MC 4-HC - Cooperative Extension County Offices
MC 4-HC - Cooperative Extension County Offices
T HE NEWSLETTER FOR 4-H FAMILIES & FRIENDS Monroe County Extension Office, 14345 Co. Hwy. B, Rm. 1, Sparta, WI 54656 Phone: (608) 269 -8722; Fax: (608) 366 -1809 E-mail: Website: -h-youth-development/ May 2016 JOSHUA’S JOTTINGS Dear 4-H Families, I know I have told you many times in the past that this is my dream job, what I have always wanted to do with my life. Summer is one of those reasons, who can call running camps and working with great youth building and doing projects work. I would imagine some of you think I am nuts and maybe I am a smidge, but I am really excited about the opportunities 4-H offers in the summer. Our flagship event, summer camp, is happening late this year and we are flying solo, so this is a little stressful. I want to make sure we offer a strong program, and I need help to do that. I have six youth counselors signed up. I need one more high school age boy and one more girl, and that should be set. I really need some adult chaperones to step up so we can offer camp. I need at least 2 men and 3 women to work with us at camp to ensure youth have a safe and fun time. The adults are integrated into camp activities and are given breaks in the day. There are specific tasks that need to be fulfilled as well. We need one CPR or higher certified, (EMT, Dr. RN, 1st Responder) adult to be our health coordinator. We will need two adults to coordinate the crafts, what crafts are up to you or I can help you find something. The last designated job is Food CONTENTS Pg 1 Pg 2–3 Pg 3 Pg 4 Pg 5-6 Pg 6 Pg 7 Coordinator(s), they are in charge of the dining hall set-up and clean-up as well as snack time. There is no cost to the adults that help us out at camp. All these volunteers would be pointless with our campers. The Leaders’ Association has helped with this by keeping the costs low for our campers at only $40. They also lowered the cost for non-4-Hers to attend, allowing your kids’ friends to attend our 4-H camp for $50. Look at your calendar on August 5-8 and consider giving your 4-Her the Summer Camp experience. If you look at the camp brochure on pages 9&10 of this Cloverlink, you will see all the great things kids get from camp. It is one of the most positive youth development tools we have. They get to take a break from everything and immerse themselves in nature, friends, freedom, and fun. It is even great for the middle school age kids that would go to Outpost. Outpost is going to Mirror Lake State Park this year with REAL BATHROOMS and showers. I look forward to this summer with all the great programs. In addition to a great Summer Camp, we will also have our annual Boys’ Science Day and Girls’ Science Day both in July. Our 3rd-5th Grade Day Trip will head to Winona, MN. Jr. Leaders will head to Superior for their Road trip. Clover Camp will be in Leon on August 20th. Oh yea, we can’t forget the 160th Monroe County Fair July 27-31. In the Summer 4-H Spirit, Joshua’s Jottings Calendar of Event Livestock Judging Team Informational Meeting Joshua L. Goede Committee Information 4-H & Youth Development Agent Club News Junior Leaders Info/Cloverbud Corner Project Meeting Info/Horse/TSC/Dogs/Area Animal Science FRIENDLY REMINDERS Days Pg 8 Raffle Info/June Dairy Days Info/Pop Tabs/Theisen’s Info Pg 9-10 2016 Monroe County 4-H Summer Camp Info Pg 10 District Responsibilities/Thank You Pg 11 2016 Tractor Safety Class Info Pg 12 Dairy Promotion Form/Clothing Preview Info Pg 13 Clothing Preview Entry Form Pg 14 Fair Dates, Info and Deadline Sun May 8, 2016 2pm Norwalk Clovers Meeting Where: Nor walk Village Hall, Nor walk, WI 2pm Valle-Ville Club Meeting Where: Fir st United Methodist Chur ch 1105 Butts Ave Tomah, WI 5pm LaGrange Tunnel-Lites Meeting Where: Gr eenfield Town Hall, Tunnel City WI 7pm Sparta Dog Training Where: Rolling Hills, Spar ta, WI 7:15pm Tomah Dog Training Where: Recr eation Par k, 1625 Butts Ave, Tomah, WI Mon May 9, 2016 