February 2016 - Soroptimist International of Indian Rock
February 2016 - Soroptimist International of Indian Rock
SI/Indian Rock Inc. Monthly Newsletter The Soroptimissle Soroptimist International of the Americas February, 2016 North Atlantic Region Letter From Your President 2015-2016 Board of Directors Dear Club Members, President Kathy Meyer President-Elect Eileen Conner Recording Secretary Linda Storione Linda Kinslow Corresponding Secretary Jan Giumette Treasurer Peggy Boudin Director (2 Year) Carol Zemnick Marilyn Puchalski Delegate (2 year) A quote that could be attributed to Soroptimist International of Indian Rock….since it incorporates our Mission Statement and our Slogan, right? But….it was written by Julian Fellowes and spoken by Lady Edith Crawley in Sunday evening’s episode of Downton Abbey. Now I know many of you are fans, starting at Season One. After being cooped up for 3 days, I was looking for inspiration to write this President’s letter and for a good hour of wit and wisdom from the Crawley family. (Psst…actually, I enjoy seeing the previous week’s episode again, so for me it’s two hours!!) Mary Kononenko Barbara Oliver Director (1 Year) “We talk about making a difference, but this could actually change lives.” Patti Cullen Delegate (1 Year) Charlene Curtis SI/Indian Rock Website: www.soroptimistindianrock.org North Atlantic Region Website: www.soroptimistnar.org SIA Website: www.soroptimist.org Soroptimissle Newsletter Editor Jan Giumette Shorefolks229@gmail.com Inside This Issue: President’s Letter Dinner/Board/Finance Fundraising LYD/New Mem.Tea Women’s Hist/Jan. Pic Holiday Help/Share A Spare Wrapping Presence/Ad Ads/Things to Remember Cover Page 2 Pg 3,4,5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 It was that and more….an evening of thought provoking inspiration from women looking to make a difference by helping to provide women with an education to improve their stake in life. They also spoke of a man who involved young women with his cunning ways into a life of prostitution…..trafficking in today’s vernacular. We’ve come a long way and after January’s meeting with Shea Rhodes, we heard how much more we need to do. Many of you have commented how much you learned from Shea and what a great speaker. I’m glad you came out on that cold January evening to hear of this $32 billion worldwide industry and the sad story of young Jamielynne Cleary. Her face is seared on my mind. So how do we make a difference? By participating in the activities and fundraisers of OUR Club, that include our LYD baskets and Share A Spare, our Award winners in March and Scholarship in June. You have heard about our Helping Hand Emergency Fund grantees, seen the faces of our Scholarship winners and our Ginny Cooper and Live Your Dream winners. You make a difference and you have changed lives over the years by attending each of our events and little by little touching lives. Hopefully these experiences have made a difference in your life too. So what’s next? Ask your friends or family members to come to our February 3rd meeting. For $35, it’s dinner and entertainment in the form of “An Evening with Julia Child.” A night out with friends….can’t beat it. Join us for Pancakes on Saturday, February 20 th at Applebee’s. Celebrate and honor our nominee, The Honorable Cynthia M. Rufe, at the Women’s History Month event on March 10th and bring a group to Designer Bag Bingo, on April 8th. Make a referral of a woman you know for the HHEF grant and a LYD basket. Encourage a young woman to apply for our Scholarship. Take a look at our website if you need further inspiration. And Liztune in next Sunday evening to see what the ladies of Downton are up to next. Theirs is the final season…..ours is just beginning!! Be a part of it…the Ladies of Soroptimist International of Indian Rock! Thank You for being a Trustee of this mission Yours in friendship, Kathy SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF THE AMERICAS MISSION AND CORE PURPOSE - To improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world. The Soroptimissle Page 2 At Our January Meeting Wednesday, February 3, 2016 Dinner Menu Mixed greens shredded carrots cucumbers, tomatoes Choice of Balsamic Vinaigrette or French Dressing Chicken Chasseur with Tomatoes and Mushrooms Rice Pilaf Green Vegetable Warm Rolls with Butter Flowers Chocolate