Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club


Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Friends in High Places
Newsletter, January, 2016.
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
From the Editor
According to the great physicist, Albert
Einstein, “the distinction between past,
present and future is only an illusion, however persistent”. This timeless view of the
universe certainly goes against the usual
view where we see our lives unfolding.
Looking around us we see people getting
older and perhaps their lives coming to an
end eventually. Every year we make New
Year’s resolutions to be better people in
the year ahead, to climb mountains, lose
weight or drink less. Anyway, before I dig
myself into an enormous philosophical
hole, I can still wish everyone a Happy
New Year 2016!
This edition of your newsletter includes the
minutes of the last AGM held in 2015 and
the agenda for the next AGM on 19 January, 2016 - just to prove that time does not
stand still! Please do your best to attend
the meeting if you are able.
You will have heard the sad news that
Paul Wood ,the previous editor of your
newsletter, died in the Severn Hospice on
21 December. I am sure you will join me in
offering our condolences to his wife Vicky
and children Rosa and Jacob. Paul was a
great guy and I have been overwhelmed
by tributes and photos for the newsletter.
Sorry, I cannot include them all.
A service of celebration for Paul’s life was
held at Christ Church, Annscroft on 4 January. The service was very well attended
by relatives, friends and SMC members.
On page 3 of this newsletter I have included a photo and two excerpts of spoken
tributes delivered at the service by Jan
Campbell and Heather Smith.
Please note that Cheryl Foster has been
appointed Hut Bookings Coordinator.
Friends in High Places
Cheryl takes over from Judy Preece and can
be contacted at ,
Phone 01939 251287
Editor: Grahame James,, Phone
01743 248494
This Issue:
3. Obituary: Paul Wood
4. First Aid
5-6. Kalymnos Bound by Allan Day
7. Real Ale Wobble by Rick Robson
8.Clwyt y Bel Meet and Upcoming Events by
Jan Campbell
9. Tuesday Walking and Thursday Climbing
Meets by Rick Robson and Scott Pardoe
10-12. Minutes of the AGM 2015.
13. Agenda for the AGM 2016
Membership subscriptions (£25.00) are
due by 31 January 2016. Please pay by
cash or cheque to “Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club” either on any Tuesday night or
at the AGM on 19 January.
Alternatively, post your cheque with an
s,a.e for your membership card to Brenda
Duffy, Broomlea, Castle Pulverbatch,
Shrewsbury SY5 8DS.
Front Cover:
Picture of Andy Kirkpatrick with Jan Campbell (Hon. Secretary) during Lecture 8 of the
High Sports series of Winter Lectures on 8
December, 2015.
Photograph by Stuart Cathcart.
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Friends in High Places
Obituary : Paul Wood
Heather Smith writes:
I first met Paul on a Tuesday evening
walk and soon discovered what an interesting , outgoing and friendly person
he was. The following week he came
climbing on the Stiperstones with the
SMC. We were all defeated by a particularly awkward climb but Paul, despite
being in his big boots, got higher than
anyone through his characteristic
strength and determination. He rapidly
became a very good climber and an
ideal leader in the mountains. One particularly memorable adventure with
Paul was time spent climbing Amphitheatre Buttress one late September
Paul Wood climbing on Amphitheatre Buttress, Craig
Yr Ysfa, The Carneddau, North Wales.
Photo: Heather Smith
I will never forget Paul for he was a
true inspiration. Thoughtful and considerate, he never put himself before-or
above-anyone. He worked very hard,
never wasted a moment, was committed to his wife and children but was
generous in his commitment to the
SMC and friends. Paul’s untimely
death and the way he and Vicky handled it has certainly highlighted to me
the importance of appreciating life and
the people around us.
Jan Campbell writes:
On joining the Club in 2010, Paul was soon known as “Kiwi Paul” for obvious reasons.
He was a larger than life character who threw himself into Club activities. Committed to
introducing his kids, Rosa and Jacob, to the great outdoors he was seen at Clwt y Bel
with them on more than one occasion and was keen to encourage other families to
bring their kids too.
