2006 Stratton Hills Court - Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro
2006 Stratton Hills Court - Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro
Chic Chateau A DESIGN SHOWHOUSE !"#"$%%&#' ()!&%)%*+,-*(./)#&%0 SEPTE MB E R 201 2 TM D. STONE BUILDERS, INC . 2006 Stratton Hills Court First Floor FI R S T FLOOR 5 Table of Contents TA B L E OF C ONTENTS 4 3 1 1 2 1 FOYER, HALLWAYS, LAUNDRY MUDROOM & BATH NANCY MCKEE & KATE MCKEE, PAGE 4 2 DINING ROOM JAIME BERG & JESSICA YELVERTON, PAGE 6 3 KITCHEN & BREAKFAST ROOM CECILIA ANDRES-GREGG & LAURA MORTENSEN, PAGE 10 Second Floor SECON D FLOOR 4 GREAT ROOM 8 STEPHANIE SITTON & KATE ZYLSTRA, PAGE 16 5 MASTER BEDROOM & BATH CHERYL HUCKS, PAGE 18 6 6 STUDY & BATH MARIA ADAMS & JANELLE ROBINSON, PAGE 22 7 7 BONUS ROOM MONIQUE MONIQUE CHOUINARD C &M &EREDITH MEREDITH ALLEN ALLEN , PAGE , PAGE 24 24 EDROOM KEDROOM ITCHEN H 8 HHOLIDAY BOUTIQUE SPONSORED BY TEN THOUSAND VILLAGES AND NEW GARDEN NURSERY Patio sponsored and furnished by New Garden Nursery. Visit the garage of this home to see a Chalk PaintTM decorative paint by Annie Sloan demonstration. –1– Chic Chateau 2012 !" D E C E N T H O U S I N G S AV E S L I V E S Decent housing saves lives, rekindles hope and roots families and communities. Since 1987, Habitat Greensboro has built more than 800 homes in Greensboro and abroad, allowing families to focus more on thriving than surviving. Nearly 55,000 people in Greensboro currently live below the poverty line. Many work full time, pay their bills and play by the rules. However, homeownership—and sometimes just having a decent place to live—remains out of reach. Courtesy of the News & Record That’s where Habitat comes in. Mobilizing thousands of volunteers each year, Habitat provides families an opportunity to build and buy a home of their own. Over the past 25 years, Habitat has injected more than $30 million in much needed capital investment into east Greensboro. Habitat homeowners have paid more than $3 million in property taxes to Guilford County and the City of Greensboro. Best of all, Habitat helps form friendships and bonds that strengthen our community. As long-time volunteer Bill Cooke said, “Life can get so hectic we seem to be losing our connection with one another, as if there is a centrifugal force at work pulling us apart. Habitat is like the force of gravity drawing us back together.” There are so many ways to get involved, especially as we celebrate our 25th year of service in Greensboro. Learn more at HabitatGreensboro.org. I N S U R A N C E A G E N C Y Servicing what we sell since 1953 phone: 379-8640 | 905 Battleground Avenue, Greensboro | fax: 379-7837 info@godwinagency.com | www.godwinagency.com Chic Chateau 2012 TM –2– Building Exceptional Homes Dwight D. Stone’s family has been building beautiful homes since 1962. D. Stone Builders is now building!"#!$%&!'()&*!()!+,(**-&./0 40 39 41 43 42 38 CT LUB KC DUC Customize your #&1!%23&!)2!-)! your needs in this exclusive #&"4%52,%22/0 34 37 EXISTING HOME 36 33 31 32 45 46 47 N H LS IL D 26 25 14 15 16 9 8 7 17 18 24 19 20 11 10 6 STRATTON HILLS COUR T 1 336.288.9393 ‐ dstonebuilders.com 27 23 22 13 12 DUCK CLUB ROAD Or any #&"4%52,%22/0 D. Stone Builders will build your new home in the best location 62,!7280 28 DUCK CLUB ROAD 35 44 29 30 2 21 5 4 3 E V RI The Smith Marketing Team Proudly Proudly Representing Representing R&K D. Stone Builders Custom Homes Offering you the expertise of the Smith Marketing Team! Front: Jeff Smith & Betty Smith From Left: Jenni Ham, Linda Mitchell, Gail Ramsburg, Dawn Allred, Jeff Craig, Ray Alexander, Jim Duncan, Tara Beaver, Laura Alexander, Cynde Dorzweiler, Noelle Dauler A"$7B"$C88"9$D7("E5$F/%CGH%$DHCI$'9$()"$DJKCLM L a r g e R e a l E s t a t e S a l e s Te a m Put a winner to work for YOU! !"