4pm Cataract CLC 6:30pm Executive Board Meeting Where: Cashton Community Building, Cashton, WI Tue May 10, 2016 4pm Maplewood CLC Sun May 15, 2016 2pm Hoppy Trails Monthly Meeting Where: Tr inity Luther an Chur ch, Spar ta, WI 7pm Sparta Dog Training Where: Rolling Hills, Spar ta, WI 7:15pm Tomah Dog Training Where: Recr eation Par k, 1625 Butts Ave, Tomah, WI Mon May 16, 2016 3:30pm Lawrence Lawson CLC 7:30pm MOCO4-H Leaders Assn. Meeting Where: Cashton Community Building, Cashton WI Tue May 17, 2016 4pm Southside CLC Sun May 22, 2016 1pm Jr. Leaders Meeting/Clean Garden Where: Wesco Home Fur nishings Center , Spar ta, WI 2pm Hill-N-Valley Club Meeting Where: Br ookwood High School, Ontar io, WI 54651 7pm Sparta Dog Training Where: Rolling Hills, Spar ta WI 7:15pm Tomah Dog Training Where: Recr eation Par k, 1625 Butts Ave, Tomah, WI Mon May 23, 2016 7pm Livestock Judging Informational Meeting Where: Rolling Hills, Spar ta, WI Tue May 24, 2016 3:30pm Cashton CLC 7:15pm Tomah Dog Training Where: Recr eation Par k, 1625 Butts Ave, Tomah, WI Sun Jun 5, 2016 1:30pm Jolly Joiners Meeting Where: Cashton High School, Cashton, WI 7pm Sparta Dog Training Where: Rolling Hills, Spar ta, WI 7:15pm Tomah Dog Training Where: Recr eation Par k, 1625 Butts Ave, Tomah, WI Mon Jun 6, 2016 6pm 4-H Shotgun/.22 Practice Where: Catar act Spor tsman' s Club, Catar act WI 6:30pm Denim n' Dust Meeting Where: Catar act Spor tsmen' s Club, Catar act WI 7pm Leon Livewires Meeting Where: Leon Community Center , Leon WI 54656 Wed Jun 8, 2016 6pm 4-H Shotgun/.22 Practice Where: Catar act Spor tsman' s Club, Catar act WI Sun Jun 12, 2016 2pm Norwalk Clovers Meeting Where: Norwalk Village Hall, Norwalk, WI 2pm Valle-Ville Club Meeting Where: Fir st United Methodist Chur ch 1105 Butts Ave Tomah, WI 5pm LaGrange Tunnel-Lites Meeting Where: Amer ican Legion Post, Wisconsin St, Tomah WI Mon Jun 13, 2016 6pm 4-H Shotgun/.22 Practice Where: Catar act Spor tsman' s Club, Catar act WI Jun 15-18, 2016 Upham Woods Open Enrollment Summer Camp Where: Upham Woods, Wisconsin Dells, WI Wed Jun 15, 2016 6pm 4-H Shotgun/.22 Practice Where: Catar act Spor tsman' s Club, Catar act WI Jun 20-23, 2016 4-H & Youth Conference Where: Univer sity of Wisconsin-Madison Jun 20-22, 2016 Tractor Safety Course Where: Bar ney Community Center , Spar ta WI Mon Jun 20, 2016 9am Clothing Preview Where: Rolling Hills Auditor ium, Spar ta, WI 6pm 4-H Shotgun/.22 Practice Where: Catar act Spor tsman' s Club, Catar act WI 7pm Leon Livewires Meeting Where: Leon Community Center , Leon WI 54656 Wed Jul 6, 2016 8am Girls Science Academy Where: Rolling Hills Activity Room, Spar ta, WI Fri Jul 8, 2016 8am Boy's Science Academy Where: Rolling Hills Activity Room, Spar ta, WI Sun Jul 10, 2016 5pm LaGrange Tunnel-Lites Meeting Where: Amer ican Legion Post, Wisconsin St, Tomah WI Fri Jul 15, 2016 Upham Woods Open Enrollment Summer Camp Where: Upham Woods Wisconsin Dells, WI 7:30am MOCO4-H 3rd -5th Grade Day Trip Where: Winona MN & Fountain City WI Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:30pm White Exhibit Building Set-up Clean-up Where: Recr eation Par k, Butts Ave. Tomah, WI Wed Jul 20, 2016 6pm 4-H Foods Review Where: Sparta United Methodist Church, Sparta, WI Sat Jul 23, 2016 9am Fair Grounds Clean up Where: Recr eation Par k, Butts Ave, Tomah WI Wed Jul 27-31, 2016 2016 Monroe County Fair Where: Recr eation Par k, Butts Ave, Tomah WI Aug 5-8, 2016 2016 Monroe County 4-H Summer Camp Where: Upham Woods Wisconsin Check out our live Google Calendar @ Or Scan the code below. Kamie McCoy - President Carol Las - President Elect Bernadette Adams - Secretary Barb Ornes - Treasurer Michelle Jaeger - NW District Angela Bunker - SW District Dave Kuehl - NE District Rachel Fleming - SE District Jamie Luther - Past President RECORD BOOKS/AWARDS 1. NW Member 2. SW Member 3. NE Member 4. SE Member 5. Exec. Board Pres. CLOVERBUD/EXPLORING 1. Jr. Leaders Youth Committee 2. Theresa Amberson 3. Michelle Jaeger 4. Kelli Ollendick 5. Leah Currier FOOD STAND 1. Past President 2. Board Treasurer 3. Dona Goede 4. Siri Donskey HORSES Joan Rose -President Janielle Hanson -Vice Jenna Olson -Secretary 1. Jackie Menn 2. Dona Goede 3. Ethan Habeck 4. Robert Gebczk FESTIVAL OF ARTS 1. Exec Board District Rep. – Dave Kuehl 2. Angela Bunker 3. Bernadette Adams 4. Carol Schauf STATE FAIR COMMITTEE 1. Faye Schreier 2. Annette Trescher 3. Amy Schmitz SHOOTING SPORTS 1. Bill Halfman 2. Joey Esterline 3. Rick Guy 4. Don Puck HOME & FAMILY 1. Kamie McCoy 2. Denise Murray 3. Barb Ornes 4. 