All the climbers were genuinely excited to hear that he would be returning from New
Zealand in 2016 but then were so sad to learn of his deteriorating health and subsequent early return to the UK. He will be sorely missed by us all.
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Friends in High Places
First Aid
Summoning Help
Continuing with our series of First Aid items this one looks at how to summon help in the
event of an accident in the mountains. In the event that an accident occurs and you have a
mobile phone signal then the best advice is to phone either 999 or 112 . There seems to be
some confusion about the relative priority of both numbers but, in fact both numbers are
transferred to exactly the same place in the UK, although 112 is the international emergency number throughout the EU. The video by Lyle Brotherton ( which was
posted on the Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club Facebook page does, I gather, contain
some inaccuracies about the capabilities of 112. (see 999 or 112—Which is Best? At
If you are able to communicate in this way then what do you tell them? It is best to say who
you are and give a grid reference from your map or GPS together with any local landmarks
which may help a rescue party. Next, you need to say what has happened and the name
and age of the injured party with details of their injuries. Don’t forget to leave details of any
contact numbers in the party. If you need more structure to how you report these details
then download BMC sample accident reports or patient reports from the BMC website:
So what do you do if a mobile phone signal is not available? This is quite common in remote mountainous areas. The options are more basic: first, 6 blasts on a whistle (which is
why you are advised to carry a whistle in the mountains) or 6 flashes of a torch to attract
attention. Depending on how many people are in your party, you may need to send a member of the group, or preferably more than one, to find the nearest settlement in order to
summon help.
The next three editions of this first aid bulletin will consider three potential scenarios: broken
bones, heart attack and dealing with diabetes. If you would like to contribute to the content
of these items please contact the editor.
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Friends in High Places
Kalymnos Bound by Allan Day
Kalymnos is a rocky gem of an island sitting just a few miles off the coast of Kos, and in
sight of the Turkish mainland. Strangely, it is the only Greek island to feature an array
of limestone cliffs suitable for climbing, as if the national quota had all been put together
in one spot. It is the world sports climbers’ Mecca, and in spring and autumn comes
alive with both the cream of international climbing youth and the curdled dregs of wizened old crag rats, both of whom seem to mingle with mutual appreciation. I have on
frequent occasions been asked by nubile young Swedes or Spaniards how long I’ve
been climbing. This is probably like asking a nonagenarian driver going the wrong way
round a roundabout how long they’ve been driving. Even so, their eyes usually widen
appreciatively when I tell them it’s been fifty three years. However, even I was mightily
impressed when one hot afternoon a young Welsh lad pointed out his seventy–nine
year old granny from North Wales, who’d already been there a month, happily romping
up a 6a further along the crag. I saw her on the plane on the way home, understandably sleeping like a log!
To get to Kalymnos (or Kaly to the Brits) it’s a four-hour flight to Kos, then a fifty-minute
ferry crossing, across a beautiful strait, then a taxi ride to the main town of Massouri,
which is basically a village full of climbing shops, bike hire shops, bars, restaurants and
hotels. Off season, i.e. in summer when it’s too hot for climbing, a few Greeks holiday
Kaly has at least ten continuous miles of superb coastal limestone crags, all wellequipped, with crag names like Sea Breeze, Dolphin Bay, Iliada, Jurassic Park, Ghost
Kitchen, the Grande Grotta, and of course the tasty Belgian Chocolates. It also has its
own mini island of Telendos with yet more miles of crags which give merciful shade
from the endless sun if you want it. Although there are increasing numbers of multipitch routes, it’s mostly one and two-pitch climbs, often with pitches up to forty metres
long. So an eighty metre rope is useful. There are some grade 5 climbs about, but
most are grade 6 and above.
This is my third October in succession climbing here with friends from Telford and Derbyshire, and every day is sun-soaked bliss, culminating in early evening home-made
Italian ice creams, showers and beers. A mid-week boat trip to Telendos island allows
us to climb for a full day in the shade, on recently put-up long routes, to be picked up
from the rocky shore at the end of the day by prior arrangement with the local ferryman.
