Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Fı́sica Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Cryptography Urtzi Las Heras Director: Prof. Enrique Solano Departamento de Quı́mica Fı́sica Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a Universidad del Paı́s Vasco UPV/EHU Leioa, Junio del 2012 Pagina en blanco Acknowledgments En el momento en que el Prof. Enrique Solano, mi director de tesis, me dijo que debı́a introducir una sección de agradecimientos en el trabajo, sólo puedo decir que entré en pánico. No obstante, las caras de las personas que me han acompañado en esta aventura han ido apareciendo por mi mente y no puedo hacer menos que plasmar en papel lo mucho que agradezco su apoyo. En primer lugar, mi más sincero agradecimiento al Prof. Enrique Solano por revivir mi curiosidad y entusiasmo por la fı́sica que tanto han mermado a causa de los agotadores exámenes. Gracias por el esfuerzo y dedicación en este trabajo y por haberme dado la oportunidad de unirme a este estupendo grupo de investigación en el que no he podido sentirme más integrado. Al Dr. Lucas Lamata, que sin su inestimable colaboración este trabajo no serı́a ni sombra de lo que es, gracias por su infinita paciencia y por cada una de sus enseñanzas. Del mismo modo, gracias a todos los compañeros; Laura, Unai, Julen, Antonio, Roberto, Simone, Jorge, Daniel y Guillermo por su predisposición a ayudarme tantas y tantas veces. A mis compañeros de Jiu Jitsu que con tantas ganas han entrenado conmigo haciéndome olvidar las tensiones del dı́a a dı́a. A mis amigos Yelco y Eneko, por haberme sacado más sonrisas que nadie, y en especial a Lara por haber sido uno de los pilares en los que apoyarme cada vez que la he necesitado y que me ha brindado más cariño que nadie. Gracias a mis padres y a mi hermano, que son verdaderamente los que han lidiado con mis enfados cada vez que las cuentas no me han salido y aun ası́ siempre han tenido palabras de ánimo para mı́. Finalmente, gracias también a mi abuela, que nunca ha dejado de decirme que estudie y que el esfuerzo trae su recompensa. 3 Pagina en blanco 4 Contents Contents 5 1 Introduction 7 2 Theory of quantum teleportation 9 3 Experimental aspects of quantum teleportation 15 3.1 The Innsbruck photon experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.2 The NIST trapped-ion experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4 Theory of quantum cryptography 23 4.1 BB84 protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.2 E91 protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 5 Experimental aspects of quantum cryptography 31 6 Quantum Hacking 33 7 Conclusions 35 References 37 5 Pagina en blanco 6 1 Introduction Quantum mechanics was discovered and formalized during the last century. So far, the predictions of quantum theory have led to a whole range of prospective applications inconceivable until last decade that even today have not yet been developed to its full potentially. Combining quantum properties such as linear superposition and entanglement with information theory, would allow one to realize enhanced computation and communication protocols unfeasible with classical means. In this work, we review two of them, namely, quantum teleportation and quantum cryptography. Quantum teleportation is based on the transfer of a quantum state from one point to another while destroying the original state. To accomplish it, one needs a quantum channel, which consists of two entangled particles, and a classical one. We review Bennett et al. theoretical proposal and we include an original calculation considering a non-perfect quantum channel. The experiments made in Innsbruck and at NIST, making use of photons and trapped ions respectively, are shown subsequently. For this, we introduce the basic physics of photons and trapped ions. Quantum cryptography consists in the study of secure communication making use of quantum properties. In this section we show how the classical cryptography is less secure than the quantum one, and we review two of the best known quantum-cryptography protocols, namely, BB84 and E91. In both protocols we study the case of an attack from an eavesdropper and its consequences. We also add an original calculation in E91 protocol assuming an imperfect communication between the legitimate users. Experimental aspects of quantum cryptography are analyzed reviewing two of the experiments made in Innsbruck and in Los Alamos. In both cases, they were accomplished using polarization-entangled photons. Furthermore, we comment on the basic ideas of quantum hacking, that means obtaining information from a message encoded with quantum cryptography techniques. The experiment made in Singapore is reviewed. Here, the eavesdropper obtained the whole information without being detected. Finally, we present our conclusions. 7 Pagina en blanco 8 2 Theory of quantum teleportation Quantum teleportation [1] consists in the transfer of a quantum state | i from one point to another while destroying the original state [2] . This process takes place in two di↵erent locations. Alice has the original state which will be teleported with the help of an entangled state to Bob. Moreover, Alice and Bob need a classical channel for sending classical information. Both features are essential to make quantum teleportation with 100% fidelity. Alice and Bob share a maximally entangled state, known as an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) [3] pair. Alice keeps one of the EPR particles with her, and Bob makes the same with the other one. The state of the EPR pair is: | ( ) 23 i 1 = p (| "2 i| #3 i 2 | #2 i| "3 i). (1) The particles composing the pair can be of any kind, photons, atoms, e.g.. The only requirement is to have two degrees of freedom, able to encode a quantum bit (qubit). Alice’s original particle state is unknown, | 1 i = a| "1 i + b| #1 i. (2) Alice makes a Bell measurement of the particles 1 and 2. The complete state of three particles before Alice’s measurement is: | 123 i = | 1i ⌦ | ( ) 23 i = a p (| "1 i| "2 i| #3 i | "1 i| #2 i| "3 i) + 2 b p (| #1 i| "2 i| #3 i | #1 i| #2 i| "3 i). 2 (3) Using the Bell basis [4] of particles 1 and 2, 1 = p (| "1 i| #2 i ± | #1 i| "2 i) 2 1 (±) | 12 i = p (| "1 i| "2 i ± | #1 i| #2 i) 2 (±) 12 i | (4) (5) we obtain | 123 i 1 = [| 2 ( ) 12 i( +| a| "3 i ( ) 12 i(a| b| #3 i) + | #3 i + b| "3 i) + | (+) 12 i( a| "3 i + b| #3 i) (+) 12 i(a| #3 i b| "3 i)]. (6) Once the Bell measurement is made by Alice, particle 3 is projected onto a pure state. As there are four possible Bell states, particle 3 can be projected in four states. According to the 9 result of the measurement, these states will be: a| "3 i b| #3 i ⌘ | 3 i, a| "3 i + b| #3 i, a| #3 i + b| "3 i, a| #3 i b| "3 i, where the Bell states measured are | also be written as follows: ( ) 12 i, | (+) 12 i, | z| x| i y| where x, y and z | ( ) 12 i, | (7) (+) 12 i, respectively. These states can 3 i, 3 i, 3 i, 3 i, (8) are the Pauli unitary operators. Hence, Bob only has to apply the corresponding unitary operation to the state of particle 3 to obtain the original state. For this, Alice must send through a classical channel the result of the Bell measurement. The time of sending classical information is higher than the time it takes light to travel from Alice to Bob, so there is no causality violation. Alice quantum channel | Bob i classical channel Figure 1: Scheme of teleportation protocol. It is possible to question whether the state has been teleported despite not having sent information about Alice’s measurement, that is, whether there is superluminal information sending. Although Bob has just four possible states, there is no way to find the original state 10 in case Alice does not send the result of the Bell measurement. Tracing out the Bell states, the density matrix of the particle 3 results X X h'| 123 ih 123 |'i = h'|⇢123 |'i |'i ( ) 12 |⇢123 | ✓ 2 ( ) 12 i + ◆ ⇤ =h 1 |a| ab = a⇤ b |b|2 4 ✓ ◆ 1/2 0 = . 