Plantation Living - Hilton Head Plantation
Plantation Living - Hilton Head Plantation
Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Inside Plantation Living: POA Board Report President’s Report……..…… General Manager’s Report.. POA Information February Calendar…………. Firearms Safety at Home... HHP Volunteers……..………. Holiday Lighting Winners... Nature Notes……………….... Plantation’s Jewels…………. Hilton Head Plantation Clubs The Avid Gardeners……..…. Big Wheels Club……..……… Bridge Winners………………. Cheers by the Sound………. Craft Workshop…..…………. Curtain Calls.…………………. Dance Club….…………..……. Dog Club….……………………. Farmers Club………….……… Fishing Club……………...…… Green Thumbers.…………… Happy Times Society……… Keyboard Club……..………… Movie Club……….……………. Newcomers Club……………. Out-To-Lunch Bunch………. PlayGroup……………...……… Power Squadron..…………... Scrapbookers Club….………. Under 55 Club…….…………. Woodcarvers………………….. Yacht Club…………...……… Yoga with Ruth…….……….. Recreation Activities Cooking Live Series………... Discount Theater Tickets... Disney Movie Theme Night Health Programs…………….. Nutrition/Fitness Seminars. Photography Contest……… Quilting for Beginners.……. Write Your Life Class…....… Young at Heart………….…... Feature Article…………………. Feature Article…………………. Volume 17/Issue 1 – January 15, 2003 Beautification Project – Phase II 2 3 18 9 7 8 5 8 11 12 11 10 13 15 15 12 14 10 12 11 15 15 14 10 12 11 12 15 11 15 12 21 21 21 20 21 19 21 21 20 16 22 In early 2001, Board President Paul Kopelcheck and Board Member Guy Bettarelli visited Port Royal Plantation to get new ideas on how to run HHP. While driving into Port Royal Plantation, they both commented on how attractive it looked with all the flowering plants in the common areas and decided that our Plantation could use more help in this area. Guy Bettarelli volunteered to head up the effort and requested representation from appropriate HHP organizations. A Beautification Task Force was formed, consisting of the following members: Guy Bettarelli, Task Force Chair; Charlie Cherrix, ARB Chair; Diane Middleton, Mary Bess Mulhollan, and Patti Peacock of The Avid Gardeners; Ginger Holtcamp, Mary Waltz, and Shirley Stone of the Green Thumbers; Janet Smith; John Ehlers, POA Director of Maintenance; and Rick Smith of Ocean Woods. The Task Force first met on May 31, 2001. The general agreement was that our Plantation is beautiful, but aging. After considerable onsite research, plant vs. cost analysis, and deliberation about such factors as ease of maintenance, plant and tree longevity, etc., the Task Force presented its recommendations to the Board on August 26, 2001. The Board of Directors passed the recommendations of the Beautification Task Force at its meeting on September 25, 2001, and installation was scheduled over a two-year period. Before Before After After In April of this past year, Ocean Woods duly planted a variety of trees and shrubs along Whooping Crane at the Pump Station near Headlands South, in the island before Seabrook Drive, at the two corners facing Spring Lake, and at the end of Whooping Crane (See PL, p7, April 2002). This completed Phase I of the Beautification Project. Continued on page 6… Visit Hilton Head Plantation’s website at Page 2 – January 2003 Hilton Head Plantation Property Owners’ Association 7 Surrey Lane – PO Box 21940 Hilton Head Island, SC 29925 Board of Directors President Terry Conway Vice President Guy Bettarelli Secretary Merry Harlacher Treasurer Frank Wilcher Members Charles Cherrix Jackie Cordray Mary Goodrich Maryjean Herberger Benedict Letizia Mary Ann Strayer Tom Teal POA Staff General Manager Dir, Activities Dir, Administration Dir, Comm Relations Dir, Maintenance Dir, Security Communications Tennis Pro Peter Kristian Arlene Reisner Todd Lindstrom Dick Wirth John Ehlers Art Benoit Linda Helgerson Keith Ferda Important Phone Numbers POA Service Center 843/681-8800 Accounting Ext. 235 Activities Ext. 226 Architectural Review Bd Ext. 231 Bd of Directors Hotline Ext. 8 Covenant Enforcement Ext. 242 General Mgr’s Office Ext. 233 Maintenance Ext. 241 Vehicle Decals Ext. 223 Communications 816-5955 Dispatch 681-2459 Dolphin Head Building 681-8019 Pass Line 342-9980 Plantation House Schedule 681-8090 Security Office 681-3053 Spring Lake Pavilion 681-3707 Spring Lake Pool Information 689-6473 Spring Lake Tennis 681-3626 Emergencies Fire & Ambulance Main Gate Security Dial 911 681-2477 POA Board Report President’s Report______________ I hope you all had a joyous and peaceful holiday season. The Plantation was surely decked out in all of its holiday finery this year. Congratulations to the winners and all who participated in the holiday lighting competition. I’m sure that Palmetto Electric liked the event also. The lighting adds a festive accent to our neighborhoods and provides much enjoyment to all property owners. There are a number of initiatives in progress, and I would like to update you: • Spring Lake Beautification Project – The Beautification Task Force has developed a proposed plan to enhance the landscaping in the Spring Lake area and extend a leisure path to add to the usefulness of the area. Maintenance Committee and Task Force members met with adjacent property owners and received some very useful feedback, which has been incorporated into the plan. The project will be discussed at the January “Coffee with Peter.” • Emergency Funding – The Finance Committee has been developing a plan for emergency funding in the event of a catastrophic storm. They are pursuing an arrangement with a financial institution that would provide immediate funding to begin cleanup operations in the event that our own storm recovery reserves are insufficient and insurance processing is delayed. Our goal is to return the Plantation to operating condition as soon as possible after such an occurrence. • HHP Conservancy Foundation – We are proceeding with the development of a Hilton Head Plantation Conservancy Foundation. It has been incorporated and an application has been made to the IRS to allow tax-deductible contributions. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide supplemental funding to Land Trust and Assessment resources to maintain both the Whooping Crane and Cypress Conservancies. Trustees of the Foundation are the officers of the POA and one at-large member. A memorial program is expected to be included in this program. The Nominating Committee has completed its deliberations and selected six candidates to vie for four vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors. These generous volunteers will be introduced at the January “Coffee with Peter” and a special “Meet the Candidates” program will be held in February. As you can see, there is quite a lot going on in your Plantation. Thank you for taking an interest in the day-to-day activities. Please let us know if we can be doing something better. Congratulations are in order to Peter Kristian, who was recently selected to be on the Community Associations Institute’s (CAI) National Board of Trustees. It is quite a big honor and will certainly give Hilton Head Plantation much national exposure. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Terry Conway POA Information January 2003 – Page 3 General Manager’s Report_________ Welcome to 2003! Coffee with Peter Our next Coffee is scheduled for Thursday, January 30, 2003, 10:00 AM at the Plantation House. Beside our usual updates and a question and answer period, Maintenance Committee Chair Ben Letizia will be going over the plans for the Beautification of the Spring Lake Recreation area located between the lagoon adjacent to Seabrook Drive and the Tennis facility. As usual, the Coffee will be hot and fresh, and the donuts and other goodies will be plentiful. Survey If you haven’t done so already please take a few moments to fill out the Survey that was enclosed in the December issue of Plantation Living. We kept the Survey short and easy to fill out. It is a fold-up self-mailer, so if you haven’t done so already, grab a pen or pencil, take a minute to fill out the Survey, and either drop it in a mailbox or bring it to the POA Service Center. Our community's direction is greatly influenced by the feedback we receive from these Survey instruments. If you have misplaced your Survey, you can pick up a replacement at the Plantation House or the POA Service Center located at 7 Surrey Lane. The results of the Survey will be published in a future edition of Plantation Living. Thank you for helping us serve you better. Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign… Several residents mentioned that some of our street signs are showing their age. I must agree with these perceptive folks. Here is what we have been doing to freshen our street and our subdivision signs. Over the past three years, the POA has been cycling in new street and subdivision signs to replace the old and damaged ones. In some instances, a coat of paint is all that is needed; however, in many cases exposure to our humid climate has taken its toll on the wooden signs and they are beyond the face-lift stage. Each new street sign costs approximately $300 to manufacture and install; subdivision signs cost between $500 to more than $1000 depending on the size and detail. So replacing 15 to 20 street signs and a few subdivision signs takes quite a toll on that line item in the budget. Therefore, we replace the signs that are deemed most critical and repaint the rest. With this year’s cycle of replacement signs, we should have most all of the critical signs replaced. We are presently researching the feasibility of making our own street signs in-house to see if we can save money in the long run on future street sign replacements. Leisure Path Maintenance Program Each year during the winter months, Ocean Woods crews prune roots adjacent to our leisure paths. In some cases where trees are abutting the leisure path, root pruning is not possible. Each path is root pruned on a two-year cycle so that each affected path is pruned every other year. Staff is presently researching the installation of a plastic sheet piling type material that can be installed next to our leisure paths in critical areas that are prone to root intrusion. However, this material is very expensive to install and may not be a costeffective solution. FYI, our leisure paths are also blown off once a week by Ocean Woods. We will be repairing approximately one mile of existing leisure path in 2003. Why is the Gate Officer on the Phone? During the peak hours, two dispatchers are assigned to handle phone calls, radio traffic, and selling commercial passes at the Main Gate complex. There are times when one of the dispatchers is waiting on a customer and the other is handling a phone or radio call. In such instances, the gate officer picks up the phone –which also rings at the two gates. The gate officer will take a message and relay it once the dispatcher is free to take the information. If the call is an emergency, the gate officer will take all the pertinent information and dispatch an officer to respond. At certain times during the day, the dispatchers relieve the gate officers for meal breaks, leaving only one dispatcher to handle the phones, radio, and pass customers. During these periods, you may also see a gate officer on the phone. These situations do not happen often; however, they do occur and are part of how the officers are trained to back up each other’s position. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 4 – January 2003 Continued from page 3… Mail Box Vandalism Periodically, mailboxes are damaged in an accident or by vandals who are usually uncaring youngsters out for a cheap thrill. Please remember to report all vandalism. If the culprits of such destruction are identified, the POA has in the past and will continue to prosecute them. It is a Federal offense to tamper with or damage a mailbox. Projects POA Gas Tanks -- The POA maintains two underground storage tanks that contain diesel fuel and gasoline. This fuel is for the vehicles used to maintain the POA grounds and our patrol vehicles. These tanks are operated under very strict guidelines issued by SCDHEC and the Federal government. These guidelines require us to upgrade our tanks by 2004 with a monitoring system to detect any leak in the tanks. Also as part of this process, we will install a cathode to maintain the integrity of the tanks over a longer period of time. Spring Lake Pavilion “Bench” Replacement -- The playground area next to the Spring Lake Pavilion is undergoing a face-lift. The old benches and tables that have seen many years of service are being replaced with new structures. Work should be completed shortly to give this area a fresh and renewed look. Beautification - You may have noticed the new plantings as you exit the Plantation via the POA Information Cypress Gate. This installation is the first phase of a three-year effort to enhance the appearance of the area between The Cypress and Skull Creek Drive along Seabrook Drive. Leisure Path Expansion -- Work is underway on two sections of new pathway. One section connects Towhee to Sagebush. The other runs from Stonegate to Oyster Reef Drive. The Main Gate Christmas Tree You may be interested to know why the Leyland Cypress tree located just inside the Main Gate was not decorated for the holidays. Here’s the explanation. Volunteers decorate the Plantation for the Holidays. These volunteers work tirelessly to transform the Plantation into a holiday wonderland for all to enjoy. The tree at the main gate has grown over the years and is starting to decline. Because the tree is now quite tall, our volunteers did not feel safe decorating the tree, as was the practice in past years. The good news is that The Avid Gardeners have generously offered to replace the present tree with another specimen tree. That replacement will occur some time this year in time for the 2003 holiday season. Once this occurs, I am sure our volunteers will resume the practice of decorating and lighting the tree for the Christmas season. How to Stay in Touch In addition to surveys, there are several ways for residents to communicate with the Board and POA staff, including: Email - Go to the POA’s website at In the CONTACT US section, you can email the Department Heads, the General Manager, and the Board of Directors. You can also attend one of our bi-monthly Coffees. There is always a question-and-answer period. Attend the POA’s Annual Meeting in March. Write a letter to the appropriate staff member. Letters to the General Manager from a Property Owner are placed in the Board’s Monthly Packet for their information. You can leave a message on the Board of Director’s Hot Line. Dial 6818800, press 8 when the automated attendant speaks, and follow the instructions. All voice messages on the Hot Line are transcribed and distributed to the Board at its next meeting. Give me a call at the POA office 681-8800, Ext. 232. If you don’t get me on the first try, leave a message, and your call will be returned. Holiday Decorations A hardy WELL DONE to all of you who took the time to adorn your homes for the Holidays! Your decorations were a gift to your neighborhood and helped spread the holiday spirit so prevalent in our fine community. As with all things, there is a season. If you have not done so already, please take down your holiday decorations by January 20th, and pack them carefully away for next year so they can once again brighten our neighborhoods. Stay Safe. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Peter Kristian POA Information October 2002 – Page 5 Nature Notes: Winter Bird Visitors___ Most everyone who goes to the beach notices the little birds that run here and run there, never resting. What are they? They are Sanderlings, a sandpiper that can be found most everywhere on the globe. When they arrive in Hilton Head near the end of August from their Arctic breeding ground, they will be wearing their winter plumage. Sanderlings are the whitest of the sandpipers with a white head and belly, pale gray above with a dark shoulder, black legs, and black bill. Many people call them "wave runners" because as a wave recedes, taking with it a layer of sand, the Sanderlings chase the wave probing quickly in staccato fashion in hopes of finding a marine worm, a beach flea, maybe a sand crab, or a small mollusk. When the next wave comes, they run back up the beach. This movement is repeated again and again. By April, they begin their trip back to the Arctic where they make a shallow nest in a mossy area and usually lay four eggs. The female often lays a second clutch of eggs simultaneously. The male incubates and takes care of the chicks from this second nesting. The chicks develop very quickly and are efficient fliers in only 17 days from hatching, and are soon ready to fly thousands of miles south for the winter. ASSESSMENTS are due without penalty by January 31, 2003. COFFEE WITH PETER Another winter visitor you see flitting in the bushes around your home – but rarely at your feeders – is five to six inches long with light streaking on the flanks, and a bright yellow rump patch. That’s its name: Yellow-Rumped Warbler. If you’ve been watching birds for many years, you used to call it a Myrtle Warbler. Yellow-Rumped Warblers nest all across Canada and Northeastern U.S. They arrive on Hilton Head in early fall and remain here through the winter, instead of migrating. Since many birds that migrate long distances die on migration, we are seeing decreasing numbers of these birds. On the other hand, Yellow-Rumped Warblers are increasing in numbers. They eat insects in the summer, but in the winter they eat berries and are one of the few species that are capable of living for a long time only eating berries. If you remember its old name, you’ll know what kind of berries is its main diet – the small gray berries of the wax myrtle bush, a plant that is abundant on the Island. Last year, I wrote that the Hilton Head Audubon Society had blue bird nest boxes for sale. Thirty-three were sold. Larry Waterhouse has more boxes and would like to get orders early so the boxes can be installed in time for nesting. Larry will advise you about placement and will even install them for you. His phone number is 689-2989. Date: January 30 Time: 10:00 AM Place: Plantation House Topic: Phase II of the Beautification Project and other important items -- Mary Bess Mulhollan Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 6 – January 2003 Beautification - Phase II__ Continued from page 1… Phase II of the Project, enhancement of the Spring Lake Recreation Area, is scheduled for implementation in 2003 (see the shaded area on the map below). The improvements include the plantings of additional trees and shrubs in strategic places; an extension of the leisure path from just over the foot bridge across a new bridge in the culvert under the trees to Cygnet Court; the addition of no more than two donated benches; and a small parking lot for those fishing in the lagoon. The Task Force’s earlier report to the Board best describes the recommendations for beautification of this area. Our purpose was to develop an attractive, highly functional park on the vast empty acreage that presently exists in the area. The plan provides plenty of open space for established activities, such as KIDS KAMP, volleyball, and kite flying. The first sight of beauty is evident as you approach Seabrook Drive from Whooping Crane. Your eye goes to the shining banners of waving pampas grass and then on to the long seasonal color of crape myrtles along the far side of the existing leisure trail. This softens the view of the tennis courts in the distance. Turning left onto Seabrook Drive, you will approach the point where the main leisure trail through HHP crosses the road and over a plain wooden bridge. On the far side of the