February 2007.indd - South Carolina State University


February 2007.indd - South Carolina State University
Cutest Couples
Page 16
February-March 2007
Anthony Brooking & Ismerana Rattigan
2 ½ months
“Love is unconditional, unselfish, truthful, trustworthy, friendly, respectful, full of joy and everlasting
happiness, understanding, straightforward, wise,
and giving.”
February-March 2007
SC State Remembers Orangeburg
Massacre 39 Years Later
Michael Pompey & Jacqueline Dingle
1 year 9 months (known
each other since elementary
“Love is an emotion that
takes over every since of life.”
Brandon McCleave &
Latonya Jett
2 years
“Love is not only a feeling
or an emotion; it should
also be shown physically
through actions and communication.”
By Dante Mozie
Managing Editor
Have a difficult professor? Find out how
to make him or her
love you on Page 5.
Jason Lee & Sherita Sweeney
2 years
“Making an oath before God to bring our lives
together is very important for us. We truly believe that it is God’s will for us to be married.
Plus we love each other with all our hearts.”
Michael Owens & Ashley Husky
1 year
“Love is unconditional, strong
and eternal.”
Photographs by Dionysus McNeil
Design by Secret Spencer
The Official Student Newspaper of South Carolina State University
See Massacre on page 6
Courtney Holmes & Marvin Willimas
1 year
“You always know that you can depend
on your other half.”
Marcus Swinton & Winter Moore
2 years
“Love is a strong attraction you have for someone.”
Come join the staff of the SC State University’s student newspaper; The Collegian
For Women/Men Only Editor
Business office
Layout/ Graphic Designers
Sports Writers
Apply Thursdays at 7:30 in the Student Center, Conference Room #3
Turn to Page 7 for tips
on how to keep your
credit or debit card
They’re hot. They’re
single. Find out who
is SC State’s hottest
Bachelor/Bachelorette. Page 8
Let your voice be heard
Features Editor
Entertainment Editor
Photography Editor
Sports Editor
The entire SC State University community paused to
remember the memories and the horror of the Orangeburg
Massacre on the evening of February 8. The crowd of students,
faculty, alumni, and the members of the families of three students killed on that night; Henry Smith, Samuel
Hammond, and Delano Middleton, gathered together inside the Martin Luther King, Jr. Auditorium to honor the
lives and efforts of those that were injured and those that made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of justice.
The first of its kind on an American college campus, the Orangeburg Massacre involved more than 200 students
and protestors on what was then South Carolina State College. Protesting the All-Star Bowling Lane and its
segregation policies, the protests turned into a tragedy, as South Carolina Highway Patrol officials eventually
fired into the group of students, killing three men; Smith, Hammond, and Middleton; and wounding twentyseven. Among those involved in the events that took place on the campus that night was Dr. Emma McCain. A
sophomore at the time, McCain described her emotions following the attacks on the students by law enforcement:
“I remember feeling so surprised and stunned that members of the legal community who were supposed to be
protecting us were attacking me in this manner; a skinny, young African-American woman,” McCain said. “And
I always thought that billy clubs were just a piece of wood, but I felt steel against my head that night, and it was a
very frightening experience for a young sophomore.”
Staff Writers
Students to hand out polls
Promise versus Promiscuity
By Lou Ann Wilkes
Staff Writer
A recent poll conducted at SC State University determined that the number one reason for
having sex was to satisfy overwhelming sexual
urges. It is a fact that during adolescence, sexual
hormones become active, and at these periods,
first and continuing sexual encounters occur.
Other reasons given for sexual activities included curiosity, assumption that individuals met
the right person, hope of making relationships
better and pressure from partners.
Sex and promiscuity among teens and young
adults are quickly replacing virginity and chastity, making them virtues of the past. Research SC State students simulate the pressure to have sex on a college campus
conducted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shown that only 20% of college students
are not yet sexually active. Of the 80% who are, approximately 25% have had six or more sex partners in their
In many colleges, like SC State University, students lead libertine lifestyles simply because they can. Here,
they are considered adults and can get away with a lot more on campus than they could, if fully supervised at
home. However there are some students who have chosen to abstain. The poll also showed that 82% of the students are indeed sexually active. Of the remaining 18%, some are still virgins and the others have ceased being
sexually active for quite some time now.
See Promise on page 7
The Round Up
Page 14
What happened over spring break?
by Melanie Canty
Staff Writer
Spring is in the air! And you know what
that means? That’s right, you guessed it,
you finally get to have a break from all those
tests, projects, papers, and those annoying
homework assignments. Here are the top 10
things students did over spring break:
Parties/ went clubbing
Went to the beach
Went shopping
Went to the movies
Spent time with friends/ families
Chatted on Facebook
Watched T.V.
Played video games
Say What?
Top 10 Pick Up Lines
February-March 2007
“Last semester I had to run to Belcher Hall for a couple of hours
before my class to finish up an assignment. As I was leaving class one
of my guy classmates, who I had a crush on, started following me out. I
needed to use the ladies room, but put it off so I wouldn’t miss the chance
to talk to him. We got on the
elevator and we’re almost
on the last level when the
elevator stalled. He pressed
the emergency button and
after a few minutes a security guard came on and told
us that help was on the way.
He and I talked for a while
but all I could think about
was how my bladder was
about to burst! After being
trapped for about 30 minutes, I started to dance around and I had to tell
him how badly I had to pee. 30 minutes later, I let loose a little spurt and
I started screaming for someone to open the doors. Too late. 10 minutes
later, just before the doors opened I let loose a torrent all over the floor
and down my skirt. I had never wet myself before. Fortunately, this guy
was great and we are dating today. We laugh about our ‘first date.’”
- Junior, Marketing Major
By Moses O’Bell
10. No word can describe your divinity.
9. If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you,
I’d have 5 cents.
8. You know, we’d make some good-lookin’ babies.
7. Kissing is a language of love....so how about a conversation?
6. If you throw it, I`ll catch it.
5. And on the 7th day, he made you.
4. Your daddy must be an electrician, ‘cause you turn me on.
3. Remember this moment, so we can tell our children how we met.
2. You are my rose, I am your tree, and our love will be the garden.
1. I’m really fighting my urge to make you the happiest person on
earth tonight.
• Is Michael really trying to make a comeback?
•What’s going on with the Alphas?
• Don’t you just hate it when people whine and complain about
their financial state? I mean have you heard of East Timor, Somalia
just to name a few?
• Are the girls of Truth Hall still pulling the fire alarm?
