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KEY SWITCHES REF 10195714 PARTS DIVISION TVH FORKLIFT PARTS nv • BRABANTSTRAAT 15 • 8790 WAREGEM • BELGIUM TEL +32 56 43 42 11 • FAX +32 56 43 44 88 • E-MAIL • WEB De onderdelen vermeld in deze lijst, zijn normaal uit voorraad leverbaar, behoudens uitverkocht. Ook niet vermelde onderdelen kunnen binnen de kortste tijd uitgeleverd worden. De O.E.M. referenties dienen enkel ter indicatie en impliceren niet dat deze van de vermelde heftruckconstructeur afkomstig zijn. Deze onderdelenlijst kan zonder enige voorafgaande verwittiging aangepast worden. Alle gebruikte foto's, tekeningen, afbeeldingen, merknamen, omschrijvingen en nummers dienen alleen ter identificatie. Les pièces de rechange, mentionnées dans cette liste, sont normalement livrables du stock. En plus, les articles non-indiqués peuvent être fournis en peu de temps. Cette liste peut être modifée sans avis préalable. Les références O.E.M. sont seulement indicatives et n'impliquent pas que les pièces de rechange viennent du constructeur de chariots élévateurs. Toutes les photographies, illustrations, marques, descriptions, tous les plans et numéros servent exclusivement à une identification. Die in dieser Liste aufgeführten Teile sind normalerweise aus dem Lager lieferbar. Wir sind zudem in der Lage nicht aufgeführte Teile innerhalb kürzester Zeit zu liefern. Die O.E.M. Referenznummern dienen zur Information und beinhalten nicht, dass diese vom genannten Gabelstaplerhersteller kommen. Diese Bestandsliste kann ohne vorhergehende Ankündigung geändert werden. Alle verwendeten Foto's, Zeichnungen, Abbildungen, Markennamen, Beschreibungen und Nummern dienen nur zu Identifikationszwecken. The spare parts mentioned in this list can normally be delivered from stock. In addition, we can supply parts, which are not mentioned in this catalogue, with the shortest possible delivery time. The O.E.M. references are only for indication purposes and do not imply that the spare parts are coming from the forklift manufacturer. This spare parts list can be modified without prior notice. All photographs, drawings, illustrations, brand names, descriptions and numbers are included for identification purposes only. I pezzi di ricambio, menzionati in questo listino, possono essere forniti di consegna immediata a condizione che non sono esauriti. Pezzi di ricambio non menzionati possono essere forniti in poco tempo. Le referenze O.E.M. sono solamente indicative e non implicano che i pezzi di ricambio vengono di questo costruttore di carrelli elevatori. Questa lista ricambi può essere agguistata senza avisi anticipati. Tutti i numeri, codici, nomi, foto, spaccati e disegni sono solo a titolo informativo. Normalmente tenemos en almacén las piezas de recambio mencionadas en esta lista microfichera. Tenemos la posibilidad de suministrar las piezas de recambio no mencionadas. Los números de referencia O.E.M. sirven solamente como indicación y no impliquen que vienen del constructor de las carretillas elevadores. La lista de almacén puede ser adaptada sin aviso anterior. Todas las fotos, despieces, nombres de marca, descripciones y números sólo sirven para identificación. c Copyright by TVH FORKLIFT PARTS - BELGIUM 2005 All the information contained in this catalogue remains the property of TVH Forklift Parts and may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted or communicated by any other ways to third parties without a prior written permission. • All photographs, illustrations, brand names and part numbers are included for identification purposes only. • OEM references are purely indicative and do not imply that parts originate from the forklift manufacturer. • Products that do not comply with regulatory requirements concerning CE conformity are not placed on the market in the European Economic Area. • Printing errors reserved • In the catalogue of TVH, company and/or personal details are collected from forms. When you provide us with such information, it is stored in the files of TVH. You have the right to access and, if necessary, correct your company and/or personal data, according to the applicable law. The databases containing your information are protected against unauthorized access. The information collected is not transmitted to third parties. KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: INDEX page Part 1: KEY SWITCHES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 • • • • Technische fiche contactslot . . . . . . . Fiche technique contacteur à clé . . . Technical detail key switch . . . . . . . Technische Daten Zündschalter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • KEY SWITCHES used for: ALLIS CHALMERS - KALMAR AC . . . . . ASEA (ABB) (Cfr KALMAR LMV) ATLET - LAFIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BALKANCAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BKS (Cfr JUNGHEINRICH) BOSCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOSS (Cfr STEINBOCK-BOSS) BT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BV ROCLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATERPILLAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CESAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLIMAX COVENTRY - KALMAR CLIMAX . CROWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ESSELINGEN (Cfr STILL) FABA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FANTUZZI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FENWICK & PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIAT-OM PIMESPO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GULDNER (Cfr LINDE - LANSING) HALLA (Cfr HYUNDAI - HALLA) HAMECH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HENLEY (Cfr LINDE - LANSING) HYSTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HYUNDAI - HALLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IRION (Cfr KALMAR LMV) JCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JLG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUNGHEINRICH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KALMAR LMV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KOMATSU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LAFIS (Cfr ATLET-LAFIS) LANCER BOSS (Cfr STEINBOCK-BOSS) LANSING (Cfr LINDE - LANSING) LIFTER (Cfr PRAMAC-LIFTER) LINDE - LANSING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LMV (Cfr KALMAR LMV) LOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LUCAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LUGLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MANITOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MITSUBISHI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MORA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NISSAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NYK - NICHIYU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 .6 .8 .14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 .24 .25 .28 .29 .34 .36 .37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 .39 .40 .42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 .50 .51 .55 .57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 .67 .68 .69 .70 .72 .74 .75 .77 .78 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: INDEX page PEG (Cfr FENWICK & PEG) PIMESPO (Cfr FIAT-OM PIMESPO) PRAMAC-LIFTER . . . . . . . . . . . PRAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RANSOMES (Cfr HYSTER) ROCLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAMSUNG (Cfr CLARK) SANDERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAXBY (Cfr STILL) SHINKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SICHELSMIDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . STEINBOCK-BOSS . . . . . . . . . . STILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SVE TRUCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TECHNOCAR (Cfr BALKANCAR) TOYOTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WAGNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 .84 .85 .87 .91 .92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 • Ignition switches with lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 • Set key switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 • Complete range of key switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Part 2: KEYS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 • Complete range of KEYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 Part 3: ELECTRONIC CODE SWITCH: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 2 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: Part: 1 KEY SWITCHES 3 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: Technische fiche CONTACTSLOT gegevens klant: 02-03-04-00 voorbeeld Type machine: Serie nr. machine: prijsaanvraag bestelling Code : AT-AS x AT-ST x D1 x NR-SC x TY-AS x L1 x L2 x OPM x SL-NR x SL-RF x AT-SL .. AT-AS . . . . . aantal aansluitingen .. AT-ST . . . . . aantal standen ..,. D1 . . . . . . . diameter, zie figuur .. NR-SC . . . . . nummer van het bijhorende schema : zie schema’s .. TY-AS . . . . . type aansluiting, zie tabel ...,. ..,. L1 . . . . . . . . totale lengte, zie figuur L2 . . . . . . . . lengte schroefdraad, zie figuur ..... OPM . . . . . . opmerking ..... SL-NR . . . . . sleutelnummer, is de nummer op de sleutel (indien aanwezig) ..... SL-RF . . . . . TVH-referentie van de sleutel . AT-SL . . . . . aantal sleutels PAS OP : is het aantal sleutels dat bij de sleutelreferentie hoort, niet bij het slot. TVH FORKLIFT PARTS - BELGIUM • TEL. +32 56 43 42 11 4 • FAX +32 56 43 44 88 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: AFMETINGEN CONTACTSLOT TABEL AANSLUITINGEN A B C D E F G H = = = = = = = = blade 4,8 mm blade 6,3 mm blade 9,5 mm pin screw socket solder studs * Bij combinatie van verschillende aansluitingen nemen we de bijhorende types en plaatsen deze in alfabetische volgorde. Vb. BH = blade 6,3 mm en studs SCHEMA’S zie Engelse technische fiche ! 