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IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL SinceÊ1987 SinceÊ1987 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL SinceÊ1987 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL SinceÊ1987 2015 PRODUCT CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS / IMPLANT RANGE & Prosthetic Systems 07 06 IDBIO® Range Presentation .............................................. 08 IDBIO® surgical protocol ...................... 10 Ø3,5 IDBIO® Implant ................................ 11 Fixed prosthesis Removable prosthesis Ø4 IDBIO® Implant ..................................... 15 Fixed prosthesis Removable prosthesis Ø5 IDBIO® Implant ...................................... 19 Fixed prosthesis Removable prosthesis IDALL® Range Presentation .............................................. 58 IDALL® surgical protocol ...................... 60 Ø4,2 IDALL® Implant ................................ 61 Fixed prosthesis Removable prosthesis Drill set for IDALL® implants ................. 66 Ø5,2 IDALL® Implant ................................ 67 Fixed prosthesis Removable prosthesis IDCAM® Range 25 IDMAX® Range Presentation .............................................. 26 IDMAX® surgical protocol ..................... 28 Ø4,4 IDMAX® Implant ................................ 29 Fixed prosthesis Removable prosthesis Ø5 IDMAX® Implant ................................... Fixed prosthesis Removable prosthesis Ø6,6 IDMAX® Implant ............................... Fixed prosthesis Removable prosthesis 43 Why changing for ID ? ............. 74 Presentation of the IDCAM® S ........... 76 Presentation of the IDCAM® M ......... 78 IDCAM® surgical protocol ..................... 80 IDCAM® S and M implants ..................... 81 Prosthetic approach ........................... 82 CAM® Fixed prosthesis Removable prosthesis 37 IDOT Range Presentation .............................................. 44 IDOT surgical protocol .......................... 46 Ø4,4 IDOT Implant .................................... 47 Fixed prosthesis Removable prosthesis Ø5 IDOT Implant ........................................ Fixed prosthesis Removable prosthesis HEXAGONAL CONNECTION 2 33 57 51 MORSE TAPER CONNECTION www.idisystem.eu 73 PRESENTATION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL SinceÊ1987 SinceÊ1987 04 05 24 42 56 72 IDI, since 1987 Our Quality commitment IDI globally The sales team IMPLANTS The Research & Development department DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL The IDI communication SinceÊ1987 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Products featured in our catalog are medical devices restricted to health professionals. SinceÊ1987 FOCUS ON PROSTHETICS Zirconia ......................................................... 23 Transgingival Titan kits ........................ 41 IDLoc .............................................................. 55 IDUnit .............................................................. 90 General prosthetic approach ........ 91 108 ACCESSORIES AND RELATING INSTRUMENTS 93 RBS® SURGICAL SETS IDCAM/BIO RBS® .......................................................... 94 ................................................................. 96 The RBS® C tapered drills The RBS® cylindrical drills 99 OSTEOSINUS Osteosinus set ........................................... 101 Osteosinus .................................................... 102 Rectisinus ...................................................... 102 Angulosinus ................................................. 103 Forsinus ........................................................... 103 Trepanosinus .............................................. 104 Diskosinus ...................................................... 104 Procedure for Trepanosinus ............ 105 Procedure for Forsinus ........................ 107 Ridge spreading condensing ......... 108 Trephines ...................................................... 108 Ratchets ........................................................ 109 Thread tap .................................................. 109 Screwdrivers ............................................... 109 Instruments .................................................. 109 Packaging of IDI implants ..................... 110 Read more about our General terms and conditions of sale on our website: www.idisystem.eu IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 3 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Since 1987 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL SinceÊ1987 SinceÊ1987 Since 25 years, IDI firm (Implants Diffusion International), in collaboration IMPLANTS with a team of researchers, engineers and dental surgeons, has regularly DIFFUSION developped new products intended to implantology. INTERNATIONAL SinceÊ1987 Implants Diffusion International invests a great deal in the research of new technologies such as RBS® drill, state of surface SMA +Tio2, IMPLANTS Osteosinus… DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL SinceÊ1987 “WE DEVELOP AND MANUFACTURE IN FRANCE” The IDI lines are developed and manufactured in the Paris region, France by professionals fully committed to meet the practitioners expectations. IDI applies a strict Quality policy to each manufacturing step. The IDI company is certified according to the applicable standards: ISO 13485, ISO 9001, CE, TCP, FDA, CMDCAS by SGS. The IDBIO® range was successfully launched in 2011 and was quickly appreciated by practitioners all over the world. The next decade will see the launching of numerous innovations emerging from our Research and Development Department. Gérard Boukhris - President SCC Accredited CB T Taiwan 4 www.idisystem.eu THE QUALITY COMMITMENT OF THE IDI COMPANY / THE LIFETIME WARRANTY IDI - Implants Diffusion International - develops, manufactures and distributes the largest range of dental implants all over the world, as well as implantology and dental surgery equipment. IDI products are manufactured in France exclusively. They’re resulting from the essential work of the Research and Development Department. For IDI, to be close to practitioners, hospitals and implantology training centres is a great deal, because they take part to the constant innovation. The IDI teams, concerned with the trust relationship that they enter into with the practitioners, decided to offer lifetime warranties to all the implant lines of the IDI brand. Proud of our implant quality, we supply an accurate customer service to assist you in your daily practice in order to meet your highest requirements. The “General conditions” and the warranty protocol may be downloaded from the www. idisystem.fr website, section: Documentations/Quality. IDI put the customer relationship at the heart of its concerns every day. The IDI teams are regularly trained in the latest cutting-edge techniques and in all the products necessary to the implantologists. Our product Quality is a key asset to a stress-free practice. Important considerations about IDI System ! Tightening torques PRODUCTS Implants Closing cap Healing cap IDUnit : abutment IDUnit : retaining screw Retaining screw Manual screwdriver Screwdriver with dental shank Values (Ncm) ≤75 5 to 10 5 to 10 25 15 25 5 to 25 25 Comments Use the ratchet Use the manual screwdriver* Use the contra angle or the torque wrench* * Distortion of the screwdriver at 45Ncm to preserve the implant. IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 5 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Implant range and prosthetic systems IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 07HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IDBIO® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDMAX® IDOT 57 MORSE TAPER CONNECTION / IDALL® IDCAM® 93 110 6 SURGICAL SETS PACKAGING OF IDI IMPLANTS / HEXAGONAL CONNECTION “The profile of the IDBIO® implant is inspiring numerous brands. The association between this profile and a stabilized internal hexagonal connection gives me entire satisfaction.” Dr Justine B. (Belgium) ID BIO® Range / 7 Range ID BIO® / PRESENTATION The internal conception of the IDBIO® implant significantly improves the stabilization of the prosthetic reconstructions thanks to its GSP® connection (Groove for Prosthetic Stabilization). The IDBIO® benefits from the S.M.A sandblasted, acidetched and TiO2 coated state of surface, from a two-phase Ti6Al4V grade 5. The IDBIO® implant draws special attention to itself thanks to its square and V shaped threads and thanks to its anchorage for prosthetic stabilization. This self-condensing implant stands 75 N.cm screwing stress without being affected. This implant draws special attention to itself due to its hexagonal prosthetic anchorage and its cylindrotapered shape like a dental root. Its cylindrical shape at the level of the implant neck reduces the tension at the level of the crestal bone. Its conical shape allows a better insertion between the adjacent teeth. The angulation, the space and the depth of the threads were specially studied to optimize the stabilization in any bone density and favor the immediate loading. Its aggressive apex enables efficient primary catch. Condensing high threads Anti-unscrewing groove Self-drilling low threads Instructions for use: 1. Use the screwdriver P/N 0146, 1046, 0046, 0846 to screw the implant. 2. Use the screwdriver P/N 0014, 1014, 1114, 0114 to screw the cover screw manually at 5 N.cm while omitting the hinged ratchet. Features of the IDBIO® implant: – Cylindro-tapered-shaped – Titanium alloy two phase Ti6Al4V grade 5 – S.M.A. TiO2 state of surface – Hexagonal connection – Anti-unscrewing groove – Progressive and condensing threads Anchorage of prosthetic stabilization Hexagonal prosthetic anchorage Internal universal ISO thread Anchorage compatible with IDI – Penetrating apex 8 www.idisystem.eu THE IMPLANTS LINES HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IDBIO® IMPLANT RANGE IMPLANT TYPE LENGTH IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL P/N LENGTH 8 Color code Ø 3,5 mm 8 IDB 0835 Ø 4 mm 8 IDB 0840 Ø 5 mm 8 IDB 0850 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDBIO® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL *On each implant packaging there is a small colored sticker to match with the implant length. The code for each color is related to the one found on the RBS® drills for the implants with a hexagonal connection: IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL LENGTH 10 8 mm length 10 IDB 1035 Ø 4 mm 10 IDB 1040 Ø 5 mm 10 IDB 1050 Ø 3,5 mm 12 IDB 1235 Ø 4 mm 12 IDB 1240 Ø 5 mm 12 IDB 1250 Ø 3,5 mm 15 IDB 1535 Ø 4 mm 15 IDB 1540 Ø 5 mm 15 IDB 1550 12 mm length 15 mm length LENGTH 15 LENGTH 12 Ø 3,5 mm 10 mm length IDBIO® 3,5 IDBIO® 4 IDBIO® 5 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures All the dimensions are in millimeters. 9 SURGICAL PROTOCOL EXAMPLE OF AN IDBIO® IMPLANT - FOR THE MANDIBULE (example with the implant placement for an IDBIO® implant P/N: IDB1240) 1 2 Use the pilot drill P/N.: 1220 of 2mm diameter & 12mm length. Drill at 350 rpm with ample cooling. Use the 3,5mm diameter drill & 12mm length (P/N 123522). Drill with irrigation at 350 rpm. If drilling procedure with bone harvesting: 100 rpm. 3 Use the 4,2mm diameter drill & 12mm length (P/N 124223). Drill with irrigation at 350 rpm. If drilling procedure with bone harvesting: 100 rpm. (Omit this step for an implant placement at the maxilla.) 6 5 4 Suture. IDBIO® DRILL TO US Screw the implant P/N IDB1240: • with the help of a contra-angled handpiece and a screwdriver P/N.:1046 or 1146; • or with the manual screwdriver P/N: 0846. Color code* IDBIO® IMPLANT P/N Ø 3,5 mm 8 IDB 0835 Ø 4 mm 8 IDB 0840 Ø 5 mm 8 IDB 0850 Ø 3,5 mm 10 IDB 1035 Ø 4 mm 10 IDB 1040 Ø 5 mm 10 IDB 1050 Ø 3,5 mm 12 IDB 1235 Ø 4 mm 12 IDB 1240 Ø 5 mm 12 IDB 1250 It is recommended to set as many implants as lacking natural roots in the patient mouth in order to secure the lasting of the prosthesis. Ø 3,5 mm 15 IDB 1535 The length choice and implant diameter must be based on the bone density determined by the CT-scan. Ø 4 mm 15 IDB 1540 Ø 5 mm 15 IDB 1550 Finish screwing the paracrestal implant with the screwdriver P/N.:1146 or 1046 and the ratchet P/N.:414 Screw the cover screw at 5N.cm with the screwdriver P/N.: 0014 or 0114 Important considerations about IDBIO® ! LENGTH The Ø 3,5mm IDBIO® implants are reserved for the upper lateral incisors and lower incisors only. The IDBIO® implants are supplied with a sterile closing cap and a healing cap. To optimize the aesthetic result, it is recommended to set the 1mm implant in a sub-crestal position. All the dimensions are in millimeters. 10 www.idisystem.eu Ø 3,5 MM IDBIO® Ø 3,5 MM 3,5 IDBIO® EMERGENCE Ø3,5 IDBIO® Implants Length 8 mm - Diameter 3,5 mm IDB 0835 Length 10 mm - Diameter 3,5 mm IDB 1035 Length 12 mm - Diameter 3,5 mm IDB 1235 Length 15 mm - Diameter 3,5 mm IDB 1535 Closing cap Ø 3,5mm closing cap 1231 Ø 3,5mm IDBIO® healing cap – 2 mm high 1330 Ø 3,5mm IDBIO® healing cap – 4 mm high 1331 Ø 3,5mm IDBIO® healing cap – 6 mm high 1332 Non contractual pictures Healing cap IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 11 Prosthetic components Ø 3,5 MM EMERGENCE FIXED PROSTHESIS Impression cylinders Implant analog Rotational, straight (for solidarized elements) 7210 Rotational, conical (for solidarized elements) 7211 2335 Titan abutments for a temporary tooth Non rotational, closed tray technique (for an unitary implant) 905 Non rotational Ø 3,5mm Incl. screw APPH35 Non rotational, pick-up technique, (for an unitary implant) 906 Rotational Ø 3,5mm Incl. screw APPR35 Golden tapped Hexagonal abutments Zirconia TiBase Straight Slim abutment for Platform switch + retaining screw P/N 0215 3400G Abutment, straight + retaining screw P/N 0215 3600G Abutment, straight, with a 2mm shoulder + retaining screw P/N 0215 Abutment, straight, with a 4mm shoulder + retaining screw P/N 0215 3602G Titan abutment basis + screw 7535 Gold cylinders Cylinder, gold, non rotational to cast on + screw ASH35 Cylinder, gold, rotational to cast on + screw ASR35 3604G Burnout cylinders Abutment, 15° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 3615G Abutment, 23° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 3623G Ø 3,5mm Abutment, 0° to 18° + retaining screw P/N 0215 HTU1G Retaining screws 12 For Ø 3,5mm IDBIO® implant Non rotational, incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 356S Rotational, incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 358S Titan transgingival kits Non rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6350H Golden Retaining screw for tapped screw-retained elements (Screw head: Ø 2,2mm) 0215 Rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6350R For prosthesis: ≤ 25N.cm maximum (Screw head: Ø 2,5mm) 1414 Non rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6351H For prosthesis, short head: ≤ 25N.cm maximum 1413 Rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6351R Non rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6352H Rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6352R www.idisystem.eu Ø 3,5 MM HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDBIO® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDUnit IDUnit elements IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 1 mm U3501 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 2,5 mm U3502 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 4 mm U3504 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 6 mm U3506 17° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U3521 30° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U3531 IDUnit analog IDUnit analog IDUnit burnout element IDUnit burnout element + screw P/N 0216 336S Titan cylinder Temporary cylinder for IDUnit attachment + screw P/N 00216 334 Impression copying Impression copying, monobloc, to be screwed 321 IDUnit impression copying, Pick-up technique 322 Impression copying, plastic 335 Healing cap IDUnit healing cap 330 Retaining screw For prosthetic elements P/N 334, 336; Torque ≤ 15N.cm 333 Non contractual pictures 0216 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 13 Prosthetic components Ø 3,5 MM EMERGENCE REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IDLoc IDLoc attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm L3501 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm L3502 Transgingival height: 4 mm L3504 Transgingival height: 6 mm L3506 Impression copying Impression copying, plastic 432 Analog IDLoc analog 433 Box Female part Spherical attachments LOCFEM Burnout spherical attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm 222351 Burnout spherical attachment 9222 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm 222352 Paralleling guide for burnout spherical attachment 9223 Transgingival height: 4 mm 222354 Connector bar Transgingival height: 6 mm 222356 Boxes for spherical attachments Burnout connector bar (by 3) 0931 Nylon clip 0025 O’ring, Heigth: 3,5mm External Ø : 5mm 0122 O’ring retaining ring for O’ring attachment 0120 Screw, REDEIM type Nylon box for spherical attachment 0924 Magnetic Magnetic screws 935 0940 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 14 www.idisystem.eu Ø 4 MM IDBIO® Ø 4 MM 4 IDBIO® EMERGENCE Ø4 IDBIO® Implants Length: 8mm – Diameter 4,0mm IDB 0840 Length: 10mm – Diameter 4,0mm IDB 1040 Length: 12mm – Diameter 4,0mm IDB 1240 Length: 15mm – Diameter 4,0mm IDB 1540 Closing cap Ø 4mm IDBIO® closing cap 1241 Ø 4mm IDBIO® healing cap; height: 2mm 1340 Ø 4mm IDBIO® healing cap; height: 4mm 1341 Ø 4mm IDBIO® healing cap; height: 6mm 1342 Non contractual pictures Healing cap IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 15 Prosthetic components Ø 4 MM EMERGENCE FIXED PROSTHESIS Impression cylinders Implant analog Rotational, straight (for solidarized elements) 7210 Rotational, conical (for solidarized elements) 7211 2340 Titan abutments for a temporary tooth Non rotational, closed tray technique (for an unitary implant) 905 Non rotational Ø 4mm Incl. screw APPH40 Non rotational, pick-up technique, (for an unitary implant) 906 Rotational Ø 4mm Incl. screw APPR40 Golden tapped Hexagonal abutments Zirconia TiBase Slim abutment for Platform switch + retaining screw P/N 0215 3800G Abutment, straight + retaining screw P/N 0215 4000G Abutment, straight, with a 2mm shoulder + retaining screw P/N 0215 Abutment, straight, with a 4mm shoulder + retaining screw P/N 0215 4002G Titan abutment basis + screw 7540 Gold cylinders Cylinder, gold, non rotational to cast on + screw ASH40 Cylinder, gold, rotational to cast on + screw ASR40 4004G Burnout cylinders Abutment, 15° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 4015G Non rotational, incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 456S Abutment, 23° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 4023G Rotational, incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 458S Ø 4mm Abutment, 0° to 18° + retaining screw P/N 0215 HTU2G Retaining screws 16 For Ø 4mm IDBIO® implant Titan transgingival kits Non rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6400H Golden Retaining screw for tapped screw-retained elements (Screw head: Ø 2,2mm) 0215 Rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6400R For prosthesis: ≤ 25N.cm maximum (Screw head: Ø 2,5mm) 1414 Non rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6401H For prosthesis, short head: ≤ 25N.cm maximum 1413 Rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6401R Non rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6402H Rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6402R www.idisystem.eu Ø 4 MM HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDBIO® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDUnit IDUnit elements IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 1 mm U4001 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 2,5 mm U4002 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 4 mm U4004 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 6 mm U4006 17° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U4021 30° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U4031 IDUnit analog IDUnit analog IDUnit burnout element IDUnit burnout element + screw P/N 0216 336S Titan cylinder Temporary cylinder for IDUnit attachment + screw P/N 0216 334 Impression copying Impression copying, monobloc, to be screwed 321 IDUnit impression copying, Pick-up technique 322 Impression copying, plastic 335 Healing cap IDUnit healing cap 330 Retaining screw For prosthetic elements P/N 334, 336; Torque ≤ 15N.cm 333 Non contractual pictures 0216 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 17 Prosthetic components Ø 4 MM EMERGENCE REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IDLoc IDLoc attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm L4001 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm L4002 Transgingival height: 4 mm L4004 Transgingival height: 6 mm L4006 Impression copying Impression copying, plastic 432 Analog IDLoc analog 433 Box Female part Spherical attachments LOCFEM Burnout spherical attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm 222401 Burnout spherical attachment 9222 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm 222402 Paralleling guide for burnout spherical attachment 9223 Transgingival height: 4 mm 222404 Connector bar Transgingival height: 6 mm 222406 Boxes for spherical attachments Burnout connector bar (by 3) 0931 Nylon clip 0025 O’ring, Heigth: 3,5mm External Ø : 5mm 0122 O’ring retaining ring for O’ring attachment 0120 Screw, REDEIM type Nylon box for spherical attachment 0924 Magnetic Magnetic screws 941 0940 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 18 www.idisystem.eu Ø 5 MM IDBIO® Ø 5 MM 5 IDBIO® EMERGENCE Implants IDBIO® Ø5 Length: 8mm – Diameter 5,0mm IDB 0850 Length: 10mm – Diameter 5,0mm IDB 1050 Length: 12mm – Diameter 5,0mm IDB 1250 Length: 15mm – Diameter 5,0mm IDB 1550 Closing cap Ø 5mm IDBIO® closing cap 1251 Ø 5mm IDBIO® healing cap; height: 2mm 1350 Ø 5mm IDBIO® healing cap; height: 4mm 1351 Ø 5mm IDBIO® healing cap; height: 6mm 1352 Non contractual pictures Healing cap IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 19 Prosthetic components Ø 5 MM EMERGENCE FIXED PROSTHESIS Impression cylinders Implant analog Rotational, straight (for solidarized elements) 7210 Rotational, conical (for solidarized elements) 7211 2350 Titan abutments for a temporary tooth Non rotational, closed tray technique (for an unitary implant) 905 Non rotational Ø 5mm Incl. screw APPH50 Non rotational, pick-up technique, (for an unitary implant) 906 Rotational Ø 5mm Incl. screw APPR50 Golden tapped Hexagonal abutments Zirconia TiBase Slim abutment for Platform switch + retaining screw P/N 0215 3800G Abutment, straight + retaining screw P/N 0215 5000G Abutment, straight, with a 2mm shoulder + retaining screw P/N 0215 Abutment, straight, with a 4mm shoulder + retaining screw P/N 0215 5002G Titan abutment basis + screw 7550 Gold cylinders Cylinder, gold, non rotational to cast on + screw ASH50 Cylinder, gold, rotational to cast on + screw ASR50 5004G Burnout cylinders Abutment, 15° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 5015G Non rotational, incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 556S Abutment, 23° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 5023G Rotational, incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 558S Ø 5mm Abutment, 0° to 18° + retaining screw P/N 0215 HTU5G Retaining screws 20 For Ø 5mm IDBIO® implant Titan transgingival kits Non rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6500H Golden Retaining screw for tapped screw-retained elements (Screw head: Ø 2,2mm) 0215 Rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6500R For prosthesis: ≤ 25N.cm maximum (Screw head: Ø 2,5mm) 1414 Non rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6501H For prosthesis, short head: ≤ 25N.cm maximum 1413 Rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6501R Non rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6502H Rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6502R www.idisystem.eu Ø 5 MM HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDBIO® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDUnit IDUnit elements IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 1 mm U5001 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 2,5 mm U5002 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 4 mm U5004 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 6 mm U5006 17° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U5021 30° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U5031 IDUnit analog IDUnit analog IDUnit burnout element IDUnit burnout element + screw P/N 0216 336S Titan cylinder Temporary cylinder for IDUnit attachment + screw P/N 0216 334 Impression copying Impression copying, monobloc, to be screwed 321 IDUnit impression copying, Pick-up technique 322 Impression copying, plastic 335 Healing cap IDUnit healing cap 330 Retaining screw For prosthetic elements P/N 334, 336; Torque ≤ 15N.cm 333 Non contractual pictures 0216 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 21 Prosthetic components Ø 5 MM EMERGENCE REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IDLoc IDLoc attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm L5001 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm L5002 Transgingival height: 4 mm L5004 Transgingival height: 6 mm L5006 Impression copying Impression copying, plastic 432 Analog IDLoc analog 433 Box Female part Spherical attachments LOCFEM Burnout spherical attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm 222501 Burnout spherical attachment 9222 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm 222502 Paralleling guide for burnout spherical attachment 9223 Transgingival height: 4 mm 222504 Connector bar Transgingival height: 6 mm 222506 Boxes for spherical attachments Burnout connector bar (by 3) 0931 Nylon clip 0025 O’ring, Heigth: 3,5mm External Ø : 5mm 0122 O’ring retaining ring for O’ring attachment 0120 Screw, REDEIM type Nylon box for spherical attachment 0924 Magnetic Magnetic screws 951 0940 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 22 www.idisystem.eu FOCUS ON PROSTHETICS Focus on prosthetics ZIRCONIA PROSTHETIC REHABILITATION WITH A ZIRCONIA ABUTMENT ZIRCONIA ABUTMENT SCREW-RETAINED ON TITAN BASIS Zirconia abutment Performed by the dental lab Implant analog Option for the preparation of a fixed prosthesis. Screw the zirconia abutment with: • a square-tipped instrument with dental shank P/N 1014 or 1114. • or with the screwdriver P/N 0014 or 0114. Screw up to 25N.cm. Zirconia abutment basis + screw IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures Impression copying 23 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDI INTERNATIONALLY A COLLABORATION WITH PRACTITIONERS FROM 30 COUNTRIES / IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Since 1987, IDI has an exchange with practitioners and implantologists from all over the world. This is a key element taking part in the implant conception by the R&D department. IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Gérard Boukhris and the Export team daily ensure the right coordination of international activity. The purpose is to guarantee the customer a perfect proximity, reactivity, advice and service quality. 24 www.idisystem.eu HEXAGONAL CONNECTION “At the beginning of my activity, I used to work with flared neck cylindro-tapered implants. I tried the IDMAX® implant and I have no regret. Its aesthetic neck allowed me to treat several difficult cases with a low gum height. ” Dr Marc D. (France) ID MAX® Range / 25 Range ID MAX® / Instructions for use: IDMAX® 4 1. Last drill in the sequence: diameter 3.5 mm. 2. Omit the profile drill stage. 3. Use a hexagonal screwdriver P/N 1146, 1046, 0146, 0046 to insert the implant. 4. he IDMAX® 4 type implants can be set using the one-step, the one and half step or the two-step technique. 5. With poorly mineralized bone the last drill is only inserted up to a third of its length. 6. Use the manual thread tap P/N TAR4. Gold-polished aesthetic neck Penetrating threads Cylindrotapered IDMAX® 5 1. Last drill in the sequence: diameter 4 mm. 2. Omit the profile drill stage. 3. Use a hexagonal screwdriver P/N 1146, 1046, 0146, 0046 to insert the implant. 4. The IDMAX® 5 type implants can be set using the one-step, the one and half step or the two-step technique. 5. With poorly mineralized bone the last drill is only inserted up to a third of its length. 6. Use the manual thread tap P/N TAR5. IDMAX® 6 1. Last drill in the sequence: diameter 5,4 mm. 2. Omit the profile drill stage. 3. Use a hexagonal screwdriver P/N 1146, 1046, 0146, 0046 to insert the implant. 4. The IDMAX® 6 type implants can be set using the one-step, the one and half step or the two-step technique. 5. With poorly mineralized bone the last drill is only inserted up to a third of its length. 6. Use the manual thread tap P/N TAR6. 26 S.M.A. TiO2 state of surface Ti6Al4V ELI TITANIUM ALLOY Convex apex www.idisystem.eu THE IMPLANTS LINES HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IMPLANT RANGE IMPLANT TYPE LENGTH IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCE P/N Color code* 6 IM+ 0640 Ø 5 mm 6 IM+ 0650 Ø 4 mm 8 IM+ 0840 Ø 5 mm 8 IM+ 0850 Ø 6 mm 8 IM+ 0860 4,9 6,6 LENGTH 8 Ø 4 mm 4,4 LENGTH 6 ID MAX® IM+ 1040 Ø 5 mm 10 IM+ 1050 Ø 6 mm 10 IM+ 1060 Ø 4 mm 12 IM+ 1240 Ø 5 mm 12 IM+ 1250 Ø 6 mm 12 IM+ 1260 Ø 4 mm 15 IM+ 1540 Ø 5 mm 15 IM+ 1550 Ø 6 mm 15 IM+ 1560 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 06 mm length 08 mm length LENGTH 10 10 *On each implant packaging there is a small colored sticker to match with the implant length. The code for each color is related to the one found on the RBS® drills for the implants with a hexagonal connection: 10 mm length 12 mm length 15 mm length LENGTH 15 LENGTH 12 Ø 4 mm IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDMAX® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures All the dimensions are in millimeters. IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 27 SURGICAL PROTOCOL EXAMPLE OF AN IDMAX® IMPLANT PLACEMENT 1 2 Complete the drilling sequence - omitting the profile drill stage, until the required length and diameter are attained. Insert the implant so that the gold neck remains exposed supracrestally. 