2015 HPMI Annual Report - The Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute
2015 HPMI Annual Report - The Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute
HUNTER POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE ANNUAL REPORT 2015 CONTENTS THE SECRETARIAT 1 BOARD 2 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 3 PROGRAM COMMITTEE 3 CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT 4 DIRECTOR OF STUDIES’ REPORT 5 HONORARY TREASURER’S REPORT MEMBERSHIP ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2015 6-7 8-14 15-16 SPONSORSHIP 17 PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 18 PROGRAM COMMITTEE REPORT 19 ONLINE EDUCATION 20 ONLINE PUBLICATIONS AND WEBSITE 21 ANNUAL PROGRAM OF EVENTS BREAKDOWN 22-23 HPMI NEWCASTLE WEEKEND 2015 24-26 UPDATE SERIES 2015 27-29 PAEDIATRICS WEEKEND 30 PRACTICAL PROCEDURES DAY 31 GENERAL MEDICINE FOR THE OLDER PERSON DAY 32 DIABETES DAY 33 CERTIFICATE COURSES 34 MIRENA COURSES 35 NURSING CPD 36 PRACTICE ADMINISTRATION CPD 37 CLUSTERS 38-40 CLUBS & ORGANISED MEETINGS 41 HUNTER SURGICAL SOCIETY, GP CLUBS 42 MEETING ORGANISATION SERVICE 42 MISSION STATEMENT The Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute is committed to the Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development (QI&CPD) of Health Professionals, primarily in the Hunter, New England and Central Coast Regions of New South Wales. It will honour this commitment by the planning, provision and continuing evaluation of educational programs which are based on the needs of Health Professionals. HPMI will work in close collaboration with other educational bodies to promote the principle of lifetime learning for all health professionals so as to progressively improve the standards of medical practice in the region. BUSINESS STATEMENT HPMI organises educational activities on behalf of the health profession. Our customers include members of Specialist Colleges, General Practice Training Valley to Coast, Hunter Medicare Local, Hunter New England Local Health District, Faculty of Health and Medicine of The University of Newcastle, special medical groups, Allied Health Professionals and the health service industry. SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE HPMI is strategically placed to provide quality, independent, value-added Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development in a professional manner. We provide a continuum bridging between undergraduate and postgraduate education. • • • HPMI will win by providing quality, independent, value-added medical education in a professional manner. We will achieve this by focusing on building relationships within the Health Service Industry and by differentiating HPMI through self-assessment status HPMI will adhere strictly to Guidelines regarding sponsorship, and maintain an ethical relationship in relation to the delivery of education THE SECRETARIAT Chief Executive Officer Ms Jean Walsh 49138762 Administrative Assistants Mrs Anne Feletti Mrs Tracy Hicks Mrs Shelley Mills 4913 8173 Anne.Feletti@newcastle.edu.au 4913 8163 Tracy.Hicks@newcastle.edu.au 4913 8173 Shelley.Mills@newcastle.edu.au Seminar Attendant Mr Taylor Wright Mr Stephen James IT Consultant Jean.Walsh@newcastle.edu.au Casuals employed in 2015 included: Moira Crisswell Carrie-Anne Griffis Alison Smith CONTACT US Office Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute Room 161, Level 1, Newbolds Building Cnr Gavey and Frith Streets MAYFIELD 2304 Postal Address: HPMI, Newbolds Building C/- University of Newcastle, Callaghan. 2308 General Enquiries: (02) 4913 8163 Fax: (02) 4913 8763 Email: Jean.Walsh@newcastle.edu.au Website: www.hpmi.org ABN 15 736 576 735 -1- THE BOARD The Board is the governing body of HPMI which shall establish, implement and monitor the operating policies and strategic planning of the Institute in accordance with the objects of the Institute and the objects of the University, as set out in the University of Newcastle Act 1989 (NSW); determine annually in conjunction with the Faculty of Health the budget for the Institute and report annually to the meeting of the Members on the budget and activities of the Institute and to receive from Members suggestions for future activities. The Board meets four times during its one year term of office on a Monday evening for approximately 1.5 hours. The Board, at its first meeting after 1st April each year, elects a Chair, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer of the Institute for the ensuing twelve months. 2015 – 2016 BOARD Chair Honorary Treasurer Honorary Secretary Members Dr Chandrasekhara Padmakumar Dr Milton Sales Dr Doug Howarth A/Professor Shane Carney Dr Peter Chong Conjoint Professor Alan Hewson Dr Ravinder Singh Representing Members practising inside the cities of Newcastle & Lake Macquarie: Assoc Professor Jeannette Lechner-Scott, Dr Marc Russo, Dr Nicole Organ Representing Members practising outside the cities of Newcastle & Lake Macquarie: Dr Deborah Holt and Dr Greg McGrath Representing Members practising on Central Coast None Nominated Representing Registrars, Career Medical Officers, Residents and Interns: Dr Kathryn Kerr Three Members of the Community: Mr Paul Anicich, Solicitor, Sparke Helmore Solicitors Mr Graham Thomas, Accountant, Thomas Simpson Partners Pty Ltd Dr Shirley Schulz-Robinson, Primary Mental Health Development Liaison Officer, Waratah Representing Specialist Colleges Australasian College of Dermatologists Dr Deborah Holt Australasian College for Emergency Medicine None Nominated Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Dr Peter Harrigan Australian College of Remote and Rural Medicine None Nominated Division of Paediatrics, Royal A’sian College of Physicians Dr Paul Craven Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators Dr Margaret Sangar Royal Australasian College of Physicians Dr Rohan Bhagwandeen Royal Australasian College of Radiologists None Nominated Royal Australasian College of Surgeons None Nominated Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Dr Marina Vamos Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists Dr Catherine Dunlop Royal Australian & New Zealand College of O&Gs Dr Greg McGrath Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Drs Milton Sales & John Hollingsworth Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Professor Huy Tran Representing the Faculty of Health & Medicine, The University of Newcastle Professor Dimity Pond and Professor Ian Symonds A Member of the Council of the University of Newcastle None Nominated The Vice Chancellor of The University of Newcastle Professor Caroline McMillen VC’s nominees Professor Dimity Pond and Dr Nerida Paterson The Chief Executive of the Hunter New England Health or nominee: Mr Michael Di Rienzo CE’s Nominee: Ms Jane Gray -2- THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee is vested with the management of HPMI. This Committee is appointed for one year by the Board at its first meeting after the Annual General Meeting, and shall normally meet not less than once every three months. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Board, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer of the Board, the Vice Chancellor of The University or nominee and four (4) other Members of the Board. Not fewer than four (4) members of the Executive Committee shall be appointed from the members of the Board referred to in Article 5(c). At least one (1) member of the Executive Committee shall be a General Practitioner. The Chairman of the Board shall be the Chairman of the Executive Committee. The Executive meets on Monday 7.00 pm for 1.5 hours. Office Bearers Chair Dr Chandrasekhara Padmakumar Honorary Secretary Dr Doug Howarth Honorary Treasurer Dr Milton Sales Ex Officio Nominees Vice Chancellor Professor Dimity Pond & Dr Nerida Paterson The University of Newcastle Members Co-opted from the Board Professor Shane Carney Dr Peter Chong Conjoint Professor Alan Hewson Dr John Hollingsworth Dr Greg McGrath Dr RavinderSingh THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE The Program Committee, made up of specialists and general practitioners, is responsible for planning HPMI’s annual program of events. If you are interested in joining this group and playing a part in providing CPD for your colleagues in our area, please contact HPMI’s Secretariat. The Program Committee normally meets not less than every three months for one hour, prior to the Executive or Board Meetings. Chair Program Committee Dr Milton Sales, GP, Brunker Road General Practice, Adamstown Members Ms Dianne Batterham, Practice Manager, Newcastle Family Practice, Newcastle Associate Professor Shane Carney, Nephrologist, John Hunter Hospital Dr Peter Chong, Urologist, Lake Macqurie Urology, Charlestown Dr Paul Craven, Neonatologist, John Hunter Children’s Hospital Dr Julia Gan, GP, Hunter Street Medical Centre, Newcastle West Mrs Kay Gray, Practice Manager, Hunter Pain Clinic, Broadmeadow Dr Peter Harrigan, Anaesthestist, Broadmeadow Conjoint Professor Alan Hewson, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Dr John Hollingsworth, General Practitioner Dr Deborah Holt, Dermatologist, Maitland Dermatology, Maitland Dr Doug Howarth, Nuclear Medicine Physician, Newcastle Nuclear Medicine, Warners Bay Ms Heidi Hunter, Optometrist, Custom EyeCare Newcastle, Newcastle Dr Kathryn Kerr, Resident Medical Officer, John Hunter Hospital Assoc. Professor Jeanette Lechner-Scott, Neurologist, John Hunter Hospital Ms Denise Lyons, Nurse Practitioner, Kotara Family Practice, Kotara Ms, Marika Mackenzie, Health Pathways Program Manager, Hunter New England & Central Coast PHN Dr Greg McGrath, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, East Maitland Mr Ian O’Dea, Health Pathways Program Manager, Hunter New England & Central Coast PHN Dr Nicole Organ, Vascular Surgeon, Director of Vascular Surgery, John Hunter Hospital Dr Olga Ostrowskyj, GP & Family Planning, Hunter Women’s Health & Menopause Centre, Broadmeadow Dr Chandrasekhara Padmakumar, Geriatrician, Clinical Director, Rankin Park Centre, New Lambton Heights Dr Karla Raja, General Practitioner, Bayway Centre Surgery, Warners Bay Dr Shirley Schulz-Robinson, Mental Health Coach, Hamilton Dr Ravinder Singh, Ophthalmologist, Eye Specialists, Kotara Mr Dom Willson, Optometrist, Custom EyeCare Newcastle, Newcastle Dr Joanne Wood, GP, King Street General Practice, Newcastle 3 CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT I began my first term as Chair of the Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute (HPMI) in 2015. HPMI has been challenged financially during 2015 due to some major Government changes to major Stakeholders in delivery of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in our region, notably Hunter Medicare Local (HML) and General Practice Training Valley to Coast (GPTVTC). HML was still able to provide support up until June 2015 towards Membership for their non-GP clinical employees at General Practice After-Hours (GPAAH). Some of the functions of HML have now been taken over by Hunter New England and Central Coast PHN (HNECC). HNECC provided support towards the 2015 HPMI Newcastle Weekend Dinner and HPMI’s delivery of CPD for 2016. Fortunately, our Major Sponsor, Pathology North – Hunter, continued to provide Sponsorship for 2016, for the eighth consecutive year in a row. This payment at the end of 2015, along with the substantial support from HNECC for 2015-2016 financial year, enabled HPMI to finish the year on a more positive note. Principal Sponsorship was also provided by General Practice Training Valley to Coast (GPTVTC) who supported Trainees and Overseas Trained Doctors’ (OTDs) Memberships in 2015. HPMI also continued our 2013 arrangement with GPTVTC to design and build medical resources on HPMI’s website. It is with pleasure that I announce that GPTVTC have advised they will continue to cover Membership fees for Trainees and OTDs for 2016. Thanks must also be given to the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) who continued to be HPMI’s Venue Sponsor, allowing us to utilise their wonderful venue for our weekend events during 2015. This is an enormous saving for HPMI and we are truly grateful to HMRI and plan to include Research topics in our 2016 events whenever possible. HPMI is also indebted to The University of Newcastle for accommodating the HPMI secretariat in the Newbolds Building in Mayfield, where HPMI evening meetings are also held. Hunter New England Health also provided significant support for delivery of information regarding Health Pathways. They also became the 2015 HPMI Newcastle Weekend Sponsor. HPMI’s Memberships continued to increase in 2015, due to our ever growing number of Group Memberships, both Specialist and General Practices. Our increased attendances by Nurses and Practice Administration staff, both at their own CPD meetings, and other events, no doubt has fuelled this growth. Delivery of Cluster education, small group meetings close to practices, remained free in 2015 thanks to Sponsorship received. In 2015 HPMI’s delivery of CPD continued to be of a high standard, attracting record numbers of attendees. This has been in no small part