##$%&'()$*$++,-./0-1223$*$4"##-5&'()6788"9(7("-:;& <"((=$%&'()$*$++,->0/->?.+$*$@"((=-5&'()6788"9(7("-:;& www.smithmarketinginc.com –3– Chic Chateau 2012 !" FOYER, HALLWAY S , LAUNDRY, MUDROOM & BATH NANCY MCKEE & KATE MCKEE TOTAL BLISS TOTALBLISSONLINE.COM NANCYMBLISS@GMAIL.COM 336-441-5104 TheDesigners TH E D ES IG N E R S 4,'+)%C+6**%"1%#$*%&7'*0%&8 % B&#,(%D("11%"'%E9--*0/*(53%,%0*#,"(% store that showcases a collection of beautiful home décor and custom 1"(.%F&0,(1>%G1%#$*%&'()%1&90+*% in the Triad for Chalk Paint™ decorative paint by Annie Sloan, Total Bliss also offers painting technique classes for beginners and more advanced painters. As the <"19,(%-*0+$,'5"H"';%5"0*+#&03%6,#*% C+6**%:0"';1%+0*,#"<"#)%,'5%*'*0;)% to each season’s design. Resources R ES OU RC E S Total Bliss Drape Expectations Rains Gallery Art and Framing Annie Sloan Unfolded Chic Chateau 2012 TM The Rooms TH E ROOMS !"#$%&'()%&'*%+$,'+*%#&%-,.*%,%/01#%"-20*11"&'3%4,'+)%,'5%6,#*%,'17*0*5%#$*%+,((%#&%+0*,#*%,% visual enticement that beckons each guest entering the foyer to explore design ideas and creative palettes throughout this newly constructed home. Their goal was to make the home beautiful ,'5%89'+#"&',(3%1"'+*%:&#$%#$*%8&)*0%,'5%-95%0&&-%,0*%$";$%#0,8/+%,0*,1%,'5%1*0<*%<*0)%12*+"/+% purposes. Tips to get this look TI P S TO GE T THIS LOOK =>%%?9'+#"&'%"1%#$*%/01#%+&'1"5*0,#"&'%"'%#$*%-950&&-3%7$"+$%1*0<*1%,1%,%+,#+$@,((%12,+*%8&0%#$*% family coming and going. From wet boots to overstuffed bookbags, design must address storage, convenience, and safety. A>%%B$*%8&)*0%;"<*1%#$*%/01#%"-20*11"&'%&8 %,')%$&-*%,'5%-91#%12*,.%&8 %7$,#%"1%#&%+&-*%:)% introducing the design and color scheme for the rest of the home. 3. An industrial tone helps make the laundry room functional and bright. 4. Small—but oh so essential—the powder room offers a great opportunity to express your whimsy and novel design. –4– !xperience "e Dis#nc#ve Designs Di$erenc% & Place Where Passion, Professionalism and Vision Mee' !is"nc"ve Designs is an Award Winning Kitchen and Ba# $emodeling Company #at has mul"ple diverse fac%ry cabine&y line' as we( as a )( cus%m cabine&y shop. *e have been serving Cen&al Nor# Carolina for nearly a decade. *e take pride in a( #at we do. We are passiona+ about making you, dream Kitchen or Ba# become a reali-. 3859 Ba.leground Ave. Sui+ 100 /reensboro, NC 27410 336-886-4293 ! 0ww.ddicabine&y.co1 –5– Chic Chateau 2012 TM DINING ROOM JAIME BERG FURNITURELAND SOUTH JAIMEBERG@FURNITURELANDSOUTH.COM 336-822-3000 EXT 2771 JESSICA YELVERTON MARTI BARKMAN INTERIOR DESIGN JESSICABYELVERTON@GMAIL.COM 336-213-0706 TheDesigners TH E D ES IGN E R S Jaime, a designer for 18 years with Furnitureland South, delights in helping clients create the perfect setting to +"1".($(<")+$6->)7)"'?$7)6"'(:7"'3$@<"$<-'$ a considerable client list throughout the US, as well as some overseas business. Jessica is a designer with Marti Barkman Interior Design as well as a freelance artist. She has extensive experience in helping clients create their dream homes and is currently working to create her own line of luxury bed linens. Resources R ES OU RC E S Annie Sloan Unfolded Carolina Thrift Shoppes on Patterson Antiques Market Place Furniture 411 Leisure Fabrics Furnitureland South Outlet The Room THE ROOM Jaime and Jessica created a comfortable, tranquil dining room that brings the French countryside indoors. The soft, neutral background is accentuated with pops of blue and green throughout, including a 1950’s bright green buffet that’s the perfect accent piece. Filled with small, interesting accessories and furniture with a Shabby Chic feel, the room is sure to !""