Commencement One Hundred and Forty-First Year 2004
Commencement One Hundred and Forty-First Year 2004
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La Salle University Board of Trustees, Presiding J. Edward Elgar 41 SSIONAL (Poiiipand Circumstance) Cathy-Jo Elizabedi Mackus Inwx vnov FRANCIS SCOTT KEY NATIONAL ANTHEM [NTRODl (HON A GRADl Joseph OF Sit DEN1 SPEAKER Brother Michael CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES PRESEN1 VTION OF LlNDBA( k M Richard R and Mary I I tor oj Psychology in UNDERGRADl Clinical Psychology Bachelor nomas A Keagy, Ph D Dean. School Master of Science Mastei in oj St ience in Bachelor oj Science and Science \iis ol Bachelor oj Nigra, PhD St /< //. in \II Nursing Nutrition < Zane Robinson Wolf. Ph.D., R.N.. Nursing oj Scient < in Speet A 111 - I RichardA. Nigra, PhJD CANDIDATES 01 Ph.D Undback Award is presented foi Distinguished Teaching) GRADl Ml Dot McGinniss, J \kd (The Christian PRESENTATION Cicala. William Frederick Wiegman SPEAKS VII. J 1 V.A.N Dean. School of Nursing h-Language Pathology \ \ \ Zane Robinson Wolf, Ph D.R.N.,1 Dean School Nursing ol Mastei of Business Administration I Dean, School Wash M Bruce - oj S( iem < Mastei oj s, iem < omputer Information in ( /// Information /< < ient Hm < Professional Communication Mastei of Arts in ( Mastei oj Arts /// ( \4astt oj \ns in ( 'Unit al Mastei oj \ns m I dut ation hi 'lor oj Si Bach hnology Leadership in Mastei Wiish i oj \n\ <i\ \i\s in \ \ «> < Keagy, Ph Dean School and Eastern European Studies i< U rhomas «<i \iis D and Scien linn at Psyt hology Associan i M.S..M.B Business ^ministration oi Bachelor of Social Work s< Mastei ofArts entral St Bruce, - Business Administration ol i ience in Business Administration Bachelor oj Gregorj Dean Sdloul M.B.A S ( ounseling /'u< hology rhomas in Arts \ Keagy, Ph Dean. School in Bilingual/Bit ultural ol D \Hs.iikI Sci Studies Theology and Ministry rhomas \ Keagy, Ph D Dean School "I \Ms ami Suence CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN Brother Michael COURSI J McGinniss REMARKS Brotho Michael i McGinniss Closing Prayer M\ MATI Kk i R essionai I Musicians Rumpel Voluntary I Crosstown Brass Quintei Vocalists Nicholc Marie Duban Patricia Jann. Maria ania Marie Prybcllai Eita i 1 mini the \ . ! I S William^ Matthews ALUMNI INDUCTION Al i i i - III. Esq . Vatiofial 1/itAem . The Star Spangled Banner Oh, say, By What can you sec. the dawn's early we so proudly At the twilight's Whose broad stripes light hailed last gleaming'.' and bright stars. Thro' the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched, Were so And gallantly streaming. the rockets' red glare. The bombs bursting in Gave proof through That our flag was Oh. say. air. the night still there. does that star-spangled Banner yet wave O'er the land of the And home the free of the brave? — Francis Scott Key (////a . . ffa/cr Glory La Salle Above Explorers valiant. Here under thine eyes. Thy blue and gold banners Unfurl 'neath the skies! Chorus: La Salle, La Salle, thy glory. Thy triumphs we Thy name Shall praise! song forever in we proudly raise! Thy sons and daughters standing Await thy command, Thou fortress of faith In our God and our land! Chorus: La Salle, La Salle, thy glory. Thy triumphs we Thy name Shall in we praise! song forever proudly raise! — Daniel J. Rodden c /(o//o/-ar// Qjeprees. Brother Armin Altamirano Doctor Humane of I.uistro. K.S.C Letters Presented bv Laura Kind McKenna. M.S.N Managing K N.P ( . Kind Family Foundation Trustee, Patricia Brother Armin Altamirano I.uistro entered the Institute ol the Brothers of the Christum Schools made Philippines, and ( vows his profession ol final in IMS* From April 1977 Brother Armin has recentlj been appointed President 1979 in Manila. Republic of the Burma of the Sub-District of Myanmar (former!) La Salle University, Manila, one ol IX- m March of 2004, Brother Armin served as Visitor until Provincial tot the Brothers' District oi the Philippines as well as Titular Visitor ol his i. country's preeminent institutions of higher education During his service as Provincial, Brother Armin oversaw the stead> growth of La Sallian education now nearlv missionars presence in Armin Brothei Armin is is also noted lor his acti\ Hies in Asia region, exemplified b) their the IVilic-Soulheast Indonesia, where Brother founding Co-chairol the l)e La where there arc- la> and has also helped lead the expansion of the Brothers' He religious, are involved with the Brothers in these educational institutions in the Philippines, Approximately, 6.700 La Sallian Partners, both 50 schools associated with the Brothers, educating 100.000 students Salle Catholic I Myanmar, Papua New Guinea and inversus ot thai direct!) serve the pooi work creating sustainable education ministries in northern Manado m the Philippines. focusing especially on the needs ol at-risk street children. Brothei \rmin earned his Bachelor's degree Values Education in the Lniveisitv ol Si 2003, both awarded b> La Salle, in Bacolod in PhilosOph) and Letters De La Salle l Diversity, 1981 and his Master's degree in Manila He m Religious current!) working towards is .. [ ducalion and Doctorate in Education at City, the Philippines Petei Dot tot ol Human, I , a, n Presented by Nicholas \ Giordano B s PA ( Financial Service Consultant, Forme* Interim President, Petei rerpeluk, Prioi to this is Ji the Ambassadoi ol the nited States to the i appointment, he had established | ins public Begi the ..t i service careei as Acting Deput) Ad strator, > Immediatel) ling ini I ["own Managei in a s.iiic in I 1970 majoring in Pubti< Policy, and went on to I nited I secutive Director of the Greatei Philadelphia in Ambassadoi rerpeluk had and eventuall) |oining the American onun i"i • International Pollc ear < ontinental Economic Development Corporation wh« out region built a successful care* Group in rerpelul Kingdom, Russia and China and rose Washingta he also served on the Board "i Directon ol the Pennsylvania Avenue Developrnenl as counsel i" the niversity position he has held since based in Washington D.< prioi to his diplomatic posting tn in I two southeastern Pennsylvania townships, Ambassadoi iniiuni and business leaden to spui economic growth own l*t Sallt uxembourg, I 1975 S Small Business Administration, where he led trade missions to the Subsequent!) he became pc ,i niversit) in I ol record ol success, spanning more than K) years, as a business leada and publk servant a tanbassadoi rerpeluk received his Bachelor's degree from degree in Public Administration from Ridei Grand Duchj v Ambassadoi rerpeluk and his wife Diane have two children adaughtei Meredith aadai c ommisaia to the position DOCTOR OF PSYCHOLOGY IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY Cherie Lynn Bell B.A., Trenton State College, 1987, M..\.. NK Boll completed her Psychology La Salic University. 1997. Marriage ami Family Therapy clinical internship at foundations Behavioral Health. Her doctoral dissertation is "The Contribution of Peer entitled Rejection and Narcissism to the Psychological Internali/ation Process of the Classroom Avenger." and was chaired by Dr. Arianna Shahint'ar. Dr. Bell plans to continue working with children and adolescents as well as conducting seminars and providing consultation on school \iolence to school administrators, law enforcement, and the community. Claire R. B.S.. University DeLabar of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, 1982, Economies M.A.. La Salle University, 1996. Hainan Services Psvcholog\ \K. DeLabar completed her clinical internship at Washington Assessment and Therapy Services. Inc.. in Washington. DC. Dr. DeLabar pros ides therapy and psychological assessments for children, adolescents, and adults; provides clinical supervision for externs. and coordinating psychological sen ices for a transitional housing program for Behavior as to Altruistic a Moderator of the Impact of Exposure to women and Her doctoral children. dissertation Violence on Social Information Processing is entitled Among "Exposure Incarcerated Adolescents." and was chaired by Dr. Arianna Shahinfar. Kim M. Dempsey B.S.. Maiywood University. 1985, Psychology M.S.. Drexel University 1989, Neuropsychology Ms. Dempsey is currently completing her clinical internship Admission Council LSAT Scores: as the Manager of Accommodated at Princeton University's Counseling Center. She Testing. Her doctoral dissertation Does Time Really Matter? The Efficacy of Making Decisions on a is entitled is employed at the Law School "The Impact of Additional Time on Case-By -Case Basis." and was chaired by Dr. Sharon Denise Martello Maida B.S.. Fairfield University. 1988, Finance M.A.. Chestnut Hill College. 1992. Education M.A.. La Salle University. 