5. PROMOTION AND MEMBERSHIP (ONE PER CLUB) 1. Heidi Prestwood DD 2. ?H-N-V 3. ?HT 4. Jamie Mlsna/Miranda Leis JJ 5. ?KRR 6. ?LGT 7. ?LL 8. Barb Ornes NC 9. ?SS 10. ?VV 11. Ann Puck WBC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. FUR, FIN & FEATHER Jamie Luther Amanda Woodworth Carol Las Janielle Hanson Chris Hansen Bernadette Adams Dianna Ornes Small Livestock Auction Jamie North Carol Las Kamie McCoy Self Governing Committees M.C. ALL BREEDS JR. DAIRY 1. Bridget Cleven —President 2. Angela Klinkner —Vice President 3. Rachel Klinkner —Secretary 4. Kennedy Ornes —Treasurer JR. LIVESTOCK Paul Kelsey - President Jeff Bunker - Vice President Faye Schreier - Secretary Jolly Joiners: Jolly Joiners help their last meeting on April 3rd at 1:30pm in the Cashton High School Cafeteria. Jamie Mlsna volunteered to decorate our club cow We discussed fair boards and decided to get new boards for dairy and Miranda is heading a committee to get more done See Annette if interested in calendar raffle tickets We will be planting in the 4-H park and Jamie Mlsna will head this out Denise will be sending out an email with information of members from the club to Tractor Supply in Tomah for clover slips Upham Woods Summer Camp will be August 5-8th for 3rd-6th Grade cabin. If enough members in 6-8th grade of 15 or more there will be outpost camp. Josh needs to know about outpost by June 1st. Josh is also looking for Chaperones and Counselors. The camp you to depends on the grade you are in today If you have questions about fair projects talk to Faye or Annette Tomah Tractor Pull Concessions sign up will be coming out soon Leader Background checks - look out for emails coming from Amanda Schultz sometime between April 6th-12th Announcements: April 9th Fur Fin and Feather, April 12th Jr. Livestock Meeting at 8pm in Cashton, April 16th Woodworking tray class with Faye from 11am to 2pm call and set up time Next meeting will be May 1st at 1:30pm in the Cashton High School Cafeteria —Respectfully Submitted by Izzi Mason, Reporter Leon Livewires: The April meeting was held on April 4, 2016 and was started off with our guest speaker, Corey Ronke, who talked about the FFA Alumni. Our first Project Purple was completed. The club Cheese sale orders should be turned in at the May meeting. The road clean up should be finished by May 1. Members are encouraged to participate in the Tractor Supply Paper Clover Event to continue to do our part for our county. Also, keep selling the fair raffle tickets! The club still plans on providing lunch for the Leon Tractor Ride on June 18 at the Cataract Sportsman Club. Our meeting ended with a great demonstration by Collin Wells on the Mexico City Earthquake. The next meeting is to be held on May 2, 2016 at the Leon Community Center. —Respectfully submitted, Maddie Leis, Reporter LaGrange Tunnel-Lites: Meeting was held April 10th at the Town of Greenfield Hall, Tunnel City Pledges were led by Connor Von Haden Mallory and Mandy Dodsworth and Brayden Gebczyk gave a report on the Fur, Fin, and Feather Show. Congratulations to everyone who took an animal to show Carter Ollendick and Travis Von Haden gave a report on Project Purple. They said it was very educational and fun. Jr. Livestock registration must be turned in by May 16th by 4:30 p.m. Dave Kuehl gave a report on the Leaders Association meeting. Raffle Tickets are due before June 1st to Lois (Please see newsletter for county events) The