#$%&"'('$)*(+)%&",$-*,$./*0"+'-()/*$1/2)*%3$ The designers incorporated natural elements into the space—burlap, birds nests, greenery and feathers—and used canvas to create their own artwork. Upcycled items include lamps, picture frames and a mirror refreshed with Chalk Paint™ decorative paint by Annie Sloan. Tips to get this look TI PS TO GE T THIS LOOK 43$$5""#$-$'/6($*"&(+-7$8-.!%+/&*,$(/$"*./&+-%"$(+-*9&)7)(:3$;<"*$%"($'&#"+=.+"-()0"$2)(<$ your accessories! 2. Don’t buy everything in one place—it’s much more charming to collect objects from all over and mix old with new. 3. Look for objects that have a common feel, but don’t necessarily match. We selected items that had a French country look and, if the colors clashed, we painted them. ! ! Chic Chateau 2012 TM –6– ! Great home decor starts with a few big ideas and a look through several comprehensive swatchbooks for inspiration. Likewise, when it’s time to bring your big marketing ideas to life, shouldn’t you review our complete swatchbook as well? 336.292.4000 !" graphicvisualsolutions.com –7– Chic Chateau 2012 TM SPECIAL EVENTS: TREASURE SALE Find Your Treasure at the Chic Treasure Sale sponsored by Replacements Ltd. Want to recreate a look you saw at Chic Chateau™? Love the thrill of hunting for a unique piece at a bargain price? Shop our gently flawed inventory. Find what you love at the Chic Treasure Sale sponsored by Replacements Ltd. When: Saturday, September 29, 10 am – 5 pm Where: Tent located behind the Chic Chateau homes Free admission with the purchase of a ticket to Chic Chateau! 12-20-12 Chic Chateau 2012 TM –8– EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC of CHALK PAINT™ DECORATIVE PAINT by ANNIE SLOAN at CHIC CHATEAU™ 2012 See Projects by the Designers, Enjoy Daily Demonstrations and Interactive Giveaways PLUS Get Answers from Unfolded Team Members, Local Stockists and Trained Instructors International Distributor for Chalk Paint™ Decorative Paint, Soft Waxes, Fabrics, Fragrances and More! 34")"(#5/#6%%,-#78"'%#9%:"8&-& !"#$%&#'#()"*+,()#%-'.#/"01#2,(,) AnnieSloanUnfolded.com –9– Projects shown were created in the Greensboro area Chic Chateau 2012 TM K I T C H E N & B R E A K FA S T R O O M CECILIA ANDRES-GREGG CAG DESIGN GROUP, INC. CAGDESIGNGROUP.COM CECILIA@CAGDESIGNGROUP.COM 336-254-4939 LAURA MORTENSEN RAMBUNCTIOUS RABBIT DESIGN RAMBUNCTIOUSRABBIT@TRIAD.RR.COM 336-580-8323 TheDesigners TH E D ES IG N E R S Cecilia, owner of CAG Design Group, Inc., has more than 25 years experience bringing design excellence to residential and workplace projects. Laura is an editor and publisher whose lifelong love of design, fabric, vintage and making old things ‘new’ has evolved into Rambunctious Rabbit Design. Resources R ES OU RC E S Abu Rugs and Home Annie Sloan Unfolded Black Dog Emporium Caning by Richard Stepnowski French Heritage Loomcraft Lynn Tester Designs Magnolia Antiques & Gifts Mary’s Antiques Replacements Chic Chateau 2012 TM The Room TH E ROOM Inviting and fun, this kitchen and sitting area are the perfect place for friends to gather, prepare a meal and make memories together. Cecilia and Laura’s vision was shaped by beautiful French and vintage elements they discovered, including a timeless 1920’s French bistro table and chairs, and vintage seed packets that showcase artistic, colorful graphics and interesting copy from times gone by. Repurposed items include unique lighning rods with copper tips used as rods for window treatments. Colorful painted metal ceiling tiles are backed with wooden frames and serve as chargers underneath glass plates on the table for a layered look. Tips to get this look TI P S TO GE T THIS LOOK 1. Vintage is the rage, so head to antique stores, consignment shops, yard sales and estate sales to !!!!!"