5 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: Fiche technique CONTACTEUR À CLÉ 02-03-04-00 nom de votre société : exemple Type machine: No. série machine: demande de prix commande Code : AT-AS x AT-ST x D1 x NR-SC x TY-AS x L1 x L2 x OPM x SL-NR x SL-RF x AT-SL .. AT-AS . . . . . nombre de connections .. AT-ST . . . . . nombre de positions ..,. D1 . . . . . . . diamètre, voir figure .. .. ...,. ..,. NR-SC . . . . . numéro du schéma correspondant : voir schémas TY-AS . . . . . type de connection, voir tableau L1 . . . . . . . . longueur totale, voir figure L2 . . . . . . . . longueur de filetage, voir figure ..... OPM . . . . . . remarque ..... SL-NR . . . . . numéro de clé = le numéro indiqué sur la clé ..... SL-RF . . . . . référence TVH de la clé . AT-SL . . . . . nombre de clés ATTENTION : le nombre de clés appartenant à la référence clé, pas au contacteur. TVH FORKLIFT PARTS - BELGIUM • TEL. +32 56 43 42 11 6 • FAX +32 56 43 44 88 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: DIMENSIONS DU CONTACTEUR À CLÉ TABLE DES CONNECTIONS A B C D E F G H = = = = = = = = cosses 4,8 mm cosses 6,3 mm cosses 9,5 mm axe vis prise à souder goujon * En cas de combinaison de différentes connections, prendre les types correspondants et les placer en ordre alphabétique p.ex. BH = cosses 6,3 mm et goujon SCHÉMAS voir la fiche technique en Anglais pages suivantes. 7 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: Technical detail KEY SWITCHES Customer details : 02-03-04-00 example Truck type : Truck serial no. : CODE : inquiry order AT-AS x AT-ST x D1 x NR-SC x TY-AS x L1 x L2 x OPM x SL-NR x SL-RF x AT-SL .. AT-AS . . . . . number of terminals .. AT-ST . . . . . number of positions ..,. D1 . . . . . . . diameter : see picture .. NR-SC . . . . . number of corresponding diagram : see diagrams .. TY-AS . . . . . type of terminal, see table ...,. ..,. L1 . . . . . . . . total length, see picture L2 . . . . . . . . length screw thread, see picture ..... OPM . . . . . . remark ..... SL-NR . . . . . key number, is the number on the key (if any) ..... SL-RF . . . . . TVH-reference of the key . AT-SL . . . . . number of keys ATTENTION : is the number of keys belonging to the key reference, not to the lock. TVH FORKLIFT PARTS - BELGIUM • TEL. +32 56 43 42 11 8 • FAX +32 56 43 44 88 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: DIMENSIONS KEY SWITCH TYPE OF TERMINALS A B C D E F G H = = = = = = = = blade 4,8 mm blade 6,3 mm blade 9,5 mm pin screw socket solder studs * When combining different types of connections we take the corresponding types and arrange them in alphabetical order. E.g. BH = blade 6,3 mm and studs. DIAGRAMS 1. 2. OFF OFF ON/ACC ON START (SPRING 9 RETURN TO ON) KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: 3. 4. WITH ANTI-RESTART OFF OFF ON/ACC ON/ACC ACC START START (SPRING 5. (SPRING RETURN TO ON) RETURN TO ON) 6. WITH ANTI-RESTART OFF OFF ON/ACC ACC ON/ACC ACC GLOW START (SPRING RETURN TO ON) (SPRING RETURN TO ON) START (SPRING RETURN TO ON) 7. 8. OFF ON/ACC OFF GLOW (SPRING ON/ACC RETURN TO OFF) GLOW (SPRING START (SPRING RETURN TO ON) RETURN TO ON) START (PUSH AND (SPRING 9. 10. NC TURN) RETURN TO ON) OFF ON/ACC NO GLOW (SPRING RETURN TO ON) START (SPRING 10 RETURN TO ON) KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: 11. 12. OFF OFF ON-2 ON-1 ON/ACC ACC START (PUSH (SPRING 13. 14. WITH ANTI-RESTART ON/ACC START (SPRING ON (=PUSH) RETURN TO OFF) ON GLOW GLOW (SPRING RETURN TO ON) OFF OFF/ACC ON AND TURN) START (SPRING RETURN TO ON) (SPRING RETURN TO ON) RETURN TO ON) START START (SPRING RETURN TO ON) (SPRING 15. 16. ACC (PUSH OFF ON-1 ACC OFF RETURN TO ON) ON/ACC AND TURN) ON-2 GLOW (SPRING RETURN TO ON) ON-3 (PUSH (SPRING START AND TURN) RETURN TO ON) ON-4 17. 18. OFF OFF ANTI-THEFT STEERING-LOCK ON-1 ACC (RELEASE ON-2 (TO RETURN TO ON-1 : PUSH AND TURN LEFT) ON ON-3 START (SPRING 11 RETURN TO ON) POSITION) KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: 19. 20. OFF ANTI-THEFT STEERING-LOCK WITH ANTI-RESTART ACC OFF ON-1 (RELEASE POSITION) ON-2 ON START (SPRING 21. WITH ANTI-RESTART 22. OFF RETURN TO ON) ON-1 ACC OFF GLOW (SPRING RETURN TO OFF) ON/ACC ON-2 START (SPRING RETURN TO ON) ON-3 23. 24. WITH ANTI-RESTART OFF WITH ANTI-RESTART OFF ON/ACC ON/ACC ACC ON GLOW (SPRING RETURN TO ON) GLOW (SPRING TO ON) RETURN START (SPRING RETURN TO ON) START (SPRING RETURN TO ON) 25. 26. OFF OFF ON/ACC GLOW (SPRING RETURN TO oFF) GLOW / START (SPRING RETURN TO START (PUSH AND TURN) (SPRING RETURN TO ON) 12 oFF) KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: 27. OFF ON-1 ON-2 ON-3 ON-4 13 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: Technische Daten ZÜNDSCHALTER Kundendaten : 02-03-04-00 Beispiel Maschinentyp : Maschine Seriennr. : Preisanfrage Bestellung KODE : AT-AS x AT-ST x D1 x NR-SC x TY-AS x L1 x L2 x OPM x SL-NR x SL-RF x AT-SL .. AT-AS . . . . . Anschlüßezahl .. AT-ST . . . . . Anzahl Stände ..,. D1 . . . . . . . Durchmesser, siehe Typ .. NR-SC . . . . . Nummer des dazugehörige Schema : siehe Schemen .. TY-AS . . . . . Anschlüßetyp, siehe Tabelle ...,. L1 . . . . . . . . Gesamtlänge, siehe Figur ..,. L2 . . . . . . . . Gewindelänge, siehe Figur ..... OPM . . . . . . Bemerkung ..... SL-NR . . . . . Schlüsselnummer, ist die Nummer auf dem Schlüssel, wenn da ..... SL-RF . . . . . TVH-Referenz des Schlüssels . AT-SL . . . . . Schlüsselzahl ACHTUNG : ist die Schlüsselzahl, die zu der Schlüsselreferenz gehört, nicht zum Loch. TVH FORKLIFT PARTS - BELGIUM • TEL. +32 56 43 42 11 14 • FAX +32 56 43 44 88 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: ABMESSUNGEN ZÜNDSCHALTER TABELLE DER ANSCHLÜSSE A B C D E F G H = = = = = = = = blade 4,8 mm blade 6,3 mm blade 9,5 mm pin screw socket solder studs * Bei Kombination unterschiedlicher Anschlüsse, nehmen Sie die dazugehörigen Typen, und setzen Sie diese in alphabetischer Folge. Zb. BH = blade 6,3 mm und studs SCHEMEN Siehe technische Datenblatter auf Englisch. 15 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: ALLIS CHALMERS - KALMAR AC number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 2 2 15 53 10,5 684 108TA4988 2 108TA4646 2 2 16 61 9 83353 108TA4989 2 108TA4812 2 2 19 50 23,5 108TA4694 2 2 19 52 18 108TA4808 4 4 19 79 12 108TA4825 6 4 20 74 11 001 108TA4990 2 108TA4758 6 4 20 74 11 001 108TA4990 2 108TA4882 7 4 26 68 10 108TA4986 REF 108TA4646 REF 108TA4812 REF 108TA4694 REF 108TA4808 REF 108TA4825 REF 108TA4758 REF 108TA4882 REF 108TA4986 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 16 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: ATLET - LAFIS number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 2 2 22 57 8,6 3 2 18 65 21 14644 116TA5607 1 108TA4784 108TA4849 3 2 22 49 13 301 108TA5004 1 108TA4845 4 3 19 55 20,5 108TA4821 5 2 22 56 6,5 108TA4664 REF 108TA4849 REF 108TA4784 REF 108TA4845 REF 108TA4821 REF 108TA4664 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 17 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: BALKANCAR number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 4 2 30 82 15 6 4 16 65 8 7 5 26 59 11 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 110TA3320 1 reference switch with key 108TA4900 LUCAS 110TA9032 115TA5387 REF 108TA4900 REF 110TA9032 REF 115TA5387 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 18 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: BOSCH number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 33419820 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 115TA5398 1 reference switch with key 3 2 26 41 9 3 3 18 52 1 115TA5388 3 3 22 52 17 3 3 22 52 17 E30 108TA4994 1 109TA5971 3 3 22 52 17 E11 108TA5026 1 109TA5977 3 3 22 52 17 K11 108TA5017 1 106TA2653 5 2 22 56 6,5 5 2 22 56 6,5 E30 108TA4994 1 109TA5974 109TA5980 106TA2652 106TA2642 REF 115TA5388 REF 109TA5980 REF 106TA2652 REF 109TA5971 REF 109TA5977 REF 106TA2653 REF 106TA2642 REF 109TA5974 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 19 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: BOSCH number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 5 2 22 56 6,5 E41 108TA4995 1 109TA5973 5 2 32 56 6,5 K03 108TA4996 1 109TA5972 5 4 22 59 17,5 5 4 22 59 17,5 E30 108TA4994 1 106TA2649 5 4 22 65 19,5 E30 108TA4994 1 106TA2656 5 6 26 65 10 14610 108TA5033 1 109TA5975 6 3 22 65 15 E80 108TA5005 1 109TA5970 6 3 26 56 8,5 33419810 109TA5981 1 106TA2644 106TA2647 REF 109TA5973 REF 109TA5972 REF 106TA2647 REF 106TA2649 REF 106TA2656 REF 109TA5975 REF 109TA5970 REF 106TA2644 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 20 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: BOSCH number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 6 4 22 59 17,5 6 4 22 59 17,5 K30 108TA5014 1 106TA2651 6 5 26 61 10 14610 108TA5033 1 109TA5976 7 4 26 51 9 108TA5034 1 106TA2645 7 4 26 51 9 108TA5034 1 106TA2646 108TA5029 1 106TA2655 10 5 22 65 15 10 5 22 65 15 106TA2648 106TA2654 K80 REF 106TA2648 REF 106TA2651 REF 109TA5976 REF 106TA2645 REF 106TA2646 REF 106TA2654 REF 106TA2655 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 21 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: BT number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 2 2 19 50 23,5 108TA4699 2 2 20 40 6 108TA4565 2 2 22 62 8 455 108TA4991 1 108TA4854 3 2 19 40 17 002 115TA5399 1 115TA5391 3 2 19 40 17 003 115TA5470 1 116TA5645 3 2 22 47 9 3 2 22 53 13 702 108TA4992 3 108TA4591 3 2 22 53 13 701 108TA4993 3 115TA5357 108TA8314 REF 108TA4699 REF 108TA4565 REF 108TA4854 REF 115TA5391 REF 116TA5645 REF 108TA8314 REF 108TA4591 REF 115TA5357 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 22 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: BT number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA4994 1 reference switch with key 5 2 22 56 6,5 5 2 22 56 6,5 E30 108TA4662 5 2 22 56 6,5 E41 108TA4995 1 108TA4763 5 2 32 56 6,5 K03 108TA4996 1 108TA4688 10 5 26 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4599 108TA4771 REF 108TA4662 REF 108TA4771 REF 108TA4763 REF 108TA4688 REF 108TA4599 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 23 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: BV ROCLA