2000. Psychological Counseling Ms. Maida classes Sen in ices. is completing the Psychology Her doctoral a post-doctoral fellow ship at the Department dissertation is at La La Salle Center for Psychological Services. In addition, she has taught undergraduate Salle University. Dr. entitled Maida completed her clinical internship at La Salle Center for Psychological "The Classification of Muscle Dysmorplna." and was chaired by Dr. Sharon Armstrong. DOCTOR OF PSYCHOLOGY CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY IN Cori K. H in employed her clinical mtern>hip at La Sulk- bj 1 McFadden University, 1997. Psychology Salic University 2001, Psychological Counseling MA., La Ms. McFadden La Salle \ niversity as an adjunct professor in the La Salle University Community (enter Undergraduate Psychology Department. She completed Counseling and Psychological Services Her doctoral dissertation lor Clinical Psychologists' Preparation to Provide Psychotherapeutic Treatment lor Lesbian. Gay, Bisexual. Transgender entitled . is and Questioning and was chaired b) Dr Ellen Halpern. Clients.' /.ilia li U Ms Moore \ \rizona School of Professional Psychology, 1999. Pi \ \H Avenue Centei Rational [-.motive Bchavioi Therapy ill foi Counseling and Psychotherapy for Psychological Services Communit) Center l Moor . has completed lour extemship placements, including the La Salle traminy program La Salle I of North Florida, 1997, Psychology niversity ( the Arizona Thunder professional soccer team, and several niveisits recipient ol and \ New York in and the MIL l niversit) Cit> Institute for Communit) Center tor Psychological S< sport organizations In addition, she has completed an advanced She is clinical internship at the Fifth She completed her the Albert Ellis Institute at current!) a postdoctoral fellow Behavioi iTierapy in New York City the at Di La Salle I inversus Moore was also the first the Pennsylvania Psychological Foundation's Education Vward (2002), and has presented numerous professional papers at national psychology conferences and conventions Hei doctoral dissertation ol (Continued) entitled "low aid the Development Structured Qualitative Stud) ol Performance Enhancement Interventions." and A an Evidence Based Practice ol Sport Psychology is was chaired by Di Frank Gardnei n I H \l \li lie Picariello is is tin urn l employed by a Salle I I was al His most recent extemship the I a Salle I t niversity, 1992. niversity, I Psychology 199 an adjunct professor in both the niversity as completing his clinical internship v Lehigh \ La SaiU I Viiihonv PIcarieBo the al I a Salle I niversity I tments ndergraduate and Gradiu Community t entei fori ounseling and I'sv. niversity \thletic performance enhancement treatment, and baseline cognitive assessmeni fa high nsk student athletes His dissertation a Football Player's Style ol Attention, Perceptions aboul Pain, and Response to Pain and Injury." and was \ < />• \l Mi Simond it \ \ //. i Fam Return dl leiti to Phi) < Burcfa Slmondi ' stitute beginning a poatdoctoi I the Hospital ol the doctoral i.i Wt ofPenn ^Ivaniaim ai in h i niversity ol lli i riteria in < d oik I H Pennsylvania > loprm nlol in i recurrent traumatic brain v wi Qui • I Departmeni where he conducted coach consultation, individual tn tii inj of Health an DOCTOR OF PSYCHOLOGY CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY IN Andrew B.A., \1 \ . Elizabethtown College, 1997, Psychology La Salle I I HIV 2003, Psychological Counseling 'niversity, Mr. Wolanin iscurrentlv completing his clinical internship in (Continued) Wolanin T. a( Woodhull Medical Center in Brooklyn, N.Y. He has worked involving treatment, mobile crisis intervention, inpatient psychiatric care and individual psychological treatment. a Salle niversitv as an adjunct professor, spoil I His dissertation is entitied " \ Mindfulness. rotations He has worked for psychology consultant, and assistant director of the community psychological center. Acceptance and Commitment Rased Performance Knhancenient Studv." and was chaired bv Dr. frank Gardner and presented the annual conference o\ the at in Division 1 Athletes \ Pilol American Psv etiological Association. He is also the recipient of the Psy.D. Program's annual practitioner-scholar award for outstanding achievement in the course o\ his graduate Upon training. graduation, he will continue to work in the fields of clinical and sport psychology. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Karen Denise Alston. B.S.N. La Salic University IWS. Nursing . Ann Graham Shama Bloomshurg Barth. B.S.N.. University. IWS. Nursing Lata Basu, B.S.N., Temple University, 1995, Nursing Karen Diane Beatty, B V V. Gwynedd-Mercy College, 1998, Nursing Lindsaj Elizabeth Block, B.S.N., La Salle University, 2000, Nursing Jacahn Anne Brace. Thomas U.S.. Jefferson University. 2001. Nursing Lauren Carol Bruce, B.S.N., University of Delaware, 1989, Nursing Leslie Faye Bunch. B.S \ Marvanne Regina Debra Cattolico, . West Chester University, 1997, Nursing Burnett. B.S.. Thomas Jefferson University. Pennsylvania State University, B.S., I IW5. Nursing WO. Nursing Andrea Golfer. B.S.N. Gwynedd-Mercy College. 2001. Nursing V Grow Lore West Chester University, 1997, Nursing lev. B.S.N., Barbara Maria DeZayas, B.S., I'aee University 1991, Nursing Bernadette Bonita Diccion, B.S.N., La Salle University. IW7. Nursing Corrin Ann Dickerson. Karen Madelynne U.S.. Thomas Jefferson University IW6. Nursing Dolfi, B.S., Wilkes University 1996, Selma Pura Doncevic. B.S.N.. Nursing Mlentown College of Saint Francis dc Sales. 1W6. Nursing \aivn Rebecca Drinkwater, IIS.. Pennsylvania State University, 1998, Nursing Tammy Louise Engle, B.S.N. Kutztown University 2000. Nursing Victoria Scheffej Frain, B.S.N., Michelle April Gaston. Jennifer I Gold. B . Mariatheresa Hope, Gwynedd-Mercy U.S.. York College. 1999, Marco Anthonv Gidaro. B.S., West Chester S. V., I niversity 1994, Nursing Philadelphia University 2001. Psychology B.S., William Louis Hopkins. College, 1999, Nursing Nursing Holy Family College. IW4. Nursing B.S.. Temple University. IV74. Education Lisa Ballard Jones. B.S.. Bloomfield College. 1990, Biology niversity of New Jersey - Rutgers. 1995, Nursing Barbara Christine Lad/inski. B.S.. Gm. Dominican College of Blauvett, i \l I ederhilger, 5 S V., The State ( WW. Nursing Michelle C. McCarron, B.S.N., La Salle University 1999, Nursing Elizabeth Diane McNeeley, B.S.N., University oj Toledo, 1994, Nursing Jennifer Anne Millard. B.S.. Drcxcl University, 1997, Nursing Gabrielle L. Montalvo. B.S.N. University of Pennsylvania. Millicenl Morris-McMullen, B.S.. Allegheny Michael V Diane Parkin. B.S.N., I Papp, 6.5.. Thomas L 1W~. Nursing niversity of the Health Sciences, 1997, Nursing Jefferson University. 1999, Nursing Gwynedd-Mercy College. 1997, Nursing MASTER OI SCIENCE Maureen Theresa Quiglcs. B US V Susan Ann Rodgers, Andrea Satin Schapire, H A Beth Shell). B La Deborah Ann Spinelh. Ann Mall M Maureen M II Thomas, Connie Lynn Van Joseph US V Y B.S., apparell. B.S ( Nursing niversity, 1996. I Nursing University, 1998, Nursing \STKK OF SCIENCE Bloomsburg . Psychology Nursing College, 2000, Nursing Richard Stockton College Bloomsburg B.S., niversity, 1995. niversity. 2001, Wlanova \I A Conway, I Wlanova Wisienski, B.S., Nursing niversity. 1995. I I Excelsior College, 2001, Nursing Salic Rebecca Erin Bodner, Kellj I SPEECH-L IN \N(,l PATHOLOGY \(,1 \J 1998, Speet h-Languat <>t University, 1989, Speech-Languagt -Hearing Pathology Speech Pathology and Audiology, niversity, 1991, M I a Cabrini College, 199". Education Lisa Mane Conway, H Maria Kutzown s /,/ de Sousa Seno, H < V<<< h-Languagt Pathology University, 1989, Ed., Insituto Mat ional Superioi del Profi \ w </</</.> < // Educat u<n Espet 1985, Spcc( h-lMiiituiiue Ptiiholtif!) Joanne Dulnuan, I Geiss, B Mane li s Lao I Mane Small Smith H s mple l< \ niversity, 2002, ( Temph \ /( University, lunph \ \ ( ( iaida < , h Pathology Wen/ Vanessa Vlina Washing and iudiology Pathology 'ommunication 1990 S< I .. N Communication \thology ( Pennsylvania Stau University, 1991. Communication Dis< ity.2001 Communicative li \ iudiology S Temple University. 2002 Louise Wall Ann \/>, 2002 > University. 2002, Richard Stockton us .ii 1974 ;< East Stroudsburg University, 1992 Mary Catharine Waltei B Mlis. olU Richard Stockun S (Catherine Veronica Souuf Joel) ( 1999. Communicative Disorders Communication Sciences Temple University, 2001, Communication Sciences \ Dolores A. O'Hara.fl.5 lleaihei Imira Pathology Bloomsburg University 2002 Speech Patholoi Rebecca Mulutzie. B.S I s 2000. Communication Sciences University. 2002, East Strvudsburg University B Somerlee Doto Monaghan, H Michelle Murtha, H University lim\>l< lis Mazzei, kian College "t VJ, 2001 WestChestei University of PA I /<"//>/< \ Davis Hendrickson, Anne Marie Manno Melissa B BA Laura \nn Gilmore. \ irginia Ha haul Sim li S Sara McNichol Gedge. Dana Marie » Nursing Salle University, 2000, Gwynedd-Mercy US 1m . B.S., Helen R, La B.S.N., l-.tten. II S Widner Shippensburg \ Ryan Woodside, Seoii (Continued 2000, Vursing niversity, ( NURSING IN Nursing niversity, 2003, I Salle University, 1999. V. La Salic S Steeger, B.S.N., Barbara Ward. Im Salle V. Hoi) Family College. 1996, Nursing Jacqueline Christine Smith, Jo S.X.. \4araut u< University Wood 8.5 / 1996 Communications Dh ic MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Amreeta Agaskar. Akahan, Fitnat Temple University. B.A.. Marmara B.S., Film ami Media Arts 201)1. University, Turkey. 1999, Textiles Karen Denise \lston, B.S.N., La Salle University, 1998, Nursing Eileen Amoroso. P. Rider U.S.. Eugene Andruczyk, 'niversity. I Temple />'..S.. Kora> Ala. /W7, Accounting 'niversity, I Kathleen Marie Appleton. B.A.. La Salle L 1971, Pharmacy. DO.. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. 1975 Elementary/Special Education niversity. 1992, Technical University. Istanbul. Turkey. 2000, Architecture U.S.. Yildi: Matthew Allen Babel. B.B.A., Hofstra University, 1991, Finance Marcus Ballhausen, Rhodes University, South Africa. 