September 2014 - EAA Chapter 640
September 2014 - EAA Chapter 640
CHAPTER OFFICERS: PRESIDENT: BOB MOHR, 103 NORTH 12TH STREET, WAUSAU, WI 54403 (715) 842-9823 VICE PRESIDENT: WYATT CHMIEL, 511 KENT STREET, WAUSAU, WI 54403 (715) 848 848-2815 SECRETARY / TREASURER / NEWSLETTER EDITOR / YOUNG EAGLES COORDINATOR / LIBRARIAN: SYD COHEN, 705 KENT STREET, WAUSAU, WI 54403 (715) 842 842-7814 TECHNICAL COUNSELOR: DAVE CONRAD, 1711 KICKBUSH STREET, WAUSAU, WI 54403 (715) 845 845-7545 WEBMASTER: ROGER GRAHL, 1730 EAST TURNER LAKE ROAD, LAC DU FLAMBEAU, WI 54538 (715) 588 588-7655 Volume XXVIII, Number 9 September, 2014 Our 35th Year! Saturday Saturday, September 13th, 2014 4, 12 noon Terry & Judy Oestreich’s Flying “O” Field This Month’s Meeting: R3465 County Highway Q, Ringle, WI If you plan to fly in, be sure to call Terry to determine if the field is not too wet. Terry’s number is (715) 446 446-3751 Chapter 640 will provide Arby’s roast beef lunch and drinks. Flying: Flying “O” field is ten miles East of Wausau ◦ GPS Coordinates: N44.55.25 - W89.24.08 ◦ Non radio operations in effect, self announce on 122.9 if radio equipped ◦ Elevation 1320 Runway 09/27 - (2400’ x 70’’ grass) Left hand pattern. Ball Marked Power Lines on West End. Driving: R3465 County Highway Q Ringle WI (715) (715)-446-3751 ◦ From Wausau - East 10 miles on Highway 29, take the Village of Ringle HWY Q Exit and go North 3 miles on County Highway Q (east side of road) Last month’s meeting minutes: EAA CHAPTER 640, HAYMEADOW FLYERS August 9, 2014 Bob Mohr’s hangar on the Wausau Airport Meeting: The meeting was called to order at 12:55 pm, after we ate a really great lunch provided by Bob Mohr. Thank you Bob!. 21 members and guests attended. Bob asked for additions and/or corrections to the July meeting minutes as printed in the August Haymeadow Flyer. None were offered, so Rick Coe made a motion to accept the minutes as printed and Terry Oestreich seconded his motion. The motion passed. Bob asked for corrections to the July Treasurer’s report as printed in the August Haymeadow Flyer. Again none offered, so Rick Coe made a motion to accept the minutes as printed and Terry Oestreich seconded his motion. The motion passed. New Members: Derick Pauls introduced himself and joined the Chapter. Derick is a student pilot and one of the Baby Ace volunteers. Guests: Rob Flannery, a former member who now lives in Durango, CO, and his son Sean attended the meeting. Project Reports: Ron Detert reported that he is beginning to do the engine installation on his MiniMax project, and has had some setbacks. Darlene Unertl reported that the Aviators By Design group now have the engine and prop for their Zenith CH-750 project and are selling raffle tickets for a motor scooter to raise money. Dustin Burt reported that he and his dad Glenn are beginning to cover the fuselage of their Fokker Tri Plane. Dave Harm reported that his RV- 10 project’s ailerons and flaps are now finished and he is ready to order the fuselage kit. Baby Ace Wrap-up: Wyatt Chmiel provided the magnetos and mag gears for the Baby Ace. The Chapter should reimburse him for the cost of those. Rick Coe made a motion to do this and Dave Conrad seconded Rick’s motion. The motion passed. Syd will give Wyatt a check for that amount. New Business: Chapter members received AirVenture publicity and awards: 1. Glenn’s Sopwith Pup on Channel 7 & AOPA. 2. Baby Ace in Wausau Daily Herald, AirVenture Today & Milwaukee Journal Sentinel & opened the airshow at AirVenture on Wednesday. 3. Syd’s Ercoupe in AirVenture Today & air-to-air photos. 