Calendar of Events - Quilters by the Sea


Calendar of Events - Quilters by the Sea
Volume XIX, Issue 3
March, 2010
Marilyn Pond
On March 11, 2010 Billie Lauder will be
presenting a trunk show for Quilters by the
Sea. Billie is proud to be a third generation
quilt maker. She has been teaching quilting
since 1976. When asked what quilt making
meant to her, Billie said "It is the past, the
present and the future." The past is her
learning from her grandmother and mother.
The present is her current teaching of her
students. And the future is the people who
will pass on the knowledge of what they have
learned from her to others. Billie has the
unique distinction of having appeared on Simply Quilts 17 times, more than any other guest.
She is currently working on new ideas for “Pushing the Four-Patch”, “Quilts in a Row”, and
designing new patterns for Easymade Publications. I know you will enjoy spending an evening
with Billie. I hear her class is filling quickly.
Speaker’s Topic
Speaker’s Website
March 11, 2010
Billie Lauder
Trunk Show
April 8, 2010
Norah McMeeking
Simple Steps to Sensational
May 13, 2010
QBS Birthday Celebration
Calendar of Events
Mar. 6, 5pm
Sew So Late
Sew Vac Ltd. ***
Mar. 11, 7pm
General Meeting
Billie Lauder
Trunk Show
Lakewood Church *
Mar. 13, 9am
Billie Lauder
Pushing The Four-Patch
Lakewood Church *
Mar. 14, 10am
Community Relations
Bunney Hutch **
Mar. 18, 6:30pm
Board Meeting
Lakewood Church *
Mar. 20, 5pm
Sew So Late
Bunney Hutch **
Mar. 27, 5pm
Sew So Late
Sew Vac Ltd. ***
* First Baptist Church of
5336 E. Arbor Road
Long Beach, CA
** Bunney Hutch
Quilt and Sew
4478 Cerritos Ave.
Los Alamitos, CA
*** Sew Vac Ltd.
1764 Clark Ave.
Long Beach, CA
Quilters By the Sea
Page 2
March, 2010
Workshop Corner
Kasey Egelus and Alice Roberts
The QBS February workshop lead by Quilt Artist, Melinda Bula was a fun,
learning and technique filled day. Spring came early as QBS members painted
with fabric. We dug into our artist within and gave Mother Nature pause to delight
in the Cranesbill Geranium created and grown in the new bright open workshop
room. We spent the day awash in the colors of nature. As each geranium began
to emerge from a wonderful array of fabrics we would pause to ooh and ahh as
each quilter’s flower began to bloom.
A few members stopped by to see the new workshop location. We attendees where excited to show off our projects and
share a hug and a laugh. The workshop was given a “big thumbs up” from all. Thank you to the Quilt Board in making
this happen. A special “thank you” to the First Baptist Church of Lakewood for being so gracious and helpful with these
positive changes.
March 13, 2010
Billie Lauder
Pushing Four Patches
$5.00 pattern fee
April 10, 2010
Norah McMeeking
Cosmati Rings I
May 15, 2010
Rose Hughes
Fast-Piece Appliqué
Unless otherwise stated, fees are $30 for members and $40 for non-members.
As many of our guild members have allergies, please do not wear perfume/cologne or bring anything scented, such
as Mary Ellen’s Best Press, to the workshops. Your co-operation in making these gatherings a pleasure for all is
much appreciated.
Beyond The Rail Fence - Billie Lauder
Billie Lauder's Beyond the Rail Fence brings you the simplest block and quilts to make
and takes it one extra step by showing you how to customize the design with graph paper
to make your own unique Rail Fence variation. Learn how to take this wonderful quilt
block and turn it into over 24different quilt tops.
Book Review
Sunshine and Shadows
Our congratulations to:
Jan Lawrence who has a new grandbaby.
Nancy Toussaint who is starting a new job with a new company.
Tiana Melis (daughter-in-law of member Jo Melis) spent 10 days in Haiti with her church group volunteering her
medical skills. Tiana is a Paramedic. It was wonderful of her to actually do something about the tragedy.