• Why do professors give work over spring break? Duh its called
February-March 2007
Why Wait....
By Ebone` Edwards
Contributing Writer
It seems all my life has been a waiting
period....waiting to grow up, waiting to finish
college, waiting to have that first “real” kiss,
waiting to have that first relationship that will
last forever, waiting to fall in love, waiting for
some sense of direction, but mostly... waiting
for completion. It seems forever has come and
gone, yet still, I wait!
I am 20 years old and I know so much but
have experienced so little. I gave my life to
the Lord at an early age and it kept me from
making or doing a lot of things. I am grateful
everyday for that decision! So... I’ve lived a
life most girls haven’t... I’ve been a wisdom
student… observing and learning from others
and their mistakes (fornication-sex before marriage, adultery, drugs, the wrong guy, drinking,
smoking, you know... the usual), making my
own mistakes, of course…and staying away
from all the “firsts,” evil and wrong things life
has a way of throwing at us.
Most of us grow up knowing what is
expected and we try not to stray from that,
but…time has a way of exposing us all. We
go off to college or in new surroundings curious and wanting to belong. People influence
us to do things that we never would have
done, we are in situations that should not have
occurred, and oh yeah, our lustful “appetite”
consumes our minds, controls our bodies, and
we stay stuck... repeating patterns that were
created! Everyday situations, confrontations
and temptations confront us and believe it or
not will always be there! But we don’t have
to struggle with them or struggle with making
wrong decisions that could cost us our futures.
How is it then that we are able to overcome
these oppositions that are not in our control
(Namely, sex?)
I know….that “three letter word” that is
running so rapid in front of our TV screens
and in our movies, and in our minds is one
of the biggest issues among us young adults.
We have to understand that our flesh is very,
very weak and it wants to be touched, felt,
loved...yes, from time to time it wants to feel
an incredible sensation!!! Bottom line: sex is
a beautiful thing that is supposed to be shared
with two people, man and woman, during their
marriage! That’s all to it, folks! It’s just the
way it should be. God said that He hates fornication because it defiles His temple, YOU!!
When we go against God’s word, against His
will, we are making the decision to fail. Not
only should we abstain from sex, but any sexual acts...* you know what I mean!* That is still
apart of fornication. Just think, when you do
any type of sexual activity outside of marriage,
you are allowing that person to share a part of
you and they will leave a part of themselves
with you forever! People...can you find that
Page 3
one person that you will spend forever with, be
the lover of your soul and give you everything
possible that you need and want? Well, maybe
not right away, that’s why you have to wait.
Is there one person out there that is willing
to look deep within and be strong enough to
wait... like me? Let us all help move the African American agenda and prevent premarital
pregnancies, insufficient fathers, single parent
mothers, and AIDS. Yeah, it’s still out there!
Listen...no one is perfect, we all fall short, but
the question is, do we continue? Make the effort and don’t forward your clock... WAIT!
Wait because you believe in yourself to do
what’s right…
Wait because you know that your end will be
Wait because you know so much is in store
for you!
Wait because you have nothing to lose!
Wait because you still have so much to learn!
Wait because your love will be the best and
most passionate love!
Wait (ladies) because “he” is preparing for
you and “you” for him!
Wait because you don’t want to become another statistic!
Wait because others have failed, but now
It’s not easy people, but....
Let patience have her Perfect work in YOU!
In the end, it will be worth the wait!
condition an animal to do something by rewarding or threatening it with
an external result. An attitude, however, is a perspective, a motivation,
or a desire that comes from within and is not
By Abdalla Straker
based on a temporary external consequence.
News Editor
It is something deeply personal and internal
Do you know that leadership is not for a chosen few, but every indi- that influences and transforms your thinking
vidual is born to lead? Do you know that you are born to lead? Do you
about yourself and your ability, value, selfknow that one of the main things stopping you from reaching your full
worth, self-esteem, outlook on life, actions
potential is your thinking?
and perceptions of others.
Of course, these are all rhetorical questions that do not require an
The first step in this journey toward being
answer. They are in fact designed to bring you to the realization that you the leader you were designed to be is knowwere born to lead. However, for you to fully understand and operate as
ing that you are in fact that. You see, knowsuch requires a change in the way you think. As world renowned mining changes your mind which transforms
ister, teacher, and leader Dr. Myles Munroe put it, “All human beings
your attitude. The word of God shows us in
possess the leadership spirit, but it is only those who capture the spirit of Genesis 1: 26-28 that we were created in the
leadership that ever become truly effective leaders.”
image and likeness of God to have dominFirstly, what is a leader? This was made a bit clearer to me in my
ion over the earth. Therefore leadership is
freshman year when I was introduced to a book called Discovering the
already within us. Proverbs 23: 7 declares
Leader within You. It clearly and distinctly defined leadership as “the
to us, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” This word shows the
ability to influence others.” Therefore, anyone who is in a position to
power of our thoughts and attitudes. It shows that we are destined to beinfluence someone else in a positive manner is, in fact, a leader. It is not come what we think we are. We need to apply this thought pattern to our
a post or position. It is not a title or label. It is not reserved for a chosen role as leaders in today’s society. We need to become who were were
few. It is a sphere of influence that each of us has, in some way, since we intended to become by God, so that we can accomplish the purpose that
all belong to groups or organizations. The question then becomes, am
he put us here to fulfill. A generation and generations to come depend
I fully being the leader I am meant to be in the sphere I occupy? If not,
on your leadership.
what is holding me back?
Awake the leader that lies within you.
It’s all about attitude. I’ll say it again for emphasis: It’s all about atYou were born to lead!!
titude. The right attitude, that is, something which cannot be learned but
that comes from within. “Learning” an attitude is conditioning oneself
For more visit:
or mere mental assent. It is not genuine. It is not leadership. One can
Page 12
For Women Only
February-March 2007
How to Get on Your Professor’s Good Side
What Women Should Know
about HPV and Cervical
Each year 13,000 women are diagnosed with cervical
cancer in the United States. In most cases, cervical
cancer can be prevented through early detection and
treatment of abnormal cell changes that occur in the
cervix years before cervical cancer develops. We now
know that these cell changes are caused by human
papillomavirus, commonly known as HPV.
What is HPV?