Of course, wall-to-wall paradise has to have a few snags. One of them is endless
stream of smelly smoking motor scooters which the cream of international climbing
youth use to scoot up and down the coast, when distances aren’t great and perfectly
good push-bikes are available. Also, while Scotland has its midges, Kalymnos has its
hornets! (They always make me think of that sublimely named route on Plexus Buttress -- ‘Hornets Attack Victure Mature’ ). You learn to accept the hornets on Kalymnos, but it would be a mistake to take them for granted. Every day starts off almost hor
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Friends in High Places
Photo: Allan Day climbing “For You”, 6c, on Arhi Crag, Kalymnos, Greece.
net-free, but as soon as the sun comes round to the crag, they wake up and get busy, flying
past the gathered climbers in great squadrons. They’re about two inches long and pack a
nasty sting, and if they don’t like you they’ll gang up on you. Once you’ve been stung, as I
was a couple of years ago, you will learn to keep an eye on them. This year, on one occasion, I’m twenty metres up a forty metre pitch, when I sense the whole aura around my head
changing, and alarm bells start to ring. I look round quickly, see that two or three hornets are
hovering around me, and lots more are streaming out of a hole in the rock in front of my face.
Frantic screaming down to my belayer gets me plummeting down at high speed to the cliff
base, and running off to a safe distance. After a few minutes break to let the hornets calm
down, the only way to get the gear back is to put on all available clothing -- jumpers, cagoule,
over trousers, the lot -- and sweat painfully up a parallel climb about twenty feet away, then
get lowered down to strip the gear from the hornet route before they realise what’s going on.
A Swiss and a Dutch climber are both stung nearby later that morning.
Hornets aside, we had a fine week’s climbing, finished off by a spectacular lightning-filled
storm on the return ferry crossing to Kos. Great!
We’ll be back. How about you?
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Friends in High Places
Real Ale Wobble 2015 by Rick Robson.
The weather forecast for this year was enough to keep most folks at home, but then the
Real Ale Wobble ( has a different ethos. We, being Mike B, 3
friends from afar and I met in the rain at Llanwrtyd Wells early on Saturday morning. The
discussion on a possible route ran to the limit of "Let's go this way as the Wobble goes
the opposite direction". Hence we headed along the main road going south to turn left
over the rail crossing and ascended the steep bank that had caused much mirth some
years ago when Kurt F added some rocks into my bike pannier at the foot of the climbCheers!
Anyway, a good single track into the woods brought us to a new and unknown crossroads; which brings me to describe more fully why we go to such lengths to enjoy ourselves whilst placing ourselves under extreme duress! Long discussions ensue with the
customary Ginger Wine to lubricate the process- after all it is November in the
rain.....then we usually decide to pedal off in the opposite direction to that which was the
product of the discourse. We all file off laughing and swopping stories of biking escapades held over the last 12 months. Never have we had any recrimination about route
choice; however there have been those riders who have not returned the following year!
And so it goes on - no overall route is prescribed and we all agree to have a good time.
In view of the weather, (well there has to be some excuse) we made our way to
Rhandirmwyn and the pub to shelter from the continuing deluge. This venue has been
the ruin of many an athletic ride by SMC bikers; this year being no exception. Mike suggested we made a decision about the route before a second pint was consumed- too
late! The kitty was broke by the time we were released back into the persistent precipitation and welcoming Welsh weather. A long climb through Fwng's woods loosened
the beer from our veins and enable an exhilarating ride back in the darkness of Esgair
Dafydd and back to the warmth and comfort of the Neuadd Arms. Maybe I should add
that it had stopped raining by now.
The two Nicks and Tony drove home whilst Mike and I replenished our stomachs before
returning for the late music session and more sampling; Dangerous Dave once again entertained the crowds to rapturous applause (www.uTube). T'was the early hours before
we hit the sack; another memorable day with friends (and absent friends as Rog came
Come along next year; we shall be there!
(Ed. I should observe at this point that “absent friends” means the ashes of the late Roger Parry! He would have loved the experience, I am sure).