3 Insert the closing cap into the implant and suture. 4 The implant is covered with a membrane after six weeks if the gum has attained physiological thickness. Ø 4,40 0,50 Ø 6,60 0,50 Ø 4,90 0,50 Ø 4,6 IDMAX® 4 28 R2 Ø 6 IDMAX® 5 R 2,50 0,8 0,8 0,8 Ø 4,1 IDMAX® 6 R4 www.idisystem.eu Ø 4,40 0,50 Ø 4,4 MM IDMAX® Ø 4,4 MM 4,4 IDMAX® EMERGENCE Ø4,4 IDMAX® Implants 0,8 Ø 4,1 Length: 6mm – Diameter 4,4mm IM+ 640 Length: 8mm – Diameter 4,4mm IM+ 840 Length: 10mm – Diameter 4,4mm IM+ 1040 Length: 12mm – Diameter 4,4mm IM+ 1240 Length: 15mm – Diameter 4,4mm IM+ 1540 R2 Closing cap Ø 4,4mm closing cap 441 Ø 4,4mm cylindrical healing cap; height: 5mm 413 Healing cap 413C Ø 4,4mm cylindrical healing cap; long head; height: 6,5mm 413L Non contractual pictures Ø 4,4mm cylindrical healing cap; short head; height: 3,2mm IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 29 Prosthetic components Ø 4,4 MM EMERGENCE FIXED PROSTHESIS Impression cylinders Implant analog Rotational, straight (for solidarized elements) 7210 Rotational, conical (for solidarized elements) 7211 For Ø 4,4mm IDMAX® implant 423 Titan abutments for a temporary tooth Non rotational, closed tray technique (for an unitary implant) 905 Non rotational Ø 4,4mm incl. screw P/N 1414 APPH44 Non rotational, pick-up technique, (for an unitary implant) 906 Rotational Ø 4,4mm incl. screw P/N 1414 APPR44 Golden tapped Hexagonal abutments Zirconia TiBase Abutment, 5° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 AM 4405G Abutment, 15° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 AM 4415G Abutment, 23° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 AM 4423G Cylinder, gold, non rotational to cast on + screw ASH44 Ø 4mm, 0-18° + retaining screw P/N 0215 HTU4G Cylinder, gold, rotational to cast on + screw ASR44 Titan abutment basis + screw 7544 Gold cylinders Titan transgingival kits Burnout cylinders Non rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6440H Rotational incl. retaining screw P/N 914C 418S Rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6440R Non rotational incl. retaining screw P/N 914C H426S Non rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6441H Rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6441R Retaining screws Golden Retaining screw for tapped screw-retained elements (Screw head: Ø 2,2mm) 0215 Non rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6442H For prosthesis: ≤ 25N.cm maximum (Screw head: Ø 2,5mm) 1414 Rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6442R IMPORTANT NOTICE: ALL prosthetic elements have to be used with the screwdrivers P/N 0014 ; 0114; 1014 and 1114 only. (Please refer to page 109) All the dimensions are in millimeters. 30 www.idisystem.eu Ø 4,4 MM HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDMAX® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDUnit IDUnit elements IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 1 mm U4401 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 2,5 mm U4402 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 4 mm U4404 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 6 mm U4406 17° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U4421 30° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U4431 IDUnit analog IDUnit analog IDUnit burnout element IDUnit burnout element + screw P/N 0216 336S Titan cylinder Temporary cylinder for IDUnit attachment + screw P/N 0216 334 Impression copying Impression copying, monobloc, to be screwed 321 IDUnit impression copying, Pick-up technique 322 Impression copying, plastic 335 Healing cap IDUnit healing cap 330 Retaining screw Retaining screw; for prosthetic elements P/N 334, 336; Torque ≤ 15N.cm 333 Non contractual pictures 0216 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 31 Prosthetic components Ø 4,4 MM EMERGENCE REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IDLoc IDLoc attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm L4401 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm L4402 Transgingival height: 4 mm L4404 Transgingival height: 6 mm L4406 Impression copying Impression copying, plastic 432 Analog IDLoc analog 433 Box Female part Spherical attachments LOCFEM Burnout spherical attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm 222441 Burnout spherical attachment 9222 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm 222442 Paralleling guide for burnout spherical attachment 9223 Transgingival height: 4 mm 222444 Connector bar Transgingival height: 6 mm 222446 Boxes for spherical attachments Burnout connector bar (by 3) 0931 Nylon clip 0025 O’ring, Heigth: 3,5mm External Ø : 5mm 0122 O’ring retaining ring for O’ring attachment 0120 Screw, REDEIM type Nylon box for spherical attachment 0924 Magnetic Magnetic screws 944 0940 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 32 www.idisystem.eu Ø 5 MM IDMAX® Ø 5 MM 5 IDMAX® EMERGENCE Ø 5 IDMAX® Implants Ø 4,90 0,50 0,8 Ø 4,6 Length: 6mm – Diameter 5mm IM+ 650 Length: 8mm – Diameter 5mm IM+ 850 Length: 10mm – Diameter 5mm IM+ 1050 Length: 12mm – Diameter 5mm IM+ 1250 Length: 15mm – Diameter 5mm IM+ 1550 R 2,50 Closing cap Ø 4,9mm closing cap 541 Ø 4,9mm cylindrical healing cap; height: 5mm 513 Healing cap 513C Ø 4,9mm cylindrical healing cap; long head; height: 6,5mm 513L Non contractual pictures Ø 4,9mm cylindrical healing cap; short head; height: 3,2mm IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 33 Prosthetic components Ø 5 MM EMERGENCE FIXED PROSTHESIS Impression cylinders Implant analog Rotational, straight (for solidarized elements) 7210 Rotational, conical (for solidarized elements) 7211 For Ø 4,9mm IDMAX® implant 523 Titan abutments for a temporary tooth Non rotational, closed tray technique (for an unitary implant) 905 Non rotational Ø 4,9mm incl. screw P/N 1414 APPH50 Non rotational, pick-up technique, (for an unitary implant) 906 Rotational Ø 4,9mm incl. screw P/N 1414 APPR50 Golden tapped Hexagonal abutments Zirconia TiBase Abutment, 5° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 AM 5005G Abutment, 15° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 AM 5015G Abutment, 23° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 AM 5023G Cylinder, gold, non rotational to cast on + screw ASH50 Ø 5mm, 0-18° + retaining screw P/N 0215 HTU5G Cylinder, gold, rotational to cast on + screw ASR50 Titan abutment basis + screw 7550 Gold cylinders Titan transgingival kits Burnout cylinders Non rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6500H Rotational incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 518S Rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6500R Non rotational incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 H526S Non rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6501H Rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6501R Retaining screws Golden Retaining screw for tapped screw-retained elements (Screw head: Ø 2,2mm) 0215 Non rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6502H For prosthesis: ≤ 25N.cm maximum (Screw head: Ø 2,5mm) 1414 Rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6502R IMPORTANT NOTICE: ALL prosthetic elements have to be used with the screwdrivers P/N 0014 ; 0114; 1014 and 1114 only. (Please refer to page 109) All the dimensions are in millimeters. 34 www.idisystem.eu Ø 5 MM HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDMAX® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDUnit IDUnit elements IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 1 mm U5001 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 2,5 mm U5002 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 4 mm U5004 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 6 mm U5006 17° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U5021 30° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U5031 IDUnit analog IDUnit analog IDUnit burnout element IDUnit burnout element + screw P/N 0216 336S Titan cylinder Temporary cylinder for IDUnit attachment + screw P/N 0216 334 Impression copying Impression copying, monobloc, to be screwed 321 IDUnit impression copying, Pick-up technique 322 Impression copying, plastic 335 Healing cap IDUnit healing cap 330 Retaining screw For prosthetic elements P/N 334, 336; Torque ≤ 15N.cm 333 Non contractual pictures 0216 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 35 Prosthetic components Ø 5 MM EMERGENCE REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IDLoc IDLoc attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm L5001 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm L5002 Transgingival height: 4 mm L5004 Transgingival height: 6 mm L5006 Impression copying Impression copying, plastic 432 Analog IDLoc analog 433 Box Female part Spherical attachments LOCFEM Burnout spherical attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm 222501 Burnout spherical attachment 9222 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm 222502 Paralleling guide for burnout spherical attachment 9223 Transgingival height: 4 mm 222504 Connector bar Transgingival height: 6 mm 222506 Boxes for spherical attachments Burnout connector bar (by 3) 0931 Nylon clip 0025 O’ring, Heigth: 3,5mm External Ø : 5mm 0122 O’ring retaining ring for O’ring attachment 0120 Screw, REDEIM type Nylon box for spherical attachment 0924 Magnetic Magnetic screws 951 0940 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 36 www.idisystem.eu Ø 6,6 MM IDMAX® Ø 6,6 MM 6,6 IDMAX® EMERGENCE Ø 6,6 IDMAX® Implants Ø 6,60 0,50 IM+ 860 Length: 10mm – Diameter 6,6mm IM+ 1060 Length: 12mm – Diameter 6,6mm IM+ 1260 Length: 15mm – Diameter 6,6mm IM+ 1560 0,8 Ø 6 Length: 8mm – Diameter 6,6mm R4 Closing cap Ø 6,6mm closing cap 641 Healing cap Ø 6,6mm cylindrical healing cap; height: 2,5mm 613 Non contractual pictures Ø 6,6mm cylindrical healing cap; height: 5mm 613C IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 37 Prosthetic components Ø 6,6 MM EMERGENCE FIXED PROSTHESIS Impression cylinders Implant analog Rotational, straight (for solidarized elements) 7210 Rotational, conical (for solidarized elements) 7211 For Ø 6,6mm IDMAX® implant 623 Titan abutments for a temporary tooth Non rotational, closed tray technique (for an unitary implant) 905 Non rotational Ø 6,6mm incl. screw P/N 1414 APPH60 Non rotational, pick-up technique, (for an unitary implant) 906 Rotational Ø 6,6mm incl. screw P/N 1414 APPR60 Golden tapped Hexagonal abutments Zirconia TiBase Titan abutment basis + screw with Platform switch method Abutment, 5° angled + retaining screw P/N 1414 AM 6005 Abutment, 15° angled + retaining screw P/N 1414 AM 6015 Abutment, 23° angled + retaining screw P/N 1414 AM 6023 Cylinder, gold, non rotational to cast on + screw ASH60 Ø 5mm, 0-18° + retaining screw P/N 1414 HTU6 Cylinder, gold, rotational to cast on + screw ASR60 7550 Gold cylinders Titan transgingival kits Burnout cylinders Non rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6500H Rotational incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 618S 6500R Non rotational incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 Rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw H626S Non rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6501H Rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6501R Retaining screws Golden Retaining screw for tapped screw-retained elements (Screw head: Ø 2,2mm) 0215 Non rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6502H For prosthesis: ≤ 25N.cm maximum (Screw head: Ø 2,5mm) 1414 Rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6502R IMPORTANT NOTICE: ALL prosthetic elements have to be used with the screwdrivers P/N 0014 ; 0114; 1014 and 1114 only. (Please refer to page 109) 38 www.idisystem.eu Ø 6,6 MM HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDMAX® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDUnit IDUnit elements IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 1 mm U5001 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 2,5 mm U5002 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 4 mm U5004 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 6 mm U5006 17° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U5021 30° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U5031 IDUnit analog IDUnit analog IDUnit burnout element IDUnit burnout element + screw P/N 0216 336S Titan cylinder Temporary cylinder for IDUnit attachment + screw P/N 0216 334 Impression copying Impression copying, monobloc, to be screwed 321 IDUnit impression copying, Pick-up technique 322 Impression copying, plastic 335 Healing cap IDUnit healing cap 330 Retaining screw For prosthetic elements P/N 334, 336; Torque ≤ 15N.cm 333 Non contractual pictures 0216 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 39 Prosthetic components Ø 6,6 MM EMERGENCE REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IDLoc IDLoc attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm L5001 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm L5002 Transgingival height: 4 mm L5004 Transgingival height: 6 mm L5006 Impression copying Impression copying, plastic 432 Analog IDLoc analog 433 Box Female part Spherical attachments LOCFEM Burnout spherical attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm 222501 Burnout spherical attachment 9222 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm 222502 Paralleling guide for burnout spherical attachment 9223 Transgingival height: 4 mm 222504 Connector bar Transgingival height: 6 mm 222506 Boxes for spherical attachments 40 Burnout connector bar (by 3) 0931 Nylon clip 0025 O’ring, Heigth: 3,5mm External Ø : 5mm 0122 O’ring retaining ring for O’ring attachment 0120 Screw, REDEIM type Nylon box for spherical attachment 0924 Magnetic Magnetic screws 951 0940 www.idisystem.eu FOCUS ON PROSTHETICS Focus on prosthetics TRANSGINGIVAL TITAN KITS PROSTHETIC REHABILITATION WITH A TITAN ELEMENT SCREW-RETAINED UNITARY ELEMENT FROM TITAN ELEMENT Retaining screw Non rotational burnout element Screw-retained titan element SCREW-RETAINED BRIDGE OR CONNECTOR BAR FROM TITAN ELEMENT Retaining screw Non rotational burnout element Non contractual pictures Screw-retained titan element IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 41 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE FEEDBACK / IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Our teams of advisors pay particularly attention to your remarks concerning the use of IDI’s products. They are transmitted to the R&D team in order to satisfy you and to meet your expectations. IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL To give us your remarks concerning IDI’s products, you can reach our sales department : By phone at : +33 (0)1 48 70 70 48 or by mail to : info@idisystem.fr Frédérique IDI export Manager and Michael IDI France sales manager are managing advisors team close to meet the practitioners expectations. 