bridge, tall palm trees are proposed here under plantings of light pink oleanders that will fill your view. Beyond these plantings, a small grove of oaks will add depth and shade. Across the bridge to your left will be the new proposed leisure trail, which will take you through a thick copse of woods and over a narrow planted gully. Less than one hundred feet away, you will come to a pretty wooded area with benches that overlooks the wide lagoon and all the activities that take place there, such as people sailing toy boats and fishing. Continuing toward Cygnet Court, you will see tall pines casting shadows over a parking area virtually hidden by the landscaping that surrounds it. Placed strategically across the street from a large pine between #9 and #11 Cygnet Court, the new parking spaces will enhance an area that has been much abused. POA Information The plan also includes the planting of five live oaks that will soften the view of the Tennis Center to your right without blocking breezes or delivery vehicles. Finally, looking left to the corner of the park, where Cygnet Court meets Seabrook Drive, is an area more than 50 feet around the lagoon where five Bald Cypress will be planted. Almost maintenance free, these 70 trees and shrubs will beautify the whole area for many years to come. In preparation for Phase II scheduled for spring 2003, Ben Letizia, current Chair of the Maintenance Committee, conducted a meeting with residents of Cygnet Court on December 2nd to present the plans and provide an opportunity for resident feedback. The proposed parking area was designed to direct parking to a designated area, assuming that it would be less obtrusive than the present parking on the road right-of-way. Residents of Cygnet Court clearly preferred the present use of the road right-of-way for parking, and the Maintenance Committee has subsequently recommended that the Board remove this particular item from Phase II. Another useful suggestion from that meeting dealt with the proposed leisure path extension. Rather than stopping at Cygnet Court, the residents suggested that the path curve around the end of the lagoon, parallel to Cygnet Court, and stop at Seabrook Drive for a safer connection to the leisure path across Seabrook Drive. The Board approved both items. All HHP residents are cordially invited to attend the next Coffee with Peter on Thursday, January 30th, 10:00 AM, at the Plantation House. The Beautification Project – Phase II will once again be reviewed, questions answered, and suggestions considered. Please plan to attend. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation POA Information January 2003 – Page 7 Does HHP Appreciate Its Volunteers? You Bet!__________ Ginny Breen, President of the Women’s Club; Virginia Lake, Photo ID Card volunteer; Mary Priestman, Easter Sunrise Service organizer Terry Brennan, artist of the picture at Dolphin Head Clubhouse; Ron Spraetz, Election Committee member Paul Kopelcheck, Past President of HHPPOA; Gary Turner, President of the Fishing Club Bud Cowell, Recreation Committee member; Tom Kuczkowski, Recreation Committee member and advocate for HHP’s Leisure Paths; Galen Smith, ARB Committee member. Communications Committee Members: Mary Hoppin; Tom Hoppin, CC member; Kay Naumann; Mary Goodrich, CC Chair; Ron Naumann, CC member Covenants Committee Members: Jackie Cordray, CC Chair; CC member Marilyn Powell; CC member Don Reed; Jackie Reed. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 8 – January 2003 HHP Volunteers_ Cheers-By-The-Sound Hostess, Pat Owen Lifeline for the Activities Department, Bev Nagle Terry Conway, HHPPOA President; Harry Eschenbach, Security Committee member William Fish, member of Finance & Election Committees; Frank Wilcher, HHPPOA Treasurer POA Information Maintaining our Plantation’s Jewels__ The Whooping Crane Pond and Cypress Marsh Conservancies are among the jewels of Hilton Head Plantation. Surveys of our residents regularly disclose the importance of natural beauty to our lifestyle and the appreciation residents feel for these two unspoiled preserves. In order to keep the preserves safe and accessible, they will soon need major improvements. The Boardwalk in Whooping Crane Conservancy, in particular, is now more than twenty-five years old and badly in need of replacement. This major capital expense could be made through an increase in our annual assessment, but your Board has chosen a different and more effective method. A foundation has been formed. The Hilton Head Plantation Conservancy Foundation “shall be charitable in nature; to operate and maintain the conservancies on Hilton Head Island for the purpose of permanently providing a natural habitat for indigenous plants and animals, and to provide educational opportunities for guests to the conservancies to acquaint them with the natural beauty of the environment." Those of us who love the two preserves and want to maintain their beautify will be given the opportunity to make tax deductible donations that can only be used for the Conservancies. Trustees of the Corporation will be the Executive Committee of the POA Board and one elected member. The Trustees will meet to decide the best way to serve the Conservancies and the residents. We will keep you informed as plans develop, and we would appreciate receiving input from you. I invite you to visit the Conservancies and walk the Boardwalks at Whooping Crane Pond and Cypress Marsh Conservancies. They are beautiful in any season. -- Mary Bess Mulhollan Hilton Head Plantation Conservancy Foundation, Trustee Whooping Crane-Cypress Marsh Stewardship Committee, Chair Winners of the 2002 Holiday Outdoor Decorations Contest The ballots have been tallied for the 2002 winners, and they are… 1st Place – Mr. & Mrs. David Deaton 3 Anna Court nd 2 Place – Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ouimette 5 Anna Court 3rd Place – Mr. & Mrs. Buddy De Lozier 21 Margarita Court We thank all of you for lighting up our Plantation during the holidays. We remind you that all Christmas Decorations should be removed by Monday, January 20th. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation POA Information January 2003 – Page 9 Firearms Safety at Home__________ Many of our Plantation residents own firearms and have them in their homes. Some of our Plantation residents may have recently received these weapons from Santa as I did. If so, here are a few safety tips. DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEY Whether these firearms are used for hunting, target shooting or home defense, it is extremely important to handle and store them safely. Most firearm accidents occur in the home. Please make sure that only responsible competent people have access to the ones stored in your home. We realize that there is no one set of rules that can cover every situation. However, if you will make it a practice to follow these guidelines, you can prevent most accidents: • • Always – No Matter What – Treat every gun as if it were loaded. Take a firearms safety class and teach responsible household members how to properly handle firearms. • Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction even if you think it is unloaded. Always double-check the chamber before cleaning. • Keep your finger OFF of the Trigger unless you are prepared to fire the gun. • "Unloaded" guns tend to go off - sometimes with tragic results. Be sure all guns are unloaded and that you have double-checked this before cleaning them. Even if you are sure the gun is unloaded, keep it pointed in a safe direction. • NEVER EVER – leave a loaded gun unattended – not even for a minute - with an inexperienced person or a child. Store guns in a secure location and unload them prior to storage. • Read the manufacturer’s safety manual before operating the gun. If you do not have a manual contact the manufacturer and request one. • • Never handle unfamiliar firearms. Teach your children to get an adult if they find a gun – Even if they THINK it is a toy. If a gun is found, contact your Security Department - DO NOT HANDLE the gun. If you have a weapon in your home that you want to dispose of, contact me at the Security Department and I will be happy to help you. Gunlocks save lives! If you don’t have one, the Security Department has a limited number of new gunlocks that I would be happy to provide for our homeowners. Weapon ownership carries with it a commitment to safety. Drive Safely Art Benoit, Director of Security Please complete the questions, fold & tape the form, and return your 2002 Demographic Survey by January 31, 2003. Extra copies of the Demographic Survey are available at the POA Service Center. CAR DECALS It’s a new year, so remember to check the expiration date on your car’s decal. To renew out-of-date decals, bring your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of auto insurance to the POA Service Center. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 10 – January 2003 Fishing Club__________ The HHP Fishing Club recently placed 15,500 Bream in our ponds and lagoons, excluding the Rookery. These fish will help the Largemouth Bass and Catfish feed over the winter. Catfish are only found in Surrey Lane, Seabrook, and Misty Morning ponds. The Surrey Lane pond (next to the POA office) is the site of the Kids Fishing Tournament each October. This pond is designated as a “Catch and Release only” pond to assure good fishing year round. It has been noticed that several “bucket” fishermen (i.e., nonresidents, such as visitors and construction employees) have been using the Surrey Lane pond as a food supply. It’s important that all residents encourage catch and release in all of our ponds and lagoons in order to assure good future fishing. Our bird, otter, and larger fish population help keep a balance of fish per acre, so there is no need for fisherman to take the larger fish home for dinner. In May of next year, we will again place 15,000 Bass in approximately 42 ponds and lagoons as part of our longterm program to improve the fishing in HHP. That may seem like a large amount; however, many of these fingerlings fall prey to our shore birds and other larger fish. Anyone interested in joining the HHP Fishing Club can call Richard Austin, Membership Chairman, at 689-6841. We meet for a potluck dinner and a Clubs program featuring a speaker on fishing, natural history, or an ecology topic on every fourth Wednesday, 6:00 PM, at the Plantation House. Annual dues are $15/family and $10/single. Year 2003 is a non-election year for the Club so the officers will remain the same: Gary Turner-President, Don Olivie-VP, John DiederichTreasurer, and Nancy RichardsSecretary. Our committee chairmen are looking for volunteers to help run our Kids Kamp and Kids Fishing Tournament programs next year. Hope to see everyone interested in fishing/ecology at our next meeting. Cheers by the Sound____ Come greet dear friends and make new ones at Dolphin Head Recreation Area. Bring a hors d’oeuvre for eight, a serving utensil, your favorite beverage, paper plates, cups, and napkins. Date: Tues, January 28 Time: 5:00 – 7:00 PM Place: Dolphin Head No reservations are needed; just show up. For information, call Pat Owen at 342-7800. Out-To-Lunch Bunch____ The Out-To-Lunch Bunch kicks off the New Year with a luncheon at the Santa Fe Café on Thursday, February 6th. Santa Fe Café captures the spirit of New Mexico. Dine in the warmth of white-washed adobe walls, fireplaces, vigas, and Bancos. Its elegant, yet casual and cozy atmosphere exudes a charming backdrop for the authentic yet innovative southwestern cuisine. When: Thursday, February 7 Where: Santa Fe Café, 700 Plantation Center When: 12:00 Noon - Cash Bar Cost: $15.00 all-inclusive Menu Tortilla Chips & Salsa Choice of Soup: 1-Tortilla Soup (traditional tortilla soup with classic garnishes) 2-Painted Desert Soup (corn & red pepper soup & Ancho chile cream) Salad: Santa Fe Salad (mixed greens, red beans, tomatoes, grated cheese, ground beef & tortillas with cilantro dressing) Entrée: Chicken Quesadilla Desert: Churros (Mexican pastry with cinnamon & brown sugar) Iced Tea and Coffee Please include $1.00 for yearly dues if you have not already joined. Make checks payable and send to either Elizabeth Boyd, 10 Sugar Pine Lane or Suzanne Vermilye, 25 Royal James Drive before January 31st. Please include your Soup selection with your check. The restaurant has limited seating so please get your reservation in promptly. You must be a member of the HHP Women’s Club to join the Out-To-Lunch Bunch. Call Betty Boyd 6818093 or Suzanne Vermilye 3423548 ( Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Clubs January 2003 – Page 11 Bridge Winners________ The Avid Gardeners_____ Happy Times Society___ SL Ladies Bridge The Avid Gardeners are proud to have received the National Award for our cookbook, Culinary Treasures. The new, improved edition of our cookbook is now available for $18.00 at the Carriage House and Pyramids on Main Street or from Lorraine Dobbins at 681-9002. The Avid Gardeners is a federated garden club. Membership is open to all HHP residents. Contact Patti Peacock at 681-8886 for information. The Happy Times Society (HTS) is a social group that is open to all HHP residents. HTS meets on the 4th Sunday of each month (except Jan & Dec) at Dolphin Head Recreation Area for refreshments and dinner. Date: 4th Sunday of the month Time: 5:30 - 7:30 PM Place: Dolphin Head Fee: $5.00 per person Attendees are required to bring an hor d’oeuvre for eight people. Two rotating couples host each event and provide the food service. In addition, attendees provide their own utensils, plates, cups, napkins, and beverage. New attendees, please contact Gretchen Iverson, 342-6061, one week in advance. Power Squadron_______ 55+ Singles Group_____ The upcoming events for the Hilton Head Sail and Power Squadron are as follows: Tuesday, January 21 Executive Board Mtg, Spring Lake Pavilion, 7:30 PM Monday, February 10 - Dinner Meeting with Speaker, Port Royal Club House, 6:30 PM Tuesday, February 18 Executive Board Mtg, Spring Lake Pavilion, 7:30 PM Instead of regular monthly meetings, we will get together for special events only. So, if anyone is willing to sponsor an activity or an outing of any kind, please contact Sara Dodenhoff at 682-2979. Please allow at least 8-10 weeks for notice in Plantation Living. Keep watching this column for news of any upcoming activity. Hope to see you all soon! Woodcarvers__________ Tennis Social Club______ Woodcarvers have many diversified works going – birds, figures, bas-relief, and others. Come spend some time with us. Experience is not a factor; we learn from one another. Days: Every Monday Time: 7:15 PM Place: Spring Lake Pavilion Call Jim Gorddard at 689-3273. The New Year brings new Social Committee members. Elected to serve three-year terms are: Tom Myers, Lynn Ramos, Pat Cowan, and Eunice Moore. Bill Carlson will serve a one-year term. Other members include Jill Conley, Thelma Naylor, Jo McMullen, Bob Sax, and Bob Yates. th December 17 Winners 1. Arlene Pindell 2. Flo Thompson 3. Roz Kirby SL – 1st & 3rd Tuesday – 10 AM. Call Flo Thompson – 689-2279. PH Ladies Bridge December 13th Winners 1. Ethel Clarke 2. Flo Thompson 3. Elsie Lapham 4. Arlene Pindell December 27th Winners 1. Sigrid Peters 2. Hulda Norman 3. Hogan Downes PH – 2nd & 4th Friday – 10 AM. Call Billie Hodges – 681-5906. SL Dinner Bridge December Winners 1. Dolores & Tom Farley 2. Evelyn & Don Kowtko 3. Peg Gibson & Bobbie Thode 4. Ellen Winston & Rick Perrini SL – 2nd Tuesday – 6:15 PM. Call Margie/Don Smith – 6817912. Slammers December Winners 1. Joan Harnishfeger 2. Delores Farley 3. Clare Malacarne 4. Rusty Malacarne PH – 2nd Wednesday – 7:00 PM. Call Norita Hopkins – 681-3067. PH Dinner Bridge December 3rd Winners 1. Mary Lou Fisher - tie 1. Sally Davis - tie 3. Clare Malacarne 4. Joan Harnishfeger PH – 1st Tuesday – 6:15 PM. Call Diana Fitzgerald 681-6269. Our next meeting will be Friday, January 17th, 9:30 AM, at Spring Lake Pavilion when the members will hold a mock-up for the April 5th Flower Show. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 12 – January 2003 Dog Club_____________ The Dog Club continues to grow by leaps and bounds! Our meetings have been fun, interesting, and informative thanks to our membership and great guest speakers. In December, we had Janet Rahn speak to us about agility training and competition. Many members have expressed interest in a "family fun day with your dog" sometime in the spring and Janet has given us a lot of suggestions and offers to help. In future meetings, we'll explore all the ideas and begin to make plans. Our December Dog of the Month was Scarlett, owned by Rosemary Sparacio. Scarlett is learning obedience and agility. We also learned how Scarlett got her name. We discussed pet cleanup and would like to remind all pet owners to pick up your pet's waste on Pine Island and everywhere else in the Plantation. We'd also like to remind people to pick up their trash too. It's a shame seeing so much trash on Pine Island and along the bike paths. Do your part to keep HHP beautiful. Bernie Bernstein raised the issue of our Club doing something about the dog pens behind the POA Service Center that have fallen into disrepair. Many members expressed interest in taking this on as a Club project. Bernie will get back to us with a proposal in January. Remember that if your dog gets lost in the Plantation, call Security to see if they have found it. Clubs In February, we'll be having Carolyn Davis, owner of the Canine Country Club, talk to us about various issues involving dogs here on HHI. She's involved with the Kennel Club, does breeding and stages the annual Kennel Club exhibition of breeds in January of each year. This year's show is January 19 at center court of the Shelter Cove Mall, from 12:30 to 5:00. It's a fun event, so try to attend. Carolyn is sure to be an interesting speaker. Our meetings are always the second Tuesday of the month at the Plantation House. We'll see you all on February 11! Big Wheels Club_______ The Big Wheels Bicycle Club is a wonderful way to get out in the fresh air, get some exercise, and socialize with friends. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday every month. The 1st Thursday we bike to Dolphin Head, bringing a brown bag lunch, meeting at 11:30 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. At that time, we decide what restaurant we will meet for the 3rd Thursday. Please contact Kathleen Krizner at 681-2929 or Joan Henry at 689-5649. We have no dues. Yoga with Ruth________ Since 1986, Ruth Palmer varies the weekly Yoga exercises and positions to address the group’s needs. Yoga is a relaxing, energizing & strengthening program, including gentle stretches and positions to help people survive with their pain. Days: Every Thursday Time: 9:00 AM Place: Plantation House Green Thumbers_______ The Green Thumbers will meet on Monday, February 10, 10:00 AM, in the Spring Lake Pavilion. We will have a speaker from Carolyn's Landscaping and Nursery Inc. The topic for discussion is Small Water Container Plants for the patio. We will receive ideas that we can try at home. If you have any questions, call Marian Trennis at 342-7011 or Marita Collins at 681-3036. PlayGroup____________ To kick off the New Year, the PlayGroup would like to try something new – a “mobile” approach. Parents and toddlers could meet at one another’s home, at a playground, or even take field trips, such as to the fire station. Free play, crafts, and snack time would still be included in the get-togethers, and the meetings could be held on various days of the week. If interested in joining this NEW PlayGroup, please contact Michele Monsanto at 342-5278. Scrapbookers Club_____ Join our new HHP Club once a month for scrapbook fun. Bring your own supplies to the Dolphin Head Clubhouse. There’ll be plenty of working space and good company! Date: Tuesday, February 4 Time: 5:00 – 9:30 PM Place: Dolphin Head Clubhouse Call Chantal Horup - 682-2273. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Clubs January 2003 – Page 13 Craft Workshop________ As my term as chairman of the HHP Craft Workshop comes to an end, I would like to publicly thank the ladies and gentlemen that helped make my term a pleasure. I would also like to thank my co-chairman and the new chairman of our group, Dawn Edgington, for all the help in running the meetings in my absence, plus setting up the sales and taking everything to storage. The gentlemen who proved that women couldn’t do it all were Tom Kuczkowski, Charles Cherrix, Bob Yates, and Bob Walrath. They were the carpenters and the movers of heavy loads. When asked to do something, they never said NO. Jane Alvarez proved the most creative by making the latest fashion statement – cigar box purses. She and Diane Hill did an excellent job quilling a variety of popular items. Pam Gregg, Joann Madison, Eileen Frey, Agatha Hallowell, and Joanne Laboe were the painters that transformed many plain items into works of art. Judies Aronson is our absent needlepoint expert. By absent, I mean she didn’t attend meetings but still managed to contribute many beautiful items. Doris Pries, Isobel Bitner, Gayles Brant, Catherine Kelly, Nan Nelson, Terry Sechrist, and Laura Schulz were the knitters that provided sweaters, afghans, baby items, hats, and knitted doll clothes, some of our more popular items at the sale. Rita Breen, Cathie Cherrix, Fran Greene, Elaine Maher, Kiki Perrault, Jo Scott, Gloria Wales, and Lorna Walter were the busy stitchers that created a wide variety of items from fabric that was donated. Cathie Kajano made an animal kingdom afghan, and Anne Marsh made the patriotic quilt for our raffle. Together, the items raised over $500 for Hospice. Agatha Hallowell, Rosemarie Cotter, Diane Hill, and Cathie Cherrix are our flower arrangers that did such a superb job with centerpieces and wreaths. Millie MacGeachie truly worked her fingers to the bone making golf tee holders. She made nearly 150 and they all sold. Barbara Lambert, Mary Gibson, Iris Addonisio, Barbara Lee, Mary Lee Roberts, Laura Schulz, Jean Walrath, Pat Thistle, and Betty Vosler were the “worker bees,” helping others with their crafts and creating their own items, which were fabulous. Charlotte Ward has proven invaluable as our superb publicity chairman and also our jewelry expert. She has created a wide variety of beautiful items, such as napkin rings, eyeglass holders, and repaired jewelry that was in need of attention. She also has done a great job as the writer for our articles in Plantation Living. hostesses for the sales and at our meetings. We all enjoyed the fact that even though the food is donated, they provided all the little details that make dining a pleasure. Catherine Kelly and Barbara Van Sietendael were instrumental in getting the food donated for our bazaar luncheons. Last, but not least, is Eileen Frey. She has been our treasurer and the mainstay of the group. She has all the responsibility of getting the money deposited from the sales and getting change to the places that are in need. She has also proven to be a great resource as to what needs to be done. No, she doesn’t nag or suggest, but when asked, she had the answer. She also hauls paints, brushes, scissors, pens, glue, and a lot of supplies so that new crafters will have something to do at the meetings. She is a very hard worker, and I want her to know that we appreciate all she does. Ethel Rogers, 90 years young, is our pillow queen and last year alone made over 135 pillows. Ethel was instrumental in getting Wal-Mart to be one of our sponsors by providing some of our supplies. We have only 47 working members but raised more than $10,000 for Hospice of the Low Country -- a lot of hard work by a very few. I appreciate all their hard work and want the rest of the Plantation to know. We can always use new members, so if interested, please attend our meetings on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month. Trudy Minana, Elaine Maher, and Pat Thistle were our Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation -- Darlene Yates Page 14 – January 2003 Farmers Club_________ Januarys “on the farm” are pretty quiet. The Vidalia onions look pretty puny (normal for this time of year). There is some lettuce and other greens growing now, but on the whole, the farm sleeps along with the orchard. This quiet period is needed for the year 2003 Farmers Club to get organized! While the newly elected officers, headed by Don Babin, initiate action, it’s the committees that accomplish things. Many committee members are carryover from last year, but new blood is always needed. There is the Mowing Committee, headed this year by John Carter. John plans to call the mowers of the last two years for volunteers. The mowers cut the grass between the plots during the growing season – about year round. We have an excellent Sears riding tractor to do the job as well as a standby John Deere. The Maintenance Committee’s new chairman is long-time farmer, Don Aves. To maintain equipment, including the electric fence and irrigation system is continuous. It seems our tiller is always in need of repair. Keeping our monthly dinners going is another big job. Happily, Sharon Toti has agreed to chair the Dinners Committee this year, and already has a crew for our next dinner scheduled for February 6th. Sharon needs volunteers for subsequent meetings. Pat Nelson has agreed to continue her job as the Calling Committee another year! She needs callers who call around ten members Clubs each month for reservations to the dinner and usually assignments on what dish to bring to the potlucks. Earl Nagle will chair the Orchard Committee with consulting help from long time Orchard Guru, Art Schultz. The orchard needs workers badly, especially those who know something about the care and feeding of an orchard. If anyone is interested, please give Earl a call at 681-2182. It would be greatly appreciated. We have a Badges Chairman who welcomes farmers to the Plantation House upon arrival and gives them a badge to wear. This year Richard Austin has agreed to take this job, as his predecessor, Gary Van Dam, has moved into the Treasurers job. Maggie Tout is a chairperson who does such a great job that we ask her to stay on year after year – she runs the weekly farm sales during the harvest season. Somehow notices will be given when sales start this summer, so be on the look out. Dick Bloom will stay on as Plot Coordinator, who maintains the inventory of available plots for new farmers. This is a big job and Dick does it so well that we have assigned him the job on a permanent basis! There are plots available for any new farmers. Dues run $15.00 per year. There is a water assessment of $25.00 per 25 X 25 foot plot. (Water from our own well is piped to all plots.) If you are interested in joining the farmers, call Dick Bloom, our Plot Coordinator, at 681-5635. He will be happy to arrange a visit to the farm to show you available plots. Newcomers Club_______ The Newcomers Club will meet at the Country Club of Hilton Head on Wednesday, January 29th instead of the usual 3rd Tuesday. All newcomers to the Plantation are encouraged to use this opportunity to view the Country Club and meet your neighbors. We are honored to have Hilton Head’s Mayor Tom Peeples speak to us about the Island and the Town. There is so much information that he can share with us, since he has been a long-term resident of the Island. Guest arrival begins at 6:30 PM with hors d'oeuvres and cocktails. Anyone desiring to tour the Country Club will be welcome to do so. Mayor Peeples will be speaking from 7:15 to 8:15 PM, followed by coffee and desserts. The Country Club always does a wonderful job for our Club, and we would like to thank them for hosting this annual event. For anyone unfamiliar with the Country Club, it is located within the Plantation gates. If you wish to tour the Club, call Pattie Michie at 681-2582, ext. 120 prior to the meeting. Although the Country Club is our host, a $2 donation will be gratefully accepted to help cover other club expenses. Be sure to mark your calendars and come meet and greet your neighbors, view the Country Club, and hear Mayor Peeples! In order to have an accurate guest count for the meeting, please contact Peg or Ron McCann at 689-3561 or via email at Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Clubs January 2003 – Page 15 Movie Club___________ Blood Work Rated R Wednesday, January 15th 7:00 PM at the Plantation House Client Eastwood plays a retired FBI Profiler with a recent heart transplant who is lured back to find the serial killer who murdered his donor. Co-stars Anjelica Huston as a cranky cardiologist and Jeff Daniels as Eastwood’s sidekick. Join us every third Wednesday each month at the Plantation House. The movie and popcorn are free. BYOB. Donations are accepted. Any leftover money after expenses at the end of the year is donated to The Boys and Girls Club. Any questions? Call Kay St. Germain at 689-5550. Keyboard Club________ This group of electronic keyboard players provides music for parties, nursing homes, retirement centers, etc. individually or as a group. All tips are donated to Hospice of the Lowcountry. The Keyboard Club is most interested in having Plantation residents join their group. If you are interested, call Sally Davis at 689-2674. Under 55 Club_________ Are you under 55 and would like to eat and meet new people at a fun progressive dinner on January 25? Reserve your spot now. Space is limited to the first 25 couples. More information will follow. If interested, please call Randy Selman at 682-3987 or Ceil Weser at 689-6795. Curtain