

Georges Aperghis
with Donatienne Michel-Dansac, soprano
Original music : Georges Aperghis
texts : Olivier Cadiot
Stage manager : Georges Aperghis
light creation : Daniel Lévy
«Alone on the stage, the singer-actress Donatienne Michel-Dansac sings on the line of the words
(...) A beautiful feat. (...).» Maurice Ulrich - L’Humanité
«A world brilliantly performed by Donatienne Michel-Dansac, whose precision and accuracy force listening until the end. Engraved as much musically than textually, these Tourbillons become attractive
then by the portrait which they reveal of an artist.» Caroline Châtelet - Théâtre
Contact diffusion :
laurence dune - 00 33 (0)1 43 60 72 05 - 00 33 (0)6 08 07 41 92 -
is a linking spectacle of the originally made up parts for the
concert (two cycles for voice alone) with a writing intended for
the scene (ordered text with Olivier Cadiot) being registered in
briefs inserts destabilizers, in monomaniaques thoughts. It is
a spectacle-portrait, that of an singer-actress facing her partitions and her texts, facing her daydreams and the difficulty of
its art.
Aperghis likes to impose on a succession vocal figures a series
of expressive affects and tone unceasingly changing. It thus
creates a kaleidoscope of imaginary expressions in extreme cases of mental dislocation.
It’s a performance – portrait
That of a singer - actress alone in front of her score and with her texts, in front of her dreams
and with the complexity of its art.
Performance was created in the Centre Culturel André Malraux de Vandoeuvre les Nancy
on may 2004, framework of the 20th édition of the festival Musique Action.
Production du CCAM – scène nationale de Vandoeuvre les Nancy
Extracts to listen :
First : When we happen to make small sacrifices god sees us and so he’s happy.
But second : therefore he’s unhappy to see badly done things (things we do thinking he doesn’t
see us; which is wrong). As unhappy as when he sees we pretend to do things well only because we know he’s watching us.
So he says : that he’s happy only when we act well without knowing he’s watching us, which
compels us to forget the First. (Breathe!)»
Olivier Cadiot
Meet with Olivier Cadiot
«To write for Georges Aperghis posed a particular problem to me: it does not need text. Georges
Aperghis composed the music for Martine Viard, then it asked me to write “Prières d’insérer”
which would come to be intercalated between the various pieces (“Tourbillons” and “Calmes
plats”), a little like récitatifs.
I took this order literally : to write fragments of text which will be said by a singer on scene,
to write so that it speaks. To write a text without anything to know of the spectacle, as of the
theatre which comes to fit into the medium of the music without knowing it.
In each nine récitatifs, these four moments are always organized according to the same structure, a little as if there were each time inside even the récitatif one, «mini-tourbillons» and
«mini-calmes plats».
They are nine crises with rise and depression. There is initially a surprise, a generally body
shock, then a rapid prayer, then a memory, which always returns to the same history of a
schizophrenic gardener who imitates the voices of his owners, and finally a exercise of calms,
elucidation or a reading.
Each time, the four sections returns and goes up of a notch: that becomes of worse into worse.
The regrets and the remorses, the increasingly insane prayers and the exercises of «mental
yoga» become desperate sermons. It was not a question any more of putting a piece of literature on the plate but of writing for a true voice, for a true person, a nonmusical and nonpoetic
text a priori.
I wrote it like a «psychosomatic» monologue, by giving indications of tone, ways of speaking,
states of heart, spirit and bodies, which return to false psychological categories (chuchoté/surpris - rapide/superstitieux - hurlé/paniqué - saccadé/choqué - bas/désespéré). I did not write
for «the music» but for a voice and it is very different. For the private life of a singer.»
Olivier Cadiot
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Donatienne MICHEL-DANSAC begins its musical studies at the 7 years age to
the C.N.R. of Nantes in the classes of violin and piano; it obtains its price of
musical theory at 14 years At 11 years, it enters to the control of the Opera of
Nantes and takes part in the various scenic productions during more than eight
seasons, often as a soloist. In 1985, it is allowed first named and unanimously
of the jury, with the C.N.S.M. of Paris. It will obtain there its price of song in
1990. In 1988, it interprets «Laboryntus II» of L.Berio under the direction of
Pierre Boulez with the Intercontemporain Unit. Since, it is the guest many formations and French and foreign festivals.
© Mikaël LIBERT
Donatienne Michel-Dansac,
A close cooperation with the IRCAM since 1993 enabled him to create many works: PH Manoury («In echo»), P.