4. Mike Weinfurter’s L-19A won the Warbird Judges’ Choice Award. AirVenture Cup race wrap-up and expenses: Bob reported that 41 planes were in the race, the fastest flying at about 300 mph. He said that there was not enough advance publicity for the race. $650 was spent on food and beverages for the racers and crew. Rick Coe made a motion to reimburse Bob for this expense, and Terry Oestreich seconded the motion. The motion passed. Syd will give a check for that amount to Bob. Nominating Committee for next year’s officers: Bob appointed Dave Conrad, Keith Mathews and Jake LaSee to the Nominating Committee. Selections of the Nominating Committee will be announced at the September meeting and published in the September Haymeadow Flyer. Nominations from the floor will be accepted prior to the election at the October meeting. Next Chapter 640 project? Fisher Classic Bi-plane or Wittman Buttercup? Syd received an email from a man who said he would like to donate his father’s Fisher project to the Chapter for finishing. Dave Conrad said he was kind of reluctant to take this project on, since it is already covered and may have problems, which are covered up, plus the wood may be in bad shape after sitting for 25 years. Bob Monk said someone should look at the project. Rick Coe, Kurt Mehre and Terry Oestreich volunteered to look at it. Syd said he would contact the son and arrange for a meeting. Upcoming meeting schedule: September 13 (Saturday) – Terry & Judy Oestreich’s Flying “O.” October 11 (Saturday) – Tomahawk airport at noon. November 8 (Saturday) – Syd Cohen’s hangar on the Wausau Airport. December 13 (Saturday) – Combined Chapter Christmas Party at Merrill. The meeting was adjourned at 1:39 pm. Motion by Rick Coe, seconded by Bob Monk . Treasurer's Report for August, 2014: Beginning balance.............................................................................................................$ 1,862.77 Plus dues & donations received............................................................................................... 0.00 Plus checking account interest.(0.05%)............................................................................... 0.07 Minus postage .......................................................................................................................... 11.27 Minus copies ............................................................................................................................. 21.83 Ending balance.................................................................................................................... $1,829.74 which is..................................................................................................................................$1,637.56 in checking plus............................................................................................................................................ $192.18 in cash Payzer Gift Fund Report for August, 2014: Estimated Balance 7/30/14 ……………………………………………………………………………….………$ 41,532.92 Plus estimated interest 8/1/2014 to 8/30/2014 (0.25%) ……....…….….…… ….………………15.01 Estimated balance 8/30/14……………………………………………………..………………………………… $41,547.93 Harold Straw Young Eagles Fund Report for August, 2014: Beginning balance.............................................................................................................. $673.50 Plus interest……………………………………………….………..……………………………………………………..………..… 0.03 Ending balance...................................................................................................................... $673.53 BABY ACE WINS BIG AT THE ANTIQUE AIRPLANE ASSOCIATION CONVENTION IN BLAKESBURG, IA Lyman Hatz flew the Baby Ace to the annual Antique Airplane Association Convention in Blakesburg, Iowa last week, and it received a lot of attention and numerous awards. The awards won are: Iowa Chapter Choice Award Marginal Aviation Chapter Choice Award Corbin Club Best Corbin Award Brent Taylor Second Generation Antique Award Russell Brown Insurance