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Friends in High Places
Clwt y Bel meet 4 -6 Dec 2015 by Jan Campbell
Although this was billed as a pre- Christmas meet with a shared meal on the Saturday evening, not many members opted in ….in fact only 8 (vet Dave, Eders, Clive and Tina, Grahame , Blakey and Adrian). This is a far cry from the days of our record number of 44
squashing into the common room for a full blown sit down Christmas dinner!! Where was
everyone? Those of us that were there had a good time despite the unbelievably appalling
weather. In fact on the Saturday, I personally didn’t set foot outside the hut as there was
horizontal, torrential rain all day; even Adrian W only braved a short visit to Llanberis for retail therapy. On their way to the Hut, Blakey and Grahame mountain biked the Marin Trail at
Betwys y Coed with Grahame getting blown off his bike twice. This was the same day that
Cumbria went underwater. At the hut Eders and I did a bit of hut maintenance and prepared
some timber ready for the new porch.
Sunday was significantly better and I was pleased to be able to show Blakey and Grahame
a cycle route they hadn’t done before! This was the delightful Lon Las Ogwen trail from
Porth Penrhyn to the tea shack at Ogwen via the Penrhyn slate quarries.
Upcoming Events / Meets
Friday 15 January. Curry night at the curry House on Mardol Shrewsbury. 20 places
have been booked for 7pm. Let Scott Pardoe know if you wish to be included. 01694
731240 / 07805 825762
Tuesday 19 January. AGM at the Cock Inn, Hanwood. 7.30pm. for a prompt start at
8.00pm. Please read the minutes from last year’s AGM beforehand and bring the agenda…..both included in this newsletter.
29-30 January. Lake District, Langdale. Staying at the Robertson Lamb hut. Please
contact Brenda a.s.a.p to get your name on the list and commit yourself to coming on this
excellent, and usually well attended meet. We have 20 bunks booked.
Brenda Duffy 07891 154477
14 February. Snowdonia. Meet co-ordinator is Adrian Wilcock.
07952 298365
20 – 27 February. The annual trip to Scotland. This year staying at Inver Lodge which
is between Braemar and Ballater. Fully Booked but contact Jan Campbell if you wish to be
on the waiting list in case anyone drops out.
13 March. Snowdonia day out. Scott Pardoe is co-ordinating.
Tuesday 22 March. Tuesday slide night just before the clocks change. Same as last
year, submit 9 pictures to Rick Robson beforehand and you are allowed 9 mins to talk about
NB. For all the day meets in Snowdonia, Clwt y Bel is booked for members/guests so there
is the option of staying at the hut to make a weekend of it. Members no longer need electricity cards but should provide their own firelighters and coal.
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Friends in High Places
Tuesday Walking Evenings February / March 2016
Meet at 7.30pm or 9.00pm onwards at the pub or contact Rick Robson for further details on
01743 884786.
Meeting Place
Grid Reference
Pub Afterwards
Corbet Arms , Uffington
The Bricklayers Arms,
Clive Church, Clive 515241
Railway Inn, Yorton
Batch Valley, All
The Horseshoes, Dorrington
Royal Oak, Cardington
Royal Oak, Cardington
The Bricklayers Arms,
Mytton Arms, Habberley
Mitchells Fold
( Bend in the road)
Miner’s Arms, Priestweston
The Cock Inn
9 in 9 slideshow
The Cock Inn, Hanwood
Robin Hood’s Butts 431964
Bottle & Glass, Picklescott
Thursday Evening Climbing Programme February / March 2016.
Meeting times to be confirmed by email or contact Scott Pardoe on 01694 731240 or 07805
825762 (mobile). There will usually be a group going from Radbrook to share lifts.
Meeting Place
Oswestry Bouldering
Oswestry Climbing Centre
Wolf Mountain
Sundorne Sports Village
Shropshire Climbing Cen-
Plas Power
Brymbo, Wrexham
Sundorne Sports Village
Oswestry Bouldering
Oswestry Climbing Centre
Plas Power
Brymbo, Wrexham
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Friends in High Places
MINUTES of the AGM at The Cock Inn, Hanwood, January 20th 2015.
