ORGANIZER OF PLANNED ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES UAB KAUNO TERMOFIKACIJOS ELEKTRINĖ PLANNED ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES EXPANSION OF KAUNAS POWER PLANT, CONSTRUCTING A COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT (OF ~350 MW ELECTRIC POWER / ~350 MW HEAT POWER) PLACE OF PLANNED ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES TAIKOS PR. 147 / V. KRĖVĖS PR. 128, KAUNAS STAGE REPORT ON ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT Developer of PAV documents 2008 UAB KAUNO TERMOFIKACIJOS ELEKTRINĖ (Joint-Stock Company the Kaunas Thermoelectrical Power Plant in English) EXPANSION OF KAUNAS POWER PLANT WITH CONSTRUCTION A COMBINED CYCLE POWER – GENERATING UNIT (OF ~350 MW ELECTRIC POWER / ~350 MW HEAT POWER) REPORT ON ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT 2008 UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė Chief specialist Viktor Saičenko tel. 8 37 308 080 UAB „Termosistemų projektai“ Director Rasburskis tel. 8 37 207 222 UAB „Ekokonsultacijos“ Directress Lina Šleinotaitė – Budrienė tel. 8 5 274 54 87 Persons, responsible for report elaboration Part prepared Inga Karaliūnaitė chapters III, VI, VII, XII, subparagraphs 5.2.2, 5.2.4 8 5 274 54 91 sub-paragraph 5.2.1 8 37 300180 Environment specialist of UAB „Ekokonsultacijos“ Doc. dr. Dainius Martuzevičius Head of Engineering Ecology Department of the Kaunas Technological University, air pollution assessment specialist Signature Telephone No. 8 654 47083 Dr. Kęstutis Buinevičius, specialist in the area of Energetics and burning processes sub-paragraph 5.2.1 8 698 30201 Inga Silvestravičiūtė chapters I, II, IV, VIII, IX, X, XI, poskyriai 5.1, 5.2.3, 5.2.6, 5.2.7 8 5 274 54 91 Sub-paragraph 5.2.5 8 5 274 54 91 Specialist in the area of assessment of impact on environment of UAB „Ekokonsultacijos“ Lina Sakalauskaitė Environment protection and public health specialist of UAB „Ekokonsultacijos“ 2 CONTENTS PART I. PAV PROGRAMME ..................................................................................................................................5 ABBREVIATIONS USED PART II. DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................7 I. INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................................8 1.1 Provisions of programmes on assessment of impact on invironment and principles of report elaboration ......................................................................................................................................................8 1.2 Brief review of energetic sector and project background.....................................................................9 II. GENERAL DATA ................................................................................... FEHLER! TEXTMARKE NICHT DEFINIERT. 2.1 Data of organizer of planned economic activities (customer).General information about the Kaunas power plant....................................................................................................................................................11 2.2 Data about the person responsible for elaboration of documents regarding assessment of impact on environment of planned economic activities .................................................................................................12 2.3 Brief description of planned economic activities ................................................................................12 2.4 Stages, terms and sequence of implementation of planned economic activities ..............................14 2.5 Correlation of the stage of PAV programme and report preparation and stages of planning and projecting.......................................................................................................................................................14 2.6 Data of products of planned economic activities, fuel and other raw materials.................................15 2.7 Description of site of planned economic activity ................................................................................16 2.7.1 Geographic and administrative location ......................................................................................16 2.7.2 Information about existing plot of land, its infrastructure, natural, historical and cultural values 20 2.7.3 Geologic, hydrogeologic, meteorological and climatic conditions of the site ..............................22 2.7.4 Existing level of pollution .............................................................................................................23 III. TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES ...............................................................................................................25 3.1 Brief description of existing the Kaunas power plant and subsidiary system ...................................25 3.2 Description of combined cycle power-generating unit, proposed equipment and technological process..........................................................................................................................................................29 3.3 Description of subsidiary systems......................................................................................................30 3.4 Comparison and vvaluation of proposed technologies (way of production, equipment) with the best accessible production ways upon this activity type applicable in the European Union ................................33 IV. WASTES ......................................................................................................................................................43 4.1 Wastes, quantity and ways of management ......................................................................................43 V. PLANNED ACTIVITY‘S POTENTIAL IMPACT ON DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENT COMPONENTS AND MEANS DECREASING THE IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT.............................................................................44 5.1 Planned activity‘s potential environmenial impact within contraction works .....................................44 5.1.1 Wastes.........................................................................................................................................44 5.1.2 Noise............................................................................................................................................45 5.2 Planned activity‘s potential environmental impact within exploiting..................................................45 5.2.1 Potential impact of planned economic activities on environmental air caused by emission from stationary sources and impact decreasing means ......................................................................45 Stationary pollution sources, their description....................................................................45 Inventory data of operating object‘s air pollution sources and pollution emitted...............47 Calculation of produced and emitted air pollution connected (expected) with planned economic activities ...............................................................................................................................48 Marginal values of pollution emitted in air of living areas ...................................................54 Pollution groups with summarized impact ..........................................................................56 Air pollution predicting methods, output data and environmental air pollution forecasts ...56 Analysis and conclusions connected to pollution lower concentration...............................61 Allowable air pollution norms, having evaluated background pollution level .....................62 Means decreasing impact on air pollution ..........................................................................65 Application of additional ATL to new equipment of the Kaunas power plant..................65 5.2.2 Potential impact of planned economic activities on environmental air caused by emission from mobile pollution sources and impact increasing means..............................................................68 5.2.3 Economic activities‘ potential noise impact, noise emission .......................................................68 3 5.2.4 Potentional impact of planned economic activities on water, soil, earth interior, biodiversity and landscape ....................................................................................................................................73 5.2.5 Potential impact of planned economic activities on human health..............................................77 5.2.6 Potential impact of planned economic activities on social-economic environment, potential impact on energy prices payable by resident of the town of Kaunas ..........................................81 5.2.7 Potential impact of planned economic activities on ethnic-cultural conditions and cultural heritage........................................................................................................................................82 VI. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES..................................................................................................................83 6.1 Brief description of “Zero”and proposed alternative...........................................................................83 6.2 Description of alternatives, mmmmain selection reasons..................................................................83 6.3 Analysis and comparison of alternatives based on potential impact on separate components of physical, social and economic environment .................................................................................................86 VII. MONITORING PLAN OF PLANNED ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES..................................................................89 VIII. REVIEW OF POTENTIAL EXTREMAL SITUATIONS ...............................................................................92 8.1 Planned economic activities‘potential emergency situations forecasts .............................................92 8.2 Breakdown liquidation plan and preventive means ...........................................................................97 IX. PROBLEMS DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................98 X. PUBLIC SOCIETY‘S PARTICIPATION ........................................................................................................99 XI. PAV SUBJECTS‘ CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS COORDINATING PAV PROGRAMMES AND REPORTS 11.1 PAV programme‘s coordinating conslusions and documents..........................................................101 11.2 PAV report‘s coordinating conslusions and documents...................................................................102 XII. REPORT SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................103 XII. ANNEXES .................................................................................................................................................107 4 CHAPTER I. PAV programme EXPANSION OF KAUNAS POWER PLANT, CONSTRUCTING COMBINED CYCLE POWER STATION (OF ~350 MW ELECTRIC POWER / ~350 MW HEAT POWER) IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT EVALUATION PROGRAMME – THE SCOPE OF PAV REPORT PROPOSED I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. 1.2. Principal provisions of impact on environment evaluation and reports elaboration Brief description of energetic sector II. GENERAL DATA 2.1 Data of planned economic activities‘ organizer (customer). General data of the Kaunas power plant 2.2 Data of a person responsible for elaboration of documents connected to evaluation of impact on environment of planned economic activities 2.3 Brief description of planned economic activities 2.4 Stages, terms and sequence of implementation of planned economic activities 2.5 Correlation of the stage of PAV programme and report preparation and stages of planning and projecting 2.6 Data of products of planned economic activities, fuel and other raw materials 2.7.1. Description of site of planned economic activities 2.7.2. Geographic and administrative location 2.7.3. Information about existing plot of land, its infrastructure, natural, historical and cultural values 2.7.4. Geologic, hydrogeological, meteorological and climatic conditions of the site 2.7.5. Existing level of pollution III. TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES 3.1 Brief description of existing the Kaunas power plant and subsidiary system 3.2 Description of conventional cycle power plant, proposed equipment and technological process 3.3 Description of subsidiary systems30 3.4 Comparison and vvaluation of proposed technologies (way of production, equipment) with the best accessible production ways upon this activity type applicable in the European Union33 IV. WASTES 4.1 Wastes formed, amount and ways of disposal V. PLANNED ACTIVITY‘S POTENTIAL IMPACT ON DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENT COMPONENTS AND MEANS INCREASING THE IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT 5.1. 5.1.1 5.1.2 Planned activity‘s potential impact on environment within contraction works Wastes Noise 5.2. 5.2.1 Planned activity‘s potential impact on environment within exploiting Potential impact of planned economic activities on environmental air caused by emission from stationary sources and impact increasing means Stationary pollution sources, their description Inventory data of operating object‘s air pollution sources and pollution emitted Calculation of produced and emitted air pollution connected (expected) with planned economic activities 5 Marginal values of pollution emitted in air of living areas Pollution groups with summarized impact Air pollution predicting methods, output data and environmental air pollution forecasts Analysis and conclusions connected to pollution bottom concentration Allowable air pollution norms, having evaluated background pollution level Means decreasing impact on air pollution Application of additional ATL to new equipment of the Kaunas power plant 5.2.2. Potential impact of planned economic activities on environmental air caused by emission from mobile pollution sources and impact increasing means 5.2.3. Economic activities‘ potential noise impact, noise emission 5.2.4. Potential impact of planned economic activities on water, soil, earth interior, biodiversity and landscape 5.2.5. Potential impact of planned economic activities on human health 5.2.6. Potential impact of planned economic activities on social-economic environment, potential impact on energy prices payable by resident of the town of Kaunas 5.2.7. Potential impact of planned economic activities on ethnic-cultural conditions and cultural heritage VI. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 6.1 Brief description of “Zero”and proposed alternative 6.2 Description of alternatives, main selection reasons 6.3 Analysis and comparison of alternatives based on potential impact on separate components of physical, social and economic environment VII. MONITORING PLAN OF PLANNED ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES VIII. REVIEW OF POTENTIAL EXTREMAL SITUATIONS 8.1. Planned economic activities’ potential emergency situations forecasts 8.2. Breakdown liquidation plan and preventive means IX. PROBLEMS DESCRIPTION X. PUBLIC SOCIETY‘S PARTICIPATION XI. PAV SUBJECTS‘ CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS COORDINATING PROGRAMMES AND REPORTS 11.1. PAV programme‘s coordinating conclusions and documents 11.2. PAV report‘s coordinating conclusions and documents PAV XII. REPORT SUMMARY XIII. ANNEXES 6 Abbreviations used in the text AAA – Environment protection agency ATL – turnover pollution permit DKDĮ – fuel burning large installation DLN – preliminary mixing dry type injection burners of small NOx generation ES – European Union GPGB – the best accessible production way HN – hygienic norm KCDT – combined cycle gas turbine KD – solid particles KE – the Kaunas power plant LAND – Environment protection normative document of the Republic of Lithuania LHMT –Lithuanian Hydrometerological Service LOJ – volatile organic compounds NAP – National plan on distribution of turnover pollution permits NES – National energetic strategy NMS – unfavourable meteorological conditions PAV – evaluation of impact on environment PAOV – evaluation of impact on environmental air PŪV – planned economic activities RAAD – regional department of environment protection RSN – Republican construction norms RV – marginal value SAZ – sanitary protection zone TIPK – the pollution integrated prevention and control VŠK – water heating boiler 7 CHAPTER II. DESCRIPTION I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Principal provisions of preparation of the impact on environment assessment programme and report According to legal acts valid in Lithuania and the European Union all the activities planned that might have impact on environment should be evaluated in advance and the impact decreasing means should be foreseen. Evaluation of impact on environment (PAV) shall be carried out in order to: 1) determine, characterize and evaluate a possible direct and indirect impact of planned economic activities on public health, animals and plants, soil, earth surface and interior, air, water, climate, landscape, biodiversity, material values and cultural real estate values and mutual interaction of these environmental components; 2) to decrease or avoid harmful impact of planned economic activities on public health and other environmental components; 3) to determine whether the planned economic activities after having evaluated their nature and impact on environment shall be allowed in the appropriate territory. The Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Environmental Impact Assessment of Planned Economic Activity (Žin., 2005, No. 84-3105) divides economic activity into the following two categories: the activity of which environmental impact assessment is obligatory and the activity which is applied a selection regarding an obligatory assessment of environmental; impact. Regarding planned activity of UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė – expansion of the Kaunas power plant, constructing of combined cycle power-generating unit (of ~350 MW electric power / ~350 MW heat power), the environmental impact assessment is obligatory according to clause 3.1. of Annex 1 of the Law on Amendment of the Law on the Environmental Impact Assessment (Žin., 2005, No. 84-3105) „Construction of thermal power plants as well as other combusting installations, including industrial equipment for production of electricity, steam or water heating (when the appropriate installation capacity is 300 MW or higher)”. In accordance with methods elaborated by the Ministry of Environment, taking into consideration the particular features of planned economic activity, PAV programme elaborated is to be delivered to PAV subjects1that within 10 weekdays are to provide their conclusions or motivated requirements on this programme supplement of amendment. The developer of PAV documents is to provide PAV programme for repeated coordination after all the notes and 1 To the Kaunas municipality, the Kaunas fire-protection authority, the Borad of Administration of the Kaunas county‘s head, The Kaunas Centre for Public Health and territorial section of the Kaunas Cultural Heritage Protection Department. 8 amendments of PAV programme have been considered. Having received the PAV subjects‘ conclusions the programe shall be provided to the Kaunas RAAD for final coordination. Conclusions of the PAV subjects and the Kaunas RAAD upon PAV programme coordination shall be specified in clause 11.1. of this report. After having coordinated the PAV programme upon the PAV report prepared, the similar coordination procedure with PAV subjects shall be carried out. Having received the PAV subjects‘ conclusions and having acquainted the public society, the PAV report supplemented shall be submitted to the Kaunas RAAD for final consideration; and final decision on planned economic activity concerned shall be adopted within 25 weekdays. The public society has been informed according to the order defined by the Ministry of Environment about the programme prepared (the decree No, DI-370 issued by the Minister of the Environment of RL „Regarding informing and participation of the society in approval of description of the order related to planned activity‘s environmental impact assessment“ (Žin., 2005, No. 93-3472)), the copies of announcements are provided in text Annex No.1. Special attention in the environmental impact assessment was paid to society informing and its involvement in consideration of planned economic activity draft, creating opportunities for provision of motivated proposals within the whole period of the environmental impact assessment. Within RAV process, data contained in PAV programme was clarified and used when preparing RAV report. 1.2 Brief description of energetic sector and Project background The National Energetic Strategy (hereinafter referred to as NES) defines development trends of Lithuanian energetics. NES approved by the Resolution No. X-1046 adopted by the Seimas of the RL on 18 January 2007. (Žin., 2007, No. 11-430) foresees an increase in power produced by thermoelectrical power plants in total electric power balance up to 35% by 2025. In order to achieve this goal there was foreseen to gradually equip cogeneration power plants in enterprises of heating supply sector, able to produce electric power of which the price is competitive on open electricity market. It was also foreseen that based on further increase in price for organic fuel and demand for electricity, growing faster than demand for heat, most attention should be paid to replacement of existing power-generating units of the Kaunas and Vilnius thermoelectrical power plants to new power-generating units of combined cycle. After the second block of the Ignalina nuclear power station has been closed, the main electric power production source before the construction of a new nuclear power plant shall be the Lithuanian power plant and the Vilnius and Kaunas thermoelectrical power plants The price of electric power produced by existing power-generating units of the Lithuanian power plant with the use of natural gas is considerably higher and non-competitive on the market. Therefore, NES foresees that it is obligatory to expand in fastest tempo the capacities of more economical thermoelectrical power plants. Besides, the trends of development of the Heat economy approved by the Resolution No. 307 adopted by the Government of the RL on March 22, 2004 (Žin., 2004, No. 44-1446) also expect to expand capacities of cogeneration power plants trying to increase the efficiency of 9 power generation and decrease the environment pollution. Together with other means the Heat economy expansion trends foresees the modernization of the Kaunas power plant. The project on planned expansion of the Kaunas power plant based on construction of combined cycle power-generating unit (of ~350 MW electric power / ~350 MW heat power, would implement not only targets contained in the National Energetic Strategy, but also company‘s obligations before the town of Kaunas to expand by the 1st of January, 2009, generation capacities of the Kaunas power plant, undertaken on the 31st of March 2003 10 II. GENERAL DATA 2.1 Data about organizer of planned economic activity (customer). General data about the Kaunas power plant The organizer (customer) of planned economic activity shall be UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė, enterprise code110884491, Taikos pr. 147, LT-51142 Kaunas, tel. 8 37 308 059, fax. 8 37 308 334, email address: Contact persons – chief specialist, Viktor Saičenko, tel. 8 37 308 080, fax. 8 37 308 334; the head of environment protection section of UAB „Energijos sistemų servisas“, Marius Mockus, tel. 8 37 308008, fax. 8 37 456263, email address; The Kaunas power plant is being operated by UAB „Energijos sistemų servisas“, according to the agreement on power plant‘s exploiting services concluded on the 12th of December 2003 with the owner of the Kaunas power plant, UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė. General data of the Kaunas power plant The Kaunas power plant was started to construct on the 1st of June 1971. By the end of 1975 the first power-generating block equipped with turbogenerating unit of 60 MW electric power was started to operate. By the end of 1976 the second energetic block equipped with turbogenerating unit of 110 MW electric power was started to exploit and it was reached the power plant‘s projecting electric power of 170 MW. By the end of 1984 the third energetic steam boiler was started to exploit and in 1988 after having completed the construction of the second, 180 m high chimney, the today‘s Kaunas power plant was fully completed for production of electric and heat power at full capacity. The biggest electric power amount within the whole period of exploiting of the power plant was produced in1985 (892 thousand MWh). Rated capacity of the Kaunas power plant is 1543 MW of heat power and 170 MW of electric power. For purpose of implementation of economic activity the company obtained the pollution integrated prevention and control permit No. 1/105 issued on the 29th December 2006 by the Kaunas RAAD. At the Kaunas power plant they produce heat and electric power and provide heat networks with thermal water. Three steam boilers produce heat in the form of steam and 5 water heating boilers produce thermal water heat. In steam and water heating boilers natural gas is being combusted and in case of necessity there can be used the back-up fuel, mazut, stored in the territory of the power plant – in the mazut unit. Part of heat energy produced in steam boilers is used for production of electric power. Electric power is being produced by two steam turbines, of which one has steam offtake to industrial companies. Special purpose water is used in technological process of heat energy production and supply of heat produced. For purpose of preparation of the aforementioned water a surface-water from the Kaunas water resevoir is used after the appropriate processing in the water preparation unit. Back-up fuel, mazut, is being stored within a separate territory, the mazut unit, from which it is being supplied for boilers heating. Feasibility study on implementation of general heat and electric energy production system at the Kaunas power plant. 11 In regard with most technological installations, especially those there burning and mechanical works were being performed, a 30-year exploiting term becomes crucial. Technical level of the Kaunas power plant reflects this, i.e. in order to ensure a reliable and efficient the power production process, huge investments are unavoidably required. Company‘s owners and leaders, understanding the necessity of essential reconstruction of the power plant and having evaluated the changes on the electric power market after closing of the Ignalina nuclear power plant by the end of 2009, have initiated the carrying out of feasibility study for purpose of assessment of technical-financial accuracy of capital investments, expecting implementation of the combined cycle technologies. Company UAB „Termosistemų projektai“ in 2006 - 2007 prepared feasibility study on combined cycle technology accuracy assessment, covering optimization of installed power and energetic block number, background of financial accuracy and selection of possible combinations in order to integrate new equipment in operation with existing systems. The present PAV report is based on „Feasibility study on implementation of general heat and electric power production system at UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė“ (2007). 2.2 Data of the developer of the planned economic activity environmental impact assessment The developer of the planned activity environmental impact assessment shall be UAB „Ekokonsultacijos“, J. Galvydžio street 3, LT - 08236, Vilnius, Contact person – Project leader, Inga Silvestravičiūtė, contact telephone/fax No.el./faks. 8 5 274 54 91, mob. 8-698-48047, email address: 2.3 Brief description of planned economic activity UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė expects to construct within the territory of the Kaunas power plant a combined cycle power-generating unit, situated at Taikos pr. 147 / V. Krėvės pr. 128, in Kaunas, non-expanding the borders of existing KE territory. In a new power-generating unit It is expected to install four gas turbines, four gas generators with additional combusting as well as two steam turbines. An expected total combined cycle power-generating unit’s electric power shall reach ~350 MW. In case of expected electric/heat power proportion equal to 1, heat power shall also be equal to ~350 MW. Total demand for fuel shall be about 780 MW. It is expected that the combined cycle power-generating unit shall be adapted to combusting of natural gas, as the main fuel, and liquid fuel (dieseline) as additional/back-up fuel (in case it shall be obligatory upon normative documents that are being clarified at the moment). When valuating the demand for heat energy for non-heating season as well as factual possibilities to become the reserve of national electric power supply system, it is expected to install cooling facilities of about 350 MW heat power. It is expected that at the Kaunas power plant the following existing power generating installations shall be kept unchanged: three steam boilers BKZ – 420 (nominal heat power is 290 MW each), two steam turbines PT – 60 (nominal rated electric power60 MW) and T – 100 12 (nominal electric power 110 MW), four water heating boilers PTVM – 100 (nominal heat power ~116 MW each), one water heating boiler KVGM – 180 (nominal heating capacity 209 MW). Summarized heat power of the aforementioned installations is 1543 MW, electric power is 170 MW. At present, at the Kaunas power plant the main fuel being combusted is natural gas and the back-up fuel is mazut. During expansion it is planned to keep unchanged the existing backup fuel (mazut) unit. The water preparation unit and slime unit can be modernized, taking into consideration technical properties of the new combined cycle power-generating unit to be constructed. Besides that it is planned to have the connection to the electric power transmission network according to preliminary technical conditions of AB „Lietuvos energija“ related to increase in production of electric power at the Kaunas power plant. Total amount of expected investments shall be about Litas 1 billion. 