1960 - Grays Harbor College
1960 - Grays Harbor College
I, I' •T !• ,I \ . ,I presents the 1960 NAUrfILUS Published by The Associated Student Body GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE Aberdeen, Washington FOREWORD Everyone knows that college life includes both work and play. We didn't skimp work this past year, but there was enough time to play, too, and L)lay we did. Here is your 1960 Nautilus, then, a record of the playful side of college life as well as of faces and places. Because of the pereseverance of a few the three formal dances were highly successful. The social hours begun this year by A.W.S. were well receiverl by the students, and were an exce1lent opportunity for making new friendships. course, As a whole this past school year of 1959-60 has Homecoming Weekend which was presided over by been filled with activities o[ all varieties: from the queen Dorothy Zawislak. fun and confusion of decorating to the relaxing The highlight of the year was, of The weekend began Fri day with the Homecoming Talent Revue followed social hours and the late hour exam cramming. by a rally and an informal dance. The first event And now we, the Nautlius sta£f, present to you a Jaturday was the Homecoming game followed by book of memories and enjoyable photographs for the festively titled semi-formal dance "Mardi Gras.'' years to come. Grays Harbor Dedication Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines "yearbook" flatly as "a book of statistics or facts of a year, published yearly." Obviously, such a definition does not include college yearbooks which are collections of photographs of students, faculty members, clubs, activities, etc. of statistics and no photographs? Who ever saw a college annual Imagine reading the following in a yearbook: Bob Jones Height Weight I. Q. - - - 6' 1" 170 pounds 110 So, it seems, a college yearbook would not be possible raphers. without photog May we, therefore, dedicate the 1960 Nautilus, to the photographers who�se work is found on its pages, to Mr. Mulkey and Mr. Jones, and to Bob Metke of Grays Harbor College. We think they did a wonderful job. Westport Nautilus Staff Editor _ __ ___________________________________ .Darlene Fickeisen Assistant Editor ---------------------·Gretchen Bigelow Sports Editor ---------------------------·Ken Lind Business Manager ---· ·-------------·Jack Leinenweber Art Edi tor -------··--------------··--------·Judy Thompson Makeup and Copy .Jane Bigelow, Jean Wood ___________________ Student Photographer Photographers Advisor ___ ______________ ___________ Bob Metke .Dell Mulkey, Jones Photo Co. ___________________ ----------------------·I-I aro 1 d J. Enrico Aerial v'iews by Jones Photo Co. Division pages by Dell ·Mulkey A D M I N I s T R A T I 0 N The President's Message The custom of publishing a yearbook each college year seems to be a fortunate one. No other publication leaves as clear a record of the activities of the year as does the yearbook. In future years the yearbooks serve as albums to which one may turn for records and pictures of college people, buildings and college events. The 1960 Nautilus will be cherished by all of those who were on the campns during this year. I am happy to join with the faculty and students in compli menting the staff of the annual on the production of this fine volume. Also , I would like to thank the faculty and students of the college for their contribu tions to a successful college year. EDWARD P. SMITH President Administration H. J. KRAMl�Fl S11perinlenclent of Scl1ools 1\IAUlllCF� .T. PHlPPS lJirr·ctor of t 11 den t Affairs l'syc/10/or;y HELEN JEANE JONES C0'1mse/or Dean of Women Physical Echicalion J. lllCFfARD FHOST l?rr;islrar l'h ysico I G eo,urc171/1 !J Pl�TER PERISI Director of A.d1ill I-I J!Jclncation Faculty CITACE 1\NDE:FlSON J[. BARB/\ HA .JAN Ii: BER.K F'ooUJoll Coach Pl1ysical l�cl'/l,Cctl ion Jtnr;lish DONALD W. BUTLli:R Enr;lish HA ROLD J. EN FUCO Foreign f,migiwges J 01irnalism .J. DALI'; GIER. Assistant l•'oolball Coach Physical Ecliical'ion ALl•'Rli:D .J. HILLIER Tfisl O'l'!J Sociology f•'o ren ·ics Faculty i\NNI� llOLEY English JOIIN 1\1 LLIAN l•:conomics J>sucltology HICIIJ\ rm LANDBERG LOUIS lI V l�SSM l"i;ll Ai·l Biology WIN F'IJ:Sl�D SHAF'F'ER Rn{Ji11rering ALF'l'l�D SIMO N En gl i 0h Phys'ics .J 0 [CfN Si\IITH Physical Science Biology JOHN SPELLi\IAN Librarian EUGENE STENSAGl:SH. 111/iisic J1\CK STODDARD Baskrlball Cooch Physical Education Sociology Faculty ROY UNDIO:l\l Mal 11 C11W I ics E;f,1\11811 'v\i AGN8R Rnssian 71 islory Journalism C'ATHl•�Ftl1 Ii; DOYLE;, R.N. l'rnc/ icul Nursing DAVID 'v\IALLER English 0 F F I c E VICKlli: SLCGSTEDT 1Jookkee11r·r CATH J<;RJ NIG Cl8SON Sec·re/ary s T A F F MURI IO:L MOORIO: Secretary ETI-1 II:L lJoolcslore Vv JO:STON Manauf'r c A F E T E R I A Left p E R S 0 N N E L /,o rigl1L: Ada Mayer Pl'Llclie Olsen, Arlene Nelson Faculty - Work & Play s 0 p H 0 M 0 R E s LIO:v\l IS ADAMS SANDRA ADJ\1\IS GE Fl.A LD BA I\: I<; rt Tll\I BARNl!:S Montesano fl or1ii,ia 111 Seaview A /Jercleen Li/Jernl A'/'/s Xrlvcalion Chernislr!J Psucl1 ology ·1 ONALD BAXTJ<::R CHARLl!:S BEST c: 11ETCI I EN n Ic l<::LOvV JANI<; BIGELOW Ab e rde e n Monlesano A/1enlf'en fAbernl Arts ./J'usi n ess JI r/111 i11istralion