number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 5 2 22 56 6,5 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 108TA4667 REF 108TA4667 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 24 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: CATERPILLAR number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 2 2 16 61 9 83353 108TA4989 2 108TA4813 2 2 19 50 12 PK556 108TA4999 2 115TA5380 2 2 19 50 23,5 2 2 19 70 19 CH751 108TA5000 1 108TA4910 2 2 19 92 11,5 108TA5001 1 110TA8617 2 2 22 62 8 455 108TA4991 1 108TA4852 3 2 16 61 9 83353 108TA4989 2 108TA4955 3 2 18 65 21 14644 116TA5607 1 108TA4779 108TA4696 REF 108TA4813 REF 115TA5380 REF 108TA4696 REF 108TA4910 REF 110TA8617 REF 108TA4852 REF 108TA4955 REF 108TA4779 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 25 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: CATERPILLAR number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 83353 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA4989 2 reference switch with key 3 3 16 58 7 3 3 20 63 8,5 108TA4902 108TA4928 3 3 25 56 8 108TA4836 4 3 16 113 13,5 108TA4963 4 4 18 74 7 108TA4700 4 4 19 79 12 4 4 25 62 10 5 2 22 56 6,5 108TA4827 108TA4997 2 108TA4674 108TA4659 REF 108TA4902 REF 108TA4928 REF 108TA4836 REF 108TA4963 REF 108TA4700 REF 108TA4827 REF 108TA4674 REF 108TA4659 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 26 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: CATERPILLAR number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 108TA4997 2 108TA4570 110TA3257 1 108TA4736 5 4 25 64 9,5 6 4 16 65 8 6 4 25 76 7 108TA4642 6 4 25 76 7 108TA4705 LUCAS REF 108TA4570 REF 108TA4736 REF 108TA4642 REF 108TA4705 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 27 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: CESAB number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 3 2 22 47 9 108TA8315 4 3 22 48,5 7,5 108TA4959 REF 108TA8315 REF 108TA4959 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 28 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: CLARK number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 2 2 15 53 10,5 684 108TA4988 2 110TA7445 2 2 19 50 12 PK556 108TA4999 2 108TA4562 2 2 19 50 23,5 2 2 19 64 12 CH512 110TA3503 1 108TA4809 2 2 19 64 12 PK556 108TA5003 2 108TA4788 3 2 20 54 15,5 3 2 22 48 13 502 106TA2633 1 108TA4775 3 2 22 49 13 301 108TA5004 108TA4695 115TA5378 108TA4846 REF 110TA7445 REF 108TA4562 REF 108TA4695 REF 108TA4809 REF 108TA4788 REF 115TA5378 REF 108TA4775 REF 108TA4846 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 29 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: CLARK number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA4994 1 reference switch with key 3 3 22 52 17 3 3 22 52 17 108TA4634 3 3 22 60 8 108TA4925 3 3 25 56 8 108TA4841 3 3 34 85 6 115TA5386 4 2 22 67 12 108TA4765 4 3 16 60 9 108TA4714 4 3 19 63 7,5 108TA4893 E30 115TA5362 REF 108TA4634 REF 115TA5362 REF 108TA4925 REF 108TA4841 REF 115TA5386 REF 108TA4765 REF 108TA4714 REF 108TA4893 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 30 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: CLARK number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 4 4 19 79 12 108TA4826 5 2 22 56 6,5 108TA4658 5 3 25 62 7,5 116TA5608 2 5 3 25 64 7,5 116TA5608 2 116TA5604 5 4 22 59 17,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4726 5 4 22 65 19,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4618 5 4 25 64 9,5 108TA4997 2 6 2 22 77 12 108TA4974 108TA4569 108TA4811 REF 108TA4826 REF 108TA4658 REF 108TA4974 REF 116TA5604 REF 108TA4726 REF 108TA4618 REF 108TA4569 REF 108TA4811 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 31 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: CLARK number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR E80 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5005 1 reference switch with key 6 3 22 65 15 6 4 20 85 10 106TA2650 6 4 20 85,5 10 115TA5385 6 5 32 83 12 116TA5597 7 3 25 62 7,5 7 3 25 67 10 7 4 26 78 9,5 7 4 29 78 9,5 115TA5375 110TA3254 2 106TA2620 14610 115TA5400 1 115TA5389 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4681 108TA4944 REF 106TA2650 REF 115TA5375 REF 115TA5385 REF 116TA5597 REF 106TA2620 REF 108TA4944 REF 115TA5389 REF 108TA4681 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 32 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: CLARK number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 10 5 26 78 9,5 14603 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA4998 1 reference switch with key 108TA4593 REF 108TA4593 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 33 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: CLIMAX COVENTRY - KALMAR number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 3 3 20 81 7,5 108TA4795 3 3 25 56 8 108TA4837 3 3 25 56 8 T800A 4 2 19 42 18 003 4 4 19 79 12 108TA5006 2 108TA4842 115TA5377 108TA4829 5 3 20 55 15 FS880 108TA5024 1 6 4 16 65 8 LUCAS 110TA3257 1 6 4 20 79 9 108TA4935 115TA5368 108TA4558 REF 108TA4795 REF 108TA4837 REF 108TA4842 REF 115TA5377 REF 108TA4829 REF 108TA4935 REF 115TA5368 REF 108TA4558 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 34 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: CLIMAX COVENTRY - KALMAR number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 6 4 20 82 8,5 8 2 19 50 19,5 REF 116TA5594 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5015 2 reference switch with key 116TA5594 108TA4977 REF 108TA4977 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 35 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: CROWN number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 2 2 19 50 23,5 2 2 19 70 19 CH751 4 2 19 42 18 003 5 4 25 64 9,5 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5000 1 108TA4997 2 reference switch with key 108TA4693 108TA4909 115TA5376 108TA4567 REF 108TA4693 REF 108TA4909 REF 115TA5376 REF 108TA4567 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 36 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: DESTA number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 3 3 22 53 9,5 4 2 22 66 20 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5013 1 reference switch with key 108TA4890 14644 REF 108TA4890 110TA8618 REF 110TA8618 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 37 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: FABA number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 4 2 16 49 9 1D21 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5007 1 reference switch with key 108TA4950 REF 108TA4950 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 38 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: FANTUZZI number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 8 4 22 64 15,5 8 4 22 66 15,5 REF 108TA4891 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5008 1 reference switch with key 108TA4891 108TA4976 REF 108TA4976 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 39 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: FENWICK & PEG number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 2 2 15 53 10,5 684 108TA4988 2 106TA2640 2 2 15 53 10,5 601 108TA5009 2 108TA4609 2 2 16 48 14,5 695 108TA5010 1 108TA4656 2 2 16 48 15,5 633 108TA5011 1 108TA4580 3 2 18 65 21 14644 116TA5607 1 108TA4781 3 2 22 49 13 503 106TA2635 1 108TA4630 3 2 22 53 13 E254 108TA5012 1 108TA4871 3 3 20 61 8,5 108TA4887 REF 106TA2640 REF 108TA4609 REF 108TA4656 REF 108TA4580 REF 108TA4781 REF 108TA4630 REF 108TA4871 REF 108TA4887 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 40 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: FENWICK & PEG number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 14644 108TA5013 1 108TA4947 4 5 34 74 34 5 3 18 66 20 108TA4862 5 4 22 59 17,5 5 4 22 59 17,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4729 5 4 22 65 19,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4620 6 4 22 59 17,5 K30 108TA5014 1 108TA4791 108TA4753 REF 108TA4862 REF 108TA4947 REF 108TA4753 REF 108TA4729 REF 108TA4620 REF 108TA4791 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 41 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: FIAT- OM PIMESPO number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 633 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5011 1 reference switch with key 2 2 16 48 15,5 2 2 22 50 9 115TA5392 115TA5359 3 2 22 38 9 108TA4724 3 2 22 47 9 110TA8615 3 3 22 46 9 108TA4711 3 3 22 52 17 108TA4637 3 3 22 53 10 115TA5382 4 2 16 37 11 109TA5978 REF 115TA5359 REF 115TA5392 REF 108TA4724 REF 110TA8615 REF 108TA4711 REF 108TA4637 REF 115TA5382 REF 109TA5978 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 42 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: FIAT- OM PIMESPO number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 4 2 24 83 8,5 108TA4799 4 2 30 82 15 108TA4899 5 2 22 56 6,5 5 3 20 55 15 FS880 108TA5024 1 115TA5366 5 4 22 59 17,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4730 5 4 22 65 19,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4621 7 4 22 56 7,5 E30 108TA4994 1 7 4 22 61 7 108TA4661 108TA4885 108TA4867 REF 108TA4799 REF 108TA4899 REF 108TA4661 REF 115TA5366 REF 108TA4730 REF 108TA4621 REF 108TA4885 REF 108TA4867 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 43 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: HAMECH number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 2 2 20 42 7,5 4 2 19 42 18 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 108TA4946 003 REF 108TA4946 108TA4914 REF 108TA4914 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 44 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: HYSTER number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 2 2 18 52 18 115TA5379 2 2 19 50 23,5 108TA4806 2 2 19 52 18 110TA7984 2 2 20 42 7,5 108TA4945 3 3 22 46 9 108TA4709 4 4 19 79 12 5 3 25 62 7,5 116TA5608 2 108TA4972 5 4 25 64 9,5 108TA4997 2 108TA4566 108TA4823 REF 115TA5379 REF 108TA4806 REF 110TA7984 REF 108TA4945 REF 108TA4709 REF 108TA4823 REF 108TA4972 