Calls__________ Yacht Club____________ Forsaking their usual play reading presentation during this past December, the Curtain Calls group held their annual Holiday Party. This year Lorna and Gordon Bonner gracefully shared their home for the occasion. Cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dinner, and dessert were served to a crowd of 30 or more attending. Thursday, January 16th will be our traditional Pizza night, 7:30 PM, at the Plantation House. In addition to the introduction of new members, social events and programs for the coming year will be announced. Sailing trophies were awarded at the Change of Watch Ball held December 6, 2002 for the winning captains with first place going to Paul Capron and second place to Bill Sharp. Stage presentations will resume in January and will continue through May 2003. All performances will be read at the Plantation House on the second Sunday of each month. All are welcome to attend. The format will be cocktails and hor d’oeuvres at 5:30 PM, and the curtain rises at 6:15 PM. Dessert and coffee immediately follow the final act. Those attending are expected to bring along a hearty hor d’oeuvre to share and their drink for the evening. Ice and setups, plates and dinnerware are furnished, and the cost is defrayed by a $1.00 each donation. Join us for a fun and early evening. Dance Club___________ Start the New Year on the right foot! Resolve to join other HHP residents at the Dance Club on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month for beginners and more experienced dancers. Date: January 23 Time: 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Place: Plantation House Donation: $3.50 per person Questions? Call Dick and Marion Gosson at 342-7482 or Charlie and Joan Forton at 681-4761. The following people have been appointed to serve in 2003: Fleet Lieutenant for Power, Walt Haller; Fleet Lieutenant for Sail, Forte Rabb; Fleet Lieutenant for Social, Susan Parrish; Publicity Chairman, Doris Jamison; Telephone Chairman, Bob Zinn; Supply Officer, Eleanor Bell; Historian, Sally Serbu; and Photographers, Sally Serbu and Gladys Prol. For those interested in sailing, two seminars are being planned for Sunday afternoons, February 16 and February 23, at Spring Lake Pavilion. For additional information, please call Paul Capron, 681-8968. Mark your calendars for February 20, 2003, when we will have a very interesting and informative speaker, Claiborne S. Young. He is the author of five cruising guides to the Southeastern U. S. waters, from the Virginia-North Carolina border all the way to New Orleans, LA. His philosophy is "If I don't personally see it, I don't write about it". Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 16 – January 2003 Feature Article The Hilton Head Plantation Yacht Club_____________________ by Lois Wilkinson, Commodore, HHPYC The Hilton Head Plantation Yacht Club recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of its establishment. In the spring of 1982, while cruising in local waters, David Houston and Willard Greenwood dreamed of starting a Yacht Club for residents of Hilton Head Plantation. Many other residents shared that dream and the first official meeting was held in Spring Lake Pavilion on April 29, 1982. By the end of 1983, the Club had a membership of 112 with a fleet of 18 sailboats and 28 powerboats. A Commodore and an enthusiastic elevenperson Board of Governors, who are elected each year by the members, lead the Club. This year the Yacht Club has its first female Commodore. The purpose of the Club is to promote good fellowship among its members. This is accomplished by holding regular monthly meetings with varied, informative programs and refreshments and with an active schedule of boating and social events. It is a source of pride within the Yacht Club that 85% of its members actively participate in the operation of the Club. We are known as a “fun” group and work very hard to maintain our reputation by holding two formal dinner dances each year - the Commodore’s Ball in May and the Change of Watch in December when we install our new Board of Governors. In addition, good food and spirits can be enjoyed at our Welcome Back BBQ in September and at other activities, such as wine tastings, jazz brunches, St. Pat’s celebrations, Mardi Gras party, pizza nights, and Halloween festivities. There are two classifications of members. Boating members are those residents who currently own boats and maintain them in Hilton Head waters. Social members are residents who have had boating experience but do not currently own a boat or they maintain a boat outside of Hilton Head waters. Our by-laws have recently been updated to increase our membership from 150 to 160 of which 65 may be social members. Since each membership represents one household, there are many singles as well as couples. We also enjoy luncheon cruises to places assessable by boat or by car, such as the Dockside in Port Royal, the Quarterdeck at Harbourtown, the Savannah Yacht Club, and the Savannah Westin. The heartier boaters participate in several overnight cruises each year to destinations, including Beaufort, Charleston, Dataw Island, Bohicket, St. Simons, and Jekyll Island. Those who want longer trips can always find fellow boaters to join them in cruises south to Florida and the Bahamas or to the colder waters of the north. Members can also soak up the sun with raft-ups at Bay Point or along the May River sandbar. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 16 – January 2003 Our sailors enjoy an active race program. A series of races are scheduled in both spring and fall bringing out our avid sailors and a substantial support crew of power boaters. Awards are given at the end of each racing season and at the end of the year. This year, a series of racing seminars were given to captains and crews to review race rules and discuss techniques. A practice session for race starts was given in Calibogue Sound with experienced sailors instructing newer racers in starting strategies. Feature Article keeps us in style with the latest colors in logo sportswear. New members are always welcome although there is sometimes a waiting list. We strive to get our newer members involved and comfortable in the Club. Contact Nancy Correll at 342-3755 for an application. We encourage our boaters to share the “on the water” experience by offering to transport social members on our outings and by offering an “Invitation to Sail” aboard our sailing vessels in the spring. We hold a “fishing event” each year to encourage our fishermen and would-be fishermen in a friendly competition. This year we hope to include a supervised opportunity for boaters to try out their emergency signals. We also plan to bless the entire fleet on a spring day in Port Royal Sound. We maintain our own web site that can be accessed at Our Supply Officer Z.K. Kara, our Commodore in 1992 said, “Some may question a Yacht Club that has no marina, no club house, not even a bar or lounge; with only a P.O. Box as an address. Well, we’ve proven that it is people who make a club; not physical or material things. And we do have people - the best people I have ever encountered anywhere!!” Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation February Calendar________________________________ -2- NO EVENTS -9PH 5:30 pm CURTAIN CALLS SUN -16SLP 1 pm YACHT CLUB MTG. -23SLP 1 pm YACHT CLUB MTG. DH 5:30 pm HAPPY TIMES SOCIETY -3PH MON -10PH -17PH SLP SLP 8:30 am AEROBICS/WEIGHTS 10 am ARTISTS 6 pm HATHA YOGA 8:30 am AEROBICS/WEIGHTS 10 am ARTISTS 6 pm HATHA YOGA 5:30 pm TOTAL FITNESS 7:15 pm WOODCARVERS 10 am GREEN THUMBERS 5:30 pm TOTAL FITNESS 7:15 pm WOODCARVERS SLP 8:30 am AEROBICS/WEIGHTS 10 am ARTISTS 6 pm HATHA YOGA 8:30 am AEROBICS 10 am ARTISTS 10:15 am PH DUPLICATE BRIDGE 6 pm HATHA YOGA 10 am INVESTMENT CLUB 5:30 pm TOTAL FITNESS 7:15 pm WOODCARVERS SLP -18PH -25PH DH 11 am RIBAUT DRC -4PH TUE WED The dates and times of POA activities and Club events are subject to change. Changes to this calendar for next month are due by the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Call 681-8090. THUR 9 am WOMEN’S CLUB BOARD MTG 9:30 am ARTISTS WORKSHOP (UPSTAIRS) 10 am ARTISTS 1 pm BONNIE’S BRIDGE 6:15 pm PH COUPLES DINNER BRIDGE SLP 10 am ARTISTS 2 pm WOMEN’S CLUB MTG. 5:30 pm WEIGHT TRAINING 7 pm DOG CLUB MTG. 10 am ARTISTS 1 pm BONNIE’S BRIDGE 3 pm LAND TRUST 7:30 pm NEWCOMERS SLP SLP 3:40 pm TAI CHI 6:15 pm SL COUPLES DINNER BRIDGE 10 am SL LADIES BRIDGE 3:40 pm TAI CHI 5:30 pm WEIGHT TRAINING -5PH 8:30 am AEROBICS/WEIGHTS 9:30 am ARTISTS WORKSHOP (UPSTAIRS) 7:30 pm ART ASSOCIATION SLP 5:30 pm TOTAL FITNESS 7:30 pm QUILTING FOR BEGINNERS 3:40 pm TAI CHI 5:30 pm WEIGHT TRAINING DH 5 pm CHEERS BY THE SOUND 1 pm FARMERS BD MTG -12PH -19PH SLP SLP 8:30 am AEROBICS/WEIGHTS 7 pm SLAMMERS BRIDGE 5:30 pm TOTAL FITNESS 7:30 pm QUILTING FOR BEGINNERS 8:30 am AEROBICS/WEIGHTS 7 pm MOVIE CLUB 5:30 pm TOTAL FITNESS 7:30 pm QUILTING FOR BEGINNERS -26PH 8:30 am AEROBICS/WEIGHTS 10 am CANDIDATES COFFEE 6 pm FISHING CLUB DINNER SLP 5:30 pm TOTAL FITNESS 7:30 pm QUILTING FOR BEGINNERS 9:30 am OYSTER BRIDGE -6PH 9 am YOGA 11 am YOUNG AT HEART 1 pm BONNIE’S BRIDGE 6 pm FARMERS DINNER -13PH 9 am YOGA 11 am YOUNG AT HEART 1 pm BONNIE’S BRIDGE 3 pm FISHING CLUB BD 7:30 pm DANCE CLUB SLP 12 pm BIG WHEELS 9 am CRAFT WORKSHOP 3:40 pm TAI CHI 5:30 pm WEIGHT TRAINING 7 pm MEN’S CARDS -7PH -14PH 8:30 am AEROBICS/WEIGHTS 7 pm CURTAIN CALLS SLP 12:30 pm MEN’S BRIDGE -8- NO EVENTS -20PH 9 am YOGA 10:45 am TENNIS CLUB BD (UPSTAIRS) 11 am YOUNG AT HEART 7:30 pm YACHT CLUB SLP 3:40 pm TAI CHI 5:30 pm WEIGHT TRAINING 7 pm MEN’S CARDS -27PH 9 am YOGA 11 am YOUNG AT HEART 7:30 pm DANCE CLUB SLP 9 am CRAFT WORKSHOP 3:40 pm TAI CHI 5:30 pm WEIGHT TRAINING 7 pm MEN’S CARDS DH 12 pm BIG WHEELS 8:30 am AEROBICS/WEIGHTS 10 am PH LADIES BRIDGE 1 pm WRITE YOUR LIFE CLASS (UPSTAIRS) SLP 9:30 am AVID GARDENERS