Dusapin («Romeo and Juliette») L Francesconi («Etymo»), M.Lanza, Hans Tutschku, George Aperghis («Machinations») in particular. In January 2003, creation with the IRCAM and the recording of «Voi(e)r(e)x» of Philippe
With the autumn 2001, it created the integral, ever carried out to date, of the «14 Recitations for voice alone»
of Aperghis, in Konzerthaus of Vienna. Not wishing to specialize in one musical time, Donatienne Michel-Dansac
interprets the music baroque Frenchwoman, Italian and German (with flourishing Arts), romantic and traditional
in recital with Vincent Leterme (Radio-France, midday-musical of Châtelet, Opéra Bastille, the City of the Music,
the Academy of Beautiful Arts of Munich, operated of Lille....). In 2002, with unit S.I.C, it created «Between dog
and wolf», work written and put in scene by George Aperghis at the Opera of Nancy and resumption in round.
In 2003, it interpreted «macabre Mysteries of the» of F.Ligeti with the Orchestra of Paris directed by Sylvain
Cambreling, «Weltparlament» of K.Stockhausen. In 2004, Donatienne MICHEL-DANSAC in particular interpreted
«adventures, news adventures» of G.Ligeti, with the Intercontemporain unit under the direction of Kazushi Ono,
like several recitals intended for the young public. It was invited by the theatre of Châtelet with the S:ic unit, sang
the 4è symphony of G.Mahler, with the festival of Saint-Dizier, «Laborintus II» of L Berio with the EIC directed
by Jonathan Nott in Paris, Athens and with the Philharmonic society of Berlin. She worked with the Foundation
professor Swedenborg for the Contemporary art, for a spectacle on the contemporary opera within the framework
of the Festival of Autumn. In May 2004, it interpreted the new production of «Swirls» of George Aperghis, with
texts of Olivier Cadiot, put in scene by the type-setter at the ACPC of Vandoeuvre Nancy. It also carried out the
first monographic recording of Jean-Luc Herve with the Sillages unit. It will create «opinion of storm» new opera
of George Aperghis to the Opera of Lille in November 2004 and will be the guest of several festivals (Montreal,
Helsinki, Salzburg...).
Discography :
- Robert le cochon, M.O.Dupin, Orchestre National d’Ile de France/ Jean Deroyer, Harmonia Mundi, 2010
- Traces VII, Martin Matalon, voix seule et électronique, sysmal records, 2009
- Pygmalion, J.Ph. Rameau (La Statue), Les Arts Florissants, dir: W. Christie - Harmonia Mundi
- Recitations, G.Aperghis, live, première intégrale mondiale, Col Legno, 2008
Georges Aperghis was born in Athens in 1945. Installed in Paris since 1963,
it carries out an original and independent career since then, sharing its activity between the instrumental or vocal writing and the musical theatre. This
scenic exploration begins in 1971, year when it composes «to It tragic history
of the necromancian Hiéronimo and his mirror», for the Festival of Avignon
which will consequently accomodate it regularly in its programming. In 1976,
Georges Aperghis melts the Workshop Theatre and Music (Atem), established in
Bagnolet until 1991, then with the Theatre of Nanterre-Amandiers.
With this structure, he renews his practice of composer completely. Send for musicians as well as actors, his
spectacles with Atem, elaborate repetitions after repetitions, are inspired of social facts transposed in a poetic
world, sometimes absurd or tinted satire. All the ingredients (vocal, instrumental, gestural, scenic) are treated in the same step of composition and contribute to equal shares, apart from any preexistent text with the
dramaturgy of the spectacles. From 1976 to 2000, one counts more than twenty spectacles signed George
Aperghis with Atem, and in particular «Les jeteurs de sorts» (1979), «Guetteurs de sons» (1981), «Conversations» (1985), «Enumerations» (1988), «Jojo» (1990), «Sextuor» (1993) and «Commentaires» (1996).
With the length of these years, Georges Aperghis does not give up therefore the writing of chamber
music and orchestra, rich of many works for very varied manpower, and composes, starting from the
«Quatorze Recitations» (1978), which are a bit the prototype, a great series of pieces for instruments or
voices alone, intended for interpreters which are close for him.
These works very often introduce theatrical aspects, sometimes purely gestural, which affirm the concern of the representation there too, always essential at Georges Aperghis. In September 2002, the Musica festival accomodates two creations: «Print Music» for piano and «Quatorze Jactations» for baritone
(jactation means disordered agitation who is observed in some disturb nervous related to the anxiety).
