EST 1909 - Loyola Academy


EST 1909 - Loyola Academy
F cus
A Quarterly
Newsletter for
Alumni, Parents
and Friends
T 19 0 9
Fa l l 2 011
Brian McIntyre’s
from roving student newspaper reporter to the Basketball Hall of Fame
A Rambler’s remarkable rise
orty-some years ago, as
Rev. James C.L. Arimond, S.J. ’57
raced through a freezing rain
to make it to the old Chicago
Stadium in time for a Blackhawks
game, he spotted a former student, Brian
P. McIntyre ‘66, hawking game programs while wielding a sopping umbrella.
Arimond approached the drenched alumnus. “Brian, what are you doing here?”
“I was mystified,” Arimond recalls today, “and
wondering what had happened to the student I had once
mentored. Had he fallen on hard times?”
Fast-forward to August of this year. Fr. Arimond
was neither mystified nor surprised that McIntyre, now
senior communications advisor to NBA Commissioner
David Stern, was honored with the 2011 Naismith
Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame’s John W. Bunn
Lifetime Achievement Award. The roster of previous
award recipients is a veritable “Who’s Who” of basketball
legends, including UCLA Coach John Wooden; Coach
Red Auerbach of the Boston Celtics; and basketball player, coach and commentator Johnny “Red” Kerr.
Brian P. McIntyre ’66 with sportswriter Gordon Edes at the Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan, before the NBA finals in 1988
So just how did McIntyre rise from unofficial
program hawker at the old Chicago Stadium to the upper he was hired to exercise his creativity as the team’s onemaking him an outstanding recipient of this year’s John
echelons of the NBA and recognition in the Basketball
W. Bunn Lifetime Achievement Award,” said John L.
person marketing and PR department.
Hall of Fame?
Doleva, president and CEO of the Naismith Memorial
McIntyre took the opportunity and ran with it.
The seeds of McIntyre’s success were sown during
Basketball Hall of Fame, who presented the award to
Over his 30-plus-year career, he steadily worked his
his childhood years on Chicago’s
McIntyre at the August 11 ceremony in Massachusetts.
way up through the ranks of basketball
Northwest Side. The oldest of four
“Since joining the NBA, Brian has worked in almost
management. In 1981, after a three-andsiblings, he was raised in what he
a-half-year stint as director of marketing every capacity to help enhance the sport globally and
refers to as a “newspaper loving”
impact the overall growth of the league.”
and media information for the Bulls,
McIntyre is modest about his career achievements
McIntyre was hired by the NBA as
His father sold advertising for a
and his celebrity status in the world of basketball.
director of public relations, promoted
number of publications; his mother
“I fell in love with the game as a kid and love it as
to vice president of public relations in
had once been a writer for a submuch today,” he said during a recent phone interview
March 1989 and appointed senior vice
urban paper. McIntyre spent his
from his home in New Rochelle, New York, where he
president in November 1997. He moved
Rambler years working as a reporter
lives with his wife, Betty. “I will always be grateful that
into his current position as senior comfor The Prep, Loyola’s student
the Bulls took a chance on me.”
munications advisor to the NBA comMcIntyre with Bulls legend and Loyola
graduate parent Michael Jordan
newspaper. After graduating from
Both of McIntyre’s children have followed in their
missioner in August of 2010.
Loyola University, he found a way
father’s sports-loving footsteps. His son, Brendan, 31,
Along the way, McIntyre
to combine his love of sports with
is the director of public relations for the New York
created numerous awards, including
his talent for writing by penning
Rangers. His daughter, Catherine, 27, earned a master’s
the Defensive Player of the Year
and producing his own unofficial
degree in physical education and sports pedagogy and
award, the Sixth Man award and the
Blackhawks and Bulls programs. For
embarked on a career in teaching in September 2011.
Most Improved Player award. He was
as a kid and love it as much
four years, rain or shine, he stood
Despite all that basketball has given him and
responsible for initiating White House
outside of the stadium, selling his
taught him, McIntyre still credits his teachers and
visits by NBA championship teams,
today. I will always be
programs for 25 cents. The reporting
coaches at Loyola — including Fr. Arimond and Gene
instituting the use of satellite postgame
grateful that the Bulls took
skills he had developed at Loyola
feeds at major events and a host of other Sullivan, a longtime Loyola coach and administraa chance on me.
Academy served him well — and his
tor — for teaching him about humility, compassion and
unofficial programs outsold the offiservice.
“He has this ability to see things
cial ones three to one.
“When I think back to my Loyola years, I realize
B r i an P. M c In t y r e ‘ 6 6
It wasn’t long before McIntyre’s
observes Fr. Arimond, who has become a that my most important lessons were not the academic
moxie, determination — and,
ones,” he reflects. “As a Rambler, I learned how to open
close friend of the former Rambler.
possibly, his sales figures — caught the attention of the
my eyes to what others are going through and to give
“Brian McIntyre has dedicated his stellar profesBulls front office. After meeting with Bulls management,
back whenever I can by serving others.” ✛
sional career to the NBA and the game of basketball,
I fell in love
with the game
The Iceman Cometh: Brian McIntyre’s lasting contribution to Loyola athletics
Brian McIntyre’s first
athletic passion was hockey—
a passion that he brought to
Loyola as a freshman in 1962.
There was only one hitch,
however: Loyola did not have a
hockey team.
Many Ramblers would
have drifted to a different
sport. But McIntyre wasn’t
about to give up on his passion so easily. Teaming up with
Michael P. Leonard ’65, now
an acclaimed NBC correspondent and author, he badgered
Loyola athletic director Gene
Sullivan relentlessly about
starting a hockey program. In
1965, Sullivan gave the goahead-—and Loyola hockey
became an officially sanctioned club sport.
McIntyre played on
Loyola’s first hockey team dur-
ing the 1965-1966 academic
year. In the 46 years since
Loyola hockey’s inception, our
Rambler icemen have won
three state championships and
numerous league titles. And
they owe it all to McIntyre,
whose persistence and pas-
sion made it possible. McIntyre
was inducted into the Loyola
Academy Athletic Hall of Fame
in 1999 for his lasting contribution to Loyola athletics.
Brian P. McIntyre ‘66 on the ice during his senior year at Loyola Academy
In Jesuit circles, we often use the word “magis.”
Magis is Latin for “more”—and St. Ignatius used it to
describe a manner of orienting ourselves to life and the
world. He would have prodded us to wonder what more is
being asked of us at any given moment. How can we make
a deeper response of love to God’s persistent invitation?
Ignatius was not suggesting that we simply fill up our
calendar with more appointments and responsibilities, but
that we take the time to prayerfully consider if there is a
better way to do things, a more loving way to engage the
challenges of our lives. As a way of facing the events of our
day, this spirit of magis calls forth from us a commitment to
do more for the greater glory of God.
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, S.J. President, Loyola Academy
As you read through this edition of Focus, I hope
that you are struck by the vibrancy of our desire to seek magis in our shared mission at
Loyola. From the exciting leadership of our new principal, Dr. Kathryn M. Baal, to our
plans for uniting Rambler alumni across the country for our first-ever Universal Reunion,
you can feel a resurgence of the Loyola mission. We look to the example of members of
our community — like the Sally and James C. Dowdle ’52 Family, which will be honored
at this year’s President’s Dinner, or Brian P. McIntyre ’66, whose life of service was
recently honored by the Basketball Hall of Fame — to witness living legacies of magis
in action.
Thank you for being a part of the living Loyola legacy of magis!
President’s Message
Kathryn M. Baal,
Ph.D. has been
named principal of
Loyola Academy.
Dr. Baal is a
graduate of St.
Ignatius College
Kathryn M. Baal, Ph.D.