Mousse for Dessert $35.00 Dinner and the show RSVP TO MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP MEETING You have received your Eventbrite email for the February meeting. Please remember to respond and include yourself and your guests, so that we will have a correct number of meals prepared for the evening. Email the name of your guests to kkgtbroker@gmail.com YOU ARE INVITED OUR NEXT BOARD MEEETING WILL BE Tuesday February 16, 6:30 P.M. At Tescor As always, all of our members are invited to attend the Board Meetings. Peggy Boudin has been kind enough to host our Board Meetings each month. It would be nice to give Peggy a break now and then. If you would like to host a meeting in your home, please contact President Kathy Meyer kkgtbroker@gmail.com WE NEED A HOST FOR OUR MARCH 15TH BOARD MEETING This is a great opportunity to experience a Board meeting in the comfort of your home. SAVE THE DATE – FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Board Members and All Committee Chairs The Finance Committee will meet Wednesday, February 10th, 6:30 p.m. at the home of Finance Chair, Joy Hardin, 700 Joy Court, Warminster. We will be establishing our budget for 201617. You will be included in the count unless you email kkgtbroker@gmail.com to let Kathy know you can not attend. The Soroptimissle Page 3 FUNdraising Committee SI/Indian Rock’s Monthly Membership Meeting and Internal Fundraiser “An Evening with Julia Child” Julia Child was an American cook, author and television personality who introduced French cuisine and cooking techniques to America. She was in the vanguard of "foodies," who by changing America's taste, helped create modern American culture. While her public face and voice became familiar to all of us, this play focuses on her private side - especially the relationship with her husband, Paul Child. Local actress, Linda Kenyon, passionately portrays Julia with historical accuracy and great style...the hair, makeup, dress, humor, voice and demeanor…all of it! Wednesday, February 3, 2016 Spring Mill Country Club Doors Open 5:30pm – Dinner @ 7:00pm $35.00 pp includes full course sit down dinner and performance (Cash bar available) Lucky Bucks Raffle and Live Auction* (Bring an extra check!) *Auction Items include a Toppers Spa Gift Certificate, Julia Child Memorabilia and Cooking Items Basket, a Le Creuset 4.5 Qt Round Casserole Oven…and more! Please note your attendance at this event is not tax deductible. Proceeds from this fundraiser support SIIR’s operating/administrative account. We truly appreciate your generous support!* Questions? Contact Patti @ 215-378-1992 The Soroptimissle Page 4 Soroptimist International of Indian Rock Presents its 2nd Annual Friday, April 8, 2016 Doors open at 5:00pm; Games 7:00-10:00pm Spring Mill Manor 171 Jacksonville Rd, Ivyland, PA Ticket Info: $35.00 Includes a light meal, iced tea, coffee and hot tea; plus one 10 Bingo Game Pack Also featuring: Themed Basket Raffle - Lucky Bucks Raffle Two (2) Game Specials Designer bags may include Coach, Dooney and Bourke, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and more! Contact: Patti @ 215-378-1992 Email: fundraising-committee@soroptimistindianrock.org Important Tax Note: For federal tax purposes, the amount of your contribution that is deductible is limited to the excess, if any, of your contribution over the fair market value of goods or services provided by SI/Indian Rock, Inc. The estimated value of goods provided by SI/Indian Rock, Inc. is $15.00. The Soroptimissle Page 5 Applebee's® Flapjack Fundraiser Breakfast to support SIIR Live Your Dream Project $8 per person $4 Kids 4 yrs & under WHEN: Saturday, February 20, 2016 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. WHERE: Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar 2 West Road, Newtown, PA 18940 For Tickets & to Volunteer…Contact Jan Walters @ the February Monthly Meeting or call 215-962-4578 Valid only at participating restaurant listed above. Ticket valid for pancake event only. Applebee's menu items are not included as part of purchase. A demo by FIRST LEGO League Team 5942, sponsored by Archbishop Wood FRC Team 2607, The Fighting Robovikings! FIRST LEGO League, created through a partnership between FIRST (For Inspiration & Recognition of Science & Technology) and the LEGO Group, inspires future scientists and engineers. Kids, ages 9 to 14 years, work as a team to design, build & program autonomous robots. Bring your children & grandchildren, enjoy family time, and meet FIRST LEGO League Team 5942 members and their robots. Learn more about joining a team, being a coach or mentor. The Soroptimissle Page 6 LIVE YOUR DREAM BASKETS All Purpose Cleaner Aluminum Foil Broom w Dustpan** Bucket** Can Opener ** Cups Lg. & Sm.