0 1/2 |'i h + (+) ✓12 (+) ( ) ( ) (+) (+) |⇢123 | 12 i + h 12 |⇢123 | 12 i + h 12 |⇢123 | 12 i ◆ ✓ 2 ⇤ ◆ ✓ ◆ |a|2 ab⇤ |b| a b |b|2 a⇤ b + + a⇤ b |b|2 ab⇤ |a|2 ab⇤ |a|2 (9) As can be seen, Bob obtains a density matrix of the third particle completely depolarized. This implies that the information sent by Alice classically is essential to e↵ectuate the teleportation of the original state, giving to the experiment a fidelity of 100 %. It is important to note that in this process the initial state is destroyed, thus fulfilling the no-cloning theorem. This ensures that there is no procedure by which an unknown quantum state can be copied from one system to another. For this reason, the procedure is called ”teleportation” and not ”copy” of quantum states. Now, we discuss the possibility of teleporting a state through a quantum channel which is composed of a partially entangled state, with an original calculation. In this problem, we want to see how large is the fidelity using a Werner state [5]. So, particles 2 and 3 are in the mixed state ⇢23 = p| ( ) 23 ih ( ) 23 | + 1 p 3 [| (+) 23 ih (+) 23 | +| ( ) 23 ih ( ) 23 | +| (+) 23 ih (+) 23 |], (10) where p goes from 0 to 1. Using the basis {"1 , #1 } and {"2 "3 , "2 #3 , #2 "3 , #2 #3 } respectively, the density matrices of particles 1, ⇢1 and particles 2 and 3, ⇢23 , result 0 1 2(1 p) 0 0 0 ✓ 2 ◆ C 1B |a| ab⇤ 0 1 + 2p 1 4p 0 C, ⇢1 = , ⇢23 = B (11) ⇤ 2 A a b |b| 0 1 4p 1 + 2p 0 6@ 0 0 0 2(1 p) performing the tensorial product of these two matrices we obtain the total state that can be written 0 2(1 p)|a|2 1 0 0 0 2(1 p)ab⇤ 0 0 0 ⇢123 B 1B = B 6B @ 0 0 0 2(1 p)a⇤ b 0 0 0 (1 + 2p)|a|2 (1 4p)|a|2 0 0 (1 + 2p)a⇤ b (1 4p)a⇤ b 0 (1 4p)|a|2 (1 + 2p)|a|2 0 0 (1 4p)a⇤ b (1 + 2p)a⇤ b 0 0 0 2(1 p)|a|2 0 0 0 2(1 p)a⇤ b 0 0 0 2(1 p)|b|2 0 0 0 (1 + 2p)ab⇤ (1 4p)ab⇤ 0 0 (1 + 2p)|b|2 (1 4p)|b|2 0 (1 4p)ab⇤ (1 + 2p)ab⇤ 0 0 (1 4p)|b|2 (1 + 2p)|b|2 0 whose basis is {"1 "2 "3 , "1 "2 #3 , "1 #2 "3 , "1 #2 #3 , #1 "2 "3 , #1 "2 #3 , #1 #2 "3 , #1 #2 #3 }. 11 0 0 2(1 p)ab⇤ 0 0 0 2(1 p)|b|2 C C C,(12) C A From this density matrix we can calculate which state results for the particle 3 in case Alice obtains anyone of the Bell states in her measurement. These matrices are ✓ ◆ 1 (1 + 2p)|a|2 + 2(1 p)|b|2 (1 4p)ab⇤ ⌘ ⇢3 , (1 4p)a⇤ b 2(1 p)|a|2 + (1 + 2p)|b|2 3 ✓ ◆ 1 (1 + 2p)|a|2 + 2(1 p)|b|2 (1 4p)ab⇤ , (1 4p)a⇤ b 2(1 p)|a|2 + (1 + 2p)|b|2 3 ✓ ◆ 1 2(1 p)|a|2 + (1 + 2p)|b|2 (1 4p)a⇤ b , (1 4p)ab⇤ (1 + 2p)|a|2 + 2(1 p)|b|2 3 ✓ ◆ 1 2(1 p)|a|2 + (1 + 2p)|b|2 (1 4p)a⇤ b , (1 4p)ab⇤ (1 + 2p)|a|2 + 2(1 p)|b|2 3 (13) ( ) (+) ( ) (+) where the Bell states measured are | 12 i, | 12 i, | 12 i, | 12 i respectively. Note that these states can also be written applying the Pauli unitary operator in this way: ⇢3 † 3 ⇢3 3 , ( 1 )† ⇢3 ( 1 ), (i 2 )† ⇢3 (i 2 ). (14) To obtain the fidelity of this teleportation protocol as a function of p, we trace onto the product of the ideal state and the obtained state: Tr(⇢1 · ⇢3 ) = Tr = ✓✓ |a|2 ab⇤ a⇤ b |b|2 1 + 2p . 3 ◆ 1 · 3 ✓ (1 + 2p)|a|2 + 2(1 p)|b|2 (1 4p)a⇤ b 2(1 (1 4p)ab⇤ p)|a|2 + (1 + 2p)|b|2 ◆◆ (15) As can be seen, the fidelity is of 100% when p goes to 1, that is, when the quantum-channel particles are on the EPR state. Let us see for which p the mixed state ⇢23 is a classical state or it has a entangled character. For this, we make the partial transposition, that is, transposing only one of the qubits. Then we obtain the eigenvalues and we study them. If the eigenvalues are all positive, the state is classical but if at least one eigenvalue is negative, it means that the state is entangled [6]. (⇢23 )pt = 0 1B @ 6 2(1 p) 0 0 0 1pt 0 0 0 1 + 2p 1 4p 0 C A 1 4p 1 + 2p 0 0 0 2(1 p) 12 = 0 1B @ 6 2(1 p) 0 0 1 4p 1 0 0 1 4p 1 + 2p 0 0 C A. 0 1 + 2p 0 0 0 2(1 p) (16) The eigenvalues of this matrix are 1 = 2 = 1 3 p , 3 = 1+2p and 4 = 1 22p . Only the last 6 can be negative in case p > 12 and it becomes zero when p = 12 . As can be seen in figure 2, for that value of p the fidelity is about 66%, which coincides with the classical limit for the fidelity of the teleportation protocol. Figure 2: Plot of the fidelity as a function of p. 13 Pagina en blanco 14 3 Experimental aspects of quantum teleportation In this section, we review some of the most relevant experiments in the field of quantum teleportation. Zeilinger [7] and De Martini [8] made their own experiments at the same time using polarized photons. De Martini et al. achieved the teleportation but the initial state was taken from the pair of particles that compose the quantum channel. Although he succeded in teleporting this state in a 100 % of the times, this protocol is not entirely faithful to the original of Bennett et al., where the initial state was a qubit independent of the quantum channel. The experiment of Zeilinger et al. is showed in detail below. We also review experiment of Barrett et al. [9], who made use of trapped ions as did Riebe et al. [10]. In following we will show which techniques are used to reduce a physical system to two degrees of freedom, generate entangled states, make the Bell measurements and the quantum state reconstruction with the help of the information sent by Alice. 3.1 The Innsbruck photon experiment This experiment was made by Zeilinger’s group using the polarization states of the photons as the degrees of freedom. Using the notation of Section 2, the state | "i corresponds to the vertical polarization and equivalently | #i to the horizontal polarization. Therefore, the original state of photon 1 is a linear combination of vertical and horizontal polarization. The EPR state and the photon 1 are produced by type II parametric down-conversion(PDC). With this technique, inside a nonlinear crystal, an incoming photon decays spontaneously in two entangled photons that compose the quantum information channel. In the experiment a UV radiation pulse is pumped through a nonlinear crystal, emitting the EPR state. The rest of the pulse goes through the crystal and reflects in a mobile mirror to come into the crystal again emitting photon 1 and a control photon. Photon 1 is polarized as desired, because this is the state which will be teleported, and then is combined with photon 2, one of the entangled photons joined in the first PDC process. In this way, photons 1 and 2 are together to make the Bell measurement. The device which makes the Bell measurement is called beam-splitter. It consists on a semi reflective mirror. In ideal conditions the probability that a photon crosses the mirror is of 50% and being reflected is the other 50%. In case two photons arrive to the beam splitter at the same time, one on each side, they emerge in both sides only if both are reflected or transmitted. However, this process is only possible for certain states of the photons 1 and 2. The probability amplitude of this process is given by the coherent addition of the amplitudes of reflection or transmission of both particles. It is important to add a minus sign to the wave function due to the phase shift gained in reflections. That way, if the photons are in a state such as | "1 "2 i the amplitude of finding the photons on both sides is zero. On the other hand, the Bell state | ( ) 12 i, being antisymmetric, has an additional minus sign, 15 so the interference is constructive and the probability of finding a photon in each side of beam splitter is di↵erent from zero. ( ) Consequently, to know that the particles 1 and 2 are in the Bell state | 12 i, placing two detectors on both sides of beam splitter, the experiment has to be repeated until there is a coincidence. Photons 1 and 2 must arrive at the same time to the beam splitter because they must interfere. For this, some techniques must be applied to make the arrival times indistinguishable. In this experiment, beam pulses that pass through low bandwidth filters are used. Therefore, coherence time increases until 520 fs, much longer than the length of the pulse, of 200 fs with a frequency of 76 MHz. Furthermore, given that during the creation of photon 1 another photon is also created, it can be used to know whether photon 1 is emitted. To check that the teleportation happens for any unknown state, the authors used linearly polarized states at 45 and 45 for photon 1, that form a rotated base with regard to the base of the states polarized vertically and horizontally, that is, the base of photons 2 and 3. Next, the teleportation of a linear superposition of these states was checked, equivalently for circularly polarized. In the first case, the photon 1 was polarized at 45 . When the detectors f1 and f2 ,located behind the beam splitter where photons 1 and 2 interfere, detect a coincidence it means that ( ) the state of photons 1 and 2 is projected onto the state | 12 i, making the Bell measurement in this way. Consequently, the photon 3 must be in the original state, polarized at 45 . Figure 3: Graphic scheme of the experiment. Taken from [7]. 