trained leader”.
Robert M Bishop, Chancellor
Pisachi University of Scouting
Reggie McCue, Chair
Istrouma Area Council Training Committee
New in 2016
This year, we have added on-line registration at http://pisachi.oalodge479.org. We have also added new courses this
year! The Board of Directors for the University has also decided to make a change in the awarding of Degrees. The
youth will no longer earn Diplomas; for every 5 credits earned they will receive an Associate degree which can be earned
multiple times. If any person, youth or adult, is the instructor of record then they qualify for the “Faculty” badge as well.
Registration, Fees and Cancellation Policy
There are two copies of the course schedule and registration forms provided with this packet, one is to turn into the
council and one is for your records. Upon arrival to the University, please check in with the Registrar. After registering,
you will be directed to your College Dean for your final approved schedule.
The cost for the Pisachi University of Scouting is:
Registration on or before January 15, 2016:
Registration January 16 – January 23, 2016:
$15 per person (lunch included)
$25 per person (lunch included)
Council Cancellation Policy
The following policy statement is applicable to all Council and District events where a fee is collected. This includes such
events as Day Camps, Cub Resident Camp, Summer Camp, Winter Camp, training courses, camporees, family campouts,
Written refund requests will be considered only if received in the Pennington Scout Center ten (10) days prior to
the start of the event.
Written refund requests submitted after the event will be considered only for personal illness or family
emergencies. No refund requests will be accepted after ten (10) days following the close of the event.
A service charge of twenty-five percent (25%) of the full activity fee will be assessed on all refunds.
Refund checks will be issued within 30 days following the close of the event.
Fees are only transferable within the same unit to a Scout not currently registered for the event.
University Midway
The Pisachi University of Scouting has invited many companies, groups and activities to attend our event and provide a
table on the Midway. Throughout the day these tables will be available along the corridors for you to visit to learn about
opportunities in our Scouting community. Our Midway Director has worked very hard this year to bring in a wide range
of participants. We hope you manage to see them all!
Schedule for the Day
7:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
~12:30 pm
1:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Check-in/On-site registration
Opening Ceremony
Midway open following Opening Ceremony and continuing through lunch
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Lunch and Midway (Lunch is included with fee)
Session with the Council Key 3
Session 4
Session 5
Closing Ceremony/Graduation and awarding of Degrees
Faculty and Staff
The following individuals have been instrumental in planning, developing and coordinating the success of the 3rd Annual
Pisachi University of Scouting. Without their help this would not have been possible.
Robert M Bishop, Chancellor
Reggie McCue, Vice-Chancellor and Council Training Chair
Christina Fritz, Registrar
David Breaux, Director of Midway
Patrick Carpenter, Quartermaster
Tyrone Black, Board of Regent Advisor
College of Cub Scouting (CS)
Melinda McCue, Dean
College of Boy Scouting (BS)
Peter Davidson, Dean
Boy Scouts Academy (BSA)
Rob Bourgeois, Director
Order of the Arrow Academy (OAA)
Bill Leet, Director
College of Venturing (CV)
Chris Baker, Dean
Venturing Academy (VA)
Chris Baker, Director
College of General Studies (CGS)
Roslyn Davidson, Dean
College of Commissioner Science (CCS)
Robert M Bishop, Dean
College of Administration (CA)
Will Freeman, Dean
Degree Programs Offered
Istrouma Area Council Training Committee offers “degrees” for your dedication, time and service to the Istrouma Area
Council and the Boy Scouts of America. By completing the requirements and returning the attached Degree Application
you will be awarded your Degree at the end of the day. Through our Youth Academies, any youth may earn an Associate
Degree for completing the requirements. Any person who instructs a course will be given “course credit” to apply
towards their degree. PLEASE GET your Unit Committee Chair or District Executive to verify your training requirements
for degrees! Grandfather Clause: Any training requirements completed prior to degree level and can be verified will be
These degrees may be earned by participants in the following Colleges: Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Venturing. The
College of Commissioner Science offers different degrees through their own College event. Each course is worth one
credit unless otherwise noted.