SociolO[J!J H.AY BHWWli,LL STEVEN BOLJNG M ll\:I<: BFWSTl< 8HN S01llli 8e11cl Secretarial DLCI( Science BU11KHALTJ<.,H. Amanda Parle Cosmopolis Monlesano lfoJ;'llW?1 d Education F:ngineerino JJ 11,siness A clministra.lion l<Jngineerin.o ALICE: CADY 111! err/N' n J,i/11'r11l Aris DO CANDl<:;Y ALLAN CAH.Nl:<::Y A l1err/een 1ro1rniam Pre-l'harmaey Ch ewical Ji,'nuineering CLLFFORD CHAM 81!..RLIN Abercleen Liberal Arts lVI 1'.::LVlN COMMAND NIARY en AltETTI:<:: Dl<:NNIS Cll011BA BETTI<: COCHENNl:<::TTE JI berrleen JI /Jenleen Aberdeen Elma !;'111g'h1,eeri11 o Liberal Ar/,s ltdncalion Secrelarfol Sci('nce KATHLl<:EN CRAIG Aberdeen Secretarial Sci' ence LAH.nY DAVE: Spenard, PORT Alaska Erltlca l'ion MARTLY l EAN CARY DINGMAN Ifoquiam Aberdeen Edllcal'ion HdtlCalion TOM DISTLI<;Il JWGl�R DONAHOE: DON Jl"i; DOOLIT'l'LE .JOllN DUNSMOOl1 Abrrrlren A/;rrdrrn I f'o1111'iam Raymond J;'d 11c((/ icn Prr-I,ow f!,'ch1cotion P re-/Gnuinerri11 r; !CHARD EHTCl\SON RICll AlW 8 VANS F'HANK r�VANSON DAl1L8NI<; l•'ICl\l�IST':N A /1 Pnlern So11//1 Hcncl JI /;en/een A /1en/een Enr; in l'l'rinr; J�ducotion !Gnuin N'ri nq Ari /•,'dncalion .JOYCI<; F'TX Al1ercleen Secrnta,rial Scirnce J\•llKE l•'LA NE.:FtY A LLIO::N l•'Ll<:TCHIO::Ft A'11lm.rn J-fo<1niam Edncat:ion Eclucation WILLTAM POGO TToq11.imn JJ usiness Adrni·11isl.ration VlNCIS F'RANCO Ham'illrm, Ontario l�d11c11/ ion DICI( G FU I•' F'ITf-T 111\NJ IT STNCH GAHUN lA DAV.ID GRADT Jnrlia t,ona BPacli. ·n1n. JI l!rrrl<'!'n 7•:11 r; in <'ering Ed'llcolion Z•:11Jyinf'erina LEO G L ROS I('[ DAN llAAVISTO Hl�NA GIIll\RD GA RY C: l{J\I I.AM A /H'Hleen Hoq1llam Cf'n!rnlia Aben/een E11r;i11PPrina Pre-N11,rsh1 a Hnr;inl'erina Enr; i11 <'f'riu g JULIE TIA.JDUK Cosmopolis Ji,'d11.calion BONN8 HALL JI bercl<'f'n Sr'cre/a rial SciPnce MIK8 HARFUS AHT HASTINGS fforr11iam Montesano 7,i/>ernl Aris C 11e111 i cal l�n.IJi neering SHA RON H E:LSE:TIT Hornliam Li/J!'ral Aris JACK I-lORNI<; DON I I l<;NDl�RSO lla?11ilfon. Onlario ALICE; HILL JI OGAN \lies/port l�rh1cation 1·:rt11cal ion Psyc/1 olo.r;y PE-;GGY l-TOll - NSBY .IOI I Odell. Orer;on re 1� 1-:; D nu r ,B 1� 11T I( A ltl�N JACl(A Bay Center A benl<'en Jioqiiiain A/Jel'(leen Mnl.he'l!lalics and l•:clucalion /fnsi11 l'ss Hd neat.ion cience Ecl·ucal'ion KARM8N JARVEI A CAlL JOHNSON JOA N JOHNSON OH.AN JOHNSO Aberdeen A/Jercleen Aberdeen 1 himpl?il'ips Art Eclucation Secretarial Science Biisin<'sc; Jldminislralion Gl<;ORGl"i; KADEY TIAY KAHL• R A'u/Jnrn A./Jercleen Aberdeen Eclvcation B'llsiness A chninisl ration A.ARON IGLGORE lEN 1\LECN LINDA KOLLE A/Jercleen South Bend A.berdeen Ecl'ucation Ecliication E'cliwation JOYCE KOPSALA LARRY KOSOI< F JOE LA BHECK \1\l estport Hoqidam J11ront esano J-Toqidarn Liberal Aris Ecl'llcation Liberal Arts Liberal Arts ] AVll JONE;S Liberal Arts PAT I<ATZEn Elma P. J:J. Edncalion THOMAS KOPHS Ilaymoncl B'lisiness Acl'lninistralion GA.HY LANG JACK LE1NEN\V8BER Astoria, Or('r;on Bnsin('SS TIWMAS 1rAHTJN IARY LEGUll'lE EDWARD 1\IANG OLD Aberdeen A /Jl''rcleen 1!,'clnca/ion Engineerinr; DAVID MASON FltANK 1W 8DAK Cl-IARLl�S 1\1.A TUEL Cordova, Aluslw, !Eclnca I ion LAN r MI<: OLEY TfO!f7iiam A /Je?'!/een Aberdeen Cosmopolis Bnsi111'ss Ad11rinist,ralion ./i,'rl'liCO lion Hu · siness Jlclminist.1·01.ion l.'Jclucalion FRANK M_ 8RRT HENRY MlCI-IEAU PAUL MORRO'v\T DAVLD MU 'GER 'l'ocoma Aberdeen IToqiiia.m T-r o (Jnimn Pre-Major B'lisiness Aclministration Libernl J-1 rts Ecliicalion JOHN MUSTARD JOAN l\,IYHl-rn GAJL i"<;WCOl\IB JUDITH !<::WTON Mon/f'S(('l/,O JI berdeen .Montesano S 011,t h /j end C'ivil 'li:nr1inf'l'?'i 11 g 1-,·clnca I ion Cliemi try fc)(/'11calion LEON AHD NIXON DOH.OT! IY NORDLUND JOI<.: NOIU(QSl\f JI l1ercleen A brrr/f'f'n Cosmopolis A/Jenlf'<'11, Pre-Dentis/,ry Sf'crelarial Scirnce JJ:ng'in ee ring 13 nsin ess JI d111i11is/1'(1 /,ion GEli.ALD II:. OLSON BlLL PATTON MARGl{F;T I AULEY Elma Jfoqnimn 1-roq1dam Bii:>iness A clministralion Echicalion Liberal A rls SHAllON NY DAVJD TllO l Pi"<;Ti"<;RSON 11 oqiliam H11si'ness JI clminislrotion WILLIAM PICKLES HICHAHD HAND RICHARD HANTALA Hoq11,iam Aberdeen Hogiliam A bercleen Enoineer'ing Bilsiness Aclminislra.tion Liberal Arls Liberal Arts LYLlG HUSHING HOBEHT RUST WILLIAM RUST JUDITH HOSS Gl�HALD HUTIJE HFOHD Flaymond Hoquiam Raymond Raymond f../iberal Arts Enoineering Enoineering Music WARREN SCI-IOONMAKEH A.bercleen Enoineerino LYNN SLETTEDAI-IL DAVID SALO Abercleen Ecliicalion LARHY SMITH Elma Abercleen Eclilca.tion Forestry PAT SMITH SAILY SMITH CAFWLYN SNYDER Olymvia Aberdeen A bercleen 1311,siness Aclministration Ecl'lication I•LOilA ST.8NDAL KARIN STROM GAllY TATRO Elma J-f o rruiam A bercleen Ocean City Sociology £cl·ucation Pre-Ve/,erinary Ji,'cltlcation DAVID THORNE LINDA VEKICH JOLIE WADDELL w ILLlA 1[ \V ALKER Hoq1liCL?n Aberdeen Abercleen Elma Chemistry Medical Technician Ecl'ilcation History Liberal '1 rts . . SANDllA SOlVIEHO Ray111oncl Btlsiness Ac/ministration JACKIE TAYLOR .Jl�RRY CAllOL 'vVII:l{TAN8N WII:BEH Hor111iam Liberal 1lrts DONALD 'N LLSON JOHN JT1\1 WILLlS A bercleen n o y m on d ociology J!J cl uca t ion WOLGAMOTT Dl�NNIS WOOD 1l11ercleen Aberdeen lI oq niarn Engineering Ediication Bi1sines PATRICIA WORKMAN 11 /1enleen Secretarial Science DARH8LL WOYAK MARl8 YANTSlN Hoqniam Aberdeen Aberdeen J!Jngineering Secretarial Science Secretarial Science DOROTHY ZAWISLAK Governor Visits Campus Troubles or Confusion? F R E s H M E N Firsl Sec01ul <lings, /,o Olin lefl row Tru<ly Lund, row lr f/, Dick right: Joan Hogan. Erickson, to right;: Vern ]{ eves, l{ichanJ l aul Gicl Lance Jen kins, Glenn Garner, Free l Bache. /i'irs/, Hon row left. Marlow, SPconrl row J<'rank Dan I. /i'irs/, row left lo rigii/: June PalrnroLh. 