Our deepest sympathies to:
Ricky Bragg who lost her father.
Our prayers are with:
Mary Matthews who is in a nursing home recovering from illness.
Diane Mac Rill who is coping with her husband’s ill health.
Nan Thompson who’s husband’s health is failing.
Mildred Morgan who had a stroke.
Quilters By the Sea
Page 3
March, 2010
President’s Corner
Sonia Das
What a fantastic presentation we had in February. Melinda Bula presented a lovely and entertaining
program about art quilts, landscapes and unbelievable appliqué. March promises wonderful things too
in the form a special presentation and workshop by the famous Billie Lauder.
QBS is planning many exciting things for the Guild Birthday Party in May, so be prepared to have a lot of fun!
Intraguild was created for the benefit of the members of QBS, so take advantage of these fun things and enjoy!
Intraguild has many activities such as raffle, block of the month, and secret pal. Guild basket offers many wonderful
QBS logo items for sale, so take care of your gift shopping needs at guild.
Vacant Positions
Please consider helping out QBS by volunteering for one of the positions below. Once filled, these positions will
complete the Board allowing the Guild to run smoothly and efficiently.
Makes sure we do things properly (according to the bylaws and standing rules) at general and board meetings
Chairs the Nominating Committee and helps find candidates to run for office
Conducts the election in September
Without a Parliamentarian, either the present board continues ad infinitum next year or the guild grinds to a halt
so QBS really needs a volunteer or volunteers in this position.
Opportunity Quilt 2011 Chairperson(s)
It’s time to find a quilter to plan and design a quilt to be raffled off in December 2011
Many of you were so passionate on the subject of opportunity quilts last year, it would be nice if one or more of
you could help out for 2011!
We need to find an individual(s) or friendship group to coordinate the sale of tickets and display of the
opportunity quilt at various guilds, shows and private venues.
Finally, I would like to commend QBS member, Tiana Melis, on behalf of the guild. Tiana recently spent 10 days in
Haiti on a medical relief mission. Tiana is a paramedic and provided help and medical assistance to many. She belongs
to a QBS family: her mother-in-law, Jo Melis, and sister-in-law, Tiffany Mumma, are also members. We are very
proud of Tiana and her volunteer efforts!
If you have questions or concerns, please call me at 562-429-4477 or email me at
Looking forward to seeing all of you next month!
Pack your Show & Tell items.
Wear your name badge.
Bring a friend.
Come early and sign-in.
Bring change for the raffle.
Silence your cell phones.
Bring your projects from previous
Make a new friend and introduce yourself to
one of our many new members and guests.
Bring goodies if it is your birthday month.
Bring your own coffee cup.
Clean up your area as you leave.
Return your library books.
Drive safe.
Quilters By the Sea
Page 4
March, 2010
Show ‘N Tell (aka, Shown ‘n Told!)
Katherine Gaines
Thanks to Deb Cardinale for her great pictures. See them up close at Sign in as
“QBSPhotos” with the password of “quilting”.
Barbara Winkler
showed Big, Bright
and Bold from her
winning stash of 25
fat quarters. How
Charming (inspired
by the Eleanor
Burns TV series)
was completed by
Barbara Winkler
for Quilts of Valor.
Pat Adair delighted
us with this lovely
Garden Friends
quilt, a ‘beehive
exchange’ and class
project from CampWatch-A-Patcher. Her
friendship group quilt,
with each member
listed on the label.
Ring quilt
made by
Kay Zellmer’s retreat
quilt titled Idyllwild.
Sandy Szladek will
donate this pink
Twist and Turn quilt
she made in a recent
QBS workshop.
You can see the forest and the trees
in Pat Barton’s little tree quilt. A
child’s coloring book inspired her
Christmas Ornaments and Snow
Flakes quilt. Happy Valentines and
Melinda’s Echinacea from a class
with workshop guest, Melinda Bula.
Sheryl Stahl
her project
from the
workshop in
bold tropical
Sandy Fields
shared her
retreat quilt
Slice & Dice
in yellow and
orange along
with her bold
strip pieced
Larene Smith
Dancing in the
Earthly Stars,
also an original
design. Black
Out, one of the
quilts in the
artist’s series.
Quilters By the Sea
Page 5
March, 2010
Community Relations
Randy Miller
Thanks again to all of you who donated quilts and blankets at the last meeting.
We had a good community relations workshop last Sunday at the Bunney Hutch, some new
members came and we got lots of kits made and labels on all the quilts that needed them.
Our March workshop will be at the Bunney Hutch again on Sunday, March 14. Remember,
everyone is welcome to either come and make kits or to sew on your community relations projects
The most can be made of Quilter’s Bingo, when your card becomes a quilt!
Just look at the wonderful quilts assembled by Jo Melis. Who knew everyone
could make a block or two (or more) and that the results would be this
beautiful? Thank
you to everyone
who participated.
Debbie Nash
Jennifer Boughner
Arleene Iri
Mary J Matthews
Renate Wilson
Joan Wolf
Loretta Barber
Paula Dudek
Karen Binkley
Sonia Das
Kathi Wieser
Dela Robertson
Barbara Garza
Sheryl Stahl
JoAnna Kerrigan 3/24
Gloria ElBoushi
Almira Rodriguez 3/25
Lorena Soto-Puckett
Judith BrownsteinSantiago
Page 6
Quilters By the Sea
March, 2010
QBS ‘10 Annual Quilt Retreat
Vina de Lestonnac Retreat Center
Anne Leibovitz and Ruth Cox
“Let’s Do It Again in 2010!”
Our Retreat will again be at our favorite place, Vina de Lestonnac in Temecula. It will be Friday, August 20 –
Sunday, August 22, 2010. This year the double room will cost $235 for each occupant and a single room will be
$315. This includes dinner Friday, 3 meals Saturday, brunch Sunday and, of course, our use of the two large
rooms, goodies and prizes. An “extra” day is available Thursday, August 19th for an extra $100 (includes 2 extra
meals). There will not be a retreat-wide Mystery Quilt this year, so everyone can work on their own projects and/
or small groups may organize their own pattern sharing or challenges. Registration with a $100 deposit will begin
at the March 11th Guild meeting and will continue until we have 50 deposits paid. The balance will be due at the
July 8th Guild meeting. (Registration Forms will be available at the Guild meetings or print the one on page 7.)
Questions?? eMail me at You may also mail your Registration and Deposit to me at
Ann Leibovitz, 2400 Skyline Dr., Signal Hill, CA 90755.
Library News
Rose Aldape & Caroline Finnley
Come by and visit us - we have many of your past and future speakers’ and instructors’ books in
your QBS Library. Next month Billie Lauder will be instructing the March 13 workshop. We have
two of her books in the Library.
Billie has a knack for making quilt making easy for all levels of quilters. She loves to develop "Quick
Trick" methods of quilt construction. She is a traditional quilt maker with a twist. She loves to get quilters jazzed and
excited to try a new technique for construction or look at something old in a new way. She likes to see just how far she
can "push" a block. Her classes can be accomplished by all levels.
Writing and designing books has been a great challenge for Billie. With 24 books published by Easymade Publications
over the last several years, Billie has a vast library to draw upon for her workshops and lectures. The HGTV show
"Simply Quilts" helped Billie launch her lecture tour, which continues to take her all over the world.
Billie is currently working on new ideas for "Pushing the Four-Patch" which she will share with us at the “Pushing the
Four Patch “ Workshop on March 13, 2010.
The April instructor is Norah McMeeking, we have her book Bella Bella which provides information on Cosmati Rings I
which Norah will teach in our April 10 workshop. According to Norah, this workshop introduces ring foundation piecing
using two easy “blocks.” The center roundel can be a compass, plain fabric, or an appliqué design (those variations are
available for class) making this a very versatile pattern. Easy methods for making multiple foundations for the pieced
border are included. Construction for the curved corner sections is readily accomplished using a few clever tricks and
the large curves are easily machine pieced. Beginners can make this quilt!