Principal, Loyola Academy
Prep and earned
a B.S. in biology
from St. Mary’s College, an M.A. in teaching
from the University of Portland and a Ph.D. in
educational leadership and policy studies from
Loyola University Chicago. After graduating
from St. Mary’s, she was a member of the first
group of teachers to be trained and missioned
by the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) at
the University of Notre Dame. She began her
career at Redemptorist High School in Baton
Rouge, Louisiana, and continued at St. Ignatius,
Maine South and Downers Grove North,
where she also served as chair of the science
“Dr. Baal is a gifted classroom teacher
who has developed into a seasoned school
administrator,” notes Loyola President Rev.
Patrick E. McGrath, S.J. “It has been a great
pleasure to welcome her to our community
as we continue the excellent work already in
progress at Loyola and seek magis in ever
more creative ways.” ✛
T 19 0 9
A Loyola Rite of Passage
1 Jennifer A. McDermott ’11 with her father,
Dr. Raymond A. McDermott III ’71, and her
grandfather, Dr. Raymond A. McDermott Jr. ’42
“Always be ready to give an explanation of your reason for hope,” advised Loyola President Rev. Patrick E.
McGrath, S.J. as he addressed the 460 members of the Class of 2011 at Loyola’s 101st Commencement Exercises on
May 29. “Know your mission. Be ambassadors of hope.” At the ceremony, many of our alumni participated in the longstanding tradition of presenting diplomas to their graduating children and grandchildren. ✛
2 Richard D. Byrne ’33 (seated) presented
diplomas to not one, but two Ramblers this year:
his granddaughter, Rose O. Broccolo ’11 (not
pictured)—whose father, Peter J. Broccolo ’74 (far
left in photo), participated in the commencement
ceremony in his role as Loyola’s Board chair—and
his grandson, Sam D. Byrne ’11 (center), who
accepted the diploma from his grandfather with his
father, Daniel A. Byrne ’79, standing by his side.
3 Robert E. Flanagan ’11 with his dad, Loyola
trustee Joseph P. Flanagan ’82
4 Justin L. Pasquesi ’11 with his grandfathers,
Joseph R. Taylor, Loyola’s adult chaplain (far left)
and Robert J. Pasquesi ’55 (center) and his father,
John M. Pasquesi ’82 (second from left)
A Tribute to a True Family for Others
Loyola honors the Sally and James C. Dowdle ’52 Family for distinguished service in the cause of youth.
ura personalis. It’s a
Latin expression that most
of us who have been around
Jesuit education for any
length of time know well. It means
“care for the individual” and, perhaps more than any other phrase,
it captures the essence of the Sally
and James C. Dowdle ’52 Family.
Going the Extra Mile
to Become a Rambler
The Dowdle family’s “Loyola story”
began in the midst of the Great Depression.
The year was 1934 — and Raymond R. Dowdle
’38 had just embarked on his journey as a
Rambler. John A. Dowdle ’41 (who would
later serve as the Academy’s first Board chair)
joined him in 1937.
James C. Dowdle ’52 was just a toddler
Sally and James C. Dowdle ’52 (back row, center) with their 16 grandchildren (top row, l-r): Conor J. Dwyer ’07, Elizabeth C. Burke ’06, Jim
when Ray graduated and a lad of seven when
P. Tyrrell, Katie A. Tyrrell, Kelly A. Tyrrell, Erin E. Dowdle ’09, Wendy R. Lehman, Michael B. Lehman and Patrick J. Dwyer ’08; (bottom row,
John collected his diploma, but he dreamed of l-r): Spencer J. Dwyer ’07, J. Charles Dowdle ’12, Patricia A. Dwyer ’13, Ryan P. Dowdle ’16, Sarah O. Burke ’11, Colin A. Dowdle ’13 and
following in his older brothers’ footsteps and
Brendan F. Dwyer ’10. Altogether, 10 Dowdle grandchildren have rambled through Loyola’s halls. Ryan P. Dowdle ‘16 will be the 11th when
becoming a Rambler too.
he matriculates at the Academy in 2012.
In 1948, Jim got his wish when his
his retirement in 1999.
adds Special Assistant to the President Dennis R.
parents agreed to let him attend the high school of his
For many couples, a loving family life and worldly
Stonequist ’90. “When Jim speaks, people listen.”
choice — as long as it was Catholic. Without hesitation,
success would have been enough. But Sally and Jim
The family’s hospitality is legendary in the Loyola
he chose Loyola.
shared a deep concern for the welfare of others — a
community. “All Ramblers are welcome,” are words to live
The Academy wasn’t close and it wasn’t convenient
concern that is evident in their philanthropic endeavors, by for the Dowdle clan. Several years ago, the Dowdles
for a South Side kid from St. Philip Neri parish. His
their board and volunteer service and their enduring
hosted 20 Loyola swimmers and coaches at their home
transportation options were limited to none, but the
commitment to young people
in Florida for a full week when their grandson, Conor J.
young Dowdle was undeterred. He
Dwyer ’07, was a member of the Academy’s swim team.
throughout Chicago’s diverse
hitchhiked from one end of the city to the
“Sally and Jim took the time to get to know each
other every day during the school week
swimmer and coach personally and made all of us feel
During their decades of
to pursue a Jesuit education at Dumbach
like we were visiting family,” recalls Stonequist, Loyola’s
service, philanthropy and
Hall, the Academy’s first home on Loyola
former swim coach. “At the end of the week, Jim made a
board support, the Dowdles
University’s lakefront campus.
point of telling the team members how proud he was of
have advanced the missions of
During winter break, Jim worked
their athletic accomplishments — and how honored he
many organizations that serve
the graveyard shift delivering packages in
young people, including Amate was to be in the company of such special young men.”
Chicago’s Loop, reporting for work at 11 p.m.
This year, Sally and Jim plan to open their home
House, the Big Shoulders
and laboring until dawn. After eight hours
for generations. We are
once again for grandson James C. “Charlie” Dowdle ’12
Fund, Cristo Rey Jesuit High
of shuttling parcels around the sleeping city,
honored to recognize them
and his fellow athletes on Loyola’s football and swim
School, Junior Achievement
no one would have faulted the hard-working
at this year’s President’s
of Chicago, Loyola University,
teen for heading home to get some muchDinner with the Rev. Daniel
The Dowdles have been generous with their
Loyola University Stritch
deserved rest.
A. Lord, S.J. Award for
financial support as well, helping to ensure that young
School of Medicine, the
But Jim was a Rambler-athlete — and he
Distinguished Service in the
people from all over the Chicago area have access to the
Marine Corps Scholarship
wasn’t about to let his work schedule
Cause of Youth.
Foundation, Maryville Academy, many benefits of a Jesuit education at Loyola through
interfere with his commitment to the other
their gifts to our Tuition Assistance Program. These
Misericordia, Mundelein
members of his basketball team. So each
—Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, S.J. Lifetime Benefactors have advanced the Academy’s
Seminary, The Museum of
morning when his work shift ended, he’d
President, Loyola Academy
mission in many other
Science and Industry and
head north to Loyola instead of south to his
ways — through support
The Robert R. McCormick
warm bed at home. Bleary-eyed with fatigue
for our Legacy of Values
by the time he arrived at the Academy, he’d
as we
campaign in the 1990s, the
Sally has also served as a member of the Women’s
scout out a good sleeping spot in the school gymnasium
honor the Dowdle Family
Munz Campus campaign
Board of Easter Seals, the Tampa Jesuit Mothers’ Club
and catch some shut-eye before practice began.
at our 54th annual
in the early 2000s and our
and the Women’s Board of the Stritch School of
President’s Dinner on
A Commitment to Faith,
Friday, November 4.
which is currently underway.
Family and the Common Good
For more information,
With characteristic
Supporting Loyola’s Tradition
please contact Julie Fischer
Since those early Rambler years, Jim has pursued
at 847.920.2714 or
other dreams with the same tenacity, purpose and passion.
He continued his intellectual and spiritual journey at the The Dowdles have also graced the Loyola
University of Notre Dame, served his country faithfully
community with their gifts of wisdom, hospitality and
“My teachers gave me a
as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps and married his
for how to live my
childhood sweetheart, Sally Sayers, in 1956.
“Ask anyone who knows Jim—who served on Loyola’s
“I wasn’t always the best student, but
As Sally and Jim built a life together and raised five
Board from 1981 to 1986 —and you will hear that he is a
for excellence. When I went on to
children, Jim rose through the ranks of the television
tremendously trusted advisor, the kind of person you want
commitment to excellence
industry. By 1981, he was serving as president and chief
to consult for his wisdom,” maintains Loyola President
Loyola because we
executive officer of the Tribune Broadcasting Company.
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, S.J. “In fact, when I was asked
want the same for today’s Ramblers.”
Four years later, he was elected to the Tribune Company’s to consider leading Loyola into its second century as the
Board of Directors. In 1991, he began serving as the
Academy’s eighth president, I turned to Jim to hear his
Carrying on the Family Tradition
Tribune Company’s executive vice president in charge of
perspective and ask for his advice.”
newspaper publishing, broadcasting and entertainment
“Jim has studied people his entire life and his
There’s an old saying that “the apple doesn’t
(including the Chicago Cubs) — a position he held until
insights into human nature are powerful and profound,”
fall far from the tree.” This aphorism is particularly apt
The Dowdles
have been a
vibrant part of
the life of Loyola
Join us
T 19 0
continued on page 4
Fall 2 011
Sport Shorts
Honoring Loyola’s Legendary Athletes
T 19 0 9
Nine individuals and four
teams are slated for induction
into Loyola’s Athletic Hall of
Fame for 2011, including former
Rambler athletes Michael R.
Denten ’74, Patrick J. Naughton
’96 and Michael A. Ryan ’48
(football); Jeanette M. Paukert
Wehrenberg ’98 (women’s
basketball); Philip J. Andrews
’85 (swimming); James E.
Kemper ’45 RIP (tennis); Jovan
Ilich ’96 (track and field and
football); and Christopher K.
Schultz ’00 (wrestling). Former
Loyola Academy President Rev.
Theodore G. Munz, S.J., who
spearheaded the development
Members of the 1972 Baseball Team are among the athletes to be inducted into Loyola’s Athletic
Hall of Fame on Saturday, October 22. Over the past 14 years, 263 individuals and 57 teams have
of our Munz Campus, will be
been inducted into our Athletic Hall of Fame.
inducted as a general nomination. The teams to be inducted
include the 1972 Baseball Team, the 1995-96 Hockey Team, the 1996 Women’s Track and Field Team and the
1998 Women’s Basketball Team.
This year’s event will take place on October 22 at Loyola’s Wilmette campus. We are holding the ceremony
in our school gym to bring our former athletes and their families and friends back to where it all began.
During the ceremony, two special awards will be presented: Craig Snower, our women’s soccer coach, will
receive the Frank J. Amato Excellence in Coaching Award and Stanley Breitzman, Loyola Academy’s longtime
physical education department chair and coach, will receive the John E. Hoerster Medal of Honor.
This year’s event kicks off with a pre-game cookout at noon, followed by the Loyola vs. St. Rita football
game at 1:00 p.m., cocktails at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the induction ceremony at 7:30 p.m. ✛
Amato Named National
Coach of the Year
Mark your calendar for
our first Universal Reunion
On March 22, 2012, we will host our first annual
Universal Reunion by bringing together Loyola
alumni in five cities across the country. Alumni will
convene at separate gatherings in Chicago, Boston,
Washington D.C., New York City and Los Angeles
and then connect with their fellow Ramblers in other
cities via a live webcam feed.
Our goal in conducting this Universal
Reunion is to reconnect with as many of our 25,000
alumni as possible and to encourage them to keep
in touch—or get back in touch—with former classmates, coaches and teachers.
We have been hosting regional reunions on
a smaller scale for nearly 40 years, but the March 22
reunion will mark the first time that our alumni will
be connected from coast to coast.
Questions? Contact Dennis R. Stonequist ’90
at 847.920.2443 or ✛
New Annual Fund Leadership
Elizabeth P. Kadison ’02 has been named
director of Loyola Academy’s Annual Fund. After
graduating from Loyola, Liz earned undergraduate
and graduate degrees
from Boston College,
where she was captain
of BC’s varsity lacrosse
team. After college, Liz
served as a development
officer for major gifts at
the Children’s Memorial
Foundation. She
reconnected with Loyola
Elizabeth P. Kadison ‘02
at an alumni event and
Director of the Annual Fund
returned to the Academy in
August 2009 to serve as a principal gifts officer and
assistant coach for our varsity lacrosse team.
“I am especially excited about my new role
as director because the Annual Fund is essentially
about community; it’s about everyone pitching in to
keep Loyola Academy strong for our Ramblers here
today and those to come in the future.”
Contact Elizabeth at or
847.920.2439. ✛
Head Track and Field Coach Frank J.
Amato has been named the National Coach
of the Year for Boys’ Track and Field by the
National High School Athletic Coaches
Association. The award was announced
at the association’s 46th annual National
Awards Banquet on June 22 in Grand Rapids,
Michigan. Coach Amato was one of eight
finalists for track
and field.
Frank Amato
has been coaching
at Loyola Academy
for 45 years. He
has won 19 Indoor
Catholic League
and 12 Outdoor
Catholic League
Frank J. Amato
Head Track and Field Coach
and has a win/loss
record of 2557/1095. He was inducted into
Loyola’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 1990. Since 1966, he has held several
administrative posts at Loyola Academy,
most recently as executive director of the
Academy’s Athletic Hall of Fame.
In 2006, Frank and his wife, Alice,
were recognized with one of Loyola’s highest
honors, the Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. Award
for Distinguished Service in the Cause of
Coach Amato was also inducted into
the Illinois Track and Cross Country Coaches
Association Hall of Fame in 1985. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in
1952. After joining the U.S. Marine Corps in
1945, he spent 10 months in northern China
before his honorable discharge in 1946. ✛
Honoring the Dowdle Family continued from page 3
with regard to three of the Dowdle’s children, Colleen
D. Burke, Jeanne A. Dwyer and James C. Dowdle
’82, who are well known in the Loyola community
It was game time for former varsity baseball alumni of all ages
who came out to play ball in May at Loyola’s Munz Campus. Organizer
Thomas J. Ratcliffe ’90 reported “no major injuries” and five double
plays, which he chalked up to “quality defensive play and not the speed
of the base runners (or lack thereof).” Kudos to pitcher Michael E. Joyce
’65 for throwing three near-perfect innings, to Michael F. Welch ’91 for
his triple and to former Coach John A. O’Loughlin ’59 for coming out
of retirement to work the third-base coach’s box. Pictured above, l-r,
back row: David N. Fritzsche ’88, Michael N. Lesner ’87, John F. Lesner
’83, Michael F. Welch ’91, John M. Hancir ’88, Michael E. Joyce ’65,
Ronald F. Geimer ’86, Nello P. Gamerbino II ’86, Joseph A. Meehan
’86, Charles L. Kory ’86, Michael R. Higgason ’99, Brian A. Wolski
’81, Peter J. Marino ’92, Michael A. Anderson ’81 and William D. San
Hamel ’99; front row: Ryan J. Larsen ’90, Daniel E. Gesicki ’90, Patrick T.