club made a monetary donation to WI Military Kids. Kylie Moake will be taking the cards and the spring flower arrangements that the Cloverbuds/ explorers made to the adopted grandparents. The Cloverbuds/Explorers met before the regular meeting to make spring flower arrangements for the adopted grandparents. They also made bird feeders for themselves. The Olson family spoke about the horse project The next meeting will be held on May 15th at Roll call was collection of aluminum pop J Sunday, May 22nd to work in the tabs. Community Garden near Wesco in The treasurer's report was presented and Sparta. They will be replacing the fence as well placed on audit. as mulching and cleaning the beds. They will Kyle Menn described the Fur, Fin and also clean up the stream bank. After the work Feather Show that was held in Sparta on April 9, is done they will head to Rudy’s for a treat and 2016. Lailah Ornes received Champion Cat trophy to conduct their business meeting. Please bring and some of the Junior Leaders helped. Barb Ornes sent confirmation of the T-shirts gardening tools as well as cordless drills if you orders via email to Club members. The club will pay have them. 5 dollars towards each member’s shirt and the remaining money is due when shirts arrive. The Road Side clean up sign up sheet was distributed. Sign up is for cleaning our adopted highway before Memorial day, 4th of July and Labor Day. The Tomah Tractor Pull shift is June 25, 2016 11:45 a.m to 5:00 p.m. April 13-24, 2016 is the Tractor Supply 4-H Clover Event. The store’s corporate office gives a money promotion to the Monroe County 4-H. Our Club has selected April 17 and 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to participate, greet customers and help sell the paper clovers. Raffle tickets to sell for the Monroe County Fair will be $20.00 again and the Elroy Fair will be selling Meat Raffle tickets for $5.00. Fair entry books for both fairs were available to members. The Junior Leader’s Report was given. The Tobacco Prevention lesson was done at Brookwood for the CLC on March 31, 2016 and Cashton's afterschool program will be April 28, 2016. Barb Ornes presented the Leader’s Report. There is a menu change to the food stand and sign up will be available starting June 1, 2016. Dog Obedience project meetings occur every Sunday evening. Training is at 7:15 p.m. in Tomah and 7:00 p.m. in Sparta. After the meeting adjourned there was a demonstration by Officer Brian James, Sparta K-9 handler and dog Larz. The next meeting will be May 15, 2016 in Norwalk. - Respectfully submitted, Tyler Brandau, Reporter H ow much did you miss riding your bike? The weather has finally turned nice, and it is time to ride again. Make sure to stay safe and observe these Bike Rules: a) Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians when crossing a sidewalk and to cars when entering the street. Remember that many times they are not looking for you, and may not see you. b) Ride in single file when required traffic conditions and no more than two abreast at any time. c) Signal your intentions to motorists, especially at intersections. d) Drive at a speed that is safe for the road. Remember that brakes will not work as well on loose gravel, or wet pavement, were it is easier to skid out of control. e) Keep both hands on the handlebars. f) Use a carrier or basket for packages instead of trying to balance them on the bike itself. g) Carry only one person per seat, so you can keep control. h) Never, never “hitch on” to a moving vehicle. The driver can’t see you and you could easily lose control. i) Make sure you have reflectors. You may want to consider putting a bright-colored flag on the rear of your bike. j) If you must ride at night, think bright. Wear bright, reflective clothing and use a headlight. The law requires a front white light and a red rear reflector that can be seen from 300 feet away. k) Lock up. Many bikes are stolen each year. Make sure yours isn’t one of them by using an appropriate