42 www.idisystem.eu HEXAGONAL CONNECTION “I tried several brands and different implants during my career. The IDOT implant is, to my opinion, the ideal one: cylindrical, microthreaded and aesthetic with a simplified prosthetic system. ” Dr Eugenio B. (Italy) ID OT Range / 43 Range ID OT / Instructions for use: IDOT 4 1. Last drill in the sequence: diameter 3.5 mm. 2. Use the hexagonal screwdriver P/N 1046 or 1146 or 0146 or 0046 to screw the implant. 3. The IDOT 4 can be set using the one-step, the one and a half step or the two-step technique. 4. With poorly mineralised bone the last drill is only inserted up to a third of its length. 5. Use the manual thread tap P/N Tar4 for highly mineralized bone. 6. Use the screwdriver P/N 403, 403M or 403ML to screw the cover screw and healing screw manually at 5N.cm while omitting the ratchet. IDOT 5 1. Last drill in the sequence: diameter 4 mm. 2. Use the hexagonal screwdriver P/N 1046 or 1146 or 0146 or 0046 to screw the implant. 3. The IDOT 5 can be set using the onestep, the one and a half step or the two-step technique. 4. With poorly mineralised bone the last drill is only inserted up to a third of its length. 5. Use the manual thread tap P/N Tar5 for highly mineralized bone. 6. Use the screwdriver P/N 403, 403M or 403ML to screw the cover screw and healing screw manually at 5N.cm while omitting the ratchet. 44 Gold-polished esthetic neck Mini-threads Cylindrical S.M.A. TiO2 state of surface Ti6Al4V ELI Titanium alloy Convex apex www.idisystem.eu THE IMPLANTS LINES HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDOT IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDOT IMPLANT RANGE LENGTH Color code* P/N 4,4 4,9 LENGTH 8 IMPLANT TYPE EMERGENCE *On each implant packaging there is a small colored sticker to match with the implant length. The code for each color is related to the one found on the RBS® drills for the implants with a hexagonal connection: 8 IDOT 0840 Ø 5 mm 8 IDOT 0850 Ø 4 mm 10 IDOT 1040 10 mm length Ø 5 mm 10 IDOT 1050 12 mm length Ø 4 mm 12 IDOT 1240 Ø 5 mm 12 IDOT 1250 Ø 4 mm 15 IDOT 1540 Ø 5 mm 15 IDOT 1550 LENGTH 10 Ø 4 mm IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 08 mm length LENGTH 15 LENGTH 12 15 mm length Non contractual pictures All the dimensions are in millimeters. IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 45 SURGICAL PROTOCOL EXAMPLE OF AN IDOT IMPLANT PLACEMENT 1 2 3 Complete the drill sequence - omitting the profile drill stage - until the required length and diameter are attained. Insert the implant so that the gold neck remains exposed supracrestally. Insert the closing cap into the implant and suture. 4 The implant is covered with a membrane after six weeks if the gum has attained physiological thickness. Ø 4,40 0,50 Ø 4 4,50 46 0,8 3,85 IDOT 4 R 1,9 Ø 4 IDOT 5 0,8 4 4 0,9 0,9 Ø 4,90 0,50 R 2,3 www.idisystem.eu Ø 4,40 0,50 Ø 4,4 MM Ø4,4 IDOT Implants 0,9 4 IDOT Ø 4,4 MM 4,4 IDOT EMERGENCE Ø 4 0,8 3,85 Length: 8mm – Diameter 4,4mm IDOT 840 Length: 10mm – Diameter 4,4mm IDOT 1040 Length: 12mm – Diameter 4,4mm IDOT 1240 Length: 15mm – Diameter 4,4mm IDOT 1540 R 1,9 Closing cap Ø 4,4mm closing cap 441 Ø 4,4mm cylindrical healing cap; height: 5mm 413 Healing cap 413C Ø 4,4mm cylindrical healing cap; long head; height: 6,5mm 413L Non contractual pictures Ø 4,4mm cylindrical healing cap; short head; height: 3,2mm IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 47 Prosthetic components Ø 4,4 MM EMERGENCE FIXED PROSTHESIS Impression cylinders Implant analog Rotational, straight (for solidarized elements) 7210 Rotational, conical (for solidarized elements) 7211 For Ø 4,4mm IDOT implant 423 Titan abutments for a temporary tooth Non rotational, closed tray technique (for an unitary implant) 905 Non rotational Ø 4,4mm incl. screw P/N 1414 APPH44 Non rotational, pick-up technique, (for an unitary implant) 906 Rotational Ø 4,4mm incl. screw P/N 1414 APPR44 Golden tapped Hexagonal abutments Zirconia abutments Abutment, 5° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 AM 4405G Abutment, 15° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 AM 4415G Abutment, 23° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 AM 4423G Cylinder, gold, non rotational to cast on + screw ASH44 Ø 4mm, 0-18° + retaining screw P/N 0215 HTU4G Cylinder, gold, rotational to cast on + screw ASR44 Titan abutment basis + screw 7544 Gold cylinders Titan transgingival kits Burnout cylinders Rotational incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 418S Non rotational incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 H426S Retaining screws Non rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6440H Rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6440R Non rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6441H Rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6441R Golden Retaining screw for tapped screw-retained elements (Screw head: Ø 2,2mm) 0215 Non rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6442H For prosthesis: ≤ 25N.cm maximum (Screw head: Ø 2,5mm) 1414 Rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6442R IMPORTANT NOTICE: ALL prosthetic elements have to be used with the screwdrivers P/N 0014 ; 0114; 1014 and 1114 only. (Please refer to page 109) All the dimensions are in millimeters. 48 www.idisystem.eu Ø 4,4 MM HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDOT IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDUnit IDUnit elements IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 1 mm U4401 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 2,5 mm U4402 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 4 mm U4404 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 6 mm U4406 17° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U4421 30° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U4431 IDUnit analog IDUnit analog IDUnit burnout element IDUnit burnout element + screw P/N 0216 336S Titan cylinder Temporary cylinder for IDUnit attachment + screw P/N 0216 334 Impression copying Impression copying, monobloc, to be screwed 321 IDUnit impression copying, Pick-up technique 322 Impression copying, plastic 335 Healing cap IDUnit healing cap 330 Retaining screw For prosthetic elements P/N 334, 336; Torque ≤ 15N.cm 333 Non contractual pictures 0216 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 49 Prosthetic components Ø 4,4 MM EMERGENCE REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IDLoc IDLoc attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm L4401 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm L4402 Transgingival height: 4 mm L4404 Transgingival height: 6 mm L4406 Impression copying Impression copying, plastic 432 Analog IDLoc analog 433 Box Female part Spherical attachments LOCFEM Burnout spherical attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm 222441 Burnout spherical attachment 9222 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm 222442 Paralleling guide for burnout spherical attachment 9223 Transgingival height: 4 mm 222444 Connector bar Transgingival height: 6 mm 222446 Boxes for spherical attachments Burnout connector bar (by 3) 0931 Nylon clip 0025 O’ring, Heigth: 3,5mm External Ø : 5mm 0122 O’ring retaining ring for O’ring attachment 0120 Screw, REDEIM type Nylon box for spherical attachment 0924 Magnetic Magnetic screws 944 0940 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 50 www.idisystem.eu IDOT Ø 5 MM Ø 5 MM 5 IDOT EMERGENCE Ø5 IDOT Implants Length: 8mm – Diameter 5mm IDOT 850 Length: 10mm – Diameter 5mm IDOT 1050 Length: 12mm – Diameter 5mm IDOT 1250 Length: 15mm – Diameter 5mm IDOT 1550 4 0,9 Ø 4,90 0,50 Ø 4 0,8 4,50 R 2,3 Closing cap Ø 4,9mm closing cap 541 Ø 4,9mm cylindrical healing cap; height: 5mm 513 Healing cap 513C Ø 4,9mm cylindrical healing cap; long head; height: 6,5mm 513L Non contractual pictures Ø 4,9mm cylindrical healing cap; short head; height: 3,2mm IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 51 Prosthetic components Ø 5 MM EMERGENCE FIXED PROSTHESIS Impression cylinders Implant analog Rotational, straight (for solidarized elements) 7210 Rotational, conical (for solidarized elements) 7211 For Ø 4,9mm IDOT implant 523 Titan abutments for a temporary tooth Non rotational, closed tray technique (for an unitary implant) 905 Non rotational Ø 4,9mm incl. screw P/N 1414 APPH50 Non rotational, pick-up technique, (for an unitary implant) 906 Rotational Ø 4,9mm incl. screw P/N 1414 APPR50 Golden tapped Hexagonal abutments Zirconia abutments Abutment, 5° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 AM 5005G Abutment, 15° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 AM 5015G Abutment, 23° angled + retaining screw P/N 0215 AM 5023G Cylinder, gold, non rotational to cast on + screw ASH50 Ø 5mm, 0-18° + retaining screw P/N 0215 HTU5G Cylinder, gold, rotational to cast on + screw ASR50 Titan abutment basis + screw 7550 Gold cylinders Titan transgingival kits Burnout cylinders Rotational incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 518S Non rotational incl. retaining screw P/N 1414 H526S Retaining screws Non rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6500H Rotational element, 0,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6500R Non rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6501H Rotational element, 1,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6501R Golden Retaining screw for tapped screw-retained elements (Screw head: Ø 2,2mm) 0215 Non rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6502H For prosthesis: ≤ 25N.cm maximum (Screw head: Ø 2,5mm) 1414 Rotational element, 2,5mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6502R IMPORTANT NOTICE: ALL prosthetic elements have to be used with the screwdrivers P/N 0014 ; 0114; 1014 and 1114 only. (Please refer to page 109) All the dimensions are in millimeters. 52 www.idisystem.eu Ø 5 MM HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDOT IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDUnit IDUnit elements IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 1 mm U5001 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 2,5 mm U5002 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 4 mm U5004 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 6 mm U5006 17° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U5021 30° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U5031 IDUnit analog IDUnit analog IDUnit burnout element IDUnit burnout element + screw P/N 0216 336S Titan cylinder Temporary cylinder for IDUnit attachment + screw P/N 0216 334 Impression copying Impression copying, monobloc, to be screwed 321 IDUnit impression copying, Pick-up technique 322 Impression copying, plastic 335 Healing cap IDUnit healing cap 330 Retaining screw For prosthetic elements P/N 334, 336; Torque ≤ 15N.cm 333 Non contractual pictures 0216 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 53 Prosthetic components Ø 5 MM EMERGENCE REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IDLoc IDLoc attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm L5001 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm L5002 Transgingival height: 4 mm L5004 Transgingival height: 6 mm L5006 Impression copying Impression copying, plastic 432 Analog IDLoc analog 433 Box Female part Spherical attachments LOCFEM Burnout spherical attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm 222501 Burnout spherical attachment 9222 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm 222502 Paralleling guide for burnout spherical attachment 9223 Transgingival height: 4 mm 222504 Connector bar Transgingival height: 6 mm 222506 Boxes for spherical attachments Burnout connector bar (by 3) 0931 Nylon clip 0025 O’ring, Heigth: 3,5mm External Ø : 5mm 0122 O’ring retaining ring for O’ring attachment 0120 Screw, REDEIM type Nylon box for spherical attachment 0924 Magnetic Magnetic screws 951 0940 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 54 www.idisystem.eu FOCUS ON PROSTHETICS Focus on prosthetics LOC THE ID PROTOCOL FOR THE IDLOC PLACEMENT: DIRECT METHOD 1 - AFTER REMOVING THE HEALING CAPS FROM THE IMPLANTS, INSERT THE IDLOC ABUTMENT INTO THE IMPLANT ACCORDING TO THE HEIGHT OF THE GINGIVAL TISSUES. THE ABUTMENT SHALL EMERGE BY 1MM SUB-GINGIVAL ; SCREW IT WITH THE SQUARE-END SCREWDRIVER P/N 0014 OR P/N 0114. 2 - PLACE THE BLOCK OUT WHITE SPACER (SOFT MATERIAL) ON EACH IDLOC ABUTMENT AND FIX THE BOX WITH THE NYLON RING (MALE PART). 3 - MARK THE TOP OF THE BOXES WITH ACRYLIC PEN AND POSITION THE PROSTHESIS ABOVE THEM TO LOCATE THE PARTS TO BE HOLLOWED OUT. THEN, FILL IN THE EMPTIED PARTS WITH AUTO-POLYMERIZING RESIN. 4 - POSITION THE PROSTHESIS IN THE MOUTH AND TIGHTEN IT. - WAIT TILL POLYMERIZING PROCESS IS COMPLETED. - REMOVE THE PROSTHESIS AND THE WHITE SPACERS. - REMOVE THE EXCESS RESIN AND PLACE THE PROSTHESIS BACK IN THE PATIENT MOUTH. PROTOCOL FOR THE IDLOC PLACEMENT: INDIRECT METHOD 1 - REMOVE THE HEALING CAPS FROM THE IMPLANTS THANKS TO THE SQUARETIPPED SCREWDRIVER (P/N 0014 OR P/N 0114). TAKE THE IMPRESSION WITH THE IMPRESSION COPYINGS ADAPTED TO THE IMPLANT. 3 - THE LAB TECHNICIAN POSITIONS THE WHITE BLOCK OUT SPACERS ONTO THE IDLOC ABUTMENTS, AND, FIX THE BOX IN THE NYLON RING (MALE PART). 4 - THEN THE LAB TECHNICIAN PREPARES THE PROSTHESIS ACCORDING TO THE STANDARD PROCEDURE. IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures 2 - THE LAB PREPARES THE MASTER MODEL WITH THE CORRESPONDING IMPLANT ANALOGS AND POSITIONS THE APPROPRIATE IDLOC ABUTMENTS. 55 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT A CONSTANT ADVANCE OF PRODUCTS IN R&D / IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL With significant advances since 1987 in implantology innovation, IDI is recognized by professionals for its leadership concerning the Research and Development. IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Its team is in permanent thought with professionals, practitioners, sales and technical teams to finalize new products. The morse taper connection, today considered for its technological advance, is resulting from the collaboration of these teams. The Research and Develoment Department is highly involved in developing new products and is constant improving the range. The R&D uses simulation and 3D imagery techniques. The service also benefits from high technologies equipment to develop products. 