1991, Psychology/German, Diploma. 8.-4., Us Roches. Switzerland, 1995, Hotel Management HA. Susquehanna Richard Allen Benton. Lome Lynn Berg-Henne. Christopher Thomas Bode. Gorkem University. 1994. Political Science Albright College. 1999. Business/Spanish U.S.. Rutgers University. College of Engineering. 1983. Industrial Engineering B.S.. Bolaca, B.S., Dokuz Eylul University, Kocaeli, Turkey. 20(H). Economics Sandra Victoria Bosch, University oj B.S., Illinois. 1991, Finance Svetlana Zotova Boyd, B.B.A.. Temple University. 2003. Marketing Brandy Yvette Brooks. B.S.B.A., University of Colorado, 1999, Marketing Thomas Da\ id Brow n. B.S., University of The Sciences - Philadelphia. 1989, Pharmacy Came. Vieki B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1970. Political Science SaffetCakir, B.S., Yildi: Technical University. Istanbul. Turkey. 2001. Electrical Engineering Mania Christine Calahan. B.A.. La Salle University. 2001. Sociology Christopher Joseph Cappelletti. B.S.B.A.. LaSalle University. 2002. Management Mareelo M. Casadei, B.S.B.A.. LaSalle University. 1996. Marketing Dino Robert Casagrande. Elizabethtown College. 1985, Computer Science. M.S.. LaSalle University. 2001. fi.5.. Computer Information Science Lori Nannette Charles. B.S.. San Diego State University. 1994. Mechanical Engineering James F. Cheeehio III. Theology. J. B.A., 'niversity I CD.. ofScranlon. 1988, Philosophy S.T.B.. Pontifical University of Sain! Thomas Aquinas. Thomas Aquinas. Pontifical University of Saint Jing Chen. B.A., Huazjhong University of Science and Technology Italy. 1998. (P.R.C.), 2002. Public Italy, Canon Law EinunceHubci. P.R.C. Jack Chia-Kong Chu, B.S., College of New Jersey 1989, Mechanical Engineering Balkan Cigsar. Technical University. Turkey 2001. Mechanical Engineering B.S., Yildi: Nathan Sukorlormu Cooper. B.B.A.. University Monrovia. Liberia. 1994. B.S.. Kelli A. Cortese. B.S.. Widener Audrey Anne Cosgrove, Susan Haney Coull. I Jr.. P. Cummings. Cummings. Denise C/ar/asty. B.S.B.A.. La Salle Paul Vineent Ann Dempsey, Management of Technology. 1993. Engineering Physics Syracuse University. 1985, Economics Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. 1989, Pharmacy B.A., Temple University. 1992. Accounting B.A.. Virginia Polytechnic Institute Christopher Daugherty. Beth Institute Joseph's University. 1995. Marketing B.S., D'Adamo. Carolyn Anne Dalton. University. 1998, B.B.A.. Temple University. I9S2. Marketing B.A., B.S.. St. Nicholas A. Dabruzzo, Political Science/History Holy Family College. 1992. Accounting B.A., Douglas Edward Cridland. B.Eng.. Stevens Thomas Accounting University. 2000. Political Science Lycoming College. 1998, B.A.. Charles Edward Crabtree. Sylvia Marlene College. 2003. Business Administration niversity. 1992. La Salle B.A.. Matthew Paul Cosgrove, Monrovia. Liberia. 1987, Accounting. L.L.B.. University oj Liberia. oj Liberia. Law Gwvnedd-Mcrcv Robin Steven Cooper. B.S.. B.S.B.A.. and State University. 1997. International Studies/German Pennsylvania State University 1996. Chemical Engineering La Salle University. 1995. Accounting Christopher D. DePalma, B.S.B.A., La Salle University 1999. Finance G. lied DiBona III. A.Tina DiSandro. (iina Mane B.S. Vlllanova University. 2002, U.S.. Robert John Donson. Marketing Temple University. 2000. Risk Management/Insurance Doekiewie/. B.S.. York B.S.. College of Pennsylvania, 2002. Marketing Pennsylvania Slate University. 1997. Finance Margaret Mary Dougherty. B.S.N.. Gwyncdd-Mercv College. 1993. Nursing Etienne H.T Drummond. Robert James Dugan l-alma Esra Dumlu. Tamida Edwards, B.S.. B.S.. II. The Pennsylvania State University. 2002. lmlividiiali:ed Business Option East Slroudsburg University. B.S.. Bilkent University. B.S., I niversit) 2000. 1 989. Hospitality Management Management of California, Los Angeles. 2000, Psychobiology 1991, MASTER OI Robert John Emrich, Jr. MonikaV Jennifer \I ION (Continued) Accounting Favinger, B.S.B.A., Kutz/own University, 1996, Business Administration H BA., Ferrari, ( Dean Harr\ Forman, Juhc Ann Frank, Michelle I niversity, 1990, I BA., Temple University, 2000, Criminal Justice Fairfax, I. Rosalie SINESS \l)MIMs R Bl Pennsylvania State B.S., Bloomsburg m I Pennsylvania Sunt H Fionnuala Patricia Gallagher, Maria Fernanda Galvez, H H Margaret RaycaGanter, HSU s mting University, 2<x)l. Mar) Elizabeth Gabriel. BA., Temple Am) Lynn Gallagher, AS., KelliAnn Gallagher, H ment ! College, 1999, Business Administration Gwynedd-Mercy Funt, B.S., P. niversity oj Pennsylvania, 196 I Rider College, /VW. Management/Organizational Development B.S., B.S., H s La \ Accounting 1995 niversity, I Salle Marketing niversity, 1999, I Marketing La Salle University, 1999, Accounting \ Colh B.A., Jt ffierson International \ Ixi Salle , I e< Guayaquil, . /.« uadm. 2tx>l. Marketing Management niversity, 1993, Matthew S Garrison, BA., Elizobethtown College, 1994, Communications M Brian H Gaudiosi Holy Family College, 199 \ Dana Michelle Gaumond, 8 Gavala B Eric Michael B Alice Cahill Gens. Rutgers University, 1990, English \ Johnnie Joseph Gentzler. H Melissa Geroni, B.S \ Rowan S \ III. H Howard F Gilson. Jr.,8 \ XiaoyanGuo, H K Haugh, Heaven, 8.5 Heinzmann Jason Yardley lisc I University, 1982 Hulman m LaSalh \ *> S.B I />' lunikiewica N < />' Ozgur Karakui 8.5 Russell Gail M • i .ii - Klohc 8 Kissel />• 5 ieoffre) Rit haul Kristin* \ K /< University niversity oj M/f/Ju t S I 8 *> "> l nivt 1998 Finana 2001 \ccounting 1992, lmk,\ < d/(/ Univi Franklin /< Stat* " I and Marsh P Pern flvania S istration I \ccounting 1999 University of Pennsy Koonu i/ v...'. mVera'ri University fl David Michael K.hIi ( I Drexel University, 1980 I Ohio and Business Administration Sa//< Eylul University \ \l s. 1990, History loseph's University ST/ /•' hemistry, ( 1981 ollegt Bishop Cotton Women's Christiai •"» S * 8.5 Keiset ynn Kilcheski I /.. I • ( I /.. s„.v, I /'.'».-i Karametc 8.8 rhomasR Cheryl iccounting oj Mit higan, 1971, rsinus I La I w; />' lovilyn Susan Jose Beth ran nivt t /." lohnston B.S.B LisaSavo) lones Marketing 2000 Management Information Systems University o 8 Engineering niversity, 1991, M lackson I I 8< \ />' Sallt Michael David Imperato. 8.5 Andrew 1983 Recreation Therapy TempL University 1992 \ B.S.B Hill. \ll> ////i.- niwrsuy, 1997, Industri l Tempi* University La I />' Melissa \nn Ignalowski, lames U.//A, niversity, 2002, I University of Delaware. 1991 Pennsylmnia Stan I /<»!/'/< />' Rosaura Hernandez 8 Sonia D nglish I West Chester University, 1998, iccounting 8.5 Heenan, B.S.B J hilmm S 2001, niversity, I mntUtg Michael Paul Hartzell 8 Miieil Marketing Haul. Deborah Thorn Haugh, 8.5 Paul \ 1997 V« University niversity, 2001, I East China Vormal . H John Rutgers N fl \ BA Julia e ounting Finance ' ' S MicheUe Regina Harhigh Mane i Drexel University, l998,Graphii Alexis Christine Hamblet, Jenna mam \. Valley College, 1999, Biology Thomas Jefferson Greene, 8 Joanna Marie Guest, B.S David Guillebeau I 1998 olli e< ( \ Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1984. Computet J3.5 Elizabeth Glass-Jolly, B.S.S riffanj nivt rsity, 1997, Delaware s Mario Andrew Giovannini, LaShonda I Delaware ValU . Theodore Gilbert Business Bush allege, 1994, ( Pennsylvania State University, 1999. Accounting S I \dministration Hi<\in< w Xdministration MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION James Kopcmiek. L. Geraldine Krausc. B.A.. East Stroudsbiirg Jr.. I 1992. Economics U.S.. East Stroudsbiirg 'niversity. I 'nivcrsiix, 1992. Management Pennsylvania Suite University. 1993. Management U.S.. Matthew kristotor. (Continued) Joseph's University. 2001. Finance/Economics U.S.. St. Robert M. Kueny,B.A., College of New Jersey, 1981, Biology Thomas Kristen Ku/el. U.S.. J I Elaine Lee. B.A., Joanna T. Leon. I Chemical Engineering niversity of Illinois. /'AW. t B akarosky, William Everett Lane. West Virginia S., I inversus. 2000, Management Information Systems Kutztown University, 1997. Business Management M.S.. inversus of Pennsylvania, 2001. Social Science Kutztown University. 1997, Psychology, M.A.. La Salle University. 2001. Clinical-Counseling Psychology 8.5., \manda Convej Leonardo. B.S., 'inversus of Scrunton, 1997. Health Administration I Andcll Maryana Lewis. B.A.. Ursinus College. 2002. Economics and Business Administration Jing Li. B.S.. Longni Zhengrhou niversity. 1999. I Economic Information Management M ( ompiiter Application Central University of Finance and Economics. 199S. Accounting Li. B.A.. Sitong Liu. B.S.B.A.. La Salle Hsperan/a Lope/. B.B.A.. Finance niversity. 2002. I 'niversidud E.Mcrnudo de Colombia. 1995, Business Administration I Stephen Lance Mann. B.A., La Salle University. Miehele Rene Mareinko. I99r>. French/Russian Drexel University, 1995, Finance/Accounting B.S., Paul E. Marconi, B.S.. Rider University. 1999. Accounting Michael H. Marcus, B.A., Temple University, 1988, Mechanical Engineering Colleen Anne McAuliffe, B.S., Marywood I 1979. Dietetics. M.S.. 'niversity. Long Island Montclair State University 1986, Health Education. M.P.H., University Seott Robert McClintock, B.S.M.E.. University Tony McCourt. B.S.. University Michael Patrick McFadden, Robert Joseph Danielle Davis University. 1982, Medical Biology, M.A.. North Carolina. 1988, Nutrition. Ph.D.. of Delaware, 1989, Mechanical Engineering Queen's University. Northern Ireland. 