#$!%&'(%)%*+!,%**-).$%!/)%(01.#!2(3$41'56! 2. Trust your initial thoughts about interesting pieces—if you love it, you will use it. 3. Collections work well and are reasonably priced when creating interesting wall art—think sheet music, album covers and antique prints. 4. Create interest through layering like we did with the table, which is painted with Chalk Paint™ decorative paint by Annie Sloan. – 10 – Let us !"#$%&'"('% your dream. For the perfect products for your kitchen or bath, stop by a Ferguson showroom. It’s where you’ll find the largest range of quality brands, a symphony of ideas, and trained product experts to help orchestrate your dream. With showrooms from coast to coast, come see why Ferguson is recommended by professional contractors and designers everywhere. APPLIANCES Greensboro: PLUMBING 305 Friendship Dr PASSIONATE PEOPLE (336) 664-6509 FIXTURES Winston-Salem: LIGHTING 7905 N Point Blvd (336) 759-0253 © 2012 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc All Rights Reserved FERGUSON.COM W Wholesale Ceramic Tile, Inc. “Your Vision, Our Expertise, One Masterpiece” 2885 Immanuel Rd. Greensboro, NC 27407 Phone 336.292.0130 Fax 336.292.0131 www.wholesaleceramictileinc.com – 11 – Chic Chateau 2012 TM ThankYou THANK YOU Kate L. Zylstra, LEED AP Interior Design Consultant Jaime Berg Interior Design Consultant ph 336.822.3000 x2622 katezylstra@furniturelandsouth.com http://blog.furniturelandsouth.com/author/kate-zylstra/ ph 336.822.3000 x2771 jaimeberg@furniturelandsouth.com http://blog.furniturelandsouth.com/author/jaime-berg/ PO Box 1550 * 5635 Riverdale Drive * Jamestown, NC 27282 PO Box 1550 * 5635 Riverdale Drive * Jamestown, NC 27282 Monique Kidd Interior Design Consultant ph 336.822.3000 x2505 moniquekidd@furniturelandsouth.com PO Box 1550 * 5635 Riverdale Drive * Jamestown, NC 27282 Chic Chateau 2012 TM – 12 – CHIC CHATEAU DESIGNERS! !"#$%$&'()*+',-./"0' 1"#$%$&'()*+'234-"'25+)*&5 !"4%6"$-%3/'7'8)99"+:%3/ ;$-"+%)+'1"4%&$< www.CasualEleganceDesign.com Cheryl@CasualEleganceDesign.com 336.580.0912 Enhancing your quality of life through inspiring design & practical home improvement 99 design packages starting at $ (336) 944-2750 | maria@IDSbyMaria.com | www.IDSbyMaria.com – 13 – | | Maria Adams, principal designer/owner Chic Chateau 2012 TM DESIGN GROUP INC. VISIT HABITAT FOR HUMANITY’S RESTORE Inspired by the up-cycled furniture and I NTERIOR DESIGN furnishings you’ve seen at Chic Chateau™? Make the ReStore your destination for the perfect additions to your home. The more often you shop, the more treasures you’ll find. New items come into the ReStore every day. You can feel good about your purchases—what you spend goes directly to supporting Habitat for WORKPLACE Humanity’s mission of building homes, strengthening families and creating thriving neighborhoods in Greensboro and beyond. Need more space for the items you’ve purchased? Donate your new or gently used furniture, appliances and household goods. Drop off items at the ReStore or call 336-851-2929 for free pickup of large items. EDUCATION Last year, the ReStore kept 1,200 tons of materials out of