HPV is a virus that is very common. In fact, most men
and women are infected with HPV at some time in their
lives. There are approximately 100 types of HPV. Some
HPV types only infect the genital area and may cause warts, some cause mild changes
in cervical cells that do not turn into cancer, and some cause changes that may become
cervical cancer if present for many years. The types of HPV that are found in the genital
areas are usually passed on during sexual contact (sexually transmitted.) HPV types
that cause warts on the hands or feet do not cause genital warts or cervical cell changes,
nor do genital HPV types generally spread outside the genital area.
Can HPV infections be treated?
There is currently no treatment available for the virus itself. However, good treatments
do exist for the problems HPV can cause, such as cervical cell changes or genital warts.
Your healthcare provider will discuss these treatment options with you, if you need
If I tested positive for HPV, what does this mean for me?
Most HPV infections go away without treatment because the immune system finds the
virus and either gets rid of it or suppresses it to the point that it never returns to cause
problems. Cell changes that may eventually lead to cervical cancer only occur when this
does not happen and HPV stays for many years. Even though HPV is found in cervical
cancer, most people testing positive for HPV are not at risk for getting cervical cancer
because they have the virus for only a short time (months rather than many years).
If I test positive for HPV, how did I get it?
HPV is usually acquired by direct skin-to-skin contact during intimate sexual contact
with someone who is infected. Most men and women are not aware that they have the
virus. Condoms do not offer complete protection from HPV. Increasing numbers of
partners increases the risk of getting HPV, but the virus is so common that having only
a single lifetime partner does not assure protection. It is usually impossible to determine
when, and from whom, HPV was caught. HPV may be detected fairly soon after
exposure, or may not be found until many years later. For all these reasons, it is not
helpful, nor fair to blame your partner.
If I have HPV or a cell abnormality, is there anything I can do?
Don’t smoke. Smoking has been shown to increase the chance that cell abnormalities
might progress to more severe changes. Be sure to keep your follow-up doctor
Will I have the HPV virus forever?
Probably not. HPV infection is very common, but it usually goes away within 1-2
On the Yard
February-March 2007
If it doesn’t fit in the store, its not gonna fit
at home.
Signs to
Know Your
Man’s in
By C Jerome Smith
Contributing Writer
Sophia White, Edtor
How do you know if your man is really deep in it? When
he brings roses to your doorstep? When he gets jealous the minute
you look at other men? Or when he’s in your face every second?
Actually - none of the above. If you’d like to be sure you’re not
fooling yourself when you imagine the two of you together in the
future - look to the little things he does, not the big showy romantic gestures. Here are the most obvious signs that he’s serious
about the relationship.
He calls for no reason.
His friends know all about you.
He takes an interest in your interests.
He wants to cuddle and chat.
When he talks about the future, you’re in it.
He doesn’t mind compromising sometime.
He starts pulling away from his boys to spend more
time with you.
He takes you to meet the ENTIRE family, not just his
He no longer has a desire to mess with any other
He doesn’t mind his friends saying his “whooped.”
He loves spending time with you.
He can’t stop thinking about you.
He’s forgotten about his ex.
He gives you a nickname.
He says I love you. (And means it)
“You can tell if a guy really loves a girl when he can’t eat or sleep.
He keeps calling the girl just to say he loves her and sends flowers
even if it’s not a holiday.”
-Rahn Scott, Senior, Elementary Education
“You can tell if a guy really loves a girl if they’re open about deep
feelings because that shows that they have confidence and trust.
Those two things DON’T come until you’ve reached the point of
being in love!”
-Brandon Davis, Sophomore, Psychology
By Sophia White
No matter what you believe, the
professor has the greater power; the power
of the pen. At the end of the semester they
will decide if that 79.999999 is a C or a B,
so why not get on their good side? Below
are some tips on developing the best
relationships with your professor.
•Know your professor’s name. It may
sound obvious but referring to your
professor as Mr. Um or Dr. what’s-yourPhotography by Moses Bell
name-again can really work on your
professors’ self esteem, and you don’t want to do that.
•Decide what title to use when addressing your instructor. If you don’t know their title
remember no instructor in any subject will ever be offended by use of the title “doctor!”
•Go see your professors during their posted office hours. They have to be there whether
you show up or not so take advantage of the opportunity.
•Be there. Professors think that what they are teaching is the most important thing in the
world. Not showing up to class is like a slap in the face.
•Do your homework. Even if you don’t understand all of it, make a genuine effort. Don’t
make yourself an obvious target by not having tried at all.
•Be enthused. It doesn’t matter if all your hearing out of your professor’s mouth is blah,
blah, blah, and blah. NEVER act like you are bored or not interested in class. Remember the
professor has studied what he is teaching for many years, and probably thinks it is the most
fascinating thing in the world. If you have to, PRETEND like it is the most interesting thing
in the world also.
•Know the ground rules. If there are any special rules for the class, find out what they are
and stick to them.
•Remember they are human. If just seeing this teacher coming around the corner makes
you look for an escape route, try and think of the fact that this person too gets headaches,
works, showers, and goes to the toilet. Somehow, imagining someone this way always
makes them less terrifying and more human.
•Problems with faculty should be handled honestly and calmly. Always try to remedy
conflicts with the faculty member first. He or she is the one in the position to help you
•What irritates professors? Things like not reading the syllabus, not going to class, not
meeting deadlines, sleeping/daydreaming in class, being a know-it-all, not accepting
responsibility, and excuses.
Page 5
SC State to hold first Democratic
Presidential Debate
By Melanie Cantey
Staff Writer
The Democratic Presidential Candidate’s
Debate will be held on campus, at the Martin
Luther King Jr. Auditorium on Thursday, April
26th at 7 p.m. The purpose of this event is to allow the Democratic candidates to present their
platform of the issues to the voters of South
Carolina, who will then select the best candidate that will run for the 2008 U.S. Presidential
Election. Also, this debate will allow the public
to express any questions or concerns that they
may have for the candidates regarding the issues of the state. This event will be broadcasted
live by NBC, which will be the only network to
have access to the very first debate for the 2008
Presidential Campaign. For more information
about the Presidential Debate, please contact
Erica Prioleau of University Relations and
Marketing at esprioleau@scsu.edu
Bulldogfest 2007
“Beware of the Dawgs”
April 9th -15th
Bulldogfest is coming and it will be
better than ever! Be on the lookout for
NASCAR, VIBE Magazine, and The
Bulldogfest Concert.
