mico volunteer fire department


mico volunteer fire department
Newsletter - Summer 2008
Best Little Fire House in Texas … by a Dam Site!
The elevation of the crest of the
spillway is 1064.2 feet above MSL.
The elevation of the top of the dam
is 1076.2 feet above MSL. Lake level was at 1052.7 on July 19th.
Chief’s Circle
Fire Chief ~ Steve Cerwin
Over the last year and a half, the Mico VFD has taken on a very
aggressive training schedule to keep your fire department competent and
qualified to handle emergencies in our coverage area. A high level of training
not only better protects our community but it also creates a much safer
environment for our most precious resource - our firefighters. This month we
took a little diversion from the usual structure and wildland fire training to
tackle another problem common to our area – extrication from a vehicle that
has been involved in a rollover accident. Our newly certified training coordinator, Marsha Suwienski made arrangements with Steve of ACME Auto Parts on
Somerset road for a practice vehicle. We combined a 50-lb bag of birdseed, a
shirt, and a hand-painted cantaloupe with the creativity of our newest Assistant Chief Al Bishop, to
produce Harvey, our test “victim”. Now the MVFD has owned an impressive set of extrication tools (aka
the “Jaws of Life”) for some time but with the rapid growth of the department over the last year, relatively
few of us were experienced in their use. An extrication class was just the ticket to introduce our new firefighters to using the Jaws and to recertify some
of the older hands. So on the appointed day
the crew went immediately to work on the
vehicle. We stabilized the car by flattening all
four tires, cut off the hood to remove the
battery, covered “Harvey” with a fire coat to
protect his delicate skin, and proceeded to
dismantle the rest of the vehicle. We broke or
cut out all of the glass, cut off all four doors,
removed the trunk, and turned the sedan into a
Then we proceeded to perform a “dash roll” on the vehicle. This procedure is intended to free the legs of
a victim whose legs are pinned beneath the dashboard. To perform a dash roll, first the frame supports
are cut on both sides of the car near the front of the bottom doorjambs. This weakens the floorboard of
the car to the point where hydraulic rams can be used to roll the dash upwards and away from the
trapped victim. By far and away the dash roll is the most difficult procedure to perform. But fortunately a
dash roll is rarely needed. Usually removal of a door or two and the roof is all that is needed. The tools
are very heavy – around 75-lbs a piece – and one dare not attempt cutting a car apart by this means
without the protection of full bunker gear. The
heavy coats and pants are required for protection from flying metal debris and the occasional
air bag actuator (that’s why we start by cutting
the battery cables). Serious eye protection is
also a must. The last week-end in June your
fire dept. had a hot time with a lot of fun in the
sun. It was truly a valuable training session,
everyone had a chance to cut up some, and
From the Auxiliary
President ~ Debbie Magoon
Your Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary performs several valuable functions, both in direct support of
the Fire Department and in support of the community itself. Community outreach through VFD functions
such as the annual BBQ, annual soup/salad/craft fair day, adopt a highway, annual fire (yard) sale,
annual Halloween party, & annual Christmas party, cultivates community togetherness while
providing an opportunity for community involvement.
In addition to fun events, the auxiliary serves pivotal duties by providing food and beverages to firefighters while on lengthy fire calls. Recently, there have been a number of fire calls that required our
firefighters to be in the field for 5 to 7 hours at a time. During these calls, it is imperative that
firefighters remain hydrated at all times. Your VFD auxiliary supports the firefighters during their time of
need by being on-site with refreshments and water.
The auxiliary members extend a hearty “Thank You” to all Mico VFD volunteers who generously give of
themselves in whatever capacity they can support their community.
