Webové aplikace v JavaScriptu
Webové aplikace v JavaScriptu
Webové aplikace v JavaScriptu Pavol Hejný pavolhejny.com 27.5.2016 | Praha | ITnetwork.cz Stránka vs. Aplikace HTML page WWW App Controller View Model DB WWW server API server DB Frontend v JS Rychlost Proč? využití 2D / 3D grafiky Využití web audio Využití files API http://birds.cz/avif/atlas_nest_map.php?rok=2016&druh=Phasianus_colchicus http://zastavky.birdlife.cz/ Towns.cz Towns.cz develop.towns.cz develop.towns.cz develop.towns.cz develop.towns.cz develop.towns.cz JS a HTML DOM <body> <p id="itnetwork">ITnetwork</p> </body> <script> var element = window.document.getElementById ("itnetwork"); ITnetwork element.onclick = function(){ element.style.color = '#3B94E0; } </script> DOM vs. jQuery var element = window.document.getElementById ("itnetwork"); $('#itnetwork').click(function(){ $(this).css('color','#00ff00'); element.onclick = function(){ element.style.color = '#00ff00'; } }); interval, timeout var second=11; var element =window.document.getElementById ("counter"); var interval = setInterval(function(){ second--; element.innerHTML = second; }, 1000); 7 setTimeout(function(){ alert('Ahoj!'); clearInterval(interval); } , 11000); https://jsfiddle.net/phejny/xjyerkq2/ Animation frame var start = null; var element = document.getElementById("ball"); element.style.position = 'absolute'; function step(timestamp) { if (!start) start = timestamp; var progress = timestamp - start; element.style.top = Math.sin(progress/1000*Math.PI) *100+100 + "px"; element.style.left = Math.cos(progress/1000*Math.PI) *100+100 + "px"; window.requestAnimationFrame(step); } window.requestAnimationFrame(step); https://jsfiddle.net/phejny/8nLcpffb/1/ XMLHttpRequest var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = "https://api.fixer.io/latest?symbols=CZK"; request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) { var response = JSON.parse(request.responseText); var rate = response.rates.CZK; document.getElementById('CZK').innerText = Math. round(rate*5); 5€ je 135,- kč. } }; request.open("GET", url, true); request.send(); https://jsfiddle.net/phejny/0y6dbyug/1 XMLHttpRequest vs. jQuery var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = "https://api.fixer.io/latest?symbols=CZK"; var url = "https://api.fixer.io/latest?symbols=CZK"; request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) { $.get(url) .done(function(response){ var response = JSON.parse(request.responseText); var rate = response.rates.CZK; var rate = response.rates.CZK; $('#CZK').text(Math.round(rate*5)); document.getElementById('CZK').innerText = Math.round (rate*5); }); } }; request.open("GET", url, true); request.send(); https://jsfiddle.net/phejny/0y6dbyug/3 Sync vs. Async <?php $json = file_get_contents("https://api.fixer.io/latest? symbols=CZK,EUR"); //... echo('5€ je '.$CZK.',- kč.'); $.get("https://api.fixer.io/latest?symbols=CZK") .done(function(response){ var rate = response.rates.CZK; $('#CZK').text(Math.round(rate*5)); }); $json = file_get_contents("https://api.fixer.io/latest? symbols=USD,EUR"); //... echo('5€ je '.$USD.'$.'); $.get("https://api.fixer.io/latest?symbols=USD") .done(function(response){ var rate = response.rates.USD; $('#USD').text(Math.round(rate*5*100)/100); ?> }); Sync vs. Async Event Event Výsledek Výsledek Angular <!doctype html> <html ng-app> <head> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.5.5 /angular.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div> <input type="text" ng-model="jmeno_cajovny"> <hr> <h1>Jsme v čajovně {{jmeno_cajovny}}!</h1> </div> </body> </html> var Position = function(x,y){ this.x= x || 0; this.y= y || 0; }; ECMAScript 5 Position.prototype.getDistance = function(position){ return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(position.x-this.x,2)+Math.pow(position.ythis.y,2)); }; Position.prototype.toString = function(){ return ''+this.x+','+this.y+''; }; String var multiline_string = 'Takhle\ d*****e se musí psát\ string na více\ řádků.'; var multiline_string = 'Nebo' + 'takhle - s tímhle zápisem alespoň umí' + 'pracovat PHPStorm'; var multiline_string = ['Nebo', 'takhle', ].join('\n') var multiline_string = (function () {/* Podle mě ten nejhorší způsob :( */}).toString().match(/[^]*\/\*([^]*)\*\/\}$/)[1]; var multiline_string = `V ES6 to jde bez problémů!`; var Position = class{ constructor(x=0,y=0){ this.x= x; this.y= y; } ECMAScript 6 getDistance(position){ return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(position.x-this.x,2)+Math.pow(position. y-this.y,2)); } toString(){ return ''+this.x+','+this.y+''; } }; CoffeeScript transpiler Position = (x, y) -> @x = x or 0 @y = y or 0 return Position::getDistance = (position) -> Math.sqrt (position.x - (@x)) ** 2+ (position.y - (@y)) ** 2 Position::toString = -> '' + @x + ',' + @y + '' Backend Přepínání Proč? Node JS Rychlost Sdílení kódu REST API používání WS PHP vs. Node ● Apache ● Jednotlivé stránky ● node, pm2 ● Celý server Body Header Request Response ● ● ● status code - 200, 404, 403,... mime type - text/html cache control ● http://www.itnetwork. cz/software/sublime-text? nastaveni=123#goto173043 GET, POST, DELETE, HEAD,... ● form data, upload,... ● html, js, css, image, pdf, video,... ● RAW Request Headers URL:https://www.google.cz/search? q=itnetwork+je+nej&oq=status+code&aqs=ch rome..69i57. 395j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UT F-8 Request Method:GET Remote Address: Response Headers alt-svc:quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v=" 34,33,32,31,30,29,28,27,26,25" alternate-protocol:443:quic cache-control:private, max-age=0 content-encoding:gzip content-type:text/html; charset=UTF-8 date:Fri, 27 May 2016 11:46:06 GMT expires:-1 server:gws status:200 x-frame-options:SAMEORIGIN x-xss-protection:1; mode=block Browser vs. Node ● ● ● ● window <script src="..."