lock! l) Wear helmet every time you ride your bike. m) Demonstrate proper signaling Horse Project Happy Spring Horse lovers! We encourage you to attend a session or two of the High School Rodeo that will be at the Fairgrounds in Tomah May 13th-15th. Rodeo contestants will include both Jr. and Sr. High students from all over the state of WI and IA. There will even be a handful of local riders. If you would like to learn more about the high school rodeo association, visit Our next event is a general meeting on Monday, May 16th at 6:00pm at Rolling Hills in Sparta. At this meeting, members need to bring: sponsorship forms and money ($20 for new members and $40 for returning), ID sheets for any horse you may want to bring to the fair, and current Coggins papers for any horse you may take to the fair. If your Coggins expires before the fair, you will need to submit the new papers before the fair. We will discuss the show list for the Pleasure Show and Gaming Show, a proposed change to the bylaws, and share what we've learned at the clinics this past winter/ spring. Please plan to join us. Hope to see you in May! —Jenna Olson, Horse Project Secretary Thanks to all who participated in the Tractor Supply Paper Clover events. Thanks to your hard work, Tomah’s store was # 5 in the 200+ stores in the region and better news #1 in the state of Wisconsin. Thanks also to Valle Ville 4-H for organizing the days and working to get so many involved. We hope to have success again in the fall event. Also thanks to Tractor Supply for their support of 4-H and our youth. Remember that Tractor The 2016 Area Animal Science Days will be coming to your area again this summer. Dairy, Livestock and Horses are the headliners with some small animal offerings at the different sites. Dates and Locations are: June 28 – Outagamie County – Northeast Area June 30 – St Croix County – Northwest Area July 1 – Green County – Southern Area Registration and other details will be available soon at wi4haganimalscience/area-animal-sciencedays/ Dog Project Meetings: Sparta Sundays in May 7:00 p.m. Rolling Hills 14345 County Hwy B, Sparta, WI 54656 Dona Goede 608-317-1488 D Tomah Sundays in May 7:15 p.m. Recreation Park 1625 Butts Ave, Tomah, WI 54660 Jackie Menn 608-823-7640 lawnviewfarm og training is off to a great start. Both classes have been throughout April and will continue through May. The trainers would really appreciate a quick call, text, or email from participants each week, to let them know if you are coming or not. All dog project members are welcomed to attend either training. We have made significant changes to the program this year in an effort to simplify the process and make it easier for you as well. Clubs who conduct a dairy promotion activity will receive $50 toward merchandise from the Wisconsin Cheese & Dairy Gear online store: Clubs that participated last year received a 2016 June Dairy Month kit directly from WMMB. Kits are available by contacting the Monroe County Extension Office at (608)269-8722 or contact Becky Kronberg, Mgr., WMMB at (608) 203-7284 or email M Calendar Raffle tickets to support the Monroe County Fair are still available. These tickets have had an incredible impact on our fair. They have allowed the improvement of the grounds and barns. The hope is we will sell out of tickets. You can help. Each club is asked to take and sell as many tickets as possible in the next months. Clubs are not required to take tickets. Call the Office to arrange for more tickets. Please turn in all unsold tickets, and money by June 1, 2016 to Annette Trescher, UWEX Office or the Fair Office. If you need more there are approximately 100 tickets remaining. onroe County Dairy Promotions is again sponsoring the “Wooden POP TAB RESULTS Cow Promotions in 2016. Clubs are ere are the Pop Tab encouraged to redecorate their cow results by club. The for a new summer of promoting Wisconsin’s winning club received a dairy industry. The cows will free sandwich for each of again