0342-Rhodia Automobile
0342-Rhodia Automobile
Edited by: Rhodia Engineering Plastics S.A. Avenue Ramboz BP 64 F-69192 Saint-Fons Cedex Tel.: (33) 4 72 89 27 00 Fax: (33) 4 72 89 27 01 Société Anonyme au capital de 271 256 400 FF 393 335 104 RCS Lyon www.rhodia-ep.com France - Rhodia Engineering Plastics SA Avenue Ramboz BP 64 - F-69192 Saint-Fons Cedex Phone: (33) 4 72 89 27 00 - Fax: (33) 4 72 89 27 01 info@rhodia-ep.com www.rhodia-ep.com Design Square • Photos Digital Vision / Bruno Meudic / PhotoDisc / Getty Images / Photothèque Rhodia / Studio Pons • 02.04 The information contained in this document is supplied in good faith. It is based on: • the extent of our knowledge of the products as listed, • the tests and experiments carried out in our laboratories. It is to be used only as an indication and shall not be construed in any way as a formal commitment or warranty on our part. Compliance of our products with your conditions of application or use can only be determined pursuant to your own prior appropriate test. Automotive market TECHNYL® polyamide range Contents 1 Rhodia specialist in engineering polyamide the worldwide Customer-driven & Focused on Innovation ONICS Global Customer Support 3 R IA L G FREIBURG MISSISSAUGA GORZOW ONSAN LYON CERIANO DETROIT SHANGHAI MIAOLI SAO PAULO Sustainable Development 5 Cooling and Heating systems WATER END TANKS WATER PIPE 6 7 COOLING MODULE THERMOSTAT HOUSING Air Systems AIR INTAKE MANIFOLD AIR DUCT 8 9 Mechanical Parts ENGINE AND FRONT COVERS CYLINDER HEAD COVER 10 11 FAN AND SHROUD FRONT END