16 The polarization of photon 3 is analyzed by a beam splitter that separates the polarizations of 45 and 45 . These detectors are named d2 and d1 respectively. When the detectors f1 and f2 coincide, d2 always detects a photon. Moreover, d1 never coincides with f1 and f2, so the photon 3 in all the experiments gets the state of polarization of photon 1, at 45 . To get the highest accuracy in the interference of photons 1 and 2, the delay between the first and second down conversion emissions was modified moving the mirror where the beam reflects. In this way, modifying the delay continuously, it can be seen in detail in which time overlap does the teleportation happen. Making the experiment with the optimal delay, it was observed that the coincidences of detectors f1f2d1 ( 45 ) had a dip. Furthermore, there was no dip for the coincidences of f1f2d2 (45 ), so it confirms the teleportation of the original state. In this analysis the possible spurious matches were considered. The experiment was repeated changing the polarization of photon 1 to linearly polarized at 45 , 0 and 90 and also circularly polarized, obtaining similar results. Below, the results are shown in a list that expresses the visibility of the dip in triple coincidences in detection of orthogonal states to the polarization of photon 1. Polarization +45 45 0 90 Circular Visibility 0.63 ± 0.02 0.64 ± 0.02 0.66 ± 0.02 0.61 ± 0.02 0.57 ± 0.02 (17) Hence, this experiment checks the teleportation in a basis of states vertical and horizontal, being the state to teleport a superposition of states of the base. To make the Bell measurement, ( ) the states of photons 1 and 2 have always been projected to the state | 12 i. Oppositely, as the experiment consists in the search of coincidences of three detectors, there is no possibility to find a coincidence for another Bell state, because f1 and f2 detectors only coincide when the state of photons 1 and 2 is antisymmetric. For this reason, the experiment only works in a 25% of times. In case it would be possible to make the Bell measurement for any state, and the corresponding unitary operation could also be applied onto the state of particle 3, the copy of the state with maximum probability would be achieved in a 100% of times. In 2012, Ma et al. [11] succeeded in teleporting a qubit between two Canary Islands using photons. The distance traveled is 143 km and the average fidelity achieved is f = 0.863(38). This procedure opens a window into the long-distance teleportation where the next goal is the teleportation of qubits sending photons between a satellite and ground. 17 3.2 The NIST trapped-ion experiment This experiment was made at NIST, in Boulder (Colorado), in collaboration with the University of Otago, New Zealand. In contrast with the previous experiment, this was made with massive 9 Figure 10.1: Penning trap, cyclotron and motion of them the particles. TheyThe confined Be+ ions in awith segmented ion trap [12,magentron 13] where they could use as qubits with a total control. ion illustrated below. . The traps used by the authors are Paul traps. They provide 2D confinement using highfrequency electric fields to simulate an electric field minimum, using four axial electrodes. These electrodes are connected ,as shown in the next figure, to a variable potential that repels the ion when it is near the center of trap and it becomes attractive when it moves away. For confining in the axial direction positively charged endcaps are added. In this way, ions are totally confined in three dimensions. a b J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 83, No. 10, 15 May 1998 Figure 4: Side(a) and axial(b) view of the Paul trap. Taken from [13]. The control electrodes of the trap are segmented into eight sections, providing six trapping zones, centered on electrode Figure segments 10.2: 2 to 7 as shown in the next figure. Potentials applied to The Paul trap. these electrodes can be varied in time to separate ions and move them to di↵erent segments of . the trap. It was necessary to reduce all the possible states of the ions to only two, ground and excited states. These states necessarily had to be metastable states because, in other case, the excited would decay to ground state spontaneously. This happens for dipole allowed transitions, so a good choice would be two states separated with a quadruple transition, whose lifetimes are around a second. Other possibility would be210 two hyperfine ground states. In this experiment, authors used qubits composed of the ground state hyperfine levels | "i ⌘ |F = 1, m = 1i and | #i ⌘ |F = 2, m = 2i which are separated by a frequency !0 ⇡ 2⇡⇥1.25 GHz. To produce entanglement between ions, they are confined in the same segment of trap, that 18 making appropriate simplifications acts as a quantum harmonic oscillator. In this way, the movement of the particles can be decomposed into normal modes of vibration and it is easy to see how the movement of one a↵ects the others. To describe the amount of movement of ions so-called Fock levels are used. Such levels are given by the states |ni with an energy E = h̄!t ( 12 + n) where !t is the frequency of the trap. Equivalently to what happens with the electromagnetic field in a cavity, Fock states describe the eigenstates of the vibrational Hamiltonian. Thus, there are two electronic states and n vibrational states, where n goes from 0 to 1. So any state can be described in this way: | i = A| #i ⌦ 1 X n=0 Cn |ni + B| "i ⌦ 1 X n=0 Dn |ni (18) It is necessary to use a laser beam to control the state of particles. Applying the rotating wave approximation that assumes the laser detuning and Rabi frequency are much smaller than optical frequencies, the Hamiltonian of the system becomes: H = h̄⌦{ +e i( t ') exp(i⌘[ae i!t + a† ei!t ])} + H.C. (19) where + is the atomic raising operator, a† and a denote the creation and annihilation operator for a motional quantum, respectively. ⌦ characterizes the strength of the laser field in terms of the so-called Rabi frequency, ' denotes the phase of the field with respect to the atomic polarization and is the laser-atom detuning. !t denotes the trap frequency, ⌘ = kz z0 is the Lamb-Dicke parameter p with kz being the projection of the laser fields wavevector along the z direction and z0 = h̄/(2m!t ) is the spatial extension of the ion ground state wave function in the harmonic oscillator being m the ion mass. p Using then the Lamb-Dicke approximation, ⌘ ((a + a† )2 )i ⌧ 1, that is valid for cold ion strings, the Hamiltonian can be rewritten as follows: H = h̄⌦{ +e i( t ') + ei( t ') + i⌘( +e i( t ') i( t ') )(ae i!t t e + a† ei!t t )} (20) There are three cases of particular interest: = 0 and = ±!t . The first describes the carrier transition, thus only electronic states | #i and | "iare changed. However, when = +!t simultaneously to exciting the electronic state of ion, a motional quantum, that is, a phonon is created. This is named blue sideband transition. p The Rabi frequency in the transition of two vibrational levels n and n + 1 is ⌦n,n+1 = n + 1⌘⌦, which describes the floppy frequency between the states | #, ni and | ", n + 1i. Finally, in case = !t a red sideband transition occurs. As in the previous transition, the motional state p changes but now the phonon is annihilated. The Rabi frequency is at this time ⌦n,n 1 = n⌘⌦. Applying this to the laser, a state | #, ni becomes | ", n 1i. Using these transitions the states of ions can be fully manipulated. As in this experiment the electronic levels are hyperfine