13 2.4 Stages, terms and sequence of planned economic activity Stages, terms and sequence of activity implementation: Stages Name of works Performance term Stage I Feasibility study preparation IV qt. of 2006 – Iqt. Of 2007 Stage II Stage III Stage IV Assessment of environmental impact, PAV decision on acceptance of planned economic activity in regard with environmental impact Prior-to-project assessment of necessity of reconstruction of electric line Preparation of business plan, tender documents and technical specifications III qt. of 2007 m.. – I qt. Of 2008 m. III – IV qt. of 2007 IV qt. of 2007 Stage V Obtaining of the Ministry‘s of Economy permit for creation of new production capacities I qt. of 2008 Stage VI Organization and implementation of tenders on technical design, equipment supply and construction works, bids‘ assessment and agreements signing IV qt. of 2007 - III qt. of 2008 Stage VII Technical design, construction works Stage VIII Stage IX Stage X The object transference to the customer, commissioning works Preparation of applications for TIPK permit, obtaining of TIPK permit Planned start of economic activity III qt. of 2008 – III qt. of 2010 III qt. of 2010 – I qt. of 2011 II - III qt. of .2010 I qt. of 2011 Expected period of exploiting of combined cycle power plant‘s power-generating unit shall be 30 years. 2.5 Correlation of the PAV programme and report preparation with planning and projecting stages The process of the environmental impact assessment started after specialists of UAB „Termosistemų projektai“ have prepared the feasibility study on implementation of general heat and electric power production system in the UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė. Further planning and technical projecting works shall be carried out after having adopted a positive decision of the Kaunas RAAD regarding admissibility of environmental impact of planned economic activity concerned (see clause 2.4 „Stages, terms and sequence of planned economic activity“). 14 2.6 Data about planned economic activity‘s products, fuel, raw and other materials During carrying out of planned economic activity the heat and electric energy shall be produced. Data about expected fuel, heat and electric energy consumption and expected amounts of heat and electric energy to be produced are provided in Tables 1 and 2. accordingly. Table 1. Fuel and energy consumption Energetic and technological resources Measuring units, t, m3, kWh and others 1 2 3 a) electrical energy MWh 200 000 UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė, AB „Lietuvos energija“, AB „VST“ b) heat energy: MWh 90 000 UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė c) natural gas: New block 1 007 668 OAO „Gazprom“ 306 868 OAO „Gazprom“ 3 700 800 OAO „Gazprom“ 30 000 UAB „Mažeikių nafta“ or other supplier thousand Nm - e) mazut t f) stove oil - g) dieseline t 4 3 thousand Nm d) liquefied gas Sources of resources 3 thousand Nm Equipment available Amounts used within one year 392 448* LR companies h) black coal i) gasoline j) biofuel: k) other * an amount of dieseline indicated is expected to use in a new block Table 2. Energy production Energy type Expected amount to be produced 1 2 Electric energy, MWh 3 095 000 Heat energy, MWh 1 800 000* * an amount of heat energy produced (transferred to networks) is indicated taking into consideration the expected demand for heat energy of the town of Kaunas. During carrying out of planned economic activity chemical materials and products shall be mostly used in the water preparation unit (taking into consideration that during planned economic activity and amount of industrial water required shall be prepared upon chemical way, i.e. non-changing the existing technological principle of water preparation). Besides that when exploiting electrical installations there will be used turbine oil. Information about chemical materials or products that are expected to use are indicated in Table 3. below. 15 Table 3. Information about raw materials, chemical materials or products used Name of raw material, chemical material or product Annual amount, t 1 Classification and marking of chemical material or product category Hazard reference Risk phrase 2 3 4 5 Ferric sulphate (FeSO4) 30 - - - Lime (CaO) 400 Erosive (etching) Erosive (etching) C Sodium chloride (NaCl) 200 - - - Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) 330 Erosive (etching) Erosive (etching) C Sodium dichloride (NaOH) 260 Erosive (etching) Erosive (etching) C Ammonia water (NH4OH) 5 Erosive (etching) Hazardous for environment Erosive (etching) Hazardous for environment C, N Hydrazine solution (N2H4) 3 Toxic, harmful for environment Toxic, harmful for environment T, N Triodium phosphate (Na3PO4) 5 Irritant Irritant Xi ~ 40 m3 * - - - Turbine oil * turbine oil is to be replaced once per 10 years. Chemical materials and products containing solvents shall not be used when performing the main planned economic activity. 2.7 Description of site of the planned economic activity 2.7.1 Geographic and administrative location Description of site and neighbouring territory. The Kaunas power plant is situated at Taikos pr. 147/ V.Krėvės pr. 128, LT – 51142 in Kaunas, within the north-eastern borders of the town of Kaunas, in the district of industrial enterprises, close to highway Kaunas – Vilnius (see Pic. 1). The Kaunas power plant is performing its economic activity within the plot of land of 55,3346 ha area. This territory includes plots of land situated at V.Krėvės pr. 135 (slime unit) – 4,3636 ha, Taikos pr. 147/V.Krėvės pr.128 (the Kaunas power plant) – 31,3991 ha, Ateities highway. 35 (mazut unit) – 16,1457 ha, V.Krėvės pr. 128b ir V.Krėvės pr. 133a (railway) – 0,7081 ha and 2,1509 ha, R.Kalantos g. 124 – 0,5672 ha (the complex of industrial water supply station). The planned economic activity is expected to be carried out within the main plot of land (the plot of land area - 31,3991 ha), situated at Taikos pr. 147/V.Krėvės pr.128. 16 Coordinates of the centre of the plot of land the planned economic activity shall be carried out within: east longitude 240 01' 41.80"; north latitude 540 55' 14.48" . Altitude above sea level 70 metres. State-owned plots of land on which the KE is situated are rented in accordance with decrees No. 02-01-6472, No. 02-01-6473, No. 02-01-6474 issued on the 25th of November 2002 by the Head of the Kaunas county and decrees No. 02-01-7259, No. 02-01-7260 issued on the 18th December 2002 to a renter, UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė (address Taikos pr. 147, LT-51142, Kaunas). The plot of land the planned economic activity shall be carried out within is renter from the state up to 2101, the copy of the plot of land records extract of the State enterprise the Register Centre is specified in text Annex No.2. Slime unit of the Kaunas power plant The Kaunas power plant The PŪV site The mazut unit of the Kaunas power plant Picture 1. Site of the planned economic activity (PŪV) Plans of PŪV plots of land are enclosed in graphic Annex No.1. The main purposive application sphere of the PŪV plot of land is “other” (the territory designated for laying and exploiting of networks and objects of engineering infrastructure) Adjacencies. On the north, the main plot of land of the Kaunas power plant borders Taikos avenue, on the east and north – it borders Davalgonių forest, on the east – private garage cooperative, railway and former company‘s UAB „Dinamo“ territory (see Picture 2). The power plant is situated in industrial area of the town of Kaunas, next to it, the following companies are performing their activities: UAB „Varanas“ – car market of the town of Kaunas, UAB „Kelių remonto grupė“, UAB „Termoizola“, UAB „Transgesta servis“, UAB „Nepriklausomos 17 energijos paslaugos“. The list of other companies situated nearby is specified in text Annex No.3. There are no any schools and hospitals situated next to the power plant. In 1,2 km distance to north-west direction from the site of the planned economic activity there are residential houses of Dainava block of flats (intersection of Partizanų and V.Krėvės streets). In 1,4 km distance to the north of the PŪV site there is the territory of collective plots of land for gardening, residebtial houses of the Palemonas block of flats are situated in 2 km distance to the east. The nearest living house (V. Krėvės avenue 135A) is situated in 200 m distance to the north-eastern direction from the PŪV. Davalgonių forest Garages Slime unit UAB „Transgesta“ Residential building UAB „Kelių remonto grupė“ PŪV site The Kaunas car market place Davalgonių forest The Kaunas power plant Picture 2. Adjacency of the PŪV plot of land and the PŪV site. According to data provided by state enterprise the Register Centre, The PŪV plot of land (unique No. 1901-0092-0003, cadastre No. 1901/0092:3) borders 2 plots of land owned by state and one plot of land of which owners are the Republic of Lithuania and UAB „Kelių remonto grupė“ (see Table 4). The copy of the Reference issued by the Kaunas branch of the public 18 enterprise, the Register centre, regarding the owners of adjacent plots of land and the extract of the Cadastre map are presented in text Annex No.3. Table 4. Information about owners of plots of land which border the PŪV plot of land (source: the Kaunas branch of the PE Register Centre) Ord.No. Cadastre No. of a plot of land Owner 1. 1901/0092:1 Republic of Lithuania 2. 1901/0092:4 Republic of Lithuania 3. 1901/0092:6 Republic of Lithuania; UAB „Kelių remonto grupė“ Information about owners, users or managers of plots of land formed close to the PŪV plot of land is presented in Table 5. Table 5. Information about owners, users or managers of plots of land formed close to the PŪV plot of land (source of information: public enterprise the Register Centre) Ord. Address and Area and application Owner, user or Headquarters No. cadastre No. of sphere of the plot of manager of the plot of address of plot‘s plot of land land land of land owner, user of manager 1 2 3 4 5 1. V. Krėvės 135A, 1901/0065:2 pr. 0,2461 ha Other (for construction and exploiting of private houses/structures) Owners of the plot of land: Vytautas Prialgauskas, Renė Elena Etnerienė, Lietuvos Respublika V. Krėvės pr. 135A, 51102 Kaunas 2. V. Krėvės 128D, 1901/0092:4 pr. 0,3587 ha Territory of commercial objects construction of trade, service or entertainment objects) Owner of the plot of land: Republic of Lithuania; Agreement on lease was concluded with: UAB „Kelių remonto grupė“ V. Krėvės pr. 128, 51108 Kaunas 3. V. Krėvės pr. 128F, 1901/0092:1 0,6022 ha Other (for construction and exploiting of commercial and small business objects) Owner of the plot of land: Republic of Lithuania; Agreement on lease was concluded with: UAB „Transgesta“ V. Krėvės pr. 128F, 51106 Kaunas 4. V. Krėvės 128G, 1901/0092:6 3,0103 ha (formalities are in progress) Territory of industrial and warehousing objects (construction of warehousing structures) Owners of the plot of land: Republic of Lithuania; UAB „Kelių remonto grupė“ V. Krėvės pr. 128, 51108 Kaunas 5. State-owned land. Non-formed plots of land The Board of Administration of the Kaunas county head L. Sapiegos street 10, 44251 Kaunas pr. 19 The planned economic activity is expected to be carried our within undeveloped company‘s plot next to VŠK 2 complex (see graphic annex No.2, Pic. 2). When constructing a combined cycle power plant, it is expected to demolish one tin warehouse of 625,24 sq. m area and in case of needs, it shall be possible to demolish garages with attic of 1570 sq. m area. 2.7.2 Information about existing land-utilization, its infrastructure, natural, historical and cultural values Land-utilization. On the general plan of the town‘s of Kaunas municipality, approved by the Resolution No. T-242 adopted by the Council of the town of Kaunas on the 25th of May 2003, the PŪV territory is attributed to other application sphere land: territory of industrial objects/commercial, public infrastructure/ (see graphic annex No.3). The main purposive application sphere of the PŪV plot of land is “other” (the territory for construction and exploiting of networks and objects of engineering infrastructure) (see text Annex No.2). Site infrastructure. Existing infrastructure of the planned economic activity site, the territory of the Kaunas power plant: 1) Communications lines; 2) Electric lines; 3) Gas pipeline; 4) Mazut pipeline; 5) Drinking water supply; 6) Production water supply (the Kaunas water reservoir); 7) City sewage networks; 8) Local storm-water and production sewage networks; 9) Steam and hot water supply networks; 10) railway. Natural, historical and cultural values. Cultural values. There are no any historical and cultural values of the territory of planned economic activity; this territory is not attributed to protected territories. Next to the mazut unit, at about 1 km distance from the PŪV site there are protected belongings of the Kaunas fortress, blindages. The planned economic activity shall be carried out in 1 km distance away from protected territory and shall have no impact on protected cultural values. There are no any other cultural real estate values on the planned economic activity territory and neighbouring territories. Planted land. Within the KE territory there are some planted plots to be protected. Within the PŪV territory to be developed there are warty birches, however, on the plot of land detailed plan they are not marked as to be protected. The KE territorial plan is presented in the graphic annex No.1, the list of trees to be protected is presented in graphic annex no.4 (plants to be removed within PŪV are indicated as No. 154). To the north, north-east and east direction from the power plant there is Davalgonių forest Nearest water basins. In ~ 2,7 km distance from the PŪV site to south-east direction there is the Kaunas water reservoir. 20 Nearest protected territories (see picture 3). The nearest protected territory the regional park of the Kaunas water reservoir is situated in ~2,3 km distance to the south-east of the planned economic activity territory. The aim of establishment of the regional park is to preserve a unique landscape of a lower part of the Kaunas water reservoir basin, its natural ecosystem and cultural heritage objects. In~2,3 km distance to south-east direction there is a preservation priority zone – landscape protection area. This is an archeological protective area of the Palemonas defensive installations. This protected territory is attributed to the regional park type. In ~2,4 km distance to south-east direction from the planned economic activity territory there is Amalių ecological protective zone, attributed to the preservation priority zone and regional parks as the type of protected territories. To south-east and south directions in ~2,4 km distance there is a water unit zone, attributed to functional priority zone and regional parks as the type of protected territories. In ~3 km distance to south direction from the planned economic activity there is the Petrašiūnai recreation zone, attributed to the preservation priority zone and regional parks as the type of protected territories. The Kaunas fortress’s Kauno tvirtovės belongings priklausiniai blindages blindažai PŪV site PŪV vieta The Palemonas Palemono recreation rekreacinė zone zona The Palemonas archaeological Palemono protective areagynybinių defensive installations įtvirtinimų archeologinis draustinis Pic.3. Nearest protected territories, source of information: protected territories cadastre, www. In ~2,5 km distance to southeast direction from the Palemonas recreation zone, attributed to the recreation priority zone and regional parks as protected territories type. 21 The site of planned economic activity is not included in the list of European most important protected territories network NATURA 2000 and does not border them. The nearest NATURA 2000 territory is the Kaunas water reservoir, situated to south-east in ~2,7 km distance (the territory important for headquarters protection). 2.7.3 Geologic, hydrogeological, meteorological and climatic conditions of the site Meteorological conditions. Winter is mild, minimal temperature -22 0C (sometimes, for short periods of time, it can be up to -35 0C). In winter-time south-east winds 4 - 6 m/s are prevailing. Degree of air saturation is fluctuating within 85 – 100 % limits. Snow cover is up to 0,1 m. In spring temperature is 10 – 14 0C above zero, though frosts can appear up to June. By the end of spring, north and north-west winds are prevailing. Degree of air saturation is increasing and in May it reaches 95 – 100 %. Summer is moderately warm. The warmest month is July. Temperature can reach 30 0C. In the beginning of summer northwest winds are prevailing and in the end of summer – west winds are prevailing. Average wind speed is 3 – 4 m/s. Average humidity in summer is 70 – 75 %. Most rainfall amount is in summer. Average rainfall duration 50 – 80 hours per month. Autumn is considerably warm. Degree of air saturation is increasing from 85 % in September up to 90 – 95 % in November. In the beginning of the autumn time south-west winds are prevailing, By the end – south winds. Winds speed is increasing. The rainfall amount is under decrease, although rainfall duration becomes longer: up to 60 – 166 hours per month. Within the territory of KE average wind speed is 4,2 m/s, average maximum wind speed is about 20 m/s, in rare cases - up to 30 m/s. Annually there are 173 days with rainfall. Average annual rainfall amount is equal to 550 – 600 mm (including 150 – 200 mm in cold periods and 400 – 500 mm within warm period of time). Seasonal soil freezing with probability α=0,95 is 1,4 m (according to data provided by the Kaunas hydrometeorological observatory). Geological conditions. Geological investigations of the Kaunas power plant‘s construction site were carried out by the Kaunas institute of engineering research and complete data about works performed, research methods, wellhole plans and others are kept in the archive of the institute mentioned. The KE site‘s surface layer consists of technogenic (filled) soil, of 0,3 – 3,1 m thickness. Filled soil consists of clay loam with sand and humus. Packed filled soil (more than 5 years) is prevailing. Filled soil was formed when leveling the construction site within construction works and later when improving territory. Below filled soil there is clay loam of brown colour and brown layered semi-solid clay of 0,4 – 3,0 m thickness and grey fine sand layers (0,4 – 1,7 m). Cone resistance is typical for clay loams q = 0,4 – 4,0 (vid. 1,8) MPa, deformation module E = 4,0 – 40 (av. 16,7) MPa. At a depth of 1,0 – 4,0 metres there are moraine loams of semi-solid consistence with sand lens and interlayers (0,4 – 0,5 m). Such soils have typical properties: q = 0,6 – 5,0 (av. 1,7) MPa, E = 11,6 – 36,8 (av. 20,0) MPa. Solid plastic moraine loams make a layer up to 4,4 – 12,5 m depth with q = 2,0 – 13,0 (vid. 4,4) MPa, E = 22,0 – 103,4 (av. 44,0) MPa. Hydrographical conditions. There are no any natural water basins, rivers, springs on the main plot of land of the Kaunas power plant. Water for production needs is collected from the Kaunas water reservoir by own industrial water supply station complex and pipeline. Drinking water is supplied by 22 the town water supply network. Within KE territory, ground waters are found at a depth of 0,7 – 2,1 m from ground surface, water-bearing soils consist of sand gravel lenses of 0,4 – 1,0 m thickness and created pressure is equal up to 0,7 – 1,0 m. ground waters are fed from atmospheric precipitation upon natural infiltration way. Ground waters are not chemically aggressive. Maximum ground waters level can be 0,3 – 0,5 m from earth surface. Ground waters within mazut unit territory are found at a depth of 1,7 – 2,5 m from the earth surface. Water-bearing soil is fine sand. Maximum level of ground waters can be 0,8 – 1,0 m from the earth surface. 2.7.4 Existing pollution level When preparing this PAV report, the Kaunas RAAD recommended to apply the following background concentrations of environmental air pollutants: Carbon monoxide - 2,0 mg/m3; Nitrogen dioxide - 0,05 mg/m3; Sulfur dioxide - 0,02 mg/m3; Solid particles - 0,32 mg/m3. In the Kaunas agglomeration, in 2005 industrial and energetic companies‘ atmospheric emissions reached 5,1 thousand tons, including: about 2 thousand tons of volatile organic compounds, 1,3 thousand tons of nitrogen oxides and 1,3 tons of carbon monoxide, 0,1 thousand tons sulfur dioxide, 0,3 thousand tons of solid particles. Compared to the year 2004 an amount of atmospheric pollutants from stationary pollution sources was almost unchanged. Fluctuation of harmful materials, emissions of stationary pollution sources in the Kaunas agglomeration within 10 recent years was presented in Picture 4. Pic.t/m) from stationary pollution sources in the town Pic. 3. Amount of atmospheric pollutants (thous. of Kaunas in 1996-2005. Source: Environment protection agency. “Air quality in agglomeration and zone2005 in 2005 2006 m. m. “.oro kokybės tyrimų duomenys rodo, kad Kauno aglomeracijoje vidutinė paros Concentration of solid particles next to busy traffic roads exceeded the norm for more than 35 days per annum, i.e. an amount of entered cases of pollution norms exceeded was higher that it was allowed upon requirements contained in legal acts of the EU and Lithuania. Maximum concentration of nitrogen dioxide next to intense traffic roads exceeded the norm valid in 2005, however, an amount of exceeding cases was smaller compared to allowable: per annum there were registered 4 cases of norm exceeding 23 (allowable amount is 18). Concentration of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, gazoline, Plumbum did not exceed the norms established. 24 III. TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES 3.1 Brief description of existing the Kaunas power plant and subsidiary systems The Kaunas power plant produces heat and electrical energy as well as provides heating networks with thermal water. At present, the power plant concerned is equipped with the following equipment used for production of heat and electrical power: - three steam boilers BKZ – 420, of 420 t/h steam capacity each (or nominal heat capacity 290 MW); - two steam turbines: 1) PT-60 with a 60 MW power generator with hydrogen cooling with thermal and industrial steam offtakes, 2) T-100 with a 110 MW power generator with hydrogen cooling with thermal gas offtake. - Four water heating boilers PTVM – 100, of 100 Gcal/h capacity each (or ~116 MW); - One water heating boiler KVGM – 180, of 180 Gcal/h capacity (or 209 MW). High parameters steam is being produced in a steam boiler. Combusting process takes place in the boiler‘s furnace and emitted heat is being supplied to the boiler‘s waterwall surfaces though which the boiler water is circulating. In steam boiler, water is circulating upon closed cycle: boiler drum – offtake non-heated pipes – bottom collectors – furnace‘s heated pipes – boiler drum. A water and water steam mixture passes back to boiler drum. In a drum, steam is being separated from water, and water occupies the drum bottom part and steam – its top part. Steam is being transferred to the steam super heater section and when after having given back combusting gas energy, steam temperature is being raised as required. Heat produced by combusting products is fully used by the boiler convection surfaces and combusting products are being passed to chimney with smoke exhauster. Part of heat energy produced in a steam boiler is being used for electrical power production. Electrical power is being produced by two gas turbines, of which one has gas offtake to industrial companies. Fuel is being combusted in a water heating boiler furnace, heat energy emitted – combusting products, through boiler‘s heated surfaces are being passed to circulating water of which temperature is being raised up to required. The Kaunas power plant‘s schematic diagram is presented in Picture 5. The Kaunas power plant is equipped with three BKZ-420 steam, four PTVM-100 water heating boilers and one KVGM-180 water heating boiler. Combusting products from the three steam boilers BKZ-420 (with nominal heating capacity 290 MW each) and four water heating boilers PTVM-100 (with nominal heating capacity ~116 MW each) are being emitted through chimney No.1 (pollution source 001). Combusting products from water heating boiler KVGM180 (nominal heating capacity 209 MW) are being emitted through chimney No. 2 (pollution source 002). This VŠK is a reserved boiler which can be used when two VŠK PTVM-100 connected to chimney No.1 are out of operation. At the Kaunas power plant, the main fuel is natural gas and back-up fuel is mazut. Boilers are heated with mixed fuels – when some 25 burners of boilers are fired with natural gas, other burners are fired with mazut. Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur anhydride and solid particles are being emitted into atmospheric air through chimneys No.1 and No.2 (organized pollution sources 001 and 002) when boilers are fired with natural gas. When boilers are fired with mazut or mixed fuel, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur anhydride, solid particles and vanadium pentoxide are being emitted into atmospheric air through chimneys. Pic. 4. The Kaunas power plant’s schematic diagram Mazut unit. A mazut unit was established for mazut storing; where there are six vertical metal tanks of 10000 m3 volume and two new vertical metal tanks of 30000 m3 volume. The mazut unit functions: to accept, store, discharge mazut, to prepare it for combusting and supply to the power plant. The mazut unit is equipped with the mazut acceptance/discharge devices, mazut storage tanks, mazut pump-house and site for the mazut loading into cisterns. Mazut is delivered in 50 or 60 m3 volume tank wagons. For mazut discharge from cisterns there was installed a two spur tracks the mazut discharge ramp on which it is possible to place at the same time 52 cisterns. If temperature of delivered mazut is lower than 40 oC, according to unloading technology it shall be heated, therefore, for the purpose of mazut heating and cistern evaporating on the ramp there were established some points for heatingevaporating. Each spur track can accept 26 cisterns for mazut discharge. Below rails there were installed open ferroconcrete troughs with inclines towards interim tanks. Discharge troughs are separated from interim tank by hydraulic locking. Two interim ferro-concrete tanks of 600 m3 volume each are installed close to the ramp to accept mazut. Mazut from interim tanks is being pumped into storage tanks with transfer pumps. Each interim tanks has two transfer pumps, two ventilation openings and devices to measure the mazut temperature and level. 26 In order to protect ground and surface waters against mazut spills from storage tanks, around tanks there were made protective dikes. The bottom of site of six tanks of 10000 m3 volume each and dikes are made of rolled clayey ground and bottom of site of two new tanks of 30000 m3 volume each and dikes are concreted. Lighting conductors are installed within the territory, all installations are earthened, there was installed an automatic fire-fighting system with water and foam tanks and fire-protection pump house. Electricity unit. An open switchboard of110 kV includes three-bus systems – two of them are operating and one is bypass. Two closed power switchboards of 6 kV and 0,4 kV designated for electricity needs are assembled from kitting cells. Water preparation unit. For production needs, water is being collected from the Kaunas water reservoir by own industrial water supply complex equipment. At the power plant there were installed devices for water preparation: the desalinated water device of 274 m3/h capacity and the chemically purified water device of 728 m3/h capacity. Chemically prepared water depending on its quality parameters is used for steam production or supplement of heating networks. At the Kaunas power plant the Kaunas water reservoir water is used for supplement of power boilers and heating networks. Initial cleaning from sinking particles and partial softening is being carried out in clarification section within process of liming-coagulation. Liming solution (Ca(OH)2) and coagulant (FeSO4*7H2O) are being supplied to clarification section. Slime formed to be eliminated to slime unit. Partly clarified water (coagulated) shall be fully clarified in mechanic filters. After having being processed in mechanical filters, clarified water shall be divided into two flows. The first flow shall pass to Na-cationic filters to be softened up to norm, required for heating networks. Required pH index to be achieved upon the appropriate acidation of water prior to passing to buffer mixing filter. Regeneration of worn Na-cationic filters is being carried out with NaCl (salt). Regeneration water is being passed to slime unit. Chemically purified water, being in accordance with requirements applicable shall be supplied by heating networks pumps to supplement heating networks. The second flow of clarified water after having been treated by mechanical filters shall be supplied to H-cationic filters, where cations shall be completely removed from water. H-cationic filters are regenerated by sulfuric acid (H2SO4). After cationic filters water is being passed through first level anionic filters where the strong acids anions (Cl-, SO42- ir pan.) shall be removed. Anionic filters shall be regenerated by NaOH. After first level desalting water shall be passed to decarbonators, where carbon dioxide (CO2) shall be removed from water. After processing in decarbonators partly desalted water shall be supplied to the second level Hcationic filters, where cations that are not removed when processed by the first-level shall be completely removed. The second-level H-cationic filters shall be regenerated by sulfuric acid (H2SO4). After having been processed in the second-level H-cationic filters, water shall be supplied to the second-level anionic filters where weak acids (HSiO3, HCO3-, CO3- etc.) and strong acids‘ anions that have not been completely removed through the first-level filters shall be completely removed from water. The second-level aniotic filters are regenerated by NaOH. Regenerated alkali and acid waters shall be mutually neutralized in neutralization tanks and then shall be passed to slime unit. After the second-level desalting, prepared water shall be pumped to feed energetic boilers. 