Gord Gavrilovic


Gord Gavrilovic
QUEBEC - 2016
Collaborative Approaches
to Space Use
Gord Gavrilovic – Manager, Space & Facility Renewal
▪ UOG Location and Facts
▪ Collaboration
▪ Utilization Issues
▪ Space Management Basics
▪ What We Already Do
▪ What We Want to Do
▪ Case Studies
▪ Located between Toronto and Kitchener along the
HWY 401 corridor
▪ Main Guelph campus is approximately 1,225 acres or
496 hectares
▪ 390 ac. / 158 ha. of core campus
▪ 408 ac. / 165 ha. of Arboretum
▪ 55 ac. / 22 ha. of research park and adjacent lands
▪ 163 ac. / 66 ha. of other real estate managed lands
▪ 209 ac. / 85 ha. of Cutten Club property
▪ Satellite campuses at Guelph-Humber and Ridgetown
▪ Research stations throughout Ontario
Facts and Figures
▪ Research intensive comprehensive university
▪ 145 buildings - average age is 55 yrs
▪ 6.68 million square feet or 618.7 thousand square meters gross area
▪ Total Replacement Value of $1.91 billion
▪ 24,140 full-time and 2,640 part-time students (Undergrad & Grad)
▪ 840 FTE Faculty and 2,000 FTE Staff
▪ Space is one of our core resources, therefore improving utilization has
become a top strategic priority
▪ Utilizing the existing space footprint more efficiently has significant cost
avoidance implications in new construction
▪ Partnering and collaborating with our stakeholders to improve utilization
will advance the financial & academic mission by allowing for growth
without straining finances with the “build to grow” approach
Utilization Issues
▪ Space surveys measure usage over a given time period but not the
quality of this use
▪ Not only a Facilities issue, needs involvement from senior management,
the academic community and other facility users
▪ Limited involvement or engagement from the academic community
▪ Faculty/College controlled space vs. Centrally controlled space
▪ We are trying to fix the problem using varying techniques; i.e.
scheduling, space standards
▪ Utilization rates still remain low even with the recognition of the problem
The Space Management Basics
Policies &
Space is important
and expensive and
must be utilized
COU Space
Space strategies in
line with
strategic plan
‘space’ with all key
Office Space
Transparent and
available to all
Review all space
requests and make
Culture Change
“All space is
University space”
Budget models to
include Space
Space Data
What We Already Do
▪ Involve stakeholders in audit of
space to establish baseline
▪ Partner with stakeholders to
update and verify data on an
ongoing basis
▪ Provide data to enable decision
Space Data
What We Want to Do
▪ Provide access to “self-serve” data
to enable more timely decision
▪ Provide utilization measurements
in a user-friendly dashboard
▪ Enable and encourage more space
based forecasting and strategic
planning and “what-if” scenarios
using available data
Standards and Policies
What We Already Do
▪ Communicate policies and
standards to all stakeholders
▪ Need to be flexible in their
application “one size does not fit
▪ Ensure they are informed by the
Strategic Plan
Standards and Policies
What We Want to Do
▪ Develop new policies and
standards on utilization; i.e.
classroom utilization metrics
▪ Enhance and expand existing
policies and standards
▪ Benchmark utilization with our
▪ Review and update the Campus
Master Plan
Space Champion
What We Already Do
▪ The Space Allocation Committee
reviews all space requests
▪ Business cases are presented for all
requests which are evaluated for
contribution to University’s mission
and goals
▪ Funding sources are reviewed and
75% of fund-raising targets must be
received before projects can begin
▪ Large stock of centrally scheduled
Space Champion
What We Want to Do
▪ Increase the stock of centrally
scheduled classrooms
▪ Provide planning support,
renovation funding and access
to centrally controlled spaces to
facilitate better collaboration
▪ Request units to develop
Strategic Master Space Plans
that include forecasting space
What We Already Do
▪ Academic units are to solve space issues when possible using their own
assigned spaces first
▪ Academic units are to give up unused space in exchange for better
space on campus
What We Want to Do
▪ Shared space use models are being investigated where functions such
as administration are shared by several units
▪ New budget models demonstrating accountability are being investigated
which would include chargebacks for space use
Case Studies
Macdonald Hall – Re-purposed from Residences to Academic Use
▪ Student Housing Services were
able to release Macdonald Hall to
use for other purposes
▪ College of Business & Economics
provided with the opportunity to
significantly enhance its identity
and visibility, and achieve its vision
by bringing together in one
location core faculty and staff and
proposed new integrative centres
Case Studies
Macdonald Hall – Re-purposed from Residences to Academic Use
▪ Active learning classrooms and
start-up incubator programs
(CBaSE) are provided with
dedicated space in the building
▪ With less investment than
building new the building is repurposed, upgraded and
optimized for better space use
extending the life of a
historically significant building
and meeting Strategic Planning
Case Studies
VMI Building – Building Initially Identified for Demolition
▪ Instead of demo - utilize as
swing space
▪ Accommodated departmental
moves during 2 major repurposing renovation projects,
Engineering Complex and
College of Business &
Case Studies
VMI Building - Building Initially Identified for Demolition
▪ Opportunities to accommodate
new programs and relocate
existing programs requiring
better quality space
▪ With less investment than
building new the life of the
building could be extended and
therefore increasing space
utilization and meeting Strategic
Planning goals
Case Studies
GFTC Building - Building Leased to External Agency
▪ Federal funds used to initially build
the facility, external agency became
a tenant, UOG partnered with the
agency, the business was then sold
and new owner needed more space
and decided to build a new facility
within UOG Research Park
▪ Lease termination provides
opportunity for space re-use
Case Studies
GFTC Building - Building Leased to External Agency
▪ Opportunities to expand/relocate
existing programs and
accommodate new programs
▪ Working with stakeholders,
reviewed business case proposals
▪ With less investment than building
new or re-purposing existing, good
quality space can be re-used
“as-is” increasing space utilization
and meeting Strategic Planning
Gord Gavrilovic