ground states such that the so-called Raman transitions are 19 used. They consist in the excitement to a virtual electronic level, and then the decay to the first-wanted level. By means of two laser beams, single qubit rotations are implemented R(✓, ) = cos(✓/2)I + i sin(✓/2) cos( ) x + i sin(✓/2) y (21) where I is the identity operator and x , y and z denote the Pauli matrices in the base {| "i, | #i}. ✓ is proportional to the duration of the Raman pulse and is the relative phase between the Raman beams at the position of the ion. Raman beams are also used to generate entanglement between two ions by implementing the phase gate a| ""i + b| "#i + c| #"i + d| ##i ! a| ""i ib| "#i ic| #"i + d| ##i. (22) Raman beams are also used to generate spin-echo pulses (R(⇡, SE )), which are applied in the sixth trapping zone. These pulses are necessary to prevent dephasing due to variations in the magnetic field. The duration between spin-echo pulses is lower than the timescale of such variations. Accordingly, with an appropriate choice of SE , the dephasing can be compensated if it is caused by a static magnetic field gradient. As spin-echo pulses do not fundamentally a↵ect the teleportation, their e↵ects are omitted in the next discussion. To begin the experiment, the initial state | 23 i ⌦ | #1 i has to be prepared. First, the system is initialized to | #1 #2 #3 i by optical pumping, that is cooling the system until it is in the minimum energy level. Applying the phase gate shown in (22) combined with rotations to the ions 2 and 3, the state (| #2 #3 i i| "2 "3 i) is achieved. Then applying some individual rotations to this state the singlet state is finally obtained. First, using a ⇡/2 pulse it becomes (| "2 #3 i + | #2 "3 i) and a ⇡ pulse, with a ⇡/2 phase di↵erence yields the state (| "2 #3 i | #2 "3 i). It should be noted that the normalization factors have been removed to simplify the notation. After obtaining the singlet state, | 23 i, given that is invariant under global rotations R(✓, )123 upon all three ions, the ion 1 rotates while ions 2 and 3 are not a↵ected. Choosing the correct ✓ and , this global rotation allows to produce the state | 1 i = a| "1 i + b| #1 i for any a and b. When the system is ready to begin the teleportation, the Bell measurement should be performed. It is needed more than one step to project the state of ions 1 and 2 onto one of the four possible Bell states. First, three ions come into the trap 6 and then separated, with ions 1 and 2 going to trap 5 and ion 3 to trap 7. In trap 5, a phase gate (22) followed by a ⇡/2 pulse R(⇡/2, 0) is applied to ions 1 and 2. In the separation process, normally it was shown a significant amount of motional-mode heating, and it was achieved with 95% probability. However, the authors of this experiment used a smaller separation electrode in the current trap, separating the ions with no detectable failure rate. Furthermore, the heating was extremely reduced so far the stretch mode of the two ions in trap 5 is in number of about 1. This allows to implement the phase gate (22) between ions 1 and 2 with fidelity greater than 90%, and more importantly, with no necessity of sympathetic recooling. Ideally, and considering the result of spin-echo pulses insignificant, 20 this leaves the ions in the state | "1 "2 i ⌦ R(⇡/2, ⇡/2) x | 3 i + | "1 #2 i ⌦ R(⇡/2, ⇡/2)I| 3 i +| #1 "2 i ⌦ R(⇡/2, ⇡/2) y | 3 i | #1 #2 i ⌦ R(⇡/2, ⇡/2) z | 3 i (23) where | 3 i = a| "3 i + b| #3 i. To complete the Bell measurement it is necessary to detect the ions one by one. It is important to note that in this equation ions are not in the Bell state basis. Given that the measurement of ions is individual, the basis required is the decoupled one. Therefore, three ions are recombined in the trap 6 and then separated again, moving the ion 2 to trap 5 and the ions 1 and 3 to trap 7. Detection of the state of ion 2 is achieved through state-dependent resonance fluorescence measurements. The state | #2 i fluoresces strongly whereas | "2 i does not. Once the measure is made, the ion 2 is optically pumped back to the state | #2 i. After this, all three ions are recombined in trap 6 and separated again. In this case, ions 1 and 2 are transferred to trap 5 and ion 3 returns to trap 7. As the last spin-echo pulse applied in trap 6 changes the state of ion 2 to | "2 i, a subsequent simultaneous detection of both ions in trap 5 determines the state of the ion1 with a failure rate less than 1% due to presence of ion 2. Figure 5: Schematic representation of the teleportation protocol. Taken from [14, 9]. At this point the Bell measurement is made, and classical information has been extracted. To complete the teleportation, one only has to apply the unitary operation that reconstructs 21 the state of the ion 1 in the ion 3. First, ions 1 and 2 are transported to trap 2 while ion 3 goes to trap 5. Here a ⇡/2 pulse (R(⇡/2, ⇡/2)) is applied followed by the corresponding unitary operation x , I, y , z for the measurement outcomes | "1 "2 i, | "1 #2 i, | #1 "2 i, | #1 #2 i respectively. Although the spin-echo pulses do not a↵ect the teleportation protocol, one has to take care of the phase shift introduced. In case SE = ⇡/2, the unitary operations must be reordered after the ⇡/2 pulse to y , z , x , I respectively. The teleportation protocol was tested using six di↵erent states for the ion 1. Concretely, they used the eigenstates of Pauli operators z , x and y . Assuming that the particle is in the state | #i in z direction by default, it is easy to apply a Raman beam to transform the original state. To obtain | "i it is just needed to excite the ion. The fidelity of the experiment was of 80 %, 78 ± 3% for | "i and 84 ± 2% for | #i. Di↵erently, to accomplish the teleportation with the eigenstates of x and y , | ± Xi and | ± Y i respectively,and to get them from | #i, it is needed a ⇡/2 pulse with a relative phase of 0 (R(⇡/2, 0)) for | ± Xi and ⇡/2 (R(⇡/2, ⇡/2)) for | ± Y i. To measure the final state of ion 3 once the teleportation protocol has ended, it only has to do the opposite unitary operation to pass from the states | ± Xi and | ± Y i to | #i. This transformation is needed because the fluorescence measurement is made in the basis {| #i, | "i}. The average fidelity achieved was of 78 ± 2%. The authors studied the causes that limited the fidelity and found three significant mechanisms; imperfect preparation of the initial state | 23 i ⌦ | #1 i, imperfections in the second phase gate due to heating during the separation process, and dephasing of the teleported state due to variations of magnetic fields. Studying these issues in independent experiments, it is observed a loss of 8 ± 3% in the fidelity of the final state which is consistent with the results obtained in the complete experiment of the teleportation. Although the fidelity is not of a 100% it exceeds the 66%, which is essential to beat in order to ensure the presence of entanglement. 