13cLLe 1::1. Wyman, Second row /efl i,o rig/1/,: I lcnry Ji;. I lamer, .Jim Dineen. i"lrs/, 1·ow Maryrnay Second Gerry lefl /;O :1·i1Jos, row lef/, Wilson, riglt/.: Della Hettie Hu rslie , Wakel'iel(i. Io rigl1/: Don Gow, H ic A n<lerson, Uave J lulherL. " to riglil: 1-loger lef/, to John F:pperson, Brummond. rir;lll: J ohn J 1·ish, Pirsl row left lo right,: Diane l ichards, Sharon vV.h.iLaker. Dianne Spencer, Second row Bruce 'Legernes, left /,o right: 'JVlike HaggerLy, Ralph Corky Larson, HaLhaway. l"irs/. row l<'f/, lo riul!I: .li111 l(eller, Leslie Gangwish, l(enneLh I�. Snyder. Sf'CO?l(I Stan i ·o11 1 lefl 13arher, lo Dale i·i'.;/1/: H .. l<'re<i Carlson, Hru<ivik, David l(eller. F'irsl row left lo riu/i/,: Auclrey Pa'LLy Wilen, Billie Challl]) I'S. I lenry, Seconrl row left lo 1'ir;/1/: 1\llik.2 I aLrick, l{uhns, Hicha1·d Sw:anson, David l<en. Pease. • 7"irsl row lefl lo right: ·Mary Ann F'ruich anLie, Diane Babcock, Jean Wood. Seconrl row left lo riul1/: Dick Gray, Dave Pearsall, lton Hamey, Geo1·ge 111iLh, Charles K. lVlcBr.ide. • !1'i'fgl row left I.a right: Mal'y Delh Dowd, Lol'na Jean M i l ler Marnie McLarry. , S('cond row left to riuht: Gale S. 'Willis, T homas Thomas Edwin M·uiler, .Ronald A. Slenes, 1\11. Desmond, M i.k:e Pallan. ' I � -. First. row l<'f/, to riul!t.: \Vyllis \Val'wick, lV!al'lys Helmeric:k, Sanely .l-lomchick. Sr cond row l{c·n l(il'SC:h, F'irsl row left Penny Plato. to rir1l1l: Second row /eft. lo right: Kil'by Tunlland, Torn Sue nornchick, Dave .Johnson, B::al'rnan, J\l Lecount. Pirst row left to 1"iiUhl: Judy Lynn n.eeve.s, Ruth Gangwish, Bevel'ly Lundquist, Vir ginia Lea .Pa1·kki. Second row left I.a right.: Te l 'r y \V ; . Ander son, .Robel't Smith, 'William Zabl'o�Jd, .Bill Maki. lt}'l Io riul!t: Louis Poller, .JNry Kellner, Jolin Hughes. [ l<'irst row left to right: Ruth Mosley, Judy Thompson, Marlene Bonn e ll . Second, row left to righl.: Leif Tan vald, Gary Dag nen . ·J Ti'irs/. row left lo Sally Pritchett. Virs/; row left right: 1.0 ri1ght: JoAnn Duncan, A n <l y Monson, \Nayne Torkelson, David Hughes. • , First row left. to Mai·gueriLe Ryser, right: A lic e Chenois, Mary Lou Wolfe. Second row left to right: Barbara Bozak, Tom Easlman, Juclie H.ancla, Barbara .Jenkins. Virsl row left to right: Sandy Lawlf·ence, Doug Hob rl Garvin, Clark E. l<'orsberg. Second row left lo rigid: Wyman Fields, orcl n Gillespie, T .or n M·eade. James R. A lk inso n , Pirsl row left to right: Thea Sharon Sundberg. Bargmcyer, Second row left lo right: Jark H. Jones, Lincla Bann, Joe Kisllcr, Gerry Lanlz, 'v\lall l\llclclrich. 1"irsl row left t;o right: .Judilh Gale Asp luncl, Jeanne Grigsby, Jeanette Arleen 1-lcnry. Second row left lo riglil.: Bill ·weslby, .John Thorson, Cal'I l<eeLon, Hohcrl Ryser. Virsl row ll'fl to rigl1l: Jud y F'ishel', EdiLh Crawfol'cl. Second row left, to riglil.: Bl'ow;cr, Hob Hel'g, Ted (:enc Davidson, lclilcling Elling son. F'irst row left lo rig/ii: haron Ro.-e ·war wick, Donna Aurdahl, Ann Parks. Second row left, lo rig/i i : Kay W. Laakso nen, Tom Lundbom, Gary L. Mike Trout. .'i'.,! , ' Gibson, P'irsl row l<'f/, /,o 'l"igl1t: l\llargic .Johnson, Karen Goeres, Barbara Pisher. Seconll Daniel row left, Glenn, l�cl to riqhf,: l\uhn, M ark George, Da.vicl T<imsey. l''irst row left to riyht: Howard Green wood, Douglas L. Cr a w f o rcl Gerald l\rng sla<lt, l�recl Anderson. ' l''irs/, row left, lo rig)/,/,: Doug l as l\IL C h ai lene · Second lagher, Swanson, row leN Tom Marilyn to right;: Haukeli, SLephen G. Allen. l"irst row left; Karen Salre. lo right.: Higg, Mulroney. Lawrence Gal HeikJdlq, Vern Joan "Winiecki, Second row left, to rigllt: C l i l ton Bucking : ham, Frank: Adams, Kenneth Fox. Lee R. Louderback, , l•'irst Rila row .Jo ll'ft lo right: Mannion, Lo1·etta Mayer, Kerry Srnilh. Seconrl row left lo right: . Hiehal'cl Shoitz, Zoe Nagl'ocl·ski, Psyche Mi Iler, Fran]( Riglllrnire . . • • o\I'. . l"ir:;t row lef�. /,orig/ti: Dixie Taylo1·, Rogel' Brnmfielcl. Second row left lo right: Paul Cokeley, Firs/; row El'ickson, lef/; lo rigl1l: Loralei Bruce .Jackson. Jim Norlhup, Hugh Mackay, Jerry Wesl. Emma SPconrl row left, to righl: Nick Bl'iney, Da v id f\:. Tervo, Philip ltise, Jlob lshler. Virst row l<'fl to rig/II,: Kal'en l1ooney. Dal'rell C:raharn, Second row ltfl to rigltl: Joe Tu rnq ui sl , La n y I''. S m i l h, Torn 11olf, Robert G. - I obclel I. •I I li'irst row l<'fi, lo Shannon l\/lurray. ·'1.