Welch ’89, Scott J. Szafraniec ’97, Thomas J. Ratcliffe ’90 and Charles
J. Kuhn ’79. ✛
Congratulations to
the foursome of William
R. Bohr ’97, Jason R.
Gilboy ’97, Michael W.
Nowak ’97 and John L.
Hammon ’97 (pictured at
right, l-r) for winning this
year’s Alumni Golf Outing
on June 9 at Highland Park
Country Club. Although it
may have been the coldest
day in the outing’s 17-year
history, 135 golfers braved
the elements until it was
time to warm up and refuel with drinks and appetizers. This year’s outing
was dedicated to the late Doc Aiello, with proceeds going to the John D.
Aiello Endowed Scholarship. ✛
and have enthusiastically carried on their parents’
longstanding legacy of leadership and service in the
Chicago area.
Colleen has served on the Misericordia Women’s
Auxiliary since 1989. She also serves on the Saints
Faith, Hope & Charity Women’s Guild, Bereavements
Ministry and numerous event committees. For the past
eight years, she has given generously of her time to
ensure the success of Loyola’s Ramble Auction.
Jeanne served on the Misericordia Women’s
Auxiliary from 1988 to 2010 and has also generously
supported the Ramble.
Jim ’82 served as a member of the Our Lady of
Perpetual Help school board from 2008 to 2011 and as
board chair from 2010 to 2011. Joanie, Jim’s wife, has served on the Misericordia
Women’s Auxiliary and supported the Ramble.
Colleen, Jeanne, Jim and Joanie also support
Loyola’s mission by attending fundraisers and
contributing to the Annual Fund, Guardian Angel
Fund, Tuition Assistance Program and Aquatic Center
A New Generation of Leaders
in Service
The Dowdle grandchildren (pictured with
Sally and Jim in the photo on page 3) are carrying
the family’s commitment to excellence, leadership
and service into the 21st century. Nearly all have
reached out to help people in need through Loyola’s
community and summer service programs or Insignis
Knows Best
A c olumn b y A lumn i Chapla i n Rev . J ames C . L . A r i mond , S . J . ’ 5 7
n my previous column, I highlighted Robert Ryan ’27, who went on
to a very successful acting career in the
motion picture industry. This time, I’m
featuring a Rambler who has also made a
name for himself in the world of cinema,
but in quite a different way from what we
normally think of as a “movie star.”
Not long after I began my 11-year
tenure as Loyola’s headmaster in the fall of
1971, I started hearing the name John E.
Musker ‘71, a talented young man who
had graduated just a few months earlier.
John had been a stalwart cartoonist for
The Prep [Loyola’s student newspaper] and
his artistic talent was very popular among
faculty and students alike. In his senior
yearbook, John is pictured holding a copy A bove le f t: A portion of a Musker original drawing depicting a caricature of Rev. John H. Reinke, S.J. — Loyola’s president at the time — at the 1971 Ramble Auction
of The Prep featuring a cover page filled
A bove r i gh t: John E. Musker ’71 (far right in photo), a cartoonist for The Prep, holds the cover that features the same drawing, which the 1971 yearbook noted was
with his spoof on Loyola’s second Ramble, “the most noticeable addition to the ’70-’71 volume” containing the “amazing artwork of John Musker, who aimed artistic talent, a sense of humor and a touch of satire at
administration, teachers and students.”
staged just a few weeks earlier (far right
with their next project, The Little Mermaid (1989), a prelude
photo). A section of that caricature, featurare presented annually by the International Animated Film
to the huge commercial and critical resurgence of handing Rev. John H. Reinke, S.J., Loyola’s president and creator
drawn feature animation at Disney, generating an excitement
of the most successful high school auction in the country, is
From his youth, when he was first inspired by the
for the genre as a whole.
shown at right.
animated feature, 101 Dalmatians, John has pursued his
Their next project, Aladdin (1992), was nominated for
John’s fascination with comics, cartoons and Mad
lifelong dream of utilizing his unquestionable artistic talents for
countless awards and went on to become one of the most
Magazine inspired him to start drawing during his grammar
the enjoyment of audiences of all ages. Indeed, we at Loyola
popular animated films of all time. In 2010, the team of
school days. By his Loyola years, he had developed a unique
Academy are proud to have played even a small part in the
Musker and Clements was nominated for the biggest prize
style of caricature that included outrageous sketches of teachdevelopment of this extraordinarily talented alumnus.
of all, an Academy Award for “Best Animated Feature” for
ers and school celebrities for The Prep. His preoccupation with
their very entertaining film, The Princess and the Frog (2009),
caricature and cartooning continued throughout his college
which turned out to be another huge box-office success.
years at Northwestern University, where he majored in English
Over the years, John’s collaborative efforts with Ron have
and drew cartoons for the Daily Northwestern. Following
also garnered several nominations for Annie Awards, which
graduation in 1974, John put together a portfolio and set out
Have a question or comment for Fr. Jim? Contact him at
for California to pursue a career as an animator. The following
year, after an initial rejection by Disney Studio, he enrolled
at the California Institute of the Arts, which led to a summer
internship at Disney. Finally, in 1977, John began his lifelong
career at Disney as an animator where, among other projects,
he worked on The Fox and the Hound (1981).
John’s big breakthrough in the world of animation
T 19 0 9
came when he first joined forces with another animator, Ron
Michael T. Lee, husband of Elizabeth A. Murray Lee LdM ’77.
Peter B. Alex, grandfather of Peter Alex ’13.
Clements, in the writing, directing and producing of The
Mary J. Leemputte, mother of Patrick J. ’75, Peter G. ’75 and Michael D. Leemputte ’76 and Rolando Morelos Alhambra, father of Alexius A. Alhambra ’94.
Great Mouse Detective (1986). Their partnership continued
grandmother of Mary ’04, Alessandra B. ’07, Peter N. ’08, John F. ’10 and Daniel P. Kathleen Arado, mother of Raymond T. ’81 RIP and Ronald J. Arado ’86.
Blanche Bielski Balut, mother of Geraldine Balut Coleman, Loyola faculty member
Theresa S. Bambulas, grandmother of Christopher Bambulas ’00.
William A. Barnett ’34, father of William A. Barnett Jr. ’66.
Dell Bauer, mother of Paul G. Bauer ’77.
Margaret Mary Bielinski, mother of Raymond J. Bielinski ’72, Margaret Bielinski Pridmore LdM ’74 and Suzanne Bielinski Bono LdM ’78.
Irene E. Bohan, mother of James F. Bohan ’64.
Paul Bowen, brother of Edward F. “Ted” Jr. ’82 and Peter T. Bowen ’88 and uncle of Grace S. ’10 and Gieriet S. Bowen ’14.
Betty V. Brannon, mother of Richard A. Brannon ’70.
Jerome J. Brault, father of Jerome J. Jr. ’77, James L. ’79 and John H. Brault ’83 and Catharine Brault Murphy LdM ’81, Molly Brault Ryan LdM ’86 and Eva Brault Schmidt LdM ’90 and grandfather of Charles L. ’10, James E. ’12 and Robert B. Murphy ’13.
Robert P. Brennan ’47, father of Robert P. Brennan Jr. ’73 and brother of Cyril M. Brennan Jr. ’44.
Irena Bronny, grandmother of Gregory R. ’91, Mark R. ’95 and Alexandra M. Ciesla ’99.
Ambrose C. Brown Jr., father of Robert A. Brown ’87 RIP.
Kevin J. Brown ’83, brother of Thomas W. ’78 and Brian P. Brown ’80.
Lawrence R. Burns, father of Lawrence P. ’68 and Michael T. Burns ’71.
Ellen A. Byrne, mother of Kevin J. ’78 and Thomas M. Byrne ’85 and grandmother of Meghan M. Byrne ’13 and Michael J. Smandra ’00.
Maddalena Caccamo, grandmother of Anthony G. ’08 and Mark V. Acciari ’10.
Jennie Caronia, grandmother of Michael J. Caronia ’05.
Joan M. Coha, grandmother of Courtney A. Coha ’09.
Victor M. Colling, father of Bettina Colling Swanson LdM ’85 and grandfather of Harrison M. Swanson ’14.
Charles J. Conroy ’40.
Georgia D. Cretors, wife of Charles J. Cretors ’29 RIP.
Howard C. Cushing ’48.
Ruth Ann Baumeister Davis, grandmother of Griffin L. Baumeister ’12.
Lorraine F. Conrad, mother of Warren T. ’65 and Thomas R. Conrad ’67.
Ethel E. Daleske, mother of Bernard Jr. ’59 RIP and Peter J. Daleske ’68.
Charles A. D’Ambrosio ’50.
Argo DaValle, grandfather of Michael Corby ’95 and Jamie Thilman ’03.
Bernard N. Dentzer ’53, father of Joseph M. Dentzer ’89 and brother of John L. Sr. ’55 and Frank E. Dentzer ’58.
Wendy Derenski, mother of Peter A. Derenski ’67.
James J. Dolan, grandfather of John D. ’92 and Mark D. Cegielski ’96.
Harry E. Dombrowski, father of Christine Dombrowski Uba LdM ’85.
Genevieve Curran Dooley, mother of Thomas E. ’70 RIP, Daniel J. ’72 and Steven C. Dooley ’73.
Florence J. Dougherty, mother of Owen J. Dougherty ’73.
Lorraine A. Dowiarz, grandmother of Kelly L. Donohue ’09.
Joy D. Elliott, mother of Glynn J. III ’85, Patrick N. ’87, Brian L. ’86, Michael B. ’89 and Thomas R. Elliott ’93.
Jack A. Ellis, father of Mary Arney, Loyola faculty member 1990-1997.
Harvey R. Erhardt, grandfather of Daniel Breslin ’05 and Katherine M. Cascino ’07 and father-in-
law of Kevin P. Breslin ’72.
Dorothy Jo Fitzgerald, grandmother of Olivia N. ’06 and Michael F. Cascio ’10 and Francis A. ’01 and Jeneane Gesualdo ’03 and mother-in-law of Michael A. Cascio ’79 and Ralph J. Gesualdo ’75.
Joseph A. Gagliano, father of Christopher J. ’81 and Peter A. Gagliano ’86.
Dr. Louis N. Giannasi, father of Betty Giannasi Walsten LdM ’74, grandfather of Paul L. ’88 and John M. Prikos ’91 and father-in-law of Jeff S. Lill ’70 and Paul T. Prikos ’66.
Lucille C. Godleski, mother of Rev. David A. Godleski, S.J., Loyola faculty member 1992-1994 and Loyola trustee 1998-2004.
Marjorie B. Goldrick, mother of Jack F. ’68 and Thomas J. Goldrick ’72 and grandmother of Stacy M. Goldrick ’11.
Florence A. Grant, grandmother of Bradley G. ’98 and Matthew D. Vesperman ’01.
Herbert A. Gresens, father of John J. ’77, Herbert C. ’78 and Peter M. Gresens ’80.
Luisa Gulay, grandmother of Diane ’03 and Daryl Baldemor ’05.
Robert E. Hackett Sr., father of Robert E. Jr. ’82, Terrence C. ’83 and Sean M. Hackett ’86.
Elizabeth Ann Halpin, grandmother of Michael J. ’94, Mark A. ’97 RIP, Robert W. ’97 and Katherine M. DeCleene ’04.
Eleanor M. Hennessy, mother of Paul C. ’65 and Mark J. Hennessy ’76.
Rose E. Holt, grandmother of Kimberly Schumacher Hatch ’99.
John W. Hupp, father of William J. ’74, Thomas M. ’75, James R. ’76 and John P. Hupp ’77.
Richard E. Jennings, father of Jack R. ’97, Robyn ’04 and Todd C. Jennings ’10.
Dennis Patrick Kammerer ’77.
Mary Lou Kane, mother of Thomas M. ’83 and William J. Kane ’85.
Robert W. Kapche ’58.
Rita Keown, mother of Robert E. Keown ’63.
John P. Krick ’59.
Dorothea M. Kula, grandmother of Roy O. Bulleri ’92.
Meanwhile, Sally and Jim — who started it all —
are still selflessly supporting Loyola’s mission and our
Ramblers in myriad ways. Whether they are serving up
breakfast and sage advice to our swim team, hosting
our football players for a pre-game pasta dinner or
cheering on our athletic teams, they continue to play an
important role in the Loyola community.
“As role models for youth, the example that Sally
and Jim have set in their own lives is more powerful
than words could ever be,” says Fr. McGrath. “They care
for each student and Loyola community member as they
care for their own children and grandchildren — by
nurturing each individual in the Jesuit tradition of
cura personalis.
“The Dowdles and their children and
grandchildren have been a vibrant part of the life
of Loyola for generations,” he adds. “Their warmth,
generosity and compassion are inspiring, as is their
enduring commitment to young people at Loyola and in
so many other communities.” ✛
Honoring Three Generations
of Women and Men for Others
service club. Some have served their fellow Ramblers by
volunteering as peer leaders or retreat leaders. Others
have assumed leadership roles in cocurricular clubs or
on athletic teams.
Conor J. Dwyer ’07, who served as the captain
of the Academy’s swim team during his senior year,
continues to strive for excellence as a member of the
U.S. National Swim Team. This accomplished alumnus
is now helping Loyola generate support for a new
natatorium by serving as a spokesperson for our Aquatic
Center Initiative.
In MemOriam
Leemputte ’12 and Colleen T. ’03 and Ryan Kawaters ’05.
Martin T. Lenihan, father of John P. Lenihan ’78.
John R. Leonard, father of John R. ’64 and Michael P. Leonard ’65 and grandfather of Matthew B. ’89 and John C. Leonard ’09.
Edward L. Lesniak, grandfather of John ’04 and Carrie A. Schoeneberger ’11.
Joseph W. Lamendella ’77, brother of Michael J. Lamendella ’83.
Frank Lomoro, father of Dominic Lomoro ’69.
Joanne M. Mackey, grandmother of Bridget C. Mackey ’12.
James A. Maddock, grandfather of Elizabeth J. ’06, Matthew R. ’09 and Carolyn A.
Maddock ’10.
Michael C. McConville ’55, brother of Edwin B. Jr. ’53, John J. ’60 RIP, David B. ’63 and Thomas F. McConville ’66.
John F. McCormick ’63.
John W. McDonald ’53.
Leonella C. McDonald, grandmother of John E. ’02 and Ann E. Brennock ’09.
D. William McGrath, grandfather of Meredith G. ’06 and Margaux R. McGrath ’08.
Joseph McHugh, uncle of Peter G. Leemputte ’75.
Margaret M. McPhillips, mother of Patrick J. McPhillips ’83.
Richard C. Michalek, father of Richard D. ’73, Dan ’82 and Gary A. Michalek ’79 and grandfather of Chelsea R. ’09, Connor D. ’10, Cole A. ’12, Reed C. ’12 and Hannah L. Michalek ’14.
Theodore P. Milos Sr., grandfather of Michael Sean Hogan ’06.
Mark Joseph Mortell, brother of Richard W. Mortell ’72.
James F. Mulvaney ’40, brother of Lawrence B. Mulvaney ’43.
James W. Murray, grandfather of Margaret K. ’09 and Michael A. Felish ’11.
Thomas A. Neises, father of Thomas S. Neises ’88.
Richard G. Nilges, M.D., father of Joseph M. Nilges ’75.
June D. Novak, mother of Gregory C. Novak ’68.
Leo Passage, father of Robert Passage ’79 and father-in-law of John S. Bernin ’80.
Mary Lou Patelski, grandmother of Emily E. ’02 and Katherine Nicholl ’04.
James C. Phelan ’62, brother of Richard J. ’55 and Patrick E. Phelan ’56.
Martin Philbin, father of James C. Philbin ’83 and grandfather of Ryan J. Gabriel ’08.
Richard E. Prusank, grandfather of Lauren E. Prusank ’02, Jacqueline Hammond ’04 and Katherine A. ’07 and Jennifer E. Samano ’10.
William Mark Raynard, brother of Daniel M. ’08 and Margaret E. Raynard ’09.
Christopher G. Reischl, brother of Michael M. Reischl ’86 and son of Broderick E.
Reischl ’54 RIP.
Margaret Riederer, mother of Daniel J. ’65 and Joe F. Riederer ’68.
Paul J. Riordan ’33, father of W. Michael Riordan ’63.
Bonifacio M. Rivera, father of Michael C. ’88, Andrew J. ’92 and Alvin J. Rivera ’95.
Eugene Charles Romano ’44, brother of Frank J. ’40 RIP and Henry S. Romano ’42 RIP.
Henry S. Romano Sr. ’42, father of Henry S. Jr. ’66 RIP, Matthew P. ’74 and Michael A. Romano ’76; grandfather of Angela G. ’08 and Alexandra N. Romano ’09 and Nicholas R. Marks ’03; brother of Frank J. Jr. ’40 RIP and Eugene C. Romano ’44 RIP; and father-in-law of Randall J. Marks ’67.
Kevin J. Ruggaard ’77, brother of Knute R. ’73 and Randall P. Ruggaard ’74.
J.P. Scanlon ’56.
Lorraine Schniedwind, mother of John C. Jr. ’68 and William H. Schniedwind ’69 and mother-in-
law of Joan Schniedwind, Loyola staff member 2007 to present.
Christopher R. Short, Loyola faculty member 1986-1989.
Connor Michael Sorensen, son of Michael C. Sorensen ’90; grandson of Wayne L. Sorensen ’63; and nephew of David E. ’92, Francis W. ’96, Christina K. ’05 and Kim Sorensen ’07.
Eugene J. Soule ’53, brother of George A. Soule ’48.
Annette M. Spillane, mother of Susan Spillane, Loyola faculty member 1997-2004.
Susan J. Toland, wife of Robert F. Toland ’56 and mother of Robert F. Toland Jr. ’79.
Rosie Eser Tolentino, grandmother of Samantha R. Moser ’11.
Irene R. Tomic, mother of James M. ’70 and Gregory Tomic ’76.
Concetta Torres, grandmother of Daniela Baldo Tomaska, Loyola staff member 2001 to present.
Philip S. Trimble, father of J.T. ’13 and Isabelle Trimble ’15.
James H. Turk, father of Mary Turk Searing LdM ’71 and Therese Turk Amidei LdM ’72.
John D. Valleau Sr., father of John D. Valleau Jr. ’80.
Jeanette J. Varallo, grandmother of Anthony ’04 and Joseph Franek ’06.
Philip Venticinque, father of Philip Frank Venticinque ’97.
Emelita Santos Wagner, mother of Luke Wagner ’12.
Dennis V. Waite ’56.
Anne J. Wallace, wife of James R. Wallace ’37 RIP and mother of Kevin R. Wallace ’81.
Frank P. Weissert, father of Frank E. Weissert ’71 and grandfather of Andrew R. ’03, Adam ’07 and Meredith E. Weissert ’10 and Michelle L. ’11 and Lauren E. Miller ’11.
Bridget T. Witort, grandmother of James A. Lentino ’95.
As of August 16, 2011
To include your departed loved one in Focus, please contact Patricia A. Griffith at 847.920.2421
f all 2 011
Alumni write in from around the country and around the world
George P. Sullivan Jr., regional
director for the Chicago Chapter
of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps,
caught up with Jesuit Hung T.
Nguyen, S.J. ’06 at the Loyola
University Chicago extension at
Beijing University. Together, they
visited the tomb of Matteo Ricci,
S.J., one of the founders of the
Jesuit China Mission (see photo 1
at right).
Adrian Ivancevich retired in 2010
after 33 years as an assistant
district attorney — the last 26
years with the San Francisco
D.A.’s office.
Kimball T. Goluska and Edward
J. Wehmer raised more than
$400,000 for the Boy Scouts of
America by hosting a May benefit
dinner honoring Chicago Cubs
Chairman Tom Ricketts. Ed and
Kimball are members of the Boy
Scouts of America’s Northeast
Illinois Council. Ed served as dinner chairman and Kimball is currently serving his second term as
the Council’s board president
(see photo 2 above).
John G. Locallo, a partner in the
real estate tax assessment law firm
of Amari & Locallo, was installed
as the 135th president of the
Illinois Bar Association in July.
For the third consecutive year,
John has been featured in Super
Lawyers magazine. He graduated
from the University of Illinois in
1982 and became a C.P.A. the following year. He earned his J.D. in
1986 and his LL.M. in taxation in
1992 from Chicago-Kent College
of Law. He resides in Chicago’s
Bucktown neighborhood.
Michael P. Kessler married his
longtime sweetheart, Violet, in
July at Queen of All Saints in
Chicago. The wedding celebration
included nearly 20 Loyola alumni
(see photo 3 above).
Charles J. Kuhn and Daniel
B. Peterson were elected to
the Glenview Park Board of
Commissioners in April.
Joseph P. Jekot, a Loyola social
studies teacher and a professional
storyteller, has been inducted
into the Illinois Water Polo Hall
of Fame. He was a key player on
T 19
George P. Sullivan Jr. ’62 (right) with Hung T. Nguyen, S.J. ’06 in Beijing (see 1962 class note) 2 Chicago Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts (left) with Edward J.
Wehmer ’72 and Kimball T. Goluska ’72 (see 1972 class note) 3 Michael P. Kessler ’78 (center) with his best men Daniel E. Helfenbein ’79 (left) and Theodore P.
Costa ’78 (see 1978 class note)
Loyola’s 1978 state championship team and was named Illinois
Player of the Year in 1980. At
Loyola University, he played as a
freshman starter on the Elite 8
their son, Nicholas Joseph,
in May.
Lake Geneva (see photo 8 at
cancer research. Fellow alumnus,
bottom of opposite page).
Matthew T. Barrett ’94 volun-
Timothy S. Wambach and his
teered his time and expertise as
the event’s official photographer
former student, Mike Berkson,
(see photo 10 at bottom of opposite
who lives with cerebral palsy,
as chair for Misericordia’s The
are starring in Handicap This!,
Artist in All: Empowerment
G. Preston Kendall III has been
John J. Dreuth married Donna
a play about the pair’s real-life
named president of St. Martin de Through Art benefit at the Art
Stephens at Queen of All Saints
adventures, at the North Shore
Porres High School, a Cristo Rey Institute of Chicago in May. More Center for the Performing Arts
Basilica in March. Included in the
than 1,300 supporters filled the
school in Waukegan.
on November 4 (northshorecen- celebration were his former Loyola
Modern Wing to view original
classmates, best man Richard S. Tim met Mike in 2001
artwork by Misericordia resident when he was serving as a substi- Dattoli ’94 and groomsmen Peter
artists. Kelly recruited Chicago
Anetsberger ’94 and Ruben M.
tute teacher in Glenview.
Christopher S. Canning, president
Bears Coach Lovie Smith and his
’94 (see photo 9 at bottom
of the Village of Wilmette, has
wife, Maryanne, to serve as the
of opposite page).
been named the 53rd president
gala’s honorary chaircouple
of the Northwest Municipal
Daniel R. Moll has earned an
(see photo 7 below).
Conference, a membershipMBA with honors as a David
supported association of 42
Michael T. Stanton was named
W. Fox Fellow at the University
municipalities and one township
Person of the Day by the
of Chicago Booth School of
representing a population of more Huffington Post in June. Mike,
Business. He and his wife, Katie,
than 1.3 million residents.
Elizabeth Grace Willer
who lost his son, Danny, to
have two children: Emily Rose,
Sudden Unexplained Death in
Kevin W. Willer and his wife,
born in July, and Madison Rose.
Epilepsy (SUDEP), was recogVictoria, celebrated the birth
The Moll family is relocating
nized for establishing the Danny of their third child, Elizabeth
Ernest de la
to New York, where Dan has
Did Foundation, which raises
Torre is one
Grace, in August.
accepted a position in the
awareness about SUDEP and
of 25 interiinvestment banking division at
educates families about prevenor designers
Morgan Stanley. Dan previously
tion methods.
served as a U.S. Navy fighter
Jason S. Chamberlain, general
chosen for
manager of TMC’s Europe divi- pilot (with 70 combat missions to
Elle Décor’s
Afghanistan and Iraq) and as a
sion, and Greg Olsen, formerly
2011 A-List.
Thaddeus J. Lisowski and
of the Chicago Bears, co-hosted TOPGUN instructor.
Ernest de la Torre ‘83
his wife, Stephanie A. Piper,
the eighth annual World’s
founded his own design firm
celebrated the birth of their
Largest Kickball Tournament in
( in
daughter, Ellie, in April.
July at Grant Park. The event,
2001 and designs spaces around
which included more than 1,400
unique collections of art, custom
people and 62 kickball teams,
furniture and textiles, some of
brought in more than $180,000
Timothy C. Divane and his wife,
which will soon be available in a
for Receptions for Research,
Shannon, celebrated the birth
retail environment.
charity dedicated to
of their second child, Garrett, in
Daniel R. Moll ‘94 and family
August. Garrett joins his sister,
7 Kelly Burgess Mayer LdM ’88 and her husband, Matthew P. Mayer ’88,
Allen E. Hoover established
with their son, Jack Mayer ’17 (right in photo below) and Misericordia Honorary
Dennis R. Stonequist married
Loyola’s annual Allen J. Hoover
Chaircouple Lovie and Maryanne Smith (see 1988 class note)
Stacy McCance in July. The
’58 Science Award in memory of
his father. The award was present- couple honeymooned in Spain.
ed to Jon Dombrowski ’12 at the Dennis was recently named special assistant to Loyola’s president
Academy’s Honors Convocation
and continues as the Academy’s
in May.
alumni relations director (see
photo 4 at top of opposite page).
Kelly Burgess Mayer LdM served
Lawrence J. Mongoven and his
wife, Kelly, celebrated the birth of
Nicholas Joseph Mongoven
Christopher S. Dorgan married
Krista Engelmann in June in
4 Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90 and Stacy McCance on their wedding day (see 1990 class note) 5 At the wedding of Michael
A. Carroll ’97 and his bride, Lisa, (l-r) John P. Carroll ’89, Joseph G. Jacob ’97, Brian R. Martin ’97, Kevin R. Doran ’97,
Robert W. DeCleene ’97, Michael and Lisa, Stephen H. McNulty ’99, David K. Jochum ’97, Jaafar A. Riazi ’97, Jorge M.
Mendez ’97 and Mark A. Carroll. ’97 (see 1997 class note) 6 The wedding of Cathleen M. Cramer ’01 and James P. Suehr
’02 was a mini-reunion for many Loyola graduates, including (from the left) Edward I. Marut ’94, Mary C. Mortell ’11, Joseph
Suehr ’00, Colin C. McCourt ’98, Elizabeth A. Davis ’98, Allison K. Grant ’11, Michael P. McCourt ’02, Emily M. Cramer
’98, Peter M. Raffel ’11, Anthony P. Danielak ’02, Cathleen M. Cramer ‘01, Thomas M. Cramer ’04, James P. Suehr ‘02,
Brian C. Langs ’02, Neal H. McCarthy ’05, Kevin H. McCarthy ’09, Margaret M. Cramer ’06, Michael P. O’Brien ’00, Kevin
Heaton ’00, Hillary A. (Lupo) Bufalino ’02, Michael A. Bufalino ’02, Thomas Suehr ’00, Rev. Kenneth C. Simpson ’70,
Kristina L. Wagner ’05 and John L. Kolleng ’02 (see 2001 class note).
Brian F. Rademacher has been
named economic development
director for the Kenosha Area
Business Alliance. For the past
four years, Brian was the economic development coordinator
for the Chicago Metropolitan
Agency for Planning. He earned
a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and Spanish from Marquette
University and a master’s degree
in public policy from The Johns
Hopkins University. Brian and
his wife, Lisa, and their daughter
are moving to Kenosha.
Michael A. Carroll and his
wife, Lisa, were married at
the Columbia Yacht Club in
Chicago (see photo 5 above).
reside in Chicago’s Andersonville
neighborhood. Jim is a founding member of the President’s
Leadership Council at Loyola (see
photo 6 above).
First Lt. Molly A. Muldoon ‘99, U.S.M.C.
U.S.M.C. earned her “Wings of
Gold” and was designated as a
Naval Aviator at a February ceremony in Florida. Molly is one of
three women and the only female
Marine to earn this distinction.
She has been assigned to Camp
Pendleton, CA, where she is
currently flying the CH-46E, a
Vietnam-era helicopter used for
transporting troops and supplies.
Michael P. Hengelmann has been
Myles P. O’Rourke ‘97 with his son in
Myles P. O’Rourke and his wife,
Angela, celebrated the birth of
their son, Myles Patrick II, in
February. Myles II is the grandson of Michael J. O’Rourke ’69.
First Lt. Molly A. Muldoon,
named Loyola’s head coach for
the men’s and women’s swimming
and diving teams. He has served
as assistant coach for the past
seven years. Mike was a swimmer
and team captain at Loyola and
St. Louis University. He teaches
social studies at Loyola.
Cathleen M. Cramer, an art
teacher at Loyola, and James P.
Suehr ’02 were married at Holy
Innocents Church in Chicago.
They met at Loyola and have
been dating ever since. They
40th annual Big Ten Kickoff
Luncheon in Chicago in July.
Margaret M. Cramer is teachJoe made seven starts last season
ing and conducting research
while playing in every game on
in Mainz, Germany as part of
offense and special teams. He
the U.S. Department of State’s
Fulbright Program. Maggie began played a big role in the 35-21
historic comeback win over
her German language studies
Northwestern, making a careerat Loyola and continued at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. high six receptions for 67 yards.
She is taking a yearlong sabbatical from her position as a copyTimothy D. Aghai represented
writer for Groupon.
the U.S. in the Men’s 8 at
the Under 23 World Rowing
Championship in Amersterdam
in July and won a gold medal.
F. Borders,
An invitation to try out for
a recent
the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team
may be forthcoming. Recently,
of Brown
Tim was chosen by his peers as
the University of Wisconsinrowed in
Madison’s 2011 Athlete of the
the NCAA
Year for his ability to balance
athletics and academics. He is
I rowing
majoring in microbiology.
championship in Sacramento, CA in
Margaux R. McGrath has been
May 2011. Brown won the team
elected chair of the Board of the
title for the seventh year in a
Students of Georgetown, Inc.
row. Catherine competed in the
(the Corp), the largest student
NCAA championships for the
owned and operated corporation
past four years, with national
in the world, with annual
victories this year and during her revenues in excess of $4 million.
freshman year. She is currently
enrolled in a post-baccalaureate
program for pre-med at the
Margaret S. Dillon is spending
University of Pennsylvania.
her first semester at the National
Nikola Akrap ‘03 and Brenna C. Sullivan
Nikola Akrap is engaged to marry
Brenna C. Sullivan. Nick proposed
to Brenna while the couple was
riding in Evanston’s Fourth of July
Edward L. McCaskey has been
named media relations manager
for the Southshore RailCats, an
independent baseball team in
northwest Indiana. He previously
served as the PR director for the
United League’s Coastal Bend
Thunder team in Texas.
Michigan at Dearborn.
Andrew T. Brennan is a volunteer teacher for Christ the King
Service Corps in Detroit. He
teaches religion, science and math
to seventh and eighth graders. He
is also pursuing a graduate degree
in education at the University of
Joseph Suhey, senior running
back, was one of three Lions,
along with Coach Joe Paterno,
to represent Penn State at the
Outdoor Leadership School in
India.In January, Maggie will
attend Colorado College. ✛
8 Krista and Christopher S. Dorgan ’92 (middle) with David A. Behof ’92 (left) and Thomas S. Heidenrich ’92 (see 1992 class note) 9 John J. Dreuth ‘94 and Donna Stephens (see 1994 class note)
10 Jason S. Chamberlain ’94 (second from right) with (l-r) Greg Olsen’s mom, Sue; Greg Olsen; Jordan Kass, Jason’s boss; Andrea Poitrast, Jason’s colleague and fellow organizer; and Chris Olsen, Greg’s brother
and director of Receptions for Research (see 1994 class note)
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Class of1
Members of the Class of 1961 celebrated their Golden Reunion during an action-packed weekend in June that gave the former
classmates and their wives many opportunities to catch up and rekindle fond memories. Sixteen alumni started the celebration early, gathering at the Wilmette Golf Course on Friday, June 17, for a sunny afternoon
of golf. Later that evening, nearly 40 alumni and their spouses gathered for a casual barbeque in Loyola’s student center. On Saturday morning, a group of 30 alumni set sail on a Chicago architectural river cruise,
followed by lunch at O’Callahan’s Pub. Later that evening, a Mass with Rev. James C.L. Arimond, S.J. ’57 and Rev. Andrew E. Luczak ’61 kicked off the “official” reunion for nearly 150 alumni, spouses and
longtime Loyola faculty members. A cocktail reception, tours of the campus and a sit-down dinner followed. The celebration concluded with a Sunday morning brunch at Hackney’s on Lake. The Class of 1961
(above) poses for its traditional Golden Class photo — fr o nt r o w ( l - r ) : Albert J. Witschy, James J. Penney, Ronald V. Berger, William R. Otter Jr., Rev. Andrew E. Luczak, Richard N. Miller, L. Robert Pasquesi,
Dr. George F. Seidenbecker, Dr. John L. Wilhelm, Paul M. Drucker, David L. Roemer, Cornelius J. Sullivan, Paul H. Stepan, Richard A. Devine, J. Brian McDonnell, Bernard J. “Sandy” Browe, Mark D. McMurrough,
Michael J. Lops and Jay S. Kramer. sec o nd r o w : Albert J. Grossmann, Robert P. Lowell, John F. Lotito, Peter D. Jost, Dennis M. Amaturo, Eugene C. Hamilton, William W. Mangione, Edward C. Bechtold,
Robert W. Tarjan, John J. Oelerich, Denis B. O’Keefe, James M. Hayes, James R. McDonnell, Dr. Paul W. Boltz, Patrick F. O’Brien and Lawrence J. McPartlin. third r o w : Jeffrey T. Liataud Sr., Vincent J. Graham
Jr., Michael J. Conerty, Thomas R. Tiernan, John F. McCormick, Dr. Thomas C. Liske, Glenn M. Schroeder, Frederick W. Ray III, Donald P. Witty, Robert J. Thornton, Craig J. Leonard, Philip J. Sweenie, Timothy E.
Griffin, Daniel G. Murphy, William J. Grennan and Martin J. Lane. f o u rth r o w : Dr. Michael J. Hogan, William A. Lennon, Thomas A. Kirsch, Dennis J. Glynn, Jack Rossate, Dr. Charles J. O’Laughlin, Donald G.
Fox, Dr. Keith E. Alley, Patrick C. Gibbons, Ralph K. Nottoli, Thomas M. Joyce, Robert F. Leslie, Patrick V. Casali, Thomas P. Schwaba, Joseph J. Bolsinger and William R. Sullivan Jr. Not pictured: Daniel J. Cahill,
Robert J. Schutte and James S. Steffens. ✛
Rambler calendar
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Athletic Hall of Fame
Noon Pre-game Cookout
1:00 p.m. Loyola vs. St. Rita
5:30 p.m. Cocktails
6:30 p.m. Dinner
7:30 p.m. Induction Ceremony
Saturday, May 19, 2012
20th Reunion:
Loyola Class of 1992
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Tailgate Party
University of Notre Dame
South Bend, IN
Notre Dame vs. Boston College
25th Reunion:
Loyola Class of 1987
Looking ahead
30th Reunion:
Loyola Class of 1982
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Ramble 2012
40th Reunion:
Loyola Class of 1972
Saturday, June 9, 2012
5th Reunion
Loyola Class of 2007
10th Reunion`
Loyola Class of 2002
June 15 -16, 2012
50th Reunion
Loyola Class of 1962
Wednesday- Monday
August 29-September 3, 2012
Loyola Dublin 2012
To join your reunion committee
or find out more about the events in
our Rambler calendar, please contact
Special Assistant to the President and
Alumni Relations Director Dennis R.
Stonequist ’90 at 847.920.2443 or
Pres ident
Friday, November 4, 2011
President’s Dinner
Honoring the Sally and
James C. Dowdle ’52 Family
Chicago Hilton
6 p.m. Cocktails
8 p.m. Dinner
Story on page 4
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Friday, October 21, 2011
Breakfast with Teaching Legend
James M. O’Loughlin ’62
Hosted by the Class of 1982
7-8 a.m. at Loyola Academy
Come hear Jim tell his favorite stories
from his 43-year teaching career.
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, S.J.
Kathryn M. Baal, Ph.D.
Alumni from the
Class of 1951 traveled
from near and far in Spring 2011 to
celebrate their 60th class reunion.
Organizers Joseph S. Kearney,
Paul J. Gerlach and Dr. James
J. Burden (pictured above, l-r)
encouraged their former classmates
to give generously to the Class of
1951 Endowed Scholarship and
raised more than $100,000
in pledges.
Vice President fo r Development
and Chief F inan cial Offic er
Terence K. Brennan
F o c u s E dit o rial B o ard
Executive Director o f the
athletic hall of fame
Frank J. Amato
Alumn i chaplain
Rev. James C. L. Arimond, S.J. ‘57
Vice President fo r Development
and Chief Finan cial Officer
Terence K. Brennan
Principal gifts Offic er
Thomas J. Cramer
Principal’s o ffice
Kathleen Corby Fitzgerald
Loyola Academy publishes Focus
four times a year for Loyola and
Marillac alumni, parents and friends.
Please send correspondence, address
changes and requests to receive
Focus via email to Robin Hunt, Focus
Editor, Loyola Academy, 1100 Laramie
Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091 or
Director of P ubl ic Relations
Robin Hunt
athletic Director
Patrick M. Mahoney ‘90
Director of D evelopment
Ann O’Hara
director of alumn i relations
Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90