go on parade in Tomah for its members from McDonald’s in the month of June for all the public to see them at their udder Sparta. best. Then in July they will come Leon Livewires — 156 to pasture on the fence of Jolly Joiners — 18 Recreation Park to relax and encourage fair goers to vote for them in the People’s Choice West Beaver Creek — 12 Contest. For more info contact: Lois Von Haden Norwalk Clovers — 4 Monroe County Dairy Promotions, 9869 Elk Rd, Thank you to all clubs that participated. Tomah, WI 54660 or call 608-372-4428. H THEISEN’S SUPPORTS 4-H Theisen's of Sparta wants 4-H and FFA Members to know they support the effort you put into your projects. That’s why they offer a 10% discount on all your project needs with few exceptions (fencing equipment, commercial grade feeding and watering equipment). They even help out with feed for your project animals. They stock a dairy whites and other show clothing and accessories. If you need a special item ask an employee about it, they may be able to get it in. Just tell the cashier that you are a 4-H or FFA member. The Tractor and Machinery Certification/Training program has been available for many years to 14 and 15 year old youth wishing to operate tractors and farm machinery for non-related parties (for hire). In addition, Wisconsin Law (Act 455) requires any child under the age of 16 (minimum 12 years of age) who operates a farm tractor or self-propelled implements of husbandry on the highway (public road) to be certified as having successfully completed a tractor and machinery operation safety training course. There are no family or relative exemptions. This law (Act 455) took effect July 1, 1997. The legislature considered and accepted lower age limit i.e. 12 years of age. This amendment passed and was signed on April 27, 1998. This training program is designed to meet the necessary requirements for certification for compliance under Wisconsin Act 455 (youth under 16) and for those youth 14 and 15 desiring training and federal certification for farm employment (Part 570 Child Labor Regulations). The 24hour program includes: hands on instruction for tractors and farm machinery operation; hazard recognition and correction; general farm safety knowledge and stresses the importance of a positive attitude towards safety. The course will be taught by Monroe and La Crosse County Extension Agents and Vo-Ag Instructors from Tomah, Brookwood, and Sparta School Districts. Guest speakers from the Sparta Area Fire District, Sparta Area Ambulance, Monroe County Health Department and retired Law Enforcement Officers will also help teach the course. The training will be conducted at the Barney Center, 1000 E. Montgomery St, Sparta, WI. Please notice that this is a 24-hour training program (classroom & assignments). Students are required to attend all sessions. They must pass both a written and a driving exam. The course is taught at a 14-15 year-old age level. Youth must be at least 12 years old at the time of the class to participate. Participants must wear closed-toe shoes and appropriate attire for weather and operating farm machinery. Tractor/Machinery Training Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday June 20 June 21 June 22 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Class may run later if necessary to complete any unfinished driving skill evaluations and/or testing.) *You will need to bring a bag lunch each day! 4-H Club Name:________________________________________________ Year:___________ Location of display:_____________________________________________________________ Type of Dairy Promotions display such as a display board, poster, yard display, storefront, bulletin board: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Who was involved in creating the display? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Briefly describe the intended impact of your club’s display:________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Please have display installed by June 1, 2016. Displays will be judged the week of June 6th. Please attach photograph and submit by mail or email to Monroe County UWExtension Office, 14345 County Hwy. B, Room 1, Sparta, WI 54656 or or By Friday, June 3rd. Thank you. G e t re a dy. G e t s e t. S e w ! T Registration Deadline: Monday, June 6, 2016 Mail entries to: Monroe County Extension Office, 14345 Co. Hwy. B, Rm. 1, Sparta, WI 54656 NAME____________________________________ADDRESS___________________________________ CITY/ST/ZIP_______________________________CLUB______________________________________ GRADE____________________________________YR(S) IN CLOTHING___________________________ CONVENTIONAL MACHINE SEWING BEGINNING - 1st and 2nd year Clothing Project members. Limit: 2 entries per exhibitor, plus Consumer Buymanship. _____ Class A, Grades 3-4 in Clothing project _____ Class B, Grades 5-6 in Clothing project _____ Class C, Grades 7+ in Clothing project Lot No. ____1. Apron ____2. Skirt ____3. Shorts /Culottes ____4. Pants ____5. Lounge pants ____6. Blouse/shirt or top ____7. Outfit for general wear____8. Dress/Jumper ____9. Nightwear ____10. Outerwear ____11. Consumer Buymanship Outfit (at least one item constructed) INTERMEDIATE - Limit: 2 entries per exhibitor, plus Consumer Buymanship. Open to members in grades 5-6, 7-8, and 9th grade/above enrolled in Clothing project. _____ Class D, Grades 5-6 in Clothing project (3rd, 4th yr. of clothing) _____ Class E, Grades 7-8 in Clothing project (3rd, 4th or 5th yr. clothing) _____ Class F, Grades 9+ in Clothing project (3rd, 4th or 5th yr. clothing) Lot No. (Conventional Machine Sewing) _____ 1. Nightwear ____ 2. Skirt _____ 3. Shorts ____ 4. Pants _____ 5. Lounge Pants ____ 6. Blouse/Shirt or Top _____ 7. Skirt with Top ____ 8. Pants with Top _____ 9. Shorts with Top ____ 10.Jumper or overalls with Top _____11. Sportswear outfit (at least two pieces) ____ 12. Dress for general wear _____13. Dress for best wear ____ 14. Outerwear _____15. Garment for someone else ____ 16.Consumer Buymanship Outfit (at least one item constructed) When: Monday, June 20, 2016 Time: Registration: 9:00 a.m. Judging begins: 9:30 a.m. Where: Rolling Hills Auditorium, Sparta Entry Deadline: June 6, 2016 CONVENTIONAL MACHINE SEWING ADVANCED - Limited to two entries per exhibitor plus Consumer Buymanship. Open to members with six or more years. Serger may also be used for any entry. ____ Class G, Clothing Preview, grades 8 and above Lot No. ____ 1. Nightwear or Loungewear ____2. Beachwear ____ 3. Skirt with Top ____4. Shorts with top/shirt ____ 5. Pants with top/shirt ____6. Dress/outfit for general wear ____ 7. Garment for pre-school child____ 8.Garment for school child ____ 9. Jacket, unlined ____10. Suit, unlined ____11. Dress outfit for best wear ____12. Dress outfit for party/formal wear ____13. Sports outfit, two piece (not dress) ____14. Garment for Adult ____15. Altered/Recycled Garment (must provide before picture) ____16. Outerwear/coat ____17. Jacket, lined ____18. Suit, lined ____19. Costume for yourself/another ____20. Consumer Buymanship Outfit (at least one item constructed) “Modeling Your 4-H Garment” handout is available upon request ___Yes ___No See Dept. 26—Clothing Preview in the Fair Book for more information. Show will be held Sunday, July 31st beginning at 2:30 PM at the Fairgrounds in Tomah. Failure to participate in the Style Show will result in the loss of your premium, unless you have obtained permission from Superintendent Denise Murray. Entries will be judged for suitability of garment to individuals and purpose in regards to color and design, general Reminder!! Sheep, Swine, and Market Goat e-IDs are due in the Database 4:30 pm on May 16th 2016 FAIR THEME… ROCK’N ROLL TO THE MONROE COUNTY FAIR Get to the digital form @ monroe/?p=1661 Mailed Forms still need postmarked by May 16th Monroe County Extension Office 14345 Co. Hwy. B, Rm. 1 Sparta, WI 54656 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #116 Sparta, WI 54656