South Carolina State University’s Poet Laureate, Abdalla Straker, publishes his second book of poetry titled
Overflow. The project is something that he has been working on for some time now and he said he is pleased with
the finished product. “This one will go places, touch lives and inspire all in some way,” he said. English professor,
Mr. Allen Fleming who wrote the introduction for the book said Overflow, his second book of poems, is a continuation of a fascinating journey through several motifs that still undergird his deep, spiritual ideals. From “Excuses,”
“Let’s Talk About Sex,” and “On The Shoulders of Giants,” to “Pieces,” “Family,” “Independence Day,” and “Forgive,” enjoy your journey about life’s experiences! As our poet says, “Words are not just words. Too many of us
take the things we say for granted.”
Overflow promises to leave you inspired from beginning to end. It will, without a doubt, not leave you the same
after reading. Available at the S.C.S.U. Bookstore and Waldenbooks at the Prince of Orange Mall.
For more information about “Overflow:” Website: www.abdallastraker.com • E-mail: info@abdallastraker.com • Phone: 803-378-5829
Page 10
Remembering Bessie Smith,
Empress of the Blues
Before Billie Holiday, before Aretha
Franklin, and before Ms. Blige there was the
potent voice of Bessie Smith who distinctively
bellowed out her rendition of the blues. Smith,
however, “paid her dues to sing the blues.”
Born into poverty in Chattanooga, Tennessee,
Smith lived a violent, promiscuous, harddrinking street life. Smith standing nearly six
feet and weighing almost two hundred pounds,
expressed great pride in her culture, and
happily participated in its earthy pleasures,
regularly indulging her taste for alcohol and
sex to extremes. Her striking physical size and
strong voice helped her to establish a place in
the wild 1920’s Blues world amongst tough
competition and popular styles. According
to Richard Hadlock in Jazz Masters of the
Twenties, Smith could project a song more
powerfully to large audiences than any other
blues singer in the days before microphones and audio amplification.
Smith not only used her size to her advantage onstage but also to end brawls with
anyone who was willing to go there with her. In personal arguments, contractual
disputes with managers, employee discipline, or disagreements with other singers,
Smith was known to use her fists with little reservation. On one occasion, at a party
in 1925 following an appearance in her home town of Chattanooga, Tennessee, she
knocked down a large male who was bothering her and a couple of friends. Later,
when the man retaliated by stabbing her in the side with a knife, she chased him
down the street until she dropped from the strain of the wound.
Though Smith raised many eyebrows in her time and after, it is evident that no
Blues singer can escape her influence. Often called the “The Empress of the Blues,”
she gave the music its raw, regal poignancy and marketability. Her exciting growls
and testifying delivery has informed many aspects of African-American music. As
a recording artist, Smith made her first sides in 1922, but the tapes were lost. A year
later, she recorded Down Hearted Blues for Columbia Records, and it became her
first hit. Other songs of Bessie include St. Louis Blues, After You’ve Gone, I Aint
Got Nobody, Gimme A Pigfoot, Them There Eyes and Young Woman’s Blues. In
Young Woman’s Blues she bellows out the lyrics:
“I ain’t no high yella, I’m a deep killer brown.
I ain’t gonna marry, ain’t gonna settle down.
I’m gonna drink good moonshine and rub these browns down.
See that long lonesome road, Lawd you know it’s gonna end,
and I’m a good woman and I can get plenty men”
Hitting the charts, Smith soon became one of the highest paid black entertainers
in the country. Her celebrity status afforded opportunities to play with top jazz
musicians such as Louis Armstrong, Fletcher Henderson, and Coleman Hawkins.
On Sept. 26, 1937 Smith was critically injured while on her way to a singing
engagement, when the car being driven by her boyfriend Richard Morgan in which
she was a passenger crashed into a truck on a road in Mississippi. According to
legend, segregation led to her death when a white hospital first refused her admission
and by the time she arrived at a black hospital in Clarksdale, Mississippi it was too
late to save her and she bled to death.
February-March 2007
Top Ten
Love Songs of All Time
1. KC & Jojo- All My Life
2. Luther Vandross-Here & Now
3. Jessie Powell- You
4. Lenny Williams-I Love You
5. SWV- Weak
6. 112- Cupid
7. Jodeci- Forever My Lady
8. Shai- If I Ever Fall In Love
9. Whitney Houston- I Will Always Love You
10. Boyz 2 Men- End of the Road
Based on a recent poll conducted at SC State University
Yeah Right, Try Again
February-March 2007
CONTINUED from page 1
What is abstinence? Wikipedia defines it
as “a voluntary forbearance from indulging a desire or appetite for certain bodily
activities that are widely experienced as
giving pleasure. It follows that, sexual abstinence is not having sex. When a person
decides to practice sexual abstinence, that
means he or she has decided not to have
Why abstain? Many students just live in
the moment but there are long-term consequences that can follow way after college
life is over. The greatest risks to teens and
young adults who are sexually active are
unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and damage to self-esteem.
Some Christian students said they abstain
from intercourse because of religious reasons. They believe that sex is a sacred activity between a married couple and to engage in sexual intercourse before marriage
is an abomination to God.
There are many other religions that
encourage abstinence also including Hinduism. This is an Indian religion, which
places great emphasis on abstinence as a
way of harnessing the energy of body and
mind, towards the goal of spiritual realiza-
tion. The male semen is considered sacred
and its preservation is imperative except
when used for procreation.
Some male students at SC State University
also commented that there is a great deal of
pressure from a portion of the female population on campus. Some say the females
make them ‘weak’ by the way they dress,
urging them to want to fulfill their stimulated sexual desires.
Almost 50% of SCSU’s female body said
that sex in a relationship is important. Rhoneisha Morton, a sophomore, said she has
always viewed sex as an expression of love
and commitment to a partner. However,
she quite candidly pointed out that she
feels changing partners too frequently and
having intimate relations with all of them,
constitutes promiscuity. Promiscuity can be
defined as sexual activity void of the framework of a long term monogamous sexual
relationship. Morton warns that individuals
need to take a great deal of time to determine whether their chosen partner is truly
the best fit, and the relationship is well built,
before getting ultimately intimate. Sexual
abstinence though, is a habit that she highly
Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), report some 20% of sexually ac-
Page 7
tive youths
After losing your
have herpes, 10% virginity, is abstinence a
have Chlarealistic option?
mydia, and
50% of the
56% Yes
have the
Human Papaluna Vi44% No
rus. What
a b o u t Based on a recent poll conducted at
SC State University.
H I V /
figures are alarming. Over 40,000 new HIV
infections occur in the US every year, and
of the victims, young Americans, ages 13
– 24, are contracting the virus at the rate of
two per hour.