** Dish Soap Flash Light ** Floor Mop Hand Soap Bars ** Laundry Basket Laundry Detergent Light Bulbs ** SHOPPING LIST Napkins Paper Plates Lg.& Sm Paper Towels Plastic Dinnerware Plastic Wrap ** Plunger** Scissors Scouring Pads Scrub Brush ** Sponges Tissues Toilet Bowl Brush ** Toilet Cleaner Toilet Tissue Trash Bags Window Cleaner Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags Food Storage Bags Gallon ** Food Storage Bags Quart ** Target Gift Card $100 ** Starred items are those most needed. Soroptimist International of Indian Rock New Member Tea You are cordially invited to join us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Saturday, February 6, 2016, 1:30 – 4 p.m. Kathy Meyer’s home 267-987-4717 The afternoon will be a time for veteran members and newer members to exchange ideas about what it means to be a Soroptimist while enjoying a steaming cup of tea and light refreshments in a relaxed setting. Please R.S.V.P. to Kathy Meyer at kkgtbroker@gmail.com We will be in touch with you to set up carpooling arrangements as there is limited parking. Hope to see you there. The Soroptimissle Page 7 Bucks County Women’s History Month Award This award has been presented for the past 34 years to a Bucks County woman who best exemplifies the social, intellectual, and creative contributions women have made to our future and the quality of life for Bucks County residents. Soroptimist International of Indian Rock, Inc. has participated as a sponsor of this award for the past 25 years. The Honorable Cynthia M. Rufe, a former Indian Rock member and our nominee, is this year’s winner. She is a Judge of the United States District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, a federal bench appointment, and will be the recipient of the 35th annual award at a special reception to be held in March. Please save the date: Thursday, March 10, 2016 (snow date: Friday, March 11, 2016) at the James-Lorah Memorial Home Auditorium, 132 Main Street, Doylestown, PA. This year in honor of the 35th award being given at the James-Lorah House, there will be limited tours provided of the home of Sarah James from 5:15 to 6:00 p.m. prior to the reception. In addition, a special award will be given to the VIA in honor of Miss Sarah James. The actual program event begins with refreshments at 5:45 and the program starting at 6:30 p.m. The cost is $15, admission at the door. It is such an honor to have our nominee selected and we hope you will plan to be there. Invitations will be emailed, so mark your calendar for a very special evening. OUR JANUARY GROUP PICTURE The Soroptimissle Page 8 Holiday Help 2015 Co-Chairs: Linda Storione / Eileen Finnigan For the first time, Holiday Help teamed up with the United Way to include 11 tweens in our program. We also teamed up with St Cyril’s to help 4 students. This year the program was quite successful, thanks to the kindness, compassion and generosity of our members. We coordinate with various case workers who ask each family member to provide three wish items and the head of household lets us know what grocery store and department store they prefer, so we can provide Gift Cards for those as well. The final number of tweens we could service was determined after all items for the six families were collected. The tweens each received two gift cards, 1 for a restaurant and 1 for entertainment. Final tally: Families served-6, Family members- 19, United Way Tweens- 11 Linda Storione did a wonderful job as co-chair and will be looking for someone to mentor in the 2016 Holiday Help Season. I have been honored to serve on this uplifting and positive Holiday Program. Thank You & Be Well, -Eileen Finnigan SHARE A SPARE Co-Chairs: Mindy Pinkus / Eileen Finnigan Committee: Mary Ann R., Marilyn P., Mary Ellen B., Nancy S., Joy H., Marsha C., Maureen G., Nancy H., Sue P., Jan W., Sally Z., Sandy C., Mary Catherine S., Peg W. Joy Hardin has taken over as program coordinator. All caseworkers