1997. Economics B.S.C.. Christopher McD\er. of and Nutrition University of North Carolina. 1994. Foods of Scranton, 2001. Computer Science University of Pennsylvania, 1992. Electrical Engineering B.S., McHugh, B.S.B.A., La Salle University 1989, Accounting McKenna, B.S.. Pennsylvania State University. 1997. Biology Kevin John McTish, B.S.. Pennsylvania State University. 1992. Accounting Timothy M. Meekins, B.S.B.A., La Salle University 1999. Management Information Systems Michael Norfolk State University. 1994. Mass Communications L. Miles. B.S., Deanna Elayne Monroe. Hatee/a M. Naba. La Salle B.S.B.A., University. 1999. Marketing of Pittsburgh, 1999. Health/Dietetics B.S., University Paul Martial Nantah. B.S.. University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. 2002. Pharmaceutical Marketing La Salle Jennifer Neas, B.S.B.A., Alison J. Simmons Net/er. B.S.. Christopher G. Nichols. B.A.. niversity of Massachusetts i Jeanne Renee Noe. B.S.B.A.. La Salle L 'niversity. 1999. - Simmons College. 1995. Education Amherst. 19S9. Communication Studies Management Information Systems Denise M. O'Donnell. B.S.B.A.. La Salle University 199S. Accounting Iyabode Olaitan Olaleye. B.A.. Temple University. 2000. Biology/Economics Patricia A. Patrick T Olkowski. B.S.B.A.. La Salle University. 1999. Marketing/Management Information Systems O'Neil. B.S.B.A.. La Salle University. 2002. Management Evren Orhan. B.A.. ISIK University. 2002. Business Administration Robert Anthony Osinski. B.S.B.A.. La Salle College. 1983. Accounting/Finance Aytac Ozyazgan. B.S.. Istanbul Eduardo Palacio. B.A.. Technical University. 2000. Management Engineering Temple University 2001. Criminal Justice Jonathan Alan Palumbo. B.A.. La Salle Shamik B. Pandit. B.S., Gujarat i'niversity. 2001. Communication niversity. India. 1980, I Microbiology Vincent Passarella. B.A., Thomas Edison State College. 2000. Accounting Rena Sunil Patel. B.A.. Temple University. 1999. Finance Joanne Marie Pawluczyk. Michael D. Probst. B.S.. B.S.. Villanova University. 1993. Kathy Roberts Pruner. Biology Canisius College. 19S9. Finance Joseph Michael Prosperi, B.S.B.A B.S.. . La Salle University. 1994. Finance Pennsylvania Stale University. 1976. Clothing Scott Robert Purdx. B.S., Kutztown University. 1989, Education Dennis C. Quinn. Jr.. B.S.. & Management inversus. 1988, Finance I College. 1993. Spanish Literature. M.S.. Widener I'niversity. 1994. Akilah Rahmaan-Bixler. B.A.. Purdue I niversity. Finance Mas 2002. English & Textiles/Business MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Tanyela Nicole Randolph. Peter Rapp. J. B.S., Philadelphia College B.S., Toniann Ra//i. La B.A.. Salle M University, & Florida A Textiles <>t (Continued) 1997. Health Care Administration and Scum 1980, Textile es, Management I niversity, 2000, Biology I Michael Anthorn Restitute, B.A., Temple University, 1994 Finance/Marketing B William Paul Risku. Drexel University, 1984, Electrical Engineering S Stephen Michael Robertv Brett H I.m Robison. I. Brian Patrick Romano. Bucknel I m mmmental Studies al r.iii;ineerint; William John Roth IV. li fl Temple University, 1982, Accounting \ East Stroudsburg University. 2000, Economics. B.S \ I Management Business Rocks Ralph Russo. Delaware B.S., Sadlowski, BA., hi Salle J BA, Pennsylvania State University 1992. Mechanical Engine* William John Rossiter, H John Salle University, 2000, Marketing Bucknell University, 1999. Chemical Engineering, B.S., John-Paul Romano. B.S Binmedu Indiana State University, 1977. Marketing B.S., BA, Im S Valley College, 2txx). Biology Economk niversity, 1999, I s Zaltiyyah Rahil Salahudin, BA., Chestnut Hill College, 1999, Business/Accounting David Schalleur. J. V3.S.J3 SB John M. Schulden, B M Brian B SB Scotto, Kunal s hi . Serelli. B.S \, , ountina II /W. Business Administration College of Commerce. Gujarat University. India \ Management 2003, Kayma niversity, /'>•>:. L Istanbul University, Istanbul Turkey, . B.Conu, Sahajanand College, Imha. 1999, \cci>untun;/Auditmi> Shall. B Shaipe. I) Salle Elizabethtown College, 1995. Communications Kunal Sharad Shah, B.Com Renee Accounting University, 1999. La Salle University, 1997. Marketing \ \ BA, Tiffanj Davis Seltzer, Hasan Maliltoglu La Salle \ hi Salle University, 199'. Psychology \ B Florence Sherman-Knuckles, Kn\tma Mane Smeni. B Huh \ Eastern Michigan s Family I muni: i88,( Biology niversity, 2<*>l I M Laura Jeane Smith, B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1992. Marketing Lisa BA Renee Sneed, Daniel homas Sonnehitei. I Deborah Ann Shippensburg . Michael John Steigerwald, B Nina Stelmakh, B.S Yvonne Maria Gregorj \ Most Stiaiton Sulat, />' Ira lemkm. B Diomson, Daghanl s Kevin Yi-Chih Ibnj D John Jill 1 1 Valley <•//< ( l> Barbara rreude /( I La I Sallt />, , i\i,,n s. !>• /,./. ;., (1 , / ^ , ,momU 1984, Biology > Lausanm . i s //. I nivei I niversity 200 Psycho lennj I ma Velasquez S Catharina Petronella van Michael Vesta ( /•' S Dimilai Georgia Vto Kristin Kelly Vitanza La Salh B.S >i <so Leningrad S M.S UNWl uropean ill Studlt B.S />' Si 5 uloni Trenton S\ \ i VualiaN Donald Wannei [nalisten Hampsl ' I rsity I niv* rsit I nlvt rsity q) \... i< > /' \ DUk ( Svetlans Vlshnevskays a 5 \ \dmii 1999, Financi >sv K University, Turkt inpns, Lehigh S />' l ollegt < Ecoh Hdtelien s />' li 5 ^- Russia < - Bryn Mawi onomisu rreichla II i Doku Eylul s />' Politico \cademy, Moscow Ftnana Rutgers University s 1995, Psyt huluas Valley College, 1987, Busint Bloomsburg University, 1984 V. Bid, s /( 'niversity, of Pittsburgh 1997, Delaware Delawan S Lee Sullivan B.S Mic hael Jill . s/,i/, ,.i, /< s Jennifer Naomi s I niversity I \ d & \ccounting Canisius College, 1977, Marketing B.S., BA Spinelli, Wilham nmoth) Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1988 B.S., I of Pittsburgh, 1987, Publh Kdministi niversity I . David Alan Snodgrass, /* So/A Ui 1992 Structural LinguL * '! S EUROMEDM MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Mark \nJiv\\ Warner, B.S.B.A., Kenneth John Warshaw, Scan Christian Welsh. Dianne B.S., Ryan Woodside, Bruce E. Wunderley, London, England, 1981, Marketing oj Joseph's University. 1996. Management Holy Family College. 1996. Marketing/Management Robert Scott Williamson. Scott American College IIS.. St. E. West. B.A., (Continued) La Salle University, 1990, Accounting/Finance II .8. \.. Jr.. Pennsylvania Stale H.S.. B.S.. ( 'niversity. 1981. Agronomy Villanova Univerisity, 1998, Nursing Pennsylvania Stale /W", Business Logistic 'niversity. I Russell CyniS Young, B.A.. Colin College. 1999, History/Art History Ann Owvncdd-Mcriy Jean Yurigan, B.S.. College. 1999, Accounting Johanna RoseYurkow, B.S.N., Rutgers University, 1983, Nursing, M.S.X.. University of Pennsylvania, 1988, A Yuqiong Zang, B.A.. La Salle I 'inversus. 2001. Computer Science Mark Robert Zender, B.S.B.A., Xavier University, 1988, Finance John C. Zuk. B.S.B.A.. La Salle University, /W6. Management MASTER OF SCIENCE Ethan Edward Abbott. Brent Alan Baker, B.S., Jonathan Bo\d. T. B.S.. James William Coccia, Michael Saul Gale. IN COMPUTER INFORMATION SCIENCE Eastern State University, 1998, Biology B.S.. Rowan University, 1998, Computer Science Rochester Institute of Technology. 1993. Biotechnology B.B.A., Temple University, 1988, B.S.. Computer Information Science Philadelphia University. 1993. Computer Sciences Joanne C. Jackson. B.B.A.. Temple University. 1987, Accounting Rowan Jennifer Leigh Latwinas, B.A.. Wei University. 1999, Mathematics Liu. B.S.. Nanjing University. 1988, Philosophy Vickie Yvette Mouzon, B.S.B.A. La Salle University. 1987. Jaime L\nn Murray. Unnati Bhavik B.S.. La Salle University Jr.. B.S.. 1 Of Mumbai. Patel. B.S.. University Nicholas M. Pinto. Management Muhlenberg College. 2000. Business Administration B.A.. Robert Anthony Nyce. 982. Operations Management India. 2000. Physics Drexel University. 1990. Finance Christina Lisa Powell. B.A.. Rutgers University. 2000. Mathematics/German Joe A. ReVille. B.A.. Temple University. 199]. Computer Information Science Deron Justin Ruby. B.S.. Delaware Valley College. 1993. Computer Information Systems Management Daniel N. Santarsiero. B.A.. Cabrini College. 1998. Organizational Loretta Rose Sweeney. B.S.. Delaware Valley College. 1997. Mang Minh MASTER OF SCIENCE Charles J. Management Computer Information Systems Management Tran, F.S.C.. B.S.. Saint Mary's College of California. 1999. Mathematics Benincasa, B.S.. Management Information Timotln Cro/ier. B.A.. IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LEADERSHIP La Salle Univc, ,. MB. A.. La Salle University. 1997, Systei Bloomsburg Univei n. 1996. Mathematics. B.S. Bloomsburg Um . 1996. Secondary Education: Mathematics Thomas Patrick Golden. B.S.. Philadelphia University. Matthew Roy Hibshman, B.S.. Rowan 2001 Management Information Systems University 1998. Computer Science. M.S.. La Salle Univ 2003. Computer Information Sciatic Eric M. Lyons, Edward P. B.S.. Pennsylvania State University. 1976. Horticulture. M.B.A.. Lo Salle Univei Michvech, B.A., University Erik Da\id Sciortino. B.S.. Delaware 2002. Electronic of Pennsylvania, 1994. Economics Computer Information Science Management Valley College. 