Associates Degree for Youth (5 course credits total)
 5 course credits from any Academy of your choice
 Accomplish the above course credits in the same university year
Associates Degree for Adults (5 course credits total)
 5 course credits from any College of your choice
 Accomplish the above course credits in the same university year
Bachelor’s Degree (10 course credits total)
 Have earned the Associate’s Degree from Pisachi University
 3 course credits from the College of your Program Area (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing)
 2 course credit from any College
 Accomplish the above course credits in the same university year
 Complete and verify all the requirements to wear the “Trained” strip in your position.
Master’s Degree (15 course credits total)
 Have earned the Bachelor’s Degree from Pisachi University
 3 course credits from the College of your Program Area (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing)
 2 course credit from any college
 Accomplish the above course credits in the same university year
 Be a University Staff member as an instructor (this will fulfill a course credit if it is a class you have not taken
Doctorate Degree (20 course credits total)
 Previously earn a Master’s Degree from Pisachi University
 3 course credits from the College of your Program Area (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing)
 1 course credit from the College of General Studies
 Develop and present 1 new course for the College of your Program Area (this will fulfill a course credit)
 Serve on the Pisachi University Administrative Staff
 Complete Wood Badge/Powder Horn or Sea Badge
 Verification by the Chancellor of the University
University Course Catalog
* denotes new course for this year
111* – Blue & Gold – Let the Party Begin!
Ideas and Resources for memorable, fun Blue and Gold
banquets without breaking the bank.
College of Cub Scouting (CS) Course Catalog
101 – Preparing and Holding Derby Races (2 credits)
Pinewood Derby, Rain-gutter Regatta, Space Derby What do I need to know about preparing for,
participating in, or holding a Derby Race?
112 – Cub Scout Flag & Recognition Ceremonies
How to make ceremonies memorable and meaningful,
from formal to fun, from flag to advancement.
102 --Where to find the “outing” in Cub Scouting?
Places to go, things to do, and people to meet for
outdoor Cub Scouting fun! A major resource for Cub
113 –Tools to build a Fun WEBELOS Year
What WEBELOS specific resources are available? A
comprehensive list of tools that will help plan your
scouting year.
103 – WEBELOS to Scout Transition
How to help the scouts effectively transition from a Cub
Scout Pack to a Boy Scout Troop; for WEBELOS leaders
& parents.
114 – Planning FUN and Effective Pack Meetings
How to put a smile on their faces without losing your
hair! What does a model Pack meeting look like and
what am I supposed to be doing?
106 – Crafts for Cubs
Use easy to find, inexpensive and recycled materials to
create fun with your Cub Scouts (Den Doodles,
Neckerchief Slides, games, gifts)!
117 – Don’t cut corners on Whittling Chips
Learn how to feel confident teaching Bear Cubs or
WEBELOS how to safely handle and use a knife with the
goal to earn their Whittlin’ Chip? (Max 20 Participants)
108 – Cub Scout Den Leader Position Specific Training
(NEW content) Tiger Cub, Wolf, and Bear Den Leaders
will learn the information and tools they need to hold
successful and fun den meetings. Instructor-led training
is enhanced with opportunities for problem-solving and
118 – Cub Meeting PIZZAZ
How do you get the SPARK going in your Pack and Den
Meetings? Are the boys still talking about the fun from
last time? Learn some new sparklers, run-ons, and
cheers to energize the meeting and keep them
109 – WEBELOS Den Leader Position Specific Training
(NEW content) WEBELOS Den Leaders will learn the
information and tools they need to conduct successful
and fun den meetings. Instructor-led training is
enhanced with opportunities for problem-solving and
120—Beyond Rank and “NEW” Belt Loops (aka It’s ALL
about the Patch, about that patch, about that patch.
No Belt Loops) Learn about other awards, events, and
activities beyond the handbook. (And earn another
121--Getting the 411 on Cub Scout Program changes
Learn about the advancement process for the Cub Scout
110 – Cubmaster Position Specific Training
Cubmasters and Assistant Cubmasters will learn the
information and tools they need to lead successful and
fun Pack program, including meetings, outings and
ceremonies. Instructor-led training is enhanced with
opportunities for problem-solving and networking.
124* --The 3Rs of Cub Volunteers
Recruiting, Retention, Recognition
125 *--Management of Cubs
How to herd cats!