who received LYD baskets have been contacted with program info and request forms. Jude Shine has gotten the word out to Family Services Assn. and Bucks Co. Housing group. As in the original program proposal, LYD recipients hold priority over other requests. Fortunately, to this point we have consistently brought in multiple boxes of donations each week. Five requests have been filled to date. Each request delivered was five or more boxes. We are currently pursuing a barter relationship with Impact stores as a positive way to deal with donated items not covered under the program’s purview. All members of the committee have committed to help organize, clean, box and deliver client requests. What we are looking for: kitchen gadgets, dishes, cups, mugs, pitchers, utensils, drawer organizers for utensils, serving dishes, mixing bowls, bakeware, casserole dishes, cookie sheets, muffin tins, cutting boards, pots and pans, whisks, spatulas, cooling racks, trash cans, storage containers, trivets, recipe boxes, dish racks, paper towel holder. If you wish to donate to share-a-spare, feel free to bring gently used items to any membership meeting. My truck will be parked out front until full or the meeti ng begins. If you have any questions or want to give me a heads up that a large donation is coming, please call Eileen (215)322-1344. Ok to leave a message. The Soroptimissle Page 9 OUR MEMBERS HONORED BY WRAPPING PRESENCE The Wrapping Presence project recognized Maureen Gorman and Sue-Ann Roades at the annual thank you luncheon for volunteers on January 15th. Maureen received the golden hook award for bringing in the most new volunteers this year. She drafted a many of her SIIR fellow members and their friends to participate in the project. Sue-Ann was recognized as a special Santa's helper for her enthusiasm and willingness to do whatever was needed. She received an adorable elf hat with ears that wiggled. Wrapping Presence was founded in 1995 by Marne Kies Dietterich in honor of her parents. She has developed a special all volunteer program to bring the hubbub of the holidays back into the lives of nursing home residents. Marne has been recognized for her work by many organizations including SIIR’s 2011 Ruby Award Winner. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Dinner Meeting: Please note: Our dinner meeting fee is $35.00.for this month only. Dinner and a show Please check your email! The club uses this method of communication to contact members about board meetings, club updates, volunteer opportunities, special news, as well as to send you the monthly newsletter. Please send your email address changes to: siindianrock@soroptimist.net. Inviting a friend to join our club? You must complete a New Member Form prior to a new member’s induction if you will be extending an invitation to a prospective new member to join Indian Rock. Eileen Conner will have forms available at the membership meeting or you can contact her at eileenpconner@verizon.net. Please submit this form to President Elect Eileen Conner as soon as possible. . The Soroptimissle Page 10 Events & Things to Remember Clip and Post this section! February 3, 2016 – Monthly Membership Meeting Internal Fundraiser, Spring Mill CC February 6, 2016 – New Member Tea Kathy Meyer’s Home-812 Tennis Ave. Maple Glen, PA. February 16, 2016 – February Board Meeting – Tescor 6:30 p.m. February 20, 2016 – Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser – Applebee’s, Newtown. March 2, 2016 – Monthly Membership Meeting, Spring Mill CC March 15, 2016 – Board Meeting 6:30 TBD April 6, 2016- Monthly Membership Meeting, Spring Mill CC April 8, 206 – Spring Fundraiser – Designer Bag Bingo – Spring Mill Manor April 19, 2016 – Board Meeting – Tescor, 6:30 p.m. April 29, 2016 – North Atlantic Region Spring Conference – Saratoga Springs, New York. Reminder – we’re looking for members to write articles on club meetings and activities. Please contact Jan Giumette. Don’t forget to send your bio to Jan Giumette shorefolks229@gmail.com for the Nice to Know You feature in our newsletter.
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The Soroptimissle - Soroptimist International of Indian Rock
At Kathy Meyer’s Home
812 Tennis Avenue, Maple Glen, PA
Please RSVP to kkgtbroker@gmail.com no later than Friday June 3rd.
Please Continue To Purchase Items Over The Summer