56 www.idisystem.eu MORSE TAPER CONNECTION “I selected this implant because of its specific shape and because of its exceptional selfdrilling performances. The IDALL® eases and secures my surgery. My surgeries become a real pleasure.” Dr Raphaël B. (France) ID ALL® Range / 57 Range ID ALL® / PRESENTATION The IDALL® range benefits from the latest technological advance, to be associated with the IDI fundamentals such as the S.M.A. and TiO2 state of surface common to all the implant ranges. This self-drilling implant stands 75 N.cm screwing stress without being affected. The IDALL® implants draws special attention to itself thanks to its aesthetic gold polished neck, and thanks to its Platform switch that minimizes the bone loss and makes the crest extension being possible. Its design is specially studied to optimize the primary stabilization in any bone density and favor the immediate loading. Plateform Switch Gold neck Double twist threads Penetrating and condensing threads Anti-unscrewing groove Features of the IDALL® implant - Cylindro-tapered shape - Platform switch - Gold neck - Ti6Al4V ELI titanium alloy CATCH BASE - S.M.A. and TiO2 coated - Morse taper - Cam connection - Anti-unscrewing groove - Penetrating and condensing threads - Double twist threads - Catch base Sub-crestal Para-crestal There is one drill for each implant length. Supra-crestal Depth markings for an implant of 15mm length. 58 www.idisystem.eu THE IMPLANTS LINES MORSE TAPER CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDALL® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDALL® IMPLANT RANGE IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANT TYPE LENGTH P/N LENGTH 10 Color code* 10 IDA 1042 Ø 5,2 mm 10 IDA 1052 Ø 4,2 mm 12 IDA 1242 Ø 5,2 mm 12 IDA 1252 0,8 LENGTH 12 Ø 4,2 mm Ø 4,20 IDALL® 4,2 LENGTH 15 Ø 5,20 15 IDA 1542 Ø 5,2 mm 15 IDA 1552 Ø 4,2 mm 18 IDA 1842 Ø 5,2 mm 18 IDA 1852 LENGTH 18 0,8 Ø 4,2 mm IDALL® 5,2 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 10 mm length 12 mm length 15 mm length 18 mm length Non contractual pictures *On each implant packaging there is a small colored sticker to match with the implant length. The code for each color is related to the one found on the RBS® drills for the implants with a hexagonal connection: IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 59 SURGICAL PROTOCOL EXAMPLE OF AN IDALL® IMPLANT SETTING of Ø 4,2mm and 12 mm length (P/N IDA1242) FOR THE MAXILLA 1 Use the 4 bladed drill of Ø 3,8mm P/N X1238 (Final drill, soft bone). 2 Place the IDA1242 implant with the screwdriver P/N 0046 or 1046. FOR THE MANDIBLE 1 Use the 4 bladed drill of Ø 3,8mm P/N X1238. 2 Use the 4 bladed drill of Ø 4,2mm P/N X1242. 3 Place the IDA1242 implant with the screwdriver P/N 0046 or 1046. - The rotation speed for all drills is 1 500 rpm with ample cooling with physiological serum. - The four-bladed drills must be used without in and out movments. - The recommended rotation speed to set an implant is 15 rpm. - The insertion torque during the implant setting may be superior to 50 Ncm with a screwdriver P/N 0046 or 0146; - When the implant is placed on soft bone or very poor mineralized bone (Type IV), use the drill whose diameter is lower than the implant one. - Finish tightening the implant with the ratchet P/N 415 and the screwdriver P/N 0046 or 0146. - The placement of implant can be performed with help of the manual screwdriver P/N 0846. - To optimize the aesthetic result, it is recommended to set the 1mm implant in a sub-crestal position. All the dimensions are in millimeters. 60 www.idisystem.eu Ø 4,20 Ø 4,2 MM IDALL® Ø 4,2 MM 4,2 IDALL® EMERGENCE Ø4,2 IDALL® Implant IDA 1042 Length: 12mm – Diameter 4,2mm IDA 1242 Length: 15mm – Diameter 4,2mm IDA 1542 Length: 18mm – Diameter 4,2mm IDA 1842 0,8 Length: 10mm – Diameter 4,2mm Closing cap Ø 4,2mm closing cap 021201 Ø4,2 mm ( low part) - Ø6 mm (high part) – Heigth: 4 mm 021342 Ø4,2 mm (low part) - Ø6 mm (high part) – Heigth: 6 mm 021343 Healing cap Healing cap for Platform switch method screw Ø 3,2mm (low part Ø 3,1mm) 2mm 4mm 6mm 8mm screw Ø 4mm (low part Ø 3,6mm) screw Ø 5mm (low part Ø 3,6mm) screw Ø 6mm (low part Ø 3,6mm) 021300 021350 021304 021301 021354 021302 0213 021306 021356 021303 021348 021358 021308 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures Transgingival heigth 61 Prosthetic components Ø 4,2 MM EMERGENCE FIXED PROSTHESIS Impression cylinders Rotational, conical Implant analog 0220C Rotational 0221 Non rotational, pick-up technique (with screw) 2004 Non rotational, closed tray technique (with screw) 2004F Screw-on morse tapered abutments IDALL® analog 0224 Titan abutments for a temporary tooth Non rotational Ø 4,2mm incl. screw 2064 Rotational Ø 4,2mm incl. screw 2084 Titan abutments for platform switch method (Ø3,6) Abutment, straigth, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 420001 Straigth, 0° Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 420011 Abutment, straigth, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 2,5mm; incl. screw 420002 Straigth, 0° Transgingival heigth: 3,0mm; incl. screw 420012 Abutment, straigth, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 3,5mm; incl. screw 420003 15° angled Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 421511 Abutment, 15° angled, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 421501 15° angled Transgingival heigth: 3,0mm; incl. screw 421512 Abutment, 15° angled, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 2,5mm; incl. screw 421502 23° angled Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 422311 Abutment, 15° angled, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 3,5mm; incl. screw 421503 23° angled Transgingival heigth: 3,0mm; incl. screw 422312 Abutment, 23° angled, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 422301 Abutment, 23° angled, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 2,5mm; incl. screw 422302 Abutment, 23° angled, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 3,5mm; incl. screw 422303 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 62 www.idisystem.eu Ø 4,2 MM MORSE TAPER CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDALL® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Screw-on abutments Zirconia TiBase Straigth, 0° Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 420021 Titan abutment basis + screw conical, for lab 7636 Straigth, 0° Transgingival heigth: 3,0mm; incl. screw 420022 Titan abutment basis + screw for lab 7542 15° angled Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 421521 Titan abutment basis + screw Platform switch (Ø3,6), for lab 7536 15° angled Transgingival heigth: 3,0mm; incl. screw 421522 23° angled Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 422321 23° angled Transgingival heigth: 3,0mm; incl. screw 422322 Burnout cylinders Rotational, with shoulder incl. retaining screw P/N 0214 Titan transgingival kits 2184 Retaining screws Non rotational element, 0,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6420H Rotational element, 0,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6420R Retaining screw for IDCAM® and IDALL® ≤ 25N.cm maximum (Screw head: Ø 2,5 mm) 0214 Non rotational element, 1,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6421H For prosthesis, short head ≤ 25N.cm maximum 0219 Rotational element, 1,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6421R Golden Retaining screw for tapped screw-retained elements (Screw head: Ø 2,2mm) 0211 Non rotational element, 2,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6422H Rotational element, 2,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6422R Gold cylinders 642 Non contractual pictures Cylinder, gold, non rotational to cast on + screw - Gold morse taper connection IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 63 Prosthetic components Ø 4,2 MM EMERGENCE REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IDUnit IDUnit elements IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 1 mm U4201 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 2,5 mm U4202 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 4 mm U4204 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 6 mm U4206 17° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U4221 30° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U4231 IDUnit analog IDUnit analog IDUnit burnout element IDUnit burnout element + screw P/N 0216 336S Titan cylinder Temporary cylinder for IDUnit attachment + screw P/N 0216 334 Impression copying Impression copying, monobloc, to be screwed 321 IDUnit impression copying, Pick-up technique 322 Impression copying, plastic 335 Healing cap IDUnit healing cap 330 Retaining screw For prosthetic elements P/N 334, 336; Torque ≤ 15N.cm 333 0216 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 64 www.idisystem.eu Ø 4,2 MM MORSE TAPER CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDALL® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDLoc IDLoc attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm L4201 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm L4202 Transgingival height: 4 mm L4204 Transgingival height: 6 mm L4206 Impression copying Impression copying, plastic 432 Analog IDLoc analog 433 Box Female part Spherical attachments LOCFEM Burnout spherical attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm 222421 Burnout spherical attachment 9222 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm 222422 Paralleling guide for burnout spherical attachment 9223 Transgingival height: 4 mm 222424 Connector bar 222426 Boxes for spherical attachments Burnout connector bar (by 3) 0931 Nylon clip 0025 O’ring, Heigth: 3,5mm External Ø : 5mm 0122 O’ring retaining ring for O’ring attachment 0120 Screw, REDEIM type Nylon box for spherical attachment 0924 Magnetic Magnetic screws 942 0940 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures Transgingival height: 6 mm 65 SURGICAL DRILL SET ALL® FOR THE ID IMPLANTS RANGE OF IDALL® DRILLS DRILLING LENGTH Color code* DRILLING LENGTH Color code* P/N P/N Ø 3,8 mm 10 X1038 Ø 3,8 mm 15 X1538 Ø 4,2 mm 10 X1042 Ø 4,2 mm 15 X1542 Ø 5,2 mm 10 X1052 Ø 5,2 mm 15 X1552 Ø 3,8 mm 12 X1238 Ø 3,8 mm 18 X1838 CONTENTS: Ø 4,2 mm 12 X1242 Ø 4,2 mm 18 X1842 2 pilot drills Ø 5,2 mm 12 X1252 Ø 5,2 mm 18 X1852 12 cylindro-tapered drills with 4 bladed edges 11 relating instruments Ratchet Instrument extension P/N 415 Hand piece screwdriver for prosthetics, length: 30mm P/N 0114 Hand piece screwdriver for screwing the implant, length: 30mm P/N 0146 Depth tester P/N 406 Contra angle screwdriver for prosthetics, length: 30mm P/N 1114 Contra angle screwdriver for screwing the implant, length: 30mm P/N 1146 Implant paralleling help by 3 P/N 412 Hand piece screwdriver for screwing the implant, length: 22mm P/N 0014 Hand piece screwdriver for screwing the implant, length: 22mm P/N 0046 P/N 420 Hand piece screwdriver for prosthetics, length: 22mm P/N 1014 Hand piece screwdriver for screwing the implant, length: 32mm P/N 1046 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 66 www.idisystem.eu Ø 5,20 Ø 5,2 MM IDALL® Ø 5,2 MM 5,2 IDALL® EMERGENCE 0,8 Ø5,2 IDALL® Implants Length: 10mm – Diameter 5,2mm IDA1052 Length: 12mm – Diameter 5,2mm IDA1252 Length: 15mm – Diameter 5,2mm IDA1552 Length: 18mm – Diameter 5,2mm IDA1852 Closing cap Ø 5,2mm closing cap 021202 Ø5,2 mm ( low part) - Ø6 mm (high part) – Heigth: 4 mm 021352 Ø5,2 mm (low part) - Ø6 mm (high part) – Heigth: 6 mm 021353 Healing cap Healing cap for Platform switch method screw Ø 3,2mm (low part Ø 3,1mm) 2mm 4mm 6mm 8mm screw Ø 4mm (low part Ø 3,6mm) screw Ø 5mm (low part Ø 3,6mm) screw Ø 6mm (low part Ø 3,6mm) 021300 021350 021304 021301 021354 021302 0213 021306 021356 021303 021348 021358 021308 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures Transgingival heigth 67 Prosthetic components Ø 5,2 MM EMERGENCE FIXED PROSTHESIS Impression cylinders Rotational, conical Implant analog 0220C Rotational 0221 Non rotational, pick-up technique (with screw) 2004 Non rotational, closed tray technique (with screw) 2004F Screw-on morse tapered abutments IDALL® Analog 0225 Titan abutments for a temporary tooth Non rotational Ø 5,2mm incl. screw 2065 Rotational Ø 5,2mm incl. screw 2085 Titan abutments for platform switch method (Ø4,2) Abutment, straigth, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 420001 Straigth, 0° Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 420021 Abutment, straigth, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 2,5mm; incl. screw 420002 Straigth, 0° Transgingival heigth: 3,0mm; incl. screw 420022 Abutment, straigth, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 3,5mm; incl. screw 420003 15° angled Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 421521 Abutment, 15° angled, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 421501 15° angled Transgingival heigth: 3,0mm; incl. screw 421522 Abutment, 15° angled, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 2,5mm; incl. screw 421502 23° angled Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 422321 Abutment, 15° angled, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 3,5mm; incl. screw 421503 23° angled Transgingival heigth: 3,0mm; incl. screw 422322 Abutment, 23° angled, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 422301 Abutment, 23° angled, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 2,5mm; incl. screw 422302 Abutment, 23° angled, with shoulder Transgingival heigth: 3,5mm; incl. screw 422303 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 68 www.idisystem.eu Ø 5,2 MM MORSE TAPER CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDALL® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Screw-on abutments Zirconia TiBase Straigth, 0° Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 520021 Titan abutment basis + screw conical, for lab 7636 Straigth, 0° Transgingival heigth: 3,0mm; incl. screw 520022 Titan abutment basis + screw for lab 7552 15° angled Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 521521 Titan abutment basis + screw Platform switch (Ø3,6), for lab 7542 15° angled Transgingival heigth: 3,0mm; incl. screw 521522 23° angled Transgingival heigth: 1,5mm; incl. screw 522321 23° angled Transgingival heigth: 3,0mm; incl. screw 522322 Burnout cylinders Rotational, with shoulder incl. retaining screw P/N 0214 Titan transgingival kits 2185 Retaining screws Non rotational element, 0,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6520H Rotational element, 0,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6520R Retaining screw for IDCAM® and IDALL® ≤ 25N.cm maximum (Screw head: Ø 2,5 mm) 0214 Non rotational element, 1,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6521H For prosthesis, short head ≤ 25N.cm maximum 0219 Rotational element, 1,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6521R Golden Retaining screw for tapped screw-retained elements (Screw head: Ø 2,2mm) 0211 Non rotational element, 2,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6522H Rotational element, 2,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6522R Gold cylinders 652 Non contractual pictures Cylinder, gold, non rotational to cast