REF 108TA4566 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 45 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: HYSTER number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 6 3 25 55 7,5 108TA4997 2 106TA2657 7 3 25 62 7,5 108TA4997 2 108TA4583 REF 106TA2657 REF 108TA4583 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 46 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: HYUNDAI - HALLA number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 3 3 22 60 8 108TA4926 4 4 19 77 12 108TA4927 6 4 20 74 11 6 4 20 79 9 6 4 20 82 8,5 6 4 20 85 10 001 108TA4990 2 108TA5015 2 108TA4686 108TA4560 108TA4769 108TA4860 REF 108TA4926 REF 108TA4927 REF 108TA4686 REF 108TA4560 REF 108TA4769 REF 108TA4860 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 47 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: ICEM number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 3 2 22 47 9 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 108TA4832 REF 108TA4832 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 48 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: JCB number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 6 4 16 65 8 LUCAS key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 110TA3257 1 reference switch with key 115TA5369 REF 115TA5369 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 49 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: JLG number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 9901 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 116TA5614 1 reference switch with key 4 3 22 54,3 14,5 4 3 22 64 11 116TA5612 6 3 19 56 22 CH650 110TA3437 1 110TA3085 6 3 22 54,3 14,5 9901 116TA5615 1 116TA5613 8 3 22 87,5 31 110TA3077 110TA3015 REF 116TA5612 REF 110TA3077 REF 110TA3085 REF 116TA5613 REF 110TA3015 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 50 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: JUNGHEINRICH number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 2 2 15 53 10,5 684 108TA4988 2 108TA4651 2 2 15 53 10,5 601 108TA5009 2 108TA4613 2 2 18 74 15 2 2 19 64 12 PK556 108TA5003 2 3 2 21,5 47 12 701 3 2 22 48 13 501 106TA2631 1 108TA4751 3 2 22 48 13 508 108TA5016 1 108TA4918 3 2 22 49 13 503 106TA2635 1 108TA4631 108TA4932 108TA4789 116TA5603 REF 108TA4651 REF 108TA4613 REF 108TA4932 REF 108TA4789 REF 116TA5603 REF 108TA4751 REF 108TA4918 REF 108TA4631 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 51 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: JUNGHEINRICH number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 3 2 22 49 13 702 108TA4992 3 108TA4982 3 2 22 53 13 702 108TA4992 3 108TA4592 3 2 22 53 13 701 108TA4993 3 108TA4577 3 2 22 53 13 701 108TA4993 3 108TA4984 3 3 22 52 17 K11 108TA5017 1 108TA4704 4 2 19 55 20,5 115TA5372 4 2 22 74 8 108TA4964 4 2 30 60 10 3A36 108TA5019 1 108TA4916 REF 108TA4982 REF 108TA4592 REF 108TA4577 REF 108TA4984 REF 108TA4704 REF 115TA5372 REF 108TA4964 REF 108TA4916 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 52 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: JUNGHEINRICH number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 4 3 20 63 7 4 3 22 50 13 4 4 19 79 12 5 2 22 56 6,5 5 2 32 56 6,5 5 4 22 59 17,5 5 4 22 65 6 4 16 65 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5018 1 reference switch with key 108TA4718 738 108TA4876 108TA4831 108TA4663 K03 108TA4996 1 108TA4689 19,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4623 8 LUCAS 110TA3257 1 108TA4741 108TA4754 REF 108TA4718 REF 108TA4876 REF 108TA4831 REF 108TA4663 REF 108TA4689 REF 108TA4754 REF 108TA4623 REF 108TA4741 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 53 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: JUNGHEINRICH number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 6 4 28 95 5,5 6 7 22 104 8 7 3 25 62 7,5 8 2 16 45 11 10 5 26 78 9,5 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5020 1 108TA4997 2 reference switch with key 108TA4966 1500 108TA4801 108TA4586 108TA4924 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4600 REF 108TA4966 REF 108TA4801 REF 108TA4586 REF 108TA4924 REF 108TA4600 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 54 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: KALMAR LMV number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 4 3 19 55 20,5 5 2 22 56 6,5 key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL E41 108TA4995 1 108TA4764 108TA4626 108TA4822 5 4 22 65 19,5 E30 108TA4994 1 6 4 16 65 8 LUCAS 110TA3257 1 6 4 22 59 17,5 108TA4785 6 5 32 83 12 116TA5598 7 5 32 92 15 116TA5595 10 5 22 65 15 108TA4802 108TA4745 REF 108TA4822 REF 108TA4764 REF 108TA4626 REF 108TA4745 REF 108TA4785 REF 116TA5598 REF 116TA5595 REF 108TA4802 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 55 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: KALMAR LMV number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 10 5 26 78 9,5 14603 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA4998 1 reference switch with key 108TA4602 REF 108TA4602 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 56 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: KOMATSU number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 601 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5009 2 reference switch with key 2 2 15 53 10,5 2 2 20 40 6 108TA4606 4 2 20 54 6 2 2 25 56 6,5 31131 108TA5021 2 108TA4797 3 2 18 65 21 14644 116TA5607 1 108TA4780 3 2 22 48 13 501 106TA2631 1 108TA4748 3 2 22 49 13 702 108TA4992 3 108TA4979 3 2 22 53 13 702 108TA4992 3 108TA4588 108TA4564 108TA4814 REF 108TA4606 REF 108TA4564 REF 108TA4814 REF 108TA4797 REF 108TA4780 REF 108TA4748 REF 108TA4979 REF 108TA4588 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 57 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: KOMATSU number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 3 2 22 53 13 701 108TA4993 3 108TA4573 3 2 22 53 13 E254 108TA5012 1 108TA4870 3 3 20 81 7,5 108TA4793 3 3 22 52 17 108TA4635 3 3 22 53 10 115TA5381 5 4 25 64 9,5 5 4 28 64 7,5 6 2 20 82 8,5 108TA4997 2 108TA4571 108TA4942 108TA5015 2 108TA4913 REF 108TA4573 REF 108TA4870 REF 108TA4793 REF 108TA4635 REF 115TA5381 REF 108TA4571 REF 108TA4942 REF 108TA4913 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 58 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: KOMATSU number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 6 4 20 74 9 100 108TA5022 2 108TA4833 6 4 20 74 11 001 108TA4990 2 108TA4685 6 4 20 74 11 001 108TA4990 2 108TA4759 6 4 20 74 11 001 108TA4990 2 108TA4883 6 4 20 79 9 6 4 20 82 8,5 108TA5015 2 108TA4767 6 4 20 85 9 648 108TA5023 2 108TA4798 6 4 20 85 9 648 108TA5023 2 108TA4834 108TA4556 REF 108TA4833 REF 108TA4685 REF 108TA4759 REF 108TA4883 REF 108TA4556 REF 108TA4767 REF 108TA4798 REF 108TA4834 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 59 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: KOMATSU number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 6 4 20 86 9,5 7 4 16 65 8 8 4 20 86 6 10 5 26 78 9,5 key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL LUCAS 110TA3257 1 2 108TA4896 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4594 108TA4970 108TA4803 REF 108TA4970 REF 108TA4803 REF 108TA4896 REF 108TA4594 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 60 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: LINDE - LANSING number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 2 2 15 53 10,5 684 108TA4988 2 108TA4652 2 2 15 53 10,5 601 108TA5009 2 108TA4615 2 2 16 48 14,5 695 108TA5010 1 108TA4657 2 2 16 48 15,5 633 108TA5011 1 2 2 18 74 15 2 2 20 49 17,5 4 2 20 54 6 108TA4818 2 2 22 50 9 115TA5393 108TA4581 108TA4933 FS880 108TA5024 1 108TA4777 REF 108TA4652 REF 108TA4615 REF 108TA4657 REF 108TA4581 REF 108TA4933 REF 108TA4777 REF 108TA4818 REF 115TA5393 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 61 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: LINDE - LANSING number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 2 2 22 62 8 455 108TA4991 1 108TA4855 3 2 22 48 13 530 106TA2637 1 108TA4683 3 2 22 49 13 802 108TA5030 2 108TA4930 3 2 22 49 13 801 108TA5025 2 108TA4858 3 2 22 53 13 E254 108TA5012 1 108TA4874 3 3 20 61 8,5 108TA4888 3 3 22 46 9 108TA4712 3 3 22 52 17 108TA4640 REF 108TA4855 REF 108TA4683 REF 108TA4930 REF 108TA4858 REF 108TA4874 REF 108TA4888 REF 108TA4712 REF 108TA4640 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 62 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: LINDE - LANSING number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR E11 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5026 1 reference switch with key 3 3 22 52 17 3 3 22 53 10 108TA4903 4 2 19 49 12 93201 108TA5027 1 108TA4953 4 2 20 54 6 FS885 108TA5028 1 108TA4905 4 2 20 54 6 FS880 108TA5031 1 108TA4958 4 2 22 93 0 4 2 26 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4756 4 5 34 74 34 115TA5383 115TA5396 108TA4863 REF 108TA4903 REF 115TA5383 REF 108TA4953 REF 108TA4905 REF 108TA4958 REF 115TA5396 REF 108TA4756 REF 108TA4863 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 63 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: LINDE - LANSING number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 5 2 22 56 6,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4772 5 2 32 56 6,5 K03 108TA4996 1 108TA4690 5 3 20 55 15 FS880 108TA5024 1 108TA4937 5 4 22 59 17,5 5 4 22 59 17,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4732 5 4 22 65 19,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4625 6 3 26 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4672 6 4 16 65 8 LUCAS 110TA3257 1 108TA4742 108TA4755 REF 108TA4772 REF 108TA4690 REF 108TA4937 REF 108TA4755 REF 108TA4732 REF 108TA4625 REF 108TA4672 REF 108TA4742 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 64 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: LINDE - LANSING number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 6 4 22 59 17,5 K30 108TA5014 1 115TA5373 7 3 26 