local landfills—great news for everyone! Get involved! We’re always looking for great volunteers. Visit us at 3826 High Point Road in Greensboro, online at HabitatGreensboro.org. RESIDENCE or call 336-851-2929. CECILIA ANDRES-GREGG IIDA, LEED AP 336.254.4939 cecilia@cagdesigngroup.com cagdesigngroup.com INTERIORS FOR LIFE Chic Chateau 2012 TM – 14 – Habitat for Humanity Sept 2012 F2 2 – 15 – Chic Chateau 2012 TM 8/3/12 9:48:05 AM GREAT ROOM STEPHANIE SITTON STEPHANIE C. SITTON INTERIOR DESIGNS STEPHANIECSITTON@YAHOO.COM 336-908-5905 KATE ZYLSTRA FURNITURELAND SOUTH FURNITURELANDSOUTH.COM KATEZYLSTRA@FURNITURELANDSOUTH.COM 336-327-7242 TheDesigners TH E D ES IG N E R S Stephanie assists clients on small and large-scale projects to create the perfect space for their home or 201-,%119(/#!%(-1(#(*"%1%"$#!-3,-1!(#,.( LEED Accredited Professional who is dedicated to designing beautiful interiors that use recycled materials, preserve natural resources and reduce energy use. Resources R ES OU RC E S Annie Sloan Unfolded Chartreuse Antique Market Place Goodwill Daisy’s Furnitureland South Outlet Center Habitat ReStore Mary’s Antiques Chic Chateau 2012 TM The Room TH E ROOM This casual, welcoming Great Room offers an eclectic blend of old and new. Inspired by world !"#$%&'()!%*+#,-%(#,.(/#!%(01%.(2-!1(34 ("%*0"*31%.(0*15#&%(6"%,5+(53!!#7%(#55%,!1(!3(5"%#!%(#( space where a family can gather and relax together at the end of the day. Accessories like an old trunk, maps, paintings and trinkets from around the world complete the travel décor. Natural materials like wood, burlap, linen and cotton, plus a variety of upcycled products give -!(#(&-$%.8-,(4%%&9(:(4#$3"-!%(;,.(<#1(#(5+#"=-,7(2%,5+(20-&!(4"3=(#,(3&.(+%#.23#".'(<+-5+(!+%( designers repainted and covered with brightly colored cushions. Tips to get this look TI P S TO GE T THIS LOOK 1. Not everything should match, but it should coordinate and blend together using a layering technique. 2. Start with one piece that you love and build the room around it. 3. Use accessories to imprint your personality into the room. – 16 – – 17 – Chic Chateau 2012 TM MASTER BEDROOM & BATH CHERYL HUCKS CASUAL ELEGANCE BY CHERYL CASUALELEGANCEDESIGN.COM CHERYL@CASUALELEGANCE.COM 336-580-0912 TheDesigner TH E D ES IG N E R For more than 20 years, Cheryl has been assisting clients with incredible interiors, dramatic re-designs and staging that sells. Casual Elegance by Cheryl offers professional, personal full service interior design consultation to residential and commercial clients. Resources R ES OU RC E S Salvation Army Dale Waterson Gay O’Shields Upholstery At It’s Best Huffman Paint & Wallcovering Chic Chateau 2012 TM The Rooms TH E ROOMS Shades of pear green and turquoise paired with neutral textures create a colorful, relaxing retreat, while the aqua bedding and draped antique bed crown add a touch of Old World Elegance to the room. Inspired by the antique iron planter she found and restored, Cheryl found, restored and created a space that beautifully balances the masculine and feminine. !"#$%&'()*+,-)&+./0,()'1()#"+&'2)'1"')3%$#&,(-)"),(/&."'().$+'%"-')'$)'1()%0-'&.),"%4(%)"..(---$%&(-) "+,)")56672("%7$/,)"+'&80()-'$$/)'1"')9"-)%(*+&-1(,)"+,)%(.$#(%(,)&+)").1&.)"+&:"/)3%&+');"<%&.=) Matching bedside chests were repainted to a warm cocoa color distressed with Chalk Paint ™ dark wax, and accessories were antiqued with rusted antique white or brown. The towels, accessories, window treatments and artwork in the bath use the same color scheme as the master bedroom, 3%$#&,&+>).$1(-&#()?