A “must-read” recommended by a student’s aunt, Cecilia Brizan, is Tom Wolfe’s
I Am Charlotte Simmons. It’s an R-rated behind the scene look at how wild today’s university students have become. A concerned
Brizan advocates abstinence as part of sex
education. “Kids should have safe sex or
none at all,” she said. She also added that
uncommitted or premature sexual encounters can not only lead to ill health but other
problems that can impede an individual’s
progress to adulthood.
By Abdalla Straker
News Editor
• Exceptional Music/Soundtrack
• Great Cast
• ...but where was the movie?
In the world of business, checks are quickly being replaced by debit and credit cards. For many they are
just more convenient and hassle free. There are, however, a number of safety tips that one should take
into consideration when using debit cards. They are as follows:
When approaching the ATM:
Secure your card and pin number:
•Place all money into your pocket or purse
•Rather than signing the back of your card, •Be alert look around the area.
•Leave immediately if you see or sense When Leaving the ATM:
write “SEE ID” inside.
•Destroy your old card when it expires or anything suspicious.
•Remain alert and watch for strangers who
•Always have your card in hand ready to
when your new card becomes active.
may approach or follow you.
•Memorize your pin. (Do not write it on the use.
•If someone follows you, go to the
While at the ATM:
back of your card or keep it with you.)
•Allow a comfortable distance between you nearest populated place such as a store or
•Never disclose your pin to anyone.
and the person using the ATM.
•Keep a written record of your pin entirely
•Do not walk up to the ATM before the Refuse Telephone Inquiries:
separate from your card.
current user has left.
•Verification of your card account(s) should
•Pick up your ATM receipts before leaving •Use your body to shield the ATM’s keyboard
only take place in person.
the ATM.
from another person’s line of sight.
•Safeguard your account number. Always •Don’t stop to count money or expose it for Report the Theft or Loss of your card
obtain receipts and destroy carbons.
others to see.
Page 8
Bachelor/Bachelorette of the Year
February-March 2007
February-March 2007
Ms. Alethea Bryant
Fashion & Beauty
A Sneak Peak into Spring Fashion
Classification: Senior
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Major: Art Education
Reevesville, SC
By: Denna Harrison, Fashion Editor
When spring arrives, not only do we see longer days and
blooming flowers, but we also see the campus swarmed
with bright colors and colorful prints. Spring is the time
of year to express your style to the
fullest without dressing according to
the cold temperatures. It’s really the
time of year to express you through
fashion. So, here is a sneak peak into
Spring Fashion….
“My personality and
sense of humor make
me who I am. My
best characteristic is
my light hearted attitude complimented by
my best feature…my
Page 9
Editor of the Month
Denna Harison
Fashion & Beauty Editor
“The job of Fashion & Beauty Editor is
to create, develop and present original
fashion ideas for The Collegian. This
job is so cool because, as a person who
has always had a love for fashion and
beauty the fashion editor position is a
great way to express my interest and
ideas to others who also love fashion.”
Hometown: Aiken, SC
Best thing about SC State University? Homecoming
Hair product: Miracle Grow
Name: Erin Corbett
Classification: Junior
Major: Marketing
Hometown: Columbia,
Most overplayed song: Promise by Ciara
Must have accessory: My purse
Best sitcom (current): I Hate Chris
Would not survive in college without: My faith and friends
Wedding Colors: Ivory and Soft Pink.
Fashion Icon: Kelis
Question and Answer
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Major: Studio Art
Hometown: Starr, SC
What’s up with waist belts? How do you wear them?
-Sharika Gardner, Psychology Major
“Mystery is something that keeps me
interested, so I like
the quiet ones. Tall is
sexy; I love legs and a
nice figure.”
Photography by Christopher Handy
*Bachelor/Bachelorette of the Year selection based on vote by the staff of The Collegian*
Phrase you don’t want to hear from your professor: “You are going
to have to repeat this class!”
Mr. Joshua Davis
Who knew that belts would become such a trendy item? The belt used to be a simple accessory used to hold up your pants on your hips.
Now there are so many trendy ways to wear belts. A couple of seasons ago, it was
the trend to wear the belts hanging off the hips; now belts have risen to the mid
waist. Waist belts have become stylish among many people, in the past couple of
months.The large waist belt is an item that will add more personality to an outfit.
The waist belt can also be worn casually with jeans and a simple top, andt
can be dressed up with a pencil skirt and a baby doll dress.
Not only can the waist belt add to your outfit, it can also accentuate your
figure. Wearing the waist belt can accentuate your figure by showing off your curves
by making your waistline look smaller. The waist belt is a great way to add the extra
spice to an outfit but at the same time accentuate any figure or body type.
-Denna Harison, Fashion & Beauty Editor
Page 6
SC State University’s
First Couple: Jason Lee
& Sherita Sweeney
His: Charleston, SC
Hers: Washington D.C.
Why are you such a cute couple?
Sherita: Cute goes beyond being physically
attractive, it also includes good chemistry.
Jason: I agree.
What is love?
Jason & Sherita: 1 Corinthians 13th chapter
Where was your first date?
Sherita: Dinner and a movie in Charleston.
Jason: We saw The Honeymooners
Why will your relationship last?
Jason & Sherita: Because we trust God and
we put him first in our relationship, we don’t
just rely on each other.
Photography by Dionysus McNeil
By Sophia White
His: Scorpio
Hers: Capricorn
What was the most romantic thing you did
for each other?
Sherita: Our very first Valentine’s Day he left
a card on my car the morning before I went
to class. After my first class, there was a rose
left on my car and then during another class he
brought me this big basket of stuff to class in
front of everybody. Later that night we went to
dinner and he gave me two rings as a gift.
Jason: She cooked a romantic dinner for me
by candlelight. I think it was on our six-month
February-March 2007
I would stay with her and this was before we
were a couple. This was the first time I ever felt
this way.
Sherita: I say about 3 months into the relationship when I would just look at him and smile
for no reason. No matter how bad my day was I
would forget everything when I was with him.
Where will you be in 10 years?
Sherita: Married with three children; two boys
and one girl.
Jason: Four maybe five children and blessed in
every aspect of life
Sherita: I agree with the blessing part, but we
will only have three children maybe four.
What are some details on the wedding?
Sherita: I don’t want to give out to much
information, because there are people from this
campus that are attending, and I don’t want to
spoil it for them, but it takes place on July 7,
2007 in Maryland at my church. We may have
a musical guest maybe Musiq, Raheem Devon,
or Brian McKnight, but nothing is set in stone
*Cutest couple selection based on vote by the
staff of The Collegian.*
His: Elementary Education
Hers: Psychology
When did you realize you were in love?