2000. Commerce \STKR OK \I Jud) A Au>eh. BA Moravian ollege. t Brien Martin Bell. BA.. Im Salle Karen Noel Brager, H I) Michele Hence ("raw Kiks k Davies, H BA Mass Communication oj Saint /; is Journalism de Saks. 1998. English Madre Maestro, 1997 Technical Marketing <s. Rutgers, The State University oj < ommunication Hofstra University, 1997, Business Administration BA La I. From Pontificia Universidad . Salle Communication (lark Atlanta University, 2iX)l. Political Science US Brenna Rebekah Kilgannon, Nicole Renee Edna Lee, BA., English/Russian niversity. 1994, I Karpinich, BA., Wilkes Ieiiana \1 Communication/Journalism niversity. 1998. University of Pittsburgh, 1994, PhilisaAntionette Johnson, Jessica Vrin Jones. L College, 1983, Allentown College Brian David Henson, B.B.A BA Spanish/English niversity, 1996, B.A., Indiana University oj Pennsylvania, 1984, B.A.. Ami Silvance George, BA., Johns, I Shippensburg Raysa Magdalena Francis, BA., KeahC Rutgers BA., Chestnu Hill College, 2001, English Donohue, A Dugan, Kimberi) HA Emerson Julia Christine Deputy, Patrick Daniel . Pennsylvania State University, 1996, Communication \ lord. L, niversity, 1999, History I Beaver College, IWI. Communication \ Jennifer Suzanne Buchholz, Matthew PROFESSIONAL COMMI NICATION \R'I S IN 2002 History English niversity. 1997, I Pennsylvania State Hampton John Gerald Lenox. BA., Li Salle I I 'niversity, I 1995, Health 'niversity, 1995, Politit al 'niversity, s. ami Human Development iem e Communication 1993, Ann McCray, H \ Kean niversity, 1982 Psychology Mark Bradford McGaffin, B.A. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1988, Journalism IX-lores I Olga Shast Mctiugh. Philadelphia College ofTextiles B.S., BA.. CairJin Elizabeth Murray, I & & niversity ofScranton, 1998. iem e, 1976, Business H Trace) Lynn Rotan, HA Rowan niversity, 1994, Communication BA East-Kazakhstan State 'niversity, 1992, Merkhal Vdlanova S I niversity, 1997. Marketing I Sharibzhanov, "I t HA Trace) Christine Spinelli, hi Salle University, 2001, EnglishAJerman rorninica Williams, I BA La Salle University. 2001. Dickson s. Farleigh I /.. Communication/English KaterinaTravinckova-Nosek. fiA. Masaryk University, 1996 CyreetaC Management Communication Krisim Anne Resch, Studies Communication niversity. 2001, Marketing MASTER OI IRTS IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN El James Richard Boney, BA La Harvard University 1990, Russian and So\ \ Diploma Rustaveli Georgian ishvili. Desiflava Strashirnirova Kirilova, Diploma. I state Theatrical Instil nivi rsity oj Oksanal Krylyuk. Diploma. Ivan Franko Stah [ rimoth) Richard Malone) Una Panina /< Rou Universii I Temple University 2003 Politia I Ridt /( S (ixioul Hiooks s. I BA Rowan Brandyn Charisse Mullei I l 1998 Politico University niversity, l S nited King) MASTER Ol iRTS IN CLINK h. iik-ik- La Salh \ Banford Paulette( < H e Ball I. I iii. in, ' Krisieti Lisa u.i, e \nn ' niversity I sprara /•' \ I Danielle Ouzick B Philos, I ! \rcadla University \ Brov i 2000 I Bishop B rhomas Bonnet H Mir) ROP1 iN STUDIES Salle University. 2002, Political Science/Philosophy " L P P \i PSYCHOLOGY MASTER OF ARTS Joshua Houseman. E. Arcadia University. B.A., IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY (Continued) Psychology 201)0. Emil) How. B.A., Massachusetts College, 2001, Psychology Aim Humenik, DeSales U.S.. Michele Mark- Koschin, University, 2002. B.A., College Psychology of New Jersey, 1999, Psychology Gabriel Scott Levin, B.A., Temple University, 1999, Psychology Paul Anthoin Maggio. B.A.. nivcrsity of Connecticut. 2000. Psychology / Lutissua Delilah McAllister, B.A., Ann Musieo. Jennifer Case) Psychology O'Donnell, A.B., Lafayette College, 1995, English T. Eugene Joseph Jeffrej Joseph's University, 2000. Psychology St. B.A.. HoJ'stru University. 1996. Paciarelli, Lewis Palmer, Molly Remilo. Jr., B.A., Lafayette College, 1999, Psychology, M.A., John Jay College, 2001. Forensic Psychology B.S.. Niagara University. 2002. Psychology B.A.. Andrew Peter Santanello. Manhattan College. 2001. Psychology B.A.. Jaime Shannon Spinell, B.A., Ohio Coleen Vanderbeek, Loyola College, 1999, Psychology, M.S.. Loyola College, 2001. Clinical Psychology New B.A., State. 2000. Psychology Jersey City University. 1998, Psychology, M.A.. New Jersey City ('Diversity, 2000. Educational Psychology Amanda Su/anne Wagner. Denison University. 2000. Psychology B.A.. Heather Wamick. B.A.. Miami University. 2002. Psychology Ann Parkinson Wells. B.S.N.. University of Vermont. 1987. Nursing Kathryn Werner. B.S., Albright College. 2000. Psychobiology MASTER OF ARTS IN CLINICAL-COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY Jayne Alls son Avery, B.S., Meredith Jean Brannon, Temple University. 1978, Art Education B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 2000. Psychology Corrianne H. Broner. B.A.. Western Connecticut Stale University. 1994. Psychology Regina Marie Burke. Raymond B.S.. West Chester University. 2001. Psychology Carvajal, B.S.. Villanova University. 1997. Secondary Education Melissa Beth Chotiner. B.A.. George Washington Mare Thomas LaChonda Colleen Cianlrani. B.A.. Ann 'nivcrsity. I 2002. Psychology a Salle University. 1998. Psychology Forte. B.A.. Boston University. 1997. John Michael Gallagher. Bernard I. Nicole Collins. B.S., East Stroudsburg University. 1997. Psychology T. Gavlick. B.S., B.S., Psychology Drexel University. 1978, Biology Ursinus College. 2001. Exercise and Sports Science Persida loana Ghibilic, B.A., Babes-Bolyai University, Romania. 1996. Psychology Karen R. Gilles. B.A.. Pennsylvania Stale University, 2000. Sociology Gary Gioioso, B.S.. La Salle College. 1983. Personnel/Labor Relations Toni Marie Giordano. B.A.. Immaculate/ College. 2001. Psychology Allison Barbara Gurne. B.A., University of Delaware, 2001. Psychology Judith Gardner Haas. B.A.. Jameelah Ali Hairston, Whitman College. 1971. Drama B.S., Rutgers University, 1999. Psychology Jean Ellen Hansen. B.A., Pennsylvania State University. 1993. Theatre Arts Dawn Harris. B.A., Pennsylvania State University. 2000. Monet A Hawkins. B.A., lui Salle 'nivcrsity. 2000. Psychology Knst\ Social <& Behavioral Science I Michele Marie Johnson. Karen Clark B.A.. Temple University. 1977. General Arts Keller. B.A.. Rutgers University, 1976, & Sciences Mathematics Victoria Elaine Le\in. B.A.. Temple University, 2001, Psychology Jennifer Jeanne Liotino, B.S.E.D.. West Chester University, 1999. Social Studies Stephanie Claire Marcello. B.A.. The College of New Jersey 2001. Psychology Jessie Lauren Matthews. B.A.. Pennsylvania State University. 2002. Psychology Rowan University, 1998, Psychology Ann Frances Moses. B.A.. 'nivcrsity <>/ Pittsburgh. 1981, Speech and Communications Nicole Rae Mudnck. B.A., La Salle University. 1999. Psychology Michelle Milita. B.A., Lois Nicole Janet Ortiz ( Mumma, B.S., University of Scranton, 1999, Psychology Joseph L. Nines. B.A.. Allentown College. 1986. Foreign Languages William Osei, LLB., University of Ghana. 1984. Maria Corynn Page. B.A., University Law of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 1998. Psychology MASTER OF \Risi\ CLINICAL-COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY (Continued) Anthons Charles Perez. HA. Rutgers University, 1999, Psychology Victor HA Perroita. J. La Salle University, 1999, Psychology H S Pennsylvania Sunt University, 1998, Psychology Nicole Janeen Riccbetti, M Linda Ricci, HA H Trac> Lynn Rogers, L Susan HA Sacco, « Michael I Psychology niversity, 1999, Human •• The Georgt Washington University, 2000, Psychology \ Sigman, B.S Smolensk*. J hestt r ( Elizabethtown College, 2001, La Salic University, 1993, Psychology . Enca Lee Shapiro, H Dianne Wt a \ HA. Rossetter, Ann Kell) Holy Family College, 2000, Psychology . Thomas Jefferson \ Jr . I niversity. 1980, Nursing HA niversity oj Pennsylvania, 2000, Psychology HA Si John Fisher College, 2001, Psychology HA La Sulk- University. 2000, Psychology I Melissa (Catherine Stewart, Deborah Ann TempleKm. . Cynthia Rachel Thiers. H Ann Wist Chester University, 2001, Psychology L, HA Tide-mans. SI Joseph's University, St. Linda Mark Weinzler, H Buffalo \ IWI. Marketing Management St, Cheryl Lynn Winnicki, HA Rowan Ain\ Jeanne Alderson, HA ater i I niversity, 2001, i niversity, 2000, Psychology MASTER OF ARTS Temple Anne Alessandro-Flood, Siace> HA James Barry, Todd Frederick Breuer, H HA Michelle L (lark. Sarma Liepinsi H Slippery s HA Alan DeLeon, H s hi \ // \ Unh l.iam Frederick Doyle, H \ l H Duffy, BemadetteR Esack.AS.fl Andrea Vnn Ferretti, B Harold H \ Tempi* I ' l I s, tent < Elementary Education Accounting niversity, 1993, ,niai\ Education i niversity, 1997, l University, 1998, Criminal Justice University 1995 General Studies 1998 Elementary Education niversity, 1984, History 2001 Psychology University, Brian Christopher Hoffman B 1998 TextiU Engini 1999 Computet ity \4.SM Sciena Education University, 1999, Business \dministration niversity Dtu^NicoUi Henry, B.S. Philadelphia Lynelk Marie Howe) 1987, Environmental 'niversity, Vorth Carolina, 1998, \4arim Biology <*/ aim Millersvillt Tempi* \ I Sacred Heart Major Seminary Robert K Greenwood H .in ic I LaSalh I Lois Marie Gemhardt, B.S ( and Rn nation Work niversity oj Massachusetts, 1999, Political Bloomsburg \ BA Bradley John Flint, I, niversity, 2001, Salle Bloomsburg s niversity, 1999, Leisure Km L niversity / 5 I 1993 Spanish Language and Literaiun Aiiadiu IbargUengoytia-Fink />' \ inahuac del Sur University I99\ Minnie Ophelia James rica I Uluon Kane S I Melodic K \ La 5 I .in H ution Spanish l. I onard B.S.B.A i I 01 Business Kdminislralion .'Hill I 011 Vi»ii l itchman H Michelle Matrisciano \ I /( I. >. • & f-J i History Edward l ,.n,k Dnllll. No Merit in i I ll.niii.i I Ml B Mllllii I \::llll\ll | K Musitiel Pulden Noyan JM ION Beaver College, 1991, Elementary/Early Childhood Edut ation . H Patrick Sean Doi/maii. Megan Knot i niversity. 