on + screw - Gold morse taper connection IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 69 Prosthetic components Ø 5,2 MM EMERGENCE REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IDUnit IDUnit elements IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 1 mm U5201 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 2,5 mm U5202 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 4 mm U5204 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 6 mm U5206 17° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U5221 30° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U5231 IDUnit analog IDUnit analog IDUnit burnout element IDUnit burnout element + screw P/N 0216 336S Titan cylinder Temporary cylinder for IDUnit attachment + screw P/N 0216 334 Impression copying Impression copying, monobloc, to be screwed 321 IDUnit impression copying, Pick-up technique 322 Impression copying, plastic 335 Healing cap IDUnit healing cap 330 Retaining screw For prosthetic elements P/N 334, 336; Torque ≤ 15N.cm 333 0216 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 70 www.idisystem.eu Ø 5,2 MM MORSE TAPER CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDALL® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDLoc IDLoc attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm L5201 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm L5202 Transgingival height: 4 mm L5204 Transgingival height: 6 mm L5206 Impression copying Impression copying, plastic 432 Analog IDLoc analog 433 Box Female part Spherical attachments LOCFEM Burnout spherical attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm 222521 Burnout spherical attachment 9222 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm 222522 Paralleling guide for burnout spherical attachment 9223 Transgingival height: 4 mm 222524 Connector bar 222526 Boxes for spherical attachments Burnout connector bar (by 3) 0931 Nylon clip 0025 O’ring, Heigth: 3,5mm External Ø : 5mm 0122 O’ring retaining ring for O’ring attachment 0120 Screw, REDEIM type Nylon box for spherical attachment 0924 Magnetic Magnetic screws 952 0940 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures Transgingival height: 6 mm 71 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION QUALITY DEVOTED TO THE PRACTITIONER’S SERVICE / IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL A particular attention is paid by the communication team to improve the quality of products’s imagery and to permit professionals to appreciate in an accuracy way the states of surface and the ergonomy of products of our several brands. IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDI equally participates to many conferences and appointments of the profession, in France and internationally. Our communication department develops many mediums to improve and perpetuate the relationship between the IDI departments and dental professionals. 72 www.idisystem.eu MORSE TAPER CONNECTION “On a surgical aspect, IDCAM® implants are easier and more pleasant to place comparing to other implants. Furthermore, with RBS® drills, we can harvest a great quantity of bone. On a prosthetic aspect, at this time I just have used the kit C for unit implants, and I think that’s an excellent one” Dr Riad M. (Syria) ID CAM® Range / 73 WHY CHANGING FOR IDCAM® ? There’s more than 1000 brands of dental implants all over the world. WHY IDCAM® ? – For Technology and Innovation – For the IDCAM ® Concept – For the price COMPENDIUM OF SCIENCES APPROVED TECHNOLOGIES Its alloy - Two phases Ti6Al4V grade 5 Studies of Buser (2004), Zhao and Schwartz (2005), Carl E Misch. Its state of surface - Sandblasted and acid-etched and TiO2, Roughness of 1,76μ – Sandblasted and acid-etched, passivated. Studies of Becker and Coll, Albrektsson and Wennerberg, Wennerberg, Hanson and Norton 2005. Its shape - Cylindro-tapered. – The cylindrical shape of implant neck reduces the stress at the level of the crestal bone. – The tapered shape enables a better insertion between adjacent teeth. Studies: comparative assessment of implant shape (influence of diameter, length and taper on alveolar bone stress). Maximal shearing stress Its Threads - Squared-shape and V-shape. Studies of Carl E Misch , Bone Miller. 2,00E+07 1,50E+07 Maximal shearing stress 1,00E+07 5,00E+06 0,00E+00 Reverse Squarred V-shapped Maximal shearing 1,43E+07 1,03E+07 1,43E+07 In this tridimensional finite elements study, the shearing force is the same for V-shaped and reverse V-shaped threads. However, the study shows that the squared-shaped thread reduces shearing forces for the same load. Its Switching cone Studies: Hüzeler M, Fickl S, Zuhr O, wachtel HC in J Oral Maxilofac Surg 2008 Oct 66(10) 2195-6. Its Morse taper and Cam Retention Studies: prospective evaluation of 1 920 implants with morse taper connection. Clin Oral Implants Res 2009 Mar, 20(3), 254-61. IDCAM ® implant has all features approved by the science and more over! Studies performed by Pr P.E. Crubillé. 74 www.idisystem.eu THE IMPLANTS LINES MORSE TAPER CONNECTION Its CSO® apex Concave The concave area allows to sustain grafted biomaterials during sinus lift. Safety The atraumatic round-shaped end limits the risks of damaging neighbouring tissues. Osseointegration The peripheral wedge groove increases the apical bone retention surface. Internal part of IDCAM® Cam retention For a better connection accuracy. 2,5° Morse taper Internal Universal ISO threading Groove of IDCAM® RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDCAM® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Implant placement in canvas shape Technique of implant placement without any material. Implant pushing the Schneiderian membrane. The CSO® apex allows the realization of lowrisk surgery. IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Photos : Pr Bravetti. Diameter of Apex : Ø 2,1 mm Implant : IDCAM® Reduces the risk of perforating the Schneiderian membrane. Helicoidal groove for an anti-unscrewing effect of implant. The internal part is the same, whatever the diameter of implant. Bone density for IDCAM® S Others Implants Type I Type II Bone quality classification of Lekholm & Zarb. The implant perforated the membrane. Type III Type IV Bone quality classification of Lekholm & Zarb. Documents given by Pr P. Bravetti, Dean of the Odontologic Faculty of Nancy. IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures Bone density for IDCAM® M 75 Range ID CAM® S/ STANDARD PRESENTATION The IDCAM®S type IM implant line benefits from the SMA + Ti02 state of surface initiated by IDI and used since 1987. This self-condensing implant stands 75 N.cm screwing stress without being affected. The IDCAM®S implant draws special attention to itself due to its Switching Cone neck and to its cylindro-tapered body identical to a dental root. The angulation, the state and the depth of the threads are specially studied to optimize the primary stabilization in any bone density and favor the immediate loading. Switching Cone Condensing high threads Anti-unscrewing groove Implant IDCAM®S features - Cylindro-tapered-shaped - 2,5° morse taper - Titanium alloy Ti6Al4V ELI - SMA + Ti02 state of surface - Cam retention - Switching Cone - Anti-unscrewing grooves - Progressive and condensing threads - CSO® apex Self-drilling low threads CSO® APEX Mandible Advantages of the CSO® APEX The IDCAM® implant draws special attention to themself because of its CSO® apex*. Maxillary 76 Its apex has a concave area that acts as a bone reservoir for bone grafting. The atraumatic « Securit » round-shaped end limits the risks of damaging the sinus membrane and the dental nerve. Its peripheral and wedging groove increases the apical bone retention surface. *CSO ® : Concave Securit Osseo-wedging. www.idisystem.eu THE IMPLANTS LINES MORSE TAPER CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL S IMPLANT RANGE IMPLANT TYPE LENGTH Standard Ø 5,2 mm NB: The 8mm length of ID LENGTH 8 8 IDCS 0842 8 IDCS 0852 08 mm length 10 IDCS 1035 Standard Ø 4,2 mm 10 IDCS 1042 Standard Ø 5,2 mm 10 IDCS 1052 10 mm length 12 mm length 15 mm length LENGTH 12 Standard Ø 3,5 mm 12 IDCS 1235 Standard Ø 4,2 mm 12 IDCS 1242 Standard Ø 5,2 mm 12 IDCS 1252 Standard Ø 3,5 mm 15 IDCS 1535 Standard Ø 4,2 mm 15 IDCS 1542 Standard Ø 5,2 mm 15 IDCS 1552 The 3,5mm diameter implants must be used only for lower and upper lateral incisors. The 8mm IDCAM® implants do not have any CSO® Apex. The IDCAM® implants are supplied with a closing and a healing cap. To improve aesthetic quality, it is recommended to position the implant under 1mm of the bone crest. All the dimensions are in millimeters. Ø 3,60 Ø 3,60 Ø 4,20 Ø 5,20 0,8 0,8 0,8 Ø 3,7 IDCAM® S 3,5 Important considerations ! LENGTH 15 Standard Ø 3,5 mm 3,60 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL implants (P/N IDCS 0842 and IDCS 0852) do not have any CSO® APEX. LENGTH 10 CAM® *On each implant packaging there is a small colored sticker to match with the implant length. The code for each color is related to the one found on the RBS® conical drills for the IDCAM® implants : P/N Color code* Standard Ø 4,2 mm IDCAM® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDCAM® S 4,2 It is recommended to set as many implants as lacking natural roots in the patient mouth in order to secure the lasting of the prosthesis. The length choice and diameter of implant must be based on the bone density determined by the CT- scan. IDCAM® S 5,2 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL non contractual pictures IDCAM® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 77 Range ID CAM® M/ MINI-THREADS PRESENTATION The IDCAM®M type IM implant line benefits from the SMA + Ti02 state of surface initiated by IDI and used since 1987. This self-condensing implant stands 75 N.cm screwing stress, without being affected. The IDCAM®M implant differentiates from the IDCAM®S because of its mini threads neck, which favor immediate loading. Switching Cone Condensing mini threads Condensing high threads Implant IDCAM®M features - Cylindro-tapered-shaped - 2,5° morse taper - Titanium alloy Ti6Al4V ELI - SMA + Ti02 state of surface Anti-unscrewing groove - Cam retention - Switching Cone - Anti-unscrewing grooves - Mini threads - Progressive and condensing threads - CSO® apex Self-drilling low threads CSO® APEX Instructions for use 1. Use the screwdriver P/N 0146, 1046, 0046, 0846 to screw the implant. 2. Use the screwdriver P/N 0014, 1014, 1114, 0114 to screw the cover screw manually at 5N.cm while omitting the hinged ratchet. 2,5° morse taper Cam connection Internal universal thread ISO 78 Morse taper and identical connection for all IDCAM® range. www.idisystem.eu THE IMPLANTS LINES MORSE TAPER CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL M IMPLANT RANGE IMPLANT TYPE LENGTH *On each implant packaging there is a small colored sticker to match with the implant length. The code for each color is related to the one found on the RBS® conical drills for the IDCAM® implants : P/N LENGTH 8 Color code* Mini-threads Ø 4,2 mm 8 IDCM 0842 Mini-threads Ø 5,2 mm 8 IDCM 0852 IDCAM® IDCAM® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL NB: The 8mm length of IDCAM® implants (P/N IDCS 0842 and IDCS 0852) do not have any CSO® APEX. 08 mm length LENGTH 10 10 mm length 12 mm length 15 mm length IDCM 1042 Mini-threads Ø 4,2 mm 10 Mini-threads Ø 5,2 mm 10 Mini-threads Ø 4,2 mm 12 IDCM 1242 Mini-threads Ø 5,2 mm 12 IDCM 1252 LENGTH 12 IDCM 1052 Important considerations LENGTH 15 ! 15 IDCM 1542 Mini-threads Ø 5,2 mm 15 IDCM 1552 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 3,60 Ø 4,20 0,8 Ø 5,20 0,8 The IDCAM® implants are supplied with a closing and a healing cap. To improve aesthetic quality, it is recommended to position the implant under 1mm of the bone crest. Ø 3,60 IDCAM® M 4,2 The 8mm IDCAM® implants do not have any CSO® Apex. IDCAM® M 5,2 It is recommended to set as many implants as lacking natural roots in the patient mouth in order to secure the lasting of the prosthesis. The length choice and diameter of implant must be based on the bone density determined by the CT- scan. IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL non contractual pictures Mini-threads Ø 4,2 mm The 3,5mm diameter implants must be used only for lower and upper lateral incisors. 79 SURGICAL PROTOCOL EXAMPLE OF AN IDCAM® IMPLANT (example with the implant placement for an IDCAM® implant P/N: IDCM1242) 1 2 Use the Pilot drill P/N.:1220 of 2mm diameter & 12mm length. Drill at 350 rpm with ample cooling. Use the 3,5mm diameter drill & 12mm length (P/N 123522). Drill with irrigation at 350 rpm. If drilling procedure with bone harvesting: 100 rpm. Use the 4,2mm diameter drill & 12mm length (P/N 124223). Drill with irrigation at 350 rpm. If drilling procedure with bone harvesting: 100 rpm. 5 6 4 3 (This step is to be performed for an implant placement at the mandibule only.) Suture. Screw the implant P/N IDCM1242 : • with the help of a contra-angled handpiece and a screwdriver P/N.:1046 or 1146; • or with the screwdriver P/N: 0846. Finish screwing the paracrestal implant with the screwdriver P/N.:1146 or 1046 and the ratchet P/N.:414. IDCAM® DRILL TO USE Screw the cover screw at 5N.cm with the screwdriver P/N.:0014 or P/N.: 0114. Important considerations about IDCAM®: ! The Ø 3,5mm ID implants are reserved for the upper lateral incisors and lower incisors only. IDCAM® P/N Ø 4,2 mm 8 IDCM & S 0842 Ø 5,2 mm 8 IDCM & S 0852 Ø 3,5 mm 10 IDCS 1035 Ø 4,2 mm 10 IDCM & S 1042 Ø 5,2 mm 10 IDCM & S 1052 Ø 3,5 mm 12 IDCS 1235 Ø 4,2 mm 12 IDCM & S 1242 Ø 5,2 mm 12 IDCM & S 1252 Ø 3,5 mm 15 IDCS 1535 Ø 4,2 mm 15 IDCM & S 1542 Ø 5,2 mm 15 IDCM & S 1552 CAM® IDCAM® implants of 8mm length do not have Apex CSO. The IDCAM® implants are supplied with a sterile closing cap and a healing cap. To optimize the aesthetic result, it is recommended to set the 1mm implant in a sub-crestal position. It is recommended to set as many implants as lacking natural roots in the patient mouth in order to secure the lasting of the prosthesis. The length choice and implant diameter must be based on the bone density determined by the CT-scan. 80 LENGTH Color code* All the dimensions are in millimeters. www.idisystem.eu THE IMPLANTS LINES MORSE TAPER CONNECTION RANGES IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDCAM® ID CAM® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDCAM® mini-threaded implants IDCAM® standard implants IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Length 8 - Mini-threaded Ø4,2 mm IDCM 0842 Length 8 - Standard Ø4,2 mm IDCS 0842 Length 8 - Mini-threaded Ø5,2 mm IDCM 0852 Length 8 - Standard Ø5,2 mm IDCS 0852 Length 10 - Mini-threaded Ø4,2 mm IDCM 1042 Length 10 - Standard Ø3,5 mm IDCS 1035 Length 10 - Mini-threaded Ø5,2 mm IDCM 1052 Length 10 - Standard Ø4,2 mm IDCS 1042 Length 12 - Mini-threaded Ø4,2 mm IDCM 1242 Length 10 - Standard Ø5,2 mm IDCS 1052 Length 12 - Mini-threaded Ø5,2 mm IDCM 1252 Length 12 - Standard Ø3,5 mm IDCS 1235 Length 15 - Mini-threaded Ø4,2 mm IDCM 1542 Length 12 - Standard Ø4,2 mm IDCS 1242 Length 15 - Mini-threaded Ø5,2 mm IDCM 1552 Length 12 - Standard Ø5,2 mm IDCS 1252 Length 15 - Standard Ø3,5 mm IDCS 1535 Length 15 - Standard Ø4,2 mm IDCS 1542 Length 15 - Standard Ø5,2 mm IDCS 1552 Closing cap IDCAM® closing cap 0212 Healing cap for FMC screw Ø 3,2mm (low part Ø 3,1mm) 2mm 4mm 6mm 8mm screw Ø 4mm (low part Ø 3,6mm) screw Ø 5mm (low part Ø 3,6mm) screw Ø 6mm (low part Ø 3,6mm) 021300 021350 021304 021301 021354 021302 0213 021306 021356 021303 021348 021358 021308 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL non contractual pictures Transgingival heigth 81 PROSTHETIC KITS KIT A – The screw-on burnout elements for any type of prosthetic reconstructions Contents of kit A L N P Implant analog Burnout cylinder, rotational Retaining screw P/N 0223 P/N 021801 Q S Burnout connector bar P/N 0214 Nylon clip P/N 0931 P/N 0025 Excluded from Kit A, C or D CONNECTOR BAR WITH SPHERICAL ATTACHMENTS – The impression is taken with the impression cylinders (P/N 0221 or 2004) F Non-rotational, closed tray technique P/N 2004F T Impression cylinder incl. screw, non rotational Pick-up technique P/N 2004 – The implant analogs (P/N 0223) are screwed onto the impression cylinders and are plastered over. P N U Impression cylinder, rotational P/N 0221 82 W L Conical rotational P/N 0220C www.idisystem.eu PROSTHETIC COMPONENTS MORSE TAPER CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDCAM® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL CONNECTOR BAR WITH CLIPS – The impression is taken with the impression cylinders (P/N 0221 or 2004) – The implant analogs are screwed onto the impression cylinders; the model is plastered over (P/N 0223) U X Setting P IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL S N L SCREW-ON SOLIDARIZED ABUTMENTS + SOLIDARIZED FRAMEWORK – The impression is taken with the impression cylinders (P/N 0221 or 0221C) – The model is plastered over – Conception of the framework with P/N 021801 and 0214 – Realization of the ceramic work on a telescopic framework P N Non contractual pictures L IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 83 PROSTHETIC KITS KIT C – Fixed screw-on CoNe ® for an unitary implant (FMC) Contents of kit C K K P Screw-on machined abutment 6 P/N* L Retaining screw P/N 0211 *Different types of abutments for ø 3,5 implant: - Straight abutment : P/N 3500 - 15° angled abutment : P/N 3515 - 23° angled abutment : P/N 3523 *Different types of abutments for ø 4,2 et 5,2 implants: - Straight abutment : P/N 4200 - 15° angled abutment : P/N 4215 - 23° angled abutment : P/N 4223 X Implant analog P/N 0223 NB: Identical morse taper for every external ø of implants (ø 3,5, ø 4,2, ø5,2). Abutment remover for tapered implants (IDCAM® and IDALL® product lines) P/N 0148 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 84 www.idisystem.eu PROSTHETIC COMPONENTS MORSE TAPER CONNECTION KIT D – Fixed screw-on PLAN IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDCAM® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL abutments for unitary or multiple implants (FMP) ® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Content of kit D M M P Flat supported abutment 6 P/N* *Different types of abutments for 1,5 mm transgingival height for all types of implants: L Retaining screw Implant analog P/N 0211 - Straight abutment: P/N 420011 - 15° angled abutment: P/N 421511 - 23° angled abutment: P/N 422311 X P/N 0223 *Different types of abutments for 3,0 mm transgingival height for all types of implants: - Straight abutment: P/N 420012 - 15° angled abutment: P/N 421512 - 23° angled abutment: P/N 422312 Comparison between the CôNe abutment and the PLAN® abutment CôNe® PLAN® Screw the abutment to 25 N.cm NB: Identical morse taper for every external ø of implants (ø 3,5, ø 4,2, ø5,2). Non contractual pictures Position the abutment Screw-on abutment to 25 N.cm IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 85 PROSTHETIC COMPONENTS FIXED PROSTHESIS Impression cylinders Implant analog Rotational, conical 0220C Rotational 0221 Non rotational, pick-up technique (with screw) 2004 Non rotational, closed tray technique (with screw) 2004F Morse tapered abutments (FMC) without shoulder IDCAM® Analog 0223 Titan abutments for a temporary tooth Non rotational incl. screw 0206 Rotational incl. screw 0208 Morse tapered abutments (FMC) with shoulder Morse taper abutment, straigth, 0° Width: 3,5mm; incl. screw 3500 Straigth, incl. screw Transgingival height: 1,5mm 420001 Morse taper abutment, straigth, 15° Width: 3,5mm; incl. screw 3515 Straigth, incl. screw Transgingival height: 2,5mm 420002 Morse taper abutment, straigth, 23° Width: 3,5mm; incl. screw 3523 Straigth, incl. screw Transgingival height: 3,5mm 420003 Morse taper abutment, straigth, 0° Width: 4,2mm; incl. screw 4200 15° angled, incl. screw Transgingival height: 1,5mm 421501 Morse taper abutment, straigth, 15° Width: 4,2mm; incl. screw 4215 15° angled, incl. screw Transgingival height: 2,5mm 421502 Morse taper abutment, straigth, 23° Width: 4,2mm; incl. screw 4223 15° angled, incl. screw Transgingival height: 3,5mm 421503 23° angled, incl. screw Transgingival height: 1,5mm 422301 23° angled, incl. screw Transgingival height: 2,5mm 422302 23° angled, incl. screw Transgingival height: 3,5mm 422303 KIT C - Morse tapered CôNe abutments (FMC) 3500 + 0211 + 0223 Kit C300 3515 + 0211 + 0223 Kit C315 3523 + 0211 + 0223 Kit C323 4200 + 0211 + 0223 Kit C400 4215 + 0211 + 0223 Kit C415 4223 + 0211 + 0223 Kit C423 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 86 www.idisystem.eu PROSTHETIC COMPONENTS MORSE TAPER CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDCAM® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Screw-on abutments (FMP) with shoulder Zirconia TiBase Straigth, 0°, incl. screw Transgingival height: 1,5mm 420011 Titan abutment basis + screw conical, for lab 7636 Straigth, 0°, incl. screw Transgingival height: 3,0mm 420012 Titan abutment basis + screw Platform switch (Ø3,6), for lab 7536 15° angled, incl. screw Transgingival height: 1,5mm 421511 15° angled, incl. screw Transgingival height: 3,0mm 421512 23° angled, incl. screw Transgingival height: 1,5mm 422311 23° angled, incl. screw Transgingival height: 3,0mm 422312 Kit D (FMP) with shoulder 420011 + 0211 + 0223 Kit D400 421511 + 0211 + 0223 Kit D415 422311 + 0211 + 0223 Kit D423 Gold cylinders Rotational, with shoulder 021801 Non-rotational, with shoulder in nylon, for temporary tooth 022602 0223 + 0214 + 021801 + 0931 + 0025 Screw-on burnout elements for any type of prosthetic reconstructions Kit A Retaining screws Cylinder, gold, non rotational to cast on + screw - Morse taper connection 636 Titan transgingival kits Non rotational element, 0,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6360H Rotational element, 0,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6360R Non rotational element, 1,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6361H Retaining screw for IDCAM® and IDALL® ≤ 25N.cm maximum (Screw head: Ø 2,5 mm) 0214 Rotational element, 1,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6361R For prosthesis, short head ≤ 25N.cm maximum 0219 Non rotational element, 2,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6362H Golden Retaining screw for tapped screw-retained elements (Screw head: Ø 2,2mm) 0211 Rotational element, 2,4mm high + Titan basis & Burnout element & Screw 6362R IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures Burnout cylinders 87 PROSTHETIC COMPONENTS REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS IDUnit IDUnit elements IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 1 mm U3601 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 2,5 mm U3602 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 4 mm U3604 IDUnit attachment, Transgingival height: 6 mm U3606 17° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U3621 30° angled IDUnit attachment (1 mm high) U3631 IDUnit analog IDUnit analog IDUnit burnout element IDUnit burnout element + screw P/N 0216 336S Titan cylinder Temporary cylinder for IDUnit attachment + screw P/N 0216 334 Impression copying Impression copying, monobloc, to be screwed 321 IDUnit impression copying, Pick-up technique 322 Impression copying, plastic 335 Healing cap IDUnit healing cap 330 Retaining screw For prosthetic elements P/N 334, 336; Torque ≤ 15N.cm 333 0216 All the dimensions are in millimeters. 88 www.idisystem.eu PROSTHETIC COMPONENTS MORSE TAPER CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDCAM® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IDLoc IDLoc attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm L3601 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm L3602 Transgingival height: 4 mm L3604 Transgingival height: 6 mm L3606 Impression copying Impression copying, plastic 432 Analog IDLoc analog 433 Box Female part Spherical attachments LOCFEM Burnout spherical attachments Transgingival height: 1 mm 222361 Burnout spherical attachment 9222 Transgingival height: 2,5 mm 222362 Paralleling guide for burnout spherical attachment 9223 Transgingival height: 4 mm 222364 Connector bar 222366 Boxes for spherical attachments Burnout connector bar (by 3) 0931 Nylon clip 0025 O’ring, Heigth: 3,5mm External Ø : 5mm 0122 O’ring retaining ring for O’ring attachment 0120 Screw, REDEIM type 0024 Nylon box for spherical attachment 0924 Magnetic 0940 Magnetic screws IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures Transgingival height: 6 mm 89 Focus on prosthetics UNIT THE ID PROTOCOL FOR IDUNIT PLACEMENT 1 - REMOVE THE HEALING CAPS FROM THE IMPLANTS WITH THE ADAPTED SCREWDRIVER. INSERT THE APPROPRIATE IDUNIT ABUTMENT ONTO THE IMPLANT AND TIGHTEN IT TO 25 N.CM WITH THE SQUARETIPPED SCREWDRIVER (P/N 0014 OR P/N 0114). IT IS RECOMMENDED TO CARRY OUT A X-RAY CHECK ONCE THE ABUTMENT IS SCREWED. 2 - TAKE AN IMPRESSION WITH THE IMPRESSION COPYINGS: CLOSED TRAY OPEN TRAY P/N 321 P/N 322 3 - POSITION THE PROSTHESIS IN THE PATIENT MOUTH AND SCREW IT WITH THE RETAINING SCREWS P/N 0216 AND TIGHTEN THEM TO 25N.CM WITH THE SCREWDRIVER P/N 0014 OR 0114. 90 www.idisystem.eu PROSTHETIC APPROACH GENERAL PROSTHETIC APPROACH EXAMPLE OF PROSTHETIC REHABILITATIONS SCREW-ON CERAMIC FROM BURNOUT CYLINDER SCREW-ON BRIDGE FROM BURNOUT CYLINDERS Non contractual pictures STABILIZATION BAR WITH CLIPS FOR OVERDENTURE IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 91 GENERAL PROSTHETIC APPROACH BRIDGE ON MACHINED ABUTMENTS STABILIZED OVERDENTURE WITH SCREWED TITAN SPHERICAL ATTACHMENTS AND O’RING BOXES STABILIZED OVERDENTURE WITH IDLOC ATTACHMENTS 92 www.idisystem.eu IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL The RBS® sets Surgical set IMPLANTS DIFFUSION for IDCAM/BIO INTERNATIONAL tapered implants RBS C drill ® IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Surgical sets for cylindrical implants Non contractual pictures RBS® drill 93 SURGICAL DRILL SET CAM®/ BIO® FOR THE ID ID CONTENTS : 16 drills 7 relating instruments Ratchet Instrument extension Depth tester P/N 415 Hand piece screwdriver for prosthetics, length: 30mm P/N 0114 P/N 406 Contra angle screwdriver for prosthetics, length: 30mm P/N 1114 Implant paralleling help Ø1,5mm P/N 408 P/N 409 Hand piece screwdriver for screwing the implant, length: 30mm P/N 0146 HOLDERS IN DIFFERENT SIZES The holders contain 4 RBS®C conical drills for cylindro-tapered implants. There are available in 8mm length; 10 mm length; 12 mm length; 15 mm length. INCLUDES: Ratchet P/N 415 Screwdriver for relating instruments (short model) P/N 0014 Short hex-tipped screwdriver P/N 0046 94 www.idisystem.eu THE RBS C TAPERED DRILLS The bone-recovering RBS® tapered drills were developed and tested in several hospitals. They ease the implant setting of the IDBIO® and IDCAM ranges. Color code A colored ring on the depth stop indicates the maximum drill depth. THE RBS® SURGICAL SETS ® Depth stop The depth stop limits how deep the drill can be inserted, determining the maximum drilling depth. Drill head The lower section incorporates a long cutting thread and tapers to a point at the drill head. Markings Markings on the shank indicate the diameter of the drill. Bone-harvesting channel A channel between the cutting thread and depth stop is used to collect bone material for harvesting autogenous material for grafting. RBS®C DRILLS RANGE Length: 8mm Length: 10mm Length: 12mm Length: 15mm DRILLING LENGTH Color code* P/N DRILLING LENGTH Color code* Ø 2,0 mm 8 820 Ø 2,0 mm 12 1220 Ø 3,5 mm 8 083522 Ø 3,5 mm 12 123522 Ø 4,2 mm 8 084227 Ø 4,2 mm 12 124223 Ø 5,2 mm 8 085230 Ø 5,2 mm 12 125225 Ø 2,0 mm 10 1020 Ø 2,0 mm 15 1520 Ø 3,5 mm 10 103522 Ø 3,5 mm 15 153522 Ø 4,2 mm 10 104223 Ø 4,2 mm 15 154223 Ø 5,2 mm 10 105225 Ø 5,2 mm 15 155225 P/N IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures and packing *On each implant’s packaging there is a small colored sticker to match with the implant height. The code for each color is related to the one found on the RBS® conical drills for the IDCAM® and IDBIO® implants. 95 RBS SURGICAL SETS ® RBS® 1 The RBS® 1 set provides safety for operators new to perio- implantology. The 12 drills in the set with a bone-harvesting channel are used to harvest autogenous graft material. They are used when placing cylindrical implants: 10mm, 12mm and 15mm of length with internal or external retention. NB : Drills with a diameter of 1,5 and 2 mm do not have a bone-harvesting channel. COLOR CODE NOTCHES P/N NOTCHES P/N NOTCHES P/N NOTCHES P/N 2 1020 3 R 1025 4 R 1030 5 R 1035 2 1220 3 R 1225 4 R 1230 5 R 1235 2 1520 3 R 1525 4 R 1530 5 R 1535 RBS® 2 The RBS® 2 set provides for implantologists and perio- implantologists who want to harvest bone during surgery for an autogenous graft. This set containing 20 drills can be used for placing numerous implant types with an internal or external hexagon. Pilot drills with a diameter of 1,5mm are included for facilitating surgery. NB : drills with a diameter of 1,5 and 2 mm do not have a bone-harvesting channel. COLOR CODE 96 NOTCHES P/N NOTCHES P/N NOTCHES P/N NOTCHES P/N NOTCHES P/N 1 815 2 820 3 R 825 4 R 830 5 R 835 1 1015 2 1020 3 R 1025 4 R 1030 5 R 1035 1 1215 2 1220 3 R 1225 4 R 1230 5 R 1235 1 1515 2 1520 3 R 1525 4 R 1530 5 R 1535 www.idisystem.eu RBS® 3 THE RBS® SURGICAL SETS IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL The RBS®3 set has the same feature as the RBS®2 set. This set contains 24 drills and additional instruments which are required to place implants up to 5 mm diameter. This set can be used for placing numerous implant types with an internal or external hexagon. NB : drills with a diameter of 1.5 and 2 mm do not have a bone-harvesting channel. COLOR CODE NOTCHES P/N NOTCHES P/N NOTCHES P/N NOTCHES P/N NOTCHES P/N NOTCHES P/N 1 815 2 820 3 R 825 4 R 830 5 R 835 6 R 840 1 1015 2 1020 3 R 1025 4 R 1030 5 R 1035 6 R 1040 1 1215 2 1220 3 R 1225 4 R 1230 5 R 1235 6 R 1240 1 1515 2 1520 3 R 1525 4 R 1530 5 R 1535 6 R 1540 Set contents Paralleling help of Ø mm implant P/N 414 Square-tipped screwdriver, long, width 2 mm for closing and healing caps* P/N 403 ML P/N 409 Instrument extension Hand piece screwdriver for screwing of the implant P/N 406 Square-tipped screwdriver, short, width 1.2 mm, for impression copings* P/N 0046 Square-tipped screwdriver, width 2mm for closing screw and healing cap P/N 0014 P/N 403 Contra-angle screwdriver hand piece for screwing the implant P/N 1146 Profile drill P/N 401 * The RBS®1 set does not contain the elements ref 403ML and 0014. IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures Ratchet + central part 97 CYLINDRICAL ® RBS DRILLS Markings RBS® drills for harvesting bone were developed and tested in cooperation with dental hospitals. They are precisely tailored to user requirements and meet the highest standards of implantology and periodontal implantology. Manufactured in accordance with the medical products directive, RBS® drills are made of hardened stainless steel. Their excellent cutting capacity ensures tissue heating is kept to an absolute minimum. Depth stop Limits how deep the drill can be inserted, determining the maximum drilling depth. Markings on the shank indicate the diameter of the drill: Example for the IDI implants. 