Jason: I realized that no matter what happened
•Massacre continued from page 1
South Carolina Rep. Bakari Sellers became
emotional as he discussed the impact of the
Orangeburg Massacre, the deaths of the
three students, and the ongoing struggle for
“As the smoke cleared on that night,
physical injuries may have healed, but there
remains no innocence and only a veil of
secrecy. The veil, though, did not cover the
fact that on the night of February 8, 1968,
three individuals gave their lives inspired
by love,” Sellers said. “These three heroes
navigated the majestic journey that we now
call the ‘freedom movement’ in efforts to
gain equality and justice.”
With the recent news that the FBI is now
reopening the case of Orangeburg Massacre to
finally reach a decision as to who is responsible
for the tragedy, leaders say that, although it has
been nearly forty years since the Orangeburg
Massacre, the public must not forget what
happened, and should continue to strive for the
same ideals and dreams that Smith, Hammond,
and Middleton, and hundreds of others fought for
that evening.
“Although it has received little media coverage,
we must recognize the legacies of Henry Smith,
Samuel Hammond, and Delano Middleton,”
said Monica Taylor, 2007 winner of the SmithHammond-Middleton Oratorical Competition.
“We must not only recognize the legacy, but we
must uphold the legacy.”
Who’s loving who? Who’s
single and who’s not?
56% - Single
44%- In a relationship
Marriage Plans...
17%- In less than 5 years
69%- Within 5 to 10 years
13%- In more than 10 years
1%- Don’t plan to marry at all
69%- Single
31%- In a relationship
Marriage Plans…
6%- In less than 5 years
42%- Within 5 to 10 years
31%- In more than 10 years
21%- Don’t wish to marry at all
Based on a recent poll at SC State University
February-March 2007
Actor Spotlight: Roosevelt
By Sophia White
Full Name: Roosevelt Alonzo Samuel
Age/Birthday/ Zodiac Sign: 21/ May 13 /
Major: Professional Theatre
Classification: Senior
Status: Single
Organizations/ Hobbies/ Extracurricular
Activities: Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Psi Omega Dramatic Fraternity, President
of Henderson-Davis Players, acting, singing,
dancing, writing, reading, having fun and entertaining
I must say your performance in Motown
80’s was my favorite. You were so electric
and you gave so much, I thought you were
Prince. How did you prepare for your role?
Prince was always one of my favorite artists so
I basically listened to his music and watched
his live performances and soon began to pick
up on his singing style, mannerisms, dance
moves, his voice, and most importantly, his appearance.
What other plays have you been in?
Androcles and the Lion, Colored Peoples Time,
Motown 60’s, Motown 70’s, The Wiz, Out Loud
Show, I’m currently working on Story Theatre.
When were
you hit by the
acting bug?
At around age
4 or 5. I would
imitate certain
characters on
T.V. and would
make people
laugh. Then I
knew I had to
be a performer.
Where do
you want to be in 10 years?
I would want to be in Hollywood as one of the
top premier actors or either successfully pursuing a career as a theater professor.
What movie have you watched again and
“The Color Purple” and “The Five Heartbeats.”
What do you look for in a potential mate?
Trustworthy, attractive, loyal, good hygiene,
affectionate, intelligent, and creative.
Would you make a good boyfriend?
Yes. I am trustworthy, caring, loyal, and an affectionate person. I love to show the person I’m
with a good time every chance I have.
What’s your favorite love song of all
If I Ever Fall in Love Again, because the lyrics
are true and I sung this in a talent show with
my homeboys way back when.
What is your worst habit?
Being a perfectionist or being controlling.
Fill in the blank: I wish I could stop_____
SC State University Has Spoken: Favorite Couples
Best Sitcom Couple
Martin & Gina, Martin
Best Super Couple
Lois & Clark, Superman
Best Reality Couple
Flavor Flav & Delicious, Flavor of Love
Best R&B/ Hip Hop Couple
Beyonce’ & Jay Z
Best Entertainment Couple
Will Smith & Jada Pinckett Smith
Best Animated Couple
Peter & Lois, Family Guy
Best Political Couple
Bill & Hillary Clinton
Best Movie Couple
Quincy & Monica, Love & Basketball
Best Fairytale Couple
Aladdin & Jasmine, Aladdin
Based on recent poll conducted at SC State University
Page 11
but seriously can’t.
Losing my temper
What are you afraid of?
Losing my parents, explosions, snakes, heights,
not being able to perform ever again.
What’s something most people won’t
know about you?
I have a split personality (good side/very bad
If you could trade places with one person
for a day who would it be?
My best friend. Just to see if he really goes
through what he claims he does.
What’s the last thing you misplaced?
My keys.
Why are theatre majors so different?
We actually are not that different. We are normal. We just view things in different retrospectives. We may think more openly and express
ourselves but we are pretty much the same as
anyone else.
This is your Oscar speech…
I would like to thank God, Jesus, my mother,
my father, my theatre “much the same as
anyone” professors, my frat brothers, directors,
producers, my true friends and my fans.
What else do you want our readers to
know about you?
I am a cool person and I like to talk. I love myself. I love theatre and I love to entertain. I love
my fraternity, my chapter, my frat brothers and
sorors. I love my parents and my sisters. Please
look for me when I matriculate into a focus and
I loved this interview!
Who said it first?
Jim Jones We Fly High
“So when I bleep, shorty beep back/Lou
Vuitton belt where I’m keeping all the heat
T.I. What You Know
“When I chirp, shawty chirp back/ Louie nap
sack where I’m holding all the work at.
On the Yard
Page 4
February-March 2007
Question of the Month
What was your reaction to the Clemson “black party?”
Compiled by Darrah Weston
“When I heard about the event, I felt
it was very disrespectful because it
showed that African Americans will
never be looked at as being equal in
society’s eyes. They portrayed sides
of how they see African Americans,
but forgot to realize all races have
negative sides. I don’t think much
will be done about the situation because this has been going on since
African Americans got their freedom. Until African Americans can
come together as one we will always
be looked down on.”
Donald Ford
Freshman, Speech Pathology
“I was very appalled by the recent
racially focused party that took
place at Clemson University. Everyone seems to hold Clemson to such
high standards but as the past events
show they have very low morals.
Unfortunate as these events, are they
show us just how much whites disregard our black heritage. I feel that
as young, black, blessed college students, it is our responsibility to step
out and speak out against the ‘black
party’ at Clemson.”
