Constipation - Kenvalley Veterinary Clinic Vet in Kensington
Constipation - Kenvalley Veterinary Clinic Vet in Kensington
is the infrequent Constipation or difficultpassageof faeces. Therecan be variouscausesfor constipation. Dietarybehavioural, environmental and medically relatedcausesmayresultin yourpetbecoming constipated. Belowaresomeof the morecommoncausesof constipation: Behaviouralor environmentalcauses: . Catsmaybecomeconstipated if theyrefuseto usethe littertraydueto it beingsoiled. . Animalsthatarewellhousetrainedandarelockedup allday,maybecomeconstipated as theywillrefuseto defaecate insidethe house. willoftenresultin constipation; olderanimalsthattendto sleepmostof the ' Inactivity daymaybe inclinedto sufferfromconstipation. Medicallyrelatedcauses: . Painin the rectalareamaypreventyourpetfrom defaecating, . Inabilityto assumethe positionto defaecate as seen in dogsand catsthat haveorthopedic problemse.g. spinal problemsand fractures, as well as in animalsthat have neurological problems. . Colonicobstructions that may be caused by tumours,granulomas,abscessesor enlarged prostateglands. . A weakness of thecolon. . Megacolon is the enlargement of the colon.The colon becomesdilatedand flaccidand is no longerable to contractproperly,often leading to chronicconstipation. Theseanimalsrequire constantveterinary care. Dietarycauses: ' Abnormal diet,whichincludestoo littlefibrein yourpet'sdiet or notdrinkingenoughwater. ' Feedingbonesto your pet may causean obstructionor severeconstioation. ' Bothlongand shorthairedcats may ingesta considerable amountof fur whilegrobming,resultingin hairballswhich couldcauseyourcatlo becomeconstipated. ' Someanimalsareinclined to swallowforeignobjectssuchas toysandplasticbags.Thismaycausean obstruction in your pet'sbowel,resultingin eitherconstipation or vomiting. This is veryoftena medicalemergency. Signsof constipationmay includethe following: . Intermittent strainingwith no productionof faeces.Cats may be seen scratching aroundin theirlittertrayswithintermittent straining; thissignshouldbe distinguished from urinarytractinfections whichyourvet will be ableto determine on examination andfurthertests. . Yourpetmaypasssmallamountsof hard,dryfaecalmatteror mucousafterrepeated attemptsto defaecate. . Defaecation maybe painfulandtheremay be rednessand swellingaroundthe anal atea. . Shouldthestraining be severeenough,it mayresultin a prolapse of the rectum,which is a medicalemergency. . Analscooting, whichmayalsobe a signof blockedanalglandsor worminfestation. . Animalswho are constipated will oftenshowno interestin foodand mayevenhave intermittent vomiting. . Weightloss(especially in animalsthatsufferwithchronicconstipation). . Lethargy. Mild constipation can be treatedwith laxativesavailablefrom your veterinarian. lt is however advisable to takeyourdog or cat to the vet for a thoroughexamination to ensurethereare no otherunderlying conditions causingtheconstipation. Somediseasesmaybe easilyconfused with constipation andwillrequirea veterinary examination to ruletheseout. Severecasesof constipation willrequirethatyourpetbeplacedon a dripandoncefullyrehydrated, enemasmayneedto be administered underveterinary supervision. Depending yourveterinarian on the severityof the constipation, maysendyourdogor cat home witha laxativeanda specialdietfor a fewdays. Reforence: Nelson RW Couto CG. Small animal internalmedicine.4th ed. St. Louis (MO): Mosby Elsevier;2009.P 366-7.