Company People’s Choice Award Congratulations to Kurt Mehre, Dave Conrad, Lyman Hatz, Clifford Hatz, Bob Mohr and all of the other volunteers who worked on the Baby Ace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Cut here )------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 640 T-SHIRTS If you have not yet ordered yours, but want to have one, please use the handy order blank below, or contact Syd with your preferences. Name __________________________________________________ Address ____________________________ City ______________ State ______ Zip ___ Please circle your choices: Size: SMALL MEDIUM LARGE XL XXL (ADD $3) Shirt color: WHITE ($13.60) GRAY ($17) LT. BLUE ($17.19) YELLOW ($25.20) Prices include shipping. BABY ACE FEATURED ON THE COVER OF THE SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSUE OF SPORT AVIATION An article about our project also appears on page 118. UPCOMING YOUNG EAGLES FLIGHT RALLIES SEPTEMBER 20 - - ANTIGO OPEN HOUSE AND YOUNG EAGLES FLIGHT RALLY, 9 AM TO 3 PM. PILOTS AND GROUND VOLUNTEERS ARE DESPERATLY NEEDED. CALL SYD AT 715-573-7063 IF YOU CAN HELP. FLYING MOVIE NIGHT SCHEDULE FOR 2014 – 2015 SET Flying Movie Night is held on Tuesday evenings, 6:30 pm in the Conference Room of the terminal at the Wausau Downtown Airport. Admission is free, but a donation to the Waco CG-4A Invasion Glider Fund will be appreciated. The Menominee Range Historical Society Museum in Iron Mountain Michigan is currently raising funds for heating the building. OCT. 7, 2014 – Wings in the Dark (1935) Myrna Loy, Cary Grant & Dean Jagger OCT. 14, 2014 – Annapolis (2006) James Franco, Macka Foley & Jim Parrack OCT. 21, 2014 – Foreign Correspondent (1940) Joel McCrea, Laraine Day & George Sanders OCT. 28, 2014 – Things to Come (1936) Raymond Massey & Edward Chapman & Ralph Richardson NOV. 4, 2014 – Above and Beyond (2006) Liane Balaban, Jonathan Scarfe & Allan Hawco NOV. 11, 2014 – Toward the Unknown (1956) William Holden, Lloyd Nolan & Virginia Leith NOV. 18, 2014 – Iron Eagle II (1988) Louis Gossett, Jr., Mark Humphrey & Stuart Margolin NOV. 25, 2014 – Cone of Silence/Trouble in the Sky (1960) Michael Craig, Peter Cushing & Bernard Lee DEC. 2, 2014 – Wings over Honolulu (1937) Wendy Barrie, Ray Milland & William Gargan DEC. 9, 2014 – The Crash of Flight 401 (1978) William Shatner, Eddie Albert & Adrienne Barbeau DEC. 16, 2014– Deadly Skies (2005) Antonio Sabato Jr., Rae Sawn Chong & Dominic Zamrogna Dec. 23, 2014 – Roughly Speaking (1945) Rosalind Russell, Jack Carson & Robert Hutton Dec. 30, 2014 – Wings of Adventure (1930) Rex Lease, Armida, Clyde Cooke & Fred Malatesta JAN. 6, 2015 – Crimson Romance (1934) Max Von Stroheim, Ben Lyon & James Bush JAN. 13 2015 – Every Time We Say Goodbye (1986) Tom Hanks, Cristina Marsillach & Benedict Taylor JAN. 20, 2015 – The Great Air Race (1999) Barry Bostwick, Helen Slater & Caroline Goddall JAN. 27, 2015 – Piece of Cake (1988) Boyd Gaines, Neil Dodeon & Nathan Parker FEB. 3, 2015 – Dragonfly Squadron (1953) Chuck Connors, John Hodiak & Barbara Britton FEB. 10, 2015 – A Yank in the RAF (1942) Tyrone Power, Betty Grable & John Sutton FEB. 17, 2015 – Fighter Squadron (1948) Edmond O’Brien, Robert Stack & John Rodney FEB. 24, 2015 – The Dambusters Raid (2001) MARCH 3, 2015 – Pirates of the Skies (1939) Kent Taylor, Rochelle Hudson & Regis Toomey MARCH 10, 2015 – Doomsday Flight (1966) Jack Lord, Edmond O’Brien & Katherine Crawford MARCH 17, 2015 – Broken Arrow (1995) John Travolta, Christian Slater & Samantha Mathis MARCH 24, 2015 – The Final Countdown (1980) Kirk Douglas, Martin Sheen & James Farentino MARCH 31, 2015 – Hypersonic (2002) Antonio Sabato, Jr., Adam Baldwin & Alex Jolig Want Ads (send me a list of anything you want to sell or buy) FOR SALE BY BUILDER 2003 CHRISTAVIA Mk1, N822RM