22 4 Theory of quantum cryptography Cryptography [15, 16] has been one of the most important aspects of the theory of information since 1949. Shannon [17] proved that there exist unbreakable codes or perfectly secret systems. In fact, this field is responsible for the study of algorithms, protocols and systems used to protect information and providing secure communications between the communicating entities. There are di↵erent ways of encrypting a message. The most famous protocols are the One-time pad and the Public-key cryptographic system. In addition, we review the RivestShamir-Adleman system [18], which is used nowadays to protect electronic bank accounts. The one-time pad consists in ciphering a message, writing it as a series of bits. Then a key randomly chosen is combined with the plain text, adding one to one each bit. Given that the sum of a number with a random number is also a random number, the cyphered text can only be decrypted by someone who knows the key. If the key is only used once, it is impossible for the eavesdropper to obtain correlations. However, it is necessary to use a totally random key with a greater length than the text, because if the key is used cyclically it is possible to extract information from the encoded text. In the public-key cryptographic system two keys are involved. There is a public key which can be used by any sender and the person who receives the coded message has a secret private key, the inverse of the public one, which decodes the encrypted message. This system is based on trapdoor one-way functions, that are computationally tractable functions whose inverse functions can not be solved within a reasonable time. In this way, any sender can encrypt a message but only the receiver can decode it due to the fact that he already knows the private key, that is, the inverse function which decrypts the message. Rivest, Shamir and Adleman created in 1977 the RSA method implementing the public-key cryptographic system. This method is based on the difficulty of factoring large integer numbers. Using a computer, it is needed one second to factorize a number of order 1012 , at least a year for a number of order 1020 and it would be needed more than the age of universe to factorize a number of 60 digits. The idea of using quantum properties to obtain secure methods for coding was suggested in 1969 by Stephen Wiesner [20]. He defended that quantum cryptography would rely for the first time on laws of physics and not on mathematical conjectures. Since then, quantum key distribution protocols (QKD) have been gaining importance and nowadays there are companies fully dedicated to the study and sale of this kind of technology. QKD methods consist in creating a key which can be known only by Alice and Bob and then use it to apply the one-time pad protocol. It can be demonstrated that this procedure is much safer than any public-key cryptographic system. For example, in case we could use a quantum computer, applying the Shor’s algorithm [19], any large integer could be factorized in a short enough time. Consequently, the RSA system would not be valid anymore for encoding messages. 23 Below, we review the BB84 [21] and E91 [22] protocols, based on the use of quantum properties of linear superposition and entanglement. 4.1 BB84 protocol Also known as four-state scheme, this was the first protocol devised in quantum cryptography. By this method, Alice and Bob get a private key which can be used in the one-time pad due to its high security. In this procedure, Alice and Bob make use of a quantum channel and another classical one A.public Galindo M.quantum A. Martı́n-Delgado: and quantum which isA. too.and The one, that isClassical usually an optical fiber,information is used for sending Galindo and M. A. Martı́n-Delgado: Classical and quantum information photons one by one. On the other hand, the public channel can be accessed by anybody. clearly random. For instance, denoting by H, el, while keeping a record the sequence The protocol can of be described in four of clear steps: clearly random. For instance, denoting by H, el, while keeping a record of the sequence of ed states andStep of the associated sequence of 0’spolarized A the and 135° pola 1. Alice prepares photons linearly at 0horizontal, , 90 , 45 andvertical, 135 , that45°, are eigened states and of the associated sequence of 0’s A the horizontal, vertical, 45°, and 135° pol ained representing by 0 the choices of 0itand respectively, and bythrough !, " the thequantum polarization ba states of the bases (+, ⇥). She does randomly and she sends them ained representing by 0 the choices of 0 and respectively, and by !, " the polarization ba and by 1channel otherwise. This is states. recording thesequence sequence ofof thebits prepared Denoting thepossible states horizontal, 45 , ver!D,A", Alice’s sequences are and by 1tical otherwise. This sequence of bits is !D,A", Alice’s possible sequences are and 135 by H,D,V and A respectively, she gives the values 0 for the first two states and 1 for the lasts ones. In this way, Alice achieves a sequence of bits totally random. Morever, she writes down three di↵erent sequences: one for the polarization bases, other for the polarization states and the last made of bits. Alice’s sequences are: b has two analyzers, one ‘‘rectangular’’ (!type), the other ‘‘diagonal’’ ("type). Upon receivin b has two analyzers, one (!type), the other ‘‘diagonal’’ ("type). Upon receivin Step 2. can‘‘rectangular’’ analyze the photons Alice making use ofthe twoaleatory devices, one in the of tons, he decides at Bob random what analyzer tosent use,byand writes down sequence analy tons, he decides at the random what analyzer to use, which and writes down the aleatory sequence of anal base + and other in ⇥. He chooses randomly analyzer to use to measure each photon, the result of each measurement. He also produces a bit sequence associating 0 to the cases in he result writing of each measurement. alsowhich produces a used bit sequence associating 0 to the cases in down the sequence of He the basis has been for the measurement of each photon ent produces a 0° or 45° photon, and 1 in cases of 90° or 135°. With the following analyzers and the result thisphoton, measurements as Alice, Bob 0 thethe states H and 45 ,analyzers ent produces a 0° or of 45° and 1too. in Just cases of 90° ordenotes 135°. byWith following possible result of action on way, Alice’s sequence is and 1 of to VBob’s and 135 . In this Bob previous could obtain the next sequences: possible result Bob’s action on Alice’s previous sequence is xt they communicate other the public channel the sequences polarization Note that ifwith Aliceeach and Bob use through the same basis, the result of the measurement is theofsame xt they communicate with each other through the public channel the sequences of polarization 1 In Bob’s other case, they have a probability of never of obtaining the same result. mployed, for as both. well as failures in detection, but the specific states prepared by Alice in 2 mployed, as well as Bob’s failures in detection, but never the specific states prepared by Alice in ulting states obtained by Bob upon measuring. ulting states obtained by Bob upon measuring. 24 ext they communicate with each other through the public channel the sequences of polarization b Using the public channel, and Bob put inthe common the sequences ext they communicate with each information other through theAlice public channel sequences of polarization b employed, asStep well3. as Bob’s failures in detection, but never the specific states prepared byofAlice in ea polarization andfailures analyzers It is important to note that they never communicate employed, as well asbases Bob’s inemployed. detection, but never the specific states prepared by Alice in e esulting states obtained by Bob upon measuring. each other which ones are the prepared states nor the resulting states measured by Bob. sulting states obtained by Bob upon measuring. ey discard those in which photons, andhad alsoa those which the Step cases 4. They discardBob thosedetects cases innowhich Bob has failure cases in theindetection, or preparat ey discard those cases in which Bob detects no photons, and also those cases in which the preparat Alice and the analyzer type usedbasis by Bob differ. this distillation, both left with same in which the polarization used by AliceAfter to prepare the photons and theare analyzer basis the Alice and the analyzer type used by Bob differ. After this distillation, both are left with the same by Bob in will the measurement do shared not coincide. nce of bitsemployed 0, 1, which they adopt as the secretAfter key:the discarding, both obtain the nce of bitssame 0, 1,subsequence which they adopt theasshared secret key: of will bits that theyastake the secret shared key: that Eve ‘‘taps’’ the quantum channel and that the distilledTherefore key is the key is thatsame Eve ‘‘taps’’ the quantum channel and tha the distilled key is the equipment as Bob, analyzes the pol 1011110000011001001010... the same equipment as Bob, analyzes thetopol 110000011001001010¯ state of each photon, forwarding them next B 110000011001001010¯ state of each photon, forwarding them next to B much like Bob, ignorant of theofstate of each pho supposing that Bob detects the photons sent by Alice, on