1997, Sot ial I Holy Family louser, Carolyn lay Dallmer, Jefrre) DeSales S VI L niversity, 1999, Political St ience Temple s HA Kathryn (.race Braun, EDUC East Stroudsburg University oj Pennsylvania, 2001, Psychology B.S., Leeds Metropolitan Tanya Bemadine Bodie, H IN Communications ' SI I tlish MASTER OK ARTS Nathan Man Jaime Osea, J. Oil Ji />' :, . . B. \ . B. 1., Kathryn Marie o, /> I ilem EDUCATION (Continued) Bern er College, 1998, Psychology/Secondary Education Social Studies Laura Marie Osi nan. 1 IN Bea ver College, 1998, Psychobiology ictivshurg College. 20112. Biology ( Chestnut Hill College, 1996, Education S ., auren Michelle Patterson, B.A., La Salle University, 2001, Education Jeanne Petersen. B.A.. James Madison University. 2000, Psychology Alicia Audra Rae Ronzano. Indiana University oj Pennsylvania. 1992. Education of the Hearing Impaired U.S.. Erica Roselli, B.S., Philadelphia University, 1998, Psychology Meg Boland Rosenberg, Philadelphia B.S., I niversity, 1997, Marketing Lindsej Kristine Rutherford, IIS.. Bucknell University, 2001. Elementary Education Elizabeth \xm Shahade, B.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1995, Art Jennifer Margaret Sisum, B.A., Tanya Smiarowski, I 'niversity oj Minnesota. 2000, Anthropology B.A., West Virginia University, 2001, English Jennifer Elizabeth Sneddon. B.A., La Salle University. 1996, English Barbara Anne Sroba, West Chester University, 1982, Criminal Justice B.S., Ellen Sue Stanley, B.S., Idaho State University. 1983, Nursing Adrienne D. Steiner. Shippenshurg University. 1994. Elementary Education B.S.. Christine Stewart. B.A., Hols Family College. 2000. Early Childhood/Elementary Education Margaret Agatha Adam Stiles. B.A.. Rutgers I 'niversity. 1981. Political Science/German Keith Storey, B.A., drove City College. 2001. Political Science Katie Eileen Titano, B.S., Kutztown University. 2000. Education Karole Ann Tobias, B.A., Scion Hall I 'niversity. 1980, Psychology Lisa Marie Tokmajian. IIS.. Delaware \allev College. 1998. Biology Adrienne M. Walko, S\dne\ l.\nn Warren. Joshua Adam Purdue University, 1991, Marketing B.S.. Temple University. 1999. Criminal Justice B.A.. Wexler, B.S.. Delaware Valley College. 1998, Biology Kenneth Miehael Williams. B.A.. Trenton State College. 1995, Sociology MASTER OK ARTS Monica Dickerson-Floyd, IN BILINGUAL/BICULTURAL STUDIES Widener University. 1998, Sociology B.A., Elise Rosine Favilla, B.A., Ringers University, 1976, Spanish Christopher Ernest Foulsham. B.A., University of Washington, 1976. Criminology Nicole Lattice Hopkins. B.A.. Millersville University. 1997. Spanish Man Lu/ Angulo Isui/a. B.A.. Kendra Nikki Jones. i niversidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Lima. Peru. 1991. Journalism The Pennsylvania State University. 2000. Administration B.A.. oj Justice Salena M. Jones. B.A.. University of Pennsylvania. 2001. Psychology Ahssa Margareta Gustavo Lope/ Kolovvrat. B.A.. Trinity College. 1988. English Literature Temple University. 1991. Sociology Polar. B.A., Carolyn Jo> Martin. Xeiimann College. 1990. Clinical Laboratory Science B.S.. Rodman Harris Messenger. B.A., Moravian College. 2000. Spanish Alma Morales. B.S.W., La Salle University, 2000. Social Work 1. MASTER OK ARTS IN THEOLOGY AND MINISTRY Sister William Catherine Brannen. I.H.M.. B.A., Immaculata College. 199.1 Theology Marybeth Mountain Curran. B.A., Gwynedd-Mercy Manuel Leandro Cahigao Domingo. Dennis William Feltwell, B.A., Frederick John Lynch. B.A.. Suzanne D. Meehan, Rebecca Messa. St. Jr.. B.S.E., College. 1970 History Don Bosco College. 1983, English. S.T.B., Mary's Seminary B.S.N., University ct Patricia Rose Prendergast. and Elementary Education A. AS.. B.A., Theology of Delaware, 1998. Nursing Montgomery County Community Organizational Management Jr.. oj Studies. 1992. University. 1973. Philosophy B.A.. Yillanova University. 1993. Liberal Arts Joseph Francis O'Toole, Don Bosco Center Holy Family University. 1999. Biology College. 1971. Police Science. B.A.. Eastern I 'niversity, Merrimack College. 1972. Sociology Ritajean Reed. B.L.S.. Barry University. 2000. Behavioral Science Michele Pagano Williams. B.A., Jersey City Slate College. 1972. Elementary Education. M.A.. Seton Hall University. 2001. Education Administration. Supervision 1998, BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Aim M. Acka'a Patricia Mane Lucille Mar) Albert Aldinger c Amis Marie Thomas Amour Harry Anderson Mane Kalherine NURSING Esther CHuchi Nwaobilo Ghobnal Kell) Andrea Carol Jeanette Glozer Anne Kathleen Sheba Marie Grant Pramila Pande) Ham If I Pancari Stefanie Mars Pavlik Perl mutter Caryn H. Torahna Kenyell Hargrove Bert) AO'Donnell Susan Eileen Glenn Alycia Rasheen-Devon Kamaria latiana Baxter IN Ann Gear) D Pen) Stephanie Ka> Biggs April Marie Hendrie Vernice Nicbole Jeanette Blank Shannon Maureen Hull Sharon Ann Pieres Ann Pietrus/ka Christine Mar> Bradle) Kimberi) Marie Jeffries Julie Chanell Brooker Carolyn Jean Johnson Arlene Frances Pongan Lynnette Sonora Brown Maureen Lorraine Johnson Kimberi) Megan Megan Lynn Patneia Grace Burns Patricia Ann ZoS Burrell M Vngela Daphne S Burton Gemma Jesse Calicchio Johnston I Laura Rodriguez Ann Scannella Valerie Krefski Aalisssa Honguila) Chanthakhouns) Elizabeth Inez Maria Coll Othello Saye Kwaidah Jenns Lee Schill Kevin Paul Coonej D'Jinna Lafalaise-Jean Jill Nicole Marie Corbea Kell) Aileen W Kathleen laiiniiN rowthers ( Isoline Dail) rare Heathei Mar) Kathleen Elizabeth Dixon I raneis Katherine l I isenberg Marshall Man l I fill l Patrick isa l li Beth suren Marie Forchetti It \C 'III- I I I smi Donahue l efebvre . mains Katherine Vnn \iola . Patricia I I Ol St II Si I IN M II N( I li/ilbclh Mini.' Parad) I OR Ol Merita \nn Palovcak rheresaMai aula D \olh \ I Aojniuxka amen Novak I Ma.s rhen Vlison I Demetrius Trihoulis Mount BACHI \lu hele Wend) Hems Mulreanej h Megan rhere&a Storbrauck Wend) Kathryn strauh McDonnough Marie Not OR \ms Shannon Mai S Mane enore Motlej Jordan edorijc zuk intan I i \mi ou Malandra Pedersen ynthia Marie Merkling ( has Wilson i S MeJu Velma Maj ynch Donna Marie McNeill Dwyei Stephania Kataryna Mai Kathleen Mel aughlin Colleen Vnne Donovan Barbara Husted isa Lynn Mark Jose uckenbill Doroth) Pamella Donahue Loretta Marie I I Gayle Martin honias Dolan I Elaine Maria I I ongini I eigh Cynthia Jean DeWiti laire i Bridget Rose smith ong I Michele I S Skarpetowski I auraBeth I Derrick Dion Dash Ann. Madeline aliens I Verona Litchmore Joseph George DeAngelo Linda< I Jane Ann. Costello Kathleen Joyce Price Raffert) Dennise Manago Robinson King Kowal I) Mane Iselle Kisera Jones I si l UNION BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Juliana Agaraj \\ illiam Joseph Eric Andreoni Eugene Andruczyk Charles Edmund Angelini Antonio Wilfredo Aponte BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN Mario John D'Angelo Matthew Joseph Hemherger SamanthaAnn Katherine Davis R. Justin Joseph De Joseph Liliana Michael Andrew Paul Hickey J. DeCrescio Andrew Herr P. Michael Christian DellaVella David W. Sheryll Michelle See Arroyo Issachar .lude Devine Susan Vilma Bailey Lianne Rose Dictor Kristin J. Herrera Hill Hilley Hoffman Michael Francis D'Imperio X'Andrae Danielle Holmes Edward Michael Baraniewicz Sheena Marie Discher Christopher Ian Hughes Kimhcrly Ann Bastien Kathleen Ryann Doyle James Timothy Hughes Yolanda Bauhof Timothy Duffy. Stephanie Bellan/a Richard Michael D'Ulisse. Stephen S. Banaszak aura Mane Jr. Jr. Jeremy Sean Durkin Thomas Bernard Warren Hughes Kyle David Hunt Van Huynh Jonathan L. DuPonl Paul Joseph Bender Gerald C. Benjamin. I Patrick Jr. Joseph Brian Fajardo Paul Dykie. Jr. Isip John Michael Jameson Jason Ronald Eggert Daniel John Jankiew icz John Anthonj Biondo Matthew Charles Joel Shawn Thomas Julia Robin Noel Beyer Bleiler Michael John Bottino Elliott Smith Erickson Suzanne Eileen Esack Thomas Matthew Bo\e Bow ditch Ange Jean-Baptiste Kenneth Russell Jenkins Miguel Andrew Jones Deborah M. M. Joyce Giovanna Fanelle Serge Patrick Fanning Ryan Brenda Kaye Brabham James Anthony Jennifer Marie Kaiser Sean M. Breckenridge Kyle Andrew Fenstermaker Norman Thomas Ka/nica Alexis D. Fiordimondo Jason Robert Keller Brian Keith Patrick Michael Kevin P. Anthony Breen-Lopez Brennan. Jr. Briscella III Jill Farrell Timothy A. Kelly Frances Fisher Michael T. Patrick Judge Thomas George Kenney Fluehr Kerwin Ryan Joseph Brodt Brian O. Flynn Patrick Victor Valencia Joy Brooks Maureen Elizabeth Flynn Sean Zelter Killian Sarah Hope Brow n Koo Hwan Kim Brian Francis Fox Nateesah A. Bunch Lindsay Anthony Ann Burke J. Franchini Sean Michael Klein James Daniel Fuchs Jonathan George Klock Robert John Bush Steven Manuel Gachineiro Timothy Knowles John Phillip Cabibi Carol Gaffney-Degnan Brian Andrew Bryan Edward Campbell Elizabeth Michaela Galbally Elizabeth Kristin Julia Cardullo Colleen Elizabeth Gallagher Jason Allen Carniel Philip Ernest Eugene Carroll III Angelo Gamhino Shannon Marie Garrett Kevin R. Carroll Michele Marie Gentile Christopher James Carvelli Neil Patrick C. Christopher Joshua R. Gilmore Ali Maria Chromiec Francesco Ciahurn Joseph John Cicali II Paul David Cichonski Amanda Thomas Gilligan Koch Anne Kosmin Stacey Beth Krawitz George Joseph Kronbar Joan Marie Kushneroek Matthew John Kuttler Philip Joseph Landi Colleen Marie Lang Christina Lynn Giorla David John Lanz Joseph Michael Gleason Joanna Maria Laudato Karma Zaynah Anna Cocking Richard Anthony Lauro Qya Golubtsox Meredith Emilie LeFebvre Heather Kathryn Gosciniak John Robert Leonetti Colin Calvin Clarke Christopher Joseph Grasso Joseph Justin Michael Colantonio Chri Mei Yee Leung Thomas Patrick Collins Andrew Gerald Guckin Jan Lin Michael L. Kerin Handal .lindy Ellen Clark Cosbj Terrance Patrick Coyne illiih Brian Christopher Haney Mane Haney Michael Lawrence Dabrowski Eileen Kaianna Helene Dahlgren Talita C. Philip George D'Angelis Hansford Tracey Lynne Heleniak E. Lequick Lin Michael Thomas Listorti Jaclyn Lockard Peter Thanh Luong Jeffrey Ryan Madden n BACHELOR OF SCIENCE John Maher F. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN (Continued) James Michael Owens Kenneth John Sirakides Elizabeth Geraght) Maisey Kiel B. Parker Theodore Paul Slack Joseph Daniel Manning Matthew Com!) Pascucci Melody Diane Small Ekaterina Vladimirova Markov a Kevin Stanle> Patterson Douglas Dora Elizabeth Marks Jennifer Rita Payne Ke\m James Smith Marion K Peachey Lam Brad Daniel Martinen/a Michael W. Martine/ Man McClung Kathleen Malo) McCullough Patrick Kelly anna Pelekh C ith 111 5 Theresa Pellente C Amanda Dawn Patrycja Teresa Piescik Cnstma Draghita Mane McKaig Spalding Surina Allison Claire Matthew Lawrence Pleyn Brian McGinle) Smith Matthew Michael Peterson Vicente Leonard Pinaula. Jr Anne McGee Christine \ I Joseph John G. Maiusiak M Smarm Francis Smith Henr> Joesph Podlaszewski, Ihomas Lucille \ Jr Stefan III Murphy Taylor Matthew McKenna Michael Joseph Purcell Matthew John Thornton James K McMinn Sean Michael Purcell Evan Matthew Todd Daniel E McNall) Rasheed Ibidamola Oluwaseun Quadn Daniel Patrick lone- Pablo Ja\ icr Alpha Tongoi Quinn Patrick Jeremiah Justin Michel Matthew Joseph Stephen Miller Michael Patrick Tramor Quinteros Tognoli Mane TrasattJ Lindsay Kirsten Radies ("una Heather Kenee Moore Gabriel Michael Lee Randall Bernadettc Kevin James Moran William Joseph Reill) Bernard Eugene luck Jason Douglas Morgan David Clinton Roberts Michael Joseph \alenta Sean Patrick Morgan Simone LaToya Robinson Megan C Morris Evelisa \ Patrick Joseph Mulhern. Jr (una Mane Dariene Moore II James \apier Patrick \ash J LeoVinceni Navitsky, Ji Kimberly Dianne Neel) Maryann Russo Michael \ VitaJe Marianne Colleen Walker John i. ( < I () Joshua R Schneido Kenneth eigfa l Patrick Michael I I dward Schuenemann <> Neill Christophei Michael \iitlion\ S.u In < ( hristJan Patrii I'll Kurt Kristen Michelle Overturl > I IU( I I. "i,i Noreen tyala Boyle Patrii ia losephine Broderi< \i,,iv, Man k Rose( rawford Kathleen I I rb Shannon li John dward Sineni III I OR 01 soc Shekel^ Hannah .in.. i Silva Simmons loanne Mane Holmes Krista Mi Sylvia Maldonado Sus.m Kathta Wanda I ' n M M Williams Seavei OH Mane Simpson I John i M III Wile) Joshua \daiu Secoda (rzechowsl luihula ( I Wellai Michele Cecilia Williams Sox. ugenc Screws Bryan Katianne Christophei knthonj Michelle homas Scollon Jackson William Olivet Orzechowicz C naWesolowski White Schnnk lu.iiiiu VllCia ear) I Debra Renee Washington Francis Jan homas Schiavello I Sean Mcagawa Michael John Ryan II ue Michael Schiavo Ryan Christine Lynn Norton Velasquez allien Villan I Charles Joseph Schneidei Julius Nobili Yarosun Grani Julia James Alexis ouis Nigrelli I Ihomas Ema Marialuisa tagela Veaeziak Romanelll Kern Melissa Schambergei David Jose Naveiro Adam \ndrew E Vandiver Jenny Rodriguez Sidiqq Roziei \ ictoi Muskaj Edlira M I \l WORK 1 .. hristine Witman Elizabetl BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Petei Matthew Baj I J. Joseph Katelyn E. Griffith Daniel Aaron Bridy Joseph Jason Page Burwell Rui Manuel Cameo Daniel Gerald Cushman Nicholas Delia Vecchia I). R Roger Moore Fuhs Andrew Lawrence Blazynski Joseph Michael Bowen Christopher Miehael Patierso Gallo Rocco Matthew Martin Hopkins Matthew [van Standislaws Hucaluk John William Edward Jason Rivera Errol Luther Julien Anthon) Michael Koehl Lauren KimberK Devlin Mary Kopacz Jacj lyn Dennis. I. Dilks Elisabeth Matthew Jayme Thomas-Dare J. Ayemhenre Donnell) E. James Ehikioya Pirozzi, J. J. Jr. Sopheap Prak Harrison IV J. Dorothy Quinn Rehm Rothman Simons Keith Palriek Francois Paul Springuel Kostek Maletteri Danielle Vermitsky Matthew Wahl McCafferty Palriek Lorden Elder Stephen Ryan McCracken Fanta A. Waterman Gregory Joseph Fala John Kenneth Mitchell Nieole Danielle Thomas Bernard Eric Foster Woodward Molten BACHELOR OF ARTS Alexis Rose Abate Jason P. Ager Michelle Silvasi Agnew Robert Carrasquillo Anthony James Bolger Ronald Lee Carthan. E. Brian Mark Anthon) Alcantara Heidi KelK Marie Bohrer Brie Anne Anderson Bonanni M. Bonner Joseph E. Boris II Jr. Kathleen Ann Caruso Caitlin Cavagnaro Melissa Gayle Centofanti II Rosa G. Andreini Margaret Teresa Bo) er Lynne Ann Andreotta Latif'a Christopher Charles Stanle\ Audits John Joseph Brady Joseph Edward Cianfero Mary Jo Brady Bernadette Marie Ciaravino Lisa F. Angelucei Peter John Anzelone Harr\ Karl Braun Anne Mane Appleton Kimberl Thomas Christopher Arnold Myeson Jamal James Michael Aros. i Ludwika Chr/astow ska Alexis Conly Ciccimaro Nicholas E. Ciccotta Breih Miehael Lee Clark igton n Ja\ Jr. Beveann Lessemore Charles Denise Bradley Elizabeth S. Ashton Anita LaChantee Brooks Andrew John Baker Catherine Hope Claudia Banchi Edward K. Brown. Ann Barber Britne\ Brown Junine Denise Patrick Martin Clean Daniel Robert Coady Joseph Jr. Brown P. Cole III Angela Catherine Collelta Megan E. Collins Comber Lauren Barone Jennifer Lynn Bruck Tata Angela Barone Noreen Nancy Buckles Kerri A. Connelly Daniel Robert Susan Elizabeth Connor J. Basilc John Daniel Bates 1.1 isc V Behm Darren M. Behuniak Conway Ba\ard Bennett. Jr. J. Buoncristiano Melissa Tara Lindsay A. Burger Robert Peter Constantin Alpha Decontee Burke Patricia Elizabeth Council) Annmarie Scanlan Burke Carolyn Elizabeth Cooper Jordan Christopher Burke Adrienne Marie Corson Maureen Marie Berard Ty Mark Burrowbridge Elizabeth A. Cory Iryne Berezovski Stephanie Lynn Burrows Stacey Marie Coryell Margaret Genevieve Betancourt Kanini NiGail Butler Lauren Michelle Cotton Brooke KelK Biekel Michael C. Byrne Matthew Anthony Coughlan Sagine Bien-Aime Jenniffer Cabrera Kimberly Michelle Coughlin Cristin Marie Bieret/ Carmen Joseph Calvanese Vincent Mark Cullen Kate Marie Campbell Katherine Culp Joseph J. Binezewski Jennifer Louise Blaney Brian T Blesi Christa Nieole Bobik Patrick James Campbell Christopher Daniel Curry Eugene Mark Carboni Colleen Catherine Theresa Carchidi Kathryn L. Czlapinski J. Curry BACHELOR OK ARTS Jill Mark Charles Fayan. D'Alessandro Alicia Jos Talkmburt; Peter Donald Dal} Damato Jacqueline Lee (Continued) Jr Matthess Anthony Louis D' Ami co Amy Los da Guzman Brian Hagan J. M Colleen Feeders J. Kristen Elizabeth Hall Michele Helton abeth Hamilton Renee Maria D'Angelo Barbara Jo Teuton Justin Robert Daniels Michael Paul Ferenschak Kathleen Lander Haney Renee Harris Haylej Anna Danser Paul Jenna Lynn Dares Michelle Christine Period Amanda Mane Hartman Maureen Erin Daub Knsia Nickcole Fidanza Anthony John Hasson Jonathan Fitzgerald Davenport Jonathan Charles Das Carmen George Finore Jill is Jos Ryan Ferguson Danielle abeth Heisler Todd Rothssell Henderson Jennifer Sarah Elizabeth Deal Jeremy Ryan Nicholas Harrison DeAngelo Erin Kathryne Rtzpatrick V Michael Thomas Leeanne Jillian Del Ross, Laurie R Del) Flagler I Roben C Higgins Hoffman hnstopher Hordt Dana Louise Hossard Greta Forsl Andress James Hughes Knsii Foster Jonathan Daniel Hunt Lucia Marie Ann DeMuth Robert P. Christina Marie Horns ak Foraito l.on Jr Matthess Alan Kbrecht Tiffany Catherine Jackson ranco I Huston Valarie Ka) Charles Lynn Francisco, Matthew Anthony DeMizio l.indsa> Mane Mane \driana Leah Foti Mane DeMedio Jacqueline Jennifer isher I Cind) Marie Floyd Del Prado \1 Mane Jaclyn Lynn Fiolo Dolores Delloratius Delesandro J Christine Lynn DeLisi Mane Heenes Mane Pmucanc Thomas Waltar Davis Ams Ann Piklas M Jacob) Lauren dt.i^c Fritsky Emily Jacobs Allison Mars Gaddess Patricia Jann Amanda DiGiandomenico Joseph nomas Gaeckle Kristin Lucille Jannelli David Gregory DiGiovanni I Ann \ikkita Artemis Dimitriadis Pamela Catherine Shawn Don-las DiVece Jeanne Christine Jacqueline DePasquale Anthony DeRespinis Patrick Mane Dixon leanette II I indses Reja Mane \ Andrew Franklin Dobson Anthony Ann Dobson Vntonio \lai> (iallnes dallaehei Matthew Gauss Megan Luc> Dohert) Kimberl) layne Megan Meara Angela Natalie Vnn Dowling olleen Margaret ( Jennifet l iffany Shell} I Niveah J (nlliean losepfa l Gioffre Vim Duiis Jeanne Marie sun Dsas William Nicholas oretta i ee I I I i. l ckhart Hiss I mmerich Ihomas lellns Sarah Mane Mane hlhans ikcit I I it/ I ..i. dward I i versmeyei i l Patri( ia M Ki-sin mi. I. Ireenleal i Brynlee Griffin loseph < i> froy < i iuniei i I lizabeth Joseph ' luenthd Kamphaus K ileason llovei i I aura \nn | iille&pie maid < ( osie Mich* Stephen I in. i Vnnc in lizabeth Sham I berle l Mane Katherine Susan aton I Men I Allison Patrick Dymszo lise < Matthew Donald Gillespie Daniel I I M.tsus, lizabeth I ynn