Events in Review
44th Annual VFD BBQ Fundraiser & Fundraiser volunteer appreciation BBQ
Mico VFD thanks the many people and local businesses who graciously
supported the annual BBQ through donations, discounts and contributions
American Legion Post #410, Lakehills
Culebra Meat Market #17
Dancing Bear Cantina
Haby's Alsatian Bakery
HEB #40
Doris Jaggee- Reuter's Cove
Robert & Carole Pachecano
Super S Foods
Babe's Old Fashioned Food
El Chaparral
Herman Sons Steak House Hondo
Gringo’s Mexican Kitchen
The Mencius Group - Formosa Garden
Oasis Bar & Grill
Panchito's - West Ave.
Perico's Mexican Bar & Grill
Sorrento Ristorante & Pizzeria
Water Street Oyster Bar
Face Painting Fun
Special thanks to: Tino’s Welding & Fabrication for the long hours over a hot BBQ barbequing all the meat.
Additional Donations: Don Glasscock & Martin Davis
All Silent Auction Donors: The Mico Volunteer Fire
Dept. sincerely appreciates the countless hours contributed by many neighbors in our community. Without the
generous efforts of the volunteers, local businesses and
neighbors, this BBQ could not have taken place. Thank
You So Much!
Members of the Mico VFD & Tino’s W & F BBQ Team
44th Annual BBQ Fundraiser — 2008
Tino’s Welding - BBQ Team!
Keeping Cool with Snow Cones
Annual Lakehills 4th of July Parade-Not just for kids!
Mico VFD participated in the Lakehills annual 4th of July parade. The weather was perfect while the
VFD’s of Lakehills & Mico led the parade. Young and old alike enjoyed the festivities. We look
forward to participating in the parade again next year!
Firefighter Spotlight
Firefighter & Training Coordinator ~ Marsha Suwienski
Introducing your new Mico VFD Training coordinator
Marsha tells us that she has been on the fire department since the spring
BBQ of 2007. She is currently working on her basic firefighter certification
re sponsibilities
coordinator. She humbly notes that as far as any further advancements,
“only time will tell”.
During the day Marsha can be found at home working in her upstairs
office. She is the National Account Executive for the National Assoc. of Home
Builders and is responsible for the sales and editorial features in 9 of
their state home builder publications. This makes her available (when not
traveling) to answer any fire call during the daytime hours as well as after
You can find Marsha tooling around Rio Medina, Castroville and Hondo. Her
favorite hang-out spot is the General store in Rio Medina.. ”what a great bunch of ladies work
there!” she states.
From her colleagues
Marsha is a real team player, spunky and cheerful whether it is during regular training, or the 2am
rollover accident call that she was unable to assist with due to a recent back injury, so what did
Marsha do, well she showed up anyway, with coffee for everyone. That’s the kind of gal Marsha is.
Neighborhood Spotlight
Mico VFD thanks all those Auxiliary & Neighborhood volunteers that generously supported the firefighters
by providing food, water & refreshments during several lengthy incidents that occurred this past quarter:
Shirley Smith
Patty Core
Wayne Shaw
Neighborhood volunteer
Thanks again to all of you who serve us so well. Where would the firefighters be without the
care you give them when they are in need.
Call Activity — At-A-Glance
Activity January 1, 2008 through June 30, 2008
Total YTD 41 calls
18 calls 2nd quarter
Average number of Responders per call:
YTD – 6
Qtr – 6-7
Average Response time:
YTD – 5.1 min.
Qtr – 5.5 min.
Editors Editorial
Thanks so much to Fran Price for her wonderful work in publishing a great newsletter for so long. I
have some pretty big shoes to fill in taking over the job! Thanks again FRAN!! Now, if you have ideas
on what you would like to see published in your newsletter, I’m all ears, so give me a shout! Call any
time: D. Nicole L’Esperance-Ellsworth (210) 831-5866.
Did You Know???
Competitive barbecuing is one of America's fastest-growing hobbies, especially in Memphis and
Kansas City. Both cities claim to be the barbecue capital of the United States. Well, this BBQ
enthusiast thinks Texas could really give them both a run for their money.