Present., Steve Bell, Andy Bentley, Mike Blakemor e, J ean Bollom, Andy Bound, Simon Br own, J an Campbell, Liz Car r ,
Stuart Cathcart, Tom Cave, Graham Daly, Allan Day, Adrian Donnelly, Brenda Duffy, Amanda Ferrington, Kurt Finnigan, Chris
Fletcher, Cheryl Foster, Harry Gregory, Gerald Higgs, Phil Holden, Jane Holmes, John Howard, Grahame James, Mike Jones,
Larry King, Phil Latter, Frank Maiden, Pete McAree , Tony Mills, Jeff Morton, Angie Norman, Scott Pardoe, Richard Pugh,
June Purce, Alek Sadowski, Simon Shanklin, Roger Skews, Andy Tetsill, Alenka Toinko, Steve Turk, Jon Yeeles. 42 members
Apologies: Gar eth Egar r , J ackie Eyr e, Mar tin Gr een, J ohn Edwar ds, Rog Edenbor ough, Adr ian Wilcock, Mar tin Coward, Ken and Tracy Whyte, Rick Robson, Anne Yeeles, Jenny Howard, Judy Preece.
Minutes of the AGM 2014 these had been published in the J anuar y newsletter for people to r ead beforehand. They were accepted as a true record of the meeting.
Matters arising. None.
Secretary’s report. Jan Campbell.
Meets at the start of 2014 suffered from some appalling weather but a good time is always had regardless.
Better weather meets included the Carneddau day in March, the Snowdon Horseshoe in September and
even Rick’s ‘Over the Hill’ meet.
The Welsh 3000s saw 6 members having a go with Scott Eccles recording the fastest time by a Club members for many years:- 10 hours 17 mins.
Climbing/scrambling is undergoing a renaissance with good meets in the Peak District and Pembrokeshire
as well as a 6 person team ascent of Pinnacle Ridge on Sgurr nan Gillean, Skye.
Thanks to newer members such as Clive Dean, Tracy Whyte and Scott Pardoe for being prepared to organise meets.
Tuesday nights are now under Rick Robson’s guiding hand. He instigated an incredibly successful slide night
last March and this will be repeated. Other Tuesday ideas for the winter include a Shrewsbury meet to coincide with the High Sports lectures and finishing at the Bricklayers. This gives non-walkers an opportunity
to come to the pub and catch up with news etc
Communication needs to be clear and currently includes the bi -monthly newsletter, e-mails just prior to
key events as a reminder and everyone has a list of Club members and their contact details. The club website includes the newsletter, details about forthcoming meets and photos of meets. If you can’t wait for the
newsletter to tell of your exploits you can also post on our Facebook page although for multiple photos it is
best to send them to Jan first to compile into an album. Additionally, Andy Bentley is investigating the possibility of having a Forum/message board on the website so, for example, if it looks like a nice day on a Sunday, and there isn’t already a meet, you can post a note to see if anyone else is interested in doing something.
The newsletter is now edited by Grahame James who took over from Paul Wood. He will gratefully
receive any items.
Attendance at AGMs has fluctuated wildly over the years but in general there is a smaller proportion of the membership attending. This may be partly due to a smaller % of the membership actually living in Shropshire and currently only 42% in Shrewsbury itself. Even so, compared to some
organisations a 40% turnout is pretty good for an AGM.
Treasurer’s report. Mike Blakemore.
Thanks to Frank Maiden for his help and advice on handing over the Treasurer’s job, to Brenda
Duffy for collecting the subscriptions and to Gerald Higgs for auditing the accounts.
Total income £9013, total expenditure £8187 = an overall surplus of £825
Income for Clwt y Bel was up on 2013 but a lot of work including the major drainage project meant
a surplus of only £77
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Friends in High Places
There were 102 paying members.
The proportion of your subs going to the BMC is increasing this year but subs will remain at £25
for now. Per person the BMC will get £13.25 now ( it was £11.75).
A deposit account, earning a small amount of interest, has been opened at the Principality Building
Society. Here, £5000 is set aside for any real emergencies at the hut. This replaces the Birmingham
Midshires account.