Dragon Vlison Beth l Marianne Jones i lilanyi < Mane DuMaii I Nichole lane John James '' ' Bernadette Gillen toron I Doughert) Katie \ dward James Johnson Rachael- Vnn Melissa D Giampolo Vmanda Doremui lizabeth Vnn l van I i Gan liancarlo Gatto < Samona Jenkins Benjamin Johnson Iambic ( \l Brendan Joseph Doherty D< Cam Jaime Mil I mils Hi.. ichak BACHKLOR OF ARTS Chrystal Ann Michelle Mane Ladyanskj I. add Matthew Michael Lallj (Continued) Ann Vanessa Merino Prieto Leslie Jennifer Ann Messnei Deborah Dwyer Jill Perry Phillips Brenda Ann Pica Mierzwa Alexandra Laneellotti Kenneth John Milcetich Laura Elizabeth Picchierri Shannon Mane Landue Carol Elaine Miller Lauren Piekielski Colleen L. Miller Sonja Estella Pinkney Danielle Nicole Landwher Anne Jason Eric Langsner Jennifer Miller Lauren Helene Pinson Evan William Lantz Joseph James Miller Michael Anthony Pisa Amanda Leng Lau Derek James Moench Bethany Tham Joseph D. Monforto Laura Marie Prybella Todd Matthew Moore Melissa Nicole Puzzella T. Le Maria Cathleen Lehr James Adam Justin Julian Pruetz Lenczycki Holly Leo Eileen Marie Morrison Dana Lee Quigley Tanisha Kamille Morton Lauren Giselle Quinones John Patrick Mulroy Brian Christopher Radle Marc George Eric Robert Ann Dawn Lillej Limbach Colleen Marie Quigley Morganelli Meghan M. Livingstone David Patrick Murnane Kristina Brian A. Locchetto David Allen Murphy Jason Joseph Ranjo Lauren Curran Murphy Todd Andrew Reckamp Nicholas Charles Lock Gregory Bernard Muscelli Jonathan E. Stephanie D. Logan Megan Beth Musko Gerard Martin Regan. Heather Marie Myers Lauren Michelle Terese Alfred Anthony Lochman Longmore Evette K. Lucas Joseph Paul Lucas Ann II Marj' Lynch Mark Dominick Maccarone Leila Maria Rellini Danielle Rose Martha Rios Thomas Joseph Nanni Tonika Michele Roache Deniece Nicole Robinson Nina Marie Newmaster Ryan David MacLuckie Shawn P. Michael Joseph Maier Adrien Amah Nkodo Donna C. Nies Norman Anne Robinson Glendaliz Rodriguez Richard James Nulty. Theresa Marcinek Nulty Hilary Davis Kahliya Dru Robinson Kelley Nicole Marie Marshall Cody Marshall Richman Daniel R. Rodrigue Regina Marie Marehiondo Phillip Jr. Nunes Ethan Anselm Rook Vanessa Roque Eric Ryan Ross Mia Mary Elaine Martin Ndidi Okwuchukwu Obichere Florentina Ruiz Stephen John Martin IV Alice Mary O'Brien Jennifer Marielle Christine Martino Christine Marie O'Brien Stephanie Anne Maruca Mary Catherine Marych Cristin Lynn Matlack Teresa Rose McAleese Walter Thomas McAllister Patrick John McAtee Jr. Reilly Mana Rachel Myers Stephanie Amelia Neri Mang Redmond Thomas Joseph Namako Ann Mackey Geoffrey G. Ann Jeanne Carol Nace Cathy-Jo Elizabeth Mackus Shells Ragen Ochal Kristin Elizabeth Kenya Shanik Odom Ann Ruzzi William Sagin. Jr. Ithiannie Salgado Deanna Lynn Sarzy nski John Charles O'Donnell David Anthony Scali Jacqueline Frances Oldynski Jennifer Kathryn A. O'Neill John Robert Adam Opferman P. M. Scalora Scanlon Marianne Theresa Schill Deborah K. McCarthy Michael Paul Orlando Daniel John Schrani Renee McClelland Alicia D. Orlowski Christopher Charles Schwartz David Clinton McCue Olga Alexandra Osharovich Matthew William Screnci John W. McGeehan Andrew Ostas/ewski Kieron Cornelius Sebastian Adam Paul Jerell Javillo Pagsuyuin Charlotte Serrano Pagan Russell McGrath McHugh Colleen Brigid McKehey Michael E. McKeown Erin Bridget Paris Leland Mel can Gabriella Teresa Palumbo Amy Katrina Rodriguez Anthony N. Pantalone Ray mond Michael Joseph Christopher Henry Sheppard Parisi Katie Elizabeth Patterson T Timothy Thomas McManus Gregory Kalherme C. McTamany Jason A. Perry Pen/a T. Shay Kimberly A. Sheridan Hyunjoo Shin Michael B. Shinn BACHELOR OF ARTS (Continued i Mane Wasekanes Trsphena Ruth Thelmon Kristen Sharon Elizabeth Simmons Rachel Marie Thomas Jeremiah Allen Washington Tameka Artnanna SlSCO Rachel Mane Thomas Brsan Anthons Skells Donald A Thompson Jusiin Thomas Sieck States Leigh Smith Karen Jason Todd Snyder Jared Patricia Daniel (armelo Spano. o Weldon heaton Ann White Christina Tnmble Courtnes Elizabeth White Michael John White Kells B. Jamie D. Tnnkle Ann Lucia Elizabeth W Sarah Toner Trung Tim Trinh Somavilla F. Marcos Raphael Sonano Friar Nicholas Ann Weiss Lindsa> Jennifer Gail Tncanco Stephanie Michelle Sobol I. Mane P. Webb Joseph Kenneth Samantha Noel Thompson Mane Slopes Colleen W hillock Laura Rose Whitman Turchi M Wicdemer Ben Jeong-Geun Turnbull Benjamin Andrew Lennon Spencer Diana Marie William Frederick Wiegman Rebecca Spera Seal Leslie Tsler John Rudoll Wiese Matthew Rsan Uuner Christina Com \l l John Das Sprandio. id Jr M Shane Matthew Paul Spring I Is lei Melissa liuda Vacharat-Runske Todd Matthew Valure Alec Thomas Stank) ( Shannon Anne Staskm John Paul Das M id Slasns Tsra Williams 1 \ ictoria Vilmonl Cassandra a Wilson Oppen Gina Mane Vannicola Lauren Julia Wojcik MoserWolt Monc> \arkes Carls Melissa Anne Slspulkoski Rosemarie Alison Erin SuUi van Mersl Leigh \ciamonii Danielle Lli/ahclh Jonalhon Slialo Kent Joseph Sunderland Hilars E Swab Michael I tancis J J Swam l.mdses Nicole \ lehmann Robs Joseph A Violi Pilars n Saia Viililaiella Raymond Mien K Wagnei Kiisini Lee Waldnei \SS()( \uh.e DivinaO I idiaGabrielat ilderoi i . ( aJix arbonell ( onstancc Patrick Del Zulma Jen \|| |\ Felix ileen Cunnifl \iiainaiic Rojat \butto Dorii I 1 1 .ii orinthian Join ( Youmans Zornick \R|S Donald \ Rubio erdinand laviei Rui/ n Kells Madeline I opei Karina Sam I ben Meyei u i. 1 I Yantoth, Paul P Zuocooi Brenda Faye Hall I Michael lohnt larkc < [erence Daniel I Campbell Warna Michaell Wasco ferrj Wsnn Milam Vissni Michelle Walah redraw knsu Judith li/abclh Michael Joseph \ol/ liuioths at, 1 Frank Anthons vbgt rail Woods Elizabeth Wright Joseph Eileen Grace lengco Jailed n Mane Wood Swidei Rebecca \nne langhe Richard Veltri ragrnire Margaret Mais mi. i Vidua Sinial Pefia Rivera Jr Lesna Lmils Williams Linda Constance Anne Marie san II. WilkerSOfl Caudate Marcia Williams Inch Marjork C. Springer Lorraine Allison Sroka ecile Mane Monica s Williams Ji III / The historj of academic dress begins in ote& \ . on tcaciem/c Q)re&& . the earl) days of the oldest universities. A statute oi 1321 required all "Doctors, Licentiates, Bachelors" of the University of Coimhra to wear gowns. In England dining the second colleges forbade "excess sources chiefly in apparel" and prescribed the wearing of a long gown. ecclesiastical or in civ ilian dress, Hoods max have served by medieval scholars. later in to downs may until superseded for that in the its unheated buildings used purpose by the skullcap. The cap was in their However, when American colleges and universities adopted a hall- century ago. a code The gow (low ns open at was dev ised for n for the bachelor's degree has pointed sleeves and It down is in the traditional system of academic apparel worn closed. The gow ma) be worn open or closed. The gown same across the sleeves. If color is degree has an oblong sleeve, n for the master's manner. The rear part of the sleeve's oblong shape worn open or closed. Bachelor's and master's gowns have no trimmings, velvet ami with three bars ol the a to follow. all the wrist, with the sleeve base hanging the front part has an arc cut away. used, it is is square cut and for the doctor's degree has bell-shaped sleeves but the doctor's may be faced on and may be the front with black or colored the color distinctive of the subject lo which the degree pertains, matches the edging or binding of the hood. it Hoods -Hoods hood whether academic dress finds a question have been considered necessary for warmth cover the tonsured head and of the 14th century, the statutes of certain halt' is still displaced In a headdress similar to ones now recogni/ed as "academic." European institutions continue to show great diversity specifications of academic dress. and It is the colo ire In ed v ith illdic ativ e Caps— Mortarboards are or or colors of the college or university conferring the degree. the offic vhich the degree pertains, except of the suhj generally worn as part of the academic costume. The long tass either black or the color appropriate to the subject. degrees are conferred and to shift them that the doctor's to the left It is w hen customary for degree candidates the degrees are awarded. This cus I cap may have he binding or edging of the its tassel of gold thread. lened to the middle point of the cap's top ear the tassels > in some on the is right front side before respects a substitute for individual hooding. For all academic purpose different subjects are as mcludin if doctors' < .. eilgi s of hoods, and tassels of caps, the colors associated with the I Agriculture - Maize Arts. Letters. Humanities - Whit. Medicine - Green Music - Pink Commerce. Accountancy. Nursing - Apricot Business - Drab Oratory (Speech) - Silver Gray Dentistry - Lilac Pharmacy - Olive Green Economics - Copper Philosophy - Dark Blue Education - Light Blue Physical Education - Sage Green Engineering - Orange Public Administration - Peacock Blue Fine Arts - Public Health - Salmon Pink Forestrj Brown Science - Golden Yellow Russet Work - Journalism - Crimson Social Law - Purple Theology - Scarlet Library Science - Lemon Citron Veterinary Science - Gray Adapted from "An Academic Costume Code and Ceremony Guide." American Universities and Colleges (Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education. 1959)
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