27 Slime unit. Slime unit is designated for collection of rain and production waters, storage of silt formed in clarification sections, during the process of neutralization and silt from neutralized waters after washing of boilers. Six pits for water collection have been installed, exploiting of the first and second pits was terminated and both of them were recultivated in 1994 upon the appropriate permit issued by the Kaunas RAAD, The third and fourth pits (of 7400 m3 volume each) are designated for collection of rainwater (circulating system). Rainwater is being passed to the fourth pit for setting. The pit is also equipped with shutters with two mazut collectors and underground mazut collector to protect against mazut. Waters polluted with mazut shall be delivered to the power plant‘s purification facilities. The fourth pit is connected to the third pit through sluice of which water is being pumped into cooling section to replenish production water. Neutralized waters of boilers washing shall be collected in the fifth pit of 9350 m3 volume. At present, 80% of the pit volume is filled with silt, slopes are strengthened with chips and the slit accumulated has been analyzed in the Centre for agrochemical analysis of the Agriculture Institute of Lithuania. the pit renovation is expected to be performed in future coordinating the exploiting perspective of the sixth pit. At present, all neutralized waters are collected in the sixth pit, of which volume is 23000 m . Based on the appropriate calculations, the pit could be exploited during six years. A part of settled water shall be pumped back to production section and balance water is being discharged into the Amalės river. According to sewage and surface waters controlling plan, the discharged sewage waters pollution is being inspected once a month. The following parameters are controlled: temperature, transparency, colour, smell, pH, sinking materials, oil products, chlorides, sulphates, BDS7, ChDSCr. 3 All pits are isolated and the sixth pit has the improved isolation properties – concreted bottom with waterproofing seams. The pit slope drainage waters are collected in the slope drainage wells and are used to replenish production waters. The slime unit territory is fenced and guarded. In future, depending on the way of modernization of the water preparation unit and water preparation technology implemented, the slime unit can be expanded based on erection of additional slime pit or it can de decreased, based on recultivation of some of existing slime pits. During the period of preparation of PAV report several alternatives of the production water preparation have been considered: expansion of capacities of existing water preparation upon chemical technology, establishment of the new water chemical preparation unit for combined cycle power plant‘s block expected to construct as well as implementation of the „reverse osmosis“ water purification technology. The „reverse osmosis“ technology is more favourable regarding environment protection, however, within the stage of the environmental impact assessment it was not decided which the water preparation alternative shall be implemented, therefore, the PAV report includes information about sewage, wastes and chemical materials in case of the water chemical preparation and the „reverse osmosis“ water purification technology is considered at technological level only. For purpose of capacitors cooling there was established the bypass water system with cooling section and circulation pumps. 28 3.2 Description of combined cycle power-generating unit, proposed equipment and technological process At present, the combined cycle power plant is the most optimal technology upon technical and financial aspects in case it is planned to generate over 20 MW electric energy. In energetic block of such type a conditionally used heating flow from gas turbine shall be transferred to steam generator where the high parameters steam is produced and passed to steam generator that is being passed to steam turbine. Electric generators are connected either to gas turbine shaft or to the steam turbine shaft. This combination of heating devices allows to use fuel in more efficient way and reach high efficiency of the electric energy production that could reach even 60 %. In order to achieve a higher efficiency of steam turbine, steam generator was equipped with additional burners that allow to achieve higher steam parameters and decrease a surplus oxygen amount which allows to increase total system‘s efficiency up to 90 % or even more (in this case the power plant‘s productivity is about 45 - 48 %). UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė expects to install four gas turbines, four steam generators with additional combusting and two steam turbines in the new power plant to be constructed. The expected total electrical power of combined cycle power-generating unit shall reach ~350 MW. In case of planned electricity/heat energy proportion equal to~1, heat power shall also be about 350 MW. Total demand for fuel shall be about 780 MW. The combined cycle power plant‘s schematic diagram is presented in Picture 6. 573 146 207 204 350 Pic. 5. Combined cycle power plant’s schematic diagram It is planned that the combined cycle power-generating unit shall be adapted to the use of natural gas as the main fuel and liquid fuel (dieseline), as additional/back-up fuel (in case it shall be obligatory upon normative documents that are being clarified at present). Having evaluated the demand for heat energy within non-heating season and real possibilities to become the reserve of the national electric energy supply system, it is expected to install cooling facilities of about 350 MW heat power, ensuring an uninterrupted power plant‘s operating in case of no demand for heat energy. 29 3.3 Description of subsidiary systems The water preparation unit. The water preparation unit can be modernized taking into consideration technical properties of the new combined cycle power plant‘s power-generating unit. The PAV report considers three alternatives of the water preparation unit: traditional water preparation system, modernization and/or increase in its capacity and implementation of the water purification „reverse osmosis“ technology, generally in regard with planned and existing installations. Existing traditional the water preparation system is described in clause 3.1. of the PAV report. Find below the brief description of „reverse osmosis“ technology. Reverse osmosis – is a process, during which water is filtrated being passed through a special semi-conductive membrane, able to transmit water and retain the salt ions and desalted water is being received. The membrane used is an especially small porosity (one pore size is only 0,0001 micron) filter, removing 90-98 per cent of materials (salts) solved in water. The reverse osmosis membrane can also retain up to 98 per cent of biological and colloidal materials. Membranes are made of different materials, at present, they are made of especially thin polymeric film. A semi-conductive film-membrane placed between two liquids of different concentration transmits a smaller concentration liquid-solvent into a larger concentration solution. The membrane transmits the solvent only, i.e. pure water until the concentration shall be even. In nature, this process takes place without any outside forces, but in case liquid (water) is effected by outside forces, for example, pressure, the reverse osmosis shall be got. When water is effected by pressure, only water molecules can be penetrated through membrane and inclusions solved in water shall be retained by the membrane. The reverse osmosis principal scheme is presented in Pic.6. 30 Pic. 6. Principal scheme of osmosis and reverse osmosis The scheme of water purification based on the reverse osmosis principle is presented in Pic.7. There are four main stages of the water purification process: (1) The water initial preparation, (2) compression, (3) the pollutants separation by membrane (4) the purified water stabilization. (1) The water initial preparation. Prior to purification the water should be processed, removing suspended materials and adjusting pH level. After having implemented the reverse osmosis water purification system, the water initial purification from sinking particles and its partial softening shall be performed in clarification section within the process of limingcoagulation. (2) Compression. Pressure pump is to compress water close to membrane up to required level. (3) Pollutants separation by membrane. After the membrane purification there will be two water flows: pure water and salty wastewaters. (4) The purified water stabilization. In most cases, after purification it shall be necessary to adjust the water pH. For this purpose water shall be passed through aeration device that is adjusting water pH from 5 up to almost 7. 31 Pic. 7. The main operating stage of the reverse osmosis Advantages of the reverse osmosis equipment: • small wastes water amount (recalculated coefficient of efficiency); • non-use of reagents; • possibility to use different selectivity membranes; • low exploiting input; • compactness; • required level of automatization; • easy to operate. Disadvantages of the reverse osmosis equipment: • The reverse osmosis membrane is very sensitive to suspended materials, therefore the previous water preparation is required prior to water filtration. For system‘s supervising high qualification operators are required. Main requirements to the water to be supplied to the reverse osmosis equipment: • Suspended particles – not more than 1 pc turbidity (~0,58 mg/l); • Total salts amount – up to 50 g/l; • pH value – from 2 up to 11; • colloidal index SDI – less than 4 (oxidation less than 2-3 mgO2/l); • maximum operating temperature – +45 °C; 32 • free chlorine or other strong oxidating agents (ozone, potassium permanganate and others) – up to 0,1 mg/l; • oil products – no. washing frequency – from 1 up to 6 times per month, it depends on initial water quality and the equipment operating conditions. Sewage disposal system. In future, depending on the way of modernization of the water preparation unit and the water preparation technology implemented, the slime unit can be expanded by establishing an additional slime pit, or it cam be decreased by recultivating the part of slime pits available. The brief description of the slime unit is presented in clause 3.1. of the PAV report. Technical means aimed at decrease in atmospheric pollutants. It is foreseen that that new combined cycle plant‘s emission into atmospheric air shall be in accordance with the level of pollution concentration in exhaust fumes specified in GPGB document, therefore, the particular means aimed at decrease of environmental impact have not been considered in the PAV report (more information you can find in clause ). The dieseline unit. It was expected that the new combined cycle power-generating unit to be constructed in the Kaunas power plant shall be adopted not to natural gas, as the main fuel, but to liquid fuel (dieseline) as additional/back-up fuel as well (provided that it is obligatory upon normative documents that are being clarified at the moment). For this purpose, within the territory of the Kaunas power plant it is expected to arrange the dieseline unit, installing one ground dieseline tank of ~10 000 m3 volume, aimed at storing of a ~7-day total load dieseline reserves ( ~7 500 tons). Diesel fuel can be delivered to the Kaunas power plant by road transport or railways. Electricity unit. After having increased the electric energy production capacity, the Kaunas power plant has to be connected to the electric power transmission network. For this purpose, from AB „Lietuvos energija“ there were received preliminary technical conditions for increase in production of electric energy at the Kaunas power plant. 3.4 Comparison and assessment of proposed technology (the way of production and equipment) according to the best accessible production ways (GPGB) of the European Union related to this type activity. According to issuance, renewal and termination of rules on permits of the pollution integrated prevention and control (Žin., 2002, No. 85-3684; 2005, No. 103-3829) (hereinafter referred to as TIPK regulations), the combined cycle power-generating unit is the part of the 33 Kaunas power plant object and is in accordance with criteria established in Annex 1 of TIP regulations: 1.1 Fuel combusting equipment with nominal heat capacity over 50 MW. According to requirements contained in the TIPK regulations, allowable limits of exhaust emission of equipment according to criteria of annex 1 shall be defined upon the EU the best accessible production ways (hereinafter referred to as GPGB) information document prepared upon the appropriate activity type. In this case it is not required to apply a particular production method or technology, but, taking into consideration the economic possibilities, the location of the economic activity place and environmental conditions of the economic activity‘s executor, the limiting values of emitted pollution should be compared and if possible to be in accordance with limiting values specified in the EU GPGB information documents or annotations of these documents. Limiting values of pollution emitted during the planned economic activity shall be defined upon the EU information document about the best accessible production ways for large installations burning fuel (DKDĮ), therefore technologies expected to use in the combined cycle power station should be comparative with GPGB. When comparing the technology of planned economic activity with GPGB, the following documents were taken into consideration: 1) The EU information document on the best accessible production ways for large the fuel burning installations (approved in July 2006). 2) According to issuance, renewal and termination of rules on permits of the pollution integrated prevention and control (Žin., 2002, No. 85-3684; 2005, No. 103-3829, N0. 107 (revised edition)). 3) Norms of pollution emitted by large installations burning fuel and norms of pollution emitted by installations burning fuel LAND 43-2001 (Žin., 2001, No.88-3100; 2004, No. 37-1210). 4) The EU information document on general monitoring principles (approved in July 2003). The existing and future monitoring system of the Kaunas power plant is in accordance with the requirements contained in the EU information document on general monitoring principles: - Control on stationary sources of atmospheric air pollution; when designing and constructing the new combined cycle power plant‘s block it is proposed to implement in all four new chimneys an automatic (continuous) monitoring system; - Controlling on waste and surface waters (it shall not be changed); - Water (impact on surface water) monitoring (it shall not be changed); - Greenhouse gas monitoring; after having constructed the new block there will be elaborated the greenhouse gas monitoring programme for the whole Kaunas power plant; - Underground waters monitoring; after having arranged the dieseline unit there shall be elaborated and coordinated upon the appropriate order the dieseline unit‘s underground waters programme Find more details about the Kaunas plant‘s monitoring in chapter VII of the PAV report. 34 Table 6. Comparative assessment with the EU information document about the GPGB for large installations burning fuel Ord.. No. Technology 1 GPGB technology 2 Reference to the EU GPGB information document 3 Limiting values Upon planned upon GPGB production ways 4 5 Conformity / notes 6 BEST ACCESSIBLE PRODUCTION WAYS WHEN BURNING GAS FUEL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Delivery and supervision of gas fuel and its additives To use warning systems or alert signals to warn about fuel leakage. To use expansion turbines in order to receive the energy of gas fuel. 7.5.1. - - It shall be taken into consideration when preparing projecting documents. 7.5.1. - - Heating of gas fuel and air (for burning) using residual heat of the boiler or gas turbine heat. Supervision and storage of pure liquefied ammonia: overhead tank for storage of >100 m3 of pure liquefied ammonia shall have double walls and must be situated under the ground; tank for storage of 100 m3 or less of pure liquefied ammonia must be equipped with annealing devices. Ammonia should be stored in the form of aqua-ammonia solution to be less dangerous compared to storage and supervision of pure liquefied ammonia Hermetic surfaces with drainage system (including oil traps in order to avoid polluting of water and soil). 7.5.1. - - 7.5.1. - - The gas expansion turbine is not foreseen, taking into consideration that pressure of natural gas supplied to the Kaunas power plant is not high enough so that it would be economically beneficial to give back the compressed gas expansion energy. Besides, such systems are very complicated in technological aspect and require huge investments. Implementation is not foreseen. Based on technical and economic possibilities it shall be taken into consideration when preparing Project documents. Non-applicable, because selective catalytic or noncatalytic purification of exhaust fumes with the use of ammonia is not foreseen. Existing ammonia unit shall not be changed. Aqua-ammonia solution (25 %) is kept in 3 3 tanks (8 m ) within spatial outdoor site (4 m ). There is no need for annealing devices. 7.5.1. - - Non-applicable, because selective catalytic or noncatalytic purification of exhaust fumes with the use of ammonia is not foreseen. Existing ammonia unit shall not be changed. In the water preparation unit, ammonia is stored in the form of aqua-ammonia solution (25 %). 7.4.1. - - The surface storm sewage unit shall not be changed. Surface sewage waters collected shall be passed to the pond settler and then shall be returned back to production section. 35 Ord.. No. Technology Reference to the EU GPGB information document 3 7.5.2. Limiting values, Upon planned upon GPGB Conformity / notes production ways 4 5 6 Electrical efficiency Electrical efficiency It is planned to expand the Kaunas power plant based on >40 % >40 % construction of combined cycle power station (of ~350 MW electric power/ ~350 MW heat power), with electrical efficiency 40-47 %. When preparing Project documents based on technical and economic possibilities, there will be foreseen all the means for efficiency increasing. - 14. 2 The heat and electricity cogeneration. Combined cycle with additional burning in KJ regime. The gas fuel pre-heating based on residual heat. The use of advanced materials in order to achieve high temperature and increase the steam turbine‘s efficiency. Double pre-heating. Regeneration heating of fed water. Advanced computerized the burning conditions controlling technologies aimed at emission decrease and increase in boiler efficiency. Heat accumulation. 15. Burning air pre-heating 7.4.2. - - Advanced computerized gas turbines and controlling technologies of relevant wasteheat boilers The use of advanced materials in order to achieve high temperature and increase the steam turbine‘s efficiency. 7.4.2. - - 7.4.2. - - 7. 1 Heating efficiency of gas burning equipment GPGB technology 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 16. 17. Heat efficiency of the gas turbines 7.4.2. 7.4.2. 7.4.2. 7.4.2. - - 7.4.2. - - 7.4.2. - - It is impossible to implement this means because for heat accumulation there will be need for extremely big tanks to satisfy demand for peak heat. Based on technical and economic possibilities it shall be taken into consideration when preparing Project documents. Based on technical and economic possibilities it shall be taken into consideration when preparing Project documents. Based on technical and economic possibilities it shall be taken into consideration when preparing Project documents. 36 Ord.. No. 18. 19. Technology 1 Emission of dust and SO2 from the gas burning equipment GPGB technology 2 When burning natural gas and non-applying any additional technical means, dust amount is usually less than 5 mg/Nm3. SO2 emission is less than 10 3 mg/Nm . Reference to the EU GPGB information document 3 7.5.3. 7.5.3. Limiting values, pcs. Upon planned upon GPGB production ways 4 5 Solid particles Solid particles 3 5 mg/Nm3 5 mg/Nm SO2 3 10 mg/Nm SO2 3 10 mg/Nm Conformity / notes 6 When burning natural gas an amount of solid particles emitted in atmospheric air shall not exceed 5 mg/Nm3. When burning natural gas SO2 emitted into atmospheric 3 air shall not exceeded 10 mg/Nm . o Maximum allowable amount of solid particles and SO2 concentration in exhaust fumes emitted by new equipment, mg/Nm3 For gas turbines Fuel Lithuanian norms, mg/Nm3 GPGB emission levels, mg/Nm3 For boilers Lithuanian norms, mg/Nm3 Maximum allowable SO2 concentrations, mg/Nm3 35 10 35 Gas fuel (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount – 15%) (O2 amount 3% ) Maximum allowable solid particles concentrations, mg/Nm3 5 5 Gas fuel (O2 amount – 15%) (O2 amount 3% ) GPGB emission levels, mg/Nm3 10 (O2 amount – 15%) 5 (O2 amount – 15%) 37 Ord.. No. 20. 21. 22. Technology 1 NOx ir CO emission from gas turbines GPGB technology 2 Direct gas injection Direct water injection Combustion chamber with small NOx generation previous mixing burners without humidity injection Reference to the EU GPGB information document 3 7.4.3 7.4.3 7.5.4 Limiting values, pcs. Upon planned upon GPGB production ways 4 5 20-50 (KCDT 20-50 (KCDT with add. burn.) with add. burn.) 23. Selective catalytic cleaning 7.5.4 24. Catalytic burning 7.5.4 25. CO oxidation catalysts 7.5.4 30-100 (KCDT with add. burn.) 30-100 (KCDT with add. burn.) 26. Non-stop monitoring. 7.5.4. - - Conformity / notes 6 Applicable to existing equipment only. Nowadays almost all gas turbines have dry type injection systems (DLN) of preliminary mixing burners of small NOx generation. When preparing Project documents there will be foreseen all the means in order the amount of emitted NOx when burning natural gas would not exceed 3 20-50 mg/Nm . In regard with new gas turbines DLN burners can be considered as Standard means, therefore, in most cases, application of additional selective catalytic purification shall not be required. Selective catalytic or non-catalytic purification when burning natural gas in the new block has not been considered, because an amount of emitted NOx 3 shall not exceed 20-50 mg/Nm , and having evaluated the results of modeling of pollution distribution (lower concentrations), it shall be possible to conclude that factual company‘s emissions shall have no crucial impact on environmental air quality based on which the limiting pollutions concentration indexes would be exceeded The catalytic burning technology in the USA has been introduced on the market recently. Manufacturers‘ information has not been based by practical equipment operating, however, it is possible to achieve very little NOx emissions - up to 5 – 6 mg/Nm3. When preparing projecting documents, there will be foreseen all the means required so that amount of emitted NOx would not exceed 20-50 mg/Nm3when burning natural gas. When preparing projecting documents, there will be foreseen all the means required so that amount of emitted CO would not exceed 30-100 mg/Nm3 when burning natural gas. In the new block It is foreseen to implement the automatic (non-stop) monitoring system). 38 Ord.. No. 27. 28. 29. 30. Technology 1 NOx and CO emission by gas boilers GPGB technology 2 Small excess air amount Recirculation of emitted gas Small NOx burners for gas boilers Selective catalytic purification. Reference to the EU GPGB information document 3 7.4.3. 7.4.3. 7.4.3. 7.4.3 31. Selective purification. non-catalytic 7.4.3 32. Clean fuel burning applying the appropriate monitoring and process controlling technologies and supervising burning system in the appropriate way. 7.5.4. Limiting values, pcs. Upon planned upon GPGB production ways 4 5 20-50 (KCDT 20-50 (KCDT with add. burn.) with add. burn.) 20-50 (KCDT with add. burn.) 20-50 (KCDT with add. burn.) 30-100 (KCDT with add. burn.) 30-100 (KCDT with add. burn.) Conformity / notes 6 When preparing projecting documents, there will be foreseen all the means required so that amount of emitted 3 NOx would not exceed 20-50 mg/Nm when burning natural gas. Selective catalytic or non-catalytic purification when burning natural gas in the new block has not been considered, because an amount of emitted NOx shall not exceed 20-50 mg/Nm3, and having evaluated the results of modeling of pollution distribution (lower concentrations), it shall be possible to conclude that factual company‘s emissions shall have no crucial impact on environmental air quality based on which the limiting pollutions concentration indexes would be exceeded. When preparing projecting documents, there will be foreseen all the means required so that amount of emitted CO would not exceed 30-100 mg/Nm3 when burning natural gas In the new block It is foreseen to implement the automatic (non-stop) monitoring system). 39 Maximum allowable NOx and CO emission concentrations in exhaust fumes of new equipment, mg/Nm3 Gas turbines Fuel Lithuanian norms, mg/Nm3 Boilers GPGB emission levels, mg/Nm3 Lithuanian norms, mg/Nm3 GPGB emission levels, mg/Nm3 100 (O2 amount 3% ) 50-100 (O2 amount 3%) 50 (75) (O2 amount – 15%) 20-50 (KCDT with add.burn.) (O2 amount – depending on particular piece of equipment) 200 (O2 amount 3% ) 30-100 (O2 amount 3%) 200 (O2 amount 3% ) 30-100 (KCDT with add.burn.) (O2 amount – depending on particular piece of equipment) Maximum allowable NOx concentrations, mg/Nm3 Gas fuel 50 (75) (O2 amount – 15%) 20-50 (O2 amount – 15%) Combined cycle gas turbines Lithuanian GPGB emission levels, norms, mg/Nm3 3 mg/Nm The highest allowable CO concentrations,mg/Nm3 Gas fuel Ord.. No. 33. 34. 35. Technology 1 Water polluting 200 (O2 amount 3% ) 5-100 (O2 amount – 15%) GPGB technology 2 Regeneration of demineralizers and condensate: Neutralization and settling Washing of boilers, air heaters and settlers: Neutralization and closed cycle, o ruse of dry purification methods instead, if technically possible Surface storm waters: Settling or chemical purification and repeated inner use Reference to the EU GPGB information document 3 7.4.4. Limiting values, Upon planned upon GPGB production ways 4 5 - 7.4.4. - - 7.4.4. - - Conformity / notes 6 Nowadays. The sewage silt, neutralized and settled is kept in the slime unit. Based on technical parameters of the new block, the water preparation unit can be modernized. The slime unit can be expanded analogically, installing an additional slime pit or it can be diminished, recultivating a part of existing slime pits. Based on technical and economic possibilities it shall be taken into consideration when preparing Project documents. At present, sewage waters are neutralized with lime. The surface storm sewage unit shall not be changed. Surface sewage waters collected shall be passed to the pond settler and then shall be returned back to production section. 40 Ord.. No. Technology 1 GPGB technology 2 Reference to the EU GPGB information document 3 Limiting values, Upon planned upon GPGB production ways 4 5 Conformity / notes 6 BEST ACCESSIBLE PRODUCTION WAYS, CONNECTED TO LIQUID FUEL (DIESELINE) BURNING 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Unloading, storage and control of liquid fuel and its additives Tanks are paled with protective dikes of the following volume: 50-75 % all tanks available are of maximum volume or at least 100 % of the largest tank volume. Pipes should be laid above ground in safe and open places so that it would be possible to immediately detect any leakage. Besides, it is necessary to ensure protection against transport means or other equipment that might create danger. The fuel orders planning and automatic control systems to avoid thanks overflow. Regular inspections of protective points and pipelines. Close system of storage of lime/limestone with dust removal equipment. 6.5.1 50-75 % all tanks 50-75 % all tanks Based on technical and economic possibilities, the dieseline unit expected to equip shall be in accordance available are of available are of maximum volume maximum volume with all GPGB requirements. or at least 100 % of or at least 100 % of the largest tank the largest tank volume. volume. 6.5.1 - - It is expected to lay ground-surface pipeline that shall be in accordance with all GPGB requirements upon technical and economic possibilities. 6.4.1. - - The dieseline fuel unit expected to equip shall be in accordance with all GPGB requirements upon technical and economic possibilities. 6.4.1. - - 6.4.1. - - 41. Hermetic surfaces with drainage system (including oil traps) 6.5.1. - - 42. Storage of ammonia in the form of aqua-ammonia solvent. 6.4.1. - - Non-applicable, the exhaust fumes desulfuring is not foreseen. Calcinated lime in rather small quantities is used in subsidiary processes – in water clarification devices within the process of water calcificationcoagulation and stored in premises in concreted pits (150 3 3 m and 200 m ). The surface storm sewage unit shall not be changed. Surface sewage waters collected shall be passed to the pond settler and then shall be returned back to production section. Non-applicable, because selective catalytic or noncatalytic purification of exhaust fumes with the use of ammonia is not foreseen. Existing ammonia unit shall not be changed. Aqua-ammonia solution (25 %) is kept in the water chemical preparation unit. 41 Ord.. No. 43. 44. 45. Technology 1 Previous preparation of liquefied fuel, used in engines and gas turbines Gas turbines operating on liquid fuel GPGB technology 2 The dieseline previous processing devices consisting of the dieseline electrostatic or centrifuge type purification devices. Water or steam injection Reference to the EU GPGB information document 3 6.5.2 Limiting values, Upon planned upon GPGB production ways 4 5 - 6.5.4 - - 6.5.4 - - 46. The use of liquid fuel with small amount of sulfur Small NOx generation previous mixing burners without humidity injection (DLN). 6.5.4 - - 47. Selective catalytic purification. 