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4967 7 4 29 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 105TA4569 9 4 26 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4680 10 3 22 90 27 10 5 22 65 15 K80 108TA5029 1 108TA4677 10 5 26 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 106TA2624 116TA5599 REF 115TA5373 REF 108TA4967 REF 105TA4569 REF 108TA4680 REF 116TA5599 REF 108TA4677 REF 106TA2624 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 65 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: LOC number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 2 2 15 53 10,5 601 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5009 2 reference switch with key 108TA4616 REF 108TA4616 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 66 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: LUCAS number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR FS880 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5024 1 reference switch with key 2 2 20 49 17,5 4 2 20 54 6 110TA3428 3 2 20 54 15,5 4 2 20 54 6 FS885 108TA5028 1 110TA3430 5 3 20 55 15 FS880 108TA5024 1 110TA7411 6 4 16 65 8 LUCAS 110TA3257 1 109TA5965 7 4 16 65 8 LUCAS 110TA3257 1 109TA5966 9 4 20 75 16 92274 110TA3536 1 110TA7415 110TA3429 109TA5967 REF 110TA3428 REF 110TA3429 REF 109TA5967 REF 110TA3430 REF 110TA7411 REF 109TA5965 REF 109TA5966 REF 110TA7415 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 67 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: LUGLI number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 6 3 22 57 7,5 7 3 20 76 16 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5032 1 reference switch with key 108TA4921 FS888 REF 108TA4921 108TA4922 REF 108TA4922 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 68 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: MANITOU number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 5 4 22 59 17,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4731 5 4 22 65 19,5 E30 108TA4994 1 110TA7667 6 4 16 65 8 LUCAS 110TA3257 1 108TA4739 6 5 26 61 10 14610 108TA5033 1 108TA4898 7 4 16 65 8 LUCAS 110TA3257 1 108TA4804 7 4 26 51 9 10 5 26 78 9,5 14603 108TA5034 1 108TA4850 108TA4998 1 108TA4597 REF 108TA4731 REF 110TA7667 REF 108TA4739 REF 108TA4898 REF 108TA4804 REF 108TA4850 REF 108TA4597 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 69 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: MIC number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 2 2 15 53 10,5 684 108TA4988 2 108TA4649 2 2 15 53 10,5 601 108TA5009 2 108TA4610 4 2 20 54 6 3 2 18 65 21 14644 116TA5607 1 3 2 21,5 47 12 701 3 2 22 48 13 501 106TA2631 1 108TA4749 3 2 22 49 13 702 108TA4992 3 108TA4980 3 2 22 53 13 702 108TA4992 3 108TA4589 108TA4816 108TA4782 116TA5601 REF 108TA4649 REF 108TA4610 REF 108TA4816 REF 108TA4782 REF 116TA5601 REF 108TA4749 REF 108TA4980 REF 108TA4589 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 70 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: MIC number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 3 2 22 53 13 701 108TA4993 3 108TA4574 3 2 22 53 13 E254 108TA5012 1 108TA4872 4 2 30 60 10 3A36 108TA5019 1 4 3 20 63 7 5 3 18 66 20 7 3 25 62 7,5 10 5 26 78 9,5 108TA4915 108TA4717 14644 108TA5013 1 108TA4948 108TA4997 2 108TA4585 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4596 REF 108TA4574 REF 108TA4872 REF 108TA4915 REF 108TA4717 REF 108TA4948 REF 108TA4585 REF 108TA4596 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 71 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: MITSUBISHI number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 2 2 22 62 8 455 108TA4991 1 108TA4856 3 2 22 53 13 701 108TA4993 3 115TA5358 3 3 20 63 7 108TA4848 3 3 25 56 8 108TA4838 4 3 20 63 7 115TA5365 4 4 25 62 10 6 4 25 76 7 108TA4997 2 108TA4644 108TA4675 6 4 25 76 7 108TA4707 REF 108TA4856 REF 115TA5358 REF 108TA4848 REF 108TA4838 REF 115TA5365 REF 108TA4675 REF 108TA4644 REF 108TA4707 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 72 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: MITSUBISHI number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 6 4 25 76 7 123243 108TA5035 2 110TA7413 6 4 25 84 7 123243 108TA5035 2 108TA4949 REF 110TA7413 REF 108TA4949 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 73 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: MORA number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 7 4 16 65 8 LUCAS key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 110TA3257 1 reference switch with key 108TA4805 REF 108TA4805 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 74 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: NISSAN number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 110TA3435 1 reference switch with key 3 3 20 63 7 3 3 20 63 7 108TA4847 3 3 20 63 8,5 3 3 20 81 7,5 108TA4792 4 3 20 63 7 115TA5364 4 3 20 63 7 4 3 20 63 7 4 3 20 69 7 N1417 110TA7414 108TA4929 108TA4941 N1417 110TA3435 1 110TA7412 108TA4723 REF 108TA4847 REF 110TA7414 REF 108TA4929 REF 108TA4792 REF 115TA5364 REF 108TA4941 REF 110TA7412 REF 108TA4723 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 75 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: NISSAN number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 5 4 20 64 8,5 108TA4940 6 4 20 85 10 108TA4879 6 4 20 86 9,5 108TA4969 6 4 25 76 7 115TA5363 REF 108TA4940 REF 108TA4879 REF 108TA4969 REF 115TA5363 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 76 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: NYK-NICHIYU number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 3 3 25 56 8 3 3 25 56 8 3 3 25 58 8 key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5006 2 108TA4844 108TA5036 2 108TA4957 108TA4839 T800A REF 108TA4839 REF 108TA4844 REF 108TA4957 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 77 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: OMG number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 3 2 22 47 9 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 108TA4877 REF 108TA4877 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 78 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: PRAMAC (LIFTER) number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 2 2 19 48 20 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 108TA4892 REF 108TA4892 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 79 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: PRAT number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 2 2 15 53 10,5 684 108TA4988 2 108TA4653 2 2 15 53 10,5 601 108TA5009 2 115TA5361 REF 108TA4653 REF 115TA5361 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 80 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: ROCLA number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 2 2 22 62 8 5 2 22 56 6,5 455 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA4991 1 reference switch with key 108TA4857 108TA4668 REF 108TA4857 REF 108TA4668 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 81 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: SANDERSON number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 9 4 20 75 16 92274 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 110TA3536 1 reference switch with key 108TA4920 REF 108TA4920 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 82 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: SHINKO number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 8 3 24 41 11 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 108TA4923 REF 108TA4923 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 83 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: SICHELSMIDT number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 5 2 22 56 6,5 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 108TA4666 REF 108TA4666 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 84 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: STEINBOCK - BOSS number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 2 2 15 53 10,5 2 2 20 54 6 601 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5009 2 reference switch with key 108TA4612 108TA4817 3 2 18 65 21 14644 3 2 21,5 47 12 701 116TA5607 1 108TA4783 3 2 22 48 13 501 106TA2631 1 108TA4750 3 2 22 49 13 702 108TA4992 3 108TA4981 3 2 22 53 13 702 108TA4992 3 108TA4590 3 2 22 53 13 701 108TA4993 3 108TA8282 116TA5602 REF 108TA4612 REF 108TA4817 REF 108TA4783 REF 116TA5602 REF 108TA4750 REF 108TA4981 REF 108TA4590 REF 108TA8282 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 85 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: STEINBOCK - BOSS number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 3 2 22 53 13 3 3 22 52 17 4 3 22 50 13 6 2 24 89 18 6 4 16 65 8 6 4 20 74 7 3 20 76 10 5 26 78 9,5 E254 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5012 1 reference switch with key 108TA4873 108TA4638 738 108TA5018 1 108TA4875 LUCAS 110TA3257 1 108TA4740 11 001 108TA4990 2 108TA4760 16 FS888 108TA5032 1 116TA5596 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4598 108TA4869 REF 108TA4873 REF 108TA4638 REF 108TA4875 REF 108TA4869 REF 108TA4740 REF 108TA4760 REF 116TA5596 REF 108TA4598 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 86 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: STILL number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 2 2 15 53 10,5 684 108TA4988 2 108TA4648 2 2 15 53 10,5 601 108TA5009 2 108TA4608 2 2 16 48 15,5 633 108TA5011 1 2 2 18 74 15 2 2 20 49 17,5 4 2 20 54 6 2 2 22 62 3 2 22 48 108TA4579 108TA4931 FS880 108TA5024 1 108TA4776 8 455 108TA4991 1 108TA4853 13 530 106TA2637 1 108TA4682 108TA4815 REF 108TA4648 REF 108TA4608 REF 108TA4579 REF 108TA4931 REF 108TA4776 REF 108TA4815 REF 108TA4853 REF 108TA4682 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 87 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: STILL number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 3 2 22 48 13 501 106TA2631 1 115TA5370 3 2 22 49 13 503 106TA2635 1 108TA4629 3 3 22 52 17 3 3 22 52 17 K11 108TA5017 