Healthy Cooks Corner
Summer is a great time for backyard barbecues with family and friends. But before you fire up
the grill this year, consider replacing some of the usual fatty cookout fare with these good for
you grilling alternatives.
For a leaner twist on the standard burger, whip up a batch of Zesty Turkey Burgers seasoned with
fiery salsa, jalapenos, and red bell peppers. Hickory-smoked BBQ Chicken is a guaranteed crowd
pleaser, while seafood enthusiasts are sure to love Spicy Grilled Shrimp with sun-dried tomatoes.
Low-cholesterol Portobello Burgers, made with pesto and provolone cheese, are perfect for vegetarians. Or prepare a meatless Grilled Vegetable Basket, which is also low in calories and sodium. For
a sweet finale to your grilled feast, serve up a batch of scrumptious Grilled Pineapple Slices.
Each of these recipes is not only delicious, it's packed with nutrients and contains less than 400 cal.
a serving, so you can indulge without the guilt. More healthy cooking ideas to come. To submit your
ideas, please email Nicole Ellsworth at: D8Nicole8L8E@2fastmail.com
Upcoming Events Details
August 30, 2008 is the day of the annual Fire Sale; that is our big annual yard sale. Time for fall
cleaning, clean out those closets and garages and get rid of anything you don’t want anymore.
Donate your items to the VFD. In conjunction with the Fire Sale, this year we will also have a Fish
Fry dinner, so come on down & enjoy. The menu will be:
Catfish Fillets
French Fries
Cole Slaw
Hush Puppies
Tea or Lemonade
Eat it there at the Fire House picnic area or take a To-Go order!
Other fundraising efforts that day will be: a car wash, boot $ collection, & snow cone sales. For
more information on the fish fry call Pat Ahr @ (830) 612-3214. If you cannot bring by your
donated items or need help getting them to the Fire Dept., call Pam Mathis @ Home (830) 612-2157
or Cell (210) 275-0066. We are asking that you please do not leave items outside of bldg.
Your Team Needs YOU!
Your Mico VFD is always looking for new volunteers. If you have a specialty you would like to share,
or just like helping out, give us a call. You could be our next volunteer firefighter, board/committee
member, newsletter prep helper or auxiliary member.
2008 Mico VFD board and auxiliary board members are:
Board of Directors
Auxiliary Board of Directors
David King, President
Debbie Magoon, President
Robin Schmidt, Vice President
Shirley Smith, Vice Prsident
Dorothy Ahr, Secretary
Cookie Blake, Sectetary / Treasurer
Alida Gage, Treasurer
Steve Cerwin, Fire Chief
For more information call: (210) 831-5866
Mico VFD Calendar of Events
Unless otherwise noted, ALL meetings & events are to be held at the
MICO VFD Base Station, 7121 CR 271, Mico TX — Email: MVFDNews@Yahoo.com
July 2008
Tuesday, July 1st
Tuesday, July 8th
VFD Business Meeting
Thursday, July 3rd
VFD Auxiliary Meeting
Friday, July 11th
Annual BBQ Volunteer
Appreciation Dinner 6:30pm
Saturday, July 19th
August 2008
Tuesday, August 5th
Thursday, August 7th
VFD Auxiliary Meeting
Tuesday, August 12th
VFD Business Meeting
Saturday, August 30th
& Fish Fry Social
9:30am to 3:00 pm
Saturday, August 16th
September 2008
Monday, September 1st
Tuesday, September 2nd
Tuesday, September 9th
VFD Business Meeting
Thursday, September 4th
VFD Auxiliary Meeting
Saturday, September 20th
October 2008
Saturday, October 3rd
Soup & Salad Luncheon &
Annual Crafts Fair 12:30pm
On the horizon
ESD may consider the possibility of
offering our fire fighters ECA classes this fall. This is unusual
and has only come about due to fire fighter willingness to assist EMS on calls.
Do you have a new neighbor? Please
share this newsletter with them, invite them to
become a member of the VFD, the Auxiliary, or
our monthly business meetings.