“I was not surprised when I heard
about the Clemson “black party.”
I have always felt that these major
universities never really show the
support for the black student. Unless
we (black athletes) are dribbling a
basketball or throwing the ball, then
they don’t really care. This is not an
isolated incident; it’s just the first one
that has come to the attention of the
media. I am sure this has happened
on the campuses of some of the finest
colleges in America.”
“As they say, ‘Ignorance is bliss,’ so
from the footage that I saw about the
MLK party, I could see that bliss was
very present. Personally, I was offended by the black parties because
of the way they depicted the black
community; but mostly, how they
degraded a powerful and influential
icon in the black community. It probably was considered a joke to them to
‘demonstrate’ African American culture in such a way, but this was one
punch line that I just didn’t get.”
Olestrous Mayberry
Sophomore, Nursing
Jovan White
Junior, Professional English
Kashif McCasline
Senior, Computer Science
Staff Spotlight of the Month
By Dante Mozie
Managing Editor
Name: Howette Davis Cooper
Position: Student Life Director
Tell us about yourself.
I am a native of Georgetown, SC. I graduated from SCSU with a B.S. and M.A. I am
a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, and child of God. I enjoy
working with students and worshiping God. I am also an only
child and mother of two.
Do you have any hobbies or interests?
I love working with the Girl Scouts with Career Development
Projects. I enjoy reading novels and watching “Lifetime” movies
and Court TV. I love working with young people as well as with
the elderly.
Describe to someone not familiar to the school what the job of
Director of Student Life entails.
The Student Life Director is responsible for the daily operations
of the Student Life Office. The Director serves as advisor to the
Student Government Association, Student Union Board, Young
Democrats, Off- Campus Club, and SCSU Cheerleaders. The Director also directs and administers a comprehensive student life
development program encompassing the areas of student activities, leadership training, student center operations, Greek affairs,
religious affairs, and facilities usage management. The Director
directs and monitors the planning and implementation of co-curricular programs and activities for the social, cultural, intellectual,
recreational and spiritual development of students.
What would you say would be your most memorable moment
here at SC State University?
I was shocked and elated when I received SC State University
Employee of the year in 2005. I will always remember meeting
Senator Hillary Clinton. She spoke to the Young Democrats years
ago in Nance Hall Auditorium. She was campaigning for her husband’s first bid for the Presidency.
Give us five items that you would bring with you if you were on
a deserted island.
What are some of the future events that your are planning?
1) My bible 2) Forward Day by Day-Daily Readings 3) Food 4) Men’s Night Out, Women’s Night Out, Leadership Retreats,
Water 5) Clothing
Bulldogfest and Awakening Lectures.
February-March 2007
SC State one of Eight Teams to Make the Field
by SC State Sports Information
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - The Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference
(MEAC) announced March 16 its seedings for the 2007 MEAC Bowling Championship, to be held on March 23-25 at the AMF Military
Lanes in Norfolk, Va. Defending MEAC Champion Maryland Eastern
Shore (UMES) earned the first seed for the second straight year.
The Lady Hawks will vie for their second consecutive title and third
overall. UMES posted a 31-6 record in conference play and earned their
highest ranking in the school history this year with a fifth place position
in the National Tenpins Coaches Association (NTCA) poll. The Lady
Hawks are currently ranked sixth in the latest NTCA poll.
#14 Bethune-Cookman earned the second seed after finishing conference play with a 30-6 mark. As leaders of the southern region, the
Lady Wildcats were undefeated at 10-0 at the MEAC round-up. Bethune-Cookman will seek its first title since the 2005 season.
North Carolina A&T (24-12), winners of four MEAC bowling titles,
are the third seed. The Lady Aggies have finished among the top three
at four of their events this season. #15 Morgan State, runner-ups at last
year’s championship, earned the fourth seed. The Lady Bears earned a
22-15 conference record and have ranked as high as #14 in the NTCA
polls this season.
Delaware State will compete as the fifth seed. The Lady Hornets
competed in the semifinals of last year’s tournament before falling to
Morgan State. This season, the Lady Hornets were also ranked nationally with a #19 spot in a NTCA poll earlier this year.
South Carolina State (19-17), Hampton (15.5-21.5) and Florida
A&M (14-22) round out the championship bracket.
Only the top eight teams in the conference will go on to play in the
championship tournament. Teams are seeded one through eight and the
seedings are determined by overall conference records. Howard (1225), Norfolk State (8-28), and Coppin State (2-35) have been eliminated from tournament play by virtue of their conference records.
Page 13
Bulldogs in the Pro Football Hall of
Over the years, hundreds of
standout athletes have been
inducted into the Pro Football
Hall of Fame. Of those, three of
those legends played football
here at SC State.
Marion Motley
(Cleveland Browns) – inducted
in 1968 (became one of the
first African-American players
in Cleveland Browns and pro
football history)
David “Deacon” Jones
Harry Carson of Florence, South Carolina
(Los Angeles Rams) – inducted played his entire NFL career for the New York
in 1980 (considered one of the Giants.
greatest defensive players ever)
Harry Carson
(New York Giants) – inducted in 2006 (member of the 1986
Championship team that won Super Bowl XXI)
March Madness
Which team will win the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament?
#1 picked: Florida
#2 picked: North Carolina
#3 picked: A Cinderella
#4 picked: Ohio State
#5 picked: Duke
Based on a poll of 500 students from SC State University
Athlete Spotlight: Nicole Thurman
By Quentin Stewart
Sports Writer
Sport: Track and Field
Classification: Senior
Birthday: May 15, 1985
Hometown: Laurel, Maryland
Interests: Basketball and Shoe
Interesting Fact:
She is also a color commentator for the Lady Bulldogs
Basketball Team
“You always miss 100% of
the opportunities that you
don’t take.”
Page 2
February-March 2007
I’m glad it all worked out in the end. The Black Student Today
By Gina Litrell
I can’t believe you guys picked Peter Contributing Writer
& Lois as the best animated couple over The
Incredibles. Come on who can deny a couple
In a time where tragedy is among us and passion is lacking we need
who has super human powers...a wife who is to ask ourselves one question, would
super flexible and a husband who has super our ancestors be turning in their graves
strength! I love them! And who can forget
right now? The days of the Civil Rights
the most romantic part in the movie when
Movement and Brown vs. Board of
Mr. Incredible tells Mrs. Incredible that he
doesn’t want her to help him fight the bad Education are light years away compared
guys because he’s not strong enough to lose to the ignorance taking place in our
neighborhoods. Not enough minorities
her. Awww. Page 11
Now the couples on the back of this are taking advantage of higher education
paper just make me sick. Sick in a good way, and high school curriculums which has
though. Just to give you some dabs on some led us to be insufficient in competing in
by Sophia White
classified information. The Collegian’s staff this global economy. So where do we
had the hardest time choosing our cutest
place the blame?
couples winners. We narrowed it down to seven finalists who are on the
Could it possibly start at home?