1 4 2 22 93 0 115TA5395 4 5 34 74 34 108TA4861 5 2 22 56 6,5 5 2 22 56 6,5 108TA4636 108TA4703 108TA4660 E30 108TA4994 1 110TA9024 REF 115TA5370 REF 108TA4629 REF 108TA4636 REF 108TA4703 REF 115TA5395 REF 108TA4861 REF 108TA4660 REF 110TA9024 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 88 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: STILL number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 5 2 32 56 6,5 K03 108TA4996 1 108TA4687 5 3 20 55 15 FS880 108TA5024 1 108TA4719 5 4 22 59 17,5 5 4 22 59 17,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4728 5 4 22 65 19,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4619 108TA4679 108TA4752 6 3 22 65 15 E80 108TA5005 1 6 4 16 65 8 LUCAS 110TA3257 1 108TA4738 10 5 22 65 15 K80 108TA5029 1 108TA4676 REF 108TA4687 REF 108TA4719 REF 108TA4752 REF 108TA4728 REF 108TA4619 REF 108TA4679 REF 108TA4738 REF 108TA4676 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 89 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: STILL number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 10 5 26 78 9,5 14603 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA4998 1 reference switch with key 108TA4595 REF 108TA4595 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 90 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: SVE TRUCK number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 6 4 22 59 17,5 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 108TA4786 REF 108TA4786 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 91 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: TCM number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 601 key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5009 2 reference switch with key 2 2 15 53 10,5 2 2 19 50 23,5 108TA4607 2 2 25 68 12,5 108TA4866 3 3 20 81 7,5 108TA4794 3 3 25 58 8 108TA4939 4 2 25 68 12,5 108TA4851 4 4 18 64 7,5 108TA4766 4 4 19 79 12 108TA4828 108TA4698 REF 108TA4607 REF 108TA4698 REF 108TA4866 REF 108TA4794 REF 108TA4939 REF 108TA4851 REF 108TA4766 REF 108TA4828 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 92 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: TCM number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 6 4 20 79 9 6 4 20 82 8,5 6 4 20 86 9,5 8 4 20 86 6 key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5015 2 108TA4768 2 108TA4897 108TA4557 108TA4971 REF 108TA4557 REF 108TA4768 REF 108TA4971 REF 108TA4897 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 93 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: TOYOTA number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 3 2 19 40 17 002 115TA5399 1 115TA5390 3 2 19 40 17 003 115TA5470 1 116TA5644 3 3 18 78 5,5 3 3 18 80 5,5 511416 108TA5037 2 108TA4835 3 3 25 68 6,5 3 4 18 72 5 511416 3 4 25 52,5 4 13124 4 4 18 74 7 108TA4708 108TA4978 108TA5037 2 108TA4952 116TA5606 108TA4702 REF 115TA5390 REF 116TA5644 REF 108TA4708 REF 108TA4835 REF 108TA4978 REF 108TA4952 REF 116TA5606 REF 108TA4702 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 94 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: TOYOTA number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 4 4 18 78 6 108TA4919 4 4 25 68 7,5 108TA4889 5 2 22 56 6,5 E30 108TA4994 1 5 2 22 56 6,5 E41 108TA4995 1 108TA8942 5 2 32 56 6,5 K03 108TA4996 1 108TA8941 5 4 22 59 17,5 E30 108TA4994 1 6 4 20 96 9 108TA4884 6 4 25 76 7 108TA4643 108TA8943 108TA4727 REF 108TA4919 REF 108TA4889 REF 108TA8943 REF 108TA8942 REF 108TA8941 REF 108TA4727 REF 108TA4884 REF 108TA4643 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 95 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: TOYOTA number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 6 4 25 76 7 108TA4706 6 4 25 92 7,5 108TA4907 6 4 25 92 7,5 108TA4911 REF 108TA4706 REF 108TA4907 REF 108TA4911 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 96 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: WAGNER number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 3 2 22 48 13 530 106TA2637 1 108TA4684 3 2 22 48 13 501 106TA2631 1 115TA5371 3 2 22 49 13 503 106TA2635 1 108TA4633 5 2 22 56 6,5 5 2 22 56 6,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4774 5 2 32 56 6,5 K03 108TA4996 1 108TA4692 108TA4665 REF 108TA4684 REF 115TA5371 REF 108TA4633 REF 108TA4665 REF 108TA4774 REF 108TA4692 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 97 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: YALE number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 2 2 15 53 10,5 684 108TA4988 2 108TA4645 2 2 15 53 10,5 601 108TA5009 2 108TA4605 2 2 18 52 18 2 2 19 50 12 PK556 108TA4999 2 2 2 19 52 18 2 2 19 64 12 PK556 108TA5003 2 108TA4787 3 2 22 49 13 503 106TA2635 1 108TA4628 3 3 22 46 9 108TA4951 108TA4561 108TA4807 108TA4710 REF 108TA4645 REF 108TA4605 REF 108TA4951 REF 108TA4561 REF 108TA4807 REF 108TA4787 REF 108TA4628 REF 108TA4710 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 98 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: YALE number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR key reference key sold per SL-RF AT-SL reference switch with key 4 3 19 45 20 108TA4985 4 3 20 63 7 108TA4716 4 4 19 79 12 5 3 25 62 7,5 5 4 22 65 19,5 5 4 25 64 9,5 6 4 16 65 8 6 4 28 95 5,5 108TA4824 E30 LUCAS 116TA5608 2 108TA4973 108TA4994 1 108TA4617 108TA4997 2 108TA4568 110TA3257 1 108TA4735 108TA4965 REF 108TA4985 REF 108TA4716 REF 108TA4824 REF 108TA4973 REF 108TA4617 REF 108TA4568 REF 108TA4735 REF 108TA4965 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 99 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: used for: YALE number of number of diameter total length length key terminals positions screw thread number (mm) (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 L2 SL-NR 6 7 22 104 8 1500 7 3 25 62 7,5 REF 108TA4800 key reference key sold per reference switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5020 1 108TA4800 108TA4997 2 108TA4584 REF 108TA4584 If key number is not mentionned there is no reference on the key, or the key switch is supplied with different key numbers. 100 IGNITION SWITCHES WITH LEVER For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: IGNITION SWITCHES WITH LEVER number of terminals number of positions diameter total length AT-AS length screw thread (mm) L2 reference switch AT-ST (mm) D1 (mm) L1 3 3 16 76 9,5 110TA8527 3 3 16 85 8 110TA8529 3 3 26 59 8 106TA2621 4 3 16 60 9 110TA7852 7 3 25 67 10 108TA4944 REF 110TA8527 REF 110TA8529 REF 106TA2621 REF 110TA7852 REF 108TA4944 101 SET KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: Set key switches with different key numbers AT-AS number of terminals 3 AT-ST number of positions 2 D1 diameter 22 mm L1 total length 49 mm L2 length screw thread 13 mm REF 110TA8309 Set of 12 key switches with key numbers 9401 to 9412. REF 106TA6954 Set of 25 key switches with key numbers 9401 to 9425. REF 110TA8311 REF 110TA8310 MASTER KEY: fits on each above mentioned key switch. Key number 9211. Set of 60 key switches with key numbers 9401 to 9460. 102 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: complete range of KEY SWITCHES number number diameter total of of length terminals positions (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 length screw thread L2 key number SL-NR key key sold reference reference per switch with key SL-RF AT-SL for picture see make 2 2 15 53 10,5 684 108TA4988 2 108TA4645 YALE 2 2 15 53 10,5 601 108TA5009 2 108TA4606 KOMATSU 2 2 16 48 14,5 695 108TA5010 1 108TA4656 FENWICK & PEG 2 2 16 48 15,5 633 108TA5011 1 108TA4580 FENWICK & PEG 2 2 16 61 9 83353 108TA4989 2 108TA4812 ALLIS CHALMERS - KALMAR AC 2 2 18 52 18 115TA5379 HYSTER 2 2 18 74 15 108TA4933 LINDE - LANSING 2 2 19 48 20 108TA4892 PRAMAC (LIFTER) 2 2 19 50 12 2 2 19 50 23,5 2 2 19 52 18 2 2 19 64 12 CH512 110TA3503 1 108TA4809 CLARK 2 2 19 64 12 PK556 108TA5003 2 108TA4788 CLARK 2 2 19 70 19 CH751 108TA5000 1 108TA4910 CATERPILLAR 2 2 19 92 11,5 108TA5001 1 110TA8617 CATERPILLAR 2 2 20 40 6 108TA4565 BT 2 2 20 42 7,5 108TA4946 HAMECH 2 2 20 49 17,5 2 2 22 50 9 2 2 22 57 8,6 2 2 22 62 8 455 108TA4991 1 108TA4857 ROCLA 2 2 25 56 6,5 31131 108TA5021 2 108TA4797 KOMATSU 2 2 25 68 12,5 3 2 16 61 9 83353 108TA4989 2 108TA4955 CATERPILLAR 3 2 18 65 21 14644 116TA5607 1 108TA4783 STEINBOCK - BOSS 3 2 19 40 17 002 115TA5399 1 115TA5390 TOYOTA 3 2 19 40 17 003 115TA5470 1 116TA5645 BT 3 2 20 54 15,5 3 2 21,5 47 12 3 2 22 38 9 3 2 22 47 9 3 2 22 48 13 3 2 22 48 13 501 106TA2631 1 115TA5371 WAGNER 3 2 22 48 13 502 106TA2633 1 108TA4775 CLARK 3 2 22 48 13 508 108TA5016 1 108TA4918 JUNGHEINRICH 3 2 22 49 13 503 106TA2635 1 108TA4631 JUNGHEINRICH 3 2 22 49 13 301 108TA5004 3 2 22 49 13 301 108TA5004 1 108TA4845 ATLET - LAFIS 3 2 22 49 13 702 108TA4992 3 108TA4980 MIC 3 2 22 49 13 802 108TA5030 2 108TA4930 LINDE - LANSING 3 2 22 49 13 801 108TA5025 2 108TA4858 LINDE - LANSING 3 2 22 53 13 702 108TA4992 3 108TA4591 BT 3 2 22 53 13 701 108TA4993 3 108TA4984 JUNGHEINRICH 3 2 22 53 13 701 108TA4993 3 108TA4573 KOMATSU 3 2 22 53 13 E254 108TA5012 1 108TA4873 STEINBOCK - BOSS PK556 108TA4999 2 108TA4561 YALE 108TA4806 HYSTER 110TA7984 HYSTER FS880 108TA5024 1 110TA3428 LUCAS 115TA5392 FIAT- OM PIMESPO 108TA4849 ATLET - LAFIS 108TA4866 TCM 109TA5967 LUCAS 701 116TA5603 JUNGHEINRICH 108TA4724 FIAT- OM PIMESPO 108TA4877 OMG 530 106TA2637 103 1 108TA4683 LINDE - LANSING 108TA4846 CLARK KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: complete range of KEY SWITCHES number number diameter total of of length terminals positions (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 length screw thread L2 key number SL-NR key key sold reference reference per switch with key SL-RF AT-SL for picture see make 3 2 26 41 9 33419820 115TA5398 1 115TA5388 BOSCH 3 3 16 58 7 83353 2 108TA4902 CATERPILLAR 108TA4989 3 3 18 52 1 109TA5980 BOSCH 3 3 18 78 5,5 108TA4708 TOYOTA 3 3 18 80 5,5 3 3 20 61 8,5 3 3 20 63 7 3 3 20 63 7 511416 108TA5037 2 108TA4835 TOYOTA 108TA4887 FENWICK & PEG 108TA4847 NISSAN N1417 110TA3435 1 