$9=) Tips to get this look TI P S TO GE T THIS LOOK 1. Use a mix of masculine (straight lines) and feminine (curved lines) when selecting furniture and accessories. 2. Instead of covering the windows with draperies, try valences hung at ceiling height to create an illusion of a larger and taller space. 3. Use shelves and architectural salvage pieces—like mantles and moldings—as bed crowns and attach fabric with double-sided velcro. – 18 – – 19 – Chic Chateau 2012 TM HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE AT CHIC! Sponsored by New Garden Nursery and Ten Thousand Villages the Chic Holiday Boutique is the place to start your holiday shopping. New Garden Nursery is already thinking ahead to the upcoming Christmas holiday season. In the Chic Holiday Boutique see a sampling of this fall’s New Garden Gazebo offerings. Their life!"#$%&'()"*+"'!&,-(".)/'.&)($$.& showcase the most unique decorations found anywhere, with themes including Traditional, Countryside, and Winter’s Garden. Join the festivities at this year’s Preview Party, November 15th from 5-8 p.m. Make your holidays special with a visit to the New Garden Gazebo store, 3811 Lawndale Drive in Greensboro. Ten Thousand Villages brings holiday style from around the world to the Chic Holiday Boutique with their beautiful, handmade, home décor. Like Habitat, Ten Thousand Villages was founded with a mission of building better lives. Through their work to market the goods of disadvantaged artisans in developing countries, they help skilled artisans to break the cycle of poverty by earning a stable income. You can visit Ten Thousand Villages in Greensboro at the Jefferson Village Shopping Center 1564-A Highwoods Boulevard. Chic Chateau 2012 TM – 20 – S omething to talk about 1203 E. M O U N TA I N S T R E E T • K E R N E R S V I L L E , NC 27284 • 336.993.9998 • F A X 336.993.9988 www.amanzigranite.com – 21 – Chic Chateau 2012 TM STUDY & BATH JANELLE ROBINSON MARIA ADAMS INTERIOR DESIGN SOLUTIONS BY MARIA, INC. IDSBYMARIA.COM MARIA@IDSBYMARIA.COM 336-944-2750 SIMPLY JANELLE DESIGNS SIMPLYJANELLEDESIGNS.COM JANELLE@SIMPLYJANELLEDESIGNS.COM TheDesigners TH E D E S I G N E R S Maria, owner of Interior Design Solutions by Maria, specializes in full-service residential and commercial interior design. Janelle owns Simply Janelle Designs, where she designs and creates furniture and home *)=23!2>,!25 !%'&,#")!@#3&!A&*+; Resources R ES OU RC E S The Red Collection Boone Fabrics Murphy’s Upholstery Habitat ReStore The Room TH E ROOM As the lead designer, Maria created this study to be the quintessential space to develop the next big business plan or to unwind with a great book. Inspired by Industrial Chic, Maria combined elements such as reclaimed barn wood, galvanized steel, soft fabric textures in vibrant colors and utilitarian storage. The main showpiece is a desk that Janelle designed and constructed from an old barn door with legs made of galvanized steel pipes. Derived from the beauty of nature, the warm hues of creams and browns balance the cool tones of aqua blue and celery green. Maria and Janelle combined their talents to produce a motivational space for work, yet comfortable enough to sit back, relax and relish the latest literature. Tips to get this look TI P S TO GE T THIS LOOK 1. Start with a functional desk. An old door serves as the top and legs can be built from !!!!!"#$%#&'()*!+,))$!-'-)+!#&*!.#&")+/!+#0123+)+!23!#!4',!5326!#!+,23)!$'4)!789:; <;!!7&=$>*)!=$2+)*!#&*!2-)&!+1)$%'&";!:$62+,!#&?!=#@'&),!=#&!@)!=2&%)3,)*!'&,2!A$)!+,23#"); B;!!C#4)!',!=26523,#@$);!D2>3!*)+4!=1#'3!&))*+!,2!A,!?2>3!@2*?;!7&=$>*)!