6.5.4 - - Conformity / notes 6 Based on technical and economic possibilities, the dieseline unit expected to equip shall be in accordance with all GPGB requirements. Based on technical and economic possibilities it shall be taken into consideration when preparing Project documents. Dieseline shall be used in the new block as additional/reserved fuel. DLN burners are considered as GPGB in regard with new turbines only, for which this new way is accessible on the market, therefore, based on technical and economic possibilities it shall be taken into consideration when preparing Project documents. Selective catalytic purification when burning dieseline fuel in the new block has not been considered, because liquid fuel shall be used in emergency cases, so based on economic aspects, this means shall not be accessible. Besides, having evaluated the results of modeling of pollution distribution (lower concentrations), it shall be possible to conclude that factual company‘s emissions shall have no crucial impact on environmental air quality based on which the limiting pollutions concentration indexes would be exceeded. 42 IV. WASTES 4.1 Wastes, quantities and ways of management Natural gas, as the main fuel or liquefied fuel (dieseline) as additional/back-up fuel) (provided that it is obligatory upon normative documents that are being clarified at the moment) shall be used during the planned economic activity at the combined cycle power-generating unit, therefore, there will be no wastes during combusting. However, based on increase in the power plant‘s heat and electrical capacity there will be an increase in needs for industrial water used in the process of production (to feed energetic boilers), therefore, there will be an increased needs for chemically processed/prepared water, as a result, the amount of slime (after water clarification) and regeneration solutions of filters shall be increasing as well. After having equipped the new power plant‘s power-generating unit, there will be more water silt after cleaning of boilers. The water clarification silt formed within the process of water preparation, the inonite regeneration silt and water silt of the boilers cleaning shall be passed to and stored in the slime unit. When exploiting turbines, there will be used turbine oil. Preliminary quantities of wastes related to the planned economic activity are presented in Table 7. Quantities of the water clarification silt and the inonites regeneration silt are assessed based on the assumption that the industrial water amount necessary for the planned economic activity shall be prepared by chemical way, i.e. with no changes made in the existing technology applicable to water preparation. Table 7. Wastes, waste disposal Wastes storage at the object Wastes Quantity Name The boiler cleaning water silt The water clarification silt The ionites regeneration silt t/day t/year 0,4 150 1,8 660 2,2 800 Aggregat e state (solid, liquid, pastes) Code upon wastes list Pastes 10 01 23 03.21 - 19 09 02 11.21 - 19 09 06 03.14 - Pastes Statistical Storage Dangerou classification conditi sness code ons Maximum amount Slime 3 23 000 m unit‘s pits Slime unit Pastes Spec. containers Turbine’s used oil Expected ways of wastes disposal - 40 t* Liquid 13 03 10* 01.32 H14 40 t Transference of dangerous wastes to specialpurpose companies * turbine oil is to be replaced 43 V. PLANNED ACTIVITY‘S POTENTIAL IMPACT ON DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENT COMPONENTS AND MEANS DECREASING THE IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT 5.1 Planned activity‘s potential environmental impact during construction works Prior to start of excavation and construction works there will be cut some unnecessary trees – 14 warty birches (and other if needed). Within construction works a 20 cm soil layer in the construction site shall be piled up and later shall be used for the territory improvement. 5.1.1 Wastes Within the process of construction of the combined cycle power plant‘s power-generating unit there will be some demolition and construction wastes: complex construction wastes, metal wastes (while carrying out the combined cycle power plant‘s works it is expected to demolish one tin warehouse building of 625,24 sq.m. and in case of needs, there will be demolished garages with attic of 1570 sq. m area), hazardous and other construction wastes. Amounts of waste, assortment and management ways are presented in Table 8. Amounts of wastes formed within the construction stage shall be corrected within the stage of technical projecting. Table 8. Wastes, waste management within the process of construction Wastes storage at the object Wastes Quantity Name Ferrous metal Concrete wastes Wooden wastes Insulation materials Wastes containing asbestos Complex construction wastes Packing materials containing hazardous chemical materials remains or are polluted with such materials Paper and cardboard packing remains Plastic wastes t/d t/y - 40 - 650 - 3 - 11 - 0,2 - 300 Aggregate state (solid, liquid, pastes) solid solid solid solid Code upon wastes list Statistical Dangero Storage classificatio usness conditions n code Construction site/ container Construction site container Expected ways of waste Maximum manage amount ment 17 04 05 06.11 - 17 01 01 12.11 - 17 02 01 07.53 - 17 06 04 12.13 - 17 06 05* 12.21 H7 Spec. container 0,2 17 09 04 12.13 - container 40 15 01 10* 02.33 H14 Spec. container 2 solid container 10 40 3 11 solid solid - 2 solid - 1 - 0,3 container 15 01 01 solid Wastes delivery to waste disposing companies authorized to dispose the appropriate wastes 15 01 02 07.21 - 07.41 - 1 container 0,3 44 Asbestos-containing materials removal works from buildings under demolition/reconstruction shall be carried out in accordance with requirements contained in the Regulations on works with asbestos (Žin., 2004, No. 116-4342). Reconstruction works of the aforementioned buildings can be only performed by companies, meeting requirements contained in the Competence Requirements to companies involved in demolition of buildings containing asbestos, their constructions or those involved in asbestos-removal works, included in the list approved by the decree No. A-1-199 issued by the Minister of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania on the 12th of July, 2005 (Žin., 2005, No. 86-3247). Asbestos-containing construction wastes shall be managed according to requirements to hazardous wastes management provided for in the Law on Waste Management of the Republic of Lithuania (Žin., 1998, No. 61-1726, 2002, No. 72-3016), Waste Management Regulations (Žin., 1999, No. 63-2065; 2004, No. 68-2381) as well as Construction Waste Management Regulations (Žin., 2007, No. 10-403). Non-hazardous construction waste shall be sorted into separate containers to be taken away from the construction site by the company involved in waste management Asbestoscontaining waste should be wetted with water and put into hermetic containers or double polyethylene bags in order to avoid the spread in air of the asbestos smallest particles. Asbestos-containing waste shall be delivered to a special construction waste dump. 5.1.2 Noise During PAV there was assessed a potential impact of noise caused within the construction works carried in the open: mechanisms operating in the open (cranes, bulldozers, vehicles delivering construction materials and electrical installations and taking out construction wastes and noise cause when demolishing-dismantling works. Taking into consideration that a level of noise caused by mobile mechanisms does not exceed 85 dBA, therefore, calculations are similar to those provided for in clause 5.2.3 hereunder. Taking into consideration that in most cases construction works are being carried out on weekdays within working hours, a level of noise caused during construction works shall not exceed allowable noise level, acceptable for residential territories on the company‘s territory borders and the nearest residential area neither in daytime nor at night. 5.2 Planned activity‘s potential environmental impact within exploiting 5.2.1 Potential impact of planned economic activities on environmental air caused by emission from stationary sources and impact decreasing means Stationary pollution sources, their description At present, at the Kaunas power plant, exhaust fumes formed within fuel combusting are being removed through two chimneys No. 1 and N 2. 2 (pollution source 001 and pollution source 002 accordingly). Connected to the chimney No. 1 the water heating boiler KVGM-180 (of nominal heat capacity 209 MW) is a reserve boiler that can be used when two, attached to the chimney No.1 (p.s. 001) boilers VŠK PTVM-100 are out of operations. The water heating 45 boiler VŠK KVGM-180, connected to the chimney No. 2 (p.s. 002) has not been considered in the PAV report. Chimney No.1 (p.s.001) through which there will be removed exhaust fumes from steam and water heating boilers, is considered in the PAV report as adjacent the pollution emission source. Its physical properties are presented in Table 9. It is expected to construct four new chimneys No. 3-6 for emission of pollution formed within the planned economic activity when combusting fuel at the combined cycle powergenerating unit (point pollutions sources). New pollution emission sources were provided with new numbers not used before (p.s. 011-014). Taking into consideration that the new combined cycle power power-generating unit shall be adopted to burn not only natural gas as the main fuel, but liquid fuel (dieseline) as additional/back-up fuel as well (provided that it is obligatory upon the appropriate normative documents that are being clarified at the moment), within the territory of the power plant it is expected to arrange the dieseline unit with one dieseline tank of ~10000 m3 volume (pollution source 611). Taking into consideration that this pollution source is not an organized pollution source, it has not been considered in the further pollution spread calculations (lower concentrations). Information about coordinates of the preliminary new pollution sources in the coordinate system LKS’94 and key parameters having impact on pollution spread: height, diameter of emission openings, the emitted fumes debit, speed and temperature are presented in Table 9. The methods of the main parameters definition are specified in clause of the PAV report. Table 9. Physical properties of the existing stationary pollution sources of the Kaunas power plant and those expected to be used in the planned economic activity Pollution sources The exhaust fumes indexes at the Duration of place of sample taking (measuring) pollution ** emission, hours/m. Name No. coordinates height, m Discharge Flow temperaVolume opening speed, m/s ture, debit, Nm3/s 0 dimensions, m C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 chimney No. 1 001 501200.75/ 150 8,4 10,29/ 160/190 569,79/ 8760 6087234.36 9,39 520,36 chimney No. 3 011 500933.61/ 80 3.2 17,4/ 70/165 111.09/ 8760 6087394.13 21.5 107.94 chimney No. 4 012 500948.21/ 80 3.2 17,4/ 70/165 111.09/ 8760 6087404.96 21.5 107.94 chimney No. 5 013 500964.59/ 80 3.2 17,4/ 70/165 111.09/ 8760 6087417.57 21.5 107.94 chimney No. 6 014 500980.43/ 80 3.2 17,4/ 70/165 111.09/ 8760 6087431.25 21.5 107.94 Dieseline tank 611 -* 10 0,5 5 0 4789 * the dieseline tanks‘ coordinates shall be corrected after technical Project has been developed. ** parameters specified when combusting natural gas/mazut (No. 001) and natural gas/dieseline (No. 011-014). 46 Inventory data of operating object‘s atmospheric air pollution sources and pollution emitted Inventory auditing of the Kaunas power plant atmospheric pollution sources and their pollution emitted has been carried out and report on inventory was coordinated with the Kaunas RAAD in 2006 and this inventory data is provided for in the text Annex No.4. In 2006 there were 17 pollution sources at the KE, including 9 stationary pollution sources and 8 non-organized pollution sources. The aforementioned pollution sources emit 16 different kinds of pollutants. Organized pollution sources and pollution kinds emitted by them. Combusting products of three steam boilers and four water heating boilers are emitted from the pollution source No. 001. At the Kaunas power plant there was installed the water heating boiler KVGM180 which has not been used since 2000 (pollution source 002). The main fuel type of the KE is natural gas and back-up fuel is mazut. Boilers are fired with mixed fuel – natural gas and mazut. When boilers are fired with natural gas, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides are emitted into atmospheric air through pollution source 001. When boilers are fired with mixed fuel, solid particles, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and vanadium pentoxide are emitted into atmospheric air through pollution source 001. Supporting works, such as small millworks for the needs of electrical unit produced in the wood processing workshops are performed at the KE as well. Air exhausted from the wood processing machinery shall pass to cyclone and solid particles shall be emitted into atmospheric air through pollution source 006. Through pollution source 003 ammonia is emitted into atmospheric air from the chemical unit‘s mechanical installation management section and potassium alkali is emitted through the pollution source 004 from the alkali container premises. Solid particles (welding aerosol), marganous oxides, Silicium compounds, fluorides, hydrogen fluoride are emitted into atmospheric air through the pollution source 005 from welding section of chemical unit‘s mechanical equipment controlling department. In chemical unit‘s mechanical equipment controlling department sulfuric acid aerosol and caustic alkali from the sulfuric acid and caustic alkali containers are emitted into atmospheric air (pollution source 007). In welding post of the mechanical equipment controlling department (pollution source 008), solid particles (welding aerosol) and marganous oxides are emitted into atmospheric air. Through pollution source 009, solid particles (welding aerosol), manganous oxides, Silicium compounds, fluorides and hydrogen fluoride are emitted into atmospheric air from the mechanical equipment repair section and from metal processing machinery, through the pollution source 009 solid particle are emitted into atmospheric air. Solid particle (welding aerosol), marganous oxides and nitrogen oxides are emitted into atmospheric air though pollution source 010 from welding section of the electrical and mechanical lines workshops. Non-organized pollution sources and pollutants emitted by them. Four non-organized pollution sources (601, 602, 603, 604), of the mazut unit‘s mechanical equipment controlling section, emits LOJ (volatile organic compounds) into atmospheric air. During painting works performed within the whole company‘s territory (pollution source 606), white spirit, solvent oil, acetone and hydrogen chloride are emitted into atmospheric air. Through non-organized pollution source 607, sulfuric acid is emitted into atmospheric air from the sulfuric acid and 47 caustic alkali containers, equipped in the open. There no atmospheric pollution emission when lime is being unloaded from vehicles (pollution source 609), because lime is being unloaded directly into the water. Solid particles (welding aerosol), marganous oxides, silicium compounds, fluorides, hydrogen fluoride, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides are emitted into atmospheric air through the pollution source 610 while wedding works are being carried out. Calculation of produced and emitted air pollution connected (expected) with planned economic activities The following methods of calculation of pollutants (CO, NOx, SO2, solid particles) emitted into atmospheric air when burning natural gas and back-up fuel (dieseline), provided it is required upon normative documents that are being clarified at the moment, can be applied: • Book of methods related to calculation of atmospheric pollution emitted within different kind production processes Leningrad, 1986. (in Russian – Сборник методик по расчету выбросов в атмосферу загрязняющих веществ от различных производств, Л., Гидрометеоиздат, 1986 г.) – Calculation of pollution emission from boilers of heat power plants. (In Russian – Расчет выбросов загрязняющих веществ от котлов тепловых электростанций). • Methods of definition of gross and specific pollution emission from boilers of heat power plants. RD.34.02.305-90. Moscow, 1991 (in Russian - РД.34.02.305-90. Методика определения валовых и удельных выбросов вредных веществ в атмосферу от котлов тепловых электростанций). • The amount definition based on balance method upon fuel consumption and the equipment maximum emission concentrations specified in the appropriate specifications. After having analyzed the aforementioned methods, it became clear that the first two methods are not suitable for assessment of emission from the combined cycle powergenerating unit to be construction because: - The first method is designated for calculation of atmospheric emissions from boilers of the heat power plants, however, upon the planned economic activity it is expected to install power-generating units of four gas turbines, where waste-heat boilers shall be used and these boilers are different from ordinary steam boilers, thus, combusting there takes place in the flow passed from the turbine, trying to use the oxygen balance amount from gas turbine. As a result, formation of pollutants in this process is quite different, compared to fuel combusting in ordinary boilers. - The second method is designated for calculation of atmospheric emissions from gas turbines upon the appropriate turbine type made in Russia. However, during planned economic activity it is expected to implement advanced western technologies of which the relevant emission amount is in accordance with GPGB requirements. Methodology elaborated in 1991 (in Moscow, Russia) does not contain information suitable for application to the aforementioned equipment. 48 Definition of emitted pollution is performed upon balance method based on expected concentration of pollution emitted as well as in potential equipment suppliers‘ technical specifications (fuel consumption, exhaust fumes debit, temperature, etc.) Technical specifications of the appropriate equipment contain information on maximum atmospheric pollution concentrations. Assessment of pollution emission from the Kaunas combined cycle power plant has been prepared based on the following regime of generating units2: 1) generating unit is operation on ordinary fuel, natural gas, the energy clock power 100 %. Gas passes to gas turbine and waste-heat boiler with additional gas combustion (general fuel consumption is up to 20 000 Nm3/h based on 100 % power of gas turbine and boiler). Additional burning takes place in the same flow of products burning, that passes from gas turbine. 2) energy-generating unit it operating on liquid/back-up fuel (emergency situation). Back-up fuel, dieseline, or similar fuel. Liquid fuel is supplied to gas turbine only (up to 11 200 kg/h, based on 100 % gas turbine power). When exploiting the dieseline container, volatile organic compounds (LOJ) are emitted into atmospheric air, amount of which are calculated based on methods LAND 31-2007/M-11 (Žin., 2007, No. 53-2052) of assessment of volatile organic compounds emitted into atmospheric air when storing and distributing oil and oil products. These calculations results are presented in text annex no. 5. Output data for calculation of pollution emission. Data on the pollution emission calculations are based on analogue principle taking into consideration information for one generating unit, provided by potential equipment suppliers (table 10). Data as above has been provided upon different conditions, for example, burning products flow is real, values of air excess coefficients – based on real conditions, however, fuel consumption – upon normal conditions. Table 10. parameters of emission of one power-generating unit Ord.. Parameter Measuring No. unit 1 2 1. Fuel consumption: 1.1 Natural gas passed to gas turbine and for additional combustion in a boiler 1.2 Dieseline passed to gas turbine Amount based on 100% power 3 4 Nm3/h 20 000.0 t/h 11.2 2 The combined cycle power plant shall include four power-generating units, consisting of gas turbine, waste-heat boiler (steam generator) and gas turbine. 49 Ord.. No. Parameter Measuring unit Amount based on 100% power 1.3 Dieseline for additional combusting in boiler t/h * 2. O2 concentration in combustion products: 2.1 Under gas turbine, combusting natural gas 13.3 2.2 After additional natural gas combustion in a boiler 10.7 2.3 Under gas turbine, combusting dieseline 2.4 Under boiler, combusting dieseline 3. Combustion products: 3.1 Combustion products volume, when operation based on gas at operating smoke temperature – full capacity 3.2 Combustion products temperature when combusting natural gas 3.3 Combustion products volume when operation on dieseline at working smoke temperature 3.4 Combustion products temperature when combusting dieseline vol-% 13.7 (13.7) m3/h o 502 500 C 70 m3/h 623 500 o C 165 * additional dieseline combustion in boiler has not been foreseen. Dieseline is used as emergency fuel for gas turbine and for short-time operating only. Methods of pollution emission calculation for the combined cycle power-generating unit. When elaborating the pollution emission methods the data on atmospheric pollution emission upon one power-generating unit, provided by potential equipment suppliers, has been taken into consideration. Table 10. According to technological scheme, the following combustion products passing ways are possible: - Natural gas combustion product are passing from gas turbine to a boiler where in addition, in the same smoke flow, an additional amount of natural gas is being combusted; combustion products flow passes to chimney 502500 m3/h (upon real conditions, at 70 oC temperature); this flow is maximum and equal to 100 % of the power-generating unit capacity; - If an additional/back-up fuel (dieseline) is used, combustion products pass from gas turbine through boiler to chimney, however, additional burning in a boiler is not used; combustion products flow passes to chimney 623500 m3/h (upon real conditions at165 oC temperature); this flow is maximum, when burning dieseline and it is equal to 100 % of gas turbine capacity. Pollution emissions are calculated in regard with two aforementioned cases, taking into consideration that based on the first vase, emissions shall be the highest when burning gas and in regard with the second case – they are highest when burning dieseline. 50 The essence of calculation methods is to equalize the different data conditions, i.e. to recalculate the pollution concentrations from values provided at Standard excess-air coefficient upon GPGB or the Directive 2001/80/EC, to values of real excess- air conditions. Combustion products flow should be recalculated changing real conditions to normal conditions so that it would be possible to calculate pollution emissions (g/s). An air-excess coefficient α in combustions products is calculated upon the following formula: α = 21/(21 –O2), where: O2 – oxygen concentration in combustion products, per cent. Upon oxygen concentration in combustion products (Table 10) there will be recalculated values of the air- excess coefficients: In combustions products under turbine and boiler, when burning gas: O2 – 10,7 per cent, α = 2,039; In combustions products under gas turbine when burning dieseline: O2 – 13,7 per cent, α = 2,877; Excess-air coefficient upon Standard conditions : O2 – 15,0 per cent, α ST = 3,5. Recalculation of pollution concentrations upon real air-excess conditions, coefficients shall be calculated as follows: k = α ST/ α , where: α – the combustion products excess-air coefficient upon real conditions; α air coefficient upon Standard conditions. ST – excess- Pollution concentration upon the excess-air real conditions: CRN = k * CST , where: CRN – concentration of pollutant (NOx, SO2 and others) based on real excess air. Upon normal conditions; (mg/Nm3); CST – concentration of pollutant (NOx, SO2 and others) based on Standard excess-air upon normal conditions, ( mg/Nm 3 ). Recalculation of combustion products flow upon normal conditions (atmospheric pressure, temperature 0 oC): VN = VR (273/(273 + tD )) , where: VN – combustion products flow upon normal conditions (Nm3/s); VR – combustion products flow upon real conditions (Nm3/s); tD – combustion products temperature ( oC). The pollutant real mass emission is calculated as follows: E = C RN * VN /1000 , where: E – real mass emission of pollutant (NOx, SO2 and others) (g/s). 51 When calculating spread from pollution source (chimney), the combustion products flow is assessed upon real conditions, i.e. base on factual temperature of combustion products, according to table 10. The pollution emission calculations. The exhaust fumes removal issue is under consideration; separate chimney shall be constructed for each power-generating unit that can be located within one supporting construction, however the chimneys shall not be connected to each other upon aerodynamical way. Taking into consideration that exact parameters of new chimneys are unknown, output data is being selected upon analogue principle based on the following information provided by potential suppliers of the appropriate equipment: - diameter of each chimney 3,2 m; - Chimney height 80 m. Find below the pollution mass emission calculations for the two variants mentioned (Table 11 and Table 12). Table 11. Pollution emitted by one power-generating unit when operating with the use of natural gas, with addition burning, operating at full capacity Parameter Measuring Value unit 1 2 3 Smoke debit Nm3/ s 111,09 o Smoke temperature C 70 Total emission of NOx under waste-heat boilers g/s 9,53 Total emission of SO2 under waste-heat boilers g/s 1,91 Total emission of CO under waste-heat boilers g/s 19,11 Total emission of solid particles under waste-heat g/s 0,953 boilers Table 122. Pollution emitted by one power-generating unit when operating with the use of dieseline, without addition burning, operating in full capacity of gas turbine Parameter Measuring Value unit 1 2 3 Smoke debit Nm3/ s 107,94 o Smoke temperature C 165 Emission of NOx under gas turbines g/s 15,67 Emission of SO2 under gas turbines g/s 14,37 Emission of CO under gas turbines g/s 39,18 Emission of solid particles under gas turbines g/s 1,31 In most cases in power-generating units, combustion regime is adjusted the way so that concentration of CO in smoke is about 0 mg/m3. However, during transitional regimes, i.e. when installation are automatically changing the capacity reached, short-term increase in CO concentration is possible. However these increase values are still within allowable CO concentration limits. Therefore, calculations in the PAV report are based on: 1) Momentary CO concentration (mg/Nm3 and g/s) defined upon requirements contained in GPGB (regarding gas) and the Directive 2001/80 EC (regarding additional/back-up fuel, accepting the following possible momentary values as maximal ones 52 2) Co annual emission (t/year) calculated upon average long-term CO concentration selected upon analogue principle in accordance with information provided by potential equipment suppliers: − 20 mg/m3 when burning natural gas; − 20 mg/m3 when burning liquid fuel (dieseline). Table 13. The emitted pollution concentration and annual pollution amounts. Pollutant Expected pollution Pollution Total annual concentration emitted by emission, mg/Nm3, at 15 perc. 4 powert/year* O2 generating units, g/s 1 2 3 4 Natural gas NOx emission 50 38,13 1202,4 SO2 emission 10 7,63 240,6 CO emission 100 76,43 482,1 SP emission 5 3,81 120,2 Dieseline NOx emission 120 62,68 1973,7 SO2 emission 110 57,46 1812,2 CO emission 300 156,7 329,53 SP emission 10 5,22 164,7 * calculations are made based on 8760 operating hours o fone power-generating block per annum. Table 14. Comparison of existing and planned concentration in exhaust fumes with norms of emitted pollution from large fuel combustion equipment (Žin., 2001, No. 88-3100) with the GPGB emission norms For new gas turbines Fuel Lithuanian norms, mg/Nm3 GPGB emission levels, mg/Nm3 1 2 3 For new boilers Lithuanian GPGB emission norms, levels, mg/Nm3 3 mg/Nm 4 5 Existing Expected emission levels emission levels,, of the KE, mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 6 NOx Gas fuel Liquid fuel 20-50 (KCDT with 350 50 add. burn.) (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount – 15%) (O2 amount – 15%) 200 50-100 450 120 (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount 15% ) 50 (75) 20-50 100 (O2 amount – 15%) (O2 amount – 15%) (O2 amount 3% ) 120 (O2 amount – 15%) - SO2 Gas fuel Liquid fuel CO 35 10 35 10 35 10 (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount – 15%) (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount – 15%) (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount – 15%) 200 50-150 1700 110 (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount 15% ) 30-100 (KCDT with 200 5-100 200 add. burn.) (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount – 15%) (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount – 15%) 300 300 30-50 Liquid (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount 3% ) fuel Solid particles 5 5 5 Gas fuel (O2 amount – 15%) (O2 amount 3%) (O2 amount – 15%) 30 5-10 Liquid (O2 amount 3%) (O2 amount 3% ) fuel Gas fuel 200 100 (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount – 15%) 300 300 (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount 15% ) 5 5 (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount – 15%) 50 10 (O2 amount 3% ) (O2 amount 15% ) 53 Limiting values of emitted pollution within living area Within planned economic activity when burning natural gas or back-up fuel (dieseline) at the combined cycle power plant, in atmospheric air there shall be emitted the following pollutants: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and solid particles. The aforementioned pollutants are standardized upon the norms of pollutants emitted from large installation burning fuel (Žin., 2001, No. 88-3100) and the EU information document regarding the best accessible ways for large installations burning fuel. Limiting values of pollution emitted into atmospheric air (CO, NOx, SO2, solid particles) and danger ceilings are defined in the Decree issued by the Minister of the Environment of the RL and the Minister of Health of the LR „Regarding definition of atmosphere air pollution norms“ (Žin., 2001, No. 106-3827) (see Table 15). These values shall be compared with the results of the pollutants lower concentrations modeling. 