due to the outstanding program designed by our Program Committee. I wish to thank this hard working Committee, along with our greatest resource, our local Speakers, who freely donated their time and efforts. HPMI continued to develop and explore education initiatives via our website, including videos created from conferences that were streamed live during 2015. HPMI is extremely grateful to Dr Milton Sales, Program Committee Chair, and IT colleague, Mr Steve James, for their substantial development of readily-accessible online education courses and resources. HPMI continued our annual Weekend of education in 2015, holding the eighth Annual HPMI Newcastle Weekend Despite support from Stakeholders and increased Memberships, HPMI still relies on support from other Commercial organisations. It was heartening to see this support increased in 2015, and that our Sponsors now include many Private Health Sector organisations, as well as Specialist Groups. I have enjoyed my first term as Chair and plan to stay on the Board in 2016. Dr Chandrasekhara Padmakumar Chair, HPMI March, 2016 4 DIRECTOR OF STUDIES’ REPORT HPMI is indebted to the University for their continued provision of space and services. In return HPMI continues to provide Health Students with complimentary membership. This entitles them to free registration for HPMI meetings and courses, as well as access to the Careers in Medicine Handbook via HPMI’s website. HPMI also awarded two Health Equity Selective Bursary prizes to medical students in 2015. Dr Doug Howarth, Dr Greg McGrath and Professor Dimity Pond and I judged reports on students’ 2014 Health Equity Selectives. The winners, whose essays and video recordings of reports on their Selective are available via HPMI’s website were: 1. Mr Prashanth Sasidharan for his report on Health Equity and Infant Mortality Rates in 2. Argentina and Cuba Mr Gordon Reid for his report on A comparison of the public and private healthcare systems in Malaysia and how this impacts the health of the Orang Asli (Indigenous Malay) at both the individual and community level CAREERS IN MEDICINE HANDBOOK I continued to edit this annual publication for HPMI. A complete revision will continue to be made each year, as HPMI aims to make the information as relevant as possible. We will continue to update the Specialty Profiles. This Booklet is available via HPMI’s website and freely accessible by our Members. facilitate a Sleep Disorders ALM on our Faculty of Health. PMI has also continued to website on behalf of the This included granting Complimentary Membership to their Junior Medical Officers. This membership entitled them to free registration for HPMI meetings and courses, as well as access to the Careers in Medicine Handbook via HPMI’s website. HPMI is grateful to Specialists from HNELHD who continued to act as Resource persons at our meetings, as well as serving on Committees providing expert advice. HPMI also thanks HNELHD for support provided towards HPMI’s provision of information about Health Pathways in 2015. General Practice Training Valley to Coast continued to cover their trainees’ and Overseas Trained Doctors’ membership fees of HPMI in 2015. HPMI also continued to design and build educational resources on their behalf via our website. HPMI also conducted an online Antibiotic Survey and OTD network project. DOCTORS’ MEMOIRS 1920 – 2016 HPMI’s website houses Memoirs of prominent medical practitioners who made significant contributions to the overall development of medical services in the Hunter region since 1920; they were made by Dr Stephen De Lyall and sadly almost all of the medicos he recorded have now passed away. The memoirs are first-hand accounts from doctors who made a unique contribution to medical history covering the period when medical knowledge – and practice – was expanded explosively after WW2 in Newcastle. These interviews are a fascinating resource for anyone interested in the background to the medical practice of today’s doctors. HPMI has now begun video recording other practitioners for posterity, and Drs Bob Lindsay, Neville Rothfield, Owen James and I have made recordings to date. These memoirs can be accessed for Free via HPMI’s website. HISTORICAL ARCHIVES.I have completed a historical overview of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Australia over the past 60 years, which will be available in the History section of our website in due course. Also housed here is a summary of HPMI’s History. THE AUSTRALIAN POSTGRADUATE FEDERATION IN MEDICINE After 50 years this national organisation has been disbanded. In 2015 HPMI received a share of the residual funds. Conjoint Professor Alan D. Hewson Director of Studies, HPMI & Assistant Dean for Continuing Professional Development on behalf of The Faculty of Health & Medicine of The University of Newcastle. March, 2016 5 HONORARY TREASURER’S REPORT In 2015 HPMI made a Loss of -$12,207, with Income $529,945, and Expenditure $542,152. The Balance at end 2015 was $247,887. INCOME • -$50,000 • -$23,831 • -$37,612 • -$10,470 • -$6,655 2015 2014 • $14,944 2015 2014 Pathology North made two payments made in 2014 Course Fees External Sales - Avant did not sponsor Careers Handbook in 2015 Interest as in 2014 we received retrospective payments for 2012 and 2013 Sponsorship 21 Sponsors $66,136 Accrued Income 2014-2015 17 Sponsors $41,091 Accrued Income 2013-2014 Membership 1,901 Members 1,622 Paying Members $163,655 Accrued Income 2014-2015 1,414 Members 1,208 Paying Members $141,874 Accrued Income 2013-2015 EXPENDITURE • -$45,125 • $21,117 Non Salary Expenditure decreased Salaries increased due to extra workload and salary increments. OPENING INCOME EXPENDITURE 2015 LOSS CLOSING $529,945 $542,152 Cash Receipts Income Funding from HNECC Funding from Pathology North Funding from HNEH Funding from APFM Interest on Trust Fund Funding from HML Funding from GPTVTC $343,809 $62,500 $50,000 $27,273 $15,500 $12,463 $10,000 $8,400 Cash Payments Salaries & wages Non Salary $356,441 $185,710 LOSS Trust Fund Brought Forward Working Account Brought Forward Available Funds 31/12/15 Held as Working Account Trust Fund $260,093 -$12,207 $247,887 $529,945 $542,152 -$12,207 $269,172 -$9,9079 $247,887 -$33,749 $281,635 $247,887 Dr Milton Sales Honorary Treasurer March, 2016 6 7 2015 MEMBERSHIP $550 GOLD INDIVIDUAL Varies GOLD GROUPS $880 PLATINUM INDIVIDUAL Varies PLATINUM GROUPS $440 $600 $1500 GOLD INDIVIDUAL GOLD GROUP PLATINUM GROUP $440 $600 AHP INDIVIDUAL AHP GROUP FREE HEALTH STUDENTS JMOs GPTVTC TRAINEES OTDs GENERAL PRACTITIONERS Membership plus Free attendance 3 Updates, HPMI Newcastle Weekend, 10 Nursing and 5 Practice Administration Reduced fees at 4 Specialty Updates, 5 Certificate Courses and Online Courses. GP Gold Membership Benefits Membership plus Free attendance 3 Updates, HPMI Newcastle Weekend, 4 Specialty Updates, 10 Nursing and 5 Practice Administration Reduced fees at 5 Certificate Courses and Online Courses. GP Platinum Membership Benefits SPECIALISTS Membership only Membership only GP Platinum Membership Benefits ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS GP Platinum Membership Benefits GP Platinum Membership Benefits COMPLIMENTARY GP Platinum Membership Benefits Access to Careers in Medicine Handbook 2 Health Equity Selective Bursary Prizes In 2015 there were 1,901 Members (39% of target) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 400 1222 1622 279 1901 Individual Paying Members Group Members (82 Practices took up a Group Practice Membership in 2015) Total Paying Members Complimentary Members TOTAL 2015 MEMBERSHIP Membership Category Paying Members Nos Database 1359 Hunter GPTVTC Trainees & OTDs 263 Complimentary/Life* 279 Final membership 1901 Hospital* 39% Target GPs** Specs AHPs Students JMOs Totals 4292 635 193 832 0 1660 604 0 0 0 241 241 4896 635 193 832 241 1901 **635 GPs include 220 GPT TRAINEES AND 43 OTDs 8 BENEFACTORS: In addition to paying membership fees, Members are invited to aid the cause of postgraduate education in our region, by paying an additional donation. HPMI wishes to sincerely thank the following doctors for their additional support towards Excellence in CPD during 2015: Dr Barry Chapman Dr Philip Colman Dr Charles Finlay-Jones Professor Alan Hewson Dr Doug Howarth Dr Greg McGrath Dr Bhawani Murugasu Dr Chandrasekhara Padmakumar COMPLIMENTARY MEMBERSHIP: General Practice Training Valley to Coast (GPTVTC) provided funding towards their registrars’ Memberships, as well as Overseas Trained Doctors’ memberships in 2015. This entitled them to attend HPMI meetings and undertake Online courses for free in 2015. They were also entitled to reduced fees at our Certificate Courses. HPMI also ran two Advanced Life Support Courses for a fee on their behalf. Thanks to support provided by Hunter New England Health and The Faculty of Health of The University of Newcastle, Complimentary Membership was available to Junior Medical Officers in an effort to encourage lifelong CPD. This membership entitled them to attend all HPMI courses for free. They were also able to access the Careers in Medicine Handbook free of charge via our website. Health Students were also entitled to Complimentary Membership in an effort to encourage lifelong CPD. This membership entitled them to attend all HPMI courses for free. They were also able to access the Careers in Medicine Handbook free of charge via our website. HPMI provided two $500 Health Equity Selective Bursary prizes in 2015 for essays on 2014 Electives. LIFE MEMBERSHIP: Awarded by HPMI Board in recognition of services to HPMI as follows: Dr Di Bridger Professor Max Brinsmead Dr Mike Ferguson Dr Peter Hendry, AO Professor Alan Hewson, AM (and Patron) Dr Roy Mills (who sadly passed away in 2000) Professor Sandy Reid Dr Herc Rose (who sadly passed away in 2013) Emeritus Professor Tony Smith SPECIALIST SOCIETIES The Hunter Surgical Society continued their integration with HPMI, with half of the membership fees paid by HSS members, being utilised to organise Society meetings. Specialist Group Hunter Surgical Society 2015 Members Members of HPMI before integration 36 16 9 YEAR 2015 MEMBERS HPMI is grateful to all who have become Members of highlighted and thanked for their additional support. Abbs J Atkins M Bell N Abdille M Au A Bell T Abdulabas B Avery R Bell K Abell R Avery A Bellingham A Abery J Avery L Bendinelli C Abeysinghe S Avery G Benes A Abulafia D Avon A Benn D Acharya S Ayoola E Bennett J Adams M Aziz M Bennett G Adamson J Azzi S Bennett L Addison S Azzi A Benton L Aglio S Baartz J Bertram S Bhagwandeen SB Ah-sam W Badami S Ainscough B Bador J Bhaskar P Akhter Z Bag S Bilton P Bin Abdur RaAl-Azraq S Baharudin H heem M Albury G Bahtam B Alchin J Baihn K Bingham A Alexander M Bailey D Bingham L Alexander V Bailey M Binks D Alexander M Bailey J Birch M Alisha’a A Bainbridge R Bird A Alkhinjar M Bajic D Bird W Allanson K Baker J Bitossi B Allen LD Baker D Black M Allman K Baker R Blacklock C Allman C Bala M Blackstock M Alsleben D Balasem A Blair C Ambrogetti A Ballantyne P Blair J Ambrose G Banaghan K Blek L Amil A Barclay LA Blythe D Amiri A Barford S Blyton S Ammala N Barker E Boaden C Anantharaju A Barnett C Boaden S Anderson BG Barr J Boehme D Anderson LP Barrow A Boer D Anderson L Barry L Bond D Anderson C Bart E Boorer M Andrich K Bartlett JM Booth L Ang P Bartley K Borgas D Ang A Bassily N Botfield C Angus G Bastian BC Botha M Angus W Batcheldor K Bourke N Anstey S Batterham D Bowd M Apps R Baxter D Bower K Archard H Baxter J Bower A Arentz D Bayley S Bowler MD Arghandewal A Beaman J Bowtell L Arnold E Bear J Boyd F Arnold T Beatty M Boyd N Arora S Beckhouse M Boyd E Ashton S Behan T Boyd O Ashton S Behne-Smith N Boyes R Asser A Beks J Boyle C HPMI for 2015. Your support is greatly appreciated. Benefactors are Boyling M Bracco V Bracken J Bradstock S Brady L Brady F Brain N Brannan K Bratfield S Bravo Sosa W Braye S Brennan KI Brennan I Brentnall S Brichacek S Bridger DC Bridges W Brien K Brienesse S Brindley S Brinsmead M Britten H Britten K Bromley R Brookman S Brooks K Brooks C Brooks-Boyd V Broughton J Brown H Brown J Brown G Brown K Brown M Brown S Brown M Brown A Brown E Brown S Browning S Brownlow A Brummitt A Brunton A Bryant B Bryant A Bryant K Buckton S Bugler C Bullmore M Bullock D Bulluss C Bultitude T Burford P Burgess L 10 Burgess J Burgess K Busquets J Butler J Butt H Butt E Byrne L Byrnes C Caldwell B Caldwell F Calligeros J Calma M Cambridge L Campbell E Campbell J Campbell J Campbell K Canale E Canty M Capararo T Carmody K Carney SL Carr P Carroll H Carruthers P Carson N Carter N Carter G Cartledge S Casey L Casinader S Cassar B Cassidy J Castillo GB Caswell A Catic J Cattani S Cattle T Cavanagh B Cervantes R Chacko B Chadalavada S Chalapathy B Chan M Chan LX Chang K Chapman BL Chapman M Chappell V Charlier J Charlton A Charman L Chaston C Chatburn S Cheng HY Chernoff M Cherry M Cheung D Chhillar K Childs S Chim J Chin K Chin KO Chinta SH Chitragar V Cho L Cho B Choi P Choi D Chong P Chong C Chong A Chong L Choudry Z Ciobanu C Clare B Clarey J Clark B Clarke C Cliff N Clifford S Close K Coaines K Cockburn C Codeca T Colagiovanni A Cole C Cole A Coleman PK Coleman J Coleman R Coles C Collingwood M Collins N Collins L Collins M Collins A Collins K Collins K Collins S Collogan M Collum T Collyer H Colman P Comyns N Condon K Conn H Connell J Connolly J Connor C Conroy A Cook C Cook M Cook T Cooper A Cope D Corbett B Corlette T Cornish SE Cornish C Corrigan K Costelloe R Couldridge F Cousins N Cousins K Cousins G Cox S Coyte K Crabtree D Craggs D Craven W Crawford E Crean P Creek BA Cresswell J Cribb O Cromarty M Cross A Crotty A Crotty L Cruickshank M Cullen W Cullen M Cullen T Curnow N Cutfield C Cutts J D’Almeida E Da Costa K Daly J Daly L Dan J Dan G Daniel B Daniells J Danigowda K Danuser D Dao V Darlow J Darroch AJ Davey AR Davidson L YEAR 2015 MEMBERS CONTINUED HPMI is grateful to all who have become Members of highlighted and thanked for their additional support. Davidson A Dorman K Fable A Davies P Dorn K Fable V Davis A Dosen M Faehrmann C Davis M Doughton T Faint T Davis P Douglas K Fair C Davis R Douglas M Fair L Davis MR Dowell D Fairlamb M Davis J Draganic B Faleako S Davis JL Draganic S Fan J Dawson H Drain S Farah N Dawson A Drew RS Faraz L De Bruyn N Drinkwater L Farquharson A De Carteret N Drinkwater S Farragher T De Jager P Du N Farrar J De Lyall SG Ducat J Faulks S De Malmanche T Dudding-Byth T Fawaz L De Silva Y Duff M Fay J De Silva P Duffy D Fay M De Souza M Dunkley C Fennings K De Vitis N Dunlop C Fenton G de Zwaan S Dunlop A Fenton L Dean S Dunlop L Fenton M Dean T Dunn B Ferencz S Deane S Dunne N Ferguson MI Dearing G Duong C Ferguson JK Dechnicz V Durrheim D Fernando A Deep M Duszyk K Fernando A Delaporte K Dwyer S Fernando R Demesa M Dyne J Fewell E Eagger Millar A Dempsey D Field N Dempsey J Ebbeck L Field J Denison R Ebrill N Field M Fieuw-Makaroff S Dennis K Eccleshall J Denny A Edwards C Finch M Denoux A Edwards A Findlay D Denyer F Edwards T Fines B Finlay-Jones C Denyer L Edwards R Deshpande G Eisenberg R Finney G Desphy MT Elangovan D Fisher B Devereux M Elford K Fitts K Deveridge S Elgindy Y Fitzgerald S Devine LR Ellem D Fitzsimmons K Devine K Ellis H Flaherty J Dhaliwal A Eltom S Flannery F Dharan A Eltom N Fleck E Dhital B Elvy J Fletcher M Diebert D Emerton D Fletcher C Dilawari R Evans E Fletcher C Ding X Evans S Focic S Dinkovski B Evans M Forbes M DiRienzo M Evans S Forbes K Doan J Everette J Ford M Dobson D Everingham K Ford K Dolezal M Ewald B Formby M Doolan L Ewart K Forrest E Doran J Fable V Forsyth R HPMI for 2015. Your support is greatly appreciated. Benefactors are Fortune A Foster M Foster G Fowler T Francis A Francis G Franks R Fraser EI Frazer M Freeth A Frew R Fried R Frith ME Frost A Fryer M Fuljahn R Fuller E Furneaux S Furneyvall L Futter M Gamberg J Gan J Gan L Godschalk C Godwin E Goel H Goh G Goh YK Golding S Goldman B Goldman M Goldzieher A Golja S Gollan M Gomes B Gonzalez S Goodman R Goodsall E Goodwin L Goon K Gordon D Gordon R Gorgievski H Gosal H Goswell F Gould S Gourlay R Gangagharan S Govindarajulu G Garansci L Garde J Gardiner C Gardiner M Gardner L Gardon D Gaunson S Gay L Geary J Geddes M Geeman C Genn G Gerard M Ghaly D Ghandour N Ghazali NM Gibbs M Giblin R Gibney A Gibson M Gill A Gillespie RJ Gillies AHB Gilligan S Gilshenan L Ginn J Givney R Glasheen G Glastonbury S Glover K Godfrey K Goyal R Graham M-L Graham P Grainger R Grant ABF Graves S Graves S Gray K Gray S Green R Green R Green K Greentree S Gregor E Grieve R Grigg M Grogan N Grout L Guest B Guest S Gulliver K Gunathilake H Gunathilake Y Gunn S Gupta L Gupta R Gupta S Gupta K Gurudoss S Gutteridge P Guy B Fotheringham L 11 Hackett A Hackworthy C Hackworthy R Hadden D Haggar K Hall P Hall A Hall T Hall M Hall S Hall J Halliday G Hamilton M Hamilton P Hamilton M Hampshire L Han L Hancock T Hanna B Hansen L Hansen M Harborne L Harbury R Harden A Hare M Hargadon P Harkin R Harrigan P Harrington L Harris K Harris B Harris S Harris S Harris A Harrison J Hart JS Hart WJ Hartcher K Harvey W Hatfield R Hatton R Hawthorne B Hawxwell E Hayden R Haydon M Hayes C Hayes L Hayhurst R Hayward M He R Hearne R Heath R Heath R Hector D Hedges A Hedley J Heigl R Hellier C Hellman JM Henc M Henderson S Hendry PIA Henry-Watt C Hensley M Heron C Hetherington M Hetherington K Hewett N Hewitt A Hewson EG Hewson AD Heyes A Hickey A Hickling P Hicks GL Hill B Hills L Hillwood G Hilton N Hincksman A Hindley C Hindley P Hinschen E Hipwell A Hipwell T Hirachan J Hiser L Hockings MA Hodgins PM Holcroft T Hollingsworth J Hollins B Hollows C Holly N Holt D Holzmann L Hooi H Hooshmand D Hopkins P Hopson A Horadam K Horne D Horton G Hoskin S Houlcroft N Hovanesian N How SL Howarth D Howarth L Howell T Hsu L Huang J YEAR 2015 MEMBERS CONTINUED HPMI is grateful to all who have become Members of HPMI for 2015. highlighted and thanked for their additional support. Hubert L Jordan D King J Langereis J Hughes P Jorgensen S King S Langford R Humphries R Joseph S Kingston E Lannigan J Hungerford R Joseph B Kinniard D Laracy T Hunt L Joseph M Kippist L Larkin R Hunt P Joshi S Kirby T Laroche J Hunt T Joshi S Kirk E Latif G Hunt T Judd L Kirkham S Latta T Hunter N Jyoti J Kirsten A Lau C Hunter H Kahloon M Kishkin R Laur G Hunter L Kaiko E Kitt A Laurantus A Kaliyaperumal K Hurn F Kleinig H Laurence K Hussain I Kamail M Klimpsch K Laurie T Hussaini S Kamien B Knight S Laut L Huynh A Kane S Knipe D Lavender S Hynd G Karen P Kodur M Lavings B Innes D Karna S Koenen S Law S Ireson M Katekar M Koh C Lawson J Irwin J Kaur S Kohli G Laycock L Isaac A Kaur J Kolli U Layton C Isaac K Kaur J Kondeva G Le S Isaacs S Kaur B Kong K Learmouth S Lechner-Scott J Ismail I Kausar T Koshy A Jaaback K Kavanagh S Koshy A Ledbrook A Jackel A Kazmi SM Kovacs T Lee W Jackson M Kazmi SAL Kramer K Lee J Krishnamurthy V Jackson J Keating P Lee R Jacobs B Keegan S Jadhav V Jajo F James F James C Jarman L Jatsch W Jayasinghe L Jefferson M Jeffrey I Jeffrey S Jeffreys C Jemmett E Jensen M Jeston N Kellerman GM Kelly TA Kelly A Kelly K Kelman J Kelso M Kemble N Kemp S Kennedy D Kennedy R Keough C Kerr K Kerr C Kerridge RK Kershaw J Kertesz E Kesby T Kesby D Khaing K Khalid S Khan MK Khan R Khan MA Khine S Khisty N Kho Y Khor S Khosla K Jimenez-Balcells C Jinadasa A John A Johnson J Johnson K Johnson Z Johnson N Johnston T Jokinen J Jolly D Jolly A Jones J Jones E Jong C KroezeKloosterziel P Kruber N Krzywicki M Ku D Kulasekara C Kulczynski M Kumar ESA Kumar R Kumar P Kumar K Kumar J Kumar S Kuru R Kuter K Kuzman H Kwok I Lack LF Lai LT Laidler K Laird K Lam C Lamb L Lambert K Lamp D Lamrock E Lancaster M Lance K Lancey A Lane M Your support is greatly appreciated. Benefactors are Liew N Lightbody A Lilleyman D Lilleyman A Lin C Lindsey L Lingard K Linton K Lister G Liu E Liu R Lloyd D Lo C Lockyer E Logan D Lonergan M Long S Long L Lonsdale K Lord W Lovegrove E Lovell T Lucas B Luo J Luo E Luttrel J Ly M Malcolm JA Maley H Malferrari E Mallinson J Malouf P Mandapati S Mandl L Manku K Manners S Manning J Manning D Manning S Manoliadis G Mansfield BJ Mantilla A Manton T Mao C Mapperson K Markham K Marlborough D Marley C Marley R Marley J Marley D Marmulla C Marriott S Marriott M McCarthy J McClenahan S McClure S McCluskey S McCrae B McCudden L McCullock S McDermott S McDonald L McDonald D McDougall D McEntyre J McEvoy K McEwan S McEwen S McFarland E McGee C McGeoch PN McGinley D McGowan C McGrath G McGrath J McGregor K McIlveen M McInnes D McIntosh L McIntosh K Lee R Lynch M Marsh LH McIntyre C Lee J Lee S Lee H Lee P Lee AL Lee YJ Lee V Lee S Lee PCT Lees M Leitch R Leitch J Leitch K Lemberg R Lennon D Lennox N Lenzer M Leonard T Lewis AA Lewis T Lewis A Lewis W Lewis T Lewis B Lewis-Jones B Li Z Liddle G Liedvogel U Lynn M Lyons D Lyons E Lyons S Macchia O Macdonald I MacKenzie S MacKenzie G Mackenzie J Macklinshaw K Macpherson L Macpherson N Madan P Maddock R Maddock G Magin PJ Mah G Maheepala K Maher M Maher J Maher C Maher D Mahroof S Mai J Mainey J Majeed A Majurovski L Majurovski S Marshall B Marshall R Marston S Martin PC Martin BK Martin C Martin W Martin J Mason L Mason C Massey B Massie D Matangira T Mather E Mathers D Mathew A Mathews A Matthes R Matthews C Matthews P Matthews S Maullin A Maus L Mayers PC McIntyre V McKeag D McKenna T McKensey E McKenzie R McKinnon L McLachlanBeeson P McLain S Mclarty J McLeod N McMahon A McManus K McMurray P McNamara E McNaught R McNeill O McPherson L McQualter J McQuillan M McTackett Z Mead L Meads B Mearns K Mehrotra P Melia C Melville K Menon N 12 Mazhavancheryil T McCarron S McCarthy S McCarthy K YEAR 2015 MEMBERS CONTINUED HPMI is grateful to all who have become Members of highlighted and thanked for their additional support. Merl H Mulligan K Nicholson D Merrifield T Munday R Nicolle E Mesure J Mundy R Nicols Z Metcalfe T Mungoven L Niddrie D Metcalfe H Munoz MA Noakes A Micua M Murphy M Noble J Mifsud J Murphy L Noble S Mifsud J Murphy E Noble W Miles T Murrell E Nookala S Miles P Mursa R Norsworthy K Murugasu B MiljkovicNorthey J Petkovic L Murugasu R Nosike S Miller L Murugesan Y Nowers J Miller B Myers A Nowland K Miller L Myint Y O’Brien PD Miller M Myint Y O’Brien L Mills A Naidu S O’Brien J Mills M Nair BR O’Connell F Mills D Nanda IR O’Donnell R Milne N Nanra RS O’Keefe W Mitchell F Naqvi Y O’Loughlin J Mo B Naqvi SY O’Malley A Mohamad Fadzli M Narayama O’Meley M Swamy N Mohan K O’Neill M Molsaeter R Nash T O’Sullivan J Momsen J Nataraj S Olszewski I Montanari A Navalli J Oneil B Moodie S Navaratna A Ono M Moody A Navdeep S Ophir J Mooney A Nay K Organ N Moor N Naylor S Osborne D Moore DA Nelson K Osborne P Moore R Nelson R Osborne P Moore K Nelson J Osborne T Moore H Nelthorpe K Osei S Moore E Neoh L Osland S Moore G Nesbitt D Ostrowskyj O Moran K Nesbitt K Otton G Morbey C Nesbitt L Ousby P Morgan J Nevell H Oxby A Padmakumar C Morgan S Neville J Padmakumar G Morris S Nevin K Page-Thurlby N Morris E Newell KA Morris A Newson M Pagoulatos K Morris L Newstead T Pain O Morrison R Newton T Pal T Morrison B Newton K Palmer EE Moseray K Ng S Pamulapati H Papadopoulos J Moses L Ng YJ Mosiun M Ng SY Paquet M Mozes A Ngiam J Parikh H Mudaliar J Nguyen V Parker D Muddasani T Nguyen N Parkes M Mujahid F Nicholls K Parkin T Mujahid S Nichols C Parkin M Mulcahy T Nichols G Parkinson J HPMI for 2015. Your support is greatly appreciated. Benefactors are Parmar D Parsons NL Parvathy MS Pascoe S Patchett K Patel PA Patel A Paterson N Patterson J Pattison M Pattison S Payne S Payne N Pearce C Peck G Pedersen P Pedonese E Peebles J Pena J Penfold M Pennington A Perkins C Perry B Perry M Peterson M Petrelis M Pfanner C Pfanner I Philipson S Phillips P Phillips A Philp A Phirangi H Physick A Piao C Pickles R Pienaar-Van Niekerk L Pilkington J Pinfold M Piper N Plaskitt A Platt N Plumb S Plumb S Plummer A K Polya D Pond D Poposki C Porter L-A Potts R Poulter D Power A Prasad S Pratt A Pratt K 13 Premaratna S Prentice J Pretorius E Price M Price R Prickett J Prickett M Pridue R Pringle K Proctor B Prowd T Psenica S Pudney D Pudney W Pullen M Pye K Pyers C Pymble J Quah GT Quail A Quay J Queddeng C Radovan A Radvan G Rae A Raffan B Raffan L Ragavan S Ragg L Raguram K Rai MS Raichurkar P Raj P Raja K Rajagopal J Rajamohan H Rajasekaran N Rallings P Ralph J Ramanathan J Ramplin A Ranasinghe S Ranger L Ransom S Rao J Rao P Rasool F Rathnayake S Ratnayaka TG Rattanamastip P Raw C Rawlinson A Raymond S Read K Reay K Redford M Redmayne S Redmayne W Redmond J Redpath M Reece L Reed BE Reed R Reed M Rees L Rees P Rees-Gallimore K Regan C Regnis J Reichler H Reid G Reid ALA Reid-Griep M Relf J Relic J Relic L Ren Y Renshaw L ReVelle E Reyes Castillo H Reztsov B Richardson R Richardson L Richardson K Rickard J Riddell J Riding B Riedel C Rinkin M Ripper C Robards A Robb L Roberts K Roberts-Thomson C Robertson I Robinson D Robinson J Robinson B Robinson A Rojo S Roll K Roman E Ronan A Ropa S Rose J Rose K Rosenberg R Rothfield, NJ Routley D Rowe R Rowlandson M Rowley E Roxby R Roy R Ruddell T Rudder S Rudder K Rumble S Rumsey S Russell B Russo M Ryan S Ryan G Ryan S Ryan S Ryan C Ryan H Ryan J Ryan T Ryner L Sablatura L Sacco A Saffrett B Saini D Sait AM Salam KN Salaria V Sales MA Sales R Saltis A Saluja T Sam-Smith S Samarasinghe Y Sampson M Samra D San W Sandhu P Sandhu S Sandner M Sangha H Sanson-Fisher S Santhanam A Santos J Sarker S Sarrami M Sarwar S Sasidharan P Sasitharan T Savage S Savio T Saxby S Schien M Scholes T Schrama L Schuch M Schulz-Robinson S Schwenke J Sciulli V YEAR 2015 MEMBERS CONTINUED HPMI is grateful to all who have become Members of highlighted and thanked for their additional support. Smith V Scotland J Stuart L Smith C Scott A Sturm L Smith K Scott J Su I Smith A Scott B Su AC Smith K Scouler L Subbaraju P Smith R Scully M Sugden C Smith C Scurry J Sulaksana T Smith S Searle J Sullivan M Smith N Sebastian M Sullivan M Smith R Seckold B Sun Y Smith S Seckold B Sutcliffe C Smith A Sedhain S Sutton E Smith F Sedra T Swan J Smith M Sellick C Swan K Smith N Semple K Swanbrough C Smith L Serazon M Swanson M Snape L Serfontein R Sweaney JA Snelson M Seysener K Sweatman J Soaki P Shah KC Sweeney S Soares Rocha F Shah NC Sycamore H Solomon J Shah T Sykes L Solomons P Shah A Symonds I Soto-Rodriguez F Szynal-Mrowka E Shahabi M Southgate S Shannon A Taghaddos A Southwell A Sharpe J Tame S Spear K Shaw L Tame S Spilsbury J Shean WT Tammekand A Spinaze J Sheather R Tan S Springthorpe BJ Shen Q Tan HH Sprott S Shepherd L Tan LM Stapleton P Shepley K Tan T Starling C Shettar S Tan R Stedman P Shirwaiker A Tan T Steel K Shorten H Tapim B Steele K Shukla N Tappoo K Stenner E Shumack K Tauber B Stephen R Siddiqui S Tavallaie F Stephens J Sillar RW Taylor C Stephenson S Sim R Taylor L Stevens H Simpkins M Taylor M Stevenson I Simpson MB Teagle K Stevenson A Simpson L Teagle C Stewart I Simpson T Tee HJ Stewart J Simpson M Teh JS Stewart J Singh J Teo B Stewart J Singh R Terry RF Steyn MD Singh A Tester K Still T Singh H Thalpawila P Stirrat H Thanakrishnan K Singh A Stitt P Singleton-Turner K Thera V Stoddart C Sketchley L Thera D Stone L Smart S Thomas E Stormer J Smith DE Thompson E Storrie C Smith S Thompson C Strahan A Smith A Thompson A Smith R Thompson F HPMI for 2015. Your support is greatly appreciated. Benefactors are Thomson C Thorley F Thorley K Thorne T Thornton-Smith D Thrift M Thursby CJ Ticehurst A Tichy M Tiedeman O Tinsey S Tischner A Tiu A Tng ETV Tobin L Tobin J Todd A Todorovski A Tonkin AM Toonen A Torrado M Townsend D Trainer C Tran C Tran H Trebble S Treble O Trevillian P Trotter A Truong L Tse V Tun Min S Tung V Tung C Turnbull R Turner L Turner K Tuxworth H Twyford E Tynan K Tyrrell C Tzanev M Tzaros T Ubeja M Ubeja S Ubeja J Underwood J Unwin J Upham F Utkina O Vadas A Valansi L Vallabhaneni R Vallone C Valsae Gopinath Rao H van der Kallen J Van Laar C Van Leeuwen F Van Rooy C Van Vorst C Vandenberg S Vardy K Varley T Verheul S Vershelden R Vickers R Victoire A Vilayur E Villadsen I Visser M Vollmer M Von Sanden L Vujica C Wai R Walker S Walker A Walker A Wall E Wallace M Wallis J Walmsley C Walsh M Walsh BA Walsh P Walters E Wang C Wang Y Warburton T Ward J Ward M Warner G Warner L Warner R Warner C Wastell G Watson AB Watson M Watson J Watts A Watts M Watts A Watts Z Wayte J Weatherall G Webster P Weeks P Weerasinghe T Weerasinghe C Weerasinghe M Weerasinghe N Weerawardena M 14 Welbourne D Wells B Wells A Welsh A Werckmann E Weston S Wheatley A Whipp R Whitaker S White M White D White SW Whiting V Whittaker D Whitty MJ Whitworth T Wickramasinghe T Wickremaratchy P Wild C Wilkinson L Wilks D Wilks G Williams J Williams P Williams J Williams L Williams R Williams M Williamson H Willock J Willoughby E Willoughby-Crole L Wills V Wills K Willson D Wilmer J Wilson M Wilson C Wilson P Wilson R Wilson T Wilson V Wilson M Wilson M Wilson B Winsley MT Winspear S Wisely A Wohlfahrt F Won A Wong B Woo LC Wood S Wood J Wood N Wood S Woodford P Woods R Woods D Woolard TJ Woolcott R Worthington A Worthington M Wratten S Wratten K Wright AJ Wright J Wright K Wright L Wright N Wright T Wright W Wroblewski K Wu P Wykes S Wynd S Wysel F Wythes K Xavier J Xu Z Yang L Yang V Yaraghi Z Ye G Yeo D Yeo R Yeoh SS Yin C Yip A Yonge W Young A Younis A Yuchongco R Zacher H Zaska A Zaslona R Zhang K Zimmerman H Zimmermann P Zulumovski N Zuzek R ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – 30.03.15 The Thirty Fifth Annual General Meeting, held at Newbolds Building, Mayfield, was a great success with twenty-five (32) attendees. The meeting was preceded by a cocktail party. Dr Doug Howarth, Chair of HPMI, presented HPMI’s 2014 Annual Report, and reported that While HPMI has been challenged financially during 2014, our delivery of high standard education had continued and attracted record numbers of attendees. This was no doubt due the hard work of the Program Committee and high quality of speakers sourced mainly from our local area by meeting Convenors. HPMI continued to develop and explore education initiatives via our website. HPMI is extremely grateful to Dr Milton Sales, and IT colleague, Mr Steve James, for their substantial development of readily-accessible online education Another initiative in 2014 was the development of our Online Directory of Specialists. This had been improved to be more interactive with maps on all records, as well as links to Specialist Group Member’s websites. We are currently seeking a sponsor for this area of our website. HPMI continued our annual Weekend of education in 2014, holding the seventh Annual HPMI Newcastle Weekend HPMI also held our inaugural Parkinson’s Disease Masterclass. Dr Chandrasekhara Padmakumar, meeting Convenor, must be thanked for his untiring work in making this meeting such a great success. On behalf of HPMI, I would like to thank significant Stakeholders in Continuing Professional Development for their support during 2014. In particular thanks are extended to Pathology North – Hunter for becoming our Major Sponsor for the seventh consecutive year. The University of Newcastle for accommodating the HPMI secretariat in Newbolds, Mayfield, where HPMI evening meetings are held, and providing services including accounting. Hunter New England Health for support towards delivery of information regarding Health Pathways. Hunter Medicare Local who provided an enormous boost to HPMI’s finances during 2014 by sponsoring the majority of HPMI education. They also covered the membership fees of non-GP clinical employees. I would like to welcome Scott White tonight. General Practice Training Valley to Coast who supported not only Trainees memberships, and for first time Overseas Trained Doctors’ memberships. They utilised HPMI’s website for various projects. Hunter Medical Research Institute who allowed HPMI to utilise their wonderful venue for our weekend events during 2014 and again in 2015. I would like to welcome Brad Webb tonight. I have enjoyed my two years as Chair of HPMI. I plan to stay on the Board in 2015 and watch HPMI grow and continue to be a premier provider of quality Continuing Professional Development in our Region and further abroad. Two students who won HPMI’s 2014 Bursary prizes presented interesting reports on their Electives undertaken in 2013. The winners were given Certificates and they then presented a summary of their electives as follows: • • Hayley Morgan for her report on Drug and Alcohol Clinical Services in Newcastle Lachlan McIntosh for his report on Rural Health Stream – Critical Care in Rural Hospitals. Pictured Medical Students Hayley Morgan and Lachlan McIntosh 15 Dr Howarth thanked Board members who would no longer be able to serve: • • • Professor Nicholas Talley, representing the Faculty of Health and Medicine, The University of Newcastle from 2011-2015 Dr Chong-Siew Yong, representing The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, from 2011-2015 Mrs Rhonda Pitt, Community Representative 2015 He then went on to announce 2015/16 Board (listed on page 4). Dr Milton Sales, HPMI Honorary Treasurer, presented the 2014 Financial Report, outlining that HPMI had made a Profit of $46,489 with Income $615,646 and Expenditure $569,159. With Adjustments made to the Trust Fund for 2012 and 2013 of $10,160, the Balance at end 2014 was $260,093 Professor Quail then thanked those who had become 2015 Benefactors as at 30 March 2015. Testamurs were presented to Dr Barry Chapman, Dr Doug Howarth and Professor Alan Hewson, who were present at the meeting. Pictured Members: Dr Barry Chapman, Dr Greg McGrath, Professor Alan Hewson & Mr Paul Anicich Thanks to Pepper tree wines for setting up wine tasing 16 SPONSORSHIP HPMI is grateful to the 41 Organisations provided support during 2015. HPMI is indebted to The University of Newcastle for provision of space and services. HPMI is grateful to our Major Sponsor, Pathology North – Hunter, and Principal Sponsors: Hunter Medicare Local, Hunter New England Local Health District, Hunter Medical Research Institute, Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network and General Practice Training Valley to Coast. Support from these important Stakeholders was invaluable to our organisation. . MAJOR SPONSOR 2015 PATHOLOGY NORTH – HUNTER HPMI WISHES TO THANK 2015 SPONSORS ♥New in 2015 Public Health Sector = 8 Private Health Sector = 22 General Practice Training Valley to Coast ♥Australian Financial Risk Management Hunter New England Local Health District ♥Bay Business Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Hunter Hand Surgery and Therapy Centre Health Network Hunter Medical Research Institute Hunter Cataract and Eye Hunter Medicare Local Hunter Imaging Group ♥Nephrology Department, John Hunter Hospital Hunter IVF Pathology North - Hunter Hunter Pain Clinic The University of Newcastle Hunter Valley Private Hospital Hunter Valley Specialist Centre Pharmaceutical Companies = 10 Lake Macquarie Private Hospital ♥AFT Pharmaceuticals Maitland Private Hospital Aspen Australia Limited ♥Marne Medical Bayer Healthcare MDA National ♥bioCSL ♥Medfin Finance GSK ♥MIPS ♥Meda Pharmaceuticals Newcastle Endoscopy Centre ♥Menarini Newcastle Eye Hospital Mundipharma ♥Newcastle Hand & Upper Limb Surgery and Therapy Centre ♥Novo Nordisk Northern Integrated Pain Management Pfizer ♥Recovery Station ♥Vascular One Ultrasound Publication Sponsors = 1 Warners Bay Private Hospital Newcastle Nuclear Medicine-Specialist Booklet Special thanks are also extended to: Kent Rowe Digital Print Pty Ltd for providing excellent printing and postal services during 2015 Peppertree wines for providing wine for HPMI presenters during 2015 17 PRINCIPAL SPONSORS Many Stakeholders in Continuing Professional Development in our region supplied support towards HPMI during 2015. HPMI is particularly grateful to the following Principal Sponsors whose support enabled HPMI to continue to provide affordable CPD in our region THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE HPMI is grateful to The University of Newcastle for provision of office space and services during 2015. HPMI works closely with the Faculty of Health and Medicine to promote the principal of lifelong learning by providing complimentary membership for health students. PATHOLOGY NORTH - HUNTER HPMI’s Major Sponsor for the eighth consecutive year. Pathology North’s support enabled HPMI Members to receive education via HPMI for free during 2015. HPMI is looking forward to continuing this successful relationship in years to come HUNTER NEW ENGLAND LOCAL HEALTH DISTRICT HPMI was an active partner in the development of HealthPathways in association with Hunter New England Health and Hunter Medicare Local during 2015. See reports for individual events. HPMI continues to provide Junior Medical Officers with complimentary membership in an effort to encourage lifelong learning. HNE Health also became the Conference Sponsors of the 2015 HPMI Newcastle Weekend. HUNTER MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE HPMI is extremely grateful to the Hunter Medical Research Institute for the use of their wonderful facility on the John Hunter Campus during 2015. The Plenary speaker for the 2015 HPMI Newcastle Weekend was Professor Chris Levi who is a Stroke Neurologist, NHMRC Practitioner Fellow and Director of Clinical Research and Translation for the Hunter New England Health District. Professor Levi spoke on the Recent Advances in Stroke Care – Research and the Challenge of Translation. Also included in the weekend were Presentations on research projects from Inception to Funding to Current Status Successfully Driven by Partnership Approach Between Researchers and Primary Care Community Involving Primary Care that is Currently Recruiting. GENERAL PRACTICE TRAINING VALLEY TO COAST General Practice Training Valley to Coast supported Membership for GPTVTC Trainees and Overseas Trained Doctors in 2015. They also covered work on our website for the OTD Network, Post Workshop Quizzes and Registrar Training. HUNTER MEDICARE LOCAL Hunter Medicare Local covered the Membership of non-GP Clinical employees of HML during 2015. HUNTER NEW ENGLAND AND CENTRAL COAST PRIMARY HEALTH NETWORK Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network provided support for the 2015-2016 Financial Year, as well as for the HPMI Newcastle Weekend Dinner. 18 PROGRAM COMMITTEE REPORT FACE TO FACE EDUCATION 2015 • • • • • • • • • • • • HPMI Newcastle Weekend Updates in Women’s Health, Dermatology and Legs and Feet Paediatrics Weekend Practical Procedures Day General Medicine for the Older Person Day Diabetes Day Nursing CPD Practice Administration CPD Clusters (in practice education) Clubs (sponsored dinner meetings) Certificate Courses Mirena Insertion During 2015, HPMI also organised meetings on behalf of five Specialist Group Members. HPMI also acted as Conference Organisers on behalf of the Hunter Surgical Society for three meetings. Two GP Clubs were also organised on behalf of General Practice Training Valley to Coast. QUALITY IMPROVEMENT & CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT During 2015, the Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute (HPMI) continued its successful provision of independent Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development (QI&CPD) to the Health Profession in our region. HPMI is an Accredited Provider of QI&CPD for both the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College of Remote and Rural Medicine (ACRRM). QI&CPD points were also applied for from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists for appropriate meetings. HPMI facilitates to application by attendees from other bodies by provision of an attendance report at meetings. HPMI adheres strictly to RACGP and ACRRM Guidelines regarding sponsorship, and maintain an ethical relationship with sponsors in relation to the delivery of education, which is completely independent of sponsoring organizations. ONLINE STREAMING HPMI offered live streaming of major events during 2015. The videos from these meetings are also available via HPMI’s website for those members who were unable to attend or hook up on the day. HMRI BUILDING HPMI is extremely grateful to the Hunter Medical Research Institute for the use of their wonderful facility on the John Hunter Campus during 2015 for our weekend events. 2016 PROGRAM In 2016 HPMI will once again be delivering Continuing Professional in a variety of mediums to meet the needs of the various health professionals who now support HPMI. HPMI will continue to videotape meetings, and include handouts from speakers, for access via our website by our members. Dr Milton Sales Chair, Program Committee, March, 2016 19 ONLINE EDUCATION A total of approximately 1166 Health Professionals have accessed HPMI’s website. SEMINARS Handouts, powerpoint presentations and videos of lectures from HPMI meetings since 2007 COURSES 68 Health Professionals participated in Courses as follows: EAR IRRIGATION (19), WOUND CLOSURE (4), SHARED OBSTETRIC CARE (4), MIRENA (41) SHARED OBSTETRIC CARE ONLINE COURSE This course, comprised of a manual, written by Hunter Area Health workers, containing Hunter region of NSW resources for maternal and infant care, as well as practical advice; test questions and practical sessions in Antenatal care and Neonatal Examinations is designed for GPs or trainees, also suitable for nurses or other health professionals. GERIATRICS ONLINE COURSE This course, comprised of a manual, written by Hunter Area Health workers, containing Hunter region of NSW resources for maternal and infant care, as well as practical advice and test questions is designed for GPs or trainees, also suitable for nurses or other health professionals. EAR IRRIGATION ONLINE COURSE This Course complements HPMI’s Ear Pathology and Wax Management Course. Syringing a patient's ears is usually performed to remove the cerumen (wax). Although a common procedure it is invasive with the potential to cause discomfort or even injury to the patient. Certificates of Completion provided. WOUND CLOSURE This Course complements HPMI’s Suturing and Wound Repair Course. Completion is necessary to attain a Certificate of Completion. MIRENA INSERTION COURSE This Course, incorporated with practical teaching sessions on Mirena Insertion, offers extra information and assessment necessary to attain Certificate of Completion. HAND CLEANSING How to wash your hands and quiz. Certificates of Completion provided. NURSING CPD Video, audio and handouts from HPMI Nursing CPD meetings available to HPMI members PRACTICE ADMINISTRATION CPD Video, audio and handouts from HPMI Practice Administration CPD meetings available to HPMI members ACTIVE LEARNING MODULES GP SUPERVISION OF MEDICAL STUDENTS – Active Learning Module to encourage GP Supervision of Medical Students. Sponsored by Division of General Practice, University of Newcastle OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNOEA – Newcastle Sleep Disorders Centre, University of Newcastle Investigation and management of OSA and Snoring • • • • • • • Post workshop Quizzes Supervisor Development ALM Links for Supervisors about High Risk Areas, Dermatoses, Supervisor Professional Development & Registrar Training Modules, AKT Exam Prep, OTD Net – 137 Participated Registrar Training Modules – 292 participated Respiratory and Antibiotic Surveys 20 ONLINE PUBLICATIONS ANNUAL REPORT Annual report for this year is housed in this area of HPMI’s website. CAREERS IN MEDICINE HANDBOOK This publication remains one of the significant achievements of HPMI. It has become the standard reference for Careers in Medicine. Updated annually, HPMI’s 18th Edition is available Free to Health Students and Junior Medical Officers, who are Members of HPMI. Non-members of HPMI may also purchase a copy for $22 from HPMI. HEALTH PATHWAYS Access to HNE Health HealthPathways, a is web-based information portal supporting primary care clinicians to plan patient care through primary, community and secondary health care systems within Hunter and New England. It is like a 'care map', so that all members of a health care team – whether they work in a hospital or the community - can be on the same page when it comes to looking after a particular person. HealthPathways are designed to be used at the point of care, primarily for General Practitioners but is also available to Hospital Specialists, Nurses, Allied Health and other Health Professionals within Hunter & New England. HPMI HISTORY Pictures of history of Medicine in Newcastle. HPMI’s Commemorative Dinner 2010 Booklet and History of HPMI housed here. HPMI BURSARY AWARDS HPMI annually awards two Bursary prizes for Health Equity Selective Reports to Medical Students. Winners’ Reports, and presentations at HPMI AGMs, since 2013, are housed on HPMI’s website. HPMI NEWS Annual Programs and Newsletters are housed on HPMI’s website. NEWCASTLE DOCTOR’S MEMOIRS – 1920 ONWARDS Recordings of interviews originally made by Dr Steve De Lyall with several prominent Newcastle Medicos. Alan Hewson has continued to update memoir contributions. This compilation of first hand accounts and unbelievable tales, will go down in the history books as 85 years of Doctors who built the world of medicine in the Newcastle region.50% of funds made from sales will be donated to Fund for Royal Newcastle Hospital Visiting Professorship, so donations to access via our website are welcome. It is also possible to purchase an MP3 for @ $22 from HPMI. WEBSITE SPONSORS’ DIRECTORY All Sponsors acknowledged by Rotating Banner Advertisements, which appeared on prominent areas of our site, not individually sponsored. Organisations need to provide these and specifications are available in the Publications area of our site. All Sponsors given a complimentary Platinum Home Page, listing their organisation’s address and phone and fax contacts. Pages can include text regarding an organisation’s products and services, links to their own websites, as well as provide graphic images, logos and photographs, for inclusion. Details regarding size and format of images (to be provided by individual organisations) are available on the Publications area of the website. EVENTS/CENTRAL DIARY HPMI offers an online central diary service via our website to provide up to date information regarding time and place of CPD meetings for the Medical and Allied Health professionals. MEDICAL DIRECTORY This directory is a searchable database by name, area and specialty of Medical Officers in the Hunter, New England, Mid North Coast, Northern Tablelands and Central Coast areas of New South Wales, and thus a great resource. All College Specialists, who agree to be listed, are included. This Directory is complemented by HPMI’s 6th Edition Booklet of Specialists, which was sponsored by Newcastle Nuclear Medicine in 2015 and provided to new HPMI Members. 21 ANNUAL PROGRAM OF EVENTS BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN OF 2015 HPMI MEETING REGISTRANTS General Practitioners GP Trainees and Overseas Trained Doctors Practice Nurses Practice Admin (incl Managers) Allied Health Professionals Junior Medical Officers & Health Students Specialists TOTAL REGISTRANTS 1,166 Health Professionals accessed Education online 2513 355 673 183 126 74 64 3988 68 01-02.08.15 194 Mirena (41) Ear Irrigation (19), Wound Closure (4), Shared Obstetric Care (4) HPMI NEWCASTLE WEEKEND Health Professionals attended HPMI UPDATES = 7 1 14.02.15 2 20.06.15 3 05.09.15 Total Registrants 141 78 41 260 3 UPDATE SERIES MEETINGS WOMEN’S HEALTH DAY DERMATOLOGY LEGS AND FEET 216 Individual Health Professionals attended 4 HPMI SPECIALTY UPDATES 07-08.03.15 66 PAEDIATRICS WEEKEND 28.03.15 54 PRACTICAL PROCEDURES DAY 02.05.15 138 GENERAL MEDICINE FOR THE OLDER PERSON DAY 17.10.15 79 DIABETES DAY 337 273 Individual Health Professionals attended Registrants CERTIFICATE COURSE MEETINGS = 14 24.02,14.07, 15.09 64 MIRENA COURSES 16, 21, 27 = 62 Individual Registrants 14.10 & 14.11.15 22 ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT 10, 12 = 22 Individual Registrants 28.04.15 19 1 - CPR – Resuscitation Skills in General Practice 28.05.15 22 2 - DEALING WITH DIFFICULT PATIENTS 23.06.15 13 3 - EAR PATHOLOGY AND WAX MANAGEMENT 06.08.15 22 4 - CPR – Resuscitation Skills in General Practice 10.09.15 23 5 - TRIAGE AND ACE FOR ALL PRACTICE STAFF 29.10.15 24 6 - CPR – Resuscitation Skills in General Practice 04.11.15 24 7 - CPR – Resuscitation Skills in General Practice 05.11.15 6 8 - SUTURING AND WOUND REPAIR 10.11.15 Total Registrants 13 9 - TRIAGE AND ACE FOR ALL PRACTICE STAFF 252 160 Individuals attended 9 Certificate Courses above NURSING & PRACTICE ADMINISTRATION CPD = 13 1 4 1 2 3 1 2 14 Clusters 358 205 Individual Health Professionals attended 1044 335 276 212 181 143 87 Charlestown Cluster Elermore Vale, Merewether, Hamilton and Newcastle Belmont New Lambton and Brunker Road General Practice Maitland, Nelson Bay and Raymond Terrace Warners Bay Westlakes and Southlakes 2278 241 CLUSTERS = 14 3 CLUBS & 6 ORGANISED MEETINGS Includes Women’s Health Club, Aged Care Club and Diabetes Clubs 22 63% 8% 17% 5% 3% 2% 2% 23 HPMI NEWCASTLE WEEKEND 1-2 AUGUST 2015 8th ANNUAL HEALTHCARE PROFESSINALS’S CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION NEWCASTLE CITY HALL The 2015 HPMI Newcastle Weekend was a great success with over 232 participating. Thanks are extended to the Weekend Planning Committee for designing another popular program. 2015 HPMI NEWCASTLE WEEKEND PLANNING COMMITTEE Dr Julia Gan Ms Kay Gray Professor Alan Hewson Dr John Hollingsworth Dr Doug Howarth A/Prof Jeannette Lechner-Scott Ms Denise Lyons Mr Ian O’Dea Dr Chandrasekhara Padmakumar Dr Karla Raja Dr Milton Sales Dr Shirley Schulz-Robinson Ms Alison Tattersall Dr Trent Watson HPMI is grateful to all speakers who gave of their time freely and help make this weekend such a success. Speakers’ presentations, and videotapes of Neurology, Mental Health and COPD sessions, are accessible by registrants and HPMI members via HPMI’s website. The Plenary speaker for 2015 was Professor Chris Levi who is a stroke neurologist, NHMRC practitioner fellow and Director of Clinical Research and Translation for the Hunter New England Health District. Professor Levi spoke on the Recent Advances in Stroke Care – Research and the Challenge of Translation and was well received. This was part of a Neurology Active Learning Module available over the weekend. Session themes included: A Good Death, Neurology, Technology, Research, Cancer, Mental Health SNAP and various other topics. 2015 HPMI Newcastle Weekend Speakers and Presenters Plenary Speaker Professor Christopher Levi Dr Peter Pockney Prof Dimity Pond Ms Marilyn Reed Dr Anne Ronan Dr Milton Sales Dr Peter Saul Dr Swetha Sridharan Dr Gopinath Subramanian Dr Simon Tame Dr Mimi Tieu Dr John Van der Kallen Dr Fiona Van Leeuwen Dr Trent Watson Dr David Williams Dr Brad Wilsmore Dr Jonathan Young Visiting Speakers Dr Annemaree Bickerton Prof David Castle Assoc Professor Simon Lewis Local Speakers Dr Rosemary Aldrich Ms Sarah Breusch Dr Amanda Caswell Mr Mitchell Cootes Ms Jacqui Culver Dr Mark De Souza Dr Ben Ewald Dr Marcia Fogarty Ms Donna Gillies Dr Anthony Hall Ms Karen Harrison Dr Andrew Hedges A/Prof Frances Kay-Lambkin Ms Jeanette Lacey A/Prof Jeannette Lechner Scott Dr Margaret Lynch Dr Parker Magin Dr Shaun McGrath Dr John Newton Dr Felicity Park Practice Administration Speakers Ms Allyson Alker Ms Paula Bichard Ms Suzanne Birch Mr Carey Doolan Ms Morag Joseph Mr Sachin Joshi Ms Marika Mackenzie Ms Katrina Otto Mr Scott White Ms Ashley Young 24 PARTICIPANTS The Conference was a great success with 232 participants made up as follows: 50 Speakers presenting 1 Plenary - Stroke 38 Concurrent Sessions on Neurology, Technology, A Good Death, COPD, Cardiology, IVF, Genetics, Thyroid, Pain Management, Environmental Impacts on our Health, Cognitive Assessment Tools, HMRI Research, Cancer, Mental Health, SNAP, Prenatal Testing, Plastic Surgery, E referrals and FOBT Referrals (including 11 speaker/registrants) 10 Practice Administration Program 1 GP Supervisor Session (1 speaker/registrant) 194 Registrants 110 2 9 32 2 21 1 17 0 0 General Practitioners (7 of whom were also speakers, GPTVTC Trainees Specialists (2 of whom were also speakers, Nurses (1 of who was also a speaker, Practice Administration Practice Manager (1 who was convenor/speaker) Medical Students Allied Health Professionals Junior Medical Officers Overseas Trained Doctors QI&CPD Points There was a choice to gain either Category 2 QI&CPD points, or to participate an Active Learning Module (ALM) – Neurology to gain 40 Category 1 QI&CPD points. 44 undertook ALM to gain Category 1 points registrants needed to complete a Predisposing Activity prior to the Weekend, attend ALM Specific Sessions up to 6 hours and complete Reinforcing Activity online following conference. Certificates of Attendance were provided for other certifying bodies on request. HealthPathways Included in appropriate topics over the weekend. HealthPathways is a web-based information portal supporting primary care clinicians to plan patient care through primary, community and secondary health care systems within Hunter & New England. It is like a 'care map', so that all members of a health care team – whether they work in a hospital or the community - can be on the same page when it comes to looking after a particular person. HealthPathways are designed to be used at the point of care, primarily for General Practitioners but is also available to Hospital Specialists, Nurses, Allied Health and other Health Professionals within Hunter & New England. CONFERENCE DINNER The Conference Dinner was held at Marina Views Function Centre on the Saturday evening with 95 in attendance. The evening was a great success with guests from Hunter New England Local Health District, Pathology North - Hunter, Hunter New England Local Health District, including Rankin Park Centre as well as Hunter New England and Central Coast PHN, who sponsored the dinner. Other tables included Hunter Valley Private Hospital and Brunker Road General Practice. Winner of the 2016 HPMI Membership prize was Dr John Hollingsworth. After Dinner Speaker, Associate Professor Simon Lewis Phrenology for the 21st Century: Understanding the PD Brain. 25 TRADE FAIR HPMI Sponsors were allocated a table in the trade fair as part of their 2014 Sponsorship. There were 36 Trade stands, and over 100 representatives in attendance. This included Free Trade Displays for the Hunter GP Association, Doctors for the Environment, Nehta and the Royal Blind Society. HPMI is extremely grateful to the following organisations for their additional support Support provided by HPMI’s Major Sponsor, Pathology North – Hunter, allowed HPMI Members to attend the weekend for FREE. HPMI is extremely grateful to them for also providing Satchels for delegates. Conference Sponsors were Hunter New England Local Health District. HealthPathways were included in appropriate topics Principal Sponsors included Hunter Medical Research Institute who ran a Round table research session. Hunter New England and Central Coast PHN (HNECC) were the Conference Dinner Sponsors Thanks are extended to the School of Medicine and Public Health, whose support enabled GP Supervisors to attend the HPMI Newcastle Weekend for free. HPMI included a GP Supervisor Training Session for GPs to learn more about becoming a GP Supervisor. Other Conference Sponsors include AFRM Financial Risk Analysis sponsored the Neurology Stream Medfin Finance sponsored the Technology Stream. Medical Indemnity Protection Society became a Weekend Platinum Sponsor. Newcastle Eye Hospital for providing a coffee cart over the weekend. HPMI Sponsors Session Sponsors 25 HPMI Sponsors, including 9 Specialist Group Members, displayed over the weekend. • Boehringer Ingelheim sponsored Plenary Session with Professor Levi • Bio CSL sponsored the Pain Management Session • Newcastle Eye Hospital provided coffee cart & biscuits. Peppertree wines for providing Speaker wine gifts 26 UPDATE SERIES 2015 Pathology North - Hunter were the Major Sponsor of this Series. Their Sponsorship enabled HPMI Members to attend the Series for FREE. 2015 Sponsors of HPMI were entitled to a FREE Trade Display at this Series as part of their Sponsorship. These meetings were allocated Category 2 QI&CPD Points from the RACGP and PD Points from ACRRM. HPMI also facilitated application for points from Other Bodies by providing reports detailing hours attended. UPDATE SERIES 1: Women’s Health Day 14.02.15 Saturday Full day 9.30- 5 pm HMRI BUILDING, John Hunter Hospital Campus, New Lambton Heights Convenor DR OLGA OSTROWSKYJ General Practitioner, Hunter Women’s Health, Broadmeadow Registrants attending Live Streaming 129 12 (149 participants) 141 Trade Displays 16 This meeting was streamed live on the day, videos and handouts are available on HPMI’s website HPMI wishes to thank the following speakers DR SONIA DAVISON Endocrinologist and Clinical Fellow, Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Women's Health Research Program, Monash University DR BILL REGALO Breast & General Surgeon The Breast Centre, Gateshead DR KEN JAABACK Gynaecological Oncologist Bayway Centre Surgery, Warners Bay DR MATTHEW HOLLAND KEYNOTE SPEAKER PCOS NON MALIGNANT BREAST ABNORMALITIES • • • Lumps Cysts Mastalgia CERVICAL CYTOLOGY A guide to management now and after 2016 • • When to refer Thin Prep/SurePath ABNORMAL VAGINAL BLEEDING Dysmenorrhea Menorrhagia Oligomenorrhea Amenorrhea Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Newcastle Private Specialist Centre New Lambton Heights • • • • DR TANIA DAY VULVAL PATHOLOGY Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Vulval Health Clinic, John Hunter Hospital • • • DR NATHAN RYDER Sexual Health Physician Pacific Clinic, HNE Health, Newcastle DR SNEHA JOSHI Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Hunter Valley Specialist Centre, Maitland DR JO MESURE General Practitioner Hunter Clinic, Family Planning NSW Vulval Warts, and their differentiation from other vulval pathology Vulval psoriasis, Lichen Simplex and Sclerosus, Melanasos Vulvae Normal vulval variation in anatomy STI’s • • Chlamydia Herpes Simplex Virus INCONTINENCE, PELVIC FLOOR SURGERY CONTRACEPTION UPDATE • COCP, POP, EC, LARCS Health pathways were presented Thanks are extended to Meeting Sponsors 27 Update Series 2: DERMATOLOGY UPDATE 05.04.14 Saturday 1-5 pm HMRI Building, John Hunter Hospital Campus, New Lambton Heights Convenor/Chair Registrants Live Streaming TOTAL REGISTRANTS Trade Displays DR DEBORAH HOLT 45 33 78 8 Dermatologist, East Maitland (78 Participants) This meeting was streamed live on the day HPMI wishes to thank the following speakers • • • TREATMENT OF ACNE SCARRING MOH’S SURGERY MANAGEMENT OF ATOPIC ECZEMA DR LIANG JOO LEOW, Dermatologist, Aesthetic Dermatology, Darlinghurst LYMPHOEDEMA KRISTIN OSBORN, Lymphologist, Lymphoedema Clinic, Kotara South CELLUTIS Swollen Legs DR PAUL THIBAULT, Phlebologist, Central Vein & Cosmetic Medical Centre, Broadmeadow Health pathways were presented HPMI wishes to thank Meda Pharmaceuticals for sponsoring the meeting 28 Newcastle Update Series 3: LEGS AND FEET UPDATE 05.09.15 Saturday Afternoon HMRI Building, John Hunter Hospital Campus, New Lambton Heights Convenor/Chair DR JOHN HOLLINGSWORTH General Practitioner Registrants 41 (41 Participants) Trade Displays 4 This meeting was videotaped on the day, videos and handouts are available on HPMI’s website HPMI wishes to thank the following speakers THE DAMAGED KNEE – Young and Old DR DAVID DEWAR, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Hamilton COMMON CONDITIONS OF THE FOOT AND THEIR MANAGEMENT DR DAVID NICHOLSON, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Charlestown. THE USE OF VASCULAR ULTRASOUND IN DISEASES OF THE LOWER LEG WARREN LEWIS, Director and Senior Sonographer, Vascular One Ultrasound, Kotara. MY CHILD’S FEET ARE NOT NORMAL DR SANDEEP TEWARI, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Adamstown Health pathways were presented Dr Sandeep Tewari, Speaker at Legs and Feet 5/9.15 Capacity Audience at Women’s Health 14/2/16 in Haggerty Space, HMRI 29 PAEDIATRICS WEEKEND 7-8 MARCH 2015 Weekend Meeting HMRI BUILDING, John Hunter Hospital, Kookaburra Circuit, New Lambton Heights Convenor/Speaker DR PAUL CRAVEN Neonatologist & Clinical leader for Education & Research at Children, Young People & Families Services, HNE Health Convenor/Chair DR MILTON SALES General Practitioner, Adamstown Chair DR RAJ GUPTA General Practitioner, Belmont Registrants attending 55 Live Streaming 11 5 viewed after event TOTAL REGISTRANTS 66 (83 participants) Trade Displays 5 Pathology North-Hunter, A2 Milk Company, Ferring Pharmacueuticals Pty Ltd, Meda Pharmaceuticals and Health Pathways HPMI wishes to thank the following speakers TOWARDS NORMAL BIRTH ADHD & DISORDER AUTISM SPECTRUM DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES THE COLLAPSED NEONATE NEWBORN SCREENING TESTS DR HENRY MURRAY, Director of Obstetrics, John Hunter Hospital DR MAREA MURRAY, General and Community Paediatrician, Child & Family Health Team DR LARISSA KOROSTENSKI, Neonatologist, John Hunter Children’s Hospital DR PAUL CRAVEN DR ANIL LAKKUNDI, Neonatologist, John Hunter Children’s Hospital & Member of the Mothers and Babies Research Centre, HMRI Pregnancy and Reproduction Program MANAGING A CHILD WITH ALLERGY IN A BUSY GP PRACTICE DR RANI BHATIA, Paediatric Allergist & Immunologist, John Hunter MUSIC THERAPY SEAN NOLAN, Music Therapist, John Hunter Children’s Hospital Children’s Hospital DR JOERG MATTES, Professor & Chair of Paediatrics, Paediatric PAEDIATRIC Research – what is new ASTHMA – What is new CHILDHOOD DIABETES OBESITY COMMON GENETIC TESTS PAEDIATRIC EYE PROBLEMS EASY BRUISING AND COAGULATION DISORDERS IN CHILDREN PAEDIATRIC HAEMATOLOGY HEALTH PATHWAYS PAEDIATRIC PAIN PAEDIATRIC LIMP RECOGNISING THE SICK CHILD Respiratory & Sleep Medicine Senior Staff Specialist, John Hunter Children’s Hospital & Member of the Experimental & Translational Respiratory Group, HMRI VIVA Program. Also Chair of the Children, Young People and Families Research Executive. DR BIARTA RHYS-JONES, Paediatric Respiratory & Sleep Medicine Fellow John Hunter Children’s Hospital A/PROF TRISH CROCK, Paediatric Endocrinologist & Diabetes, , John Hunter Children’s Hospital, Member of the Medical Genetics Group, HMRI Information Based Medicine Program. DR ANNE RONAN, Clinical Geneticist, Hunter Genetics, Waratah DR PETER DAVIES, Ophthalmologist, Hunter Eye Surgeons, Newcastle Eye Hospital, Waratah DR BRYONY ROSS, Paediatric Haematology & Oncology Staff Specialist, John Hunter Children’s Hospital DR JANIS CHAMBERLAIN, Paediatric Haematologist, Children’s Cancer and Haematology Service, John Hunter Children’s Hospital SANDRA FITZGERALD, NPS Pharmacist Hunter Medicare Local DR SUSIE LORD, Pain Specialist, Children’s Complex Pain Service, John Hunter Children’s Hospital DR SANDEEP TEWARI, Paediatric and Adult Orthopaedic Surgeon, Lingard Medical Centre DR KEITH HOWARD, Regional Paediatrician, HNE LHD Health Pathways were presented 30 PRACTICAL PROCEDURES DAY 28 MARCH 2015 Full Day Saturday HMRI BUILDING, John Hunter Hospital, Kookaburra Circuit, New Lambton Heights Convenor/Chair DR JOHN HOLLINGSWORTH General Practitioner Registrants 54 (54 Participants) Trade Displays 2 Marne Medical and Hunter GP Association HPMI wishes to thank the following speakers: DERMATOSCOPY DR TONY AZZI & DR ALISTAIR LILLEYMAN, SPLINTS AND BRACES MR CAMERON BULLUS, Physiotherapist, Advanced Physiotherapy & Injury Prevention, Warner’s Bay KNEES - Examination, Imaging and Common Problems DR RICHARD HARBURY, Orthopaedic Surgeon, LOCAL ANAESTHETICS FOR THE GP DR JOHN HOLLINGSWORTH, General Practitioner XRAY DIAGNOSTICS FOR THE GP DR DOUG HOWARTH, Nuclear Medicine Physician, COMMON EYE PROBLEMS AND PITFALLS DR DAVID MANNING, Ophthalmologist, Hunter NORMAL AND NOT SO NORMAL ECGS Procedural Practitioners, Charlestown Newcastle Skin Check, Newcastle Orthopaedics, East Maitland and Charlestown Newcastle Nuclear Medicine, Warner’s Bay DR STUART SLATER, Consultant Radiologist, Hunter Imaging Group Cataract & Eye Centre, Charlestown DR BRAD WILSMORE, Cardiologist Electrophysiologist, Merewether & JHH 31 & Cardiac GENERAL MEDICINE FOR THE OLDER PERSON DAY 2 MAY 2015 Full Day Saturday HMRI BUILDING, John Hunter Hospital, Kookaburra Circuit, New Lambton Heights Convenor/Chair DR CHANDRASEKHARA PADMAKUMAR Geriatrician, Clinical Director, Rankin Park Centre, HNEH Chair DR KARLA RAJA General Practitioner, Warners Bay Registrants attending Live Streaming TOTAL REGISTRANTS Trade Displays 90 48 138 9 viewed after event (150 participants) 6 Hunter Medicare Local, Actavis, Glaxo SmithKline, MDA, Mundipharma and UCB HPMI wishes to thank the following speakers: YOUNGER ONSET DEMENTIA MANAGEMENT PERSON OF DEPRESSION DR BERNARD WALSH, IN THE OLDER DELIRIUM - Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis and Management Geriatrician, Charlestown Head of Department of Geriatrics, HNELHD DR BRENDAN FLYNN, Psychogeriatrician, Staff Specialist, HNE Mental Health DR SUZANNE WASS, Staff Specialist Geriatrician, CMH KEYNOTE SPEAKER 1 GERIATRIC MEDICINE : A patient centred specialty PROFESSOR KICHU NAIR, AM, KEYNOTE SPEAKER 2 MANAGEMENT OF ADVANCED PARKINSON’S DISEASE IN AGED CARE FACILITIES Neurology – Geriatric Medicine Interface ACHIEVING THE IDEAL BLOOD PRESSURE IN AN OLDER PERSON Geriatrician, Rankin Park Centre and Professor of Medicine & Associate Dean, Faculty of Health Medicine, University of Newcastle PROFESSOR SCOTT WHYTE Professor of Neurology, Gosford DR BOBBY CHACKO, Nephrologist , JHH DR BRUCE BASTIAN, Senior Staff Specialist Cardiologist SYNCOPE AND PACEMAKERS A/PROF NEIL SPRATT, Neurologist ,JHH DR SIMON MYLABATHULA, MANAGEMENT OF AF IN ELDERLY SEVERE AORTIC STENOSIS IN AN OLDER PERSON DR NICK COLLINS, Cardiologist, JHH DR BRUCE BASTIAN, Cardiologist, East Maitland Senior Staff Specialist Cardiologist Moderator Dr Karla Raja, GP, Warners Bay Panel members VIV ALLANSON, CEO Maroba DR BRUCE BASTIAN, Senior Staff Specialist PANEL DISCUSSION ON END OF LIFE PATHWAY DYING WITH DIGNITY Cardiologist DR PETER COLEMAN, GP, Adamstown DR MARK MATHER, Palliative Care Consultant DR CHANDRASEKHARA PADMAKUMAR Professor Kichu Nair, Keynote Speaker in Caves Theatre, HMRI HealthPathways.were presented 32 Trade Fair in Haggarty Space, HMRI 17 OCTOBER 2015 DIABETES DAY Full Day Saturday HMRI BUILDING, John Hunter Hospital, Kookaburra Circuit, New Lambton Heights Convenor DR SHAM ACHAYA, Clinical Director, Diabetes Services, HNE Local Health District Registrants 57 Live Streaming 22 (6 viewed after event) TOTAL REGISTRANTS 79 (83 Participants) Trade Displays 10 HPMI wishes to thank the following speakers HPMI CPD meeting Convened by Dr Sham Achayra, Clinical Director, Diabetes Services, HNE Local Health District and Chaired by Dr Milton Sales, GP Adamstown JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF DIABETES CAREcase presentation based learning - a journey of a diabetic patient from diagnosis to advanced disease, discussed through a clinical symposium with multidisciplinary panel HUNTER ALLIANCE: IS THIS THE DIABETES MODEL FOR THE FUTURE? PANEL DISCUSSION Dr Sham Acharya, Clinical Director, Diabetes Services, HNE Local Health District Dr Tuan Quach, Endocrinologist, JHH Dr Judy Luu, Endocrinologist, Byrne House, JHH Dr Chris Sankooril, Endocrinologist, Dr Katie Wynne, Endocrinologist, JHH Marion Hawker, CNC, Diabetes Nurse Educator, Diabetes Service Melba Mensch, Senior Dietitian Diabetes Service Varikara Dr Annalise Philcox, Staff Specialist Endocrinology and General Medicine, Department of General Medicine, Calvary Mater WORKSHOPS Registrants broke into small groups INSULIN CONVERSION Marion Hawker, CNC, Diabetes Educator, Diabetes Service Tamara Whitworth, Diabetes Nurse Educator, Diabetes Service HANDS ON METERS PENS & PUMPS Hilary Fejsa, Diabetes Nurse Educator, Diabetes Services Alison Wright, Diabetes Nurse Educator, Diabetes Services Julie Zwarteveen, Service Manager Podiatry and Footcare Services, Community and Aged Care Services DIABETIC PODIATRY Nicholas Miller, Podiatrist, Community and Aged Care Services Dr Tuan Quach, Endocrinologist, JHH DIET RETINAL SCREENING Melissa Franklin, Dietitian, Diabetes Services Tina Murdoch, Senior Dietitian, Diabetes Services Dom Willson, Optometrist Custom Eyecare Newcastle HealthPathways.were presented 33 CERTIFICATE COURSES Evening Meetings Held at: NEWBOLDS BUILDING, Cnr Frith and Gavey Streets, Mayfield HPMI continued to hold CPR – Resuscitation Skills for General Practice and Triage in General Practice Courses with Mr Simon Gould, Principal Lecturer from Medics for Life. Dealing with Difficult Patients and Advanced Life Support for Medical Registrars Courses were also introduced in 2015. CPD Points were applied for by Medics for Life for these courses. HPMI also continued to hold Suturing and Wound Repair and Ear Pathology and Wax Management Courses. These Courses included two hours of practical education. Registrants were also required to complete Online Component of the Courses to Receive Certificates of Completion from HPMI. HPMI would like to extend our sincere thanks to Drs Milton Sales, John Hollingsworth and Andrew Montanari, as well as Simon Gould, for their contributions to these Courses. TOPIC DATE Registrants Category 2 CPD Points PRESENTER/S In 2015 there were 166 attendances at the following 9 Certificate Courses 1 CPR – Resuscitation Skills for General Practice 28.04.15 19 5 Mr Simon Gould Principal Lecturer, Medics for Life 2 Dealing with Difficult Patients 28.05.15 22 6 Mr Simon Gould Principal Lecturer, Medics for Life 23.06.15 13 4 Dr John Hollingsworth, GP , Newcastle & Dr Milton Sales, GP, Adamstown Ear Pathology & Wax Management 3 (included an Ear Irrigation Online component completed by 19) 4 CPR – Resuscitation Skills for General Practice 06.08.15 22 5 Mr Simon Gould Principal Lecturer, Medics for Life 5 Triage in General Practice 10.09.15 23 6 Mr Simon Gould Principal Lecturer, Medics for Life 6 CPR – Resuscitation Skills for General Practice 29.10.15 24 5 Mr Simon Gould Principal Lecturer, Medics for Life 7 CPR – Resuscitation Skills for General Practice 04.11.15 24 5 Mr Simon Gould Principal Lecturer, Medics for Life 8 Suturing and Wound Repair (included a Wound Closure Online component completed by 4) 6 4 Dr Andrew Montanari, General Practitioner, Hunter Skin Cancer Clinic, Broadmeadow 9 Triage in General Practice 10.11.15 13 6 Mr Simon Gould Principal Lecturer, Medics for Life In 2015 the following courses satisfied RACGP requirements for registrars for Advanced Life Support. 1 Advanced Life Support (ALS) for Medical Registrars 24.10.15 10 10 ALS Points Mr Simon Gould Principal Lecturer, Medics for Life 2 Advanced Life Support (ALS) for Medical Registrars 14.11.15 12 10 ALS Points Mr Simon Gould Principal Lecturer, Medics for Life Components of the ALS Courses included CPR, defibrillation, trauma assessment, application and stiff neck collars, use of IO for vascular access, advanced airway care, managing airway obstructions with a laryngoscope and Magill forceps, cardiac arrest rhythms, ALS drug regimes and scenarios. 34 MIRENA COURSES 2015 Evening Meetings Held at: NEWBOLDS BUILDING, Cnr Frith and Gavey Streets, Mayfield A two hour practical session, where participants learnt how to assess a patient for suitability of a Mirena Interuterine device. The Sessions also included a practical component involving hands on instruction on insertion. After attending the practical session, participants were invited to review the information gained in this course, and complete an online assessment in order to receive a Certificate of Completion from HPMI. In 2015 62 Individual Health Professionals undertook this training via HPMI. 24 February 14 July 13 October 16 20 26 Registrants Registrants Registrants HPMI wishes to thank the following resource people DR GEORGE ANGUS, Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Newcastle Private Specialist Suites, New Lambton Heights DR MILTON SALES, General Practitioner, Adamstown HPMI is extremeley grateful to Bayer Australia Limited for sponsoring this Series 35 NURSING CPD Evening Meetings Held at: NEWBOLDS BUILDING, Cnr Frith and Gavey Streets, Mayfield HPMI continued delivery of education for Practice Nurses in 2015. Education was designed by a Nurse CPD Planning Committee HPMI Members were entitled to free registration. Meeting format was two hours of education preceded by a light supper, held in Newbolds Building, Mayfield, on Thursday evenings. HPMI houses handouts and videotapes of meetings on our website and attendees and HPMI members can access these for free. HPMI provided Certificates of Attendance and a Report at year end of all hours of education. In 2015 there were 292 attendances at Practice Nurse CPD by 167 Individual Health Professionals. HPMI wishes to thank the following presenters and Sponsors: TOPIC DATE Registrants PRESENTER/S Diabetes – Devices*** 03.02.15 20 Michelle Kriss, CNS/Diabetes Educator, Greater Newcastle Cluster Diabetes Service and Alison Wright, RN/Diabetes Educator, Greater Newcastle Cluster Diabetes Service Trade Displays by Abbott Australasia Pty Ltd, AFT Pharmaceuticals, Johnson and Johnson and Becon Dickinson Pty Ltd Improving Practice Systems 19.02.15 19 Tracey Lewis, Primary Care Liaison Offier, Hunter Medicare Local Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health HML*** 19.03.15 32 Tina Pidcock, Manager Aboriginal Health Equity and Diversity, John Manton, Aboriginal Outreach Worker and Nerida Walker, Primary Care Liaison Officer. How to Start the Conversation Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care*** 14.05.15 27 Lisa Shaw, Practice Development Officer, HNE Advance Planning and End of Life Care Community Health Strategy Overview of Children’s Rashes 18.06.15 30 Dr Sally de Zwaan, Dermatologist, Lotus Dermatology Breastfeeding, Tongue Tie & Breast Issues 16.07.15 26 Amanda Pauley, RN, RM, BA, Dip Ed, Certified Women’s Health, Antenatal Educator, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Pain the Other Chronic Disease 13.08.15 24 Rachel Whipp, Pain Management Nurse, Hunter Pain Clinic, Broadmeadow, Dr Mike Shelley, Psychologist, Innervate Pain Management, Broadmeadow and Jane Elvy, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Hunter Pain Clinic, Broadmeadow Trade Display by BioCSL Legal Issues for Nurses in General Practice 20.08.15 54 Susan Taylor, Professional Officer, NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association, Waterloo Early Childhood Dental – Education for Prevention 17.09.15 14 Dr Helen Cornwell, Paediatric Dentist, Newcastle Paediatric Dental Services, Broadmeadow All About the Eyes 15.10.15 23 Dom Willson, Optometrist, Custom Eye Care Newcastle Trade Display by AFT Pharmaceuticals Improving health through lifestyle coaching and motivational interviewing 12.11.15 23 Dr Danielle Anthony, Clinical and Health Psychologist, Psychology One, Warners Bay HealthPathways.were presented*** 36 PRACTICE ADMINISTRATION CPD Evening Meetings Held at: NEWBOLDS BUILDING, Cnr Frith and Gavey Streets, Mayfield HPMI continued delivery of education for Practice Administration in 2015. Education was designed by an Administration CPD Planning Committee HPMI Members were entitled to free registration. Meeting format was two hours of education, preceded by a light supper, held in Newbolds Building, Mayfield, on Thursday evenings. HPMI houses handouts and videotapes of meetings on our website and attendees and HPMI members can access these for free. In 2015 there were 66 attendances at Practice Administration CPD by 55 Individual Health Professionals. HPMI provides Certificates of Attendance and a Report at year end of all hours of education. HPMI wishes to thank the following presenters and Sponsors: TOPIC Information Sharing Forum – Share Generously Legal Requirements Attached to Position Descriptions Educating Your Staff – Resources for Practices Maximising Income in Private Practice Date Registrants PRESENTERS 26.02.15 14 Mr Sachin Joshi, Director, Simplifying Business, Business and Personal Growth Solutions and Hunter Valley Specialist Centre, East Maitland 26.03.15 13 Mrs Kay Gray, Practice Manager, Hunter Pain Clinic and Ms Laura Wheatley Consultant Business & Accounting Support, Randstad 11 Mr John Arthur, Manager Business Development, Hunter TAFE, Tighes Hill and Mr Colin McCabe, General Manager Recruitment & Management Services MEGT (Australia) Ltd, Haymarket 28 Ms Megan Faraday-Bensley, Director, Prosperity Advisers Group, Newcastle and Ms Mr Brendan Campbell, Associate Director, Prosperity Advisers Group, Newcastle 27.08.15 22.10.15 MR SACHIN JOSHI Director Hunter Valley Specialist Centre Information Sharing Forum on 26 February 37 CLUSTERS HPMI continued to expand delivery of in house education in practice areas in 2015. Held close to practices, at convenient times and open to the whole practice team, HPMI continued to provide this Continuing Professional Development, suitable for practice teams, for FREE! HPMI provided QI&CPD points from the RACGP and ACRRM and facilitated application for points from other health bodies. HPMI wishes to thank all speakers involved in our Cluster meetings for their hard work and commitment to providing this education throughout our region. Thanks are also given to Cluster Sponsors as listed below Speaker BELMONT – Jewells Medical Centre, Ntaba Road, Jewells on 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month from 8-9 am 10th February 24th February 10th March 24th March 28th April 12th May 26th May 9th June 14th July Dr David Arnold Dr Michael Katekar Dr Arvind Deshpande Dr Ravi Singh Dr Steve Raymond Dr Neil Catterall Dr Kathryn Patchett Dr Andrew Hedges Dr Uli Liedvogel Dr Andrew Myers Dr Bobby Chacko 28th July Prof Saxon White, AM 23rd June Sponsored by Lake Macquarie Private Hospital COPD Balance Disorders DVT’s and PE - treatment strategies Acute Red Eye General Infertility and Donor Sperm Skin Presentation Allergy testing: Bedside to bench Fertility Preservation, Donor and Surrogacy Scaphoid Fractures & Lateral Elbow Pain Registrants 16 21 20 16 12 14 16 10 15 Managing hypertension in general practice 13 'Relevance to General Practice of Exercise Testing for Coronary Heart 17 Disease and Other Conditions 11th August Dr Cherng Jong Scarring Alopecia 14 25th August Dr Swetha Sridharan Radiation Therapy 13 8th September Dr Rachael Hatton Heart Disease in Pregnancy 9 13th October Dr Shaun McGrath My Thyroid Pearls + Cases from GPs 16 Pain Medicine Procedures, Multidisciplinary Pain Management & Narcotics 27th October Dr Simon Tame 16 for Chronic Pain 10th November Dr Daron Cope Primary Investigation of Thyroid Nodules in General Practice 19 24th November Dr David Dewar Hip and Groin Pain 19 276 30 Individual attendees Total Registrants ELERMORE VALE – Elermore Vale General Practice, Elermore Vale Shopping Centre on last Thursday of each month from 8-9 am Sponsored by Lake Macquarie Private Hospital 5th February Dr Bobby Chacko Hypertension 8 26th February Dr David Dewar Hip & Knee Osteoarthritis 13 26th March Dr Michael Katekar TIA 13 30th April Dr Paul Ainsworth Update on Urology - several topics with latest innovations 11 28th May Dr Bryce Meads Nerve Compression Syndromes and Lumps and Bumps of the Hand 10 25th June Dr Shanta Velaiutham Oncoplastic Breast Cancer Surgery and Breast Reconstruction 6 30th July Dr Akash Dhawan Hypertension 12 27th August Dr Rachael Hatton Heart Disease in Pregnancy 10 29th October Assessing a couple trying to conceive 9 26th November PET / new RT techniques 10 102 22 Individual attendees Total Registrants HAMILTON – Hamilton Doctors on last Thursday of each month from 1-2pm Sponsored AFT Pharmaceuticals 26th February Dr Garry Warner Congenital Heart Disease and Kawasaki Disease 12 26th March Dr Brett Locker Endometrial ablation/Mirena and contraception through menopause 8 30th April Dr Shaun McGrath Thyroid Lumps 25th June Dr Philip Colman Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms 11 30th July Dr Marc Russo Joint Injections 16 27th August Chris Staples New Vaccines 13 29th October Dr Chris Hayes Long Term Opioid Prescribing Reconsidered 16 76 31 Individual attendees Total Registrants MAITLAND – Maitland Private Hospital on 1st Tuesday of each month from 7-9pm 6th October Dr Deborah Holt Dr Vivian Tng Dr Simon Tame Dr Pankaj Rao Dr Dakshesh Vakil Felicity Thorley Dr Deborah Holt Dr Vivian Tng Dr Demetrius Voutnis 3rd November Dr Amanda Woodward 17th February 3rd March 5th May 2nd June 4th August 15th September 57 Individual attendees Sponsored by Hunter Imaging Group Non Melanoma Skin Cancer Acne Pain Update: Exercise, Psychologists and Procedures Common Foot & Ankle Conditions Bowel Cancer Screening Common Hand Conditions Psoriasis Eczema Cardiac CT Appropriate Imaging: Case Studies (e.g. low back pain, ankle trauma, suspected pulmonary embolism, paediatric head & neck trauma) & Chest Xrays Total Registrants 38 17 9 24 8 7 12 2 13 92 Speaker Topic Registrants MEREWETHER – Merewether The Junction General Practice on 1st Thursday of each month from 7.15-8.15 am Sponsored by Hunter Imaging Group 5th February Dr Larry Bryant Foot Conditions 10 5th March Dr Simon Tame Pain Update: Exercise, Psychologists and Procedures 7 2nd April Dr Michael Katekar TIA 8 7th May Dr Brad Wilsmore What’s new in Atrial Fibrillation 8 6th August Dr Chris Allen MRI 8 Dr Uli Liedvogel 3rd September Distal Radial Fractures and Scaphoid Fractures 5 Dr Andrew Myers 5th November Dr Demetrius Voutnis Nuclear Medicine in Back Pain 4 3rd December Dr John Cassey Undescended and Retracted Testes and UTI's 9 59 20 Individual attendees Total Registrants NELSON BAY – Nelson Bay Bowling Club on 3rd Tuesday of each month from 7-9pm Sponsored by AFT Pharmaceuticals Dr Doug Howarth Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Its role in primary care Dr Simon Tame Pain Update: Exercise, Psychologists and Procedures Dr Uli Liedvogel 16th June Distal Radial Fractures, Scaphoid Fractures & Lateral Elbow Pain Dr Andrew Myers 10 Individual attendees Total Registrants NEWCASTLE – Hunter Medicare Local on 3rd Wednesday of every month from 1-2pm 17th February 17th March 18th February 18th March 20th May 17th June 15th July 19th August 16th September 21st October 18th November Dr David Dewar Dr Jacqueline Chirgwin Wendy Brown Dr Susan Winspear Dr Bryce Meads Dr Bobby Chacko Dr Michael Katekar Dr Heather Cooke Dr John Cassey Dr David Dewar 30 Individual attendees 10 10 Hip & Knee Osteoarthritis 7 Treatment Options for Varicose Veins in the 21st Century 12 Fundamentals of Infertility Nerve Compression Syndromes, Trigger fingers and DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis Managing Hypertension in General Practice TIA & Minor Stroke Primary and Secondary Prevention of Myocardial Infarction Lacerations and Burns Hip & Groin Pain Total Registrants NEW LAMBTON – Blackbutt Doctors Surgery on 2nd Friday of every month from 7.30 – 8.30 am 13th February Dr Doug Howarth Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Its role in primary care 13th March Dr Simon Tame Pain Update: Exercise, Psychologists and Procedures Dr Jacqueline Chirgwin 8th May Treatment Options for Varicose Veins in the 21st Century Wendy Brown 12th June Sally Marchini Type 1 Diabetes and Coeliac Disease 14th August Dr Daron Cope Primary Investigation of Thyroid Nodules in General Practice Dr Uli Liedvogel 11th September Distal Radial Fractures and Scaphoid Fractures Dr Andrew Myers 9th October Dr John Cassey Undescended and Retracted Tested and UTI's 13th October Dr Toby Corlette Rhinology and General ENT 22 Individual attendees Total Registrants RAYMOND TERRACE – Raymond Terrace Family Practice on 2nd Thursday of each month from 8-9 am Sponsored by Menarini 10th February Dr Paul Ainsworth Update on Urology - several topics with latest innovations 10th March Dr Nathan Ryder STI's 12th May Dr Rita Cervantes Renal Medicine Today - 3 variations on a theme Dr Uli Liedvogel 9th June Distal Radial Fractures, Scaphoid Fractures & Lateral Elbow Pain Dr Andrew Myers 14th July Dr Ravi Singh Ocular Plastic Surgery 11th August Dr Bryce Meads Wrist Pain 8th September Dr Nick Collins Imaging & Testing 13th October Margo Asimus Wound Management 10th November Dr Trevor Mallard Trials and Fibrillations 18 Individual attendees Total Registrants SOUTHLAKES – Morisset Library on 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1-2pm Sponsored by Pfizer 11th February Dr Peter Chong Common Urological Problems 18th March Dr Steve Raymond General IVF and Donor Sperm Dr Jacqueline Chirgwin 13th May Treatment Options for Varicose Veins in the 21st Century Wendy Brown 10th June Dr Stuart Murch Cardiac CT Through the Looking Glass: Perspectives on Changes in Quality and 12th August Dr Stephen Golding Safety in the Hospital System 9th September Dr Rita Cervantes Renal Medicine Today - 3 variations on a theme My Fingers Don't Work Properly, Doc - radial, ulnar and median nerve 14th October Dr Roland Hicks compromise and palsies, tendon ruptures, trigger finger and Dupuytren's contractures Conj Assoc Prof John How can I best serve my older patients: preventing stroke, diabetes, 11th November Ward polypharamcy and frailty 19 Individual attendees Total Registrants 39 11 9 9 16 11 13 10 98 6 7 4 10 8 5 11 51 8 13 9 10 8 6 9 7 9 79 9 9 9 7 4 38 Speaker Topic Registrants WARNERS BAY – Newcastle Nuclear Medicine on 1st Wednesday of each month from 1-2pm Sponsored by Pfizer 4th February 4th March 1st April 6th May 3rd June 1st July 5th August 2nd September 7th October 4th November 2nd December Dr Jacqueline Chirgwin Dr Doug Howarth Sally Marchini Dr Simon Tame Dr Michael Katekar Dr Shanta Velaiutham Dr Andrew Hedges Dr Shaun McGrath Dr George Angus Dr Chris Hayes Claire Walshe Murray Leyland 30 Individual attendees Treatment Options for Varicose Veins in the 21st Century The use of Bone Scan in General Practice Type 1 Diabetes and Coeliac Disease Update on Procedural Pain Medicine and Multi-disciplinary Pain Management TIA & Stroke Evolution of Breast Cancer Surgery Fertility Preservation, Donor and Surrogacy Thyroid Lumps & Cases Prolapse and 3D/4D Ultrasound of Pelvic Floor & Laparoscopic Native Tissue Repair of Prolapse Long Term Opioid Prescribing Reconsidered Physios Perspective on Shoulder Problems - treatment & exercise Total Registrants 14 8 15 13 13 10 13 17 11 17 12 103 WESTLAKES – Toronto Library on 3rd Thursday of each month from 7.30-8.30am Sponsored by Pfizer 19th February 19th March 21st May 18th June 16th July 20th August 17th September 19th November Dr John Newton Warren van der Vlugt Conj. Assoc. Prof Paul Myers Conj. Assoc. Prof Paul Myers Dr Bryce Meads Dr John Cassey Dr Andrew Hedges Dr Sneha Joshi 17 Individual attendees Breast Surgery Low Back Pain - A Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment Approach 7 12 Significant Stenosis - When to Treat 9 Current concepts of Carotid Arteries 5 Arthritis of the Hand and Wrist Retractile Testes & Normal Foreskins through Childhood Fertility Preservation, donor and Surrogacy New Treatments for Incontinence Total Registrants 9 7 49 Brunker Road General Practice, Adamstown, every Friday The Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute acted as Conference Organisers on behalf of Brunker Road General Practice, with BRGP organising Speakers and Topics 18`Individual attendees Total Registrants 161 1234 Total Registrants at above 13 Clusters in 2015 CHARLESTOWN – Charlestown Library, every Wednesday from 12-1 pm The Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute acted as Conference Organisers on behalf of Charlestown Cluster, with Convenor, Dr Richard Terry, organising Speakers and topics 36 Meetings 65 Individual attendees Charlestown Total Registrants 1044 2278 TOTAL CLUSTER REGISTRANTS IN 2015 40 CLUBS HPMI continued our CLUB format of education, enabling Health Practitioners, mainly General Practitioners, to concentrate on one particular area of interest. They were designed as a small group activity with a resource person. Meeting format was two hours of education during a dinner at selected venues. Registration was Free thanks to sponsors who also provided the dinner. HPMI applied for Category 2 QI&CPD points from the RACGP and ACCRM for participants, except for the Women’s Health Club which was eligible for Category 1 QI&CPD points. In 2015 there were 116 attendances at Clubs by 80 individuals. HPMI wishes to thank all chairpersons and speakers who participated in our 2015 Clubs. We also wish to thank the organisations below who sponsored Clubs CLUB SPONSOR Attendances WOMEN’S HEALTH – Newcastle 3 Meetings held at the Apollo Charlestown Club Member totals 34 20 51 38 31 22 BAYER AUSTRALIA LIMITED AGED CARE - Newcastle MUNDIPHARMA PTY LIMITED 3 Meetings held at Brown Sugar Restaurant, Warners Bay DIABETES CLUB Maitland NOVO NORDISK PHARMACEUTICALS 3 Meetings held at The Old George & Dragon, East Maitland ORGANISED MEETINGS HPMI organised the following meetings for HPMI Specialist Group Members. HPMI applied for Category 2 QI&CPD points from the RACGP and ACCRM for eligible participants In 2015 there were 125 attendances at Organised Meetings by 108 individuals. ORGANISATION DATE EVENT NEWCASTLE ENDOSCOPY CENTRE 05.02.15 Endoscopy – Who Needs it? HUNTER VALLEY PRIVATE HOSPITAL 24.03.15 Contemporary Approaches Management of Pain Attendees 26 to the Sponsored by bioCSL Menarche – Physiology and Menstrual Problems HUNTER VALLEY SPECIALIST CENTRE 29.04.15 HAND SURGERY AND THERAPY CENTRE 12.05.15 Arthritis – Management of The Big A for the hand and wrist HUNTER IMAGING GROUP 19.08.15 17.11.15 CT Scans and MSK Ultrasound Computer Tomography Workshop 41 Sponsored by Bayer Australia Limited 37 30 16 7 9 HUNTER SURGICAL SOCIETY The Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute continued to act as the Secretariat for the Hunter Surgical Society (HSS), utilising half of their members’ fees paid to HPMI to act as Conference organisers for their meetings. In 2015 there were 36 HSS/HPMI Members. HSS held a Conference on Lord Howe Island 4-7 September 2015 at which 7 participated. The Conference was designed to provide a variety of surgical topics for all surgeons and related disciplines HSS also held their annual Acute Surgical Care meeting at the HMRI Building on 21 November, 2015 at which 43 participated. A dinner was held in the evening at Ristorante Il Grifone. HPMI was also happy to facilitate a Festschrift for Professor Stephen Deane on 7 August 2015, at which 32 participated. A dinner was held in the evening at Awaba House GP CLUBS The Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute was asked to act as Conference Organisers for two GP Clubs on behalf of the General Practice Training Valley to Coast in 2015. These meetings were held at the HMRI Building and were aimed at Medical Students and Junior Medical Officers. Thanks are extended to Anne Feletti from HPMI for her hard work in organising these two events. TOPIC Date Attendees ECGs 25.03.15 Dizzy Patient – Funny Turns 29.04.15 68 registrants, 4 leaders, 1 tutor, 2 speakers, 2 patients, 2 prize recipients (from 2014) and 1 convenor 31 registrants, 4 leaders, 2 speakers and 1 convenor MEETING ORGANISATION SERVICE HPMI advertises appropriate CPD events on our website and in our Newsletters. HPMI can also assist with producing and advertising appropriate education programs, including organisation, QI&CPD point application, Registrations, venue, audio visual and catering as required. During 2015 HPMI advertised the following meetings: ORGANISATION DATE EVENT The University of Newcastle 20.03-01.04.15 2015 Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educatiors and the Asian Medical Education Association Vascular One Ultrasound 25.03.15 Hypertension and the Diagnosis Manaagement of Chronic Kidney Disease Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association 10.04.15 Management of Medical General Medicine Practice Hunter Pain Clinic 14.04.15 What you need to know about gut Dysbiosis Hunter IVF 13.05.15 Latest Advances in Reproductive Medicine 12.08.15 Prevent Liver Cancer: An Updae in Hepatitis B 21.10.15 Embracing Boundaries Series Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 42 and Emergencies in PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 2015