BD. 12:30 pm MEN’S BRIDGE -1- SLP DH 3:40 pm TAI CHI 5:30 pm SL CLUSTER 7 pm MEN’S CARDS NO EVENTS 10 am ARTISTS 7:15 pm INFORMAL BRIDGE 5 pm SCRAPBOOKERS DH SAT 10 am SL LADIES BRIDGE 3:40 pm TAI CHI 5:30 pm WEIGHT TRAINING 7:30 pm POWER SQUADRON 10 am SL DUPLICATE BRIDGE 5:30 pm TOTAL FITNESS 7:15 pm WOODCARVERS DH DH SLP FRI -11PH -24PH -15PH -21PH -28PH SLP 12:30 pm MEN’S BRIDGE 8:30 am AEROBICS/WEIGHTS 1 pm WRITE YOUR LIFE CLASS (UPSTAIRS) 7 pm DISNEY MOVIE THEME NIGHT 9:30 am AVID GARDENERS 12:30 pm MEN’S BRIDGE -22- NO EVENTS 6 pm TENNIS SOCIAL Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation 8:30 am AEROBICS/WEIGHTS 10 am PH LADIES BRIDGE 1 pm WRITE YOUR LIFE CLASS (UPSTAIRS) SLP Recreation Activities January 2003 – Page 19 Attention All Amateur Photographer Aficionados The Activities Department is sponsoring a Hilton Head Plantation Photography Contest. Photography Contest Rules You must be a Plantation resident to enter the HHP Photography Contest. There will be TWO categories: Black & White and Color. Any subject matter is acceptable: Wildlife, People, Scenery, Activities, Etc. Only ONE submission per resident will be accepted. The photograph must be taken INSIDE Hilton Head Plantation. All photographs become the property of Hilton Head Plantation. All submissions must be 8”x10” on glossy paper. All submissions will be on display at the POA Service Center. Submit your photograph to the POA Service Center between January 1st and February 28th. The winners will be announced in the March 15th issue of Plantation Living. If you have questions, please contact Arlene Reisner, Director of Activities, POA Service Center, 681-8800, Extension 226. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 20 – January 2003 Recreation Activities Weight Training____________ Total Fitness Program_______ There’s a NEW Weight Training Class offered on Tuesday and Thursday evenings starting on February 11th. During the workout, you will use every major muscle group, and this method of fitness will most likely increase your metabolism even when you are not active. Bring your own weights (recommended weights are 3 to 15 pounds). Instructor: Beverly Perfect Days: February 11 – March 13 (not on 3/6) Time: 5:30 – 6:30 PM Place: Spg Lake Pavilion (2/11&3/11 at PH) Fee: 9 Classes - $45.00 (Minimum 7) This program for men and women incorporates all the components of exercise – aerobics, weights, and flexibility – divided into three 30-minute sections that will bring you the results you want. Instructor: Beverly Perfect Days: February 10 – March 12 Time: 5:30 – 7:00 PM Place: Spring Lake Pavilion Fee: 10 Classes - $60.00 (Minimum 8) Low Impact Aerobics________ Instructor: Dona McGough Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Time: 8:30 – 9:30 AM Place: Plantation House Fees: 10 Classes-$30.00, 20 Classes-$50.00, 30 Classes-$65.00 Weight Class______________ Instructor: Dona McGough Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Time: 9:45 – 10:15 AM Place: Plantation House Fees: 10 Classes $15.00, 20 Classes $25.00 Tai Chi Chuan_____________ This fitness program encourages you to feel better about yourself, increases your energy, and energizes you throughout the day. Instructor: Katherine Russell Days: Tuesday & Thursday Time: (B) 3:40 PM, (I) 4:10 PM, (A) 4:45 PM Place: Spring Lake Pavilion Fees: 6 Classes $30.00, 12 Classes $60.00 For all Recreation Activities, sign up with Chrissy at the Plantation House, 681-8090. Coupon books (nonrefundable and nontransferable) are available at both the Plantation House & POA Service Center. Your check is your reservation. Hatha Yoga_______________ This program provides health and wholeness of the mind and body through stretches, postures, and breathing techniques. Minimum 14 per session. Instructor: Gloria Gersion Days: Mondays: January 13 – March 17 Time: Session I: 6:00 – 7:00 PM Session II: 7:15 – 8:15 PM Place: Plantation House Fee: 10 Classes - $40.00 Young At Heart_________ KC Clark Blenner, a former ballerina and owner of a ballet and fitness studio in Tega Cay, SC, has created a unique class for senior co-eds. This special class begins with easy ballet exercises that help develop flexibility, coordination, movement, and muscle strength. Working with lighter weights and doing a simple jazz routine is followed by a relaxing meditation. Everyone is capable of participating in these exercises. So… swing into spring with a new body! Instructor: KC Clark Blenner Dates: Thursdays, February 6 – March 13 Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Place: Plantation House Fee: 6 Classes - $36.00 per person (minimum 8 participants) BINGO Anyone?_________ Interested in having a BINGO Night? If interested, call Arlene, 681-8800 Ext 226, or Chrissy at 681-8090. Also, call us with your suggestions to help make our BINGO Night a big success! Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Recreation Activities Write Your Life Class_____ You may not aspire to such heights – neither did they – but you can have the fun of joining others who are writing theirs and sharing magic moments and years with one another. Jack Mooney, retired editor and college professor, conducts the program. You and your family will be the delighted benefactors. (6 people minimum) Date: Fridays, February 14 – March 21 Time: 1:00 – 3:00 PM Place: Plantation House, 2nd Floor Fee: 6 Sessions - $30.00 per person Disney Movie Theme Night Attention all kids! This is YOUR NIGHT! The Disney Movie Theme Night is recommended for children 12 and under. This is a FREE event, and refreshments will be provided. The movie is Lilo & Stitch (Rated PG), We ask that all children come dressed up in their best Hawaiian outfit. Date: Friday, February 21st Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Plantation House Children should bring something comfortable to lie on (e.g. sleeping bag or blanket), and parents/ guardians are required to stay with their children. Please let us know you are coming so we will have enough refreshments. Call Chrissy at 681-8090. Oh, and don’t forget to dress up – Hawaiian style! Quilting for Beginners____ A NEW Quilting for Beginners class starts Wednesday, January 29th. Students will learn all aspects of hand sewing to construct a 4-block wall hanging. Learn to piece, appliqué, quilt and bind a sampler wall hanging. A supply list is available at the Plantation House for anyone interested in joining this class. A minimum of 8 participants is needed to start this 10-week class. Instructor: Dates: Time: Place: Fee: Patricia Rice Wed, January 29-April 2 (10 weeks) 7:30 – 9:30 PM Spring Lake Pavilion $45.00 (minimum 8 participants) January 2003 – Page 21 Nutrition/Fitness Seminars Nutrition: This FREE seminar clarifies nutritionrelated issues, including calorie requirements for weight loss and maintenance, protein and fiber recommendations, the protein vs. carbohydrate controversy, and the best plan for you to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fitness: This FREE seminar provides a wealth of information on getting the most out of your exercise routines, including types of exercise (aerobic, weights, flexibility), ways to stay motivated, best time to workout, weight loss, intensity of your workouts, finding the right program for you, and how to get started. Instructor: Beverly Perfect Nutrition Date: Thursday, January 30th Fitness Date: Wednesday, January 29th Time: 7:00 – 8:00 PM Place: Plantation House Cost: FREE Discount Theater Tickets__ Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride when a colorful ensemble of characters from Jules Verne’s classic tale take off on this imaginary round-the-world adventure via train, tug, ice sled, and elephant. Around the World in 80 Days is a freewheeling and zany adaptation of Jules Verne’s century-old comic novel chronicling the madcap race to circumnavigate the globe by the everresourceful Phileas Fogg. Matinee: Sunday, February 19 Time: 2:00 PM Price: $27 per person Deadline: Monday, February 3 Make your check made payable to The Arts Center. Only patrons with disabilities receive seating preferences. There are no exchanges or refunds. Cooking Live Program____ Are your palettes ready? Again in 2003, we will be offering the ever-popular Cooking Live Program to the first thirty-five hungry people. Each person will be allowed to sign up for four of the six sessions at the Plantation House. Look for the list of restaurants in next month’s newsletter. Dates: Wednesday, March 5 – April 9 Time/Place: 11:00 AM at the Plantation House Fee: $5.00 per person, per session Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 22 – January 2003 Feature Article Hilton Head Plantation: Building the Infrastructure___________ by Major General Howard Davis, HHP President 1976-1985 Before I discuss the start up of the HHP Model Home Program and the activation of HHPPOA, I must address the untimely passing of my long-term friend, Charles Fraser. When I arrived, all the employees here on HHP were Sea Pines employees, and they all thought their job was possibly in jeopardy. I asked Charles to join me at the first meeting of all HHP employees where I told them that their jobs were secure if they performed, which they all did in fine fashion. Charles and I went out of our way to keep each other informed about what was happening at HHP in 1977. We quickly gained confidence and respect for each other at the outset. I could write many glowing words about Charles, but it can all be wrapped up in a six-word sentence. Charles Fraser was a GIANT among men. I was proud to be chosen as an Honorary Pall Bearer at his funeral. Early Presidents of HHP HHP would not be where it is today if it hadn’t been for the first two Presidents of HHP. Technically, I was the first President while we were activating the POA. However, once we established the POA, we elected Jack Homan as our first POA President for three years. What