Questions from the floor:-
JC – Our ‘sinking fund’ has been £5000 for many years now, should we try to increase the fund? £5000
may not go very far if the hut’s roof is damaged. Reply: - The account we closed with the Birmingham
Midshires had £4611 in it so in fact we did increase our savings at the time of opening the Principality account.
CF – Chris asked for clarification about some meets which make a slight profit and others which make a
loss. Reply : - The accounts show income and expenditure for the 2014 Calendar year so, in effect, they
don’t show profit and loss. Two meets (Cornwall and the mid-week Lakes meet) made a loss.
Chairman’s report. Roger Skews.
Clwt y Bel – Thanks to Mike Jones and his team of Judy Preece, Rog Edenborough, Joe North and
Harry Gregory who have helped a lot with maintenance and special projects such as the drainage
and electrics. Mike, Rog Skews and Pete McAree have also worked hard on marketing the hut ,with
the assistance of Fiona Jones. Lists of BMC affiliated Clubs, University Clubs etc have been updated/ revised and a ‘hut newsletter’ is sent out. This has generated some extra bookings e.g. 5 bookings in response to the December mailing. Of course, anyone can help with the hut and you are especially welcome at the annual work weekend in March.
Hut Trustees – Arthur Osborne and Gordon Croxton have formally retired as trustees and Judy
Preece and Rog Edenborough have accepted the invitation to become trustees in their place.
Constitution – everyone has had the opportunity to read the new draft constitution and comment on
it. Overall, it was decided best to keep our original Constitution and add a few bits, plus adopting
BMC guidelines on a number of things. (At this stage of the meeting Roger Skews proposed that we
adopt the new Constitution and this was carried unanimously.)
Roy Farmer’s legacy. A fine bench with a plaque was installed at the hut, there is an annual ‘ memorial’ pub crawl and a couple of new pubs have been added to the Tuesday night list.
Many Thanks to all meet co-ordinators, to Grahame for editing the newsletter and to Stuart Cathcart
for his sponsorship. Thanks also to Grace Chillingworth for her time on the committee as well as all
the other committee members and helpers who give their time to the Club.
Election of officers and committee: ther e was an election and the following wer e chosen :-
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Friends in High Places
Roger Skews
Jan Campbell
Mike Blakemore
Tony Mills
Liz Carr
Scott Pardoe
Andy Bentley
Rick Robson
Mike Blakemore
Tom Cave
Jan Campbell
Gerald Higgs
Brenda Duffy
Mike Blakemore
Pete McAree
Frank Maiden
Frank Maiden
Mike Jones
Grahame James
Tom Cave
Alenka Toinko
Kurt Finnegan
Grahame James
Cheryl Foster
Brenda Duffy
Roger Skews
Grahame James
Harry Gregory Trophy.
This was awarded to Mike Blakemore for his outstanding adventures kayaking in the Algonquin and endurance when cycling long distance in Spain.
Photo competition 2013
Winner –Martin Coward for his outstanding photo of ‘Misty Light in the Quiraing, Skye. The prize was a
book about landscape photography.
Adrian Donnelly had brought along some leaflets about the Pontesford Hill Appeal. He pointed out that we
all use the hill and that the Shropshire Wildlife Trust needed to raise £265,000 to buy the lease back and
secure access to the hill. An appeal has been launched and £170000 has already been raised. The meeting
agreed that the Club should make a be discussed at the next committee meeting in February.
Meeting ended at 9.55pm.
Shrewsbury Mountaineering Club
Friends in High Places
AGM Tuesday 19th January 2016. The Cock Inn, Hanwood. 7.30pm for a prompt 8pm start.
As last year, it would be very helpful if you could please read in advance, and bring with you, the minutes of 2015’s
AGM and the Agenda for this year. Please remember to bring money to the AGM for your subs (still at the reasonable
price of £25, if not already paid) which Brenda will be happy to receive.
AGENDA for 2016.
Minutes of the AGM 2015
Matters arising
Secretary’s report (Jan Campbell)
Treasurer’s report (Mike Blakemore)
Chairman’s report (Roger Skews).
Election of officers and committee.
(Short break for getting drinks and voting for photos)
Harry Gregory Trophy.
Photo competition 2015 – results.