IAC #654
College of Boy Scouting (BS) Course Catalog
211 – Cooking on the Trail
How to use a backpacking stove? Learn foods to bring
and how to pack it. (NO FOOD AVAILABLE)
201 – BSA High Adventure Bases
Philmont, Northern Tier, Sea Base, and The Summit are
the 4 High Adventure bases supported by the BSA.
There is something for every outdoor enthusiast.
Discover the different options available at these High
Adventure Bases. Learn how to sign your crew up.
Discover the ultimate programs for your older scouts.
217 – OA Troop Representative/Advisor--What do I
You have just been given the position of the Troop’s OA
Troop Representative (Youth) or OA Troop
Representative Advisor (Adult). Great! What am I
supposed to do? What is expected from the Troop or
from the OA Lodge? This course will review the position
descriptions for both the youth and adult positions and
give ideas on how best to fulfill expectations. (Same as
BSA 257)
202 – Life to Eagle (2 credits)
Life to Eagle advancement, what constitutes a suitable
Eagle Project, what should be included in the project
proposal, how to submit it for approval, and what to
include in the final write-up. This course is essential for
Eagle Coaches and Scouters who work with Life Scouts.
220 – Older Youth Programs
Are your older scouts tired of doing the same old
things? Try these ideas to give them new options on
activities and outings. Scouting should be fun for boys
of all ages. OA, High Adventure, Venturing, Sea Scouts.
203 – Boards of Review
Learn how to run a Board of Review. This is excellent for
Troop Committee members. This will also prepare you
to sit on Eagle Boards of Review as the District
Representative (with approval of the District).
221 – The Adult Role in a Troop
You don’t want to be a Scoutmaster, but what do you
do? What is the adult’s job in a Boy Scout Troop? What
does the troop committee do?
204 – Merit Badge Counseling
Learn the ins and outs of being a Merit Badge
Counselor. Learn what is required to be a MB
Counselor, record keeping and youth protection issues.
Here are some tips on how to proceed and succeed.
230 – Basic Lashings
Come learn the basics of lashing and how to use them
for camp gadgets. Bring a Scout handbook and a 10-12foot length of rope.
205 – Eagle Boards of Review
What goes into an Eagle Board of Review and what
doesn’t? This course covers the “Do’s and Don’ts” for
organizing and executing and Eagle Board of Review.
231 – Basic Knots
Having trouble with knots? Get some hands on practice
or learn the basic Scouting knots. Bring a Scout
handbook and a 10-12-foot length of rope.
206 – What can OA do for your Troop?
A discussion on what the purpose of the Order of the
Arrow is and how the OA can benefit, not hurt your
Boy Scouts Academy (BSA) Course Catalog
251 – Introduction to Leader Skills for Troops (5
Learn about the leadership roles in the Troop and how
to most effectively reach success in that role for your
troop's success. Designed for Troop youth leaders or
those seeking leadership roles. Prerequisite for NYLT.
207 – Planning BSA Trips
You are planning a Troop outing. Where do you start?
Learn about the paperwork and training required. Get
some tips on how to put the trip together. Remember
to use the Youth in planning the activities on their trip.
252– Ceremonies and Courts of Honor
Learn how to run flag ceremonies for Troop meetings,
campouts and events. Learn how to develop and hold
Courts of Honor.
210 – Habits of a Highly Successful Troop
Learn some tips from a Successful Scoutmaster.
Recruiting, Regular Outings, Long & Short term
Planning, Youth Lead, Youth & Adult Training, High
Adventure and strong Committee Support are some of
the tips you will learn about.
IAC #654
253 – Den Chief Training (2 credits)
What is a Den Chief? What is their role in the Pack?
How to effectively use a Den Chief in your Pack, Troop,
or Crew? Participants should be Second Class or higher
or have been a scout for a minimum of one full
year. Learn how to work with Cub Scouts, practice your
leadership skills, and teach them about the FUN of Boy
Scouting. Adults that recruit or work with Den Chiefs
are encouraged to attend this course to learn more
about this opportunity and how it can improve the
quality of your program.
training are considered “trained.” Completion of
Venturing Youth Protection (found on myscouting.com
under Venturing) prior to this session is recommended.
310* – Introduction to Venturing Commissioner
Science (BCS 121) (2 credits)
Commissioner materials on Venturing Program and how
to serve the crew. Applies to Commissioner Bachelor’s
311* – Crew Advisor Leader Specific training (5 credits)
This course is intended to provide Venturing Crew
Advisors with the basic information they need to help
youth leaders manage a crew. The course includes the
2014 updates to Venturing and aligns with the new
Venturing leader materials. Crew Advisors who
complete this training and the Venturing version of
Youth Protection training are considered “trained.”