average, the length the key ngth is, onand average, and assuming no all detection much like will Bob,use ignorantwrong of the state of each pho by Alice, ngth is, on nosequence. detection one-half ofand the first This is due to the probability of both the Alice and Bobanalyzer making with pro ne-half ofisaverage, the length of assuming eachsequence’s. initial by Alice, will use the wrong analyzer with pr ne-half ofuse theof length eachwhich initial sequence. the sameofbasis, is exactly a half. 1/2 and will replace Alice’s photon by another 1/2 and will replace Alice’s another that upon measurement Bobphoton will getbyAlice’s st Now Alice only has to write the message to Bob as a series of bits and then add the shared that upon measurement Bobofwill get Alice’s s1 probability only 3/8, instead the probability ropping effects secret key, making the message random. Then sheprobability has to communicate it through the only 3/8, instead of classical the probability 1 absence of eavesdropping. Therefore this interve ropping effects channel and finally Bob can decode the message absence detractingof theeavesdropping. key. Therefore this interv his holds in the ideal case in which there are no Eve induces on each photon a probability of e his holds in the ideal case in which there are no All this is written in the ideal case that there are no defects in the transmission of photons, Eve induces on each photon a probability of e ppers, no noises in the transmission, and no deReturning to the previous example, let us assu pers, no noises in and the no transmission, and noanalyze de- theEve’s no noises eavesdropper. Let’s case that the isexample, perfect butletproduce Returning tocommunication the previous us assu he production, reception, or analysis: the dismeasurements on Alice’s photons there is an eavesdropper, Eve, who intercepts the quantum channel and also has the same he reception, or But analysis: disEve’s measurements on Alice’s photons produc s ofproduction, Alice and Bob coincide. let us the assume lowing results: equipment as Bob. s of Alice and Bob coincide. But let us assume lowing results: Supposing Eve detects Alice’s photons and then she replaces and sends them to Bob, she hys., Vol. 74,can No.induce 2, April an 2002 error. If the analyzer’s basis is the same as Alice’s polarization basis, Eve can hys., Vol. 74, No. 2, April 2002 create an equal photon. Even so, if the basis are not the same, whose probability is 1/2, the reproduced photon may have the same polarization as Alice’s photon and also can be 90 25 shifted. In this way, Eve can induce an error with a probability of 1/4. Let’s suppose that Eve obtainsA. theGalindo next sequence the photons sent Classical by Alice: and quantum information and M.from A. Martı́n-Delgado: A. Classical and andquantum quantuminformation information A. Galindo Galindo and and M. M. A. A. Martı́n-Delgado: Martı́n-Delgado: Classical es are now those reaching who with his sequence of analyzers will obtain, for instance, Eve sends theBob, photons which has his measured to Bob, writes down the next sequence tes are those reaching Bob, who his sequence ofwho analyzers will obtain, forinstance, instance, ates arenow nowThen those reaching Bob, with sequence of analyzers will obtain, for using his analyzers: ging asasasinininStep 4:4:4: Alice and Bob communicate their sequences of basis to obtain the key. Step Finally, ng Step As can be seen, in one out of four cases Eve’s induced error appears and the key sequence does not coincide Alice and used the basisbut to prepare/measure notsame know, that Alice canthelater show that the coincidences in although the distilled listsBob gethave does does not know, that can hat thecoincidences coincidences in the the distilled distilled lists the getpresence does not know, but but thatinAlice Alice can latersho sh at the in photons. Accordingly, they can verify of an eavesdropper putting common a later when he claims it. Resorting to entangled EP in one out of four cases, the coincidence disof thecases, key that they can not use anymore. Sacrificing aclaims piece of it. the key whose length is when he Resorting totoentangled E none oneout outpiece of four four cases, the coincidence diswhen he claims it. Resorting entangled n of the coincidence makes it possible for either party of the coupl Sacrificing for verification a piece of the lists N N bits, the probability of not detecting eavesdropper’s e↵ects is (3/4) . Using a piece of the makes itit possible the acrificing for verification verification piece ofAlice makes possible for for either eitherparty partyofof thecou co crificing for aa piece the lists have dishonestly Alice random from theenough, final sequences, and key long if they not find any discrepancies they can discard (a the cheating possibility of beingcould cha have Alice could ch andom from the final final sequences, sequences, have dishonestly dishonestly (a cheating cheating Alice could ndom from the Alice and publicly compare their differences commitment at the (a end without Bob’s being awa interceptedthem, by an and eavesdropper. ublicly compare them, Ifand and their commitment the end Bob’s being blicly them, differences commitmentat at thecould endwithout without Bob’sinformat beingaw a t Eve’scompare intervention. thetheir length ofprotocol that butuntrustworthy Bob obtain some This is just an ideal case of the in practice one has to take care of the noise Eve’s intervention. If probability the length lengththat untrustworthy Bob obtain some Eve’s intervention. If the of Eve’s that untrustworthy Bobcould could obtain some inform artial sequence is N, the without asking equipment. Alice; Mayers, 1996, 1997;informa Brassa of the emitting source, the transmission channel or the receiving This can create N rtial sequence is N, the probability that Eve’s without Alice; Mayers, tial sequence is N, the probability as not produced discrepancies (3/4) N bit andsequences is without asking Alice; Mayers, 1996, 1997;Bras Bra 1997). discrepancies between theisdistilled by Alice asking and Bob, but not as much1996, as the1997; N and is s not produced discrepancies is (3/4) 1997). not produced discrepancies is (3/4) should and is gible for eavesdropper N large enough. Therefore, introduces. 1997). There exists a proof of the unconditional se ible any for N N large large enough. enough. Therefore, should find discordance, they can feel safe about There exists aa proof the ble for Therefore, should There key exists proof of of theunconditional unconditional quantum distribution through noisy channels Sequences have been taken from [15]. nd any discordance, But theythey canmust feel clearly safe about about ce of eavesdroppers. disd any discordance, they can feel safe quantum key through noisy chann to any distance, by means of a protocol based quantum key distribution distribution through noisy chanu eof ofeavesdroppers. eavesdroppers. But they they must clearly disbinary string they But have made public and not must clearly disto any distance, by means of a protocol based sharing of EPR pairs and their an to any distance, by means of apurification, protocol base binary string they they have have made made public public and and not coding. inary string not 26 the sharing of EPR pairs and their purification, hypothesis that bothand parties and Bo sharing of EPR pairs their(Alice purification, oding. tice, the emitting source, the transmission ding. the that parties (Alice fault-tolerant quantum computers andand Cha the hypothesis hypothesis that both both parties(Lo (Alice andB ice, the emitting source, the transmission nd the receiving equipment all display noise, ce, the emitting source, the transmission fault-tolerant quantum and Ch Likewise, the unconditional security(Lo of the BB8 fault-tolerant quantumcomputers computers (Lo and C nd the receiving equipment all display noise, ld spoil, even without Eve’s intervention, the the receiving equipment all display noise, Likewise, the unconditional security of the BB col is also claimed (Mayers, 1998). Likewise, the unconditional security of the B of the bit sequences distilled by Alice and spoil, even without Eve’s Eve’s intervention, the spoil, even without intervention, the col is also claimed (Mayers, 1998). 