110TA7414 NISSAN 3 3 20 63 8,5 108TA4928 CATERPILLAR 3 3 20 81 7,5 108TA4794 TCM 3 3 22 46 9 108TA4709 HYSTER 3 3 22 52 17 106TA2652 BOSCH 3 3 22 52 17 E30 108TA4994 1 115TA5362 CLARK 3 3 22 52 17 E11 108TA5026 1 109TA5977 BOSCH 3 3 22 52 17 K11 108TA5017 1 108TA4703 STILL 3 3 22 53 9,5 108TA4890 DESTA 3 3 22 53 10 115TA5383 LINDE - LANSING 3 3 22 60 8 108TA4926 HYUNDAI - HALLA 3 3 25 56 8 108TA4837 CLIMAX COVENTRY - KALMAR 3 3 25 56 8 3 3 25 58 8 3 3 25 58 8 3 3 25 68 6,5 3 3 34 85 6 3 4 18 72 5 511416 3 4 25 52,5 4 13124 4 2 16 37 11 4 2 16 49 9 4 2 19 42 18 003 4 2 19 49 12 93201 T800A 108TA5006 2 108TA4842 CLIMAX COVENTRY - KALMAR 108TA4939 TCM 108TA5036 2 108TA4957 NYK-NICHIYU 108TA4978 TOYOTA 115TA5386 CLARK 108TA5037 2 108TA4952 TOYOTA 116TA5606 TOYOTA 109TA5978 FIAT- OM PIMESPO 1D21 108TA5007 1 108TA4950 FABA 108TA5027 1 108TA4953 LINDE - LANSING 108TA4914 HAMECH 4 2 19 55 20,5 115TA5372 JUNGHEINRICH 4 2 20 54 6 108TA4816 MIC 4 2 20 54 6 FS885 108TA5028 1 108TA4905 LINDE - LANSING 4 2 20 54 6 FS880 108TA5031 1 108TA4958 LINDE - LANSING 4 2 22 66 20 14644 108TA5013 1 110TA8618 DESTA 4 2 22 67 12 4 2 22 74 8 108TA4964 JUNGHEINRICH 4 2 22 93 0 115TA5396 LINDE - LANSING 108TA4765 CLARK 4 2 24 83 8,5 108TA4799 FIAT- OM PIMESPO 4 2 25 68 12,5 108TA4851 TCM 4 2 26 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 4 2 30 60 10 3A36 108TA5019 1 4 2 30 82 15 108TA4899 FIAT- OM PIMESPO 4 3 16 60 9 108TA4714 CLARK 4 3 16 113 13,5 108TA4963 CATERPILLAR 104 108TA4756 LINDE - LANSING 108TA4916 JUNGHEINRICH KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: complete range of KEY SWITCHES number number diameter total of of length terminals positions (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 length screw thread L2 key number SL-NR key key sold reference reference per switch with key SL-RF AT-SL for picture see make 4 3 19 45 20 108TA4985 YALE 4 3 19 55 20,5 108TA4822 KALMAR LMV 4 3 19 63 7,5 108TA4893 CLARK 4 3 20 63 7 108TA4716 YALE 4 3 20 63 7 4 3 20 63 7 4 3 20 69 7 108TA4723 NISSAN 4 3 22 48,5 7,5 108TA4959 CESAB 4 3 22 50 13 738 108TA5018 1 108TA4876 JUNGHEINRICH 4 3 22 54,3 14,5 9901 116TA5614 1 116TA5612 JLG 4 3 22 64 11 110TA3077 JLG 4 4 18 64 7,5 108TA4766 TCM 4 4 18 74 7 108TA4702 TOYOTA 4 4 18 78 6 108TA4919 TOYOTA 4 4 19 77 12 108TA4927 HYUNDAI - HALLA 4 4 19 79 12 4 4 25 62 10 4 4 25 68 7,5 108TA4889 TOYOTA 4 5 34 74 34 108TA4863 LINDE - LANSING 108TA4941 NISSAN N1417 110TA3435 1 110TA7412 NISSAN 108TA4828 TCM 108TA4997 2 108TA4675 MITSUBISHI 5 2 22 56 6,5 5 2 22 56 6,5 108TA4663 JUNGHEINRICH 5 2 22 56 6,5 E41 108TA4995 1 108TA8942 TOYOTA 5 2 32 56 6,5 K03 108TA4996 1 108TA4692 WAGNER 5 3 18 66 20 14644 108TA5013 1 108TA4947 FENWICK & PEG 5 3 20 55 15 FS880 108TA5024 1 108TA4719 STILL 5 3 25 62 7,5 116TA5608 2 108TA4972 HYSTER 5 3 25 64 7,5 116TA5608 2 116TA5604 CLARK 5 4 20 64 8,5 5 4 22 59 17,5 5 4 22 59 17,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4729 FENWICK & PEG 5 4 22 65 19,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4621 FIAT- OM PIMESPO 5 4 25 64 9,5 108TA4997 2 108TA4570 CATERPILLAR 5 4 28 64 7,5 5 6 26 65 10 108TA5033 1 6 2 20 82 8,5 108TA5015 2 6 2 22 77 12 6 2 24 89 18 6 3 19 56 22 CH650 110TA3437 1 6 3 22 54,3 14,5 9901 116TA5615 1 6 3 22 57 7,5 6 3 22 65 15 6 3 25 55 7,5 108TA4997 2 106TA2657 HYSTER 6 3 26 56 8,5 33419810 109TA5981 1 106TA2644 BOSCH 6 3 26 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4672 LINDE - LANSING 6 4 16 65 8 LUCAS 110TA3257 1 115TA5369 JCB E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4772 LINDE - LANSING 108TA4940 NISSAN 108TA4753 FENWICK & PEG 108TA4942 KOMATSU 14610 109TA5975 BOSCH 108TA4913 KOMATSU 108TA4811 CLARK 108TA4869 STEINBOCK - BOSS 110TA3085 JLG 116TA5613 JLG 108TA4921 LUGLI E80 108TA5005 105 1 109TA5970 BOSCH KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: complete range of KEY SWITCHES number number diameter total of of length terminals positions (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 length screw thread L2 key number SL-NR key key sold reference reference per switch with key SL-RF AT-SL for picture see make 6 4 16 65 8 LUCAS 110TA3320 1 110TA9032 BALKANCAR 6 4 20 74 9 100 108TA5022 2 108TA4833 KOMATSU 6 4 20 74 11 001 108TA4990 2 108TA4882 ALLIS CHALMERS - KALMAR AC 6 4 20 74 11 001 108TA4990 2 108TA4758 ALLIS CHALMERS - KALMAR AC 6 4 20 74 11 001 108TA4990 2 108TA4685 KOMATSU 6 4 20 79 9 6 4 20 82 8,5 108TA5015 2 116TA5594 CLIMAX COVENTRY - KALMAR 6 4 20 85 9 648 108TA5023 2 108TA4798 KOMATSU 6 4 20 85 9 648 108TA5023 2 6 4 20 85 10 108TA4860 HYUNDAI - HALLA 6 4 20 85 10 108TA4879 NISSAN 6 4 20 85,5 10 115TA5385 CLARK 6 4 20 86 9,5 108TA4969 NISSAN 6 4 20 96 9 108TA4884 TOYOTA 6 4 22 59 17,5 108TA4785 KALMAR LMV 6 4 22 59 17,5 6 4 25 76 7 6 4 25 76 7 6 4 25 76 7 123243 108TA5035 2 6 4 25 84 7 123243 108TA5035 2 6 4 25 92 7,5 6 4 25 92 7,5 108TA4907 TOYOTA 6 4 28 95 5,5 108TA4966 JUNGHEINRICH 6 5 26 61 10 6 5 32 83 12 6 7 22 104 8 1500 108TA5020 1 108TA4800 YALE 7 3 20 76 16 FS888 108TA5032 1 108TA4922 LUGLI 7 3 25 62 7,5 110TA3254 2 106TA2620 CLARK 7 3 25 62 7,5 108TA4997 2 7 3 25 67 10 7 3 26 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4967 LINDE - LANSING 7 4 16 65 8 LUCAS 110TA3257 1 108TA4804 MANITOU 7 4 22 56 7,5 E30 108TA4994 1 108TA4885 FIAT- OM PIMESPO 7 4 22 61 7 7 4 26 51 9 108TA5034 1 106TA2645 BOSCH 7 4 26 51 9 108TA5034 1 106TA2646 BOSCH 7 4 26 78 9,5 14610 115TA5400 1 115TA5389 CLARK 7 4 29 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 105TA4569 LINDE - LANSING 7 5 26 59 11 115TA5387 BALKANCAR 7 5 32 92 15 116TA5595 KALMAR LMV 8 2 16 45 11 108TA4924 JUNGHEINRICH 8 2 19 50 19,5 108TA4977 CLIMAX COVENTRY - KALMAR 8 3 22 87,5 31 110TA3015 JLG 8 3 24 41 11 8 4 20 86 6 108TA4557 TCM K30 108TA5014 1 108TA4834 KOMATSU 106TA2651 BOSCH 108TA4705 CATERPILLAR 108TA4642 CATERPILLAR 110TA7413 MITSUBISHI 108TA4949 MITSUBISHI 108TA4911 TOYOTA 14610 108TA5033 1 109TA5976 BOSCH 116TA5597 CLARK 108TA4585 MIC 108TA4944 CLARK 108TA4867 FIAT- OM PIMESPO 108TA4923 SHINKO 2 106 108TA4897 TCM KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: complete range of KEY SWITCHES number number diameter total of of length terminals positions (mm) (mm) AT-AS AT-ST D1 L1 length screw thread L2 key number SL-NR key key sold reference reference per switch with key SL-RF AT-SL 108TA5008 1 for picture see make 8 4 22 64 15,5 108TA4891 FANTUZZI 8 4 22 66 15,5 9 4 20 75 16 92274 110TA3536 1 110TA7415 LUCAS 9 4 26 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4680 LINDE - LANSING 10 3 22 90 27 116TA5599 LINDE - LANSING 10 5 22 65 15 108TA4802 KALMAR LMV 10 5 22 65 15 K80 108TA5029 1 108TA4677 LINDE - LANSING 10 5 26 78 9,5 14603 108TA4998 1 108TA4597 MANITOU 108TA4976 FANTUZZI 107 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: NOTES ! For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: or ask your on-line ordering and pricing connection with TVH "TVH-QUICK SOURCE" use e-mail: 108 for more info KEYS For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: Part: 2 KEYS 109 KEYS For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: complete range of KEYS key number used for key sold per SL-NR AT-SL key reference SL-RF 002 BT 1 115TA5399 003 BT 1 115TA5470 TOK3 HAMECH 1 122TA8961 001 HYUNDAI-HALLA, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU 2 108TA4990 100 KOMATSU 2 108TA5022 1001 CLARK-SAMSUNG, STILL 1 118TA5815 1124 TOYOTA 1 110TA3531 123243 CATERPILLAR, MITSUBISHI, NISSAN 2 108TA5035 14109108 MORA 1 108TA5008 14603 BT, CLARK-SAMSUNG, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KALMAR LMV, KOMATSU, LINDE-LANSING, MANITOU, MIC, STILL 1 108TA4998 14607 JCB, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU 1 110TA3492 14607 JCB, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU 2 116TA5649 14609 CLARK-SAMSUNG, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK 1 110TA3458 14609 CLARK-SAMSUNG, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK 2 110TA3491 14610 ATLET-LAFIS, CLARK, LINDE-LANSING, MANITOU 1 108TA5033 14644 ATLET-LAFIS, CATERPILLAR, FENWICK & PEG, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU, MIC 1 108TA5013 1500 JUNGHEINRICH, MAZDA, YALE 1 108TA5020 1D21 FABA, KOMATSU, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK 1 108TA5007 2233X JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK 1 110TA3496 2550 JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, YALE 1 110TA3434 26712K LINDE, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, STILL, YALE 1 110TA3486 2720 TCM 2 110TA3466 2722 TCM 2 110TA3468 2726 TCM 2 110TA3470 2730 TCM 2 110TA3472 2734 TCM 2 110TA3474 285 ATLET-LAFIS, LINDE-LANSING 1 110TA3532 301 ATLET-LAFIS 1 108TA5004 301 CLARK-SAMSUNG 2 110TA3442 302 TOYOTA 1 122TA8988 3095 1 122TA8983 31131 HYSTER, KOMATSU, TOYOTA 2 108TA5021 3341981010 BOSCH 1 109TA5981 3341982101 BOSCH 1 108TA5034 3553 TOYOTA 1 115TA5480 37223 STILL, SAXBY 1 110TA3502 3A36 JUNGHEINRICH, MIC 1 108TA5019 455 BT, CATERPILLAR, FENWICK & PEG, LINDE-LANSING, MITSUBISHI, ROCLA, STILL 1 108TA4991 456 FENWICK & PEG, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, STILL, YALE 1 110TA3433 456 FENWICK & PEG, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, STILL, YALE 2 110TA3314 4A251 JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU, NISSAN, STILL 1 110TA3462 501 KOMATSU, MIC, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, STILL, WAGNER 1 106TA2631 O.E.M. references are purely indicative and do not imply that parts originate from the forklift manufacturer. 