></script> HTTP klient JQuery, Angular ● ● ● ● global var module = require("..."); HTTP server, klient Express var http = require("http"); Express http.createServer(function(request, response){ if(request.url=='/') { Routing var express = require('express'); var app = express(); app.get('/', function (req, res) { res.send('GET request to the home'); }); response.writeHead(200); response.end('GET request to the home'); }else if(request.url=='/objects') { response.writeHead(200); response.end('GET request to the objects'); }else{ app.get('/objects', function (req, res) { res.send('GET request to the objects'); }); response.writeHead(404); response.end('Not fount :( '); } }).listen(80); Jasmine testování describe('lineCollision', function() { it('//', function () { expect(T.Math.lineCollision(0,0,10,10,0,2,10,12)).toBe(false); }); it('/|', function () { expect(T.Math.lineCollision(0,0,10,10,100,0,100,10)).toBe(false); }); it('X', function () { expect(T.Math.lineCollision(0,0,10,10,0,2,2,0)).toBe(true); }); it('L', function () { expect(T.Math.lineCollision(0,0,10,10,10,10,10,0)).toBe(true); }); it('T', function () { expect(T.Math.lineCollision(0,0,10,0,10,10,10,-10)).toBe(true); }); it('/', function () { expect(T.Math.lineCollision(0,0,10,10,1,1,9,9)).toBe(true); }); it('!', function () { expect(T.Math.lineCollision(0,0,0,2,0,4,0,10)).toBe(false); }); }); Middleware načítání js souborů <script src="/app/js/00-other/cookie.static.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/copy.static.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/date.functions.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/escape.functions.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/generate-file.jquery.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/interval.static.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/is-image-ok.function.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/is.functions.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/log.functions.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/outer-html.jquery.js"></script> HTML <script src="/app/js/00-other/select-text.function.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/set-input-error.function.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/string.class.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/track-event.function.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/00-other/uri-plugin.js"></script> browser includes <script src="/app/js/00-other/validate.functions.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/10-model/10-model-draw-3d.prototype.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/10-model/10-model-draw-cache.prototype.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/20-ui/10-browser-compatibility.static.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/20-ui/10-messages.static.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/20-ui/10-popup-window.static.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/20-ui/10-status.static.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/20-ui/10-templates.static.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/20-uri/10-uri.static.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/20-uri/20-uri.onload.js"></script> <script src="/app/js/30-api/10-townsapi.class.js"></script> <script src="/app-build/js/towns.min.js"></script> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------gulp.task('build', function () { gulp.src(includes) .pipe(sort()) GULP .pipe(concat('towns-shared.js')) .pipe(es6transpiler({ "disallowUnknownReferences": false, "disallowDuplicated": false })) build .pipe(gulp.dest('./build')) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'})) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build')); }); <?php PHP browser includes $scripts = glob('./js/*.js'); foreach($scripts as $script){ echo('<script src="'.htmlentities($script).'"></script>'."\n"); } ?> Middleware komunikace WWW a API serveru http://www.itnetwork.cz/software/sublimetext Sublime Text 3 napsal Jon Skinner. Jde o komerční editor napsaný v C++ a jehož licence stojí kolem 1400 Kč. Editor si ale můžete vyzkoušet a to na neomezenou dobu. Bez licence se však čas od času při ukládání ukáže dialogové okno, kde je doporučena koupě licence…. Honza Bittner | ITNetwork.cz WWW App WWW server API server WWW App DB WWW server API server DB <title>Lesní mýtina | Towns</title> <meta name="description" content=""> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico"> http://www.towns. cz/story/572cbec9b8 3bf0b7710c6b58#23, 56 <meta property="fb:app_id" content="408791555870621" > <meta property="og:site_name" content="Lesní mýtina | Towns" > <meta property="og:title" content="Lesní mýtina | Towns" > <meta property="og:description" content="Na lesní mýtině…." > <meta property="og:type" content="article" > <meta property="og:url" content="http://towns. cz/story/572cbec9b83bf0b7710c6b58" > <meta property="og:image" content="http://cdn.towns.cz/towns-cdn/? file=572cbec84cc89-bGVzMi5qcGc=&&width=1200" > ………………………………………………………………………………... <main class="popup-window"> <div class="header">Lesní mýtina</div> <article class="content"> <p><img src="http://cdn.towns.cz/towns-cdn/?file=572cbec84cc89bGVzMi5qcGc=&&width=800" alt="les2.jpg"></p> </article> </main> Další témata ● ● ● TypeScript Angular Google Maps vs. Seznam Mapy ● ● WS REST API ● Mongo DB ● ● ● ● JS Files API - drag & drop 2D grafika - canvas / svg 3D grafika webgl Procedurální mapy ● ● Gulp Sass
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