Another important side of his work, the operas are like a synthesis of its theatrical and musical experiments.
After «Pandaemonium» (1973), «Histoires de loups» (1978) and «Liebestod» (1981), its seventh opera «Tristes Tropiques», according to Lévi-Strauss was created with the Opera of the Rhine within the framework of the
Musica Festival in 1996. The year 2000 was remembered by two creations which were heard through all Europe: «Die Hamletmaschine - Oratorio», on a text of Heiner Müller, and a spectacle «Machinations», ordering of
Ircam, which was seen decreeing the price of the best creation of the year by the SACEM. In October 2002, the
Ictus Unit in collaboration with Filmfabriek creates in Brussels «Paysage sous surveillance», spectacle musical,
theatrical and visual inspired of Heiner Müller. Prolix composer (more than one hundred numbers to its catalogue, published essentially in Salabert and Durand), Georges Aperghis built, with an invention ever dried up, a
personal work which defies classifications and which was greeted by many distinctions: Price SACEM (1974),
Price Paul Gilson (1978), Great Price of the Town of Paris (1988), Price SACD (1994). In 1998, George Aperghis
received the Great National Price of the Music. In 2002 the Academy Charles Cros decreed to him the Price of
the President of the Republic for the whole of its work. Georges Aperghis is commander in the National Order of
Arts and the Letters. Georges Aperghis writes «Avis de tempête», opera which has been created in November
2004 with the Opera of Lille.
Discography of Georges Aperghis with the company Vand’Oeuvre :
- «Tingel Tangel / Jactations» (label Vand’Oeuvre) production du CCAM - 2004.
Interprètes de «Tingel Tangel» : Frédéric Davério, Valérie Philippin, Françoise Rivalland
Interprète de «Jactations» : Lionel Peintre
This CD did awarded the label MFA (musique française d’aujourd’hui)
Olivier Cadiot,
Olivier CADIOT in particular published: «art poétic’» (1988, P.O.L),
«Romeo & Juliette» (1989, P.O.L), «Future, Old, Fugitive» (1993,
P.O.L), «the Colonel of the Zouaves» (1997, P.O.L), «final and durable
Return to be liked it» (2002, P.O.L).
For the theatre, he in particular wrote: «Happy birthday to you» - monologue put in scene by
Georg-Maria Pauen (created with the Theatre of the Athenaeum in 1988). In collaboration with
the director Ludovic Lagarde, it adapted three of these texts to the theatre: «Sisters and Brothers» (Belfort, 1993), «the Colonel of the Zouaves» (Lorient, 1997), «final and durable Return
to be it aimé»(Nancy, 2002). In 1987 at the side of the type-setter Pascal Dusapin, it creates
«It-Li-KB-Solo» and in 1989 with the festival of Avignon the opera «Romeo & Juliette».
In 1995, he writes the text of the part «36 prayers to insert» of the type-setter George Aperghis
like that of the part «Swirls». He collaborates in addition regularly with the musicians of the
group Kat Onoma and more particularly with Rodolphe Burger.
Il was, on july 2010, associate artist of the Avignon Festival with Christoph Marthaler.
Daniel LEVY,
light designer
After studies at the School Higher of Dramatic art of Strasbourg in the governed section and
the studies than the TNS, Daniel LEVY meets George Aperghis with whom it collaborates since
regularly, of «the Fairground stall» (1990) with «Machinations» (Ircam, 2000). Since 1996, it
carries out in parallel a trade-guild with Frederic Fisbach (made Advertisement with Marie of
Paul Claudel in 1997 - «Maiakowski» in 1997 - «the Island of died» of Strindberg - «Us them
hero» of Jean-Luc Lagarce in 1999 - «Folding screens» in 2002). It worked in addition with
Edith Scob, Jean-François Peyret, Anita Pitchiariny, Ingrid von Wantoch Rekowski, Emily Loiseau
Rekowski and also works as scenic creator for Arthur H.