54 Table 15. Limiting values of atmospheric air pollution emissions and danger ceilings SO2 1. Hourly average limiting value defined for human health protection 2. Daily limiting value defined for human health protection 3. Limiting value, defined for ecosystem‘s protection NO2 and NOx 1. Hourly average limiting value, defined for human health protection Average Limiting values 1 hours 350 µg/m cannot be exceeded for more than 24 times per calendar year. 24 hours 125 µg/m cannot be exceeded for more than 24 times per calendar year 3 20 µg/m Calendar year and winter (October 1- March 31) 3 3 3 1 hours 200 µg/m NO2 cannot be exceeded for more than 18 times per calendar year. 2. Annual limiting value, defined for human health protection Calendar year 40 µg/m NO2 3. Annual limiting value, defined for flora protection Calendar year 30 µg/m NOx 24 hours 50 µg/m PM10 cannot be exceeded for more than 35 times per calendar year Calendar year 4 0 µg/m PM10 24 hours 50 µg/m PM10 cannot be exceeded for more than 7 times per calendar year Calendar year 20 µg/m PM10 Maximum average for 8 hours of the day 10 mg/m 3 3 Allovable deviation level 3 ĮEnforcement date 150 µg/m (43%) up to enforcement date of these Norms. Then, commencing from 01 012002, every 12 months gradually decreasing so that from 01 01 2005 there would be applied a 0% allowable deviation level. No 01 012005 No 01 012004 50% up to enforcement of these Norms. Then, commencing from 01 012002, every 12 months gradually decreasing so that from 01 01 2010 there would be applied a 0% allowable deviation level. 01 012010 50% up to enforcement of these Norms. Then, commencing from 01 012002, every 12 months gradually decreasing so that from 01 01 2010 there would be applied a 0% allowable deviation level. No 01 012010 01 01 2005 01 012004 KD10 Stage 1 1. Daily limiting value, defined for human health protection 2. Annual limiting value, defined for human health protection Stage 2 1. Daily limiting value, defined for human health protection 2. Annual limiting value, defined for human health protection CO Limiting value defined for human health protection 3 3 50% up to enforcement of these Norms. Then, commencing from 01 012002, every 12 months gradually decreasing so that from 01 01 2005 there would be applied a 0% allowable deviation level. 20% up to enforcement of these Norms. Then, commencing from 01 012002, every 12 months gradually decreasing so that from 01 01 2005 there would be applied a 0% allowable deviation level. 01 012005 01 01 2005 3 Shall be defined based on the atmospheric air quality assessment data received after having implemented the first stage norms. 01 012010 3 50% up to 01 01 2005. Then, every 12 months gradually decreasing so that from 01 01 2010 there would be applied a 0% allowable deviation level. 01 012010 3 3 6 mg/m up to enforcement date of these Norms. Then, commencing 3 from 01 012003, every 12 months gradually decreasing 2 mg/m so that from 01 01 2005 there would be applied a 0% allowable deviation level. 01 012005 55 Pollution groups with summarized impact Pollution groups with summarized impact earlier were assessed based on provisions contained in HN 35:2002 „Limiting concentration values of materials polluting atmospheric air in residing area“. After this legal act has been expired as the document regulating the atmospheric air polluting, at present, legal acts regulating atmospheric air polluting in Lithuania, does not regulate the normalization of pollution groups with summarized impact. Based on this reason the pollution groups with summarized impact have not been assessed. Air pollution prediction methods, output data and environmental air pollution forecasts Meteorological and calculating field data. Meteorological data for modeling are ordered and provided by the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service under the Ministry of Environment. In order to evaluate the meteorological parameters alteration in due course, data used for modeling in 2006 were collected at the Kaunas meteorological station. Calculating parameters used for modeling, such as wind direction (degree), wind speed (m/s), ambient temperature (oC), cloudiness (in octants). The meteorological data wind rose used for modeling is presented in Picture 8. The PAV report also contains long-term average wind roses presented in other sources, RSN and LHMT (Picture 9). The main meteorological parameters of the reported year (upon monthly average amounts) are presented in Picture 16. Based on the meteorological data presented, it is possible to state that in Lithuania PR-V direction winds are prevailing. When comparing data used for calculating with long-term average amounts it is possible to state in 2006 PR direction winds were prevailing, followed by P, V, and PV direction winds. However, based on RSN , it is obvious that prevailing wind directions were V, as well as PV and P, and PR direction cannot be considered as frequent, especially in the summertime. This issue should be taken into consideration analyzing the calculating results of pollution lower concentrations. In order to calculate wind spread the field with a 4 km leg is used (it corresponds a 2 km radius). Concentrations are calculated upon absolute concentration values (μg/m3 and mg/m3). In regard with each pollutant its spread is being calculated only in case of fuel combustion when pollution amount emitted within the appropriate period of time could be the biggest. 56 H:\Ekokon\26. KTE PAV sklaida\Sklaida\Duomenys sklaidai\Kaunometeo45.met 0° 337.5° 22.5° 80 315° 45° 60 40 292.5° 67.5° 20 270° 90° 247.5° 112.5° 225° 135° 202.5° 157.5° 0 3 0 1.5 180° 6 10 16 mazgai (knots) 8.2 m/s (m/s) Vėjo greitis Wind speed 3.1 5.1 Pic. 8. The meteorological data wind rose used for modeling. Table 16. Annual summary of meteorological data used for modeling (monthly average amounts) Air Average wind General cloudiness, Month temperature, speed, m/s octants °C 1 -7.2 3.7 6.8 2 -6.3 3.6 6.7 3 -2.7 3.3 5.8 4 6.5 3.4 5.5 5 12.6 3.6 5.1 6 16.5 2.6 4.7 7 20.9 2.4 4.4 8 17.8 2.7 6.6 9 14.6 2.8 3.8 10 9.7 3.6 6.2 11 4.4 4.2 7.2 12 4.0 4.8 6.8 57 a) b) 0° 337.5° 22.5° 25 20 315° 45° 30° 30 15 292.5° 0° 40 330° 300° 60° 20 67.5° 10 10 5 270° 90° 247.5° 270° 90° 112.5° 240° 225° 120° 135° 202.5° 0 157.5° 3 180° 6 10 16 (knots) 210° 150° 0 3 0 1.5 180° 6 10 16 (knots) 8.2 (m/s) Wind speed Wind speed 0 1.5 3.1 5.1 8.2 (m/s) 3.1 5.1 c) Pic. 9. Wind rose of the town of Kaunas: a) RSN 156-94, January, b) RSN 156-94, July, c) the Lithuanian Hydrometeorologica; Service under the Ministry of Environment. Climate of Lithuania. Average annual wind speed and prevailing wind directions. Background pollution. In order to evaluate the background air pollution of the object‘s neighbouring environment the Kaunas environment protection department has issued the Reference „Regarding background concentrations“ (2008-01-22, No. KR12-271/6) (text annex No,6). The Reference states that when valuating the planned object‘s environmental impact, it is recommended to apply the following background concentrations of air pollutants: CO – 2,0 mg/m3, NO2 – 0,05 mg/m3 58 SO2 – 0,02 mg/m3 Solid particles – 0,32 mg/m3. Based on the Note (10-5)-D8-746 issued by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania on the 24th of January 2008 „Regarding the environmental air background pollution and the use of meteorological data“; the Reference on background concentrations was ordered to issue by the Environment Protection Agency (Annex 6T). Based on data provided by the Kaunas Dainava air quality investigation station of the year 2007, the following background concentrations are indicated: CO – 0.43 mg/m3, NO2 – 0.032 mg/m3 SO2 – 0,002 mg/m3 KD10 – 0,030 mg/m3. In order to evaluate the possible background pollution as accurate as possible, the following factors should be taken into consideration: 1) These values have been calculated or measured when assessing surrounding air sources, i.e. and existing KTE chimney, that is operating at present. When calculating pollution emitted by new chimneys or emission from existing chimney, it has not been assessed that there will be no pollution from existing chimney or its nature shall be changed, therefore, it is possible that summarized pollution concentrations added by background ones, shall be overrated. 2) Having compared data provided by AAA and RAAD it is possible to state that long-term average pollution concentrations calculated upon RAAD methods are considerably higher than those recorded at monitoring point: KD10 – by 7,5 times more (0,32*0,7/0,030), NO2 – by 1,6 times, SO2 – by 10 times, CO – by 4,7 times. Taking into consideration that data provided by AAA have been measured, but not calculated, it is proposed to use this data for further assessment of background pollution. 3) Monitoring point of which data collected shall be is used to assess background pollution is situated next to the intense traffic crossing and results recorded by this monitoring point are mostly influenced by traffic emissions, but not by stationary pollution sources. According to AAA classification, this point is attributed to „transport points“. If the measuring point was placed at least 100 metres away from the road, values recorded by it would be up to 2 times less.3. 3 Zhu, Y., Hinds., W.C., Kim, S., Sioutas, C., 2000. Concentration and Size Distribution of Ultrafine Particles Near a Major Highway. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 52, p. 1040. 59 Atmospheric air pollution prediction methods. Computer programme ADMS3.3 (Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Ltd, the Great Britain) is used for calculation of largest quantities of the emitted pollution. This modeling system has been included in the list of models of the Ministry of Environment of the LR recommended for when assessing the environmental impact. ADMS3 is a local-scale atmosphere dispersion modeling system. This is an air dispersion model of a new generation where the properties of atmosphere limiting layers properties are described by two parameters – the limiting layers depth and Monin-Obukov length. Dispersion for convectional meteorological conditions is calculated based on asymmetric distribution of Gauss concentrations. In general case the model equitation is presented as follows: C= ( 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Qs − y 2 / 2 σ 2y e e− ( z − z s ) / 2σ z + e− ( z + z s ) / 2σ z + e− ( z + 2 h − z s ) / 2σ z + e− ( z − 2 h + z s ) / 2σ z + e−( z − 2 h − z s ) / 2σ z 2π y σ z U ) where: Qs – pollution emission, g/s ; σy – the dispersion horizontal parameter, m; σz – the dispersion vertical parameter, m; U – wind speed, m/s; h – source height, m; z – receptor’s height, m. The system can model a dry and wet pollution settling, atmosphere clearness, oflaction, the building and complex relief impact on pollution dispersion; it can provide calculations of dispersed pollution emitted by up to one hundred of point, spatial, volumetric and linear sources. Pollution dispersion in atmospheric air is calculated upon the locality relief, geographical location, meteorological conditions, properties of materials and the pollution source parameters. The largest lower concentrations of emitted pollution are calculated upon four versions: • Variant Ia. Only new power-generating unit of the combined cycle power plant is operating at full capacity (~350 MW of heat power, ~350 MW of electric power.), fuel – natural gas. • Variant Ib. Only new power-generating unit of the combined cycle power plant is operating at full capacity of gas turbines without additional combustion in waste-heat boiler (~225 MW of heat and ~280 MW of electric power), fuel – dieseline. • Variant IIa. The Kaunas power plant is operating at full installed capacity (condensation regime): a combined cycle power plant ~350 MW of heat power, ~350 MW of electric power. (fuel – natural gas), existing thermoelectric power plant – 660 MW of heat, 170 MW of electric power (fuel – natural gas). 60 • Variant IIb. The Kaunas power plant is operating at full installed capacity (condensation regime): a combined cycle power plant – at full capacity of gas turbines without additional combustion in a waste-heat boiler ~225 MW of heat and ~280 MW electric power (fuel – dieseline), existing thermoelectric power plant is operating upon maximum factual load ~660 MW of heat and 170 MW of electric power (fuel – mazut). The variant with the use of only back-up fuel, mazut, has not been considered in the PAV report, taking into consideration that mazut (as a reserve fuel) upon technological aspect can be only used in the Kaunas power plant‘s installations and this variant has been assessed in the company‘s PAOV report (UAB „Energijos sistemų servisas“ Assessment of air environmental impact of economic activity carried out by the Kaunas power plant, Kaunas, 2006. PAOV report‘s developer UAB „Pramoninis servisas“). The dispersion calculation radius selection depends on the pollution source technological parameters. When performing the emitted pollution dispersion (the largest lower concentrations) modeling there was defined the pollution dispersion modeling radius (2 km), outside which at longer distances the changes in the pollution level shall be insignificant. Separate Concentrations shall be calculated at selected radius by absolute concentration values (mg/m3). Dispersion in regard with each pollution kind mentioned shall be calculated for all fuel combustion cases. After having calculated the pollution dispersion, its lower concentrations shall be compared with limiting values. Analysis and conclusions connected to pollution lower concentration The pollution dispersion modeling results (lower concentrations) is presented in the dispersion maps (graphical annex No.5) for all calculations variants, described in clause The main calculating results and their correlation with limiting values and background concentrations are presented in Table 17. Based on meteorological data provided in 2006, the most considerable pollution level is expected in north-west direction at 600 m distance from pollution sources. Taking into consideration average wind directions specified in clause hereunder, it is most likely that in case of south-east, south, south-west and south wind directions, a similar average long-term concentration shall be reached alongside highway Vilnius – Klaipėda (A1). Compared with limiting values, in all scenario cases the most considerable concentration shall be calculated regarding nitrogen oxides – 0,15-0,16 RV, and sulfur dioxide, combusting liquid fuel – 0,27-0,40 RV. Concentrations of other pollution types, such as carbon monoxide and solid particles shall be considerable low, less than 0,1 RV. When assessing background concentration, it is necessary to draw an attention to the aspects specified in clause Background concentration provided by AAA (the Dainava point‘s average annual concentrations): modeled NOx (as NO2) concentrations together with background concentrations reaches 0,96 RV, KD10 reaches 0,77 RV, carbon monoxide – 0,04 RV, and sulfur dioxide – 0,50 RV. Taking into consideration that monitoring point is directed influenced by pollution emitted by traffic means, it is possible to state long –term RV shall not been exceeded within the territories located away from traffic arteries. 61 Table 17. Main indicators of the pollution dispersion calculation Parameter Calculation variant * Concentration Ia Ib IIa IIb Limiting value Concentration by RV parts Ia Ib IIa IIb Background upon AAA Concentration together with monitoring background Concentration together with monitoring background, by RV parts Ia Ib IIa IIb Ia Ib IIa IIb NOx, μg /m3 5.8 5.8 6.3 6.2 40 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.15 32 37.8 37.8 38.3 38.2 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.95 Pollutants CO, KD, mg/m3 μg /m3 0.012 0.58 0.015 0.49 0.012 0.60 0.015 0.61 10 40 0.0012 0.015 0.0015 0.012 0.0012 0.015 0.0015 0.015 0.43 30 0.442 30.6 0.445 30.5 0.442 30.6 0.445 30.6 0.04 0.76 0.04 0.76 0.04 0.77 0.04 0.77 SO2, μg /m3 1.2 5.3 1.3 8.0 20 0.059 0.267 0.065 0.399 2 3.2 7.3 3.3 10.0 0.16 0.37 0.17 0.50 * Note: • Variant Ia. Only new power-generating unit of the combined cycle power plant is operating at full capacity (~350 MW of heat power, ~350 MW of eletric power.), fuel – natural gas. • Variant Ib. Only new power-generating unit of the combined cycle power plant is operating at full capacity of gas turbines without additional combustion in waste-heat boiler (~225 MW of heat and ~280 MW of electric power), fuel – dieseline. Variant IIa. The Kaunas power plan is operating at full installed capacity (condensation regime): a combined cycle power plant ~350 MW of heat power, ~350 MW of electric power. (fuel – natural gas), existing thermoelectric power plant – 660 MW of heat, 170 MW of electric power (fuel – natural gas). Variant IIb. The Kaunas power plan is operating at full installed capacity (condensation regime): a combined cycle power plant – at full capacity of gas turbines without additional combustion in a waste-heat boiler ~225 MW of heat and ~280 MW electric power (fuel – dieseline), existing thermoelectric power plant is operating upon maximum factual load ~660 MW of heat and 170 MW of electric power (fuel – mazut). Allowable air pollution norms, having evaluated background pollution level When defining company‘s allowable pollution norms it is proposed to take into account the following aspects: 1. After having evaluated the information as above it is possible to state that factually, pollution emitted by the company shall have no crucial impact on environmental air quality based on which the limiting pollution concentration values could be exceeded. 62 2. Pollution concentration in chippings the pollution dispersion bas been calculated upon is in fully accordance with the emission values contained in the EU information documents regarding GPGB for large fuel combustion installations. Proposed allowable pollution norms are presented in Table 18. Table 18. Proposals regarding definition of the allowable atmosphere pollution norms Expected pollution – allowable pollution norms proposed Existing Pollutant Name of pollutant pollution, single code t/m. annual, t/m. Meas.unit amount 2 3 4 5 6 1 Darbon monoxide From source 011, combusting gas (O2 15%) 100 177 mg/Nm3 120,525 3 From source 012, combusting gas (O2 15%) 100 177 mg/Nm 120,525 3 From source 013, combusting gas (O2 15%) 100 177 mg/Nm 120,525 From source 014, combusting gas (O2 15%) 100 177 mg/Nm3 120,525 Total 482,100 From source 011, combusting dieseline (O2 3 177 mg/Nm 300 82,383 15%) From source 012, combusting dieseline (O2 3 177 mg/Nm 300 82,383 15%) From source 013, combusting dieseline (O2 177 mg/Nm3 300 82,383 15%) From source 014, combusting dieseline (O2 177 mg/Nm3 300 82,383 15%) Total 329,533 From source 001, combusting gas/ mazut (O2 177 103,177 mg/Nm3 200/300 ** 103,177 3%) Total 103,177 585,277 Nitrogen oxides From source 011, combusting gas (O2 15%) 50 250 mg/Nm3 300,6 3 From source 012, combusting gas (O2 15%) 50 250 mg/Nm 300,6 From source 013, combusting gas (O2 15%) 50 250 mg/Nm3 300,6 From source 014, combusting gas (O2 15%) 50 250 mg/Nm3 300,6 Total 1202,400 From source 011, combusting dieseline (O2 3 250 mg/Nm 120 493,425 15%) From source 012, combusting dieseline (O2 3 250 mg/Nm 120 493,425 15%) From source 013, combusting dieseline (O2 3 250 mg/Nm 120 493,425 15%) From source 014, combusting dieseline (O2 3 250 mg/Nm 120 493,425 15%) Total 1973,700 From source 001, combusting gas/ mazut (O2 3 250 1472,263 mg/Nm 350/450 ** 1472,263 3%) Total 1472,263 3445,963 Solid particles From source 011, combusting gas (O2 15%) 5 6493 mg/Nm3 30,05 3 From source 012, combusting gas (O2 15%) 5 6493 mg/Nm 30,05 From source 013, combusting gas (O2 15%) 5 6493 mg/Nm3 30,05 63 Pollutant code Name of pollutant 1 From source 014, combusting gas (O2 15%) Total From source 011, combusting dieseline (O2 15%) From source 012, combusting dieseline (O2 15%) From source 013, combusting dieseline (O2 15%) From source 014, combusting dieseline (O2 15%) Existing pollution, t/m. Expected pollution – allowable pollution norms proposed single annual, t/m. 2 6493 3 - Meas.unit 4 mg/Nm3 amount 5 5 6493 - g/s 1,198 6493 - g/s 1,198 6493 - g/s 1,198 6493 - g/s 1,198 mg/Nm3 5/50 ** From source 001, combusting gas/ mazut (O2 3%) 6493 Total Sulfur dioxide From source 011, combusting gas (O2 15%) From source 012, combusting gas (O2 15%) From source 013, combusting gas (O2 15%) From source 014, combusting gas (O2 15%) Total From source 011, combusting dieseline (O2 15%) From source 012, combusting dieseline (O2 15%) From source 013, combusting dieseline (O2 15%) From source 014, combusting dieseline (O2 15%) 22,500 1753 1753 1753 1753 - mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 10 10 10 10 1753 - g/s 13,18 1753 - g/s 13,18 1753 - g/s 13,18 1753 - g/s 13,18 mg/Nm3 35/1700 ** g/s 1,28842 Total From source 001, combusting gas/ mazut (O2 3%) 1753 Total Vanadium pentoxide From source 001, combusting gas/ mazut (O2 3%) 1041,936 1041,936 2023 Total Volatile organic compounds From source 611 22,500 4,123 4,123 308 Total - Greenhouse gas From source 011-014, combusting gas/ dieseline From source 001, combusting gas/ mazut 177 177 Total * amount specified is allocated for one-year period 30,05 120,200 41,175 41,175 41,175 41,175 164,700 22,5 187,200 60,15 60,15 60,15 60,15 240,600 453,05 453,05 453,05 453,05 1812,200 1041,936 2854,136 4,123 4,123 g/s 0,0117 2643,999 Total 6 0,0645 0,0645 7076,764 - - - 1085000* 782325 782325 - - 562250,6 1647250,6 64 ** pollution norms specified when combusting natural gas / mazut. Means decreasing impact on air polluting Technical means aimed at decrease in atmospheric pollutants. It is foreseen that that new combined cycle plant‘s emission into atmospheric air shall be in accordance with the level of pollution concentration in exhaust fumes specified in GPGB document, therefore, the particular means aimed at decrease of environmental impact have not been considered. When elaborating the new power-generating unit‘s Project documents based on technical and economic possibilities there will be foreseen all the means required to decrease an impact on environmental air up to emission values specified in the EU information documents regarding the best accessible production ways for large fuel-combusting installations (DKDĮ). The following GPGB are foreseen in the new combined cycle power-generating unit: - Efficiency increasing based on construction of a combined cycle power-generating unit (of ~350 MW electric power / ~350 MW heat power); - Decrease in NOx emission, selecting small NOx burners; - Emission into air controlling, implementing an automatic (not-stop) monitoring system; - Implementation of other primary means decreasing emission up to the GPGB level. A selective catalytic or non-catalytic the exhaust fumes purification is not foreseen at the new power-generating unit of the Kaunas power plant, because an amount of emitted NOx shall not exceed 50 μg/Nm3, and after having evaluated the pollution dispersion (lower concentrations) modeling results, it is possible to state that in fact company‘s emission shall have no crucial impact on environmental air quality based on which the limiting pollution concentrations could be exceeded. Because of the aforementioned reasons the implementation of purification system in regard with other kind pollutions emitted shall not be foreseen. In order to decrease the atmospheric air pollution in the town of Kaunas and taking into consideration the atmospheric air emitted pollution lower concentration modeling results, it was decided to increase the minimal new chimneys‘ height from 60 up to 80 m. Application of additional ATL to new equipment of the Kaunas power plant National plan of the turnover pollution permits distribution within 2008-2012 years A total amount of the National plan on turnover pollution permits distribution within 20082012 (hereinafter referred to as ATL) (Žin., 2007, No. 120-4946), i.e. 44 256 520 ATL (on average 8 851 304 ATL per annum), shall be distributed within five years as follows: - 7 216 955 ATL (on average 1 443 391 ATL per annum) shall be distributed for reserved plants that have started their activities or expanded capacities after 01/01/2007; - 1 321 310 ATL (on average 264 262 ATL per annum) shall be distributed for the General Implementation projects reserves; 65 - Balance ATL amount – 35 718 255 ATL (on average 7 143 651 ATL per annum) shall be distributed among existing plants which are obligated to participate in the system of trading in turnover pollution permits in accordance with the European Parliament and the Council Directive 2003/87/EC. According to the approved National turnover pollution permits distribution plan for 20082012 (hereinafter referred to as – NAP), for 2008-2012 year period it was allocated 2 811 253 ATL of UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė for the operating Kaunas power plant. Regulation of the ATL provision to new members. Reserve for new installations should be foreseen upon the 6th criterion of the European Commission‘s communique „Additional recommendations on the permits distribution upon EU emitted pollution trading scheme for 2008-2012 trading period“ (Brussels, 22.12.2005 KOM(2005) 703 final). It is expected that the Ministry of Environment in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment shall prepare the renewed regulations on reserve allocation to new plants defining the procedure how ATL are to be granted to new plant and how ATL of plants to be closed shall be transferred to reserve. At present, plants4 that that started their activity from the 1st of January 2005, the turnover pollution permits for the period of 2008-2012 years are to be distributed upon the regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) on the turnover pollution permits rezerve for new plants and the turnover pollution permits of plants terminating their activity of which the appropriate permits are to be transferred to the turnover pollution rezerve for new plants. (Žin., 2006, No. 7-261). The aforementioned Regulations came into force on the 19th of January 2006. Also the permits mentioned are allocated upon the Lithuanian plan on the turnover pollution permits allocation for 2008-2012 years. New plants, i.e. the plants increasing their production capacity or newly established plants shall be provided with the appropriate ATL from the reserve for new plants. The reserve mentioned foreseen upon the national turnover pollution permits allocation plan includes 7 216 955 million ATL to be distributed within 2008-2012-year period. The Regulations mentioned contain conditions to be met by activity managers in order to be granted ATL from the ATL reserve for newly established plants as follows: - Plants starting to exploit new installations for electric power generating of new installations to produce heat energy together with electricity; - Plants starting to exploit new installations for heat energy generation; - Plants starting to exploit new installations where within the production process greenhouse gas is being emitted; 4 Plants mean all fuel-combusting facilities situated within one site and provided with one TIPL permit irrespectively of whether the product or energy is being produced when combusting fuel, or whether the energy produced is directly used in the process of production provided that total summaried power of all fuel combusting installations exceeds 20 MW ori n case the production facilities for producing of cellulose, paper, cement, ceramics, glass, metal exceed the limits specified in the directive upon the trade in the turnover pollution permits.. 66 - After having increased the installations‘ nominal rated power or production capacity, the activity manager of the plants to be attributed to the plants included in the list of the trading procedure Annex no.1 is to obtain a permit for greenhouse gas emission; - After having increased the nominal rated power of the plant included in plan of the national turnover pollution permits (ATL shall be provided for such part of nominal rated power that exceeds the nominal rated power indicated in valid permits for the Pollution integrated prevention and control or the Natural resources use). Having established new heat-power-generating facilities of having expanded the existing plants‘ capacity, each newly-established the nominal heat power unit (MW) shall be provided with: - 600 ATL for one-year period; - 1000 ATL for one-year period provided that over half of heat energy produced by the appropriate unit is supplied for industrial processes needs. After having established new electric energy generating facilities or having expanded the existing plants capacity each newly-established the nominal electrical power unit (MW) shall be provided with 2500 ATL for one-year period. The plant involved in generating at the same time heat and electricity shall be provided with ATL as for the newly-established units of the electrical power-generating sector as for the newly-established units of the heat-power-generating sector after having evaluated the biggest nominal rated heat and electrical power summing up the number of ATL to be provided. If after having increased the installations‘ nominal rated power or production capacity, the activity manager of the plants to be attributed to the plants included in the list of the trading procedure Annex no.1 is to obtain a permit for greenhouse gas emission, in this case, ATL shall be granted as to the newly-established unit and nominal rated power or production capacity of such unit shall be equal to the sum of the installed and newly-installed nominal rated power or production capacity. After the reserve for new installations have been completely used it could be supplemented by transferring the turnover pollution permits that were expected to allocate upon the appropriate auction. If a reserved amount of the turnover pollution permits to be granted to newly-established units is not sufficient, first of all, the turnover pollution permits shall be granted to those plants that have submitted the appropriate applications on an earlier date. Other managers of the newly-established plants shall not be provided with the turnover pollution permits and they have the right to buy them. After a plant has terminated its activities or validity of its permit for greenhouse gas emission has been cancelled, the non-used the turnover pollution permits shall be transferred to the reserve for newly-established plant. Granting of additional ATL to the Kaunas power plant‘s units Total nominal rated electrical power of the Kaunas power plant‘s units included in the system of trade in the turnover pollution permits is equal to 170 MW of electrical power and 1543 MW of heat power. When establishing new units, the powers of either electrical or heat 67 installations included in the national plan of the turnover pollution permits shall be unavoidably changed. In case of increase in total heat or electrical power, additional ATL (there will be kept ATL that have been already granted and new ATL shall be granted regarding power difference) shall be provided from the appropriate reserve for newly-established units because they have met the following conditions: - A newly-established unit has been started to exploit (unit‘s power has been increased) and such unit produces heat and electrical energy at the same time; - The nominal rated power of the unit included in the national the turnover pollution permits plan, has been increased. Additional ATL for additional heat and electrical powers shall be granted to entity‘s new units upon the valid Regulations based on: - Expansion of existing installations‘ power, each installed nominal rated heat power unit (MW) shall be provided with 600 ATL for one-year period; - Expansion of existing installations‘ power, each installed nominal rated electrical power unit (MW) shall be provided with 2500 ATL for one-year period. Electrical power of a combined cycle power-generating unit expected to be constructed by UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė shall be ~350 MW. In case of expected proportion between elecrtical/heat energy equal~1, heat power shall also be about 350 MW. The new powergenerating unit of the Kaunas power plant has to be granted/acquired additionally 1 085 000 ATL (for one-year period) in accordance with the Regulations on allocation of the turnover pollution reserve to new units and transference of the turnover pollution permits from the units terminating their activities to the turnover pollution permits reserved to be distributed to new units (Žin., 2006, No. 7-261): - 875 000 ATL for additional electrical power (350 MW); - 210 000 ATL for additional heat power (350 MW). In the new power-generating unit of the Kaunas power plant it is planned to combust 700 800 thousand m3 of natural gas per annum. Liquid fuel (dieseline) is expected for use as additional/back-up fuel, provided that it shall be obligatory upon the appropriate normative documents that are being clarified at the moment. It is expected to combust up to 392 448 t of liquid fuel (dieseline) per annum. 5.2.2 Possible impact of planned economic activities on ambient air from mobile pollution sources and impact reduction measures An alternative for gas usage as fuel. Burning natural gas which is supplied through gas supply pipes in the planned combined cycle power plant during planned economic activities the need for mobile vehicles shall not alter, and planned economic activities shall not influence pollution from mobile sources. 68 An alternative for diesel usage as fuel. Burning dieseline in the planned combined cycle power plant, fuel shall be transported to the power plant by motor vehicles or by rail (see Table 19). In KE territory it is planned to install 1 diesel tank, where it is planned to store diesel reserves for 7 days - ~ 7 500 tons, tank capacity - ~10 000 m3. Whereas in the phase of assessment of impact on environment it is not exactly known which suppliers dieseline will be bought from and where it will be transported to the territory of the company from, only potential impact of motor vehicles within the limits of company territory shall be assessed. Table 19. Mobile pollution sources, their description Transport Transport description Alternatives of dieseline transportation 3 Motor vehicles Trucks with 30 m cisterns Railway cisterns (60 Railway 3 m) transport Annual volume of transported cargo 392 448 t / 3 467200 m Annual haulage in company’s territory, km Annual fuel Traffic, number of consumption, automobiles/number of trips t Per Per Per Per annum month week day 12459 3,45 15573 1298 311 - - 7787 649 156 62 - Potential air pollution caused by mobile air pollution sources in company’s territory. Assessment of potential impact of planned economic activities caused by mobile pollution sources was performed following Order No. 125 of the Ministry of Environment of 13 07 1998 there were approved Methods of assessment of pollution emitted to atmosphere by vehicles driven by internal combustion engines (Žin., 1998, No. 66-1926). Motor vehicle rates: CO: CH: NOx: SO2: Particles: K1 1,273 1,040 1,011 1,0 0,769 K2 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 K3 0,29 0,31 0,39 1,0 0,3 Amount of pollutants emitted by mobile sources of pollution in company’s territory is presented in Table 20. Whereas the probability, dieseline to be burned in the new combined cycle power plant continuously, is low, it is likely that dieseline will be used just as reserve fuel, therefore possible amounts of pollutants emitted by cisterns per month were calculated. Table 20. Amount of pollutants from mobile pollution sources in company’s territory Maximal amounts of pollutants Amounts of pollutants emitted by Pollutants emitted by dieseline cisterns, t/year dieseline cisterns, t/month CO: 0,166 0,0138 CH: 0,045 0,0038 NOx: 0,043 0,0036 SO2: 0,003 0,0003 Particles: 0,003 0,0003 69 Pollution from vehicles transporting dieseline in KE territory is not significant. 5.2.3 Economic activities‘ potential noise impact, noise emission In the present section of PAV report there are provided data about noise caused by planned economic activities during operation and calculations of noise emission within company’s territory, in surrounding area and till the closest living area. In power plants main noise sources are fuel transportation and supervising systems, large pumps and fans, cooling systems, boilers, gas and steam turbines, as well as stationary engines. In PAV report the following stationary noise sources were analysed – gas and steam turbines and steam generators, fans, air taking/discharge locations, cooling batteries, emission of noise caused by them. Gas turbines are characterized by big acoustic noise, therefore they are placed in closed, acoustically secure premises. Basing on information provided by producers, noise level 1 m away from power plant's wall amounts to 35-45 dBA depending on building’s construction and used constructional materials. Noise caused by fans (in air intake/discharge locations) and cooling batteries is assessed at 75-80 dBA. These devices may be designed on desired side/location seeking to reduce noise level in relevant points (e.g. in administrative premises or in the nearest residential area). Noise level caused by gas turbines in air intake/discharge locations (without or up to absorbers) amounts to 90 dBA. Noise caused by planned economic activity, its emission were calculated and assessed following: 1. SN and T II-12-77 „Noise control“ 2. Erikas Mačiūnas. Calculation and assessment of noise caused by automobiles and living area getting into premises: recommended methods. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, State Public Health Center, Vilnius, 1999. 3. Description of assessment of noise impact on public health approved by the Order No. V-596 of the Minister of Health, dated 21 July 2005 (Žin., 2005, No. 93-3484); 4. HN 33. 2007 “Acoustical noise”. Limit values of noise in living and public purpose buildings and their environment: (Žin., 2007, No. 75-2990). J.Kaulakys. Physical technological environment pollution. Noise and vibration. Vilnius, Technika, 1999. 5. Information provided by equipment producers. Performing calculations of noise emission it was assumed that air intake systems of 4 steam turbines, where noise absorbers reduce noise level to 85 dBA, will cause the biggest noise outside the planned power plant. Cumulative noise level of 4 noise sources shall be calculated according to the following formula: n Ltotal = 10 lg ∑ 10 0.1Li = 91 dBA i =1 Noise emission in environment is calculated following SN and T II-12-77 "Noise control": LA eq terr = LA eq – ΔLA eq dist – ΔLA eq shield, where (1) LA eq terr – noise level on the territory point calculated, dB(A); 70 LA eq – equivalent source noise level, dB(A); ΔLA eq dist – decrease of noise level dB(A) subject to the distance between noise source and calculated point (following SN and II-12-77 pic. 26 and chart 1 of elaborated methods); ΔLA eq shield – decrease of noise level dB(A) because of shielding effect (following SN and II-12-77 Table 35); Calculating noise level at plot limits only decrease of noise level because of the distance regardless of the building noise shielding effect in KE territory was assessed, because on the stage of environment effect assessment there were no data about parameters of the new power plant‘s block (height, width, length), layout of devices. Assessing noise level in the nearest living area which is 250 m away from systems causing noise, noise shielding effect of the green was assessed (a 20 m wide green zone reduces noise level by 8 dBA). In addition, noise level influenced by planned economic activities in the nearest administrative buildings – administrative buildings of KE and UAB „Kelių remonto grupė“ – was assessed (in calculations it is assumed that double unsealed windows reduce noise level by 22 dBA). Calculation results are provided in Pic. 1 and Table 21. 800.00 Location of the new power plant's block The nearest dwelling house 700.00 600.00 500.00 400.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 700.00 800.00 900.00 1000.00 Pic. 10. Emission of noise caused by planned economic activities 71 Table 21. Physical pollution caused by planned economic activities Pollution Number Equivalent Maximal allowed Calculated pollution caused by activities and its reduction measures source of noise level Pollution level pollution caused by (environment At the borders of In the nearest living In the nearest sources pollution and human object territory area administrative source, dBA friendly), dBA buildings Direct. Equivalent Direct. Equivalent Direct. Equivalent noise level, noise level, noise level, dBA dBA dBA Air intake 4 85 N 58 openings of NE 57 NE 35 gas turbines E 55 with SE 47 absorbers NE 48,5 S 53 SW 58 65 (6a.m.SE 31 ∗ W 56 6p.m.) NW 54 60 (6a.m.10p.m.) N 64 55 (10p.m.NE 63 NE 41 6a.m.) E 61 SE 53 NE 54,5 S 59 SW 64 SE 37 W 62 NW Total 91 60 Pollution reduction measures, remarks Unestimated Unestimated ∗ According to HN 33: 2007 „Acoustic noise. Limit values of noise in living and public purpose buildings and in their environment“ (Žin., 2007, No. 75-2990) maximal allowable noise level on working hours in environment of living and public purpose buildings (6 a.m. to 6 p.m.) amounts to 70 dBA, and allowable equivalent noise level amounts to 65 dBA. Following the Regulations on labour protection against risk caused by noise (Žin., 2005, No. 53-1804) expositional noise levels for start of actions (assurance of labour protection against operative noise) are 80 to 85 dBA. 72 Noise reduction measures, technical solutions. Seeking to assure allowable equivalent noise level of 85 dBA in working environment the following noise reduction measures shall be applied designing combined cycle power plant and procuring equipment: • gas and steam turbines, generators, boiler power pumps shall be installed in premises with insulation of acoustic noise/under covers; • using low-noise fans; • using absorbers of high noise; • insulation of noisy equipment with noise absorbing materials; • selection of building constructions considering noise insulation characteristics; • silencers in intake and discharge channels; • usage of noise absorbing materials in walls and ceilings; • usage of vibration reducing measures and flexible connections; • noise assessment on designing stage, e.g. accidental noise discharge through openings or pressure fluctuations in the pipes; • direction and location of noise emitting equipment, noise frequency altering. Conclusion. Basing on provided equivalent noise level calculations, equivalent noise level caused by planned economic activities doesn't exceed allowable equivalent noise level in environment of living and public purpose buildings within KE territory in day time. Excess of equivalent noise level up to 9 dBA in night time within company’s territory is not a topical issue, because KE territory doesn't meet living or public purpose territories. In the nearest living area which is 250 m away in northeast direction allowable equivalent noise level is not exceeded both in day and night time. Noise caused by planned economic activities shall not exceed norms in administrative premises of KE and other companies. 5.2.4 Potential impact of planned economic activities on water, soil, earth interior, biodiversity and landscape Information about locations and water consumption. When thermal and electric power of the Kaunas power plant increases, the demand of industrial water for production needs (power of boilers) shall grow, and amount of chemically processed/prepared water which is drawn from Kaunas see shall increase. Water consumption is provided in Table 22. Sewage disposal. For disposal of sewage there shall be used existing production sewage disposal system (slime unit) which is briefly described in clause 3.1 of the PAV report. Information about surface water body (receiver) which will be polluted because of planned economic activities is provided in Table 23. Data about sewage sources and dischargers before and after construction of the new block are provided in Table 24. Pollution of production and surface sewage planned to be discharged to environment (discharger No. 1) is provided in Table 25. Amount of surface (rain) sewage during planned economic activities and its disposal shall not change. 73 Table 22. Estimated water intake and consumption Water source Maximal water amount planned Activities, No. (watering-place or to receive/obtain where water will other)2 be consumed 3 m3/m m3/d m3/h 1 2 3 4 5 6 Current situation Watering plant No. 1 (Kaunas Production of V-1 WPP basin 2000000 20000 1000 thermal and electric (Kaunas water power reservoir)) Planned economic activities Watering plant No. 1 (Kaunas Production of V-1 2400000 24000 1200 thermal and electric WPP basin (Kaunas water power reservoir)) 1 Maximal amount of water planned to be consumed in each kind of activity m3/m m3/d m3/h 7 8 9 Water amount planned Planned water to be transferred to loss, m3/m other objects/persons, m3/m 10 11 1900000 19000 800 10000 (0,5 %) - 2120000 21200 1060 12000 (0,5 %) - Table 23. Information about surface water body (receiver), where it is planned to drain sewage or which will be polluted because of planned economic activities in other ways Average Water body condition6 water flow allowable water body Name of River basin current (background) condition/MAA/impact rate with 2 load11 water body , district, 1 No. probability of value its category3 basin, parameter7 95% in the measuring measuring 4 5 and code subbasin value condition8 MAA9 impact10 driest month, unit unit 3 m /s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Nemunas*, 1 Nemunas 124 ** BDS7 mg/l O2 6 *** mg/l O2 412 river, 10010001 Remarks: * During planned economic activities production and surface sewage will be discharged into the Amalė river. Whereas the Amalė river is drained, and ~ 6 km away flows into Nemunas, therefore possible impact of planned economic activities on Nemunas river is assessed in the report. ** Average water flowrate in case of minimal summer-autumn sinkage with 80 % probability during 30 driest days *** following Description of requirements for protection of surface water bodies, where freshwater fishes may breed (Žin., 2006, No. 5-159), limit value of water bodies suitable for carps is BDS7 - 6 mg/l O2. 74 Table 24. Data about sewage sources and/or dischargers No.1 Receiver’s number 2 Description of sewages planned to be discharged and their source3 1 2 Current situation 1 3 1 Discharger’s type/technical data4 4 Description of discharger’s location5 5 Maximal amount of sewages planned to be discharged6 3 m /s m3/h m3/d m3/m 6 7 8 9 Production and surface sewage channelled, d 1,5 m in the middle of the river, 6 km to mouth 0,14 500 3000 200000 Production and surface sewage channelled, d 1,5 m in the middle of the river, 6 km to mouth 0,19 660 4000 265000 Planned economic activities 1 1 Table 25. Impurity of sewage planned to be discharged/estimated environment pollution No. Name of pollutant Estimated maximal impurity of sewage before cleaning14 mom., mg/l 1 2 3 Current situation Sinking objects Oil products 1 Chlorides Sulphates BDS7 Planned economic activities Sinking objects Oil products 1 Chlorides Sulphates BDS7 - Estimated maximal allowable and actual pollution of sewage planned to be Estimated discharged/planned environment pollution15 cleaning planned LK aver., Planned DLT per Planned DLT per Planned effectiveness, LK mom., 11 12 13 mom., mg/l aver., day, per day , year , per year , % mg/l mg/l mg/l t/d t/d t/m. t/m. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 aver., mg/l t/d t/year 4 5 6 - - - 50 50 30 30 0,15 0,15 6 6 - - - - 7 2000 600 58 7 2000 600 58 5 1000 300 29 5 1000 300 29 0,021 6 1,8 0,17 0,021 6 1,8 0,17 1 200 60 5,8 1 200 60 5,8 - - - - 50 50 30 30 - - - 7 2000 600 58 7 2000 600 58 5 1000 300 29 5 1000 300 29 0,20 0,03 8,00 2,40 0,23 0,20 0,03 8,00 2,40 0,23 8,0 1,3 265,0 79,5 7,7 8,0 1,3 265,0 79,5 7,7 - 75 Basing on the requirements of the Sewage disposal regulation (Žin., 2006, No. 59-2103, 2007, No. 110-4522) the impact on surface water body is assessed following BDS7, common N and common P (in cases, when receiver’s condition is bad because of too high concentrations of certain N and P compounds, on RAAD indication it is essential to assess the impact of the mentioned compounds). Considering the nature of PŪV, N and P compounds will not be discharged to environment, therefore the impact on surface water body – the Nemunas river – is assessed only according to BDS7. When sewage is discharged (planned to be discharged) into a body of running water (river, channel), BDS concentration in a normal daily sewage sample or in an instantaneous sewage sample, in case of which allowable impact on receiver will not be exceeded, shall be calculated according to the following formula: C sewage = 1,1 · Criver (MAA)· Qsewage + 360 · Criver (MAA) · Q river Q sewage where: C sewage – the highest BDS7 concentration in a normal daily or instantaneous sewage sample, in case of which allowable impact on receiver will not be exceeded, mg/l; C river (MAA) – MAA in receiver according to BDS7 (requirements for good receiver’s state), mg/l; Q sewage – the highest calculated hourly flowrate of sewage being discharged (during the dry season), m3/h; Q river – average water flowrate in case of minimal summer-autumn sinking with 80% probability in discharge location 30 driest days in succession, m3/s. In calculations C river (MAA) is determined according to the Description of requirements for protection of surface water bodies, where freshwater fishes may grow and breed (Žin., 2006, No. 5159), i.e. in calculations there was assessed BDS7 limit value of water bodies suitable for carps, which amounts to 6 mg/l O2. In case of minimal summer-autumn sinking with 80 % probability in 30 driest days in sequence average water flowrate in Nemunas near Smalininkai is equal to 220 m3/s5. Assessing that the area of river basin near Smalininkai amounts to 81 200 km2, and near Kaunas – to 45 700 km2, in case of minimal summer-autumn sinking with 80 % probability in 30 driest days in sequence average water flowrate in Nemunas near Kaunas amounts to 124 m3/s. C sewage = 1,1 · Criver (MAA)· Qsewage + 360 · Criver (MAA) · Q river Q sewage = 1,1 · 6 · 660 + 360 · 6 · 124 660 = 412 mg/l O2 Provided calculations of sewage receiver‘s (Nemunas river near Petrašiūnai) annual load show that production and surface sewage formed during planned economic activities and discharged to natural environment shall have no negative impact on water quality in Nemunas river near Petrašiūnai. 5 J. Kriaučiūnienė, M. Kovalenkovienė, D. Meilutytė-Barauskienė. Lietuvos upių minimalaus nuotėkio kaitos dėsningumai. // Aplinkos tyrimai, inžinerija ir vadyba, 2007.Nr.4(42), P. 5-12. 76 Possible impact on biodiversity. Within the PŪV territory to be developed there are 14 warty birches, however, on the detailed plan of the plot of land they are not marked as to be protected. The territorial plan of the Kaunas water power plant is presented in the graphic Annex No.1, the list of trees to be protected is presented in graphic Annex No.4 (plants to be cut within PŪV are indicated as No. 154). It is recommended to plant not less leafy trees than it will be necessary to cut during construction of the new power plant block. It is recommended to plant the green in the northern, north-eastern part in technologically and according to fire safety acceptable locations or closer to administrative KE buildings. Possible impact on earth interior. Planned economic activities will have no impact on earth interior, so this aspect hasn't been analysed in PAV report. When the new power plant is constructed, in KE territory there will be installed a dieseline unit, where it is foreseen to store app. 75000 t of dieseline, therefore underground water monitoring shall be performed according to the prepared dieseline unit’s underground water monitoring program. Negative impact of planned economic activities on water, soil, earth interior, biodiversity and landscape is possible in case of accident spillage (further information provided in Section 8.1). Possible impact on landscape. Visibility of the combined power pant block, its visual impact and pollution basically depends on number of chimneys and their height which are seen at a quite big distance. It is planned to build 4 new 80 m high power plant chimneys which will be almost 2 times shorter compared with existing 150 and 180 m high chimneys. Whereas the new power plant block will be build in the present KE territory, in an area of industrial companies, in northeast of the Kaunas city, not far from the highway Kaunas - Vilnius, erection of 4 shorter chimneys next to the existing 2 KE chimneys will not have any negative visual impact on landscape. 5.2.5 Potential impact of planned economic activities on human health Demography and morbidity of residents 10,6 % of all Lithuanian residents live in Kaunas city. 1 July 2007 number of residents amounted to 356 701 in Kaunas, density of population– 2267 / sq km. 1997 to 2007 in Kaunas city, as well as in other biggest Lithuanian cities, number of residents decreased because of reducing birth rate and resettling into district areas, however in Kaunas density of population is the biggest (bigger than in Vilnius by 1,7, and than in Klaipėda – by 1,2). Migration saldo is negative in Kaunas, as in the most Lithuanian cities, because of higher number of resettlers compared with number of arrivers. The object of the planned economic activity is Petrašiūnai township of the Kaunas town. Petrašiūnai township is the biggest township in Kaunas by its area – 28 460 sq m. However it is the smallest by its number of residents. In the mentioned township there live app. 18 000 residents. Naujasodis microdistrict, where Kaunas heat and power plant is situated, covers almost one third of the area of Petrašiūnai township. This district is exceptional, because almost the whole area is covered with enterprise offices, workshops, garages, and it has just 500 residents. Executing planned economic activities potential impact on human health is possible because of air pollution. When in the Heat and power plant fuel (natural gas and dieseline) is burned, the following pollutants are emitted to environment: carbon monoxide, nitrate oxides, sulphur anhydride, solid particles. 77 The number of persons suffering from acute upper airway infections reaches app. 1350 cases per 10 000 residents annually. In Lithuania average morbidity within the last 5 years equalled to 377 cases per 10 000 residents. The biggest number of diseased is among children up to 6 years old and among 10 to 14 years old teenagers. Number of influenza cases reaches app. 200 per 10 000 residents. In Lithuania average number of influenza cases per 10 000 residents is 35. The highest number of people suffering from influenza in Lithuania is among 10 to 14 and 15 to 17 years old people. Incidence of all airway diseases in Kaunas city tends to grow – in 2005 274,75 cases per 10 000 residence, while in 2002 211,78 cases were registered. Incidence of airway diseases among children is quite high – 1400 cases per 1000 children per year, it means that every child contracts an airway disease more than one time per year. Incidence of diseases of the circulatory system and number of deaths caused by them is one of the biggest problems in modern society. It is the main death reason in Lithuania and in Kaunas city, as well. In 2005 number of the diseased per 1000 adults reached 312,43. Incidence of diseases of the circulatory system grows not only among adults, but also among children. In 2005 number of the diseases per 1000 children reached 13,59, and in 2002 the rate reached 6,7 percent. Impact on health of residents It is hard to determine a direct connection between polluted environment and diseases, therefore both air being breathed, and drinking water, or the soil, where grain cultures and vegetables are grown, may cause different health problems. Pollutants are more or less toxic to living organisms, and their impact depends on the dose received by organism. The order No. 591/640 of the Minister of Environment and Health of the Republic of Lithuania „Regarding determination of ambient air pollution norms“ (Žin., 2001, No. 106-3827), dated 11 December 2001, determined ambient air pollution norms. Following the mentioned order the limit value of nitrate dioxide and nitrate oxides in atmosphere is 0,04 mg/m3, carbon monoxide – 10 mg/m3, sulphur dioxide – 0,02 mg/m3, solid particles (PM10) – 0,04 mg/m3. Scientific researches have proved that air pollution in cities influences morbidity of residents. Because of increased number of carbon, sulphur, nitrate oxides and solid particles in atmosphere some chronic diseases may flare up, as for example diseases of the airway and circulatory system, ambient air pollution influences development of malignant tumours, as well. The most sensitive to pollutants are young children, elderly people or people suffering from chronic diseases. Ecological monitoring of the Kaunas town according to the program approved by the Ministry of Environment is started to execute in the year 1993. Since the year 1999 Department of Environmental Studies of the Vytautas Magnus University has been a responsible executor and labour coordinator of environment monitoring of the Kaunas town, and the Kaunas City Public Health Centre - the main partner. According to Kaunas city environment monitoring program in 2006 Kaunas Public Health Center performed measurements in temporary stationary air research posts in 12 living areas in three seasons (spring, summer and autumn). Average daily concentrations of nitrate dioxide, sulphur dioxide and dust were measured. Following the summarized research data of the year 2006 in Petrašiūnai township average nitrate dioxide concentration amounted to 0,023 mg/m3 (limit value – 0,04 mg/m3) and it hasn’t exceeded the norm established during the research period. Average concentration of sulphur dioxide was equal to 0,001 mg/m3 (limit value – 0,05 mg/m3) and it hasn‘t exceeded the norm established. Average concentration of dust was equal to 0.131 mg/m3 (limit value – 0.15 mg/m3), it has exceeded 78 the norm established within the research period by 3 times. Air pollution of the city is caused by both stationary, and mobile pollution sources. While the number of vehicles grows, however their technical characteristics don't improve, the biggest share of air pollutants consists of exhaust gases of mobile vehicles in urbanized territories (app. 60 to 70 percent and more). Concentrations of pollutants emitted by stationary pollution sources have less influence to the level of city air pollution because of high chimneys and higher spread of pollutants. Calculations of possible air pollution caused by planned economic activities – expansion of Kaunas power plant constructing a combined cycle power plant (~350 mw electric power / ~350 mw heat power) – are provided in Section 5.2.1. Though amount of consumed fuel will increase after construction of the new combined cycle power plant, technological solutions will allow reducing concentration of emitted pollutants to norms allowed. Assessment of calculation and forecasting results shows that concentration of pollution doesn't exceed the norms established both in company territory, and in the nearest living areas. The nearest dwelling house is situated 1 km away from the PŪV to the northeast direction, and a quarter of living houses starts app. 1 km away. Whereas company‘s emissions will not have real significant influence on ambient air quality, on this account limit concentrations of pollutants may be exceeded, and it shouldn't have any direct influence on health of residents. During carrying out of planned economic activity noise sources will be gas and steam turbines, as well as steam generators. Order No. V-555 of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania “Regarding approval of the Lithuanian hygiene norm HN 33:2007 “Acoustic noise. Limit values of noise in living and public purpose buildings and their environment”, dated 2 July 2007 (Žin., 2007, No. 75-2990), determines the following noise levels: • In environment of living and public purpose buildings allowable equivalent noise level is following: ¾ 65 dBA in day time (6 a.m. to 6 p.m.) ¾ 60 dBA in night time (6 p.m. to 10 p.m.) ¾ 55 dBA in night time (10 p.m. to 6 a.m.) • In sleeping rooms of living houses: ¾ 45 dBA in day time (6 a.m. to 6 p.m.) ¾ 40 dBA in night time (6 p.m. to 10 p.m.) ¾ 35 dBA in night time (10 p.m. to 6 a.m.) Calculations of noise emission are provided in Section 5.2.3. In the nearest living area which is 250 m away in northeast direction allowable equivalent noise level is not exceeded both in day and night time. Noise caused by planned economic activities shall not exceed norms both in administrative premises of KE and other companies. PŪV will have no influence on public behaviour and lifestyle actions (nourishment, addictions, physical activity, etc.). Planned economic activities will have no impact on accessibility of health care, social services and quality of these services. At the Kaunas power plant the Kaunas reservoir water is used to supplement power boilers and heating networks. When activity of the Kaunas power plant is expanded, the amount of drawn water will increase, as well as the amount of production sewage. As before, a part of water after clarification in accumulation pit (slime unit) shall be returned to production process, and another part discharged into the Amalė river. Impurity of discharged sewage shall be assessed 1 time per month. 79 Neither sewage impurity, nor frequency of its control will change. Environment of Kaunas water reservoir, as a recreational and popular place, will not change because of PŪV, there will be no negative impact on health of residents. Communication of local residents because of planned economic activities will not be disturbed. When amount of consumed and reserve fuel will increase because of PŪV, a new dieseline tank shall be constructed. For protection of soil and ground water the bottom of tank field and dikes shall be concreted. Lighting conductors are installed within the territory, all installations are earthened, there was installed an automatic fire-fighting system with water and foam tanks and fire-protection pump house. In company there will be prepared a salvage plan which will be renewed after construction of a new dieseline tank. Conditions assuring safety and health of residents shall be secured. Impact on health of employees Currently hearing impairments comprise the biggest share of occupational diseases both in Europe, and the whole world. In the year 2005 the European Safety and Occupational Health Agency indicated that almost one fourth of EU employees (60 million people) experience at their workplaces such high noise that at least half their work time they have to talk louder than normally seeking to be heard. In Lithuania occupational diseases caused by physical factors (noise, vibration, etc.) are diagnosed the most. Among occupational diseases of sense-organs dominate, hearing impairments caused by noise compose 99 percent of them. Order No. A1-103/V-265 of the Minister of Social Security and Labour and the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania "Regarding approval of protection of employees against risks caused by noise“ (Žin., 2005, No. 53-1804), dated 15 April 2005 regulates that when expositional noise levels reach 80 to 85 dB(A), measures securing protection of employees against noise shall be applied. Noise level influencing employees including those employees who use personal hearing protection means can not exceed limit explosion value in any way, i.e. 87 dB(A). Seeking to protect employees against hazards caused by noise at work, the following commonly acceptable principles for prevention of hearing damage risk shall be introduced: • Equipment of new noiseless working means or new work places; • Determination and reduction of noise levels at working place influencing employees; • Informal examinations of health of employees; • Application of engineering, acoustic, organizational and other noise reduction measures and methods; • Notification of employees, their training and control; • Periodical verification of effectiveness of applied noise reduction programs. The object of planned economic activities shall be designed and constructed in the way to be correspondent with STR 2.01.07:2003 “Noise control in internal and external environments of 80 buildings” and considering that gas and steam turbines and steam generators are devices noisy enough which emit noise of >=85 dBA. These devices shall be placed in closed, acoustically secured premises. Control panel, where employees will work, shall be sufficiently insulated from devices emitting noise. When servicing, maintenance, repair and other necessary works are performed, employees shall use personal protection against noise. Applying above mentioned protection measures, possible risk for health of employees may be reduced up to minimal level or it may be avoided. Chemical materials are used for chemical water processing. When activities of the Kaunas heat and power plant are expanded, no new chemical materials shall be used, and only amount of consumed materials shall increase. Dosing of chemical materials shall be performed automatically, employees shall have direct contract with chemical materials during their supply, transfusion. All center employees are trained in the power plant and have passed an examination. They have labour safety, technical operation, fire safety certificates. Shift employees regularly take part in emergency trainings and trainings organized according to the training plan applicable in the power plant. In the company there is prepared a hazard and risk analysis for two reagents – sulphur acid and caustic soda, a salvage plan is prepared. Conclusions: The planned combined cycle power plant in the present territory of the Kaunas heat and power plant will have no impact on health of residents: the newest and the most modern technological solutions shall allow securing ambient pollution not to exceed allowed limit values determined by legal acts and shall assure high-quality conditions for residents at once. The level of noise emitted by PŪV is in concordance with noise levels allowable in environment of living buildings both next to the nearest residents, and administrative premises of neighbouring companies. Sanitary protection zone In the detailed territory plan of planned economic activities6 there is made a record that determined sanitary protection zone of chimney No. 1 and No. 2 is 500 m and it is coordinated with Hygiene Center of Kaunas County (Conclusion No. 80, dated 22 July 1991) (Remark No. 8). In addition, Regulations on determination and regime of protection zones (Žin., 2004, No. 134-4878) don’t norm SAZ sizes for electricity production and distribution devices – heat and power plant. In Special terms on land and wood usage (Žin., 1992, No. 22-652; 1996, No. 2-43; 2002, No. 70-2887) it is determined that the size of sanitary protection zone of boiler houses, heat and power plants is determined considering physical impact of these objects. Alteration of SAZ determined for the Kaunas power plant is not offered in PAV report, because pollution spread (ground-level concentration) modelling results showed that company emissions shall have no crucial impact on ambient air quality, so limit values of pollution concentration may be exceeded (for further information see sections and Considering provided calculations of equivalent noise level caused by planned economic activities, equivalent noise level caused by the panned economic activities shall not exceed allowable equivalent noise level in environment of living and public purpose buildings in day time within KE territory, and at the limits of the present sanitary protection zone (500 m) allowable equivalent noise level shall not be exceeded both in day and night time. 5.2.6 Potential impact of planned economic activities on social-economic environment, potential impact on energy prices payable by residents of the town of Kaunas Preliminary investments into construction of combined cycle power plant‘s block amount to Litas 1 billion. 6 Detailed plant of land plots situated in V.Krėvės pr. No.135, Ateities pl. No. 35 and Taikos pr. Nr. 147 approved in 2002 81 Planned economic activities shall have positive impact on social-economic environment both on the level of the Kaunas town, and the whole Lithuania. Direct positive impact is related to planned economic activities – up to 20 new workplaces in KE, and positive secondary impact on other economic branches – e.g. transport sector. Planned economic activities shall take a hand in implementation of goals of the National Energy Strategy (NES) and shall increase safety and reliability of Lithuanian electric power system supply reducing dependence on import. After the second block of the Ignalina nuclear power station has been closed, the main electric power production source before the construction of a new nuclear power plant shall be the Lithuanian power plant and the Vilnius and Kaunas thermal power plants. The price of electric power produced by existing generation blocks of the Lithuanian power plant with the use of natural gas is considerably higher and non-competitive on the market. Therefore, NES foresees that it is obligatory to expand in faster tempo the capacities of more economical thermal power plants. In case of implementation of the planned economic activities reliable and possibly the cheapest supply of thermal power shall be secured to Kaunas town using effectiveness of power devices existing in the market. When the project is implemented, reliability of power supply to Kaunas city will also grow because of higher installed power in the territory of Kaunas town. The price of electric power production shall be lower comparing with possible alternatives in case of installation of the same technology in Lithuanian power plant. In case the project is not implemented, reliability of electric and thermal power supply would decrease, and the price would grow because of existing technological devices which are physically and morally worn. 5.2.7 Potential impact of planned economic activities on ethnic-cultural conditions and cultural heritage There are no any historical and cultural values in the territory of planned economic activity; this territory is not attributed to protected territories. Next to the mazut unit, at about 1 km distance from the PŪV site there are protected belongings of the Kaunas fortress, blindges (see graphical Annex 1). The PŪV shall be carried out at 1 km distance from protected territory and shall have no impact on protected cultural values. There are no any other cultural real estate values on the planned economic activity territory and neighbouring territories, therefore in PAV report this aspect hasn’t been analysed. PŪV also will have no impact on ethnic-cultural conditions. 82 VI. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 6.1 Brief description of “Zero” and proposed alternative “Zero” alternative – the combined cycle power plant will not be constructed, and Kaunas power plant operates in its present capacity (1543 MW thermal power and 170 MW electric power). Proposed alternative - expansion of the Kaunas power plant constructing a combined cycle power plant (~350 mw electric power / ~350 mw thermal power). 6.2 Description of alternatives, main selection reasons Whereas it is planned to construct the new combined cycle power plant in the territory of the present Kaunas power plant connecting it to present communications and retaining the biggest part of present devices, there was no location alternative analysed in PAV report. In addition to „zero“ alternative there were analysed the following alternatives in the PAV process: 1. Alternatives of power production technologies (cogeneration); 2. Fuel alternatives; 3. Water preparation unit alternatives. Comparison of types of cogeneration devices7 Recently, when concrete plans regarding closing of Ignalina AE became clear, cogeneration (cogeneration of thermal ant electric power) issue becomes more and more topical. First industrial companies, heat supply companies, large-scale thermal and electric energy consumers started discussing a possibility to install such devices in the nearest future. Some heat supply companies installed small Russian steam turbines to generate electricity used for their own needs. Some sample cogeneration devices were installed in industrial and commercial buildings. There exist some prevalent types of cogeneration devices: 1. Steam turbines. 2. Gas turbines. 3. Internal combustion (piston) engines. Combined cycle power plants are combinations of steam and gas turbines. In Table 26 there are provided type characteristics of main cogeneration devices, in Table 27 – main deficiencies and advantages of different cogeneration device types, in Table 28 there are assessed conditions, in case of which selection of cogeneration device type is to be discussed. 7 Papared following: A GUIDE TO COGENERATION, 83 Table 23. Characteristics of cogeneration devices Fuel POWER (MWe) Relation of heat/ Electricity produced Effectiveness of electricity generation Steam turbines All kinds 0,5-500 3:1 to 10:1+ 7-20% Up to 90% Combined cycle power plant Nat.gas; biogas; dies.fuel; liquid fuel; liquid gas; oil 3-300+ 1:1 to 3:1 35-55% 73-95% Gas turbines Nat.gas; biogas; dies.fuel; liquid fuel; liquid gas; oil 0,2550+ 1:5 to 5:1 25-42% 65-87% Internal – combustion (piston) engines Nat.gas; biogas, oil, mazut, dies.fuel 0,00320 0:5 to 3:1 25-45% 65-92% Total impact Heat produced Steam of different pressures Average pressure steam; high temperature water High pressure steam, hightemperature water Low-pressure steam; average and low temperature water Table 26. Advantages and deficiencies of devices Steam turbines ADVANTAGES · High total effectiveness; · All kinds of fuel may be used · Variable relation of generated heat/electricity · Generation of heat of different parameters · Wide range of produced devices · Long service life DEFICIENCIES · High relation of generated heat/electricity · Big investments · Slow operation Gas turbines · High reliability, possibility of long-term maintenance free operation · Heat with high parameters generated · Constant frequency of generated el. power · Regulation of electricity generation power · High relation of generated electric energy/ device weight · Cooling water not required · Lower relative investment for 1 kWe · Low pollution emission · Limited range of produced device power · High-pressure gas is required (or a fuel compressor has to be installed) · High noise level of high frequency · Low effectiveness working with low loading · High requirements for cleanness of used fuel · Power reduces, when air temperature grows (density of burned air decreases) · Reparations take long time Internal combust. (piston) engines · High electricity generation effectiveness · Lower relative investments for 1 kWe, · Wide range of device power (from 3kW) · Wide range of operation with partial load (30% to 100%) not decreasing effectiveness · Possible operation in full separation from common network · Fast commissioning (up to 15 s comparing with gas turbine, its commissioning takes 0,5 to 2 hours) · Possible work using lower pressure natural gas (from 1 bar) · Constant cooling is required, even if conducted heat is not used · Low relation of generated electric power/ device weight, a solid base has to be installed · High noise level in low frequency · High servicing costs 84 Table 28. Selection of device type Steam turbines Gas turbines Internal combustion (piston) engines COGENERATION DEVICES ARE SELECTED, WHEN... · Electric power demand falls below 250 kWe · High steam demand, relation of heat/electric power need is higher than 3:1 · There is a possibility to burn cheap fuel · There is sufficient place for device construction · There is sufficient amount of residual heat with high parameters · It is necessary to exchange old boilers · Constant demand for electric power exceeding 1 MWe · There is natural gas · High demand for steam and water with high parameters (over 140 oC) · There is a technological demand for exhaust gases of over 450 oC · The demand for electric power/heat is cyclic and unstable · There exists the need for low/average temperature water · Low relation of heat/electric power needs Fuel alternatives: • there is proposed a combined cycle power plant, where only natural gas will be burned; • devices planned to be used would be adapted to burn not only natural gas, but also additional liquid fuel – dieseline (if it is obligatory according to normative documents which currently are being revised). In PAV report there was analyzed potential impact of planned economic activities on ambient air both using natural gas, and dieseline as fuel, as provided in Section 5.2.1. Water preparation unit alternatives: • there is used an existing water preparation technology and devices (amount of prepared water is increased consuming more chemical materials) (see Section 3.3); • modernization of present devices retaining current water processing technology for present KE devices, and construction of a new water preparation unit for a new block of the combined cycle power plant (see Section 3.3); • modernization of existing devices or construction of a new water preparation unit installing water cleaning technology “reverse osmosis” collectively for current and planned devices (see Section 3.3). 85 6.3 Analysis and comparison of alternatives based on potential impact on separate components of physical, social and economic environment For comparison of alternatives based on potential impact on separate components of physical, social and economic environment there was used a method of weighted matrix. Methodology. For comparison of alternatives determining relation between the planned economic activity aspects and different environment components (physical, social and economical) there was formed a weighted matrix (Table 8) considering the scope of impact and determining significance of the impact. Applying the weighted matrix the impact of planned activity alternatives on physical and social-economical environment components is assessed at a certain numeric value (B) (on the chosen scale) and multiplied by significance value (A) given to each component. The method of weighted matrix allows comparing and systemizing numeric values of impact of different alternatives on physical, social and economic environment and determining which alternative is the most acceptable in this regard. Following the mentioned methodology first of all there are identified components/aspects of physical, social and economic environment which shall be significantly influenced by the project. Total significance of all identified aspects (environment components) is equalled to 100. Hereafter, considering legal environment of planned economic activities – the project, Lithuanian energy policy and international liabilities (regulations and requirements of currently applicable Lithuanian legal acts) a team of PAV experts vested significance in publicly topical aspects for each identified environment component. PAV experts rendered the biggest significance to air quality aspect in Kaunas town and gave to this aspect 25 points (see Table 29). Other significant aspects of physical environment scored with 15 and 10 points are emission of gases causing „greenhouse effect“ and noise. Energetic effectiveness is scored at 20 points. To not less important aspects less significance is rendered (10 points): safety and reliability of Lithuanian electric power system supply, impact on city and region development, social – economic aspects (establishment of workplaces). Rendering significance to certain aspects, in case of both alternatives a team of PAV experts performed assessment of each of impacts on physical, social and economical environment component determining the impact size in the scale from -5 (very significant negative impact) to +5 (very significant positive impact). Assessing impact size Zero and proposed alternatives are compared with each other. Later, significance of each aspect shall be multiplied by the size of impact on aspect, and the values received shall be summarized. 86 Table 27. Weighted matrix of alternatives for impact on physical / social / economical environment components/ aspects “Zero” alternative Component/aspect of physical, social / economic environment Environment component significance (A) Ambient air quality: • pollution concentration, mg/m3 • pollution emission, t/year 25 10 15 Greenhouse effect 15 • CO2 eq t/ production unit (MWh) Size of impact on environment components (B) -3 -3 Proposed alternative (A) x (B) Size of impact on environment components (B) -75 -30 -45 -2 -4 -45 (A) x (B) -80 -20 -60 -44 8 -3 -24 -2 -16 • Pollution emission, t/year Noise Energetic effectiveness 7 -3 -21 -4 -28 10 20 -1 4 -10 80 -1 5 -10 100 Power system safety and reliability 10 1 10 4 40 Impact on city and region development 10 1 10 1 10 Social-economic factors, unemployment 10 1 10 2 20 IN TOTAL: 100 -20 36 (A)- significance of physical environment (in total: 100) (B)- size of alternatives of impact on separate physical environment components/ aspects (scale from –5 -0-5(positive impact), with a minus sign – negative impact, where there is: 0- no impact, 1- very small positive impact, 2- insignificant positive impact, 3- Average positive impact, 4- significant positive impact, 5- very significant positive impact. -1- very insignificant negative impact, -2- insignificant negative impact, -3- average negative impact, -4- significant negative impact, -5- very significant negative impact. 87 Below there is provided a summarized Table 28, where main parameters of “zero” and proposed alternatives basing on which an assessment of impact size was performed. Table 28. Comparison of “zero” and proposed alternatives Parameter NOx SO2 CO Solid articles Pollution concentration, mg/Nm3 Pollution emission, t/m NOx SO2 CO Solid particles NOx SO2 CO Solid particles Greenhouse gas emission (according to ATL), t/year Energetic effectiveness, % (thermal power regime) Electric Thermal Total „Zero“ alternative Gas fuel 350 35 200 5 Liquid fuel (mazut / dieseline) 450 1700 300 50 1472,263 1041,936 103,177 22,5 Proposed alternative 50 10 100 5 120 110 300 10 3445,963 2854,136 585,277 187,200 782 325 1 647 250,6 24,9 50,6 75,5 40-47 40-48 84-88 In addition, considering data provided by possible equipment suppliers burning natural gas in the new block emission of nitrate oxides for a production unit (g/MWh) shall decrease by app. 35 to 40 %, and carbon monoxide – by app. 60 to 70 % comparing with current emissions for a production unit. 88 VII. MONITORING PLAN OF PLANNED ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES Following the order No. 486 of the Minister of Environment „Regarding determination of pollution emitted by large fuel burning device norms and norms of pollution emitted by fuel burning devices LAND 43-2001“, dated 28 September 2001, control of stationary environment air pollution sources is performed: - since 2008 monitoring pollution – nitrate oxides and sulphur dioxide – of stationary ambient air, pollution source No. 001, using an automatic measuring and data registering system; - control of carbon monoxide and solid particles is executed two times per month. Designing and constructing a new combined cycle power plant block an automatic (continuous) monitoring system shall be foreseen and installed in all four new chimneys: - a system designed for measurement of sulphur dioxide, nitrate oxide and solid particles in exhaust gases and data registration; - a system designed for measurement of temperature, pressure, oxygen and water steam amount in exhaust gases and data registration. Following the order No. 171 of the Minister of Environment „Regarding approval of water resource usage and pollution emitted with sewage, primary accounting and control“, dated 30 March 2001, Sewage and surface water control shall be executed in Kaunas power plant. The following parameters are controlled: - in production and surface sewage discharged into Amalė river - temperature, transparency, colour, smell, pH, sinking materials, oil products, chlorides, sulphates, BDS7, ChDSCr – once per month; - in domestic waste discharged into faecal sewage – BDS7 and ChDScr – once per quarter. During planned economic activities sewage and water unit shall not change (because of PŪV only amount of taken water and discharged sewage will increase, but qualitative composition - not), therefore periodicity of laboratory control of discharged sewage executed by the company and controlled parameters will not change. Following the order No. 230 of the Minister of Environment “Regarding approval of monitoring of economic entity’s environment”, dated 15 May 2003, Water (impact on surface water) monitoring is executed in the company: - water of Kaunas reservoir – pH, temperature, oxygen melted in water, sinking materials, oil products, chlorides, sulphates, BDS7 and ChDScr – once per month; - water of Amalė river (in the upper reaches – above slime unit, below power plant – at the start of open bed) – pH, temperature, oxygen melted in water, sinking materials, oil products, chlorides, sulphates, BDS7 and ChDScr – once per month; 89 - water of Amalė river (above and below mazut unit) - pH, oil products – once per month. During planned economic activities sewage and water unit shall not change (because of PŪV only amount of taken water and discharged waste will increase, however qualitative composition - not), therefore periodicity of water (impact on surface water) monitoring executed by the company and controlled parameters will not change. Following the order No. D1-628 of the Minister of Environment „Regarding alteration of the order No. 230 of the Minister of Environment “Regarding approval of environment monitoring executed by economic entities”, dated 15 May 2003", dated 09 December 2004, in article No. 1.2.12 there will be presented a new wording of the mentioned article „concentration of (specific) pollution characteristic to the kind of activities in ambient air has to be measured, when danger rate of pollution emitted to ambient air is (TPR)>104, and the results of pollution measurement may be attributed to the impact of economic activities of particular economic entity“, air (impact on ambient air) monitoring is not required in Kaunas power plant, whereas: - pollution characteristic to fuel burning devices are sulphur anhydride (SO2), nitrate oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and solid particles; - following determination of controlled pollution discharged to ambient air performed by UAB „Pramoninis servisas“ in 2006 danger rate of nitrate oxides (TPR) exceeded 104; - according to section 4.2 of the report on assessment of impact of economic activities executed by Kaunas power plant on ambient air (UAB „Pramoninis servisas“, 2006) the highest ground-level concentration of nitrate oxides at the distance of 2500-3000 meters from pollution source 001 amounts only app. 10 % nitrate oxides MAA (following HN 35:2002 MAA of nitrate oxides - 0,085 mg/m3), and background – app. 90 % of MAA (following HN 35:2002). Comparing these pollution emission assessment results with currently valid limit values of environment air pollution with nitrate dioxide and nitrate oxides (LV – 0,04 mg/m3), the highest ground-level concentration of nitrate oxides would comprise ~25 % of LV. - dominating long-term wind direction in Kaunas town is western; - Kaunas power plant is situated in industrial region among other industrial companies, and at the distance of 2,5-3 km down the wind there is situated a large industrial company AB ,,Palemono keramika"; - Kaunas power plant is surrounded by a network of city streets and large transport routes, and in cities pollution caused by transport comprises app. 70 to 80% of ambient air pollution. After assessment of location of Kaunas power plant in Kaunas city results of nitrate oxide measurement may not be assigned to impact of current or planned economic activities of the Kaunas power plant on ambient air, not to economic activities executed by other economic entities or transport emissions. Following meteorological data of the year 2006 and results of pollution emission modelling the biggest pollution is forecasted in north-western direction at the distance of 600 m from pollution sources, and in case of south-eastern, southern, south-western and western wind direction a similar average long-term concentration will be reached near the highway A1 Vilnius – Klaipėda. 90 Because of the above mentioned reasons it is unnecessary and unreasonable to prepare an air (impact on ambient air) monitoring program and to perform monitoring of impact on ambient air after expansion of economic activities in Kaunas power plant. In addition, calculations of emission of pollution emitted by the new block showed that the biggest groundlevel concentration of nitrate oxides is in the industrial area and comprises only app. 15 to 16% of the limit value (LV - 0,04 mg/m3). Following the order No. D1-231 of the Minister of Environment „Regarding approval of description of issue of greenhouse gas pollution permissions and their trading“, dated 29 April 2004, greenhouse gas monitoring is executed in the company according to a coordinated monitoring plan. Following the order No. 1-59 of the Minister of Environment „Regarding approval of the order of underground water monitoring performed by economic entities“, dated 24 October 2003, there is executed underground water monitoring of Kaunas power plant, slime and mazut unit. Whereas when a new block is mounted in KE territory there will be constructed a dieseline unit, where it is foreseen to store app. 7500 t of dieseline, a program of dieseline unit underground water monitoring shall be prepared and coordinated with certain institutions. 91 VIII. REVIEW OF POTENTIAL EXTREME SITUATIONS 8.1 Planned economic activities’ potential emergency situations forecasts In the present section there is provided assessment of the risk of possible emergencies of planned economic activities following recommendations of risk assessment of potential emergencies of planned economic activities R 41 – 02 approved by the order No. 367 of the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, dated 16 July 2003. In regard to potential emergencies materials used in production of Kaunas power plant and stored are dangerous: in gas unit – natural gas, in mazut unit – mazut, in water preparation unit – chemical materials used for chemical preparation of water, in planned dieseline unit – dieseline. In KE territory it is planned to install 1 new overground dieseline tank with volume of ~10 000 m3 for storage of dieseline reserves for 7 days (~ 7 500 tons). Planned economic activities‘ potential emergency situations. Chemical materials for water preparation (sulphur acid, caustic soda) may spill in case of a reservoir or tube crack. During such an emergency case soil or ground water may be polluted, as well as atmosphere with steam. Humans may be harmed by acids and alkalis. There is no danger of explosion of chemical materials or fire. Diesel fuel may spill because of a cracked tank, tube or a cistern which left the rails – in such case soil and water may be exposed to the danger to be polluted. In case of fire atmosphere would be polluted with hydrocarbons, smut, humans may be harmed because of thermal impact or fire may expand. In case of gas leakage and if gas-air mixture of dangerous concentration forms, a fire or an explosion may occur which may result in injuries of people. Assessment of possible emergency risk caused by planned economic activities is provided in Table 31 and Table 32. 92 Table 29. Main risk analysis elements of planned economic activities – storage of sulphur acid and caustic soda in a chemistry workshop Object Operation Dangerous Nature of an Exposed Consequences Significance (to Speed of an factor accident subjects for exposed humans, nature, accident subjects ownership) 1 2 Storage of Storage of sulphur acid sulphur acid and and caustic caustic soda soda 3 Dangerous materials 4 5 Spillage of dangerous materials and spread in environment Employees, premises, nature 6 7 8 For nature and premises – spread of dangerous materials; for people – airway, skin irritation, burn To nature – limited, to people – big, To company ownership – insignificant. Early and clear warning Table 31 continued. Main elements of risk analysis Subject Operation 1 2 A tank of sulphur Storage of sulphur acid and caustic acid and caustic soda soda Nature of an accident 4 Spread of dangerous material in environment Probability of an accident 9 It is probable, once per 10 to 100 years Importance (risk level) 10 A Preventive measures 11 Periodic control of devices, implementation of labour and fire safety regulations Remarks 12 - 93 Table 30. Main risk analysis elements of planned economic activities – for natural gas unit and dieseline storage in KE territory Object Operation Dangerous factor Accident nature Exposed Consequences Significance (to subjects for exposed humans, nature, subjects ownership) 1 2 Natural gas Natural gas unit unit and and dieseline dieseline tank storage 3 Combustible materials dangerous to environment, high pressure in tubes 4 Fire, explosion, spread of dangerous materials in environment 5 Employees, premises, nature 6 7 For nature and premises – destruction, spread of toxic materials; for humans – burn, heavy or even deadly injuries To nature: in case of fire – big, in case of explosion and spillage – big; to humans: during fire big, during explosion and spillage – very big; To enterprise ownership: during fire – big, during explosion and spillage - big. Speed of accident 8 Average 94 Table 32 continued. Main elements of risk analysis Object Operation Accident nature 1 Natural gas unit and dieseline tank 2 Natural gas unit and dieseline storage 4 Combustible materials and materials dangerous for environment Accident probability 9 Totally probable, once per 10 to 100 years Significance (risk grade) 10 3C Preventive measures Remarks 11 In gas regulation point there is an automatic process management system, discharge and protective valves, gas switch valves are mounted, segmented flaps are installed. Automatic actuation of valves in case of gas pressure decrease or increase, recording of gas leakage according to smell. Preparation of certain procedures, regular check of gas supply equipment and the pipes according to set check schedules. 12 - Construction of protective dikes around tanks in dieseline storage, which could hold 50 to 75 % of maximal volume of all available tanks or at least total volume of the biggest tank, alerts are installed. Continuous check of the pipes and devices. 95 Natural environment of the Kaunas power plant territory would be damaged the most in case of dieseline spillage or in case the pipes connecting dieseline storage cracks. In case of dieseline spillage in storages, dieseline may spill into pipework channel and it may get into storage soil. If preventive measures aren‘t taken due time (waste accumulation openings are not closed or pollution spread through sorbing agent or sand is not limited), oil products may get into rainwater accumulation system, and into water accumulation pits through it. In case the level of ground or underground water pollution with oil products determined by normative requirements is exceeded, pollution liquidation and environment recovery measures are taken. Spillage of surface pollution may be liquidated by special services (civil safety, fire fighting, etc.) or the owner of electric system by their own forces. Stop of dieseline leak is performed using work tools. Pollution spread is stopped by sorbing materials or sand which, if required, is taken in trucks into the location of emergency. Pipes and hoses, a tractor with a pump are used for dieseline picking, electric pumps may be used, as well. Dieseline elimination from soil is performed manually. Polluted soil shall be loaded into a tight trailer and transported to a company engaged in disposal of dangerous waste. Dieseline is drawn from pipe channel using pumps. manually – using spades, and cleaning – using brooms. Channel cleaning is performed Environment recovery measures are applied in the following sequence: 1. Dieseline spill stoppage (work tools used) 2. Elimination of dieseline from pipework channels (using pumps) 3. Cleaning of channel and dieseline elimination from ground manually (using spades, tanks for dieseline) 4. Pipework cleaning using sorbing materials (cleaning brooms) 5. Cleaning of tank hatches of devices and tanks 6. Disposal of polluted soil. In case of gas supply pipework crack natural gas is dangerous only as a source of atmosphere pollution. Natural gas doesn't influence other ecosystem elements - soil, underground and surface water sources. In case of an extreme situation enterprise civil safety commission warns and informs employees about the extreme situation, necessary actions, controls and coordinates actions of civil safety forces performing primary rescue works, as well as informs special services, national supervision and municipality institutions about formed extreme situation and supplies employees with individual and collective protective means. In case of such circumstances evacuation and primary rescue works are organized. When in the year 2005 the Kaunas power plant performed an analysis of danger and risk and their assessment in regard to safety the following documents were prepared: 96 - Analysis of hazard and risk caused by sulphur acid and caustic soda of the Kaunas power plant and their assessment in regard to safety (2005) - Analysis of hazard and risk caused by Kaunas power plant’s mazut unit and their assessment in regard to safety (2005) After implementation of the planned project – construction of a new combined cycle power plant block, hazard and risk analysis and assessment in regard to safety shall be renewed assessing situation changes. 8.2 Breakdown liquidation plan and preventive means Basing on subject's hazard and risk analysis and their assessment in regard to safety performed by KE in the year 2005 there were prepared: - A plan for liquidation of breakdowns of sulphur acid and caustic soda storages of the Kaunas power plant (2005) - A plan for liquidation of breakdowns of mazut unit of the Kaunas power plant (2005). After implementation of the planned project, considering altered amounts of stored and used dangerous materials and performed hazard and risk analysis results, before starting planned economic activities breakdown liquidation plans shall be renewed and coordinated with responsible authorities. Kaunas power plant territory is safeguarded round the clock (4 shifts). Security guards are specially trained. In addition, there is an electronic alarm, video surveillance system (12 cameras). Video cameras operate round the clock, indications of all cameras are recorded, records shall be kept for 1 month. Lighting conductors are installed within the territory, all installations shall be earthened, there was installed an automatic fire-fighting system with water and foam tanks and fireprotection pump house. In Kaunas power plant fire-fighting system shall comprise of double ring circuit with 12 water hydrants – fire-fighting shall be performed using water from production water network, the cooling section shall be used as a reserve. 97 IX. PROBLEMS DESCRIPTION Preparers of PAV documents also faced absence of approved methods for calculation of pollution discharge into atmosphere in case of certain planned economic activities, therefore determination of amount of discharged pollution is performed following balanced method according to planned concentrations of discharged pollution and technical characteristics indicated by potential equipment suppliers (fuel consumption, debit of exhausts, temperature, etc.). Substantiation of calculation of produced and emitted air pollution connected (expected) with planned economic activities is provided in Section of PAV report. Among meteorological data provided by the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service wind directions are indicated in 8 main world’s directions, and not equivalently to the whole field of 360 degrees. Because of this reason, modelling pollution spread, pollution spread isolines are distributed along axes of wind directions. If uniform data distribution in the range of 360 degrees is used, the biggest average pollution concentration provided in PAV report may be directed towards direction within the limits of +/-45 degrees of the calculated value. Preparers of PAV documents haven't faced other significant problems. 98 X. PUBLIC SOCIETY‘S PARTICIPATION Information about public society‘s participation during assessment of impact of planned economic activities on environment is provided in the present section. Before submitting the program to certain entities, public society has to be informed about it according to the requirements laid down in the Description of the order of public society’s information and assessment of impact of participation in planned economic activities on environment (Žin., 2005, No. 93-3472). 29 October 2007 information was published (see text annex 1): 1. on notice board of the Kaunas municipality; 2. in the daily newspaper of Kaunas region „Kauno diena“; 3. in the republican daily newspaper “Lietuvos rytas“; 4. Registered mail with information about started process of assessment of impact on environment was sent to managers or users of land plots meeting PŪV territory (the list is presented in text Annex No. 1, Table 4 and Table 5). Copies of above described documents are presented in text Annex No. 1. Public society hasn't addressed neither preparer of PAV documents, nor UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė because of planned economic activity, no motivated offers were received. UAB „Kelių remonto grupė“ which meets the PŪV land plot and which was informed by registered mail has sent an informative letter, a copy of it with other PAV program coordination documents is provided in Section 11.1. No motivated offers were received from UAB „Kelių remonto grupė“ and other companies or society representatives. 25 February 2008 public society was informed about prepared PAV report and public society’s acquaintance with PAV report according to requirements provided in Description of the order of public society’s information and assessment of impact of participation in planned economic activities on environment. Information is announced (see text Annex No. 7): 1. on the notice board of the Kaunas municipality; 2. in the daily newspaper of Kaunas region “Kauno diena”; 3. in the republican daily newspaper “Lietuvos rytas”. Not later than before 10 working days till planned meeting with public society, since 25 February 2008 residents have been rendered the possibility to get acquainted with PAV report which was exposed in UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė and headquarters of UAB „Ekokonsultacijos“. Location of public society‘s acquaintance with PAV report and location of PAV report exposure were coordinated with Environment protection division of the Kaunas municipality (text Annex No. 7). Public society's acquaintance with PAV report took place on 12 March 2008 (Wednesday) 5.30 p.m. at the administrative block of UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė at Taikos pr. 147, LT-51142 Kaunas (main entrance into Kaunas power plant floor I). 99 Up to public announcement of PAV report society's representatives haven‘t addressed PAV and it hasn't submit any motivated offers regarding impact of planned economic activities on environment. In public announcement there participated representatives of PŪV customer, preparers of PAV documents, society and press. When preparers of PAV documents introduced planned economic activities and PAV report (a copy of announcement is provided in text Annex No. 7), meeting participators had no objections against planned economic activities, they haven‘t submitted any motivated offers. The minutes of public announcement of environment impact assessment report (3 pages) and the list of participators of public announcement (1 page) are provided in text Annex No. 7. Since the undersigning day of the minutes the minutes have been exposed to society for 3 days at the administrative block of UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė, address Taikos pr. 147, LT-51142 Kaunas and at the headquarters of UAB „Ekokonsultacijos“, address J.Glavydžio St. 3-308 Vilnius. Society’s representatives haven’t arrived to get acquainted with the minutes. Following the Description of public announcement and participation in the process of assessment of impact of planned economic activities on environment (Žin., 2005, No. 93-3472), interested society was entitled to provide to the customer or preparer of PAV documents motivated offers because of assessment of impact on environment within 10 working days after public announcement of PAV report. No motivated society’s offers were received within 10 working days since public announcement of PAV report, PAV report was submitted for coordination to PAV subjects 31 March 2008. 100 XI. PAV SUBJECTS‘ CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS COORDINATING PAV PROGRAMMES AND REPORTS 11.1 PAV programme‘s coordination conclusions and documents Coordination documents of PAV program are provided in the present section (see below) – coordination conclusions of the Kaunas municipality, the Kaunas fire-protection authority, the Board of Administration of the Kaunas county‘s head, the Kaunas Centre for Public Health and territorial section of the Kaunas Cultural Heritage Protection Department. 101 11.2 PAV report‘s coordinating conclusions and documents Coordination documents of PAV report are provided in the present section (see below) – coordination conclusions of the Kaunas municipality, the Kaunas fire-protection authority, the Board of Administration of the Kaunas county‘s head, the Kaunas Centre for Public Health and territorial section of the Kaunas Cultural Heritage Protection Department. The Kaunas Centre for Public Health approved the provided PAV report. Remarks of the Kaunas Centre for Public Health are recommendations. The remark about noise shows that noise emission calculations9 are interpreted not correctly, because equivalent noise level caused by planned economic activities doesn‘t exceed allowable equivalent noise level in environment of living and public purpose buildings in day time within KE territory. Excess of equivalent noise level up to 9 dBA in night time within company territory is not a topical issue, because KE territory doesn't meet living or public purpose territories. In the nearest living area which is 250 m away in northeast direction allowable equivalent noise level is not exceeded both in day and night time. Alteration of SAZ determined for the Kaunas power plant is not proposed in PAV report, because pollution spread (underground concentration) modelling results showed that company emissions will have no crucial impact on ambient air quality, so limit values of pollution concentration may be exceeded. In addition, Regulations on determination and regime of protection zones (Žin., 2004, No. 134-4878) don’t norm SAZ sizes for electricity production and distribution devices – heat and power plant (see further information in Section 5.2.5), therefore PAV report is not supplemented with graphic SAZ marking part. 8 In Pic.11. there is not indicated distance in meters, but the grid used by software in local coordinate system for definition of isolines. 9 In Pic.11. there is not indicated distance in meters, but the grid used by software in local coordinate system for definition of isolines. 102 XII. REPORT SUMMARY The Kaunas power plant is situated at Taikos pr. 147/ V.Krėvės pr. 128, LT – 51142 in Kaunas, within the north-eastern borders of the town of Kaunas, in the district of industrial enterprises, close to highway Kaunas – Vilnius. The first energetic block of the Kaunas power plant is started to be exploited in the year 1975, the second – in the year 1976. By the end of 1984 the third energetic steam boiler was started to exploit and in 1988 after having completed the construction of the second, 180 m high, the today‘s Kaunas power plant was fully completed for production of electric and heat power in full capacity. Present rated capacity of the Kaunas power plant is 1543 MW of thermal power and 170 MW of electric power. After the second block of the Ignalina nuclear power station has been closed, the main electric power production source before the construction of a new nuclear power plant shall be the Lithuanian power plant and the Vilnius and Kaunas thermal power plants. The price of electric power produced by existing generation blocks of the Lithuanian power plant with the use of natural gas is considerably higher and non-competitive on the market, so the National energy strategy foresees that it is required to expand capacity of more economical heat and power stations faster. In regard with most technological installations, especially those there burning and mechanical works were being performed, a 30-year exploiting term becomes crucial. Technical level of the Kaunas power plant reflects this, i.e. in order to ensure a reliable and efficient power production process, huge investments are unavoidably required. Company‘s leaders understanding the necessity of essential reconstruction of the power plant and having evaluated the changes on the electric power market after closing of the Ignalina nuclear power plant by the end of 2009, have initiated the project of expansion of the Kaunas power plant, constructing a combined cycle power plant, not expanding the limits of the present territory of the power station. It is expected to install in a new power station four gas turbines, four gas generators with additional burning as well as two steam turbines. The expected total electric power of combined cycle power plant shall reach ~350 MW, thermal power shall be near to 350 MW. It is planned that the combined cycle power plant shall be adapted for the use of natural gas as the main fuel and liquid fuel (dieseline), as additional/reserved fuel. It is planned to introduce a modern thermal and electric power production technology in compliance with the strictest environment protection requirements at the Kaunas power plant, i.e. at the combined cycle power plant it is planned to use technologies in compliance with the best accessible production methods of the European Union for large fuel burning devices. For control of pollution discharged to ambient air an automatic continuous monitoring system shall be installed at the new power plant. It is planned to start exploiting the new combined cycle power plant in the year 2011, total investments will amount to Litas 1 billion. At present, the combined cycle power plant is the most optimal technology upon technical and financial aspects in case it is planned to generate over 20 MW electric energy. In energetic block of such type a conditionally used heating flow from gas turbine shall be transferred to steam generator where the high parameters steam is produced and passed to steam generator 103 that is being passed to steam turbine. Electric generators are connected either to gas turbine shaft or to the steam turbine shaft. This combination of heating devices allows to use fuel in more efficient way and reach high efficiency of the electric energy production that could reach even 60 %. In order to achieve a higher efficiency of steam turbine, steam generator was equipped with additional burners that allow to achieve higher steam parameters and decrease a surplus oxygen amount which allows to increase total system‘s efficiency up to 90 % or even more (in this case the power plant‘s productivity is about 45 - 48 %). After project implementation, total effectiveness of the Kaunas power plant will grow from 75,5 to 84 - 88 %, and electric effectiveness – from 24,9 to 40-47 %. Burning natural gas or reserve fuel (dieseline) in the combined cycle power plant during planned economic activities through the planned 4 new 80m high chimneys the following pollution will be discharged into ambient air: carbon monoxide, nitrate oxides, sulphur dioxide, solid particles. For formation of ambient air pollution forecasts determination of discharged pollution's amount was performed applying the balanced method according to planned concentrations of discharged pollution and technical characteristics indicated by potential equipment suppliers. For calculation of the biggest ground-level concentrations of discharged pollution the programme ADMS3.3 (Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Ltd, Great Britain) was used. For calculation of spread there was used the field, and its border is equal to 4 km (it corresponds to the radius of 2 km). The highest ground-level concentration are calculated in four variations: • Variation Ia. Only the new block of the combined cycle power plant operates at full capacity (~350 MW thermal power and ~350 MW electric power), fuel – natural gas. • Variation Ib. Only the new block of the combined cycle power plant operates at full capacity of gas turbines without additional burning in the boiler stylizator (gas generator) (~225 MW thermal power and ~280 MW electric power), fuel – dieseline. • Variation IIa. The Kaunas power plant operates with installed capacity (condensation regime): the combined cycle power plant ~350 MW thermal power and ~350 MW electric power (fuel – natural gas), the present heat and power plant - 660 MW thermal power, ~170 MW electric power (fuel – natural gas). • Variation IIb. The Kaunas power plant operates at installed capacity (condensation regime): the combined cycle power plant operates at full capacity of gas turbines without additional burning in the boiler stylizator (gas generator) ~225 MW thermal power, ~280 MW electric power (fuel – dieseline), the present heat and power plant - at maximal actual load ~660 MW thermal power, ~170 MW electric power (fuel – mazut). Following the results of pollution spread (ground-level concentration) modelling in case of all scenarios the biggest calculated concentration will be in case of nitrate oxides – 0,15 – 0,16 of limit value, and in case of sulphur dioxide, burning liquid fuel – 0,27 – 0,40 of the limit value. Concentrations of other pollution – carbon monoxide and solid particles – are comparatively insignificant and are below 0,1 of the limit value. The biggest pollution is forecasted at the north-eastern direction at the distance of 600 meters from pollution sources. Considering average wind direction there is the biggest probability that in case of south-eastern, southern, south-western and western wind, a similar average long-term concentration will be reached close to highway Vilnius – Klaipėda (A1). Considering modelling results, it may be concluded that company's emissions will have no crucial impact on the quality of ambient air, because of which the limit values of pollution concentrations are exceeded. 104 After implementation of expansion of the Kaunas power plant, concentrations of discharged pollution shall substantially decrease, in addition, after introduction of a more effective thermal and electric power production technology, production of 1 MWh power shall cause less pollution. For example, burning natural gas emissions of nitrate oxides for one production unit (g/MWh) shall decrease by app. 35-40% at the new block, and carbon monoxide – by app. 60-70% comparing with present emissions for one production unit. However in case a significantly bigger amount of natural gas is burned, annual pollution emission shall increase. Seeking to reduce ambient air pollution in Kaunas town and considering the results of modelling of ground-level concentrations of discharged air pollution, minimal height of new chimneys was increased from 60 to 80 m. Noise emission calculation results showed that equivalent noise level caused by planned economic activities will not exceed allowable equivalent noise level in environment of living and public purpose buildings in day time at the borders of the Kaunas power plant territory. Excess of equivalent noise level up to 9 dBA in night time within company’s territory is not a topical issue, because Kaunas power plant’s territory doesn't meet living or public purpose territories. In the nearest living area which is 250 m away in northeast direction from devices making the biggest noise allowable equivalent noise level is not exceeded both in day and night time. Noise caused by planned economic activities shall not exceed allowable equivalent noise level both in administrative premises of Kaunas plant, and neighbouring companies. When thermal and electric power of the Kaunas Power Plant increases, the demand of industrial water for production needs grows, therefore amount of water drawn from Kaunas see shall increase. For disposal of accumulated sewage there shall be used existing production sewage disposal system (slime unit). Amount of surface (rain) sewage and its disposal during planned economic activities shall not change. According to calculations of annual load of sewage receiver (Nemunas river near Petrašiūnai) it is determined that production and surface sewage caused by planned economic activities and discharged to natural environment shall have no negative impact on water quality in Nemunas river near Petrašiūnai. Visibility of the combined power pant block, its visual impact and pollution basically depend on number of chimneys and their height which are seen at a quite big distance. It is planned to build 4 new 80 m high power plant chimneys which will be almost 2 times shorter compared with existing 150 and 180 m high chimneys. Whereas the new power plant block will be build in the present territory of the Kaunas power plant, in an area of industrial companies, in northeast of the Kaunas city, not far from the highway Kaunas - Vilnius, erection of 4 shorter chimneys next to the existing two chimneys will not have any negative visual impact on landscape. During assessment of impact on environment it was determined that planned economic activities will not exceed allowable pollution norms, therefore it will have no essential and significant impact on the health of residents and employees. In case of implementation of the planned economic activities reliable and possibly the cheapest supply of thermal power shall be secured to Kaunas city using effectiveness of power devices existing in the market. When the project is implemented, reliability of power supply to Kaunas city will also grow because of higher installed power in the territory of Kaunas city. The price of electric power production shall be lower comparing with available alternatives in 105 case of installation of the same technology in Lithuanian power plant. In case the project is not implemented, reliability of electric and thermal power supply would decrease, and the price would grow because of existing technological devices which are physically and morally worn. Planned economic activities shall not have any impact on soil, earth interior, biodiversity, ethnic-cultural conditions and cultural heritage. Designing and constructing a new combined cycle power plant block an automatic (continuous) monitoring system shall be foreseen and installed in all four new chimneys. During planned economic activities there will be also performed periodical sewage and surface water control, monitoring of water (impact on surface water), greenhouse gas and underground water. In the report on planned economic activity‘s potential impact on environment possible breakdown situations of planned economic activities, foreseen breakdown prevention means shall be assessed. The results of comparison of alternatives show that after assessment of different environment, social and economic aspects, the proposed alternative - expansion of the Kaunas power plant constructing the combined cycle power plant - is a little more acceptable. 106 XII. ANNEXES Text annexes Text Annex No. 1 1. Copies of public announcements about the prepared PAV programme: • • • On the notice board of the Kaunas municipality; In the daily newspaper of Kaunas region “Kauno diena”; in the republican daily newspaper “Lietuvos rytas”. 2. The list of managers or users of land plots meeting the PŪV territory, who were sent registered mail containing information about the started process of assessment of impact on environment to and contents of registered mail's informative notification Text Annex No. 2 A copy of an extract about the land plot of planned economic activities from State Enterprise Center of Registers Text Annex No. 3 1. A copy of the Certificate about owners of neighbouring land plots issued by the Kaunas Branch of SE Center of Registers 2. A copy of cadastre map extract 3. A list of companies situated in the neighbourhood of the land plot of planned economic activities Text Annex No. 4 Report of inventory of Kaunas power plant’s air pollution sources and discharged pollution Text Annex No. 5 Calculations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) discharged into air from the dieseline storage Text Annex No. 6 1. Certificate No. KR12-271/6 “Regarding background concentrations” issued by the Kaunas region environment protection department, dated 22 January 2008 2. Letter No. (11)-A4-339 “Regarding background concentrations” issued by the Environment protection agency, dated 29 February 2008 Text Annex No. 7 1. Copies of public announcement about prepared PAV report 2. A letter of UAB „Ekokonsultacijos“ to Kaunas municipality regarding coordination of locations of public announcement of PAV report and PAV report’s exposure 3. The minutes on public consideration and announcement of PAV report and the list of participators of the public announcement 4. A copy of public announcement Graphic annexes Graphic Annex No. 1 Land plot plans Graphic Annex No. 2 Foreseen location for construction of the combined cycle power plant’s block Graphic Annex No. 3 Extract of the territory plan approved by the Kaunas municipality Graphic Annex No. 4 Page 3 of detailed plan of the land plots located in V.Krėvės pr. No.135, Ateities pl. No. 35 and Taikos pr. No. 147 (the list of trees to be protected) Graphic Annex No. 5 Modelling results of pollution spread (ground-level concentrations) 107 108