#!=265?!=1#'3!23!+6#$$! sofa so you have another place to read the paper or watch tv. !""#$%$&'()%*"$+,-.#-/*0$&',#-(0$()$*%)%*"0$+,'$/('$ &,)"$12")"$'($&'%)'3$ ! $ "#$!%&''!()*+'!,-.!/0123! $$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$4&5$6()$7(,)$8(97$'(#%7:$ $ !"#"!$%& '()*+),!%& !"-$'.%& :8=6!>*??@"A!&"B+! (&''CDE"&"! !!!"!"#$%&'()*"#$%& Chic Chateau 2012 TM !!!!45567!89:;88<6! – 22 – !"#$%&'(")$%&*"+,$ !"##$%&&'()*&'(!$+,&()-.$/&0(123(452(67( 890:,.;",()*&'(!$+,&(<$=&;/&0(143(452(67( >$:'(+,(?$0(8$;*#&;&'."0@(A:'&3(!$0,(BC$&+=0&,( "'B()*&'(!$+,&(,"#&, ,-./01#234.56785#9:;$4#8-<#=.>5 ?4@A;.8B#C4115 D.E1#F$.-51G85! CHRISTMAS SAVINGS Present this ad and save on Christmas Décor !"#$%#!&"#'#!&(#$%#!)((#'#!"(#$%#!&"( Applies to purchase of Holiday Items only. Not valid with any other sales or discounts. Valid 11/1/12‐))*+(*)& New Garden Gazebo 3811 Lawndale Dr. Greensboro, NC, 27455 336‐288‐8893 www.newgarden.com www.simplyjanelledesigns.com !"#$#%%&$'&$()*+,&%$-,.%$,/01%2 – 23 – Chic Chateau 2012 TM BONUS ROOM MONIQUE KIDD FURNITURELAND SOUTH MONIQUEKIDD@FURNITURELANDSOUTH.COM 336.880.9917 MEREDITH ALLEN MEREDITHALLEN89@YAHOO.COM 336-301-2606 TheDesigners TH E D ES IG N E R S Monique is a Design Consultant at Furnitureland South, where she has access to the latest furniture designs and trends, allowing her to help you bring your inspiration and ideas to life. Meredith has been working part time for SSI Design Group since graduating, and is currently seeking a full time job in +"/%5/$#32%8/.59 Resources R ES OU RC E S Harris Rumley Richard Rumley Goodwill Christian United Outreach Center of Asheboro Home Decorators Collection Chic Chateau 2012 TM The Room THE ROOM !"#$%&'()'*+,-./0%*/.,1#23%$4,&/%'4/*,+/$%,$%,2%#2)'*(,.%$/&'25%6''*%.#7#23%*''(%4/*)/&+% for game night or movie night with the family. The neutral backdrop is splashed with greens and blues, which gives it a cool, industrial feel. Meredith and Monique scoured local consignment shops to create the upcycled sensations in the room. One favorite upcycled item is the sofa table, which was originally an old record player. To update it, the designers added louvered bi-fold closet doors to the front and sides of the console, and shelving to the middle to create ample storage space. Tips to get this look TI PS TO GE T THIS LOOK 1. Chalk Paint™ decorative paint by Annie Sloan is a great way to easily update any paintable surface. 2. Think outside the box—use your imagination when looking at consignment store objects. It has potential, but it’s up to you to discover it! 3. Ask a designer for help if you’re feeling intimidated or aren’t comfortable doing something yourself. – 24 – – 25 – Chic Chateau 2012 TM Beth Moore Laura Mortensen Linda Pokora Laura Redd Janelle Robinson Maria Adams Gina Alem Meredith Allen Cecilia Andres-Gregg Melinda Bell Dickey Ann Warrick Warrick Ann Judy Wilson Wilson Judy Jessica Yelverton Yelverton Jessica Kate Kate Zylstra Zylstra Debbie Hayes Sonja Healy Sonja Healy Cheryl Hucks Cheryl Hucks Monique Kidd Kate Kate McKee McKee Nancy Nancy McKee McKee Stephanie Sitton Sitton Stephanie Lynn Tester Tester Lynn Melinda Dickey Julie Hartsell Julie Hartsell Debbie Hayes SEPTEMBER 2012 FOR THEIR GENEROUS FINANCIAL SUPPORT To Our Presenting Sponsors Betty Smith Jason Jason Smith Smith Michele Michele Van van Gobes Sherry Sherry and Dick Sarine FOR PULLING THE PIECES TOGETHER FOR PULLING THE PIECES TOGETHER To Our Lead teers Lead Volun Volunteers Katherine Rowe Rowe Katherine Sherry Sarine Sarine Sherry Penny JaimeCausey Berg Monique Penny Chouinard Causey