Indonesia ICT Industry - ISD » Indonesia Services Dialogue
Indonesia ICT Industry - ISD » Indonesia Services Dialogue
Indonesia ICT Industry 24 June 2015 Indonesia Digital Profile 88.1 million internet user (34% population) 63.4 million smartphone user (24,7% population) 308.2 million mobile phone user (121% population) 3 hours/day, average internet access via mobile device 2 hours 52 minutes/day, average social media usage 74 million social media user (29% population) 69 mn user 50 mn user Sumber: GFK, Wearesocial,slideshare 2 Indonesian cellular market will grow to IDR 140 trillion by 2020; fuelled by data revenue growth Customer (mn SIM) Source: AT Kearney Revenue (IDR tn) 3 Telco & OTT: CooPetition Mobile Fixedline Broadband In Mobi Source: Roland Berger, NSN 4 E-Commerce Ecosystem Domestic HR Government Consumer • • • • • Supplier E-commerce player Enablers Logistic Call Center Financial Institution Network Provider Off Shore Investor Competition Customer Suppliers Enablers ISP Winner takes all ? Source: MOCIT, Citibank 5 Smart City Source: IDC Government Insights, 2013 6 Indosat Overview As of 1Q15: IDR 6.1tn Revenue IDR 2.6tn EBITDA 66.5mn Subscribers Segmented Revenue Fixed Telecom Fixed Data 5% 15% IDR 24k ARPU 40,756 Number of BTS Cellular Indosat Matrix Services & Segments Postpaid Cellular Service Indosat IM3 Prepaid Cellular Service Indosat Mentari premium Prepaid Cellular ervice Fixed Data Integrated and reliable total solution for industry services Corporate and institutional services for VPN, International Internet Backbone and Multimedia Specialist in data communications, internet and value added service. Cellular 80% Fixed Telecom Indosat International Direct Dialling Service Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Service ; for domestic and international Fixed Phone Service – Voice, Data and Video Communications 7 Indosat Broadband Network 8 Crowd Funding Mobile Finance Incubator Mobile Banking Venture Fund Mobile Commerce Mobile Advertising Dedicated unit building digital services in a startup environment Indosat initiatives in supporting ICT innovation Internet without pulse Technological innovation competition Technology business incubator Platform for entrepreneurs to crowd sourcing and crowd funding Venture fund with the target of Indonesia startup 10 Thank You 11
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Base: Internet users | Answering based on a recent purchase | Became aware of product through advertising, n=533