Thank you for your donations.
Melinda Bula - Cutting-Garden Quilts
Use a simple paint-by-number process to create these gorgeous floral-appliqué quilts! A quick
layer-and-fuse technique, along with step-by-step color placement tips, will have you quilting your
own cutting garden in no time.
* Five how-to patterns feature a rose, pansies, clematis, coneflowers, and apples; a photo gallery
provides even more inspiration
* Easy fusible designs feature numbered color charts--they'll help you choose the perfect hues
* Learn how to use machine quilting to "paint" with thread, adding extra dimension and detail to
each project
Book Review
Page 9
Quilters By the Sea
March, 2010
FMI = For More Information
March 4-6
Quilt, Craft & Sewing Festival - Pomona, CA. FMI:, 800.717.8789
March 5-6
Desert Guilds Quilt Show - Sunshine, Shadows and Stars. Palm Springs Pavilion, 401 S. Pavilion Way, Palm Springs, CA. Free
Parking. $7. No strollers. FMI:,, PO box 1181, Yucca Valley, CA 92286
March 5-7
The Creation Station - Brown Bag Retreat. FMI:
March 6-7
Friendship Square Quilt Guild presents “A Bouquet of Quilts”. Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4. La Habra Community Center, 101 W. La Habra
Blvd., La Habra, CA 90631. $6. Free Parking. Strollers Sunday only. FMI:,
March 6-7
San Joaquin Valley Quilters Guild & Doll-Emma Cloth Doll Club present “Springtime in the Valley”. 2010 Quilt and Cloth Art Doll
show. Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4. $7. No strollers allowed. Clovis Memorial Bldg., 453 Hughes Ave., Clovis, CA. FMI: http://
March 6-13
San Diego Cruisin’ Quilters (quilt run). Extended shop hours. Mon.-Sat. 9-7, Sun. 10-4. FMI:
March 19-21
Glendale Quilt Guild - Asian Odyssey. Burbank Airport Marriott Convention Center. FMI:, Glendale Quilt
Guild, PO Box 5366, Glendale, CA 91221
March 25-27
Quilt, Craft & Sewing Festival - Sacramento, CA. FMI:, 800.717.8789
March 26-28
2010 Spring Fling Hop. Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-4. Participating shops: Cozy Cottage Fabrics, Quilters Garden, Flying Geese
Fabric, The Calico House, Timeless Quilts, Fresh Picked Fabrics aka Cranberry Quiltworks, Orange Quilt Bee, and The Quilt
April 9-10
Mountain Top Quilters Quilt Show - Pieced Memories, Old & New. Yavapai College Gym, 1100 E. Sheldon St., Prescott, AZ. $5.
Lite Lunch available on site. FMI:
April 9-10
15th Annual - The Best of the Valley Quilt Show. Fri. - Sat., 9-5, Sun. 9-4. McDermont Field House, 365 N. Sweet Brier, Lindsay,
CA 93247. $10/day, $15/3-day pass. Children under 12 free with an adult. FMI: Suzanne Kistler, 559.625.5430,
April 9-11
Best of the Valley Quilt Show. Fri. - Sat., 9-5, Sun. 9-4. McDermont Field House, 365 N. Sweet Brier, Lindsay, CA. FMI:,
April 9-11
Conference of Northern California Handweavers (CNCH) - A World of Creativity. Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA.
April 10-11
East Bay Heritage Quilters - Voices In Cloth. Oakland Convention Center, 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA. $10 for both days,
children 5-10 $3, children under 5 free, Advance Tickets $8. FMI:,, Margo Weeks
April 10-11
East Bay Heritage Quilters - Voices In Cloth. Oakland Convention Center, 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA. $10 for both days,
children 5-10 $3, children under 5 free, Advance Tickets $8. FMI:,, Margo Weeks
April 17-18
Quilters Sew-Ciety of Redding, Inc - Festival of Quilts Quilt Show. Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4. Shasta District Fairgrounds, Highway 273,
Anderson. FMI:
April 24-25
Associated Quilt Guilds of the Central Coast Present - Seven Sisters Quilt Show. Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-4. Alex Madonna Expo Center,
100 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo, CA. $7/1 day pass, $10/2day pass. FMI:
July 11-15
Orange County Quilters Guild - Camp Watch-A-Patcher. Vanguard university, Costa Mesa, CA. Registration Opens January 12,
2010 at 10pm. FMI:
Page 10
Quilters By the Sea
The National Quilting Association
has designed this free pattern to celebrate
National Quilting Day, March 20, 2010.