110 KEYS For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: complete range of KEYS key number used for key sold per SL-NR AT-SL key reference SL-RF 501 KOMATSU, MIC, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, STILL, WAGNER 2 115TA5484 502 CLARK 1 106TA2633 503 FENWICK & PEG, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, LINDE-LANSING, KOMATSU, STILL, WAGNER, YALE 1 106TA2635 JUNGHEINRICH 1 108TA5016 1 110TA3538 508 510 511 TCM 1 110TA3478 511323 TCM 2 110TA3463 511416 TOYOTA 2 108TA5037 512 TCM 2 110TA3479 512421 TCM 2 110TA3464 513 TCM 2 110TA3480 513454 TCM 2 110TA3465 515 TCM 2 110TA3481 530 LINDE-LANSING, STILL 1 106TA2637 590 KOMATSU, MIC, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK 1 110TA3498 596 LINDE-LANSING 1 110TA3508 600 TCM 2 110TA3476 601 FENWICK & PEG, KOMATSU, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, LINDE-LANSING, LOC, MANITOU, MIC, PRAT, STILL, TCM, YALE 2 108TA5009 633 FENWICK & PEG, FIAT- OM PIMESPO, LINDE-LANSING, STILL 1 108TA5011 648 ALLIS CHALMERS-KALMAR AC, HYUNDAI-HALLA, 2 108TA5023 MIC, PRAT, STILL, YALE 2 108TA4988 701 BT, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU, MIC, MITSUBISHI, TCM 1 110TA3533 701 BT, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU, MIC, MITSUBISHI, TCM 2 122TA8971 701 BT, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU, MIC, MITSUBISHI, TCM 3 108TA4993 702 BT, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU, MIC 3 108TA4992 724 CLIMAX-COVENTRY, KALMAR, TCM 2 110TA3482 735 CLIMAX-COVENTRY, KALMAR, TCM 2 110TA3483 738 JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK 1 108TA5018 738 JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK 3 110TA3353 7725 HYSTER, STILL, YALE 2 110TA3438 7730 LINDE-LANSING, STILL 1 110TA3507 777 CLARK, SAMSUNG 2 110TA3537 802 LINDE-LANSING 2 108TA5030 83353 ALLIS CHALMERS, CATERPILLAR, MITSUBISHI, HYSTER, TOYOTA, YALE 2 108TA4989 835 CLIMAX-COVENTRY, KALMAR, TCM 1 110TA3301 846 CLIMAX-COVENTRY, KALMAR, TCM 2 110TA3484 8D15 BT, CLARK, HYSTER, YALE 1 110TA3441 8R15 CLARK, SAMSUNG JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU 684 CLARK, FENWICK & PEG, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, LINDE-LANSING, 9211 1 122TA8963 1 115TA5464 92274 CATERPILLAR, LINDE-LANSING, SANDERSON, STILL 1 110TA3536 92278 LINDE-LANSING 2 110TA3540 O.E.M. references are purely indicative and do not imply that parts originate from the forklift manufacturer. 111 KEYS For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: complete range of KEYS key number used for key sold per SL-NR 93201 AT-SL LANSING key reference SL-RF 1 108TA5027 9401 1 122TA8945 9402 1 122TA8955 9403 1 122TA8949 9404 1 122TA8954 9405 1 122TA8953 9406 1 122TA8956 9407 1 122TA8951 9408 1 122TA8952 9409 1 122TA8947 9410 1 122TA8948 9411 1 122TA8981 9412 1 122TA8946 9413 1 122TA8941 9414 1 122TA8977 9415 1 122TA8968 9416 1 116TA5650 9417 1 122TA8975 9418 1 122TA8979 9419 1 122TA8982 9420 1 122TA8978 9421 1 122TA8966 9422 1 122TA8976 9423 1 122TA8980 9424 1 122TA8974 9425 1 122TA8973 9901 JLG 1 115TA5467 A01 CLARK-SAMSUNG 1 110TA3443 A03 CLARK-SAMSUNG 1 110TA3444 A04 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3445 A05 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3446 A08 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3447 A09 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3448 A10 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3449 A11 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3450 A13 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3451 A14 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3452 A15 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3453 A16 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3454 A18 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3455 A19 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3456 A20 CLARK, HYSTER 1 110TA3457 AA2AB ALBRIGHT 2 110TA3506 C250 CROWN 1 110TA3432 CH512 CLARK-SAMSUNG, NISSAN 1 110TA3503 O.E.M. references are purely indicative and do not imply that parts originate from the forklift manufacturer. 112 KEYS For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: complete range of KEYS key number used for key sold per SL-NR AT-SL key reference SL-RF CH512 CLARK-SAMSUNG, NISSAN 2 118TA5814 CH650 JLG 1 110TA3437 CH751 CATERPILLAR, CROWN, HYSTER, LINDE-LANSING, YALE 1 108TA5000 CH751 CATERPILLAR, CROWN, HYSTER, LINDE-LANSING, YALE 2 115TA5482 CROWN CROWN 1 110TA3228 DAV2313E FENWICK 1 110TA3487 E01 BOSCH 1 110TA3511 E02 BOSCH, WAGNER 1 110TA3512 E03 BOSCH, LINDE-LANSING, STILL 1 110TA3459 E04 BOSCH,STILL 1 110TA3513 E08 BOSCH 1 110TA3539 E10 BOSCH, BT, STILL 1 110TA3514 E11 BOSCH, LINDE-LANSING, STILL 1 108TA5026 E12 BOSCH, STILL 1 110TA3515 E13 BOSCH, STILL 1 115TA5481 E14 BOSCH, STILL 1 110TA3516 E15 BOSCH, STILL 1 110TA3517 E16 BOSCH, STILL 1 110TA3518 E19 BOSCH, STILL 1 110TA3519 E24 BOSCH, MANITOU 1 110TA3490 E25 BOSCH, WAGNER 1 110TA3520 E254 BOSCH, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU 1 108TA5012 E254 BOSCH, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU 2 122TA8944 E26 BOSCH, STILL, WAGNER 1 110TA3521 E27 BOSCH, WAGNER 1 110TA3522 E28 BOSCH, STILL 1 110TA3523 E29 BOSCH, STILL 1 110TA3524 E30 BOSCH, BT, CLARK-SAMSUNG, FENWICK & PEG, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, LINDE-LANSING, MANITOU, O&K, SICHELSMIDT, STILL, YALE 1 108TA4994 E31 BOSCH, STILL 1 110TA3525 E33 BOSCH, WAGNER 1 110TA3526 E34 BOSCH, WAGNER 1 110TA3510 E35 BOSCH, STILL 1 110TA3527 E36 BOSCH, STILL 1 122TA8986 E37 BOSCH, STILL 1 110TA3528 E41 BOSCH, BT, KALMAR, STILL, TOYOTA, WAGNER 1 108TA4995 E42 BOSCH, STILL 1 123TA9743 E43 BOSCH, STILL 1 122TA8984 E44 BOSCH, LINDE-LANSING 1 115TA5478 E45 BOSCH, BT, STILL 1 110TA3529 E47 BOSCH, STILL 1 110TA3530 E80 BOSCH, CLARK-SAMSUNG, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK 1 108TA5005 EK 333 BOSCH, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK 1 122TA8958 F315 TENNANT 1 122TA8985 FS933 LINDE-LANSING 1 115TA5465 O.E.M. references are purely indicative and do not imply that parts originate from the forklift manufacturer. 113 KEYS For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: complete range of KEYS key number used for key sold per SL-NR AT-SL key reference SL-RF FS880 CLIMAX COVENTRY, KALMAR, LINDE-LANSING, STILL 1 108TA5024 FS882 LINDE-LANSING 1 110TA3499 FS884 LINDE-LANSING 1 122TA8943 FS885 LINDE-LANSING 1 108TA5028 FS888 JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU, LINDE-LANSING 1 108TA5032 FS936 LINDE-LANSING 1 110TA3500 H800 HITACHI 1 122TA8942 HD62 DAEWOO 1 110TA3535 HD82 DAEWOO 1 110TA3534 HF44 JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, YALE 1 110TA3439 INDAK TENNANT 2 110TA3504 K03 BOSCH, BT, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, LINDE-LANSING, STILL, TOYOTA 1 108TA4996 K11 BOSCH, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, LINDE-LANSING, STILL 1 108TA5017 K30 BOSCH 1 108TA5014 K720 TCM 2 110TA3467 K722 TCM 2 110TA3469 K726 TCM 1 110TA3471 K730 CLIMAX-COVENTRY, KALMAR, TCM 2 110TA3473 K734 CLIMAX-COVENTRY, KALMAR, TCM 2 110TA3475 K80 CLARK-SAMSUNG, LINDE-LANSING, STILL 1 108TA5029 KN101 CLARK 1 110TA3541 LL11 CATERPILLAR 1 122TA8969 LUCAS CATERPILLAR, CLIMAX-COVENTRY, JCB, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, KOMATSU, LINDE-LANSING, MANITOU, STILL, YALE 1 110TA3257 MC1 HYSTER, LINDE-LANSING 1 110TA3366 MC1 HYSTER, LINDE-LANSING 2 110TA3224 MC35 LINDE-LANSING 1 115TA5468 MIT2R CLARK-SAMSUNG 1 122TA8957 N1417 NISSAN 1 110TA3435 P107 JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, MIC, KOMATSU 1 110TA3493 P41 1 115TA5475 JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK 1 110TA3436 P56 JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, STILL 1 110TA3485 PK556 CATERPILLAR, CLARK, HYSTER, JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK, YALE 2 108TA5003 R032P SPIJKSTAAL 1 115TA5473 S25 BOSCH 1 115TA5477 T251 JUNGHEINRICH-STEINBOCK 1 110TA3494 T800A CLIMAX-COVENTRY, KALMAR, NICHIYU-NYK 2 108TA5006 TAF1 LINDE-LANSING, STILL 1 110TA3311 UN13 MANITOU 1 110TA3488 WA01 MANITOU 1 122TA8950 WA05 MANITOU 1 122TA8959 YAL26 UPRIGHT 1 122TA8965 P50 O.E.M. references are purely indicative and do not imply that parts originate from the forklift manufacturer. 114 ELECTRONIC CODE SWITCH For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: Part: 3 ELECTRONIC CODE SWITCH 115 ELECTRONIC CODE SWITCH For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: 12-90VDC 1 mastercode/15 user codes Last driver view Automatic turn off ELECTRONIC CODE SWITCH (12-90 VDC): REF 105TA2719 Call now for your free manual: REF 107TA7639 116 ELECTRONIC CODE SWITCH For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: a b c The electronic code switch can be used on different applications. Any vehicle within the voltage range 1290VDC can benefit from fitting the unit. With the master code you can program all Pincodes. Up to 15 different codes can be entered. If an accident occurs and the vehicle is damaged, you can easily track the last driver by counting the number of red and green flashes. d When connected through the seatswitch, the system will deactivate the vehicle after a pre-set period of time. This dropout time is easily adjustable. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS VOLTAGE-INPUT: 12-90VDC. Correct voltagelevel must be set with the DIP-switches on the rear of the ECS. OUTPUT: Relay contact rating : 6 Amp continous - 10Amp (5 sec.) For bigger loads, an external relay must be used. CURRENT USE: 10mA when relay is not activated. Less than 60mA in activated operation. CASE: ABS plastic. Front side: IP65 - Rear: not sealed. DIMENSIONS: 117 ELECTRONIC CODE SWITCH For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: NOTES ! For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: or ask your on-line ordering and pricing connection with TVH "TVH-QUICK SOURCE" use e-mail: 118 for more info KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: NOTES 119 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: NOTES 120 KEY SWITCHES For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: NOTES ! For all our latest catalogue updates and company info: or ask your on-line ordering and pricing connection with TVH "TVH-QUICK SOURCE" use e-mail: for more info ...not cheap parts but quality parts cheaper... Forklift parts for all makes 24/48 hour delivery Worldwide sea-air-road distribution More than 89.000 m2 of warehousing TVH 10195714 • 09/2005 Worldwide quality guarantee