254 – You Don’t Have to be an SPL to Lead
Youth – Want to be a leader, but you’re not the SPL?
Adults – Want to learn how to provide opportunities for
youth to lead? Here are some ideas.
257 – OA Troop Representative/Advisor--What do I
You have just been given the position of the Troop’s OA
Troop Representative (Youth) or OA Troop
Representative Advisor (Adult). Great! What am I
supposed to do? What is expected from the Troop or
from the OA Lodge? This course will review the position
descriptions for both the youth and adult positions and
give ideas on how best to fulfill expectations. (Same as
BS 217)
Venturing Academy (VA) Course Catalog
351 – Leadership Skills for Crews (5 credits)
The Leadership Skills for Crews (LSC) course was created
to help Venturers learn and practice the attitudes and
skills good leaders demonstrate. Practicing and
mastering these skills within the crew will provide
Venturers with positive leadership experiences in and
outside of the crew. A great course for all Venturing
youth whether you are in a leadership role or not, and
required for Venturing awards.
258 – Discipline from You, the Youth
Discuss how elected youth Troop leaders can have a
hand in the discipline aspect of leadership. What is
appropriate and not appropriate discipline given by
Youth Leadership.
College of General Studies (CGS) Course Catalog
259* – Life to Eagle Trail for Youth
Working the Trail to Eagle Scout: requirements,
selecting an Eagle service project, workbook, and
404 – Dutch Oven Cooking (1 credit)
Learn how to create those delicious Dutch Oven meals
and desserts.
408 – Istrouma Council Shooting Sports (NRA) (1
What is currently available for shooting sports in the
council? What is required to conduct different types of
shooting events? What training is available to qualify to
conduct shooting events. When are future training
classes and costs? What levels of scouts can participate
in which shooting events? Where can scouts shoot
depending on the particular activity? Bring your
questions. (NOT Range Officer training)
260* – CIT (Counselor in Training) for Day Camps
How to be effective as a Day Camp youth volunteer;
required for serving at Cub Day Camp.
College of Venturing (CV) Course Catalog
307 – Venturing Crew Committee training (3 credits)
This course is intended to provide Venturing crew
committee members with the basic information they
need to help manage a crew. The course includes the
2014 updates to Venturing and aligns with the new
Venturing leader materials. Crew Committee Members
who complete this training and Youth Protection
IAC #654
409 – Outdoor Ethics (Leave No Trace) in the BSA
What is it? How do I use it in my unit? Includes
information on the new Sustainability merit badge,
Awards for Scouts and Scouters, and more…
604 – District/Assistant District Commissioner Basic
The basics and more of District Commissioner service
410 – BSA STEM Program
This new initiative by BSA is designed to encourage new
adventure and learning. How to use it in your unit
program and advancement. Designed for all BSA
605 – Council/Assistant Council Commissioner Basic
The basics and more of District Commissioner service
College of Administration (CA) Course Catalog
411 – CPR Training (2 credits)
This is a full CPR certification course. You must attend
the entire course for certification. (Max 18 participants
per 2hr session – two sessions offered).
701 – Unit Committee Operations
Basic operations of the unit committee for unit success
702 – District Committee Operations (2 credits)
Basic training for members of the district committee.
The workshop also results in a well-coordinated and
dedicated group of Scouters committed to achieving the
mission of the council and its districts.
412 – Geocaching
For those who aren’t “Old School Map and Compass” or
those who want to get into the new century. Learn the
basics of this skill and how to teach it to your Scouts.
704 – BSA Adult Leader Recognition
What are the "knots" you're wearing?
413 – Games Leadership
How to select a game to teach leadership, effectively
lead a game and achieve the goals for your group using
Team Building games.
705 – Scout Leader and Tax Law
A look at the tax deductions that are available to
individuals who volunteer as Scout Leaders and some of
the urban myths about this topic.
418 – Youth Protection Training
BSA Required Youth Protection Training.
Order of the Arrow Academy (OAA) Course
501 – Lodge Leadership Development (5 Credits)
OA Leadership training for Lodge leadership
706 – Scouting Safely “Guide to Safe Scouting”
Keep them safe in the adventure of scouting.
707* – Charter Organizations Representative Training
(2 credits)
Understand the mission, purpose, structure and
programs of the BSA.
College of Commissioner Science (CCS) Course
601 – Roundtable Commissioner Basic Training
Learn the What, Why, Who, Where, When, and Wise of
serving Cub and Boy Scout Roundtables.
602 – Unit Commissioner Basic Training
Unit Service: what a Commissioner is, what a
Commissioner does, and how a Commissioner does it.
603 – New Unit Commissioner Basic Training
Understand the role of a New Unit-Commissioner; Learn
how to combine the Annual Service Plan, the New UnitService Plan and Charter Renewal service.
IAC #654
My Schedule for 2016 Pisachi University of Scouting
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________
Session 1
College of Cub
College of Boy
Session 2
Session 3
101 (2 sessions)
102, 109,
103, 108, 110
106, 113, 114
Session 4
Session 5
111, 112,
120, 124
117, 118, 121
201, 205, 221
204, 211, 220
202 (2 sessions)
203, 210, 217
207, 231
206, 230
253 (2 sessions)
Boy Scout
251 (5 sessions)
257, 259
College of
253, 254
307 (3 sessions)
College of
Order of the
Arrow Academy
College of
252, 253
310 (2 sessions)
311 (5 sessions)
351 ( 5 sessions)
501 (5 sessions)
418 (YPT)
418 (YPT)
702 (2 sessions)
707 (2 sessions)
409, 420
College of
General Studies
411 (2 sessions)
411 (2 sessions)
This is YOUR copy of your schedule. The Next page is for you to return to the Council Office.
IAC #654
2016 Pisachi University of Scouting Registration Form
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________
Pack: __Troop: __Crew: __District: __ #: _________ Home Phone (_____) _________________________
E-Mail: _________________________________________________________________________________
Session 1
College of Cub
College of Boy
Session 2
Session 3
101 (2 sessions)
102, 109,
103, 108, 110
106, 113, 114
Session 4
Session 5
111, 112,
120, 124
117, 118, 121
201, 205, 221
204, 211, 220
202 (2 sessions)
203, 210, 217
207, 231
206, 230
253 (2 sessions)
Boy Scout
251 (5 sessions)
257, 259
College of
253, 254
307 (3 sessions)
College of
Order of the
Arrow Academy
College of
252, 253
310 (2 sessions)
311 (5 sessions)
351 ( 5 sessions)
501 (5 sessions)
418 (YPT)
418 (YPT)
702 (2 sessions)
707 (2 sessions)
409, 420
College of
General Studies
411 (2 sessions)
411 (2 sessions)
“On-time” Event Fee (on or before January 15, 2016) - $15.00 (lunch included)
Staff / Faculty Fee - $10.00 (includes lunch)
“Late” Event Fee (January 16 - 23, 2016) - $25.00 (lunch included)
Return to:
TOTAL $_________
Pennington Scout Service Center
9644 Brookline Avenue
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809
Registration deadline is January 15, 2016. Starting on January 16, the cost increases to $25.00.
NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER JANUARY 15, 2016. Council Refund policy will apply.
IAC #654
Pisachi University of Scouting Degree Application
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________________
(Please fill in the course numbers that you attended this year)
Associate Degree Application
Complete 5 credits from any College of your choice (please provide number or title)
1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
5. _______________________
Bachelor Degree Application
Have earned the Associates Degree from Pisachi University
3 course credits from the College of your Program Area (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing) – please provide
number or title
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
2 course credit from any College
4. ______________________________
5. ______________________________
Accomplish the above course credits in the same university year
Complete and verify all the requirements needed to wear the “Trained” strip in your position
Verified by (District Executive or Unit Committee Chair) _____________________________
Master Degree Application
Have earned the Bachelor’s Degree from Pisachi University
3 Course credits from the College of your Program Area (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing)
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
2 Course credits from any College
4. ______________________________
5. ______________________________
Accomplish the above course credits in the same university year
Be a University Staff member as an instructor (this will fulfill a course credit if it is a class you have not taken
before) ______________________________
Verified by (District Executive or Unit Committee Chair) _____________________________
IAC #654