Tourbillons, ... 40 performances after the premier
Music : Georges Aperghis
Texts : Olivier Cadiot
Stage manager : Georges Aperghis
Light creation : Daniel Lévy
Performer, Donatienne Michel-Dansac
Création 2004 - Centre Culturel André Malraux – Vandœuvre les Nancy
Opéra – Lille ; Association Campler – Perpignan ; Festival Voix Croisées – Strasbourg
2005 - 2010
Théâtre du Saulcy – Metz ; Haute École des Arts – Berne ; Ircam festival Agora – Paris ;
Biennale de Berne (octobre) – Berne ; Avanti Chamber Orchestra – Helsinki ; Le Manège
scène nationale – Reims ; Ny Musikk – Oslo ; Halles de Schaerbeck – Bruxelles ; Teatro San
Martin – Buenos Aires ; Théâtre du Rond Point (28 représentations) - Paris.
Next performances :
On june 2011 from 1st to 5th - CDN de Nancy (54)
Framework of the festival Musique Action / coréalisation CDN-CCAM
The press release...
«It’s a performance. On stage, during maybe to forty-five minutes, a frail and fair woman speaks,
sings, delire, because her speech sometimes made of understandable fragments but without real
significance, often made words which do not exist and reduce sometimes to onomatopoeias, is like a
destructuration. It is where the language does nothing but level, at the edges of the intimate wounds
which do not know how to say itself. Donatienne Michel-Dansac, soprano whose repertory works from
Bach and Mozart to the contemporary, is one of the performer most familiar of these registers. (...)
The first large performer of Aperghis was Martine Viard, second, here, is greeted by a public conscious of the difficulty and success.»
Maurice Ulrich - L’HUMANITÉ - February 2010, 2nd
«In front of the camera, a woman gives good advices and entrusts spontaneously has ghost interlocutors
Aperghis puts in music Olivier Cadiot and voluble Donatienne incarnates them»
Ivan A. Alexandre - Le Nouvel Observateur 18/02/10
«A singer-actress of high flight (...) a performance flash in any outstanding point. Facetious and enigmatic, Donatienne Michel-Dansac gives rise to here one amazing woman figure collected on line by the
means of two cameras, on large screens and large plans, various prospects for its face - filtered, overexposed... Do not missing».
Manuel Piolat Soleymat - LA TERRASSE - February 2010, 15th
«In scena l’enfant prodige della musica francese, Donatienne Michel-Dansac, in uno spettacolo tra
comicita e follia» .
Roma à Metro (Metro-Roma) - 2010
Technical sheet
Scene : 8m x 4m
Material provided by the company :
2 caméras paluche
décors : table, 2 built screens
volume : 2 m3
Staff : 1 singer, 1 technician, 1 manager
The theater may provide
2 projecteurs vidéo type Panasonic PT-LB78 3LCD Projector
7 découpes JULIAT 1000KW 614S
2 découpes JULIAT 1000KW 613SX
1 découpe longue 1000KW
2 Plan Convexe 1000KW + volets 4 faces
4 PAR CP62
gélatines... (list of projectors to require)
2 stands of microphone with craw (to hold the cameras)
1 black curtain on the back of the stage
dark floor (or dance black carpet tapis)
Schedule and personnal required :
One day before or the day before the performance, it depends of the travel duration :
Arrival technician
Connection dispositif and lights, 2 services
1 stage technician, 1 light technicien, 1 electrician
Day of the performance :
Arrival of the singer, the manager
8:30 to 11:30 : adjustment, rehearsal ; 1 light technician, 1 electrician
11:30 to 13:30 : rehearsal singer ; 1 stage technician, 1 light technician
15:00 to 18:00 : finish stage, well dressed ; 1 stage technician, 1 light technician
20:00/20:30 : performance (55 mn) ; 1 stage technician, 1 light technician
In the case of numerous performance, rehearsal is required with the singer
two hours before the performance
Duration of dismantling : 1h00
Contact diffusion :
laurence dune - 00 33 (0)1 43 60 72 05 - 00 33 (0)6 08 07 41 92 -
Staff : 3 persons
Stage : 10mX9m
Duration : 55 minutes
Conditions :
4.500 € one performance
7.600 € two consecutives performances
++++ : Lodging (2 nights - 1st class Hôtel), expenses (2 days) and travels (1st class)
For 3 persons
+ technical sheet
+ Travel setting : rent of a vehicle (3m3), expenses from Paris
Available on tour : saison 2011-12
Next performances :
June 2011 from 1st to 5th - CDN de Nancy (54)
Framework of the festival Musique Action / coréalisation CDN-CCAM
Association Tourbillons
Co-production :
CCAM Vandoeuvre les Nancy - Association Tourbillons
Contact diffusion :
laurence dune - 00 33 (0)1 43 60 72 05 - 00 33 (0)6 08 07 41 92 -