Presentation. - PPP for cities
Presentation. - PPP for cities
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION OF colombia Population: 48 Million inhabitants Urban: 37 million inhabitants rural: 11 million inhabitants GDP PER CAPITA: USD 7.930 poverty: 28.5% Unemployment: 8,8% Santa Marta Bay BANK OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WE DREAM WITH SUSTAINABLE TERRITORIES URBAN DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL In harmony with population growth and urban footprint. For integral human development MODERN GOVERNMENT Efficient generation and use of resources, promoting active citizens QUALITY OF LIFE Basic services, infrastructure and quality equipment SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT Consistent with the effects of climate change PLAN Financial Institution for Development We are the strategic Partner of the regions EXECUTE FINANCE Integrated Territorial Development - DTI Supporting the development of the country, from the regions 407 Disbursements for USD 4.012 Million Municipalities A vision turn into actions 1.730 Projects 30 Departments (states) Urbanization tendency in colombia Colombia a country of cities 62 1950 40% 1980 60% Cities with more than 100 mil inhabitants Total Population 29 million 2015 75% generating 50% 2050 85% 75% Living in cities 35 million Inhabitants. of the total GDP. Challenges of planning in colombia Migration and productive employment 24% 48% Of the poor live in cities Have informal employment. 8 million inhabitants 5 million inhabitants housing Climate change and environment Less than 8% Of the solid waste generated is recycled. 37% Of the emission of gases in the cities are from energy. 3 MILLion Live in informal settlements. (36% of the population) Long term planning 1950 2015 POLLUTION HOUSING DEFICIT CONGESTION COMPETITIVE LOST 2050 7.878.783 inhabitants BOGOTÁ 715.250 inhabitants barranquilla 279.627 inhabitants 2.025.071 inhabitants ? bucaramanga 224.876 inhabitants 527.913 inhabitants ? Sustainable and Competitive Cities 1. PASTO (A-) 7. BARRANQUILLA (aa) 2. ARMENIA (BBB) 8. SANTA MARTA (bbb+) 3. PEREIRA (a+) 9. VALLEDUPAR (bbb) 4. MANIZALES (a) 10. BUCARAMANGA (aa) 5. MONTERÍA (BBB) 11. VILLAVICENCIO (bbb) 6. CARTAGENA (a+) Reference: Fitch Ratings dimensions Environmental uRBAN Economic and social Fiscal and governance 48 INDICATORS Utilities High risk and vulnerability Climate change 23 INDICATORS Movility Public space Growth and density 38 INDICATORS Education Security Health 139 30 INDICATORS Transparency Financial autonomy Modern public management t total Indicators BARRANQUILLA Credit resources USD 333 Million Itd resources USD 133 Million Massive Transport Leon Creek ENVIRONMENTAL USD 63 millions Design and construction of storm water channels sub fluvial cross rio magdalena mitigation works for surface water management and groundwater. 2 water projects self sustainable park las Nieves URBAN Terminal container ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL USD 320 USD 65 millions Massive Transport System Construction Port of Barranquilla 7,986 Houses Public Space Master Plan Historic Center Master Plan 2 recreations and sports parks millions Design and improvement of 15 education institutions and universities Reorganization of the network of helath services 2 Schools Distric School of Arts Health Center El Paso FISCAL AND GOVERNANCE USDmillions 40 Restructuring of the descentraliced entitties Barranquilla capital of trade agreements District School of Arts Educational, artistic and cultural program Positive social impact BUCARAMANGA Rio Tona Reservoir Credit Resources USD 165 Million ITD resources USD 35 Million Viaduct La Novena Quebrada La Iglesia park ENVIRONMENTAL URBAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL USD 93 USDmillions 85 millions millions Río Tona reservoir Quebrada La Iglesia lineal park Massive Transport System Viaduct La Novena Third lane 2.378 houses 2 recreation and sports parks USD 30 Construction of the supply center Support to 7 educational institutions and universities Extension of San Pedro Claver School Extension of University Tecnológica Construction of Clinic FOSUNAB Technological update and strengthening of the public network of heath Education platform Bucaramanga sustainable city Quebrada La Iglesia lineal park 9.2 km of public space(27.000 m2) Benefits 2 million inhabitants Generates 600 employments Intervention of 158 ha Manizales Niza Plant Credit Resources USD 39 Million ITD resources USD 28 Million Rogelio Salmona Cultural Center Autónoma University ENVIRONMENTAL URBAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL USD 17 USDmillions 45 USDmillions 19 millions Risk Management Plan Optimizing treatment plants , water supply and sewerage networks and sanitation management of the watershed discharges of Chinchina river 1 project of water Transport Terminal Regional Master Plan Massive Transport Plan Construction and maintenance of urban and rural 2.466 Houses Support to 7 educational institutions and universities Universidad De Caldas Library Construction of Emblematic Multifunctional tower of Universidad de Manizales Economic Impact of Airport del Café Manizales knowledge city Regional master plan Job creation: 39,550 Strategic sectors: • • • • Technology Education Transport tourism Economy of sustaible growing THE FACTS SPEAK by THEMSELVES HEALTH EDUCATION SAN FRANCISCO JAVIER school - PASTO WATER ACUEDUCt – CARMEN BOLÍVAR INFRASTRUCTURE port- santa marta TRANSPORT Cable car - manizales TRANSPORT Massive transport system transmetro - barranquilla Innovation and Knowledge center Follow us: For more information contact us: @findeter findeter findeter1 findeter Comunications director: Customer Service: Working together and generating more wealthness to the country