1 notch = Ø 1,5 mm 2 notches = Ø 2,0 mm 3 notches = Ø 2,5 mm 4 notches = Ø 3,0 mm 5 notches = Ø 3,5 mm 6 notches = Ø 4,0 mm 7 notches = Ø 4,5 mm 8 notches = Ø 5,4 mm Bone-harvesting channel A channel between the cutting thread and depth stop is used to collect bone material for harvesting autogenous material for grafting. NB: Drills with a diameter of 1,5 and 2 mm do not have a bone-harvesting channel. Color code A coloured ring on the depth stop indicates the maximum drill depth (+/- 0,5 mm). Example for the IDI implants: Black = 6 mm Yellow = 8mm Red = 10 mm Green = 12mm Blue = 15mm Drill head The lower section incorporates a long cutting thread and tapers to a point at the drill head. 98 Drilling procedure without bone harvesting Drilling procedure with bone harvesting Use the drills in an increasing sequence (in 0,5 mm stages) at a rotary speed of 250 rpm with ample cooling to avoid heating the bone. - Use the drills in an increasing sequence (in 0.5 stages) at a rotary speed of 150 rpm without cooling. - When the bone-harvesting channel is full, place the drill in a cup with physiological solution until the bone material loosens and settles on the bottom of the cup. Soak up the physiological solution and collect the bone material for the bone graft. www.idisystem.eu IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL The Osteosinus The Osteosinus 1 set IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Osteosinus Rectisinus IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Angulosinus Forsinus Trepanosinus Diskosinus Technique by using the Trepanosinus Technique by using the Forsinus 99 “The Osteosinus system of IDI firm - Implants Diffusion International - is an easy and reliable technique when we want to place an implant in a sinusal area. It permits to each dentist to perform a sinus floor elevation by crestal approach. Drills manufactured for the bone preparation are accute and lasting. The RBS® system for the bone harvesting is terrific” Dr Rainer B. (Germany) Osteosinus, the most advanced technique in crestal sinus floor elevation Consistent use of a depth stop over many years when harvesting bone surgically and the experience this provided enabled development of this technique. The technique has proved itself in a wide range of applications for more than fifteen years thanks to the rbs depth stop drills from Implants Diffusion International. Osteotomes, trephines and drills included in the Osteosinus system have also benefited from this technology. The Osteosinus concept facilitates sinus floor elevation and ensures that It is stress-free. 100 Clinical studies have indicated that an intact sinus membrane without tears is essential for successful grafting. A sinus bone graft can either be harvested laterally (sinus lift) or crestally. In many cases crestal sinus floor elevation completed with the Osteosinus is a practical alternative to a sinus lift. Indications for the Osteosinus it is mainly recommended for sinus floor elevation for placing one or two implants. www.idisystem.eu OSTEOSINUS THE OSTEOSINUS 1 SET Osteosinus (osteotome holder) P/N OST 1 Diskosinus diameter 3 mm (bladed wheels for enlarging the bone base) P/N D3 Osteosinus monobloc P/N OSTM Base plate P/N PLS P/N BIC 1 6 Rectisinus (straight osteotome with colour-coded depth stop) 6 Trepanosinus (trephine drill with colour-coded depth stop) DIAMETER LENGTH in mm DIAMETER LENGTH in mm Ø 3 mm 3 RL 33 Ø 3 mm 3 TL 33 Ø 3 mm 4 RL 43 Ø 3 mm 4 TL 43 Ø 3 mm 5 RL 53 Ø 3 mm 5 TL 53 Ø 3 mm 6 RL 63 Ø 3 mm 6 TL 63 Ø 3 mm 7 RL 73 Ø 3 mm 7 TL 73 Ø 3 mm 8 RL 83 Ø 3 mm 8 TL 83 P/N P/N 6 Angulosinus (angled osteotome with colour-coded depth stop) 6 Forsinus (drill with colour-coded depth stop) DIAMETER LENGTH in mm DIAMETER LENGTH in mm Ø 3 mm 3 AL 33 Ø 3 mm 3 FL 33 Ø 3 mm 4 AL 43 Ø 3 mm 4 FL 43 Ø 3 mm 5 AL 53 Ø 3 mm 5 FL 53 Ø 3 mm 6 AL 63 Ø 3 mm 6 FL 63 Ø 3 mm 7 AL 73 Ø 3 mm 7 FL 73 Ø 3 mm 8 AL 83 Ø 3 mm 8 FL 83 P/N P/N Important: The instruments with a 3 mm diameter are used for standard implants (3,5 to 4,4 mm Ø). IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures Surgical stand 101 OSTEOSINUS The Osteosinus is used for attaching a straight or angled osteotome depending on the operating site. After assembling the osteotome, use the slide mallet to compact the bone. Removable slide mallet Shock absorber Locking ring for the osteotome Can be dismantled 102 www.idisystem.eu IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL This set contains six straight osteotomes with a colourcoded depth stop, Ø 3 mm, length 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm, 6 mm, 7 mm, 8 mm. OSTEOSINUS RECTISINUS IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Insert the Rectisinus into the osteotome, position the guide in the operating site and compact the bone using the slide mallet. Colour coding for the diameter Depth stop limits the insertion depth of the osteotome Colour coding for the depth stop length Lengths and colour-coded table for a 3 mm Ø LENGTH 3 4 5 6 7 8 COLOR Guide for positioning the osteotome ANGULOSINUS This set contains six angled osteotomes with a colourcoded depth stop, Ø 3 mm, length 3-4-5-6-7 and 8 mm. Colour coding for the diameter Insert the angulosinus into the osteotome, position the guide in the operating site and compact the bone using the slide mallet. Depth stop limits the insertion depth of the osteotome Colour coding for the depth stop length LENGTH COLOR 3 4 5 6 7 8 Guide for positioning the osteotome IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures Lengths and colour-coded table for a 3 mm Ø 103 FORSINUS This set contains six drills with a bone-harvesting channel and colour-coded depth stop, Ø 3 mm, length 3mm, 4 mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm. Use the drill at 70rpm without water cooling. Depth stop limits the insertion depth of the osteotome Lengths and colour-coded table for a 3 mm Ø LENGTH 3 4 5 6 7 8 Colour coding for the diameter Colour coding for the depth stop length Boneharvesting channel COLOR TREPANOSINUS This set contains six trephines with a colour-coded depth stop, Ø 3 mm, length 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm, 6 mm, 7 mm and 8 mm. Depth stop limits the insertion depth of the osteotome Use the trephine at 70 rpm without water cooling. Colour coding for the diameter Lengths and colour-coded table for a 3 mm Ø LENGTH COLOR 104 3 4 5 6 7 8 Colour coding for the depth stop length Window for extracting the bone cylinder www.idisystem.eu IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL OSTEOSINUS DISKOSINUS IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL This set contains a small bladed wheel, Ø 3 mm (red ring) IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL The wheel is used after the Forsinus drill with the same diameter. Using a circular movement the bladed wheel enlarges the bone base below the sinus and provides it which increased resilience when using the osteotome. Colour coding for the diameter Locking ring for the osteotome 2 3 5 6 4 Non contractual pictures 1 IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 105 TECHNIQUE BY USING THE TREPANOSINUS 1 2 3 4 Select a suitable section on the X-ray of the implant site and measure the bone availability (here: 8 mm). Use a 7 mm long trephine Trepanosinus (red ring on top) with a bone availability of 8 mm. Remove the trephine. Depending on the composition of the operating site, select a straight or angled 8 mm long Osteosinus (yellow ring on top), attach it and use it to compact the bone cylinder. Sometimes because of a very resistant bone, it is necessary to start compacting with a surgical hammer. 5 6 7 8 Fill the cavity with the filler material. Continue compacting the bone. The filler material gradually elevates the sinus membrane. Place the implant after compacting approx. 2 cubic centimeters of the filler material. Allow a healing period of approx. 8 months during which osseointegration is completed. 8mm NB: we recommend checking osseointegration with a scanner before loading the implant. 106 www.idisystem.eu FORSINUS 1 2 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 3 4 OSTÉOSINUS TECHNIQUE BY USING THE IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Select a suitable section on the X-ray of the implant site and measure the bone availability (here: 7 mm) Use the 6 mm long forsinus drill (red ring on top) with a bone availability of 7 mm. Use the diskosinus bladed wheel, rotating it slowly with a circular movement, to enlarge the bone base below the sinus and provide it which increased resilience. Fill the cavity with filler material. 5 6 7 8 Attach a 7 mm long osteotome (red ring on top) to the Osteosinus and use the instruments to compact the bone. Sometimes in front of a very resistant bone, it is necessary to start compacting with a surgical hammer. Repeat the procedure until 1,5 to 2 cubic centimeters of filler material has been inserted. This gently elevates the sinus membrane without tearing it. Then place the implant. Allow a healing period of approx 8 months during which osseointegration is completed. NB: we recommend checking osseointegration with a scanner before loading the implant. IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures 7mm 107 ACCESSORIES & INSTRUMENTS Ridge spreading condensing - 4 ridge spreaders with gradual diameters : 1,5 – 2 – 2,5 and 3 mm (on the lower edge) 2 – 2.3 – 3.4 and 3.9 mm (under the depth stop) - Length: 20 mm, round edge - Colour coding for safety purpose - To set all types of implants to 4 mm diameter - Avoid the use of sharp drills on very narrow sites (the periodontal ligament is respected) - For lateral or vertical condensation - Gradual insertion (maximum 5 rpm) always with a 1/64 contra-angle. 1,5 mm (white) 2,0 mm (yellow) 2,5 mm (red) 3,0 mm (green) P/N EX15 P/N EX20 P/N EX23 P/N EX30 Trephines Very sharp trephines in surgical stainless steel for bone explantation. Equipped with depth stops and lateral windows for an easy clearing of the recovered bone. DIAMETER P/N Ø 3 mm 3 TL 33 Ø 3 mm 4 TL 43 Ø 3 mm 5 TL 53 Ø 3 mm 6 TL 63 Ø 3 mm 7 TL 73 Ø 3 mm 8 TL 83 Ø 4 mm 3 TL 34 Ø 4 mm 4 TL 44 Ø 4 mm Ø 4 mm Ø 4 mm Ø 4 mm 108 LENGTH in mm 5 6 7 8 TL 54 TL 64 TL 74 TL 84 Depth stop to limit the depth of drilling Colour coding for the diameter Colour coding for the depth stop length Window for extracting the bone cylinder www.idisystem.eu ACCESSORIES & INSTRUMENTS FOR MORSE TAPER AND HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Ratchets IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Ratchet Ratchet + central part P/N 415 central part P/N 414 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL P/N 416 Thread taps Bone thread tap (Ø 4 mm) Bone thread tap (Ø 5 mm) P/N TAR 4 P/N TAR 5 Bone thread tap (Ø 6 mm) P/N TAR 6 Manual thread tap, hardened stainless steel P/N TAR M2 Screwdrivers Hex-tipped screwdriver, short Hex-tipped screwdriver, long Screwdriver for relating instruments (short model) Screwdriver for relating instruments (long model) P/N 0046 P/N 0014 Square-tipped screwdriver, long, width 1,4mm, for closing cap and healing caps* P/N 403 ML Manual screwdriver to screw the implant P/N 0146 P/N 0846 Abutment remover for tapered implants (IDCAM® and IDALL® product lines) P/N 0114 Square-tipped screwdriver, short, width 1,4mm, for closing cap and healing caps* P/N 403 M P/N 0148 Square-tipped screwdriver, long, width 0,85mm, for impression copyings** Square-tipped screwdriver, short, width 0,85mm, for impression copyings** P/N 405 ML P/N 405 M Instruments with dental shank, squaretipped instrument (short) P/N 1014 Instruments with dental shank, squaretipped instrument (long) P/N 1114 Instruments with dental shank, hextipped instrument (short) P/N 1046 Instruments with dental shank, hextipped instrument (long) P/N 1146 Instrument extension P/N 406 Non contractual pictures Instruments *Screwdriver for contra-angle P/N 403. ** Screwdriver for contra-angle P/N 405. IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL 109 PACKAGING FOR IMPLANTS IDI A DOUBLE STERILE PACKAGING 1 2 3 4 Method 1: 1 110 Pick up the implant with a contra-angle Method 2: 1 Pick up the implant manually Press Press 2 2 Remove Remove www.idisystem.eu PACKAGING FOR IDI IMPLANTS FOR MORSE TAPER AND HEXAGONAL CONNECTION IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Pick up the closing cap from the packaging 1 2 Take the packaging Insert the screwdriver 3 4 Rotate by 90° Remove IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Pick up the healing cap from the lower part of the packaging 2 Take the packaging Insert the screwdriver 3 4 Rotate by 90° Remove Cleaning and sterilisation instructions 1. Clean the instruments during 15 minutes in a decontamination bath with ultrasound 2. Rinse thoroughly 3. Dry perfectly 4. Sterilize for 90 minutes in a dry heat at 150° C or autoclave at 135° C for 20 minutes IDI IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Non contractual pictures 1 111 IMPLANTS 23/25 rue Émile Zola - 93100 Montreuil - France DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL Tél. : +33 (0)1 48 70 70 48 – Fax : +33 (0)1 48 70 44 58 SinceÊ1987 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL SinceÊ1987 Photo credits: Agence Green and White & IDI. Products featured in our catalogue are intended for healthcare professionals - February 2015 issue. Print in the France. Any reproduction for all countries is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of the IDI company. Non contractual photos and illustrations. www.idisystem.eu SinceÊ1987 SinceÊ1987 IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL IMPLANTS DIFFUSION INTERNATIONAL
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