-.. .. �""'..ifi Second row ll'fl lo ... right: Palli Maltier, rir;l1l: v\/illiam T. Mc Namara, Sanclra \.Veese. ,.... . . f<'irst row left lo rig/ti: Jo:vce ProcL01:, Dorothy August, PaL1·icia Huchanan. Second row left to riylll: Mike Tarabochia, Jim First row left to righi: Frances Schoon maker, MargareL Hae, Lynne Kilgo1·e. S<'conrl row lefl to right: Dennis Johnson, Dave G. Anclerson, Bill Pullar, Flocl KnuLz. First row Zef�; lo right,: Grnce Betty Northup, Carolyn W l'OLh. Robinson, Second row left to right: Donna Decker, Virginia Dougherty, Joyce Barker. Herron. l"'irsl. row lefl lo rigl1l: l atti Polls, Carolyn Pal'l'iS. Second row left to right: LcHoy La.inc, .Jim Haggel'ly, Bill :Mal'kley. Virst row /r'fl to ri g ll l: I-lol'St Zimmer, .Rogene McGeatchy, i\llar.ilynn Man·s. Second row left; t.o ri.ght.: Mike Gillies, Vammen. /f'irs/, ro w left J,o ri.g711: :Marilyn Ro cvcar, Vi Darl'iaull, Dal'lcne ChancellOI'. Second row lefl to riglit.: Jim Saal'i, Ron Shipley, Bob 1c1anison, Jerl'y R Olson. Firsl row left lo ri{Jlll: Mal'ilyn Slinch f'iclcl, Lois Holm s,. Slayna Ann Degg, .. -· Second row left Denny Ritchie. to righl: Bob M e tke, Mike Daniel Sll'acla, Covcl'l, Gerald L. /<'irsl row left lo ?"igl//: l\lary Grnbo-w, Charlotte Prosise, Carleen Johansen. Second row left to riql!t: Ed Ilarcly, Lewis Norman Sellers, Marlin Lentz, Garred Giles, Ron .Jones . • Pirsl row left lo rif;lil: Don \ lomer, Gene Nelson, K ith Gehlert. S!'cond row left lo rigltl: Gregory Stevens, Cary Lew 13racelin, floh .llolcom\J, Gary Ciuntoli. Pirst row lefl, lo rig/1/: Jeannie .Johannes, Sharon BeLts, Dean Turpin, .Jeanne West, DelJra Kinnaman. First row left to rigl1t: Sharon Cramer, Judy Sanrord, Arlene Rose J<im·. ics. Sf'concl row left lo right: John H. ·white. Haines, Greg Lonnie Osgood, Yucha, Shannon F"irst row IPft lo ri.gl1!.: Yvonne Riemann, l al Kitchell, Yvonne England. Second row left to right: Chuck Wilson. Mary "Wilson, L.incla Fu1·sLenwerlh, Scott Jamtaas. Pirsl. row l<'ft lo Roberta Creech. right: Karen Dixon, Second row left I.a right: I atTy Schaub, Marion Sell, Iris Van Hoover, Riehai·ct E. Stritmatter. Pirst row l<'fl: l:o right.: Carol Sine, Patricia Ann Stone, :Marianne Carroll. Seconc/1 row lefl lo righl: Bob Never:, Mary Raclforcl, Bonnie .Jean Branl, Norm 01 ·en. c L u B s & A c T v I T E s r'iolll: Grelchen Seated, l<'fl lo Joe l,af3reck, Bigelow, l{ena Girard, Da1·lenc David Salo, ·Leir Tangvald, F'ickeiscn, Gc1Ty LanLz, Carole Cart,er, Prances Schoonmaker. Sla11di11y lefl lo riyltl: John \•VolgamoLl, Tom l�asLrnan. Student Council The Student Council is composed 0£ four elected dinner for the faculty, and served as hosts and officers, the A.W.S. President, and six appointed hostesses for the first A.W.S. Social Hour. commissioners. bers 0£ the Council and potential Freshmen leaders Gerry Lantz, Frances The 1959-1960 commissioners are Social; Schoonmaker, Athletics; Rena Girard, Forensics; Leif Tangvald, Publications; Tom Eastman, C.U.B.; and Dave Salo, Intercollegiate. The Student Council meets during Activity Pe riod every Thursday in the Publications Room. The meetings are open and anyone with a problem or question may bring it to the Council. of the school attend a Junior College Leadership Conference in the spring. The first business school year is budget. the before year, which was a success. They also, put on a the formulation Council of a each tentative When the budget is finished the Council is free to begin on immediate business. Decisions are reached concerning all facets and phases of student life. Mistakes are made and lessons are learned, often the hard way, The Council sponsored the first dance of the Mem but this does not lessen the honor of representing the student body of Grays Harbor College. ASB Officers President-Joe LaBreck Secretary-Carole Carter Vice-President John Wolgamott Treasurer-Gretchen -Bigelow A.W.S. Council Cloclc-wise: left to ?"i.gh/,: Marion Sell, Chairman; A.W.S., District Sluron Hclsclh, Sccrclary-Treasurer; 3 Chairman; Carolyn Snyder, District 1 District 2 Chairman; man; Carol Frances Schoonmaker, Dic.;trict 4 Chair Wcrtancn, Social Chairman. Darlene F'ickcisen, A.VV.S. President; Jackie Taylor, 0£ which every woman student is a enc at Moscow, Idaho to which G.H.C. sent three member, has in the past year endeavored to ex delegates. pand student activities. Stayna Ann Degg traveled by car with Miss Jones Any groups interested in organizing new clubs were offered assistance to launch themselves. In an effort to build up stu dent relations the highly successful Social Hours were started. The meet ing was to prepare the girls .for the State ConferDISTRICT I to Idaho. In order to honor active girls, each month a girl was chosen Girl 0£ the Month and had her picture displayed at school and published in the On February 6 the council hosted A.W.S. offi cers from three other junior colleges. Sharon Helseth, Carol Wertanen, and newspaper. One month a sophomore ored, the next month a freshman. was hon Then at the last big event 0£ the year, the Mother's Tea in May, all the girls were honored. Associated Women DISTRICT II DISTRICT Ill DISTRICT IV Students A.W.S. Social Hour Conference for A.W.S. Officers Pep Club /i'irsl row left lo ri!)/i!,: Tl'ucly Lund, Pall'icia Slone, Linda Vekich, Grace .Palli l)ara Potts, Chancellor, Cal'ole Joan Cal''Ler, Vi .l<..l'ickson, Bal'l'iaull, .Jucly Ro ss, Dal'lene Dianne Spence!', Patli 1\-taLLlel'. SPcO?i<I row left lo ri[J/1/: Bm�ak, .Julie Robinson, Wacldell, Dorothy Zawislak, Duncan, Sally Dona PrilcheH, Aul'dal, Ral'bara .Jenkins, .I al' Joanne Linda l\'olle, Joyce Fix, Jucly Fishe1·, l\'aren ]{ooney, Yvonne J(al'en Sall'e, Marion Se ll, .11iemann. Delta Psi Omega L - Charler members or G1·ays Della Psi Omega Harbor College Nalional Dl'arnatics Cas t o[ Honol'a1·y Slancling: left lo riu/11: Margarel Johnson, Bill Pallan, l<ay Laaksonen, RoberL R.ysel', I onald While, Honalcl Fra'Lernily. Baxler, SPnlerl: l<'fi. lo riulit.: Margl'el Pauley, Diane Tlichards, ScoLt, f'acu l'L;y aclv·isel'. Carnlyn Snyd r, Gail Johnson,' Davicl l(irnsey, PaLi·icia Wilen, Hussell R. Hiking Club 1"irst, Joe row ir'f/, to right: Lal3reck, Vern C1·aig i\riller, Heikkila, Gary Dave Thorne, GilJson, Frank Second row Erick. on, . lerrin, Bill Norlhup. left. t.o righl: DeLLe Wyman, Wla1·y Leguire, Rena Girard, Peggy Hor nsby, Jane Bigelo-w, Flora Slenclal, Lo1·alei Marilynn Marrs, Jackie Taylor, Sharon 'Whitaker, Carn! Sine, Helly Northup. . '. . � , ' - ,. ' Phi Theta Kappa OLD M8IVI B8R S F'irsl row lefl to ri:;11t: Ray Kah ler, Treasurer; Da1·lene F'ickeisen; l{aren Jacka, Vice-PresiclenL; Gail Newcomb, Jarvcla, P1·esklenL; Secretary; l(arn1cn Hoger Dona hoe. Scconcl row left to riolil: John Spellman, advisor; Gary Graham, Jo.hn Bogan, Linda Vekich, John M uslard. Officers & President Smith . . •' x.� _..,._ ......,.,.,, l'7M .. � . .. _:;.; '1' � .,.,, 7-- /1'irsl /'Oii> S< 111c1·0, /!'fl W<1i<«l'iC'l<I, rir;l1t: Sandra iVI rs. NysLrnm, l)atly �lary I .i11HI, to Sharnn Wilen, Ra<ll'ur<I, Trudy Barl>ara 11nv.nl<, Sue I lon�chick. Sr'l«J11</ lh• 'I", rn11• C:l•1Ty l1lt111<1, '1'0111 SC'l ii IOI I lllil kt'I', ('l1111·ll'H left lo riyl1/: l,anlz. l\ i e l Muller, l<'ranee: Davi cl /\l'kl'rson. Joe Ann Com Pease, l,af reek. "'' � "'lt..."'Aot. .., •"l:". ..,'t' ;,, ·' " •' .. , ' ,..y .... :ri•� .. ·-· ·-.:. '· .... , "* .. i ·� 11.. .. � :.' ,., � Tyee Sealed left lo riol!I: Dorolhy Zawislak, L-1 istorian; Sharon I lelseth. Standing left lo rig///: Bonnie Doolillle. Presi<lcnt; clenl; l(aren ' Gail K�1 r111cn .Jacka, Newcomb, Vicc-Presi .Jarvela, Treasu r�r; Sccretar.v; eiscn. l\largr L Pauley. ' Writer s Club Left to ?"ight.: Command, M.r. Flora Stendal, Buller, Miss Pat Nelson, Margaret Berk, Louis Eno, Rae, Margret Roberta Pauly, Alice Creech, l-Ji1J. Sandra /\dams, Mel Carlene l•'ick SrnlNI: 1\11·. Lli'liCI' Sla11i/in[J !!'JI lo riiy/11.: 1\al'llx�n .lal'V1Cla, John Hogan, David Salo, 11ogcl' .Donahoe, Cail Newcomb, l•'rnnccs Schoonrnakel'. Forensics The members o( the are; Gail Roger Tom Newcomb, Donahoe, Marlin, 1960 Forensics Team Frances David Salo, Schoonmaker, Karmen and John Hogan. Mr. Jarvela, Hillier is Lheir advisor. The Lournamcnts they attended this season included: Seattle Pacific College; John Hogan3rd in interpretive reading and 2nd in oratory, Karmen Jarvela-2nd .in oratory. University. Linfield College; Puget Sound Frances maker--semi-£inalist in oratory. Schoon National Phi Rho Pi tournament; Gail Newcomb and Frances Schoonmaker-1st in women's debate; Frances Schoonmaker-1st in extemporaneous speaking, John Hogan-2nd in interpretive reading, Roger Donahoe--semi-finalist in men's extemporaneous speaking, Karmen women's oratory. Ll'fl lo riy/11: Cail Ncwconu11, lVll'. Hillier, Franc 'S Schoon111akc1· Jarvela - semi-finalist in Music Department Under the skillful direction of Mr. Stensager, the College Music Department performed at nu merous public functions, and also went on its annual tour to high schools in the area. Highlights of the year were the girls' sextet, and the boys' quartet. Also featured band, dance band, and a were the pep new trombone quartet. Eleclecl officers of the Choir were: President, Scott Jamtaas; Vice-President, Gerald Rutherford; and Secretary-Treasurer, Linda Kolle. Choir First rou; left to right: Carol vVertanen, Joyce Fix, Linda Kolle, Sharon Sundberg, Peggy Hornsby, Betty Vlyman. Clyde Ellis, l\orm Jeanne \\'est, Sharon Betts. :\Iarlene Bonnell, Loralei Erickson, Judy Ross. Second row left to right: Ann Parks, Judy Sanford, Carleen Johansen. ::\Iarilyn ::\Iulroney. Jean Grigsby, Olin Hogan. Jim Sortor, Karin dahl. Rogene ::\IcGeatchy, Carol ::\Iyhre, Diana Babcock, Alice Cady. Alice Hill, Director Eugene Stensager. Third row left to right: Patsy Stone, ::\Ia.rilyn Rosevear, Charlotte Prosise, La :\"ae Hammond, Carolyn Snyder. ::\Iarianne Carroll. Karen rin, ·warren Schoonmak·2r, Ken Fox, Bev Cobain, ::\Iary Grabo-w, Jeanne Jchanes, Virginia Parkki, Barbara Fisher. Jo Ann Johnson. Foilrth row left to right: ::\Iarguerite Ryser, Iris Van Hoover, Lewis Sellers. Louis Eno, Lee Louderback, DaYe Johnson. Dick Gray, Torkelson, Jim Saari, Doug Agee, Kay Laaksonen, Scott Jamtaas. Hank ::\Iicheau. Gerald Rutherford. Olsen, Gary Gibson, Strom. Lynn Slette· Goeres, Frank ::\Ier Pat Katz·2r, \\-ayne Boys' Ensemble l•'irsl 1'01V: C:craltl Hulhcr ror<l. Sec011cl 1·ow lef/, to right: Dennis Day, C:�ll'.Y Gibson. 'l'hird ScolL Girls' Ensemble SPotrcl: Jarianne Cano/I. Sla11di11g rz. lo r.J: Virginia Parkki, /',aNae ·Hammon<!, Jeanne Grigsby, Iris Van Hoover, Lynn Slcllcrlahl, Sharon ·whilaker. row left lo riul!I: Olin J'Jogan. Jamlaas, Engineers l"irsl row lgft, lo riolit,: David Hichard Erickson, Joe Pease, Larry Smith, Don WiJson, Norkoski, Dave Tervo, Arl l-l"a�ting�, Wall Mr. Shaffer. Seco11d row left lo right,: Ackerson. Ran.iii Cahunia, Doug Rigg, Charles E:cl Mangold, William Pickles, Chol'ln1, John Mustarcl, Don Brown, Mcldrich, Gary Gallagher, Bob Hust. Practical Nurses Graham, Dan l laavislo, Horst Zimmer, Frank Evanson, Dennis .Dich: Rust, Lc:iwrcncc N A u T I L u s Seated left to right: Gretchen Bi 1elow, .Jack Leinenwcber, Darlene l"ickeiscn, Jane Bigelow, Judy 'Thompson, Linc!. T I M B E R L I N E Left to right;: Glenn Garner; Jack Joyce Fix; Judy Ross. Leinenwcber; Ken Lind; Rena Girard, Editor; Da.rron Nelson; Ken Lettermen's Club First row left to right: Paul :.\Iorrow, Lewis Adams, Ray Carey, Pat Smith, Chuck Best. Joe '\"orkoski, Don Hubble, Dick Stevens, Rod :\iickerson. Second row left to right: Bill :.\Iarkley, Dave Gradt, Clark Forsberg. Jerry R. Olson, Vince Franco, Don Henderson, Don Homer, Larry Kosoff. Third roic le.ft to right: Ron ·weclek.incl, Phil Hawks, Bill DaTriscn, Bill Hanselman, Dennis Egge, Gary Giuntoli, Bob Izzi, Sanely La\\Tence, Tom Smaciarz. Fourth row left to right: Dick Rust, Darron Nelson, :.\like Fl: m nery , Al Rolf, Jack Leinenweber, Pat Katzer, John Irish, Jim Randall, Andy :.\Ionson, Jerry 'Neber. 1959 Homecoming Queen - Dorothy Zawislak 1959 Homecoming Court i"irsl row ll'fl lo ri.qh/,: Princess. Sharon Nys1Lrorn; P1·inccss .Joyce Kop,;ala. J� iii rnw lefl lo i'ir;l!I: Pri n c e s s , l\:alhlecn Crnig; Que n l)o1·o'lhy 7-awisl;11\; I 'rincess Joyce .F'ix. Second F'irsl row ll'fl lo riglll: Crown-bearer, Barhara Srnilh; Train-bearer, Nlac Srnith. Second row lej'l Io rigl1 l: Dorothy Zawislak, lecn C1·aig. Princ e s s Pre!'·iclenl .Joyce [<'ix, Princess Sha l'On N yst.ro rn, Queen JI;. P. Srnil.h, P1·incc:os .Joyce Kopsala, Princess Kalh Homecoming Campus Life Winter Formal T y e e A c t v t e s D n n e r D a n c e DAYS GOLD RUSH REVUE - '49er FROLIC Scco11d row l<'fl to riyhl: Don \Vhile, Margie .J ol 1 nso n , Jeri l�dwarcls, l'ton l:laxler, Julie Waddell. Diane :R ichard s , Gail Johnson, Bob H.yser, .Kay Laaksonen. l•'irst row /eJ\l lo rig/II: Pally Wilen, Dave l<irnsey. THE CURIOUS SAVAGE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING - Seconci row left. t.o ri!g l1t.: Pally Wilen, Ann Degg, I eH Tangvalcl. Kins ·ies. \Vil'h camera, J erry Keltner. fnsel secmul row left. to rig/it: Diane H.ich::trcls, Louis Leif Tangvalcl. Eno. First. row l<'fl lo ri[/1it: Bo1) l\.yser, l"irsl row lt>ft to riglll: Pally Wilen, 11oh Arlene Ryse1" Snaps Faculty Dinner ' I I 1 . A T H L E T I c s 1959 Grays Harbor College Football T earn p ; ,I _ ,;_ __, .. , _ ,/ Left to right, first rou·: Dm·e 'dason. Sandy Lawrence, Yince Franco, Don Homer, Larry Kosoff, Doug Garvin. Gene Nelson, Clark Forsberg, Jerry E. Olson; secoiicl roic left to right: Greg SteYens. Don Henderson. Gary Bracelin. Pat Smith. Anderson; thircl roic left to right: Phil Hawks, Harry Leons, Dick Blumberg; fourth row lef't to right: Coach Chace .Anderson, Bill :\Iarkley, Jim Randall, John assistant coach Dale Gier. Andy :\Ionson, Gary Giuntoli, Irish, :\Iike Flannery, Al Roli, Dave Graclt, Corky Jackson, Bob Torn Srnaciarz, Randy Vekich, Holcomb, :\1anager Jerry Torn R. Olson, James, i\Iartin Rick Bob Izzi; Degge!ler, and Action Snaps Tom .James is shown as ho catchDs a 1:>uss in the Everett game. Dave Graclt is shown as he is about to catch a 1n1ss in the Everett game. He is number 22. Jerry R. Olson is shown as he Everett game. Tom Jan1es is shown as he is . wanned in the Wen atchee ga.ine. No. 58 is Stevens ancl No. 25 is Doug Garvin. ·tarts out on a 54 yard touchdown run in the No. 52 is Don }fomer. On the ference left is hil performer Hawks, from a Grays '59 All-Con Harbor. On the right is Harry Leons, another All-Confer ence standout. They were the only Chokers to receive mention in lhe post-season all star Learns. The Grays Harbor College football team en joyed a season that was high in thrills but low i n wins. The took .it all out on the hapless George Fox Quakers and romped to a 85-0 win. The Chokers lost three games by one down or less. They touch finished the season with a following week they traveled to Yakima and had to seltle for a 12-12 tie on a rainy, sloppy night. Next they faced the Everett Trojans in Aber two wi.n, five loss, and one tie record. deen and went down to defeat for the third time They opened in Longview against the Lower Columbia Red Devils and were sent home with a spine-tingling 14-12 loss. The next week they traveled to Pasco for a game with the Columbia Basin Hawks. Via a score with only thirty-five as the Trojans scored on a 69 yard pass play to beat the Chokers in the last 15 seconds, 35-33. Against the Olympic Rangers in Bremerton, they went clown to defeat by a 26-13 count, and the League champion Wenatchee Knights crushed the Chokers by a 20-0 count. seconds left in the game, the Hawks edged the In their last game of the season, the Chokers Chokers by a 25-19 count. won out over the Eastern Oregon College of Edu Finally on the following weekend the Chokers cation Wolves by a 26-0 score. Jerry R. Olson is shown as he races <11·ound end for a good gain in the Everett contest. throwing a good bfock, is Phil Hawks. No. 52 is Don Homer. On the ground in front oJ Olson, after Gene Nelson is shown in motion on a run around encl in lhe Evcrelt game. is I-Tarry Lcons. In front of him gelling