a workhorse! I had asked him to serve as Chairman of the HHP Activities Committee earlier. He organized golf matches, tennis tournaments, and helped start a lot of new clubs. He was a master cabinetmaker himself. Jack could lay a heavy hand on your shoulder and with a “stern smile” (if there is one) suggest you volunteer for this or that duty. I never knew anyone who ever considered saying NO to Jack. He was very well liked. There was no road map for a fledgling POA to follow but under Jack’s leadership, the foundation for the POA was established. He stood for what was right and just. And, you never had any doubt what side Jack was on. A few years back, he and his wife moved to Columbia to be close to their children and grandchildren. Thanks Jack for sending us always forward. Following close behind Jack Homan was Alex Davit. We held the presidency open for three and one-half months at the start until Alex and his wife, Peg, returned from Brazil. The Davit’s daughter was struggling with her husband’s critical illness that was slowly taking his strength until death would quietly end his suffering. Alex and Peg flew to Brazil to help their daughter coup with the situation. I wanted Alex to be the next POA President. He stood out as the best candidate. Alex agreed to be the second POA President but said he could not consider the position until the ordeal with his son-inlaw was over. We operated for three and one-half months after Jack’s tenure was completed until Alex returned to HHP. At the outset of his term as President, Alex laid out a plan wherein the POA would truly manage the Plantation for years to come. He came up with a five-year plan that we followed. It was rolling five-year plan, and each year he would prepare an evaluation of how effective the POA Board had been, dropped the past year out of his original plan, and then reached out to include a new fifth year in his five-year program. He developed Committees on maintenance for repair of existing roads and established reserve funds in case of emergencies (tornado or cyclones). He and Peg were rock ribbed Democrats, I used to classify him, in private, as a “flaming liberal Democrat.” He, in turn, called me a “stogy conservative Republican.” Alex and I at times were miles apart, but we agreed on a plan that he would come to my office one-half hour before each POA Board meeting. We’d both go over our agenda and what we were hoping to accomplish. If we came upon an issue that we couldn’t resolve in that half hour, we’d take it off the agenda, because we both agreed we didn’t want to be at odds before other Board members. By the next POA Board meeting, we had always found an accommodation and could present the issue in a positive manner. In the ten years that I managed HHP, we had a unanimous decision on every vote in the POA, except one time. That time, a Board member wanted a more aggressive stocking of fish in our HHP ponds. He lost that one but every now and then, I still see him fishing on the bank of Spring Lake. Model Home Program In the very first week of employment, upon listening to prospective buyers, I detected much concern about a home contractor building a home for someone who had just bought a lot while the buyer was far away. Absentee building did not set well, and that was the primary reason I pushed the Banks to permit us to build actual models. Further, we encouraged buyers to get with our architects and modify a model to suit their taste. The contractor would give them an estimate of the cost of the changes before any final decision was made. Property owners enjoyed this. Our Model Home Program, which has been copied by every other plantation, got off the ground in January 1977. We wanted a selection of four full-size homes from approximately 1,875 to 2,350 sq. ft. We also had three patio homes for the smaller patio lot. The patio homes ranged from 1,175 to 1,475 sq. ft. Each architect would design four distinctive facades for each model – this meant four distinctive roofs, four distinctively wall treatments, windows, doors, colors, shingles, etc. Each of the four facades made a distinct statement. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Feature Article January 2003 – Page 23 We hired two contractors to build the seven models. These two heretofore small home contractors became the #1 and #2 contractors on the Island by the end of our first year. Both contractors were good and needed the work badly at the start. By the end of one year, they thought they could call the shots. Very quickly, we assigned one architect and one builder to each model. We identified models by a letter of the alphabet. In about three years, we had gone through the 26 letters of the alphabet and had started over with AA, BB, etc. No one yet has equaled the quality for the price on Hilton Head. In 1977, we were running $16.75 to $21.35 per sq. ft. of construction costs. Today, at least twothirds of the homes in HHP are from the Model Home Program. Then, the highest priced model was $49,950. Each time we created a new model, each salesman was given an enlarged blue print and was directed to brief the sales force on how to improve the plan. Who knew better what each new property owner liked! We listened closely to their suggestions. There was much competition to see who would make the best recommendations. Architects that disagreed with this approach didn’t last long. No organization has ever had as ethical a sales force as HHP. POA Activation Nothing that we did in developing HHP caused as much uproar as the activation of the POA. In HHP’s Covenants when Sea Pines owned it, it clearly stated when Sea Pines would activate the POA. That time was two years before I arrived on the Plantation. At the outset, I moved toward activating the POA and establishing a Board of Directors. Jerry Cuppia, who lived next door to me, was active in selling Dolphin Golf course to the members. He built his home on the bluff quite early in 1973. I relied on Jerry, who was knowledgeable about all those who were living on the Plantation. Together, we came up with a slate of Board members, which we distributed to all property owners in advance of our activation meeting. Then, all hell broke loose. The ladies came marching from their homes with bayonets, brooms, and canes, all headed toward my office. Well, it wasn’t quite that bad, but almost. Their ‘cry’ was, “Why is that male chauvinist pig, Howard, Davis, not putting ladies on the Board?” I knew I had goofed and was in serious trouble. I quickly wrote a letter to every lady property owner saying I was sorry. I suggested that all the ladies come to Spring Lake Pavilion in two days to form a nominating committee. They came back a week later and elected one lady Board member and two male Board members. I kept apologizing to all the ladies at cocktail parties for some months thereafter. Close of the heels of the ladies’ vote came a bombshell. Some Sea Pines officers had been expressing their opinion that the officers of HHP did not have the right to activate the POA. I had gone the extra mile with the Dean of HHI lawyers, Bill Bethea, to determine that we did have the authority and I never backed down on that point in any discussions with Sea Pines personnel. Then about ten days before our activation meeting, Joe Fraser, Charles’ brother, wrote me a five-page letter saying why he thought we were not authorized to activate the POA. His main reason was the fact that he and a Sea Pines legal officer had signed the original application to the State that a POA would be established for the property owners, thus only he had the right to follow on with the entire activation procedures. Our position was that HHP owners were vested with the right to formally establish the POA. Joe Fraser said he wanted to come to the activation meeting. His letter was pleasant, but firm. The way the letter was received was something else. Three days before our activation meeting, five Sea Pines security cars came screaming through the front gate, lights flashing, sirens blasting to deliver a copy of Joe Fraser’s letter to each new Board member. When they came to the home of the Board member, they drove up their driveway, left the lights rotating, cut off the siren, and delivered Jose Fraser’s letter. My copy, which was the original, was not delivered to me but left at the Main Gate in an unsealed envelope. That style of delivery was so much out of character for Joe Fraser that I knew he didn’t direct that procedure. I also knew that Charles Fraser or Jim Light, Sea Pines President, would not stoop to such an act. I called Joe and asked him to have lunch with me. He said he would, but that he has just heard of the method of delivery of his letter, was shocked, and was trying to find out who directed it. By his conversation, I could tell he was embarrassed. I responded by telling him I knew he had nothing to do with it and there was no need to have lunch, and that I would hope to see him that Saturday. Regretfully, he elected not to come to our activation meeting. I am not certain to this day who directed that delivery procedure, but I do know that the assistant security officer was fired two days later. That next Saturday I don’t think any property owner in HHP that lived within 100 miles was absent. You could feel the ground swell by everyone that we were birthing the POA that morning and it would be going strong for years and years to come… and it has. Next month, we will talk about the two times the power went off over the entire Plantation -- once on a crisp Christmas morning and the other on a Sunday before the 4th of July with temperatures hovering in the mid 90s and with Sunday dinner half cooked on the stove. We’ll also tell you about a big forest fire at the edge of Oyster Reef, which came very close to wiping out a huge segment of trees in HHP. Happy New Year. Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation