January, 2013 - Golden Retriever Rescue Club of Charlotte


January, 2013 - Golden Retriever Rescue Club of Charlotte
January 2013
In Keegan’s words:
Hi Everybody,
My name is Keegan and boy, do I have a story to tell. I lived outside and one day my owner came home and said he found me lying in
the yard covered with vomit and bloody diarrhea and maggots (yuck!). My owner knew I needed to go to something called a veterinarian but he couldn’t afford to take me. So, he took me to Animal Care and Control and asked them to have me go to sleep. Don’t know
what that meant, although it sounded scary, but I just felt so bad that I didn’t care. Actually, as fate would have it, the luckiest thing
that EVER happened to me was for my owner to take me to Animal Control. The nice people there saw how very, very sick I was and
in addition to all my tummy problems, I had a temperature of 105.5 degrees which made me really hot. They wanted to end my suffering and help me go to sleep. Before that happened though, one of the nice people that worked there saw me and noticed I was a
beautiful Golden Retriever (well, not so beautiful just then, but a Golden Retriever for sure!). She immediately called GRRCC and
asked if they could take me in and see if there was anything they could do to help me. The Intake Coordinator said absolutely, even
though she knew the chances of my surviving were slim. As my luck continued, there happened to be another GRRCC person that
was home and dropped everything to go get me from Animal Control and rush me to the GRRCC vet. In an hour I went from ’going to
sleep’ to having all sorts of nice vet people working very, very hard to keep me alive. They said I was one VERY sick boy and they
stuck me with lots of needles to do tests and to give me fluids and medicine. They couldn’t find out what was wrong with me but I was
still vomiting and had diarrhea and couldn’t even lift my head off of the floor…I was getting worse and I felt so sick. After a couple of
days of this, the vets and GRRCC people started talking again about that scary ‘sleeping’ thing. They decided to give me one more
day and see if I could ‘turn the corner’ even a little, and if not GRRCC and the vets decided the kindest thing for me would be to go to
sleep. Well, I didn’t like the sound of that so much so I really, really concentrated and you know what, I was a little better in the morning. Not better, better, but I wagged my tail a little bit and could lift my head off the floor for a while and make eye contact. Yea for me!
Everybody seemed really happy and although they said I wasn’t out of the woods yet, they were really excited. I think I even saw
some water coming out of their eyes when I wagged my tail at them. What’s up with that, anyway? That was three days after I had
been at Animal Care and Control. I still was one sick guy and I still was vomiting and had bloody diarrhea and wouldn’t eat or drink
anything. I got a little better over the next 3 days but I still wouldn’t eat and boy did they try…chicken, hotdogs, bread, peanut butter…
they tried everything that Golden’s love and I was having nuthin’ to do with it. Then, 7 days after I left Animal Control I ate a little bit of
chicken breast. My vet friends were SO excited they were dancing around and doing something they said were high-fives. Just sayin’…you humans do get excited about some of the strangest things. The next day I ate even more and the day after that they FINALLY got to take those ouchy needles out of my legs. Just a couple more days at the vet place and then they said I was going to something called a ‘foster home’. I had no idea what a ‘foster home’ was but boy was I in for a great surprise. My foster home ROCKED.
Imagine… I actually got to live inside a house for the first time in my life. It was so cool!
You know, when I think back on all that happened during the 10 days before I went to my foster home, I was sure lucky…that my
owner took me to Animal Care rather than letting me die in the yard; that the GRRCC volunteer was at Animal Control and called
GRRCC; that the Intake Coordinator said GRRCC would take me, even though everyone thought I would need to go to sleep; that
the other GRRCC volunteer was available to rush me to the vet place; and that the vets were so committed to getting me well. When
you look at my pictures, you will see one where I was at Animal Control in the ‘going to sleep’ room. I don’t think you get m uch closer
to death than that. The stars sure aligned for me (must have been the Sirius the Dog Star…tee-hee, woof, woof!
Note: Even after exhaustive testing, our vets were never able to determine definitively what had made Keegan so critically ill. Based upon
his symptoms and the environment from which he came, they have concluded he most likely had an advanced case of salmonella poisoning.
P.O. Box 471931, Charlotte, NC 28247
Then, just as I was settling in and getting the whole Foster Home thing figured out, my foster
mom said my journey wasn’t finished yet and soon I would have a Forever Home. Seriously,
how many types of Homes do you humans need, anyway? We thought that was going to be
easy but then as I got to feeling better and starting to run around, my foster mom noticed that
I walked sort of funny….she said it was sort of a bow-legged bunny hop. So I made another
visit to my vet friends and had something they called x-rays. Well, dang if they didn’t show
that I had pretty bad hips and one that might well need a hip replacement in a few years. I
could tell that made my foster mom and GRRCC people sad because they said that was going to make it harder for me to find my Forever Home since not everybody wants a dog that
isn’t ‘perfect’ Also, they said hip replacements cost a lot of money (and humans seem to think
money is a pretty important thing even though it just looks like something fun to chew on or
shred, if you ask me!). Well, my stars aligned again (I LOVE my stars) and along came my
Forever Dad. He understood about my hip thing and loved and wanted me anyway…how TOTALLY cool is he?! He has another Golden right around my age that I run and romp with and
we get to go and play at the beach and take long walks on something called a golf course. He
owns his own business so Trevor (my Golden Bro) and I get to go to work with him sometimes and greet the customers…customer service is my job and I take it seriously! When I
look back over the last few months I really think I should be named Lucky but, between you
and me, I like Keegan better!
From Keegan’s new Dad:
Well, Keegan has settled in nicely since his arrival, or should I say he has taken over the house in Beaufort! If you will indulge a moment I
will start with a bit of background. I am totally enamored with the love and personality that a Golden brings to this world and for the last 30
years have always counted on having 2 or 3 of these wonderful guys in my life. Five years ago with the passing of Pablo (18 years old) and
Maggie (16) within a year of each other I was totally adrift and lost. Never had my house seemed so large and quiet. As luck would have it,
within the month my sister called and told me of a 2 year old in Raleigh that was in desperate need of adoption. Ten minutes later I was in
my car driving 5 hours to bring home Trevor – wow... my house immediately became a home again. For the last 2 years Trevor has been
suffering from hot spots and constant chewing etc. The Vet was clueless but I wasn’t. In my mind what my boy needed was a pal to wrestle,
play and sleep with. Trevor’s adoption was such a great experience I decided to forgo the traditional hunt through breeders and find a guy
or girl that was in need of a great home environment but might otherwise be passed over. For six months I put the word out and checked
rescue sites. One day, for some reason, I found GRRCC and the rest of the wonderful people in Charlotte. That day was the first time on
your site and “BANG” there was Keegan- talk about a little guy that needed some love! Without a moment of reflection I called, left messages, filled out paperwork and hoped for the best. I thought it might be a long shot as the distance precluded a home visit so I went home,
took tons of pics of house and yard, sent them off and then just hoped for best. Shortly thereafter I was able to speak with Keegan’s great
foster parents. In a short while I was informed that Keegan’s next chapter in life was to be a S.C. beach pup. Trevor and I travelled to Charlotte to meet our new best friend. On the ride home neither seemed too excited about this turn of events (a couple of low growls and lying
down as far from each other as possible). As for myself, I was grinning ear to ear! Upon our arrival Keegan was greeted by an impromptu
gathering of 20+ friends that had all read about him and his “rise from the dead” on your website. I knew all was well when Trevor ran into
the house and presented Keegan with his favorite toy. Although underweight, skittish, and with some serious hip problems, Keegan settled
right in. Now he and Trevor are always to be found within 3 feet of each other. They spend the day wrestling, kissing each other and grabbing a snooze where ever and whenever the opportunity strikes. Keegan has adapted quite well to sleeping on couches, beds etc. He is on
a regular regimen of Adequan and Science Diet J/D which has made a profound difference in hips. Whenever I leave the house he jumps
on the chair and stares down at me from the window, looking a bit cranky to be left behind. He is truly a gem and I feel like Trevor and I
have won the lottery. And, as an aside, Trevor has quit chewing, no longer has hot spots, and adores his little brother. Thanks to all of you
in Charlotte for what you do and remember, no cause is too far gone. Please visit all of us in Beaufort!
Thank you again,
Mike, Trevor and Keegan
Note: The veterinary expense to save Keegan’s life was just under $3,000. It is solely due to the generosity of our members and donors that we
had the funds available to give this wonderful dog such an extraordinary ending. All of us at GRRCC, as well as Keegan and all the dogs that come
into our care, thank you from the bottom of our hearts .
Our Adopted
Their Forever
Lee & Linda Coffey
Marc & Cortney Donelson
Jim & Christine Weaving
Paul & Elizabeth Jensen
Doug & Linda Nexsen
Patrick (now Henry)
Richard and Bonnie Blum
Mike & Kim Watkins
Bill & Phyllis Gill
Brad & Susan Jones
Jim & Linda Mahoney
Rod & Tammy Willcox
Alex & Christa Dickey
Randy Shelley
Lucky (now Simon)
Jackson (now Griff)
Mark & Georgina Tillinger
Denny & Barbara Seitz
Gary & Susan Calamari
Mary Alice O'Brien
Garrett & Susan Snyder
Roger & Sheila Boneham
Leigh Ann Combs
Ed & Marsden Sale
Michael Hanna
Matt & Jennifer Blackmon
Lynnea Pulver
Joe & Helen Drozd
Steve & Kerry Everett
Phelps (now Pete)
Ranger (now Ryder)
Brady (now Brodie)
January 2013
Notes from the President
Friends and Supporters of GRRCC,
Blessings of Christmas, Hanukkah and the Holidays to all of you and your families from all of us at GRRCC.
While we started the year out rather slowly with intake of dogs, we more than made up for it in the past 6 months. Our
number will most likely be in the 70s when all is said and done. Our intake and adoption volunteers are THE BEST. I so
appreciate all the hard work and effort that goes into the tasks involved in rescue and adoption. We are so fortunate to
have this dedicated crew and there is no better time than the Holidays to thank them, although I am grateful year round.
We had a successful fundraising year in 2012, thanks to so many who made a pledge for our 20th Anniversary from last
year. While we did not reach the goal of $ 20,000, we did raise close to $ 13,000 and the Club is truly grateful to all. Our
10th annual Golf tournament was again a success along with the Tennis Ball Raffle and the continued support of so many
who give on a regular basis allowed us to strengthen our financial reserves. We are so thankful to all who helped and
continue to help in any way. God Bless You.
My plea for this year is to ask each of you to consider volunteering for the Board or for a committee. We appreciate the
financial donations and cannot survive without them, but we always need the time and talent of volunteers to serve on the
Board, to assist in transport, to foster, or just to work at an event. We will be losing several Board members and must replace them. If you have any questions about the time input or the work involved, I would be pleased to speak with you or
have you speak with one of the committee chairs.
While we did not publish a GRRCC calendar for the coming year, we have definite plans to do so for 2014 so be on the
lookout for emails and notifications on the website about this. We know this calendar is appreciated by all and we promise to get back on track.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Annual Board meeting on January 14th. Check the calendar of events elsewhere in
this newsletter for Have a Heart Dinner, St. Patrick's Day Parade, Golf Tourney, etc.
2013 Dues will be due beginning January 1st. There is an form and envelope in this newsletter to help as a reminder. We
have several levels of membership available. Thanks for your continued support of GRRCC.
Gene Fitzpatrick
Our condolences to our GRRCC families and friends whose
beloved companions live on in our hearts forever
Lucy Bartley
Kelly Boyer
Hunter Burgess
Annie Coffey
Missy Combs
Kasay Dortch
Tanner Farrell
Tyler Mahoney
Annie Neil
Hank Reece
Page 3
Members, Friends, Donors and Supporters,
Mark Your Calendars now. We have dates set for several events so please make note of the events.
February 16th - Annual Have a Heart Dinner - we recognize all of the past year's adopters but all are invited to attend. More information will be on the website and in an email next month.
March 16th- We proudly march down Tryon Street with our beautiful Goldens in the annual St. Patrick's Day parade. Join other "Dads and Moms" with our "babies" and do a lot of socializing before and after. Keep checking the
website for further information in the coming weeks.
May 11- GRRCC Annual Golf tournament. This year we will be moving to Highland Creek Golf Club. Many of our
members from the north part of the county and Iredell, Cabarrus and Gaston have been asking for a site close to
them so we look forward to a huge crowd. Again, more details will be forthcoming but make note of this now. This
is the Saturday following the Wells Fargo Championship held here in Charlotte.
June 8 - Dunk Your Dog Day at Wickersham’s K-9 Ranch. More information to follow in the next newsletter.
The date for our annual Tennis Ball Raffle will be known in the next newsletter. We will also be participating in the
Belk Charity Day Sales in the Spring and Fall so look for that news closer to those months.
Lexus Golden Opportunity Volunteers
Belk Charity Day Volunteers
September 15, 2012
Fall 2012
Jim Adler (with JoJo)
Jane Cannon (with JJ)
Dottie (with Copper)
Judy Wagner (with Stella)
Heidi Kraus (with Cabo)
Hollie & Garrett Nelson (with Gracie)
Oksana Zinchenko (with Yosef)
Saul & Jessie Hymen (with King)
Shari Martin (with Mason)
Shellie Miner (with Katie)
Natalie Armstrong (with Elle)
Fred Thorp (with Jake)
Mike O'Brien (with Mulligan)
·Gene Fitzpatrick
Jim Adler (with JoJo)
Kate Walsh (with Finnegan)
Kristi Owens (with Ellie)
Whitney Pelton (with Sadie & Tess)
Wendy Castonguay & Shirley Horester
Cathy Lees (with Jack)
Saul Hymen (with King)
Maxine Horowitz (with Mandy)
Valerie Sancibrian (with Daisy)
Sarah Gauger
Natalie Armstrong & her friend Joan
Kathy Byrne (with Jax)
Carol Thorp (with Jake)
Barbara Ritchie (with Jessie)
Hollie & Garrett Nelson (with Gracie)
Gene Fitzpatrick
Your club is looking for a few good women and men. Board members are needed for the upcoming year (2013) and
no experience is needed. A love of our wonderful breed and a desire to assist in continuing the good work the Club
does is all that is needed. We currently meet every month or two at a central location on a weekday evening.
We would appreciate your consideration in "putting your hat in the ring" at the annual meeting on Monday, January
14th at the Morrison Regional Library located near SouthPark mall, or by notifying one of the officers mentioned below.
If you do have any questions, please contact VP Jim Adler at jameswadler@hotmail.com, Treasurer-Gwyn Fincher
at gmfincher3@msn.com or President, Gene Fitzpatrick at genefitzusmc@aol.com. You may also call Gene at 704953-5955.
As you know, GRRCC is a 100% volunteer staffed, non-profit organization and we are grateful to all who support the
Club, whether they do so as board members, volunteers in any capacity, sponsors, donors and members. Thanks
again for your consideration.
January 2013
Three Things Every Owner of an Older Dog Should Be Doing
by Dr. Karen Becker
The canine lifespan seems too short, doesn't it? By the time a large breed dog is 10 years old, he's considered retirement age in human years. Giant breeds age fastest of all, but even the littlest guys at age 18 are the equivalent of a 90year-old human.
Most committed dog owners want to keep their furry companions with them as long as possible, well into old age. Caring
for a happy, healthy senior means providing physical and emotional comfort as your dog ages, balanced, speciesappropriate nutrition, and ongoing, regular opportunities for exercise, socialization and mental stimulation
Providing Physical and Emotional Comfort to an Aging Dog If your dog seems physically uncomfortable, it's important not to assume it's just a natural part of aging. You want to make sure she's not in pain, so a visit to the vet is in
order. The sooner a health problem is diagnosed and treated, in most cases, the better the outcome.
Keeping your pet at a healthy weight and physically active will help control arthritis and degenerative joint disease as he
ages. Chiropractic adjustments, stretching, water exercises, and acupuncture can also provide enormous benefits in
keeping dogs mobile in their later years.
There are also supplements that can be added to your dog's diet to help maintain healthy tendons, ligaments, joints and
Regular massage can help keep your senior pet's muscles toned and reduce the slackening that comes with aging.
Massaged muscles are looser, which makes it easier for your pet to move around comfortably. Massage also improves
circulation and encourages lymphatic drainage. It can ease the stiffness of arthritis, which helps your pet maintain his
normal gait and active lifestyle. Massage also loosens the muscles around joints, which helps promote ease of movement.
If your dog is having some urine dribbling or incontinence as a result of his age (and not caused by an underlying condition that should be addressed), provide him with more frequent potty trips outside. You can also reintroduce him to his
crate if he was crate trained initially.
If your dog has problems hearing or seeing, use odor cues like scented candles or other aromatherapy products to help
him find his way around. Consider purchasing or building ramps for a dog who is having trouble getting into the car or
up on the bed or a favorite chair.
For sleep problems in older dogs, try increasing his daytime activity level. Let your pet sleep in your bedroom. Sleeping
near you should help ease any anxiety that is contributing to his nighttime restlessness. Guide your dog with clear cues
and easy-to-follow instructions, especially if he's showing signs of mental decline. And when you talk to your dog, keep
your voice quiet, calm and kind.
The Importance of High-Quality Protein for Older Pets Contrary to what many pet owners and even veterinarians
believe, studies indicate dogs (and cats) need more protein as they age, not less. The reason senior dog food formulas
boast reduced protein content is because the poor-quality protein they use is difficult to digest, especially for older dogs
who've been fed the stuff all their lives.
The rendered protein sources used by most major pet food manufacturers put chronic strain on the kidneys and liver, so
by the time a dog is into her senior years, her organs can no longer do their job efficiently. This is why commercial reduced protein diets for senior pets were created. It's an unfortunate situation, because your dog actually needs more
protein as she ages – not less – in order to maintain healthy lean muscle mass and good organ and immune function.
But the type of protein most dogs thrive on is whole, unprocessed, and preferably raw.
Older Dogs Still Need Exercise, Socialization and Mental Stimulation Senior and even geriatric dogs still need daily
exercise to maintain good health and a resilient frame. Certainly older dogs can't exercise or compete with the same intensity as the younger set, but they still need regular walks and other age-appropriate physical activity.
No matter how old your dog is, she still needs regular social interaction with other pets and/or people. As is the case with
humans as we age, if your four-legged family member doesn't stay active and involved in life, her world can become a
confusing, intimidating place. She needs regular exposure to other pets and people, but take care not to over stimulate
your dog – short periods of socialization and playtime in controlled situations are ideal. Enriching your dog's environment can help to alleviate or stall the mental confusion and decline of cognitive function that often come with old age.
Page 5
2012 GRRCC Board Members
President Gene Fitzpatrick gene@grrcc.com
Vice President Jim Adler
Treasurer Gwyn Fincher
Secretary Hollie Nelson
Communications/Merchandise Dottie Purnell
Paula Barr
Beth Charles
Kimberly Christenbury
Karen Knudtsen
Shari Martin
Dale Masi
Marketing/Webmaster Michelle Nugent michellen@grrcc.com
Adoption Coordinator Bodee Corby
Newsletter Katie Jabeck
Deborah & Frank Binkiewicz
Staton Boyette
Don Broecker
Suzanne Buchmann
Geoffrey & Elizabeth Burgess
Catherine Caddy
Jose & Carmen Calvar
Jane Cannon
Elizabeth Cobb
Kristi Fallowes
Patricia Farrell
Randy Furr
Sarah & Kurt Gauger
Nate Hall
Crystal Hefner
Human Capital Institute
Brian and Katie Jabeck
Linda Johnson
Heather Jousma
Danielle Hebdon
Crystal Hefner
Francis & Dana Iannellli
Lianne Lichstrahl
James & Susan Makarewicz
Shari Martin
Patricia Mlyszko
Michael & Sally Mowrey
Jennifer Pauling
Marie Purucker
Pamela Dunn Rape
Jason Riemer
Valerie & Norman Sancibrian
Allison Solid
David & Deborah Stimmel
Ian & Diane Wilkins
James & Terry Williams
For Sandy
In Honor of Lilly
In Honor of Oakley Carl Redbonetriever, Loved by John and Katherine Currier.
Speaker Honorarium for Aaron Steinberger
Page 6
January 2013
Volunteer and Membership Form
Use the form at left to update your contact information and mail
your 2013 club dues. Membership runs from January through
December, and dues paid after October 1 are valid through the
following year.
Refer to our website for explanation of membership levels.
____ New Member ____ Renewal ____ Address Change
Name ______________________________________
Address _____________________________________
City, State, Zip ________________________________
Phone ______________________________________
Alt Phone ____________________________________
Email Address ________________________________
I have adopted a GRRCC dog(s) __ yes __ no
GRRCC Dogs’ name(s) __________________________
Other dogs’ name(s) ___________________________
I am enclosing:
_____ $20 individual
_____ $40 individual
_____ $100 individual
_____ $300 individual
or _____ $35 family membership
or _____ $60 family SILVER
or _____ $200 family GOLD
or _____ $500 family PLATINUM
If you would like to send a donation to GRRCC, please
see the choices below. All donations are tax deductible.
A donation to GRRCC for ________________________
In Memory of _________________________________
In Honor of __________________________________
To Thank ____________________________________
The Golden Retriever Rescue Club of Charlotte would like to thank
the following very special businesses for the care and support they
have given to our organization:
C. DeWitt Foard & Company
Carolina Veterinary Specialists
Charlotte Mecklenburg Animal Care & Control
Continental Boarding
Dogs Day Out Grooming
Hendrick Lexus
LakeCross Veterinary Hospital
Mint Hill Animal Clinic
One Lucky Pup
Pet Essentials - Paul & Karen Rowan
Queen City K-9 -Ted Vande Woude
Sellers, Hinshaw, Ayers, Dortch, & Lyons, P.A. - Robert C. Dortch, Jr.
Serenite Pet Spa
Spa4 Paws
Volunteer Form
If you would like to volunteer your time to the rescue of
these special Goldens, please let us know by choosing
one or more of the following:
___Foster Home ___ Fundraising ___ Transportation ___ Other
All checks should be made payable to GRRCC and mailed to:
P.O. Box 471931
Charlotte, NC 28247-1931
Golden Retriever Rescue Club of Charlotte (GRRCC) is a volunteerstaffed, non-profit organization that rescues and places for adoption,
unwanted, abused, neglected or abandoned Golden Retrievers. The
orphans we receive are given necessary veterinary care, and boarding or a foster home, until a good permanent home can be found.
Each prospective member agrees to abide by the GRRCC Constitution and By-Laws.
Thanks to Our Volunteers!
Foster Homes
Matt & Melissa Koeman
Randy & Shellie Miner
Brian & Nancy Ohlson
Tom & Carol Kiernan
Mark & Tina Eisenhart
David & Jennifer Walton
Kim Lorenzen & Chris Cicak
Fred & Carol Thorp
Jackie Levin
Matt & Adria Ruff
Gene Fitzpatrick
Mary Alice O’Brien
Deb Waldron & Kevin Hammonds
Tom & Sharon Kimmett
Doug & Linda Nexsen
Jeff & Michelle Wells
Jim & Susan Sandberg
Leigh Ann Combs
Michael Hanna
Peta Joanne Connor
Samantha Barker
Alan & Mimi Davis
Raynor Combs
Beth Charles
Joe & Helen Drozd
Tammy Bochinski
Bodee Corby
Lynnea Pulver
Other Volunteers
Michelle Middleton
Doug Vannah
Diane Drinan
Page 7
Home Visit/Transport/Assessment
Beth Charles
Bodee Corby
Leigh Ann Combs
Ellie St. Andrew
Jackie Levin
Lynnea Pulver
Tom Kiernan
Fred Thorp
Randy & Shellie Miner
Mandy James
Melanie Perry
Sarah Dowless
Raynor Combs
Tom & Wendy Rollek
Valerie Sancibrian
Jill Santuccio
Phone Volunteers
Nancy Doody
Lauren Eiring
Susan Fossett
Corinne Goodwin
Linda Nexsen
Melanie Perry
Valerie Sancibrian
Ann Young
Graphic Design Services
Judy Adamski - KDG Studio
Kyle Donaghy - John Street Graphics
Randy Miner
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Charlotte, NC
Permit No. 2822
P.O Box 471931
Charlotte, NC 28247
The Golden Retriever Rescue Club of Charlotte (GRRCC) is a volunteer-staffed, non-profit
organization that rescues, and places for adoption,
unwanted, abused, neglected, or abandoned Golden Retrievers in the Charlotte, NC area.
Golden Moments is printed by
Metro Mailing and Printing, 109 Winona St., Charlotte, NC 28203
Easy Ways to Support GRRCC
Shop online through iGive.
Register at www.iGive.com
Selling on eBay?
Donate a portion of your sales through
Saturday February 16
Have A Heart
Beverly Crest Club House
Saturday March 16
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Saturday May 11
Golfing for Goldens
Saturday June 8
Dunk Your Dog Day
Wickersham’s K-9 Ranch