ready lo throw a key block No. 25 is Doug Carvin. Action Shots SONG QUEENS FOR Grace Robinson, Patti Joanie Erickson. arey, No. THE Potts. YEAR: first second 20, and Jim row, row, /,eft Carole lo right: Carter and Preston, Seattle U Frosh guard, arc shown just before they started to lunge for the ball, No, 15 is Don Hubble. Hubble was fouled in the play, Hay Carey is shown pulling the binder on En1ie Dunslon. No. :u is Tom Rolf or the Chokers while No. 14. is Phil Herman. Darron Nelson is shown dumping in lwo clespilc lhe cff.'orls of SkaJ:!it Valleys' Chuck While. Coming up fast in the background is Choker hustler Dick Stephens. Phil H('nnan Phil Herman is shown putting in two on a familiar drive. Chuck White on the play. He was fo uled by Phil Herman Jim Herron Jack Leinenweber ) ,/!I� �J \ \ . Tom Rolf Dick Slephens I \ \ \ /·'I ·''J I \ .. .'.-J Here Are Your \ _, Pat Katzer Darron Nelson I I \ Mark George Don Hubble Ray Carey / , \ I '\ ""' 1' \ / '59- 60 Chokers > The 1959-60 Grays Harbor College Basketball squad enjoyed a so-so sea son. They lost more games than they won, but the spirit shown by the team was the best in recent years. Don Hubble led the team in scoring as he poured home 395 points in 25 games for a 15.8 point per game average. He had a season high of 30 points in the game against the Skagit team which won the Northern division of the state J.C. race. The scoring and statistics are as follows: Hubble . . . . Carey . . . .. Stephens Herman . Katzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Nelson . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . George .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leinenweber Rolf ' . Herron . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . rebounds ass•sts pts. J>ts 1>er game FG% FT% 395 15.8 49.2 74.1 102 275 11.4 44.1 74.2 128 242 9.9 39.4 62.9 114 110 164 8 .1 42.0 72.5 104 35 92 4.9 33.3 58.5 47 20 159 6.3 34.l 59.4 221 72 3.6 41.0 50.0 72 14 42 2.1 40.0 56.0 26 13 170 7.4 48 .7 48 .7 145 28 119 5.2 45.0 54.1 67 39 102 61 58 Tommy Rolf of the Chokers is shown s0oring against Allan of the Lower fi.rst 1·ow, Left to right: Stockdale Above: Hay Carey. Ccluml>'a Dick quintet. Stephens. Mark George (No. 24) and Jim Herron bound in the Lower Columbia win. Don Hubble, Scconcl row, Left to right: Mar:< George, Phil Her- n1an, Jack (No. :l4) Leinenweb e r, and Jim llcrron. ron Nelson, Pat Katzer, and Tom Rolf. right for a re Mi " r-;sing w ere Dar· Tennis Team \ \ 0 l f I \ I ·"' /,ef/, Gier. lo rig/1/: Dennis Chorha, Pal Smith, Dick H ale, Roger Br umm on d , Missing were Clark Forsberg and Gary Gores. The G ray's 19GO Harbor consisL cl or seven members. College Tennis squad They had a six match scheclule plus the ·Late tourn amen t aL Yakima on May 20 ancl 21. The Learn membe rs wer- as follows: Roger Brumm ncl of A·berdeen; Denni s Chorba uf Aberdeen; Gary Gores of Aberdeen; Richard Flale or Aberdeen; Pat SmiLl1 or Olympia; Bany UILican and Cla1·k Forsberg also or Abe1·deen. All Clual d oubl es. matches The consi ·Led best 2 out or 3 or 5 singles and 2 seLs dcLcrmincd Lhe winner or Lhc s·ingles and doubles ma.tche:>. All home makhes ·were to begin prom[ Lly at 1:30 P. NL Miller ancl the Ci Ly maLches. Pa rl< Cou1•Ls were Lo be Lhc si Le of the Several early season pnsLponerl bccau1sc or rain. hacl :Lill Lo sec act.ion. maLches had to be AL Lhis writing Lhc team Mr. Dale "' Golf Team The l9GO Cray.· Hal'hOI' Col'lege Coll' Tea111.. Marlow, Doug 11i LLen house, .Dc:n Gow, Tom le;\/ to rig/I/: Coach Des111ond, and Torn l\11'. Phip1 s; Ron Hccrn1an. The 1960 Coif' Learn has yet Lo lose a match at l h , i s writing. They h a v·e swepL to rive st:l'aight wins. To111 Des111oncl and Tom Becl'man have been medali;;Ls so f'al' in 111a Leh pl ay . Doug Rittenhou:e Tom Demond Don 1-Ju))!Jle takes a cut during Lhe Cen>Lralia game. Jim Saar.i !"ires on hornewanJ du1·ing lhe Centralia game. Baseball Team �c:, H A;r<2 � � The Grays Harbor college baseball squad. rtt ' ·1 First row left to right: Coach Chace Anderson. Jim Saari, Don Hubble, Bob Izzi, }like Brustkern; second row: Corky Hatha\\·ay, Jack Jones, Corky Jackson, Torn Lundbom; third row: Chuck Best. Paul }Iorrow, and Larry Schaben. Track Squad Mernhers of' Lhe Choker Lrack squad taken clu·1·ing Lhe "Days or '49". Pal ·1\'aL:r.e1·, Carrelh Giles, ancl Mike Patrick. The 1960 track squad is small in number but high in spirts. participated The only meet in which they have to date, Pat Katzer and Denny Egge shared first in the high pole vault while Garreth Giles and Mike Patrick scored in the 440. l,efl lo righl: These next 9 pages of advertising are just as important a part of your 1960 sport Without them, or student section. Nautilus as a the Yearbook would be smaller; there would be no padded cover; and the entire production would be curtailed. Your gratitude is to be extended to the many advertisers who have helped make this book possible, for without their help the record you have just read of this past college year would not be yours. Their civic-mindedness and in terest in our welfare should be reciprocated by your patronage. As students, we should care enough to sup port them. What better way could there be to say "thanks" for a better Yearbook. A D v E R T I s I N G AMANDA PARK CONGRATULATIONS MERCANTILE Good Luck Sophs! Your Golden Record Station Jones Photo Co. Professional Photographers Amanda Pork, Wash. Compli1nents of Aberdeen, Wasl1ington l 23 South I Street Ila•·ho•· LEnox 2-8940 Plywood COMPLIMENTS Cor1•o•·atio1• THE SPAR CAFE e Aberdeen Keep YOUR Valuables SAFE! For as little as $4 a year, your important papers and valuables have the protection of a safe deposit box. HANSEN Furniture & Carpet INC. �·��� PEOPLES flJt�lf NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON Hoquiam Branch - 727 Simpson Ave. - 7th & J Sts. GE 8-2434 GE 8-3480 Ander.son & Middleton Lumber Co. Aberdeen - Washington Broadway and State Street LE 3-2410 Grays Harbor Branch THE NATIONAL OF BANK COMMERCE 0 F SEATTLE R. M. LANDBERG Vice-President and Manager ELMA BRANCH MONTESANO BRANCH JOSEPH H. WILLIAMS Manager L. C. CRAIT Monager ME MBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT R..,AYON I ER You might like a career at Rayonier. cellulose is inter es ting work. INSU RANCE CORPORATION NATURAL Growing trees or RESOURCES CHEMISTRY making chemical Why not talk to Rayonier personnel men about your future? ABERDEEN FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN BROADWAY AT HERON ABERDEEN ASSOCIATION e Always First Quality at Penney's e Lower Prices to Help Your Savings and Home Financing Budget e Groys Harbor's Center Latest in Fashions Direct from the Style Centers e Make Penney's Your Headquarters for All Your Needs YOUR TIME AND TEMPERATURE CORNER LE 2-6222 Open Every Friday Night Until 9:00 Home o[ the famous WILLIS BUNKER'S Shop For Men LANE CEDAR CHESTS QUIMBY & WILSON "In Friendly Hoquiam" 622 Simpson Ave. Hoquiam, Wash. 6th & Simpson GE 3-3230 COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLETE OFFICE FITTERS Fumihll"e - Chairs - Po11able Typewriters Stationery - Books LE 3-1922 219 East Wishkah St. Pacific Office Machine Co. LE 2-5382 108 South H St. fiertig Jeweferj REVLON LIPSTICK AND ENAMEL .. for Complete Jewelry Service DuBARRY COSMETICS ELKS BUILDING ABERDL:EN, WASH. PHIL HERBIG 106 East Heron Street Aberdeen, Washington DARIGOLD PRODUCTS If! om.en's Apparel 209 So. Broadway Grays Harbor Dairymen1s Association 516 East Market Phone LE 2-81 55 We would fike lo fhank all o/ fhe firmj which were kind enou'}h lo jponjor fhe 1960 NAUTILUS THE STAFF COMPLIMENTS GREETINGS SCHAAF'S DRUG CO. BECKER BUlLDING ABERDEEN C}1tatp dladJ.G-JtJ t/}?nedt THE MORCK HOTEL ABERDEEN - West Coast Plywood Company WASHINGTON Graysto1•e of Grays Harbor Suppliers of • Ready Mix Concrete • Concrete Products • Building Materials 411 South Alder LE 2-5472 ' Hay s Dairy, Inc. PHONE IN ABERDEEN GE 8-0994 832 J Street Hoquiam, Wash. GOLDEN-MANTLED GROUND SQUIRREL ON TREE FARM to1norrow , s trees fro111 cones like these WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY lVurki11g i11 tlie Pacific ortluvcsl l.o l1u.il1l A l'1•rt11fu1e11L Fure.'il. /1ulustry Aberdeen Office Equipment Co. SWANSON'S Aberdeen, Washington LE 3-0352 Elks Bldg. 11Where Low Prices Are /Jioneer A Habit" Simpson & Williams 915 Sintpson - - Aberdeen Hoquiam "Make More Friends with Our Flowers" WE GROW OUR OWN 306 West Wishkah St. Shoes For Everyone For Every Occas.ion FLORISTS Telegraph Delivery Scrvico BUILDING LUMBER LE 3-1871 MATERIALS - PAINT ADAMO RE'S SHOES Wishkah and K Street in Aberdeen Foot of H St. LE 2-2662 Gotovac's Men's Store Compliments of Gloss Laundry & Dry Cleaners Aberdeen, Washington Aberdeen, Washington LE 2-0791 Corner Heron and H St. TOM BIRK DRUG CO� South I LE 3-1165 Street COMPLIMENTS OF LANDBERG PAINT & GLASS CO. WALT GLASS - PA&NT - WALLPAPER FAILOR ... 31 l 303 - 305 East Market Aterdeen Phone Sporting' Goods and LE 3-2290 Camer.a J. J. ROBINSON CO. Deportment FURNITURE DIVISION • 108 E. Wishkah LE 3-3765 Beeker Bldg. Quality Furniture and Appliances 301 LE 2-7880 LE 3-0922 208 East Heron St. Compliments of ABERDEEN BRANCH SEATTLE FIRST NATIONAL BANK MEMBER F. D. I. C. 106 SOUTH LE 2-3020 Stein's Men's Store S. H. KRESS l 00 WEST WISH KAH ST. Phone East w:silkall Street BROADWAY LE 2-8040 JOHN H. ANDERSON HARRY C. MANAGER JAMES ASSISTANT MANAGER ROBERT G. SMITH INSTALLMENT MANAGER J?exuff CITY WISHKAH AND I Prescription Specialists Cameras DRUG ABERDEEN, WASH. Cosmetics Postal Sub-Station COMPLIMENTS WATSON Scott; KELLOGG GRAND CENTRAL YOUR FURNITURE MARKET and APPLIANCE CENTER MONTESANO, WASHINGTON 220 East Market St. Aberdeen Compliments of COPELAND PAINT & GLASS CO Four Floors of Fine Furniture Heron at Broadway Aberdeen Aberdeen, Washinglmi LE 2-6500 319 East Market BRENNAN'S Harbor H1ardware l l LE 2-4933 2- l 14 East Wishkah Quality Hardware Sea rs, Roebuck & Co. LE 2-0440 118 West Wishkah, Aberdeen Sporting Goods 112 East Market Street LE 2-8830 COMPLIMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hicks THE SMOKE SHOP CAFE 411 E. State LE 3-1790 QUALITY FURNITURE FOR LESS @{ SPONSORS }a ABERDEEN Worth's Grays Harbor Equipment Co., Inc. Birl Adams Footwear Arctic Fur Company Brines Stationers Garrett's 'Camera Shop Dell Mulkey Photographer Wiitamaki Jewelry Store Reiner's HOQUIAM Lawrence & Macan Fuel Co. Root Paint & Glass ,Co. Hoquiam Steam Laundry and Dry Cleaners THE WORLD PRESS � ABERDEEN, WASHINGTON