March, 2010
If you see a FREE
PROJECT on the
internet, and you
think the membership
might enjoy it, please
send the link to me.
Thank you, Patti.
Quilters By the Sea
Page 11
March, 2010
VP. Programs
V.P. Workshops
Special Events
Quilt Show (2011)
Intraguild Board Representative
Community Relations
SCCQG Representative
Block of the Month
Guild Basket
Opportunity Quilt 2010
Opportunity Quilt 2011
President's Gift
Secret Pal
Sew So Late
Show & Tell
Sonia Das
Marilyn Pond
Kasey Egelus
Alice Roberts
Jennifer Boughner
Karen Kimmel
Christine Panos
Viola Young
Joanna Kerrigan
Sue Wheeler
Jan Hinman
Kathleen Lisenby
Connie Higgins
Kayleen Leone
Pat Blank
Randy Miller
Rose Aldape
Caroline Finnley
Nan Thompson
Patti Paschall
Randy Miller
Grace Boughner
Margot Taub
Joan Wolf
Lynn Miller
Beth Shibley
Brandi Kelly-Contreras
Jerrie Ward
Kayleen Leone
Kasey Egelus
Kasey Egelus
Deb Cardinale
Connie Higgins
Sonia Das
Sue Wheeler
Jan Hinman
Ann Leibovitz
Ruth Cox
Pat Douglas
Randy Miller
Katherine Gaines
Wendy Dillon
Deb Cardinale
MONTH. Doors open at 6:15 pm, meeting starts at 7:00 pm
QBS eMail Group
This e-mail group is restricted to QBS members only and
can be used to communicate with other QBS members.
Messages should be related to topics of general interest
to QBS members and should be guild related. This is a
great place to share ideas, photos or to ask questions.
Our guild is very fortunate to have quilters of all levels of
expertise. Don’t be shy, sign up and introduce yourself.
This is a great way for us all to get to know each other
To join, simply send a message to
or go to and search on
“Quilters by the Sea”. Once your message has been
received, one of the moderators will approve your
subscription and you’ll be all set. We hope to get as
many participants as possible to use this great tool and
Your moderators:
Cat Harris, Robin Gallagher and William Johnson.
QBS Website
The website is set up to provide members as well as
others with up-to-date information about our guild.
Member classified ad......... ......... N/C
Non Member classified add ......... $2.00
If you would like to run an ad for your quilt/
sewing related business, prices are as
First Baptist Church of Lakewood
5336 E. Arbor Road
Long Beach, CA 90808
Annual Rate
Business Card Size .......... ......... $40.00
Quarter Page .......... .......... ......... $80.00
BOARD MEETINGS are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at
6:30 pm, same location, unless otherwise stated in the newsletter.
GENERAL MEETING. eMail articles in MS Word format to:
Patti Paschall,
3 Month Rate
Business Card Size .......... ......... $12.00
Quarter Page .......... .......... ......... $22.00
This guild is organized for educational and charitable purposes. Its
objective is to further quilting excellence through education and travel, and
to promote quilting in a philanthropic manner. This corporation does not
contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to members thereof and is organized
for nonprofit purposes. Annual dues are $25.00 and shall be payable at
or before the January general meeting. Membership shall be prorated if
paid at or after the July general meeting and shall be half the full annual
dues. Visitors may attend any meeting by paying $3.00 per meeting.
Please support the advertisers in the QBS
newsletter and when you visit them please
mention where you saw their ad.
Volume XIX, Issue 3
March, 2010
Quilters By The Sea
P.O. Box 92814
Long Beach, CA
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