EAA Air Venture 2005, Plans Built, Bronze Lindbergh Award Winner N822RM SPECIFICATIONS Power Plant Length Height Empty Weight Fuel Capacity Airframe TCM O-200A (70SMOH) 21’ 7’ 1060# 19 USG 70 Hr TT Digital Fuel Gauge Airspeed Indicator Sensitive Altimeter Recording Tachometer Vertical Card Compass Electric Turn Coordinator Tinted Windows Sigtronics Intercom Digital Clock/Timer Vertical Speed Indicator Horsepower @ RPM Wing Span Wing Area Gross Weight Fuel Consumption Fabric Dual Flight Controls Front Hydraulic Toe Brakes Entrance Step Left Opening Pilot Window Steerable 8” Tail Wheel Wing Tie Down Rings Anti-Glare Panel Cover Push to Talk Both Ctl Sticks Concord Sealed Battery Wheel Pants 100 @ 2750 32’-6” 146 SF 1600# 6 GPH Ceconite 101 Propeller Sensenich W69T5EK-50 Propeller Diameter 69” Cabin Width 30” Load Factors +4.5G –2.8G Oil Capacity 6 Quarts Finish AirTech Polyurethane Comfortable Foam Seats Full Width Rear Seat Vinyl & Fabric Interior Cabin Heater Deluxe Instrument Panel Rheostat Cabin Lights Cowl Mounted Landing Light Digital Outside Air Temp ACK ELT 121.5 Mhz Spin On Oil Filter Electric Starter 60 Amp Alternator Digital Volt/Ammeter Navigation Lights Wingtip & Tail Strobes Float Fittings Twin Headset Jacks Front Seat Greenhouse Roof King 76/78 Transponder VAL COM 760 VHF Transceiver $38,000.00 USD John Milliman, 402 Tyrone Drive, Forsyth, IL 62535, 217-875-6869 (Please Leave Message), or email: Hangered at Decatur, IL (KDEC) Light Sport aircraft FOR SALE, Earthstar Odyssey 2 Place, flying N159BS I have an excellent two place Amateur Built Earthstar Odyssey for sale. I am starting my sales procedure by contacting EAA Chapters nearby to give those interested a chance to travel to see it without it being too far away. This flying machine is flying and has less than 400 hours on it. Cruise at 85 MPH with a burn of about 2.5 gallons an hour. I am asking $25,000. I have a web site where it can be seen at Thanks much, Skot Weidemann EAA #2594, Member of EAA Corben Chapter 93 (Madison, WI) and EAA 1389 (Middleton, WI) 1123 Sherman Avenue, Madison, WI 53703, 608/310-4548 Home: 608/255-3201 Cell: 608/5760201 FOR SALE -- 1990 Kolb Firestar, 503 Rotax $4,500. David Breger 920-410-4671. FOR SALE – KX-99 handheld radio. Contact Dick Mork 715-891-2157 or FOR SALE – Acrosport biplane. Bill Knutson, or 715-842-7573. FOR SALE – 1964 Piper Short Wing, needs paint and interior work. Asking $8,500 ($10,000 invested). Have all logs. Rob Pichelman, 715-536-1386. FOR SALE -- LYC. 290 D2 ENGINE. Contact Dick Mork 715-891-2157 or Chapter Library -- You are invited to borrow aviation-related books and videotapes from the Chapter Library, which is located in Syd Cohen's hangar. Look them over at the next meeting or call Syd at 842-7814 and the hangar will be opened for you. They are all available for free loan. Email -- If you prefer to receive the Chapter newsletter by postal mail and now are receiving it by email, please email me at and indicate such. Please bear in mind that postal mail is more expensive, though. If you are receiving the Chapter newsletter by postal mail, but do have email capability, please email me and I'll send it to you by email from now on. Dues reminder: Check your mailing labels if you’re receiving the newsletter by postal mail. It will tell you if your dues are paid for 2014 or not. Dues are $8.00. If you can't make it to the meeting please mail it to Syd's address, which is at the top of the first page of the newsletter. Checks should be made out to “EAA Chapter 640.” Those of you receiving the newsletter by email will receive an email reminder. “OLD” IS WHEN…AN “all-nighter” means not getting up to use the bathroom! The Haymeadow Flyer Newsletter of EAA Chapter 640 Syd Cohen, Newsletter Editor 705 Kent Street Wausau, WI 54403 54403-6933