Gina Litrell
Cutest Couples page, but then came the hard part; choosing just one. The
decision was so difficult that for the first time EVER I pulled myself out
child on a productive path.
of the vote, and watched the staff choose our cutest couple. Page 6
Or could it be the environment? Young impressionable minds see the
The students who responded to the Question of the Month raised
very valid points; however, I was concerned that none of the students ad- “so called” benefits in getting into the drug game and can’t see past the
dressed the issue of why the students portrayed us in this manner. Yes, yes, immediate benefits.
yes I know that what the Clemson students did was unacceptable but the
Or could it be the role models in the music industry? While some
sad part is…here’s a little secret….they believe that all black people are are talking about black consciousness, they are clearly outnumbered by
thugs and hood rats who drink 40’s and put great emphasis on grills, name
the rappers exploiting the distribution of poison and the importance of
brand clothes and fitted hats. Why? Probably because the majority of the
having the longest chain or the most expensive car.
black people they see whether on television or in person fit this descripAs a whole, this generation needs to wake up and recognize the benefits
tion. We need to focus on upholding our own image or other races will
continue to look down on us whether behind close doors or more boldly of going to school or learning an effective trade. People have fought
and died for these opportunities, so why aren’t we taking advantage of
at “black parties.” Page 4
Brain Teaser:
A group of ten people are being photographed. The photographer places them into ten different positions. He continues to shuffle them until he has taken pictures of the
ten persons in all possible groupings. How many pictures will he take?
Answer: 3 628 800 photos
Contact Us:
The Collegian
P O Box 8124, 300 College St. NE
South Carolina State University
Orangeburg, SC 29117
Email: thecollegian@scsu.edu
Sophia Diamond White
Managing Editor:
Dante Mozie
South Carolina State University President:
Dr. Andrew Hugine Jr.
Layout/Graphic Designer:
Dwayne Goodman
Interim Vice President
for Institutional Advancement:
Valerie Dinkins
Oluwaseun Gbemi
Director of University Relations and Marketing:
Erica S. Prioleau
Rolondo Davis
News Editor:
Abdalla Straker
Fashion Editor:
Denna Harrison
The Round Up Editor:
Adaeze Oputa
Chief Copy Editor:
Krystal Edwards
Copy Editor :
Michael Mills
Circulation Manager:
Darrah Weston
Sports Writer:
Quentin Stewart
Staff Writers:
Lou Ann Wilkes, Marjetta McBride,
Shakenna Stephens, Moses Bell,
Kersha George, Dionysus McNeil,
Faval Mondesir, Andrea Payne,
Melanie Cantey, William Champy
The offical student newspaper of South Carolina State University
The Collegian is a student-produced newspaper under the
direction of University Relations and Marketing at South
Carolina State University. The newspaper is distributed
free to all students, faculty and staff members at various
locations on campus. Editorial views and letters submitted
to the editor express the opinions of the respective writers
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of South
Carolina State University nor those of The Collegian staff
as a whole.
February-March 2007
The Round Up
Page 15
Advice Segment
Adaeze Oputa
The Round-Up Editor
“Nothing is more dangerous than ignorance
and conscientious stupidity. Ask questions.”
Contact The Advice Guru at
Q: I’m a 28 year old still in college. I’ve just
started getting serious with my education,
and have also found a job so I can make something out of myself. I
started dating a really nice young lady but I haven’t told her my age or
my financial status. Do you think I should tell her now or just try and
build myself up before I do?
-Frontin’ for lovin’
A: Dear there’s no age limit when it comes to being in college, but when
it is caused by your own negligence then there is a problem. I suggest
you tell her because if you don’t, you are lying by omission. Honesty is
the best policy in all situations. If she finds out on her own it might be
an issue. In order to prevent that you must tell her. And if she doesn’t
want to be with you, please drop her like a bad habit and find someone
that will love you for you.
Beyond Comprehension
A love like this is definitely hard to find.
We match in every way
From skin tone to zodiac sign.
And her style is divine.
The reason I get “that feeling”
Every time her name is mentioned
Is completely beyond my comprehension.
Her beautiful face plus curves
In the perfect place
All wrapped up in lace creates
An irresistible mixture that mirrors my taste.
The fact that I feel a large amount of
Tension any time her image
Enters my line of vision
Is more than beyond my comprehension.
Her personality is most definitely
My main factor of attraction.
So I must take action
And spark up this conversation for
Our combined satisfaction.
For this lady, I would put down
Superstition, fighting, cheating and fast livin.
But please don’t ask me why
Because it’s truly beyond comprehension.
~(positively enlighten, accelerate, change and enhance) our society~
Photograph Adaeze Oputa Models Constance Leak and Jarrell Lawson
We girls are very difficult to comprehend but we always
drop hints to let guys know that we are interested. The way we
bat our eyes, the sexy walk and let’s not forget the glossy lips.
Here are some more signs to watch out for.
She laughs at your stupid jokes. Women love when guys try to
make them laugh. Even when it’s not funny they still appreciate
the effort. If she is laughing it’s a sign that she is friendly and
easily approachable.
She is positive towards you and compliments you. Women love
to use their “bitch shield” in public, you know the whole “hard to
get” act. If you find one that’s really positive towards you then
that’s definitely a sign that she’s into you.
She touches you. It doesn’t matter where or how she touches
you: some sort of soft rub or caress. We ladies use touch to send
signals. It’s like trying to say I’m interested in sign language.
She beams a smile all the way from across the room. If you see
a girl smiling at you,
you should walk over and
speak to her. Basically the smile is an invitation to go over and
talk to her so don’t waste it.
She wraps her hair around her finger while looking at you. When
you see a lady playing with her hair and looking at you, she definitely wants you.
You can plainly see it in her eyes. Quite often women’s emotions
are clearly reflected on their faces and more so in their eyes. If
her face lights up when you walk into the room or she’s waiting
for you, if you’re late or standing at the door to say goodbye until
your tail lights disappear, you have that effect on her.