4.2 E91 protocol Ekert’s protocol, just as in the previous one, is based on obtaining a private key and using it in the one-time pad. To obtain the key, Alice and Bob share spin 1/2 particles in a state of maximum entanglement. Due to the correlations, they are able not only to get a secure key but also to detect the presence of an eavesdropper. The communication between Alice and Bob is provided by a classical channel and a quantum one. We assume that Alice has a source that emits EPR pairs, from which one is measured by Alice and the other travels to Bob’s system where it is also measured. The detectors of both systems perform measurements on spin components along three directions perpendicular to the trajectory of the particles. Choosing the z axis as the trajectory direction, the measurements are made in the x-y plane. Measurement directions are characterized by the azimuthal angles as follows: a1 = 0 , a2 = 45 , a3 = 90 and b1 = 45 , b2 = 90 , b 3 = 135 , where subscripts ”a” and ”b” refer to Alice and Bob respectively and the angle starts in the x axis. Alice chooses randomly one of the three orientations of the detector for each pair of entangled particles, and Bob does the same. They obtain one bit of information in each measurement, 1 in case the result is spin up and 0 if it is spin down. We define the correlation coefficient as E(ai , bj ) = P++ (ai , bj ) + P (ai , bj ) P+ (ai , bj ) P + (ai , bj ) (24) where ai and bj are the directions of the Alice and Bob’s analyzers. P±± correspond to the probability that the result of the measurement has been spin up or spin down along the direction ai and bj respectively. In agreement with the quantum formalism E(ai , bj ) = ai · bj . (25) Consequently, in case the analyzers of both users have the same direction (a2 , b1 and a3 , b2 ) the anticorrelation of the results obtained by Alice and Bob is total, E(a2 , b1 ) = E(a3 , b2 ) = 1. Following the CHSH inequality [23], which is based on Bell’s theorem [24], we define a quantity composed of the correlation coefficients for which the detector’s orientations, a and b, are di↵erent: S = E(a1 , b1 ) E(a1 , b3 ) + E(a3 , b1 ) + E(a3 , b3 ). (26) It can be easily seen that S= p 2 2, which violates Bell’s inequality, |S| 2, due to the non-locality of the EPR state. (27) Once the transmission is completed, Alice and Bob communicate the sequence of the orientations of the analyzers employed. They discard the cases in which the detections have failed 27 and then separate in two groups, one for the cases they have used di↵erent orientation in their detectors and another where the orientations coincide. They put in common the results of the measurements of the first group, so they can calculate the value of S by averaging the probabilities P±± for each combination p of analyzer’s directions. In case the particles were not perturbed, S should remain being 2 2, so the users can be sure that the quantum channel is not being intercepted by an eavesdropper. Given that there is a total anticorrelation if Alice and Bob use the same direction in their analyzers, Alice’s second group results are the opposite of Bob’s. Consequently, Bob has to change his results to obtain Alice’s sequence, which will be used as the key. Note that the results of the second group has never been shared through the quantum channel, so only the users have them and the one-time pad can be accomplished. Besides, if there is an eavesdropper intercepting the quantum channel, he will measure the EPR particles, and he also will try to replace them. However, the correlation coefficients will be altered, which changes (26) as follows: R S = ⇢(na , nb )dna dnb [(a1 · na )(b1 · nb ) (a1 · na )(b3 · nb ) +(a3 · na )(b1 · nb ) + (a3 · na )(b3 · nb )], (28) where na and nb are the directions of the eavesdropper analyzer for the particles that will be measured by Alice and Bob respectively. ⇢(na , nb ) can be considered as the strategy of the eavesdropper, because is the probability of intercepting a spin component along the given direction for a particular measurement. In case Alice has the source of particles in the singlet state, the eavesdropper only could intercept Bob’s particle the directions na and nb check the relation nb = na . In this way, (26) can be simplified giving Z p S = ⇢(na , nb )dna dnb [ 2na · nb ], (29) so the value S is restricted to p 2S p 2. (30) This result is contrary to (27) for any strategy ⇢(na , nb ). So then, the eavesdropper has no way to escape from being detected. Now, we show an original calculation in Ekert’s protocol assuming that the quantum channel is composed of two particles in the Werner state that we introduced in (10). So, the density matrix of particles 1 and 2 is 0 1 2(1 p) 0 0 0 C 1B 0 1 + 2p 1 4p 0 C. ⇢12 = B (31) A 0 1 4p 1 + 2p 0 6@ 0 0 0 2(1 p) 28 First of all we calculate correlation coefficients. For this, we should calculate the probabilities that the result of the measurement has been spin up or spin down along the directions ai and bj . This is given by P±± (ai , bj ) = Tr[(⇤± (ai ) ⌦ ⇤± (bj )) · ⇢12 ], (32) where ⇤± (v) is the projector of the state linearly polarized along the direction given by v with eigenvalues +1 and -1 respectively. That projector can be constructed from 1 ⇤± (v) = [ ± 2 being = x nx + y ny + · v], (33) z nz . We analyze correlation coefficients in the cases that Alice and Bob’s detectors have the same polarization direction E(a2 , b1 ) = P++ (a2 , b1 ) + P (a2 , b1 ) P+ 1 1 1 = (1 p) + (1 p) (1 + 2p) 3 3 6 (a2 , b1 ) P + (a2 , b1 ) 1 1 (1 + 2p) = (1 4p). 6 3 (34) It is easy to see that E(a2 , b1 ) = E(a3 , b2 ) = 13 (1 4p). So if p = 1, the anticorrelation becomes maximum, which is in agreement with the case of the singlet state. Let us calculate S replacing the singlet state by the Werner one. In this case we obtain S = E(a1 , b1 ) E(a1 , b3 ) + E(a3 , b1 ) + E(a3 , b3 ) 1 4p 4p 1 1 4p 1 4p 4(1 4p) p + p + p = p = p . 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 (35) p p 2 , so security can not As can be seen in Figure 6, S only violates Bell’s theorem if p > 3+ 4 2 be assured in case p is less than this value. Moreover, the less is p the less is the probability of establishing a perfect key between Alice and Bob due to the fact that the anticorrelation coefficient for the same direction of measurement decreases proportionally to p. 29 Figure 6: Plot of the S as a function of p. 30 5 Experimental aspects of quantum cryptography Although quantum-cryptography (QC) protocols began to be published in 1984, the first experiments could not be accomplished until 1999. The high difficulty of changing rapidly the basis of the analyzers, which was one of the requirements of QC protocols, was insurmountable for more than a decade. With the implementation of new technologies, the field of quantum communication made a remarkable progress. In fact, in 2000 the result of three QC experiments from University of Innsbruck [25], Los Alamos National Laboratory [26] and University of Geneva [27] were published in the journal Physical Review Letters. These ones reproduced E91 protocol making use of polarization-entangled photons in the first ones while the last consists in energy-time entanglement. In the following we review the polarization-entanglement experiments. Both groups used photon pairs at a wavelength of 700nm because this was the easiest way to be detected by the single-photon detectors based on silicon avalanche photodiode’s. To generate the entangled pair, the source consisted in one or two -BaB2 O4 crystals pumped by an argon-ion laser. This is the same technique that was used in Innsbruck in the teleportation experiment, which is known as parametric down-conversion. Entangled photons go to Alice and Bob’s analyzers, which are composed of an active polarization rotator, a beam splitter and a an avalanche photodiode. The first element allows to the user to rote, instead of beamsplitter’s polarization direction, photon’s one obtaining the same result. et al.: Quantum cryptography nce of a have a to one.43 e singleobability. of a pair tly hears 21. Typical for quantum exploiting ng multi-FigureFIG. 7: Graphic scheme of system the experiment. PR, activecryptography polarization rotator; PBS, polarizing APD, avalanche photo-diode. Taken from [16]. photon pairs entangled in polarization: PR, active polarization en meanbeamsplitter; rotator; PBS, polarizing beamsplitter; APD, avalanche phototy pulse diode. he same In Innsbruck, the distance between Alice and Bob analyzers had a length of 360m. ConseI.A.2). quently, they needed to use a special optical fibers designed for guiding only a single mode at photons700nm. Each analyzer saved the results of the measurements and later systems on that information Generally speaking, entanglement-based are was n unused far more complex than setups based on faint laser 31 bserving pulses. They will most certainly not be used in the near ivalently future for the realization of industrial prototypes. In aded guardition, the current experimental key creation rates obtained with these systems are at least two orders of maghe differ- put in common following the implemented protocols, one based on Wigner’s inequality [28], which is a specific case of Bell’s inequalities, and the other based on BB84. On the other hand, Los Alamos’ experiment was a table-top realization that spanned no more than a few meters, so photons travelled a short free-space distance. In this case, they employed the six-state protocol and the E91. For the last, they simulated di↵erent eavesdropping strategies and an increase in the discrepancies between Alice and Bob was clearly observed when the information obtained by the eavesdropper increased. 32 6 Quantum Hacking The best known attack on a cryptographic system may be the one that involves the Enigma machine [29]. This system could encrypt any message but also decrypt it. The best minds, Alan Turing among others, worked hardly to decode the machine. Their contribution was invaluable to win World War II. This is a clear example of importance of cryptography in the modern world. Nowadays is common to hear about events where security of computer systems is broken up. This is called hacking. As we have shown above, there are mechanisms to decode security keys generated classically. Even though the one-time pad is 100% secure, it is not really useful if the users are not able to create secret keys steadily. The public-key cryptographic system may be more useful. However, the users should be aware that an eavesdropper can decrypt the message in case he finds the way to obtain the inverse of the function that encrypts the message. Given that quantum cryptography is based on physical properties and not on mathematical conjectures, the eavesdropper has to interact with the quantum channel to obtain the key. This allows legitimate users to detect him, making the quantum key distribution protocols the most secure ones to date. In fact, as we have shown above, Alice and Bob have mechanisms to detect the presence of an eavesdropper although they never issue the key. Until now, we have restricted to the ideal case that there are no noises in the transmission and no defects in the production, reception or analysis, where quantum cryptography protocols are perfect. On the contrary, implementations use imperfect devices available with current technology and thus, the eavesdropper can access the information. In 2011 a full-field implementation of a perfect eavesdropper on a quantum cryptography system was accomplished in the National University of Singapore [30]. The authors succeeded in obtaining the entire ”secret” key while Alice and Bob did not detect any secure breach. In this experiment, the four-state protocol is realized with polarization encoding and passive basis choice. Eavesdropper’s analyzers are the same as Bob’s, four linear polarizers in front of avalanche photodiodes. He has to make Bob to measure in the same basis as him to avoid being detected. Therefore, he makes use of a laser diode that blinds Bob’s detectors emitting continuous-wave circularly polarized light. For each photon from Alice, he adds a linearly polarized pulse of the same polarization that has measured when he intercepts Alice’s photon. Only the analyzer chosen by the eavesdropper will detect the reproduced photon, achieving that Bob obtains the same measurement as his own. In this way, the eavesdropper and Bob obtain the same result sequence, and after Alice communicates her sequence of basis, both Bob and the eavesdropper get the key. This experiment confirms that quantum cryptography can be broken although theoretical protocols might be perfect. Therefore, the field of cryptography is not already closed and it has to be improved to become highly secure. 33 Pagina en blanco 34 7 Conclusions This chapter lists the key results obtained during research conducted in this work. The study of quantum theory in combination with the theory of information has been developed during the last decades but even today it is still an open field that has not been fully exploited. This work is just a sample of the wealth of this field, not only for its predictions in theoretical protocols but also for the huge variety of applications in which it can be implemented. In the following we show the conclusions of each section: • A quantum channel and a classical one are necessary to teleport a quantum state from one point to another. In case one of them is missing the teleportation protocol can not be applied. The quantum channel has to consist of two entangled particles. As we have seen, the fidelity of the protocol decreases proportionally to the degree of entanglement of the state until 66% fidelity of teleportation protocol corresponding to the maximum fidelity of classical state. We also demonstrate that the classical channel is essential to accomplish this protocol because Bob does not obtain any information until Alice communicates the result of the measurement to him, even if she has already made it. • We have reviewed two of the most relevant experiments in the field of quantum teleportation. Innsbruck group only succeeded in a 25% of times due to the fact that the employed devices only could detect the state | i making the Bell measurement. The experiment was accomplished using photons polarized in several ways to get a high accuracy. On the other hand, in the experiment realized at NIST, authors made use of trapped ions. They demonstrated that this system can attain higher fidelities than one composed of photons, achieving an accuracy of 78%. • We have shown that classical cryptography is secure nowadays with some methods, namely, the one-time pad and the public-key cryptographic system. However, quantum cryptography is based on laws of physics and not on mathematical conjectures. We have reviewed the BB84 and the E91 protocols, which are based in quantum properties of linear superposition and entanglement respectively. In both we have analyzed the case that an eavesdropper intercepts the quantum communication and in both cases the legitimate users detect the presence of the eavesdropper. In addition, we have studied the E91 protocol in case the quantum channel is not perfect, obtaining when the security is assured as a function of the imperfection of the quantum channel. • We have shortly reviewed two of the implementations of quantum-cryptography protocols. In these experiments, the authors made use of polarization-entangled photons. In both, two systems succeeded establishing the secure key. Furthermore, in the experiment based on Ekert’s protocol, the authors introduced an eavesdropper and they observed an increase of discrepancies in the key when the eavesdropper interacted with the quantum channel. • Experimental quantum cryptography is not secure yet even though it is safe from a theoretical point of view. The experiment made in Singapore shows how an eavesdropper 35 can obtain the key without being detected due to the imperfections of employed devices, so it is possible to achieve a perfect attack on a current quantum cryptographic system. 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